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AgileUX NYC 2012 Redux in Tokyo | Mar. 14 th , 2012 | #AgileUXNYC_ja

Agile UX NYC 2012 Redux in Tokyo (#AgileUXNYC_ja)

Jan 27, 2015



Recap of Agile UX NYC 2012 in Tokyo held at March 14th 2012.
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AgileUXをテーマとした初めてのカンファレンス 2月25日(土)開催 8時~5時半まで1日限定 @School of Visual Arts Theatre 参加者は200名弱

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川口 恭伸 (@kawaguti) Agile Coach / agilergo consulting, Inc.

坂田 一倫 (@sprmari0) UX Designer / Rakuten, Inc.


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AgileUX NYC 2012 – Redux in Tokyo – | Mar. 14th, 2012 | #AgileUXNYC_ja


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Sessions 1. Want to Win with Agile? Eric Burd 2. Investing in Design Phin Barnes 3. Replacing Requirements with Hypothesis Josh Seiden 4. Getting Out of the (Agile) Building Tomer Sharon 5. Lessons Learned Andres Glusman 6. Quick, Visual, Collaborative, and Continuous Lane Halley 7. Learning to Play UX Rugby Andres Ramsay 8. The Design Studio Method Todd Warfel 9. Code Literacy for Lean Teams Jonathan Berger 10. Better. Faster. UXier. – AToMIC Design Jennifer Gerdenz 11. Everyone Lies Will Evans 12. Design Agility for Startups Neil Werhle 13. Demystifying Design Jeff Gothelf 14. The Missing Agile Principle Giff Constable

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Phin Barnes (Investor @ First Round Capital)

Jeff Gothelf (Founder/IxD,UXD @ Proof)

Will Evans (User Experience Design Manager @ The Ladders)

Lane Halley (Product Designer @ LUXr)

Anders Ramsay (User Experience/AgileUX Consultant @ Independent)

Jennifer Gergen (Creative Designer @ The Ladders)

Giff Constable (Early Stage Specialist @ Proof)

Tomer Sharon (UX Researcher @ Google)

Neil Wehrle (Vice President @ Betaworks)


…and more

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Session Highlights

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Session Highlights 1. Want to Win with Agile? Eric Burd 2. Investing in Design Phin Barnes 3. Replacing Requirements with Hypothesis Josh Seiden 4. Getting Out of the (Agile) Building Tomer Sharon 5. Lessons Learned Andres Glusman 6. Quick, Visual, Collaborative, and Continuous Lane Halley 7. Learning to Play UX Rugby Andres Ramsay 8. The Design Studio Method Todd Warfel 9. Code Literacy for Lean Teams Jonathan Berger 10. Better. Faster. UXier. – AToMIC Design Jennifer Gerdenz 11. Everyone Lies Will Evans 12. Design Agility for Startups Neil Werhle 13. Demystifying Design Jeff Gothelf 14. The Missing Agile Principle Giff Constable

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Want to Win with Agile? (Eric Burd, Vice President @ The Ladders)

1. Find a fire/Start a fire (発端を探す、火を灯す)

2. Listen to customers (ユーザの声を聴く)

3. Get sales in to the action (セールスを巻き込む)

4. Train the executive team (常務陣を教育する)

5. Words matter (言葉がすべて)

6. Small wins (小さな成功を)

組織内に AgileUX / LeanUX のコンセプトを導入するには?

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Want to Win with Agile? (Eric Burd, Vice President @ The Ladders)

Tech/Product チーム以外にも HR やセールスなどの関係部署にアプローチして共通の課題を抽出・定義する(Same Problem Statement)。

意思決定権のある多忙な人でもランチ時間を抑えて顧客との定期ランチ(Listen to customers)を開催する。

“Small Wins”の候補を探し、成功させ、エッセンスを組織内に拡充させる。

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Investing in Design (Phin Barnes, Investor @ First Round Capital)

Design must follow and return to basics of Customer Discovery (デザインは Customer Development(顧客開発)の原点に立ち戻る)

What moves the crowd? 組織を動かすのは定性データ?定量データ?

Valuable insight (どのようなインサイトが成果をもたらすのか)

Make it “Tangible” and “Cultural” (“Tangible(有形)”と”Cultural(文化的)”であること)


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Investing in Design (Phin Barnes, Investor @ First Round Capital)

Customer Discovery


Customer Validation (スケッチ・


Customer Creation


Customer Building



共通課題をダッシュボード化 (Tangible)し、Customer Development のサイクルで改善を重ねる(Cultural)。

定量データに定性的要素を加えてコンテキストを導入する(Moving the crowd)。

AgileUX NYC 2012 – Redux in Tokyo – | Mar. 14th, 2012 | #AgileUXNYC_ja

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Replacing Requirements with Hypothesis (John Seiden, Program Director @ LUXrco)


1. Identifying assumptions (前提条件を定義する)

2. Expressing assumptions as hypothesis (前提を仮説として表現する)

3. Test the riskiest assumptions first (最もリスクのある前提を最初に検証する)

4. Break your hypothesis down into parts (仮説を検証可能なレベルに落とし込む)

5. Use MVP concept to test hypothesis (MVPのコンセプトを用いて仮説を検証)

6. Get out of the building(ビルから出ろ) 7. Later, rinse, and repeat


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Replacing Requirements with Hypothesis (John Seiden, Program Director @ LUXrco)




Requirement: build an installer

Hypothesis: Our customers will value our free widget enough to install it.

Sub-hypothesis: they will install the free widget only if the installation process is easy enough.

MVP: build a page that supports concierge installer.

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Design as team responsibility (デザインをチーム全体の責任とする)

Cross Functional Pairing (部署や役割の垣根を超えたペアリング)

Designer as Facilitator (デザイナーはファシリテーターへ)

Product owner team (対象のプロダクト・サービスの担当・責任を追うチームの構築)

Quick, Visual, Collaborative, and Continuous (Lane Halley, Product Designer @ LUXrco)

AgileUX NYC 2012 – Redux in Tokyo – | Mar. 14th, 2012 | #AgileUXNYC_ja

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Quick, Visual, Collaborative, and Continuous (Lane Halley, Product Designer @ LUXrco)

アイディアを次のステップへ持っていくためにペア・インタビューをする。 A Provisional Persona(プロビジョナル・ペルソナ)は最小限に可視化

し、持続的に進化させていくこと。 部署や役割の垣根を超えた Cross Pairing(クロス・ペアリング)で

Quickに、Visualに、Collaborativeに、Continuousに。 UX が Agile 開発に適応すべき(UX must adapt)。

Early Provisional Personas

Pair Interview

Personas after some interviews

Collaborative design

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AgileUX は UX Rugby そのもの

UX Designer playing old waterfall on Agile playing field (UX デザイナーは Agile のフィールドでもウォーターフォールの動き方をしている)

Traditional(Waterfall) is alone (従来はそれぞれがリレーのように個別に走り、ハンドオーバーをしていた)

Agile is continuous and collaboration (Agile はラグビーのように連続したプレーを続け、タッチラインを何度も何度も目指す)

Learning to play UX Rugby (Andres Ramsay, User Experience/AgileUX Consultant @ Independent)

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Learning to play UX Rugby (Andres Ramsay, User Experience/AgileUX Consultant @ Independent)

Agile UX = Collaboration Centered Design UX Rugby is “Cross Dimensional

Passing Game”(UX Rugby は部署間、役割間で複雑に絡み合うパスゲーム)。

“Keep doing what you’re doing, but do it smaller, faster, and continuously” – William Pietri

Paper Build HTML/CSS

AgileUX NYC 2012 – Redux in Tokyo – | Mar. 14th, 2012 | #AgileUXNYC_ja

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Iterating on look & feel is still a slowboat


Better design asset management & collaboration (デザインのアセット・バージョン管理を共通で行う)

Collaboration on markup & CSS (デザイナーとデベロッパーの間でマークアップやCSSの実装を同時に行う)

Easy discovery (より簡単な問題箇所の特定へ)

Better. Faster. Uxier. – AToMIC Design (Jennifer Gerdenz, Creative Director @ The Ladders)

Assets TO Markup Iterative Collaboration Design

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Discovery & Initial


Component Definition &


Design, Develop,

Style, Add to Library

Assemble pages

Better. Faster. Uxier. – AToMIC Design (Jennifer Gerdenz, Creative Director @ The Ladders)




Brand Guideline

Component Library

Pattern Library

Design Strategy Sample Workflow

AgileUX NYC 2012 – Redux in Tokyo – | Mar. 14th, 2012 | #AgileUXNYC_ja

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Without transparency there is no trust


Demystify the dirty lounge (汚いラウンジのような状態にするのではなく、チームメンバーを我々の作業に受け入れる)

Illustration demystify, so do typography (アニメーションの制作過程は公開されている、タイポグラフィーの進化の過程もそう)

Draw together (まずは一緒に描ければいい、○△□さえかければ誰でも書ける)

UX デザインはブラックボックス(ミステリー)状態にある

Demystifying Design (Jeff Gothelf, Founder/IxD,UXD @ Proof)

AgileUX NYC 2012 – Redux in Tokyo – | Mar. 14th, 2012 | #AgileUXNYC_ja

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Demystifying Design (Jeff Gothelf, Founder/IxD,UXD @ Proof)

Non-Designer にとっては UX デザインはマジックのようである。 とはいえデザインはビジネスとユーザのニーズ、ユーザビリティ、ブランド

維持など様々な要因が絡んでいるため決して簡単ではない。 ブラックボックスにおさめるのではなく、頻繁に成果物を見せ、学んだ

ことをシェアする。 医者のように他人が理解できる言葉で話す。

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At Last

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We(UX) need a mental shift

UX Mental Shift

Requirements 要件

Hypothesis 仮説

Design デザイン

Experiments 実験

Outputs 成果物

Outcomes 結果

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“We are being invited, but we are not inviting

them to ours.”

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Agile UX New York City 2012 » The Premier Agile & LeanUX Conference » Presentations

Videos of Agile UX New York City 2012 Ustream: Agile UX NYC Sketchnotes of Agile UX New York City 2012 by @sprmari0 Photos of Agile UX New York City 2012


AgileUX NYC 2012 – Redux in Tokyo – | Mar. 14th, 2012 | #AgileUXNYC_ja