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Volume 9 - April 2015 The American International School of Bucharest

AISB Monthly Newsletter: Volume 9 - April 2015

Jul 21, 2016



AISB Bucharest

American International School of Bucharest (AISB, AISBucharest) Monthly Newsletter - Volume 9 | April 2015
Welcome message from author
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Page 1: AISB Monthly Newsletter: Volume 9 - April 2015

Volume 9 - April 2015

The American International School of Bucharest

Page 2: AISB Monthly Newsletter: Volume 9 - April 2015

In this volume:

Message from the Director

engage | prepare | inspire

School-Wide News

Message from the PTO

Bucharest Buzz

The Month Ahead

Volume 9 - April 2015

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Director’s Message | AISB Monthly Newsletter | 1

Message from the Director

Dr. Robert Brindley, Director

engage | prepare | inspire

Dear Parents,

Many components of our curriculum focus on en-

vironmentalism, sustainability, healthy diet, exer-

cise and other aspects of being a responsible citi-

zen. Thus, when students themselves embark upon

initiatives to put into practice what they have

learnt, we are eager to engage such enterprises.

The second grade students were concerned at

the number of plastic water bottles and cups that

were being wasted each day at our school, so

from this Monday, April 27,

all plastic water bottles

have been removed from

sale, and, likewise, the

plastic cups have been

removed from the water

dispensers. It is expected

that everyone has their

own water bottles. AISB

branded bottles, designed

by the same students, will

be on sale from the PTO at

the end of May. Pictured

here, these superior-

quality reusable bottles will

be available in two SIGG-

brand models. The first

model, made of the high-

est-grade Swiss made alu-

minum, free from BPA and

phthalates, will be availa-

ble in 0.6l size with a

choice of three tops: the

signature and most popu-

lar screw top, the active

bottle top for adults, and

the kid’s bottle top. The

second bottle, made of

high-quality, toxin-free,

BPA-free, and 100% recy-

clable polypropylene has

a capacity of 0.75l. The

second graders launched

Thursday, April 30, 2015

Dragi parinti,

Programa noastra de invatamant cuprinde si anu-

mite componente fundamentale strans legate de

diverse aspecte ecologice precum adoptarea

unei diete sanatoase, practicarea exercitiilor fizice

sau folosirea recipientelor care au un efect minim

asupra mediului. Cu alte cuvinte, programa AISB

include toate elementele ce alcatuiesc profilul

unui cetatean global responsabil.

Astfel, atunci cand elevii nostri se implica pentru a

pune in practica ceea ce au invatat, si noi la ran-

dul nostru suntem dornici sa ne implicam si sa sus-

tinem initiativele lor. Elevii clasei a doua au fost

extrem de preocupati de faptul ca in scoala noas-

tra, in fiecare zi se arunca multe pahare si sticle de

plastic. Am hotarat deci ca incepand cu 27 aprilie

sa sistam comercializarea sticlelor din plastic cu

apa si de asemenea am inlaturat paharele de

plastic folosite la dozatoarele de apa. Ne astep-

tam ca in continuare fiecare membru al comuni-

tatii sa foloseasca propriul recipient.

PTO va comercializa, catre sfarsitul lunii mai, sticle

refolosibile cu logoul AISB, al caror concept a fost

realizat chiar de catre elevii nostri.

Primul model de recipient este fabricat din alumin-

ium elvetian de cea mai buna calitate care nu

contine BPA si ftalati si va fi disponibil in varianta

de 0,6l. De asemenea veti putea alege dintre cele

3 variante de capace: prima, si cea mai populara

in forma de surub, a doua,

cu capac special con-

ceput pentru persoanele

active si a treia varianta

conceputa special pentru


Al doilea model este fabri-

cat din polipropilena de

inalta calitate, 100%

reciclabila, fara toxine si

BPA, cu o capacitate de

0,75l. Elevii clasei a doua,

au lansat si un film -

If the video does not open, please copy and paste the

following web address into your browser: https://


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a video, which is refer-

enced here. In their words,

‘together we can make a


Watch the video by click-

ing on the image above or

by clicking here.

Also this week, the Middle

School students began

building their own green-

house, together with start-

ing a composting project.

There have also been nu-

merous Food Committee

meetings over the past

months to review the offer-

ings sold in the cafeteria

and café. From these

meetings, a new policy

relating to the food service

at the school has been


To achieve this pur-

pose, the school

food service provider(s) will seek to prepare

all menu offerings onsite in its own school

kitchen using only unprocessed fresh vegeta-

bles, fruits, and dairy products, while also,

strictly adhering to Kosher and Halal stand-

ards in procuring fresh meat products (i.e.

only unprocessed foodstuffs that do not con-

tain additives such as preservatives, hor-

mones, antibiotics, sugar, etc. are accepta-

ble). It is also important that food service pro-

vided at the school must function as effi-

ciently as possible for students by limiting

menu choices and relying on self-service

when appropriate in order to allow students

the time necessary to enjoy their lunch and

have recess. To the greatest extent possible,

food service provided at the school will be

environmentally friendly by eliminating non-

biodegradable waste such as plastics. This

AISB Food Service Policy also applies to all

special events and fundraising events held at

the school and/or within individual class-

rooms where parents, or others, are allowed

to provide food to students and the commu-


This brief has now been given to the companies

who will be tendering for the cafeteria contract,

starting next August. So, from the next academic

year, I am expecting a radical change in the qual-

“Impreuna putem face o

schimbare,” pe care il pu-

teti viziona aici.

Tot in aceasta saptamana

elevii claselor gimnaziale

au demarat constructia

unei sere ecologice si de

asemenea au inceput der-

ularea unor proiecte eco-

logice de obtinere a in-

grasamintelor naturale. A

avut loc de asemenea o

intrunire a Comitetului

pentru Alimentatie cu

scopul de a revizui pro-

dusele alimentare servite

in ultimele luni in cantina

scolii. In urma acestei

intruniri a fost stabilita o

noua politica referitoare la

produsele alimentare ser-

vite in cadrul scolii noastre:

Furnizorul de servicii ali-

mentare va avea ob-

ligatia ca toate alimentele

ce fac parte din meniul zilnic sa fie preparate

exclusiv in cadrul bucatariei scolii noastre fol-

osind doar legume, fructe si produse lactate

proaspete si neprocesate. De asemenea

produsele alimentare preparate din carne se

vor supune standardelor Halal si Kosher (se va

folosi doar carne proaspata, neprocesata

care nu contine aditivi alimentari, conser-

vanti, hormoni, antibiotice sau zahar). Este

foarte important ca pentru buna functionare

a cantinei cat si pentru ca elevii sa benefi-

cieze cat mai mult de pauze, meniul sa fie

mai putin variat si bazat pe serviciul “self ser-

vice” pentru a fi cat mai eficient posibil. De

asemenea serviciile alimentare oferite in ca-

drul scolii noastre trebuie sa fie in armonie cu

mediul si sa ne asiguram ca deseurile elimi-

nate sunt biodegradabile (cum nu este de

exemplu plasticul). Aceasta politica se va

aplica si in cadrul evenimentelor speciale sau

in cadrul strangerilor de fonduri care se des-

fasoara in cadrul AISB, unde produsele ali-

mentare servite sunt asigurate de catre

parinti sau elevi.

Aceste hotarari au fost comunicate companiilor

care au prezentat oferte in vederea obtinerii con-

tractului de furnizare a serviciilor alimentare pentru

scoala noastra incepand din luna august a acestui

an. Astfel, ma astept ca de la inceputul anului sco-

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engage | prepare | inspire

ity of the food that we offer and also a fundamen-

tal reduction in the amount of food and non-

biodegradable materials that are wasted each


I am delighted that we will be able to make these


Enjoy the long weekend ahead.

Kind Regards,

Robert Brindley

lar viitor sa observam o schimbare radicala in

ceea ce priveste calitatea produselor alimentare

pe care le oferim si de asemenea o reducere sem-

nificativa referitoare la cantitatea deseurilor ali-

mentare si a materialelor ce nu sunt biodegrada-


Sunt foarte incantat de faptul ca impreuna putem

face aceste schimbari.

Va doresc un weekend lung si placut in contin-


Cu stima,

Robert Brindley

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School-Wide News | AISB Monthly Newsletter | 4

School-Wide News

We are the AISB Vampires! | Community Time at the Gazebo

engage | prepare | inspire

Launching the new PTO Team Nominations Process

Dear Community, we are launching the Nomination Process for the

elections of the new PTO team for the 2015-2016 school year. The

Nominations process helps us collect interest expressed by our won-

derful volunteers, who are willing to take a turn and serve on the PTO

Executive Board - nominating themselves or someone else who they

like and appreciate.

Please think about volunteering for a position, or nominating some-

one you know would do a great job. Find out more about the posi-

tions available and deadlines in the PTO section of the monthly news-

letter, on page nine.


Your PTO Executive Team!

HR Corner with Roxana Lungu, HR Manager at AISB

April was quite a month:

Christians celebrated Easter – a time of hope and rebirth, a time to forgive

and forget, to wish and pray.

For the Muslims it was the month of Rajab (starting from the 20th of April and

into May), regarded as one of the four sacred months in Islam in which battles

are prohibited.

The Hindu entered into a new year with Chaitra ending at the beginning of

April, and considered to be a very auspicious month in which the creation of the

universe was started.

Jewish people all over the world celebrated Passover, a commemoration of

their liberation by God from slavery in ancient Egypt, and their birth as a nation

under the leadership of Moses.

Spring bloomed everywhere, and if you did not do

so already, just stop to smell and admire the Lilac flowers that you can find eve-

rywhere. By doing so, celebrate your life and all the good in it.

In this very special month, we have a very special guest for our HR Corner: Her

name is Cristina and you will always find her being very serious at her desk in the

EC/ES Office. Do you know who I am talking about? Yes, you guessed it right,

say hello to Cristina Iordache.

1. As a little girl what did you want to become when you grew up? What do

you do now at the school? There are a very few lucky people who knew since

they were children what they wanted to do when they grew up... I didn’t know

exactly what I wanted to be when I grew up but, I always knew I liked people.

So, during university I had various jobs that brought me around people. I started

Thursday, April 30, 2015

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when I was 20 years old in a Training company and then I switched to being a substitute teacher in a high

school. I taught Economics for 2 years in a public high school in Bucharest, an experience that I will always

treasure as it brought me many great moments.

Coming back to recent times, I joined AISB in 2011 in the Elementary School as an Administrative Assistant.

2. Tell us a few words about your family and your upbringing. I grew up in Bucharest in a happy fami-

ly with 2 kids. Since I was the eldest, I always took care of my baby sister, whom even now, when she is al-

most 29 years old, happily married and has a daughter, I still see as my baby sister.

3. Please continue the sentence: I love to… ... Spend time with the 2 special men in my life: My hus-

band and my son, Filip. When I have time for myself, I love to listen Alessandro Safina’s music.

4. Because everyone lives for a bit of intrigue: are there any intriguing/funny stories from the school

since 2011 when you started that you can share with us? I cannot recall an intriguing story at the moment

but I can tell you for sure that working in the school is a challenge everyday that brings both intrigue and

funny moments all the time.

5. What is the craziest life experience you have lived so far? I live “la vida loca” every day :-) Actual-

ly, in my early childhood, I was a gymnast. Hard to say now, I know :-) I liked this sport a lot and I practiced it

everywhere, from my parents’ house, where I damaged all the living room furniture, to the proper gym. I

even won a small contest. So, I assume I was pretty good. But, one day I decided to show my friends some

moves and I climbed up a bar and in my attempt to jump from one bar to another I fell and went uncon-

scious for a while. My mom got scared and didn’t let me go again to the gym. My dream to become a

great gymnastics champion went away in a second.

6. Do you think penguins have knees? Yes, even though you cannot see the upper leg as it is cov-

ered in feathers, they do have knees. Science says so :-)

Bucharest’s Got Talent—TONIGHT!

This Thursday sees the 3rd annual Bucharest’s Got Talent so come out at 6:30

pm to support our acts! Tickets are 20 lei and all proceeds go to the Refugee


The students who will represent us tonight at Bucharest’s Got Talent are: Abbie

H., Zoe P. and Oliver S., Steven H., Bjorn K., and Mary T.. Please come out to

support our students as they go head to head with the best talent in the inter-

national schools in Bucharest! Join us at 6:30 pm tonight, April 30, for Bucha-

rest’s Got Talent. Tickets are 20 lei with all proceeds going to the Refugee

Camp. Prizes awarded at the event will be: Best and Runner Up Solo, Best and

Runner Up Group, and Audience’s Choice (loudest applause), with prizes

sponsored by Senia Music.

In preparation for Bucharest’s Got Talent, we hosted AISB’s Got Talent last

month. It’s true. We have so much talent at our school. AISB’s Got Talent this

year was another fantastic night of wonderful music and dance. Thanks to all those who participated and

shared their gifts with us. The winner of the audience’s vote was Lisa L.. All proceeds from the evening went

to Fundatia Inocenti and we raised an amazing 7,900 lei to support them with their program for abandoned


One Act Play Festival—May 7th at 7pm

The Rubber Theatre Chicken Company is proud to present an evening of one act

plays: “The complete Idiots Guide to Skool”

Featuring: “Homework Eats Dog and Other Woeful Tales” by Alan Haehnel starring

MS students, “How to Survive High School Without Really Trying” by Jonathan Rand

starring HS students, and “13 ways to Screw Up your College Interview” by Ian

McWethy starring teachers and parents.

Join us on May 7th at 7.00 pm in the Theater.

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The Cultural Fashion Show at International Day

On Saturday the 23rd of May 2015, AISB celebrates

all the nationalities at school with the PTO Interna-

tional Day!

During the day, for the third time, there will be a Cul-

tural Fashion Show, organized by the HS Service

Learning Students!

All students in Elementary and Secondary school can

join in, the only requirement is that a student wears a

national costume (of any nation) to celebrate the

diversity at school. Of course, parents and members

of the AISB staff are also invited to participate!

All those with costumes of the same country will walk

together during the show. There will be HS students

helping the smaller ones.

Last school year, it was fantastic to see not only the high school students, but

also younger students and parents, showing off their beautiful costumes.

The deadline for sign-up is Monday the 18th of May. Signing up can be done by

email at: [email protected] with information on name, age, class and country.

There is also a sign-up list posted on the HS CAS office door.

Any questions? Please ask the PTO: Catalina Gardescu at [email protected],

Fabiana Papastefani-Pezzoni at [email protected], or Marwa Ghorab

at [email protected] and/or Ms. Hofman at [email protected].

We hope to hear from as many of you as possible, as what makes the Cultural

Fashion Show a memorable one is your wholehearted involvement.

International Flag Parade

International Day, the most awaited family event of

the year, is just around the corner.

One of the most enjoyable events to watch is the

annual Flag Parade.

Every year, we ask the oldest and youngest student

of each country represented at AISB to carry the flag

of their country in the parade. Letters to invite stu-

dents to participate in this colorful event will go out

soon. Please let us know as soon as an invitation has

arrived if your daughter/son will participate, other-

wise we will need to ask another student. There will

be HS students to help the younger ones, especially when they are the

only student of their country.

Please, also let us know as soon as possible if your child would like to

represent a country which is not named on the child’s school record

(such as a parent’s home country). The school will try to get a flag and,

when not possible, the student/parents will be asked if they can pro-

vide their own.

During the parade, the student can, of course, wear a national cos-

tume. They will walk in alphabetical order of the country’s name. We have over 55 different nationalities

represented at school!

Please ask the PTO: Catalina Gardescu at [email protected], Fabiana Papastefani-Pezzoni at fa-

[email protected], or Marwa Ghorab at [email protected] and/or Ms. Hofman at mhof-

[email protected].

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From the Communications Office—Website Highlights

Some useful changes have been made to facilitate user engagement on the AISB

website. One important change is the use of five key icons to highlight some of the

big news at AISB. One click will get you to the Director’s Blog, to our Press section, to

the AISB Monthly Newsletter, AISB Alumni website, and a photo Tour of the School.

These all contain key pieces of information, relevant to both visitors and current com-

munity members, about the running of our school, internal and external news and

events, and relationship-building between our alumni and current students.

Furthermore, right at the top of the website are three valuable

titles: Calendars, Quicklinks, and Search. Clicking on Calendars will take you to a

page that hosts all school calendars. You will be able to see the yearly calendars, but

you will have to log in to access the more detailed calendars which are populated

with all the events happening at AISB—it’s a must-have tool. Within Quicklinks, you can access the yearly

calendars easily, our location, and a direct line to our Library Catalog and General Database. All invalua-

ble materials, it’s worth getting accustomed to using the Search bar too, as it saves time when you’re look-

ing for something specific.

Why not get all of our Social Media updates in one place? Check out the Social Me-

dia Mashup where you have direct links to our Monthly Newsletter, Facebook Page,

YouTube Channel, and Twitter Page. Access it from the green bar on our Homepage.

If you ever have any questions, please contact me at [email protected].

Patricia Khalil, Development and Communications Assistant

Fundatia Inocenti Movie Fundraiser Report

A few months ago we wanted to help a children’s hospital called Fundatia Inocenti so

we created a fundraising group. We thought about what we can do to help the chil-

dren who have cancer and decided to host a movie night with a bake sale.

We are happy to report that over 100 kids came and watched the movie Big Hero 6

and also bought the food. We raised 1,171 Ron and we spent the money to buy

books, clothes, toiletries, and

food for the kids at the hospital. Here are some pic-

tures of us at the hospital.

Thank you to all who came and supported our fund-

raiser. Michelle, Kanako, and Reja (5th grade stu-


Shopping with the CEESA Service Learning Award Money

During the annual CEESA conference in March 2015, it was an-

nounced that the AISB High School Service group Fundatia Ino-

centi won the TieCare Service Learning Award, and with it $1000

to spend on a Service Learning project. This was a great honor for

AISB and a recognition for its Service Learning program through-

out the whole school.

This week the $1000 was spent during a frenzy shopping trip to De-

cathlon with 25 children and volunteers from Fundatia Inocenti,

their Director Ms. Valentina Maghirescu, several students from

AISB, Ms. Leah Bramley, and Ms. Margritha Hofman.

For over an hour, we tried on rain coats: “Does anybody have a size XS for me?,” jackets: “What looks bet-

ter, pink or purple?,” shoes and anything else needed for the kids to go on their mini summer camp this

coming summer. At the end, all children were kitted out with hiking boots, a soft fleece jacket, a rain coat,

some socks, and a small back-pack to stash it all in! The final bill to be paid was over a meter long! There

was just enough time to take a group photo (photo Ms. Dasha Goga) before the Fundatia Inocenti kids

had to go home and we, back to school. Thank you to Decathlon for their hospitality and thank you all for

a great afternoon of shopping, fun, and laughter!

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Update from the Outhouse Boys

Third graders, Emil, Terry, Petru, Paul, Luka and Kerem really outdid

themselves on Tuesday, March 31st at the Music Fundraising Concert.

The purpose of the concert was to help raise money for building new

outhouses for needy families in the village of Budesti. It was a fantastic

evening that was enjoyed by all. The Outhouse Boys are happy to an-

nounce that they raised 4231 Ron, which is

enough to build 3 outhouses!

The Outhouse Boys want to take this oppor-

tunity to thank all the musicians from Elementary and Secondary School as well

as faculty who performed for the cause. It was wonderful to see the community

come together and support each other in this way.

This was a culmination of 3 months of intense planning for the concert. The Out-

house Boys learned some very important life skills along the way. Planning for this

concert and cause demonstrated their commitment and perseverance, and most of all, willingness to give

lots of their time to produce this event. The Outhouse Boys certainly had what it takes to do this!

They learned how to advertise and promote the event through presentations, speeches, posters and PA an-

nouncements. In addition, they learned how speak and present to an audience during the concert. They

had to seek approval for the event and make the necessary arrangements for the evening including the

sale of food and drinks. Most importantly, they learned how to collaborate with each other and demon-

strated effective leadership skills. Some of the boys had this to say:

"I liked the concert, and it was fun to be on stage. I'm really happy that

we raised so much money and that we can build the outhouses. We

worked really hard as a group so I'm happy it worked out." Emil

“The concert was really good, and I learned that so many people care

for others. There were a lot of musicians that helped us, and together

we made a really nice concert. It was exciting to organize the con-

cert.” Paul

“Sometimes we all forget how fortunate we are to have what we have,

and that there are many people out there who are not as fortunate as

us. While we take nice warm bathrooms for granted, some people only

have cold and broken outhouses. This is why we decided to try to help

those who are in need. I was so happy to learn that through our fund-

raiser we collected enough money to build 3 outhouses and I am very

thankful to everybody who helped with the concert and made it a suc-

cess. But as you know, this is not the end of this story, because we still

need to build those outhouses and make some people in Budesti very very happy!” Luka

“I felt happy because I helped someone and when I see their faces it makes me happy and when every-

one is happy it makes it better.” Kerem

The Outhouse Boys had a clear goal and were empowered to make a difference by taking action. They

look forward to visiting the families who will receive the new outhouses. We may not have heard the last of

the Outhouse Boys… so look out for more initiatives from them in the future!

Written by Janice Myles, Elementary Service Learning Coordinator, April, 2015

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Message from the PTO

Fabiana Papastefani-Pezzoni, President

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Dear AISB Community,

Here are the items the PTO team is working on this month:

PTO Elections:

We have launched the Nomination Process for the

election of the new PTO team for the 2015-2016

school year. We are always looking for eager volun-

teers who are spirited and willing to help with PTO en-

deavors throughout the year.

This year we will have a big turnover. Our community

is such a mobile and dynamic one, and our members

move, shift to different school-levels, take over other

charitable volunteering or event organizations, and

we are so blessed with the parent community who

always are willing to share their time and serve as a

PTO Officers. Without these wonderful individuals,

many of our activities and committees, clubs and

events at AISB would not be possible. Please consider

sharing your time and talents for one of the PTO

Board positions. Our openings are:


Vice President - Early Childhood School Representative

Vice President - Elementary School Representative

Vice President - Middle Childhood School Representative

Vice President - High School Representative


Please contact the Nomination Board at [email protected] and put for-

ward either your name or the name(s) of other active and enthusias-

tic parents.


Your PTO Executive Team!

International Day:

Join us for our trip around the world! We need as many countries rep-

resented as we can. Each year we have beautiful displays of color

and tastes of foods from around the world. If you’d like to help with

organizing a table for your country, please contact the PTO at

[email protected] to learn how to help.

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What's coming up? Please see the chart below

Dates to remember

Fabiana Papastefani-Pezzoni, PTO President | American International School of Bucharest

Date Event

May 7, 2015 PTO General Meeting | 13:00

May 7, 2015 High School Parent/Principal Coffee | 08:15—09:15

May 11-12, 2015 PTO Elections

May 12, 2015 Middle School Parent Meeting: Drug and Alcohol Aware-

ness | 13:45-14:45 | Room 509

May 19, 2015 Middle School / High School Parent Meeting: Cyber Safety

| 13:45—14:45 | Theater

May 23, 2015 INTERNATIONAL DAY! | 11:00—14:00

May 26, 2015 Middle School Parent Meeting: Let’s have a tea talk with

the Principal | 13:45-14:45 | CR10

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Bucharest Buzz

Herăstrău Park Cultural Festival | Bucharest Jazz Festival

The Bucharest Buzz section of the Monthly Newsletter is a place to share information about-events and

places with those in our community. Are there events coming up that you want others to know about? Did

you go somewhere worth a visit? Send your Bucharest Buzz items of maximum 150 words and 1 photo to our

Manager of Admissions and External Relations, Ms. Catalina Gardescu, at [email protected] and if

appropriate, your news items will be featured in the next Monthly Newsletter.

engage | prepare | inspire

World’s Smart Cities, Bucharest

Bucharest is growing and changing every day. We invite you to

watch this upcoming show on Bucharest, entitled “World’s Smart Cit-

ies, Bucharest” and learn about the fantastic inventions and innova-

tions coming out of our host country. You can watch it on Friday, May

1st at 9pm on the National Geographic Channel, or catch it on Sat-

urday May 2nd at 1am, or Friday May 8th at 3pm. Find out more at:

9th Bucharest International Jazz Competition—16-23 May 2015

“...after only 9 years from its debut, the Bucharest In-

ternational Jazz Competition is ranked as the second

jazz contest in Europe and the third in the world. The

Competition contributes significantly to building a

positive image of Romania in the world, allowing the

inclusion of our country on the international map of

major jazz events. Dedicated to professional musi-

cians, the event successfully debuted in 2007, regis-

tering an unexpected participation for the first edi-

tion – 30 bands from 25 countries.

The trend was maintained, the popularity of the event increasing significantly, rightfully earning the title as

the most visible and strong competition in the region. On her visit to Romania, Natalie Cole was delighted to

find an event of this kind and welcomed the movement dedicated to the new jazz generation.

The 9th Edition will start on 16 May gathering bands from 4 continents. Bucharest becomes the world capital

of jazz...” Luigi Gaegos, Director of EUROPAfest. Find out more at

Bookfest 2015: International Book Fair—20-24 May 2015

Join tens of thousands of book lovers in Bucharest from 20-24 May at

Romexpo for the 10th edition of the Bucharest International Book Fair

organized by the Romanian Association of Publishers, under the pat-

ronage of the Romanian Federation of Publishers. Find out more here:

Thursday, April 30, 2015

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Bucharest Buzz | AISB Monthly Newsletter | 12

engage | prepare | inspire

Cambridge Immerse 2015: An unparalleled educational experience in August 2015

Cambridge Immerse is a two-week residential educational experi-

ence designed for 15-18 year olds that allows participants to gain an

unrivalled insight into a chosen discipline, ranging from the arts, to

the sciences. Subjects offered include: Medicine, Law, Economics

and Engineering. Tutorials and seminars are taught by highly regarded tutors from Cambridge University in

an optimal learning environment that stimulates academic enquiry; yet the carefully planned schedule en-

sures that the program not only meets the academic needs of the participants, but also provides a unique

insight into the university city through an abundance of activities.

Enrollment in the program is ongoing, and students aged 15 and above are welcome to apply. We've add-

ed lots more subjects this year, so please take the time to explore A PDF ver-

sion of our prospectus is also available to view at


If you are interested in applying, please apply online through our website, or alternatively, if you require fur-

ther information please don't hesitate to email [email protected].

East European Comic Con in Bucharest between

May 8—May 10

The East European Comic Con event will take place at Romexpo be-

tween May 8—10 this year. It is an annual convention dedicated to

fans of comics, animations, video games, and TV series and movies in

Eastern Europe, that is expected to draw 35,000 visitors. Rumors have it

that American actor Kevin Sorbo, known for playing Hercules in the

1990s series, will attend this event. Get your early bird tickets soon from

Bucharest Half-Marathon on Sunday, May 17th

Sign up for the Bucharest Half-marathon, taking place on Sun-

day, May 17. There are several options – the half-marathon, a 4x

5.27km relay, a 10.548km course, and a 2.9km course.

Find out more and register for your choice of course on: http://

Famous British Artist comes to Bucharest this Summer

British pop-rock artist, Colin Vearncombe, or Black, as he prefers, will

perform in Bucharest for the first time in May. Songs included will be

1987 hits like “Wonderful Life,” and also pieces from Black’s new album,

which will be launched this year. Tickets for the Sala Palatului gig are

now available from at a discounted price until February 4th

and from February 5th onwards, they will be available from a number

of other suppliers, including,,,, Diverta stores, Romanian Post

offices, Inmedio, and Sala Palatului.

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The Month Ahead

AISB Terry Fox Run 2013 | AISB International Festival 2013

engage | prepare | inspire

Friday, May 1, 2015

May Day—No School

Saturday, May 2, 2015

SAT Testing | 07:00—13:00 | CR10 and CR13

Monday, May 4, 2015

Library Family Night | 17:00 | Theater

Monday, May 4—Tuesday 5, 2015

Library—Visiting Author: Linda Sue Park | Library

Monday, May 4—Friday 22, 2015

Middle School MAP Testing

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Middle School Spring Season Pep Rally

| 13:00—13:40 | Secondary School Gym

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

High School Spring Season Pep Rally

| 10:10—11:00 | Secondary School Gym

Thursday, May 7, 2015

High School Parents / Principal Coffee

| 08:15—09:15

Thursday, May 7, 2015

PTO General Meeting | 13:00—14:30 | CR10

May 2015

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Thursday, May 7, 2015

One Act Play Festival

Thursday, May 7—Sunday 10, 2015

CEESA Middle School Boys Softball | AISB Budapest

Thursday, May 7—Sunday 10, 2015

CEESA Middle School Girls Softball | AISB Budapest

Friday, May 8, 2015

Early Childhood Principal / Parent Meeting

Monday, May 11, 2015

PTO Elections

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Elementary School Parent Coffee

| 08:00—09:00 | CR10

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Personal Project Presentations | 13:00—16:00

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Middle School Battle of the Books | Theater

Wednesday, May 13—Thursday 14, 2015

PYP Grade 5 Exhibition

Thursday, May 14, 2015

Early Childhood Gathering | 12:30—13:00 | CR13

Thursday, May 14—Sunday 17, 2015

CEESA High School Boys Softball | AISB Bucharest

Thursday, May 14—Sunday 17, 2015

CEESA High School Boys Tennis | AISB Bucharest

Thursday, May 14—Sunday 17, 2015

CEESA High School Girls Softball | ISP Prague

Thursday, May 14—Sunday 17, 2015

CEESA Varsity Boys and Girls Volleyball | IICS Istanbul

Thursday, May 14—Sunday 17, 2015

CEESA Middle School Boys and Girls Volleyball

| AAS Moscow

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Middle School / High School Parent Meeting: Cyber

Safety | 13:45–14:45 | Theater

Thursday, May 21, 2015

PTO Executive Meeting

| 13:00—14:30 | Board Room

Thursday, May 21, 2015

Kindergarten—Grade 1 Spring Concert

| 14:00—15:00 | Theater

Thursday, May 21—Sunday 24, 2015

CEESA High School Girls Tennis | ASW Warsaw

Friday, May 22, 2015

Elementary School Assembly | 14:00—15:00

Friday, May 22, 2015

CEESA Middle School Awards Evening

Saturday, May 23, 2015

International Day | 11:00—14:00

Monday, May 25—Wednesday 27, 2015

Early Childhood 3 Portfolio Conferences

| 10:10—11:25

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Middle School Service Learning Time

| 13:00—13:40 | CR10

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Parent / Principal Meeting: Let’s Have a Tea Talk

| 13:45—14:45 | CR10

Wednesday, May 27—Friday 29, 2015

Kindergarten Student-led Portfolio Conferences

Thursday, May 28, 2015

Senior Procession and High School Awards


Thursday, May 28, 2015

Grade 2 Spring Concert | 14:00—15:00 | Theater

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Friday, May 29, 2015

All School Sports Day

Friday, May 29, 2015

CEESA High School Awards Evening

Saturday, May 30, 2015

Grade 12 Graduation and Graduation Dinner