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人力资产标准公会(筹)第二次筹备会会议议程 1 / 1 人力资产标准公会(筹)第二次筹备会 会 议 议 程 主持人:张臻 先生 浦东新区外商(各地)投资企业协会 人力资源专业委员会执委会主任 议 题: 1、13:30-13:40 协会执委会代表发言 —— 张臻 先生 2、13:35-14:15 人力资源官方行业公会的角色和作用 人力资源管理理论和技术国际交流的迫切性; 人力资源官方行业公会应承担的角色和使命; 人力资源行业规范和标准的必要性。 —— 石金涛 教授 3、14:15-14:45 国际国内人力资源管理和挑战 人力资源管理在海外及国内的发展趋势; 人力资源管理在企业经营中的实施状况; 人力资源部和人力资源管理从业人士的挑战; 经济转型期的人力资源管理和人力资源管理者的职业发展。 —— 陈景秋 博士 —— 全体与会代表 4、14:45-15:00 休息 5、15:00-15:45 国际国内人力资源专业团体发展状况 国际国内人力资源专业团体回顾展望; 国际国内人力资源管理体系发展; 国际国内人力资源管理教育和培训现状; 国内人力资源管理体系在实操中的利弊研讨。 人力资源管理官方行业公会建立的必要性和责任; 人力资源管理行业规范的定义及需求; 人力资源管理行业规范在产业促进中的作用。 —— 全体与会代表 6、15:45-16:20 联合发起人力资产标准公会及其体系建设的探讨 人力资产标准公会运作及发展可行性探讨; 人力资产标准公会组织架构设置探讨; 审阅发起人章程草案。 —— 全体与会代表 7、16:20-16:30 总结发言及后续规划 —— 执委会主任 张臻先生 浦东新区外商投资企业协会 浦东新区各地投资企业协会 人力资源专业委员会执委会 人力资产标准公会筹备办公室 二〇一〇年三月十日 第 1 页,共 14 页 03/10/2010

Agenda for HASA Preparatory Session 2

Nov 01, 2014




Agenda for 2nd preparatory session of HASA
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Page 1: Agenda for HASA Preparatory Session 2

人力资产标准公会(筹)第二次筹备会会议议程    1 / 1 


会 议 议 程 主持人:张臻 先生 浦东新区外商(各地)投资企业协会


议 题:

1、13:30-13:40 协会执委会代表发言

—— 张臻 先生

2、13:35-14:15 人力资源官方行业公会的角色和作用




—— 石金涛 教授

3、14:15-14:45 国际国内人力资源管理和挑战





—— 陈景秋 博士

—— 全体与会代表

4、14:45-15:00 休息

5、15:00-15:45 国际国内人力资源专业团体发展状况








—— 全体与会代表

6、15:45-16:20 联合发起人力资产标准公会及其体系建设的探讨




—— 全体与会代表

7、16:20-16:30 总结发言及后续规划

—— 执委会主任 张臻先生






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人力资产标准公会第二次筹备会专家介绍    1 / 1 


专家介绍 石金涛 教授:





陈景秋 博士:



Round-table Preparatory Session 2 for HASA

Introduction of Academic Representative Professor Jin-Tao Shi:

Dean of Department of Business Administration, Head of Institute of Human Resource

Management, Shanghai Jiao Tong University. Professor and Advisor to Ph. D.

Professional appointment: Committee member of Board of Advisors for High Education,

State Ministry of Education, Executive Director of Shanghai Society of Behavioral Science,

Director General of Professional Commission of Safe Behavior and Efficiency.

Dr. Jing-Qiu Chen:

Ph.D. of Industrial and Organizational Psychology. Assistant Professor, Organizational

Management, Antai School of Economy & Administration, Shanghai Jiao Tong University.

Expertise: Behavioral decision-making, happiness and subjective well-being, cultural

psychology, organizational behavior.

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人力资产标准公会规划倡议书 1



Human Assets Standards Association


成立背景• 作为发展中国家的第一大国,我国即将超过日本,成为继美国之后的第二大经济体;• 与此相对应的是,中国经过改革开放30年的高速发展,经济增长面临第二次转型;• 一直以来作为企业重要职能的人力资源管理部门,重于管理过程而忽于结果,人力资源管理方法缺乏行业共识的标准,难于正确评估人力资源从业人员的工作成果,也使许多企业的人力资源管理人员缺乏被企业经营者真正重视;

• 与此同时,衡量一个企业运营成果的传统会计学,对劳动力使用和产出状况的忽略,也是阻碍人力资源管理进一步发展的瓶颈。由于缺乏具体的衡量标准和数据来表达人力资源管理的过程和效果,也使企业经营者缺乏对企业人力资产的使用状况和价值的正确认识。

• 在国内外企业抢滩国内国际市场的同时,很多专业人士意识到人力资源投资作为企业发展的基石,与社会传统文化和地区文化的发展密不可分,而国内外基于东方文化以及市场实践的人力资源管理理论和方法几乎面临空白;

• 因此,符合国内十多年来的人力资源实践,基于先进人力资产计量体系的研究,建立人力资源管理业界共识的体系标杆以及评价标准。不仅能填补企业人力资源管理实践中的空白,而且使企业经营更加完整和科学;

• 于是,成立人力资产标准公会,对中国以及跨区域的人力资源管理进行理论化、专业化、系统化、体系化的研究,变得十分迫切和必要。

为配合国家产业结构调整 作为政府产业促进的重要工作之 人力资产标准公会(• 为配合国家产业结构调整,作为政府产业促进的重要工作之一,人力资产标准公会(Human Assets Standards Association)是中国唯一一家官方人力资源同业者公会。是一个由政府立项,国内外企业人力资源高层人士和著名高等学府联合发起的人力资源行业组织。作为中国政府定位建设全球金融、航运中心,总部经济和人才高地的城市,上海是中国最重要的经济中心,也是全球经济中的高地和焦点。人力资产标准公会暨HR行业公会(Human Assets Standards Association, HASA)将在浦东设立总部。浦东新区外商(各地)投资企业协会作为筹备管理机构,参与启动工作。

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人力资产标准公会规划倡议书 2


【发起人】• 人力资产标准公会(筹),总部设在中国上海,是中国唯一官方人力资源同业者公会。是一个由政府立项,国内外企事业人力资源高层人士、高层决策管理人士和著名高等学府联合发起的人力资源行业组织。

• HASA要求发起人至少拥有10年以上知名企业高层人力资源管理经验(至少在企业中担任国家级人力资源最高负责人以上职位,如中国区或亚太区人力资源总监)、知名企业高层管理经验或知名高校人力资源管理或工商管理研究方面的学术专家。

• 所有企业发起人必须为财富500强公司或者是本行业内处于领先地位的组织;

• HASA是个官方人力资源行业学术组织,不限参加人的地域、国籍、种族、年龄、性别、从业单位投资背景等。性别、从业单位投资背景等。



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人力资产标准公会规划倡议书 3


【公会宗旨】• 承担政府产业和企业在人力资源管理方面的桥梁纽带职责。通过建立行业规范和标杆、人才培养、信息交流等工作, 在人力资源方面配合政府引导企业淘汰落后产能、加强自主创新 推进新兴产业 实施品牌战略 提高管理水平等方面起到促进作用 从宏观自主创新、推进新兴产业、实施品牌战略、提高管理水平等方面起到促进作用,从宏观角度促进整个社会的人力资源发展和中国的劳动力素质,为推动社会经济增长质量和效益,加速现代产业体系的建设做出贡献。

• 整合国际间人力资源领域的最新研究成果,传播先进的人力资源管理理念,培养国际化标准的本土人力资源专家。

【公会愿景】• 人力资产标准公会代表着最先进的人力资源学术和实践水平。公会将致力于整合跨区域的人力资源领域的权威资源 进一步加强专业交流和合作 为政府部门 企事业单位的人力资源领域的权威资源,进一步加强专业交流和合作,为政府部门、企事业单位、高等院校、学术团体及专业机构构筑全方位、高水准的互动平台,为人力资源管理的本土化、专业化标准的建立与长期发展作出努力。

【公会主要任务】1. 制订人力资源管理行业标杆和规范。该体系应代表当今较高水平人力资源管理的




2. 开展上述标杆的教学及会员评审吸纳工作。

3. 承担有关政府机关、科研机构、教育团体和工商组织的人力资源研究与开发工作,或为上述机构提供咨询建议。

4. 开展社会调查,组织成员进行有关各个地区人力资源开发现状和历史的研究工作,为理论、战略和政策的确定提供科学依据。

5. 开展国际学术研究活动,组织成员进行有关人力资源问题的理论和政策的研讨工作,举行学术报告会,讨论会等,组织各种学术交流活动。

6. 开展有关人力资源研究和开发的国际合作。编辑人力资源著作和国际人力资源管理有关教材,并组织翻译国际学术界有关人力资源开发的著作、教材和资料。

7. 组织评审人力资源研究与开发方面的学术成果,对其中的优秀成果予以表彰或奖励。

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人力资产标准公会规划倡议书 4

章程纲要(讨论稿)• 1960年,西奥多·威廉·舒尔茨(Theodore W. Schultz,1902-1998,1979年获诺贝尔经济

学奖), 在美国经济协会的年会上以会长的身份作了题为《人力资本投资》的演说,阐述了许多无法用传统经济理论解释的经济增长问题,明确提出人力资本是当今时代促进国民经济增长的主要原因。他指出,对人力资本进行投资所产生的收益,远远高于对非人力资源的投资。

1964 年 美国密歇根州大学企业经济研究所的赫曼森提出人力资源会计的概念 并被引入会• 1964 年,美国密歇根州大学企业经济研究所的赫曼森提出人力资源会计的概念,并被引入会计学的研究之中。他提出,人力资源构成了企业最有效的经营资产,为使会计报表更为完善,对企业管理公务员更为有用,其内容应该包括人力资本。1965—1966年,美国会计学会对人力资源会计理论进行了系统研究,认为需要对人力资源费用成本及人力资源效益进行衡量与评价,并交由密歇根州大学社会研究所进行实验。

• 基于舒尔茨对于人力资本的定量研究,以及之后罗伯特·卡普兰(Robert Kaplan)和戴维·诺顿(David Norton)所从事的平衡计分卡体系,并运用现代会计学和经济学的理论,对人力资源各个模块进行重新切分和再造,建立了基于人力资产投资的理论模型。截至到20世纪八九十年代,一些大型的企业,如美国电话电报公司、德克萨斯仪器公司、通用电器公司均采用了人力资源计量管理。一些大型的金融机构,如美国梅特罗银行和加拿大格林菲尔德航空公司,已使用该体系于人力资源管理决策。

• 2009年2月,美国标准局(ANSI)授权美国人力资源管理学会(SHRM)建立人力资源管理的标准 以此为标志 发达国家的 管理发展趋势将 加规范化并 将有相应的行业标杆衡量准。以此为标志,发达国家的HR管理发展趋势将更加规范化并且将有相应的行业标杆衡量,也显示出发达国家对于提升后进企业人力资源管理,以及培养HR管理后继人才的重视。SHRM人力资源管理标准总监Lee Webster认为:“SHRM 将制订标准和其应用视为一个专业学术团体的最重要的贡献。通过缜密的标准来为组织提供人力资源方面的服务和支持,才能使人力资源管理对于组织的贡献更为清晰可见。同时,他强调:“标准化地而不是随心所欲地进行人力资源管理,将使人力资源管理者更能够像其它职业那样更为专业化。”

• 作为与文化密切相关的职能,人力资源要有效地运用以上的理论和方法,必须要将其本土化、重新优化以适应本土市场的经济需求。HASA的章程、行业标杆和准则应结合包括学界理论和经营实践在内的所有经验,才能真正为人力资源从业者在工作中所使用。因此,HASA应该联合高层HR人士、经营决策人员以及HR和工商管理业界专家,建立符合中国本土经济发展并能为之服务的HR标准。

财务 客户

人力资产规划与核算 组织绩效管理

企业行业及经营模式决策 绩效管理模型

财务报表结构 需求理论

人力资产账户设置 绩效管理理论及实践

流程及组织架构设计 人员测评工具设计


流程及 织架构设计 人员测评 具设计

职务分析及工作设计 满意度测量设计

人力资源需求及供给预测 满意度调研方法

人力资源预算编制 绩效考评面谈及反馈

人力资产成本计量 人力资产收益计量财务模型





运作 组织发展

薪酬 流动管理

职务评估 招聘流程设计

薪酬设计准则 招聘渠道评估及使用

薪酬结构 人员测评在招聘中的应用薪酬结构 人员测评在招聘中的应用

薪酬体系设计 雇佣及内部雇佣法规实务

薪酬法规及核算实务 流动管理计量财务模型


员工关系 培训与组织发展

员工沟通 培训需求分析

团队管理 培训课程设置

职业安全与健康 培训课程设计

劳动法规实务 培训渠道评估及使用

员工关系财务计量模型 培训师团队管理与培训实施



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人力资产标准公会规划倡议书 5


• 作为人力资源行业的专业团体,HASA发起人认为新成员应该充分理解HASA章程和HR准则。该等章程和HR管理准则是由公会发起人和具有代表性的企事业单位所设立并一致认可的。因此,公会认为对于不能达到注册会员要求的入会申请人提供必要的培训和评估 以确保HASA成员的专业性是十分求的入会申请人提供必要的培训和评估,以确保HASA成员的专业性是十分必要的。基于公会章程和准则,

• 个人注册会员应分为三个等级:

1. 1级(初级)、2级(中级)以及3级(高级)。 入会考试分为六大模块,每个模块分笔试和面试环节,由该模块的分会考评,每个模块通过只颁发该模块的结业证书。只有通过所有模块,HASA评委会才会根据面试情况,颁发相应级别的会员资格。

• 企业注册会员评审基本设想如下:

1. 基于六个模块的标准,对企业人力资源管理体系建设进行评级。符合该标准的则颁发相应的评级证书;

2. 基于六个模块的标准,对企业人力资产的健康状况进行评级,达到标准的则颁发相应的评级证书。


时间:2010年3月10日 下午13:30——16:30地点 上海市浦东新 合欢路 号浦东市 中 楼 会 室



1. 国际国内人力资源管理和挑战

2. 国际国内人力资源专业团体发展状况


3. 联合发起人力资产标准公会及其体系建设的探讨

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人力资产标准公会规划倡议书 6




上海市浦东新区东方路135号10楼07室邮编 200120邮编:200120电话:86-21-51308587传真:86-21-51308586电邮:[email protected] [email protected]网址:

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人力资产标准公会发起人会议章程(草案)    1 / 3 


1. 总则

1.1 为了更好的筹建人力资产标准公会(下文称“本公会),服务人力资源从业者,特制定


1.2 本章程所指的人力资产标准公会发起人会议(下文称“本发起人会议”)是由有志于筹


1.3 本发起人会议的宗旨是,组织、推动人力资源研究与交流,推进理论实践创新,创建符



1.4 人力资产标准公会是个官方人力资源行业组织,不限发起人的地域、国籍、种族、年龄、


1.5 本制度在人力资产标准公会正式成立后,自动失效,有人力资产标准公会章程替代。

2. 发起人会议组成及职责

2.1 本发起人会议的发起人包括机构(企事业单位)和个人发起人。

2.2 发起人资格

2.2.1 人力资产标准公会的个人发起人至少拥有 10 年级以上知名企业高层人力资源

管理经验(至少在企事业中担任国家级人力资源 高负责人以上职位,如中国



2.2.2 机构发起人必须为财富 500 强公司或者是本行业内处于领先地位的组织。赞成



2.2.3 对于符合条件的企业人力资源工作者、国内外专家学者受人力资产标准公会筹


2.3 发起人退会

2.3.1 发起人在书面通知发起人会议或筹委会后即为退会;

2.3.2 发起人无正当理由,一年之内不参加任何本发起人会议的任何形式的学术活动


2.3.3 发起人严重违反本章程的,经发起人会议决定,可以劝其退会或者予以除名。

2.4 发起人的权利和义务

2.4.1 发起人的权利 参加本公会发起人会议及其学科或者专业研究组织举办的学术活动; 获得本公会发起人会议为开展学术研究和交流提供的必要的物质保障

和便利条件; 共享本公会发起人会议组织编辑的论文、论著等人力资源研究成果和

经验交流资料; 对本公会发起人会议工作提出批评和建议; 在本公会发起人会议框架内,有选举权和被选举权; 对起草委员会人选提名、表决; 对起草委员会的提案有建议权和表决权。

2.4.2 发起人的义务 遵守本制度,执行本公会发起人会议的决议; 本公会未成立之前,每年累计参与本公会发起人会议及其学科或者专

业研究组织举办的学术活动两次; 自愿向本发起人会议提供论文、论著等人力资源研究成果;

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人力资产标准公会发起人会议章程(草案)    2 / 3 承担本发起人会议委托的工作。

2.5 发起人会议职责

2.5.1 发起人会议是指人力资产标准公会成立之前,人力资产标准公会发起人为了筹


是人力资产标准公会筹建时期 高权利机构。人力资产标准公会成立后,这一


2.5.2 为了保护所有发起人的利益,发起人会议采用四大原则: 平衡原则,即保护意见多数者的权利也保护意见占据少数者的权利,

以及因故未出席会议的人的权利也应得到保护,从而 终保护所有这

些人组成的整体的权利; 对领袖的制约,集体在交出自己一部分权利给领袖(泛指筹委会主任


确保自己在根本上能够直接控制集体自身的事务而不被领袖所控制; 多数原则,即通常采用的所有提案表决,均需要全体发起人 2/3(三分

之二)票数通过,方可生效; 辩论原则,每个人都有权利通过辩论说服其他人接受自己的意志,直


2.6 发起人会议的工作任务

2.6.1 制订审议未来人力资产标准公会的章程;

2.6.2 制订人力资源行业规范、标杆及准则,藉以培养人力资源管理人员、评估企业


2.6.3 参与人力资源教育培训,促进培养人力资源管理新兴队伍;

2.6.4 组织会员评审吸纳工作;

2.6.5 开展国内外人力资源学术交流与合作、 建立学术与实践资料共享机制;

2.6.6 承担有关政府机关、科研机构、教育团体和工商组织的人力资源研究与开发工


2.6.7 组织、推动 HR 从业者开展调查研究工作;

2.6.8 其它。

3. 筹委会组成和职责

3.1 筹委会组成

3.1.1 赞成本制度,具有一定人力资源研究能力并且在人力资源岗位工作 10 年以上,




3.1.2 筹委会的作为发起人会议的牵头机构,主要作用是为发起人会议服务,执行发


3.1.3 筹委会专设主任一名、副主任若干名,委员若干名;

3.1.4 筹委会设秘书处,目前由浦东新区外商(各地)投资企业协会人力资源专业委


3.2 筹委会职责

3.2.1 联系符合条件的人力资源从业者作为发起人;

3.2.2 组织发起人会议;

3.2.3 筹委会成员调整;

3.2.4 制订、总结筹委会工作计划与活动安排;

3.2.5 组织起草委员会会议;

3.2.6 对起草委员会成员调整建议权。

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人力资产标准公会发起人会议章程(草案)    3 / 3 

4. 起草委员会组成和职责

4.1 起草委员会组成

4.1.1 起草委员会由人力资源领域资深权威人士及企业 高层管理人员担任;

4.1.2 起草委员会成员,是由筹委会或发起人会议提名人选,并经过发起人会表决通


4.1.3 起草委员会根据人力资产标准公会未来的人力资源专业模块组成不同的小组。

4.2 起草委员会职责

4.2.1 吸纳人力资源领域著名专家学者及人力资源精英人士;

4.2.2 起草人力资产标准公会章程和行业规范、标杆和准则。

5. 第六章 附则

5.1 本发起人会议的一切活动均在国家各项法律、法规、政策允许范围内开展;

5.2 本章程与中华人民共和国法律、法规、政策相悖的,以中华人民共和国法律法规为准;

5.3 本章程与中华人民共和国法律、法规、政策相悖的无效部分,不影响其它部分的执行;

5.4 本制度未涉及之条款及待定事项将另行制定;

5.5 本制度的 终解释权归人力资产标准公会发起人会议所有。

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Reference Materials for Preparatory Session 2 for HASA    1 / 3 


The Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) has been named the exclusive national developer of HR standards for the United States.

The designation, by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI), puts SHRM “on track to oversee all international development of human resource standards,” says Lee S. Webster, SHRM’s HR standards director.

Leading the creation and deployment of HR standards will advance the profession, according to Webster, by:

Setting the agenda on what the standards are for HR organizational success within the profession.

Elevating the view of HR practitioners as a vital, learned group of business professionals.

In the past, HR professionals would have many different and sometimes conflicting methodologies for how to handle such things as employee investigations and job evaluations, he said. The Standards Developing Organization (SDO) designation means that SHRM will be crafting “a common approach that all human resource organizations can voluntarily adopt,” he explained.

In addition, SHRM will “actually begin to oversee the [HR] standards across the globe,” Webster told SHRM Online.

Once these standards are created, local HR leaders can use them “to manage their practices more effectively in their workplaces, and [the standards] will be connected to what we do with certification,” Webster said.

Having operating standards rather than using an ad hoc approach to manage HR operations will allow HR to act in a manner similar to other professionals, Webster said. It can lead to SHRM becoming “the arbiter of HR standards not only for the domestic U.S. marketplace but also across the globe.”

Those standards can cover a range of topics.

“It’s really only limited by what the profession says is necessary or not necessary to be a standard,” and the resulting document can be a few pages to an entire manual, Webster said.

A task force will develop those standards. Membership on the task force is not limited to SHRM members. Webster urges those who “want to influence their futures in a deep way” to consider joining the task force.

“They’ll be setting the standards for workplace performance for HR professionals for the future,” he said.

A web site with more information will be posted prior to SHRM’s Annual Conference & Exposition in June 2009. Webster is scheduled to speak about the SDO designation at the conference in New Orleans.

In addition, SHRM is partnering with another standards developing organization—securities professional association ASIS, formerly known as the American Society for Industrial Security—to develop standards for handling workplace violence.

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“ANSI accreditation marks an important milestone in SHRM’s ongoing efforts to advance the human resources profession,” said Lee Webster, director of HR standards at SHRM. “As the demand for HR products and services grows, establishing durable and interoperable performance measures and metrics has become a real market need, both in the United States and abroad.”

Standards are a set of voluntary criteria, guidelines and best practices used to enhance the quality, performance, reliability and consistency of products, services and processes of a profession. SHRM’s designation is unique because only one other professional business group is an SDO for “performance-based” outcomes rather than “technical-based” outcomes, which are seen in more clinical professions such as medicine.

Webster said HR standards will lead to both cost-savings and operational improvements for organizations. One potential area for cost-savings is with investigations, where a lack of guidelines currently has resulted in an overly complex and costly approach to what should be a routine HR operation.

Likewise, HR standards could positively impact an organization’s carbon footprint through more efficient employer relocation practices and reducing overall documentation practices that would filter down the supply chain to an organization’s vendors.

“By making HR products and services subject to a more rigorous set of standards, the return on investment is more vivid and real for the business community,” Webster said.

SHRM and ANSI will begin inviting key stakeholders in the development of writing the standards for all 13 HR discipline areas. The first meetings will occur this spring with the new standards expected out in early 2010.

The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) does not yet have a technical committee that focuses on human resources standards. SHRM intends to play an important

role in founding and leading that technical committee.

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SHRM 成为美国人力资源管理领域的唯一“标准制定机构”

美国国家标准协会(A N S I )2009年2月2 7日宣布,美国人力资源管理协会(S H

R M)为“标准制定机构”(SDO)。这意味着SHRM成为美国人力资源领域独一无


















之急。SHRM的 专家认为,人力资源管理标准是指一系列非强制性的准则、指导

















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Agenda for HASA Preparatory Session 2    1 / 1 

Preparatory Session 2 for HASA

Agenda Host:Mr. Kevin Cheung PAEFI & PAEDI

Director General of Human Resources Commission Agenda: 1. 13:30-13:40 Speech from PAEFI & PAEDI HR Commission

—— Mr. Kevin Cheung

2. 13:40-14:15 Demands of An Official HR Association Demands of international theory & methodology communication in HR

world; Roles & responsibilities of an official HR association; Application of standards and benchmarks for HR industry.

—— Professor Jin-Tao Shi

3. 14:15-14:45 HR management & Challenges in the world Trends of HR management in the world & China; Implementation of HR methodology in business operations; Challenges of the HR department & HR professionals; HR management and HR professional’s career in economic transition period;

—— Assistant Professor Claire Chen —— All participants

4. 14:45-15:00 Break 5. 15:00-15:45 Development of HR association in both overseas & China Overview of international & local HR professional associations & societies; Development of HR management policies & regulations from both overseas

& local perspectives; International & local education & training for HR professionals; Pros & Cons of HR management in China’s practice; Necessities & the mission of an official association for HR professionals; Definition & demands of professional benchmarks for HR management; Application of HR management benchmarks in industry promotion.

—— All participants 6. 15:45-16:20 Discussion on feasibility of co-founding Human Assets Standards

Association & probing on the strategy & development Feasibility of HASA operation & development; Organization & governance of HASA; Review & discussion on Chapter (Draft) for co-founders.

—— All participants 7. 16:20-16:30 Summary & follow-up actions

—— Mr. Kevin Cheung

Pudong New Area Association of Enterprises with Foreign (Domestic) Investment Board of Executives, Human Resources Commission

Preparatory office of Human Assets Standards Association March 10th, 2010



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人力资产标准公会第二次筹备会专家介绍    1 / 1 


专家介绍 石金涛 教授:





陈景秋 博士:



Round-table Preparatory Session 2 for HASA

Introduction of Academic Representative Professor Jin-Tao Shi:

Dean of Department of Business Administration, Head of Institute of Human Resource

Management, Shanghai Jiao Tong University. Professor and Advisor to Ph. D.

Professional appointment: Committee member of Board of Advisors for High Education,

State Ministry of Education, Executive Director of Shanghai Society of Behavioral Science,

Director General of Professional Commission of Safe Behavior and Efficiency.

Dr. Jing-Qiu Chen:

Ph.D. of Industrial and Organizational Psychology. Assistant Professor, Organizational

Management, Antai School of Economy & Administration, Shanghai Jiao Tong University.

Expertise: Behavioral decision-making, happiness and subjective well-being, cultural

psychology, organizational behavior.



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HASA Bird's View 1



Human Assets Standards Association


Background• As the largest developing country in the world, China is about to replace Japan as the world’s second largest economy f

ollowing the U.S.;• Simultaneously,after China's reform and opening up 30 years of rapid development, economic growth faces a second

round of restructuring;• Although being the significant function in business operation, HR department still encounters embarrassing situations wh

ile HR management focus more on processes than results Many HR managers feel disregarded by top mangers sinceile HR management focus more on processes than results. Many HR managers feel disregarded by top mangers, sincethere's no such industry-wide consensus standards & benchmarks in human resource management and therefore it becomes impossible to evaluate appropriately the contributions of HR professionals.

• While the traditional accounting methodology never counts the ROI of workforce, the bottleneck for HR management progress thereby emerged. Due to the lack of specific measure criteria & data, the utilization of human assets in an organization can hardly be fully recognized by top managers.

• China markets now is the beachhead for overseas capital to land, while local companies are heading for international expansion. Management professionals realize that the HR management, being the cornerstone of business growth, is closely related with local social traditions, cultures, politics and laws. However, the HR management methodology and theories derived from eastern cultures and on-site practice in local markets are on the verge of blank.

• Therefore, to build up the benchmarks and standards for measuring HR management in common agree by the whole industry becomes very necessary. The standards should fit the local HR practice and be based on the advanced researches on human assets. The new criteria will not only provide HR managers complementary approaches to better administe

h b t f ilit t b i ti t h lthi d i tifi di tir human resources, but facilitate business operation to a healthier and more scientific direction.• As a result, to investigate China and cross-regional HR management in a theoretical, professional, systematic way and c

onsequently feedback to the business operation is becoming more demanding than ever.• To support the industry adjustment, as one of the government's significant tasks of industry promotion, HASA is China's

only official association for human resources professional incumbents. HASA is a government-authorized organizations, founded & organized by reputable institutions & senior HR professionals, top corporate executives from both domestic & overseas companies. As the city that China central government positioned to build the global financial & logistics center and the develop for global corporate headquarters, Shanghai is the most significant economic center of China, as well as the highland and focus in global economy. HASA will have its headquarters in Pudong, Shanghai. As the administrative organization for preparatory issues, Pudong New Area Association of Enterprises with Foreign (Domestic) Investment will participate in the start-up affairs.



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HASA Bird's View 2

Founding Members

【Founding members】• The Human Assets Standards Association (preparatory), with its headquarters in S

hanghai , is the only official association for HR incumbents in China. The associatiog , yn will be established with founding members being senior HR executives or top managers from notable corporate, government & famous experts from academic institutions;

• All individual founding members of HASA should possess 10+ years' experiences at positions as the HR head of at least country level or above, senior corporate executives or authoritative experts of HR management or business administration fromdistinguished institutions;

• All corporate founding members of HASA should be members of Fortune 500 companies or taking a leading role in the specific industry;

• HASA is an official industrial organization for HR management and welcome all professionals interested in HR join with no restrictions of the member's geography, nationality, ethnics, age, gender or the employer's origin of investment.





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HASA Bird's View 3

Mission & Vision【Mission】• HASA plays a critical role as to bridge between government & corporate in terms of human resources management. Thro

ugh building industrial benchmarks & rules, HR professional educating, information sharing, HASA cooperates with the government to guide enterprises to eliminate backward production capacity, strengthen independent innovation, promote new industries, implement brand strategy and improve the management level. From a macro point of view, HASA will dedicate to promoting the development of human resources of the whole society and China's labor force quality, and to advancethe quality and effectiveness of socio-economic growth and accelerate the construction of a modern industrial system.

• Consolidate the most up-to-date achievement in HR in a global range to spread advanced HR concept and train local HRprofessionals that fit local operation with international standards.

【Vision】• HASA represents the most advanced academic and practical level in HR industry. We dedicate to consolidate cross-regi

onal authoritative resources and enforce professional communication & cooperation as to provide a comprehensive andhigh-level interactive pipeline for government, business entities, institutions and professional service providers, as to contribute to constituting localized and professionalized HR benchmarks and to promote long-term healthy growth of HR matribute to constituting localized and professionalized HR benchmarks and to promote long term healthy growth of HR management.


【Main Tasks】1. Formulate criteria & benchmarks for HR management with broad representation & authority to ref

lect the advanced levels of human resources management and be applied to evaluating the profei li f HR i b t d th h lth t t f h i b issionalism of HR incumbents and the healthy status of human resources in business.

2. Initiate the education of the above benchmarks to promote membership;

3. Participate in consultancy service for related government organs, research or academic institutions or business entities in area of human resources development;

4. Conduct social surveys for workforce development in various areas and provide advisory reference for government while formulating policies and regulations;

5. Organize international professional events. Discuss about laws, regulations and policies about HR, employment or occupational issues through various events, seminars and other types of com

i ti h imunication mechanisms;

6. Process international cooperation. Compile HR publications or teaching materials, or translate and introduce HR information and achievements from overseas academic area;

7. Evaluate, accredit & reward professional attainments of HR management.



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HASA Bird's View 4

Guidelines for Charter (Draft)• In 1960, Theodore W. Schultz, (1902-1998, Winner of Nobel Prize in 1979 in economics field), delivered a speech of "i

nvestment in human capital" at the annual conference of American Economic Association as the President of the association. He illustrated many phenomena that can not be explained by traditional economic theories. He then demonstrated that human capital was the main initiative to drive the nation's economy growth. He believes that the ROI of human capitalinvestment is far exceeding that of any other type of investment.

• 1964, H. Hermanson, Professor of Michigan State University, created the concept of "Accounting for Human Assets". That definition was later adopted into accounting researches. He claims that human is the most effective assets for businesat definition was later adopted into accounting researches. He claims that human is the most effective assets for business operation. To make the financial report more completed and useful to corporate managers, the human capital should be included. From 1965-1966, American Society of Accounting organized systematic researches into accounting for human assets and concluded it necessary to measure and evaluate ROI of people investment. the Society Research Institutionof Michigan State University then got the assignment to further investigate.

• After the quantitative researches into human assets by Schultz, Robert Kaplan and David Norton designed Balance Score Card. The theoretical model of human assets investment was then generated based on the restructuring of each modules of Human Resources Management. By 1990s', some sizable companies, such as AT&T, TI, GE have adopted the approaches of measuring human resources. Some big financial firms, e.g. Metro Bank & Greenfield Aviation, have applied that system to determining strategies for HR management.

• Feb. 2009, American National Standards Institution named SHRM the Standards Development Organization (SDO) for standards of HR management. As a symbol, developed countries are advancing HR management to a more standardizeddirection with corresponding industry-wide benchmarks. That also represents that developed nations concentrate on promoting the HR management of all industries and dedicate to train HR professional successors. “SHRM sees standards development and application as key attributes of a professional society. By making HR products and services subject to amore rigorous set of standards, the return on investment is more vivid and real for the business community.” said Lee Weg , ybster, Director of HR Standards for SHRM. He emphasized " Having operating standards rather than using an ad hoc approach to manage HR operations will allow HR to act in a manner similar to other professionals".

• As something evolved from culture, the effective application of the above theories and approaches must be localized andoptimized to feed the real economic demands in local markets. The charter and benchmark rules of HASA for HR professionals to use in their workplace should combine both the experiences from academic institutions and on-site practice. Partnering with senior HR executives, top corporate executives and experts in HR & business administration, HASA should create HR standards that match and reward to China's economic development.

Guidelines for Charter (Draft)Finance CustomerHuman Assets Planning & Accounting Performance ManagementIndustry & decision model Model of performance managementStructures of finance reports Theory of needsHuman Assets account Theories and practice of performance managementProcess & organization design People assessment designJob analysis & design Employee satisfaction survey designHR demand and supply analysis Implement employee satisfaction surveyHR budgeting Performance interview & feedbackCost evaluation of Human Assets Evaluation of ROI of Human Resources managementMonetization of Human ResourcesNon-monetization of Human ResourcesValue of Human Assets and reportReturn & Investment of Human Resources managementOperation DevelopmentRemuneration MobilityJob evaluation Design of hiring processPrinciples of C&B design Evaluation and application of hiring channelsStructures of C&B Application of people assessment technologyDesign of C&B system Hiring & internal transferring & related lawsCalculation & laws regarding to pay system Financial models for mobility managementFinancial model for pay managementEmployee relation Training & organization developmentEmployee communication Analysis on training needsTeam management Training schedulingOccupational environment, health and safety Design of training programsEmployment laws Evaluation & selection of training resourcesFinancial models for employee relation management Management of trainers and training implementation

Evaluation of effectiveness of trainingFinancial models for training manament



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HASA Bird's View 5

Membership• Being a professional organization of HR industry, HASA founding members shall require all new memb

ers fully understand the Charter and rules generated and agreed by the association. Thereby, necessary training & assessment for HASA certified membership applicants who do not meet the qualifications of a founding member are necessary to ensure the professionalism of HASA members.

• Based on the above guidelines for Charter, individual membership certification will be categorized as the following:

1. There will be 3 levels of certificate: 1 (primary), 2 (intermediate) and 3 (advanced). Six modules consist of the assessment. Applicants must pass both written test and interview required by the sub-society of HASA. After completed the tests for each module, a certificate of completion will be issued to the applicant.

As of the corporate membership applicant:

1. The sub-society is responsible for the evaluation of HR management system of a corporate. If pass, the corporate applicant is entitled to a certificate of the corresponding grade;s, the corporate applicant is entitled to a certificate of the corresponding grade;

2. The sub-society is responsible for the evaluation of HR healthiness. A certificate of correspondinggrade of HR healthiness will be issued to the applicant if that organization achieves a specific grade.

Preparatory Round-table Session 2 for HASATheme: Development for Local HR Management & Rules for HR Industry

Time: 13:30 pm-16:30 pm, March 10th, 2010.



1. HR management & Challenges in the world

2. Development of HR association in both overseas & China

Venue: Rm. A1, F3, Civic Center, No. 2, He Huan Rd. Pudong, Shanghai

3. Discussion on feasibility of co-founding Human Assets Standards Association & probing on the strategy & development



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HASA Bird's View 6

HASA Preparatory Office Contact

Human Resources CommissionPudong New Area Association of Enterprises with Foreign (Domestic) In

vestmentPreparatory Office of Human Assets Standards Association

Rm. 1007, No. 135, Dong Fang Rd.Zip: 200120Tel: 86-21-51308587Tel: 86 21 51308587Fax: 86-21-51308586Mail: [email protected] [email protected]:



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Charter of FMC for HASA    1 / 4 

Charter of the Founding Members’ Conference for

the Human Assets Standards Association (Preparatory) (Draft)

1. General Principles

1.1 This Charter is formulated as to set up the Human Assets Standards Association

(Hereinafter referred as “HASA”) and better serve the HR professionals;

1.2 The “Founding Members’ Conference” (Hereinafter referred as “FMC”) for Human Assets

Standards Association mentioned herein is constituted voluntarily by senior HR executives,

top corporate executives and academic experts;

1.3 The mission for the FMC is: To organize and advance researches & communications in

human resources management. To promote innovation of HR theories and practices to

generate professional network and industry-wide association for human resources incumbents

that fit China markets, i.e. the Human Assets Standards Association;

1.4 The HASA is an official & industry-wide association for human resources without

restrictions to the founding member’s geography, nationality, ethnics, age, gender and the

employer’s origin of investment;

1.5 This charter shall be valid until the HASA is formally founded and registered and will be

replaced by the charters of the HASA.

2. Constitution, Duties & Powers of Founding Members’ Conference

2.1 The founding members include the group member and the individual member.

2.2 Qualifications of the founding member

2.2.1 Any individual founding member of the HASA shall possess 10+ years' experiences

at the position of HR head of at least country level or above (e.g. China HR head or

AP HR head), or be the senior corporate executive or the authoritative expert of HR

management or business administration from distinguished institutions. The group

founding member of the FMC shall be a Fortune 500 company or taking a leading

role in the specific industry. Those qualified applicants who admit & acknowledge

this Charter and conform the duties as founding members shall be accepted as

founding members after approved by the FMC;

2.2.2 Organizations or individuals who meet the qualifications of the founding member

and acknowledge this charter shall be accepted as founding members, upon

invitations from the Preparatory Committee of the HASA;

2.2.3 The HASA is an official industrial organization for HR incumbents and welcome all

professionals interested in HR join with no restrictions of the member's geography,

nationality, ethnics, age, gender or the employer's investment origin.

2.3 Resignation and termination

2.3.1 The founding member who notifies the FMC or the Preparatory Committee of

resignation in written form shall be granted as voluntary resignation;

2.3.2 If the founding member does not participate any events or does not execute

resolutions determined by the FMC within one year without the acceptable reason is

regarded as voluntary resignation;

2.3.3 The founding member who seriously violates this charter shall forfeit the

membership of the FMC upon approval by the FMC.

2.4 Founding members’ duties and powers

2.4.1 Powers To participate the FMC or the professional events organized by the FMC; To access to the necessary material conditions or convenience provided by



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the FMC in order to initiate professional researches or communications; To share editorials, articles, publications or other types of HR research and

practice organized by the FMC; To advise or suggest to the activities of the FMC; To vote or be elected within the framework of the FMC; To nominate and vote for the candidates of the Drafting Committee; To advise and vote to the proposals raised by the Drafting Committee.

2.4.2 Duties To conform this Charter and exercise the resolutions approved by the

FMC; To participate the FMC or the professional events organized by FMC at

least twice per year; To provide the FMC with articles or other types of HR researches and

practice; Exercise duties as assigned by the FMC.

2.5 Responsibilities of the FMC

2.5.1 The “FMC” referred herein means the executive agency through which the founding

members determine resolutions via meeting to prepare HASA before the HASA is

formally founded and registered. The FMC is the top authoritative organization

during the preparatory period of HASA. Once the HASA is founded, the FMC will

be replaced by the member representatives’ general meeting.

2.5.2 As to protect the interests of all founding members, the FMC set the following

principles: The principle of balance: That is, to protect the rights of majority opinions

also the minority opinions, as well as the founding members’ opinions who

are not able to attend the FMC, and ultimately for the purpose of ensure

the whole interests of all founding members; The principle of constraints on the leaders: That is, while the members

empower the rights to the leaders (including but not limited to the

Preparatory Committee or any other officers or academic leaders who

potentially impact on the group decision making), members shall reserve

their independent rights to directly control the group affairs, without being

controlled by the leaders instead; The principle of majority: That is, all proposals shall come to force only

agreed by at least 2/3 (Two Thirds) of the founding members. The principle of persuasion: That is, every member has the right to

persuade other members to accept his/her arguments, until that argument is

accepted as a common agreement or a different common agreement is

agreed by FMC and prevails the individual arguments.

2.6 Responsibilities of FMC

2.6.1 To formulate and approve the charters for HASA;

2.6.2 To formulate the criteria, rules and benchmarks of HR industry, with which to

improve HR incumbents’ professionalism, evaluate the organizational HR

management level and to advance the society’s workforce progress;

2.6.3 To initiate the professional education of HR management;

2.6.4 To promote membership;

2.6.5 To process international cooperation and build up sharing mechanism for academic

and practice materials;



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2.6.6 To participate in consultancy for related government organs, research or academic

institutions or business entities in area of human resources development;

2.6.7 To conduct social surveys for workforce development in various areas and provide

advisory reference for government while formulating policies and regulations;

2.6.8 Other assignments as agreed by the FMC.

3. Constitutions, Duties and Powers of the Preparatory Committee

3.1 Constitution

3.1.1 Those senior HR executives, top corporate executives with 10+ experiences or

authoritative experts from academic or research institutions who are willing to

contribute time and efforts as to dedicate to serving HR industry, if admit and

acknowledge this Charter, shall be the committee member after applies and be

approved by the FMC.

3.1.2 The Preparatory Committee is the executive agency on behalf of the FMC. The

purpose of the Preparatory Committee is to serve the FMC and exercise the

resolutions agreed and approved by the FMC;

3.1.3 The PC comprise one Director General, a number of Vice Director General and some

committee members;

3.1.4 There is a secretariat affiliated to the Preparatory Committee. At the moment, the

secretariat members are temporarily designated by the Human Resources

Commission of Pudong New Areas Association of Enterprises with Foreign

(Domestic) Investment. The secretariat shall be in charge of general issues of the

Preparatory Committee, including but not limited to the day-day liaison and the

implementation of other affairs as assigned by the Preparatory Committee.

3.2 Duties and Powers

3.2.1 To promote qualified individuals to join the FMC;

3.2.2 To organize the FMC meeting;

3.2.3 Personnel adjustment of the Preparatory Committee

3.2.4 To formulate and summarize the working schedule and event arrangements for the

Preparatory Committee;

3.2.5 To organize the meetings of the Drafting Committee;

3.2.6 To advise the personnel adjustment for the Drafting Committee.

4. Constitutions, Duties and Powers of the Drafting Committee

4.1 Constitution

4.1.1 The member of the Drafting Committee shall be undertaken by senior HR

professionals, top corporate executives or authoritative of HR or business


4.1.2 The member of the Drafting Committee shall be nominated by the Preparatory

Committee or the FMC and the designation will come to effective only after

approved by the FMC;

4.1.3 The Preparatory Committee shall consist of various groups categorized by the

functions of human resources management.

4.2 Duties and Powers

4.2.1 To Drafting the charters, rules and benchmarks of the HASA and the HR industry;

4.2.2 To promote reputable experts specialized in related disciplines and seasoned HR

professionals to partner on Drafting the charters, rules and benchmarks of the


5. Appendix

5.1 This charter and all activities of the Founding Members’ Conference shall be governed and



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construed in accordance with the laws of the People’s Republic of China;

5.2 In the case of any conflict between the terms of this Charter and the laws of the People’s

Republic of China, the laws of the People’s Republic of China shall prevail;

5.3 If any provision of the terms and conditions of this Charter is deemed invalid or

unenforceable under any applicable statute or rule of the laws, such part, to that extent only,

will be deemed to be omitted without affecting the validity of the other parts of this Charter;

5.4 Any pending matters not covered in this Charter shall be discussed and determined in other

forthcoming documents;

5.5 The final rights of interpretation of this Charter shall be reserved by the Founding Members’

Conference for the Human Assets Standards Association.



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The Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) has been named the exclusive national developer of HR standards for the United States.

The designation, by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI), puts SHRM “on track to oversee all international development of human resource standards,” says Lee S. Webster, SHRM’s HR standards director.

Leading the creation and deployment of HR standards will advance the profession, according to Webster, by:

Setting the agenda on what the standards are for HR organizational success within the profession.

Elevating the view of HR practitioners as a vital, learned group of business professionals.

In the past, HR professionals would have many different and sometimes conflicting methodologies for how to handle such things as employee investigations and job evaluations, he said. The Standards Developing Organization (SDO) designation means that SHRM will be crafting “a common approach that all human resource organizations can voluntarily adopt,” he explained.

In addition, SHRM will “actually begin to oversee the [HR] standards across the globe,” Webster told SHRM Online.

Once these standards are created, local HR leaders can use them “to manage their practices more effectively in their workplaces, and [the standards] will be connected to what we do with certification,” Webster said.

Having operating standards rather than using an ad hoc approach to manage HR operations will allow HR to act in a manner similar to other professionals, Webster said. It can lead to SHRM becoming “the arbiter of HR standards not only for the domestic U.S. marketplace but also across the globe.”

Those standards can cover a range of topics.

“It’s really only limited by what the profession says is necessary or not necessary to be a standard,” and the resulting document can be a few pages to an entire manual, Webster said.

A task force will develop those standards. Membership on the task force is not limited to SHRM members. Webster urges those who “want to influence their futures in a deep way” to consider joining the task force.

“They’ll be setting the standards for workplace performance for HR professionals for the future,” he said.

A web site with more information will be posted prior to SHRM’s Annual Conference & Exposition in June 2009. Webster is scheduled to speak about the SDO designation at the conference in New Orleans.

In addition, SHRM is partnering with another standards developing organization—securities professional association ASIS, formerly known as the American Society for Industrial Security—to develop standards for handling workplace violence.



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“ANSI accreditation marks an important milestone in SHRM’s ongoing efforts to advance the human resources profession,” said Lee Webster, director of HR standards at SHRM. “As the demand for HR products and services grows, establishing durable and interoperable performance measures and metrics has become a real market need, both in the United States and abroad.”

Standards are a set of voluntary criteria, guidelines and best practices used to enhance the quality, performance, reliability and consistency of products, services and processes of a profession. SHRM’s designation is unique because only one other professional business group is an SDO for “performance-based” outcomes rather than “technical-based” outcomes, which are seen in more clinical professions such as medicine.

Webster said HR standards will lead to both cost-savings and operational improvements for organizations. One potential area for cost-savings is with investigations, where a lack of guidelines currently has resulted in an overly complex and costly approach to what should be a routine HR operation.

Likewise, HR standards could positively impact an organization’s carbon footprint through more efficient employer relocation practices and reducing overall documentation practices that would filter down the supply chain to an organization’s vendors.

“By making HR products and services subject to a more rigorous set of standards, the return on investment is more vivid and real for the business community,” Webster said.

SHRM and ANSI will begin inviting key stakeholders in the development of writing the standards for all 13 HR discipline areas. The first meetings will occur this spring with the new standards expected out in early 2010.

The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) does not yet have a technical committee that focuses on human resources standards. SHRM intends to play an important

role in founding and leading that technical committee.



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SHRM 成为美国人力资源管理领域的唯一“标准制定机构”

美国国家标准协会(A N S I )2009年2月2 7日宣布,美国人力资源管理协会(S H

R M)为“标准制定机构”(SDO)。这意味着SHRM成为美国人力资源领域独一无


















之急。SHRM的 专家认为,人力资源管理标准是指一系列非强制性的准则、指导

















