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© AirPooler Inc. 2014 | Private and Confidential Do not Copy or Distribute without Written Permission 1 May 2014 Contact: Steve Lewis, [email protected] , 617.842.9447 A new way to take off™
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  • 1. May 2014 Contact: Steve Lewis, [email protected], 617.842.9447 A new way to take off

2. AirPooler Inc. 2014 | Private and Confidential Do not Copy or Distribute without Written Permission 2 Thanks to the transportation revolution, we can travel further, faster and cheaper than ever before 3. AirPooler Inc. 2014 | Private and Confidential Do not Copy or Distribute without Written Permission 3 But the actual experience of getting around is basically still a huge hassle we call this the Mobility Paradox 4. AirPooler Inc. 2014 | Private and Confidential Do not Copy or Distribute without Written Permission 4 For the very few who can afford to get around like this, there is no Mobility Paradox 5. AirPooler Inc. 2014 | Private and Confidential Do not Copy or Distribute without Written Permission 5 Our goal at AirPooler is to make this type of mobility accessible and affordable to almost everyone To do so, we built an online marketplace where pilots with extra seats can list their flights, and people going to the same places can arrange to fly with them in exchange for sharing costs Fortunately for the rest of us, however, now theres AirPooler 6. AirPooler Inc. 2014 | Private and Confidential Do not Copy or Distribute without Written Permission 6 AirPooler: Ride- and cost-sharing made easy FAA rules on advertising and cost-sharing are complex and difficult for individual pilots to comply with Logistics and payments are a hassle Result: most seats go unfilled today Our technology makes it much easier: Automatically estimates costs and shares in compliance with federal regulations Handles all logistics and backend details Ride sharing is popular among private pilots, but quite difficult in practice 7. AirPooler Inc. 2014 | Private and Confidential Do not Copy or Distribute without Written Permission 7 Pilots plane and cost data pre-loaded System automatically estimates trip cost and passenger contribution Heres how easy weve made it for pilots to list flights 8. AirPooler Inc. 2014 | Private and Confidential Do not Copy or Distribute without Written Permission 8 View pilot bio and credentials View estimated cost-share range Heres how easy weve made it for passengers to find and book seats on flights Search for flights by zip code 9. AirPooler Inc. 2014 | Private and Confidential Do not Copy or Distribute without Written Permission 9 Passengers gain extraordinary mobility and a much more enjoyable experience Fly privately for amazingly little AirPooler flight: $45 - $150 per hour Private jet charter: $5,000 - $17,000 per hour Avoid the joys of commercial airports Go (many) more places! (next 2 slides) 10. AirPooler Inc. 2014 | Private and Confidential Do not Copy or Distribute without Written Permission 10 Passengers gain extraordinary mobility and convenience What California looks like (more or less) on Kayak 11. AirPooler Inc. 2014 | Private and Confidential Do not Copy or Distribute without Written Permission 11 Passengers gain extraordinary mobility and convenience What it can look like on AirPooler!* * 2500+ US airports, most of them small ones reserved for private aviation 12. AirPooler Inc. 2014 | Private and Confidential Do not Copy or Distribute without Written Permission 12 Whats in it for pilots? Defray costs so they can fly more Increases in fuel costs have forced most pilots to cut back dramatically on their flying time With AirPooler, they can potentially defray almost 75% of their costs Companionship Pilots love sharing the experience *Sources: FAA Annual General Aviation Survey (2011); and private pilot survey conducted in Boston, 2013 13. AirPooler Inc. 2014 | Private and Confidential Do not Copy or Distribute without Written Permission 13 Business model Passengers pay pro-rata share of flight costs AirPooler service fee (20%) deducted from passenger contribution Approx. AirPooler revenue per hour of flight time booked through system: $25 Anticipate additional revenue stream from facilitating ancillary services, e.g. car rental at smaller airports Total trip cost 210.00$ Total Per person Pro-rata passenger share 140.00$ 70.00$ 20% AirPooler fee (deducted from passenger share) 28.00$ Amt. Pilot cost defrayed by Funds remitted to pilot 112.00$ 47% Boston (Hanscom) to Martha's Vineyard R/T Cessna Skyhawk with pilot and 2 passengers Example AirPooler trip economics 14. AirPooler Inc. 2014 | Private and Confidential Do not Copy or Distribute without Written Permission 14 Scope of the opportunity 400,000 pilots Sources: All estimates by AirPooler, based on data from FAA Annual General Aviation Survey (2011) and FAA Airmen Database (lists all US pilots by license type, state, and county; and private pilot survey conducted in Boston, 2013 40M available passenger seat/hours What this is worth in revenue for AirPooler If we got 1% of available seat/hours: $ 10M If we got 10% of available seat/hours: $ 100M If we got 25% of available seat/hours: $ 250M 15. AirPooler Inc. 2014 | Private and Confidential Do not Copy or Distribute without Written Permission 15 Go to market strategy Partnering with major pilot clubs to reach pilots en masse 25% of pilots rent/share their planes through a club Clubs market to pilots for us Motivated by need to increase utilization of their fleets AirPooler API facilitates integration with clubs systems Consumer acquisition Locally-targeted PR and social media (today) Exploring distribution through 3rd party sites via API (we can provide unique, contextually relevant flight listings) Key challenge: achieve critical mass on both sides of marketplace, in unison Actual screenshot from partner website (April, 2014) Visualization of possible 3rd party integration 16. AirPooler Inc. 2014 | Private and Confidential Do not Copy or Distribute without Written Permission 16 Test go-to-market strategy ahead of FAA process Two+ markets: Bay Area, San Diego + Boston Three pilot club integrations (=2k+ pilots) Locally-focused press campaign Status: limited duration beta (April 1-15) 17. AirPooler Inc. 2014 | Private and Confidential Do not Copy or Distribute without Written Permission 17 ABC News, San Francisco, April 2, 2014 18. AirPooler Inc. 2014 | Private and Confidential Do not Copy or Distribute without Written Permission 18 Status: limited duration beta (April 1-15) 2000+ user accounts 245pilot accounts 100s of requests to bring service to airports around the US 8flights 2inbound partner requests (Uber, Capital One) 0 marketing budget Test go-to-market strategy ahead of FAA process Two+ markets: Bay Area, San Diego + Boston Three pilot club integrations (=2k+ pilots) Locally-focused press campaign 19. AirPooler Inc. 2014 | Private and Confidential Do not Copy or Distribute without Written Permission 19 What about regulation? AirPooler complies with the key federal rules regarding cost- sharing: Pilots may not pay less than their pro-rata share for a flight with passengers Pilots must be making the flight independently of passengers However, there are legal nuances around advertising because the relevant statutes were written before the Internet Currently engaged in constructive dialogue with top leadership of the FAA on this topic 20. AirPooler Inc. 2014 | Private and Confidential Do not Copy or Distribute without Written Permission 20 Financial projections 21. AirPooler Inc. 2014 | Private and Confidential Do not Copy or Distribute without Written Permission 21 Founding team has skills/expertise to execute key aspects of business model Steve Lewis, CEO and Cofounder Andy Finke, CTO and Cofounder Rebecca MacPherson, Attorney and legal advisor Former Assistant Chief Counsel for Regulations, FAA 22. AirPooler Inc. 2014 | Private and Confidential Do not Copy or Distribute without Written Permission 22 Thank You