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Agile Portfolio Management

Dec 05, 2014



Maarit Laanti

How to bring options thinking into portfolio management
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Page 1: Agile Portfolio Management


Page 2: Agile Portfolio Management


1.  The problem!1.  How agile helps!2.  Agile requirements hierarchy!

2.  Agile portfolio management!1.  Adaptive finance & control!2.  Agile in large scale: !

Scaled Agile Framework Big Picture!!


Page 3: Agile Portfolio Management

•  Crowdsourcing!•  Prioritize!•  No wasted effort!

•  Automation!•  Continuous Integration,

Continuous delivery!

How to get a positive spin to your business?!

Deliver highest value Listen Customers Release automation!

Page 4: Agile Portfolio Management

A typical situation in traditional settings!

Project 1! Project 2! Project 3! Project 4!

People! Project! Allocation!

Joe! 1! 0.1!2! 0.4!3! 0.3!4! 0.2!

Image © Graphics!

Page 5: Agile Portfolio Management

It does not help if we set a scrum team but do not “lean up” how projects are run!

People! Project! Allocation!

team! 1! 0.1!2! 0.4!3! 0.3!4! 0.2!

Project 1! Project 2! Project 3! Project 4!

Product owner!


Images © Graphics!

Page 6: Agile Portfolio Management

Work harder message?!



   Hurry  up  

Hurry  up  

Hurry  up  

Hurry  up  

Hurry  up   Hurry  up  

Read  More:  Hugos:  Business  Agility  

Page 7: Agile Portfolio Management

Sequential vs. parallel!

Waterfall = Phases follow one each other. All features in same phase all the time. !

Specification! Design! Implementation! Testing!

F1! F2! F3! F4!

F1! F2! F3! F4!







Agile = !All phases done in parallel. !One feature at a time.!

Page 8: Agile Portfolio Management

Sequential is faster than parallel!!






 B’  B’  

Average  8me  to  make  A  is  T  


Since  B  is  started  a>er  A,  average  8me  to  make  B  is  also  T  


As  A  and  B  are  made    parallel,  average  8me  to  make  a  is  T*2  +  30%  (A’)  because  A  gets  worked  only  on  50%  of  8me  and  extra  30%  is  needed  for  context  switching.  Average  8me  to  make  B  is  also  T*2  +  30%.    

Read  more:  Reinertsen,  The  Principles  of  Product  Development  Flow  

Page 9: Agile Portfolio Management

Problems of traditional portfolio management!

Gather all the requirements!


End up with !not-so-usable !


•  Requirements pile up in storage and get outdated before implemented!

•  Guidance on agreed intervals (milestones); not on-time and continuous!

•  Limited visibility on what is under development (visibility only on milestones)!

Page 10: Agile Portfolio Management

Agile portfolio management!

Portfolio management is responsible for making investments with best possible returns. !•  Uncertainty can be included in the process, we do not need to wait

until all the details have been sorted out!•  Proceeding with smaller steps, building adaptability into the decision

making and follow-up!

Portfolio management is a steering wheel!•  We enable better steering and guidance with fast feedback cycles!•  Self-correcting and learning system: learn from the feedback!

Page 11: Agile Portfolio Management

Vision for Agile Portfolio Management!

Field  studies  

Rela,ve  target  se0ng  (compe,tor  comparison)  

Fast  customer  feedback  

Crowdsourcing  /  ideas  

Por%olio  management  

Implementa0on  Fast    feedback  

Gradual  specifica,ons  

Priori,es  and  goals  


Quick  releasing  

Taming uncertainty with:!•  Adaptive decision making!•  Gradual commitments!•  Fast feedback!

Page 12: Agile Portfolio Management

Epics, Features and Stories get Done in Increments or Trains and in Sprints!



Sprint  Task  

Feature  /  Sub-­‐Feature  

Sub-­‐Epic  Product / service



Page 13: Agile Portfolio Management

Lean flow in software development!!

Epics Features Stories Tasks

•  Refuse to specify in detail until the right time; use higher abstraction while talking long-term!

•  How many requirements get out-dated before the work is started!•  Fast enough do not need a Change Request process!

•  If you are fast enough, there is no need for “fast track” of error corrections either!

Page 14: Agile Portfolio Management

Feedback loops!

1.  From development reflected against capability 2.  From competitors, what is expected by market 3.  From existing services; what sells well 4.  From customers; where we have needs 5.  From process; how can we improve based on he feedback collected

-  Service = backlogs & rapid feedback -  Process = Tools, way of working, cadence (rhythm) -  People = resource fluidity, organizational structure adapts

-  Feedback in real-time (gathering data), in hours (demonstrations), feedback in weeks

-  Prototype and test new ideas before à approval from audience, rather than management (who is not the user)

Page 15: Agile Portfolio Management

Agility with the Portfolio Management means..!

...An iterative & incremental way of !1.  Defining the content (elaboration of content on-need basis)!2.  Having dynamic view on what is under development (metrics,

visibility)!3.  Having actively working network steering the content decisions

(decision making; also scoping content)!4.  Actively balancing the capacity based on progress information and

priorities!5.  Having short-looped feedback on all level immediately showing the

impact of decisions made!

and as support to that!•  Having investment decisions framed, followed-up and fine-tuned in

align of agile portfolio management!

Page 16: Agile Portfolio Management

Portfolio Backlog: Priorities based on business value for portfolio level decision making!

•  Order of items in Portfolio backlog is according to business value based on management judgment

•  Backlog is frequently reviewed and updated with new/changed items –  Portfolio backlog priorities should impact directly on project

execution: priorities, capacity used –  There should be real status of projects available via dashboards

all the time –  Projects should not start work that is outside portfolio backlog

(except Features identified by projects themselves in order to complete the project)

•  Iterative and cyclic review process provides lessons learnt from programs progress and throughput since last prioritization round to support better portfolio management

Page 17: Agile Portfolio Management

If R&D is changing, should the rest of the organization change?!


Marke8ng   Finance   HR      




•  Is there friction between R&D and the rest of the organizations?!•  What new could other organizations learn?!•  Is agile teaches how to approach the UNCERTAINTY - Isn’t the

changing world present also elsewhere than in software development?!

Page 18: Agile Portfolio Management

Typical Portfolio Pattern!

•  Growth of 15 – 30% (or more) is high and single-digit growth is low, the 10-15 % range being kind of a ”tweeter” zone!

•  A category is material to your business if it should generate 5-10 percent of either your total revenue or your total profit or should be expected shortly!

High-­‐Growth  Categories   Low-­‐Growth  Categories  

Material  to  Current  Financials  

Not  Material  

1   4  

2   3  


Emerging   Declining  


•  There  is  no  real  compe88on  between  Mature  and  Emerging  businesses:    Emerging  ini8a8ves  are  doomed  from  birth.  Mature  business  is  driven  by  fact-­‐based  management  teams  and  needy  market  requirements  in  Emerging  business  get  li^le  understanding    –  a  primary  symptom  of  enterprises  experiencing  Christensen’s  innovator’s  dilemma.  

Read  more:  Moore,  Escape  Velocity  

Page 19: Agile Portfolio Management

Can agile planning be adapted to finance and control?!

•  Most of the development costs come from headcounts!–  Where do we need matrix

organization cost center structure?!•  Backlogs already contain the information

who did & what!–  Separation of tracking and

forecasting !

Page 20: Agile Portfolio Management

BIG CHANGE:From organization-based budgeting to project-based F&C!!

Targets  per  project  -­‐  Transparency:  reflect  where  the  

actual  money  is  spent    -­‐  Shows  where  we  are  inves8ng  

RBP  per  organiza8on  -­‐  ”Flat  structure”  in  the  sense  that  

resource  need  is  the  same  or  increasing  

-­‐  Not  visible  where  the  money  is  spent  to  

Q1  2011  

Q2  2011  

Q3  2011  

Q4  2011  

Q1  2012  

Q1  2011  

Q2  2011  

Q3  2011  

Q4  2011  

Q1  2012  

Saving  costs  from  all  cost  centers  creates  unknown  bo^lenecks  

Balance  investment  op8ons  

Page 21: Agile Portfolio Management

Vision for Adaptive Organization!

Field  studies  Metrics  

Market  info  Crowdsourcing  

Release  trials  


,ve  loop





Rela,ve  metrics  CDF  Adap,ve  planning  

Goals  /  rela,ve  target  se0ng   Balancing  investment  

Progress  velocity  cycle  ,me  

Reward  /    investment  

How  to  do/  What  to  do  

Double-­‐loop  learning  

Con,nuous  improvement  

Streaming  problem  solving  

Page 22: Agile Portfolio Management    

Tel.  +358  40  5308056  [email protected]  

Thank you for your interest  

Page 23: Agile Portfolio Management

Standing on shoulders of the giants:!

•  Reinertsen: The Principles of Product Development Flow: Second Generation Lean Product Development!

•  Leffingwell: Agile Software Requirements: Lean Requirements Practices for Teams, Programs, and the Enterprise (Agile Software Development Series)!

•  Moore: Escape Velocity: Free Your Company’s Future from the Pull of the Past!

•  Bognes: Implementing Beyond Budgeting: Unlocking the Performance Potential!

•  Hugos: Business Agility: Sustainable Prosperity in a Relentlessly Competitive World!