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AgoraSol Rooftop solar developer for Brazil Alexandre Martins, Peter Gajdos, Ashwin Madgavkar, Karl Skare, Lauren Laustsen Contact: [email protected] We will market, design, install and finance customized rooftop solar photovoltaic systems to residential and commercial customers in Brazil
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Page 1: AgoraSol - Brazil rooftop solar

AgoraSolRooftop solar developer for Brazil

Alexandre Martins, Peter Gajdos, Ashwin Madgavkar, Karl Skare, Lauren LaustsenContact: [email protected]

We will market, design, install and finance customized rooftop solar photovoltaic systems to residential and

commercial customers in Brazil

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AgoraSol: uniquely positioned to capture Brazilian rooftop solar marketAgoraSol: uniquely positioned to capture Brazilian rooftop solar market

Brazil presents a massive unrealized opportunity for solar energy Solar market potential $3B+ per year due to dense population, lots of sun, and high energy prices Brazilian government recently implemented virtual net metering, making rooftop solar economical Minimum competition to date: companies unable to obtain low-cost debt financing for equipment;

existing developers mostly focused on off-grid or utility-scale solar projects

AgoraSol is generating the market traction to gain first mover advantage AgoraSol employs a capital efficient SolarCity-like business model adjusted to Brazilian realities Co-founders have extensive experience and contacts in solar and Brazil Surveyed over 100 individuals, generating first potential customers and confirming value proposition Developing pilot project to confirm business model and obtain debt financing agreement

Seeking $100k seed funding to establish company and execute pilot projects $20K from DRF will establish Brazilian entity and consumer-facing website for lead generation Additional $80K will advance pilot project to make AgoraSol the first mover in a very attractive

market. Project will consist of 3-4 commercial and residential customers, totaling ~20 KW. In negotiations to partner with Brazilian solar developers and large companies to execute pilot

Upon success of pilot, will raise $1M Series A to hire operating team, establish partnerships, and begin sourcing customers

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AgoraSol team has relevant management, technical, and international experienceAgoraSol team has relevant management, technical, and international experience

School Experience

Alexandre Martins

Stanford Sloan

• BEng Process Control / Automation Engr.• Global sales and general management• 10+ years large EPC experience in Brazil


Wharton MBA

• B.A. in Business Administration• 5 years cleantech VC/PE (Silver Lake, VGF)• Energy investment banking at JP Morgan

Ashwin Madgavkar

Stanford MBA, E-IPER

• B.S. Electrical Engr., UT Austin• Renewable energy experience in Brazil• 4 years consulting with BCG

Karl Skare

StanfordMBA, E-IPER

• B.A. Finance/Env. Science, Wash U• Energy efficiency project manager• Rural solar in Uganda with BBOXX

Lauren Laustsen

Stanford MBA E-IPER

• B.S. Chemical Engr., Rice University• Solar experience in US and Cambodia• 3 years consulting with BCG

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Why Brazil?Why Brazil?

Large, urbanized population with growing GDP:

– 199 million population– 87% urbanization rate– GDP of $2.5 Trillion– 3.8% average real growth in the past 10 years

Electricity demand growth above GPD:– Total grid consumption: 433,034 GWh– 111,000 GWh residential (28% > 300

kWh/month)– Expected growth (2012-2020): 5% yoy

Negligible solar industry: – 32 MW solar installed in Brazil by the end of

2012 vs. 8 GW in China and 7 GW in the US

Low wholesale generation costs:– Mostly hydro - almost 90% generation

High retail electricity costs:– High transmission and distribution costs– High taxation

Need to diversify renewable sources– Hydro depends on raining season– Reduce T + D costs (generate closer to


Regulatory changes– Virtual Net Metering model allowed– Distributed generation (< 1 MW) with simplified

permitting and interconnection

Government incentives (BNDES) available– Clima Fund debt financing with 4-5% interest


Solar Lease or PPA not known in Brazil Team experience from US / EU models +

deep knowledge of local market (EPC)

Country Background Key Opportunities

Source: 2012 Electrical Energy Annual StatisticsMinistry of Mines and EnergyBrazilian Government

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Brazil has excellent, stable solar irradiance conditionsBrazil has excellent, stable solar irradiance conditions

No weak solar region in Brazil – all regions are better than Germany, the largest solar market Stable year-round production with no true winter season – production typically between 80% and

120% of yearly average

Source: Atlas Brasileiro de Energia Solar – 2006, Science Direct

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$3B+ immediate opportunity for solar development in Brazil with no subsidies$3B+ immediate opportunity for solar development in Brazil with no subsidies

Grid Parity Locations

(13 / 27 States in Brazil)

0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 0.301100











n (


/ W

p /



Local Utility price (USD / kWh)

Source: 2012 Electrical Energy Annual StatisticsMinistry of Mines and EnergyBrazilian Government

Minas Gerais

Rio de Janeiro

Espirito Santo

Mato Grosso

Mato Grosso do Sul










$42.6 BillionTotal Market

$3.2 Billion Serviceable


$16 BillionTotal Addressable


Distributed Solar Generation

( $3.2 Billion / year )

- $ 0.23 / kWh- Individual consumption > 300 kWh- Insolation > 1300 Wh / Wp / year

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AgoraSol’s customer experience will make going solar convenient and affordableAgoraSol’s customer experience will make going solar convenient and affordable

Homeowner Carlos faces high, rising electricity prices

He learns AgoraSol can save him money and fix future rates

AgoraSol evaluates home and designs a solar system

Carlos signs a power purchase agreement to buy solar energy

AgoraSol installs and maintains system, Carlos pays monthly

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Survey confirmed value proposition and generated customer leads for projectSurvey confirmed value proposition and generated customer leads for project

Note: 5 Phone interviews and 110 responses to Google Docs online survey


3% 14%

Interested if Solar price same as utility price?

YesNoNot Sure

Appeal of value proposition




Would you sign a 20 years contract with us?



Not Sure

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Sales and marketing will be done through multiple channelsSales and marketing will be done through multiple channels

Online– Ads through search and social media– AgoraSol website for customers to learn and request a


In-home– Door-to-door salespeople– Direct mail

Potential partnerships– Market to residents of creditworthy communities– Merchandising at home improvement and furniture stores– Send ad to utility customers included with bill

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Financing is key component of business modelFinancing is key component of business model

Corporate equity




Project equity

Project debt

Capital recycling




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Financing StrategyFinancing Strategy

Corporate Equity

Seed Funding: $100K – move to Brazil, establish Brazil entity, consumer facing website, develop pilot project Dorm Room Fund Angels: David Arfin – ex-VP Bus Dev at

SolarCity, thought leader on solar Friends & family

Series A: $1M – fully scale the company, automate lead generation, project development and financing Robert Wilson Chris Reed Valor Capital Other local Brazilian VC funds and Bay

Area funds active in Brazil (Sequoia, Peter Thiel, etc.)

Project Equity

Initially fund through own equity and module manufacturers

Upon establishing a large enough portfolio of customers, refinance with project equity:

– Solar module manufacturers as project co-investors

– Infrastructure funds– Brazilian National Development Bank


Project Debt BNDES

– 4-5% debt through BNDES Clima Fund– Will need to fulfill local content

requirements (60%) and minimum project level size ($3m)

OPIC– US gov’t entity supporting developing

markets through low interest loans

Local Brazilian banks– For any project parts not covered by


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Operations StrategyOperations Strategy

Sourcing Materials

Initiatives Commenced: Partner with Tier 2 panel manufacturer to

get favorable credit terms and equity investment

Source a system with specifications that cannot be met by Brazilian panel manufacturer Tecnometal

Get ex-tariffario (import tariff exclusion) certification to satisfy BNDES’s local content requirements

Installation and Maintenance

Significant part of customer experience and value proposition – aim to create standardized, repeatable process

Working with Demostenes Barbosa da Silva from BASE Energia Sustentavel to understand process for interconnection in Brazil. BASE is currently installing grid-connected rooftop systems in Rio and Sao Paulo

Hire a team of Brazilian solar installers License software to monitor the system

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Potential PartnershipsPotential Partnerships

Development Partnerships

Working on 3 separate pilot projects– Social project electrifying favelas in Rio with solar– Project in Sao Paulo to supply 50 houses with solar– Project to electrify 1000 houses in Bahia that were

built through Minha Casa Minha Vida program, Brazil’s social housing project for lower income families

We are looking to co-develop a pipeline of creditworthy residential customers

Energy company of EBX Group, conglomerate controlled by Eike Batista, Brazilian billionaire

Looking to move into residential solar; currently distracted by funding issues and sale rumors

Discussions to commence shortly

Advisory and Angel

David Arfin: Former VP of Bus Dev at SolarCity, Elon

Musk owned leader in residential solar Created SolarPPA model and sold it to

SolarCity. One of solar thought leaders worldwide

Currently working on rooftop solar start-ups in Mexico and India

Looking to assist our team with knowledge, market credibility and potentially also seed financing to drive the Brazilian market

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Seeking $100k to fund pilot project and achieve first mover advantageSeeking $100k to fund pilot project and achieve first mover advantage

Expenses Goals

Prove business model

Set up supply chain

Establish partnerships and build network



Expense Cost (US$) AssumptionsFlights/ transportation 5000 3 people airfare

Food/ lodging/ incidentals 20000 1 apartment + hotels

Solar equipment 75000Panels 20000 $1/WInverter 5000 $0.25/WBOS 20000 $1/WLabor 30000 $1.5/W for 20 KW

Total 100000


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Long Term PlanLong Term Plan

Pilot project


Train installers

$100K $1MFundraising (preliminary


Begin sales cycle

0 24

6 12


Negotiate partnerships


Obtain project financing

Begin sourcing components and installing systems

Company Timeline

Hire operating team

Establish Brazil entity

Create website for

lead gen

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Offering homeowners a green, convenient, and affordable energy solution…

Offering homeowners a green, convenient, and affordable energy solution…


…and sparking a solar revolution in Brazil

…and sparking a solar revolution in Brazil

[email protected]