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Agent Manual 12.6.13

Jun 04, 2018



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    agent training

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    table of contents:

    introduction !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! . 3

    navigation !!!! .. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! .. 5

    basics ! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 16

    advanced ! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! . 25

    focused topics ! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 56

    registration ! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 56

    tasks !!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! .......... 59

    people !! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! . 62

    documents ! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! . 66

    my account ! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 74

    filtering !! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 7 7

    details tab !! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! .. . !! 80

    in-house transactions ! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! . 8 3

    managing both sides of a transaction ! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 8 3

    premium ! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! . !! 8 6

    email features ! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 9 6

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    Welcome to dotloop! We know youre excited to get started, so lets begin with a high-level overviewof what dotloop is, why agents are so excited to use it, and why their customers are asking for it.

    What is dotloop?

    As software, dotloop is an online workspace where over 700,000 real estate professionals share and

    sign documents, collaborate, communicate, monitor, and manage the entire transaction start to close.

    As a company, we believe in working better, together. We call this better way of working Peoplework,

    because it focuses on providing a user experience that creates lasting impressions as well as

    streamline results. Once you start looping, youll know what it means to be a Peopleworker.

    What is a loop?

    In dotloop, every transaction starts with a loop. A loop is a place where you store everything relevantto a transaction.

    Everyone and everything is welcome in the loop no limitations making it perfectly simple to

    collaborate and close a transaction. No loose ends, no missed details.

    A loop is also safe and secure. Your data is encrypted and stored in the cloud. Youll never have toworry about losing something critical, knowing your files are safely stored in the cloud.

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    Success Tips:

    Tip 1: Being paperless starts here. Please consider NOT printing this manual. It has many color

    screenshots that make it an easy read, but a nightmare for your office printer!

    Tip 2: We can teach you the features of dotloop, but we dont know about all of your offices specific

    dotloop processes that may exist outside of this manual. Talk to your staff about specific guidelines.

    Tip 3: dotloop is optimized for the latest two versions of all internet browsers, so a good place to start

    is ensuring that you have the latest version of your preferred browser downloaded.

    Tip 4: Have fun! Once you start looping, youll wonder how you ever got along without us.

    Tip 5: If you ever have questions, let us help you. Unlike other technology companies that only offer

    online videos or email support, we offer live phone support to our valued users 7 days a week!


    (513) 257-0551

    Mon-Fri 8 am - 8 pm EST

    Sat & Sun 10 am - 6 pm EST

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    In this section, well give you an overview of the homepage and then take a look at the various aspectsof a loop.

    If you have a completed paper file in your hand and you simply want to submit it for review to your office,then skip to basics (starting on page 16) and find a scanner. Just make sure you come back and learn


    All of the links in the upper blue bar are your global navigation icons . Starting from the top left andmoving right, lets discuss each icon. For a more detailed look into each of the icons in your global

    navigation bar, see the focused topics section of this manual (starting on page 56).

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    The dotloop icon and the loops icon (smiley face) will always take you back to the homepage whereyou can find all of your transactions, or loops.

    The tasks icon (check mark) compiles all of the tasks from all of your loops into one place. This allowsyou to quickly see everything that is due throughout all of your transactions.

    The people icon (people) keeps a contact list of anyone youve ever added to a loop. If you work withthe same person on a loop in the future, dotloop will auto-suggest that person as you start typing in theirname or email address into your new loop.

    The templates icon (documents) houses the documents or document sets that your brokerage or

    association has made available to you. You can print blank documents from here, but if you would liketo edit a document or obtain esignatures, you will need to create a loop and add the desired documenttemplate from within the document section of that loop.

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    The my account icon (person) allows you to switch between profiles, manage your account settings,or sign out of dotloop. You can also add a profile picture, manage your notification preferences, changeyour email/password.

    Before creating your first loop, your homepage welcomes you with some basic guidance. The blue + iswhere you click when youre ready to create your first loop. The circle to the right of the + is a sample

    loop that you can open to see how a loop works.

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    Once you create your first loop, a few more options appear on your homepage. In the top left youll seeJOIN PREMIUM. Check out the premium section (starting on page 85) of this manual for a detailedexplanation of dotloops rockstar upgrades for agents.

    Clicking on Filter will display a dropdown of your filtering options. Each loop has a Review Stage and aLoop Status . The review stage of a loop is controlled by your broker/admin and is discussed in detaillater. The loop status is like a filing system that you control. It helps you manage which loops appear onyour homepage. For example, if you only want to see the loops that youve labeled with the loopstatuses of Private , Active , and Under Contract , check box those statuses and click the blue Filter button on the right. Now your homepage will hide all of the loops that you have identified as Sold ,Leased , and Archived . If you logout of dotloop with filters set, your profile will remember these filters forthe next time you login. Use the Archived status to remove practice loops or irrelevant loops from yourhomepage.

    The Activity Log link on the homepage will display the activities that have taken place throughout all ofyour loops. If you would like to see the activity for a specific loop, just open any loop and the activity logwill be in the same place, but will only show that loops activities. The activity log is like an audit trail of theactions taken in each loop. For example, you could go there to see when a folder was submitted to theoffice for review, when a document was shared, when someone viewed a document, when someonesigned a document, when you created a loop, or when you added a person to a loop.

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    Clicking Sort By will display options that allow you to reorganize the order in which your loops appearon your homepage. The Default sorting option moves the loops that have the most notifications to thetop (the loop pictured above has one notification as shown with the red circle). Sorting by Address willsort all of your loops by the address you have entered into the details tab of your loop (see the detailstab chapter starting on page 79 for an explanation of the custom loop name vs. the address). Sorting byLast Updated reorganizes your loops according to which one was opened or worked on most recently.

    Sorting by any other option from the dropdown is dependent on the information you enter into the detailstab of each loop. For example, you will only be able to sort effectively by the expiration date if you addthe expiration date into the details tab of each loop.

    The layout button (above), allows you to toggle between two different views of your homepage(shown on the following page). These different views are primarily a visual preference. Once you settleon your favorite layout, dotloop will remember it when you logout.

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    This is the grid view. This is the default view when you first create an account. If you have added apicture to the loop, it will be displayed on the homepage. If you want to see the name of a loop,hover over it.

    This is the list view. It presents all of your loops in a vertical list, like an email inbox. It also has theadded benefit of a dynamic search bar (circled above). This search bar is sensitive to any piece ofthe custom loop name but will not search for loops that you have filtered out of your homepage.

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    The gray flag on your homepage identifies all of the notifications that you have received throughout allof your loops. These notifications will then be broken down on each loop. Some examples ofnotifications include when a document was modified, when a document was signed, and when youhave a new message.

    Pictured above is a loop as displayed on the grid view. The blue shaded section represents thepercentage of tasks that have been completed for this loop (the loop has a little more than 25% of its tasks complete). The red circle with a 3 in the middle means that this loop has 3 new notifications.Now lets take a look at the inside of a loop.

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    navigation continuedloop navigation:

    A loop is divided into three main sections: documents , people , and tasks . The first thing you mightnotice is that you can still see your global navigation bar at the top of the loop. Ignore it You can doeverything you need to do from below that blue navigation bar.

    This is what a loop looks like




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    At the top of the loop, moving from left to right, you will see an activity log that is specific to this loop.Next you will see that you can click a dropdown to change the loop status. The Submit for Reviewlink starts the file review process. Its the virtual equivalent of turning in your paper files. Well coverthis process in the basics section.

    Moving down the loop you will see the loop name and the Edit Details button. Clicking on this buttonwill allow you to fill out basic information about this transaction that will help you auto-populate theInteractive Templates that you add to the loops document section. You will also be able to sort all of theloops on your homepage by certain fields of the details section (i.e. expiration date, closing date,property address, etc.)

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    Below the Status and Submit for Review button are three circles. The first circle simply tells youthe percentage of tasks that have been completed for this loop. The second circle tells you howmany notifications you have on this loop. You can click on the notification center to view all new andold loop notifications. The third circle is you r message center. At any time you can click on themessage center and either compose a new message or view all of the previous loop correspondences.

    The Documents section of a loop is where you add and manage all of your folders and documents fora transaction. In the example above, the listing agent has created a folder to manage the original listingdocuments. He has also created a second folder and uploaded the offer that came in from the buyingagent. We recommend creating separate folders to manage each offer that comes in onyour listing.

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    In the People section of a loop you can add anyone that you would like to share documents, tasks, ormessages with. Remember, the people that you add to a loop will only see what youveshared with them. You can also introduce people in a loop, as we explain in the people section of thismanual.

    The Task section allows brokers and admins to assign tasks to you. It also allows you to manage yourown task lists. Creating a task list for your client is a great way to add value to theirexperience, guiding them through each and every step of the buying or selling process.

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    basics:Imagine a traditional paper transaction that youve organized into a manila folder so that you can drop itoff on your admins desk. Or maybe youve uploaded all of your transaction documents as an emailattachment in order to send them to your admin for review. Whichever case applies to you, this will beour starting point on dotloop, the basic submission of files that were completed outside of dotloop.

    Well be bi-passing all of the fancy features for just a minute in order to give you the nuts and bolts ofwhat your office expects you to know about dotloop. Consider this a cheat code for the tech-novice. Also, dont forget to check out the email features section (starting on page 94) where youresure to find time-saving tips for compiling your documents for submission.

    If youre looking to start filling out documents and collaborating online with a buyer or seller in a newtransaction, then you should skip forward to the advanced section of the manual, starting on page 25.

    In order to submit your completed transaction via dotloop, you will first need to create a loop. Click theblue + sign to create a new loop. Think of this step like grabbing a new manila folder, orclicking compose in an email.

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    Name your loop and click the Create loop button. Keep in mind that your office may have specificinstructions on how they would like you to name your loop, just like you would in an email subject line or

    manila folder heading.

    Now that you have created your loop, you will see that there is a folder in the documents section withthree options for adding documents. If your documents are saved to your computer, then click Upload

    from computer . The second option, Select from templates , is used if you are going to fill outdocuments and manage your transaction from start to finish on dotloop (see the advanced section ). Thethird option ( Email files in) allows you to forward PDFs directly into your loop folder from your email(see the email features section) . For now, lets just click Upload from computer .

    How did the documents get onto your computer? Great question! You can scan your documents to youremail and then download them to your computer, or they may exist in your email already, in which case

    you would download them as well.

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    After clicking Upload from computer , locate the PDF documents and click Open . If you areuploading multiple documents, hold shift on your keyboard while you click them. Notice, this is thesame process as adding an attachment to an email its that easy!

    You will now see your PDFs added to the folder. If you or your office would like the folder to be renamedbefore its submitted for review, you can click the dropdown to the right of the folder and select theRename option. Similarly, if you need to rename a document, there are dropdown options for eachdocument on the far right. You can also reorganize how the document and folders are arranged in yourloop. Just click, hold, drag, and release any document or folder up or down in the list.

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    Once everything is added and in order, click Submit for Review .

    After you click Submit for Review , enter the property address and click Next . If you did not see thisstep it is either because your office has deactivated this requirement or because you have visited thedetails tab of the loop and have entered it already.

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    This final pop-up will display all of the folders you have created in this loop. Check the folder you intendto submit, identify whether it is a Buying or a Listing file, add an optional message to the reviewer forclarification or just for fun, and click Submit !

    After the folder has been submitted, you will see the initial review stage next to the folder name. Noticehow the folder above says Needs Review . This review stage will be updated by the admin as they move

    the file though the online review process. Once the file is reviewed, the admin will either change thefolder review stage to Approved for Commission or Returned to Agent . If the file has beenReturned to Agent , it means that there are corrections needed or documents missing. Check for messages, tasks, or tags from your admin to see what is required to correct the folder.

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    Emails will be sent to you as an admin interacts with your file in dotloop, letting you know exactly whatneeds to be done. Just think about how much faster your transactions can be processed when you andyour office staff are always in-the-know in real time! Each one of these emails will contain a link that willbring you directly into the loop. After a while, you may decide that you do not need all of thesenotifications. No problem, just visit your My Account section to adjust your notification preferences.

    If you log in to dotloop before checking your email or if you have turned off your email notifications, youwill still see an overview of any updates on your homepage. When you open your loop you can easilysee everything that has changed since you last logged in. Lets click on 456 West St. to see what ouradmin has done.

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    Notice that our admin has tagged the disclosure, added a message to the disclosure, and updated thereview stage to Retuned to Agent .

    In this case, the admin also added a task to the loop and assigned it to you. So whats next? Youguessed it all you have to do is make the necessary corrections and click the Submit for Review button. This will change the review stage from Retuned to Agent to Needs Review once more. Ifyour office is using tasks, make sure you check the task complete as well.

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    To resubmit the folder after corrections, follow the same steps as before.

    Now that the folder has been resubmitted, the review stage has changed back to Needs Review .

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    Now that weve made the necessary corrections and the file has been reviewed for the second time,youll see that the review stage has been updated to Approved for Commission . If you were to click onthe notification center to view the update as we have done above, you will see that the last notificationexplains that the admin has updated the review stage. Once you are paid, the admin will move the fileto its final review stage Closed . Congratulations youve completed a loop!

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    advanced:Now that you know what it takes to keep the office happy from what youve learned in the basics section,its time to put a few smiles on you and your clients faces. In this section, we will give you the best stepsfor managing your transactions from start to close. In order to stay focused, we will not discuss everydetail of every feature in this section, so be sure to browse the table of contents for a deeper look in thefocused topics .

    Well start by representing the buyer and then well recap with some best practices for listings.

    making an offer:

    In the basics section we created a loop starting from the grid view of the homepage. This time, wellcreate the loop on the list view. Click Create a loop button and well start an offer.

    Name your loop and click Create Loop .

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    Now were inside of your new loop. In order to best auto-populate your Interactive Templates, followthese three easy steps in order:

    1. Add people and assign their roles2. Edit the details tab3. Add your Interactive Templates

    There are two different types of documents on dotloop, Interactive Iemplates and PDFs . If you do not have Interactive Templates to choose from, skip forward and well discuss editing PDFs.

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    Our first step to auto-populating Interactive Templates is to add People and assign their roles. Click the

    Add Person button.

    Assigning roles helps dotloop to map peoples names to the correct fields on Interactive Templates.

    Assign your clients role and click Add person . Adding an email address is optional; however, if youplan on sharing documents with someone for esignatures, it is required.

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    Lets repeat the previous step to add Bobs wife Betty. If Bob and Betty would both like to esign, thenthey will need to have separate email addresses. dotloop is designed to keep you and your clientssecure. The best way to do this is to ensure that no one can sign for anyone else , by allowing onlyone email address per person.

    Once youve added your People, make sure you assign your role from the dropdown adjacent to yourname. You will also see that your admin is on the loop with you. This is because your admin can see theloop in their dashboard account as soon as you create it.

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    Step 2 is to edit the details tab of your loop. Click Edit Details.

    In the screenshot above we are about halfway down the details tab, filling out the fields that will bemapped to our Interactive Templates once we add them. Think of the details tab as a coversheetto all of your Interactive Templates. Once you are done filling out the details tab, click the Backto loops link in the top left hand corner to return to the main page of the loop.

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    In the last step, all you have to do is add your Interactive Templates. Click Select from templates .

    While selecting from your templates, you may see that your office has created document sets for you. You can click each folder on the left in order to see the templates that are available for you to choosefrom. Notice that there is always a search bar to help you quickly find any template. Also notice thatthere is a Select all button. It may be easier to select al l of the documents in a set andthen deselect the few that you do not need.

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    After all of your documents have been added to the loop, you can either open one at a time or selectOpen all from the folder dropdown. Click Open all .

    When you open up a new set of Interactive Templates, you will be asked if you would like to assignesignature fields. dotloops Interactive Templates have esignatures incorporated into thedocuments which saves you the hassle of dragg ing, dropping, and assigning each oneindividually. Clicking Assign does not force you down an esignature path. You can always download

    and print at any point, so we recommend clicking Assign every time.

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    After assigning the esignature fields, you can click or tab through and fill out any fields that could not beauto-populated by the details tab.

    Anytime you click into an interactive field, a black bar will appear at the top of the document. From hereyou can assign that field to anyone that youve added to a loop, or you can view the history of the

    revisions for that field. All of the other options have to do with font size, style, position, and highlighting. These are discussed further in the premium section of this manual, starting on page 85. Once you aredone editing your Interactive Templates, you can click Save in the upper left or Save and Share in theupper right if you are ready to share all of these documents with your buyers. For our purposes here,click Save and Share .

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    On the share screen, check the people who you would like to share these documents with, choose the

    appropriate document privileges, add a custom email message if you would like, and then click Share .In the screenshot above we have left the document privilege set to Can sign because we only need ourclients to esign. The available document permissions are:

    Can s n This privilege is given to clients who only need to esign documents. Once the clients sign, a copy of the signed document will be shared back to you automatically.

    Can fill out This privilege is also given to clients. It is used when a client needs to fill out and

    esign a document. Once the client is done with the documents, a copy will be shared back with you automatically.

    Can edit in priv te This privilege is given to co-op agents that you would like to collaboratewith. It will allow the other agent to assign signature fields to their clients and make changes tothe documents in private. You will not get a copy of the changes until the other agent sharesthe documents back with you but you will retain a copy of the version that you last shared withthe co-op agent.

    View only This privilege is given to any third party that needs to be able to view/print thedocument.

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    After you click Share , your share screen will become a confirmation screen, showing you that Bob andBetty now have access to the documents. This means that both of your clients have received a separateemail that they can access at anytime to esign from anywhere. Click Done .

    Now click Back to loop to exit the document editor.

    You can see that both of your Interactive Templates are now Waiting on others . Before we show youhow Bob and Betty esign, lets show you what you can do with PDFs in dotloop.

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    making an offer continued

    editing PDFs: As we said before, there are two types of documents on dotloop.

    We just covered Interactive Templates in the section above. Interactive template are housed in dotloop, they have esignatures incorporated, and they can auto-populate information from the loops details tab

    The second type of document is the standard PDF . When you add a PDF to dotloop it will not be interactive and it cannot pull information from the details tab, but it does have a helpful toolbar

    that will allow you to drag and drop esignatures, initials, check boxes, and text fields.

    Lets say that there is an addendum that you need to fill out that has not been added to the templatessection by your brokerage yet. You can add this addendum as a PDF from your computer.

    Click Upload from computer.

    Locate the PDF on your computer and click Open to add it to your loops folder.

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    Click on the PDF to open up the PDF editor.

    At the top of the document you will see two editing tools and a More options dropdown where you canfind checkboxes and initials.

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    In the screenshot above we have clicked on the Add Signature tool. Once you have selected your tool,click to drop the field over the desired area of the PDF. If you need to resize the signature or move it,hover over the bottom right hand corner of the signature box.

    Click in any field that you have dropped onto the PDF in order to see the black bar that will give youoptions to either assign it or delete it x.

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    Text boxes that you place onto PDFs can be made transparent. You might use atransparent text box with dashes as a strike-through method. Once you are done editing andadding signature fields, save the document and share it just as you would an interactive template.

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    making an offer continued

    client signing:Now that weve shared a few documents with our buyers Bob and Betty, lets get a first-hand look athow the clients interact with dotloop.

    After you share your documents, Betty and Bob will both receive separate emails simultaneously with alink to esign the documents. Lets first sign as Betty. Betty is on her laptop enjoying a Friday morningespresso on her sundeck. She chose you because youre tech-forward and flexible, which means shedoesnt have to drive across town to drop off documents or find a scanner. All she has to do is open upher email. Life is good.

    Because you typed up a custom message when you shared the documents, it replaces dotloopsdefault message in the body of the email that Betty receives. Betty clicks the blue View documents link that opens a new window in her browser and takes her directly to the documents in dotloop.

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    Betty can click the Next Field button, which will take her to the first place that she needs to sign, orshe can scroll through the document manually and look for the highlighted esignature and initial fields.

    Betty will click in each highlighted field in order to esign.

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    The first field that Betty clicks will ask her to confirm what she wants her signature to appear as. This isalso her opportunity to review the ESIGN Consumer Consent Disclosures and Terms of Use . If she clicksConfirm and sign , she will adopt the standard cursive font that appears in the screenshot above.However, she also has the option to draw her own esignature.

    If Betty decides to draw her own signature, as she has done here, she will need to click Confirm andsign to adopt this as her signature for the remaining fields that she will click through.

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    As long as there are more fields that need to be signed, Betty will be given a dropdown link that allows

    her to jump to the next field. If she were to miss one by scrolling through manually, dotloop will recyclethe document to the missed field when she clicks one of these prompts.

    Once Betty has signed in all fields, each next field prompt will change to say Confirm signing . As soonas Betty clicks one of these links, the document is signed!

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    Betty will now receive the option to create an account if she would like. If she does not sign up, thedocuments are still signed, but we suggest that you convey the value of signing up for a

    client account.

    Let your clients know that this is the one place that you will be sharing all tasks, documents, and messages. This is your online workspace for this transaction. The best part is that your clients will have access to everything in the loop for up to 7 years !

    Here is Bettys view of the loop after she signs up for a client account. Like anyone else that youinvite into dotloop, she will only see the people, tasks, and documents that you share with her.Betty can now add documents, people, and tasks herself.

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    Bob has just landed from his red-eye flight out of Boston, but thats not going to stop him from gettingthis offer in on his dream home, and neither are you. Youve made it possible for Bob to sign fromanywhere, anytime. Bob opens up his email and clicks on the View documents link.

    Just like Betty, Bob clicks in the first highlighted field to confirm his esignature.

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    Bob decides to adopt the standard cursive font with the click of a button. As soon as Bob clicksConfirm signing at the end of all of the documents, you will be notified by email that the clients arefinished with the document.

    When you log into your dotloop account to view the documents, both client signatures will be capturedon the same document.

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    making an offer continued

    sharing with the listing agent:

    Now that you have a signed contract from your buyers, youre ready to share it with the listing agent. Ofcourse, you could always hop off here. If the other agent is specifically requesting a PDF attachment orfax, there is a download option in the document dropdown. Or, review the premium upgrade section ofthis manual to see how you can fax and/or send a PDF attachment directly from dotloop.

    For now, lets keep it in the loop and continue by sharing with the listing agent.

    To share with the listing agent, check the box next to the contract and click Share . If you need to sharemultiple documents, you can check more than one.

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    If you have already added the listing agent to the People section of the loop, then all you need to do ischeck his name, set the privileges he has to this document, enter an optional custom message, andclick Share . If you have not added the listing agent yet, you can add them from the share screen above.

    We are giving the Listing agent Can Modify privileges. This will allow the other agent to counter or makechanges to the contract and invite in their client for esignatures. You will not see any changes until thedocument is shared back by the other agent.

    Any changes made by the listing agent will create a new version of the document, clearing any previoussignatures immediately. Those changes will be highlighted for you once the document is shared back.

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    As you can see, Don, the listing agent, receives a similar email from you that includes a link to dotloop.

    Don will only see the documents that you have shared with him in his view of the loop. Although he willsee the buying client names, he does not see their contact information, nor can he send messages tothem or share documents directly with them. When Don clicks on the contract, he will have fullmodification privileges.

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    As soon as Don makes any change to the contract, he will be notified that previous signatures will bedeleted. Lets click Clear Signatures and make a counter offer from the listing side.

    Don has changed the price from $550,000 to $560,000 . He now has the option to share thedocument with his client, or he can download the contract as a PDF and have it signed on paper. Letssay that Don has shared the signed contract back to you through dotloop.

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    In the screenshot above, you have received the email notification and clicked the link in that email to viewthe new version of this contract. You will see that any changes made to the contract have beenhighlighted in yellow. You can now either counter the offer again, clearing the listing clients signature, oryour can share this version of the document with Bob and Betty for their final signatures. A newversion of the contract will be created until all parties have signed an unchangedversion of the document. You can alwa ys view or download a previous ver sion of adocument. See more about Version-NOW technology and document revisions in the focused topics section of this manual, starting on page 56.

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    advanced continued

    managing your listings:

    Now that you know how to create an offer, lets talk about managing the listing paperwork and offersthat come in on your listings. Rather than recap everything weve already learned, well be taking a fewshortcuts along the way to get to the main points.

    Lets start by creating a new listing. Click the blue + to create a new loop if you are on the grid view.

    Next, name the loop.

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    Heres where we fast-forward a bit. In the loop above we have already added our client, signed theoriginal listing paperwork, and submitted the listing folder for review to the office. The office hasapproved the folder and the listing is now active and ready for offers.

    As you receive offers, you will want to create separate folders to manage the documents from each potential buyer.

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    Lets create a folder for our first offer. In the documents section of the loop, click the documentsdropdown and select Add folder .

    Fast-forwarding once again, we have created and renamed our new folder. We have also uploaded thePDF contract that was sent over via email by Michelle, the buying agent.

    Offers you receive will most often be sent to you as an email attachment if the buying agent is not yetusing dotloop. You can either download the attachment to your computer for upload into dotloop or youcan see the email features section of this manual to see how to email the files directly into your folder.

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    You might be tempted to share the Sellers Disclosures with Michelle directly from your ListingDocuments folder, but heres a tip: If you copy the disclosures over into the offer folder, youwill always have an origi nal copy that has been signed by your sel lers, just in case thefirst deal falls through. Lets make a copy of the Lead Based Paint Disclosure and place it into theoffer folder in anticipation of sharing it through dotloop to Michelle.

    After clicking Copy to you will have the option of copying the disclosure as an interactive template or aPDF. Select Copy as dotloop document and click To loop .

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    Use the search feature to quickly find the loop that you are copying the document to, select the folder ofthe loop that you would like to copy to, and then click Copy .

    Now you have a copy of the Lead Based Paint in your offer folder, ensuring that your original documentisnt rendered useless by the first buyer to sign it. Repeat these steps for each offer that comes in untilyou have a ratified contract. Then submit the folder with the accepted contract for review.For best practices on managing both sides of a transaction or for managing in-house transactions, seethe focused topics section, starting on the next page.

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    focused topics:

    registrat ion:

    All registration starts at Click Get Started.

    Input your first name, last name, email address, and password. Your office may have had dotloop pre-provision your account. If this is the case, check with your office staff to see which email they used foryour account. Click Sign up.

    Youll now be taken to your dotloop homepage. Before going any further, you need to go to your email inbox inorder to verify the account youve just created.

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    In your inbox you will see two emails. Click on the email titled Verify your identity.

    Click on the blue Verify email link and you will be taken back to your dotloop homepage where you can thenattach yourself to your brokerage and/or association. If you have been pre-provisioned by your office, you will seethat you have already been attached to your brokerage and office.

    Its important that you attach yourself to your brokerage so that you will be able to submit your transactions(loops) for review. In addition to submitting loops for review, you will gain access to any documents, documentsets, and task templates that your brokerage has created for you. Click on your profile icon in the upper right handcorner and select My Account.

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    Click Add brokerage and you will be given a pop-up that asks you to search for your brokerage by ZIP code.

    Enter the ZIP code of your office, select your office, and click Add.

    Your office will require an invitation code. The invitation code protects your office fromother dotloop users who might otherwise accidently attach themselves to the incorrectoffice. You should ask your broker or office admin for this code.

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    tasks:global task section:

    The task icon in your global navigation bar displays the tasks that you have created throughout all ofyour loops. Lets click on the task icon above to view the global task section.

    By default, you will be looking at ALL TASKS . This means that you will see tasks that youve created foryour clients as well as tasks that your admins have created. Overdue tasks will appear in red. You canalso add a new task directly from this screen.

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    tasks continued:

    tasks within a loop:

    To add a new task list to a loop, click the Tasks dropdown on the right and select Add task list . If youradmin has created task templates, you can select an existing task list there. Clicking Move to top willplace your entire task section at the top of your loop, above the documents section. Lets click Addtask list .

    As you can see here, we have renamed our new task list to Client Tasks by clicking in the dropdown forthis task list. You can also delete a task list or hide a task list from this dropdown. If you hide a task list itwill not be visible to your admins. See the premium section of this manual (starting on page 85) to seehow you can create your own templates from existing task lists and more!

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    Notice that you can include hyperlinks to specific websites in your task lists to help your clients throughevery step of the buying or selling process. Click Unassigned on the right in order to set a due date.

    To share your task list with your client, click Share .

    Select your client, add an optional message, and click Share . Your client will receive an email and thetask list will appear in their view of the loop.

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    global people section:

    The people icon in your global navigation bar will keep track of anyone that youve worked with in aloop. Lets click this icon and take a look.

    In the people tab you can search for existing people, add a new person, or delete a person. If you clickon a persons name, you can also add more information about that person. Lets click on Ben Brownsname.

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    After clicking on a persons name, you can edit their information or add additional contact information.

    people in a loop:

    To add a person to a loop, click Add person .

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    The only required information to add a person to a loop is their name. However, if you plan on sending messages or sharing documents and tasks, an email is necessary. In the screenshot above, if you click

    Add to my team , that person will have immediate access to everything in the loop on an ongoingbasis. You should only add someone to yo ur team if they are on the same side of thetransaction, such as a co-listing agent. Setting a persons role is only important if you would likethe persons name to auto-populate into your Interactive Templates. Other than that, its simply an extraidentifier. If you do not have anything to share but you would like to send an invitation into a blank loopso that the person can upload their own documents and create their own tasks, then you can check theSend intro email option. Lets click Add person to add Steve to the loop.

    If you need to edit a persons name or email, click the dropdown for that person. In this dropdown youwill also see a feature called Introduce . Lets take a look at this feature.

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    introduce people:As a rule, the people you add to a loop will not be able to communicate or collaboratewith the other people youve added. Similarly, if someone youve added to a loop adds someoneinto their view of the loop, you will not be able to collaborate with their person. Think about inviting in theother agent you wouldnt want that other agent having an open line of communication directly to yourclient, right?

    Heres an example of when you might use the introduce feature:

    Steve is your buyer who has not picked out a house yet and does not know what he can afford. You, theever-resourceful agent, add Kim (the trusted loan officer) to the loop. At this point, Steve and Kim cannotsee each when they log in to their view of the loop. Lets introduce the two so that they can upload,share, and collaborate on the required mortgage documents. Click the dropdown and select Introduce

    Check the box next to your client and click Introduce Person . Both users need to have had someinteraction with you in the loop before you can introduce them. In other words, you will need to first senda message or share a document so that your people will have access to the loop before you canintroduce them to each other.

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    There are two types of documents on dotloop, PDFs and Interactive Templates . The adding andediting of these two types of documents are found in the advanced section, starting on page 25.

    Interactive Templates are housed in dotloop, they have esignatures incorporated, and theycan auto-populate information from the loops details tab.

    When you add a PDF to dotloop it will not be interactive and it cannot pull information from thedetails tab, but it does have a helpful toolbar that will allow you to drag and drop esignatures,initials, check boxes, and text fields.

    Version-NOW:Both interactive and PDF documents on dotloop are equipped with Version-NOW technology,dotloops patented document technology. It means that when you open up a document in dotloop, youare always looking at the most current revision of that document.

    It also means that your contract t erms are secure. No changes can be made to a documentwithout all previous signatures being erased. Any time you do make a change, a copy of the previousversion is conveniently filed away behind the scenes and is easily viewable and/or printable at any time.

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    documents continued

    global templates section:

    The templates icon houses the documents or document sets that your brokerage or association hasmade available to you. You can print blank documents from here, but if you would like to edit a

    document or obtain esignatures, you will need to create a loop and add the desired document templatefrom within the document section of that loop. Lets click on the templates icon to see our options.

    On the left you will see all of the document folders available to you. These folders can be rearranged byclicking, holding, dragging, and dropping into the desired order. You can upload and store PDFs in yourPersonal folder and premium users can even place interactive fields onto these PDFs to save them as a

    reusable template in their loops. The Inbox is discussed in the email features section of this manual,starting on page 9 6 .

    All of the other folders contain Interactive Templates and PDFs that have been made available to you byyour brokerage or association. Premium users can also create their own customized folders where theycan save default information onto their Interactive Templates and PDFs (for more information, see the

    premium section starting on page 8 6 ).

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    Below your folders you will find CLAUSES . A clause is a phrase that you can create and save in order toquickly insert it while editing documents (for more information, see the premium section starting on page85).

    To print a blank document from the templates section, select a folder and then click the dropdownoption. This will allow you to download the document as a PDF, which you can then print. If you arescrolling through a long list of documents, dont forget to use the search bar

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    documents continued

    documents in a loop:

    You can move a document up or down within a folder by clicking, holding, dragging, and releasing it intoplace. You can also move folders above or below other folders. If you would like to copy a document toanother loop or another folder within a loop, click Copy to in the document dropdown.

    Also in the dropdown is the Archive option. If a document is ever added by accident or if a document isever taken out of dotloop, revised, and uploaded again, you will want to archive it. The document willmove to the bottom of the folder and next time you view the loop or refresh your page it will be gone. Indotloop, archive is your reversible delete option.

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    If you ever need to un-archive a document, click Show archived from the documents dropdown andthen click Un-archive from that specific documents dropdown.

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    documents continued

    revision history: Anytime a change is made to a document on dotloop it will create a new version. The entire change lifecycle of a document can be viewed or printed in its revision history. The documents history can bepulled from two places:

    To view the document history from the main page of the loop, click on the document dropdown.

    To view the history from within a document, click More.

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    From the document history, you can view or download any previous revision. If you ever accidentallyclear signature from a document, dont worry! Just go to you revision history, download the previousrevision, and add it to the loop. Remember to archive the other copy of the document so that youradmins can quickly identify the correct one while reviewing.

    On Interactive Templates, you have the added benefit of seeing the edits thatwere made to specific fields. Click in any field and then select Field History.

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    All changes are date and time stamped in the field history and you can always revert back to a previousfield value by clicking Use this .

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    my account:

    To access your My Account section, click on the profile icon in the upper right hand corner.

    If you have more than one dotloop profile, you can toggle between them from this drop down or sign outcompletely. You probably only have one profile, like the account above, which is attached to your officeso that your loops are visible to the admins.

    But heres a little secret: you can create as many free profiles as you would like in the My Account section. Do you have another business or a personal use for free document storage, esignatures, tasks,or online collaboration? What about a loop for each years tax returns? The possibilities are endless!

    Lets click on the My Account link to see how to manage the options of your account.

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    In your account section you will first see a screen to manage you profiles. Notice the MY PROFILES option selected on the left, the Default Profile selected in the middle, and then the options for editing thedefault profile on the right. On the right you can add a profile picture, change the name of your profile,set a profile as your Login Default , add you brokerage or association, and fill in your companyinformation. Filling out your company information will help you to auto-populate your Interactive

    Templates in your loops.

    The next tab of your account section is the settings tab. If you are a premium agent you can set andsave your font color, style, and size here. This is also where you can find and edit your personal

    information such as name, phone number, and NRDS ID. The last option youll see on this page is theability to change your email or password.

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    Moving down to the notifications tab, youll see that you can opt into or out of certain emails that aresent through dotloop. By default, all of these boxes will be checked so that you receive allnotification emails. If you do not want to receive an email every time your office adds a message to aloop, uncheck that option under the office review notification section.

    The UPGRADE tab is where an agent would go to upgrade their account to premium. The list of featuresin the screenshot above does not do the premium tier justice, and we are constantly adding newfeatures to premium, so make sure you visit the premium section of this manual (starting on page 85) fora real look into its benefits.

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    At some point, you will have more loops on your homepage than you care to see. Filtering allows you tofile loops away according to their loop status . There are three places to set a l oops status. The

    first is on the homepage as shown above in the list view. The second is within a loopsdetails tab. The third is on the main page o f a loop as shown below.

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    All loops have the status of Private to start off with. Lets change the status off 700 South Blvd. to Archived and then return to the homepage to see how filtering works.

    Notice that if we filter for the loop status of Archived , all of the other loops are not displayed on thehomepage. This is because they are filed away under different loop statuses that we have chosen not tosee. Lets think of this the other way around. If you never want to see a loop again, set the status to

    Archived and never check the box to filter for archived loops. This is as close to a delete optionas you have.

    If there is ever a time where you cannot find a loop, we recommend that you clear your filters using theClear all button on the right, and then use the dynamic search bar on the list view of your homepage totype in key words of the loop name.

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    Clicking Sort By will display options that allow you to reorganize the order in which your loops appear on yourhomepage.

    The Default sorting option will move the loops that have the most notifications to the top of your homepage.

    Sorting by Address will sort all of your loops by the address you have entered into the details tab of your loop (seethe Details section on the next page).

    Sorting by Last Updated reorganizes your loops according to which one was opened or worked on most recently.

    Sorting by any other option in the dropdown above is dependent on the information you enter into the details tabof each loop. For example, you will only be able to sort effectively by the expiration date if you add the expirationdate into the details tab of each loop.

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    details tab:

    The Details tab of each loop houses specific dates and information about the transaction. Theinformation in the Details tab is used to auto-populate Interactive Templates. Lets open the Details taband see all of our options.

    You can always change the custom name of the loop by clicking on the current name of the loop. Onceyou enter the property address into the details tab of a loop you can also select Use Property Address ,which will adjust the loop name to use a standard naming convention.

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    If you would like to add a loop timeline photo, click Upload a photo link in the dark blue bar at the topof the details tab. Below the photo upload link is an optional step that allows you to tag the loop aseither Sale/Purchase or Lease/Rental . These tags will then be available as filtering options on yourhomepage. You can also select one of these tags from the Transaction Type dropdown as shown by thearrow above.

    As you scroll down the Details tab, you will first see an overview of the people that you have added tothe loop. The remainder of the Details tab acts as a coversheet. The information that you inputhere, such as property address, key dates, and MLS data, will populate into your Interactive Templates.

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    Follow the instructions in the advanced section of this manual (starting on page 25) to best auto-fill yourdocuments.

    If you have more than one folder in your loop, you will see the Auto-fill option. This allows you to dictatewhich folders documents may update the details tab with new information should the documents beupdated at anytime. Lets take a minute to discuss how the Details tab and Interactive Templatescommunicate with each other.

    Details tab to Interactive Templates:

    The Details tab will auto-fill information into an Interactive Template up to the point that you click savewhile viewing that template. After clicking save, the template no longer auto-accepts new informationfrom the Details tab. If you forget to add your clients name or their role, which is required to auto-fill their

    name into the correct text fields in the template, you can still back out of the template without saving inorder to make the necessary adjustments.

    Interactive Templates to Details tab:

    Any updates you make directly to Interactive Templates will talk back to the Details tab, keeping it currentwith all new information. This way, when you add any new Interactive Templates, they will receive the

    latest information. Previously saved templates, however, wil l not be updated with this newinformation. Why not? Well, when you understand that dotloops Version-NOW documenttechnology clears any signatures on a document when a change is made, you can imagine theconsequences of allowing the Details tab to make these changes for you throughout your loop.

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    In-house transactions: There are a few best practices for working together in a loop with someone in the same office orbrokerage. The listing agent should already have a loop created for the original listing documents. Thismeans that any agent in your office who would like to make an offer on the listing should first email orcall the listing agent to be invited in. A good way to invite the buying agent into the loop wouldbe to share necessary disclosures. The buying agent can then create a new offer folder in theirview of the loop and complete the purchase contract with their buying client.

    Managing both sides of a transaction:If you are managing both sides of a transaction, you should already have a loop created with the listingdocuments completed. Follow the steps below to add your buyers to the same loop and make an offer.

    Add your buyer and assign their role. You have probably already assigned your role as the listing agent.

    This is fine; you can still assign the buying agent fields on any documents to yourself.

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    Now edit the details tab with any information that will help you auto-populate the interactive offertemplates. Next, create a new Offer folder and add your offer documents. Lets open the Contract toPurchase.

    Here you can see that you can assign signature fields to both types of clients. Click Assign .

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    If any documents need you to sign as the buying agent, simply click in the field that is assigned to thebuying agent and re-assign it to yourself in the dropdown at the top of the page. Once you havecompleted the offer documents, share them with your buyer. As soon as they are signed, you are readyto share them directly with your seller.

    You will also need to share the necessary disclosures with your buyer. You can share the originaldisclosures that have been signed by your seller, or you can copy the signed disclosures into the offerfolder as outlined in the advanced section of this manual, starting on page 25. This technique ensuresthat you always have an original signed version of the disclosures, just in case this deal falls through andyou need to have your disclosures signed by the next buyer.

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    premium:In this section we will outline the features of dotloops premium agent upgrade. There is an abbreviatedlist of what this tier offers in the My Account section, but it wont give you all of the tips and tricks thatyou will find here.

    To upgrade your account, click JOIN PREMIUM in the global navigation bar.

    Next, click Upgrade Now .

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    premium tasks:

    Once you have created the perfect task list, you can save it as a template for future use. While in yourloop, click the dropdown next to your task list and select Create Template .

    Name your task list template and click Create Template .

    Next time youre in a loop and need to reuse the task template, click the task list dropdown and selectLoad Template .

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    Choose your template and click Add to apply it to your loop.

    With premium, you have the added benefit of assigning specific due dates, tasks that are due after othertasks, and the ability to assign a task directly to one person.

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    premium templates:

    As a premium user, you can do a lot of good under the templates section. You can create your owndocument sets by clicking Add Folder , or you can duplicate a folder that your office has made availableto you. Once you have your own document set, you can save default information onto the documents inthat folder. Think about how much time you could save if your documents were half filledout already Lets create our own document set and save some default information onto a document.Click Add Folder .

    Name you folder and click Create Folder .

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    Click Select from templates .

    Select an existing folder on the left to copy documents from, select your documents, and click Adddocuments .

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    Click on a document in your set to open it.

    Fill in any personal or brokerage information that will always be the same and click Save . Now, whenyou add this document to a loop in the future, youll be ahead of the game!

    Another great feature of having your own document sets is that you can upload any PDF and saveinteractive fields and default information onto them. Click Upload from computer and once you havea PDF added to your folder, click on it to open.

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    Creating a PDF template is easy. Just drag fields, insert default information, and click save!

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    premium clauses:

    Another premium feature found in your templates section is CLAUSES . If theres any line or paragraph oftext that you find yourself typing over and over again, save it as a clause and youll be able to quicklyinsert it while filling out documents in a loop. Click CLAUSES to see how.

    Click New Clause .

    Type or copy and paste your clause and click Save.

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    Next time you are in a document and you start typing that clause, it will appear in a dropdown for you toselect and enter.

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    premium document features:

    When you open a document as a premium agent, you will notice that you have many extras to choosefrom. These extras include font style, size, boldness, italics, color, highlighting, andalignment. If you would like to save your document editor preferences, click the star on the right.

    Two more options exist for premium agents under the More dropdown when viewing a PDF. You caneither split the PDF into multiple documents or you can rotate the PDF. Lets take a look at the splittingoption.

    You can see that this PDF has 5 pages and we have decided to split it into 3 separate documents.Once you decide which pages will be divided, click Split document . Your original document will bearchived and you will be left with three PDFs in your folder.

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    email features:Email-in allows you to move PDFs that are attached to an email directly into dotloop. You can evencreate a new loop from your email! Lets start from the most basic email-in feature and progress to theadvanced.

    The most basic email feature in dotloop involves forwarding PDF documents from your email inbox to aninbox in dotloop. You will first need to copy and paste your email address from yourtemplates section into your email contact list. This upload email address is specific to your dotloopaccount and any documents that you forward will appear in your inbox on the left. Lets go to our email

    to see how this works.

    If you receive an offer via email and you would like to forward it to your dotloop inbox, click Forward .

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    Next, paste your upload email address into the recipients, or To: section of the email. After you do thisonce, you should be able to select your upload email address from your contact list in the future.

    The forwarded PDF will now appear in the inbox folder of your Templates section. You can copy thisdocument to a loop from here, or you can select the PDF from your Templates when you are in a loop.You can also use this feature to scan documents directly into your dotloop account!

    To email PDFs directly into a loop folder, click Email files in.

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    A link will be automatically be copied to your clipboard so that you can paste it into the email recipientsection of your email.

    After you have clicked Forward , paste the link that was copied from your loops folder and click Send .

    If you forward PDFs directly into a loop, you will be sent an email that provides you a link to view the loopor even start the submission process!

  • 8/13/2019 Agent Manual 12.6.13


    revised 12.2.13

    creating a loop via email:

    To create a loop directly from your email, use your email address as the recipientand type new loop: in the subject line. Note that the colon is important Also, anything that youtype after new loop: will become the name of this loop. Upload any PDFs that you would like to add tothe loop and Click Send .