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Agricultural commodity statistics 2012 Research by the Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics and Sciences

Agricultural commodity statistics 2012 - · Agricultural commodity statistics 2012 Research

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  • Agricultural commodity statistics 2012

    Research by the Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics and Sciences

  • Commonwealth of Australia 2012

    Ownership of intellectual property rights

    Unless otherwise noted, copyright (and any other intellectual property rights, if any) in this publication is owned by the Commonwealth of Australia (referred to as the Commonwealth).

    Creative Commons licence

    All material in this publication is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Australia Licence, save for content supplied by third parties, logos and the Commonwealth Coat of Arms.

    Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Australia Licence is a standard form licence agreement that allows you to copy, distribute, transmit and adapt this publication provided you attribute the work. A summary of the licence terms is available from The full licence terms are available from

    This publication (and any material sourced from it) should be attributed as: ABARES 2012, Agricultural commodity statistics 2012. CC BY 3.0.

    Cataloguing data ABARES 2012, Agricultural commodity statistics 2012, Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics and Sciences, December, Canberra.

    ISSN 1839-8235 ISBN 978-1-74323-061-9 (printed) ISBN 978-1-74323-062-6 (online) ABARES project 43047

    Internet Agricultural commodity statistics 2012, is available at

    Contact Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics and Sciences (ABARES)

    Postal address GPO Box 1563 Canberra ACT 2601 Switchboard +61 2 6272 2010 Facsimile +61 2 6272 2001 Email [email protected] Web

    Inquiries regarding the licence and any use of this document should be sent to [email protected].

    The Australian Government acting through the Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry represented by the Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics and Sciences, has exercised due care and skill in the preparation and compilation of the information and data in this publication. Notwithstanding, the Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry, ABARES, its employees and advisers disclaim all liability, including liability for negligence, for any loss, damage, injury, expense or cost incurred by any person as a result of accessing, using or relying upon any of the information or data in this publication to the maximum extent permitted by law.

  • Foreword

    Agricultural commodity statistics is the principal annual data publication by ABARES, providing a comprehensive compilation of data on the Australian economy and the agriculture, food, fisheries and forestry industries. The most recent available data are combined with historical data across a broad range of indicators to provide useful information to decision-makers on the physical and financial characteristics of the rural sector.

    The information contained in Agricultural commodity statistics underpins and complements ABARES analysis and other publications, including quarterly ABARES forecasts presented in Agricultural commodities, our national and regional Outlook conferences (, Australian crop report (quarterly), Australian forest and wood products statistics (biannual) and Australian fisheries statistics (annual).

    A range of data products and tools can also be found at These cover a wide spectrum of economic and physical data and information that can be downloaded at national, state and regional levels.

    The website also contains our 201213 profile and work program. Visit the website for a full picture of what we are doing and how we can help you.

    Paul Morris Executive Director December 2012

    iiiABARES Agricultural commodity statistics 2012

  • lb pound 454 grams

    kg kilogram 2.20462 pounds

    t tonne 1000 kilograms

    kt kilotonne 1000 tonnes

    Mt megatonne 1 000 000 tonnes

    L litre 1.761 pints

    kL kilolitre 1000 litres

    ML megalitre 1 000 000 litres

    GL gigalitre 1 000 000 000 litres

    ha hectare 2.471 acres

    m3 cubic metre 1.307 cubic yards

    c cent (Australian)

    A$ dollar (Australian)

    $m million dollars (Australian)

    DM deutschmark

    ECU European currency unit


    pound sterling

    USc cent (United States)

    US$ dollar (United States)


    cif cost, insurance and freight

    fas free alongside ship

    fob free on board

    fot free on truck

    nec not elsewhere classified

    ABARE Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics

    ABARES Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics and Sciences

    ABS Australian Bureau of Statistics

    BAE Bureau of Agricultural Economics (now ABARES)

    BRS Bureau of Rural Sciences (now ABARES)

    FAO Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

    All values and prices are in nominal terms unless stated in table footnotes. Small discrepancies in totals are generally caused by rounding.

    0 is used to denote nil or a negligible amount.

    Abbreviations and symbols

    iv ABARES Agricultural commodity statistics 2012

  • ContentsAustralian economy


    1 Australian gross product, by sector 1

    2 Australian employment, by sector 2

    3 Value of Australian exports, by sector balance of payments basis 3

    4 Value of Australian exports, by sector chain volume measures 4

    5 Australian rural unit export returns 5

    Macroeconomic indicators

    6 Australian main macroeconomic indicators 6

    7 Australian trade balance and foreign debt 7

    8 Average Australian exchange rates with selected countries 8

    9 Exchange rates of selected countries 9

    10 Growth of real gross domestic product in selected countries 10

    11 Inflation and interest rates in selected countries 11

    12 Population in selected countries and regions 12

    Farm sectors

    13 Australian farm returns, costs and prices 13

    14 Volume of Australian farm production 14

    15 Gross value of Australian farm production 15

    16 Value of Australian agricultural exports (fob) 16

    17 Value of Australian agricultural exports (fob) 17

    18 Value of Australian agricultural imports 18

    19 Indexes of prices received by farmers in Australia 19

    20 Farm land use and livestock numbers in Australia 21

    21 Number of agricultural estalishments and rural employment in Australia 22

    22 Summary of farm sector and other rural exports 23

    23 Australian winter and summer crop area and production 24

    24 Australian winter and summer crop area and production, by state 25

    vABARES Agricultural commodity statistics 2012

  • Rural commoditiesCoarse grains

    25 Summary of Australian statistics for coarse grains 27

    26 Australian coarse grains area, yield and production, by state 28

    27 Summary of Australian statistics for barley 31

    28 Summary of Australian statistics for oats 32

    29 Summary of Australian statistics for sorghum, crops sown for grain 33

    30 Summary of Australian statistics for corn (maize), crops sown for grain 34

    31 Summary of Australian statistics for triticale, crops sown for grain 35

    32 Volume of Australian exports of barley and sorghum, by destination 36

    33 Australian coarse grains supply and disposal, by grain 37

    34 Australian feedgrains prices 38

    35 Summary of world statistics for coarse grains 39

    36 World coarse grains production, by region and country 40

    37 World coarse grains production, by grain 41

    38 Volume of world coarse grains trade, by region and country 42

    39 Volume of world corn trade, by region and country 43

    40 Volume of world barley trade, by region and country 44

    41 Volume of world sorghum trade, by region and country 44

    42 US coarse grains supply and disposal 45

    43 US corn supply and disposal 45

    44 US sorghum supply and disposal 46

    45 Feedgrains export price quotation, by category 47

    46 Coarse grains supply and disposal in major exporting countries 48


    47 Australian cotton area harvested and lint yield 50

    48 Australian cottonseed and lint production 51

    49 Australian production, trade and use of raw cotton 52

    50 Volume of Australian exports of raw cotton, by destination 53

    51 Cotton prices and unit values 54

    52 Summary of world statistics for raw cotton 55

    53 World area, yield and production of raw cotton 56

    54 Volume of world exports of raw cotton, by country 57

    55 Volume of world imports of raw cotton, by destination 57

    Dairy products

    56 Summary of Australian statistics for dairy products 58

    57 Value of Australian exports of dairy products, by destination 59

    58 Volume of Australian exports of dairy products, by destination 60

    59 Australian dairy cow numbers 61

    60 Australian production of wholemilk, by state 62

    61 Australian manufacture of dairy products 63

    62 Australian consumption of dairy products 63

    vi ABARES Agricultural commodity statistics 2012


  • 63 Australian milk prices and gross value of production, by state 64

    64 Average retail prices of selected dairy products, by quarter 65

    65 Average export unit values of Australian dairy products 66

    66 Volume of Australian imports of cheese, by variety 67

    67 Summary of world statistics for dairy products 68

    68 Milk production in selected regions and countries 69

    69 Production of dairy products in selected regions and countries 70

    70 Volume of exports of dairy products, by selected countries 71

    71 Volume of imports of dairy products, by selected countries 72

    72 Stocks of dairy products in principal producing countries 73

    Farm inputs

    73 Major components of Australian farm costs 74

    74 Indexes of prices paid by farmers in Australia 75

    75 Indicative interest rates for the Australian farm sector 77

    76 Rural indebtedness to financial institutions 78

    77 Australian tractor sales, by type 79

    78 Value of Australian trade in selected farm machinery 80

    79 Australian fertiliser prices, by type 81

    80 World fertiliser indicator prices 82

    81 Australian fertiliser consumption, by element 83

    82 Volume of Australian imports of fertiliser, by element 84

    83 Volume of Australian imports of raw materials for fertiliser production, by source 85

    84 Volume of Australian trade in manufactured fertiliser, by type 86

    85 Volume of Australian fertiliser imports, by state 87

    86 Value of Australian fertiliser imports, by state 88

    87 Volume of Australian fertiliser imports, by quarter 89

    88 Value of Australian fertiliser imports, by quarter 90

    89 Australian sales and prices of chemicals, by product type 91

    90 Australian farm fuel prices 92

    91 Persons employed in agriculture, forestry and fisheries 93

    92 Australian rural wages and the consumer price index 94


    93 Summary of Australian fisheries statistics 95

    94 Quantity and value of Australian production of selected fisheries products 96

    95 Australian exports of prawns, by product type and destination 97

    96 Australian imports of prawns, by product type and source 98

    97 Australian exports of rock lobster, by product type and destination 99

    98 Australian imports of rock lobster, by source 100

    99 Australian exports and imports of abalone, by product type and country 101

    100 Australian exports and imports of scallops, by product type and country 102

    101 Australian exports of fish, by product type and destination 103

    102 Australian imports of fish, by product type and source 104

    103 Australian exports and imports of oysters, by country 105

    viiABARES Agricultural commodity statistics 2012


  • Food

    104 Summary statistics for the Australian processed food industry 106

    105 Value of Australian food exports, by level of transformation 107

    106 Value of Australian food exports to selected regions 108

    107 Value of Australian food imports, by level of transformation 109

    108 Value of Australian food imports from selected regions 110

    109 Value of world food imports, by level of transformation 111

    110 Value of world trade in processed foods, by major exporting countries 113

    111 Value of world trade in processed foods, by major importing countries 115


    112 Summary of Australian statistics for roundwood 117

    113 Land areas, by vegetation cover 118

    114 Australian prices of selected forest products 119

    115 Sales and service income of turnover in forest product industries 120

    116 Employment in forestry, pulp and paper manufacturing 121

    117 Value of Australian forest products trade 122

    118 Australian production, trade and apparent consumption of sawnwood 124

    119 Volume of Australian imports of sawnwood, by source and type 125

    120 Australian production, trade and apparent consumption of panel products 126

    121 Volume of Australian imports of veneer and wood-based panels, by source 127

    122 Australian production, trade and consumption of paper and paper products 128

    123 Volume of Australian imports of paper and paperboard, by type and source 129

    124 Australian production of wood pulp and use of wastepaper 130

    125 Volume of Australian imports of wood pulp, by type and source 131

    126 Volume of Australian roundwood and woodchip trade 132


    127 Summary of Australian statistics for grapes and grape products 133

    128 Australian wine exports, by type and major destination 134

    129 Australian domestic wine sales and imports, by type 135

    130 Australian wine grape production and prices 136

    131 Retail price indexes for alcoholic beverages 137

    132 Production and trade of Australian dried vine fruit 138

    133 Production and export of Australian citrus, by variety 138

    134 Summary of Australian statistics for fruit and vegetables 139

    135 Production and export of Australian vegetables 140

    viii ABARES Agricultural commodity statistics 2012


  • Meat general

    136 Summary of Australian statistics for meat 141

    137 Australian saleyard prices of livestock 142

    138 Australian retail prices of meat 143

    139 Prices for Australian meat on principal overseas markets 144

    140 Australian exports of meat, by product 145

    141 Summary of world statistics for livestock 146

    142 Summary of US meat statistics 147

    143 Gross value of Australian livestock slaughterings 148

    Meat beef and veal

    144 Australian supply and use of beef and veal 149

    145 Australian cattle numbers, by state and territory 150

    146 Volume of Australian exports of beef, veal and live cattle, by destination 151

    147 Value of Australian exports of beef and veal, and live cattle (fob) 152

    148 World cattle numbers, by country 153

    149 World beef and veal production, by country 153

    150 Volume of trade in beef and veal, by selected countries 154

    151 Summary of Japanese beef and veal statistics 155

    152 Summary of Korean beef and veal statistics 156

    Meat pigs and poultry

    153 Australian supply and use of pig and poultry meats 157

    154 Australian pig numbers, by state and territory 157

    155 World pig and poultry meat production in selected countries 158

    156 Volume of world pig meat trade for selected countries 158

    Meat sheep

    157 Australian supply and use of mutton and lamb 159

    158 Australian sheep numbers, by state and territory 160

    159 Volume of Australian exports of sheep meat and live sheep, by destination 161

    160 Value of Australian exports of sheep meat and live sheep (fob) 162

    161 World sheep numbers, by country 163

    162 World mutton and lamb production, by country 164

    163 Volume of trade in sheep meat, by selected countries 164

    164 Volume of New Zealand sheep meat exports, by destination 165

    ixABARES Agricultural commodity statistics 2012


  • Oilseeds

    165 Summary of Australian statistics for oilseeds 166

    166 Australian oilseeds area, yield and production, by state and type 167

    167 Australian exports of oilseeds, vegetable oils and meals, by type 171

    168 Volume of Australian exports of selected oilseeds products, by destination 172

    169 Volume of Australian imports of oilseeds, vegetable oils and meals, by type 173

    170 Summary of world statistics for oilseeds 174

    171 World oilseeds production, by country 175

    172 World oilseeds production, by type 176

    173 Volume of world oilseeds trade, by type and country 177

    174 Volume of world protein meals trade, by type and country 178

    175 Volume of world vegetable oils trade, by type and country 179

    176 Selected oilseed, oilseed meal and vegetable oil import price quotations, by country 180


    177 Summary of Australian statistics for pulses 181

    178 Australian area sown, yields and production of selected pulses, by state 182

    179 World pulses production, by region and country 185

    180 Volume of world pulses trade, by region and country 186


    181 Summary of Australian statistics for rice 188

    182 Australian rice trade and payments to growers 189

    183 Summary of world statistics for rice 190

    184 World rice production, by country or region 191

    185 Volume of world rice trade, by country 192

    186 US rice supply and disposal 193

    187 Rice export price quotations, by country 194

    188 Rice supply and disposal in major exporting countries 195


    189 Summary of Australian statistics for sugar 196

    190 Australian cane and sugar production 197

    191 Volume of Australian exports of sugar, by destination 198

    192 World sugar supplies, consumption, trade and prices 199

    193 World sugar production, by region and country 200

    194 Volume of world sugar trade, by country 201

    x ABARES Agricultural commodity statistics 2012


  • Water

    195 Average rainfall for principal Australian cropping districts 202

    196 Agriculture water use, Australia 204

    197 Irrigation activity, Australia 206

    198 Sources of agricultural water, Australia 208

    199 Irrigation expenditure, Australia 210


    200 Summary of Australian statistics for wheat 212

    201 Australian wheat area, yield and production 213

    202 Volume of Australian exports of wheat and flour, by destination 214

    203 Australian wheat supply and disposal 215

    204 Australian wheat prices 216

    205 Summary of world statistics for wheat 217

    206 World wheat production, by country 218

    207 Volume of world wheat trade, by country 219

    208 US wheat supply and disposal 220

    209 Wheat export price quotation, by country and category 221

    210 Wheat supply and disposal in major exporting countries 222


    211 Summary of Australian statistics for wool 224

    212 Australian shorn wool production, by state 225

    213 Australian sheep disposal and wool production 226

    214 Average prices for clean wool in principal exporting countries 227

    215 Average world prices for synthetic fibres 228

    216 Australian wool exports, by destination, recorded trade basis 229

    217 Volume of Australian exports of semi-processed shorn wool 230

    218 World wool production, by country and type 231

    219 Volume of raw wool exports, by main producing countries 232

    220 Market prices for Australian wool, by category 233

    xiABARES Agricultural commodity statistics 2012


  • APEC Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation

    Founding members (1989)Australia

    Brunei Darussalam




    Republic of Korea


    New Zealand




    United States

    First enlargement (1991)Peoples Republic of China

    Hong Kong


    Second enlargement (1993)Mexico

    Papua New Guinea

    Third enlargement (1994)Chile

    Forth enlargement (1998)Peru

    Russian Federation


    ASEAN Association of Southeast Asian Nations

    Brunei Darussalam










    European Union

    Founding members (1957)






    First enlargement (1973)Denmark


    United Kingdom

    Second enlargement (1981)Greece

    Third enlargement (1986)Portugal


    Fourth enlargement (1995)Austria



    Fifth enlargement (2004)Cyprus

    Czech Republic









    Sixth enlargement (2007)Bulgaria


    xii ABARES Agricultural commodity statistics 2012

  • OECD Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development

    Deposited instruments of ratificationCanada 10 April 1961

    United States 12 April 1961

    United Kingdom 2 May 1961

    Denmark 30 May 1961

    Iceland 5 June 1961

    Norway 4 July 1961

    Turkey 2 August 1961

    Spain 3 August 1961

    Portugal 4 August 1961

    France 7 August 1961

    Ireland 17 August 1961

    Belgium 13 September 1961

    Germany 27 September 1961

    Greece 27 September 1961

    Sweden 28 September 1961

    Switzerland 28 September 1961

    Austria 29 September 1961

    Netherlands 13 November 1961

    Luxembourg 7 December 1961

    Italy 29 March 1962

    Japan 28 April 1964

    Finland 28 January 1969

    Australia 7 June 1971

    New Zealand 29 May 1973

    Mexico 18 May 1994

    Czech Republic 21 December 1995

    Hungary 7 May 1996

    Poland 22 November 1996

    Republic of Korea 12 December 1996

    Slovak Republic 14 December 2000

    Chile 7 May 2010

    Slovenia 21 July 2010

    Israel 7 September 2010

    Estonia 9 December 2010

    To assist users of Agricultural commodity statistics, a where to find list of commonly used or difficult to find general items is included at the back of this report.

    xiiiABARES Agricultural commodity statistics 2012

  • xvAustralian commodity statistics 2010

    Australian economy

  • 1Australian gross product by sector1Australiangrossproduct,bysectori l iChainvolumemeasuresa Nominalpricesp

    Gross GrossRural domestic domesticRural domestic domestic

    Farm Total b product productFarm Total b product product$m $m $m $m$m $m $m $m

    197576 12510 14166 465110 83239197677 12818 14545 481732 96057197778 12370 14068 486006 1048901977 78 12370 14068 486006 104890197879 15373 17124 506089 1185861978 79 15373 17124 506089 118586197980 13 213 15 017 521 561 134 474197980 13213 15017 521561 1344741980 81 11 303 13 166 539 300 152 340198081 11303 13166 539300 152340198182 13511 15320 556761 175750198283 10300 11970 543877 1892331982 83 10300 11970 543877 189233198384 15322 17154 569688 2137501983 84 15322 17154 569688 213750198485 15 373 17 188 598 544 235 454198485 15373 17188 598544 235454198586 14 607 15 986 625 997 260 158198586 14607 15986 625997 260158198687 14 454 16 157 642 471 285 513198687 14454 16157 642471 2855131987 88 13 820 15 808 678 762 324 556198788 13820 15808 678762 3245561988 89 14 286 16 506 705 367 368 099198889 14286 16506 705367 368099198990 15594 17859 730661 404680199091 16 516 18 849 728 098 415 553199091 16516 18849 728098 415553199192 15 616 17 849 731 216 423 362199192 15616 17849 731216 423362199293 16 683 18 787 761 274 444 487199293 16683 18787 761274 444487199394 17 433 19 565 792 094 467 494199394 17433 19565 792094 467494199495 14 261 16 698 823 698 496 424199495 14261 16698 823698 496424199596 17 944 20 250 856 591 529 706199596 17944 20250 856591 529706199697 19 257 21 894 890 004 556 982199697 19257 21894 890004 5569821997 98 19 106 21 912 930 269 589 345199798 19106 21912 930269 5893451998 99 21 219 24 007 976 358 621 524199899 21219 24007 976358 6215241999 2000 22 130 25 524 1013 909 662 03819992000 22130 25524 1013909 662038200001 22948 26491 1033168 706895000 0 9 8 6 9 033 68 06 895200102 23717 27206 1073597 7549482001 02 23717 27206 1073597 754948200203 17682 21423 1107425 8009362002 03 17682 21423 1107425 800936200304 22913 26885 1153354 8596352003 04 22913 26885 1153354 859635200405 23929 27951 1190111 9209692004 05 23929 27951 1190111 920969200506 24653 28725 1226323 9949682005 06 24653 28725 1226323 994968200607 20179 24343 1272777 10833032006 07 20179 24343 1272777 1083303200708 21857 26030 1320746 11753222007 08 21857 26030 1320746 1175322200809 26 171 30 623 1 342 514 1 254 293200809 26171 30623 1342514 1254293200910 25 605 30 054 1 370 541 1 292 315200910 25605 30054 1370541 12923152010 11 27 726 32 156 1 403 888 1 403 888201011 27726 32156 1403888 14038882011 12 30 044 34 361 1 452 891 1 474 886201112 30044 34361 1452891 1474886

    a Reference year is 201011. Original series, based on ANZSIC codes. For more information on chain volume measures, see thea Referenceyearis201011.Originalseries,basedonANZSICcodes.Formoreinformationonchainvolumemeasures,seetheAustralianBureauofStatisticsinformationpaperAustralianNationalAccounts,IntroductionofChainVolumeandPriceIndexes,a Referenceyearis201011.Originalseries,basedonANZSICcodes.Formoreinformationonchainvolumemeasures,seetheAustralianBureauofStatisticsinformationpaperAustralianNationalAccounts,IntroductionofChainVolumeandPriceIndexes,,released19March1998.b Includesfarm,forestry,fishingandhunting.

    a Referenceyearis201011.Originalseries,basedonANZSICcodes.Formoreinformationonchainvolumemeasures,seetheAustralianBureauofStatisticsinformationpaperAustralianNationalAccounts,IntroductionofChainVolumeandPriceIndexes,,released19March1998.b Includesfarm,forestry,fishingandhunting.Sources:AustralianBureauofStatistics,AustralianNationalAccounts,NationalIncome,ExpenditureandProduct,cat.nos5204.0

    AustralianBureauofStatisticsinformationpaperAustralianNationalAccounts,IntroductionofChainVolumeandPriceIndexes,,released19March1998.b Includesfarm,forestry,fishingandhunting.Sources:AustralianBureauofStatistics,AustralianNationalAccounts,NationalIncome,ExpenditureandProduct,cat.nos5204.0and5206.0,Canberra

    , , y, g gSources:AustralianBureauofStatistics,AustralianNationalAccounts,NationalIncome,ExpenditureandProduct,cat.nos5204.0and5206.0,Canberra


    TABLE 1 Australian gross product, by sector

    1ABARES Agricultural commodity statistics 2012


  • 2 Australian employment by sector a2Australianemployment,bysectoraRural Manufacturingg

    Food,Food,Forestry beverageForestry beverage

    Commercial and Support and TotalCommercial and Support and TotalAgriculture fishing b logging services Total tobacco Total Other employmentAgriculture fishing b logging services Total tobacco Total Other employment

    000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000196667 402 na na na 461 na na na 48711966 67 402 na na na 461 na na na 4871196768 401 na na na 458 na na na 4989196768 401 na na na 458 na na na 4989196869 396 na na na 448 na na na 5 112196869 396 na na na 448 na na na 5112196970 392 na na na 452 na na na 5 285196970 392 na na na 452 na na na 5285

    197071 401 na na na 450 na na na 5466197172 393 na na na 447 na na na 55401971 72197273 388 na na na 434 na na na 56801972 73 388 na na na 434 na na na 5680197374 377 na na na 427 na na na 5863197374 377 na na na 427 na na na 5863197475 368 na na na 414 na na na 5 856197475 368 na na na 414 na na na 5856197576 365 na na na 401 na na na 5 929197576 365 na na na 401 na na na 59291976 77 360 na na na 393 na na na 5 966197677 360 na na na 393 na na na 59661977 78 351 na na na 390 na na na 6 018197778 351 na na na 390 na na na 6018

    348 12 388 1 205 4 448 6 041197879 348 na 12 na 388 na 1205 4448 6041197980 364 na 11 na 404 na 1242 4541 6187

    198081 367 na 17 na 414 na 1 246 4 688 6 348198081 367 na 17 na 414 na 1246 4688 63481981 82 363 na 16 na 409 na 1 249 4 767 6 425198182 363 na 16 na 409 na 1249 4767 64251982 83 374 na 14 na 417 na 1 163 4 741 6 321198283 374 na 14 na 417 na 1163 4741 63211983 84 367 13 407 1 139 4 822 6 368198384 367 na 13 na 407 na 1139 4822 6368

    361 12 17 403 1 139 5 021 6 563198485 361 na 12 17 403 na 1139 5021 6563198586 386 11 9 20 425 182 1082 5342 68501985 86198687 377 17 8 18 420 182 1076 5524 70201986 87 377 17 8 18 420 182 1076 5524 7020198788 375 17 7 17 416 189 1108 5694 7219198788 375 17 7 17 416 189 1108 5694 7219198889 384 18 10 21 432 191 1 150 5 955 7 537198889 384 18 10 21 432 191 1150 5955 7537198990 381 15 8 22 426 195 1 152 6 245 7 822198990 381 15 8 22 426 195 1152 6245 7822

    199091 387 15 8 22 432 187 1093 6237 7762199192 367 14 8 17 406 195 1042 6175 76231991 92199293 360 16 8 18 402 199 1038 6161 76011992 93 360 16 8 18 402 199 1038 6161 7601199394 363 14 8 20 406 187 1046 6303 7755199394 363 14 8 20 406 187 1046 6303 7755199495 357 16 9 19 401 200 1 071 6 585 8 057199495 357 16 9 19 401 200 1071 6585 8057199596 370 19 8 19 416 207 1 066 6 807 8 289199596 370 19 8 19 416 207 1066 6807 82891996 97 375 14 8 22 419 196 1 080 6 856 8 355199697 375 14 8 22 419 196 1080 6856 83551997 98 378 14 10 26 428 205 1 074 6 975 8 477199798 378 14 10 26 428 205 1074 6975 8477

    366 14 10 27 418 198 1 041 7 182 8 642199899 366 14 10 27 418 198 1041 7182 864219992000 385 16 6 28 436 198 1057 7342 8835

    200001 373 20 10 28 432 199 1 068 7 519 9 018200001 373 20 10 28 432 199 1068 7519 90182001 02 383 19 10 25 438 203 1 042 7 660 9 140200102 383 19 10 25 438 203 1042 7660 91402002 03 322 18 7 23 370 205 1 073 7 936 9 380200203 322 18 7 23 370 205 1073 7936 93802003 04 317 16 9 25 367 193 1 033 8 127 9 526200304 317 16 9 25 367 193 1033 8127 9526

    307 14 9 27 357 217 1 051 8 378 9 786200405 307 14 9 27 357 217 1051 8378 9786200506 300 12 8 27 348 205 1025 8715 100882005 06200607 306 10 8 26 350 214 1024 8999 103742006 07 306 10 8 26 350 214 1024 8999 10374200708 302 14 8 30 354 229 1060 9270 10684200708 302 14 8 30 354 229 1060 9270 10684200809 322 9 8 24 362 226 1 028 9 502 10 892200809 322 9 8 24 362 226 1028 9502 10892200910 325 11 7 26 369 228 1 006 9 652 11 027200910 325 11 7 26 369 228 1006 9652 11027

    201011 307 12 6 27 351 229 992 10011 11355201112 290 11 8 27 335 228 956 10141 114322011 12a Average employment over four quarters, based on ANZSIC2006 and equivalent ASIC codes. b Includes aquaculture, fishing, hunting and trapping.aAverageemploymentoverfourquarters,basedonANZSIC2006andequivalentASICcodes.b Includesaquaculture,fishing, notavailable.aAverageemploymentoverfourquarters,basedonANZSIC2006andequivalentASICcodes.b Includesaquaculture,fishing, notavailable.Sources:AustralianBureauofStatistics,TheLabourForce,Australia,,Canberra;AustralianBureauofStatistics,TheLabourForce,Australia,

    aAverageemploymentoverfourquarters,basedonANZSIC2006andequivalentASICcodes.b Includesaquaculture,fishing, notavailable.Sources:AustralianBureauofStatistics,TheLabourForce,Australia,,Canberra;AustralianBureauofStatistics,TheLabourForce,Australia,1979to1990,,Canberra

    na notavailable.Sources:AustralianBureauofStatistics,TheLabourForce,Australia,,Canberra;AustralianBureauofStatistics,TheLabourForce,Australia,1979to1990,,Canberra

    , , , , ; , , ,1979to1990,,Canberra

    TABLE 2 Australian employment, by sector

    2 ABARES Agricultural commodity statistics 2012


  • 3 Value of Australian exports by sector Balance of payments basis3ValueofAustralianexports,bysectorBalanceofpaymentsbasisT t lTotal

    Total Total goodsandgFarm a Forest b Fisheries c rural merchandise Services servicesFarm a Forest b Fisheries c rural merchandise Services services$m $m $m $m $m $m $m$m $m $m $m $m $m $m

    1966 67 2 006 23 25 2 054 2 966 530 3 496196667 2006 23 25 2054 2966 530 34961967 68 1 833 18 34 1 884 2 980 606 3 586196768 1833 18 34 1884 2980 606 35861968 69 1 868 18 39 1 925 3 254 655 3 909196869 1868 18 39 1925 3254 655 3909196970 2105 20 39 2165 4014 767 4781197071 2 103 25 56 2 184 4 261 842 5 103197071 2103 25 56 2184 4261 842 5103197172 2 414 28 73 2 515 4 766 938 5 704197172 2414 28 73 2515 4766 938 57041972 73 3 316 55 72 3 443 6 110 930 7 040197273 3316 55 72 3443 6110 930 70401973 74 3 504 74 66 3 644 6 861 1 064 7 925197374 3504 74 66 3644 6861 1064 79251974 75 3 816 87 69 3 972 8 656 1 504 10 160197475 3816 87 69 3972 8656 1504 10160197576 4267 84 80 4431 9628 1625 11253197677 5189 116 135 5440 11618 1851 134691976 77 5189 116 135 5440 11618 1851 13469197778 5203 123 143 5469 12208 2087 142951977 78 5203 123 143 5469 12208 2087 14295197879 6 022 142 192 6 356 14 292 2 676 16 968197879 6022 142 192 6356 14292 2676 16968197980 8 398 207 235 8 840 18 946 3 147 22 093197980 8398 207 235 8840 18946 3147 22093198081 8179 238 230 8647 19095 3587 22682198182 4372 239 307 4918 19742 4032 23774198283 4573 261 354 5188 21313 4396 257091982 83 4573 261 354 5188 21313 4396 25709198384 4703 266 393 5362 24049 4921 289701983 84 4703 266 393 5362 24049 4921 28970198485 5 470 311 399 6 180 30 200 5 648 35 848198485 5470 311 399 6180 30200 5648 35848198586 6 332 348 482 7 162 32 603 6 456 39 059198586 6332 348 482 7162 32603 6456 390591986 87 7 935 429 593 8 957 36 406 7 858 44 264198687 7935 429 593 8957 36406 7858 442641987 88 10 369 481 730 11 580 41 915 9 865 51 780198788 10369 481 730 11580 41915 9865 517801988 89 15 148 613 674 16 435 44 292 11 383 55 675198889 15148 613 674 16435 44292 11383 55675198990 14506 616 784 15906 49027 12143 61170199091 13 138 706 831 14 674 52 685 13 886 66 571199091 13138 706 831 14674 52685 13886 66571199192 14 656 748 980 16 384 55 537 14 974 70 511199192 14656 748 980 16384 55537 14974 705111992 93 15 995 826 1 090 17 911 60 787 17 129 77 916199293 15995 826 1090 17911 60787 17129 779161993 94 17 477 911 1 243 19 631 64 514 19 324 83 838199394 17477 911 1243 19631 64514 19324 838381994 95 17 931 1 067 1 367 20 365 67 191 21 392 88 583199495 17931 1067 1367 20365 67191 21392 88583199596 20361 1087 1328 22776 76309 23586 99895199697 21955 1198 1305 24458 81057 25391 1064481996 97 21955 1198 1305 24458 81057 25391 106448199798 23224 1348 1489 26061 88583 26731 1153141997 98 23224 1348 1489 26061 88583 26731 115314199899 22 771 1 347 1 511 25 630 85 636 28 201 113 837199899 22771 1347 1511 25630 85636 28201 11383719992000 24 293 1 607 1 988 27 888 97 685 30 724 128 40919992000 24293 1607 1988 27888 97685 30724 128409200001 29722 1846 2169 33737 120201 35794 155995200102 31375 2018 2100 35493 121067 34704 155771200203 27259 2091 1844 31194 115895 35598 1514932002 03 27259 2091 1844 31194 115895 35598 151493200304 26139 2040 1652 29830 109418 37062 1464802003 04 26139 2040 1652 29830 109418 37062 146480200405 27 427 2 119 1 542 31 088 127 811 38 994 166 805200405 27427 2119 1542 31088 127811 38994 166805200506 27 382 2 140 1 547 31 069 154 044 41 900 195 944200506 27382 2140 1547 31069 154044 41900 1959442006 07 27 368 2 355 1 494 31 217 169 620 47 175 216 795200607 27368 2355 1494 31217 169620 47175 2167952007 08 26 942 2 471 1 342 30 755 182 922 50 891 233 813200708 26942 2471 1342 30755 182922 50891 2338132008 09 31 080 2 343 1 529 34 952 231 615 52 283 283 898200809 31080 2343 1529 34952 231615 52283 283898200910 27796 2270 1247 31312 201777 51359 253136201011 31 809 2 474 1 249 35 532 246 979 50 343 297 322201011 31809 2474 1249 35532 246979 50343 297322201112 36 430 2 229 1 228 39 887 265 222 50 552 315 774201112 36430 2229 1228 39887 265222 50552 315774

    a Includes wine b Includes paper and paperboard c Tuna captured under joint venture agreements or transhipped at sea are not includedaIncludeswine.b Includespaperandpaperboard.c Tunacapturedunderjointventureagreementsortranshippedatseaarenotincluded.Sources:ABARES; AustralianBureauofStatistics,BalanceofPayments,Australia,cat.nos 5302.0and5303.0,Canberra;AustralianBureauofaIncludeswine.b Includespaperandpaperboard.c Tunacapturedunderjointventureagreementsortranshippedatseaarenotincluded.Sources:ABARES; AustralianBureauofStatistics,BalanceofPayments,Australia,cat.nos 5302.0and5303.0,Canberra;AustralianBureauofStatistics,InternationalTrade,Australia,,Canberra

    aIncludeswine.b Includespaperandpaperboard.c Tunacapturedunderjointventureagreementsortranshippedatseaarenotincluded.Sources:ABARES; AustralianBureauofStatistics,BalanceofPayments,Australia,cat.nos 5302.0and5303.0,Canberra;AustralianBureauofStatistics,InternationalTrade,Australia,,Canberra

    aIncludeswine.b Includespaperandpaperboard.c Tunacapturedunderjointventureagreementsortranshippedatseaarenotincluded.Sources:ABARES; AustralianBureauofStatistics,BalanceofPayments,Australia,cat.nos 5302.0and5303.0,Canberra;AustralianBureauofStatistics,InternationalTrade,Australia,,Canberra

    ; , f y , , , ;Statistics,InternationalTrade,Australia,,Canberra

    TABLE 3 Value of Australian exports, by sector balance of payments basis

    3ABARES Agricultural commodity statistics 2012


  • O iOverview

    4 Value of Australian exports by sector a Chain volume measures4ValueofAustralianexports,bysectoraChainvolumemeasuresp yR l dRuralproducts

    Meat Wool TotalCerealgrains Sugar andmeat and Other Total goodsandCerealgrains Sugar andmeat and Other Total goodsandandproducts andhoney preparations sheepskins rural b Total b merchandise c Services c services candproducts andhoney preparations sheepskins rural b Total b merchandise c Services c services c

    $m $m $m $m $m $m $m $m $m$m $m $m $m $m $m $m $m $m1975 76 2 566 986 3 225 4 177 2 399 13 353 46 331 6 882 52 060197576 2566 986 3225 4177 2399 13353 46331 6882 52060197677 2631 1223 3878 4683 2582 14997 50058 6989 55780197778 3115 1169 4258 3636 2562 14740 51044 7303 57036197879 2287 901 4462 4204 2998 14852 53812 8584 610841978 79 2287 901 4462 4204 2998 14852 53812 8584 61084197980 4606 1124 3425 3977 3182 16314 58010 8796 654001979 80 4606 1124 3425 3977 3182 16314 58010 8796 65400

    1980 81 3 171 1 224 3 283 4 048 2 990 14 716 53 566 9 611 62 225198081 3171 1224 3283 4048 2990 14716 53566 9611 62225198182 3478 1227 3245 3819 3162 14931 54826 9854 63693198283 2458 1268 3454 3623 3159 13962 55160 9800 64026198384 3608 1188 2526 3700 3000 14022 59674 10309 689111983 84 3608 1188 2526 3700 3000 14022 59674 10309 68911198485 4882 1282 2478 4499 3312 16453 69687 11174 795511984 85 4882 1282 2478 4499 3312 16453 69687 11174 79551198586 4 768 1 370 2 890 4 713 3 748 17 489 72 182 11 703 82 560198586 4768 1370 2890 4713 3748 17489 72182 11703 82560198687 4 157 1 292 3 415 5 536 4 116 18 516 79 092 13 145 90 837198687 4157 1292 3415 5536 4116 18516 79092 13145 908371987 88 3 428 1 347 3 771 5 436 4 081 18 063 83 957 15 653 98 513198788 3428 1347 3771 5436 4081 18063 83957 15653 985131988 89 3 158 1 489 3 291 5 048 4 174 17 160 82 415 17 333 99 545198889 3158 1489 3291 5048 4174 17160 82415 17333 995451989 90 3 310 1 483 3 934 3 702 4 484 16 913 86 994 17 545 104 193198990 3310 1483 3934 3702 4484 16913 86994 17545 104193

    199091 3 481 1 406 4 389 3 939 4 964 18 179 97 393 19 031 115 931199091 3481 1406 4389 3939 4964 18179 97393 19031 115931199192 2 799 1 226 4 725 5 886 5 594 20 230 107 364 20 266 126 894199192 2799 1226 4725 5886 5594 20230 107364 20266 1268941992 93 3 206 1 653 5 059 5 326 6 318 21 562 113 555 23 003 136 297199293 3206 1653 5059 5326 6318 21562 113555 23003 1362971993 94 3 932 1 819 5 153 5 544 7 280 23 728 123 363 25 851 149 189199394 3932 1819 5153 5544 7280 23728 123363 25851 1491891994 95 2 804 2 225 5 024 5 128 7 232 22 413 126 306 28 736 155 766199495 2804 2225 5024 5128 7232 22413 126306 28736 155766199596 4157 2441 4907 4825 8901 25231 139676 31037 171285199697 5660 2558 4769 5197 10459 28643 156777 33054 1899301996 97 5660 2558 4769 5197 10459 28643 156777 33054 189930199798 4931 2662 5403 4953 11235 29184 164400 34400 1988061997 98 4931 2662 5403 4953 11235 29184 164400 34400 198806199899 5 556 2 323 5 740 4 196 12 415 30 230 166 257 35 961 202 622199899 5556 2323 5740 4196 12415 30230 166257 35961 202622199900 5 641 2 211 5 964 4 894 14 431 33 141 183 771 38 598 222 359199900 5641 2211 5964 4894 14431 33141 183771 38598 2223592000 01 5 826 1 731 6 744 5 169 15 289 34 759 194 861 45 777 240 562200001 5826 1731 6744 5169 15289 34759 194861 45777 240562200102 6302 2211 6450 4406 16471 35840 196160 43370 238918200203 4312 2289 6489 3518 14872 31480 196904 43147 2393512002 03 4312 2289 6489 3518 14872 31480 196904 43147 239351200304 5785 2281 6277 3495 14682 32520 198375 44273 2421862003 04 5785 2281 6277 3495 14682 32520 198375 44273 242186200405 6 342 2 356 7 012 3 972 14 655 34 337 205 836 45 465 250 638200405 6342 2356 7012 3972 14655 34337 205836 45465 250638200506 5 899 2 261 6 942 3 787 14 817 33 706 210 027 47 613 257 298200506 5899 2261 6942 3787 14817 33706 210027 47613 257298200607 4 582 2 133 7 514 3 960 14 617 32 806 215 228 52 158 267 557200607 4582 2133 7514 3960 14617 32806 215228 52158 2675572007 08 3 738 1 939 7 212 3 324 13 732 29 945 222 555 54 726 277 537200708 3738 1939 7212 3324 13732 29945 222555 54726 2775372008 09 5 251 1 830 7 323 3 031 15 806 33 241 227 053 54 430 281 596200809 5251 1830 7323 3031 15806 33241 227053 54430 281596200910 5789 1977 6806 2975 15599 33146 243739 52412 296556

    201011 7 351 1 618 6 930 3 048 15 848 34 795 246 979 50 344 297 322201011 7351 1618 6930 3048 15848 34795 246979 50344 297322201112 9 570 1 730 7 099 2 752 17 956 39 107 261 624 49 315 310 941201112 9570 1730 7099 2752 17956 39107 261624 49315 310941a Referenceyear201011.b Priorto198990,wineandpaperandpaperboardareexcluded.c Balanceofpaymentsbasis.a Referenceyear201011.b Priorto198990,wineandpaperandpaperboardareexcluded.c Balanceofpaymentsbasis.Sources:ABARES;AustralianBureauofStatistics,BalanceofPayments,Australia,cat.nos 5302.0and5303.0,Canberra;AustralianBureauofStatistics,Balanceofa Referenceyear201011.b Priorto198990,wineandpaperandpaperboardareexcluded.c Balanceofpaymentsbasis.Sources:ABARES;AustralianBureauofStatistics,BalanceofPayments,Australia,cat.nos 5302.0and5303.0,Canberra;AustralianBureauofStatistics,BalanceofPayments,Australia HistoricalSeriesonMicrofiche,,Canberra;AustralianBureauofStatistics,InternationalTrade,Australia,,Canberra

    a Referenceyear2010 11.b Priorto1989 90,wineandpaperandpaperboardareexcluded.c Balanceofpaymentsbasis.Sources:ABARES;AustralianBureauofStatistics,BalanceofPayments,Australia,cat.nos 5302.0and5303.0,Canberra;AustralianBureauofStatistics,BalanceofPayments,Australia HistoricalSeriesonMicrofiche,,Canberra;AustralianBureauofStatistics,InternationalTrade,Australia,,Canberra

    ; , f y , , , ; , fPayments,Australia HistoricalSeriesonMicrofiche,,Canberra;AustralianBureauofStatistics,InternationalTrade,Australia,,Canberra

    ; , f y , , , ; , fPayments,Australia HistoricalSeriesonMicrofiche,,Canberra;AustralianBureauofStatistics,InternationalTrade,Australia,,Canberra

    TABLE 4 Value of Australian exports, by sector a chain volume measures

    4 ABARES Agricultural commodity statistics 2012


  • 5 Australian rural unit export returns a5AustralianruralunitexportreturnsadForestand

    fisheriesFarm products TotalFarm products Total

    197576 34 8 13 8 33 3197576 34.8 13.8 33.31976 77 36 1 15 4 34 6197677 36.1 15.4 34.61977 78 35 3 16 7 34 0197778 35.3 16.7 34.0197879 39.9 18.1 38.3197980 48.8 19.3 46.7198081 57 4 25 4 55 1198081 57.4 25.4 55.11981 82 54 2 43 7 53 5198182 54.2 43.7 53.51982 83 53 2 48 6 53 0198283 53.2 48.6 53.01983 84 56 6 50 5 56 3198384 56.6 50.5 56.3198485 57.7 59.8 58.1198586 59.2 72.1 60.4985 86 59. 7 . 60.4198687 57.4 85.4 59.61986 87 57.4 85.4 59.6198788 72.8 93.4 74.5198788 72.8 93.4 74.5198889 106 7 93 6 105 6198889 106.7 93.6 105.6198990 100 0 100 0 100 0198990 100.0 100.0 100.0199091 84.4 101.2 85.9199192 87.8 105.1 89.31991 92 87.8 105.1 89.3199293 90.0 109.6 91.61992 93 90.0 109.6 91.6199394 90.3 124.9 93.2199394 90.3 124.9 93.2199495 100 7 127 3 102 9199495 100.7 127.3 102.9199596 106 2 123 9 107 7199596 106.2 123.9 107.71996 97 95 3 123 8 97 6199697 95.3 123.8 97.61997 98 102 4 124 3 104 2199798 102.4 124.3 104.2199899 93.6 120.9 95.819992000 90.8 132.0 94.2200001 109 1 144 4 112 0200001 109.1 144.4 112.02001 02 118 0 143 4 120 0200102 118.0 143.4 120.02002 03 115 4 137 6 117 1200203 115.4 137.6 117.12003 04 105 9 126 6 107 5200304 105.9 126.6 107.5200405 104.5 128.4 106.4200506 104.0 131.5 106.22005 06 104.0 131.5 106.2200607 109.5 136.0 111.72006 07 109.5 136.0 111.7200708 121.9 140.7 123.3200708 121.9 140.7 123.3200809 122 7 148 3 124 7200809 122.7 148.3 124.7200910 108 2 141 3 110 8200910 108.2 141.3 110.8201011 119.7 142.2 121.5201112 120.1 138.7 121.62011 12 120.1 138.7 121.6

    a In Australian dollars. Base: 198990 = 100.a InAustraliandollars.Base:198990=100.Source:ABARESa InAustraliandollars.Base:198990=100.Source:ABARESa InAustraliandollars.Base:198990=100.Source:ABARESSource:ABARES

    TABLE 5 Australian rural unit export returns a

    5ABARES Agricultural commodity statistics 2012


  • 6 Australian main macroeconomic indicators6Australianmainmacroeconomicindicatorsh fGrowthof

    realgross ConsumerInterestratesgdomestic Short Long pricedomestic Short Long priceproduct term a term b Inflation c index dproduct term a term b Inflation c index d

    % % % %% % % %1968 69 7 1 2 6 9 3196869 7.1 na na 2.6 9.3196970 7.2 6.7 6.1 3.1 9.6197071 4.0 7.1 6.8 4.5 10.0197071 4.0 7.1 6.8 4.5 10.0197172 3 9 6 0 6 2 6 9 10 7197172 3.9 6.0 6.2 6.9 10.71972 73 2 7 5 1 5 9 6 1 11 4197273 2.7 5.1 5.9 6.1 11.41973 74 4 1 11 3 8 2 12 9 12 8197374 4.1 11.3 8.2 12.9 12.81974 75 1 2 10 5 9 5 16 8 15 0197475 1.2 10.5 9.5 16.8 15.0197576 2.6 8.6 10.0 12.9 16.9197677 3.6 9.8 10.2 13.9 19.31976 77 3.6 9.8 10.2 13.9 19.3197778 0.9 10.4 9.6 9.5 21.11977 78 0.9 10.4 9.6 9.5 21.1197879 4.1 9.6 9.2 8.1 22.8197879 4.1 9.6 9.2 8.1 22.8197980 3 1 11 2 10 7 10 2 25 2197980 3.1 11.2 10.7 10.2 25.2980 8 3 3 2 6 9 3 2198081 3.4 13.4 12.6 9.3 27.5

    198182 3.2 17.0 15.1 10.4 30.4198283 2.3 14.0 14.6 11.5 33.91982 83 2.3 14.0 14.6 11.5 33.9198384 4.7 11.9 13.8 6.9 36.21983 84 4.7 11.9 13.8 6.9 36.2198485 5.1 13.4 13.4 4.3 37.8198485 5.1 13.4 13.4 4.3 37.8198586 4 6 16 8 13 7 8 4 40 9198586 4.6 16.8 13.7 8.4 40.9198687 2 6 15 7 13 5 9 3 44 7198687 2.6 15.7 13.5 9.3 44.71987 88 5 6 11 8 12 5 7 3 48 0198788 5.6 11.8 12.5 7.3 48.01988 89 3 9 15 7 12 8 7 3 51 5198889 3.9 15.7 12.8 7.3 51.5198990 3.6 16.9 13.3 8.0 55.7199091 0.4 12.2 12.2 5.3 58.6199091 0.4 12.2 12.2 5.3 58.6199192 0 4 8 1 10 0 1 9 59 7199192 0.4 8.1 10.0 1.9 59.71992 93 4 1 5 6 8 3 1 0 60 3199293 4.1 5.6 8.3 1.0 60.31993 94 4 0 4 9 7 4 1 8 61 4199394 4.0 4.9 7.4 1.8 61.41994 95 4 0 7 2 9 9 3 2 63 4199495 4.0 7.2 9.9 3.2 63.4199596 4.0 7.5 8.7 4.2 66.1199697 3.9 6.3 7.6 1.3 67.01996 97 3.9 6.3 7.6 1.3 67.0199798 4.5 5.0 6.0 0.0 67.01997 98 4.5 5.0 6.0 0.0 67.0199899 5.0 4.9 5.5 1.3 67.8199899 5.0 4.9 5.5 1.3 67.819992000 3 8 5 6 6 5 2 4 69 419992000 3.8 5.6 6.5 2.4 69.42000 0 9 8 8 6 0 3 6200001 1.9 5.8 5.8 6.0 73.6200102 3.9 4.6 5.9 2.9 75.7200203 3.2 4.8 5.4 3.1 78.02002 03 3.2 4.8 5.4 3.1 78.0200304 4.1 5.3 5.7 2.4 79.92003 04 4.1 5.3 5.7 2.4 79.9200405 3.2 5.5 5.4 2.4 81.8200405 3.2 5.5 5.4 2.4 81.8200506 3 0 5 7 5 4 3 2 84 4200506 3.0 5.7 5.4 3.2 84.42006 07 3 8 6 3 5 8 2 9 86 9200607 3.8 6.3 5.8 2.9 86.92007 08 3 8 7 3 6 2 3 4 89 8200708 3.8 7.3 6.2 3.4 89.82008 09 1 6 4 8 5 0 3 1 92 6200809 1.6 4.8 5.0 3.1 92.6200910 2.1 4.0 5.5 2.3 94.8201011 2.4 4.9 5.3 3.1 97.7201011 2.4 4.9 5.3 3.1 97.7201112 3 5 4 4 4 0 2 3 100 0201112 3.5 4.4 4.0 2.3 100.0

    a 90day bank bills, average of daily data. b 10year Treasury bonds, average of endofmonth data. c Percentage change in the consumera 90daybankbills,averageofdailydata.b 10yearTreasurybonds,averageofendofmonthdata.c Percentagechangeintheconsumerpriceindex.d notavailable.a 90daybankbills,averageofdailydata.b 10yearTreasurybonds,averageofendofmonthdata.c Percentagechangeintheconsumerpriceindex.d notavailable.a 90daybankbills,averageofdailydata.b 10yearTreasurybonds,averageofendofmonthdata.c Percentagechangeintheconsumerpriceindex.d notavailable.Sources:AustralianBureauofStatistics,AustralianNationalAccounts,NationalIncome,ExpenditureandProduct,,Canberra;

    a 90daybankbills,averageofdailydata.b 10yearTreasurybonds,averageofendofmonthdata.c Percentagechangeintheconsumerpriceindex.d notavailable.Sources:AustralianBureauofStatistics,AustralianNationalAccounts,NationalIncome,ExpenditureandProduct,,Canberra;AustralianBureauofStatistics,ConsumerPriceIndex,,Canberra;ReserveBankofAustralia, Bulletin,Sydney

    priceindex.d 2011 12 notavailable.Sources:AustralianBureauofStatistics,AustralianNationalAccounts,NationalIncome,ExpenditureandProduct,,Canberra;AustralianBureauofStatistics,ConsumerPriceIndex,,Canberra;ReserveBankofAustralia, Bulletin,Sydney

    , , , p , , ;AustralianBureauofStatistics,ConsumerPriceIndex,,Canberra;ReserveBankofAustralia, Bulletin,Sydneyy y

    TABLE 6 Australian main macroeconomic indicators

    6 ABARES Agricultural commodity statistics 2012

    Macroeconomic indicators

  • 7 Australian trade balance and foreign debt7AustraliantradebalanceandforeigndebtlBalanceon Currentaccount

    goodsandservices balancea Netforeigndebtcg balancea NetforeigndebtcShareof Termsof ShareofShareof Termsof Shareof

    Imports Exports Level GDP trade b Level GDPImports Exports Level GDP trade b Level GDP$m $m $m % $m %$m $m $m % $m %

    1968 69 4 360 3 909 980 2 4 59 4196869 4360 3909 980 2.4 59.4 na na196970 4871 4781 688 1.3 60.5 na na197071 5 214 5 103 749 1 4 56 7 na na197071 5214 5103 749 1.4 56.7 na na197172 5 351 5 704 293 0 1 53 1 na na197172 5351 5704 293 0.1 53.1 na na1972 73 5 512 7 040 754 2 1 63 2 na na197273 5512 7040 754 2.1 63.2 na na1973 74 7 996 7 925 921 1 0 68 0197374 7996 7925 921 1.0 68.0 na na1974 75 10 510 10 160 1 195 1 2 61 8197475 10510 10160 1195 1.2 61.8 na na197576 11163 11253 1423 1.2 59.0 na na197677 14106 13469 1996 2.1 57.1 na na1976 77 14106 13469 1996 2.1 57.1 na na197778 15342 14295 2573 2.5 51.9 na na1977 78 15342 14295 2573 2.5 51.9 na na197879 18 260 16 968 3 159 2.7 52.3 na na197879 18260 16968 3159 2.7 52.3 na na197980 21 444 22 093 1 591 1 2 54 2 na na197980 21444 22093 1591 1.2 54.2 na na198081 25530 22682 5143 3.4 53.8 na na198182 29623 23774 8368 4.8 52.9 na na198283 29626 25709 6137 3.2 52.1 na na1982 83 29626 25709 6137 3.2 52.1 na na198384 32096 28970 7029 3.3 53.4 na na1983 84 32096 28970 7029 3.3 53.4 na na198485 40 749 35 848 10 417 4.4 52.6 na na198485 40749 35848 10417 4.4 52.6 na na198586 47 148 39 059 14 499 5 6 47 6 na na198586 47148 39059 14499 5.6 47.6 na na1986 87 48 938 44 264 11 573 4 1 45 0 na na198687 48938 44264 11573 4.1 45.0 na na1987 88 54 036 51 780 10 459 3 2 48 9 na na198788 54036 51780 10459 3.2 48.9 na na1988 89 62 588 55 675 18 404 5 0 56 1 117 240 31 2198889 62588 55675 18404 5.0 56.1 117240 31.2198990 69204 61170 23187 5.7 56.3 130620 32.5199091 67 389 66 571 16 534 4 0 53 3 142 065 34 5199091 67389 66571 16534 4.0 53.3 142065 34.5199192 69 653 70 511 12 779 3 0 51 7 162 529 38 4199192 69653 70511 12779 3.0 51.7 162529 38.41992 93 79 586 77 916 14 041 3 2 49 6 176 875 39 8199293 79586 77916 14041 3.2 49.6 176875 39.81993 94 86 346 83 838 15 239 3 3 48 2 170 760 36 5199394 86346 83838 15239 3.3 48.2 170760 36.51994 95 98 366 88 583 26 415 5 3 49 7 190 113 38 3199495 98366 88583 26415 5.3 49.7 190113 38.3199596 102237 99895 20184 3.8 51.3 192989 36.4199697 104746 106448 16234 2.9 52.8 207573 37.31996 97 104746 106448 16234 2.9 52.8 207573 37.3199798 119959 115314 22510 3.8 52.6 225863 38.31997 98 119959 115314 22510 3.8 52.6 225863 38.3199899 127 853 113 837 32 731 5.3 50.0 228 614 36.8199899 127853 113837 32731 5.3 50.0 228614 36.819992000 141 539 128 409 31 662 4 8 52 0 270 604 40 919992000 141539 128409 31662 4.8 52.0 270604 40.9200001 154655 155995 17580 2.5 52.9 300418 42.5200102 155392 155771 19023 2.5 53.6 321861 42.6200203 168181 151493 38299 4.8 54.4 353728 44.22002 03 168181 151493 38299 4.8 54.4 353728 44.2200304 168727 146480 46220 5.4 58.5 384347 44.72003 04 168727 146480 46220 5.4 58.5 384347 44.7200405 190 149 166 805 57 570 6.3 64.0 427 725 46.4200405 190149 166805 57570 6.3 64.0 427725 46.4200506 210 633 195 944 54 041 5 4 70 9 494 866 49 7200506 210633 195944 54041 5.4 70.9 494866 49.72006 07 228 702 216 795 60 543 5 6 76 1 539 760 49 8200607 228702 216795 60543 5.6 76.1 539760 49.82007 08 258 166 233 813 72 871 6 2 80 3 600 952 51 1200708 258166 233813 72871 6.2 80.3 600952 51.12008 09 277 758 283 898 38 679 3 0 86 4 619 672 50 0200809 277758 283898 38679 3.0 86.4 619672 50.0200910 258898 253136 57298 4.3 83.0 678130 53.0201011 276 014 297 322 33 819 2 3 100 0 677 871 49 0201011 276014 297322 33819 2.3 100.0 677871 49.0201112 310 993 315 774 42 396 2 8 100 4 750 969 52 2201112 310993 315774 42396 2.8 100.4 750969 52.2

    a Negative sign indicates current account deficit. b Ratio of implicit price deflator for exports of goods and services to implicit price deflator fora Negativesignindicatescurrentaccountdeficit.b Ratioofimplicitpricedeflatorforexportsofgoodsandservicestoimplicitpricedeflatorforimportsofgoodsandservices.Base:201011=100.c notavailable.a Negativesignindicatescurrentaccountdeficit.b Ratioofimplicitpricedeflatorforexportsofgoodsandservicestoimplicitpricedeflatorforimportsofgoodsandservices.Base:201011=100.c notavailable.a Negativesignindicatescurrentaccountdeficit.b Ratioofimplicitpricedeflatorforexportsofgoodsandservicestoimplicitpricedeflatorforimportsofgoodsandservices.Base:201011=100.c notavailable.Sources:AustralianBureauofStatistics,AustralianNationalAccounts,NationalIncome,ExpenditureandProduct,,Canberra;

    a Negativesignindicatescurrentaccountdeficit.b Ratioofimplicitpricedeflatorforexportsofgoodsandservicestoimplicitpricedeflatorforimportsofgoodsandservices.Base:201011=100.c notavailable.Sources:AustralianBureauofStatistics,AustralianNationalAccounts,NationalIncome,ExpenditureandProduct,,Canberra;AustralianBureauofStatistics, BalanceofPayments,Australia,,Canberra;AustralianBureauofStatistics,International

    importsofgoodsandservices.Base:2010 11 100.c notavailable.Sources:AustralianBureauofStatistics,AustralianNationalAccounts,NationalIncome,ExpenditureandProduct,,Canberra;AustralianBureauofStatistics, BalanceofPayments,Australia,,Canberra;AustralianBureauofStatistics,InternationalInvestmentPosition,Australia,,Canberra

    , , , p , , ;AustralianBureauofStatistics, BalanceofPayments,Australia,,Canberra;AustralianBureauofStatistics,InternationalInvestmentPosition,Australia,,Canberra

    f yInvestmentPosition,Australia,,Canberra

    TABLE 7 Australian trade balance and foreign debt

    7ABARES Agricultural commodity statistics 2012

    Macroeconomic indicators

  • 8 Average Australian exchange rates with selected countries a8AverageAustralianexchangerateswithselectedcountriesaT dTrade

    United New Korea, United weighted, gJapan States Zealand Rep.of Kingdom Euro index bJapan States Zealand Rep.of Kingdom Euro index b/A$ US$/A$ NZ$/A$ won/A$ /A$ /A$/A$ US$/A$ NZ$/A$ won/A$ /A$ /A$

    1966 67 403 88 1 1144 0 8047 301 60 0 3992 na196667 403.88 1.1144 0.8047 301.60 0.3992 na na196768 403.87 1.1155 0.9122 304.37 0.4657 na na196869 398.92 1.1124 1.0000 312.53 0.4657 na na196970 399.88 1.1160 1.0000 335.13 0.4657 na na1969 70 399.88 1.1160 1.0000 335.13 0.4657 na197071 400 22 1 1185 1 0000 357 56 0 4657 na 99 6197071 400.22 1.1185 1.0000 357.56 0.4657 na 99.6197172 371 74 1 1710 1 0000 443 91 0 4617 na 98 8197172 371.74 1.1710 1.0000 443.91 0.4617 na 98.81972 73 367 32 1 2835 1 0320 513 89 0 5235 na 104 4197273 367.32 1.2835 1.0320 513.89 0.5235 na 104.41973 74 408 19 1 4743 1 0335 587 02 0 6165 115 5197374 408.19 1.4743 1.0335 587.02 0.6165 na 115.51974 75 404 94 1 3700 107 7197475 404.94 1.3700 1.0160 611.19 0.5840 na 107.7197576 379.39 1.2613 1.1930 610.30 0.6330 na 105.31.1930 610.30 0.6330197677 330.52 1.1531 1.1930 557.44 0.6740 na 96.31976 77 330.52 1.1531 1.1930 557.44 0.6740 na 96.3197778 273.88 1.1276 1.1270 545.95 0.6180 na 89.31977 78 273.88 1.1276 1.1270 545.95 0.6180 na 89.3197879 227.36 1.1365 1 0790 549 96 0 5680 na 83.2197879 227.36 1.1365 1.0790 549.96 0.5680 na 83.2197980 259 57 1 1143 1 1323 594 25 0 4995 na 83 8197980 259.57 1.1143 1.1323 594.25 0.4995 na 83.81980 81 248 28 1 1612 87 6198081 248.28 1.1612 1.2331 759.70 0.5082 na 87.6198182 257.36 1.1048 1.3742 776.58 0.6007 na 91.0198283 232.66 0.9383 1.3334 705.45 0.5808 na 81.81982 83 232.66 0.9383 1.3334 705.45 0.5808 na 81.8198384 211.95 0.9057 1.3820 718.69 0.6235 na 81.51983 84 211.95 0.9057 1.3820 718.69 0.6235 na 81.5198485 192.55 0.7741 1.6108 643.20 0.6339 na 75.5198485 192.55 0.7741 1.6108 643.20 0.6339 na 75.5198586 140 21 0 6979 1 2905 625 70 0 4852 na 62 3198586 140.21 0.6979 1.2905 625.70 0.4852 na 62.3198687 100 84 0 6609 1 2305 567 40 0 4334 na 53 8198687 100.84 0.6609 1.2305 567.40 0.4334 na 53.81987 88 97 11 0 7262 1 1215 565 90 0 4152 na 54 8198788 97.11 0.7262 1.1215 565.90 0.4152 na 54.81988 89 106 55 0 8139 1 3017 560 80 0 4741 61 6198889 106.55 0.8139 1.3017 560.80 0.4741 na 61.61989 90 112 49 0 7667 60 0198990 112.49 0.7667 1.3021 529.40 0.4701 na 60.0199091 107.01 0.7824 1.3036 564.40 0.4218 na 58.91990 91 107.01 0.7824 1.3036 564.40 0.4218 na 58.9199192 100.45 0.7664 1 3796 584 60 0 4359 na 55.4199192 100.45 0.7664 1.3796 584.60 0.4359 na 55.4199293 82 57 0 6968 1 3061 552 93 0 4470 na 52 3199293 82.57 0.6968 1.3061 552.93 0.4470 na 52.31993 94 73 01 0 6889 1 2239 568 41 0 4598 na 51 4199394 73.01 0.6889 1.2239 568.41 0.4598 na 51.41994 95 69 96 0 7390 1 1687 584 81 0 4679 na 52 8199495 69.96 0.7390 1.1687 584.81 0.4679 na 52.81995 96 77 02 0 7553 54 8199596 77.02 0.7553 1.1298 589.54 0.4876 na 54.8199697 89.90 0.7801 1.1183 666.68 0.4828 na 58.7199798 85.56 0.6797 1.1417 850.78 0.4124 na 58.3997 98 85.56 0.6797 1.1417 850.78 0.4124 na 58.3199899 77.55 0.6257 1.1814 784.10 0.3806 0.5907 56.0199899 77.55 0.6257 1.1814 784.10 0.3806 0.5907 56.01999 2000 67 88 0 6295 1 2475 726 10 0 3946 0 6281 55 219992000 67.88 0.6295 1.2475 726.10 0.3946 0.6281 55.2200001 61.42 0.5391 1.2664 653.24 0.3706 0.6040 50.31.2664 653.24 0.3706 0.6040200102 65.90 0.5238 1.2149 677.22 0.3626 0.5853 50.62001 02 65.90 0.5238 1.2149 677.22 0.3626 0.5853 50.6200203 69.75 0.5838 1.1205 705.21 0.3676 0.5577 53.42002 03 69.75 0.5838 1.1205 705.21 0.3676 0.5577 53.4200304 78.56 0.7113 1 1296 841 00 0 4087 0 5968 61.4200304 78.56 0.7113 1.1296 841.00 0.4087 0.5968 61.4200405 80 14 0 7513 1 0773 807 38 0 4037 0 5904 62 7200405 80.14 0.7513 1.0773 807.38 0.4037 0.5904 62.72005 06 85 45 0 7457 1 1133 753 72 0 4182 0 6104 63 3200506 85.45 0.7457 1.1133 753.72 0.4182 0.6104 63.32006 07 92 72 0 7840 1 1443 749 16 0 4051 0 5990 64 8200607 92.72 0.7840 1.1443 749.16 0.4051 0.5990 64.82007 08 98 58 0 8958 69 7200708 98.58 0.8958 1.1648 858.64 0.4467 0.6079 69.7200809 74.58 0.7494 1.2277 945.36 0.4619 0.5412 60.4200910 80.76 0.8831 1.2497 1042.16 0.5583 0.6343 68.91.2497 1042.16 0.5583 0.6343201011 81 99 0 9864 1 2953 1 117 75 0 6187 0 7221 73 9201011 81.99 0.9864 1.2953 1117.75 0.6187 0.7221 73.92011 12 80 62 1 0270 1 2742 1 165 51 0 6471 0 7658 76 0201112 80.62 1.0270 1.2742 1165.51 0.6471 0.7658 76.0

    a Period average. b Base: May 1970 = 100. na not available.a Periodaverage.b notavailable.Sources:AustralianBureauofStatistics,AverageMonthlyExchangeRates,,Canberra;ReserveBankofAustralia,Bulletin,a Periodaverage.b notavailable.Sources:AustralianBureauofStatistics,AverageMonthlyExchangeRates,,Canberra;ReserveBankofAustralia,Bulletin,Sydney;CommonwealthBankofAustralia;OANDA

    a Periodaverage.b notavailable.Sources:AustralianBureauofStatistics,AverageMonthlyExchangeRates,,Canberra;ReserveBankofAustralia,Bulletin,Sydney;CommonwealthBankofAustralia;OANDASources:AustralianBureauofStatistics,AverageMonthlyExchangeRates,,Canberra;ReserveBankofAustralia,Bulletin,Sydney;CommonwealthBankofAustralia;OANDAy y; ;

    TABLE 8 Average Australian exchange rates with selected countries a

    8 ABARES Agricultural commodity statistics 2012

    Macroeconomic indicators

  • 9 Exchange rates of selected countries a9ExchangeratesofselectedcountriesaR l ff ti h t bRealeffectiveexchangeratesb

    United UnitedAustralia Japan Euro Kingdom States Japan GermanyAustralia Japan Euro Kingdom States Japan GermanyA$/US$ /US$ /US$ /US$A$/US$ /US$ /US$ /US$

    1967 0 8972 360 00 na 0 4156 na na na1967 0.8972 360.00 na 0.4156 na na na1968 0 8971 360 00 0 41941968 0.8971 360.00 na 0.4194 na na na1969 0.8986 360.00 na 0.4165 na na na1970 0.8965 360.00 na 0.4178 na na na1970 0.8965 360.00 na 0.4178 na na na1971 0 8789 347 79 na 0 4091 na na na1971 0.8789 347.79 na 0.4091 na na na1972 0 8389 303 13 na 0 3995 na na na1972 0.8389 303.13 na 0.3995 na na na1973 0 7027 271 31 na 0 4077 na na na1973 0.7027 271.31 na 0.4077 na na na1974 0 6938 291 84 0 42731974 0.6938 291.84 na 0.4273 na na na1975 0 7636 296 78 0 4501 140 1 113 7 104 21975 0.7636 296.78 na 0.4501 140.1 113.7 104.21976 0.8163 296.45 na 0.5541 143.7 112.5 104.51977 0.9016 268.62 na 0.5731 141.3 120.6 106.01977 0.9016 268.62 na 0.5731 141.3 120.6 106.01978 0.8736 210.39 na 0.5213 123.5 99.6 106.71978 0.8736 210.39 na 0.5213 123.5 99.6 106.71979 0.8945 219.02 na 0.4712 121.9 87.8 116.21979 0.8945 219.02 na 0.4712 121.9 87.8 116.21980 0 8772 226 63 na 0 4302 96 4 74 7 109 91980 0.8772 226.63 na 0.4302 96.4 74.7 109.91981 0 8702 220 63 0 4940 106 0 79 7 100 31981 0.8702 220.63 na 0.4940 106.0 79.7 100.31982 0.9842 249.06 na 0.5721 118.5 72.3 102.11983 1.1094 237.55 na 0.6597 124.2 78.2 102.81983 1.1094 237.55 na 0.6597 124.2 78.2 102.81984 1.1384 237.46 na 0.7481 131.7 81.7 98.31984 1.1384 237.46 na 0.7481 131.7 81.7 98.31985 1.4298 238.47 na 0.7708 136.4 83.7 95.61985 1.4298 238.47 na 0.7708 136.4 83.7 95.61986 1 4972 168 35 na 0 6813 114 6 107 3 101 21986 1.4972 168.35 na 0.6813 114.6 107.3 101.21987 1 4316 144 60 na 0 6098 103 1 113 1 104 51987 1.4316 144.60 na 0.6098 103.1 113.1 104.51988 1 2799 128 17 na 0 5614 97 1 119 5 101 91988 1.2799 128.17 na 0.5614 97.1 119.5 101.91989 1 2663 138 07 0 6104 100 3 109 4 99 51989 1.2663 138.07 na 0.6104 100.3 109.4 99.51990 1.2842 145.00 na 0.5605 95.7 97.7 102.31990 1.2842 145.00 na 0.5605 95.7 97.7 102.31991 1.2884 134.59 na 0.5658 94.4 104.6 100.61991 1.2884 134.59 na 0.5658 94.4 104.6 100.61992 1.4189 126.78 na 0.5662 92.1 107.6 105.51992 1.4189 126.78 na 0.5662 92.1 107.6 105.51993 1 4739 111 08 na 0 6660 94 9 126 0 109 71993 1.4739 111.08 na 0.6660 94.9 126.0 109.71994 1 3729 102 18 na 0 6528 94 4 134 0 110 51994 1.3729 102.18 na 0.6528 94.4 134.0 110.51995 1 3555 93 96 na 0 6335 91 2 136 1 115 41995 1.3555 93.96 na 0.6335 91.2 136.1 115.41996 1.2828 108.78 na 0.6407 93.9 114.4 111.21997 1.3485 121.06 na 0.6106 98.4 107.6 104.61997 1.3485 121.06 na 0.6106 98.4 107.6 104.61998 1 5935 130 99 na 0 6034 105 4 107 6 104 61998 1.5935 130.99 na 0.6034 105.4 107.6 104.61999 1 5507 113 73 0 9387 0 6184 104 4 119 5 101 31999 1.5507 113.73 0.9387 0.6184 104.4 119.5 101.32000 8 0 80 0832 0 6 98 0 8 26 9 32000 1.7178 107.80 1.0832 0.6598 107.8 126.1 94.32001 1.9285 121.57 1.1171 0.6946 113.9 112.3 94.32002 1.8388 125.22 1.0578 0.6656 113.6 104.6 95.32002 1.8388 125.22 1.0578 0.6656 113.6 104.6 95.32003 1.5347 115.94 0.8833 0.6117 106.4 105.5 100.22003 1.5347 115.94 0.8833 0.6117 106.4 105.5 100.22004 1.3607 108.15 0.8040 0.5456 101.4 106.6 101.82004 1.3607 108.15 0.8040 0.5456 101.4 106.6 101.82005 1 3138 110 11 0 8033 0 5493 100 0 100 0 100 02005 1.3138 110.11 0.8033 0.5493 100.0 100.0 100.02006 1 3309 116 31 0 7960 0 5425 99 4 90 6 99 32006 1.3309 116.31 0.7960 0.5425 99.4 90.6 99.32007 1 1934 117 76 0 7293 0 4995 94 7 83 2 101 02007 1.1934 117.76 0.7293 0.4995 94.7 83.2 101.02008 1 1737 103 39 0 6791 0 5392 91 0 90 1 101 52008 1.1737 103.39 0.6791 0.5392 91.0 90.1 101.52009 1.2589 93.68 0.7176 0.6385 95.1 101.5 102.32010 1.0884 87.78 0.7541 0.6472 91.4 102.7 97.32010 1.0884 87.78 0.7541 0.6472 91.4 102.7 97.32011 0 9719 79 70 0 7178 0 6233 86 9 104 4 96 72011 0.9719 79.70 0.7178 0.6233 86.9 104.4 96.7

    a Period average. b The nominal exchange rate, trade weighted against 44 world currencies, adjusted for relative wholesale prices.a Periodaverage.b Thenominalexchangerate,tradeweightedagainst44worldcurrencies, notavailable.a Periodaverage.b Thenominalexchangerate,tradeweightedagainst44worldcurrencies, notavailable.a Periodaverage.b Thenominalexchangerate,tradeweightedagainst44worldcurrencies, notavailable.Sources:AustralianBureauofStatistics,AverageMonthlyExchangeRates,,Canberra;ReserveBankofAustralia;United

    a Periodaverage.b Thenominalexchangerate,tradeweightedagainst44worldcurrencies, notavailable.Sources:AustralianBureauofStatistics,AverageMonthlyExchangeRates,,Canberra;ReserveBankofAustralia;UnitedStatesFederalReserve;WorldBank

    Base:2005 notavailable.Sources:AustralianBureauofStatistics,AverageMonthlyExchangeRates,,Canberra;ReserveBankofAustralia;UnitedStatesFederalReserve;WorldBank

    , g y g , , ; ;StatesFederalReserve;WorldBank

    TABLE 9 Exchange rates of selected countries a

    9ABARES Agricultural commodity statistics 2012

    Macroeconomic indicators

  • 10 Growth of real gross domestic product in selected countries10GrowthofrealgrossdomesticproductinselectedcountriesU it d E KUnited European Korea,

    l h fAustralia States Union Japan OECD China Rep.ofp p% % % % % % %

    1966 2 7 6 5 4 1 10 6 6 3 10 7 12 71966 2.7 6.5 4.1 10.6 6.3 10.7 12.71967 7 4 2 5 4 3 11 1 4 6 5 7 6 11967 7.4 2.5 4.3 11.1 4.6 5.7 6.11968 5 2 4 8 4 9 12 9 6 4 4 1 11 71968 5.2 4.8 4.9 12.9 6.4 4.1 11.71969 6 8 3 1 5 5 12 5 5 9 16 9 14 11969 6.8 3.1 5.5 12.5 5.9 16.9 14.1

    1970 6.8 0.2 4.7 1.0 1.6 19.4 8.31970 6.8 0.2 4.7 1.0 1.6 19.4 8.31971 3 8 3 4 3 4 4 7 3 7 7 0 8 21971 3.8 3.4 3.4 4.7 3.7 7.0 8.21972 1 9 5 3 4 5 8 4 5 6 3 8 4 51972 1.9 5.3 4.5 8.4 5.6 3.8 4.51973 5 1 5 8 6 2 8 0 6 4 7 9 12 01973 5.1 5.8 6.2 8.0 6.4 7.9 12.01974 1 5 0 6 2 4 1 2 0 7 2 3 7 21974 1.5 0.6 2.4 1.2 0.7 2.3 7.21975 1 9 0 2 0 6 3 1 0 4 8 7 5 91975 1.9 0.2 0.6 3.1 0.4 8.7 5.91976 4.4 5.4 4.5 4.0 4.8 1.6 10.61977 1.3 4.6 2.8 4.4 3.9 7.6 10.01977 1.3 4.6 2.8 4.4 3.9 7.6 10.01978 2.3 5.6 3.1 5.3 4.5 11.7 9.31978 2.3 5.6 3.1 5.3 4.5 11.7 9.31979 4.2 3.1 3.7 5.5 3.9 7.6 6.81979 4.2 3.1 3.7 5.5 3.9 7.6 6.8

    1980 2 9 0 3 1 4 2 8 1 0 8 11980 2.9 0.3 1.4 2.8 1.0 7.8 1.51981 4.1 2.5 0.2 4.2 2.0 5.2 6.21982 0.1 1.9 1.1 3.4 0.2 9.1 7.31982 0.1 1.9 1.1 3.4 0.2 9.1 7.31983 0.5 4.5 1.9 3.1 3.1 10.9 10.81983 0.5 4.5 1.9 3.1 3.1 10.9 10.81984 6.3 7.2 2.5 4.5 4.9 15.2 8.11984 6.3 7.2 2.5 4.5 4.9 15.2 8.11985 5 5 4 1 2 5 6 3 3 9 13 5 6 81985 5.5 4.1 2.5 6.3 3.9 13.5 6.81986 2 4 3 5 2 8 2 8 3 3 8 8 10 61986 2.4 3.5 2.8 2.8 3.3 8.8 10.61987 4 9 3 2 2 8 4 1 3 6 11 6 11 11987 4.9 3.2 2.8 4.1 3.6 11.6 11.11988 4 3 4 1 4 2 7 1 4 8 11 3 10 61988 4.3 4.1 4.2 7.1 4.8 11.3 10.61989 4.5 3.6 3.5 5.4 4.0 4.1 6.7

    1990 1 7 1 9 2 7 5 6 3 2 3 8 9 21990 1.7 1.9 2.7 5.6 3.2 3.8 9.21991 1 1 0 2 1 2 3 3 1 5 9 2 9 41991 1.1 0.2 1.2 3.3 1.5 9.2 9.41992 2 7 3 4 0 9 0 8 2 2 14 2 5 91992 2.7 3.4 0.9 0.8 2.2 14.2 5.91993 4 0 2 9 0 2 0 2 1 5 14 0 6 11993 4.0 2.9 0.2 0.2 1.5 14.0 6.11994 4.9 4.1 2.9 0.9 3.4 13.1 8.51995 3.2 2.5 2.6 1.9 2.8 10.9 9.21996 4.2 3.7 1.8 2.6 3.0 10.0 7.01996 4.2 3.7 1.8 2.6 3.0 10.0 7.01997 4.1 4.5 3.2 1.6 3.5 9.3 4.71997 4.1 4.5 3.2 1.6 3.5 9.3 4.71998 5 0 4 4 2 9 2 0 2 6 7 8 6 91998 5.0 4.4 2.9 2.0 2.6 7.8 6.91999 4 1 4 8 3 0 0 2 3 6 7 6 9 51999 4.1 4.8 3.0 0.2 3.6 7.6 9.52000 3.2 4.1 3.9 2.3 4.1 8.4 8.82001 2.5 1.1 2.2 0.4 1.5 8.3 4.02001 2.5 1.1 2.2 0.4 1.5 8.3 4.02002 4.1 1.8 1.3 0.3 1.7 9.1 7.22002 4.1 1.8 1.3 0.3 1.7 9.1 7.22003 3.1 2.5 1.4 1.7 2.0 10.0 2.82003 3.1 2.5 1.4 1.7 2.0 10.0 2.82004 4 1 3 5 2 5 2 4 3 1 10 1 4 62004 4.1 3.5 2.5 2.4 3.1 10.1 4.62005 3 1 3 1 1 9 1 3 2 6 11 3 4 02005 3.1 3.1 1.9 1.3 2.6 11.3 4.02006 2 7 2 7 3 3 1 7 3 0 12 7 5 22006 2.7 2.7 3.3 1.7 3.0 12.7 5.22007 4 6 1 9 3 2 2 2 2 8 14 2 5 12007 4.6 1.9 3.2 2.2 2.8 14.2 5.12008 2.7 0.3 0.3 1.0 0.1 9.6 2.32009 1.4 3.1 4.4 5.5 3.5 9.2 0.32010 2 6 2 4 2 2 4 5 3 0 10 4 6 32010 2.6 2.4 2.2 4.5 3.0 10.4 6.32011 2 4 1 8 1 5 0 7 1 6 9 3 3 62011 2.4 1.8 1.5 0.7 1.6 9.3 3.6

    Sources: Australian Bureau of Statistics, Australian National Accounts, National Income, Expenditure and Product, cat. no. 5206.0, Canberra;Sources:AustralianBureauofStatistics,AustralianNationalAccounts,NationalIncome,ExpenditureandProduct,,Canberra;InternationalMonetaryFund;WorldBank;UnitedStatesBureauofEconomicAnalysisSources:AustralianBureauofStatistics,AustralianNationalAccounts,NationalIncome,ExpenditureandProduct,,Canberra;InternationalMonetaryFund;WorldBank;UnitedStatesBureauofEconomicAnalysisSources:AustralianBureauofStatistics,AustralianNationalAccounts,NationalIncome,ExpenditureandProduct,,Canberra;InternationalMonetaryFund;WorldBank;UnitedStatesBureauofEconomicAnalysisInternationalMonetaryFund;WorldBank;UnitedStatesBureauofEconomicAnalysis

    TABLE 10 Growth of real gross domestic product in selected countries

    10 ABARES Agricultural commodity statistics 2012

    Macroeconomic indicators

  • 11 Inflation and interest rates in selected countries11InflationandinterestratesinselectedcountriesInterestratesb

    Inflationratesa UnitedStates JapanInflationratesa UnitedStates JapanUnited Short Long Short LongUnited Short Long Short LongSt t J Chi t t t tStates Japan China term term term term

    % % % % % % %1967 3.1 4.0 na 4.3 5.1 na 10.31967 3.1 4.0 na 4.3 5.1 na 10.31968 4 2 5 3 na 5 3 5 6 na 10 41968 4.2 5.3 na 5.3 5.6 na 10.41969 5 5 5 2 na 6 7 6 7 na 10 51969 5.5 5.2 na 6.7 6.7 na 10.51970 5.7 7.0 na 6.4 7.4 na 10.71971 4.4 6.4 na 4.3 6.2 na 10.81971 4.4 6.4 na 4.3 6.2 na 10.81972 3.2 4.8 na 4.1 6.2 na 9.91972 3.2 4.8 na 4.1 6.2 na 9.91973 6.2 11.6 na 7.0 6.9 na 10.81973 6.2 11.6 na 7.0 6.9 na 10.81974 11 0 23 2 na 7 9 7 6 na 13 81974 11.0 23.2 na 7.9 7.6 na 13.81975 9 1 11 8 na 5 8 8 0 na 13 71975 9.1 11.8 na 5.8 8.0 na 13.71976 5 8 9 4 na 5 0 7 6 na 12 91976 5.8 9.4 na 5.0 7.6 na 12.91977 6 5 8 1 5 3 7 4 10 91977 6.5 8.1 na 5.3 7.4 na 10.91978 7.6 4.2 na 7.2 8.4 na 9.01979 11.3 3.7 na 10.1 9.4 6.6 11.4979 .3 3.7 na 0. 9.4 6.6 .41980 13 5 7 8 6 0 11 4 11 4 10 9 13 71980 13.5 7.8 6.0 11.4 11.4 10.9 13.71981 10 3 4 9 2 4 14 0 13 9 7 6 12 91981 10.3 4.9 2.4 14.0 13.9 7.6 12.91982 6 2 2 7 1 9 10 6 13 0 7 0 12 01982 6.2 2.7 1.9 10.6 13.0 7.0 12.01983 3 2 1 9 1 5 8 6 11 1 6 7 11 01983 3.2 1.9 1.5 8.6 11.1 6.7 11.01984 4.3 2.3 2.8 9.5 12.5 6.5 10.11985 3.6 2.0 9.3 7.5 10.6 6.8 9.41985 3.6 2.0 9.3 7.5 10.6 6.8 9.41986 1.9 0.6 6.5 6.0 7.7 5.1 7.31986 1.9 0.6 6.5 6.0 7.7 5.1 7.31987 3.6 0.1 7.3 5.8 8.4 4.2 6.31987 3.6 0.1 7.3 5.8 8.4 4.2 6.31988 4 1 0 7 18 8 6 7 8 9 4 5 6 31988 4.1 0.7 18.8 6.7 8.9 4.5 6.31989 4 8 2 3 18 0 8 1 8 5 5 4 7 51989 4.8 2.3 18.0 8.1 8.5 5.4 7.51990 5.4 3.0 3.1 7.5 8.6 7.7 10.91991 4.2 3.3 3.4 5.4 7.9 7.3 9.71991 4.2 3.3 3.4 5.4 7.9 7.3 9.71992 3.0 1.7 6.4 3.4 7.0 4.4 7.31992 3.0 1.7 6.4 3.4 7.0 4.4 7.31993 3.0 1.3 14.7 3.0 5.9 3.0 5.51993 3.0 1.3 14.7 3.0 5.9 3.0 5.51994 2 6 0 7 24 1 4 3 7 1 2 2 5 51994 2.6 0.7 24.1 4.3 7.1 2.2 5.51995 2 8 0 1 17 1 5 5 6 6 1 2 3 81995 2.8 0.1 17.1 5.5 6.6 1.2 3.81996 3 0 0 1 8 3 5 0 6 4 0 6 3 31996 3.0 0.1 8.3 5.0 6.4 0.6 3.31997 2 3 1 8 2 8 5 1 6 4 0 6 2 51997 2.3 1.8 2.8 5.1 6.4 0.6 2.51998 1.6 0.7 0.8 4.8 5.3 0.7 1.61999 2.2 0.3 1.4 4.6 5.7 0.2 1.81999 2.2 0.3 1.4 4.6 5.7 0.2 1.82000 3 4 0 7 0 4 5 8 6 0 0 2 1 72000 3.4 0.7 0.4 5.8 6.0 0.2 1.72001 2 8 0 8 0 7 3 4 5 0 0 1 1 32001 2.8 0.8 0.7 3.4 5.0 0.1 1.32002 1 6 0 9 0 8 1 6 4 6 0 1 1 32002 1.6 0.9 0.8 1.6 4.6 0.1 1.32003 2 3 0 2 1 2 1 0 4 0 0 0 1 02003 2.3 0.2 1.2 1.0 4.0 0.0 1.02004 2.7 0.0 3.9 1.4 4.3 0.0 1.52005 3.4 0.3 1.8 3.2 4.3 0.0 1.42005 3.4 0.3 1.8 3.2 4.3 0.0 1.42006 3.2 0.2 1.5 4.7 4.8 0.2 1.72006 3.2 0.2 1.5 4.7 4.8 0.2 1.72007 2.8 0.1 4.8 4.4 4.6 0.7 1.72007 2.8 0.1 4.8 4.4 4.6 0.7 1.72008 3 8 1 4 5 9 1 4 3 7 0 7 1 42008 3.8 1.4 5.9 1.4 3.7 0.7 1.42009 0 4 1 3 0 7 0 2 3 3 0 3 1 32009 0.4 1.3 0.7 0.2 3.3 0.3 1.32010 1.6 0.7 3.3 0.1 3.2 0.2 1.22011 3.2 0.3 5.4 0.1 2.8 0.1 1.12011 3.2 0.3 5.4 0.1 2.8 0.1 1.1

    a Percentage change in consumer price indexes. b Period average: United States 3month Treasury bill rate and 10year government bonda Percentagechangeinconsumerpriceindexes.b Periodaverage:UnitedStates 3monthTreasurybillrateand10yeargovernmentbondyield;Japan notavailable.a Percentagechangeinconsumerpriceindexes.b Periodaverage:UnitedStates 3monthTreasurybillrateand10yeargovernmentbondyield;Japan notavailable.Sources:UnitedStatesBureauofLabourStatistics;OrganisationforEconomicCooperationandDevelopment,MainEconomicIndicators,

    a Percentagechangeinconsumerpriceindexes.b Periodaverage:UnitedStates 3monthTreasurybillrateand10yeargovernmentbondyield;Japan notavailable.Sources:UnitedStatesBureauofLabourStatistics;OrganisationforEconomicCooperationandDevelopment,MainEconomicIndicators,Paris;InternationalMonetaryFund,WorldEconomicOutlookdatabase;UnitedStatesFederalReserve;BankofJapan

    yield;Japan 3 monthcertificateofdepositrateand10 notavailable.Sources:UnitedStatesBureauofLabourStatistics;OrganisationforEconomicCooperationandDevelopment,MainEconomicIndicators,Paris;InternationalMonetaryFund,WorldEconomicOutlookdatabase;UnitedStatesFederalReserve;BankofJapan

    ; g p p , ,Paris;InternationalMonetaryFund,WorldEconomicOutlookdatabase;UnitedStatesFederalReserve;BankofJapan

    ; g p p , ,Paris;InternationalMonetaryFund,WorldEconomicOutlookdatabase;UnitedStatesFederalReserve;BankofJapany p

    TABLE 11 Inflation and interest rates in selected countries

    11ABARES Agricultural commodity statistics 2012

    Macroeconomic indicators

  • 12 Population in selected countries and regions a12Populationinselectedcountriesandregionsad hUnited European Otherp

    Australia b States Union c Japan China EastAsia d India Worldpmillion million million million million million million millionmillion million million million million million million million

    1967 12 0 203 7 427 1 99 7 747 7 230 9 518 2 3 472 01967 12.0 203.7 427.1 99.7 747.7 230.9 518.2 3472.01968 12 3 205 7 429 9 101 0 769 7 237 1 529 7 3 545 61968 12.3 205.7 429.9 101.0 769.7 237.1 529.7 3545.61969 12 5 207 6 432 7 102 3 792 3 243 3 541 5 3 620 71969 12.5 207.6 432.7 102.3 792.3 243.3 541.5 3620.71970 12.7 209.5 435.4 103.7 814.6 249.7 553.9 3 696.21970 12.7 209.5 435.4 103.7 814.6 249.7 553.9 3696.21971 12 9 211 4 438 2 105 1 836 4 256 2 566 7 3 772 01971 12.9 211.4 438.2 105.1 836.4 256.2 566.7 3772.01972 13 1 213 3 440 8 106 6 857 8 262 7 579 9 3 848 31972 13.1 213.3 440.8 106.6 857.8 262.7 579.9 3848.31973 13 3 215 2 443 4 108 1 878 3 269 4 593 5 3 924 71973 13.3 215.2 443.4 108.1 878.3 269.4 593.5 3924.71974 13 4 217 1 445 9 109 5 897 5 276 1 607 6 4 000 81974 13.4 217.1 445.9 109.5 897.5 276.1 607.6 4000.81975 13 6 219 1 448 2 110 8 915 0 282 8 622 1 4 076 41975 13.6 219.1 448.2 110.8 915.0 282.8 622.1 4076.41976 13.8 221.2 450.4 112.0 930.7 289.5 637.0 4151.41977 14.0 223.3 452.5 113.1 944.7 296.3 652.3 4225.91977 14.0 223.3 452.5 113.1 944.7 296.3 652.3 4225.91978 14.2 225.4 454.5 114.1 957.6 303.0 667.9 4300.41978 14.2 225.4 454.5 114.1 957.6 303.0 667.9 4300.41979 14.4 227.6 456.3 115.0 970.2 309.9 683.9 4 375.91979 14.4 227.6 456.3 115.0 970.2 309.9 683.9 4375.91980 14 6 229 8 457 9 115 9 983 2 316 9 700 1 4 453 01980 14.6 229.8 457.9 115.9 983.2 316.9 700.1 4453.01981 15.1 232.0 459.4 116.8 996.7 324.0 716.5 4531.81982 15.3 234.3 460.7 117.7 1010.6 331.1 733.2 4612.11983 15.5 236.5 461.8 118.6 1025.1 338.3 750.0 4694.11983 15.5 236.5 461.8 118.6 1025.1 338.3 750.0 4694.11984 15.7 238.8 463.0 119.3 1040.4 345.5 767.1 4777.81984 15.7 238.8 463.0 119.3 1040.4 345.5 767.1 4777.81985 15.9 241.1 464.2 120.0 1 056.6 352.7 784.5 4 863.31985 15.9 241.1 464.2 120.0 1056.6 352.7 784.5 4863.31986 16 1 243 5 465 5 120 6 1 073 8 359 9 802 1 4 950 61986 16.1 243.5 465.5 120.6 1073.8 359.9 802.1 4950.61987 16 4 245 9 466 8 121 0 1 091 9 367 0 819 8 5 039 51987 16.4 245.9 466.8 121.0 1091.9 367.0 819.8 5039.51988 16 7 248 4 468 2 121 4 1 110 3 374 0 837 7 5 129 11988 16.7 248.4 468.2 121.4 1110.3 374.0 837.7 5129.11989 16 9 250 9 469 5 121 8 1 128 3 380 8 855 7 5 218 41989 16.9 250.9 469.5 121.8 1128.3 380.8 855.7 5218.41990 17.2 253.3 471.0 122.3 1 145.2 387.5 873.8 5 306.41990 17.2 253.3 471.0 122.3 1145.2 387.5 873.8 5306.41991 17 4 255 8 472 4 122 7 1 160 8 393 9 891 9 5 392 91991 17.4 255.8 472.4 122.7 1160.8 393.9 891.9 5392.91992 17 6 258 3 473 9 123 2 1 175 2 400 1 910 1 5 478 01992 17.6 258.3 473.9 123.2 1175.2 400.1 910.1 5478.01993 17 8 260 8 475 4 123 7 1 188 7 406 2 928 2 5 561 71993 17.8 260.8 475.4 123.7 1188.7 406.2 928.2 5561.71994 18 0 263 5 476 7 124 1 1 201 5 412 3 946 4 5 644 41994 18.0 263.5 476.7 124.1 1201.5 412.3 946.4 5644.41995 18 2 266 3 477 8 124 5 1 214 0 418 3 964 5 5 726 21995 18.2 266.3 477.8 124.5 1214.0 418.3 964.5 5726.21996 18.4 269.4 478.6 124.8 1226.1 424.4 982.6 5807.21997 18.6 272.6 479.2 125.1 1237.8 430.6 1000.6 5887.31997 18.6 272.6 479.2 125.1 1237.8 430.6 1000.6 5887.31998 18.8 276.0 479.7 125.3 1249.0 436.7 1018.5 5966.51998 18.8 276.0 479.7 125.3 1249.0 436.7 1018.5 5966.51999 19.0 279.3 480.4 125.5 1 259.5 442.9 1 036.3 6 044.91999 19.0 279.3 480.4 125.5 1259.5 442.9 1036.3 6044.92000 19 3 282 5 481 5 125 7 1 269 1 449 1 1 053 9 6 122 82000 19.3 282.5 481.5 125.7 1269.1 449.1 1053.9 6122.82001 19.5 285.5 482.9 125.9 1277.9 455.3 1071.4 6200.02002 19.8 288.5 484.6 126.0 1285.9 461.5 1088.7 6276.72003 20.0 291.3 486.6 126.2 1293.4 467.7 1105.9 6353.22003 20.0 291.3 486.6 126.2 1293.4 467.7 1105.9 6353.22004 20.3 294.1 488.6 126.3 1300.6 473.8 1123.0 6429.82004 20.3 294.1 488.6 126.3 1300.6 473.8 1123.0 6429.82005 20.5 296.8 490.7 126.4 1 307.6 479.7 1 140.0 6 506.62005 20.5 296.8 490.7 126.4 1307.6 479.7 1140.0 6506.62006 20 8 299 6 492 8 126 5 1 314 6 485 4 1 157 0 6 584 02006 20.8 299.6 492.8 126.5 1314.6 485.4 1157.0 6584.02007 21 2 302 3 494 9 126 5 1 321 5 491 0 1 174 0 6 661 62007 21.2 302.3 494.9 126.5 1321.5 491.0 1174.0 6661.62008 21 6 305 0 496 9 126 5 1 328 3 496 5 1 190 9 6 739 62008 21.6 305.0 496.9 126.5 1328.3 496.5 1190.9 6739.62009 21 9 307 7 498 7 126 6 1 334 9 501 8 1 207 7 6 817 72009 21.9 307.7 498.7 126.6 1334.9 501.8 1207.7 6817.72010 22.2 310.4 500.4 126.5 1 341.3 507.1 1 224.6 6 895.92010 22.2 310.4 500.4 126.5 1341.3 507.1 1224.6 6895.92011 22 5 313 1 501 9 126 5 1 347 6 512 4 1 241 5 6 974 02011 22.5 313.1 501.9 126.5 1347.6 512.4 1241.5 6974.0

    aMidyear. b End of year. c Regarded as 27 countries. d Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Republic of Korea, Singapore, Taiwan, Thailand.aMidyear.b Endofyear.c Regardedas27countries.d Indonesia,Malaysia,thePhilippines,RepublicofKorea,Singapore,Taiwan,Thailand.Sources:AustralianBureauofStatistics,AustralianDemographicStatistics,,Canberra;UnitedNations,WorldPopulationaMidyear.b Endofyear.c Regardedas27countries.d Indonesia,Malaysia,thePhilippines,RepublicofKorea,Singapore,Taiwan,Thailand.Sources:AustralianBureauofStatistics,AustralianDemographicStatistics,,Canberra;UnitedNations,WorldPopulationPropects:The2010Revision,NewYork

    aMidyear.b Endofyear.c Regardedas27countries.d Indonesia,Malaysia,thePhilippines,RepublicofKorea,Singapore,Taiwan,Thailand.Sources:AustralianBureauofStatistics,AustralianDemographicStatistics,,Canberra;UnitedNations,WorldPopulationPropects:The2010Revision,NewYork

    aMidyear.b Endofyear.c Regardedas27countries.d Indonesia,Malaysia,thePhilippines,RepublicofKorea,Singapore,Taiwan,Thailand.Sources:AustralianBureauofStatistics,AustralianDemographicStatistics,,Canberra;UnitedNations,WorldPopulationPropects:The2010Revision,NewYorkSources:AustralianBureauofStatistics,AustralianDemographicStatistics,,Canberra;UnitedNations,WorldPopulationPropects:The2010Revision,NewYorkp ,

    TABLE 12 Population in selected countries and regions a

    12 ABARES Agricultural commodity statistics 2012

    Macroeconomic indicators

  • 13 Australian farm returns costs and prices13Australianfarmreturns,costsandpricesI d fIndexofrealnet

    Grossvalue Netvalue valueof Indexof Indexof Farmers ConsumerGrossvalue Netvalue valueof Indexof Indexof Farmers Consumeroffarm Farm offarm farm prices prices termsof priceoffarm Farm offarm farm prices prices termsof price

    production costs production production a received b paid b trade bc index dproduction costs production production a received b paid b trade bc index d$m $m $m$m $m $m

    197172 na 2793 na 195.2 26.0 14.9 175.3 10.5197273 4962 3103 1859 290.5 35.6 16.2 219.9 11.11972 73 4962 3103 1859 290.5 35.6 16.2 219.9 11.1197374 6412 3594 2818 390.0 43.1 18.4 234.3 12.51973 74 6412 3594 2818 390.0 43.1 18.4 234.3 12.5197475 5 874 4 196 1 678 198.8 36.9 23.4 158.0 14.7197475 5874 4196 1678 198.8 36.9 23.4 158.0 14.7197576 6 170 4 832 1 338 140 4 39 0 27 0 144 3 16 5197576 6170 4832 1338 140.4 39.0 27.0 144.3 16.5197677 6 755 5 278 1 477 136 1 42 5 30 1 141 1 18 8197677 6755 5278 1477 136.1 42.5 30.1 141.1 18.81977 78 6 984 5 742 1 242 104 5 44 5 33 3 133 8 20 6197778 6984 5742 1242 104.5 44.5 33.3 133.8 20.61978 79 10 204 6 629 3 575 278 2 54 0 35 5 152 1 22 3197879 10204 6629 3575 278.2 54.0 35.5 152.1 22.3197980 11764 7761 4003 282.6 64.3 39.5 162.7 24.6198081 11580 8739 2841 183.4 68.4 44.9 152.2 26.91980 81 11580 8739 2841 183.4 68.4 44.9 152.2 26.9198182 12 704 10 205 2 499 146.1 67.7 49.9 135.7 29.7198182 12704 10205 2499 146.1 67.7 49.9 135.7 29.7198283 11 709 11 403 306 16 3 71 1 55 3 128 6 33 1198283 11709 11403 306 16.3 71.1 55.3 128.6 33.11983 84 15 420 12 255 3 165 155 5 74 6 59 8 124 8 35 4198384 15420 12255 3165 155.5 74.6 59.8 124.8 35.41984 85 15 435 12 896 2 539 119 9 76 6 63 4 121 0 36 9198485 15435 12896 2539 119.9 76.6 63.4 121.0 36.91985 86 15 414 14 051 1 363 58 9 76 6 68 3 112 2 40 0198586 15414 14051 1363 58.9 76.6 68.3 112.2 40.0198687 16928 15386 1542 61.2 82.8 74.2 111.5 43.7198788 19962 16727 3235 119.7 99.5 77.4 128.5 46.91987 88 19962 16727 3235 119.7 99.5 77.4 128.5 46.9198889 22848 18330 4518 156.2 112.4 84.4 133.2 50.31988 89 22848 18330 4518 156.2 112.4 84.4 133.2 50.3198990 23 588 20 008 3 580 114.1 109.3 90.1 121.3 54.4198990 23588 20008 3580 114.1 109.3 90.1 121.3 54.41990 91 21 265 20 168 1 097 31 7 93 6 90 9 102 9 57 2199091 21265 20168 1097 31.7 93.6 90.9 102.9 57.21991 92 21 156 19 392 1 764 52 8 94 5 90 8 104 1 58 3199192 21156 19392 1764 52.8 94.5 90.8 104.1 58.3199293 22700 19340 3361 99.2 93.7 89.5 104.7 58.9199394 24513 20187 4326 125.2 97.4 91.1 106.8 60.0199495 24035 21708 2327 65.2 112.0 95.0 118.0 61.91994 95 24035 21708 2327 65.2 112.0 95.0 118.0 61.9199596 27780 22913 4867 130.9 111.2 99.5 111.8 64.61995 96 27780 22913 4867 130.9 111.2 99.5 111.8 64.6199697 28 710 23 910 4 800 127.5 101.6 99.4 102.2 65.4199697 28710 23910 4800 127.5 101.6 99.4 102.2 65.4199798 28 820 23 885 4 936 130 9 100 0 100 0 100 0 65 4199798 28820 23885 4936 130.9 100.0 100.0 100.0 65.41998 99 29 157 24 511 4 646 121 7 96 1 100 6 95 6 66 2199899 29157 24511 4646 121.7 96.1 100.6 95.6 66.21999 2000 30 773 25 223 5 550 142 0 96 3 104 7 92 0 67 819992000 30773 25223 5550 142.0 96.3 104.7 92.0 67.8200001 34778 26657 8121 196.1 108.5 110.1 98.5 71.92000 01 34778 26657 8121 196.1 108.5 110.1 98.5 71.9200102 39 875 27 258 12 617 296.8 122.0 112.9 108.1 73.9200102 39875 27258 12617 296.8 122.0 112.9 108.1 73.9200203 33 225 27 766 5 459 124 5 122 7 121 5 101 1 76 2200203 33225 27766 5459 124.5 122.7 121.5 101.1 76.2200304 37 330 28 991 8 340 186 0 117 2 123 0 95 3 78 0200304 37330 28991 8340 186.0 117.2 123.0 95.3 78.02004 05 36 512 29 243 7 269 158 6 116 7 126 3 92 3 79 9200405 36512 29243 7269 158.6 116.7 126.3 92.3 79.92005 06 38 711 31 339 7 372 154 6 118 6 129 4 91 7 82 4200506 38711 31339 7372 154.6 118.6 129.4 91.7 82.42006 0 36 622 31 443 1 9 106 1 130 4 13 9 96 0 84 9200607 36622 31443 5179 106.1 130.4 135.9 96.0 84.9200708 43738 37137 6601 129.5 141.7 155.1 91.4 87.7200809 41929 36631 5298 105.4 132.5 148.9 89.0 90.52008 09 41929 36631 5298 105.4 132.5 148.9 89.0 90.5200910 39665 34456 5209 103.8 124.7 140.7 88.6 92.62009 10 39665 34456 5209 103.8 124.7 140.7 88.6 92.62010 11 47 748 36 591 11 157 221 2 141 7 144 8 97 9 95 5201011 47748 36591 11157 221.2 141.7 144.8 97.9 95.52011 12 48 885 37 432 11 452 215 9 137 4 147 1 93 4 97 7201112 48885 37432 11452 215.9 137.4 147.1 93.4 97.7

    a Obtained by deflating the net value of farm production by the consumer price index. b ABARE revised the method for calculating farm, pricea Obtainedbydeflatingthenetvalueoffarmproductionbytheconsumerpriceindex.b ABARErevisedthemethodforcalculatingfarm,priceandproductionindexesinOctober1999.Theindexesforthedifferentgroupsoffarmcommoditiesarenowcalculatedonachained weighta Obtainedbydeflatingthenetvalueoffarmproductionbytheconsumerpriceindex.b ABARErevisedthemethodforcalculatingfarm,priceandproductionindexesinOctober1999.Theindexesforthedifferentgroupsoffarmcommoditiesarenowcalculatedonachained weightbasisusingFishersidealindexwithareferenceyearof199798=100.c Ratioofindexofpricesreceivedbyfarmerstoindexofpricespaidby

    a Obtainedbydeflatingthenetvalueoffarmproductionbytheconsumerpriceindex.b ABARErevisedthemethodforcalculatingfarm,priceandproductionindexesinOctober1999.Theindexesforthedifferentgroupsoffarmcommoditiesarenowcalculatedonachained weightbasisusingFishersidealindexwithareferenceyearof199798=100.c Ratioofindexofpricesreceivedbyfarmerstoindexofpricespaidbyfarmers.d Baseyear201213=100.

    andproductionindexesinOctober1999.Theindexesforthedifferentgroupsoffarmcommoditiesarenowcalculatedonachained weightbasisusingFishersidealindexwithareferenceyearof199798=100.c Ratioofindexofpricesreceivedbyfarmerstoindexofpricespaidbyfarmers.d Baseyear201213=100.Sources:ABARES;AustralianBureauofStatistics, AustralianNationalAccounts,NationalIncomeandExpenditure,,Canberra;

    g y p y p p yfarmers.d Baseyear201213=100.Sources:ABARES;AustralianBureauofStatistics, AustralianNationalAccounts,NationalIncomeandExpenditure,,Canberra;AustralianBureauofStatistics,ConsumerPriceIndex,,Canberra;AustralianBureauofStatistics,Agriculture,Australia, 0 C b A li B f S i i V l f A i l l C di i P d d A li 7503 0 C b

    ySources:ABARES;AustralianBureauofStatistics, AustralianNationalAccounts,NationalIncomeandExpenditure,,Canberra;AustralianBureauofStatistics,ConsumerPriceIndex,,Canberra;AustralianBureauofStatistics,Agriculture,Australia,,Canberra;AustralianBureauofStatistics,ValueofAgriculturalCommoditiesProduced,Australia,,CanberraAustralianBureauofStatistics,ConsumerPriceIndex,,Canberra;AustralianBureauofStatistics,Agriculture,Australia,,Canberra;AustralianBureauofStatistics,ValueofAgriculturalCommoditiesProduced,Australia,,Canberra7113.0,Canberra;AustralianBureauofStatistics,ValueofAgriculturalCommoditiesProduced,Australia,c