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ПРОГРАМА! І. В. Ґандзя Англійська мова (за підручником А. Несвіт) Детальні плани уроків з додатковими завданнями 0 Календарне планування

Ahg yaz 3_kl_nesvit

May 25, 2015



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І. В. Ґандзя

Англійська мова(за підручником А. Несвіт)

Детальні плани уроків з додатковими завданнями 0 Календарне планування

Page 2: Ahg yaz 3_kl_nesvit

Серія «Мій конспект» Заснована 2008 року

І. В. Ґандзя

Англійська мова(за підручником А. Несвіт)


ХарківВидавнича група «Основа»


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УДК 37.016 ББК 72.268.1 Англ


Ґандзя І. В.Г19 Англійська мова. З клас (за підручником А. Несвіт). —

X. : Вид. група «Основа», 2014. — 144 с. — (Серія «Мій кон­спект»),

ISBN 978-617-00-2157-1.Видання «Мій конспект» розрахований на вчителя початковій школі, який викладає

англійську мову в загально-освітній школі за програмою 2012 року. Цей методичний по­сібник ставить на меті надати допомогу вчителеві в підготовці до уроку.

Автор пропонує плани-конспекти 65 уроків англійської мови, розроблені на основі підручника А. Несвіт “English 3” із використанням додаткових матеріалів.

Є можливість створити власний конспект, використовуючи посібник: перфорація сто­рінок дозволяє оформлювати плани уроків на окремих аркушах та вписувати інформацію щодо до класу, в якому ці уроки проводяться.

УДК 37.016 ББК 72.268.1 Англ


ISBN 978-617-00-2157-1© Ґандзя І. В., 2014© ТОВ «Видавнича група “Основа” », 2014

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Календарно-тематичне планування з англійської мови для 3 класуза підручником А. Несвіт “English” ...................................................................................................... .................... 6

До уваги вчителів...............................................................................................................................................................12

Introduction. R ev ision ......................................................................................................................................................13

Lesson 1. Знову до ш коли.................................................................................................................................... 13

Lesson 2. Ми вчимо англійську м ову ............................................................................................................ 15

Unit 1. Nature. S easo n s.................................................................................................................................................. 17

Lesson 1. Пори року.................................................................................................................... 17

Lesson 2. К алендар............................................................................................................................................. 19

Lesson 3. Всі пори року — чудові.................................................................................................................. 21

Lesson 4. Яка сьогодні п о го д а? .....................................................................................................................23

Lesson 5. Яка погода у світі?...........................................................................................................................25

Lesson 6. Яка краса навкруги!........................................................................................................................... 27

Lesson 7. Перевір с е б е ....................................................................................................................................... 29

Unit 2. Our S c h o o l................................................................................................ 31

Lesson 1. Дні тижня .......................................................................................................................................... 31

Lesson 2. Моє шкільне приладдя..................................................................................................................... 33

Lesson 3. Шкільні предмети. Мій улюблений предмет...............................................................................35

Lesson 4. Наші улюблені предмети...................................................................................................................37

Lesson 5. Мій клас .............................................................................................................................................39

Lesson 6. Мій клас .............................................................................................................................................41

Lesson 7. Мої шкільні д р у з і .............................................................................................................................. 43

Lesson 8. Перевір с е б е .............................................. 45

Unit 3. Meet Му F a m ily .................................................................................................................................................. 47

Lesson 1. Знайомтеся — це моя сім’я ! .............................................................................................................47

Lesson 2. Мої д р у з і .............................................................................................................................................49

Lesson 3. Моя родина................................................................................................................................... . 51

Lesson 4. Скільки тобі р о к ів ? ........................................................................................................................... 53


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Lesson 6. Джек — наглядач у зо о п ар ку ............

Lesson 7. Ким працюють твої б атьк и ? ...............

Lesson 8. Перевір себе .........................................

Unit 4. Appearance ..............................................................

Lesson 1. Моє обличчя.........................................

Lesson 2. Мій друг ...............................................

Lesson 3. Це — я! ..................................................

Lesson 4. Мої друзі та однокласники..................

Lesson 5. Мої б а т ь к и ............................................

Lesson 6. Перевір себе .........................................

Lesson 7. Час для р о зваг ......................................

Unit 5. Holidays ................................................................

Lesson 1. Мій найкращий д е н ь ..........................

Lesson 2. Скоро свято! .........................................

Lesson 3. Запрошую друзів на день народження!

Lesson 4. Свято дня народж ення.......................

Lesson 5. Подарунки до дня народження . . . .

Lesson 6. Зимові с в я т а .........................................

Lesson 7. Зимові с в я т а .........................................

Lesson 8. Свята України. Великдень..................

Lesson 9. Перевір себе .........................................

Lesson 5. Професії ....................................................

Unit 6. Life at H o ra e .....................

Lesson 1. Я тут живу . . .

Lesson 2. Моя квартира .

Lesson 3. Моя квартира .

Lesson 4. Моя кімната . .

Lesson 5. Моя кімната . .

Lesson 6. Домашні справи

Lesson 7. Перевір себе . .

Unit 7. Daily L ife ............................................

Lesson 1. День за д н е м .....................

Lesson 2. Розпорядок дня. Годинник

Lesson 3. Мій день ..........................

Lesson 4. Що я робив в ч о р а ............

Lesson 5. День за д н е м .....................







































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Lesson 7. Що ти робив в ч о р а ? ....................... -.............................................................................................. 121

Lesson 8. Що ти робив вчора? ........................................................................................................................123

Lesson 9. Перевір себе ..................................................................................................................................... 125

Unit8. Free T im e......................................................................................................... 127

Lesson 1. Моє дозвілля..................................................................................................................................... 127

Lesson 2. Давайте гратися ............................. 129

Lesson 3. Наші уподобання .............................................. 131

Lesson 4. Гостюємо у бабусі та дідуся.............................................................................................................. 133

Lesson 5. Плани на літо . . . . .......................................................................................................................135

Lesson 6. Подорожуємо світом .......................................................................................................................137

Lesson 7. Скоро канікули!............................................................................................................................... 139

Lesson 8. Перевір с е б е .............. 141

Appendix. Time For Fun ................................................................................................................................................. 143

Lesson 6. Я к ти провів вчорашній д е н ь ? ..................................................................................................................119



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Календарно-тематичне планування з англійської мови для 3 класу за підручником А. Несвіт "English"


Тема уроку Мовленнєвіфункції

Експоненти функцій (Засоби вираження) Лексика Аудіювання Мовлення Письмо Читання Домашнє завдання

Тематика ситуативного спілкування: Природа і навколишнє середовище Тема 1: Revision. Introduction Unit 1: Nature. Seasons (9 годин)

Знову до школи Вміти: при­вітатися; прощатися; представити себе/друга / подругу/бать- ків; називати когось/щось; запитувати/

Hello! Ні!We are glad to see you! Good morning! Welcome to school!

name,Ann, Dan, Alix, Kim, miss Alison

Діалог Ex. 2, p. 6

Ex. 3,4, p. 7 Ex. 2-4, PP- 6 -7

Ex. 1,4, pp. 6-7

Ми вчимо англійську мову

What is your name? I'm ...What form are you in? I'm in ...

The ABC, to read the text, to write a word, to listen to, to speak English, to learn poems, to ask questions

Вірш "The ABC" Ex. 1,p. 8

Ex. 4, p. 9 Ex. 4, p. 5 Ex. 4, p .9 Ex. 4, p. 9

Пори року повідомляти про вік; запитувати/

Are there trees in autumn? summer, winter, spring, autumn Ex.1, p. 1 Ex. 4, p. 4 Ex. 5, p. 11 Ex. 2,p. 10 Ex. 3, pp. 12-13,ACTIVITY BANK: Draw a picture of the favourite season and

Календар повідомляти про місце про- живання

September is in autumn.. seasons, months Ex. 1, p. 12 Ex. 2,3, p. 12 Ex. 5, p. 13 Ex. 3, p. 12 Ex. 3, p. 12Всі пори року — чудові

What can you do? Can you play football? Yes, 1 can. No, 1 can't.

seasons, months Ex. 1, p. 14 Ex. 2,3, pp. 14-15

Ex. 5, p. 15 Ex. 1,2 ,3,4, pp. 14-15

Ex. 1, p. 14

Яка сьогодні погода? What is the weather like today? warm, cold, sunny, rainy, cloudy, windy

Ex. 2, p. 16 Ex. 4, p. 17 Ex. 5, p. 17 Ex. 2,3, pp. 16-17

Ex. 2 ,3 ,4, pp. 16-17

Яка погода у світі? My name is ... I'm from...It is rainy...

Ex. 1, p. 18 Ex. 1,3, pp. 18-19

Ex. 5, p. 19 Ex. 4, p. 19 Ex. 1, p. 18, ex.4, p.19,ACTIVITY BANK: Describe autumn

Яка краса навкруги! This is the sun. This is the moon

nature, forest, river, mountains Ex. 2,4,pp. 20-21

Ex. 5, p. 21 Ex. 1,3,pp. 20-21

Ex. 1, p. 20, ex. 3, p. 21,ACTIVITY BANK: Describe the nature of our land

Перевір себе Повторення та узагальнення вивченого лексико-граматичного матеріалу

Лексичний матеріал, вивчений за темою

Ex.1, p. 22 Ex. 3, p. 23 Ex. 5, p. 23 Ex. 2, p. 22 Ex. 3, p. 12,Project work: Make a poster about your favourite season (p. 23, ex. 5)

Тематика ситуативного спілкування: Школа Тема 2: Unit 2 OUR SCHOOL (8 годин)

Дні тижня Вміти: за­питувати про предмети; по- відомляти про щось; вико- нувати/відда- вати вказівки (команди)

1 come to school on Monday. What does Jane do on Monday?

days of the week Ex. 1, p. 24 Ex. 3,4, p. 25 Ex. 5, p. 25 Ex. 1,2, p. 25 Ex. 1, p. 24,ACTIVITY BANK: Draw your timeta­bles following the modal (exercise 3)

Моє шкільне приладдя

This is ...Is th is...? Whose... is this?

a bag, a textbook, a ruler, an exercise-book, a pencil, a rubber

Ex. 1, p. 26 Ex. 3,4, pp. 26-27

Ex. 5, p. 27 Ex. 2,4, pp. 26-27

Ex. 2, p. 26

Шкільні предмети. Мій улюблений предмет.

What is your favoutire subject? Do you like Maths?

a timetable, Reading, Maths, Ukrainian, English, Art, Music,PE, Nature Study, Computer Studies

Ex. 1, p. 28 Ex. 3,4,5, p. 29

Ex. 2, p. 28 Ex. 3, p. 28,ACTIVITY BANK: Draw your time­tables

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Тема урокуМовленнєві

функціїЕкспоненти функцій (Засоби

вираження)Лексика Аудіювання Мовлення Письмо Читання Домашнє завдання

Наші улюблені предмети

ознайомлення із соціокультурною спіцифікоюмови країни, що ви­вчається, вдоско­налення умінь будувати своє висловлювання, мовну поведінку адекватно цій специфіці; Вміти: давати елементарну характерне- тику шкільним приладдям; розповідати та запитувати про речі в класі/ діяльність під час уроків/після уроків; описувати класну кімнату

Can you give me some pencils, please?Do you learn/read/write...?

to do sums, to play games, to count, to learn, to answer

Ex. 1, p. 30 Ex. 2-4, pp. 30-31

Ex. 5, p. 31 Ex. 2, p. 30 Ex. 2, p. 30, ex. 3,4, p. 31

Мій клас This is ... These are... That is ... Those are...

school objects Ex. 3-4, pp. 32-33

Ex. 5, p. 33 Ex. 1-2, p. 32 Ex. 1,p.32,ex.4, p. 33, ACTIVITY BANK: Describe your classroom

Мій клас There is ... These are... Is there...? Are there...?

school subjects Ex. 1, p. 34 Ex. 3, p. 35 Ex. 5, p. 35 Ex. 1,2,5, pp. 34-35

Ex. 1, p. 34

Мої шкільні друзі Do you like...?Does she/he like...?1 like/don'tlike...He/She likes/doesn'tlike...

to do sport, to do homework, to play games, to ride a bike, to skip, to watch TV, to go to the cinema/ theatre, to be outdoor/indoor

Ex. 1, p. 36 Ex. 3,4, pp. 36-37

Ex. 5, p. 37 Ex. 2, p. 37 Ex. 2, p. 37

Перевір себе This is ... These are... That is ... Those are...

Ex. 1,2, p. 38 Ex. 3, p. 29 Ex. 4, p. 39 Ex. 4, p. 39,Bring a family photoACTIVITY BANK: Describe your schoolday

Тематика ситуативного спілкування: Я, моя сім'я і друзі; Людина Тема 3: Unit 3 Meet Му Family (8 годин)

Знайомтеся — це моя сім'я!

Вміти: описува­ти предмети/ тварин/

This is ... These are...

parents, sister, brother, aunt, uncle, cousins, grandma, grandpa

Ex. 1,3, pp. 40-41

Ex. 2, p. 41 Ex. 4,5, p. 41

Ex. 1, p. 41 Ex. 1, p. 40,ACTIVITY BANK: Write about your family

Мої друзі елементарну характерис­тику когось/ чогось; роз- питувати про сім'ю/професїї/ час

He has got... She has got!..

family words Ex. 3,4, p. 43 Ex. 5, p. 43 Ex. 1,2, p. 47 Ex. 1, p. 42,ACTIVITY BANK: Describe your friend's family

Моя родина Who is...? family tree Ex. 3, p. 45 Ex. 1,2,4, pp. 44-45

Ex. 5, p. 45 Ex. 1,4, pp. 44-45

Ex. 4, p.45,ACTIVITY BANK: Describe your family tree

Скільки тобі років? How old is ...? family words, numbers 10,20, 3 0 ... 100

Ex. 1, p. 46 Ex. 2,3,4, pp. 46-47

Ex. 5, p. 47 Ex. 1,2,5, pp. 46-47

Ex. 5, p. 47

Професії 1 am a teacher.What do doctors do? What is your job?

a teacher, a doctor, a farmer, a bus driver

Ex. 1, p. 48 Ex. 2,3,4, pp. 48-49

Ex. 5, p. 49 Ex. 1, p. 48 Ex. 1, p. 48,ACTIVITY BANK: Describe your parents'professions

Джек — наглядач у зоопарку

What do you want to be? What..? When..?W hy...? Where...?

It's one o'clock, prepositions of time

Ex. 1, p. 50 Ex. 2,3,4, pp. 50-51

Ex. 5, p. 51 Ex. 1,3, pp. 50-51

Ex. 1, p. 50,ACTIVITY BANK: Describe your parents'jobs

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Тема уроку Мовленнєвіфункції

Експоненти функцій (Засоби вираження) Лексика Аудіювання Мовлення Письмо Читання Домашнє завдання

Ким працюють твої батьки?

What is your mum's/dad's job? Does he/she like his/her job?

usually, on holidays, prepositions of time

Ex. 1, p. 52 Ex, 2,3,4, pp. 52-53

Ex. 5, p. 53 Wb. Ex. 1, p. 39

Ex. 2,3, pp. 52-53

Ex. 2, p. 52,ACTIVITY BANK: Write about your parents and their professions

Перевір себе What do you want to be? What..? When..?W hy...? Where...?

professions prepositions of time

Ex. 3, p. 54 Ex. 1,2,5, pp. 54-55

Ex. 5, p. 55 Ex. 3, p. 54 Ex. 3, p. 54

Тематика ситуативного спілкування: Я, моя сім'я і друзі; Людина Тема 4: Unit 4 Appearance (7 годин)

Моє обличчя Вміти: описува­ти зовнішність; представляти співрозмовни- ків/третіх осіб; запитувати інформацію про співроз­мовника/

This is my nose. 1 have got... Jane has got...

hair, an eye, a nose, a mouth, a head, an ear, a cheek

Ex. 1,p. 56 Ex. 2,4,5, pp. 56-57

Ex. 5, p. 57 Ex. 2, p. 56 Ex. 2, p. 56,ACTIVITY BANK: Bring and prepare the description of a favourite toy

Мій друг is Dan tall?Has he got short/long hair?

long/short, thin, fat, slim, plump Ex. 1, p. 58 Ex. 2,3,4, pp. 58-59

Ex. 5, p. 59 Ex. 3, p. 59 Ex. 3, p. 59,Ex. 5, p. 59,ACTIVITY BANK: Describe your friend. Draw his/her picture or bring a photo.Bring a favourite toy.

Це — я! описуватикогось/щось;запитувати

i'vegot...How many hands/arms/legs have you got?

a finger, a leg, a knee, a head, a tooth, a shoulder, an arm, a hand

Ex. l,p . 60 Ex. 1b, 2,3,pp. 60-61

Ex. 5, p. 61 Ex. 4, p. 61 Ex. 4,5, p. 61,ACTIVITY BANK: Draw it and describe a favourite toy.

Мої друзі та одно­класники

про відчуття/ самопочуття та відповідати на запитання; повідомляти про смаки, уподобання; висловлювати своє ставлення до когось/ чогось

is Dan tall?Has he got short/long hair?

body, face Ex. 1, p. 62 Ex. 1b, 2,3,4,pp. 61-62

Ex. 5, p. 62 Ex.1, p. 62 Ex. 1, p. 62

Мої батьки How old are/is...? nice, kind, funny, happy Ex. 1, p. 64 Ex. 2,3,4, pp. 64-65

Ex. 5, p. 65 Ex. 2, p. 64 Ex. 2, p. 64,ACTIVITY BANK: describe your parents

Перевір себе I'vegot...How many hands/arms/iegs have you got?Is Dan tall?Has he got short/long hair?How old are/is...?

colours, body, face, adjectives of manner

Ex. 1,2 a, b,p. 66

Ex. 5, p. 67 Ex. 2,3,4, p. 67

Ex. 2, p. 66,ACTIVITY BANK: Describe your favourite cartoon character

Час для розваг Wh- questions over, up, down, inside, outside Ex. 1, p. 68 Ex. 2,3,4, p. 69

Ex. 5, p. 69 Ex. 1,p. 69 Ex. 1,p. 68

Тематика ситуативного спілкування: Свята та традиції Тема 5: Unit 5 HOLIDAYS (9 годин)

Мій найкращий день Описувати когось/щось; запитувати про відчуття/ самопочуття та відповідати на запитання; повідомляти

My favourite holiday is ... Birthday, New year, Easter, Christmas Ex.1 ,p. 70 Ex. 3,4,5, pp. 70-71

Wb. Ex. 5, P-71

Ex. 2,3, p. 70 Ex. 2, p. 70,ACTIVITY BANK: write a text about your favourite holiday


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Тема уроку Мовленнєвіфункції

Експоненти функцій (Засоби вираження) Лексика Аудіювання Мовлення Письмо Читання Домашнє завдання

Скоро свято! про смаки,уподобання;висловлювати

I've got a birthday to write the invitation, to send the invitation, to clean the house, to open the presents

Ex. 1, p. 72 Ex. 2,3,4, pp. 72-73

Ex. 5, p. 73 Ex. 2,3, p. 72-73

Ex. 2, p. 72

Запрошую друзів на день народження!

своє ставлення до когось/ чогось; за­прошувати та реагувати на чиєсь запро­шення;

What time does the party start? to write the invitation, to send the invitation, to clean the house, to open the presents, to dance, to sing, to play games, to eat cakes

Ex. l,p . 74 Ex. 2,3,4, pp. 74-75

Ex. 5, p. 75 Ex. 1,2, p. 74 Ex. 1, p. 74,ACTIVITY BANK: Write an invitation, card to your birthday party

Свято дня народження How old are you? Ex. 1, p. 75 Ex. 2,3,4, pp. 76-77

Ex. 5, p. 77 Ex. 1,2b, 3,4, pp. 76-77

Ex. 2, p. 76

Подарунки до дня народження

робити про­позицію та реагувати на неї; давати схвальну/ несхвальну оцінку пред- меті в,дій,ситуацій тощо.Вміти: розпо- відати/роз- питувати про свята; вітати зі святом; опису­вати дії під час святкування

Have you got presents for your birthday?

glass, interesting, cotton, cup, T-shirt Ex.1 ,p. 78 Ex. 2,3,4, pp. 78-79

Ex. 5, p. 79 Ex. 3,4, p. 79 Ex. 4, p. 79,ACTIVITY BANK: Describe and draw your best present to birthday

Зимові свята Wh-questions Ex. 1,p. 80 Ex. 3,4, p. 81 Ex. 5, p. 81 Ex. 2,4,pp. 80-81

Ex. 2, p. 80,ACTIVITY BANK: Describe winter holidays you like

Зимові свята decorate, buy Ex.1, p. 82 Ex. 2,3,4, pp. 82-83

Ex. 5, p. 83 Ex. 1, p. 82 Ex. 1, p. 82,ACTIVITY BANK: Write how your family celebrates New Year and Christmas

Свята України. Великдень

Easter is a spring holiday a paska, an Easter egg, an Easter basket, an Easter present

Ex. 1,4, pp. 84-85

Ex. 3,4, p. 85

Ex. 5, p. 85 Ex. 2,4, pp. 84-85

Ex. 2, p. 84, ex. 3, p. 85, ACTIVITY BANK: Write how your family celebrates Easter

Перевір себе always, often, sometimes Ex. 1,3,4, pp. 86-87

Ex. 2,5, p. 87

Ex. 1, p. 86 Ex. 1, p. 86

Тематика ситуативного спілкування: Людина; Я, моя сім'я і друзі Тема 6: Unit 6 Life at Home (7 годин)

Я тут живу Is there a sofa in the living room? a living room, a bedroom, children's room,prepositions of place

Ex.1, p. 88 Ex. 2,3,4, pp. 88-89

Ex. 5, p. 89 Ex. 1,3,4, pp. 88-89

Ex. 1, p. 88

Моя квартира Where is the mirror? A bath, a mirror, a towel, a sink, a fridge, a cooker, a cupboard, a carpet, stairs

Ex. 1, p. 90 Ex. 2,3,4, pp. 90-91

Ex. 5, p. 91 Ex. 3, p. 91 Ex. 3, p. 90

Моя квартира How many rooms are there? Which room is next to...?

furniture Ex. 1, p. 92 Ex. 2,3,4, pp. 92-93

Ex. 5, p. 93 Ex. 1,3, pp. 92-93

Ex. 1, p. 92

Моя кімната This is my room.How many rooms are there? Which room is next to .,.?

Curtains, armchair, a wardrobe, a drawer, a bookcase

Ex.1, p. 94 Ex. 2,3,4, pp. 94-95

Ex. 5, p. 95 Ex. 3,4, p. 95 Ex. 4, p. 95ACTIVITY BANK: Ask pupils to make a plan of their-rooms and describe it

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Тема уроку Мовленнєвіфункції

Експоненти функцій (Засоби вираження)

Лексика Аудіювання Мовлення Письмо Читання Домашнє завдання

Моя кімната Is your room big/small?How many rooms are there? Which room is next to...?

furniture Ex. 2, p. 96 Ex. 1,3,4, pp. 96-97

Ex. 5, p. 97 Ex. 3, p. 97 Ex. 2, p. 96

Домашні справи Do you...?Where do you...?

To feed a cat, to water the plants, to wash the dishes, to walk the dog, to lay the table

Ex. 1, p. 98 Ex. 2,3,4, pp. 98-99

Ex. 5, p. 99 Ex. 2,4, pp. 98-99

Ex. 3, p. 99,ACTIVITY BANK: Ask pupils to write some sentences about their activities

Перевір себе This is ...There is/are...

Personal pronouns Ex. 1, p. 100 Ex. 2,3,p. 101

Ex. 5, p. 101 Ex. 1,2,pp. 101-102

Ex. 1, p. 100

Тематика ситуативного спілкування: Я, моя сім'я і друзі; Відпочинок і дозвілля; Людина Тема 7: Unit 7 Daily Life (9 годин)

День за днем Запитувати інформацію про спів- розмовника/ третю особу; описувати когось/щось; запитувати про відчуття/само- почуття та відповідати на запитання; повідомляти про смаки, уподобання; висловлювати своє ставлення до когось/ чогось; робити пропози­цію та реагу­вати на неї; визначати час; давати схвальну/ несхвальну оцінку пред­метів,дій, ситуацій тощо

1 get up at seven o'clock. To get up, to wash, to have breakfast, to make a bed

Ex. 1, p. 102 Ex. 2,3, p. 103 Ex. 5, p. 103 Ex. 2 ,3 ,4 p. 103

Ex. 1,2, p. 102

Розпорядок дня. Годинник

What time is it?When do you go to school?

A quarter, half, past, to Ex. 1,2, p. 104 Ex. 3,4, pp. 104-105

Ex. 5, p. 105 Ex. 1,2, pp. 104-105

Ex. 1,2, p. 104,ACTIVITY BANK: Describe a daily day

Мій день What time is it?When do you go to school?1 get up/she gets up at seven o'clock.

time Ex. 1 ,2 ,3 ,4 ,5 , pp. 106-107

Ex. 6, p. 107 Ex. 1,2,p. 106

Ex. 1, p. 106,ACTIVITY BANK: Write some sen­tences about your day in the evening or in the afternoon

Що я робив вчора 1 got up at seven o'clock. Regular and irregular verbs Ex. 1, p. 108 Ex. 2 ,3 ,4 p. 109

Ex. 5, p. 109 Ex. 1, p. 108 Ex. 1, p. 108

День за днем It was Monday yesterday. yesterday Ex. 1, p. 110 Ex. 2,3,4,pp. 110-111

Ex. 5, p. 111 Ex. 1,2,3,pp. 110-111

Ex. 1, p. 110

Як ти провів вчораш­ній день?

At nine o'clock yesterday... Itwas/wasn't...They were/weren't...

Regular and irregular verbs Ex. 1,2 ,3,4, pp. 112-113

Ex. 5, p. 113 Ex. 1,2,3, pp. 112-113

Ex. 2, p. 112

Що ти робив вчора? It was Monday yesterday. A playground, a pond, a wet dog Ex. 2, p. 114 Ex. 1,3,4, pp. 114-115

Ex. 5, p. 115 Ex. 1,2,3, pp. 114-115

Ex. 1, p. 114

Що ти робив вчора? It was Sunday yesterday. Regular and irregular verbs Ex. 1, p. 116 Ex. 2,3,4, pp. 116-117

Ex. 5, p. 117 Ex. 1,2,4, pp. 116-117

Ex. 1, p. 116

Перевір себе What time did you get up? Regular and irregular verbs Ex. 1 ,2 ,3,4, pp. 118-119

Ex. 5, p. 119 Ex. 1,2 ,3 ,4 , pp. 118-119

Ex. 1, p. 118

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Тема уроку Мовленнєвіфункції

Експоненти функцій (Засоби вираження)

Лексика Аудіювання Мовлення Письмо Читання Домашнє завдання

Тематика ситуативного спілкування: Відпочинок і дозвілля; Я, моя сім'я і друзі Тема 8: Unit 8 Free time (8 годин)

Моє дозвілля Запитуватиінформаціюпроспіврозмов- ника/третю особу; описувати когось/щось; запитувати про відчуття/само- почуття та відповідати на запитання; повідомляти про смаки, уподобання; висловлювати своє ставлення до когось/ чогось; робити пропози­цію та реагу­вати на неї; визначати час; давати схвальну/ несхвальну оцінку пред-

1 like riding a bike To skip, to collect stickers/stamps, to ride a bike, to watch TV

Ex. 1, p. 120 Ex. 2,3,4,pp. 120-121

Ex. 5, p. 121 Ex. 2,4,pp. 120-121

Ex. 2, p. 120,ACTIVITY BANK: Write and draw your favourite activity using the illustration

Давайте гратися 1 play football.1 will play badminton.

A playground, hopscotch, hide-and- seek, to play badminton

Ex. 1, p. 122 Ex. 2,3,4, pp. 122-123

Ex. 5, p. 123 Ex. 2,3,4, p. 122-123

Ex. 2, p. 123

Наші уподобання 1 will go swimming tomorrow To roller blade, to go skateboarding, to go swimming

Ex. 1, p. 124 Ex. 2,3,4, pp. 124-125

Ex. 5, p. 125 Ex. 2, pp. 125 Ex. 1,2, p. 124,ACTIVITY BANK: Bring and prepare the description of your hobbies

Гостюємо у бабусі та дідуся

Where does your grandma live? In the village Ex. 1, p. 126 Ex. 1,2,3, pp. 126-127

Ex. 4, p. 127 Ex. 1,2,3, pp. 126-127

Ex. 1, p. 126

Плани на літо What will you do in the summer? To fly a kite, a summer camp, to visit grandparents

Ex. 1, p. 128 Ex. 2,3,4, pp. 128-129

Ex.5, p. 129 Ex. 2,3, pp. 128-129

Ex. 1,2, p. 128,ACTIVITY BANK: Ask pupils to describe their future plans .

Подорожуємо світом Where will you go? England, the USA, Canada, Ukraine, to visit museums, to take photos, to travel, to go to the seaside

Ex. 1, p. 130 Ex. 2,3,4, pp. 130-131

Ex. 5, p. 131 Ex. 3,4, pp. 130-131

Ex. 2, p. 130,ACTIVITY BANK: Write about your summer holidays

Скоро канікули! 1 like...1 w ill...1 often...

A sandcastle, to go fishing, to help grandparents, on the beach, to stay at home

Ex. 1, p. 132 Ex. 2,3,4, pp. 132-133

Ex. 5, p. 133 Ex. 3,4, p. 133

Ex. 3, p. 133

66 Перевір себе дій, ситуацій тощо

Children play... Children will play..,

Ex. 1,2 ,3,4, pp. 134-135

Ex. 5, p. 135 Ex. 2,3,4, pp. 134-135

Ex. 3, p. 135


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ДО УВАГИ ВЧИТЕЛІВ• узагальнення, повторення та систематизація лексико-граматичного матеріалу;• розвиток компетенцій аудіювання, говоріння, письма, читання;• розвиток мовленнєвих компетенцій;• розвиток соціокультурних компетенцій;• контроль говоріння, аудіювання, письма, читання наприкінці І та II семестрів;• тематичні контрольні роботи та інші види контролю;• уроки домашнього читання з розділу "Time for Fun" в кінці підручника;• не зазначені у календарно-тематичному плані дати проведення визначаються учителем в індивідуальному порядку та від­

повідно до календарних термінів проведення навчального року;• нумерація уроків у зв'язку з цим відсутня, тільки зазначена кількість уроків за кожною темою, відповідно до кількості уроків

у підручнику;• після кожного розділу є вільні рядки для додаткового запису та коригування навчально-виховного процесу.


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Introduction. REVISION

Lesson 1. ЗНОВУ ДО ШКОЛИКлас


• навчальна: презентувати лексичний матеріал за темою «Моя сім'я і друзі»; ознайо­мити з мовними виразами знайомства та вітання та повторити фрази, вивчені мину­лого року; формувати уявлення про мову як засіб спілкування між людьми; ознайо­мити з римами за темою «Знайомство»;

• розвивальна: розвивати навички аудіювання та діалогічного мовлення;• виховна: викликати в дітей бажання вчитися; вивчати іноземну мову; виховувати

дисципліну, звичку до систематичної розумової праці.


Хід урокуWARM-UP

1. Greet the pupils as they come and settle down, “Come in, please. Sit down, please.”

2. Say “Hello. I ’m (M iss/M rs)...” two or th ree tim es pointing to yourself as you say it. Encourage pupils to reply w ith “Hello!” Do choral and individual repetition of “Hello” .Pair work

Pupils in troduce them selves to th e ir neighbours in the same way. Ask individual pupils to stand up and say “I ’m... (pupils say their names).

PRESENTATION3. Listen and read (p. 6, ex. 1)

Pupils open th e ir books. Read the tex t in speech bubbles. Ask pupils to point a t Miss Alison as they listen.

Pupils listen and read. Tell the pupils to look at the picture.Ask two pupils to come to the fron t of the class. Pupils are reading the

dialogue together while the class is listening. Read the dialogue again, pausing a fte r each line for the class to repeat.Extra

Before s ta rtin g to play a class or team game, the following procedures are recommended:

Name teams. Divide the class into teams. Give each team an English name e.g. the Tigers or the Lions. Vary the team names lesson by lesson to practice new words. W rite team names on the board for scoring during games.

Choose players. Use a “choosing rhym e” such as the following, to add suspense and pupil-involvement to the process of picking players for the class or team games:

Eeny, Meeny, Miney, Mo,Choose a person; off we GO!The pupil chosen is the one you are pointing at on the word GO!Always get pupils to chant w ith you.

Happy GameSay “I ’m happy” and give a big smile. Then say “Now look!” and pretend to

wipe your smile off your face with your hand and throw it to the children.Dem onstrate th a t the children should pretend to “catch” the smile and put

it on their faces. Say, “Now you’re ...” and get the children to call out “happy!” Repeat the procedure several times.


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4. Read and act out (p. 6, ex. 2)Ask pupils to look a t the photos.Ask pupils to say the children’s names. Pupils look and read the names.Ask pupils to read and practice the dialogues in pairs.Go round helping the pairs.One or two pairs come to the board and act out the dialogues.Praise th e ir efforts: “Good! W ell done!”

5. Ask and complete (p. 7, ex. 3)Ask pupils to work in pairs and complete the table w ith their partner using

the inform ation from the dialogues of exercise 2, page 2.If you wish, ask some of the pairs to read the completed table aloud for the

class.Repeat i t several tim es chorally and individually. Then ask the questions

about the children using the patterns under the table.

6. Ask and answer (p. 7, ex. 4)Pair work

Ask pupils to read and answer the questions in pairs.W rite down the answers on the board. Pupils in pairs read and practice the

questions and answers. One or two pairs act out the dialogue.Then ask pupils to repeat the questions bu t th is tim e pupils ask and answer

the questions in chain.Extra

Ask the f irs t question to the person sitting next to you. He/She replies and asks the following question to the person sitting next to h im /her. Continue in th is way around the class.

W hen the pupils have finished, let them go round the class greeting each other, asking and answering the questions.

7. Complete and say about yourself (p. 7, ex. 5)Ask pupils to introduce themselves using the beginnings of the sentences

from the exercise and the answers which you have w ritten on the board.


8. Finish the lesson by playing a chain game. Pupil 1 stands up and says “I ’m...”, and then points to pupil 2 next to h im /her, says “This is (their name) and then sits down. Pupil 2 stands up and says “I ’m...”, and then points to pupil 3 next to h im /her, says “This is (their name) and then sits down. Pupil 3 stands up and says “I ’m...”, and then points to pupil 4 next to h im /her, says “This is (their name) and then sits down. Continue around the class.

9. Say, “Close your books, please” . Then say “Goodbye!” several tim es. Pupils repeat afte r you two or three tim es. Make sure th a t they understand you. Tell pupils to say “Goodbye!” to you.Home work

Read (p. 6 -7 , ex. 1, 4)Further practice

Use Workbook tasks a t the lesson or a t home.


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• навчальна: повторити матеріал, вивчений минулого року, лексичний матеріал за темою «Моя сім'я і друзі»; ознайомити з новими та повторити вивчені мовні ви­рази знайомства та вітання; повторити раніше вивчені лексичні одиниці, грама­тичні структури за темою; формувати уявлення про мову як засіб спілкування між людьми; забезпечити оволодіння учнями мовним матеріалом із метою використан­ня його в усному і писемному мовленні, систематизувати раніше вивчений лекси­ко-граматичний матеріал; оволодіння новими мовними засобами відповідно до ві­дібраних тем і сфер спілкування; збільшувати обсяг використовуваних лексичних одиниць; вдосконалювати навички оперування мовними одиницями з комунікатив­ною метою;

• розвивальна: розвивати навички аудіювання та діалогічного мовлення; вміння вес­ти бесіду, слухати співрозмовника, удосконалювати фонетику та артикуляцію звуків, навички письма латинськими буквами;

• виховна: викликати в дітей бажання вчитися; допомогти їм бути розкутими у спіл­куванні іноземною мовою; виховувати дисципліну, звичку до систематичної розу­мової праці.

• Обладнання: тематичний плакат «Алфавіт», «На уроці англійської мови».

Хід урокуWARM-UP

1. As pupils come into the class, smile and say “Hello” . Encourage pupils to say “Hello” back to you.

2. Say pupils “I t ’s a new year. Welcome back”. Begin the class w ith some common greetings. Ask and answer the questions “How are you?” and “W hat’s your name?” w ith individual children. Pupils then ask and answer the questions in pairs or small groups.

PRESENTATION3. Listen and learn the poem (p. 8, ex. 1)

Stick the ABC poster on the board.Ask pupils to look at the le tte rs in the poem. Read the poem pointing a t the

letters.Pupils listen , repeat and point a t the le tte rs in th e ir books too. W hen

pupils seem confident with the rhythm of the poem, tell them to close their Pupil’s Books. W rite the letters of the alphabet, in order, on the board. Read the poem again. Pupils read the poem, following the letters of the alphabet on the board.

Rub out any th ree le tte rs from the board. Pupils read the poem again, reading all the le tte rs , including the m issing le tte rs . Rub out th ree more letters and repeat.

Continue un til there are no letters left on the board and pupils are reading the whole alphabet from the memory.

PRACTICE4. Read the words. Use the alphabet to put them in order (p. 8, ex. 2)

Ask pupils to look at the pictures. Then ask pupils to read the words under the pictures.

Give out the cards, giving one each pupil. Ask the pupils to come to fron t of the class and to stand holding up their cards so the rest of the class can see them. The pupils should arrange themselves so th a t the cards are in correct





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alphabetical order. The rest of the class can call out advice to help them . W hen they have arranged themselves correctly, the class reads the alphabet chorally. Extra

Pupils choose a block of any four pictures together from anywhere on the page. Their pictures m ust be next to each other vertically and /or horizontally. They cover up all the o ther p ictures outside their “block” .

Play “Bingo!” by calling out the words of any of the p ictures on the page. The firs t person to cover all four pictures in their block calls out “Bingo!”

Play two or three rounds. Pupils choose d ifferen t blocks of p ictures every time.Extra

S ta rt to draw an object (e.g. a pencil) on the board, stopping at intervals to ask pupils “W hat’s th is?” Pupils guess what it is. The pupil who guesses correctly can draw the next picture.

5. Listen and repeat (p. 9, ex. 3)Teach the words using the flashcards.Hold the flashcard so th a t the whole class can see it. If necessary, walk

round the room and show it to the pupils.Say the word combinations clearly. Do choral and individual repetition.

Use the same procedure three or four times.W rite the word combinations and put the flashcards under them.W hen you have practiced the words thoroughly , teach the res t of the

words. Use the flashcards and follow the same procedure.Make sentences using the structu res “I can...”, “He/She can...”If you mostly have good pupils, you may divide them into two team s and

play a game. A pupil from one team says a sentence. If it is correct, the team wins a point. If the pupil does not make a sentence, the other team can try to say the sentence — to win a bonus point.

6. Read and act out (p. 9, ex. 4)Read the dialogue. Pupils listen and read. In pairs, pupils read and practice

the dialogue.Ask pupils to read the dialogues and act them out pretending to be the

characters of the story.Pupils read and practice the dialogue in pairs. One or two pairs act out the

dialogue. Act out the dialogues again.Repeat w ith a d ifferen t pupil, bu t th is tim e let pupils choose partners to

• act them out with.Repeat w ith several d ifferen t pupils.

7. Complete the sentences (p. 9, ex. 5)Ask the pupils to describe what they can do at an English lesson. Use the

words from ex. 3.Ask pupils to read the sentences and complete them using the word

combinations.ExtraMiming Game

Give the pupils instructions to mime what they do at an English lesson for the other pupils to guess. The instructions can be w ritten on slips of paper. Home work

Read (p. 9, ex. 4)Further practice

U se W o rk b o o k ta s k s a t th e le sson o r a t hom e.


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КласLesson 1. ПОРИ РОКУ

Мета:• навчальна: практикувати всі види мовленнєвої діяльності, ознайомити з новими

лексичними одиницями, повторити раніше вивчені лексичні одиниці;• розвивальна: удосконалювати фонетику та артикуляцію звуків, розвивати усні ко­

мунікативні уміння з опорою на наочність, підвищувати рівень особистої мотивації учнів у вивченні англійської мови; узагальнити та систематизувати лексичні одини­ці за темами «Пори року»;

• виховна: зацікавити учнів темою уроку, привернути їхню увагу до нових лексичних одиниць, передбачених у цьому уроці; допомогти їм бути розкутими у спілкуванні, повторити лексичний запас попередніх уроків.

• Обладнання: таблиці «Пори року», картки, пов'язані з порами року та різноманіт­ними заняттями.


Хід уроку

1. Stick the pictures of four seasons to the board. Ask pupils to name the seasons. Read the poem about seasons.Spring is green,Summer is bright,A utum n is yellow,W inter is white.Ask pupils to match the lines of the poem with the pictures of four seasons.

2. Team spelling gameDivide the class into two teams. One member from each team comes to the

fron t of the class. Each student says a word from the poem for the other one to w rite on the board.

Correctly spelt words — a point for the team.

PRESENTATION3. a) Listen and repeat (p. 10, ex. 1)

Teach and then drill the new words using the pictures.Read out the caption for each of the pictures in tu rn , while pupils are

listening and looking a t the pictures. Use board sketches, miming and gestures to check if pupils have understood the meanings of the new words.

Pupils take tu rn s to read out the words. Help with pronunciation.Use the flashcards. Ask pupils to go to the board, point to the necessary

flashcard and repeat new words.If the class is strong ask pupils to make sentences w ith the new words,

b) SayAsk pupils to complete the sentences using the new words. If i t is

necessary, help pupils complete the sentences pointing at the pictures on the board.

Pupils w rite the sentences down in their exercise books.K ey:

1.. It is cold and rainy in autum n.2. It is frosty and snowy in w inter.3. It is warm and windy in spring.4. I t is hot and sunny in summer.5. It is not frosty and snowy in summer.


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4. Read (p. 10, ex. 2)Before listening ask the questions “W hat seasons do you know? Is it ho t/

cold in w inter/sum m er? W hat w eather do you like?”Tell pupils to listen to the tex t. Read the tex t.Read i t again and pause a fte r each sentence. Read every sentence

dram atically and tell pupils to repeat afte r you.A fter reading ask pupils “W hat is the weather like in autum n? Is it cold? Is

it sunny? Is it windy? W hat colour are the trees?” Pupils answer. Ask pupils to read the tex t one by one.

M onitor the activity and help where necessary.

READING AND WRITING5. Agree or disagree (p. 11, ex. 3)

Pair workAsk pupils to read the sentences in the exercise.Tell them th a t they are going to agree or disagree w ith the sentences.

Pupils read and choose the correct sentences. M onitor the activity and help where necessary. If pupils don’t understand the m eaning of some words transla te them into the m other tongue.ExtraFlashcard Charade Game

Divide the class into groups of three or four. Give each group a flashcard (about w eather), m aking sure th a t o ther groups don’t see. Explain th a t children m ust th ink of a way to mime their flashcard. Give them a m inute or two to prepare. Then each group takes tu rn s to do their mimes to the rest of the class and guess each o ther’s flashcards.

6. W ork in pairs. Ask and answer (p. 11, ex. 4)Pair work

Ask pupils to read the questions and answers in pairs.M onitor the activity and help where necessary. Encourage pupils to make

their own questions and answers. W rite some sentences in pupils’ exercise books.

7. Complete the sentences (p. 11, ex. 5)Ask pupils to look at the sentences and the pictures.Pupils name the pictures. Then ask pupils to read the sentences using the

pictures. M onitor the activity and help where necessary. Ask pupils to read the tex t one by one if they like.

ENDING THE LESSON8. Stick the pictures of the seasons to the board. Ask the pupils to w rite the

names of the seasons under every picture.Ask pupils “W hat season is i t? ” pointing a t the p ictures w ith seasons.

A pupil answers and asks another pupil the same question. Repeat two or three times.Home work

Read (p. 1 2 -1 3 ,e x .3 ,4 )Draw a picture of the favourite season and describe it.

Further practiceU se W orkbook ta s k s a t th e le sson o r a t hom e.


Page 20: Ahg yaz 3_kl_nesvit

Lesson 2. КАЛЕНДАР

• навчальна: закріпити нові лексичні одиниці, активізувати вивчений лексико-грама­тичний матеріал, розвивати вміння та навички читання, письма, усного монологіч­ного мовлення;

• розвивальна: розвивати логічне мислення, увагу та зорову пам'ять, спостережливість, удосконалювати фонетику та артикуляцію звуків, розвивати усні комунікативні уміння з опорою на наочність, вчити уважно стежити за презентованою інформацією, ефектив­но співпрацювати під час парної та групової роботи, мотивувати готовність брати участь в іншомовному спілкуванні, учити працювати у парі, логічно висловлювати думку;

• виховна: виховувати зацікавленість у розширенні своїх знань, використанні на­вчального матеріалу в житті, загальну культуру учнів, виховувати уміння концентру­ватися, слухати інших, формувати доброзичливу атмосферу в класі, вчити культури спілкування сучасного цивілізованого світу.

• Обладнання: таблиця «Пори року», «Календар», картки, пов'язані з порами року та погодою.


WARM-UPХід уроку

1. Draw or stick w eather p ictures on the board: the pictures of the shining sun, falling raindrops, blowing wind, falling snow and clouds. Ask pupils to call out the w eather words.

2. Flashcard Charade GameDivide the class into groups of three or four. Give each group a flashcard

(about w eather), m aking sure th a t o ther groups don’t see. Explain th a t children m ust th ink of a way to mime their flashcard. Give them a m inute or two to prepare. Each group then takes tu rn s to do their mimes to the rest of the class and guesses each o ther’s flashcards.PRESENTATION

3. Listen and repeat (p. 12, ex. 1)Pupils read the names of the seasons. Ask the pupils to read the words

individually.Ask pupils to read the m onths of the year. Revise and then d rill the

vocabulary using the p ictures on the board. A fter listening repeat two or three tim es the word “m onth”. Point out th a t all the names of the m onths s ta r t with a capital le tte r in English.

4. Look and say (p. 12, ex. 2)Ask pupils to make sentences using the table.

January winterMarch springAugust is in autumnFebruary summerOctober

Pupils w rite some sentences in their exercise books. Ask the pupils to read the sentences individually. Ask some strong pupils to write sentences on the board too.

Help with pronunciation.ExtraDisappearing items

W rite seasons or m onths of the year on the board. Do choral repetition of the words. Then rub out one of the words in the sequence. Pupils chant the whole sequence of five or six words, including the m issing one. Repeat rubbing


К л а с


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out another item. Continue till there are no words on the board and pupils are saying the whole sequence from th e ir memory. You can also play th is by drawing seven pictures on the board, and rubbing them out one a t a time.

PRACTICE5. W ork in groups. Read (p. 12, ex. 3)

Group workAsk pupils to look at the pictures.Ask Group 1 to read their tex t one by one.Ask Group 2 to read their tex t one by one too.Tell pupils to read the tex ts to each other. M onitor the activity and help

where necessary.6. Ask and answer (p. 13, ex. 4)

Ask strong pupils to read the tex ts again.Pupils of Group 1 and 2 listen and point to the pictures. Then ask pupils of

Group 1 to read th e ir questions to pupils from Group 2.Pupils of group 2 answer the questions. Tell pupils to use the inform ation

from the Text 1.W rite the questions and the answers in pupils’ exercise books.Then ask pupils of Group 2 to read th e ir questions to pupils from Group 1. Pupils of Group 1 answer the questions. Tell pupils to use the inform ation

from the Text 2.W rite the questions and the answers in pupils’ exercise books.Keys:Group 1

1. The w inter m onths are December, January and February.2. Yes, it is.3. Ann can play snowballs, ski and skate in winter.

Group 21. The summer m onths are June, Ju ly and August.2. Yes, it is.3. He can play football, run and jum p w ith his friends.

READING AND WRITING7. Complete the sentences (p. 13, ex. 5)

W rite the sentences on the board and fin ish them w ith the pictures. Ask pupils to name the pictures.

Pupils read the beginnings of the sentences and using the p ictures finishthe sentences.

Transfer: pupils fill the gaps in the sentences, using the p ictures and make true statem ents about the seasons of the year.

If you have some tim e you can ask pupils to w rite the sentences down in their exercise books.

Ask some strong pupils to w rite sentences on the board too. W alk round the class and praise their efforts, “Good! W ell done!”

ENDING THE LESSONPupils mime the weather words in pairs, and the o ther pupils try to guess

the words.Ask pupils to use like and dislike sentences.

Home workRead (p. 12, ex. 3)

Further practiceU se W o rk b o o k ta s k s a t th e le sso n o r a t hom e.


Page 22: Ahg yaz 3_kl_nesvit


Мета:• навчальна: закріпити лексичні одиниці, активізувати вивчений лексико-граматичний ма­

теріал, розвивати вміння та навички читання, письма, усного монологічного мовлення;• розвивальна: розвивати логічне мислення, увагу та зорову пам’ять, спостережливість,

удосконалювати фонетику та артикуляцію звуків, розвивати усні комунікативні уміння з опорою на наочність, вчити уважно стежити за презентованою інформацією, ефектив­но співпрацювати під час парної та групової роботи, мотивувати готовність брати участь в іншомовному спілкуванні, учити працювати у парі, логічно висловлювати думку;

• виховна: виховувати зацікавленість у розширенні свої знань, використанні навчально­го матеріалу в житті, загальну культуру учнів, виховувати уміння концентруватися, слу­хати інших, формувати доброзичливу атмосферу в класі, вчити культури спілкування сучасного цивілізованого світу.

• Обладнання: таблиця «Пори року», «Календар», картки, пов'язані з порами року та по­годою.

WARM-UPХід уроку


1. Draw or stick w eather pictures on the board: the pictures of the shining sun, falling raindrops, blowing wind, falling snow and clouds. Ask pupils to call out the weather words.

2. Flashcard Charade GameDivide the class into groups of three or four. Give each group a flashcard

(about w eather), m aking sure th a t o ther groups don’t see. Explain th a t children m ust th ink of a way to mime th e ir flashcard. Give them a m inute or two to prepare. Each group then takes tu rn s to do their mimes to the rest of the class and guesses each o ther’s flashcards.

PRESENTATION3. Listen, point and say (p. 14, ex. 1)

Books closed. Read the poem. Pupils listen. Ask the pupils to open the books and look at the p icture.

Pre-teach: learn the word “cool” explain its meaning in the m other tongue.Ask pupils what they th ink the rhyme is going to be about. Pupils answer.

Ask pupils to name the seasons they can see in the pictures. Ask questions “W here are the children in pictures 1, 3 and 6? W hat are they doing? Is the weather good in p ictures 5 and 2?”

Read the lines of the rhym e. Pupils listen . If necessary, help them transla te the words into their own language. Pupils listen and repeat afte r the teacher, f irs t together and then individually.

Ask pupils to read the rhyme chorally. Keep the rhythm . W alk around helping pupils read correctly.

Then ask pupils to read the rhyme one by one if they like.PRACTICE

4. W ork in pairs. Ask and answer (p. 14, ex. 2)Pair work

Ask pupils to read the questions and answers in pairs.M onitor the activ ity and help where necessary.Transfer: pupils fill the gaps in the dialogues three and four, using the

words from the poem of exercise 1 to make true statem ents about themselves.You can w rite the patterns on the board to help pupils make sentences. If

you have some tim e you can ask pupils to w rite the sentences down in their exercise books. Ask some strong pupils to w rite sentences on the board too. Encourage pupils to make th e ir own questions and answers too.


Page 23: Ahg yaz 3_kl_nesvit

W rite some sentences in pupils’ exercise books if you have enough time.

READING AND WRITING5. Choose and say (p. 15, ex. 3)

Ask pupils to read the questions. Pupils read and tran s la te if it is necessary.Pair work

Pupils answer the questions using the necessary inform ation from the brackets.

You can transfo rm the answers into the table to help pupils to choose necessary answers.


playgames in springride a bike in summerjump in autumnrun

leanplay snowballs in winterskiskate

6. Listen and read. Act out the dialogue (p. 15, ex. 4)a) Ask pupils to listen and read the dialogue.

If pupils don’t understand the meaning of some words transla te them into the m other tongue.

Pupils read and practise the sentences for a few m inutes. Go round helping. Do choral and individual repetition. M onitor the activity and help where

necessary.Read i t again and pause a fte r each sentence. Read every sentence

dram atically and tell pupils to repeat afte r you.A fter reading: ask pupils “W hat season does Dan like? W hat about Ann?

W hy? W hat do the children usually do in sum m er/w inter?”Group work

Ask pupils to make the dialogue. Then ask pupils to act out the dialogue.b) Transfer: pupils fill the gaps in the dialogue, using the words from the f irs t dialogue to make true statem ents about themselves.

If you have some tim e you can ask pupils to write the sentences down in their exercise books.

Ask some strong pupils to w rite sentences on the board too.Pupils read and practice their dialogues in pairs. One or two pairs act out

the dialogue.W rite another dialogue on the board changing the main words from the

dialogue and underlining them . Ask the pupils to read the sim ilar dialogue.

7. W rite (p. 15, ex. 5)W rite the sentences on the board and finish them with d ifferen t pictures. Pupils read the beginnings and name the pictures which they like. If you

have enough tim e, you can ask pupils to write d ifferent sentences down in their exercise books. Ask some strong pupils to w rite sentences on the board too.


Read (p. 14, ex. 1)Further practice

U se W o rk b o o k ta sk s a t th e lesson o r a t hom e.


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• навчальна: закріпити нові лексичні одиниці, активізувати вивчений лексико-грама­тичний матеріал, розвивати вміння та навички читання, письма, усного монологіч­ного мовлення;

• розвивальна: розвивати логічне мислення, увагу та зорову пам'ять, спостережливість, удосконалювати фонетику та артикуляцію звуків, розвивати усні комунікативні уміння з опорою на наочність, вчити уважно стежити за презентованою інформацією, ефектив­но співпрацювати під час парної та групової роботи, мотивувати готовність брати участь в іншомовному спілкуванні, учити працювати у парі, логічно висловлювати думку;

• виховна: виховувати зацікавленість у розширенні своїх знань, використанні на­вчального матеріалу в житті, загальну культуру учнів, виховувати уміння концентру­ватися, слухати інших, формувати доброзичливу атмосферу в класі, вчити культури спілкування сучасного цивілізованого світу.

• Обладнання: таблиця «Пори року», «Погода», картки, пов'язані з порами року та погодою.

Хід урокуWARM-UP

1. Do You Remember GameThis game will continue practice of “is /a re ” and “isn ’t /a re n ’t ” . Take ten

or twelve d ifferen t classroom objects (pens, ru lers, rubbers, books, etc.) from pupils in the room. P u t them on, under, next to or near on the table a t the front.

Let pupils look a t the arrangem ent of objects fo r exactly one m inute, try ing to memorize what the objects are, th e ir colours and sizes, make a note or sketch for yourself of the positions of the objects.

A fter the m inute is over, cover all the objects w ith a big cloth so th a t pupils will really have to remember the objects and their arrangem ent.

Ask pupils to say w hat objects are on the desk, to describe th e ir arrangem ent and th e ir colours. Use your own notes or sketch to confirm or query their statem ents: Yes, it is/they are. No, it isn ’t/th e y aren’t.

PRESENTATION2. Listen and repeat (p. 16, ex. 1)

a) Books open. Teach and then drill the new words using the pictures.Read out the caption for each of the pictures in tu rn , while pupils listen

and look at the pictures. Use board sketches, m iming and gestures to check if pupils have understood the meaning of the new words. Pupils take tu rn s to read out the words. Help w ith pronunciation. Go round helping.b) Ask the question “W hat is the weather like today?” pupils have to answer using the new words.

Repeat the question w ith several d ifferen t pupils.

PRACTICE3. Listen, read and m atch (p. 16, ex. 2)

Books closed. Read the poem. Pupils listen.Ask the pupils to open the books and look at the pictures,

a) Ask pupils to name the seasons they can see in the p ictures. Ask the question “W hat is the weather like today?” pupils answer using the new words.

Read the lines of the rhym e. Pupils listen . If necessary, help them transla te the words into their own language. Pupils listen and repeat a fte r the teacher, f irs t together and then individually.




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Ask pupils to read the rhym e chorally. Keep the rhythm . W alk around helping pupils to read correctly. Then ask pupils to read the rhyme one by one if they like and answer the question again.

4. Read and act out (p. 17, ex. 3)Ask pupils to listen and read the dialogues.If pupils don’t understand the meaning of new words transla te them into

the m other tongue or show a picture of th is new word using the exercise 1. Pupils read and practice the dialogues for a few m inutes. Go round helping. Do choral and individual repetition . M onitor the ac tiv ity and help where necessary. Read the dialogues again and pause afte r each sentence. Read every sentence dram atically and tell pupils to repeat afte r you.

A fter reading: ask pupils “W hat weather does Dan like?”Pair work

Ask pupils to make the dialogue. Then ask pupils to act out the dialogue.

READING AND WRITING5. W ork in pairs. Ask and answer (p. 17, ex. 4)

Pair workAsk pupils to read the questions and answers in pairs.M onitor the activ ity and help where necessary. Do choral and individual

repetition.Ask pupils to read and practice th e ir p a rt in the dialogue -for a few

m inutes. Go round helping.One or two pairs read or act out the dialogue. Repeat w ith a d ifferen t

pupil, bu t th is tim e let pupils choose partners to act them out with. Repeat with several d ifferen t pupils.

Transfer: encourage pupils to make their, own questions and answers too.W rite some sentences in pupils’ exercise books if you have enough time.

6. Choose and complete the sentences. Say (p. 17, ex. 5)Ask pupils to make sentences using the words from the table.

Pair workPupils read the words from the table silently to themselves or they work

on them together in pairs. Pupils m atch suitable ones and fill in gaps. If it is necessary transla te the words into m other tongue. Then they read the sentences aloud.

Ask pupils to read the sentences in a chain. Ask to tran sla te diffifcult sentences into m other tongue.

Go round helping. You can ask pupils to w rite the sentences down.Do choral and individual reading again. Help w ith pronunciation and

sentence rhythm especially.M onitor the activity and help where necessary. If you have some tim e you

can ask pupils to w rite the sentences down in their exercise books. Ask some strong pupils to w rite sentences on the board too.

ENDING THE LESSONIn pairs pupils mime the weather words and try to guess them . Ask pupils

to use like and dislike sentences.Home work

Read (p. 16-17, ex. 2, 3, 4)Further practice

Use Workbook tasks a t the lesson or a t home.


Page 26: Ahg yaz 3_kl_nesvit

• навчальна: активізувати вивчений лексико-граматичний матеріал, описувати когось/ щось, висловлювати своє ставлення до когось/чогось, вдосконалювати компетенції читання, аудіювання й усного монологічного мовлення, збільшувати обсяг знань про соціокультурну специфіку мови країни, що вивчається, вдосконалювати уміння буду­вати своє мовне висловлювання, мовну поведінку адекватно цій специфіці;

• розвивальна: розвивати логічне мислення, увагу та зорову пам'ять, спостережли­вість, удосконалювати фонетику та артикуляцію звуків, розвивати усні комунікатив­ні уміння з опорою на наочність, вчити уважно стежити за презентованою інфор­мацією, ефективно співпрацювати під час парної та групової роботи, мотивувати готовність брати участь в іншомовному спілкуванні, учити працювати у парі;

• виховна: виховувати зацікавленість у розширенні свої знань, використанні навчально­го матеріалу в житті, загальну культуру учнів виховувати (формувати) позитивне став­лення до іноземної мови як засобу спілкування, вчити культури спілкування сучасного цивілізованого світу, вчити емоційно-ціннісно ставитись до всього, що нас оточує.

• Обладнання: таблиця «Пори року», картки, пов'язані з порами року та погодою.

Хід урокуWARM-UP

1. Team Spelling GameDivide the class into teams. Give each team an English name.One member from each team comes to the fron t of the class. Each pupil

from another team says a w eather word for the pupil near the board to w rite it. Use the words which are on the board.

Correctly spelt words win a point for the team.PRESENTATION

2. Listen, read and say (p. 18, ex. 1)Books closed. Read the tex ts. Pupils listen.Ask pupils to open the books. Ask questions about the characters on the

page “W here are the children? W hat are they talk ing about? W hat seasons do they like?”Group work

Read the tex ts again. Pupils listen and read in silence.Ask pupils to read and practise their part in the story for a few m inutes. Go

round helping.One or two groups read or act out the dialogue.Repeat w ith a d ifferen t pupil, bu t th is time let pupils choose partners to

act them out with.Repeat with several d ifferen t pupils.

3. Agree or disagree (p. 19, ex. 2)Pair work

Ask pupils to read the sentences in the exercise.Tell them th a t they are going to agree or disagree w ith the sentences.Pupils read and choose the correct sentences.M onitor the activ ity and help where necessary.If pupils don’t understand the meaning of some words transla te them into

the m other tongue.PRACTICE

4. Ask and answer (p. 19, ex. 3)Pair work

Ask pupils to read the questions and answers in pairs.

Lesson 5. ЯКА ПОГОДА У СВІТІ?Мета: Клас



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M onitor the activ ity and help where necessary. Do choral and individual repetition.

Ask pupils to read and practise th e ir questions and answers fo r a few m inutes. Go round helping.

One or two pairs read or act out these questions and answers.Repeat w ith a d ifferen t pupil, bu t th is tim e let pupils choose partners to

act them out with.Repeat w ith several d ifferen t pupils.Transfer: encourage pupils to make the ir own questions and answers too. W rite some sentences in pupils’ exercise books if you have enough tim e.

READING AND WRITING5. Read (p. 19, ex. 4)

Books open. This inform ation reading exercise introduces the use of the preposition “in” with the m onths: in April and the seasons: in winter.

Before reading: pre-teach the words “country” and “often”. Drill the new words two or three tim es. Read the new words again. Pupils listen and repeat them . If i t is necessary transla te them into the m other tongue.

Then read the tex t. Ask pupils to read it too. Pupils either read the tex t silently to themselves or they work on i t together in pairs. Then pupils read the tex t in a chain. Ask to transla te d ifficu lt sentences in to m other tongue. Go round helping.

A fter reading: ask pupils the questions “W hat country is Ann from? W hat w eather is in w inter/sum m er? Is it warm in May? W hat m onths are cold/ warm ?”

Pupils may also be asked to w rite answers to the questions in th e ir exercise books.

Do choral and individual reading again. Ask individuals to read parts of the tex t again aloud. Help w ith pronunciation and sentence rhythm especially. M onitor the activ ity and help where necessary.

6. W rite about Ukraine (p. 19, ex. 5)W rite the sentences on the board and fin ish them with the pictures. Pupils

read the beginnings and name the pictures.K ey:

1. It is cold in (winter).2. It is snowy in (winter).3. It is windy and rainy in (autum n).4. It is warm in (spring).

Ask pupils to use o ther words from the exercise 4.

ENDINGTHE LESSONDisappearing Cards Game

Stick from five to seven flashcards “A ctivities” on the board. Do choral repetition of the words. Then remove one of the flashcards in the sequence. Pupils chant the whole sequence of six words, including the missing one. Repeat removing another flashcard. Continue till there are no flashcards on the board and pupils are saying the whole sequence from memory. You can also play the game by w riting seven words on the board, then rubbing them out one at a time. Home work

Read (p. 18, ex. 1, p.19, ex .4)A ctivity bank: Describe autum n. Draw a picture.

Further practiceU se W o rk b o o k ta s k s a t th e lesson o r a t hom e.


Page 28: Ahg yaz 3_kl_nesvit


• навчальна: практикувати всі види мовленнєвої діяльності, ознайомити з новими лексичними одиницями, повторити раніше вивчені лексичні одиниці, повторити лексичний запас попередніх уроків;

в розвивальна: удосконалювати фонетику та артикуляцію звуків, розвивати усні ко­мунікативні уміння з опорою на наочність, підвищувати рівень особистої мотивації у вивченні англійської мови, розвивати вміння здійснювати самоосвіту, розвивати мовні, інтелектуальні, пізнавальні здібності учнів, узагальнити та систематизувати лексичні одиниці за темами «Пори року»;

• виховна: зацікавити учнів темою уроку, привернути їхню увагу до нових лексичних одиниць, передбачених у цьому уроці, допомогти їм бути розкутими у спілкуванні, вчити використовувати іноземну мову в інших сферах знань, мотивувати готовність брати участь в іншомовному спілкуванні.

• Обладнання: таблиці «Пори року», картки, пов'язані з порами року.

Хід урокуWARM-UP

1. Flash GameShow each flashcard to the children in tu rn very quickly by holding it a t

the sides between your thum b, index and second finger and “flashing” i t or tu rn ing it round very quickly. Children look and guess what it is. Re-cast and introduce the word in English as appropriate.

PRESENTATION2. Listen and read (p. 20, ex. 1)

Books closed. Read the poem. Pupils listen.Ask pupils to open the books.Before reading: pre-teach the words “n a tu re” and “to save” . Show the

flashcards or point a t the picture in exercise 1. Drill the new words two or three times. Read the new words again. Explain the sign * in m other tongue. Pupils listen and repeat the new words again. If it is necessary transla te them into the m other tongue.

Read the poem again. Pupils listen and read in silence. Ask pupils to read and practise the poem for a few m inutes. Go round helping. Ask several d ifferen t pupils to read it loudly. Then pupils read the poem in a chain. Ask them to transla te d ifficult sentences into the m other tongue.

PRACTICE3. Point and say (p. 20, ex. 2)

Ask pupils to look at the picture of exercise 1 again and say what they see. Pupils say the words. Ask the others to repeat these words.Then pupils read the sentences of the exercise and stick the flashcards of

the words on the board.Ask pupils to repeat these words in a chain. If you have enough tim e you

can play a game using the flashcards. So tell pupils th a t they are going to playa new game.ExtraPoint to Game

Stick a set of flashcards to the walls round the classroom. Hold up each one and get the children to say the names as you do this. Give instructions e.g.

“Point to the sun! Poin t to the moon!” Children listen , look round the classroom and point to the correct flashcard as fast as they can.




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READING AND WRITING4. Listen and read,(p. 21, ex. 3)

Books open. Ask pupils to read the tex t.Do choral and individual repetition.If pupils don’t understand the meaning of some words transla te them into

the m other tongue.Pupils read and practise the tex t for a few m inutes. W alk around helping

pupils to read correctly.Do choral and individual repetition if i t ’s necessary. M onitor the activity

and help where necessary.Stress the last sentence. Then ask pupils to read the tex t one by one if they


5. W ork in pairs. Ask and answer (p. 21, ex. 4)Pair work

Ask pupils to read the questions and answers in pairs.M onitor the activity and help where necessary. Do choral and individual

repetition.Ask pupils to read and practise th e ir questions and answers fo r a few

m inutes. Go round helping.One or two pairs read or act out these questions and answers.Repeat w ith a d ifferen t pupil, bu t th is tim e let pupils choose partners to

act them out with.Repeat w ith several d ifferen t pupils.Transfer: encourage pupils to make th e ir own questions and answers too.W rite some sentences in pupils’ exercise books if you have enough tim e.

6. Complete the sentences (p. 21, ex. 5)Ask pupils to make sentences using the pictures in them.

Pair workPupils say the words silently to themselves or they work on them together

in pairs.If it is necessary transla te the words into the m other tongue. Then they

complete the sentences aloud using the p ictures. Ask pupils to read the sentences in a chain. Ask to transla te d ifficu lt sentences into m other tongue. Go round helping. You can ask pupils to write the sentences down.

Do choral and individual reading again. Help w ith pronunciation and sentence rhythm especially.

M onitor the activity and help where necessary.If you have some tim e you can ask pupils to w rite the sentences down in

th e ir exercise books.Ask some strong pupils to w rite sentences on the board too.

ENDING THE LESSONDescribe the summer autum n weather, using the pupils’ pictures (Lesson 5

Home Task) or pictures from magazines or newspapers.Revise the d ifferen t group words which are drawn in the pictures: sea,

clothes, weather, seasons, etc.Home work

Read (p. 20, ex. 1, p.21, ex. 3)A ctivity bank: Describe the natu re of our land.

Further practiceUse Workbook tasks a t the lesson or a t home.


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• навчальна: активізувати та закріпити вивчений лексико-граматичний матеріал, вдо­сконалювати вміння та навички аудіювання, читання, письма, усного мовлення, вчити реагувати невербально на запитання, які передбачають прості відповіді, формувати в учнів комунікативну компетенцію, закріпити прислівники способу дії та вживання їх у мові з опорою на текст, розвивати та удосконалювати мовленнєві компетенції;

• розвивальна: вчити уважно стежити за презентованою інформацією, ефектив­но співпрацювати під час парної та групової роботи, мотивувати готовність брати участь в іншомовному спілкуванні, мотивувати бажання до подальшого самовдос­коналення у галузі оволодіння іноземною мовою, розвивати мовну здогадку;

• виховна: зацікавити учнів темою уроку, привернути їхню увагу до вивченого мате­ріалу, допомогти їм бути розкутими у спілкуванні, виховувати толерантне ставлен­ня до однокласників, викликати в дітей бажання вчитися, вивчати іноземну мову; виховувати дисципліну, повагу до однокласників, звичку до систематичної розумо­вої праці.

• Обладнання: таблиця «Пори року», картки, пов'язані з порами року та погодою.


Хід уроку

WARM-UP1. Team spelling game

Divide the class into two teams. One member from each team comes to the fron t of the class. Each says a word for the pupil near the board to w rite it. Use the words from th is unit.

Correctly spelt words win a point for the team.

PRESENTATION2. Listen, read and choose (p. 22, ex. 1)

Books open. Revise and then drill the season words using the pictures.Read out the caption for each of the pictures in tu rn , while pupils listen

and look a t the pictures.Pupils take tu rn s to read out the words. Help w ith pronunciation. Go

round helping.Read the sentences. Pupils listen and read in silence.Then ask pupils to read the sentences themselves and point a t the necessary

pictures.Ask the question “W hat can we do in sum m er/au tum n/w in ter or spring?”

pupils have to answer using the sentences of the exercise. Repeat the question w ith several d ifferen t pupils.

PRACTICE3. Read (p. 22, ex. 2)

Ask pupils to read the tex t. Do choral and individual repetition.If pupils don’t understand the meaning of some words transla te them into

the m other tongue.Pupils read and practise the tex t for a few m inutes. W alk around helping

pupils to read correctly.Do choral and individual repetition if i t ’s necessary. M onitor the activity

and help where necessary.Then ask pupils to read the tex t one by one if they like.Ask and answer (p. 23, ex. 3)




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Pair workAsk pupils, to read the questions and answers in pairs using the necessary

in fo rm ation from the exercise 2. M onitor the ac tiv ity and help where necessary. Do choral and individual repetition.

Ask pupils to read and practice th e ir questions and answers for a few m inutes. Go round helping.

One or two pairs read or act out these questions and answers.Repeat w ith a d ifferen t pupil, bu t th is tim e let pupils choose partners to

act them out with.Repeat w ith several d ifferen t pupils.Transfer: encourage pupils to make th e ir own questions and answers too. W rite some sentences in pupils’ exercise books if you have enough time.

READING AND WRITING5. Choose the answers which are true for you (p. 23, ex. 4)

Ask pupils to read the questions. Pupils read the questions and answer them choosing the tru e inform ation.Pair work

Pupils ask and answer the questions using the true inform ation again.Ask all pupils to say their answers to the class. M onitor the activ ity and

help where necessary.ExtraI Can See Game

Play w ith the whole class and /o r children play in pairs. Pupil A holds up the book with one of the picture cards behind it. Pupil A says, “Look!” and gradually moves the card up. As soon as Pupil B recognises the picture, they say e.g. “I can see the... sun!” A fter three tu rn s, the pupils change roles.

ENDING THE LESSONDisapearing Cards Game

Stick from, five to seven flashcards “A ctivities” on the board. Do choral repetition of the words. Then remove one of the flashcards in the sequence. Pupils chant the whole sequence of six words, including the m issing one. Repeat removing another flashcard. Continue till there are no flashcards on the board and pupils are saying the whole sequence from the memory. You can also play the game by w riting seven words on the board, then rubbing them out one at a time.Home work

Read (p. 12, ex. 3)A ctivity bank: Project work. Make a poster about your favourite season

(p. 23, ex. 5).Further practice

Use Workbook tasks a t the lesson or a t home.


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Unit 2. OUR SCHOOL Дата


Lesson 1. ДНІ ТИЖНЯМета:

• навчальна: презентувати новий лексичний матеріал за темою «Шкільне життя», практикувати мовні засоби за темою «Шкільне життя», формувати навички вжи­вання нових лексичних одиниць, вдосконалювати компетенції читання, аудіюван- ня й усного монологічного мовлення, збільшувати обсяг знань про соціокультурну специфіку мови країни, що вивчається, вдосконалювати уміння будувати своє мов­не висловлювання, мовну поведінку адекватно цій специфіці;

• розвивальна: вчити уважно стежити за презентованою інформацією, ефектив­но співпрацювати під час парної та групової роботи, мотивувати готовність брати участь в іншомовному спілкуванні, розвивати різні типи пам'яті, учити працювати в парі, логічно висловлювати думку;

• виховна: виховувати уміння концентруватися, слухати інших, формувати доброзич­ливу атмосферу в класі.

• Обладнання: картки за темою «Шкільне життя».

Хід урокуWARM-UP

1. Associations GameSay the name of any of the four seasons. Pupils in pairs try ing to th ink of

and w rite down w ithin a two-minute period as many words as possible they associate with th a t season, e.g. summer — weather, activities, etc.

2. Abracadabra GameChildren play in pairs. Each child lays their cards face down in a row on

their desks.Pupil A points to Pupil B’s firs t card pretends to wave a wind and says e.g.

“Abracadabra! I t ’s March!” Pupil В tu rn s over the card. If i t ’s March, they say “Yes!” and leave the card face up. If it isn ’t March, they should say “No!” and leave the card face down. Pupil В then has the next tu rn .

PRESENTATION3. Listen and learn (p. 24, ex. 1)

Books closed. Read the poem. Pupils listen.Ask pupils to read the name of the week they can see in the pictures.Ask the question “How many children can they see?” Pupils answer.Read the poem again.A fter listening: ask pupils what they th ink these seven names m ust be.

Confirm or correct their guesses. Point out th a t the names of the days of the week all begin with a capital in English. Drill the new words. Ask pupils to read the name of the week they can see in the picture.

Do choral and individual repetition. M onitor the activity and help where necessary.

Set up a days-of-the-week chain round the class. Pupils in tu rn , or random according to who you point to, say the names of the days as fast as possible.They are “out” if they hesitate or say the wrong word.

Read the lines of the rhym e. Pupils listen. If necessary, help them to transla te the words in to th e ir own language. Pupils listen and repeat afte r the teacher, f irs t together and then individually.

Ask pupils to read the rhyme chorally. Keep the rhythm . W alk around helping pupils to read correctly. Then ask pupils to read the rhyme one by one if they like and answer the question again.


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PRACTICE4. Complete the sentences (p. 24, ex. 2)

Ask pupils to look at the sentences and try to complete them using the words from the poem (exercise 1).

Pupils read and complete the sentences to themselves or aloud, in tu rn . Ask pupils to write the sentences down in their exercise books. Ask some

strong pupils to w rite the sentences on the board too.K ey : 1. Ann and Dan come to school on Monday. 2. The children read

and w rite on Tuesday. 3. They do sums and play on W ednesday. 4. Ann and Dan sing a song on Thursday. 5. They like jum ping and run on Saturday and Sunday.

READING AND WRITING5. Look and say (p. 25, ex. 3)

Look at the tim etable. Read the days of the week.Ask about Jan e ’s tim etable “W hat does Jane do on M onday/Tuesday, etc?” Then ask questions about Tom and his friends. Pupils answer using the

table.If you have some tim e you can ask pupils to write the sentences down in

their exercise books.Ask some strong pupils to w rite sentences on the board too.

6. Ask and answer (p. 25, ex. 4)Pair work

Ask pupils to read the questions and answers in pairs.M onitor the activity and help where necessary. Do choral and individual

repetition.Ask pupils to read and practise th e ir questions and answers fo r a few

m inutes. Go round helping.One or two pairs read or act out the dialogues.W rite some sentences in pupils’ exercise books if you have enough tim e.

7. W rite. W hat do you do every day? (p. 25, ex. 5)Tell pupils they are going to make a story what they do every day.

Pair workAsk pupils to look at the sentences and try to complete them using the

words from the poem (exercise 1).Check up the sentences. Pupils read and complete the sentences to

themselves or aloud, in tu rn .Ask pupils to w rite the sentences down in their exercise books. Ask some

strong pupils to w rite the sentences on the board too.K ey: I go to school 5 days a week. I usually read and w rite on Monday.

I often do sums on W ednesday. I jump and run on Saturday and Sunday.


Miming GameTell pupils to mime the actions they do a t an English lesson for the other

pupils to guess. If the task is ra the r d ifficult and you want to safe the time of the lesson, stick some flashcards on the board for help.Home work

Read (p. 24, ex. 1)A ctiv ity bank: Ask pupils to draw th e ir own tim etables following the

example (exercise 3).Further practice

Use Workbook tasks a t the lesson or a t home.


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• навчальна: ознайомити з новими лексичними одиницями, активізувати вивчений лексико-граматичний матеріал попередніх розділів, розвивати вміння та навички читання, письма, усного монологічного та діалогічного мовлення;

• розливальна: розвивати логічне мислення, увагу та зорову пам'ять, спостережли­вість, удосконалювати фонетику та артикуляцію звуків, розвивати усні комунікатив­ні уміння з опорою на наочність, вчити логічно висловлювати думку;

• виховна: виховувати зацікавленість у розширенні свої знань, використанні на­вчального матеріалу в житті, загальну культуру учнів.

• Обладнання: таблиця «Школа. Шкільне приладдя», тематичні картки.

Хід урокуWARM-UP

1. Revise the classroom commands and prepositions. Give instructions to the pu­pils: “Stand a t the board, Mary. P u t your pen under the book.” etc.PRESENTATION

2. Match the words with pictures (p. 24, ex. 1)Books open. Ask pupils to look a t the pictures and name them.Ask pupils to read the words and spell each word.

Pair workAsk one pupil to go to the board and w rite the f irs t word on the board while

another pupil is spelling it.Dialogue: in pairs, pupils read and practice the words: “W h a t’s N um ­

ber 1? — Number 1 is a desk. W hat’s Number 2? — Number 2 is a pencil.”Keep the books closed. P u t the small classroom objects listed in the exer­

cise into the Feely Bag, naming each one clearly twice as you put it in.P u t your hand into the bag, feel about, ask “W hat’s th is?” several times

looking puzzled. Then pull out the objects one by one. Name each object two or three tim es again a fte r pulling it out: “a ruler... a ru ler...”

Pupils repeat the name of each object a fte r you.Present and practice “a book”, “a bag” and “an exercise-book”, pointing at

and nam ing the objects. Pupils listen and repeat.PRACTICE

3. Read and complete (p. 26, ex. 2)Ask pupils to name the pictures because they are going to make sentences

using these p ictures in them.Pair work

Pupils say the words silently to themselves or they work on them together in pairs.

If it is necessary transla te the words into the m other tongue. Then they complete the sentences aloud using the pictures. Ask pupils to read the sen­tences in a chain. Ask to transla te d ifficu lt sentences into m other tongue. Go round helping. You can ask pupils to w rite the sentences down.

Do choral and individual reading again. Help with pronunciation and sen­tence rhythm especially.

M onitor the activ ity and help where necessary.If you have some time you can ask pupils to w rite the sentences down in

the ir exercise books.Ask some strong pupils to w rite sentences on the board too.

4. Ask and answer (p. 26, ex. 3)Pair work

Tell pupils to read the questions and complete the answers in pairs using the inform ation from exercise 2. Tell pupils to give short and full answers.




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M onitor the activ ity and help where necessary. Do choral and individual repetition.

Ask pupils ‘to read and practise their questions and answers for a few m in­utes. Go round helping.

One or two pairs read or act out these questions and answers.Repeat with a d ifferen t pupil, bu t th is tim e let pupils choose partners to

act them out with.Repeat w ith several d ifferen t pupils. W rite some sentences in pupils’ exer­

cise books if you have enough time.Transfer: w rite the beginnings of the questions and answers on the board

and ask pupils fill the gaps “Do you like...?” or “I don’t...” to make true s ta te ­m ents about themselves.

Then pupils fill the gaps, using the sentence “He/She doesn’t...” to make tru e statem ents about their friends.

READING AND WRITING5. M atch, read and act out (p. 27, ex. 4)

a) Ask pupils to look at the pictures. Ask “W hat school objects can they see? W hat colour is the bag /a pencil case/a pen?” Pupils answer.Group work

Ask pupils to read the dialogue.M onitor the activ ity and help where necessary. Do choral and individual

repetition.Ask pupils to read and practise their dialogues for a few m inutes. Go round

helping.One or two groups read or act out these questions and answers.Repeat w ith a d ifferen t pupil, bu t th is tim e let pupils choose partners to

act them out with.Repeat w ith several d ifferen t pupils.

b) Transfer: encourage pupils to make their own questions and answers using the beginning of the sentences from the dialogue.

W rite one dialogue in pupils’ exercise books if you have enough time.6. Complete the sentences (p. 27, ex. 5)

Ask pupils to make sentences using the words from the brackets.Individual or pair work: pupils read the words from the brackets silently to

themselves or they work on them together in pairs. Pupils match suitable ones and fill in gaps.

Then they read the sentences aloud. If you have some tim e you can ask pu­pils to w rite the sentences down in their exercise books. Ask some strong pu­pils to w rite sentences on the board too.

Then ask pupils to read the sentences in a chain. Ask weak pupils to tra n s­late some sentences into the m other tongue. Go round helping. You can ask pu­pils to write the sentences down.

Do choral and individual reading again. Help w ith pronunciation and sen­tence rhythm especially.

M onitor the activity and help where necessary.


Home workR ead(p. 2 6 ,ex. 2)

Further practiceUse Workbook tasks a t the lesson or a t home.


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Мета:• навчальна: закріпити новий лексичний матеріал за підтемою «Шкільні предмети»,

практикувати мовні засоби за цією підтемою, формувати навички вживання нових лексичних одиниць, вдосконалювати компетенції читання, аудіювання й усного мо­нологічного мовлення на задану тематику;

• розвивальна: вчити уважно стежити за презентованою інформацією однокласни­ків, ефективно співпрацювати під час парної та групової роботи, мотивувати готов­ність брати участь в іншомовному спілкуванні, розвивати різні типи пам'яті — слу­хову, зорову, увагу, уяву, учити працювати у парі, логічно висловлювати думку;

• виховна: виховувати уміння концентруватися, слухати інших, формувати доброзич­ливу атмосферу в класі.

• Обладнання: картки за темою «Шкільні предмети».

Хід урокуWARM-UP

1. Pass the Card GamePlay w ith the whole class. Children stand or s it w ith you in a circle. Show

the f irs t card to the child on your left who names w hat’s in the picture e.g. A pencil!

This child then shows the card to the child next to them , who names w hat’s in the picture and passes it on round the circle in the same way. Once the card has passed to three or four children, s ta r t the process again w ith another card.

Continue the game in the same way with all the picture cards.

PRESENTATION2. Listen and repeat (p. 28, ex. 1)

a) Books open. Teach and then drill the new words using the pictures.Read out the caption for each of the p ictures in tu rn , while pupils listen

and look at the pictures. Use board sketches, m im ing and gestures to check if pupils have understood the meaning of the new words.

Pupils take tu rn s to read out the words. Help w ith pronunciation. Go round helping.

Ask the question “W hat is your favourite subject?” pupils have to answer using the new words.

Repeat the question w ith several d ifferen t pupils.b) W hat subject does Dan like? Listen and tick.

Tell pupils you are going to read the tex t about Dan and ask pupils to listen and answer the question, “W hat subject does Dan like?”

PRACTICE3. Read and check yourself (p. 28, ex. 2)

Books closed. Read the tex t. Pupils listen. Ask “W hat subject does Dan like?”

K ey:Dan likes M aths, Computer Studies, English and PE.Pupils answer. Ask pupils to open the books.Read the tex ts again. Pupils listen and read in silence. Ask pupils to read

and practise the tex t for a few m inutes. Go round helping. Ask pupils to read the tex t in a chain. Pupils repeat the sentences chorally and individually.

4. Look and say (p. 29, ex. 3)Tell pupils th a t i t ’s a tim etable. Ask “Whose tim etable is i t? ”




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Ask pupils to answer the second question, “W hich lessons does A nn/Tom / Jane like?”

Then begin to ask strong pupils “W hich lessons do the pupils like?”If you have some tim e you can ask pupils to w rite the sentences down in

their exercise books.Ask some strong pupils to w rite sentences on the board too.

ExtraTeam Spelling Game

Name teams. Divide the class into teams. Give each team an English name. One member from each team comes to the fron t of the class. Each says

a weather word for the other to write on the board using the words which are on the board.

Correctly spelt words win a point for the team.

READING AND WRITING5. Agree or disagree (p. 29, ex. 4)

Pair workAsk pupils to read the sentences in the exercise.Tell them th a t they are going to agree or disagree w ith the sentences.Pupils read and choose the correct sentences. M onitor the activity and help

where necessary.If pupils don’t understand the meaning of some words transla te them into

the m other tongue.ExtraFlashcard Charade Game

Divide the class into groups of three or four. Give each group a flashcard (school subjects), m aking sure th a t o ther groups don’t see. Explain th a t children m ust th ink of a way to mime their flashcard. Give them a m inute or two to prepare. Each group then takes tu rn s to do their mimes to the rest of the class and guess each o ther’s flashcards.

6. Read and act out (p. 29, ex. 5)a) Pair work

Ask pupils to read the dialogue in pairs.M onitor the activ ity and help where necessary. Do choral and individual

repetition.Go round helping. One or two pairs read or act out the dialogue.Repeat w ith a d ifferent pupil, but th is tim e let pupils choose partners to

act them out with.Repeat with several d ifferent pupils.

b) Make up your dialogue about favourite subjects.Transfer: encourage pupils to make their own dialogues too.

ENDING THE LESSON7. Speak about your tim etable

Pair workPupils in pairs take tu rn to say some sentences about their own tim etables,

following the tex t (exercise 3).Home work

Read (p. 28, ex. 3)A ctivity bank: Ask pupils to draw their own tim etables.

Further practiceUse Workbook tasks a t the lesson or a t home.


Page 38: Ahg yaz 3_kl_nesvit

• навчальна: закріпити новий лексичний матеріал за темою «Шкільні предмети», практикувати мовні засоби за темою «Шкільні предмети», формувати навички вжи­вання нових лексичних одиниць, вдосконалювати компетенції читання, аудіювання й усного монологічного мовлення;

• розвивальна: розвивати мовленнєві компетенції, комунікативні здібності учнів, навич­ки аудіювання та діалогічного мовлення, толерантного ставлення до однокласників;

• виховна: виховувати уміння концентруватися, слухати інших, формувати доброзич­ливу атмосферу в класі,

• Обладнання: картки за темою «Шкільні предмети».

Хід уроку

WARM-UP1. Disappearing Cards Game

Stick five flashcards “the days of the week” on the board. Do choral repetition of the words. Then remove one of the flashcards in the sequence. Pupils chant the whole sequence of six words, including the m issing one. Repeat removing another flashcard. Continue till there are no flashcards on the board and pupils are saying the whole sequence from the memory. You can also play the game by w riting five words on the board, then rubbing them out one at a time.

2. S ta rt a day-of-the-week chain round the class

PRESENTATION3. Listen and repeat (p. ЗО, ex. 1)

Books open. Teach and then drill the new words using the pictures.Read out the caption for each of the pictures in tu rn , while pupils listen

and look at the pictures. Use board sketches, miming and gestures to check if pupils have understood the meaning of the nfew words.

Pupils take tu rn s to read out the words. Help w ith pronunciation. Go round helping.

Use the flashcards and ask pupils to go to the board, point to the necessary flashcard and repeat the new words. If the class is strong ask pupils to make sentences with the new words.

4. Choose and say (p. 30, ex. 2)Ask pupils to read the sentences and complete w ith the suitable word

combinations.Pupils read and complete. They can tran s la te the sentences if it is


PRACTICE5. Ask and answer (p. 31, ex. 3)

Ask pupils to look at the pattern questions and answers about d ifferent questions.

Read them in pairs.Pair work

Pupils read the dialogue using the words from the table. Then they take tu rn s to ask and answer in the same way, using the pa tte rn and the table again.

Pupils act out the dialogue in pairs using the school subjects. One or two pairs act out the dialogue, and so on. Repeat w ith several d ifferen t pupils.





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READING AND WRITING6. a) Listen, read and act out (p. 31, ex. 4)

Books open*. Read the dialogue. Pupils listen and read too.Ask questions about the characters on the page, “W ho are these children?

W hat are they doing? W hat lesson is i t? ” Then ask about the charac te rs’ clothing “W hat colour is Kim ’s dress? W hat colour is Tom’s T -shirt?”

Present the words “pain ts” and “to draw ”. Mime the word “counting” and draw something on the board. Show the flashcards of these words if you have and drill the new words. If pupils don’t understand the meaning of the words transla te them into their m other tongue. Read the dialogues again.

Ask pupils to read and practice the dialogue for a few m inutes. Go round helping.

One or two groups read or act out the dialogue.Repeat w ith a d ifferen t pupil, bu t th is tim e let pupils choose partners to

act them out with.Repeat w ith several d ifferen t pupils. Do choral and individual repetition.

M onitor the activity and help where necessary,c) Make up your own dialogue

Read the dialogue again and pause a fte r each sentence. Read every sentence dram atically and tell pupils to repeat afte r you.Group work

Ask pupils to read the dialogue 2 and complete it.Transfer: pupils fill the gaps in the dialogue, using the words from the

f irs t dialogue to make true statem ents about themselves.If you have some tim e you can ask pupils to w rite the sentences down in

th e ir exercise books.Ask some strong pupils to w rite sentences on the board too.Pupils read and practice their dialogues in groups. One or two pairs act out

the dialogue.W rite another dialogue on the board changing the main words from the

dialogue and underlining them.

7. W rite about your favourite lesson (p. 31, ex. 5)W rite the sentences on the board and finish them w ith d ifferen t pictures.

Ask pupils to name the pictures.Pupils read the beginnings and name the pictures which they like. Then

ask pupils to w rite the full sentences down in their exercise books. Ask some strong pupils to w rite sentences on the board too.

W alk round the class and praise their efforts, “Good! Well done!”


8. Robot GameThe class pretends to be robots and do as you tell them.Say the classroom commands. Pupils listen and do the actions. M onitor the

activ ity and help where necessary.Home work

Read (p. 30, ex. 2, p. 31, ex. 3, 4)Further practice

Use Workbook tasks a t the lesson or a t home.


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Lesson 5. МІЙ КЛАС

• навчальна: активізувати вивчений лексико-граматичний матеріал, розвивати вмін­ня та навички читання, письма, усного мовлення, вдосконалювати компетенції аудіювання й усного монологічного мовлення;

• розвивальна: розвивати логічне мислення, увагу та зорову пам'ять, спостережли­вість, удосконалювати фонетику та артикуляцію звуків, усні комунікативні уміння з опорою на наочність;

• виховна: виховувати бажання використовувати навчальний матеріал у житті, заці­кавленість у розширенні своїх знань.

• Обладнання: плакат «Шкільні речі», тематичні картки.

Хід урокуWARM-UP

1. Associations GameSay the name of any of the four school th ings. Pupils in pairs work

together, try ing to th ink of and w rite down w ithin a two-m inute period as many words as possible they associate w ith th a t th ing e.g. bag — book, pencil case, etc, pencil case — pen, ru ler, etc.

PRESENTATION2. Look, read and compare (p. 32, ex. 1)

Books open. Ask pupils to look at the pictures. Ask “How many books are there on the table?” pupils answer. Then ask “How many books are there on the shelf?” Pay a tten tion th a t some things are close to the boy and some th ings are far from the girl. Read the sentences.

If you have enough tim e, ask pupils to w rite the sentences down and underline the words.

Ask pupils to read the sentences a fte r you. Do choral and individual repetition.

M onitor the activ ity and help where necessary. Pay their atten tion a t the words “This/These - here” and “That/Those - there” . You can explain when pupils can use them . If pupils have d ifficu lties, explain th is ru le in th e ir m other tongue draw ing the pictures “here” and “there”.

3. Complete the sentences (p. 32, ex. 2)Ask pupils to complete the sentences reading the examples of the exercise.

Pair workPupils read the sentences silen tly to them selves or they work on them

together in pairs.Then they complete the sentences aloud using the pictures.Ask pupils to read the sentences in a chain. Ask to tran s la te d ifficu lt

sentences into the m other tongue.If you have some tim e you can ask pupils to w rite the sentences down in

their exercise books.Ask some strong pupils to w rite sentences on the board too.

ExtraStick the school pictures, real school th ings or label the fu rn itu re round

the class. Drill each of the words.Then ask a strong pupil to be a guide and show classroom and school things

for pupils.Help the pupil describe the school pictures, real school th ings or the labeled

fu rn itu re round the class asking the questions if it is necessary.If the class is not strong you can be a guide too.




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4. Look at the pictures. Ask and answer (p. 32, ex. 3)Ask pupils to look a t the p ictures and name as many th ings as possible.

Pair workTell pupils to read the questions and complete the answers in pairs using

the inform ation from exercise 2.M onitor the activity and help where necessary. Do choral and individual

repetition.Pay their a ttention a t the words “This/These — here” and “That/Those —

there”. You can explain when pupils can use them . If pupils have difficulties, explain th is rule in the m other tongue drawing the pictures “here” and “there”.

Ask pupils to read and practise th e ir questions and answers fo r a few m inutes. Go round helping.

. One or two pairs read or act out these questions and answers.Repeat w ith a d ifferen t pupil, bu t th is tim e let pupils choose partners to

act them out with.Transfer: w rite the beginnings of the questions and answers on the board

and ask pupils to fill the gaps to make true statem ents about th e ir real class.

PRACTICE5. a) Listen, read and act out (p. 33, ex. 4)

Books open. Read the dialogue. Pupils listen and read too.Present the word “lig h t”. Show the flashcards of th is word if you have

and drill the new word. If pupils don’t understand the meaning of the word transla te it in to the m other tongue.

Then read the next dialogue. Ask pupils read and practice the dialogue for a few m inutes. Go round helping. One or two groups read or act out the dialogues.

Repeat w ith a d ifferen t pupil, bu t th is tim e let pupils choose partners to act them out with.

T ransfer: encourage pupils to make th e ir own dialogues using the inform ation about th e ir classroom and friends too. b) W ork in pairs. Ask and answer (p. 33, ex. 4)Pair work

Ask pupils to read the questions and answers in pairs.One or two pairs read or act out these questions and answers.Transfer: encourage pupils to make th e ir own questions and answers too. W rite some sentences in pupils’ exercise books if you have enough time.

READING AND WRITING6. W rite about the th ings in your classroom (p. 33, ex. 5)

W rite the sentences on the board and finish them w ith d ifferen t pictures. Ask pupils to name the pictures.

Then ask pupils to w rite the full sentences down in th e ir exercise books.

ENDINGTHE LESSON7. Anagrams Race Game

Divide the class in to two team s. Each team makes up an anagram for any school object e.g., “gba” (bag) or any other words, verbs or prepositions. Play two or three rounds of the game.Home work

Read (p. 32, ex. 1, p. 33, ex. 4)A ctivity bank: describe your classroom.

Further practiceUse Workbook tasks a t the lesson or a t home.


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Lesson б. МІЙ КЛАС

• навчальна: активізувати вивчений лексико-граматичний матеріал, розвивати вмін­ня та навички читання, письма, усного мовлення, вдосконалювати компетенції аудіювання й усного монологічного мовлення;

• розливальна: розвивати логічне мислення, увагу та зорову пам'ять, спостережли­вість, удосконалювати фонетику та артикуляцію звуків, усні комунікативні уміння з опорою на наочність;

• виховна: виховувати бажання використовувати навчальний матеріал у житті, заці­кавленість у розширенні своїх знань.

• Обладнання: плакат «Шкільні речі», тематичні картки.


1. Number Race GameW rite numbers from 1 to 20 on the board. Divide the class into two teams and

give a pupil from each team a piece of chalk. Say a number. The firs t pupil to run to the board and draw a circle round the correct number wins a point for their team. This game can also be played with words or with letters of the alphabet.

PRESENTATION2. Look at the p icture. Listen and read (p. 34, ex. 1)

Books open. Before reading: pre-teach and drill the words “com puter” and “teacher’s table” which the pupils have met in reading before. Ask pupils to look a t the picture in the exercise.

Ask them “W hat is it? Is i t a room? Is it a bedroom?” Get them to identify the type of the room “Is it a classroom?”

Ask pupils to read the tex t. Pupils e ith e r read the te x t silen tly to themselves or they work on it together in pairs.

A fter reading: ask pupils the questions “W hat are there in the classroom? W hat do pupils see on the teacher’s table?” Pupils may also be asked to w rite answers to the questions in their exercise books.

Do choral and individual reading.Ask ind iv iduals to read p a rts of the te x t again aloud. Help w ith

pronunciation and sentence rhythm especially. M onitor the activ ity and help where necessary.ExtraMemory Game1. W rite words from any sentence on the board. Pupils close their eyes while you remove one word. Pupils then open their eyes and try to remember what is missing. They can e ither say the word or w rite it down if they can.2. W rite the words from any sentence of the tex t on the board in jumbled order. Pupils w rite the words in the correct order in th e ir exercise books.

PRACTICE3. Agree or disagree (p. 34, ex. 2)

Pair workAsk pupils to read the sentences in the exercise and answer “T rue” or

“False” about the classroom in the exercise 1.Tell them th a t they are going to agree or disagree w ith the sentences.

Pupils read and choose the correct sentences. M onitor the activ ity and help where necessary.




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If pupils don’t understand the meaning of some words transla te them into the m other tongue.

4. Choose one picture. Ask and answerGuess what picture it is (p. 34, ex. 4).Read the d ialogue-patterns of the exercise. Ask pupils to look a t the

pictures.Divide the class into two team s. Ask one team to choose one picture. Ask

the other team to make questions to th is p icture using the patterns. The firs t team answers the questions using the patterns too.

Ask a strong pupil the f irs t question from the dialogues.The pupil answers. If i t is d ifficu lt to answer help h im /her. Ask the

second question. Do the same procedure. Ask some o ther pupils. Do choral and individual repetition.Pair work

Pupils read and answer the questions using the patterns.M onitor the activity and help where necessary.


Draw a picture of your classroom. W rite about it (p. 34, ex. 5).Divide the class into some groups from 4 to 5 pupils. Ask pupils to draw

a picture of th e ir classroom. Pupils draw and describe the classroom using the sentences from the exercise. If you don’t have enough tim e you may ask pupils to finish their project next lesson.


Pupils make a grid of six squares. They w rite a num ber in each square. Call out numbers a t random: if pupils have the num ber you call out on th e ir grid, they tick it, or cross i t off, or cover i t w ith a small piece of paper. The firs t pupil to tick /cross/cover all six num bers on th e ir grid calls out “Bingo!” and is the winner. This can also be played w ith words, e.g., school subjects, days of the week, anim als, foods, toys, etc.Home work

Read (p. 34, ex. 1)Further practice

Use W orkbook tasks a t the lesson or at home.



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• навчальна: закріпити лексичний матеріал за темою «Я, моя сім'я та друзі», прак­тикувати мовні засоби за темою «Я, моя сім'я та друзі», формувати навички вжи­вання нових лексичних одиниць, вдосконалювати компетенції читання, аудіювання й усного діалогічного мовлення;

• розвивальна: вчити уважно стежити за презентованою інформацією, ефектив­но співпрацювати під час парної та групової роботи, мотивувати готовність брати участь в іншомовному спілкуванні, розвивати різні типи пам'яті — слухову, зорову, увагу, уяву, учити працювати у парі, логічно висловлювати думку;

• виховна: виховувати уміння концентруватися, слухати інших, формувати доброзич­ливу атмосферу в класі.

• Обладнання: картки за темою «Дозвілля», плакат «На уроці англійської мови».

Хід урокуWARM-UP

1. Miming GameGive pupils instructions to mime actions (for example what they do a t an

English lesson) for the other pupils to guess. These instructions can be w ritten on slips of paper so pupils can use the words from the chant again.

PRESENTATION2. Listen and repeat (p. 36, ex. 1)

a) Books open. Teach and then drill the new words using the pictures.Read out the caption for each of the pictures in tu rn , while pupils listen

and look a t the pictures. Use board sketches, m iming and gestures to check if pupils have understood the meaning of the new words. Pupils take tu rn s to read out the words. Help with pronunciation. Go round helping.b) Ask the question “W hat do you like doing?” Pupils have to answer using the new words.

Repeat the question w ith several d ifferen t pupils.

PRACTICE3. Read the tex t (p. 37, ex. 2)

Pupils listen and read the tex t in silence. If it is necessary transla te it into the m other tongue.

Then read the tex t again. Ask pupils to read it too. Pupils either read the tex t silently to themselves or they work on i t together in pairs.

Then pupils read the tex t in a chain. Ask to transla te d ifficult sentences into the m other tongue.

Go round helping. Do choral and individual repetition.A fter reading: ask pupils the questions “Does Tom go to school? W hat days

does he play football? W hat does he do on Sunday and Saturday?”Pupils may also be asked to w rite answers to the questions in their exercise

books.Do choral and individual reading again.Ask indiv iduals to read p a rts of the tex t again aloud. Help w ith

pronunciation and sentence rhythm especially. M onitor the activ ity and help where necessary.

4. W hat does Tom usually do?Tick and say (p. 37, ex. 2).





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Pair workAsk pupils to read the sentences in the exercise and complete them with the

true word combinations about Tom in the exercise 2.Tell them th a t they are going to agree or d isagree w ith the word

com binations and choose the r ig h t ones. Pupils read and choose correct variants. M onitor the activity and help where necessary.

If pupils don’t understand the meaning of some v/ords transla te them into the m other tongue.

5. W ork in pairs. Ask and answer (p. 37, ex. 4)Pair work

Ask pupils to read the questions and answers in pairs.M onitor the activity and help where necessary. Do choral and individual

repetition.Ask pupils to read and practice th e ir questions and answers for a few

m inutes. Go round helping.One or two pairs read or act out these questions and answers.Repeat with a d ifferen t pupil, bu t this tim e let pupils choose partners to

act them out with.Repeat with several d ifferen t pupils.Transfer: encourage pupils to make their own questions and answers too.W rite some sentences in pupils’ exercise books if you have enough time.

READING AND WRITING6. W rite and say about yourself (p. 37, ex. 5)

W rite the sentences on the board and finish them with d ifferen t suitable pictures. Ask pupils to name the pictures.

Pupils read the beginnings and name the pictures which they like.Then ask pupils to w rite the full sentences down in their exercise books.Ask some strong pupils to w rite sentences on the board too.W alk round the class and praise their efforts “Good! Well done!”

ExtraTrue or False Game

Hold a flashcard facing you and tell pupils you are going to say a true or a false sentence.

Say the tru e or false sentence about the card in your hand, e.g. hold a picture “to play basketball” and say “I like playing tennis” .

If pupils th ink you are telling the tru th , they call out “True!” If they don’t, they call out “False!” A lternatively, pupils can do one of two agreed actions.

Reveal the flashcard in your hand then ask a pupil to choose a flashcard make sure th a t the other pupils can’t see it.

Ask the pupil to say a true or false sentence about the flashcard th a t he/she has got.

Continue until all of the words have been practised.

ENDING THE LESSONStick a school objects picture or some o ther pictures to the board. Ask

pupils to look at it/them .Ask pupils to name the objects.

Home workRead (p. 37, ex. 2)

Further practiceUse Workbook tasks at the lesson or at home.


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Lesson 8. ПЕРЕВІР СЕБЕ Дата


• навчальна: активізувати та закріпити вивчений лексико-граматичний матеріал, вдо­сконалювати вміння та навички аудіювання, читання, письма, усного мовлення, ре­агувати невербально на запитання, які потребують простих відповідей, формувати в учнів комунікативну компетенцію, закріпити прислівники способу дії та вживан­ня їх у мові з опорою на текст, розвивати та удосконалювати мовленнєві компетенції;

• розливальна вчити уважно стежити за презентованою інформацією, ефектив­но співпрацювати під час парної та групової роботи, мотивувати готовність брати участь в іншомовному спілкуванні, мотивувати бажання до подальшого самовдос­коналення у галузі оволодіння іноземною мовою, розвивати мовну здогадку;

• виховна: зацікавити учнів темою уроку, привернути їхню увагу до вивченого мате­ріалу, допомогти їм бути розкутими у спілкуванні, виховувати толерантне ставлен­ня до однокласників, викликати в дітей бажання вчитися; вивчати іноземну мову; виховувати дисципліну, повагу до однокласників, звичку до систематичної розумо­вої праці, ефективно співпрацювати під час парної та групової роботи.

• Обладнання: картки за темою «Школа», «Дозвілля», плакат «На уроці англійської мови».

Хід урокуWARM-UP

1. Team Spelling GameDivide the class into two teams. One member from each team comes to the

fron t of the class. Each says a word for the pupil near the board to w rite it. Use the words from th is unit.

Correctly spelt words win a point for the team.

PRESENTATION2. Choose, tick A or В and say (p. 38, ex. 1)

Ask pupils to look at the pictures and say what the children are doing in the f irs t and the second pictures.

Pupils listen and point a t the actions.Then ask two questions “W hat do you do at the lessons?” and “W hat do you

do afte r school?”Pupils answer one by one.Then read the words, w rite them in the pupils’ exercise books and tick A or

В at every word combination.

PRACTICE3. Complete the sentences. Use your answers from exercise 1 (p.38, ex. 2)

Ask pupils to make sentences using the words from exercise 1.Individual or pair work

Pupils read the words from exercise 1 silently to themselves or they work on them together in pairs. Pupils choose suitable words and fill in gaps.

Then they read the sentences aloud. If you have some tim e you can ask pupils to w rite the sentences down in their exercise books.

Ask some strong pupils to w rite sentences on the board too.Then ask pupils to read the sentences in a chain.Do choral and individual reading again. Help w ith pronunciation and

sentence rhythm especially.M onitor the activ ity and help where necessary.

4. a) Choose and w rite (p. 38, ex. 3)Pay the pupils’ a tten tion at the words “This/These — here” and “T hat/

Those — there” . Remember or explain again when pupils can use them . If



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pupils have difficulties, explain th is rule in the m other tongue drawing the pictures “here” and “there” .

Read the sentences and choose the rig h t varian t. If i t is necessary translate the sentences into the m other tongue.b) Listen and check

Listen to the righ t sentences again. Check them up.

READING AND WRITING5. a) Read the tex t (p. 38, ex. 3)

Pupils listen and read the tex t in silence. If it is necessary transla te some d ifficult sentences into the m other tongue.

Then read the tex t again. Pupils either read the tex t silently to themselves or they work on it together in pairs.

Then pupils read the tex t in a chain. Ask to transla te d ifficult sentences into the m other tongue.

Go round helping. Do choral and individual repetition.A fter reading: ask pupils the questions “Are Tom and Ann classmates? Do

they go to school? W hen does Tom play football? How many lessons do they have every day?”

Pupils may also be asked to w rite answers to the questions in their exercise books. Do choral and individual reading again. Ask some studen ts to read parts of the tex t again aloud. Help w ith pronunciation and sentence rhythm especially. M onitor the activity and help where necessary, b) Answer the questions Pair work

Ask pupils to read the questions and answers in pairs using the necessary inform ation from the tex t.

M onitor the activ ity and help where necessary. Do choral and individual repetition.

Ask pupils to read and practice th e ir questions and answers fo r a few m inutes. Go round helping.

One or two pairs read or act out these questions and answers.Repeat w ith a d ifferen t pupil, bu t th is tim e let pupils choose partners to

act them out with.Repeat w ith several d ifferent pupils.Transfer: encourage pupils to make their own questions and answers too. W rite some sentences in pupils’ exercise books if you hhve enough time.

6. a) W hat do Ann and Dan like? Look at the pictures and say. (p. 39, ex. 5)Ask pupils to look at the pictures.Ask “W hat are Ann and Tom like doing?”Then ask pupils to read the sentences under the picture and complete them

using the tex t of exercise 4 and the picture, b) W rite your answers

Ask some strong pupils to go to the board and w rite the sentences about •* Ann and Tom on the board.


Home workRead (p. 39, ex. 4)Bring a fam ily photo.A ctivity bank: Describe your school day.

Further practiceUse Workbook tasks a t the lesson or a t home.


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Мета:• навчальна: презентувати новий граматичний і лексичний матеріал за темою «Моя

сім'я»; практикувати мовні засоби за темою «Моя сім'я»; формувати навички вжи­вання нових лексичних одиниць, вдосконалювати компетенції читання, аудіювання й усного монологічного мовлення;

• розвивальна: розвивати навички аудіювання, спонтанні відповіді на запитання та швидку реакцію; вчити уважно стежити за презентованою інформацією; ефективно співпрацювати під час парної та групової роботи;

• виховна: виховувати уміння концентруватися, слухати інших, формувати доброзич­ливу атмосферу в класі.

• Обладнання: плакат та картки за темою «Сім'я», плакат «Дієслово То Ье».

Хід уроку

WARM-UP1. Rhyming Words Game

P u t two or three phonics cards up around the room, saying the words for children to repeat.

Ask children to stand up at the ir desks. Tell them you are going to call out words which rhyme with these words.

Call out other words from the phonics lessons which rhyme with these words.

Children point to the words on the wall. W ith a strong class, you may also ask them to repeat both words.

Gradually get faster and faster. Children who point to the wrong word are out and have to sit down.

Option: w ith a lim ited num ber of words, you may call out both the words on the cards and words which rhyme with them.

PRESENTATION2. Listen, read and learn the poem (p. 40, ex. 1)

Books closed. Pre-teach; revise the word “paren ts” explain its meaning fa the r and m other are parents. Then revise the words “uncle” , “au n t” and “cousins” .

Ask the pupils to open the books and look at the pictures.Ask pupils what they th ink the rhyme is going to be about.Pupils answer. Read the poem. Pupils listen. Read the lines of the rhyme.

Pupils listen.If necessary, help them to transla te the words into their own language.

Pupils listen and repeat a fte r the teacher, f irs t together and then individually. Ask pupils to read the rhyme chorally.

Keep the rhythm . W alk around helping pupils to read correctly. Then ask pupils to read the rhyme one by one if they like.

3. Complete the dialogue with is, are (p. 41, ex. 2)W ork with the poster “The Verb to Be” or w rite down the verb to be with

d ifferent personal pronouns on the board. Translate the meanings of the verb to be. Explain the short form s too.

Ask pupils to complete the dialogue. Read the dialogue and fill in gaps. Pupils listen and repeat.

4 7

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Ask pupils to read the dialogues. Do choral and individual repetition.


4. Listen and check. Act out the dialogues (p. 41, ex. 3)Listen to the righ t sentences again. Check them up. Ask pupils to read the

dialogues in pairs.M onitor the activ ity and help where necessary. Do choral and individual

repetition.Ask pupils to read and practice the dialogues for a few m inutes. Go round

helping.One or two pairs read or act out these dialogues.Repeat w ith a d ifferen t pupil, bu t th is tim e let pupils choose partners to

act them out with.Repeat w ith several d ifferen t pupils.


ExtraBingo Game

Pupils make a grid of six squares. They w rite fam ily words in each square. Call out the words a t random: if pupils have a word you call out on th e ir grid, they tick it, or cross it off, or cover it w ith a small piece of paper. The firs t pupil to tick /cross/cover all six words on th e ir grid calls out “Bingo!” and is the winner. This can also be played with words, e.g., school subjects, days of the week, animals, foods, toys, etc.

5. W rite down these fam ily words (p. 41, ex. 4)Ask pupils to name the people in the fam ily pointing to the pictures in

exercise 1.Revise the fam ily words using the flashcards: “m other”, “fa the r” , “sister”,

“b ro ther” , “aun t”, “uncle” and “cousins” .Do choral and individual repetition. Draw pupils’ a tten tion to task of the

exercise.Ask pupils to look at the letters and w rite down the fam ily words.

6. Describe your fam ily photo (p. 41, ex. 4)Ask pupils to put their fam ily photos on the desks.Ask some of them “Is this your m o ther/fa ther?” Pupils answer using short

answers, “Yes, he/she is. No, he/she is n o t.” If it is too d ifficu lt, they can simply say “Yes/No”.

Then stick some fam ily pictures on the board. Read the beginning of the sentences and complete them pointing to the pictures of the family.

Pupils listen and repeat the sentences.Pupils read and describe their photos using their fam ily cards.One or two pairs describe them in front of the board. You can help them to

stick the photos to the board.


Read (p. 40, ex. 1)A ctivity bank: W rite about your family.

Further practiceUse Workbook tasks a t the lesson or at home.


Page 50: Ahg yaz 3_kl_nesvit

Lesson 2. МОЇ ДРУЗІ Дата


• навчальна: презентувати новий граматичний і лексичний матеріал за темою «Моя сім'я»; практикувати мовні засоби за темою «Знайомство», особові займенники;

• розвивальна розвивати навички аудіювання, спонтанні відповіді на запитання та швидку реакцію; вчити уважно стежити за презентованою інформацією; ефективно співпрацювати під час парної та групової роботи;

• виховна: виховувати уміння концентруватися, слухати інших, формувати доброзич­ливу атмосферу в класі.

• Обладнання: плакат та картки за темою «Сім'я», плакат «Дієслово їо Ье».



Хід уроку

1. Learn a poem

One, two, three.Let me see.I like coffee and you like tea. One, two, three.Now I seeFather likes coffeeAnd m other likes tea.

Ask questions “Who likes coffee? Who likes tea?”

PRESENTATION2. Read (p. 42, ex. 1)

Before reading: pre-teach the word “Colchester” . Drill the new word two or three tim es. Pupils listen and repeat it. Explain the meaning of the word.

Then read the tex t. Ask pupils to read i t too. Pupils either read the tex t silently to themselves or they work on it together in pairs.

Then pupils read the tex t in a chain. Ask to transla te d ifficu lt sentences into the m other tongue.

Go round helping.A fte r reading: ask pupils the questions “W hat country is Jane from?

W here do they live? W here does her fa ther/m other work? Has she got a pet? W hat is the pet’s name?”

Do choral and individual reading again.Ask s tu d en ts to read p a rts of the te x t again aloud. Help w ith

pronunciation and sentence rhythm especially. M onitor the activity and help where necessary.

PRACTICE3. Agree or disagree (p. 42, ex. 2)

Pair workAsk pupils to read the sentences in the exercise and answer “T rue” or

“False” about the Tame’s fam ily in the exercise 1.Tell them th a t they are going to agree or disagree with the sentences.Pupils read and choose the correct sentences. M onitor the activity and help

where necessary.If pupils don’t understand the meaning of some words transla te them into

the m other tongue.


Page 51: Ahg yaz 3_kl_nesvit

4. Answer the questions (p. 43, ex. 3)Pair work

Ask pupils to read the questions and answers in pairs.M onitor the activity and help where necessary. Do choral and individual

repetition.Ask pupils to read and practise th e ir questions and answers fo r a few

m inutes. Go round helping.One or two pairs read or act out these questions and answers.Repeat w ith a d ifferen t pupil, bu t th is tim e let pupils choose partners to

act them out with.Repeat w ith several d ifferen t pupils.Transfer: encourage pupils to make their own questions and answers too. W rite some sentences in pupils’ exercise books if you have enough time.

READING AND WRITING5. Ask and answer (p. 43, ex. 4)

Ask pupils to complete the sentences using the real facts about themselves. Pair work

Pupils read the questions and answer them together in pairs.If it is necessary transla te the sentences into m other tongue.Then they complete the sentences aloud using the p ictu res of th e ir

families.Ask pupils to read the sentences in a chain. Ask to tran sla te d ifficu lt

sentences into the m other tongue. Go round helping. You can ask pupils to w rite the sentences down.

Do choral and individual reading again. Help w ith pronunciation and sentence rhythm especially.

M onitor the activity and help where necessary.If you have some tim e you can ask pupils to w rite the sentences down in

their exercise books.Ask some strong pupils to w rite sentences on the board too.

ExtraRead My Lips Game

Move your lips or whisper fam iliar words or phrases.Children concentrate on your m outh movements and repeat what you say.

6. W rite about your fam ily (p. 43, ex. 4)Pupils listen to your story about your fam ily. Describe your fam ily using

the photos and the beginnings of the sentences.Ask pupils to tell you about their families. Pupils stick the photos on the

board. Ask them to read the sentences of the exercise and complete them .Help or correct them if they have difficulties.


R e a d (p .4 2 ,e x .1)A ctivity bank: Describe your friend’s family.

Further practiceUse Workbook tasks a t the lesson or at home.


Page 52: Ahg yaz 3_kl_nesvit

Lesson 3. МОЯ РОДИНА

• навчальна: презентувати новий лексичний матеріал за темою «Я, моя сім'я та дру­зі», практикувати мовні засоби за темою «Я, моя сім'я та друзі», формувати навич­ки вживання лексичних одиниць, вдосконалювати компетенції читання, аудіювання й усного монологічного мовлення;

• розвивальна: вчити уважно стежити за презентованою інформацією, ефектив­но співпрацювати під час парної та групової роботи, мотивувати готовність брати участь в іншомовному спілкуванні, розвивати різні типи пам'яті — слухову, зорову, увагу, уяву, учити працювати у парі, логічно висловлювати думку;

• виховна: виховувати уміння концентруватися, слухати інших, формувати доброзич­ливу атмосферу в класі.

• Обладнання: картки за темою «Сім'я», плакат «Дієслово Ю Ье».


WARM-UPХід уроку

1. Circle Guessing GameChildren sit in a circle. One child sits in the middle holding a flashcard or

vocabulary card so the others can’t see. Children take tu rn s to guess what the child has. The child who guesses correctly has the next tu rn .

PRESENTATION2. Look and say (p. 44, ex. 1)

Look a t the pictures of the family. Read their names.Before reading: ask some questions about th is fam ily “W hat is the boy’s

name? Has he got sisters? Has he got cousins? W hat is her name?”Drill the pronunciation of the fam ily words.Point out the form and meaning of the possessive singular “’s”, giving

several examples of pupils’ own possessions in the classroom, “This is M ax’s desk. This is A nn’s desk.” W rite several examples on the board and show how the “’s” is added to the end of proper names or nouns to indicate ownership,i.e., “the desk of M ary/George”. W rite some examples from the text: K ate’s m other, Kate and P au l’s aunt. Ask pupils to make some other examples too.

Then read the sentences about th is fam ily tree using the pattern .If you have got some tim e you can w rite the sentences into their exercise


Stick the fam ily cards to the board. Revise fam ily words using the flashcards: m other, father, daughter, and son.

Point to the flashcards so th a t the whole class can see it. If necessary, walk round the room and show them to the pupils. Pronounce every word clearly.

Do choral and individual repetition. Follow the same procedure three or four times.

W rite the words and stick the flashcards under the words. Ask the pupils to say the letters of the words. Draw the pupils’ a tten tion to the word “daughter” .

W hen you have practiced these four words thoroughly, teach the o ther four words: aunt, uncle, nephew, niece and cousin. Use the flashcards and follow the same procedure.

PRACTICE3. Ask and answer (p. 44, ex. 2)

Pair workAsk pupils to read the questions and answers in pairs about K ate’s family.




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M onitor the activity and help where necessary. Do choral and individual repetition.

Ask pupils to make their own examples and practice their questions and answers for a few m inutes. Go round helping. One or two pairs read or act out the dialogues.

Repeat with a d ifferen t pupil, bu t th is tim e let pupils choose partners to act them out with.

Repeat w ith several d ifferen t pupils.Transfer: encourage pupils to make their own questions and answers too.W rite some sentences in pupils’ exercise books if you have enough time.

4. Listen to the tex t (p. 44, ex. 3)Books open. Ask pupils to look at the picture.Before listening: Ask questions about the picture “Who are in the picture?

How many children are there in the family? Are the children young or old?” etc.Ask pupils to listen to the tex t and point. Help pupils to iden tify the

characters in the story.Listen to the tex t two or three times.

READING AND WRITING5. Agree or disagree (p. 44, ex. 3)

Pair workAsk pupils to read the sentences in the exercise and answer “True” or

“False” about Dan’s fam ily.Tell them th a t they are going to agree or disagree w ith the sentences.Pupils read and choose the correct sentences. M onitor the activity and help

where necessary.If pupils don’t understand the meaning of some words transla te them into

the m other tongue.If you have enough tim e w rite the sentences and “True” or “False” answers

into pupils’ exercise books.6. Complete the sentences (p. 45, ex. 5)

Ask pupils to make sentences.Pair work

Pupils read the sentences silently to them selves or they work on them together in pairs. Pupils choose suitable words about Dan’s fam ily and fill in gaps.

Then they read the sentences aloud. If you have some tim e you can ask pupils to w rite the sentences down in their exercise books.

Ask some strong pupils to w rite sentences on the board too.Then ask pupils to read the sentences in a chain. Ask weak pupils to

transla te some sentences into the m other tongue. Go round helping. You can ask pupils to w rite the sentences down.

Do choral and individual reading again. Help w ith pronunciation and sentence rhythm especially.

M onitor the activity and help where necessary.


Home workR ead(p. 4 5 ,e x .4)A ctivity bank: Describe your fam ily tree.

Further practiceU se W orkbook ta s k s a t th e le sson o r a t hom e.


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• навчальна: закріпити новий граматичний і лексичний матеріал за темою «Я, моя сім'я та друзі»; практикувати мовні засоби за темою «Я, моя сім'я та друзі», форму­вати навички вживання нових лексичних одиниць, вдосконалювати компетенції чи­тання, аудіювання й усного монологічного мовлення;

• розвивальна: вчити уважно стежити за презентованою інформацією, ефектив­но співпрацювати під час парної та групової роботи, мотивувати готовність брати участь в іншомовному спілкуванні, розвивати різні типи пам'яті — слухову, зорову, увагу, уяву, учити працювати у парі, логічно висловлювати думку;

• виховна: виховувати уміння концентруватися, слухати інших, формувати доброзич­ливу атмосферу в класі.

• Обладнання: картки за темою «Сім'я», плакат «Числівники».

Хід урокуWARM-UP

1. Rhyming Words GameP u t two or three phonics cards up around the room, saying the words for

children to repeat.Ask children to stand up at their desks. Tell them you are going to call out

words which rhyme with these words.Call out o ther words from the phonics lessons which rhyme w ith these

words.Children point to the words on the wall. W ith a strong class, you may also

ask them to repeat both words.Gradually get faster and faster. Children who point to the wrong word are

out and have to s it down.

PRESENTATION2. Listen and repeat (p. 46, ex. 1)

Revise num bers 1-30 by playing a num ber game.W rite numbers on the board. Divide the class into two teams and give a pu­

pil from each team a piece of chalk. Say a number. The firs t pupil to run to the board and draw a circle round the correct num ber wins a point for th e ir team.

Read the numbers. Clap a number of tim es and ask the class to call out the number.

W rite the words one, ten and twenty up to one hundred randomly on the board. Ask individual pupils to come and draw numbers beside the words.

Do choral and individual repetition of numbers 10-100.

PRACTICE3. Listen and talk w ith your friend (p. 46, ex. 2)

Read the inform ation about the members of the fam ily in boxes.Read the dialogue. Pupils listen and read too.If pupils don’t understand the meaning of the words transla te them into

the m other tongue.Read the dialogue again. Read every sentence dram atically and tell pupils

to repeat afte r you.Ask pupils to read and practice the dialogue for a few m inutes. Go round

helping.Then ask pupils to make up their own dialogues using the necessary in for­

mation from the boxes.Repeat with several d ifferen t pupils.


Мета: Клас



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Pupils read and practice their dialogues in groups. One or two pairs act out the dialogue.

W rite another dialogue on the board changing the main words from the d i­alogue and underlining them.

READING AND WRITING4. Look, ask and answer (p. 47, ex. 3)

Pair workAsk pupils to read the questions and answers in pairs about Dan’s family.M onitor the activ ity and help where necessary. Do choral and individual

repetition.Ask pupils to make their own examples and practice their questions and an­

swers for a few m inutes. Go round helping. One or two pairs read or act out the dialogues.

Repeat w ith a d ifferen t pupil, bu t th is tim e let pupils choose partners to act them out with.

Repeat w ith several d ifferen t pupils.Transfer: encourage pupils to make their own questions and answers about

their own families too.W rite some sentences in pupils’ exercise books if you have enough time.

ExtraBingo Game

Pupils make a grid of six squares. They w rite numbers 35, 34, 72, 11, 75, 21 in each square. Call out numbers a t random: if pupils have the num ber you call out on th e ir grid, they tick it, or cross it off, or cover it with a small piece of paper. The firs t pupil to tick/cross/cover all six numbers on their grid calls out “Bingo!” and is the winner.

5. Choose and say (p. 47, ex. 4)Ask pupils to look at the table.Read the numbers in the firs t colomn.Then read three varian ts to every num ber and match the number w ith the

correct word.Ask pupils to open the exercise books and w rite down the num ber and the

word, e.g. 20 — twenty.Then check up the answers.Ask pupils to read the numbers and w rite down the words on the board.

6. Read, choose and w rite (p. 47, ex. 5)Pair work

Ask pupils to read the dialogue and choose the correct words.M onitor the activity and help where necessary. Do choral and individual

repetition of the sentences.Go round helping. One or two pairs read or act out the dialogues.Repeat w ith a d ifferen t pupil, bu t th is tim e let pupils choose partners to

act them out with.Repeat w ith several d ifferen t pupils. Ask pupils to w rite down the correct

sentences.If you have got enough time ask pupils to w rite down the whole dialogue.


Read (p. 47, ex. 5)Further practice

U se W o rk b o o k ta sk s a t th e lesson o r a t hom e.


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Lesson 5. ПРОФЕСІЇ

• навчальна: презентувати новий граматичний і лексичний матеріал за темою «Я, моя сім'я та друзі», практикувати мовні засоби за темою «Я, моя сім'я та друзі», фор­мувати навички вживання нових лексичних одиниць, вдосконалювати компетенції читання, аудіювання й усного монологічного мовлення;

• розвивальна: вчити уважно стежити за презентованою інформацією, ефектив­но співпрацювати під час парної та групової роботи, мотивувати готовність брати участь в іншомовному спілкуванні, розвивати різні типи пам'яті — слухову, зорову, увагу, уяву, учити працювати у парі, логічно висловлювати думку;

• виховна: виховувати уміння концентруватися, слухати інших, формувати доброзич­ливу атмосферу в класі.

• Обладнання: картки за темою «Я, моя сім'я та друзі», «Професії».


WARM-UPХід уроку

1. Number Activity GameW rite num bers on the board. Divide the class in to two team s and give

a pupil from each team a piece of chalk. Say the num ber. The f irs t pupil to run to the board and draw a circle round the correct num ber wins a point for their team. This game can also be played w ith words or w ith letters of the alphabet.

PRESENTATION2. Listen and say (p. 48, ex. 1)

Tell pupils to look at the pictures. Ask them in the m other tongue if they know what these people’s jobs are.

Then read the sentences while pupils listen and read silently.Pupils read the sentences again silently.W rite the words on the board and ask pupils if they can work out the

meaning of them : teach, sick, bus, bus driver. Explain the meaning of these words through the pictures, and w ith the help of transla tion if necessary.

Do choral and individual repetitions of the jobs: teacher, doctor, farm er, bus driver.

Talk about the d ifferen t jobs in the m other tongue. W ould any pupils like to do the jobs shown here when they grow up? Or are there o ther jobs they would like to do?

PRACTICE3. Ask and answer (p. 48, ex. 2)

Pair workPupils read the questions and the answers using the words from the tex t in

exercise 1. Then they take tu rn s to ask and answer in the same way using the pattern and the p ictures again.

Pupils act out the dialogue in pairs using the job words and the words from the box.

One or two pairs act out the dialogue, and so on. Repeat w ith several d ifferen t pupils.

4. a) Listen and say (p. 48, ex. 3)Tell pupils to look at the picture. Ask them in the m other tongue if they

know what th is person’s job is.Then read the dialogue while pupils listen and read silently. Pupils read

the sentences again silently.




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W rite the words on the board and ask pupils if they can work out the m eaning of them : baker, make bread. Explain the m eaning of these words through the pictures, and with the help of transla tion if i t is necessary. Do choral and individual repetitions b) Make up your dialogues about o ther jobs

Stick some pictures of people’s professions: teacher, doctor, farm er and tax i driver.

Ask pupils to make up dialogues using the pictures and the patterns.

READING AND WRITING5. Talk w ith your friend (p. 48, ex. 4)

Ask pupils to look at the p icture. Revise the professions and point to the pictures.

Ask pupils to read the example: the question and the answer. Pupils read the main words about d ifferen t professions.

Tell them th a t they are going to make up a question and give the answer about every profession using the p ictures and the main inform ation about th is profession.ExtraThe silent dictation

Hold up a picture of a job (or a real photo).Pupils w rite down the words in their copy books. Ask two or three pupils to

w rite the words on the board. Check the words.

6. Correct and w rite (p. 48, ex. 5)Pupils read the sentences and correct the m istakes.Then ask pupils to w rite the correct sentences on the board.


Pupils make a grid of six squares. They w rite a num ber in each square. Call out numbers a t random: if pupils have the number you call out on their grid , they tick it, or cross it off, or cover it w ith a small piece of paper. The f irs t pupil to tick/cross/cover all six numbers on their grid calls out “Bingo!” and is the winner. This can also be played w ith words, e .g ., professions, school subjects, days of the week, anim als, foods, toys, etc.Home work

Read (p. 48, ex. 1)A ctivity bank: Describe your paren ts’ professions. Draw or stick pictures.

Further practiceUse Workbook tasks a t the lesson or a t home.


Page 58: Ahg yaz 3_kl_nesvit

• навчальна: активізувати та практикувати вивчений лексико-граматичний матеріал за темою «Я, моя сім'я і друзі»; формувати навички вживання вивчених та засвоєних лек­сичних одиниць, повторити структури визначення часу, вдосконалювати компетенції читання, аудіювання й усного монологічного мовлення; формувати навички вживан­ня нових лексичних одиниць та граматичних структур у діалогічному мовленні;

• розвивальна: розвивати навички аудіювання, спонтанні відповіді на запитання та швидку реакцію; вчити уважно стежити за презентованою інформацією; ефективно співпрацювати під час парної та групової роботи;

• виховна: виховувати уміння концентруватися, слухати інших, формувати доброзич­ливу атмосферу в класі.

• Обладнання: картки за темою «Сім'я», «Професії», «Час. Годинник», плакат «Дієсло­во to be».

Хід урокуWARM-UP

1. Spelling Shark GameThis is a version of the traditional “Hangman” game. Briefly explain the rules

to the class. You can play the game to revise the vocabulary needed for the lesson.Think about any word, e.g., “anim al” . Don’t say it out loud. Draw a “cliff”

line down from the end of the bottom row. A t the bottom of the “cliff” draw a shark and the sea. Draw two dashes fo r the le tte rs in a sport ac tiv ity ,“__ і _____”. Pupils take tu rn s to guess one le tte r in the sport activity. If th a tle tte r is in the word, w rite it in the appropriate blank on top row. If it is not in the word, draw a little “stick figure” sta rting to walk along the bottom row of blanks towards the edge of the cliff. Pupils have to guess all the letters correctly before the stick figure falls over the cliff and into the shark ’s jaws. PRESENTATION

2. Listen and read (p. 50, ex. 1)Tell pupils to look at the pictures. Say pupils they are going to read some

sentences about Jack. Ask pupils “W hat is Jack ’s profession? W here does Jack work?” ask other questions.

Read the sentences. Pupils listen and read in silence.Pair work

Pupils read the sentences in pairs and point to the righ t p icture. Go round helping pupils.

A fter reading: ask questions about the details of the picture “W hat does Jack do a t the zoo? W hen does Jack feed anim als? W hat do pupils th ink a zookeeper does each day?”

Ask pupils to read the sentences one by one again.Talk to the class about Jack ’s day. W hich parts of his job do pupils th ink

Jack likes the most? W hat parts do they th ink he likes the least? W ould any of the pupils like to be a zookeeper when they grow up?PRACTICE

3. Ask and answer (p. 50, ex. 2)Pair work

Pupils in pairs take tu rn s to ask and answer the same question “Does Jack drive to the Zoo?”

Pupils in pairs read and practice the dialogue. One or two pairs act out the dialogue in fron t of the pupils.ExtraFlashcard Circle Game

Do th is activity if you are able to form a circle in your classroom.


Д а та


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Give a pupil one of the flashcards “Jobs” you are studying and ask h im /her to say the word, then pass the card on.

Each pupil says the word as he/she receives the card.A fter a few pupils have said the f irs t word, introduce a second flashcard. Gradually introduce all of the flashcards so th a t they are going around in

a circle or along the line.Shout “Stop!” a t any point and ask the pupils holding each of the cards to

hold them up and say the words.

READING AND WRITING4. Complete, point and say (p. 51, ex. 3)

Ask pupils to close the books and w rite these tim es on the board: ten o’clock, eleven o’clock, eight o’clock, nine o’clock, etc. Ask pupils if they can remember w hat Jack does a t these tim es each day. Ask individual pupils to come and w rite sentences beside the appropriate tim es on the board. W hen all the tim es have a sentence w ritten beside them , ask pupils to open th e ir books. Read the sentences aloud to the class, so pupils can check if they were righ t. ExtraBingo Game

Pupils make a grid of six squares. They w rite tim e in each square. Call out tim e at random: if pupils have the tim e you call out on their grid, they tick it, or cross it off, or cover it w ith a small piece of paper. The f irs t pupil to tick / cross/cover all six num bers on their grid calls out “Bingo!” and is the winner. This can also be played with words, e.g., school subjects, days of the week, anim als, foods, toys, etc.

5. Listen and repeat. Talk w ith your friends, (p. 51, ex. 3)Books open. Teach and then d rill the new word combinations using the

pattern in the box: “I like cooking”. Read the pa tte rn two or three times.Use board sketches, m im ing and gestu res to check if pupils have

understood the meaning of the new word combinations.Pupils take tu rn s to read out the dialogue. Help w ith pronunciation. Go

round helping.Repeat the dialogue w ith several d ifferen t pupils. Then ask pupils to make

sim ilar dialogues using the pattern . W rite down the second dialogue on the board. Ask pupils to read it. Then ask one or two pairs to act the second dialogue. Do the same procedure w ith the other dialogues.

6. W rite 5 questions to Jack (p. 51, ex. 5)Ask pupils to look at the p icture. Then ask some questions about Jack,

“W here does he work? W hat does he do at the Zoo? W hen does he go home?” etc.Then ask pupils to imagine th a t they are going to ask the same questions to

Jack.Remember th a t they m ust change “does” into “do” in questions.

ENDING THE LESSON7. Silent dictation

Hold up a picture of a job (or a real photo of a job).Pupils w rite down the word in th e ir copy books.Ask two or three pupils to w rite the words on the board.Check the words.

Home workRead (p. 50, ex. 1)A ctivity bank: Describe your paren ts’ jobs.

Further practiceU se W o rk b o o k ta s k s a t th e le sson o r a t hom e.


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Мета:• навчальна: закріпити граматичний і лексичний матеріал за темою «Я, моя сім'я та

друзі», «Професії», практикувати мовні засоби за темою «Я, моя сім'я та друзі», фор­мувати навички вживання нових лексичних одиниць, вдосконалювати компетенції читання, аудіювання й усного монологічного мовлення;

• розвивальна: вчити уважно стежити за презентованою інформацією, ефектив­но співпрацювати під час парної та групової роботи, мотивувати готовність брати участь в іншомовному спілкуванні, розвивати різні типи пам'яті — слухову, зорову, увагу, уяву, учити працювати у парі, логічно висловлювати думку;

• виховна: виховувати уміння концентруватися, слухати інших, формувати доброзич­ливу атмосферу в класі.

• Обладнання: плакат та картки за темою «Сім'я», «Професії».

Хід урокуWARM-UP

1. Revise jobs by doing a picture dictation. Stick 6 -8 pictures on the board and num ber them. Call out a num ber, and tell pupils to w rite down the jobs th a t person is doing. For example, you say num ber 3 and pupils w rite “zoo-keeper”.

PRESENTATION2. Listen, point and say (p. 52, ex. 1)

Before reading: tell pupils to look a t the pictures. Ask them in the m other tongue if they know what these people’s jobs are. Tell pupils to look a t the pictures. Call out the num ber and ask pupils to say what the person’s job is, e.g. you say “num ber 2” and pupils reply “doctor” . Do the procedure w ith all pictures.

Then ask pupils to read an example about the f irs t job.Ask pupils to describe the second picture, “Number 2 is a doctor. She helps

people.” Use the pattern from exercise 4, page 51.Then describe other jobs, “Number 3 is a teacher. She teaches children.

Number 4 is a cook. He cooks. Number 5 is a driver. He drives a car.”If you have enough tim e, ask pupils to write down the sentences on the

board and in pupils’ exercise books.Then read the sentences again while pupils listen and read silently. Do

choral and individual repetitions of the jobs. Talk about the d ifferen t jobs in the m other tongue. W ould any pupils like to do the jobs shown here when they grow up? Or are there other jobs they would like to do?

PRACTICE3. a) Read and act out the dialogue, (p. 52, ex. 2)

Read the dialogue. Pupils listen and read. Stop reading a fte r each section of the dialogue and ask questions “W hat is Dad’s job? Does he drive a bus? Does he like his job?”Pair work

Pupils read the dialogue. Then they take tu rn s to ask and answer in the same way, using the pattern and the pictures from exercise 1.

Pupils act out the dialogue in pairs using the job words. One or two pairs act out the dialogue, and so on. Repeat w ith several d ifferent pupils, b) Ask and answer Pair work

Pupils read the questions and give the ir own answers.




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Then they take tu rn s to ask and answer in the same way using the pattern . Pupils act out the dialogues in pairs using the job words. One or two pairs act out the dialogue'and so on.

Repeat w ith several d ifferen t pupils. Read the dialogues. Pupils practice the dialogue in pairs.

Ask pupils to act them out. Repeat with a different pupil, but this time let pupils choose partners to act them out with. Repeat with several different pupils.

4. Look and say (p. 53, ex. 3)Look at the pictures. Read the sentences. Pay pupils’ a tten tion to adverbs

of frequency and tim e expressions w ith the present simple.Drill the pronunciation of adverbs of frequency and tim e expressions with

the present simple.Ask pupils to make some other examples too using the pictures. Then read

the sentences.If you have got some time they can w rite the sentences into their exercise


Stick the fam ily cards to the board. Revise fam ily words using the flashcards: m other, father, daughter, and son.

Point to the flashcards so th a t the whole class can see it. If necessary, walk round the room and show them to the pupils. Pronounce every word clearly.

Do choral and individual repetition. Follow the same procedure three or four times.

W rite the words and stick the flashcards under the words. Ask the pupils to say the letters of the words. Draw the pupils’ attention to the word “daughter” .

W hen you have practiced these four words thoroughly, teach the other four words: aunt, uncle, nephew, niece and cousin. Use the flashcards and follow the same procedure.

READING AND WRITING5. Play a game. Mime a profession. Let your friend guess what it is. (p. 53, ex. 4)

Ask pupils to look at the picture and read the dialogue. Explain pupils they are going to play a game “Guess my profession.” Mime cooking food e.g. a cake or doing an action e.g. dance. Children guess what you’re doing and call out the name. Repeat the procedure and, if appropriate, invite children to take tu rn s to come and stand by you and mime to the rest of the class.

Then w rite the professions on the board.

6. W rite about your parents. S ta rt like th is (p. 53, ex. 5)Read the tex t. Pupils listen and repeat afte r you.Then ask pupils to w rite their own varian ts about their parents. Go round


ENDING THE LESSONPicture Activity Game

Use pictures to play a m atching game. Draw job pictures on the board, or stick pictures cut from magazines or newspapers to the board. W rite the words a t the o ther end of the board. Pupils m atch pictures and words by drawing a line, e.g., from the picture of a doctor to the word “doctor” .Home work

Read (p. 52, ex. 2)A ctivity bank: W rite about your parents and their professions.

Further practiceUse Workbook tasks a t the lesson or a t home.


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• навчальна: активізувати та закріпити вивчений лексико-граматичний матеріал, вдо­сконалювати вміння та навички аудіювання, читання, письма, усного мовлення, ре­агувати невербально на запитання, які потребують простих відповідей, формувати в учнів комунікативну компетенцію, закріпити прислівники способу дії та вживан­ня їх у мові з опорою на текст, розвивати й удосконалювати мовленнєві компетенції;

• розвивальна: вчити уважно стежити за презентованою інформацією, ефектив­но співпрацювати під час парної та групової роботи, мотивувати готовність брати участь в іншомовному спілкуванні, мотивувати бажання до подальшого самовдос­коналення у галузі володіння іноземною мовою, розвивати мовну здогадку;

• виховна: зацікавити учнів темою уроку, привернути їхню увагу до вивченого мате­ріалу, допомогти їм бути розкутими у спілкуванні, виховувати толерантне ставлен­ня до однокласників, викликати в дітей бажання вчитися; вивчати іноземну мову; виховувати дисципліну, повагу до однокласників, звичку до систематичної розумо­вої праці, ефективно співпрацювати під час парної та групової роботи.

• Обладнання: таблиці «Дієслово іо Ье», картки та плакати до теми «Моя сім'я».


WARM-UPХід уроку

1. Play “W ind the Bobbin Up” using the movements or commands, e .g ., “sit down”, “touch your head” .

2. Rhyming Words GameP ut two or three phonics cards up around the room, saying the words for

children to repeat.Ask children to stand up at their desks. Tell them you are going to call out

words which rhyme with these words.Call out o ther words from the phonics lessons which rhyme w ith these

words.Children point to the words on the wall. W ith a strong class, you may also

ask them to repeat both words.Gradually get faster and faster. Children who point to the wrong word are

out and have to s it down.Option: with a lim ited num ber of words, you may call out both the words on

the cards and words which rhyme w ith them.

PRESENTATION3. Fill in as in the example (p. 54, ex. 1)

Tell pupils they are going to change the subject pronouns into possessive pronouns.

Stick the table and read the pronouns in pairs.I — my It — itsYou — your We — ourHe — his You — yourShe — her They — theirRead the example. Pupils repeat and point to the necessary pronouns. Read

the sentences and change the pronouns in the brackets using the table. Ask pupils to open the exercise books and w rite down the sentences.PRACTICE

4. Change the sentences as in the example (p. 54, ex. 2)Tell pupils they are going to change the sentences in singular into plural. Revise dem onstrative pronouns “th is” and “th a t” into “these” and “those”.




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Revise the verb “to be” . Remember or explain again when pupils can use them . If pupils have difficulties, explain th is rule in the m other tongue.

Read the sentences in singular and change the necessary words into plural.

READING AND WRITING5. Read and guess the jobs. W rite (p. 54, ex. 3)

Pupils read the tex ts in silence. If it is necessary transla te them into the m other tongue.

Then read the tex ts again. Pupils e ith e r read the tex ts silen tly to themselves or they work on them together in pairs.

Check up the endings of every tex t. Go round helping. Do choral and individual repetition.

A fter reading: ask pupils the questions “W hat is Tom’s fa th e r’s job? W hat is A nn’s m other’s job? W hat is Dan’s fa th e r’s job?”

Pupils may also be asked to w rite answers to the questions in their exercise books.

Do choral and individual reading again. Ask students to read parts of the tex t again aloud. Help with pronunciation and sentence rhythm especially. M onitor the activ ity and help where necessary.

6. Choose and answer (p. 55, ex. 4)Pair work

Ask pupils to read the questions and choose the answers in pairs.M onitor the activ ity and help where necessary. Do choral and individual

repetition.Ask pupils to read and practice th e ir questions and answers fo r a few

m inutes. Go round helping.One or two pairs read or act out these questions and answers.Repeat w ith a d ifferen t pupil, bu t th is tim e let pupils choose partners to

act them out with.Repeat with several d ifferen t pupils.Transfer: encourage pupils to make the ir own questions and answers too.W rite some sentences in pupils’ exercise books if you have enough time.

7. a) Speak about some professions. W hy are they im portant? W rite down a table about d ifferen t professions.Ask pupils to read and make sentences about professions. A teacher teaches children.A doctor feeds the animals and grows vegetables.A farm er helps sick people.A baker drives a bus or a taxi,A driver cooks bread.

b) Project work. Make a poster about professions you like.Group work

Give pupils a lot of p ictu res of d iffe ren t professions. Pupils choose professions they like and stick them on a sheet of paper.

Then ask to describe the pictures using d ifferen t inform ation from the lessons.

M onitor the activity and help where necessary.


Read (p. 5 4 ,e x .3)Further practice

Use Workbook tasks a t the lesson or a t home.


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• навчальна: ознайомити з новими лексичними одиницями, активізувати уже вивче­ний лексико-граматичний матеріал, розвивати вміння та навички читання, письма, усного мовлення;

• розвивальна: розвивати логічне мислення, увагу та зорову пам'ять, спостережли­вість, удосконалювати фонетику та артикуляцію звуків, розвивати усні комунікатив­ні уміння з опорою на наочність;

• виховна: виховувати зацікавленість у розширенні своїх знань, загальну культуру учнів.• Обладнання: таблиця за темою «Зовнішність», лялька.


WARM-UPХід уроку

1. Play one or two rounds of the Spelling Shark w ith any new words from the previous unit, especially the jobs.

PRESENTATION2. a) Listen and repeat (p. 56, ex. 1)

Read and then drill the new words shown in the picture of a girl: “Touch your own hair, eye, nose”, etc. as the pupils listen and repeat.

Ask “W hat’s th is?” as you point a t the parts of the face. Pupils answer. Pupils take tu rn s to read out the words for the parts of the face. Help with

pronunciation.Use the doll pointing to the parts of the face.

b) Point and say (p. 56, ex. 2)Pupils take tu rn s to point a t the parts of the face.Revise dem onstrative pronouns “th is” and “th a t” , “these” and “those” . Revise the verb “to be”. Remember or explain again when pupils can use

these words. If pupils have difficulties, explain th is rule in the m other tongue. Help w ith pronunciation, singular and plural.

Point out th a t the word “eye” refers to one eye and th a t the word “eyes” refers to both eyes together.

Do the same procedure with the other parts of the face.ExtraOdd One Out Game

Stick the poster “My Appearance” on the board. Say groups of three or four words, including one which is not on the poster.

Children listen and identify the word th a t isn ’t on the poster. In pairs children then prepare a group of words based on the poster in the same way. They take tu rn s to say their words to the class and identify the odd one out.

PRACTICE3. Read and act out (p. 56, ex. 2)

Ask the pupils to look at the picture. Then ask the questions: “Who can you see? W hat do the girls have?”

Read the dialogue. Pupils listen and point a t the doll. Ask the question “Who has got a doll?” pupils answer.

In pairs pupils read and practice the dialogue.Act out the dialogue. Repeat with d ifferent pupils, bu t th is tim e let the

pupils choose a partner to act it out with.


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Repeat w ith several d ifferen t pupils. Ask the pupils to im itate the sounds and mime the actions.

Help or correct the pupils if they have difficulties.

READING AND WRITING4. Read (p. 57, ex. 3)

Pupils listen and read the tex t in silence and point a t a teddy bear’s parts of the face.

Read the tex t again. Pupils either read the tex t silently to themselves or they work on i t together in pairs.

Then pupils read the tex t in a chain. Ask to transla te d ifficu lt sentences into the m other tongue.

Go round helping. Do choral and individual repetition.A fter reading: ask pupils the questions “W hat colour are the eyes? Is the

teddy’s nose white? W hat colour is the teddy? How many ears has the teddy got?”

Pupils may also be asked to w rite answers to the questions in th e ir exercise books.

Do choral and individual reading again. Ask individuals to read parts of the tex t again aloud. Help with pronunciation and sentence rhythm especially. M onitor the activ ity and help where necessary.

5. Agree or disagree (p. 57, ex. 4)Pair work

Ask pupils to read the sentences in the exercise and answer “True” or “False” about Tom’s teddy bear in the exercise 3.

Tell them th a t they are going to agree or disagree w ith the sentences. Pupils read and choose the correct sentences. M onitor the activity and help where necessary.

If pupils don’t understand the meaning of some words transla te them into the m other tongue.ExtraStop Game

Divide the class into teams. Describe the poster “My Appearance” orally deliberately including some incorrect inform ation. Children listen and call out “Stop!” when they hear a m istake. If they are righ t, their team scores one point; if they can correct the m istake they score an ex tra point.

6. Choose and write. Describe your toy (p. 57, ex. 5)Ask pupils to look a t the pictures. Ask “W hat do you see?” Pupils answer. Ask pupils to choose one toy and describe it using the beginnings of the

sentences.Tell pupils they can use the necessary inform ation from exercise 3.


Home workRead (p. 56, ex. 2)A ctivity bank: bring and prepare the description of a favourite toy.

Further practiceUse W orkbook tasks a t the lesson or a t home.


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Lesson 2. МІЙ ДРУГ

• навчальна-, презентувати новий лексико-граматичний матеріал, активізувати ви­вчений лексико-граматичний матеріал, формувати навички вживання лексичних одиниць на базі мовних зразків, вдосконалювати компетенції читання, аудіювання й усного монологічного мовлення;

• розвивальна: розвивати усні комунікативні уміння з опорою на наочність, уважно стежити за презентованою інформацією; ефективно співпрацювати під час парної та групової роботи;

• виховна: виховувати уміння концентруватися, слухати інших, формувати доброзич­ливу атмосферу в класі, виховувати зацікавленість у розширенні своїх знань, за­гальну культуру учнів.

• Обладнання: таблиці «Зовнішність. Частини тіла», лялька.

Хід урокуWARM-UP

1. Play a simple “Draw, fold and pass” game like thisEach pupil has a blank sheet of paper. Give an instruction: “Draw the head.

Draw the nose, the eyes, and the m outh .” Pupils draw a head with eyes, nose and m outh. They then fold over the top of their paper to cover the head they have drawn, and pass on the paper to their neighbours.

Give other instructions (...the body ...the arm s ...the hands, etc). Pupils draw, fold, and pass the paper to their neighbor each time.

A fter drawing the feet, pupils unfold the whole drawing and describe the one they have using the adjectives they know.PRESENTATION

2. Listen and point (p. 58, ex. 1)Teach and then drill the new words shown in the pictures. If the pupils

have difficulties, transla te the words into their native language.Pupils take tu rn s to read out the words. Help them with pronunciation.

3. Complete and say (p. 58, ex. 2)Pupils have to complete the sentences using the inform ation from exercise 1.Ask pupils to make sentences orally. Then ask strong pupils to go to the

board and w rite down these sentences on it. Others have to w rite them down into their exercise books.

K ey:Ann has got long fa ir hair.Dan has got short dark hair.Tom has got short red hair.Roman is tall and th in .Kim is slim.Jack is short and plump.

ExtraAsk pupils to describe their classmates using the new word combinations

and examples from exercise 2.PRACTICE

4. Read (p. 59, ex. 3)Books open. Ask pupils to look at the photo. Ask “How many boys can you

see? Are they friends? Are they happy? W hat are they doing?”Before reading: pre-teach the new word “freckles” and “red ha ir”. Drill the

pronunciation of the new words.Read the tex t. Pupils listen and read the tex t in silence.Read the tex t again.

Мета: Клас



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Then pupils read the tex t in a chain. Ask to transla te d ifficult sentences into their m other tongue.

Go round helping. Do choral and individual repetition.A fter reading: ask pupils the questions “W hat are the boys’ names? W hat

colour is Dan’s/Tom ’s hair? W hat colour are Dan’s eyes? Is Tom’s hair short?” Pupils may also be asked to write answers to the questions in their exercise

books.Do choral and individual reading again. Ask individuals to read parts of

the tex t again aloud. Help with pronunciation and sentence rhythm especially. M onitor the activity and help where necessary.READING AND WRITING

5. Answer the questions (p. 59, ex. 4)Read the tex t of exercise 3 again.

Pair workAsk pupils to read the questions and answers in pairs.M onitor the activ ity and help where necessary. Do choral and individual

repetition.Ask pupils to read and practice th e ir questions and answers for a few

m inutes. Go round helping.One or two pairs read or act out the dialogues using the questions and

answers.Repeat w ith a d ifferen t pupil, bu t th is tim e let pupils choose partners to

act them out with.Repeat w ith several d ifferen t pupils.Transfer: encourage pupils to make their own questions and answers too. W rite some sentences in pupils’ exercise books if you have enough tim e.

6. Choose and say (p. 59, ex. 5)Tell pupils they are going to describe themselves.Ask pupils to read the sentences and choose the words which are suitable

for them . Ask pupils to w rite them down in their exercise books.Pupils write them down. Then ask pupils to read their descriptions one by one.

ExtraM im e the Flashcard Game

Hold up flashcards in tu rn and say the parts of the face. Children do a mime in response e.g. they can pretend to comb hair, to wash a face, touch a nose, etc. Then do mimes of d ifferen t flashcards yourself or invite individual students or pairs of children to take tu rn s to do this. Children watch and call out the parts of the face.

7. W rite about yourself. Use the words from exercise 5 (p. 59, ex. 6)Tell pupils they are going to do th is exercise at home. Remember they can

use the sentences from exercise 5.ENDING THE LESSONLearn a poem

M y face is ova l, m y eyes a re b lu e ,M y h a ir is f a ir . A m I lik e you?

Home workRead (p. 59, ex. 3)W rite (p. 59, ex. 6)A ctiv ity bank: Describe your friend . Draw h is /h e r p ic tu re or bring

a photo. Bring a favourite toy.Further practice

Use Workbook tasks at the lesson or at home.


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Lesson 3. ЦЕ — Я!

• навчальна: повторити вивчені раніше лексичні одиниці, питальні структури з дієсло­вом "have/has got", активізувати граматичний матеріал, розвивати вміння та навички читання, письма, усного мовлення, вміння вести бесіду, слухати співрозмовника;

• розвивальна: розвивати різні типи пам'яті — слухову, зорову, оперативну, учити працювати у парі, групі, логічно висловлювати думку, вміння спілкуватися, підтри­мувати високий рівень мотивації до вивчення англійської мови, розвинути і допов­нити лексичний запас за темою «Зовнішність. Частини тіла»;

• виховна: виховувати культуру співбесіди, взаємоповагу та любов до англійської мо­ви, виховувати зацікавленість у розширенні своїх знань, загальну культуру учнів.

• Обладнання: таблиці «Зовнішність. Частини тіла», лялька.

М е т а :

1 .

2 .

WARM-UPХід уроку

Play the game "Simon Says". Call out instructions for the whole class. If you s ta r t the in struction w ith the phrase “Simon says” , the class should follow the instruction , bu t if you don’t say “Simon says”, they shouldn’t, and any pupil who does the action is out. Play the game un til only one pupil is left.Describe your friendPRESENTATION

3. a) Listen and read (p. 60, ex. 1)Teach and then drill the new words shown in the picture. If the pupils have

difficulties, transla te the words into their native language.Pupils take tu rn s to read out the words. Help them with pronunciation.

ExtraLearn a rhyme.

I h av e tw o leg s w ith w h ich I w alk ,I h av e a to n g u e w ith w h ich I ta lk .Tw o e a rs fo r h e a r in g , one m o u th fo r ta lk in g ,O ne h e a d f o r th in k in g , tw o leg s fo r w a lk in g .

b) SayTeach and then drill the new words shown in the p icture of a girl: “Touch

your arm , knee, leg”, etc. as the pupils listen, repeat and touch.Ask “W hat’s th is?” as you point a t parts of the face and body again. Pupils

answer.Pupils take tu rn s to read out the words for the parts of the face and body.

Help w ith pronunciation.Pay pupils’ a tten tion to the gram m ar box. Point out th a t the word “foot”

refers to one foot and the word “feet” refers to both feet together. Do the same w ith “a tooth — tee th ”. Show flashcards w ith these words.

Ask pupils to read the examples. Then ask to complete the sentences using the new words.

Repeat w ith several d ifferen t pupils. Pupils describe their body and point a t parts of the face and body.PRACTICE

4. Look at the pictures and say (p. 60, ex. 2)Look at the pictures. Ask pupils to name the toys (a doll, a robot, a toy dragon). Describe the doll. Pupils listen.Then ask one pupil to read an example. Ask the question “W hat toy is i t? ” Ask pupils to make some o ther examples too using the pictures. To short

the tim e, w rite them down on the board. If you have got some tim e you can w rite the sentences into pupils’ exercise books.




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5. Ask and answer (p. 61, ex. 3)Pair work

Pupils read the questions and give their own answers.Then they take tu rn s to ask and answer in the same way using the pattern . W rite a table w ith questions on the board to help the pupils make

questions.How many heads has a doll qot?How many hands has a robot qot?How manyleqs has a toy dragon qot?How many eyesHow many feetHow many armsHow many earsHow many shouldersHow many fingers

Pupils practice the dialogue in pairs. Ask pupils to act out the dialogues in pairs using the body words.

One or two pairs act out the dialogue, and so on. Repeat w ith several d ifferen t pupils.READING AND WRITING

6. Listen, sing and point (p. 61, ex. 4)Revise the body flashcards. Stick them to the board.Ask the pupils to answer your question and point a t the pictures: “How

many fingers/toes/legs/arm s do you have?”Then ask “W hat’s th is?” as you point at parts of the face and body again.

Pupils answer.Read the lines of the song. Pupils listen.Read again, pausing a fte r each sentence. Do choral and ind iv idual

repetition.Tell the pupils to stand up. Let the pupils repeat the actions a fte r you.Ask the pupils to sing the song. If pupils have difficulties, transla te the

d ifficult words.Sing the song together and do the actions again. Ask the pupils to repeat

a fte r you.7. Complete and w rite (p. 61, ex. 5)

Pupils have to complete the sentences about a toy dragon using the inform ation from exercise 2.

Ask pupils to make sentences orally.Then ask strong pupils to go to the board and w rite down these sentences

on it. Others have to w rite them down into their exercise books. Read the tex t w ith several d ifferen t pupils.

Ask the pupils to describe the toy individually. Help or correct the pupils if they have difficulties.ENDING THE LESSON

8. Ask pupils to show their favourite toys. Explain to the pupils th a t they have to describe their toys.

Describe a doll: “Look, th is is a doll. I t ’s got a round face, a small nose and rosy cheeks. Its hair is long and fair. Its eyes are big and blue. I t ’s p re tty .”

Ask the pupils to describe the doll individually. Help or correct the pupils if they have difficulties.Home work

Read (p. 61, ex. 4, 5)A ctivity bank: Draw it and describe a favourite toy.

Further practiceUse Workbook tasks at the lesson or at home.


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Мета:• навчальна: закріпити граматичний'і лексичний матеріал за темами «Я, моя сім'я та

друзі», «Зовнішність», практикувати мовні засоби за темами «Я, моя сім'я та друзі» та «Зовнішність», формувати навички вживання лексичних одиниць, вдосконалювати компетенції читання, аудіювання й усного монологічного мовлення;

• розеивальна: вчити уважно стежити за презентованою інформацією, ефектив­но співпрацювати під час парної та групової роботи, мотивувати готовність брати участь в іншомовному спілкуванні, розвивати різні типи пам'яті — слухову, зорову, увагу, уяву, учити працювати у парі, логічно висловлювати думку;

• виховна: виховувати уміння концентруватися, слухати інших, формувати доброзич­ливу атмосферу в класі.

• Обладнання: таблиці «Зовнішність. Частини тіла», лялька.

WARM-UPХід уроку

1. DictationGive a simple “Picasso dictation”, in which pupils listen and draw what

they hear instead of w riting it down.Dem onstrate or explain the procedure to the pupils. Then dictate every

part of the following description two or three tim es, giving the pupils plenty of tim e to draw their pictures: “I ’m a small robot. I ’ve got a big head. I ’ve got two eyes. I ’ve got two noses and one big mouth. I ’ve got long arm s and fee t.”

2 . Disappearing Items GameDraw or stick five pictures of toys on the board. Do choral repetition of the

words in sequence: e.g. a m onster, a plane, a robot, a lorry, a doll.Then rub out one of the pictures or take it away in the sequence.Pupils chant the whole sequence of five words, including the m issing

one. Repeat and rub out or take away another item. Continue till there are no pictures on the board and pupils are saying the whole sequence from the memory.

You can also play th is by w riting five words on the board, and rubbing them out one at a time.

PRESENTATION3. a) Look, listen and read (p. 62, ex. 1)

Books open. Ask pupils to look at the picture. Ask “W hat are the children’s names? Are they friends? Are they happy? W hat are they doing? W’ho has got a ball?”

Read the tex t. Pupils listen and read the tex t in silence.Read the tex t again.Then pupils read the tex t in a chain. Ask to transla te d ifficu lt sentences

into the m other tongue.Go round helping. Do choral and individual repetition.A fter reading: ask pupils the questions “Who is slim? W hat colour is Sue’s

hair? Who is plum p?”Pupils may also be asked to w rite answers to the questions in th e ir exercise

books.Do choral and individual reading again. Ask individuals to read parts of

the tex t again aloud. Help w ith pronunciation and sentence rhythm especially. M onitor the activity and help where necessary, b) Agree or disagree

Before reading: pre-teach the new word “handsome” and explain: it is used only w ith m en’s appearance. Drill the pronunciation of the new word.




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Pair workAsk pupils tp read the sentences in the exercise and answer “Yes” or “No”

about the friends in the exercise 1.Tell them th a t they are going to agree or disagree w ith the sentences.Pupils read and choose the correct answer. M onitor the activ ity and help

where necessary.If pupils don’t understand the meaning of some words transla te them into

the m other tongue.PRACTICE

4. Ask and answer (p. 63, ex. 2)Pair work

Ask pupils to read the questions and give answ ers in pairs using the inform ation about the friends from exercise 1.

M onitor the activ ity and help where necessary. Do choral and individual repetition.

Ask pupils to read and practice th e ir questions and answers fo r a few m inutes. Go round helping.

One or two pairs read or act out these questions and answers.Repeat w ith a d ifferen t pupil, bu t th is tim e let pupils choose partners to

act them out with.Transfer: encourage pupils to make their own questions and answers too.W rite some sentences in pupils’ exercise books if you have enough time.Ask some strong pupils to w rite sentences on the board too.

READING AND WRITING5. Complete and answer (p. 63, ex. 3)

Pupils have to complete the sentences about th e children using the inform ation from exercise 1.

Ask pupils to read the questions and make answers orally.Then ask strong pupils to go to the board and write down the answers on it.

O thers have to w rite them down into their exercise books.Pair work

Ask pupils to read the questions and answers.Help or correct the pupils if they have difficulties.Pay atten tion to question 4. Pupils have to answer about themselves.Transfer: encourage pupils to make the ir own questions and answers too.W rite some sentences in pupils’ exercise books if you have enough tim e.

6. Speak about your classmate (p. 63, ex. 3)Pupils have to describe th e ir classmates. Tell them they can use necessary

patterns from the exercise.Ask pupils to make sentences orally.Then ask strong pupils to go to the board and w rite down these sentences

on it. O thers have to w rite them down into their exercise books.ENDING THE LESSON

7. Project work. Make a poster. Describe your classmate (p. 63, ex. 5)Group work

Divide the class in four or five groups. Pupils choose a classmate they like and describe him or her using d ifferen t inform ation about h im /her.

M onitor the activ ity and help where necessary. You can finish the work next lesson.Home work

R ead(p. 6 2 ,e x .1)Further practice

Use Workbook tasks at the lesson or at home.


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Lesson 5. МОЇ БАТЬКИ

• навчальна: презентувати новий лексичний матеріал за темами «Я-, моя сім'я та друзі» та «Зовнішність», практикувати мовні засоби за темами, формувати навич­ки вживання лексичних одиниць, вдосконалювати компетенції читання, аудіювання й усного монологічного мовлення;

• розвивальна: вчити уважно стежити за презентованою інформацією, ефектив­но співпрацювати під час парної та групової роботи, мотивувати готовність брати участь в іншомовному спілкуванні, розвивати різні типи пам'яті — слухову, зорову, увагу, уяву, учити працювати у парі, логічно висловлювати думку;

• виховна: виховувати уміння концентруватися, слухати інших, формувати доброзич­ливу атмосферу в класі.

• Обладнання: картки за темами «Я, моя сім'я та друзі» та «Зовнішність».

Хід урокуWARM-UP

1. Please and Thank You GameGive specific in stru c tio n s to ind iv iduals about the Feel Bag objects

d istributed round the class: Show me your nose, etc. Pupils should only react if you say “please” : Show me your nose, please.

Play few rounds and then let pupils take over as a “teacher” . If necessary, w rite up the instructions “Show me...” on the board to help pupils.PRESENTATION

2. a) Listen and repeat (p. 64, ex. 1)Teach and then drill the new words shown in the pictures. If the pupils

have difficulties, transla te the words into their native language.Pupils take tu rn s to read out the words. Help them with pronunciation,

b) SayPupils have to complete the sentences using the new words.Ask pupils to make sentences orally. Then ask strong pupils to go to the

board and w rite down these sentences on it. Others have to w rite them down into th e ir exercise books.PRACTICE

3. Read (p. 64, ex. 2)Books open. Ask pupils to look at the photos. Ask “W hat people do you see?

Are they friends? Is it a family? Are they happy?”Read the text. Pupils listen and read the tex t in silence. Read the tex t again.Then pupils read the tex t in a chain. Ask to transla te d ifficult sentences

in to the m other tongue.Go round helping. Do choral and individual repetition.A fter reading: ask pupils the questions “Who is tall and handsome? Who is

nice and kind? Who is funny and happy?”Pupils may also be asked to write answers to the questions in their exercise

books.Do choral and individual reading again. Ask individuals to read parts of

the tex t again aloud. Help w ith pronunciation and sentence rhythm especially. M onitor the activ ity and help where necessary.READING AND WRITING

4. Agree or disagree (p. 65, ex. 2)Pair work

Ask pupils to read the sentences in the exercise and answer “Yes” or “No” about Ja n e ’s fam ily. Tell them th a t they are going to agree or disagree with the sentences.

Мета: Клас



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Pupils read and choose the correct answer. M onitor the activ ity and help where necessary..

If pupils don’t understand the meaning of some words transla te them into the m other tongue.ExtraFirst One to Touch Gam e

Play w ith the whole class. You give in structions an d /o r pupils play in groups of four. Pupils lay out their set of cards face up on their desks. Pupil A says e.g. F irs t one to touch the nose! D em onstrate th a t the pupils should touch the correct card as fast as they can and say “Me!” A fter th ree tu rn s another pupil has a tu rn a t being the leader.

5. Complete. Ask and answer (p. 65, ex. 3)Pupils have to complete the sentences about Ja n e ’s fam ily using the

inform ation from exercise 2.Ask pupils to read the questions and make answers orally.Then ask strong pupils to go to the board and write down the answers on it.

Others have to w rite them down into their exercise books.Pair work

Ask pupils to read the questions and answers.Help or correct the pupils if they have d ifficu lties. Pay a tten tio n to

question 4. Pupils have to answer about themselves.Transfer: encourage pupils to make their own questions and answers too. W rite some sentences in pupils’ exercise books if you have enough time.

6. Answer the questions (p. 65, ex. 4)Tell pupils they are going to answer the questions about their families. Pupils read the questions and give their answers. M onitor the activity and

help where necessary.Stim ulate pupils to use new adjectives.


Give a simple “Picasso dictation” in which pupils listen and draw what they hear instead of w riting it down.

Dem onstrate or explain the procedure to the pupils. Then dictate every part of the following description two or three tim es, giving the pupils plenty of tim e to draw their pictures: “I’m a small m onster. I ’ve got a big head. I ’ve got three eyes. I ’ve got two noses and one big mouth. I ’ve got long h a ir .”

7. Describe your m other or father. W rite (p. 64, ex. 5)Tell pupils to describe their parents using the beginnings of the sentences. Help or correct the pupils if they have difficulties. Ask pupils to w rite the

sentences in their exercise books.

ENDING THE LESSONPlay one or two rounds of the Spelling Shark with any new words from the

previous un it, especially the jobs and parts of the body.Home work

R ead(p. 6 4 ,e x .2)A ctivity bank: describe your parents.

Further practiceUse W orkbook tasks a t the lesson or a t home.


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Lesson 6. ПЕРЕВІР СЕБЕ Дата.

. . - Клас -Мета:• навчальна: активізувати та закріпити вивчений лексико-граматичний матеріал,

вдосконалювати вміння та навички аудіювання, читання, письма, усного мовлення,реагувати невербально на запитання, які потребують простих відповідей, форму- ........вати в учнів комунікативну компетенцію, закріпити прислівники способу дії та вжи­вання їх у мові з опорою на текст, розвивати та удосконалювати мовленнєві компе­тенції;

• розвивальна: вчити уважно стежити за презентованою інформацією, ефектив­но співпрацювати під час парної та групової роботи, мотивувати готовність брати участь в іншомовному спілкуванні, мотивувати бажання до подальшого самовдос­коналення у галузі володіння іноземною мовою, розвивати мовну здогадку;

• виховна: зацікавити учнів темою уроку, привернути їхню увагу до вивченого мате­ріалу, допомогти їм бути розкутими у спілкуванні, виховувати толерантне ставлен­ня до однокласників, викликати в дітей бажання вчитися, вивчати іноземну мову; виховувати дисципліну, звичку до систематичної розумової праці, ефективно спів­працювати під час парної та групової роботи.

• Обладнання: картки за темами «Я, моя сім'я та друзі» та «Зовнішність».

Хід урокуWARM-UP

1. Find the Card GamePlay w ith the whole class. Ask two children to w ait outside the

classroom door for a moment. W hile they are outside the door, stick one of the vocabulary cards somewhere in the classroom, where it is “hidden” but nevertheless visible w ithout moving anything. Involve the rest of the class in helping you to do this. Ask children to come back into the classroom and everyone asks e.g. “W here’s the robot?” Pupils are looking for the vocabulary card of the robot and the res t of the class is helping by saying “Hot! Hot!Hot!” if the pupils are moving to the card and “Cold! Cold! Cold!” if they moving away from it. W hen they find the card, the two pupils say e.g. “H ere’s the robot!” and everyone claps and says “H urray!” Repeat several tim es with d ifferen t pupils.

PRESENTATION2. Choose and complete (p. 66, ex. 1)

Ask pupils to read the words in a bubble. Pupils read the words. Then ask pupils to combine the words in suitable pairs: big-small, long-short, brown- green, oval-round.

Ask pupils to read and complete the pairs with suitable nouns.Pupils read the nouns and complete w ith suitable adjectives. They can

transla te the word combinations if it is necessary.ExtraWhat's Missing Game

Stick a set of flashcards on the blackboard. Hold up each one and get the children to say the names as you do th is. Then say “Close your eyes” and dem onstrate meaning. W hen children have their eyes closed, quickly removeone of the flashcards from the blackboard. Children open their eyes and call .......out the name of the missing flashcard.

3. a) Read and m atch (p. 66, ex. 2)Books open. Ask pupils to look at the photos. Ask “W hat toys do you see?”Ask pupils to read the tex t about these toys. Read the tex t. Pupils listen

and read the tex t in silence.


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Read the tex t again.Then pupils read the tex t in a chain. Ask to transla te d ifficult sentences

into the m other tongue.Go round helping. Do choral and individual repetition.A fter reading: ask pupils the questions “W hat is A nn’s toy? W hat is Kim ’s

toy? W hat is Tom’s toy?” Pupils may also be asked to w rite answers to the questions in the ir exercise books.

Do choral and individual reading again. Ask individual pupils to read parts of the tex t again aloud. Help with pronunciation and sentence rhythm especially. M onitor the activity and help where necessary, b) Listen and check

Listen to the rig h t sentences again. Check them up.

PRACTICE4. Look at the p icture. Fill in the words in the story (p. 66, ex. 3)

Ask pupils to look at the picture of a girl. Ask “W hat is her name? Can pupils guess?”

Then ask strong pupils to read the sentences and complete them w ith suitable words.

M onitor the activity and help where necessary.Do choral and individual repetition. Go round helping. Repeat w ith several

d ifferen t pupils.If you have enough tim e, write the tex t down in pupils’ exercise books.

READING AND WRITING5. Complete and write about these people (p. 67, ex. 4)

Ask pupils to look at the people and ask questions about the ir jobs.Then ask pupils to read the necessary inform ation about these people from

the table. Pupils read the main inform ation.A fter th a t pupils try to describe John using the pattern .Go round helping. Do choral and ind iv idual repetition . Then pupils

describe other people using the inform ation from the table again. A t last ask pupils to describe themselves.

6. W rite a short description of your friend or relative (p. 67, ex. 5)Tell pupils to describe their parents or friends or even relative.Ask them to read the questions and answer them in their exercise books. Help or correct the pupils if they have difficulties. M onitor the activity

and help where necessary.


Home workR ead(p. 6 6 ,e x .2)A ctivity bank: Describe your favourite cartoon character. Draw or stick

a picture.Further practice

Use Workbook tasks a t the lesson or a t home.


Page 76: Ahg yaz 3_kl_nesvit


• навчальна: активізувати та закріпити вивчений лексико-граматичний матеріал, вдосконалювати вміння та навички аудіювання, читання, письма, усного мовлення, реагувати невербально на запитання, які потребують простих відповідей, форму­вати в учнів комунікативну компетенцію, закріпити прислівники способу дії та вжи­вання їх у мові з опорою на текст, розвивати та удосконалювати мовленнєві компе­тенції;

• розвивальна: вчити уважно стежити за презентованою інформацією, ефектив­но співпрацювати під час парної та групової роботи, мотивувати готовність брати участь в іншомовному спілкуванні, мотивувати бажання до подальшого самовдос­коналення у галузі володіння іноземною мовою, розвивати мовну здогадку;

• виховна: зацікавити учнів темою уроку, привернути їхню увагу до вивченого мате­ріалу, допомогти їм бути розкутими у спілкуванні, виховувати толерантне ставлен­ня до однокласників, викликати в дітей бажання вчитися, вивчати іноземну мову; виховувати дисципліну, звичку до систематичної розумової праці, ефективно спів­працювати під час парної та групової роботи.

• Обладнання: картки за темами «Я, моя сім'я та друзі» та «Зовнішність».

Хід урокуWARM-UP

1. Play a simple “Draw, fold and pass” game like thisEach pupil has a blank sheet of paper. Give an instruction: “Draw the head.

Draw the nose, the eyes, and the m outh.” Pupils draw a head w ith eyes, nose and m outh. Then they fold over the top of their paper to cover the head they have drawn, and pass on the paper to their neighbour.

Give o ther instructions (...the body ...the arm s ...the hands, etc). Pupils draw, fold, and pass the paper to their neighbor each time.

A fter draw ing the feet, pupils unfold the whole drawing and describe the one they have using the adjectives they know.


2. Listen and read (p. 68, ex. 1)Before reading: pre-teach the new word “did” . Drill the pronunciation of

the new word.Books open. Ask pupils to look at the pictures.Read the tex t. Pupils listen and read the tex t in silence.Read the tex t again.Then pupils read the tex t in a chain. Ask to transla te d ifficult sentences

into the m other tongue.Go round helping. Do choral and individual repetition.A fter reading: ask pupils the question “W hat can you read on the snow?”Do choral and individual reading again. Ask individual students to read

parts of the tex t again aloud. Help w ith pronunciation and sentence rhythm especially. M onitor the activity and help where necessary.ExtraMagic Eyes Game

Stick a set of no more than six flashcards in a row on the blackboard. Say the names and get the children to repeat them two or three tim es. Then remove the flashcards one by one. Point to where they were and children repeat the names as if they were still there.




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PRACTICE3 . R e a d t h e q u e s t i o n n a i r e . C h o o s e a n d s a y (p . 6 9 , e x . 2)

R e a d t h e t i t l e o f t h e q u e s t i o n n a i r e . T r a n s l a t e i t i n t o t h e m o t h e r to n g u e . E x p la in p u p i l s t h e y a r e g o in g t o r e a d t h e q u e s t io n s a n d c h o o s e t h e s u i t a b l e

a n s w e r s to t h e s e q u e s t i o n s a n d f i n d o u t i f t h e y a r e p a r t y p e o p le o r n o t .P u p i l s r e a d t h e q u e s t i o n s . T h e n t h e y r e a d a l l t h e a n s w e r s a n d c h o o s e t h e

b e s t .T h e y c a n t r a n s l a t e t h e s e n t e n c e s i f i t i s n e c e s s a r y .

4 . S a y w h a t i s y o u r s c o re ? (p . 6 9 , e x . 3 )E x p la in p u p i l s i n t h e i r m o t h e r t o n g u e t h a t t h e y s h o u ld s u m t h e p o in t s . R e a d t h e t o t a l . A s k p u p i l s t o c h o o s e t h e i r p o i n t s a n d r e a d i f t h e y a r e p a r t y

p e o p le o r n o t .

READING AND WRITING5 . A s k y o u r f r i e n d . U s e t h e q u e s t io n s in e x e r c i s e 2 . S a y t h e r e s u l t (p . 6 9 , e x . 4 )

Pair workA s k p u p i l s to r e a d t h e q u e s t io n s t o e a c h o t h e r . T h e n a n s w e r t h e m . H e lp o r

c o r r e c t t h e p u p i l s i f t h e y h a v e d i f f i c u l t i e s . T h e n t h e y c o u n t t h e i r p o i n t s a n d s a y t h e r e s u l t s .

6 . W r i t e y o u r a n s w e r s t o t h e q u e s t i o n s i n e x e r c i s e 2A s k p u p i l s to c o p y o u t t h e q u e s t i o n s f r o m e x e r c i s e 2 .T h e n t h e y c h o o s e t h e s u i t a b l e a n s w e r s . I f t h e y l ik e t h e y c a n w r i t e t h e t o t a l

to o .

ExtraFlashcard Whisper Game

C h i ld r e n s t a n d i n tw o l in e s f a c i n g t h e b l a c k b o a r d . S e c r e t l y s h o w t h e l a s t c h i ld s t a n d i n g i n e a c h l in e a f l a s h c a r d . T h i s c h i ld t h e n w h i s p e r s t h e n a m e o f t h i s f l a s h c a r d to t h e n e x t c h i ld a n d so o n u p t h e l in e . T h e c h i ld a t t h e f r o n t r u n s t o t h e b l a c k b o a r d a n d d r a w s o r w r i t e s t h e w o r d . T h e n h e g o e s to t h e b a c k o f t h e l in e .

R e p e a t t h e p r o c e d u r e s e v e r a l t im e s .

ENDING THE LESSONFlashcard Letters Game

D iv id e t h e c la s s i n t o g r o u p s o f f iv e o r s ix . G iv e e a c h g r o u p a f l a s h c a r d ( m a k in g s u r e o t h e r g r o u p s d o n ’t s e e ) a n d e x p l a i n t h a t c h i l d r e n m u s t m a k e t h e l e t t e r s to s p e l l t h e n a m e o f t h e p i c t u r e w i t h t h e i r b o d ie s . G iv e t h e m fe w m i n u t e s to p r e p a r e t h i s a n d e n c o u r a g e th e m to c h e c k s p e l l i n g i f n e c e s s a r y .

E a c h g r o u p t h e n t a k e s t u r n s t o m a k e t h e l e t t e r s o f t h e i r w o r d s w i t h t h e i r b o d ie s a n d t o g u e s s e a c h o t h e r ’s w o r d s .

Home workR e a d (p . 6 8 , e x . 1)

Further practiceU se W o r k b o o k t a s k s a t t h e le s s o n o r a t h o m e .


Page 78: Ahg yaz 3_kl_nesvit





• навчальна: повторити раніше вивчені лексичні одиниці, закріпити вивчені лексич­ні одиниці, активізувати вивчений лексико-граматичний матеріал, розвивати вмін­ня та навички читання, письма, усного мовлення;

• розвивальна: розвивати логічне мислення, увагу та зорову пам'ять, спостережли­вість, удосконалювати фонетику та артикуляцію звуків, усні комунікативні уміння з опорою на наочність;

• виховна: допомогти учням бути розкутими у спілкуванні, повторити матеріал попе­редніх уроків; поповнити лексичний запас, дати змогу учням використати загальні знання, залучити до роботи дітей всього класу.

• Обладнання: календар.


WARM-UPХід уроку

1. M em ory Gam ePupils look at the jobs on the poster “Jobs” . Take the poster away and ask

pupils to try to remember as many of the animals as they can. W rite the words on the board.

PRESENTATION2. Listen. Order the pictures (p. 70, ex. 1)

Ask pupils to look at the pictures and name the holidays. Read and then drill the words.

Do choral and individual repetition. M onitor the activity and help where necessary.

Revise the dates of the holidays using the calendar. Point a t the seasons and ask the pupils to read them . Repeat it several tim es chorally and individually.

Tell the pupils to look a t the pictures again and say the seasons when we celebrate these holidays.

Ask pupils to go to the board and w rite the season and the holiday which we celebrate th is season.

K e y :1. New Year — w inter2. Easter — spring3. Christm as — winter4. B irthday — Pupils w rite the season when they were born.

PRACTICE3. Listen and read (p. 70, ex. 2)

Books open. Pupils listen and read the tex t in silence.Read the tex t again. Pupils either read the tex t silently to themselves or

they work on it together in pairs. Then pupils read the tex t in a chain. Ask to transla te d ifficu lt sentences in to the m other tongue. Go round helping. Do choral and individual repetition.

A fte r reading: ask pupils the questions “W hat is the boy’s favourite holiday? W hat season is it? W hat does the boy do th is holiday?”

Pupils may also be asked to w rite answers to the questions in their exercise books.


Page 79: Ahg yaz 3_kl_nesvit

Do choral and individual reading again. Ask individuals to read parts of the tex t again aloud. Help with pronunciation and sentence rhythm especially. M onitor the activ ity and help where necessary.

4. Agree or disagree (p. 70, ex. 3)Pair work

Ask pupils to read the sentences in the exercise and answer “Yes” or “No” about Jan e ’s family. Tell them th a t they are going to agree or disagree with the sentences. Pupils read and choose the correct answer. M onitor the activity and help where necessary.

READING AND WRITING5. Ask and answer (p. 71, ex. 4)

Read the question and then read the children’s answers.Pair work

Ask pupils to read the question “W hen is your favourite holiday?” and give th e ir answers in pairs using the inform ation about their favourite holidays. M onitor the ac tiv ity and help where necessary. Do choral and individual repetition.

Ask pupils to practice their questions and answers for a few m inutes. Go round helping.

One or two pairs act out these questions and answers.Repeat w ith a d ifferen t pupil, bu t th is tim e let pupils choose partners to

act them out with.Repeat w ith several d ifferen t pupils.Transfer: encourage pupils to make their own questions and answers too. W rite some sentences in pupils’ exercise books if you have enough time.

M onitor the ac tiv ity and help where necessary. Ask some strong pupils to w rite sentences on the board too.

7. Complete the sentences (p. 71, ex. 5)Stick a calendar. Read the m onths. Pupils do choral and individual

repetition.Ask pupils to complete the sentences using the inform ation from exercise 4. Pupils complete the sentences orally. Then ask strong pupils to go to the

board and w rite down the sentences on it. Others have to w rite them down into their exercise books.

Transfer: encourage pupils to make their own sentences too.W rite some sentences in pupils’ exercise books if you have enough time.

ExtraO dd One O ut Gam e

W rite four words on the board, three words which belong to a lexical set (e.g. holidays, months and seasons) and one th a t does not. Pupils have to say which one does not f it the set (e.g. March, January , December and w inter — the odd one out is w inter as it is not a month).

This can also be played w ith drawings or pictures on the board.


Home workRead (p. 70, ex. 2)A ctiv ity bank: w rite a te x t about your favourite holiday and stick

a picture.Further practice

Use Workbook tasks at the lesson or at home.


Page 80: Ahg yaz 3_kl_nesvit

Lesson 2. СКОРО СВЯТО!

• навчальна: презентувати новий лексико-граматичний матеріал за темою «Люди­на», практикувати мовні засоби за темою «Людина», описувати когось/щось, запи­тувати про події у майбутньому часі та відповідати на запитання, висловлювати своє ставлення до когось/чогось, вдосконалювати компетенції читання, аудіюван- ня, збільшити обсяг знань про соціокультурну специфіку мови країни, що вивчаєть­ся, мовну поведінку адекватно цій специфіці; практикувати всі види мовленнєвої ді­яльності, ознайомити з новими лексичними одиницями;

• розвивальна: розвивати інтелектуальні та пізнавальні здібності, різні типи пам'яті — слухову, зорову, оперативну, тривалу, увагу, уяву, учити працювати у парі, групі, логічно висловлювати думку, формувати почуття гордості за свою сім'ю, роз­вивати соціокультурну компетенцію;

• виховна: виховувати дбайливе ставлення до членів своєї родини, культуру співбесіди, та­кі риси характеру, як доброзичливість, толерантність, активність, повагу і любов до всіх членів родини, культуру спілкування, виховувати зацікавленість у розширенні своїх знань.

• Обладнання: картки за темою «Сімейне свято» та «Людина».

Хід урокуWARM-UP

1. Disappearing items. W rite days of the week or months of the year on the board. Do choral repetition of the words. Then rub out one of the words in the sequence. Pupils chant the whole sequence of five words, including the missing one. Re­peat, rub out another item. Continue till there are no words on the board and pu­pils are saying the whole sequence from the memory. You can also play th is by drawing seven pictures on the board, and rubbing them out one at a time. PRESENTATION

2. Listen and repeat (p. 72, ex. 1)Teach and then drill the new words shown in the pictures. If the pupils

have difficulties, transla te the words in to their native language.Pupils take tu rn s to read out the words. Help them w ith pronunciation.

PRACTICE3. Look, read and act out (p. 72, ex. 2)

Books open. Read the dialogue. Pupils listen and read it in silence.Read the dialogue again. Ask to tran sla te d ifficu lt sentences in to the

m other tongue.Pair work

Pupils read the dialogue. Go round helping.Do choral and individual repetition. Help w ith pronunciation and sentence

rhythm especially.M onitor the activity and help where necessary. One or two pairs read or act

out the dialogue.Repeat w ith a d ifferent pupil, but th is time let pupils choose partners to

act them out with.Repeat w ith several d ifferen t pupils.A fter reading: ask pupils the questions “Who has got a birthday? W hat

day is it? Who can come?”Pupils may also be asked to w rite answers to the questions in their exercise

books.4. Agree or disagree (p. 73, ex. 3)

Pair workAsk pupils to read the sentences in the exercise and answer “Yes” or “No”

about the friends in the exercise 2.

Мета: Клас



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Tell them th a t they are going to agree or disagree w ith the sentences. Pupils read and choose the correct answer. M onitor the activ ity and help where necessary.

If pupils don’t understand the meaning of some words transla te them into the m other tongue.

READING AND WRITING5. Say (p. 73, ex. 4)

Pupils have to complete the sentences about A nn’s p reparation to her b irthday party using the pictures.

Ask pupils to read the days of the week. Then ask to w rite them down in the correct order.

Ask pupils “W hat does Ann do on F riday/Saturday/Tuesday, etc .?” Pupils look a t the pictures and give the answers.

W rite the table on the board to help pupils to answer the questions.Ann writes the invitations

phones her friendscleans the houseopens the presentsgoes shopping

Ask pupils to make sentences orally. Then ask strong pupils to go to the board and w rite down these sentences on it. Others have to w rite them down into their exercise books. Read the sentences w ith several d ifferen t pupils.Ask the pupils to describe A nn’s week individually.

Help or correct the pupils if they have difficulties.

6. W rite these words in the correct order (p. 73, ex. 5)Ask pupils to read the words and try to w rite them in the correct order.

Pair workPupils read the words try ing to make sentences.M onitor the activity and help where necessary. If pupils don’t understand

the meaning of some words transla te them into the m other tongue. Read the sentences w ith several d ifferent pupils.

Then ask strong pupils to go to the board and w rite down the sentences on it. Others have to w rite them down into their exercise books.

K e y :1. Ann writes invitations.2. She phones her friends.3. She cleans the house.4. Ann likes opening the presents.


Abracadabra Gam eChildren play in pairs. Each child lays their cards face down in a row on ̂

their desks.Pupil A points to Pupil B’s f irs t card, pretends to wave a wind and says e.g.

“Abracadabra! I t ’s March!” Pupil B tu rn s over the card. If i t ’s M arch, they say “Yes!” and leave the card face up. If i t isn ’t March, they should say “No!” and leave the card face down. Pupil B then has the next tu rn .Home work

Read (p. 72, ex. 2)Further practice

Use Workbook tasks a t the lesson or a t home.


Page 82: Ahg yaz 3_kl_nesvit


Мета:• навчальна: п р акти кувати н ови й грам ати чн и й м атер іал за тем ою «Людина», п р а к ­

тикувати м овні засо б и за тем ою «Людина», о п и сувати д ії у м айбутн ьом у , зап и тувати п р о події у м ай б утн ьом у та в ідп ов ідати на зап и тан н я , вд о ск о н ал ю в ати ком п етен ц ії ч итан ня, ауд ію ван н я й усн ого м о н о л о гіч н о го м овл ен н я ;

• розвивальна: вчити уваж н о стеж ити за п р езен то в ан о ю інф орм ацією , еф ек ти вн о сп івп рац ю вати під час п ар н о ї та групово ї роботи , м отивувати готовність брати участь в інш ом овном у спілкуванні, учити прац ю вати у парі, логічн о висловлю вати думку;

• виховна: виховувати ум іння кон ц ен тр у вати ся , слухати інших, ф о р м у вати д о б р о з и ч ­л и ву атм о сф ер у в класі, п р о я в л я ти увагу д о с п ів р о зм о в н и к а в п р о ц ес і сп ілкуван н я, вчити культури сп ілкуван н я су ч асн ого ц и в іл ізо в ан о го світу, вчити ем оц ій н о -ц ін н іс ­но стави ти сь д о всього , щ о нас оточує, вчити розум іти важ л и вість о в о л о д ін н я іно­зем н о ю м о во ю і п о тр еб и ко р и сту вати ся нею як за с о б о м сп ілкуван ня, п р и щ еп л ю в а ­ти п р ац ьо в и т ість , вчити чітко ви кон увати інструкції вчителя .

• Обладнання картки за тем ою «Людина», тем атичн і картки «Дії. В подобання».

Хід урокуWARM-UP

1 . S t i c k 8 - 1 0 f l a s h c a r d s f r o m d i f f e r e n t l e x ic a l s e t s o n t h e b la c k b o a r d . E l i c i t o r r e m i n d c h i l d r e n t h e i r n a m e s . G iv e t h e c h i l d r e n o n e m i n u t e t o lo o k a t i t i n s i l e n c e . T r y a n d m e m o r i s e t h e f l a s h c a r d s b e f o r e r e m o v i n g t h e m f r o m t h e b o a r d . P u p i l s w o r k in p a i r s a n d w r i t e a l i s t o f t h e f l a s h c a r d s t h e y c a n r e m e m b e r .

C h e c k t h e a n s w e r s b y e l i c i t i n g th e m f r o m t h e w h o le c la s s a n d w r i t i n g a l i s t o n t h e b la c k b o a r d .

PRESENTATION2 . L i s t e n a n d r e a d (p . 1 1 8 , e x . 2 )

B o o k s o p e n . B e f o r e r e a d in g : p r e - t e a c h t h e w o r d s “D a y a n d D a te ” , “p l a c e ” a n d “w e lc o m e ” . S h o w t h e f l a s h c a r d s o r p o i n t to t h e p i c t u r e s in e x e r c i s e 1 . D r i l l t h e n e w w o r d s tw o o r t h r e e t im e s . R e a d t h e n e w w o r d s a g a in . P u p i l s l i s t e n a n d r e p e a t t h e m . I f i t i s n e c e s s a r y t r a n s l a t e t h e m i n t o t h e m o t h e r to n g u e .

T h e n r e a d t h e s e n t e n c e s w i t h t h e s e w o r d s . A s k p u p i l s t o r e a d t h e i n v i t a t i o n . P u p i l s e i t h e r r e a d t h e i n v i t a t i o n s i l e n t l y to th e m s e lv e s o r t h e y w o r k o n i t t o g e t h e r in p a i r s .

T h e n p u p i l s r e a d th e s a m e s e n te n c e s i n a c h a in . A s k to t r a n s l a t e d i f f i c u l t s e n te n c e s i n to t h e i r m o th e r to n g u e . P u p i l s r e a d th e i n v i t a t i o n . G o r o u n d h e lp in g .

A f t e r r e a d in g : a s k p u p i l s t h e q u e s t io n s f r o m t h e l e t t e r a n d o t h e r q u e s t i o n s o r a l l y “W h a t h o l id a y h a s A n n g o t? W h e n i s i t ? W h a t d a y is h e r b i r t h d a y ? W h a t t i m e i s t h e p a r t y ? ”

P u p i l s m a y a ls o b e a s k e d to w r i t e a n s w e r s t o t h e q u e s t io n s in t h e i r e x e r c i s e b o o k s .

D o c h o r a l a n d i n d iv id u a l r e a d i n g a g a in . A s k i n d i v i d u a l s t o r e a d p a r t s o f t h e t e x t a g a in a lo u d . H e lp w i t h p r o n u n c i a t i o n a n d s e n te n c e r h y t h m e s p e c ia l ly . M o n i to r t h e a c t i v i t y a n d h e lp w h e r e n e c e s s a r y .

3 . R e a d a n d s a y f o r A n n (p . 7 4 , e x . 2)

Pair workP u p i l s r e a d t h e d i a l o g u e a n d c o m p l e t e A n n ’s a n s w e r s u s i n g t h e

i n f o r m a t i o n f r o m e x e r c i s e 1 .A s k p u p i l s t o r e a d a n d p r a c t i c e t h e i r d ia lo g u e f o r a f e w m i n u t e s . G o r o u n d

h e lp in g .




Page 83: Ahg yaz 3_kl_nesvit

One or two groups read or act out the dialogue.Repeat w ith a d ifferen t pupil, bu t th is tim e let pupils choose partners to

act them out w ith.Repeat w ith several d ifferen t pupils.

PRACTICE4. Choose and say. W hat do the children usually do at the parties? (p. 75, ex. 3)

Ask pupils to look at the pictures. Teach and then drill the new words in the box. Ask pupils to m atch the word combinations and the pictures.

Say the word combination and pupils point a t the picture. Pupils repeat the procedure several times.

Pupils take tu rn s to read out the words. The o ther pupils point a t the pictures. Help them with pronunciation.

Make up sentences using the words. Then ask strong pupils to go to the board and w rite down the sentences on it. Others have to w rite them down into their exercise books. M onitor the activity and help where necessary.

READING AND WRITING5. Ask and answer (p. 75, ex. 4)

Teach the table “P resen t Sim ple” . Read the p a tte rn s in a ffirm ative, negative and question form. Explain in their m other tongue the rule if it is difficult to understand it in English.

W rite the sentences on the board and give questions, negative sentences and short answers too.

If necessary, rem ind them th a t “likes/doesn’t like” goes w ith “he” and “she” only.

Read the questions and answers.Pair work

Ask pupils to read the questions and give their answers in pairs using the inform ation about Ann and her friends. M onitor the activ ity and help where necessary. Do choral and individual repetition.

Ask pupils to practice their questions and answers for a few m inutes. Go round helping.

One or two pairs act out these questions and answers. Repeat w ith a d ifferent pupil, bu t th is tim e let pupils choose partners to act them out with. Repeat w ith several d ifferen t pupils.

Transfer: encourage pupils to make their own questions and answers too. W rite some sentences in pupils’ exercise books if you have enough time.

M onitor the activity and help where necessary.

6. W rite an invitation to your birthday party (p. 75, ex. 4)Ask pupils imagine they are going to have a birthday party .Ask them to w rite their inv itation using A nn’s invitation as an example.


Divide the class into two teams. One member from each team comes to the fron t of the class. Each says a word for the pupil to w rite on the board. Use the words from the last two or three lessons of th is unit.

Correctly spelt words — a point for the team.Home work

Read (p. 74, ex. 1)A ctivity bank: W rite an invitation card to your birthday party.

Further practiceUse Workbook tasks at the lesson or at home.


Page 84: Ahg yaz 3_kl_nesvit


Мета:• навчальна: практикувати всі види мовленнєвої діяльності, ознайомити з новими

лексичними одиницями;• розвивальна: розвивати інтелектуальні та пізнавальні здібності, різні типи

пам'яті — слухову, зорову, оперативну, тривалу, увагу, уяву, учити працювати в парі, групі, логічно висловлювати думку, формувати почуття гордості за свою сім'ю, роз­вивати соціокультурну компетенцію;

• виховна: виховувати дбайливе ставлення до членів своєї родини, культуру спів­бесіди, такі риси характеру, як доброзичливість, толерантність, активність, повагу і любов до всіх членів родини, виховувати зацікавленість у розширенні своїх знань.

• Обладнання: картки за темою «Сімейне свято».

Хід урокуWARM-UP

1. Jump GameAsk children to stand a t th e ir desks. Hold up a flashcard from the

vocabulary set and say a word.If the word is the same as the flashcard, they jump. If it isn’t, they keep still.A lternatively, ask pupils to put their hands up if the word you say and the

flashcard are the same.

PRESENTATION2. Listen and read (p. 76, ex. 1)

Tell pupils to look a t the picture. Ask w hat they see. Pupils give d ifferen t answers about the picture and about people on it.

Tell pupils th a t they are going to learn the poem about a b irthday party . Ask pupils to point to the objects while they are reading the lines. Read the words of the poem pausing a fte r each line. Pupils repeat the lines chorally and individually pointing to the objects in the picture. Read the poem chorally.

3. a) Look, listen and say (p. 76, ex. 2)Ask pupils to look at the picture and point to the objects and people while

they are listening to the tex t, b) Read and check your answers

Before reading: pre-teach the words “blow” and “candles” . Show the flashcards. Drill the new words two or three tim es. Read the new words again. Pupils listen and repeat them . If it is necessary transla te them into the m other tongue.

Then read the tex t. Pupils either read the tex t silently to themselves or they work on i t together in pairs. Then pupils read the tex t in a chain. Ask to transla te d ifficu lt sentences into the m other tongue. Go round helping.

A fter reading: ask pupils the questions “W hat holiday has Ann got? W hat day is her birthday? W hat do the children do at the party?”

Pupils may also be asked to w rite answers to the questions in their exercise books.

Do choral and individual reading again. Ask pupils to read parts of the tex t again aloud. Help w ith pronunciation and sentence rhythm especially. M onitor the activ ity and help where necessary.

PRACTICE4. Agree or disagree (p. 77, ex. 3)

Pair workAsk pupils to read the sentences in the exercise and answer “Yes” or “No”

about the birthday party in the exercise 2.




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Tell them th a t they are going to agree or disagree w ith the sentences. Pupils read and choose the correct answer. M onitor the activ ity and help where necessary. If pupils don’t understand the meaning of some words transla te them into the m other tongue.

READING AND WRITING5. Ask and answer (p. 77, ex. 4)

Pair workAsk pupils to read the questions and give their answers in pairs. M onitor

the activ ity and help where necessary. Do choral and individual repetition. Ask pupils to practice their questions and answers for a few m inutes. Go round helping. One or two pairs act out these questions and answers.

Repeat w ith a d ifferen t pupil, bu t th is tim e let pupils choose partners to act them out with.

Repeat w ith several d ifferen t pupils.Transfer: encourage pupils to make their own questions and answers too. W rite some sentences in pupils’ exercise books if you have enough tim e.

M onitor the activity and help where necessary.ExtraDisappearing Cards Gam e

Stick from five to seven flashcards “A ctivities” on the board. Do choral repetition of the words. Then remove one of the flashcards in the sequence. Pupils chant the whole sequence of six words, including the m issing one. Repeat removing another flashcard. Continue till there are no flashcards on the board and pupils are saying the whole sequence from their memory. You can also play the game by w riting seven words on the board, then rubbing them out one at a tim e.

6. W rite about your birthday. Fill in always, usually (p. 77, ex. 5)Pupils have to complete the sentences about th e ir b irthday using the

adverbs “always” and “usually” . If it is necessary transla te the adverbs into their m other tongue.

Ask pupils to make sentences orally. Then ask strong pupils to go to the board and w rite down these sentences on it. Others have to w rite them down into their exercise books.


.............................................. Spelling Team Game

Divide the class in to two team s. Show a p icture to the class or draw a picture on the board and ask a pupil from the firs t team to spell it. If the pupil can spell it, th a t team wins a point. If the pupil cannot spell it, the other team can try to spell it for a bonus point.Home work

Read (p. 76, ex. 2)Further practice

Use Workbook tasks a t the lesson or a t home.


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Мета:• навчальна: практикувати всі види мовленнєвої діяльності, ознайомити з новими

лексичними одиницями;• розливальна: розвивати інтелектуальні та пізнавальні здібності, різні типи

пам'яті — слухову, зорову, оперативну, тривалу, увагу, уяву, учити працювати у парі, групі, логічно висловлювати думку, формувати почуття гордості за свою сім'ю, роз­вивати соціокультурну компетенцію;

• виховна: виховувати дбайливе ставлення до членів своєї родини, виховувати культу­ру співбесіди, такі риси характеру, як доброзичливість, толерантність, активність, пова­гу і любов до всіх членів родини, виховувати зацікавленість у розширенні своїх знань.

• Обладнання: картки за темою «Сімейне свято».

Хід урокуWARM-UP

1. Spelling Shark Gam eThis is a version of the trad itional “Hangm an” game. Briefly explain the

rules to the class. You can play the game to revise the vocabulary needed for the lesson.

Think about any word, e.g., “present” . Don’t say it out loud. Draw a “cliff” line down from the end of the bottom row. A t the bottom of the “cliff” draw a shark and the sea. Draw two dashes for the le tte rs in a sport activ ity ,“p__________ ”. Pupils take tu rn s to guess one le tte r in the sport activity. Ifth a t le tte r is in the word, w rite it in the appropriate blank on top row. If it is not in the word, draw a little “stick figure” sta rting to walk along the bottom row of blanks towards the edge of the cliff. Pupils have to guess all the letters correctly before the stick figure falls over the cliff and into the shark ’s jaws.

PRESENTATION2. Listen and m atch (p. 78, ex. 1)

Pre-teach the words “glass” , “cotton” using the flashcard. Ask pupils to read the words from the table and try to match them into sentences. M onitor the activ ity and help where necessary.

Do choral and individual repetition. W rite the sentences on the board and in pupils’ exercises.

3. a) Listen and say (p. 78, ex. 2)Pair work

Ask pupils to read the questions and give the answers in pairs about the objects in the picture. Ask pupils to use the information from the exercise 1. Monitor the activity and help where necessary. Do choral and individual repetition.

Ask pupils to practice th e ir questions and answers for a few m inutes. Go round helping.

One or two pairs act out these questions and answers. Repeat w ith a d ifferen t pupil, bu t th is tim e let pupils choose partners to act them out with. Repeat w ith several d ifferen t pupils.

Transfer: encourage pupils to make their own questions and answers too.W rite some sentences in pupils’ exercise books if you have enough time.

M onitor the activity and help where necessary, b) Ask and answer about the things in exercise 1 (p. 78, ex. 2)Pair work

Ask pupils to read the questions and give the answers in pairs about the objects in the p icture. Ask pupils to use the inform ation from the exercise 1 too. M onitor the activ ity and help where necessary. Do choral and individual repetition.




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Ask pupils to practice their questions and answers for a few m inutes. Go round helping.

One or two pairs act out these questions and answers.PRACTICE

4. Read and act out (p. 79, ex. 3)Before reading: pre-teach the words “of course”. Translate them into the

m other tongue.Read the dialogue. Pupils listen and read it in silence. Read the dialogue

again. Ask to transla te d ifficult sentences into the m other tongue.Pair work

Pupils read the dialogue. Go round helping.Do choral and individual repetition. Help w ith pronunciation and sentence

rhythm especially.M onitor the activity and help where necessary.One or two pairs read or act out the dialogue. Repeat w ith a d ifferen t

pupil, bu t th is tim e let pupils choose partners to act them out with. Repeat . w ith several d ifferen t pupils.

A fter reading: ask pupils the questions “Who has got a birthday? Has Ann got many presents? Does she like them ?”

Pupils may also be asked to w rite answers to the questions in their exercise books.READING AND WRITING

5. Read (p. 79, ex. 4)Ask pupils to look at the sentences and name the pictures in them using the

le tte rs in brackets. Ask pupils to go to the board and w rite these words on the board.

Read the tex t again. Pupils listen and read the tex t in silence. Read the tex t again. Pupils either read the tex t silently to themselves or they work on it together in pairs.

Then pupils read the tex t in a chain. Ask to transla te d ifficu lt sentences into the m other tongue. Go round helping. Do choral and individual repetition.

A fter reading: ask pupils the questions “W hat colour is the glass? Is the T-shirt nice? Is the doll house green?”

Pupils may also be asked to w rite answers to the questions in their exercise books.

Do choral and individual reading again. Ask individuals to read parts of the tex t again aloud. Help w ith pronunciation and sentence rhythm especially. M onitor the activity and help where necessary.

W rite about your birthday presents (p. 79, ex. 5).Pupils have to complete the sentences about their b irthday presents.

ENDQ1ING THE LESSON Spelling Team Game

Divide the class in to two team s. Show a p ictu re to the class or draw a picture on the board and ask a pupil from the f irs t team to spell it. If the pupil can spell it, th a t team wins a point. If the pupil cannot spell it, the other team can try to spell it for a bonus point.Home work

R ead(p. 79, ex. 4)A ctivity bank: Describe and draw you best present to birthday.

Further practiceUse Workbook tasks a t the lesson or a t home.


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• навчальна: практикувати всі види мовленнєвої діяльності, ознайомити з новими лексичними одиницями;

• розвивальна: розвивати інтелектуальні та пізнавальні здібності, різні типи пам'яті — слухову, зорову, оперативну, тривалу, увагу, уяву, учити працювати у парі, групі, логічно висловлювати думку, формувати почуття гордості за свою сім'ю, роз­вивати соціокультурну компетенцію;

• виховна: виховувати дбайливе ставлення до членів своєї родини, виховувати куль­туру співбесіди, такі риси характеру, як доброзичливість, толерантність, активність, повагу і любов до всіх членів родини, виховувати зацікавленість у розширенні сво­їх знань.

• Обладнання: картки та плакат на тему «Зимові свята».

Хід урокуWARM-UP

1. Jump GameAsk children to stand a t th e ir desks. Hold up a flashcard from the

vocabulary set and say a word.If the word is the same as the flashcard, they jum p. If i t isn ’t , they keep

still.A lternatively, ask pupils to put th e ir hands up if the word you say and the

flashcard are the same.

PRESENTATION2. Listen, repeat and learn (p. 80, ex. 1)

Ask pupils to look at the picture. Read the rhyme. Pupils listen.Ask pupils to open th e ir books. Say the rhyme line by line and ask pupils to

repeat a fte r you.Translate the d ifficult words if necessary.W hen you have practiced the rhyme thoroughly, tell pupils th a t they are

going to say it themselves.Pupils read the lines chorally and individually if they wish.

3. Read (p. 80, ex. 2)Pupils listen and read the tex t in silence.Read the tex t again. Pupils either read the tex t silently to themselves or

they work on it together in pairs. Then pupils read the tex t in a chain. Ask to transla te d ifficu lt sentences into the m other tongue. Go round the class helping where necessary. Do choral and individual repetition.

A fter reading: ask pupils the questions “W hat holiday do U krainian people celebrate in w inter? W hat do they do? W hat do children do? W ho brings presents to little children?”

Pupils may also be asked to w rite answers to the questions in their exercise books.

Do choral and individual reading again. Ask pupils to read parts of the tex t again aloud. Help w ith pronunciation and sentence rhythm especially.Extra

Learn the poem.We have a fir-tree in the hall.I t is beautifu l and tall!A round it we dance and playBecause it is a New Year Day!




Page 89: Ahg yaz 3_kl_nesvit

PRACTICE4. Agree or disagree (p. 81, ex. 3)

Pair workAsk pupils to read the sentences in the exercise and answer “True” or

“False” about New Year and Christm as in exercise 2.Tell them th a t they are going to agree or disagree w ith the sentences.

Pupils read and choose the correct sentences. M onitor the activity and help where necessary.

If pupils don’t understand the meaning of some words transla te them into the m other tongue.READING AND WRITING

Explain pupils th a t Santa Claus comes to English children and brings presents and not Father Frost. Tell pupils to listen to a poem about Santa Claus and learn i t by heart.

Santa Claus lives in England.He is funny and m erry,His cheeks are like roses,His nose is like a cherry.W ith a branch of green holly And robins, his friends,To all English children New Year wishes he sends.

5. Ask and answer (p. 81, ex. 4)Read the tex t in exercise 2 again.

Pair workAsk pupils to read the questions and answ ers in pa irs using the

inform ation about New Year and Christm as from exercise 2. M onitor the activ ity and help where necessary. Do choral and individual repetition.

Ask pupils to read and practice th e ir questions and answers fo r a few m inutes. Go round helping.

One or two pairs read or act out the dialogues using the questions and answers.

Repeat w ith a d ifferen t pupil, bu t th is tim e let pupils choose partners to act them out with.

Repeat w ith several d ifferen t pupils.Transfer: encourage pupils to make th e ir own questions and answers too.W rite some sentences in pupils’ exercise books if you have enough time.

6. W rite 5 sentences (p. 81, ex. 5)Ask pupils to w rite five sentences about New Year and Christm as. Pupils

read the f irs t sentences and make their own ones.ENDING THE LESSON

Stick six flashcards “the days of the week” on the board. Do choral repetition of the words. Then remove one of the flashcards in the sequence. Pupils chant the whole sequence of six words, including the missing one. Repeat removing another flashcard. Continue till there are no flashcards on the board and pupils are saying the whole sequence from the memory. You can also play the game by w riting six words on the board, then rubbing them out one at a time.Home work

Read (p. 80, ex. 2)A ctivity bank: Describe w inter holidays you like. Draw a picture.

Further practiceUse Workbook tasks a t the lesson or a t home.


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• навчальна: практикувати всі види мовленнєвої діяльності, ознайомити з новими лексичними одиницями;

• розвивальна: розвивати інтелектуальні та пізнавальні здібності, різні типи пам'яті — слухову, зорову, оперативну, тривалу, увагу, уяву, учити працювати у парі, групі, логічно висловлювати думку, формувати почуття гордості за свою сім'ю, роз­вивати соціокультурну компетенцію;

• виховна: виховувати дбайливе ставлення до членів своєї родини, виховувати куль­туру співбесіди, такі риси характеру, як доброзичливість, толерантність, активність, повагу і любов до всіх членів родини, культуру спілкування, виховувати зацікавле­ність у розширенні своїх знань.

• Обладнання: картки та плакат за темою «Зимові свята».

Хід урокуWARM-UP

1. Ju m p Gam e

PRESENTATION2. Listen and read (p. 82, ex. 1)

Pupils listen and read the tex t in silence. Read the tex t again. Pupils either read the tex t silently to themselves or they work on i t together in pairs. Then pupils read the tex t in a chain. Ask to transla te d ifficu lt sentences into the m other tongue. Go round the class helping where necessary.

Do choral and individual repetition.A fter reading: ask pupils the questions “W hat holiday do U krainian people

celebrate in w inter? W hat do they do? W hat do children do? Who brings presents to little children?”

Pupils may also be asked to w rite answers to the questions in their exercise books.

Do choral and individual reading again. Ask individuals to read parts of the tex t again aloud. Help w ith pronunciation and sentence rhythm especially. M onitor the activity and help where necessary.PRACTICE

3. Complete the sentences (p. 82, ex. 2)Pupils have to complete the sentences using the information from exercise 1.Ask pupils to make sentences orally. Then ask strong pupils to go to the

board and w rite down these sentences on it. Others have to w rite them down into their exercise books.

You can explain in their m other tongue why. Pay atten tion th a t people in U kraine celebrate Christm as on 7th of January .

K e y :1. In B rita in and in the USA people celebrate C hristm as on 25th of

December.2. They decorate their homes w ith Christm as trees, toys, flags and lights.3. Santa Claus brings presents to children.4. Many families have parties.5. They dance, sing Christm as songs, play games and have fun.

READING AND WRITING4. Ask and answer (p. 82, ex. 3)

Read the tex t in exercise 1 again.Pair work

Ask pupils to read the questions and answ ers in pa irs using the inform ation about New Year and Christm as. M onitor the activ ity and help

Мета: Клас



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where necessary. Do choral and individual repetition. Ask pupils to read and practice their questions and answers for a few m inutes. Go round helping.

One or two pairs read or act out the dialogues using the questions and answers.

Repeat with a d ifferen t pupil, bu t th is tim e let pupils choose partners to act them out w ith.

Repeat w ith several d ifferen t pupils.Transfer: encourage pupils to make th e ir own questions and answers too.W rite some sentences in pupils’ exercise books if you have enough tim e.

ExtraLearn the poem.

December is the best of all.Snowflakes dance, snowflakes fall.People see the New Year in.W hen December ends, it will begin.This is the season W hen children ski,And Father Frost brings The brigh t New Year tree!

5. Look and say (p. 83, ex. 4)Look a t the pictures. Read the words in boxes. Drill the pronunciation of

the words. Ask pupils to match the words with the pictures. Read the example. Pair work

Ask pupils to make sentences about Alex using the p ictures and the words.Some pairs read th e ir examples. Then w rite the best sentences on the


6. Complete w ith the words from ex. 4 (p. 83, ex. 5)Ask pupils to read the words from the boxes again. Ask some pupils to

w rite these words on the board.Group work

Tell pupils they have to complete the sentences.Ask pupils to make sentences orally. Then ask some pupils from different

groups to go to the board and w rite down these sentences on it. Others have to w rite them down into th e ir exercise books.


Divide the class in to two team s. Show a p ictu re to the class or draw a picture on the board and ask a pupil from the firs t team to spell it. If the pupil can spell it, th a t team wins a point. If the pupil cannot spell it, the other team can try to spell it for a bonus point.Home work

R ead(p. 8 2 ,e x .1)A ctivity bank: W rite how your fam ily celebrates New Year and Christm as.

Draw some pictures or stick some photos.Further practice

Use Workbook tasks a t the lesson or a t home.

K e y :1. decorates2. clean3. w rites, sends

4. phone5. open6. buy


Page 92: Ahg yaz 3_kl_nesvit

• навчальна: ознайомити з новими лексичними одиницями, активізувати вивче­ний лексико-граматичний матеріал, розвивати вміння та навички читання, письма, усного монологічного та діалогічного мовлення, збільшити обсяг знань про соціо- культурну специфіку мови країни, що вивчається, вдосконалювати уміння будувати своє мовне висловлювання, мовну поведінку адекватно цій специфіці;

• розвивальна: розвивати логічне мислення, увагу та зорову пам'ять, спостережли­вість, удосконалювати фонетику та артикуляцію звуків, розвивати усні комунікатив­ні уміння з опорою на наочність;

• виховна: виховувати зацікавленість у розширенні свої знань, використанні на­вчального матеріалу в житті, виховувати загальну культуру учнів, толерантність один до одного.

• Обладнання: таблиця «Пори року», «Свята. Великдень», картки, пов'язані з порами року та різноманітними заняттями.

Хід урокуWARM-UP

1. Spelling Team GameDivide the class into two teams. One member from each team comes to the

fron t of the class. Each says a word for the pupil to w rite it using the words which are on the board. Correctly spelt words — a point for the team.

PRESENTATION2. Listen and repeat (p. 84, ex. 1)

Teach and then drill the new words using the pictures.Read out the caption fo r each of the p ictures in tu rn . Pupils listen and look

at the pictures. Use board sketches, m iming and gestures to check if pupils have understood the meaning of the new words.

Pupils take tu rn s to read out the words. Help w ith pronunciation. Go round helping. Repeat with several d ifferen t pupils.

PRACTICE3. Look, listen and read (p. 84, ex. 1)

Pupils listen and read the tex t in silence. Read the tex t again. Pupils either read the tex t silently to themselves or they work on it together in pairs.

Then pupils read the tex t in a chain. Ask to transla te d ifficu lt sentences into the m other tongue. Go round the class helping where necessary. Do choral and individual repetition.

A fter reading: ask pupils the questions “W hat holiday do U krainian people celebrate in spring? W hat do they do? W hat do children do? W hat do they make?”

Pupils may also be asked to w rite answers to the questions in the ir exercise books.

Do choral and individual reading again. Ask individuals to read parts of the tex t again aloud. Help with pronunciation and sentence rhythm especially. M onitor the activ ity and help where necessary.

READING AND WRITING4. Ask and answer (p. 85, ex. 3)

Read the tex t in exercise 2 again.Pair work

Ask pupils to read the questions and answ ers in pa irs using the inform ation about Easter in Ukraine. M onitor the activ ity and help where necessary. Do choral and individual repetition.




Page 93: Ahg yaz 3_kl_nesvit

Ask pupils to read and practice th e ir questions and answers fo r a few m inutes. Go round helping.

One or two pairs read or act out the dialogues using the questions and answers.

Repeat w ith a d ifferen t pupil, bu t th is time let pupils choose partners to act them out with.

Transfer: encourage pupils to make their own questions and answers too.W rite some sentences in pupils’ exercise books if you have enough time.

5. a) Listen and repeat (p. 85, ex. 4)Stick an Easter Bunny on the board. Explain pupils why th is Bunny is very

popular in English speaking countries in the ir m other tongue.Ask pupils to look at the picture.Before reading: pre-teach the new word “hop” and “Easter Bunny”. Drill

the pronunciation of the new words. Read the rhyme. Pupils listen.Ask pupils to open their books. Say the rhyme line by line and ask pupils to

repeat afte r you.Translate the d ifficult words if necessary.W hen you have practiced the rhyme thoroughly, tell pupils th a t they are

going to say it themselves.Pupils read the lines chorally and individually if they wish,

b) Ask and answer Pair work

Ask pupils to read the questions about Easter.Then pupils have to read the beginning of the answers in pairs using the

inform ation about Easter.M onitor the activity and help where necessary. Do choral and individual

repetition.Ask pupils to read and practice their answers for a few m inutes. Go round

helping.One or two pairs read or act out the dialogues using the question and

answer.Repeat with several d ifferent pupils.

6. W rite 5 sentences about E aster. Use the words clean, buy, bake and make (p. 81, ex. 5).

W rite the words clean, buy, bake and make on the board.Ask pupils to w rite five sentences about Easter. Pupils read the beginnings

of the sentences and make their own ones using the words from the task.

ENDING THE LESSONComplete the sentences using the pictures.W rite the beginnings of sentences on the board and place pictures a t the

end. Pupils read the beginnings and name the pictures.Today the weather is... (cold/sunny/rainy)In w inter you can make... (a snowman)In autum n you eat... (apples)W hen i t ’s hot and sunny, you can... (ride a bike, fly a kite)In spring people celebrate... (Easter)

Home workRead (p. 84, ex. 2, p. 85, ex. 4)A ctiv ity bank: W rite how your fam ily celebrates E aster. Draw some

pictures or stick some photos.Further practice

Use Workbook tasks a t the lesson or a t home.


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Lesson 9. ПЕРЕВІР СЕБЕ Дата

• навчальна: активізувати та закріпити вивчений лексико-граматичний матеріал, вдо­сконалювати вміння та навички аудіювання, читання, письма, усного мовлення, ре­агувати невербально на запитання, які потребують простих відповідей, формувати в учнів комунікативну компетенцію, закріпити прислівники способу дії та вживан­ня їх у мові з опорою на текст, розвивати та удосконалювати мовленнєві компетенції;

• розвивальна: вчити уважно стежити за презентованою інформацією, ефектив­но співпрацювати під час парної та групової роботи, мотивувати готовність брати участь в іншомовному спілкуванні, мотивувати бажання до подальшого самовдос­коналення у галузі опанування іноземної мови, розвивати мовну здогадку;

• виховна: зацікавити учнів темою уроку, привернути їхню увагу до вивченого мате­ріалу, допомогти їм бути розкутими у спілкуванні, виховувати толерантне ставлен­ня до однокласників, викликати в дітей бажання вчитися; вивчати іноземну мову; виховувати дисципліну, звичку до систематичної розумової праці.

• Обладнання: таблиця «Пори року», «Свята», картки, пов'язані з порами року та різ­номанітними заняттями.

Хід урокуWARM-UP

1. Ju m p Gam eAsk children to s tand a t th e ir desks. Hold up a flashcard from the

vocabulary set and say a word.If the word is the same as the flashcard, they jump. If it isn ’t, they keep

still.A lternatively, ask pupils to pu t th e ir hands up if the word you say and the

flashcard are the same.

2. Find the Card Gam ePlay w ith the whole class. Ask two children to wait outside the classroom

door for a moment. W hile they are outside the door, stick one of the vocabulary cards somewhere in the classroom, where it is “hidden” but nevertheless visible without moving anything. Involve the rest of the class in the process of hiding. Ask the two children to come back into the classroom and everyone asks e.g. “W here’s the robot?” The two pupils are looking for the vocabulary card of the robot and the rest of the class is helping by saying “Hot! Hot! Hot!” if the pupils are moving to the card and “Cold! Cold! Cold!” if they are moving away. W hen they find the card, the two pupils say e.g. “Here’s the robot!” and everyone claps and says “Hurray!” Repeat several times with different pupils.

PRESENTATION3. Read the Gramm ar pa tte rn w ith the adverbs of frequency with the present

sim ple. Pay a tten tio n to the adverbs of frequency “always” , “o ften” and “sometimes” .

PRACTICE4. Match the pictures w ith the sentences (p. 86, ex. 1)

Look at the pictures. Read the the sentences under the pictures. Drill the pronunciation of the words in colour. Pay atten tion to the place of the adverbs of frequency in every sentence. Explain the rule in the m other tongue.Pair work

Ask pupils to look at the p ictures and m atch them w ith the sentences. Name the picture and ask pupils to read the sentences to every picture. Then pupils name the num ber of the picture and the teacher reads a sentence.


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Correct the answers if necessary.If you have some tim e you can w rite the sentences and the num bers of

pictures in the pupils’ exercise books.If pupils have some difficulties to m atch sentences w ith the pictures help

them . W alk round the class and praise their efforts “Good! Well done!”

READING AND WRITING5. W rite negative sentences (p. 87, ex. 2)

Tell pupils they are going to make negative sentences. Ask pupils to read the example. Explain the rule in the m other tongue. Pupils read the example again and follow the pa tte rn in their books. Read again once or twice.

Ask pupils to go to the board one by one. They read the sentences and w rite negative variants.

6. Make up questions. Use “do” or “does” (p. 87, ex. 3)Read the example. If necessary, tran sla te the sentences into th e ir native

language. Remember th a t they use “do” and “does” in questions.Pupils read and follow the pattern in their books. Read it again once or

twice. Repeat chorally and individually. M onitor the activ ity and help where necessary. W rite the questions on the board. Use two answers a short answer and a full one. Repeat chorally and individually questions and answers.

7. Say w hat you can do a t the party (p. 87, ex. 4)Stick many pictures which describe activities a t a party .Ask pupils to name them . Pupils read the beginnings of the sentences and

complete them using the pictures on the board. Then ask strong pupils to read the sentences and complete them with suitable words. M onitor the activ ity and help where necessary. Do choral and individual repetition. Help or correct the pupils if they have difficulties in reading.

Repeat w ith several d ifferen t pupils.If you have enough tim e, w rite the tex t down in pupils’ exercise books.Project work. Make a poster about your favourite holiday (p. 87, ex. 5).

Group workGive pupils a lot of p ictu res of d iffe ren t holidays. Pupils choose the

holiday they like best of all. Pupils stick suitable pictures on a sheet of paper.Then ask pupils to describe the pictures using d ifferen t inform ation from

the lessons. M onitor the activ ity and help where necessary. If pupils don’t have enough tim e you can finish the work next lessons.

ENDING THE LESSONTeacher Can't Remember Game

Tell pupils you can’t rem em ber some of the words from a p articu la r vocabulary set so you Want them to help you. Show them some flashcards and say some words. This tim e use verbs w ith prepositions.Home work

Read (p. 86, ex. 1)Further practice

Use Workbook tasks a t the lesson or a t home.


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Lesson 1. Я ТУТ ЖИВУ

• навчальна: презентувати новий лексичний матеріал за темою «Мій дім. Квартира», практикувати мовні засоби за темою «Людина», вчити описувати когось/щось, за­питувати про відчуття та відповідати на запитання, повідомляти про смаки, уподо­бання, висловлювати своє ставлення до когось/чогось, вдосконалювати компетен­ції читання, аудіювання й усного монологічного мовлення, збільшувати обсяг знань про соціокультурну специфіку мови країни, що вивчається, вдосконалювати умін­ня будувати своє мовне висловлювання, мовну поведінку адекватно цій специфіці;

• розвивальна: вчити уважно стежити за презентованою інформацією, ефективно співпрацювати під час парної та групової роботи, мотивувати готовність брати участь в іншомовному спілкуванні, учити працювати у парі, логічно висловлювати думку;

• виховна: виховувати уміння концентруватися, слухати інших, формувати доброзичли­ву атмосферу в класі, вчити культури спілкування сучасного цивілізованого світу, вчити емоційно-ціннісно ставитись до всього, що нас оточує, виховувати розуміння важливос­ті оволодіння іноземною мовою і потреби користуватися нею як засобом спілкування.

• Обладнання: картки за темою «Людина», тематичні картки «Мій дім. Квартира».

Хід урокуWARM-UP

1. Associations GameSay the name of any ac tiv ity e.g. “house” or “home”. Pupils work in pairs,

try ing to th ink of and w rite down w ithin a two-minute period as many words they associate w ith the activity as possible, e.g., house — room, window, door, bedroom, etc.; home — family, friends, pet, love, etc.PRESENTATION

2. Listen, read and say (p. 88, ex. 1)Books open. Teach and then drill the new words using the pictures.Read out the caption for each of the pictures in tu rn . Pupils listen and look

at the pictures. Use board sketches, m iming and gestures to check if pupils have understood the meaning of the new words.

Pupils take tu rn s to read out the words. Help w ith pronunciation. Go round helping. Repeat with several d ifferen t pupils.

Hold up a pencil and say “One pencil. There’s one pencil.” Do choral repetition.

Hold up five pencils and say “Five pencils. There are five pencils.” Repeat with o ther numbers. Do choral and individual repetition.

Explain pupils th a t we use there is w ith one object and there are w ith more than one object. Practice w ith classroom objects.

A fter oral practice, w rite there’s and there’re on the board. Pupils read and say these phrases.

Then name the objects and ask pupils to make sentences using the pattern; “There is a... in the ....” 3.

3. Ask and answer (p. 88, ex. 2)Ask pupils to look at the pictures in exercise 1 again.

Pair workAsk pupils to read the questions and answers in pairs. M onitor the activity

and help where necessary. Do choral and individual repetition.Ask pupils to make their answers. Practice their questions and answers for

a few m inutes. Go round helping. One or two pairs read or act out the dialogues using the questions and answers.





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Repeat with a d ifferen t pupil, bu t th is tim e let pupils choose partners to act them out with.

Repeat with several d ifferen t pupils.Transfer: encourage pupils to make their own questions and answers too.W rite some sentences in pupils’ exercise books if you have enough time.

PRACTICE4. Listen, read and say (p. 88, ex. 3)

Pupils listen and read the word combinations in silence.Read them again. Pupils e ither read the word combinations silently to

themselves or they work on it together in pairs. Then pupils read the questions and the answers in a chain. Do choral and individual repetition.

Pupils may also be asked to w rite answers to the questions in th e ir exercise books.

Do choral and individual reading again.Transfer: encourage pupils to make their own questions and answers too.W rite some sentences in pupils’ exercise books if you have enough time.

READING AND WRITING5. Agree or disagree (p. 89, ex. 4)

Pair workAsk pupils to read the sentences in the exercise and answer “True” or

“False” about the things in d ifferent rooms.Tell them th a t they are going to agree or disagree with the sentences.

Pupils read and choose the correct answer. M onitor the activity and help where necessary.ExtraFlashcard Bingo Game

Use 10-15 flashcards for household objects. Stick the flashcards on the blackboard.

Children draw a grid with six squares and write the name of one flashcard in each square (encourage them to check spelling).

W hen children are ready, remove the flashcards from the blackboard and shuffle them. Hold up the flashcards one by one and say the names.

Children listen and write a cross on the word if it is in their grid. The firs t child to write a cross on all six words in their grid calls “Bingo!” and is the winner.

6. W rite about your living room (p. 89, ex. 5). Pupils read the sentences and complete them using d iffe ren t suitable

words.Ask pupils to make sentences orally. Then ask strong pupils to go to the

board and w rite down these sentences on it. Others have to write them down into their exercise books.ENDING THE LESSON Team Spelling Game

Divide the class into two team s. Show a p icture to the class or draw a picture on the board and ask a pupil from the f irs t team to spell it. If the pupil can spell it, th a t team wins a point. If the pupil cannot spell i t , the other team can try to spell it for a bonus point.Homework

R ead(p. 8 8 ,e x .1)Further practice

Use Workbook tasks at the lesson or at home.


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* навчальна: презентувати новий лексичний матеріал за темою «Мій дім. Квартира», практикувати мовні засоби за темою «Людина», описувати когось/щось, запитувати про відчуття та відповідати на запитання, повідомляти про смаки, уподобання, ви­словлювати своє ставлення до когось/чогось, вдосконалювати компетенції читан­ня, аудіювання й усного монологічного мовлення, збільшити обсяг знань про со- ціокультурну специфіку мови країни, що вивчається, вдосконалити уміння будувати своє мовне висловлювання, мовну поведінку адекватно цій специфіці;

• розвивальна: вчити уважно стежити за презентованою інформацією, ефективно співпрацювати під час парної та групової роботи, мотивувати готовність брати участь в іншомовному спілкуванні, учити працювати у парі, логічно висловлювати думку;

* виховна: виховувати уміння концентруватися, слухати інших, формувати доброзичли­ву атмосферу в класі, вчити культури спілкування сучасного цивілізованого світу, вчити емоційно-ціннісно ставитись до всього, що нас оточує, виховувати розуміння важливос­ті оволодіння іноземною мовою і потреби користуватися нею як засобом спілкування.

• Обладнання: картки за темою «Людина», тематичні картки «Мій дім. Квартира».

Хід урокуWARM-UP

1. Associations Gam eSay the name of any part of the fla t e.g. “living-room” or “kitchen” . Pupils

work in pairs try ing to th ink of and w rite down w ithin a two-minute period as many words they associate with the words as possible, e.g., living-room — room, window, TV set, etc.; kitchen — fam ily, dinner, table, cup, etc. PRESENTATION

2. Listen, read and say (p. 90, ex. 1)Teach and then d rill the new words using the p ictures. Read out the

caption for each of the pictures in tu rn . Pupils listen and look at the pictures. Use board sketches, miming and gestures to check if pupils have understood the meaning of the new words.

Pupils take tu rn s to read out the words. Help w ith pronunciation. Go round helping.

Repeat with several d ifferen t pupils.Hold up a pencil and say “One pencil. There’s one pencil.” Do choral

repetition.Hold up five pencils and say “Five pencils. There are five pencils.” Repeat

w ith other numbers. Do choral and individual repetition.Explain to pupils th a t we use “there is” w ith one object and “there are”

w ith more than one object. Practice with classroom objects.A fter oral practice, w rite “th e re ’s” and “th ere ’re” on the board. Pupils

read and say these phrases.Then name the objects and ask pupils to make sentences using the pattern :

“There is a... in the....”3. Ask and answer (p. 90, ex. 2)

Ask pupils to look at the p ictures in exercise 1 again.Pair work

Ask pupils to read the questions and answers in pairs. M onitor the activity and help where necessary. Do choral and individual repetition.

Ask pupils to make their answers. Practice their questions and answers for a few m inutes. Go round helping.

One or two pairs read or act out the dialogues using the questions and answers.

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Repeat w ith a d ifferen t pupil, bu t th is tim e let pupils choose partners to act them out w ith.

Repeat with several d ifferen t pupils.Transfer: encourage pupils to make their own questions and answers too.W rite some sentences in pupils’ exercise books if you have enough tim e.

PRACTICE4. Read (p. 90, ex. 3)

Before reading: ask the questions “W hat can you see? W hat rooms are there? W here are the children?”

Tell pupils to listen to the dialogue. Read the dialogue. Read it again and pause a fte r each sentence. Read every sentence dram atically and tell pupils to repeat a fte r you. If necessary, transla te the sentences into their own language.

A fter reading ask pupils “Who is busy? W here is Rossie?”Repeat chorally and individually . M onitor the ac tiv ity and help where

necessary.-Tell pupils th a t they are going to read the dialogue.

READING AND WRITING5. Act out the dialogue (p. 91, ex. 4)

Read the dialogue again. Pupils listen and read.Pupils read and practice their part in the story for a few m inutes. Go round

helping.One or two pairs read or act out the dialogue.Repeat w ith several d iffe ren t pupils, b u t th is tim e let pupils choose

partners to act it out with.6. a) Answer the questions (p. 91, ex. 5)

Read the dialogue in exercise 3 again.Pair work

Ask pupils to read the questions and answers in pairs.M onitor the activity and help where necessary. Do choral and individual

repetition.Ask pupils to read and practice the ir questions and answers fo r a few

m inutes. Go round helping.One or two pairs read or act out the dialogues using the questions and

answers.Repeat w ith a d ifferen t pupil, bu t th is tim e let pupils choose partners to

act them out with.Repeat w ith several d ifferent pupils.Transfer: encourage pupils to make their own questions and answers too.W rite some sentences in pupils’ exercise books if you have enough time,

b) W rite your answersAsk pupils to w rite the questions and give the answers. Then ask pupils to

go to the board and w rite the answers on it. Other pupils write the questions and answers in their exercise books.ENDING THE LESSONSpelling Team Game

Divide the class in to two team s. Show a p icture to the class or draw a picture on the board and ask a pupil from the f irs t team to spell it. If the pupil can spell it, th a t team wins a point. If the pupil cannot spell it, the other team can try to spell it for a bonus point.Home work

R ead(p. 9 0 ,e x .3)Further practice

Use Workbook tasks a t the lesson or a t home.


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• навчальна: презентувати новий граматичний і лексичний матеріал за темою «Я, моя сім'я та друзі», практикувати мовні засоби за темою «Я, моя сім'я та друзі», формувати навички вживання нових лексичних одиниць, вдосконалювати компе­тенції читання, аудіювання й усного монологічного мовлення;

• розвивальна: вчити уважно стежити за презентованою інформацією, ефектив­но співпрацювати під час парної та групової роботи, мотивувати готовність брати участь в іншомовному спілкуванні, розвивати різні типи пам'яті — слухову, зорову, увагу, уяву, учити працювати у парі, логічно висловлювати думку;

• виховна: виховувати уміння концентруватися, слухати інших, формувати доброзич­ливу атмосферу в класі.

• Обладнання: картки за темою «Людина», тематичні картки «Мій дім. Квартира».

Хід урокуWARM-UP

1. D ictation. Give a simple dictation (use a rhyme or sim ilar sentences about C hristm as or New Year Holiday). Pupils listen and draw w hat they hear instead of w riting it down. Dem onstrate or explain the procedure to pupils. Then dictate each p a rt of the description two or th ree tim es, giving pupils enough tim e to draw their pictures.

2. Spelling Shark GameThis is a version of the trad itional “H angm an” game. B riefly explain

the rules to the class. You can play the game to revise the vocabulary for the lesson. Think of any word, e .g ., “lunch”. Don’t say it out loud. Draw a “cliff” line down from the end of the bottom row. A t the bottom of the “cliff” draw a shark and the sea. Draw two dashes for the letters in a sport activity ,“____ c h” . Pupils take tu rn s to guess one le tte r in the sport activity. If th a tle tte r is in the word, w rite it in the appropriate blank in the top row. If it is not in the word, draw a little “stick figure” sta rting to walk along the bottom row of blanks towards the edge of the cliff. Pupils have to guess all the letters correctly before the stick figure falls over the cliff and into the shark ’s jaws.

PRESENTATION3. Read (p. 92, ex. 1)

Before reading pre-teach the words “dow nstairs” and “upsta irs” .Divide the class into two groups. Read the tex t one by one and pause afte r

each sentence. Read every sentence dram atically and tell pupils to repeat after you. If necessary, transla te the sentences into their own language. Pupils read the tex ts in a chain.

4. Ask and answer (p. 92, ex. 2)Ask pupils to look at the plan of the house again. Explain they are going

to make questions using the plan and patterns. “W here is /a re the k itchen/the bedrooms?”

You ask questions and pupils answer them using the words “dow nstairs” and “upsta irs” using the inform ation from the tex ts. Complete the questions and answers.

Ask pupils to read the pa tte rn and make th e ir own examples about the location of the d ifferen t rooms in the house.

You can copy the plan on the board.Ask pupils to read the tex ts. Label the rooms on the plan. Ask pupils to

make questions using the words from the texts. Pupils practice dialogues in pairs using the completed questions and answers.

One or two pairs act out the dialogues.

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PRACTICE5. Listen. Look at the plan in the exercise 1. Find the rooms they need (p. 93, ex. 3)

Pair workPupils work in pairs on the whole dialogue in the story episode. They read

and practice th e ir part in the story for a few m inutes. W hile reading they are pointing to the rooms they see on the plan.

Go round helping. One or two pairs act out the dialogue. Repeat with several different pupils bu t th is time let pupils choose partners to act it out with.ExtraDisappearing Items Game

W rite four or five words on the board, e.g., rooms, jobs, household objects. Repeat the words in the sequence chorally: e.g., bedroom, kitchen, living-room and bathroom . Then rub out one of the words in the sequence. Pupils chant the whole sequence of five words, including the missing one. Repeat rubbing out another item. Continue till there are no words on the board and pupils are saying the whole sequence from the memory. You can also play th is by drawing four or five pictures on the board and rubbing them out one at a time.READING AND WRITING

6. Look, read and complete (p. 93, ex. 3)Ask pupils to look a t the sentences and ask to name the pictures in them. Ask pupils to go to the board and w rite these words on the board. Read the

tex t again. Pupils listen and read the tex t in silence.Read the tex t again. Pupils e ither read the tex t silently to themselves or

they work on it together in pairs. Then pupils read the tex t in a chain. Ask to transla te d ifficu lt sentences into the m other tongue. Go round helping. Do choral and individual repetition.

A fter reading: ask pupils the questions “Is there a sink in the kitchen? Is there a table? How many chairs are there in the kitchen?”

Pupils may also be asked to w rite answers to the questions in their exercise books.

Do choral and individual reading again. Ask individuals to read parts of the tex t again aloud. Help with pronunciation and sentence rhythm especially. M onitor the activity and help where necessary

7. Project work. Draw a plan of your house (flat). W rite 5 sentences about it (p. 93, ex. 5).

Ask pupils to look at the picture and the plan of the house.Pupils listen , look and answ er your questions “Is i t a liv ing-room /a

bedroom?”Ask about the fu rn itu re “Can you see a bed /a com puter/a sofa/a chair?” Then ask pupils to make their plans of their bedrooms.Pupils take pieces of paper and draw plans of their houses or flats. Ask

them to label the rooms and fu rn itu re . Then ask them to w rite 5 sentences about it.ENDING THE LESSONSpelling Team Game

Divide the class in to two team s. Show a p icture to the class or draw a p icture on the board and ask a pupil from the f irs t team to spell it. If the pupil can spell it, th a t team wins a point. If the pupil cannot spell it, the other team can try to spell i t for a bonus point.Home work

Read (p. 92, ex. 1)Further practice

Use Workbook tasks a t the lesson or1 a t home.


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• навчальна: презентувати новий граматичний і лексичний матеріал за темою «Я, моя сім'я та друзі», практикувати мовні засоби за темою «Я, моя сім'я та друзі», формувати навички вживання нових лексичних одиниць, вдосконалювати компе­тенції читання, аудіювання й усного монологічного мовлення;

• розвивальна: вчити уважно стежити за презентованою інформацією, ефектив­но співпрацювати під час парної та групової роботи, мотивувати готовність брати участь в іншомовному спілкуванні, розвивати мовну здогадку, різні типи пам'яті — слухову, зорову, увагу, уяву, вчити працювати у парі, логічно висловлювати думку;

• виховна: виховувати уміння концентруватися, слухати інших, формувати доброзич­ливу атмосферу в класі.

• Обладнання: картки за темою «Я, моя сім'я та друзі», «Моя кімната».

Хід урокуWARM-UP

1. Rhyming Words GameP u t up two or three phonics cards around the room, saying the words for

children to repeat. Ask children to stand up at their desks. Tell them you are going to call out words which rhyme with the words in the cards. Call out other words from the phonics lessons. Children point to the words on the wall. W ith a strong class, you may also ask them to repeat both words. Gradually get faster and faster. Children who point to the wrong word are out and have to sit down.

Option: w ith a lim ited num ber of words, you may call out both the words on the cards and words which rhyme with them .

PRESENTATION2. Listen, repeat and order the pictures (p. 94, ex. 1)

Look a t the p ictu res. Read the words under the p ictu res. D rill the pronunciation of the words.Pair work

Ask pupils to order the pictures.Pupils listen and w rite the words in the correct order.Then some pairs read their examples. If you have some tim e you can make

sentences w ith these words. W alk round the class and praise th e ir effo rts “Good! Well done!”

PRACTICE3. Look and read. Then describe the pictures (p. 94, ex. 2)

Pupils listen and read the dialogue in silence.Read it again. Pupils e ither read the dialogue silently to themselves or

they work on it together in pairs. Then pupils read the dialogue in a chain. Do choral and individual repetition.

Pupils may also be asked to w rite answers to the questions in their exercise books.

Do choral and individual reading again. M onitor the ac tiv ity and help where necessary.

Then ask pupils to describe the room using the inform ation from the dialogue.

You can w rite the beginning of the sentences on the board. Ask pupils to go to the board one by one and complete the sentences.

M onitor the activ ity and help where necessary.




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READING AND WRITING4. Find ten hidden words (p. 95, ex. 3)

W rite the crossword down on the board and make copies to pupils. Then stick household flashcards on the board. Ask pupils to w rite the names of them under every picture. Then ask pupils to find the hidden words.

K ey:1. P icture 6. Drawer2. Chair 7. Arm chair3. Book 8. Bookcase4. Window 9. Clock5. Computer 10. M irrorLook a t the picture in ex. 2. Ask and answer.

Pair workAsk pupils to read the questions and answers in pairs.M onitor the activity and help where necessary. Do choral and individual

repetition.Ask pupils to read and practice th e ir questions and answers fo r a few

m inutes. Go round helping.One or two pairs read or act out the dialogues using the questions and

answers.Repeat with a d ifferen t pupil, bu t th is tim e let pupils choose partners to

act them out with.Repeat w ith several d ifferen t pupils.Transfer: encourage pupils to make their own questions and answers too. W rite some sentences in pupils’ exercise books if you have enough time.

5. Read and complete (p. 95, ex. 4)Ask pupils to look at the sentences and name the pictures in thejn. Ask

pupils to go to the board and w rite these words on the board.Read the tex t again. Pupils either read the tex t silently to themselves or

they work on it together in pairs.Then pupils read the tex t in a chain. Ask to transla te d ifficult sentences

into the m other tongue. Go round helping. Do choral and individual repetition.A fter reading: ask pupils the questions “W hat room is it? Is there a table?

Is the room clean?”Pupils may also be asked to w rite answers to the questions in their exercise

books.Do choral and individual reading again. Ask individuals to read parts of

the tex t again aloud. Help with pronunciation and sentence rhythm especially. M onitor the activity and help where necessary.

6. W rite 5 sentences about your room (p. 95, ex. 5)Ask pupils to describe their rooms.Pupils make sentences orally. Then ask strong pupils to go to the board and

w rite down these sentences on it. Other pupils have to w rite them down into ' their exercise books.

ENDING THE LESSONSpelling Team Game Home work

R e a d (p .9 5 ,e x .4)A ctivity bank: Ask pupils to make a plan of their rooms and describe it.

Further practiceUse Workbook tasks a t the lesson or a t home.


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• навчальна: презентувати новий граматичний і лексичний матеріал за темою «Я, моя сім'я та друзі», практикувати мовні засоби за темою «Я, моя сім'я та друзі», формувати навички вживання нових лексичних одиниць, вдосконалювати компе­тенції читання, аудіювання й усного монологічного мовлення;

• розвивальна: вчити уважно стежити за презентованою інформацією, ефектив­но співпрацювати під час парної та групової роботи, мотивувати готовність брати участь в іншомовному спілкуванні, розвивати мовну здогадку, різні типи пам'яті — слухову, зорову, увагу, уяву, учити працювати у парі, логічно висловлювати думку;

• виховна: виховувати уміння концентруватися, слухати інших, формувати доброзич­ливу атмосферу в класі.

• Обладнання: картки за темою «Я, моя сім'я та друзі», «Моя кімната».

Хід урокуWARM-UP

1. Rhyming Words GameP u t up two or three phonics cards around the room, saying the words for

children to repeat. Ask children to stand up at their desks. Tell them you are going to call out words which rhyme with the words in the cards. Call out other words from the phonics lessons. Children point to the words on the wall. W ith a strong class, you may also ask them to repeat both words. Gradually get faster and faster. Children who point to the wrong word are out and have to sit down. Option: with a lim ited number of words, you may call out both the words on the cards and words which rhyme with them.

PRESENTATION2. Look and say. How many of these th ings can you find? (p. 96, ex. 1)

Ask pupils to look at the small pictures. Pupils look at the pictures and name the words.

Ask pupils to spell each word and w rite them down.Pair work

Ask a pupil to go to the board and w rite the firs t word on the board while another pupil is spelling it, e.g., “s-o-f-a” .

Ask another pupil to go to the board and match a picture with one of the words.

Make sentences w ith the words. Ask pupils to find these th ings in the big picture and count them.

Then write the numbers of things on the board.ExtraVes or No Game

Play w ith the whole class an d /o r pupils play in pairs. You can use fu rn itu re words and names of the rooms in the house or job words. Pupils place the vocabulary cards face down in a pile in front of them. Pupil A tu rn s over the f irs t card, holds it up to Pupil В and says, e.g., “Is it a sofa?” Pupil В says, “Yes, it is .” or “No, it isn ’t. I t ’s a bed.” depending on the picture. If Pupil В responds correctly, he/'she keeps the card and has the next tu rn . The pupil w ith the most cards at the end of the game wins.

PRACTICE3. Read the le tte r from Tom (p. 96, ex. 2)

Before reading: p re-teach and d rill the words “pen f rie n d ” and “W ashington, D.C.” Translate them into the m other tongue.




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Ask pupils “W hat is it? Is it a tex t? Is it a poem?” Get them to identify the type of the tex t “It is a le tte r .” Ask pupils to point out the typical opening of a le tte r “Dear Friend” and the typical ending of a le tte r to a friend “Bye! Tom”

Ask pupils to read the le tte r. Pupils e ither read the le tte r from Tom individually or in pairs.

A fter reading: ask pupils the questions from the le tte r and other questions orally “W hat is your name? W here do you live?” Pupils may also be asked to w rite answers to the questions in their exercise books.

4. Talk to Tom (p. 97, ex. 3)Ask pupils to imagine they are speaking to Tom.

Pair workPupils read the dialogue and complete the questions or the answers to

them.Then they take tu rn s to ask and answer in the same way using the pattern

again.Pupils act out the dialogue in pairs. One or two pairs act out the dialogue. Repeat w ith several d ifferen t pupils. If the class is not strong you may

w rite the examples of questions and answers on the board to help pupils to make their dialogues.

READING AND WRITING5. Play a game “Bingo!” (p. 97, ex. 4)

Explain to pupils the rules of th is game again.Pupils make a grid of six squares. Then they choose the p icture w ith

household words. They w rite a name of the household words in each square. Call out names at random, if pupils have the name you call out on th e ir grid, they tick it, or cross it off, or cover it w ith a small piece of paper. The firs t pupil to tick/cross/cover all six names on their grid calls out “Bingo!” and is the winner.

6. W rite a le tte r to Tom (p. 97, ex. 5)Ask pupils to w rite the answer to Tom.Read Tom’s le tte r again. Ask pupils use his le tte r as a pa tte rn and w rite

the answer.


Divide the class in to two team s. Show a p icture to the class or draw a picture on the board and ask a pupil from the firs t team to spell it. If the pupil can spell it, th a t team wins a point. If the pupil cannot, the other team can try to spell it for a bonus point.Home work

R ead(p. 9 6 ,e x .2)Further practice

Use Workbook tasks a t the lesspn or at home.


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• навчальна-, презентувати новий лексичний матеріал та закріпити вивчений лек­сичний матеріал за темою «Людина», практикувати мовленнєві компетенції за те­мою «Людина», вчити описувати різноманітні дії, висловлювати своє ставлення до когось/чогось, збільшувати обсяг знань про соціокультурну специфіку мови країни, що вивчається, вдосконалювати уміння учнів будувати мовне висловлювання, мов­ну поведінку адекватно цій специфіці;

• розвивальна: вчити уважно стежити за презентованою інформацією, ефектив­но співпрацювати під час парної та групової роботи, мотивувати готовність брати участь в іншомовному спілкуванні, розвивати різні типи пам'яті, учити працювати у парі, логічно висловлювати думку;

• виховна: виховувати розуміння важливості оволодіння іноземною мовою і потре­би користуватися нею як засобом спілкування, виховувати уміння концентруватися, слухати інших, формувати доброзичливу атмосферу в класі.

• Обладнання: картки за темою «Людина».

Хід урокуWARM-UP

1. Revise the action verbs w ith prepositions. Tell pupils “Stand at the board, Max. P u t your pen under the book. Go to the board .” etc. Mime other verbs “Pass me some bread, Olga. Drink some milk, children! e tc .”

2. Yes or No GamePlay w ith the whole class an d /o r pupils play in pairs. You can use

fu rn itu re words and names of the rooms in the house or job words. Pupils place the vocabulary cards face down in a pile in fron t of them . Pupil A tu rn s over the f irs t card, holds it up to Pupil В and says, e.g., “Is it a sofa?” Pupil В says “Yes, it is .” or “No, it isn ’t. I t ’s a bed.” depending on the picture. If Pupil В responds correctly, he/she keeps the card and has the next tu rn . The pupil w ith the most cards a t the end of the game wins.PRESENTATION

3. Listen and repeat (p. 98, ex. 1)Look a t the p ictu res. Read the words under the p ictu res. D rill the

pronunciation of the words.Read out the caption for each of the pictures in tu rn , while pupils listen

and look a t the pictures. Use board sketches, m iming and gestures to check if pupils have understood the meaning of the new words.

Pupils take tu rn s tb read out the words. Help w ith pronunciation.Use the flashcards. Ask pupils to go to the board, point to the necessary

flashcard and repeat the new words. If you have some tim e you can make sentences with these words.

W alk round the class and praise their e fforts “Good! Well done!”PRACTICE

4. Choose and say (p. 98, ex. 1)Ask pupils to make sentences using the correct words in italic.

Pair workPupils read the sentences in silent to themselves or they work on them

together in pairs. Pupils choose suitable ones. If it is necessary transla te the words into the m other tongue.

Then they read the sentences aloud.




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Ask pupils to read the sentences in a chain. Ask to tran sla te d ifficu lt sentences into the m other tongue. Go round helping. You can ask pupils to w rite the sentences down.

Do choral and individual reading again. Help w ith pronunciation and sentence rhythm especially.

M onitor the activity and help where necessary. If you have some tim e you can ask pupils to w rite the sentences down in their exercise books.

Ask some strong pupils to w rite sentences on the board too.READING AND WRITING

5. Complete the sentences (p. 99, ex. 3)Ask pupils to look at the sentences, name the pictures in them . Ask pupils

to go to the board and w rite these words on the board. Read the sentences again. Pupils listen and read the sentences in silence.

Then pupils read the sentences in a chain. Ask to tran s la te d ifficu lt sentences in to the m other tongue. Go round helping. Do choral and individual repetition.

A fter reading: ask pupils the questions “W ho usually w aters flowers? W here do they usually feed their cat? W hen do they lay the table?”

Pupils may also be asked to w rite answers to the questions in their exercise books.

Do choral and individual reading again. Ask individuals to read parts of the tex t again aloud. Help with pronunciation and sentence rhythm especially. M onitor the activ ity and help where necessary

6. Read and m atch (p. 99, ex. 4)Ask pupils to read the questions. Then ask to read the answers. Help with

pronunciation and sentence rhythm especially.Ask to tran sla te d ifficu lt sentences in to the m other tongue. Go round

helping. Do choral and individual repetition.Pair work

Pupils have to match the questions w ith the answers.Check up the pairs of sentences.

7. Answer the questions (p. 99, ex. 5)Pair work

Ask pupils to read the questions and give the answers in pairs. M onitor the activity and help where necessary. Do choral and individual repetition.

Practice their questions and answers for a few m inutes. Go round helping.One or two pairs read or act out the dialogues using the questions and

answers. Repeat w ith a d ifferen t pupil, bu t th is tim e let pupils choose partners to act them out with. Repeat with several d ifferen t pupils.

Transfer: encourage pupils to make their own questions and answers too.W rite some sentences in pupils’ exercise books if you have enough time.


Mime an action e.g. dance or read a book. 'Pupils guess w hat you’re doing and call out the action. R epeat the

procedure and, if appropriate, invite individual pupils to take tu rn s to come and stand by you and do a mime to the rest of the class.Home work

Read (p. 9 9 ,e x .3)A ctiv ity bank: Ask pupils to w rite some sentences about th e ir day

activities.Further practice

Use Workbook tasks a t the lesson or at home.


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• навчальна: активізувати та закріпити вивчений лексико-граматичний матеріал, вдо­сконалювати вміння та навички аудіювання, читання, письма, усного мовлення, ре­агувати невербально на запитання, які потребують простих відповідей, формувати в учнів комунікативну компетенцію, закріпити прислівники способу дії та вживан­ня їх у мові з опорою на текст, розвивати та удосконалювати мовленнєві компетенції;

• розвивальна: вчити уважно стежити за презентованою інформацією, ефектив­но співпрацювати під час парної та групової роботи, мотивувати готовність брати участь в іншомовному спілкуванні, мотивувати бажання до подальшого самовдос­коналення у галузі оволодіння іноземною мовою, розвивати мовну здогадку;

• виховна: зацікавити учнів темою уроку, привернути їхню увагу до вивченого мате­ріалу, допомогти їм бути розкутими у спілкуванні, виховувати толерантне ставлен­ня до однокласників, викликати в дітей бажання вчитися, вивчати іноземну мову; виховувати дисципліну, повагу до однокласників, звичку до систематичної розумо­вої праці, ефективно співпрацювати під час парної та групової роботи.

• Обладнання: картки за темою «Людина».

Хід урокуWARM-UP

1. Teacher Can't Remember GameTell pupils you can’t rem em ber some of the words from a p articu la r

vocabulary set so you want them to help you. Tell pupils you are going to show them some flashcards or mime and say some words. This tim e use the verbs with prepositions.

PRESENTATION2. Read. Fill in “he” , “his”, “her”, “its”, “she” , “they” (p. 100, ex. 1)

Revise the personal and objective pronouns.Ask pupils to look at the pictures. Remember the ir names. Read the tex t

about th is fam ily and fill in gaps with pronouns. M onitor the activity and help where necessary. Do choral and individual repetition.

3. Agree or disagree (p. 101, ex. 2)Pair work

Ask pupils to read the sentences in the exercise and answer “True” or “False” about the th ings in d ifferen t rooms.

Tell them th a t they are going to agree or disagree w ith the sentences. Pupils read and choose the correct answer. M onitor the activity and help where necessary.

If pupils don’t understand the meaning of some words transla te them into the m other tongue.ExtraFind the Card Game

Play w ith the whole class. Ask two children to wait outside the classroom door for a moment. W hile they are outside the door, stick one of the vocab­ulary cards somewhere in the classroom, where it is “hidden” but neverthe­less visible w ithout moving anything. Involve the rest of the class to help you to do th is. Ask children come back into the classroom and everyone asks e.g. “W here’s the kitchen?” The two pupils are looking for the vocabulary card of the kitchen and the rest of the class is helping by saying “Hot! Hot! Hot!” if the pupils are moving to the card and “Cold! Cold! Cold!” if they are moving away. W hen they find the card, the two pupils say e.g. “H ere’s the kitchen!” and eve­ryone claps and says “H urray!” Repeat several tim es w ith d ifferen t pupils

Мета: Клас



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PRACTICE4. Choose the correct item. W rite (p. 101, ex. 3)

Ask pupils to make sentences using the correct items.Pair work

Pupils read the sentences in silent to themselves or they work on them together in pairs. Pupils choose suitable ones. If it is necessary transla te the words into the m other tongue.

Then they read the sentences aloud.Ask pupils to read the sentences in a chain. Ask to tran sla te d ifficu lt

sentences into the m other tongue. Go round helping. You can ask pupils to w rite the sentences down.

Do choral and individual reading again. Help w ith pronunciation and sentence rhythm especially.

M onitor the activity and help where necessary. If you have some tim e you can ask pupils to w rite the sentences down in their exercise books.

Ask some strong pupils to w rite sentences on the board too.

READING AND WRITING5. Complete the dialogue (p. 101, ex. 4)

Pupils have to complete the sentences in the dialogue.Ask pupils to make sentences orally. Then ask strong pupils to go to the

board and w rite down these sentences on it. Others have to w rite them down into their exercise books.

Transfer: encourage pupils to make their own questions and answers too. W rite some sentences in pupils’ exercise books if you have enough time.

6. Answer the questions (p. 99, ex. 5)Pair work

Ask pupils to read the questions and give the answers in pairs. M onitor the activity and help where necessary. Do choral and individual repetition.

Practice their questions and answers for a few m inutes. Go round helping. One or two pairs read or act out the dialogues using the questions and

answers.Repeat w ith a d ifferen t pupil, bu t th is tim e let pupils choose partners to

act them out with.Repeat w ith several d ifferen t pupils.Transfer: encourage pupils to make their own questions and answers too. W rite some sentences in pupils’ exercise books if you have enough time.


Divide the class in to two team s. Show a p ictu re to the class or draw a picture on the board and ask a pupil from the firs t team to spell it. If the pupil can spell it, th a t team wins a point. If the pupil cannot spell it, the other team can try to spell it for a bonus point.Home work

R ead(p. 1 0 0 ,e x .1)Further practice

Use Workbook tasks a t the lesson or at home.


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Unit 7. DAILY LIFE Дата


Lesson 1. ДЕНЬ ЗА ДНЕМ

Мета:• навчальна: закріпити лексико-граматичний матеріал за темою «Людина», прак­

тикувати мовні засоби за темами «Людина», «Розпорядок дня», описувати когось/ щось, запитувати про події в минулому та відповідати на запитання, вдосконалю­вати компетенції читання, аудіювання й усного монологічного мовлення, збільши­ти обсяг знань про соціокультурну специфіку мови країни, що вивчається, вдоско­налити уміння будувати своє мовне висловлювання, мовну поведінку адекватно цій специфіці;

• розвивальна: вчити уважно стежити за презентованою інформацією, ефективно співпрацювати під час парної та групової роботи, мотивувати готовність брати участь в іншомовному спілкуванні, учити працювати у парі, логічно висловлювати думку;

• виховна: виховувати уміння концентруватися, слухати інших, формувати доброзич- .......ливу атмосферу в класі, вчити культури спілкування сучасного цивілізованого світу, вчити емоційно-ціннісно ставитись до всього, що нас оточує, виховувати розуміння важливості оволодіння іноземною мовою і потреби користуватися нею як засобом спілкування.

• Обладнання: картки за темами «Людина», «Розпорядок дня».

Хід урокуWARM-UP

1. Jump Game .......Ask children to stand a t th e ir desks. Hold up a flashcard from the

vocabulary set and say a word.If the word is the same as the flashcard, they jum p. If it isn ’t, they keep

still. .......A lternatively, ask pupils to put th e ir hands up if the word you say and the

flashcard are the same.2. Associations Game

Say any noun or the name of any activity . Pupils work in pairs, try ingto th ink of and w rite down w ithin a two-m inute period as many words as .......possible they associate w ith th is activity , e.g. make a bed — bed, m orning, tidy; w inter — holidays, cold, fun, December, New Year, Christm as, etc.

PRESENTATION3. Listen and read (p. 102, ex. 1)

Read the rhyme. Pupils listen. Say the rhyme line by line and ask pupils to repeat a fte r you.

Translate the d ifficu lt words if necessary. W hen you have practiced the rhyme thoroughly, tell pupils th a t they are going to say i t themselves.ExtraDisappearing Cards Game ......

Stick from six to seven flashcards “A ctiv ities” on the board. Do choral repetition of the words. Then remove one of the flashcards in the sequence.Pupils chant the whole sequence of six words, including the m issing one.Repeat removing another flashcard. Continue till there are no flashcards on the board and pupils are saying the whole sequence from the memory. You can also play the game by w riting seven words on the board, then rubbing them out one at a time.


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4. Listen, repeat and m atch (p. 102, ex. 2)Ask pupils to read the sentences. Help with pronunciation and sentence

rhythm especially.Ask to tran sla te d ifficu lt sentences in to the m other tongue. Go round

helping. Do choral and individual repetition.Pair work

Pupils have to match the sentences w ith the correct picture.Check up the sentences and the pictures. Ask pupils to name the num ber of

every sentence and the le tte r of every picture. Correct the m istakes.5. Read and act out (p. 103, ex. 3)

Pair workAsk pupils to read the dialogue in pairs. M onitor the activ ity and help

where necessary.Do choral and individual repetition. Go round helping.One or two pairs read or act out the dialogue. Repeat w ith a d ifferen t

pupil, bu t th is tim e let pupils choose partners to act them out with. Repeat w ith several d ifferent pupils.

Transfer: encourage pupils to make their own dialogues too.READING AND WRITING

6. a) Ask and answer (p. 103, ex. 3)Ask pupils to look at the word combinations and read them . Pupils repeat. Explain they are going to make questions using these words.W rite the example on the board and underline these words which pupils

have to change into others.Ask pupils to read the pattern and make their own examples about daily life. Pupils practice questions and the answers in pairs using the completed

questions and answers.One or two pairs act out the dialogues,

b) Say. W hat do you usually do in the m orning?Stick pictures which describe what pupils do in the m orning. Tell pupils to

use the inform ation from exercise 1 too.7. W rite 6 sentences about your m orning (p. 103, ex. 5)

Ask pupils to w rite six sentences about their m orning. Pupils can use the examples from exercise 4 and the sentences from exercise 2.ExtraDisapperaing Cards Game

Stick from five to seven flashcards “Activities” on the board. Do choral repetition of the words. Then remove one of the flashcards in the sequence. Pupils chant the whole sequence of six words, including the missing one. Repeat removing another flashcard. Continue till there are no flashcards on the board and pupils are saying the whole sequence from the memory. You can also play the game by writing seven words on the board, then rubbing them out one at a time.ENDING THE LESSON

W rite words on the board. Pupils close their eyes while you remove one word. Pupils then open their eyes and try and remember what is missing. They can either say the word or w rite it down. Do th is w ith lexical sets of words, e.g. weather, sports, foods, etc.Home work

R ead(p. 1 0 2 ,e x .1 ,2 )Further practice

Use Workbook tasks a t the lesson or a t home.



Page 112: Ahg yaz 3_kl_nesvit

• навчальна: презентувати новий граматичний і лексичний матеріал за підтемою «Розпорядок дня», практикувати мовні засоби за темою «Розпорядок дня», форму­вати навички вживання нових лексичних одиниць, вдосконалювати компетенції чи­тання, аудіювання й усного монологічного мовлення;

• розвивальна: вчити уважно стежити за презентованою інформацією, ефектив­но співпрацювати під час парної та групової роботи, мотивувати готовність брати участь в іншомовному спілкуванні, розвивати різні типи пам'яті — слухову, зорову, увагу, уяву, учити працювати у парі, логічно висловлювати думку;

• виховна: виховувати уміння концентруватися, слухати інших, формувати доброзич­ливу атмосферу в класі.

• Обладнання: картки за темою «Розпорядок дня», демонстративний годинник, пла­кат "Present Simple".



Хід урокуWARM-UP

1. S ta rt a day-of-the-week chain round the class2. W rite any two or th ree of the following days-of-the-w eek anagram s on

the board for the pupils to work out in pairs; YARDIF (Friday), DANYUS (Sunday), YODMAN (Monday).

PRESENTATION3. Listen, repeat and act out (p. 104, ex. 1)

Pre-teach the words “o’clock” “to ” and “p as t” using the dem onstrative clock. If pupils don’t understand the meaning of the words transla te it into the m other tongue.

Read out the sentences. You can use a dem onstrative clock. Pupils listen, look a t the tim e on the clock and read sentences.

Point out th a t you use “to ” and “past” with tim e. Pupils read and practice the pronunciation. Do choral and individual reading. Ask individuals to read parts of the tex t again aloud. Help with pronunciation and sentence rhythm especially. M onitor the activ ity and help where necessary.

4. Listen and say (p. 104, ex. 2)Draw clock faces on the board or practice the time using the dem onstrative

clock. Review the hours, q u arte r and half past. Do a lot of repetition . Do choral and individual repetition.Pair work

Pupils in pairs take tu rn s to ask and answer questions about activities during the day following the model questions and answer them . W rite down the model questions on the board.

W hen do you go to school?W hen do you get up?W hen do you have breakfast?W hen do you do your homework?W hen do you play computer games?W hen do you go to bed?

ExtraMiming Game

Mime an action e.g. dance or read a book.Pupils guess w hat you’re doing and call out the action. Repeat the

procedure and, if appropriate, invite individual pupils to take tu rn s to come and stand by you and do a mime to the rest of the class.




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PRACTICE5. Point, ask and answer (p. 105, ex. 3)

Ask pupils to look a t the d ifferen t clocks and say the tim e.Do choral and individual repetition. Then divide the class into four teams.

One pupil from each team comes to the board. Read out the tim e. The firs t pupil to draw a clock showing the tim e correctly wins a point for his or her team . Four more pupils come to the board and the process is repeated until the pupils have had a tu rn .ExtraDisappearing Time Game

Stick from five to seven flashcards “Time” or draw clocks on the board. Do choral repetition of the tim e. Then remove one of the flashcards in the sequence. Pupils chant the whole sequence of six sentences, including the missing one. Repeat removing another flashcard. Continue till there are no flashcards or p ictures on the board and pupils say the whole sequence from the memory. You can also play the game by w riting seven words on the board, then rubbing them out one at a time.

READING AND WRITING6. Ask and answer (p. 105, ex. 4)

Ask pupils to look a t the questions. Revise “The P resen t Simple. Questions.”Pair work

Ask pupils to read the questions and answers in pairs. M onitor the activity and help where necessary. Do choral and individual repetition.

Ask pupils to make their answers. Practice their questions and answers for a few m inutes. Go round helping.

One or two pairs read or act out the dialogues using the questions and answers.

Repeat w ith a d ifferen t pupil, bu t th is tim e let pupils choose partners to act them out with.

Repeat w ith several d ifferen t pupils.Transfer: encourage pupils to make their own questions and answers too. W rite some sentences in pupils’ exercise books if you have enough time.

7. W rite down these sentences (p. 105, ex. 5)Pupils look at the sentences. They sat the time. Then ask pupils to write

down the sentences.


Children play in pairs. Each child lays th e ir cards face down in a row on their desks.

Pupil A points to Pupil B’s f irs t card pretending to wave a wind and says e.g. “Abracadabra! I t ’s March!” Pupil B tu rn s over the card. If i t ’s March, he says “Yes!” and leaves the card face up. If i t isn ’t March, he should say “No!” and leave the card face down.

Pupil B then has the next tu rn .Home work

Read (p. 104, ex. 1, 2)A ctivity bank: Ask pupils to describe th e ir day. Draw the clock and show

the time.Further practice

Use Workbook tasks a t the lesson or a t home.


Page 114: Ahg yaz 3_kl_nesvit

Lesson 3. МІЙ ДЕНЬ

• навчальна: закріпити лексико-граматичний матеріал за темою «Людина», практи­кувати мовні засоби за темою «Людина», описувати когось/щось, запитувати про події у минулому та відповідати на запитання, вдосконалювати компетенції читан­ня, аудіювання й усного монологічного мовлення, збільшити обсяг знань про соціо- культурну специфіку мови країни, що вивчається, вдосконалювати уміння будувати своє мовне висловлювання, мовну поведінку адекватно цій специфіці;

• розвивальна: вчити уважно стежити за презентованою інформацією, ефективно співпрацювати під час парної та групової роботи, мотивувати готовність брати участь в іншомовному спілкуванні, учити працювати у парі, логічно висловлювати думку;

• виховна: виховувати уміння концентруватися, слухати інших, формувати доброзич­ливу атмосферу в класі, вчити культури спілкування сучасного цивілізованого світу, вчити емоційно-ціннісно ставитись до всього, що нас оточує, виховувати розуміння важливості оволодіння іноземною мовою і потреби користуватися нею як засобом спілкування.

• Обладнання: картки за темою «Людина», демонстративний годинник.

Хід урокуWARM-UP

1. Hangman GameDraw a blank line on the board to represent each le tte r of a word (e.g. for

the word clock you w rite (_____________ ).Pupils call out letters. If a le tte r is included in the word, w rite the le tte r on

the appropriate blank line. If the le tte r is not in the word, draw one line of the Hangman picture. Pupils m ust try and find all the letters in the word or guess the word before you have drawn ten lines to complete the Hangman. Also let individual pupils choose a word (try to use the words of the Family Tree) and draw the blank lines on the board.

PRESENTATION2. Listen and read (p. 106, ex. 1)

Ask pupils to look at the clocks and say the tim e. Read the tex t. Pupils listen and read the tex t in silence. Read the tex t again. Pupils either read the tex t silently to themselves or they work on it together in pairs.

Then pupils read the tex t in a chain. Ask to transla te d ifficu lt sentences into the m other tongue. Go round helping. Do choral and individual repetition.

A fter reading: ask pupils the questions “W hat tim e does Ann get up? W hen does she do homework? W hat does Ann do in the evening?”

Pupils may also be asked to w rite answers to the questions in their exercise books.

Do choral and individual reading again. Ask individuals to read parts of the tex t again aloud. Help with pronunciation and sentence rhythm especially. M onitor the activ ity and help where necessary.

PRACTICE3. Choose, point and read (p. 106, ex. 2)

Ask pupils to look at the clocks. Pupils say the time.Draw the clocks on the board and ask some pupils to w rite the time.Then ask pupils to choose the correct tim e and complete the sentences.

W rite the correct sentences in pupils’ exercise books.ExtraFlashcard Bingo Game

Use 6 flashcards of d ifferen t time. Stick the flashcards on the blackboard.




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Pupils draw a grid w ith six squares and w rite the numbers of one flashcard in each square (encourage them to check spelling to do th is as necessary).

W hen children are ready, remove the flashcards from the blackboard and shuffle them . Hold up the flashcards one by one and say the time.

Pupils listen and w rite a cross on the w;ord if it is in their grid. The firs t child to w rite a cross on all six words in their grid calls “Bingo!” and is the winner.READING AND WRITING

4. Look and say (p. 107, ex. 3)Ask pupils to look a t the p ictures. Then pupils read the title “In the

A fternoon”. Ask “W hat is the g irl’s name?”W rite some sentences about Ann on the board, e.g. “Ann comes home at

half past two. She has dinner. She does her homework in the afternoon. She helps her m other too .”

Pupils read the sentences and point to the correct pictures.Ask strong pupils to describe every picture one by one. Others listen and

repeat.Transfer: encourage pupils to make their own sentences too.W rite some sentences in pupils’ exercise books if you have enough time.

5. Ask and answer (p. 107, ex. 4)Ask pupils to look at the p ictures of exercise 1 again.

Pair workAsk pupils to read the questions and answers in pairs. M onitor the activity

and help where necessary. Do choral and individual repetition.Ask pupils to make their answers. Practice their questions and answers for

a few m inutes. Go round helping.One or two pairs read or act out the dialogues using the questions and

answers.Repeat w ith a d ifferen t pupil, bu t th is tim e let pupils choose partners to

act them out with.Repeat with several d ifferent pupils.Transfer: encourage pupils to make their own questions and answers too. W rite some sentences in pupils’ exercise books if you have enough tim e.

Speak about your friend’s day (p. 107, ex. 5).Pupils read the sentences and complete them using d iffe ren t suitable

words from exercise 1.Ask pupils to make sentences orally.

6. W rite about your friend ’s day (p. 107, ex. 5)Ask strong pupils to go to the board and write down these sentences on it.

Others have to w rite them down into their exercise books.ENDING THE LESSONSpelling Team Game

Divide the class into two team s. Show a p ictu re to the class or draw a picture on the board and ask a pupil from the f irs t team to spell it. If the pupil can spell it, th a t team wins a point. If the pupil cannot spell it, the other team can try to spell it for a bonus point.Home work

Read(p. 1 0 6 ,e x .1)A ctivity bank: W rite some sentences about your day in the evening or in

the afternoon.Further practice

Use Workbook tasks a t the lesson or a t home.


Page 116: Ahg yaz 3_kl_nesvit


• навчальна: презентувати новий граматичний матеріал за темами «Людина», «Роз­порядок дня», практикувати мовні засоби за темою «Людина», описувати дії у мину­лому, запитувати про події у минулому та відповідати на запитання, вдосконалюва­ти компетенції читання, аудіювання й усного монологічного мовлення;

• розвивальна: вчити уважно стежити за презентованою інформацією, ефективно співпрацювати під час парної та групової роботи, мотивувати готовність брати участь в іншомовному спілкуванні, учити працювати у парі, логічно висловлювати думку;

• виховна: виховувати уміння концентруватися, слухати інших, формувати доброзич­ливу атмосферу в класі, проявляти увагу до співрозмовника в процесі спілкування, вчити культури спілкування сучасного цивілізованого світу, вчити емоційно-цінніс­но ставитись до всього, що нас оточує, виховувати розуміння важливості оволодін­ня іноземною мовою і потреби користуватися нею як засобом спілкування, прище­плювати працьовитість, вчити чітко виконувати інструкції вчителя.

• Обладнання: картки за темою «Людина», «Розпорядок дня», тематичні картки «Дії. Вподобання», таблиця "Past Simple".


Хід урокуWARM-UP

1. Spelling Team GameDivide the class into two team s. One member from each team comes to the

fron t of the class. Each says a word for the o ther to w rite on the board. Use the words from the last two or three lessons of th is un it. Correctly spelt words — a point for the team.

PRESENTATION2. Read and compare (p. 108, ex. 1)

Dem onstrate the table “Past Simple” . Read the examples. Translate them into the m other tongue.

Ask pupils to open the books. Ask pupils to look at the pictures. Tell them they will read the left column. The boy does the activities every day.

Read the affirm ative sentence in the exercise. Pupils listen and read. Copy out the verbs in a column on the board. Pupils read and practice the tex t for a few m inutes. Go round helping.

Then read the tex t in the righ t column. Pupils listen and read. Copy out the verbs in a column on the board.

Pupils read and practice the tex t for a few m inutes. Go round helping.A fter reading: pupils read the verbs in pairs. Explain them these verbs

are irregu lar and have d ifferen t form in present and in past. If pupils can’t understand, use their m other tongue.

Pair work: pupils read the irregu lar verbs.

PRACTICE3. Match the words (p. 109, ex. 2)

Pupils read the irregu lar verbs and m atch them . Ask to transla te every pair into the m other tongue.

4. Make the words (p. 109, ex. 3)Dem onstrate the table “Past Simple” . Read the examples of regular verbs. Make sure th a t pupils pronounce the -ed ending as /d / or / t / then as /id /. Ask pupils to listen to the regular verbs again.Ask pupils to open the books and make the words. Pupils read and practice

it for a few m inutes too. Go round helping.




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READING AND WRITING5. Ask and answer (p. 109, ex. 4)

W rite the question on the board. Pupils listen and read the questions.W rite the answers: “Yes,... did. No,.,, d idn’t ” on the board.Ask pupils to open the books a t page 109, exercise 4. Then ask fu rth e r

questions about the pictures in exercise 1 “Did the boy get up at seven o’clock? Did he wash the plates? Did the boy make his bed? Did he listen to music at school?”Pair work

In pairs pupils ask and answer sim ilar “Did...?” questions about the girl. Transfer: encourage pupils to make their own questions and answers too. W rite some sentences in pupils’ exercise books if you have enough time.

6. Choose and say (p. 109, ex. 5)Ask pupils to make sentences using the correct words.

Pair workPupils read the sentences in silent to themselves or they work on them

together in pairs. Pupils choose suitable ones. If it is necessary transla te the words into the m other tongue.

Then they read the sentences aloud.Ask pupils to read the sentences in a chain. Ask to tran sla te d ifficu lt

sentences into the m other tongue. Go round helping. You can ask pupils to w rite the sentences down.

Do choral and individual reading again. Help w ith pronunciation and sentence rhythm especially.

M onitor the activity and help where necessary. If you have some time you can ask pupils to w rite the sentences down in their exercise books. Ask some strong pupils to w rite sentences on the board too.


Divide the class in to two team s. Show a p icture to the class or draw a picture on the board and ask a pupil from the firs t team to spell it. If the pupil can spell it, th a t team wins a point. If the pupil cannot spell it, the other team can try to spell it for a bonus point.Home work

R ead(p. 1 0 8 ,e x .1)Further practice

Use Workbook tasks a t the lesson or at home.


Page 118: Ahg yaz 3_kl_nesvit

Lesson 5. ДЕНЬ ЗА ДНЕМ Дата

• навчальна: закріпити лексико-граматичний матеріал за темою «Людина», практи­кувати мовні засоби за темою «Людина», описувати когось/щось, запитувати про події у минулому та відповідати на запитання, вдосконалювати компетенції чиіан- ня, аудіювання й усного монологічного мовлення, збільшувати обсяг знань про со- ціокультурну специфіку мови країни, що вивчається, вдосконалювати уміння буду­вати своє мовне висловлювання, мовну поведінку адекватно цій специфіці;

• розвивальна: вчити уважно стежити за презентованою інформацією, ефективно співпрацювати під час парної та групової роботи, мотивувати готовність брати участь в іншомовному спілкуванні, учити працювати у парі, логічно висловлювати думку;

• виховна: виховувати уміння концентруватися, слухати інших, формувати доброзичли­ву атмосферу в класі, вчити культури спілкування сучасного цивілізованого світу, вчити емоційно-ціннісно ставитись до всього, що нас оточує, виховувати розуміння важливос­ті оволодіння іноземною мовою і потреби користуватися нею як засобом спілкування.

• Обладнання: картки за темою «Людина», таблиця "The verb to be".

WARM-UPХід уроку

1. Hangman GameDraw a blank line on the board to represent each le tte r of a word, th is tim e

use irregu lar verbs in present and past (e.g. for the word “w ent” you w rite (__________ ). Pupils call out letters.

If a le tte r is included in the word, w rite the le tte r on the appropriate blank line. If the le tte r is not in the word, draw one line of the Hangman picture. Pupils m ust try and find all the letters in the word or guess the word before you have drawn the ten lines to complete the Hangman. Also let individual pupils choose a word (try to use the words of the Family Tree) and draw the blank lines on the board.

PRESENTATION2. Listen and repeat (p. 110, ex. 1)

Read the sentences. Pupils listen and read too.Present “was” and “were” . Show on the board how “he” and “she” go with

“was” and “they” goes w ith “were” . Read the sentences again.If pupils don’t understand the meaning of some words transla te them into

the m other tongue.Pupils read and practice the sentences fo r a few m inutes. Go round

helping. Do choral and individual repetition. M onitor the activ ity and help where necessary.

Transfer; pupils fill the gaps in the dialogue using “I was...” to make true statem ents about themselves.

Then pupils fill the gaps, using the sentence “H e/She was...” to make true statem ents about their friends.

PRACTICE3. Say (p. 110, ex. 2)

Read the sentences. Pupils listen and read too. P resen t “today” and “yesterday” . Read the sentences again.

If pupils don’t understand the meaning of some words transla te them into the m other tongue.

Pupils read and practice the sentences for a few m inutes. Go round helping. Do choral and individual repetition . M onitor the activ ity and help where necessary.


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4. Listen and repeat (p. I l l , ex. 3)Read the sentences. Pupils listen and read too. Revise “was” and “were” .Show on the board how “he” and “she” go w ith “was” and “they” goes w ith

“were” . Read the sentences again.If pupils don’t understand the meaning of some words transla te them into

the m other tongue.Pupils read and practice the sentences fo r a few m inutes. Go round

helping. Do choral and individual repetition. M onitor the activ ity and help where necessary.

5. Read and complete. Use “is /a re ”, “w as/w ere” , “wasn’t/w eren ’t ” (p. I l l , ex. 4)Present “was” and “wasn’t ” by asking questions “Do you remember Ann?”

describe her with known vocabulary. “Ann was at school yesterday. Ann was at home. She was a t the Zoo yesterday.” Repeat each sentence once. Pupils repeat after you. Present “were” and “weren’t ” in the same way: “Ann wasn’t in the village yesterday. Ann and Dan weren’t in the cafe yesterday. They were nice. They were kind. They weren’t old.” Again pupils listen and repeat the model sentences.

Show on the board how “I” , “he”, “she” and “i t” go w ith “was” and “they” , “we” and “you” go w ith “were”. Explain how negative sentences and questions work using the table “The verb to be. Past Simple” .

Read the sentences again. Do choral and individual repetition. M onitor the activ ity and help where necessary.

Ask pupils to look at the box in th is exercise. Read the full and short forms of the verbs “was” and “were”. Explain the rule using the m other tongue if the class is weak.ExtraDisappearing Cards Game

Stick five to seven “A ctivities” flashcards to the board. Repeat the words chorally. Then remove one of the flashcards in the sequence. Pupils chant the whole sequence of the words, including the m issing one. Repeat rem oving ano ther flashcard . Continue till there are no flashcards on the board and pupils are saying the whole sequence from the memory. You can also play the game by w riting seven words on the board, then rubbing them out one at a time.

6. Say “W hat was your day like?” (p. I l l , ex. 5)Pupils read the sentences and complete them using “is /a re ”, “w as/w ere” ,

“wasn’t/w eren ’t ”.Ask pupils to make sentences orally. Ask some pupils to go to the board and

w rite down these sentences on it. Others have to w rite them down into their exercise books.

7. W rite down 5 sentences w ith “w as/w ere”, “w asn’t/w eren ’t ”Ask pupils to w rite down d ifferen t sentences w ith “was/were” , “wasn’t /

weren’t ” .ENDING THE LESSONMiming Game

Mime an action e.g. dance or read a book.Pupils guess what you’re doing and call out the action.Repeat the procedure and, if appropriate, invite individual pupils to take

tu rn s to come and stand by you and do a mime to the rest of the class.Home work

R e a d (p .1 1 0 ,e x .1)Further practice

Use Workbook tasks a t the lesson or a t home.



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• навчальна: закріпити граматичний матеріал "Past Simple", практикувати мовні засо- .......би за темою «Людина», описувати дії у минулому часі, вдосконалювати компетенції читання, аудіювання й усного діалогічного мовлення;

• розвивальна: вчити уважно стежити за презентованою інформацією, ефективно співпрацювати під час парної та групової роботи, мотивувати готовність брати участь в іншомовному спілкуванні, учити працювати у парі, логічно висловлювати думку;

• виховна: виховувати уміння концентруватися, слухати інших, формувати доброзич­ливу атмосферу в класі, вчити культури спілкування сучасного цивілізованого світу.

• Обладнання: картки за темою «Людина», тематичні картки «Дії. Вподобання».

Хід урокуWARM-UP

1. Associations Game2. Do You Remember Game

This game provides additional practice of “was” and “were” . Take ten or twelve d ifferen t classroom objects (pens, ru lers, rubbers, books, etc.) from pupils in the room. P u t them on, under, next to or near your table. Let pupils look at the arrangem ent of objects for exactly one m inute, try ing to memorize what the objects are, their colours and sizes, make a note or sketch for yourself of the positions of the objects. W hen the tim e is up, sweep all the objects away into a bag so pupils really have to remember the objects and their arrangem ent. Ask pupils to say what objects were on the desk, to describe their arrangem ent and colours. Use your own notes or a sketch to check their statem ents and say, “Yes, i t w as/they were. No, it wasn’t/th e y weren’t . ”

PRESENTATION3. Look, read and say (p. 112, ex. 1)

Listen and repeat. Explain th a t “p resen t” means every day, and “past” means yesterday, or a tim e th a t has finished. Pupils look a t the pictures and try to make sentences w ith “was” . W rite th is verb on the board.

Get pupils to make sentences what children did yesterday. Help by asking questions if necessary.

Repeat w ith several d ifferen t pupils.Then read the questions under the pictures and complete the answers using

“was” and “wasn’t ” .

PRACTICE4. Look and say (p. 112, ex. 2)

Books closed. Read the tex t. Pupils listen. Ask pupils to open the books.Teach the words “n igh t” and “sh u t” . Pronounce the words two or three

times.Ask questions about the characters on the page “W here was Alex last

Thursday?”Pair work

Read the tex t again. Pupils listen and read in pairs.Ask pupils to complete the sentences w ith “was” and “wasn’t ” .Practice their part in the story for a few m inutes. Go round helping. One or

two pairs read the text.Repeat w ith several d iffe ren t pupils, b u t th is tim e let pupils choose

partners to read it out with.


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5. Ask and answer (p. 113, ex. 3)Pair work

Ask pupils to read the questions and answers in pairs. M onitor the ac tiv ity and help where necessary. Do choral and individual repetition .

Ask pupils to make their questions and answer about Alex. Practice their questions and answers for a few m inutes. Go round helping.

One or two pairs read or act out the dialogues using the questions and answers.

Repeat w ith a d ifferen t pupil, bu t th is tim e let pupils choose partners to act them out with.

Repeat w ith several d ifferen t pupils.Transfer: encourage pupils to make their own questions and answers too. W rite some sentences in pupils’ exercise books if you have enough time.

READING AND WRITING6. Ask and answer using the pictures from exercise 2 (p. 113, ex. 4)

Ask pupils to look at the pictures with Alex.Ask pupils to make their questions and answer about th is boy. Practice

the ir questions and answers for a few m inutes. Go round helping.One or two pairs read or act out the dialogues using the questions and answers. W rite the table on the board using the questions from the dialogue.

Was Alex in bed last Thursday?Was the moon in the sky?Were the windows shut?Was it dark?

7. Fill in was, were, wasn’t, weren’t (p. 113, ex. 5)Ask pupils to look at the sentences and complete them using “was” and

“were” .K ey: 1. was; 2. was; 3. was; 4. weren’t; 5. were.


Divide the class in to two team s. Show a p icture to the class or draw a p icture on the board and ask a pupil from the f irs t team to spell it. If the pupil can spell it, th a t team wins a point. If the pupil cannot spell it, the other team can try to spell it for a bonus point.Home work

Read (p. 112, ex. 2)Further practice

Use Workbook tasks a t the lesson or a t home.



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Lesson 7. ЩО ТИ РОБИВ ВЧОРА? Дата

• навчальна: закріпити граматичний матеріал "Past Simple", практикувати мовні засо­би за темою «Людина», описувати дії у минулому часі, вдосконалювати компетенції читання, аудіювання й усного діалогічного мовлення;

• розвивальна: вчити уважно стежити за презентованою інформацією, ефективно співпрацювати під час парної та групової роботи, мотивувати готовність брати участь в іншомовному спілкуванні, учити працювати у парі, логічно висловлювати думку;

• виховна: виховувати уміння концентруватися, слухати інших, формувати доброзич­ливу атмосферу в класі, вчити культури спілкування сучасного цивілізованого світу.

• Обладнання: картки за темою «Людина», тематичні картки «Дії. Вподобання».

WARM-UPХід уроку

1. Miming GameMime som ething you did yesterday, e .g ., danced or watched TV. Pupils

guess what you did and call out the action in the past tense. Repeat and, if appropriate, encourage some pupils to take tu rn s to come up to you and mime to the rest of the class.

PRESENTATION2. Look and find all these things in this'page (p. 114, ex. 1)

Books open. Teach and then drill the new words using the pictures.Read out the caption for each of the pictures in tu rn . Pupils listen and look

a t the pictures. Use board sketches, m iming and gestures to check if pupils have understood the meaning of the new words.

Pupils take tu rn s to read out the words. Help w ith pronunciation. Go round helping. Repeat w ith several d ifferen t pupils. Ask pupils to find these th ings in th is page. Pupils find and say “Bingo!”

3. Read and choose (p. 114, ex. 2)Books closed. Dem onstrate the table “P ast Simple” . Revise regu lar and

irregu lar verbs in the past.Ask pupils to open the books. Ask pupils to look at the pictures.Tell them they will read the tex t and choose the correct p ictures to the tex t.

Pupils listen and read.Then pupils read and practice the tex t fo r a few m inutes. Go round

helping. Then they choose the rig h t pictures.Pupils read and practice the tex t fo r a few m inutes again. Go round

helping. Translate the d ifficu lt words if necessary.W hen you have practiced the tex t thoroughly, tell pupils th a t they are

going to read i t themselves.Pupils read the lines chorally and individually pointing to the picture.A fter reading: pupils choose all verbs in past.

Pair workThey w rite them down on the board and divide into regular and irregu lar

verbs.Pupils read the irregu lar verbs.

PRACTICE4. Look and say (p. 115, ex. 3)

Ask pupils to look at the p ictures. Then pupils read the tit le “In the A fternoon”. Ask “W hat are the children’s names?”

Ask pupils to write some sentences about children using the patterns under the pictures.


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Pupils complete the sentences. Then they read the sentences and point to the correct pictures.

Ask strong pupils to describe every picture one by one. Others listen and repeat.

READING AND WRITING5. Ask and answer (p. 115, ex. 4)

Pair workAsk pupils to read the questions and answers in pairs. M onitor the activity

and help where necessary. Do choral and individual repetition.One or two pairs read or act out the dialogues using the questions and

answers.Repeat w ith a d ifferen t pupil, bu t th is tim e let pupils choose partners to

act them out with.Repeat w ith several d ifferen t pupils.Transfer: encourage pupils to make their own questions and answers too. W rite some sentences in pupils’ exercise books if you have enough time.

6. Make up the dialogues. Act them out (p. 115, ex. 5)Pupils read the words in the boxes. Then they read the questions and

answer them using the words from the boxes. Ask pupils to ask and answer in pairs.ExtraDo You Remember Game

This game provides additional practice of “was” and “were” . Take ten or twelve d ifferen t classroom objects (pens, ru lers, rubbers, books, etc.) from pupils in the room. P u t them on, under, next to or near your table. Let pupils look at the arrangem ent of objects for exactly one m inute, try ing to memorize w hat the objects are, th e ir colours and sizes, make a note or sketch for yourself of the positions of the objects. W hen the tim e is up, sweep all the objects away into a bag so pupils really have to remember the objects and their arrangem ent. Ask pupils to say what objects were on the desk, to describe their arrangem ent and colours. Use your own notes or a sketch to check their statem ents and say “Yes, i t w as/they were. No, it wasn’t/th e y weren’t . ”


Divide the class in to two team s. Show a p icture to the class or draw a picture on the board and ask a pupil from the firs t team to spell it. If the pupil can spell it, th a t team wins a point. If the pupil cannot spell it, the other team can try to spell it for a bonus point.Home work

Read (p. 1 1 4 ,e x .1)Further practice

Use Workbook tasks a t the lesson or a t home.


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• навчальна: закріпити граматичний матеріал "Past Simple", практикувати мовні засо­би за темою «Людина», описувати дії у минулому часі, вдосконалювати компетенції читання, аудіювання й усного діалогічного мовлення;

• розвивальна: вчити уважно стежити за презентованою інформацією, ефективно співпрацювати під час парної та групової роботи, мотивувати готовність брати участь в іншомовному спілкуванні, учити працювати у парі, логічно висловлювати думку;

• виховна: виховувати уміння концентруватися, слухати інших, формувати доброзич­ливу атмосферу в класі, вчити культури спілкування сучасного цивілізованого світу.

• Обладнання: картки за темою «Людина», тематичні картки «Дії. Вподобання», табли­ця "Past Simple".

Хід урокуWARM-UP

1. Miming GameMime som ething you did yesterday, e .g ., danced or watched TV. Pupils

guess what you did and call out the action in the past tense. Repeat and, if appropriate, encourage some pupils to take tu rn s to come up to you and mime to the rest of the class.

PRESENTATION2. Listen and read (p. 116, ex. 1)

Dem onstrate the table “Past Simple” . Revise regular and irregu lar verbs in the past.

Ask pupils to open the books. Ask pupils to look at the pictures. Tell them they will read the text and choose the correct pictures to the text. Pupils listen and read.

Then pupils read and practice the tex t for a few m inutes. Go round helping. Then they choose the rig h t pictures.Pupils read and practice the tex t fo r a few m inutes again. Go round

helping. Translate the d ifficu lt words if necessary.W hen you have practiced the tex t thoroughly, tell pupils th a t they are

going to read it themselves.Pupils read the lines chorally and individually pointing to the pictures. A fter reading: pupils choose all verbs in the past.

Pair workThey write them down on the board and divide into regular and irregular verbs. Pupils read regular verbs and underline -ed.

PRACTICE3. Agree or disagree (p. 116, ex. 2)

Pair workAsk pupils to read the sentences in the exercise and answer “True” or

“False” about the th ings in d ifferen t rooms.Tell them th a t they are going to agree or disagree w ith the sentences.

Pupils read and choose the correct answer. M onitor the activity and help where necessary.

If pupils don’t understand the meaning of some words transla te them into the m other tongue.ExtraFlashcard Bingo Game

Use 7-10 flashcards for activities. Stick the flashcards on the blackboard. Pupils draw a grid with six squares and w rite the name of one flashcard in

each square (encourage them to check spelling to do th is as necessary).

Мета: Клас



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W hen pupils are ready, remove the flashcards from the blackboard and shuffle them. Hold up the flashcards one by one and say the names.

Pupils listen and write a cross on the word if it is in their grid. The firs t child to write a cross on all six words in their grid calls “Bingo!” and is the winner.READING AND WRITING

4. Ask and answer (p. 117, ex. 3)Ask pupils to look at the pictures in exercise 1 again.

Pair workAsk pupils to read the questions and answers in pairs. M onitor the activity

and help where necessary. Do choral and individual repetition.Ask pupils to make their answers. Practice their questions and answers for

a few m inutes. Go round helping.One or two pairs read or act out the dialogues using the questions and

answers.Repeat w ith a d ifferen t pupil, bu t th is tim e let pupils choose partners to

act them out with.Repeat w ith several d ifferen t pupils.Transfer: encourage pupils to make their own questions and answers too.W rite some sentences in pupils’ exercise books if you have enough time.

5. Act out the dialogues (p. 117, ex. 4)Books open. Read the dialogue. Pupils listen and read too.If pupils don’t understand the meaning of the sentences transla te them

into m other tongue. Read the dialogue again.Then read the next dialogue. Ask pupils read and practice the dialogue for

a few minutes. Go round helping. One or two groups read or act out the dialogues.Repeat with a d ifferen t pupil, bu t th is tim e let pupils choose partners to

act them out with.M onitor the activity and help where necessary.

6. Choose and complete the dialogue (p. 117, ex. 5)Ask pupils to complete the sentences using the words from the brackets.

Pair workPupils read the sentences silently to them selves or they work on them

together in pairs.If it is necessary transla te the sentences into the m other tongue.Then they complete the sentences aloud.Ask pupils to read the sentences in a chain. Ask to tran sla te d ifficu lt

sentences into the m other tongue. Go round helping. You can ask pupils to w rite the sentences down.

Do choral and individual reading again. If you have some tim e you can ask pupils to w rite the sentences down in their exercise books.ENDING THE LESSON Disappearing Cards Game

Stick from five to seven flashcards “A ctivities” on the board. Do choral •* repetition of the words. Then remove one of the flashcards in the sequence. Pupils chant the whole sequence of six words, including the missing one. Repeat removing another flashcard. Continue till there are no flashcards on the board and pupils say the whole sequence from the memory. You can also play the game by w riting seven words on the board, then rubbing them out one at a time.Home work

R ead(p. 1 1 6 ,e x .1)Further practice

Use Workbook tasks a t the lesson or a t home.


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• навчальна: активізувати та закріпити вивчений лексико-граматичний матеріал, вдосконалювати вміння та навички аудіювання, читання, письма, усного мовлення, реагувати невербально на запитання, які передбачають прості відповіді, формувати в учнів комунікативну компетенцію, закріпити прислівники способу дії та вживання їх у мові з опорою на текст, розвивати та удосконалювати мовленнєві компетенції;

• розвивальна: вчити уважно стежити за презентованою інформацією, ефектив­но співпрацювати під час парної та групової роботи, мотивувати готовність брати участь в іншомовному спілкуванні, мотивувати бажання до подальшого самовдос­коналення у галузі володіння іноземною мовою, розвивати мовну здогадку;

• виховна: зацікавити учнів темою уроку, привернути їхню увагу до вивченого мате­ріалу, допомогти їм бути розкутими у спілкуванні, виховувати толерантне ставлен­ня до однокласників, викликати в дітей бажання вчитися, вивчати іноземну мову; виховувати дисципліну, звичку до систематичної розумової праці, ефективно спів­працювати під час парної та групової роботи.

• Обладнання: картки за темами «Людина», «Дії. Вподобання», таблиця "Past Simple".

Хід урокуWARM-UP

1. Teacher Can't Rem em ber GameTell pupils you can’t rem em ber some of the words from a p articu la r

vocabulary set so you want them to help you.Tell pupils you are going to show them some flashcards or mime and say

some words. This tim e use the verbs with prepositions.

PRESENTATION2. Choose and complete (p. 118, ex. 1)

Ask pupils to complete the sentences using the correct words.Pair work

Pupils read the sentences silently to them selves or they work on them together in pairs.

If it is necessary transla te the sentences into m other tongue. Then they complete the sentences aloud.

Ask pupils to read the sentences in a chain. Ask to tran sla te d ifficu lt sentences into the m other tongue. Go round helping. You can ask pupils to w rite the sentences down. Do choral and individual reading again. If you have some tim e you can ask pupils to write the sentences down in their exercise books.

PRACTICE3. Ask and answer (p. 118, ex. 2)

Pair workAsk pupils to read the questions and answers in pairs. M onitor the activity

and help where necessary. Do choral and individual repetition.Ask pupils to make their answers. Practice their questions and answers for

a few m inutes. Go round helping.One or two pairs read or act out the dialogues using the questions and

answers.Repeat w ith a d ifferen t pupil, bu t th is tim e let pupils choose partners to

act them out with.Repeat with several d ifferen t pupils.Transfer: encourage pupils to make their own questions and answers too.W rite some sentences in pupils’ exercise books if you have enough time.




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4. Fill in wasn’t, weren’t (p. 118, ex. 3)Ask pupils to look at the sentences and complete them using “wasn’t ” and

“weren’t ” .K ey: 1. weren’t; 2. w asn’t; 3. wasn’t; 4. weren’t.

ExtraDo You Remember Game

This game provides additional practice of “was” and “were”. Take ten or twelve d ifferen t classroom objects (pens, ru lers, rubbers, books, etc.) from pupils in the room. P u t them on, under, nex t to or near your table. Let pupils look at the arrangem ent of objects for exactly one m inute, try ing to memorize what the objects are, the ir colours and sizes, make a note or sketch for yourself of the positions of the objects. W hen the tim e is up, sweep all the objects, away into a bag so pupils really have to remember the objects and their arrangem ent. Ask pupils to say w hat objects were on the desk, to describe th e ir arrangem ent and colours. Use your own notes or a sketch to check their statem ents and say “Yes, it w as/they were. No, it w asn’t/th e y weren’t . ” READING AND WRITING

5. Look a t the pictures. Ask and answer questions as in the example (p. 119, ex. 4)Ask pupils to look at the pictures of the exercise.

Pair workAsk pupils to read the questions and answers in pairs. M onitor the activity

and help where necessary. Do choral and individual repetition.Ask pupils to make their answers. Practice their questions and answers for

a few m inutes. Go round helping.One or two pairs read or act out the dialogues using the questions and

answers.Repeat w ith a d ifferen t pupil, bu t th is tim e let pupils choose partners to

act them out with.Repeat w ith several d ifferent pupils.Transfer: encourage pupils to make their own questions and answers too.W rite some sentences in pupils’ exercise books if you have enough time.

6. Project work. Make a poster about your working day (weekend)Group work

Give pupils a lot of pictures of d ifferent weekend activities. Pupils choose the weekend activities they like best of all. Pupils stick suitable pictures on a sheet of paper. Then ask to describe the pictures using d ifferen t inform ation from the lessons. M onitor the activ ity and help where necessary. If pupils don’t have enough tim e you can finish the work next lessons.


Use p ictures to play a m atching game. Draw p ictures on the board or cut from a magazine and stick them . W rite the words a t the o ther end of the board. Pupils m atch pictures and words by drawing a line, e.g. from the picture of a snake to the word snake.Home work

R ead(p. 1 1 8 ,e x .1)Further practice

Use Workbook tasks a t the lesson or at home.


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Мета:• навчальна: закріпити лексико-граматичний матеріал за темами «Людина», «До­

звілля», практикувати мовні засоби за темами «Людина» та «Дозвілля», описувати когось/щось, запитувати про події у минулому та відповідати на запитання, вдо­сконалювати компетенції читання, аудіювання й усного монологічного мовлення, збільшувати обсяг знань про соціокультурну специфіку мови країни, що вивчаєть­ся, вдосконалювати уміння будувати своє мовне висловлювання, мовну поведінку адекватно цій специфіці;

• розвивальна: вчити уважно стежити за презентованою інформацією, ефективно співпрацювати під час парної та групової роботи, мотивувати готовність брати участь в іншомовному спілкуванні, учити працювати в парі, логічно висловлювати думку;

• виховна: виховувати уміння концентруватися, слухати інших, формувати доброзичли­ву атмосферу в класі, вчити культури спілкування сучасного цивілізованого світу, вчити емоційно-ціннісно ставитись до всього, що нас оточує, виховувати розуміння важливос­ті оволодіння іноземною мовою і потреби користуватися нею як засобом спілкування.

• Обладнання: картки за темами «Людина», «Дозвілля».

Хід урокуWARM-UP

1. Му Birthday Bag GameThe teacher comes to class with a bag “My birthday bag” and has a big

smile on his face. He is extraordinarily happy today. He says “Today i t ’s a very special day for me” some students ask why. “Because i t ’s my birthday!” he says raising the bag. “I have a birthday bag, there are b irthday presents in i t .” He takes out some flashcards (the b irthday presents) saying “I have a robot. I have a toy car and so on” . Then he hands the presents to the students. The song begins “P u t the robot on your head” (x3) who has the robot does it, and has to dance a little too. S itting audience go “Yeah, yeah” .

PRESENTATION2. Listen and repeat (p. 120, ex. 1)

Teach and then drill the new words using the pictures.Read out the caption for each of the pictures in tu rn . Pupils listen and look

a t the pictures. Use board sketches, m iming and gestures to check if pupils have understood the meaning of the new words.

Pupils take tu rn s to read out the words. Help with pronunciation. Go round helping.

Repeat w ith several d ifferen t pupils.

3. Listen and read (p. 120, ex. 2)Ask pupils to read the sentences. M onitor the activ ity and help where

necessary. Do choral and individual repetition. Go round helping.Some pupils read or act out the sentences.Transfer: encourage pupils to make th e ir own sentences too.

PRACTICE4. Point and say (p. 120, ex. 2)

Pupils look at the pictures and name the activities.Pair work

Ask pupils to make the dialogue using the question “W hat is your hobby?”


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Pupils ask th is question and answer using the p ictures in the exercise. M onitor the ac tiv ity and help where necessary. Do choral and individual repetition. Go round helping. One or two pairs act out the dialogues.ExtraCan I Have Gam e

Children play in pairs. Each of them chooses th ree cards from a set of picture cards and holds them in a fan so their partner can’t see the pictures. Child A asks e.g. “Can I have the teddy bear, please?” If child B doesn’t have the card of the teddy they say “No. Sorry .” If they do have the card of the teddy they say “Here you are!” and give it to child A, who says “Thank you”. Child B then has the next tu rn to ask a question. The game ends when the children have discovered all each o ther’s cards.

5. Ask and answer (p. 121, ex. 4)Ask pupils to look at questions and answers. Read them . Pupils repeat. Revise “Present Simple. Questions. Short answ ers.”Explain they are going to answer the questions using short answers.Ask pupils to look at the table. Ask pupils to read the activities and make

their own examples about hobbies. Pupils practice questions and the answers in pairs using short answers. M onitor the activity and help where necessary. Do choral and individual repetition. Go round helping. One or two pairs act out the dialogues. Then ask pupils to complete the table.

READING AND WRITING6. a) W rite a report (p. 121, ex. 4)

Transfer: get pupils to ask each other about their own favourite activities and hobbies. Give two pupils small pieces of paper with a sim ilar table from exercise 4.

Ask pupils such questions “W ho likes rid ing a bike, boys/g irls?” Ask pupils to up hands. The two pupils count the answers.

Then ask “Who collects stickers/stam ps? etc .” Pupils repeat the procedure. A fter th a t ask pupils to complete the report.Ask pupils to go to the board and complete the sentences,

b) Speak about your classAsk pupils to describe pupils’ hobbies and activities using the inform ation

from the report.


Home workR ead(p. 1 2 0 ,e x .2)A ctiv ity bank: W rite and draw your fav o u rite ac tiv ity using the

illustration.Further practice

Use Workbook tasks a t the lesson or a t home.


Page 130: Ahg yaz 3_kl_nesvit


• навчальна: ознайомити з новими лексичними одиницями, активізувати вивче­ний лексико-граматичний матеріал, описувати когось/щось, вчити висловлювати своє ставлення до когось/чогось, вдосконалювати компетенції читання, аудіюван- ня й усного монологічного мовлення, збільшувати обсяг знань про соціокультурну специфіку мови країни, що вивчається, вдосконалювати уміння будувати своє мов­не висловлювання, мовну поведінку адекватно цій специфіці;

• розвивальна: розвивати логічне мислення, увагу та зорову пам'ять, спостережли­вість, удосконалювати фонетику та артикуляцію звуків, розвивати усні комунікатив­ні уміння з опорою на наочність, вчити уважно стежити за презентованою інфор­мацією, ефективно співпрацювати під час парної та групової роботи, мотивувати готовність брати участь в іншомовному спілкуванні, учити працювати у парі;

• виховна: виховувати зацікавленість у розширенні свої знань, використанні на­вчального матеріалу в житті, загальну культуру учнів.

• Обладнання: картки за темами «Людина», «Дозвілля», таблиця "Future Simple".

Хід урокуWARM-UP

1. Do You Rem em ber Gam eThis game provides additional practice of “was” and “were” . Take ten or

twelve d ifferen t classroom objects (pens, ru lers, rubbers, books, etc.) from pupils in the room. P u t them on, under, next to or near your table. Let pupils look at the arrangem ent of objects for exactly one m inute, try ing to memorize what the objects are, their colours and sizes, make a note or sketch for yourself of the positions of the objects. W hen the tim e is up, sweep all the objects away into a bag so pupils really have to remember the objects and their arrangem ent. Ask pupils to say what objects were on the desk, to describe their arrangem ent and colours. Use your own notes or a sketch to check their statem ents and say “Yes, it w as/they were. No, it wasn’t/th ey weren’t . ”

PRESENTATION2. Listen and repeat (p. 122, ex. 1)

Teach and then drill the new words using the pictures.Read out the caption for each of the pictures in tu rn . Pupils listen and look

at the pictures. Use board sketches, miming and gestures to check if pupils have understood the meaning of the new words.

Pupils take tu rn s to read out the words. Help w ith pronunciation. Go round helping. Repeat with several d ifferen t pupils.

3. Say (p. 122, ex. 2)Books closed. In troduce the adverb “tom orrow ” con trasting i t w ith

“yesterday” and “today”, which pupils already know: “Yesterday was Sunday. Today is Monday. Tomorrow is Tuesday.”

If a calendar is available, point to the days on it as they are named in the sentences. Otherwise draw a basic calendar outline on the board and label the days.

Read the sentences describing the actions in the past and in the fu tu re . Pupils listen and read. Read again and pause afte r each sentence for pupils to repeat. Repeat chorally and individually.

M onitor the activ ity and help where necessary.If you have some tim e, you can ask pupils to w rite the sentences down in

their exercise books and underline the main words “shall” and “will”.4. Read and compare (p. 122, ex. 3)

Introduce “shall” and “will” by asking questions from the exercise. Repeat each sentence once. Pupils repeat the model sentences after you.

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Explain and w rite on the board th a t “I” and “we” go w ith “shall” and “he”, “she”, “i t ” “they”, and “you” go w ith “will” .

Read the serttences again. Then read the sentences in pairs P resent and Future. Compare.

Repeat chorally and individually. M onitor the ac tiv ity and help where necessary.PRACTICE

5 Agree or disagree (p. 123, ex. 4)Pair work

Ask pupils to read the sentences in the exercise and answer “True” or “False” about the things in d ifferent rooms.

Tell them th a t they are going to agree or disagree w ith the sentences.Pupils read and choose the correct answer. M onitor the activity and help

where necessary.If pupils don’t understand the meaning of some words transla te them into

the m other tongue.READING AND WRITING

6. Ask and answerAsk pupils to look a t the pictures in exercise 3 again.

Pair workAsk pupils to read the questions and answers in pairs. M onitor the activity

and help where necessary. Do choral and individual repetition.Ask pupils to make their answers. Practice their questions and answers for

a few m inutes. Go round helping.One or two pairs read or act out the dialogues using the questions and answers.Repeat with a d ifferen t pupil, bu t th is tim e let pupils choose partners to

act them out with.Repeat w ith several d ifferen t pupils.Transfer: encourage pupils to make their own questions and answers too.W rite some sentences in pupils’ exercise books if you have enough time.

7. Complete and write (p. 123, ex. 5)Ask pupils to complete the sentences using suitable words.

Pair workPupils read the sentences silently to them selves or they work on them

together in pairs.If it is necessary transla te the sentences into the m other tongue. Then they

complete the sentences aloud.Ask pupils to read the sentences in a chain. Ask to tran sla te d ifficu lt

sentences into the m other tongue. Go round helping. You can ask pupils to w rite the sentences down. Do choral and individual reading again. If you have some time you can ask pupils to w rite the sentences down in th e ir exercise books.ENDING THE LESSONWhat's Missing Gam e

Stick a set of flashcards on the blackboard. Hold up each one and get the children to say the names as you do th is. Then say “Close your eyes” and dem onstrate meaning. W hen children have their eyes closed, quickly remove one of the flashcards from the blackboard. Children open their eyes and call out the name of the missing flashcard.Home work

R ead(p. 1 2 3 ,e x .2)Further practice

Use Workbook tasks a t the lesson or a t home.


Page 132: Ahg yaz 3_kl_nesvit


• навчальна: презентувати новий лексико-граматичний матеріал за темами «Люди­на», «Дозвілля», практикувати мовні засоби за темою «Людина», описувати когось/ щось, запитувати про події у майбутньому часі та відповідати на запитання, ви­словлювати своє ставлення до когось/чогось, вдосконалювати компетенції читан­ня, аудіювання, збільшувати обсяг знань про соціокультурну специфіку мови краї­ни, що вивчається, мовну поведінку адекватно цій специфіці;

• розвивальна: уважно стежити за презентованою інформацією, ефективно співпра­цювати під час парної та групової роботи, мотивувати готовність брати участь в ін­шомовному спілкуванні, учити працювати в парі, логічно висловлювати думку;

• виховна: виховувати уміння концентруватися, слухати інших, формувати доброзич­ливу атмосферу в класі, вчити культури спілкування сучасного цивілізованого світу.

• Обладнання: картки за темою «Людина», тематичні картки «Дії. Вподобання», табли­ця "Future Simple".

Хід урокуWARM-UP

1. Flashcard Charade Gam eDivide the class into groups of three or four. Give each group a weather

flashcard m aking sure th a t the o ther groups don’t see it. Children have to th ink of a way to mime their flashcard. Give them a m inute or two to prepare. Each group then takes tu rn s to mime to the rest of the class and guess each o ther’s flashcards.PRESENTATION

2. Listen and repeat (p. 124, ex. 1)Teach and then drill the new words using the pictures.Read out the caption for each of the pictures in tu rn . Pupils listen and look

at the pictures. Use board sketches, m iming and gestures to check if pupils have understood the meaning of the new words. Pupils take tu rn s to read out the words. Help w ith pronunciation. Go round helping.

Repeat w ith several d ifferen t pupils.PRACTICE

3. Read and m atch (p. 124, ex. 2)Ask pupils to look at the pictures in the exercise. Ask to name activities.

Pronounce the words clearly. Do choral and individual repetition.If pupils don’t understand the meaning of some words transla te them into

the m other tongue. Do choral and individual repetition. M onitor the activity and help where necessary.

Ask pupils to read the sentences. Help w ith pronunciation and sentence rhythm especially.

Ask to tran sla te d ifficu lt sentences into the m other tongue. Go round helping. Do choral and individual repetition. Read the sentences again.

Then read the sentences in pairs P resent and Future . Compare. Repeat chorally and individually.Pair work

Pupils have to m atch the sentences w ith the correct picture.Check up the sentences and the pictures. Ask pupils to name the num ber of

every sentence and the le tte r of every picture. Correct the m istakes.4. Ask and answer (p. 125, ex. 3)

Read the questions.Explain pupils they are going to answer the questions using the tex t in

exercise 1.

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Pupils practice questions and the answers in pairs. One or two pairs act out the dialogues about the children from exercise 1.

READING AND WRITING5. Talk w ith your friend (p. 125, ex. 4)

Ask pupils to look at the word combinations in a box and read them . If pupils have difficulties transla te them into th e ir m other tongue.

Ask some pupils to w rite them down in a column on the board. Then stick the pictures of these activities in another column. Pupils read the word combinations chorally and individually.

Ask some pupils to go to the board and match the word combinations with the pictures.

Explain they are going to make dialogues using these words.W rite the example on the board and underline these words which pupils

have to change into o thers from the box.Ask pupils to read the p a tte rn and make th e ir own examples about

d ifferen t activities. Pupils practice questions and answers in pairs. One or two pairs act out the dialogues.

T ransfer: ask pupils “W hat do you usually do in the m orning? or W ill you... tom orrow?”

Point a t the pictures which describe what pupils do every day if they are free.

Tell pupils to use the inform ation from exercise 1 too.6. W rite a le tte r to your friend (p. 125, ex. 5)

Ask pupils to read the le tte r w ithout filling in the gaps. Tell pupils to understand the general inform ation.

Read the tex t again. This tim e pupils read and fill in the gaps w ith the words from the exercises 1 and 4.

Transfer: pupils fill the gaps in the tex t, using the words from the box of the exercise 4 to make true statem ents about free tim e and d ifferen t activities.

If you have some tim e you can ask pupils to w rite the sentences down in their exercise books.

Ask some strong pupils to w rite sentences on the board too.K e y :

Dear Max!How are you?I want to tell you about my hobbies. I like roller skating and reading. I will

go roller skate and read a lot in summer.W hat do you like doing? Please, tell me about it.Bye!

Best wishes,Mary

ENDING THE LESSONDisappearing Cards Gam e

Home workRead (p. 124, ex. 1, 2)A ctivity bank: Bring and prepare the description of your hobbies.

Further practiceUse Workbook tasks a t the lesson or a t home.


Page 134: Ahg yaz 3_kl_nesvit


Мета:• навчальна: презентувати новий лексико-граматичний матеріал за темами «Люди­

на», «Дозвілля», практикувати мовні засоби за темою «Людина», описувати когось/ щось, запитувати про події у майбутньому часі та відповідати на запитання, ви-

. словлювати своє ставлення до когось/чогось, вдосконалювати компетенції читан­ня, аудіювання, збільшувати обсяг знань про соціокультурну специфіку мови краї­ни, що вивчається, мовну поведінку адекватно цій специфіці;

• розвивальна: вчити уважно стежити за презентованою інформацією, ефективно співпрацювати під час парної та групової роботи, мотивувати готовність брати участь в іншомовному спілкуванні, учити працювати в парі, логічно висловлювати думку;

• виховна: виховувати уміння концентруватися, слухати інших, формувати доброзич­ливу атмосферу в класі, вчити культури спілкування сучасного цивілізованого світу.

• Обладнання: картки за темою «Людина», тематичні картки «Дії. Вподобання», табли­ця "Future Simple".

Хід урокуWARM-UP

1. Flashcard Bingo GameUse 7-10 flashcards of d ifferen t activ ities. Stick the flashcards on the

blackboard.Pupils draw a grid w ith six squares and w rite the name of one flashcard in

each square (encourage them to check spelling to do th is as necessary).W hen pupils are ready, remove the flashcards from the blackboard and

shuffle them . Hold up the flashcards one by one and say the names.Pupils listen and w rite a cross on the word if it is in the ir grid. The firs t

child to w rite a cross on all six words in their grid calls “Bingo!” and is the winner.PRESENTATION

2. Listen and read. Order the pictures (p. 126, ex. 1)Ask pupils to look at the pictures in the exercise. Ask to name activities.

Pronounce the words clearly. Do choral and individual repetition.If pupils don’t understand the m eaning of some words tran sla te them

into the m other tongue. Do choral and individual repetition . M onitor the activity and help where necessary. Ask pupils to read the sentences. Help with pronunciation and sentence rhythm especially.

Ask to tran sla te d ifficu lt sentences in to the m other tongue. Go round helping. Do choral and individual repetition. Read the sentences again.

Then read the sentences in pairs P resent and Future. Compare. Repeat chorally and individually.Pair work

Pupils have to order the pictures.Check up the order of the p ictures using the tex t. Correct the m istakes if

they have.

PRACTICE3. Read and match (p. 127, ex. 2)

Read the questions.Explain pupils they are going to match the questions w ith the answers.

Pupils practice questions and the answers in pairs. One or two pairs act out the dialogues about the children from exercise 1.

READING AND WRITING4. Ask and answer. Use the questions in exercise 2 (p. 127, ex. 3)




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Ask pupils to read the questions in exercise 2 again.Ask some pupils to w rite them down in their exercise books.Pupils read the questions chorally and individually. Explain they are going

to answer these questions. W rite some d ifferen t examples on the board.T ransfer: ask pupils to read the pa tte rn questions and make th e ir own

answers.Pupils practice questions and answers in pairs. One or two pairs act out the

dialogues.ExtraPoint to Game

Stick a set of flashcards on the walls round the classroom. Hold up each one and get the children to say the names as you do th is. Give instructions e.g. “Poin t to the roller blade! Point to the skate board!” Children listen, look round the classroom and point to the correct flashcard as fast as they can.

5. W rite. Speak about your day in the village (p. 127, ex. 4)Tell pupils to understand the general inform ation reading the title . Ask

“W hat do you th ink the tex t is about?” Pupils answer. Explain pupils they are going to complete the tex t about free tim e in the village next Sunday. So revise the form ation of fu tu re simple using the table “Future Simple”.

Ask pupils to read the tex t w ithout filling in the gaps.Read the tex t again. This tim e pupils read and fill in the gaps with the

words from the exercises 1 and 2.Transfer: pupils fill the gaps in the tex t, using the words to make true

statem ents about free tim e and d ifferen t activities in the village.If you have some tim e you can ask pupils to w rite the sentences down in

the ir exercise books.Ask some strong pupils to w rite sentences on the board too.


Give a simple dictation (use the rhyme or sim ilar sentences about holidays, hobbies o r free time) in which pupils listen and draw what they hear instead of w riting it down word by word. Dem onstrate or explain the procedure to pupils. Then dictate each piece of the description two or three tim es giving pupils enough tim e to draw their pictures.Home work

R ead(p. 1 2 6 ,e x .1)Further practice

Use Workbook tasks a t the lesson or a t home.


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• навчальна: презентувати новий лексико-граматичний матеріал за темами «Люди­на», «Дозвілля», практикувати мовні засоби за темою «Людина», описувати когось/ щось, запитувати про події у майбутньому часі та відповідати на запитання, ви­словлювати своє ставлення до когось/чогось, вдосконалювати компетенції читан­ня, аудіювання, збільшувати обсяг знань про соціокультурну специфіку мови краї­ни, що вивчається, мовну поведінку адекватно цій специфіці;

• розвивальна: вчити уважно стежити за презентованою інформацією, ефектив­но співпрацювати під час парної та групової роботи, мотивувати готовність брати участь в іншомовному спілкуванні, учити працювати у парі, логічно висловлювати думку;

• виховна: виховувати уміння концентруватися, слухати інших, формувати доброзич­ливу атмосферу в класі, вчити культури спілкування, сучасного цивілізованого світу.

• Обладнання: картки за темою «Людина», тематичні картки «Дії. Вподобання», табли­ця "Future Simple".


WARM-UPХід уроку

1. Use pictures to play a m atching game. Draw pictures on the board or cut them form magazine and stick on the board. W rite the words a t the o ther end of the board. Pupils m atch pictures and words by drawing a line.

PRESENTATION2. Listen and repeat (p. 128, ex. 1)

Teach and then drill the new words using the pictures.Read out the caption for each of the pictures in tu rn . Pupils listen and look

at the pictures. Use board sketches, m iming and gestures to check if pupils have understood the meaning of the new words. Pupils take tu rn s to read out the words. Help w ith pronunciation. Go round helping.

Repeat w ith several d ifferen t pupils.3. Listen and read (p. 128, ex. 2)

Read the dialogue.Pupils listen and read the dialogue in silence. Read the tex t again. Pupils

either read the tex t silently to themselves or they work on i t together in pairs. Ask to transla te d ifficu lt sentences into the m other tongue.Group work

Pupils read the dialogue in a group of three.Go round helping. Do choral and individual repetition.A fter reading: ask pupils the questions “W hat will Dan do in summer?

W hen will Ann go to the seaside? W hat will Jane do in a summer camp?”Pupils may also be asked to w rite answers to the questions in their exercise

books.Do choral and individual reading again. Ask individuals to read parts of

the tex t again aloud. Help w ith pronunciation and sentence rhythm especially. M onitor the activ ity and help where necessary.ExtraLearn the poems

1. Sum m er’s here. Days are long,And the sun is b righ t and strong.This is the season when n ights are short;And children have plenty of fun and sport.




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2. Woods are green, the sun is brigh t,And the wind is warm and light.I can bathe, and play, and run.Summer holidays are fun.

PRACTICE4. Read again and m atch (p. 129, ex. 3)

Read the beginning of the sentences in the f irs t column. Then read the endings of the sentences in the second column.

Explain th a t pupils are going to match the beginnings w ith the endings.Do choral and individual reading again. Help w ith pronunciation and

sentence rhythm especially.M onitor the activity and help where necessary.

5. W ork in pairs. Look, point and say (p. 129, ex. 3)Pair work

Ask pupils to look a t the p ictures and read the word combinations under them .

Explain pupils they are going to make pairs of sentences using the patterns and pictures. W rite the patterns down on the board and stick the p ictures on them.

Then ask pupils to read the sentences and complete them with the patterns and pictures. M onitor the activ ity and help where necessary. Do choral and individual reading again. Correct the m istakes.Extra

Ask pupils to close th e ir books. Say tru e or false sentences about the children’s plans for summer. Use the inform ation from exercise 2. Children listen to the statem ents and w rite “T” or “F” in their notebooks. Go through the answers w ith the class, reading out the sentences again, and asking pupils to call out “True!” or “False!”

READING AND WRITING6. Ask and answer (p. 129, ex. 5)

Read the questions.Explain pupils they are going to answer the questions using th e ir own

answers. Pupils practice questions and the answers in pairs. One or two pairs act out the dialogues about the children from exercise 1.


Mime an action e.g. dance or read a book.Pupils guess what you’re doing and call out the action.Repeat the procedure and, if appropriate, invite individual pupils to take

tu rn s to come and stand by you and do a mime to the rest of the class.Home work

Read (p. 128, ex. 1, 2)A ctivity bank: Ask pupils to describe th e ir fu tu re plans using the patterns

of exercise 4.Further practice

Use Workbook tasks a t the lesson or a t home.


Page 138: Ahg yaz 3_kl_nesvit

• навчальна: презентувати новий лексико-граматичний матеріал за темами «Люди­на», «Дозвілля», практикувати мовні засоби за темою «Людина», описувати когось/ щось, запитувати про події у майбутньому часі та відповідати на запитання, ви­словлювати своє ставлення до когось/чогось, вдосконалювати компетенції читан­ня, аудіювання, збільшувати обсяг знань про соціокультурну специфіку мови краї­ни, що вивчається, мовну поведінку адекватно цій специфіці;

• розвивальна: вчити уважно стежити за презентованою інформацією, ефективно співпрацювати під час парної та групової роботи, мотивувати готовність брати участь в іншомовному спілкуванні, учити працювати у парі, логічно висловлювати думку;

• виховна: виховувати уміння концентруватися, слухати інших, формувати доброзич­ливу атмосферу в класі, вчити культури спілкування сучасного цивілізованого світу.

• Обладнання: картки за темою «Людина», тематичні картки «Дії. Вподобання», табли­ця "Future Simple".



Хід урокуWARM-UP

1. Mime the Flashcard GameHold up flashcards in tu rn and name them . Children do a mime in response

e.g. they can pretend to eat a particu lar food (if you are using food flashcards), im ita te a p articu la r anim al (anim al flashcards) or pu t on clothes (clothes flashcards). Then do mimes of d ifferen t flashcards yourself or invite pupils to take tu rn s to do th is. Children watch and call out the words.

PRESENTATION2. Listen and repeat (p. 130, ex. 1)

Teach and then drill the new words using the pictures.Read out the caption for each of the pictures in tu rn . Pupils listen and look

a t the pictures. Use board sketches, m iming and gestures to check if pupils have understood the meaning of the new words.

Pupils take tu rn s to read out the words. Help w ith pronunciation. Go round helping.

Repeat w ith several d ifferen t pupils.A fter reading: revise the sentence “Are you from England?”Show pupils the countries The USA, Ukraine, Canada and England on the map. Pupils listen and read the names of d ifferen t countries.

PRACTICE3. Listen, read and m atch (p. 130, ex. 2)

Stick some sim ilar pictures (look a t the pictures of exercise 1) on the board. Read three tex ts. Pronounce the words clearly. Do choral and individual

repetition.If pupils don’t understand the meaning of some words transla te them into

the m other tongue. Do choral and individual repetition. M onitor the activity and help where necessary.

Read the sentences again. Repeat chorally and individually.Pair work

Pupils have to m atch the sentences w ith the correct picture on the board. Check up the sentences and the pictures.Ask pupils to name the num ber of every sentence and the le tte r of every

picture. Correct the m istakes.




Page 139: Ahg yaz 3_kl_nesvit

4. Ask and answer (p. 130, ex. 3)Read the questions.Explain th a t pupils are going to answer the questions using the tex t in the

exercise 1.Pupils practice questions and the answers in pairs. One or two pairs act out

the dialogues about the children from exercise 1.Transfer: encourage pupils to make their own questions too.W rite some sentences in pupils’ exercise books if you have enough tim e.

READING AND WRITING5. Listen and repeat. Talk w ith your friend (p. 131, ex. 4)

Read the questions and the answers. Match them with the pictures.Pupils practice questions and the answers in pairs.One or two pairs act out the dialogues about the children showing in the

pictures.Transfer: encourage pupils to make their own questions too.W rite some sentences in pupils’ exercise books if you have enough tim e.

6. a) Look at the pictures of exercise 4. Complete and w rite (p. 131, ex. 5)Ask pupils to complete the sentences using suitable words.

Pair workPupils read the sentences silently to them selves or they work on them

together in pairs.If it is necessary transla te the sentences into the m other tongue.Then they complete the sentences aloud.Ask pupils to read the sentences in a chain. Ask to tran sla te d ifficu lt

sentences into the m other tongue. Go round helping. You can ask pupils to w rite the sentences down.

Do choral and individual reading again. If you have some tim e you can ask pupils to w rite the sentences down in their exercise books, b) Speak about your summer

Ask pupils to tell how they are going to spend their summer holidays using the inform ation from the lesson.


Say, “One, two, three. W hat can I see?I can see something beginning with... P ” .Pupils look for objects beginning w ith P and make guesses: Is it a pen? No,

it isn ’t. Is it a pencil? Yes, it is. W hen they guess correctly, they have to point a t the object and say where it is “I t ’s on your d esk /I t’s over there /he re”.

Play several rounds, letting pupils take over as soon as possible.Home work

R ead(p. 1 3 0 ,e x .2)A ctivity bank: W rite about your summer holidays. Use pictures.

Further practiceUse Workbook tasks a t the lesson or a t home.


Page 140: Ahg yaz 3_kl_nesvit


• навчальна: презентувати новий лексико-граматичний матеріал за темами «Люди­на», «Дозвілля», практикувати мовні засоби за темою «Людина», описувати когось/ щось, запитувати про події у майбутньому часі та відповідати на запитання, ви-, словлювати своє ставлення до когось/чогось, вдосконалювати компетенції читан­ня, аудіювання, збільшувати обсяг знань про соціокультурну специфіку мови краї­ни, що вивчається, мовну поведінку адекватно цій специфіці;

• розвивальна: вчити уважно стежити за презентованою інформацією, ефективно співпрацювати під час парної та групової роботи, мотивувати готовність брати участь в іншомовному спілкуванні, учити працювати у парі, логічно висловлювати думку;

• виховна: виховувати уміння концентруватися, слухати інших, формувати доброзич­ливу атмосферу в класі, вчити культури спілкування сучасного цивілізованого світу.

• Обладнання: картки за темою «Людина», тематичні картки «Дії. Вподобання», табли- ця"Future Simple".

Хід урокуWARM-UP

1. M em ory Activity Gam eW rite words on the board. Pupils close their eyes while you remove one

word. Pupils then open their eyes and try to remember what is missing. They can either say the word or write it down. Do th is with lexical sets of words, e.g. parts of the body, colours, foods, etc.

PRESENTATION2. a) Listen and repeat (p. 132, ex. 1)

Books open. Teach and then drill the new words using the pictures.Read out the caption for each of the p ictures in tu rn . Pupils listen and look

at the pictures. Use board sketches, m iming and gestures to check if pupils have understood the meaning of the new words.

Pupils take tu rn s to read out the words. Help w ith pronunciation. Go round helping. Repeat with several d ifferen t pupils, b) Say

Ask pupils to choose su itab le word com binations and com plete the sentences beginning w ith the words: “I like...” and “I often...”

PRACTICE3. Look, point and say (p. 132, ex. 2)

Read the sentences in the fu tu re tense. T ranslate them into the m other tongue.

Then ask pupils to point a t the suitable pictures in exercise 1.ExtraGam e

Stick 8 -10 flashcards from differen t lexical sets on the blackboard. Elicit or rem ind children the words. Give children one m inute to look in silence and try to remember the flashcards before rem oving them from the board. Children work in pairs and w rite the list of the flashcards they can remember. Check the answers by eliciting them from the whole class and w riting the list on the blackboard.

READING AND WRITING4. Read in groups (p. 133, ex. 3)

Before reading pre-teach the word “dream ”.




Page 141: Ahg yaz 3_kl_nesvit

Divide the class in to two groups. Ask pupils in d ifferen t groups to read the texts.

Then each group reads the tex t one by one, they pause afte r each sentence. If necessary, transla te the sentences into th e ir own language.

5. Ask and answer the questions (p. 133, ex. 4)Ask pupils to read the tex ts again.Every group reads th e ir questions and gives the answers about the children

from exercise 3.M onitor the activ ity and help where necessary.If necessary, transla te the questions and answers into th e ir own language.

6. Project work. Make a poster about your dream holidays. Draw pictures or stick photos (p. 133, ex. 4).

Divide the class into three or four groups. Ask pupils in d ifferen t groups to make posters about th e ir dream holidays.

Ask pupils to read the tex t and complete it w ith suitable words and word combinations.

Then ask pupils to draw p ictu res or stick photos which pupils have brought. Go round helping.

M onitor the activity and help where necessary.


Spelling Shark FameThis is a version of the trad itional “Hangm an” game. Briefly explain the

rules to the class. You can play the game to revise the vocabulary of the lesson. Think of any word, e.g., “lunch” . Don’t say it out loud. Draw a “cliff” line down from the end of the bottom row. A t the bottom of the “cliff” draw a sharkand the sea. Draw two dashes for the letters in a sport activity “_____c h” .Pupils take tu rn s to guess one le tte r in the sport activity. If th a t le tte r is in the word, w rite it in the appropriate blank in the top row. If it is not in the word, draw a little “stick figure” s ta rtin g to walk along the bottom row of blanks towards the edge of the cliff. Pupils have to guess all the le tte rs correctly before the stick figure falls over the cliff and into the shark ’s jaws.Home work

R ead(p. 1 3 3 ,e x .3)Further practice

Use W orkbook tasks a t the lesson or a t home.


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• навчальна: активізувати та закріпити вивчений лексико-граматичний матеріал, вдосконалювати вміння та навички аудіювання, читання, письма, усного мовлення, реагувати невербально на запитання, які передбачають прості відповіді, формувати в учнів комунікативну компетенцію, закріпити прислівники способу дії та вживання їх у мові з опорою на текст, розвивати та удосконалювати мовленнєві компетенції;

• розвивальна: вчити уважно стежити за презентованою інформацією, ефектив­но співпрацювати під час парної та групової роботи, мотивувати готовність брати участь в іншомовному спілкуванні, мотивувати бажання до подальшого самовдос­коналення у галузі оволодіння іноземною мовою, розвивати мовну здогадку;

• виховна: зацікавити учнів темою уроку, привернути їхню увагу до вивченого мате­ріалу, допомогти їм бути розкутими у спілкуванні, виховувати толерантне ставлен­ня до однокласників, викликати в дітей бажання вчитися; вивчати іноземну мову; виховувати дисципліну, звичку до систематичної розумової праці, ефективно спів­працювати під час парної та групової роботи.

• Обладнання: картки за темами «Людина», «Дії. Вподобання», таблиця "Past Simple".

Хід урокуWARM-UP

1 . Teacher Can't Rem em ber Gam eTell pupils you can’t rem em ber some of the words from a p a rticu la r

vocabulary set so you want them to help you.Tell pupils you are going to show them some flashcards or mime and say

some words. This tim e use the verbs w ith prepositions.

2. What's M issing Gam eStick a set of flashcards on the blackboard. Hold up each one and get

the children to say the names as you do th is. Then say “Close your eyes” and dem onstrate meaning. W hen children have their eyes closed, quickly remove one of the flashcards from the blackboard. Children open their eyes and call out the name of the missing flashcard.

PRESENTATION3. Look at the picture and make up the sentences as in the example (p. 134, ex. 1)

Ask pupils to make sentences using the patterns and the pictures.Pair work

Pupils read the sentences from every column silently to themselves or they work on them together in pairs. Pupils use suitable words. If it is necessary transla te the words into the m other tongue. Then they read the sentences.

Ask pupils to read the sentences in a chain. Ask to tran sla te d ifficu lt sentences into the m other tongue. Go round helping. You can ask pupils to w rite the sentences down.

Do choral and individual reading again.Help w ith pronunciation and sentence rhy thm especially. M onitor the

activity and help where necessary.

PRACTICE4. Choose the correct item (p. 134, ex. 2)

Ask pupils to make sentences using the correct item.Pair work

Pupils read the sentences in silent to themselves or they work on them together in pairs. Pupils choose suitable ones. If it is necessary transla te the words into the m other tongue.




Page 143: Ahg yaz 3_kl_nesvit

Then they read the sentences aloud.Ask pupils to read the sentences in a chain. Ask to tran s la te d ifficu lt

sentences into the m other tongue. Go round helping. You can ask pupils to w rite the sentences down.

Do choral and individual reading again.Help w ith pronunciation and sentence rhy thm especially. M onitor the

activity and help where necessary.If you have some tim e you can ask pupils to w rite the sentences down in

th e ir exercise books.Ask some strong pupils to write sentences on the board too.

READING AND WRITING5. Listen and read (p. 135, ex. 3)

Ask pupils to look at the picture in the exercise.Read the tex t about the girl. Do choral and individual repetition.If pupils don’t understand the meaning of some words transla te them into

the m other tongue.Do choral and individual repetition again. Go round helping. M onitor

the activ ity and help where necessary. Help w ith pronunciation and sentence rhythm especially.

6. Agree or disagree (p. 135, ex. 4)Pair work

Ask pupils to read the sentences in the exercise and answer “T rue” or “False” about the th ings in d ifferen t rooms.

Tell them th a t they are going to agree or disagree w ith the sentences.Pupils read and choose the correct answer. M onitor the activity and help

where necessary.If pupils don’t understand the meaning of some words transla te them into

the m other tongue.

7. Complete, w rite and say (p. 135, ex. 5)Ask pupils to complete the sentences using suitable words.

Pair workPupils read the sentences silently to them selves or they work on them

together in pairs.If i t is necessary transla te the sentences into the m other tongue.Then they complete the sentences aloud.Ask pupils to read the sentences in a chain. Ask to tran sla te d ifficu lt

sentences into the m other tongue. Go round helping. You can ask pupils to w rite the sentences down.

Do choral and individual reading again.If you have some tim e you can ask pupils to w rite the sentences down in

the ir exercise books.


R ead(p. 1 3 5 ,e x .3)Further practice

Use W orkbook tasks a t the lesson or a t home.


Page 144: Ahg yaz 3_kl_nesvit

The stories include s tru c tu res and vocabulary presented in the course. Pupils have a chance to see the language in a genuinely com m unicative context.

It is im portant th a t pupils are learning to read for pleasure, as extensive reading is one of the best ways of learning the language. The picture form at of the stories should help weaker pupils to follow and enjoy the story.

The questions and simple exercises in stories help develop reading skills by checking th a t pupils have understood the idiomatic expressions, the main events and the sequence of the stories.

Appendix. TIME FOR FUNКлас



Page 145: Ahg yaz 3_kl_nesvit

Англійська моваЗ класКод: ПШМ49 / ПШМ057

Посібник розрахований для вчителя, який викладає англійську мову у загальноосвітній школі в третьому класі за підручником А. Несвіт «English З»й відповідає чинній навчальній програмі 2012 року.

Він містить 65 планів-конспектів уроків, що відповідає загальній кількості уроків на рік за дві години на тиждень. У книзі відображені авторські методичні підходи до розвитку навичок аудіювання, говоріння, письма та читання в ігровій формі.

Посібник містить додаткові завдання, ігри для полегшення роботи вчителя за підручником А. Несвіт «English З».


,:1ЕКТРОННИИ .--KQHf,i-T» K'I.mT S і ч ж > ПОЧАТКОВА ШКОЛА%&*■» \нг:ш"іськ\мов\

КНИГИ ЗАМОВЛЯЙТЕ ЗА АДРЕСОЮ:ВГ «Основа», вул. Плеханівська, 66, м. Харків, 61001, тел. (057) 731-96-33, e-mail: [email protected],


0 - 800- 505-212

ф YpftKH


„ і■!-т&

Англійська мова{за підручником А, Несшт)

Г“Ж рр/зпоане хаПендарне , г : Ш гюаиувайня.- ч Розрости всіх уроків курсу

•* на е яризнй* аркрлк


Електронний конструктор уроку1 клас — Код: 41ЕКУ1262 клас — Код: 41ЕКУ127 4 клас — Код: 41ЕКУ125

англійської мови 1 клас —Код: 41ППШ296 Мій конспект. Англійська мова

1 клас (до підручника А. М. Несвіт) — Код: 41ПШМ461 клас (до підручника О. Д. Карп’юк) - Код: 41ПШМ452 клас (за підручником А. Несвіт) — Код: 41ППШ3632 клас (за підручником О. Карп'юк) — Код: 41ПШМ473 клас (до підручника А. М. Несвіт) — Код: 41ПШМ49З клас (до підручника О. Д. Карп'юк) Код: 41ПШМ48