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AGREEMENT BETWEEN MONDELEZ CANADA INC. - CADBURY … Consuma… · CANADA INC.-Cadbury Gladstone, at its Gladstone Avenue Plant, Toronto, save and except the Managing Chief Engineer.

May 11, 2020



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Page 1: AGREEMENT BETWEEN MONDELEZ CANADA INC. - CADBURY … Consuma… · CANADA INC.-Cadbury Gladstone, at its Gladstone Avenue Plant, Toronto, save and except the Managing Chief Engineer.





Hereinafter referred to as the "COMPANY"




Hereinafter referred to as the "UNION"


DURATION: January I, 2015 to December 31,2017

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Accident & lllness Plan 10 Management Rights 2

A.D. & D. Plan 13 Meal Allowance 20

Arbitration 5 Miscellaneous Provisions 6

Bereavement 19 Overtime 8

Bulletin Boards 20 Paid Holidays 16

Call-In Pay 9 Parking 21

Change of Schedule 8 Rates of Pay 9

Check-Off 3 Safety 18

Clothing 20 Saturday/Sunday Premium 8

Dental Plan 12 Schedules 6

Duration of Agreement 7 Seniority 17

Employment Records 21 Separation Allowance 21

Extended Health Benefit Plan 11 Shift Premium 8

General Purpose 2 Shoe Allowance 19

Grievance Procedure 4 Sick Leave II

Hours of Work 8 · Strikes & Lockouts 6

Jury Duty 19 Tool Allowance 19

Labour Education Leave 19 Union Recognition 2

Leave of Absence 20 Union Representation 3

Life Insurance Plan 11 Union Security 2

L.T.D. Plan 11 Vacations 16

Vision Care Plan 12

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1.0 I The general purpose of this Agreement is to provide orderly collective bargaining relations between the Company and the Union, to establish and maintain working conditions, hours of work and wages, and to provide a procedure for the prompt and equitable disposition of grievances, for all employees who are subject to the provisions of this Agreement.



2.01 The Union recognizes that it is the exclusive function of the Company to:

Maintain order, discipline, and efficiency.

Hire, discharge, classify, transfer, promote, demote or discipline employees provided that a claim of discriminatory promotion, demotion, or transfer, or a claim that an employee has been discharged or disciplined without reasonable cause or contrary to the provisions of this Agreement may be the subject of a grievance and dealt with as hereinafter provided.

Manage the industrial enterprise in which the Company may be from time to time engaged and without restricting the generality of the foregoing, to determine the number and location of buildings, the remuneration, the schedules of production, the kinds and locations of machines and tools to be used, the processes of manufacturing and assembling, the engineering and designing of its products, and the control of materials and the parts and/or materials to be incorporated in the products produced.



3.01 The Company recognizes the Union as the sole bargaining agent of all Operating Engineers, including the Working Chief Operating Engineer, if so appointed, of MONDELEZ CANADA INC.- Cadbury Gladstone, at its Gladstone Avenue Plant, Toronto, save and except the Managing Chief Engineer.


3.02 The Company agrees that all employees now members of the Union and those who become members of the Union shall, as a condition of employment, remain members of the Union for the duration of this Agreement. All new employees are required to pay an initiation fee and dues to the International Union of Operating Engineers, Local 772 following their completion of the ninety (90) days worked probation period. Employees will be considered members of the Union as long as they continue to pay regular Union dues as prescribed by the Local and International Constitution.

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The Company agrees there will be no discrimination, interference, restraint or coercion exercised or practiced by the Company or by any of its representatives, with respect to any employee because of membership in the Union and that membership in the Union by employees who are eligible to join will not be discouraged.

The Union agrees that will be no intimidation, interference, restraint or coercion exercised or practiced upon employees of the Company by any of its members or representatives and there will be no Union activity, solicitation for membership or collection of dues on Company time and no meetings on Company premises except with the permission of the Company.

In any disciplinary meeting, an employee shall have the right to be accompanied by a Union Steward.


3.03 The Company agrees to deduct from the pay due an employee the regular monthly Union dues. The Company further agrees to transmit the amounts so deducted to the Financial Secretary of the Local Union on or before the last day of each month, together with a list of the employees from whom such deductions are made. The Union agrees to notify the Company of the amount of the regular Union dues.



4.0 I The Company will recognize a Union Committee of not more than two (2) employees from within the Bargaining Unit.

To be eligible for membership in the Union Committee, an employee must have been continuously in the employ of the Company for not Jess than one (I) year.

Meetings between the Company representatives and the Union Committee shall be held at such times as shall be mutually agreed. The party requesting the meeting shall advise the other party in advance, in writing, of the matters which are to be discussed at the meeting.

Employee members of the Union Committee shall draw pay at their usual hourly rate for time spent at a Union Committee meeting with Company representatives during normal working hours.

4.02 The Union shall notify the Company from time to time of the names of the Committee members, the respective dates of their appointment and the names of any of the former Stewards and Committee members whom they are replacing.

The Union acknowledges that Committee members have regular duties to perform in

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connection with their employment and that only such time as reasonably necessary will be consumed by such persons during working hours in order to attend to the business of administering this Agreement. Committee members shall be paid such time at their regular job rate only during the regular working hours.

Members of the Union Committee may only leave their regular duties to investigate or settle grievances or to meet Company officials in the administration of this Agreement.

Before leaving their regular duties, Committee members shall obtain the consent of the Managing Chief Engineer, or designate, after informing the nature of the business, where they are going, and the approximate time necessary to transact such business. Upon their return, they shall report back to the Managing Chief Engineer, or designate. It is agreed that prompt adjustment of grievances is desirable but that the investigation and settling of grievances shall interfere with work as little as possible.



5.01 The Company may refuse to consider any grievance which originated more than seven (7) full working days immediately prior to its reference to the Managing Chief Engineer.

5.02 After one or more of the steps of the grievance procedure have taken place and no further step of such procedure has been taken within seven (7) full working days of the decision given pursuant to the last step, then it is agreed that the decision given on the last step taken in the grievance procedure shall be taken as final and binding on such grievance. In respect to items involving pay, an extension of the time limit may be requested by either party.


5.03 STEP NO. I: An employee's grievance may be presented to the Managing Chief Engineer. Aggrieved employee(s) shall have the assistance of a Union Officer (who is also an employee) in presenting their case. The Managing Chief Engineer shall make every reasonable effort to settle the grievance. Grievances not settled to the satisfaction of the employee concerned at this step within two (2) working days after they are referred to the Managing Chief Engineer are eligible to be brought to Step No. 2.

STEP NO. 2: A written statement of the grievance shall be prepared by the employee involved and brought before the Managing Chief Engineer within three (3) full working days after receiving the decision of the Managing Chief Engineer. If so desired, the aggrieved employee may have the assistance of a Union Officer (who is also an employee) in presenting the case. A written answer shall be given by the Managing Chief Engineer to the aggrieved employee within three (3) full working days after the date of the statement. Grievances not adjusted to the satisfaction of the employee affected in Step No. 2, are eligible to be brought to Step No. 3.

STEP NO.3: A Union grievance committee consisting of not more than two (2) employees

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may present grievances in writing to the Manager, Human Resources within three (3) full working days after the employee concerned has received the written answer referred to in Step No. 2 above. The members of the grievance committee may be accompanied by the International Representative of the Union when the grievance is being considered at this step. Not more than ten ( 10) working days shall elapse between the day of the meeting under Step No. 3 and if the final answer is not acceptable to the grievance committee the grievance may, within fifteen (15) working days after receiving the said answer, be referred to an arbitrator under Step No.4.

STEP NO.4: Where a difference arises between the parties relating to the interpretation, application or administration of this Agreement including any question as to whether a matter is arbitrable, or where an allegation is made that the Agreement has been violated, either of the parties may, after exhausting the grievance procedure set out in Steps l, 2, and 3 above, notify the other party in writing of its desire to submit the difference or allegation to arbitration and the notice shall contain the name of the first party's appointee as an arbitrator and shall state the issue in dispute and article or articles of the Agreement which are alleged to have been violated.

5.04 A grievance of the Employer or a policy or group grievance of the Union, which is distinguished from an individual employee's grievance, must be sent by registered mail to be personally delivered to the Manager, Human Resources of the Employer or to the Business Manager of the Union, as the case may be, within fifteen ( 15) days after the occurrence of the matter which is the subject of the grievance. The parties shall meet to discuss any such grievance within the said ten (10) working days then, if the matter is not resolved, either party may notify the other party in writing within a further period of five (5) working days that it intends to proceed to arbitration and shall contain details of the grievance, a statement of the exact matter in dispute, and a statement of the relief sought from a sole arbitrator.



6.01 The parties shall have up to a maximum of fourteen (14) working days, unless mutually agreed otherwise to extend, to agree on a sole arbitrator following the date on which the response is issued.

6.02 The parties will jointly bear the expenses and fees of the arbitrator, as well as the cost of the meeting accommodations.

6.03 The arbitrator shall not be authorized to alter, modify or amend any part of this Agreement but shall base its decision on the contractual rights of the parties as stated in this Agreement.

6.04 In no event may retroactive pay be allowed by an arbitrator in the settlement of a grievance of an individual or a group of employees who, while the grievance is pending, engage in a work stoppage, strike, slow-down or who commit any act or engage in any quarrel or controversy which interferes with normal production.

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7.01 There shall be no lockout by the Company and no interruption of work, work stoppage, strike, sitdown or slowdown by the employees or by the Union during the term of this Agreement.

7.02 An employee who participates in any work stoppage, strike, slowdown, sitdown or any other interference with production, will be subject to discipline.

7.03 Should differences arise between the Company and the Union as to the meaning or application of this Agreement, there shall be no suspension of work on account of such differences, but an earnest effort shall be made to settle such differences promptly and in an orderly fashion as provided in Article V, (Grievance Procedure).



8.01 Attached hereto and forming part of this Agreement are the following schedules:

(a) Schedule "A"- Hours of Work, Rates of Pay (b) Schedule "B"- Benefit Plans (c) Schedule "C"- Paid Holidays and Vacations (d) Schedule "D"- Seniority (e) Schedule "E" -General (f) Schedule "F' -Separation Allowance



9.01 It is understood and agreed that the provisions of this Agreement shall be at all times subject to any Acts, Order-In-Council and Regulations at present enacted or adopted or which hereafter shall be enacted or adopted by any Parliament or Legislative Body, Minister of the Crown or Department of Government having jurisdiction in the premises.

9.02 The parties agree to cooperate in carrying out the provisions of the Technical Standards and Safety Authority Act, as amended.

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10.01 This Agreement shall commence on the 151 day of January, 2015, and shall remain in effect until the 31st day of December, 2017, and unless either party gives to the other party written notice of termination or of a desire to amend the Agreement, then it shall continue in effect for a further year without change.

Notice that amendments are desired or that either party intends to terminate the Agreement must be given in writing to the other party not sooner than ninety (90) days prior to the termination of the Agreement or not later than sixty (60) days.

If notice of amendment or of tennination is given by either party as above, both parties agree to meet for the purpose of negotiating amendments for a new Agreement within fourteen (14) days after the serving of notice.

Signed at Toronto, Ontario this 14th day of May, 2015.

For MONDELEZ GLOBAL LLC-QU::NE D. Esposito Mainten:nce ~anager

.fU~tu L.Verlezza Chief E · eer, Powerhouse

Manager, Human Resources

CL~ LL)gft=-A. West Human Resources Coordinator


G.Hooili ~ Busin~•u:~

D. RicharJ


B.Bayley~ Shop Steward


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A-1 Hours of Work



Operating shifts shall be twelve (12) hours per day, covering seven (7) days per week. Maintenance shifts shall be eight (8) hours per day, five (5) days per week. Work schedules shall be laid out by the Managing Chief Engineer.

Change of Schedule

(a) Notice of change of schedules referred to in A-I will be given to the engineers seven (7) days prior to such change and will be posted on the bulletin board.

(b) Individual engineers required to change shifts will be given as much advance notice as the requirement permits.

A-2 Shift Premium

. Employees working the twelve ( 12) hour day shift shall receive a shift differential of forty cents ($0.40) per hour. Employees working the twelve (12) hour night shift shall receive a shift differential of ninety cents ($0.90) per hour. The shift premium will increase by ten cents ($0.10) per each year of the agreement.

A-3 Saturday/Sunday Premium

All hours worked on Saturday or Sunday shall be paid at time and one-half ( 1 l/2x) the employee's basic rate. It is understood that this premium is not considered overtime for the purpose of overtime equalization.

A-4 Overtime

Except as specified in the Technical Standards and Safety Authority Act and Regulations regarding engineers remaining on the job until properly relieved, all overtime in excess of twelve ( 12) hours in a regular work week will be voluntary.

The rate of pay for the first four ( 4) hours of overtime worked is time and one-half ( 1 l/2x) the employee's basic rate and will be paid for all time worked in excess of eight (8) hours per day, or twelve ( 12) hours depending on the shift scheduled. or all time worked in excess of forty (40) regular hours per week. Two times (2x) the employee's basic rate will be paid for all continuous hours worked after the first four (4) hours of overtime.

(a) Paid Plant Holiday

All overtime hours worked on a regular scheduled Paid Plant Holiday shall be paid at two

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and one-half times (2 112x) the employee's basic rate.

(b) Take Time Off

An employee will not be required to take time off to avoid payment of overtime already worked. Engineers will not be required to change their scheduled day off however, when shifts need filling, the Managing Chief Engineer and an employee may agree to a change of day(s) in order to avoid payment of overtime.

A-5 Call-In I Scheduled Operating Engineers' Relief Pay

(a) Call-In Pay

Employees called into work will receive call-in pay of either four (4) hours at the employee's basic rate, or pay for actual time worked calculated in accordance with Article A-4 above, whichever is greater (this Article shall apply to all employees).

(b) Sick Relief

Operating Engineers called in to work to relieve another Operating Engineer who called in sick shall receive for the first four (4) hours worked time and one-half (I 112x) the employee's basic rate and will be paid double time (2x) the employee's basic rate for all time worked in excess of four ( 4) hours (in addition, should the relief work be on Saturday and I or Sunday, the employee will also receive the Premium of I Vz x the employee's basic rate as outlined in A-3 above, i.e. six (6) hours pay in any twelve (12) hour shift).

(c) Holiday Relief


Operating Engineers scheduled to relieve another Operating Engineer who is on vacation shall receive time and one-half (I l/2x) the employee's basic rate for all hours worked (in addition, should the relief work be on Saturday and I or Sunday, the employee will also receive the Premium of I Vz x the employee's basic rate as outlined in A-3 above, i.e. six (6) hours pay in any twelve ( 12) hour shift).

Rates of Pay

Basic rates of pay will be as follows:

Effective Effective Effective

Jan 1/15 Jan 1/16 Jan 1/17 Refrigeration Mechanic $39.34/hr $40.13/hr $40.93/hr

Working Chief Operating Engineer $38.82/hr $39.60/hr $40.39/hr

Maintenance Relief Engineer $33.72/hr $34.40/hr $35.08/hr Shift Operating Engineer $33.72/hr $34.40/hr $35.08/hr Assistant Shift Operating Engineer $31.70/hr $32.34/hr $32.98/hr Trainee $25.53/hr $26.04/hr $26.56/hr

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The Company agrees to pay the classification rate called for by the job when an engineer is working temporarily on a job which normally calls for a higher certificate, such as in the case of relief, sickness and vacations. When an engineer is working on such an arrangement, it will be limited to three (3) months, or for such further period as the Company may agree.

A-7 Working Chief Operating Engineer

A bargaining unit employee who agrees to be appointed to the position of Working Chief Operating Engineer shall receive the Working Chief Operating Engineer classification rate.

In the absence of the Working Chief Operating Engineer, a qualified bargaining unit employee may be appointed as an Acting Chief Operating Engineer shall receive Working Chief Operating Engineer classification rate.

A-8 Pager Premium

Employees assigned pagers (radios, etc.) shall receive a premium of fifty cents ($.50) per hour.

A-9 Pay Day

Employees shall be paid weekly, by direct deposit, on Thursday.



B-1 Accident and Ulness Plan

The Company agrees to provide a weekly indemnity plan which will pay seventy percent (70%) of the employee's normal weekly gross earnings (based on the average weekly earnings, exclusive of overtime. Should the earnings vary one week to another, an average will then be computed using the appropriate cycle dictated by the shift scheduling.)

(a) Benefits shall commence on the third day of illness (or on the first day of hospitalization) and continue to a maximum of seventeen ( 17) weeks. The two (2) day waiting period will be deducted from the employee's sick leave bank.

(b) Employees shall be required to support benefit claims with appropriate documentation from their doctors on a form to be supplied by the Company.

The Company further agrees to provide a Long-Term Disability Program following expiration of the Short-Term Disability Program at the level of seventy percent (70%) of normal weekly earnings to a monthly maximum of $3,600, less required deductions, for

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employees going off work. The plan shall feature an "any occupation" disability definition.

B-2 Sick Leave

The Company agrees to provide 48 hours of paid sick leave annually. Any unused sick days shall be paid out first pay period in December.

B-3 Long Term Disability Plan

1. The Company reserves the right to require an employee to submit to an independent medical examination by a Company appointed doctor.

2. Sick pay will terminate upon the effective date of retirement of a member or age 65 of a member, whichever occurs first.

3. An employee whose scheduled work hours per week are Jess than the work hours recognized as normal for the regular work week in the area in which they are employed shall be entitled to receive only that proportion of normal sick pay which such employee's scheduled weekly work hours are of the normal weekly work hours.

4. L.T.D. will not be paid:

(a) In respect of illness or injury covered by Workers' Compensation. (b) In respect of illness arising from willfully self-inflicted injury. or non-occupational injury

arising from negligent conduct. (c) In respect of illness or injury sustained in the course of employment other than with the

Company. (d) In respect of illness or injury suffered or incurred during a paid vacation, leave-of-absence.

or after separation or during a period of lay-off. (e) It shall be the responsibility of employees receiving benefits under this program to keep the

Company informed as to their progress and to provide the Company with adequate notice of intention to return to work.

B-4 Life Insurance Plan

The Company will provide Life Insurance in the amount of sixty-seven thousand dollars five hundred dollars ($67 ,500) at no cost to the employee.

B-5 Extended Health Benefit Plan

The Company agrees to continue to provide an Extended Health Benefit program at no cost to the employee. The Plan will provide for payment of one hundred percent ( 100%) of the qualifying expenses to a maximum of $10,000 for qualifying expenses over any three (3) consecutive calendar years. This amount will increase to $11,000 over any three (3) consecutive calendar years effective January 1, 2013. The Extended Health Benefit coverage for paramedical (ie. physiotherapist, chiropractor, massage therapist, etc.) services is a

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combined maximum of three hundred and fifty dollars ($350) per calendar year effective upon ratification. This amount to increase to four hundred dollars ($400) per calendar year effective January I, 2013.

B-6 Dental Plan

The current O.D.A. Fee Schedule shall apply, subject to 90 - 10% co-insurance, with an annual limit for basic dental set at one thousand six hundred dollars ($1,600) per year per person; dentures will be insured at 100% by the Company to a maximum of two thousand dollars ($2,000) lifetime; orthodontics, crowns, bridges, and dental implants, subject to 80-20% co-insurance, with a maximum of three thousand five hundred dollars ($3,500) in any ten ( 1 0) consecutive year period.

B-7 Vision Care Plan

The Company will provide a Vision Care Plan paying up to three hundred twenty five dollars, inclusive of eye examinations, towards prescription eyeglasses or contact lenses for employees and dependents, once every twenty-four (24) months. Alternatively, employees can opt for laser eye surgery. The Company will reimburse 50% of the cost, up to $1000, lifetime. In other areas of the plant, if safety glasses are mandated by the Company, prescription safety glasses will be provided to employees and paid for by the Company every two (2) years.

B-8 Optional Life Insurance

The Company agrees to establish a plan where employees can purchase optional life insurance.

B-9 Dependent Coverage

For the purposes of dependent coverage under any of the benefit plans, dependents shall be defined as: Unmarried financially dependent children between the ages of 14 days and 21 years. Coverage continues beyond age 21 to age 25 for a dependent child who is a full-time student. Coverage also continues beyond age 21 for a dependent child who is mentally of physically handicapped, provided the child was insured before age twenty-one (21 ).

B-1 0 Pension Plan

Employees can elect for early retirement, with no actuary reduction, once they are age 60 and have at least 30 years service.

B-1 I Accidental Death and Dismemberment Plan

The Company will provide A.D. & D. coverage in the amount of one hundred and two

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thousand five hundred dollars ($102,500).

This Schedule is subject to the general provisions and terms of the contract of the incumbent insurer.

Schedule of Losses and Indemnities

The Principal Amount shall be payable for: -Loss of Life -Total and Irrecoverable Loss of Sight of Both Eyes -Loss of Both Hands by Severance at or above Wrist-Joints - Loss of Both Feet by Severance at or above Ankle-Joints -Loss of One Hand or of One Foot by Severance at or above Wrist or Ankle-Joint, respectively, together with Total and Irrecoverable Loss of Sight of One Eye -Loss of One Hand and One Foot by Severance at or above Wrist or Ankle-Joints, respectively. - Paraplegia - Permanent, Total and Irrecoverable Loss of Use of Both Hands for a continuous period of twelve months following the accident. -Total and Irrecoverable Loss of Speech and Hearing in Both Ears. Three-quarters (3/4) of the Principal Amount shall be payable for:

Permanent, Total and Irrecoverable Loss of Use of one Arm for a continuous period of twelve months following the accident.

Two-thirds (2/3) the Principal Amount shall be payable for:

Loss of One Hand by Severance at or above wrist-joint. Loss of One Foot by Severance at or above ankle-joint. Total and Irrecoverable Loss of Sight of One Eye.

One-half ( 112) the Principal Amount shall be payable for:

Permanent, Total and Irrecoverable Loss of Use of One Hand for a continuous period of twelve months following the accident. Total and Irrecoverable Loss of Speech or Hearing in Both Ears.

One-third (l/3) the Principal Amount shall be payable for:

Loss of the Thumb and Index Finger of Either Hand by Severance at or above the Knuckles joining the Thumb and Finger to the Hand.

On-sixth ( 116) the Principal Amount shall be payable for:

Total and Irrecoverable Loss of Hearing in One Ear.


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(a) If more than one of the losses specified in the Schedule of Losses and Indemnities shown above shall be sustained by the employee as a result of any one accident, payment shall not exceed the Principal Amount of Accidental Death and Dismemberment Insurance on the employee at the date of such accident.

(b) If an employee has suffered prior to the date of becoming insured hereunder, or does thereafter suffer, the loss of one hand by severance at or above the wrist-joint or one foot by severance at or above the ankle-joint, or the total irrecoverable loss of the sight of one eye, or the permanent, total and irrecoverable loss of use of one hand, or the permanent, total and irrecoverable loss of use of one arm, or the loss of a thumb and index finger of either hand by severance at or above the knuckles joining the thumb and finger to the hand or the total and irrecoverable loss of speech and hearing in both ears the Accidental Death and Dismemberment Insurance on the employee shall be issued or continued for the full amount according to the Schedule of Losses herein and in accordance with the provisions hereof provided, however, that the amount of Accidental Death and Dismemberment Insurance payable for the subsequent loss of one hand, one foot, the sight of one eye, the use of one hand, the use of one arm or the Joss of a thumb and index finger or loss of hearing in one ear as herein provided shall be according to the following table:

Three-quarters of the Principal Amount shall be payable for:

Permanent, Total and Irrecoverable Loss of Use of One Arm for a continuous period of twelve ( 12) months following the accident.

Two-thirds (2/3) the Principal Amount shall be payable for:

Loss of One Hand by Severance at or above Wrist-joint. Loss of One Foot by Severance at or above Ankle-joint. Total and Irrecoverable Loss of Sight of One Eye.

One-half ( 1/2) the Principal Amount shall be payable for:

Permanent, Total and Irrecoverable Loss of One Hand for a continuous period of twelve (12) months following the accident.

One-third (1/3) of the Principal Amount shall be payable for:

Loss of the Thumb and Index Finger of Either Hand by Severance at or above the Knuckles joining the Thumb and Finger to the Hand.

One-sixth ( 116) the Principal Amount shall be payable for Total and Irrecoverable Loss of Hearing in One Ear.

(c) The Insurance under this provision shall not cover accident, injury, death or other loss which shall result either directly or indirectly, from any one of the following:

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( 1) Self-destruction or self-inflicted injuries while sane or insane; (2) Committing or attempting to commit an assault or criminal offence; (3) Riot, civil commotion, insurrection, war or hostilities of any kind, or any act incident

thereto; (4) Bodily or mental infirmity or illness or disease of any kind; (5) Poisoning or infection, other than infections occurring simultaneously with and in

consequent of an accidental cut or wound; (6) Injuries of which there is no visible contusion or wound on the exterior of the body,

unless either drowning and internal injuries revealed by autopsy; (7) Participating in aeronautics otherwise than as permitted under the paragraph

following entitled Aeronautics.


The employee, if not a member of an Armed Force (as defined below) may, without affecting the benefits under this provision, travel or fly as a passenger in any aircraft or, if a member of an Armed Force, travel or fly as a passenger in an aircraft not belonging to or operated by any Armed Force. The employee shall be deemed to be a passenger only if the employee has no duties relating to the aircraft or flight therein and is not making the flight for the purpose of receiving training. Where the travel or flight is in an aircraft being tested or being used for training or experimental purposes, the employee shall be deemed to be making the flight other than as a passenger. Descent from any kind of aircraft in flight shall be deemed to be part of such flight.

"Armed Force" shall mean any naval, military, or air force of a country or combination of countries or international organization.

Claims No claims shall be paid unless:

a) In the event of an accident causing an injury on which claim may be based under this Accidental Death and Dismemberment Benefit Provision, written notice of such injury be given to the Company within thirty (30) days after the date on which the loss is sustained; and

b) In the event of an accident resulting in loss for which indemnity is payable under this provision, proof of such loss be furnished to the Company within ninety (90) days after the date of loss for which claim is made. The Company shall have the right and opportunity to examine the body and have an autopsy performed in case of death.


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C-l Paid Holidays

The following paid plant holidays shall be observed:

New Year's Day Good Friday Easter Monday Victoria Day Canada Day Civic Holiday

Labour Day Thanksgiving Day Day Before Christmas Christmas Day Boxing Day

One ( 1) Floating Holiday to be taken during the December holiday period and one ( 1) Floating Holiday to be taken on a date mutually agreed upon by the Company and Union.

Employees shall receive pay for the above listed holidays subject to the following conditions:

a) The employees have completed their last scheduled shift before the holiday and their first scheduled shift after the holiday, unless they are absent on account of proven sickness or accident or death in the immediate family, as outlined in E-2.

b) Employees under these provisions shall receive pay at their regular hourly rate. c) Employees required to work on a day declared as a holiday will have the option of receiving

pay at the rate of two (2x) times their basic rate for all hours worked, plus on ( l) day's regular pay, or receiving pay at two (2x) times their basic rate for all hours worked, plus one ( l) day off with pay at a date suitable to both the employee and the Managing Chief Engineer.

d) The Company agrees that an employee may bank up to seven (7) holidays but that all these days shall be taken prior to year end.

e) Employees working on a paid holiday who have not attained seniority will be paid in accordance with the Employment Standards Act.

f) Holiday pay will be paid for the Company designated holiday recognized except for New Years Day, Canada Day, Christmas Day and Boxing Day.. Holidays that fall on a Friday shall be paid to the Friday day shift and night shift colleagues that day and holidays that fall on a Monday shall be paid to the Sunday night shift and Monday day shift colleagues that day.

g) When a paid plant holiday occurs on an employee's day of rest, or during vacation period, the employee shall receive an extra day off with pay or, if required to work shall be paid in accordance with (c) above.

C-2 Vacations

Vacations will be based on service computed to June 30th in the year in which the vacation is to be taken on the following basis:

a) First Vacation: Employees with less than one (I) year's seniority will receive vacation as specified by the Employment Standards Act.

b) Employees with one ( 1) year's service but less than four (4) years of service will receive two (2)

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weeks vacation with pay, computed at four percent (4%) of their gross earnings. c) Employees with four (4) years service but less than ten (10) years of service will receive three

(3) weeks vacation with pay computed at six (6%) of their gross earnings. d) Employees with ten ( 1 0) years service but less than nineteen ( 19) years of service will receive

four (4) weeks vacation with pay computed at eight percent (8%) of their gross earnings. e) Employees with nineteen (19) years of service but less than twenty-six (26) years of service will

receive five (5) weeks vacation with pay computed at ten percent ( 10%) of their gross earnings. f) Employees with twenty-six (26) years of service and over will receive six (6) weeks vacation

with pay computed at twelve percent ( 12%) of their gross earnings.

Employees who, after June 30th and prior to December 31st, in that year reach the service required to qualify them for an additional week of vacation, will be granted that week computed at an additional two percent (2%) of their gross earnings. This additional week must be taken at the convenience of the Company but before December 31st in the year.

Vacations may be granted at any time subject to the demands of the business, but the Company will make a sincere effort to grant vacations at times requested by employees. Senior employees shall be given preference. Employees eligible for vacation shall be notified of their vacation periods as far in advance as possible.

Employees who leave the service of the Company shall be paid in accordance with the Employment Standards Act.

Employees shall take their vacation in the vacation year they become eligible for it and vacation periods shall not be accumulated from year to year. Full vacation pay entitlement will be paid on the first pay in July if not previously received.



D-1 New employees of the Company shall be considered probationary employees until they have completed ninety (90) days worked, after which their continuous service shall date from the day on which it began. Grievances may not be presented in connection with discharge or lay-off of probationary employees unless such discharge or lay-off is claimed to be a discrimination by Union activity.

An employee transferred into the Local 772 Bargaining Unit shall retain their plant seniority for vacation accrual and other fringe benefit coverages but shall only be credited with bargaining unit seniority for lay-off purposes.

D-2 In the event of a lay-off, probationary and part-time employees shall be laid off first, provided the senior employee or employees are able to perform satisfactorily the work of such probationary and/or part-time employees. Regular employees will be laid-off according to seniority, providing the senior employees remaining have the certificate and the ability to maintain the requirements of the Department of Labour. Employees on lay-off will be

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recalled according to seniority providing they have the certificate and the ability to perform the work available.

D-3 An employee's complaint with respect to the recorded length of service may be treated as a grievance.

D-4 Employees shall lose their service credit and their names shall be removed from the service list for any of the following reasons:

a) If they voluntarily quit employment. b) If they are discharged for cause and are not subsequently reinstated pursuant to the

provisions of the Grievance Procedure. c) If they have not been laid-off and fail to return to work or fail to furnish a satisfactory

reason for not doing so three (3) days after being requested to do so by the Company. d) If they are laid-off and not recalled within two (2) months. e) If they overstay a leave-of-absence without securing extension of such leave-of-absence

from the Company. f) If they are absent from duties for more than three (3) days within a calendar month and fail

to inform the Company of the reasons for absence and fail to make arrangements to secure a leave-of-absence.

g) If they are consistently late for work.

D-5 In all cases of promotion, transfer, or vacancies, within the Bargaining Unit and in all cases of increase or decrease of working forces, the following factors shall be considered:

a) Length of continuous service, b) Knowledge, efficiency and ability to perform the work, c) Such vacancies or transfers will be posted on the bulletin board for seven (7) days. It is

agreed the Company may fill the vacancy or make such transfer temporarily pending the result of this posting,

d) When, in the judgement of the Company, abilities are equal, (which judgement shall not be exercised in an arbitrary or discriminatory manner), length of service shall govern.

SCHEDULE "E" General

E-1 Safety

The Company shall continue to make all reasonable provisions for the safety and health of its employees during the hours of their employment and it shall continue to furnish uniforms, protective equipment and safety devices in accordance with its present practice.

The employees shall observe the Company's safety rules and carefully follow safety instructions as laid down by the Company. The employees will also take reasonable care of such Company property as is provided.

The Union will elect one ( 1) representative to sit on the Plant Health and Safety Committee.

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Within two (2) weeks of election, the Union will notify the Company, in writing, of the name of the individual so elected.

E-2 Bereavement

In the event of death of an employee's wife or husband (including same sex partner), son or daughter, step-children, sister or brother, father or mother, step-parent, father-in-law or mother-in-law, or a grandparent, the employee will be granted a leave-of-absence for a reasonable time and will be reimbursed for lost time up to a maximum of three (3) working days, or if the employee is required to leave the province, five (5) working days. This allowance will only be made where the circumstances require the employee's absence from work to make funeral arrangements or to attend the funeral service. All time paid for will be at the basic rate. One ( 1) day's bereavement with pay will be granted in the event of the death of an employee's grandparent-in-law.

E-3 Jury Duty

The Company will pay an employee's lost wages for every day in attendance for jury duty. When released, an employee will not have to report for work if there would be less than four (4) hours of work left on their regularly scheduled shift once they arrive at work. However, any jury duty pay received for jury duty service from other sources shall be signed over to the Company.

E-4 Labour Education Leave

The Chief Steward and Shop Steward will be allowed two (2) days per year paid Labour Education Leave, at a time mutually agreed between the Company and the Union.

E-5 Tool Allowances

Refrigeration Mechanic Maintenance Relief Mechanic Acting Chief Operating Engineer Other Engineers

$5401 year $425/ year $425/year $300/ year

The allowance shall be payable during the first week of December to employees who have completed at least one year of service and are actively employed on December 1 of that year. Employees with less than one (I) year's service will be compensated to the nearest even month on a pro-rata basis. The allowance shall only be payable to those persons who maintain their kits to approved levels.

E-6 Shoe Allowance

In addition, it is agreed that all employees designated as being required to wear safety shoes, shall be reimbursed to a maximum of one hundred and twenty-five dollars ($125) each year

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or two hundred and fifty dollars ($250) every two years. Shoes may be purchased outside the plant, providing they meet current safety standards and will require a receipt to authorize payment.

E-7 Bulletin Boards

The Union will be allowed space on bulletin boards furnished by the Company for the purpose of posting notices regarding meetings and other matters pertaining only to the Union. Before posting, all such notices shall be submitted to the Managing Chief Engineer for approval.

E-8 Meal Allowance

Meal allowance will only be paid when the overtime is the extension of a shift.

The Company will provide a meal allowance chit of four dollars and seventy-five cents ($4.75) to be used in the Cafeteria, or if overtime is at a time when Cafeteria service is not available and the employee is required to have a meal delivered to the plant, the Company will pay up to $4.75 toward the cost of this meal. The Supplier's bill for the meal is to be presented to the Managing Chief Engineer for reimbursement through the Payroll system.

E-9 Leave-Of-Absence

Employees requesting a leave-of-absence for three (3) days or less must apply to the Managing Chief Engineer and secure permission before laying off work.

An employee requesting leave-of-absence of more than three (3) days must make application in writing to the Managing Chief Engineer. The request for leave-of-absence for more than three (3) days must be authorized by Plant Management and written authorization will be given to the employee by the Human Resources Department.

Leave-of-absence will not be granted for more than thirty-five (35) days. However, if an employee is on an extended leave-of-absence and cannot return to work due to an emergency beyond control, the employee will advise the Company of the inability to return to work and request extension of the leave-of-absence. The extension, if granted, will be approved by Plant Management and authorized by the Human Resources Department in writing.

The Company's need for properly trained personnel will of necessity have a bearing on the Company's willingness to grant leave-of-absence.

E-1 0 Clothing

The Company will be responsible for the supplying and laundering of uniforms. The Company will supply one (I) parka for each engineer, who will be responsible for its care and maintenance. Parkas shall be replaced as required, with a minimum of one (I) new parka per Agreement.

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E- 11 Parking

The Company shall provide five (5) parking places for engineer use.

E-12 Employment Records

Employees shall have the right at any time during normal business hours to review their employment work history and any other information in their personal dossier. The file is to be reviewed with a Company representative present. Except in cases involving theft, assault, harassment as defined under the Ontario Human Rights Code, or failure to comply with the Technical Standards and Safety Authority Act and Regulations, all records of discipline shall be invalid and removed from an employee's file after two (2) years of their date of issuance, provided there has been no similar disciplinary action within this time period.

E-13 Department Changes

When, as a result of the introduction of new equipment, machinery, or methods of operation, ajob(s) are eliminated or a reduction in staff results, the Company undertakes to advise the Union thirty (30) days, or as soon as reasonably possible, prior to the anticipated change and to meet will the Union to discuss what effect it will have on the employee(s) so affected.


F-1 If it becomes necessary to close the plant, or a major unit such as a department and it is not expected that those affected will be re-employed, a separation allowance will be paid to employees subject to the following:

a) They have one (1) or more years' seniority.

b) They are actively employed with the Company and accumulating seniority or have been laid-off within a thirteen ( 13) week period preceding the day of notice of closing. Employees on leaves-of-absence and employees receiving Workers' Compensation or off sick will be eligible, provided they have not been off work in excess of the time limits corresponding to seniority as set out in Article 12.06.

c) They have not refused an offer of employment by the Company at the same location.

d) They have not refused and offer of employment the requirements of which are not substantially different from the work previously performed and provided they cannot be reasonably expected to perform the offered work satisfactorily.

e) They have not been granted retirement on pension.

f) They have not been transferred to another plant.

g) The Company shall not be deemed to be in default with respect to non-performance

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on any obligation hereunder, if so long as its non-performance is due, in whole or in part, to any cause beyond its reasonable control, such as fire, explosion, etc.

h) In order to qualify for separation allowance, employees will continue to work in a satisfactory manner as long as required.

i) The scale of separation allowance shall be as follows:


I - 10 11 - 19 20- Upwards

I Week I 1/2 Weeks 2 Weeks

Example: Employees with 25 years service

First I 0 years service Next 9 years service Next 6 years service 25 years total service

- 10 Weeks Pay - 13 112 Weeks Pay - 12 Weeks Pay

35 112 Weeks Pay

Employees who accept separation pay under the provisions of this clause shall on so doing terminate their seniority and employment relationship with the Company and shall have no further rights under this Agreement or under any other Agreement between the signing parties.

Pay in lieu of notice shall not apply when payments are made under this clause. The Company will give notice of its intention to close a plant at least ninety (90) calendar days prior to such closing.

j) In the event the Company closes its manufacturing site at 277 Gladstone A venue Toronto, and relocates the plant within a one hundred ( 1 00) kilometer radius from the current plant, all employees shall be offered available work for which they are qualified, available, and willing, and to move to the new location with full seniority and recognize Local 772 of the JUOE as the bargaining agent of all Operating Engineers, including the Working Chief Operating Engineer, if so appointed, at this new location, save and except the Managing Chief Engineer.

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Tentative Agreement Between Mondelez Global LLC and

International Union of Operating Engineers Local 772 Thursday, May 14, 2015

On May 14, 2015 the Company and the Union tentatively agreed, subject to ratification, as follows on the following items:

Amend Company name to Mondelez Global, LLC throughout the agreement

A-2 Shift Differential - Amend to "Shift Premium". Delete lit. sentence re: "A" and "C" shifts. Increase the shift premium by $0.1 0 per each year of the agreement.

A-6 Rates of Pay


Basic rates of pay will be as follows:

Effective Effective Effective

Jan 1/1~ Jan 1119 Jan 1/1 74 Refrigeration Mechanic $39.34/hr $40.13/hr $40.93/hr Working ChiefO~erating Engineer $38.82/hr $39.60/hr $40.39/hr Maintenance Relief Engineer $33.72/hr $34.40/hr $35.08/hr Shift Operating Engineer $33.72/hr $34.40/hr $35.08/hr Assistant Shift Operating Engineer $31.70/hr $32.34/hr $32.98/br Trainee $25.53/hr $26.04/hr $26.56/hr

Working Chief0Rerating Engineer

A bargaining unit employee who agrees to be appointed to the position of Working Chief Operating Engineer shall receive the Working Chief Operating Engineer classification rate.l=lighest hasie rate as eatlineel in A 6 in aEIElitien to a premiam ef$2.50 per heur.

In the absence of the Working Chief Operating Engineer, a qualified bargaining unit employee may be appointed as an Acting Chief Operating Engineer. When se appeinted, the Aetiag Chief O~eratiug ~ngineer shall receive Working Chief Operating Engineer classification rate.e premium ef$2.50 per hour.

A Shill OJ3erating 6agineer assigned as tHe Aeting Chief Operating Eegiaeer to relieve the Werking Chief OJ3erating 6ngineer absent in exeess of fear (4) eeRsee\:ltiYe weel~s due to illaess or aeeieleflt shall reeei"e the highest hasie rate as eutlineel in A 6 in aelelitian to a premi\:lm ef $2.5(} per hear fer the weeks werli:ed in relief in exeess effear (4) eenseellti•1e weelcs.

&2~~ - For~ H A.f 14 fz.. /zot :;-Date ' Date

Classified - Confidential

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Tentative Agreement Between Mondelez Global LLC and

International Union of Operating Engineers Local 772 Thursday, May 14, 2015

On May 14,2015 the Company and the Union tentatively agreed, subject to ratification, as follows on the following items:

A-9 Pay Day - amend to: "Employees shall be paid weekly"

B-2 Sick Leave - add: "Any unused sick days shall be paid out first pay period in December"

B-7 Vision Care Plan- add: "In other areas of the plant, if safety glasses are mandated by the Company, prescription safety glasses wilt be provided to employees and paid for by the Company every two (2) years.

C-1 Paid Holidays - (f) amend to: "company designated holiday recognized except for New Years Day, Canada Day, Christmas Day and Boxing Day"

E-6 Safety Shoes - Delete 111 sentence re: payroll deduction; amend to $125/years and $250/2 years.

With the amendment to the wage rate for the Working Chief classification, the parties agreed that Brent Bayley shall be grandfathered at his current wage rate of $41 .07 subject to applicable increases.


Date Date

Classified - Confidential

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