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1 Agenda Item 4.1 EAST AYRSHIRE ADULT PROTECTION COMMITTEE ADULT PROTECTION UNIT PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT INFORMATION FRAMEWORK 14 FEBRUARY 2012 Report by the Adult Protection Legislative Assistant 1 PURPOSE 1.1 To provide East Ayrshire Adult Protection Committee (EAAPC) with an overview on the statistical performance related activity currently reported by the Adult Protection Unit under the three main legislative acts: Adult Support and Protection (Scotland) Act 2007, Adults with Incapacity (Scotland) Act 2000 and Mental Health (Care and Treatment) (Scotland) Act 2003; and 1.2 To present EAAPC with recommendations for future statistical performance related activity and analysis. 2 BACKGROUND 2.1 The EAAPC of 15 November 2011 (section 2.1, subsection (v)) requested a report on options for future performance reporting across statutory activity. 2.2 In terms of a safeguarding approach it is evidenced that analysing data to mitigate risk is a key contributor to the prevention of harm. 3. EAST AYRSHIRE ADULT PROTECTION UNIT PERFORMANCE RELATED ACTIVITY 3.1 Performance Reporting Framework 3.1.1 A draft Adult Protection Unit Performance Management Information Framework (Appendix 1) has been developed which provides an overview of all performance reporting which is currently undertaken by the Adult Protection Unit. In addition, recommendations have been built in to this document to inform the EAAPC of future planning in relation to performance reporting. The document contains three sections which consist of: Adult Support and Protection (Scotland) Act 2007 Adults with Incapacity (Scotland) Act 2000 Mental Health (Care and Treatment) (Scotland) Act 2003 3.2 Adult Support and Protection (Scotland) Act 2007

Agenda Item 4.1 EAST AYRSHIRE ADULT PROTECTION … agendas/adult and child... · the category of Physical Disability be added in line with

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Agenda Item 4.1





14 FEBRUARY 2012

Report by the Adult Protection Legislative Assistant


1.1 To provide East Ayrshire Adult Protection Committee (EAAPC) with an overview on the statistical performance related activity currently reported by the Adult Protection Unit under the three main legislative acts: Adult Support and Protection (Scotland) Act 2007, Adults with Incapacity (Scotland) Act 2000 and Mental Health (Care and Treatment) (Scotland) Act 2003; and

1.2 To present EAAPC with recommendations for future statistical performance related activity and analysis.


2.1 The EAAPC of 15 November 2011 (section 2.1, subsection (v)) requested a report on options for future performance reporting across statutory activity.

2.2 In terms of a safeguarding approach it is evidenced that analysing data to mitigate risk is a key contributor to the prevention of harm.


3.1 Performance Reporting Framework

3.1.1 A draft Adult Protection Unit Performance Management Information Framework (Appendix 1) has been developed which provides an overview of all performance reporting which is currently undertaken by the Adult Protection Unit. In addition, recommendations have been built in to this document to inform the EAAPC of future planning in relation to performance reporting. The document contains three sections which consist of:

Adult Support and Protection (Scotland) Act 2007

Adults with Incapacity (Scotland) Act 2000

Mental Health (Care and Treatment) (Scotland) Act 2003

3.2 Adult Support and Protection (Scotland) Act 2007

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3.2.1 East Ayrshire Adult Protection Unit currently reports on four client group categories (Page 3, Table 3 and Page 4, Table 8 of appendix 1). The 4th category of Mental/Physical Frailty is considered currently jointly, it is suggested that future reporting separate these two categories to allow for independent reporting to be undertaken. In addition, it is recommended that the category of Physical Disability be added in line with legislative criteria.

3.2.2 East Ayrshire Adult Protection Unit currently reports on five referrer categories (Page 3, Table 4 & Page 4, and Table 5 of appendix 1). It is recommended that two further categories be added: Self Referral and Other to ensure that we are capturing every type of referral available.

3.2.3 It is noted that police referrals whilst being the primary source of referral will often have a secondary original source of referral. This is reported on as it is felt that this information provides a more accurate overview of who is actually identifying and reporting harm.

3.2.4 Referrals by outcome are currently reported (Page 6, Table 13 of appendix 1). This has led to further in depth discussion and cross referencing with the electronic AP1 Referral Form used for reporting harm. The AP1 is currently under review by the Adult Protection Legislative Assistant, and several anomalies have been found which will be addressed in consultation with social work operational staff within community care and include:

There is no current ability to reflect all potential statutory outcomes of the Adult Protection Investigation, i.e. Assessment Order (Section 11), Removal Order (Section 14), Section 33 of the Mental Health (Care and Treatment) (Scotland) Act 2003 and Section 10 of the Adults with Incapacity (Scotland) 2000 Act. It is anticipated that when the form is amended, that it include the outcomes detailed above, along with the outcomes already recorded to allow for more accurate recording and analysis to be undertaken on the wider statutory intervention.

3.2.4 Future additional performance reporting to EAAPC that the Adult Protection Unit would recommend be collated is detailed in section 2 of Appendix 1 (Pages 10 – 13).

Page 10, Table 21 referrals by ethnicity is not only beneficial in relation to recording of ethnicity, but also could assist in identification of trends that may become apparent with the introduction of the Forced Marriage etc.(Protection and Jurisdiction) (Scotland) Act 2011.

Page 11, Table 23 informs of the adult at risk’s legal status at the time of the referral. By identifying and assessing this information, trends can be identified in relation to

More than one legal status being involved regarding the protection of adults at risk; and

Limitations that could be apparent with the legal status that has been put into place historically for the adult at risk.

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Page 12, Tables 25 & 26 and Page 13, Table 27 are crucial in relation to ensuring the client’s communication needs are being fully considered to ensure we can evidence full participation in the adult protection process and protecting the adults statutory rights.

3.2.5 It has been identified by the Adult Protection Unit that the information currently being recorded on the SWIFT system in relation to Adult Protection Referrals, Investigations and Outcomes is not completely accurate; this appears to be due to some confusion in relation to current procedures and processes.

As well as reviewing the AP1 Referral and Action Form, the Adult Protection Legislative Assistant with the assistance of Operational Staff is also reviewing the Administrative Guide for Support and Protection of Adults at Risk of Harm (cross referencing against the Operational Guidelines).

In the interim, the Adult Protection Resource Worker holds and maintains a separate database to collate Adult Protection performance related information and ensures that this information is kept accurate.

It is planned that following the completion of the review that the Adult Protection Co-ordinator and the Adult Protection Legislative Assistant will undertake a series of training exercises with operation and administrative staff to ensure that all staff are aware of the processes and responsibilities involved in recording and processing of Adult Protection Referrals and that the revised AP1 Referral and Action Form is understood by all concerned.

Once the review has been completed and training exercises have been held, the Adult Protection Resource Worker and Adult Protection Legislative Assistant will undertake an exercise to ensure that SWIFT accurately reflects the information held on the separate database that is being maintained at present.

Following this, the Adult Protection Resource Worker and Adult Protection Legislative Assistant will run fortnightly checks for a three month period to ensure information is being recorded accurately and to identify any continuing issues and address these as they arise and consider whether further review is required.

During the initial three month period the separate database will continue to be maintained to ensure continuing accuracy of information until assurance is reached that SWIFT is now accurately reflecting the information required.

Given the current priorities identified in the recording of Adult Protection Referral Performance Information it is suggested that at present the information highlighted in Section 2, Pages 10 – 13 of Appendix 1 be progressed when confidence is reached that SWIFT is accurately recording the information required.

In addition, consideration will also be given to case file monitoring and review on an annual basis to ensure good practice in report writing and decision making.

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3.3 Adults with Incapacity (Scotland) Act 2000

3.3.1 The performance reporting for Adults with Incapacity (Scotland) Act 2000 has received significant input since May 2010. It is worth noting that since the role of collation ,monitoring and maintenance of Guardianship Order information and files has been centralised into one location (Adult Protection Legislative Assistant & Service Manager: Mental Health Partnership) systems have become more robust and are monitored and managed with greater efficiency. This also lends to the value of ownership of a system in place as opposed to being left open to a variety of input.

3.3.2 Recent discussions with EAC Legal Services have highlighted that they would welcome receipt of performance related statistics with regard to Guardianship Orders on a quarterly basis in line with the activity reported to the EAAPC. This would also assist in improving communication as specified in the Adult Protection Committee Business Plan 2010 - 2011, strengthening the work relationship between the Adult Protection Unit and Legal Services and would not involve any additional workload.

3.3.3 The Social Work Senior Management Team (SMT) Meetings held on a monthly basis would benefit from the provision of a monthly report this would help in the continuous improvement of operational processes and help to inform practice by highlighting any training issues.

From collating data relating to the number of AWI Assessments in progress and completed within timescales it is clear that there are recording anomalies evident. The Adult Protection Legislative Assistant has attended the MHO Forum on Wednesday 25 January 2012 and brought this to the MHO’s attention who agreed with the solution that all assessments requests be sent to the Adult Protection Legislative Assistant to ensure accuracy in recording and monitoring.

3.3.4 To ensure fair distribution of AWI workload and allow managers to ensure that staff members are fully supported, it is recommended that managers receive a monthly report detailing the breakdown by worker of the numbers of guardians they are authorising/supervising at any one time, along with how many guardianship assessments they are undertaking.

3.3.5 Part 3 of the AWI Act was formerly known as ‘Intromission with Funds’. This was amended to ‘Access to Funds’ following the introduction of Part 2 of the Adult Support and Protection (Scotland) Act 2007. Part 2 was enacted on the 1st April 2008.

The Access to Funds Assistant post was developed in 2011, and is responsible for recording and maintaining Access to Funds information on East Ayrshire Council’s Information Technology System (SWIFT). The Adult Protection Legislative Assistant and Access to Funds Assistant are currently working on procedures that will ensure that the Access to Funds reporting system aligns with the Guardianship System in relation to recording of information onto SWIFT. This will provide continuity of information and ensure that the information can be collated for reporting purposes. In the

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interim, the reporting information is collated manually from the Access to Funds Assistant. This is sustainable as numbers are still very low at present.

Further analysis will be possible when electronic systems for Access to Funds are fully in place. At this point the intention is to undertake a cross referencing exercise in relation to Financial Guardianships and Access to Funds to note how many Financial Guardianships are changing to Access to Funds with the implementation of the new system and identify the impact of this on the workforce. This also relates to the national and local outcome of reducing the number of Financial Guardianships in line with the least restrictive statutory intervention where appropriate.

3.4 Mental Health Care and Treatment (Scotland) Act 2003

3.4.1 There is limited reporting currently undertaken for Mental Health within the Adult Protection Unit although it is noted that an annual report is submitted to the Mental Welfare Commission by East Ayrshire Council.

It is recognised that the statistics provided in the aforementioned report do not accurately reflect the activity of the workforce in East Ayrshire Council. Following discussion with the EAC Service Manager: Mental Health Partnership the following areas for data collation were identified as priority:

Compulsory Treatment Orders (Both Hospital and Community Based)

A report detailing the Mental Health Officer’s (MHO’s) who are designated to specific clients in order to better understand the increasing case load and ensure that recording is accurate and more importantly evidence EAC are meeting statutory requirements

A report detailing clients who have a Nominated Named Person

The number of Advance Statements held

The number of Clients subject to a Care Programme Approach

A report detailing those clients subject to Assessment and Treatment Orders, Compulsion Orders and Community Care Orders for those clients who are Mentally Disordered Offenders.

A report detailing the spread of allocation of workload for individual MHO’s to inform workforce planning for managers.

3.4.2 The implementation of the aforementioned priorities will ensure the statistics contained within the annual report for Mental Health that is submitted to the Mental Welfare Commission will be a more accurate reflection of the work undertaken by East Ayrshire Council. It is noted however that most of the above may require systems and procedures to be identified and implemented to allow for the information to be recorded onto SWIFT. Given the significant work required in relation to the Adult Protection Referrals, the review of the Adult Protection Referral Form (AP1) and associated systems, the review of the Legal Solutions Forum processes and setting up of a monitoring system to take place on a bi annual basis, the Access to Funds processes that require to be completed along the current work priority there will require to be an incremented approach to progressing and improving the requirements under the Mental Health (Care and Treatment) Act 2003. A timetable has been

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agreed between the Adult Protection Unit and Community Care Senior Managers.

3.4.3 In the interim however it is recognised that due to future challenges in terms of the aging MHO workforce and to build the capacity of the service in order to sustain and respond not only to required statutory work but to allow preventative work to take place, that a report that contains;

breakdown on the allocation of statutory activity in relation to Specialist Assessments and Investigations

Adults With Incapacity work (Guardianship Reports and Supervising/Authorising Officer)

Community Treatment Order applications and renewals

MHO’s who are designated MHO’s to clients subject to Community Treatment Orders be submitted to managers on a monthly basis.

3.4.4 A further analysis of this report will be undertaken in due course to ascertain whether the level of work that the MHO’s are undertaking is sustainable by the remaining MHO’s or whether further recruitment of MHO’s is required.


4.1 It is recognised that there has been a significant amount of work progressed in terms of collating, monitoring and disseminating statutory activity evidenced in the distribution arrangements (Appendix 2).

4.2 It is acknowledged that there remain a number of priorities to be addressed in order to further strengthen reporting of performance related statutory activity which is achievable when managed over the course of 2012/2013 within the APU. This has been built into the Annual APU business plan for 2012.


5.1 The current activity is commensurate with the role and functions of the Adult Protection Committee.

5.2 As stated in section 45 (a) of the Adult Support and Protection (Scotland) Act: “Each of the public bodies and office-holders set out in subsection (2) must provide the Adult Protection Committee with any information which the Committee may reasonably require for the purposes of performing the Committee's functions” it would therefore be the Adult Protection Unit’s recommendation that consideration be given to the feasibility of multi agency reporting. To this end, it is suggested that a short life working group be developed to consider this.

5.3 Whilst there are no immediate legal & policy implications evident, a document has recently been circulated by the Office of the Public Guardian which is an early deliberation on graded guardianship. This has been submitted to the Scottish Government and Scottish Law Commission for their consideration in

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December 2011. It proposes significant changes to the Guardianship & Access to Funds process and it is the Adult Protection Unit’s intention to bring this report to Committee for noting in May 2012.


6.1 The work detailed within this report will fall under the remit of the Adult Protection Legislative Assistant post and as such can be met within existing budgetary resources.


7.1 The East Ayrshire Adult Protection Committee are asked to;

(i) Note the positive progress made in relation to promoting the accuracy and scope of statutory reporting and dissemination; and

(ii) Approve the recommendations made in sections 3.2.1, 3.2.2 and 3.2.3 relating to Adult Support and Protection data collation and analysis;

(iii) Approve the recommendations made in sections 3.3.2, 3.3.3 and 3.3.4 relating to Adults with Incapacity data collation and performance reporting;

(iv) Note the Adult Protection Legislative Assistant’s intent to bring to East Ayrshire Adult Protection Committee a report on the Office of the Public Guardian’s early deliberation paper on graded guardianship for noting;

(v) Endorse the recommendation made in section 5.2 to form a short life working group relating to the possibility and scope of multi agency information collation and consider appropriate representation; and

(vi) Otherwise note the contents of this report.

Lisa Brock Adult Protection Legislative Assistant 20 January 2012 Implementation Officer:- EDDIE FRASER, HEAD OF SERVICE Any person wishing further information on the contents of this report please contact Donna Sinforiani, Adult Protection Coordinator, Community Care (Adults) on (01563) 553559.

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Draft 1 Version 1 18 January 2012

Date: Approved by EAAPC: Reported to Chief Officer’s Group: Date of EQIA Screening: Date for Review:

Appendix 1

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Progress Status Key

Progress Status


Red (R) Not being produced – would like to produce in the Future

Amber (A) In the process of setting up production

Green (G) Currently being produced

1. East Ayrshire Council – Adult Support and Protection

(Scotland) Act 2007

Table 1 Local Authority Comparison of Annual Referrals by Month Table 2 Breakdown of Referrals by Location & Gender – Quarterly

Report Table 3 Client Groups by Gender – Quarterly Report Table 4 Breakdown of Female Referrals as % - Quarterly Report Table 5 Breakdown of Male Referrals as % - Quarterly Report Table 6 Breakdown of Police referrals into original source – Quarterly

Report Table 7 Breakdown of Referrals by Category of Harm and Gender –

Quarterly Report Table 8 Breakdown of Referrals by Age Group as a % of Total

Referrals – Quarterly Report Table 9 Breakdown of Referrals by Criteria Group as a % - Quarterly

Report Table 10 Referrals by Age Group and Gender – Quarterly Report Table 11 Breakdown of Total Quarterly Referrals by Age Group and

Category of Harm Table 12 Status of Referrals – Quarterly Report Table 13 Referrals by Outcome – Quarterly Report Table 14 Total Number of Protection Orders in Place – Monthly Report Table 15 Number of Case Conferences and Review Case Conferences

held – Monthly Report Table 16 Number of Case Conference Minutes awaiting approval &

Number of Outstanding Case Conference Minutes (More than 10 days after Case Conference) – Monthly Report

Table 17 Referral Outcomes Processed within Timescales – Monthly Report

Table 18 Number of Adults Under Formal Adult Protection Procedures – Monthly Report

Table 19 National Protection Order Figures – Bi Annually

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Table 1

Referrals By Month Number













Table 2

Referrals By Location Number of Male Number of Female

Central North

Central South



Locations are aligned to East Ayrshire’s Local Community Planning Forum Areas to

ensure that the Data is relevant to inform local planning

Table 3

Referrals By Client Group

Number of Male Number of Female


Learning Disability

Mental Health

Mental/Physical Frailty

Client Group reflects Legal Criteria as well as Priority Groups i.e. Dementia to inform local


Table 4

Referrals By Referrer Source

Number of Female

Number of Total Referrals

Female Referrals as a % of Total

Independent Provider



Social Work


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Table 5

Referrals By Referrer Source

Number of Male Number of Total Referrals

Male Referrals as a % of Total

Independent Provider



Social Work


Table 6

Source of Referral Number of Primary Referrals

Number of Actual Referrals


Independent Provider


Social Work



Table 7

Referrals By Primary Category of Harm

Number of Male Number of Female

Domestic Violence





Self Harm


Referral Category reflects Legal Criteria with addition of Domestic Violence in order to

monitor to inform the Violence Against Women Partnership.

Table 8

Referrals By Age Group Number of Age Group

Number of Total Referrals

% of Referrals by Age Group

16 – 20

21 – 34

35 – 49

50 – 64

65 – 74

75 – 84


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Table 9

Referrals By Criteria Group

Number of Referrals

Number of Total Referrals

% of Referrals by Criteria


Learning Disability

Mental Health

Physical/Mental Frailty

Table 10

Referrals By Age Group

Number of Male Number of Female

16 – 20

21 – 34

35 – 49

50 – 64

65 – 74

75 – 84

85 +

Table 11

Referrals By Category of Harm

16 – 20 21 - 34 35 – 49 50 – 64 65 - 74 75 – 84 85 +

Domestic Violence





Self Harm


Table 12

Status of Referrals within Social Work Services


Known (Continuous Input)

Known (Sporadic Input)

Not Known

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Table 13

Referrals by Outcome Number

Awaiting Outcome

Case Conference

Care Management

Case Discussion

Referred to NHS


Table 14

Type of Protection Order Subject Causing Harm

Adult at Risk

Adult at Risk Key Worker

Banning Order with POA

Temporary Banning Order with POA

Converted Banning Order with POA

Banning Order no POA

Temporary Banning Order no POA

Converted Banning Order no POA

Removal Order

Assessment Order

Table 15

Description Number

Case Conference

Review Case Conference

Table 16

Description Number

AP Minute Awaiting Approval (less than 10 days after CC)

Outstanding AP Minute (more than 10 days after CC)

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Table 17

Description Number

Referral Outcomes Processed within timescales (10 days)

Referral Outcomes Processed out with Timescales (11 days +)

Table 18

Description Number

Adult under Formal Adult Protection Procedures

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Table 19 National Breakdown of Protection Orders

Authority Assessment Orders

Removal Orders

Temp Banning Order no POA

Temp Banning Order with POA

Temp Banning Order Expired

Full Converted Banning Order no POA

Full Converted Banning Order with POA

Converted Banning Order Expired

Full Banning Order with POA

Full Banning Order no POA

Full Banning Order Expired

Aberdeen Aberdeenshire Angus Argyll & Bute Clackmannanshire Cne-Siar Dumfries & Galloway

Dundee City East Ayrshire East Dunbarton East Lothian East Renfrewshire Edinburgh City Falkirk Fife Glasgow City Highland Inverclyde Midlothian North Ayrshire North Lanarkshire Orkney Perth & Kinross Renfrewshire Scottish Borders

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Authority Assessment Orders

Removal Orders

Temp Banning Order no POA

Temp Banning Order with POA

Temp Banning Order Expired

Full Converted Banning Order no POA

Full Converted Banning Order with POA

Converted Banning Order Expired

Full Banning Order with POA

Full Banning Order no POA

Full Banning Order Expired

Shetland South Ayrshire South Lanarkshire Stirling West Dunbarton West Lothian TOTAL

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Section 2

Future Adult Protection Unit Reporting Areas for Inclusion

Table 20 Referrals broken down into Service (Team Leading Investigation) & Location – Quarterly Report

Table 21 Referral broken down into Ethnicity – Quarterly Report Table 22 Referral rate per 1000 of population as % - Quarterly Report Table 23 Adult at Risk Legal Status at Time of Referral – Quarterly Report Table 24 Religion of Adult at Risk – Quarterly Report Table 25 Number of Adults at Risk in Receipt of Advocacy – Quarterly

Report Table 26 Number of Adults at Risk with Communication Needs – Quarterly

Report Table 27 Communication Support Outcome – Quarterly Report Table 28 Number of Adult Support and Protection Visits Undertaken –

Quarterly Report Table 29 Number of Adult Support and Protection Interviews Undertaken –

Quarterly Report Table 30 Number of Adult Protection Referrals that Proceed to Formal

Investigation – Quarterly Report

Table 20

Referrals By Location

Community Care Criminal Justice Services

Central North

Central South



Within Criminal Justice Services it is agreed that the Mentally Disordered Offenders Team

take a lead role in ASP Investigations.

Table 21

Referrals by Ethnicity Number

White English

White Gypsy Traveller

White Irish

White Northern Irish

White Other

White Polish

White Scottish

White Welsh

Mixed Ethnicity

Bangladeshi (Scottish & British)

Chinese (Scottish & British)

Indian (Scottish & British)

Pakistani (Scottish & British)

Black African (Scottish & British)

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Referrals by Ethnicity Number

Black Caribbean (Scottish & British)

Black Other



Not Known

This is consistent with current reporting arrangements available on SWIFT

Table 22

Number of Referrals

100,000 of Population Figure

Actual % per 100,000 of Population

Table 23

Legal Status at Time of Referral Number

LA Welfare Guardianship

LA Financial Guardianship

LA Welfare & Financial Guardianship

Private Welfare Guardianship

Private Financial Guardianship

Private Welfare & Financial Guardianship

Interim Guardianship

Access to Funds

Power of Attorney

Compulsory Treatment Order (Community)

Compulsory Treatment Order (Hospital Based)

Compulsory Treatment Order (Hospital Based Suspension)

Assessment Order (ASAP)

Removal Order (ASAP)

Assessment Order (MHC&T)

Compulsion Order

Care Programme Approach

Social Work (Scotland) Act 1968

Section 12 (SWSA)

Section 12 A (SWSA)

Section 13 ZA (SWSA)

Anti Social Behaviour (Scotland) Act 2004

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Table 24

Religion of Adult at Risk Number




Christian Other

Christian Protestant

Christian Roman Catholic

Christian Science

Church of England

Church of Scotland





Jehovah’s Witness




Muslim (Shia)

Muslim (Sunni)

Non Believer

Non Conformist

Not Disclosed

Not Known

Other Religion




This is intended to identify possible trends in relation to Hate Crime to inform Community

Safety Partnership.

Table 25

Description Number

Adult at Risk in Receipt of Advocacy Services

Table 26

Category of Communication Need Number

Sensory Impairment – Deaf/Uses BSL

Sensory Impairment – Blind

Learning Disability

Mental Health Needs

Acquired Brain Injury

English not First Language – Specify

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Category of Communication Need Number

Other - Specify

Table 27

Communication Support Outcome Number

Referral to BSL Sensory Impairment Service

Access to Interpreter

Referral to Speech and Language Therapy (SALT)

Referral to Interpreting Service

Other - Specify

Table 28

Description Number

ASP Visits Undertaken

Table 29

Description Number

ASP Interviews Undertaken

Table 30

Description Number

ASP Referrals proceeding to Formal Investigation

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2. East Ayrshire Council – Adults with Incapacity (Scotland) Act


Table 1 Complete Guardianship Breakdown – Monthly Report Table 2 Number of Guardianship Orders in Place Broken Down into

Type – Monthly Report Table 3 Number of Clients Subject to Guardianship – Monthly Report Table 4 Number of Guardianships Recorded that are Managed out

with the Local Authority – Monthly Report Table 5 Local Authority Comparison of Guardianships Held by

Quarter Table 6 Number of Guardianships held Indefinitely – Quarterly Report Table 7 Number of Clients Resident in Daldorch House School with

Indefinite Guardianship Orders and Guardianship Orders with End Dates Provided – Quarterly Report

Table 8 Guardianships by Age Range as a % - Quarterly Report Table 9 Number of Guardianships by Client Category – Quarterly

Report Table 10 Local Authority Comparison of Access to Funds Held by

Quarter Table 11 Number of Guardianship Assessments Outstanding –

Monthly Report Table 12 Number of Guardianship’s Due to Expire – Monthly Report Table 13 Number of Guardianship Assessments in Progress – Monthly

Report Table 14 Local Authority & Private Guardianships per 100,000 of the

Population benchmarked against our benchmarking authorities – annual report

Table 15 % Increase & Decrease where applicable in relation to all types of Guardianships held by East Ayrshire Council – annual report

Table 16 % Increase & Decrease where applicable in relation to all types of Guardianships held by East Ayrshire Council that have been approved for an indefinite period of time – annual report

Table 17 % Increase & Decrease where applicable in relation to all types of Guardianships held by East Ayrshire Council, split into Client Category that have been approved for an indefinite period of time – annual report

Table 18 Number of Clients Subject to Access to Funds – Monthly Report

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Table 1



Name DOB Current Key Worker Legal Start Date

Projected End Date

Role Worker

Client Record No

Client Name

Client DOB

Client’s case worker (can be different to authorised/supervising officer)

Date order granted

Blank = Indefinite Order

i.e. Authorised/Supervising Officer

Name of Worker undertaking authorising/supervising officer role

Tables 2 & 3

Table 4

Authority Managed By Number

East Ayrshire Council

Other Local Authority

Table 5

Number of Orders

Financial Guardianship

Financial & Welfare Guardianship

Interim Financial Guardianship

Interim Guardianship

Interim Welfare Guardianship

Private Financial Guardianship

Private Welfare & Financial Guardianship

Private Welfare Guardianship

Welfare Guardianship


Number of Clients

Type of Guardianship No at end of Qtr 1

No at end of Qtr 2

No at end of Qtr 3

No at end of Qtr 4

Financial Guardianship

Financial & Welfare Guardianship

Interim Financial Guardianship

Interim Guardianship

Interim Welfare Guardianship

Private Financial Guardianship

Private Welfare & Financial Guardianship

Private Welfare Guardianship

Welfare Guardianship

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Table 6

Table 7

Table 8

Table 9

Client Category Number


Blind/PS & Deaf/HoH

Children & Families

Debt/Money Advice

Type of Guardianship Total Number Held Number Held Indefinitely

Financial Guardianship

Financial & Welfare Guardianship

Interim Financial Guardianship

Interim Guardianship

Interim Welfare Guardianship

Private Financial Guardianship

Private Welfare & Financial Guardianship

Private Welfare Guardianship

Welfare Guardianship

Type of Guardianship Total Number Held by client in Daldorch

Number Held Indefinitely by client

in Daldorch

Financial Guardianship

Financial & Welfare Guardianship

Interim Financial Guardianship

Interim Guardianship

Interim Welfare Guardianship

Private Financial Guardianship

Private Welfare & Financial Guardianship

Private Welfare Guardianship

Welfare Guardianship

Age Range Total Number Held %

16 – 24

25 – 44

45 – 64

65 +

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Client Category Number


Head Injuries

Learning Disability

Limiting L/T Illness

Limiting S/T Illness

Mental Health

Multiple Disability

No Disabilities, and not affected by Disability

Not Recorded

Other Adult

Physical Disability

Physical Frailty

Sensory Dis – Visual Impairment

Young Offender

Table 10

Table 11

Type of Assessment Date Due Assessing Worker

Client Name

Adults with Incapacity (2)

Adults with Incapacity (3)

Adults with Incapacity (8)

Adults with Incapacity (9)

Adults with Incapacity (15)

Adults with Incapacity (17)

Adults with Incapacity (19)

Adults with Incapacity (10)

Table 12

Type of Guardianship Expiry Date Authorised/Supervising Officer

Financial Guardianship

Financial & Welfare Guardianship

Interim Financial Guardianship

Interim Guardianship

Interim Welfare Guardianship

Private Financial Guardianship

Private Welfare & Financial

Description No at end of Qtr 1

No at end of Qtr 2

No at end of Qtr 3

No at end of Qtr 4

Access to Funds

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Type of Guardianship Expiry Date Authorised/Supervising Officer


Private Welfare Guardianship

Welfare Guardianship

Table 13

Type of Assessment Start Date

Projected End Date

Assessing Worker

Client Name

Adults with Incapacity (2)

Adults with Incapacity (3)

Adults with Incapacity (8)

Adults with Incapacity (9)

Adults with Incapacity (15)

Adults with Incapacity (17)

Adults with Incapacity (19)

Adults with Incapacity (10)

Table 14

Table 15

Benchmarking Authority Number of LA & Private


As a %


East Ayrshire Council


North Ayrshire Council

North Lanarkshire Council

West Lothian City Council

Type of Guardianship (All)

No as at 31.03.2011

As a % as at 31.03.2011

No as at 31.03.2012

As a % as at


Financial Guardianship

Financial & Welfare Guardianship

Interim Financial Guardianship

Interim Guardianship

Interim Welfare Guardianship

Private Financial Guardianship

Private Welfare & Financial Guardianship

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Table 16

Table 17

Type of Guardianship (All)

No as at 31.03.2011

As a % as at 31.03.2011

No as at 31.03.2012

As a % as at


Private Welfare Guardianship

Welfare Guardianship

Type of Guardianship (Indefinite Only)

No as at 31.03.2011

As a % as at 31.03.2011

No as at 31.03.2012

As a % as at


Financial Guardianship

Financial & Welfare Guardianship

Interim Financial Guardianship

Interim Guardianship

Interim Welfare Guardianship

Private Financial Guardianship

Private Welfare & Financial Guardianship

Private Welfare Guardianship

Welfare Guardianship

Type of Guardianship (Indefinite Only)

Client Category

No as at 31.03.2011

As a % as at


No as at 31.03.2012

As a % as at


Financial Guardianship

Financial & Welfare Guardianship

Interim Financial Guardianship

Interim Guardianship

Interim Welfare Guardianship

Private Financial Guardianship

Private Welfare & Financial Guardianship

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Table 18

Type of Guardianship (Indefinite Only)

Client Category

No as at 31.03.2011

As a % as at


No as at 31.03.2012

As a % as at


Private Welfare Guardianship

Welfare Guardianship

Number of Clients Subject to Access to Funds - Monthly

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