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agst r THE SANDERS COUNTY LEDGER VOL. 1. NO. 34. THOMPSON, MONTANA, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 6, 1905. PRICE FIVE CENTS THOUSANDS VISIT FAIR Wednesday Was a Big Day at Helena as Woodmen and Children Were the .9•Y-Aa Ogp-Ilkerae - LAW on Special Train -Good Racing Events. Helena, Oct. 4. -Close to 10,000 peo- ple visited the state fair today, mak- ing it by far the greatest day of the three. More perfect weather could not have been asked. It was Wood- menu and Children's day. Many Wood- men came on a special train from Butte, bringing the famous State band, which furnished music at the grounds. Butte's team ,..Woodmen -went -drill-Wet elicited loud ap- plause. It was expected to drill against the Anaconda team, but as the latter failed to put in an appearance, the Smoke Eaters were given the entire prize of $175. Head Consul Boak was present and in the evening delivered an address at the Auditorium. He was tendered a banquet. Children. from St. Joseph's orphans' home and other schools were out in --full force. The relay races again attracted greet attention. During an aseiting- fea- ture of the relay race, one horse ran aganst the fence and so badly fright- ened Miss Hunt, daughter of Judge Hunt, who was seated in a carriage on the other side of the fence, that she Jumped and fell, breaking her collar bone. The man who loops the gap also had another mishap, barely escaping serious-injuele- He missed connections and fell in a heap on the ground, Mit jumped up, declaring he was unhurt. Peerniume Announced. Premiums on sheep, heroes and other animals were announced today. A cup offered to the young man under 25 years of age showing the beat judg- ment as a judge of stock, was award- ed to George Cook of Como. Tomorrow will be Butte and Pioneer day and the attendance is expected to pass the 10,000 mark. Large delega- tions are coming from Butte and Mis- soula by special trains. The Boston & Montana band will furnish the day's music. The feature of the day will be the world's famous trap shooters. A strong effort was made to have Presi- dent Hill or the Great Northern and President Elliott of the Netethere Pa- cific visit the fair while In Montana, urgent invitations having been wired to Spokane, but replies received t9 - night stated that urgent business called them east and they would hurry through to the Burlington at Billings, early tofnorrow. Today's races resulted as follows: First race, match pace, two In three -Holly, 1,-i; Midget, 2, 2. Time, 2:38, 2:34 1-2. Second race, pacing, 2:14 class. Mer- chants' stake purse, $1,000 -Modicum, b. m., 1, 1, 1; Sherlock Holmes, c. h. h., 2, 2, 2; Rita Huber, b. r. m., 3, 3, 3. ;Thep, 111.90*.S1.161‘. tie Leonard and Carlsbad also start 4 . Third race, running, half mile handl- - hap, purse $260-Abydos, 116 ("Richter), won; Aurora B, 119 (Powell), second-, Silver Jim, 120 (Vogt), third. Time, :48 1-4. You You, Atoka, Anglesia, Little Hank, Flourish, Worthless. St. .Pald and Little Tom, also started. Aurora B was tne favorite in both pools, selling at an equal price to the remainder. Fourth race, selling, three-quarters mile, purse $250 -King Harold, 117 (McLean), won; Mintalta, 108 (Richt- er), second; Bonnie Brier Bush, 104 (Powell), third. Time, 1:16. Annie Ma- rie, Bill Bohameon and Dandle Bell also started. Malrina was left at the post. King Harold was a hot favorite. Fifth race, running, one mile, purse $160 -Dr. Bernays,- 114 (Vogt), won; Nanon, 120 (Richter). second; T. U. K., 96 (Reynolds), third. Time,, 1:42. Sid- ney C else started. Ladles' relay race, five miles -Miss Premo. 8:18 1-2; Miss Sperry, 8:43; Mrs. Kline, 9:00; Mrs. Gibson, 9:25 1-2; Wee Synness, 9:36. For having been mutini- ed yesterday. Miss Premo was set back to equal terms with Mrs. Kline and Miss Sperry, but she more than made up for this by her brilliant rid- Jng today. WILL RUN FOR MAYOR. W. R. Hearst Named by Municipal Ownerehip Band in New York. BIG BUSINESS DEAL. New York, Oct. 4.-W, R. Hearst we* flatbed as a candidate for mayor at a municipal ownership mass meeting tonight in Grand Central palace, and 0. committee appointed by J. G. Phelpea Stokes, who presided, will select the remainder of the ticket. Resolutions denouncing both of the Old partteras being dominated by trust Interests, and declaring that the peo- ple of New York should elect officials - to oppose corporations were adopted with Much enthusiasm, and cheering followed the reading of a letter from Dr. Charles H. Parkhurst, in which he praised the growing demand for gov- ernment interference to protect the people from the tyranny of monopo. lists. My. Hearst was hailed with enthusi- astic applause. He denounced the re. publican and democratic leaders. Immediately after Mr. Hearst's speech a man in the audience moved that the speaker be nominated for mayor, and the motion was seconded and carried with enthusiasm. After Chairman Stokes had an- nounced that he would appoint a corn.. mittee to complete the ticket, pro- vided Mr. Hearst accepted the nomi- nation, the convention adjourned. WILL SAVE THE ALAMEDA. -- San Francisco, Oct. 4. --It is thought today that there Is a poesibillty of sav- ing the Alameda, now on the rock. at Fort Point. Divers have disci:a/sited that the principal hole In her bottom Is under her boilers, and that it can be tagged The pumps already Installed In the vessel are able to control the water in her forward hold. All the cargo has been discharged, and though there is cofleiderable swell in, the bay, It has done no damage to the Steamer. "DAVID HARUM" MADE MONEY. Syracuse, N. T., Oct. 4. -"David Hamm," the novel written by the late Edward Noyes Wescott of this cfty, netted the author's estate about $126,- 000. BIG BUSINESS DEAL The Stook and Frk - lree of Lewis Store Sold to Symons. Butte, Oct. 4. -One of the largest business transfers made in this city in years was consummated tonight, en J. E. Oppenheimer, H. E. Oppen- heimer, Harry Symons and William Sy- mone purchased from W. C. Lewis and 0, K. Lewis the stock and fixtures of, the big Lewis dry goods store, lo- cated at Park and Academy streets. The consideration was not given, but It is understood to be in the neigh- borhood of $300,000. J. E. Oegenheimer is president Of the Symons company, which was the principal loser in the conflagration of September 24, their three-story de ment OS:ire-going .up In mai, entail- it a loss of over $400,000. The Lewis company has bees doing business in Butte for the past 20 years. W. C. Lewis and 0. IC, Lewis of Salt Lake are the principal stockholders. BRYAN SHOWS HOW FUNDS WERE DISTRIBUTED New Haven, Oct. 4. -Statements showing how trust Nada were distrib- uted in accordance with the provisions of the will of the late Philos Bennett. by W. J. Bryan and his wife, Mary larated..Bryan.-acting as trustees, were filed today in the probate court. Mr. Bennett left $10,000 to be dis- tributed among the pupils of 26 col- leges as prizes for the best essays re- garding the prihciplee of free govern- ment. Two additional funds, eiteh of 810,000, were left to the needy boys and girls in securing education. ---- The list ef colleges named has been announced in previous dispatches. Mr. Bryan says in his report that the pay- ment of the transfer tax occeioned the loss of $473 out of each fund of $10,000, but that he has made this amount good by paying It out of his fees as executor of the estate. COMPANY FORMED TO CONSTRUCT NEW ROAD San Francisco, Oct. 4.-A new com- pany has just been organized to build the Yellowstone Park railroad from St. Anthony, Idaho, to the western en- trance of the Yellowstone National park, near Zdadlien river. The con- tracts for construetkon and grading are now being let, and -ft is expected to have the roa,d tic operation In time for the 19011 season. ' The distance from At, Anthony to Madison river will be about 70 miles. It will be approximately 17 miles from the park "terminus to Fountain hole, Lower Geyser basin. This will make the park very much more accessible and will enable visitors to make the entire round trip from the park line in four days. A hotel will be built at the end of the line on the Madison river. SHOOTS WOMAN IN A CALIFORNIA DANCE HALL '• tau -- 1Pra3Idt5ecr• Oct. - C. -John He, Carty, a former saloon Man of Reno. Nev., whet arrived- here from Eureka, Cal., several .days ago, shot and killed Myrtle (men in a Jackson street dance hall tonight. He- attempted;,to escape. holding at - bay With a revolver a number of - persona who endeavored to capture him, but was finali , ar• rested by the police. Myrtle O'Neill was tha daughter of the late Willitarn .1. O'Neill, a Wells Fargo express messenger, who was killed while on duty last year at Cop- ley, in northern California. EXPRESS TRAIN WRECKED. Connellsville, Pa., Oct. 4. -The mount express on the B. & 0. railroad was wrecked early today at Round Bottom, two miles south of Morgan- town, W. Va. The baggage car, la- dies' coach and a Pullman chair oar left the rails on a curve and tumbled over the bank to the edge of the Mo- nongahela river. Fifteen to 18 people were -.injured, five of them seriously. The engine did not leave the track, the rails spreading after it had passed the point in the curve. BANK'S PAYING TELLER PUTS END TO LIFE San Francisco, Oct. 4. -Samuel A. Beaver, for many years paying teller of the Bank of California, shot and killed himself at his rooms on Grant avenue. Mr. Beaver had been ill for a long time and was placed on the retired list of the bank owing to his sickness. This is supposed to be the cause ef his committing suicide. He was one of the best known men in financial circles. Mr. Beaver was 65 years of age. DR. FEANKLIN DEAD. Salt Lake, Oct. 4. -Dr. P. A. H. Franklin, a mine operator and pro- moter well known in the eastern money markets in connection with Utah flota- tions, died here today from heart fail- ure. He Was 69 years old. He came to Utah in 1873. His first big deal was the sale of the Niagara claim at Bingham to the United States Mining company of Boston. Of late he had been exploiting gold properties In southern Utah. BANKRUPTCY PETITIONS. Special to The Daily Missoullan. Helena, Oct. 4. -Albert Makin, a Kalispell civil engineer, filed a petition In bankruptcy in the federal court to- day. His debts were given as assets $119. W. W. Cornelle, laborer, of Panne- stake also flied a petition, giving ide debts as $1,896, assets $392, nearly all exempt. Another interview. Vienna, Oct. 4. -General Baron F'e- jervary, the Hungariaa premier, had another interview with the king-em- peror today, but it is believed his majesty has not yet reached a de- ciston concerning a ministerial pro- gram. •) SELMER PLEADS GUILTY AND HE IS SENTENCED Akron, Ohio, Oct. 4. -Charles S. Reimer, Charged with obtaining $111,- 000 under false pretense'5, pleaded guilty today and was sentenced to the Mansfield reformatory. Selmer ea- taped to SOUltr'Allierlea after the crime and *as arrested in California. PRISONER GETS1 61111 John Hildebrand in Seattle Jail Under Life Sentence Makes Desperate At. t•mpt to Escape by Killing th• Jell- er-H• Is Overoome. Seattle, Oct. 4. -John Hildebrand, under life sentence for participetion in the robbery of Hat Conway's sal nearly a year ago, during which Matthew Murphy, a patron, was killed, made an attempt this afternoon t9 Jailer Wise: - MEW Phiiiictaiii Gorson, who jumped in front of the jailer, was shot over the right eye. Sheriff L. C. Smith, who ran to the jailer's rescue, tired twice at Hilde- brand before the prisoner dropped his gun and was overpowered by trusties. Jailer Wise, who was unarmed, had in the meantime fled beyond range of Hildebrand's gun. Hildebrand asked this afternoon to be taken out to see the jail physician. Jailer Wise brought him from the rairtb lank to the jail office. AS soon ae he was taken out of the tank he began to light with the jailer. Wine threw him aside and Hildebrand drew a revolver from Its place of conceal- ment under his shirt and -opened ftre on the Jailer. Doctor Is Shot. As Hildebrand raised his gun td shoot, Dr. (Parson jumped in front of him to overpower the convict. As Hil- debrand fired the billet struck the phy- sician over the right eye, seriously wmindlng him. Jailer Wise was un- armed, and he ran to secure a weapon, jumping out of Hildebrand's line of fire before the desperate convict could shoot again. Trusties shouted to Hil- debrand an order to drop his gun, but he Ignored them. Sheriff Smith ran out of the sher- iff's office with a revolver. -in his hand and ordered Hildebrand to drop his weapon. The highwayman stood in the Jail corridor in plain view of the sheriff from the ,, grated door, but re- fused to shoot: "I am not after you. I want Wise," he answered. Desperado Overpowered. Sheriff Smith shot, but Hildebrand neither returned the fire tier dropped his gun. Again the sheriff firedraand then Hildebrand let his revolver drop to the floor. Trusties rushed up and overpowered him, Jailer Wise coming to their- tteeistance and helping to carry Hildebrand back to the tank. Hildebrand was to have been taken to the state peeltentiary either tonight or tomorrow morning with Jed( Ches- terfield and other prisoners here awaiting, the arrival of guards. GRAND JURY HANDS DOWN INDICTMENTS AGAINST THEM Denver, Oct. 4. -The grand Jury to- di handed down a number of indict- ments, including one against Charles B. Wilfley, former president of the Denver Savings bank, now in the hands of a receiver. - Carlos Wood, who was cashier of the Denver Savings bank when it catit business, was also indicted. He was arrested and subsequently released in bonds of $10,000. Both Wood and Wit- Bey are charged with larceny as bank- ers in the indicelyete. WILL MEET AT THE NATION'S CAPITAL NEXT New York, Oct. 4 -The National Wholesale Druggists' association, in convention here today, chose Wash- ington, D. C., as the meeting place of the next annual convention. The state- ment that the health of thousands of women in rural districts is annually impaired for life by drugs which they receive by mall was made to the wholesale druggists by John C. Gal- lagher of Jersey City. YOUNG ERNE BESTS ATTEL. ---- philattelphis, Oct. ,4. -Abe Attel of California Intl Toting Erne of this city sparred six rounds tonight at the Na- tional Athletic club. Attel was out- classed by Erne. Tile latter's plows were more frequent and telling and he was considerably faster than his oppo- nent. Attel was unable to reach Erne, and losing his tem - her, he became rough, necessitating several caution- ing,' from the referee. There were no knockdowns, and both fighters were fresh at the conclusion ef the bout. WHAT ROUMANIA WILL DO TO GREEK ,RESIDENTS Bucharest. .Hungary, Oct. 4. -As a sequel of the breaking off Of diplomatic relations between Rournania and Greece, it WAS semi-officially anneunced today that Roumania will denounce the commercial convention With Greece, withdraw the recognition hitheito ac- corded to the Greek communities, In- crease the tolls on Grecian vessels en- tering Roumanian ports, tax prop- erty held by Greeks in Roimania, PROPERTY DESTROYED AND MANY ARE NOW HOMELESS Rhinelander. Wis., Oct. 4.--r-Fire in the lumber dietritt of this town to- night 'deettoyed property rallied at 11900,000 and rendered 400 people home- less. About 40,000,000 feet of lumber were destroyed. After burning over the greater part of eight blocks the tire was got under control late tonight. The homeless people are being cared for tonight in the 1t7 hall and other pub1R,buildings. REACHES IOW tOTAL Washington, Oct. 4. -The amount of 3 and 4 per apt government bonds received at the treasury department for refunding into 2 per cent consols under Secretary Shaw's offer, which went into effect three days ago, is S4.530,000, of which $4,010,600 were 46 and 219,400 were 3s. HARVARD TOO MUCH FOR THE BOWDO ELEVEN ----- Cambridge, Mane., ()cc 4.---Harverti defeated Dowd° in today's game by the score of 16 in A In a game *Mich was characterized by frequent fum- bling and unscientific playing by both teams. SAVES HER SON. Out is Killed Herself--Sed Fate of Butte Wentan KiIlsdby Live Om Butte, Oct. 4. -While assisting in the rescue of her 13 -year-old son, whir had been rendered unconscious by en electrical shock, Mary Jane Price Was electroeuted tonight The boy was se- riously burned abott -the hands and body, but he is enacted to rpcover. Samuel Price, the husband of Ibe de- ceased woman, suffered a sev e shock While dragging the boy's b9dy away m the wire and Arthur MUrrick was knocked down by a curreht of elec- tricity while attempting ep Melte Mrs Price.-------- T fatality occurred at the Price residence, shortly after 8 a'elOck. Chil- dren playing about the yard during the afternoon had hooked a section Of baling wire over a feed wire carry- ing 2,200 volts of electricity. The wire is used to fee e arc lights, and the power was not turned on until a short time before he accident. The bOys bad played with the dangling length of wire during the daytime, but felt no electricity because the current had not been turned on. SEALING SCHOONER BRINGS BACK NEWS OF THE FLEET ..... Victoria,. B. _C.. 0 , 1 4. --,The sealing echOoner City of San Diego returned from Beting- sda - today -with the first news from the fleet of 18 sealing ves,. seta from Victoria. The City of Sart Diego, which brctught 732 sealskins, re- ports ,11 schooners with gollid catches. The season's catch will exceed that of last year and be better than for some years. Good weather aided the seal- ers, there being but two heavy storms during the season. No seizures were anarie - and few accidents are reported. The schooner Vera lost two men, who were drowned off Yakutat early In the season. These men, GUS Hefferman and another hunter, in company with a Japanese boat steerer, were lost from the schooner and tried to land. Their boat was capsized in the breakers and the two hunters were drowned. The Japanese was picked up by Indians. CLASHES EXPECTED. Vmcouver, B. C., Oct. 4. -Special dinattches from Midway, B. C., say: "The Canadian Pacific and Great Northern have come to a-clash in this district. Late last Saturday a C- a Pacific train pulled into Is Mn place with a large gang of men aboard, The workmen proceeded to a spot on the V. y. & E. in the neighborhood pf Jackson's ranch, about four miles from Midway. There they built a high fence of heavy timbers right across the right of way. Notices were also posted prohibiting trespassing un- der penalty of prosecution. "This morning the graders employed by the V. V. & E. arrived, tore down the fences and proceeded with the work of crossing the lots claimed itty the Canadian Pacific. "liOthing futther had developed at Hoot but it Is expected that there will- be lively times within / tie next couple of days." ITALIAN STEAMES GOES - ON DIAMOND SHOALS --- Norfolk, Va., Oct. 4. -The Italian steamer Cate di Pallermo, bound for New Orleans with a valuable cargo from Italy, stran ed on the Diamond ; 9 shoals, one mil from Cape Hatteras life saving st Don last night, and wrecking tugs have gone to her as- sistance. The crew was landed today. The wreck was due to a mletake in taking Cape Hattaue lights for the Diamond shoal lightship. A wrecking expedition Will begin its efforts to float the vessel tomorrow morning with good prospects of success. GOVERNOR WRIGHT 18 COMING FROM PHILIPPINES Washington, Oct. 4. -It was an- nounced at the war department today that Governor Wright will come to the United States from the Philippines and will arrive in Washington by De- cember 16 to be present at the open- ing of the bids for the building of rail- roads in the islands. The date has been postponed 'from December 1 to the 15 so that Governor Weight can be present. - WARRANT OF SURRENDER FROM ATTORNEY GENERAL Montreal, Oct. 4. -The warrant of surrender for Colonel Gaynor and Cap- tain Greene was signed today by the attorney general at Quebec, promptly mailed to Sheriff Thibaudeaux of Montreal and will reach hint early to- morrow. STRIKING ONES WILL GO BACK TO THEIR WORK TODAY Mahanoy City, Pe., Oct. 4. -The 500 men and boys employed at the Morea °Mere who struck today bta Ruse they believed that the conmany was din- rimlnating against them will return to work tomorrow, having been assured that their 'grievances will be satiefac- torily adjusted. GIVEN UP FOR LOST. Charlesvolx, Mich.. Oct. 4.-A fish- ing boat with four families of Indians nom Garden island, including several Women and children, left here Septem- ber 26 for Beaver island and It has been given up as lost. SENOR PARDO Comma. Washington, Oct. 4. -Dr. Calderon, who has been for many years Peru- vian minister to Washington, and - is now on a special mission to Chill,, will remain there as minister. He will be succeeded et Washington by Senor Pardo, STREET CARS RUNNING BUT TRQUBLE MAY COME Berlin, -Oct. 4. -All the street car. are runnirsg today, the etrikers of the electrical VSorits being Unable to stop work at the power houses. The, Association of Metal Workere establishments In Berlin and vicinity today pomted In, the *Wpm notices of a general lockout October 14 unless the strike In the eleetrical industry should he settled by that time. If the awn- elation carries out its threat the film- leer of men out will be about 416,000. SECURE LITTLE BOOTY Great Northern Ihipreee Held Up by Two Men Near Seattle, Who Dyna- mite Baggage Ned Eulitees Care end Obtain All it the Express Co.'s Safe. Portland, Ore., Oct. 2.-A special to the Oregonian from Seattle says that the great Northern 'overland train, leaving Seattle at $ 8:20 tonight. was 'held up end _the baggage and express car dynamited half a mile ,east of mile post 10, about five miles from Ballard, at 8:45 p. m. It was 11 o'clotk before the train mailed into Edmonds and the most meager reports were sent to the local office. Three men are known -to have done the work. Two boys, who got on the blend baggage here, as soon as the holdup began, entered the passenger coaches and be- gan, holding up the passengers. They were captured. They' say two of the men were ou,. the blind baggage when they got on and the third got on at Hanalei, All were well dressed with rain coats and slouch hats, So far as reported, -no one wax 'killed; bill -it - is reported that Charles Andergon, ex- press messenger, is slightly , ,bajarmi, Manager Waring of the Great -Worth- ern Expressaornpany said tonight he ,dienot know the contents of, the safe,. , but beilltAme it was a small siim. Aft- er securing the contents of the safe, the three men started off in an east- erly 'direction,- ' It IS believed other members of the gang were ahead of- the scene of the holdup end the rob- bers Joined them. The train was flagged near the brickyard end as the engineer slowed down two of the men with rain coats climbed over the tend- er and presented revolvers to his head. When the train stoppde the baggage and express car was uncoupled by one of the robbers and the engineer was instructed to pull ahead, which he did for several hundred yards, when he was again comManded to stop. Two of the robbers thercfumped off, mak- ing the engineer and fireman do the eitme;liiril all marched to the baggage Uall -door, The messenger was ordered to open the door and refue ng, a heavy charge of dynamite was pl ced against It and exploded. 'The leg plosion tore the car almost to ,pieces. The safe was then dynamited. The train.was dela:fed two hours and a half and then Pulled into Edmonds, making a brief report before pr ing to Everett. i Feed The two boys aim they twitter met the holdups unt they got on die train and are in no way connected with their work. The Idea to hold up the passengers occurred to them after the explosion. Sheriff Smith has started out a poise. ANACONDA THE PLACE. , Helena, Oct. 4. -The grand lodge the Knights of Pythias will meet nett year In Anacenda. Its officers _wets elected today as follows: ;aee Dennis of Sand Coulee, grand chancellor; A. N. Yoder of Butte, grand vice chancellor; S. W. Soule of Bil- lings, grand prelate; Jacob Dieb of Helena, grand keeper of records and seats; E. H. Talcott of Livingston, grand master of exchequer; Dearge E. Palmer of Butte, grand master at arms; Will Cave of Miesoula, grand inner guard; Carl Geligher of Butte, supreme representative. The new officers were installed dur- ing the afternoon. The reports pre- sented show there are 3,500 members in Montana. The Rathbone ,,Sisters, the auxiliary ender, elected officer, as follows: Mary P. Caddy Of Butte, grand chief: Eva R. Howard of 13ozeman, grand senior; Mary E. Billings 'Of Butte, grand junior; Jeanette Mears of Lew- istown, grand manager; Susan heeled of Billings. grand mistress of records and correspondence; Lulu Smith of Billings, grand mistress of finance; Eliza Reed of Missoula, grand protec- tor: Kathrine Thuraton of Belt, grand outer guart, Mary41. Yule of Big Tim- ber, supreme representative; Esther Cynia orilutte, alternate grand repre- sentative. HONOR IS SHOWN CO GENERAL JENKINS' WIDOW San Freneisco, Oct. 4. -At today's session of the Daughtrs of the Con- federacy the widow of Gametal Albert Jenkins was discovered in the audi- ence and was taltan to a seat 9n the platform. Mayor Schmidt. was intro- duced and turned_ over the -keys of the city to the delegates. Most of the ses- sion was consumed in the readling of reports from the various chapters rep- resented. THINK THEY CAN CUT e DOWN 810 EXPENSE LIST Washington, Oct. C. -President Roos- evelt had a talk Vidal with Repre- sentative Charles B. Landis of Indiana on the work of the commitiee which Is to investigate the conditions in the government printing office. Members of the committee are said to believe it easily possible to reduce the expenses of the government printing office at least $1,000,000 a year. cLosER savaiONIVIDETwEllt _ RUSSIA AND UNITED STATES St. Petersburg, Oct. 4. -In order to further closer relations between the United States`and Russia, the depart- ment of merchant marine, of which Grand Duke Alexander Michaelovitch Is president, is .considering a project for the establishment of a -direst steamship line between New York and a Baltic port, either tibia or Rigau, under agovernmelltal encouragement. The pffiject Is viewed with favor, and a decielemi•Is salieeted shortly. GRIFFITH GETS OFFICE. Buffale, N. T., October 4. -Among the officer,' of the Photograeher En- gravers elected was H. J. Griffith of San Francisco, chosen first vice pres- ident. SWITCHMAN HURT. While at work in the yarsle at Trout_ Creek on' Sunday moraine", switch- man whose name could not be learned, met with a serious accident. It ap- pears that the unfortunate fellow tried to catch on the tender of a moving ',Witch engine missed hli holt and in some Manner OA caught and was _ dragged some distance before he Wee released. After being released the en- gine crew noticed him and he was picked up and Dr. Evans summoned. His left leg was badly cut and he was a mass of bruises, but no bones were broken. The best possible attention was given hint and at larlf reports was resting easy and getting along as well as possible under the circumstances though it will be some time before he will be able to' be about. MOB IS BITTER AGAINST THE ISI000t4S FAMILY Fort Scott, Kan.,..Dat. 4. -The county jail here is surrounded tonight by men who hula that Mrs. Belle Higgins, her daughter Clarissa, aged 14 years, and her husband, George Higgins, held by tne coroner's jury for ,the death of Higgins' 6 -year-old non, by a former wife, should be lynched. The sheriff, expecting an assault on the jail; has, it is reported, fled with the prisoners. The jail is strongly guarded. That the little boy was tortured to death is specifically charged by the coroner's :dry. The boy's 2 , year-old Halter was also - cruelly treated, and is at the point of death in a hospital here. While Mrs. Higgins' own children were well fed and treated kindly, the two step- children, according to the evidence presented to the jury, *ere - literally starved. It is understood that the tierift wUl take the prisoners to Giard Kan., 26 miles mouth of here. r ANSWERS ARE FILED IN THE COPPER RANGE SUIT Roston, Oct. 4. -In the Copper Range suit, so called, brought In the su- preme Judicial court by H. Paine of Paine, Webber A- Co. against tiomaa W. Lawson, A. C. Burrage andlithers. answers were filed today by Tower & Underwood, the Providence lnstItutioi for Savings, and Loring, Tolman Tupper, to the effect that they havft not the 70,000 shares of the qoppdr Range Consolidated company b.thicis are the subject of the action. Harry L. Burrage and the Eliot National bank also filed their answers. They say they are ignorant of the facts net worth; that they tIld not have at the time of the filing of the bill any of the Copper Range shares referred to and that they were not parties to any tthlawful acts. The plaintiffs claim that Burrage and Lawson disposed of the stock In violation of a trust agree- ment. MORE TRAIL BLAZERS ATTEND THE STATE SESSION Special to The Daily Missoullan. Helene, Oct. 4. -More pioneers were dada at the meeting of the State cheers' society today. A notable eature of today's session was the ad- dress of the retiring president, Cor- nelius Hedges, who feelingly addressed the meeting upon the passing of the pioneer and the great work he did for hutnanlise He gave many amusing in- cidents of early days. The death roll of members, who panned away during the year, Was Pre- sented and it was surprisingly low. Tomorrow the pioneers will elect of- ficers and conclude the mission. At noon they will be 'photographed In a body in front of the federal building. The Sons and Daughters of Pioneers will meet at 10 a. m. Thursday. ALONE, THEY FIGHT Aitirror.ouEL Duluth, Minn., Oct. 4. -With no other witnesses than a vicious dog, two men, James Canty, a timbertnan, and Gus Lahti, a homesteader, fought a duel to the death Saturday afternocin at Taber, 17 miles north of Hibbing. The del - tails of the battle will never be known, . but from the appearance of the scene the struggle Meet 'have been fierce, the ground being torn up over a wide surfece. Beth nten realized. that it was a case of the survival of the fittest and both bodies were found badly man- gled. Canty left Welch's camp near Taber Saturday afternoon and it is supposed that he was either attacked by Lahti's dog or had arkered Lahti y crossing the line of his homestead. ANOTHER PRELIMINARY VICTORY WON BY GROEL Trenton, N. J., Oct. 4. -In an opinion presented here today by Vice Chan- cellor Garrison, Adam Groel wins an- other preliminary victory in his stilt to compel the Union Gas company to account for $26,000,000 of the capital stock of the United Electric compeny, which !dock. Groel claims, the United Gas company fraudulently acquired as promoter. In today's decision Vice Chancellor Garrison holds that the refusal of the directors of the United Electric com- pany to bring suit for the benefit of its own stockholder', was a breach of trait. AII.SE ROOSEVELT AND PARTY AT YOKOHAMA Yokohama, Oct. 4. -Miss Alice Roos- evelt and her party arrived here today on the steamer Minnesota from Shi- monoseki. Miss Roosevelt was re- ceived by the American minister, the American consul, the imperial master of the ceremonies/fend the governor, but declined any formalities. She will stay at the hotel here and tomorrow will go sightseeJng into the interior, settee the party will leave Yokohama for Ban Francisco on the steamer Siberia. Substitutes All. Right. - Chicago, Oct. 4.-Chittago university,' with a team composed for the most part of Substitutes, ran up a score of 88 egainet the Beloit college eleven on Marshal field this afternoon. Fum- bling cheracterlred the play of both elevens.


Sep 06, 2019



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THOUSANDS VISIT FAIRWednesday Was a Big Day at Helena

as Woodmen and Children Were the

.9•Y-Aa Ogp-Ilkerae- LAW on

Special Train-Good Racing Events.

Helena, Oct. 4.-Close to 10,000 peo-ple visited the state fair today, mak-ing it by far the greatest day of thethree. More perfect weather couldnot have been asked. It was Wood-menu and Children's day. Many Wood-men came on a special train fromButte, bringing the famous State band,which furnished music at the grounds.Butte's team ,..Woodmen -went

-drill-Wet elicited loud ap-plause. It was expected to drill againstthe Anaconda team, but as the latterfailed to put in an appearance, theSmoke Eaters were given the entireprize of $175.Head Consul Boak was present and

in the evening delivered an address atthe Auditorium. He was tendered abanquet.Children. from St. Joseph's orphans'

home and other schools were out in--full force.

The relay races again attracted greetattention. During an aseiting- fea-ture of the relay race, one horse ranaganst the fence and so badly fright-ened Miss Hunt, daughter of JudgeHunt, who was seated in a carriageon the other side of the fence, that sheJumped and fell, breaking her collarbone.The man who loops the gap also

had another mishap, barely escapingserious-injuele- He missed connectionsand fell in a heap on the ground, Mitjumped up, declaring he was unhurt.

Peerniume Announced.Premiums on sheep, heroes and other

animals were announced today. A cupoffered to the young man under 25years of age showing the beat judg-ment as a judge of stock, was award-ed to George Cook of Como.Tomorrow will be Butte and Pioneer

day and the attendance is expected topass the 10,000 mark. Large delega-tions are coming from Butte and Mis-soula by special trains. The Boston& Montana band will furnish the day'smusic. The feature of the day will bethe world's famous trap shooters. Astrong effort was made to have Presi-dent Hill or the Great Northern andPresident Elliott of the Netethere Pa-cific visit the fair while In Montana,urgent invitations having been wiredto Spokane, but replies received t9-night stated that urgent businesscalled them east and they would hurrythrough to the Burlington at Billings,early tofnorrow.Today's races resulted as follows:First race, match pace, two In

three-Holly, 1,-i; Midget, 2, 2. Time,2:38, 2:34 1-2.Second race, pacing, 2:14 class. Mer-

chants' stake purse, $1,000-Modicum,b. m., 1, 1, 1; Sherlock Holmes, c. h. h.,2, 2, 2; Rita Huber, b. r. m., 3, 3, 3.;Thep, 111.90*.S1.161‘.tie Leonard and Carlsbad also start

4 .

Third race, running, half mile handl--hap, purse $260-Abydos, 116 ("Richter),won; Aurora B, 119 (Powell), second-,Silver Jim, 120 (Vogt), third. Time,:48 1-4. You You, Atoka, Anglesia,Little Hank, Flourish, Worthless. St..Pald and Little Tom, also started.Aurora B was tne favorite in bothpools, selling at an equal price to theremainder.Fourth race, selling, three-quarters

mile, purse $250-King Harold, 117(McLean), won; Mintalta, 108 (Richt-er), second; Bonnie Brier Bush, 104(Powell), third. Time, 1:16. Annie Ma-rie, Bill Bohameon and Dandle Bellalso started. Malrina was left at thepost. King Harold was a hot favorite.Fifth race, running, one mile, purse

$160-Dr. Bernays,- 114 (Vogt), won;Nanon, 120 (Richter). second; T. U. K.,96 (Reynolds), third. Time,, 1:42. Sid-ney C else started.Ladles' relay race, five miles-Miss

Premo. 8:18 1-2; Miss Sperry, 8:43; Mrs.Kline, 9:00; Mrs. Gibson, 9:25 1-2; WeeSynness, 9:36. For having been mutini-ed yesterday. Miss Premo was setback to equal terms with Mrs. Klineand Miss Sperry, but she more thanmade up for this by her brilliant rid-Jng today.


W. R. Hearst Named by Municipal

Ownerehip Band in New York.


New York, Oct. 4.-W, R. Hearstwe* flatbed as a candidate for mayor ata municipal ownership mass meetingtonight in Grand Central palace, and0. committee appointed by J. G. PhelpeaStokes, who presided, will select theremainder of the ticket.Resolutions denouncing both of the

Old partteras being dominated by trustInterests, and declaring that the peo-ple of New York should elect officials-to oppose corporations were adoptedwith Much enthusiasm, and cheeringfollowed the reading of a letter fromDr. Charles H. Parkhurst, in which hepraised the growing demand for gov-ernment interference to protect thepeople from the tyranny of monopo.lists.My. Hearst was hailed with enthusi-

astic applause. He denounced the re.publican and democratic leaders.Immediately after Mr. Hearst's

speech a man in the audience movedthat the speaker be nominated formayor, and the motion was secondedand carried with enthusiasm.After Chairman Stokes had an-

nounced that he would appoint a corn..mittee to complete the ticket, pro-vided Mr. Hearst accepted the nomi-nation, the convention adjourned.


San Francisco, Oct. 4.--It is thoughttoday that there Is a poesibillty of sav-ing the Alameda, now on the rock. atFort Point. Divers have disci:a/sitedthat the principal hole In her bottomIs under her boilers, and that it canbe tagged The pumps already InstalledIn the vessel are able to control thewater in her forward hold. All thecargo has been discharged, and thoughthere is cofleiderable swell in, the bay,It has done no damage to the Steamer.


Syracuse, N. T., Oct. 4.-"DavidHamm," the novel written by the lateEdward Noyes Wescott of this cfty,netted the author's estate about $126,-000.


The Stook and Frk-lree of Lewis Store

Sold to Symons.

Butte, Oct. 4.-One of the largestbusiness transfers made in this cityin years was consummated tonight,

en J. E. Oppenheimer, H. E. Oppen-heimer, Harry Symons and William Sy-mone purchased from W. C. Lewisand 0, K. Lewis the stock and fixturesof, the big Lewis dry goods store, lo-cated at Park and Academy streets.The consideration was not given, butIt is understood to be in the neigh-borhood of $300,000.J. E. Oegenheimer is president Of

the Symons company, which was theprincipal loser in the conflagration ofSeptember 24, their three-story dement OS:ire-going. up In mai, entail-

it a loss of over $400,000. The Lewiscompany has bees doing business inButte for the past 20 years. W. C.Lewis and 0. IC, Lewis of Salt Lakeare the principal stockholders.


New Haven, Oct. 4.-Statementsshowing how trust Nada were distrib-uted in accordance with the provisionsof the will of the late Philos W. J. Bryan and his wife, Marylarated..Bryan.-acting as trustees, werefiled today in the probate court.Mr. Bennett left $10,000 to be dis-

tributed among the pupils of 26 col-leges as prizes for the best essays re-garding the prihciplee of free govern-ment. Two additional funds, eiteh of810,000, were left to the needy boysand girls in securing education.----The list ef colleges named has been

announced in previous dispatches. Mr.Bryan says in his report that the pay-ment of the transfer tax occeioned theloss of $473 out of each fund of $10,000,but that he has made this amount goodby paying It out of his fees as executorof the estate.


San Francisco, Oct. 4.-A new com-pany has just been organized to buildthe Yellowstone Park railroad from St.Anthony, Idaho, to the western en-trance of the Yellowstone Nationalpark, near Zdadlien river. The con-tracts for construetkon and grading arenow being let, and -ft is expected tohave the roa,d tic operation In time forthe 19011 season. 'The distance from At, Anthony to

Madison river will be about 70 miles.It will be approximately 17 miles fromthe park "terminus to Fountain hole,Lower Geyser basin. This will makethe park very much more accessibleand will enable visitors to make theentire round trip from the park line infour days. A hotel will be built atthe end of the line on the Madisonriver.



'• tau --1Pra3Idt5ecr• Oct.-C.-John He,Carty, a former saloon Man of Reno.Nev., whet arrived- here from Eureka,Cal., several .days ago, shot and killedMyrtle (men in a Jackson streetdance hall tonight. He- attempted;,toescape. holding at-bay With a revolvera number of -persona who endeavoredto capture him, but was finali, ar•rested by the police.Myrtle O'Neill was tha daughter of

the late Willitarn .1. O'Neill, a WellsFargo express messenger, who waskilled while on duty last year at Cop-ley, in northern California.


Connellsville, Pa., Oct. 4.-Themount express on the B. & 0. railroadwas wrecked early today at RoundBottom, two miles south of Morgan-town, W. Va. The baggage car, la-dies' coach and a Pullman chair oarleft the rails on a curve and tumbledover the bank to the edge of the Mo-nongahela river. Fifteen to 18 peoplewere -.injured, five of them seriously.The engine did not leave the track,the rails spreading after it had passedthe point in the curve.



San Francisco, Oct. 4.-Samuel A.Beaver, for many years paying tellerof the Bank of California, shot andkilled himself at his rooms on Grantavenue. Mr. Beaver had been ill fora long time and was placed on theretired list of the bank owing to hissickness. This is supposed to be thecause ef his committing suicide. Hewas one of the best known men infinancial circles. Mr. Beaver was 65years of age.


Salt Lake, Oct. 4.-Dr. P. A. H.Franklin, a mine operator and pro-moter well known in the eastern moneymarkets in connection with Utah flota-tions, died here today from heart fail-ure. He Was 69 years old. He cameto Utah in 1873. His first big dealwas the sale of the Niagara claim atBingham to the United States Miningcompany of Boston. Of late he hadbeen exploiting gold properties Insouthern Utah.


Special to The Daily Missoullan.Helena, Oct. 4.-Albert Makin, a

Kalispell civil engineer, filed a petitionIn bankruptcy in the federal court to-day. His debts were given asassets $119.W. W. Cornelle, laborer, of Panne-

stake also flied a petition, giving idedebts as $1,896, assets $392, nearly allexempt.

Another interview.Vienna, Oct. 4.-General Baron F'e-

jervary, the Hungariaa premier, hadanother interview with the king-em-peror today, but it is believed hismajesty has not yet reached a de-ciston concerning a ministerial pro-gram. •)



Akron, Ohio, Oct. 4.-Charles S.Reimer, Charged with obtaining $111,-000 under false pretense'5, pleadedguilty today and was sentenced to theMansfield reformatory. Selmer ea-taped to SOUltr'Allierlea after the crimeand *as arrested in California.

PRISONER GETS1 61111John Hildebrand in Seattle Jail Under

Life Sentence Makes • Desperate At.

t•mpt to Escape by Killing th• Jell-

er-H• Is Overoome.

Seattle, Oct. 4.-John Hildebrand,under life sentence for participetion inthe robbery of Hat Conway's salnearly a year ago, during whichMatthew Murphy, a patron, waskilled, made an attempt this afternoont9 Jailer Wise: -MEW PhiiiictaiiiGorson, who jumped in front of thejailer, was shot over the right eye.

Sheriff L. C. Smith, who ran to thejailer's rescue, tired twice at Hilde-brand before the prisoner dropped hisgun and was overpowered by trusties.Jailer Wise, who was unarmed, hadin the meantime fled beyond range ofHildebrand's gun.Hildebrand asked this afternoon to

be taken out to see the jail physician.Jailer Wise brought him from therairtb lank to the jail office. AS soonae he was taken out of the tank hebegan to light with the jailer. Winethrew him aside and Hildebrand drewa revolver from Its place of conceal-ment under his shirt and-opened ftre onthe Jailer.

Doctor Is Shot.

As Hildebrand raised his gun tdshoot, Dr. (Parson jumped in front ofhim to overpower the convict. As Hil-debrand fired the billet struck the phy-sician over the right eye, seriouslywmindlng him. Jailer Wise was un-armed, and he ran to secure a weapon,jumping out of Hildebrand's line of firebefore the desperate convict couldshoot again. Trusties shouted to Hil-debrand an order to drop his gun, buthe Ignored them.

Sheriff Smith ran out of the sher-iff's office with a revolver.-in his handand ordered Hildebrand to drop hisweapon. The highwayman stood inthe Jail corridor in plain view of thesheriff from the,, grated door, but re-fused to shoot:"I am not after you. I want Wise,"

he answered.

Desperado Overpowered.Sheriff Smith shot, but Hildebrand

neither returned the fire tier droppedhis gun. Again the sheriff firedraandthen Hildebrand let his revolver dropto the floor. Trusties rushed up andoverpowered him, Jailer Wise comingto their-tteeistance and helping tocarry Hildebrand back to the tank.Hildebrand was to have been taken

to the state peeltentiary either tonightor tomorrow morning with Jed( Ches-terfield and other prisoners hereawaiting, the arrival of guards.


Denver, Oct. 4.-The grand Jury to-di handed down a number of indict-ments, including one against CharlesB. Wilfley, former president of theDenver Savings bank, now in thehands of a receiver.- Carlos Wood, who was cashier of theDenver Savings bank when it catitbusiness, was also indicted. He wasarrested and subsequently released inbonds of $10,000. Both Wood and Wit-Bey are charged with larceny as bank-ers in the indicelyete.


New York, Oct. 4-The NationalWholesale Druggists' association, inconvention here today, chose Wash-ington, D. C., as the meeting place ofthe next annual convention. The state-ment that the health of thousands ofwomen in rural districts is annuallyimpaired for life by drugs which theyreceive by mall was made to thewholesale druggists by John C. Gal-lagher of Jersey City.


philattelphis, Oct. ,4.-Abe Attel ofCalifornia Intl Toting Erne of this citysparred six rounds tonight at the Na-tional Athletic club. Attel was out-classed by Erne. Tile latter's plowswere more frequent and telling and hewas considerably faster than his oppo-nent. Attel was unable to reach Erne,and losing his tem-her, he becamerough, necessitating several caution-ing,' from the referee. There were noknockdowns, and both fighters werefresh at the conclusion ef the bout.



Bucharest. .Hungary, Oct. 4.-As asequel of the breaking off Of diplomaticrelations between Rournania andGreece, it WAS semi-officially anneuncedtoday that Roumania will denouncethe commercial convention With Greece,withdraw the recognition hitheito ac-corded to the Greek communities, In-crease the tolls on Grecian vessels en-tering Roumanian ports, tax prop-erty held by Greeks in Roimania, •


Rhinelander. Wis., Oct. 4.--r-Fire inthe lumber dietritt of this town to-night 'deettoyed property rallied at11900,000 and rendered 400 people home-less. About 40,000,000 feet of lumberwere destroyed. After burning overthe greater part of eight blocks thetire was got under control late tonight.The homeless people are being caredfor tonight in the 1t7 hall and otherpub1R,buildings. •


Washington, Oct. 4.-The amount of3 and 4 per apt government bondsreceived at the treasury departmentfor refunding into 2 per cent consolsunder Secretary Shaw's offer, whichwent into effect three days ago, isS4.530,000, of which $4,010,600 were 46and 219,400 were 3s.



Cambridge, Mane., ()cc 4.---Harvertidefeated Dowd° in today's game bythe score of 16 in A In a game *Michwas characterized by frequent fum-bling and unscientific playing by bothteams.


Out is Killed Herself--Sed Fate of

Butte Wentan KiIlsdby Live Om

Butte, Oct. 4.-While assisting in therescue of her 13-year-old son, whirhad been rendered unconscious by enelectrical shock, Mary Jane Price Waselectroeuted tonight The boy was se-riously burned abott -the hands andbody, but he is enacted to rpcover.Samuel Price, the husband of Ibe de-ceased woman, suffered a sev e shockWhile dragging the boy's b9dy awaym the wire and Arthur MUrrick was

knocked down by a curreht of elec-tricity while attempting ep Melte MrsPrice.--------T fatality occurred at the Price

residence, shortly after 8 a'elOck. Chil-dren playing about the yard duringthe afternoon had hooked a sectionOf baling wire over a feed wire carry-ing 2,200 volts of electricity. The wireis used to fee e arc lights, and thepower was not turned on until a shorttime before he accident. The bOysbad played with the dangling lengthof wire during the daytime, but feltno electricity because the current hadnot been turned on.


..... Victoria,. B. _C.. 0,1 4.--,The sealingechOoner City of San Diego returnedfrom Beting-sda- today -with the firstnews from the fleet of 18 sealing ves,.seta from Victoria. The City of SartDiego, which brctught 732 sealskins, re-ports ,11 schooners with gollid catches.The season's catch will exceed that oflast year and be better than for someyears. Good weather aided the seal-ers, there being but two heavy stormsduring the season. No seizures wereanarie-and few accidents are reported.The schooner Vera lost two men, whowere drowned off Yakutat early In theseason. These men, GUS Heffermanand another hunter, in company witha Japanese boat steerer, were lost fromthe schooner and tried to land. Theirboat was capsized in the breakers andthe two hunters were drowned. TheJapanese was picked up by Indians.


Vmcouver, B. C., Oct. 4.-Specialdinattches from Midway, B. C., say:"The Canadian Pacific and Great

Northern have come to a-clash in thisdistrict. Late last Saturday a C-a Pacific train pulled into IsMn

place with a large gang of men aboard,The workmen proceeded to a spot onthe V. y. & E. in the neighborhoodpf Jackson's ranch, about four milesfrom Midway. There they built ahigh fence of heavy timbers rightacross the right of way. Notices werealso posted prohibiting trespassing un-der penalty of prosecution."This morning the graders employed

by the V. V. & E. arrived, tore downthe fences and proceeded with thework of crossing the lots claimed ittythe Canadian Pacific."liOthing futther had developed at

Hoot but it Is expected that there will-be lively times within /tie next coupleof days."


Norfolk, Va., Oct. 4.-The Italiansteamer Cate di Pallermo, bound forNew Orleans with a valuable cargofrom Italy, stran ed on the Diamond;9shoals, one mil from Cape Hatteraslife saving st Don last night, andwrecking tugs have gone to her as-sistance. The crew was landed today.The wreck was due to a mletake intaking Cape Hattaue lights for theDiamond shoal lightship. A wreckingexpedition Will begin its efforts to floatthe vessel tomorrow morning with goodprospects of success.



Washington, Oct. 4.-It was an-nounced at the war department todaythat Governor Wright will come to theUnited States from the Philippinesand will arrive in Washington by De-cember 16 to be present at the open-ing of the bids for the building of rail-roads in the islands. The date hasbeen postponed 'from December 1 tothe 15 so that Governor Weight canbe present. -



Montreal, Oct. 4.-The warrant ofsurrender for Colonel Gaynor and Cap-tain Greene was signed today by theattorney general at Quebec, promptlymailed to Sheriff Thibaudeaux ofMontreal and will reach hint early to-morrow.


Mahanoy City, Pe., Oct. 4.-The 500men and boys employed at the Morea°Mere who struck today bta Ruse theybelieved that the conmany was din-rimlnating against them will return

to work tomorrow, having been assuredthat their 'grievances will be satiefac-torily adjusted.


Charlesvolx, Mich.. Oct. 4.-A fish-ing boat with four families of Indiansnom Garden island, including severalWomen and children, left here Septem-ber 26 for Beaver island and It hasbeen given up as lost.


Washington, Oct. 4.-Dr. Calderon,who has been for many years Peru-vian minister to Washington, and - isnow on a special mission to Chill,, willremain there as minister. He will besucceeded et Washington by SenorPardo,


Berlin, -Oct. 4.-All the street car.are runnirsg today, the etrikers of theelectrical VSorits being Unable to stopwork at the power houses.The, Association of Metal Workere

establishments In Berlin and vicinitytoday pomted In, the *Wpm notices of ageneral lockout October 14 unless thestrike In the eleetrical industry shouldhe settled by that time. If the awn-elation carries out its threat the film-leer of men out will be about 416,000.

SECURE LITTLE BOOTYGreat Northern Ihipreee Held Up by

Two Men Near Seattle, Who Dyna-

mite Baggage Ned Eulitees Care end

Obtain All it the Express Co.'s Safe.

Portland, Ore., Oct. 2.-A special tothe Oregonian from Seattle says thatthe great Northern 'overland train,leaving Seattle at $ 8:20 tonight. was

'held up end _the baggage and expresscar dynamited half a mile ,east ofmile post 10, about five miles fromBallard, at 8:45 p. m. It was 11 o'clotkbefore the train mailed into Edmondsand the most meager reports weresent to the local office. Three men areknown -to have done the work. Twoboys, who got on the blend baggagehere, as soon as the holdup began,entered the passenger coaches and be-gan, holding up the passengers. Theywere captured. They' say two of themen were ou,. the blind baggage whenthey got on and the third got on atHanalei, All were well dressed withrain coats and slouch hats, So far asreported, -no one wax 'killed; bill- it - isreported that Charles Andergon, ex-press messenger, is slightly,,bajarmi,Manager Waring of the Great-Worth-

ern Expressaornpany said tonight he,dienot know the contents of, the safe,.,but beilltAme it was a small siim. Aft-er securing the contents of the safe,the three men started off in an east-erly 'direction,-' It IS believed othermembers of the gang were ahead of-the scene of the holdup end the rob-bers Joined them. The train wasflagged near the brickyard end as theengineer slowed down two of the menwith rain coats climbed over the tend-er and presented revolvers to his head.When the train stoppde the baggageand express car was uncoupled by oneof the robbers and the engineer wasinstructed to pull ahead, which he didfor several hundred yards, when hewas again comManded to stop. Twoof the robbers thercfumped off, mak-ing the engineer and fireman do theeitme;liiril all marched to the baggageUall-door, The messenger was orderedto open the door and refue ng, a heavycharge of dynamite was pl ced againstIt and exploded. 'The leg plosion torethe car almost to ,pieces. The safewas then dynamited. The train.wasdela:fed two hours and a half and thenPulled into Edmonds, making a briefreport before pr ing to Everett.iFeedThe two boys aim they twitter metthe holdups unt they got on die trainand are in no way connected withtheir work. The Idea to hold up thepassengers occurred to them after theexplosion. Sheriff Smith has startedout a poise.


Helena, Oct. 4.-The grand lodgethe Knights of Pythias will meet nettyear In Anacenda. Its officers _wetselected today as follows:

;aee Dennis of Sand Coulee, grandchancellor; A. N. Yoder of Butte, grandvice chancellor; S. W. Soule of Bil-lings, grand prelate; Jacob Dieb ofHelena, grand keeper of records andseats; E. H. Talcott of Livingston,grand master of exchequer; Dearge E.Palmer of Butte, grand master at arms;Will Cave of Miesoula, grand innerguard; Carl Geligher of Butte, supremerepresentative.

The new officers were installed dur-ing the afternoon. The reports pre-sented show there are 3,500 membersin Montana.The Rathbone ,,Sisters, the auxiliary

ender, elected officer, as follows:Mary P. Caddy Of Butte, grand chief:

Eva R. Howard of 13ozeman, grandsenior; Mary E. Billings 'Of Butte,grand junior; Jeanette Mears of Lew-istown, grand manager; Susan heeledof Billings. grand mistress of recordsand correspondence; Lulu Smith ofBillings, grand mistress of finance;Eliza Reed of Missoula, grand protec-tor: Kathrine Thuraton of Belt, grandouter guart, Mary41. Yule of Big Tim-ber, supreme representative; EstherCynia orilutte, alternate grand repre-sentative.


San Freneisco, Oct. 4.-At today'ssession of the Daughtrs of the Con-federacy the widow of Gametal AlbertJenkins was discovered in the audi-ence and was taltan to a seat 9n theplatform. Mayor Schmidt. was intro-duced and turned_ over the-keys of thecity to the delegates. Most of the ses-sion was consumed in the readling ofreports from the various chapters rep-resented.


Washington, Oct. C.-President Roos-evelt had a talk Vidal with Repre-sentative Charles B. Landis of Indianaon the work of the commitiee whichIs to investigate the conditions in thegovernment printing office. Membersof the committee are said to believe iteasily possible to reduce the expensesof the government printing office atleast $1,000,000 a year.


St. Petersburg, Oct. 4.-In order tofurther closer relations between theUnited States`and Russia, the depart-ment of merchant marine, of whichGrand Duke Alexander MichaelovitchIs president, is .considering a projectfor the establishment of a -direststeamship line between New York anda Baltic port, either tibia or Rigau,under agovernmelltal encouragement.The pffiject Is viewed with favor, anda decielemi•Is salieeted shortly.


Buffale, N. T., October 4.-Amongthe officer,' of the Photograeher En-gravers elected was H. J. Griffith ofSan Francisco, chosen first vice pres-ident.


While at work in the yarsle at Trout_Creek on' Sunday moraine", switch-man whose name could not be learned,met with a serious accident. It ap-

pears that the unfortunate fellow triedto catch on the tender of a moving

',Witch engine missed hli holt and insome Manner OA caught and was


dragged some distance before he Weereleased. After being released the en-gine crew noticed him and he waspicked up and Dr. Evans summoned.His left leg was badly cut and he wasa mass of bruises, but no bones were

broken. The best possible attentionwas given hint and at larlf reports was

resting easy and getting along as wellas possible under the circumstances

though it will be some time before hewill be able to' be about.


Fort Scott, Kan.,..Dat. 4.-The countyjail here is surrounded tonight by menwho hula that Mrs. Belle Higgins, herdaughter Clarissa, aged 14 years, andher husband, George Higgins, held bytne coroner's jury for ,the death ofHiggins' 6-year-old non, by a formerwife, should be lynched. The sheriff,expecting an assault on the jail; has,it is reported, fled with the prisoners.The jail is strongly guarded.That the little boy was tortured to

death is specifically charged by thecoroner's :dry.The boy's 2,year-old Halter was also -

cruelly treated, and is at the point ofdeath in a hospital here. While Mrs.Higgins' own children were well fedand treated kindly, the two step-children, according to the evidencepresented to the jury, *ere- literallystarved.

It is understood that the tierift wUltake the prisoners to Giard Kan., 26miles mouth of here. r


Roston, Oct. 4.-In the Copper Rangesuit, so called, brought In the su-preme Judicial court by H. Paine ofPaine, Webber A- Co. against tiomaaW. Lawson, A. C. Burrage andlithers.answers were filed today by Tower &Underwood, the Providence lnstItutioifor Savings, and Loring, TolmanTupper, to the effect that they havftnot the 70,000 shares of the qoppdrRange Consolidated company b.thicisare the subject of the action. Harry L.Burrage and the Eliot National bankalso filed their answers. They saythey are ignorant of the facts networth; that they tIld not have at thetime of the filing of the bill any ofthe Copper Range shares referred toand that they were not parties to anytthlawful acts. The plaintiffs claimthat Burrage and Lawson disposed ofthe stock In violation of a trust agree-ment.


Special to The Daily Missoullan.Helene, Oct. 4.-More pioneers weredada at the meeting of the Statecheers' society today. A notable

eature of today's session was the ad-dress of the retiring president, Cor-nelius Hedges, who feelingly addressedthe meeting upon the passing of thepioneer and the great work he did forhutnanlise He gave many amusing in-cidents of early days.The death roll of members, who

panned away during the year, Was Pre-sented and it was surprisingly low.Tomorrow the pioneers will elect of-ficers and conclude the mission. Atnoon they will be 'photographed In abody in front of the federal building.The Sons and Daughters of Pioneerswill meet at 10 a. m. Thursday.


Duluth, Minn., Oct. 4.-With no otherwitnesses than a vicious dog, two men,James Canty, a timbertnan, and GusLahti, a homesteader, fought a duel tothe death Saturday afternocin at Taber,17 miles north of Hibbing. The del-tails of the battle will never be known, .but from the appearance of the scenethe struggle Meet 'have been fierce, theground being torn up over a widesurfece. Beth nten realized. that it wasa case of the survival of the fittest andboth bodies were found badly man-gled. Canty left Welch's camp nearTaber Saturday afternoon and it issupposed that he was either attackedby Lahti's dog or had arkered Lahtiy crossing the line of his homestead.



Trenton, N. J., Oct. 4.-In an opinionpresented here today by Vice Chan-cellor Garrison, Adam Groel wins an-other preliminary victory in his stiltto compel the Union Gas company toaccount for $26,000,000 of the capitalstock of the United Electric compeny,which !dock. Groel claims, the UnitedGas company fraudulently acquired aspromoter.In today's decision Vice Chancellor

Garrison holds that the refusal of thedirectors of the United Electric com-pany to bring suit for the benefit of itsown stockholder', was a breach oftrait.



Yokohama, Oct. 4.-Miss Alice Roos-evelt and her party arrived here todayon the steamer Minnesota from Shi-monoseki. Miss Roosevelt was re-ceived by the American minister, theAmerican consul, the imperial masterof the ceremonies/fend the governor, butdeclined any formalities. She will stayat the hotel here and tomorrow willgo sightseeJng into the interior, setteethe party will leave Yokohama for BanFrancisco on the steamer Siberia.

Substitutes All. Right. -Chicago, Oct. 4.-Chittago university,'

with a team composed for the mostpart of Substitutes, ran up a score of88 egainet the Beloit college eleven onMarshal field this afternoon. Fum-bling cheracterlred the play of bothelevens.