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850 Sligo Ave, Silver Spring, MD. 20910 | Tel: 240 694 8572 / 301 588 1695 / Email: [email protected] AGAPE WORD CENTER CHURCH INT. GOD IS OUR FATHER AND WE ARE HIS CHILDREN Flash July 2013

Agape flash July 2013

Mar 10, 2016



Welcome to the July issue of Agape Flash. Our prayer is that the uplifting messages in this issue will lift you up into your destiny as continue to arise above the storms of life and shine in this season. It is your time of favor and when the wind of God's favor blows your way, there is nothing that can stop you, nothing at all, except yourself. Believe that indeed it is your season, and watch God do wonders with you and yours. We have declared July to be a month in which our stewardship in all areas goes to another level in our season of increase. Please keep the testimonies and Agape experiences coming as they encourage others. Please send us your views and do action on the test towards the end. Business men and women kindly advertise with us or those who want to sponsor the Flash. Keep the faith and the best is yet to come! See attached for the Flash for the month.
Welcome message from author
This document is posted to help you gain knowledge. Please leave a comment to let me know what you think about it! Share it to your friends and learn new things together.
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850 Sligo Ave, Silver Spring, MD. 20910 | Tel: 240 694 8572 / 301 588 1695 / Email: [email protected]

A G A P E W O R D C E N T E R C H U R C H I N T .


Flash AGAPEJuly 2013

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02 Welcome to Agape05 God is our Father and We are His Children06 Fathers Day Highlights07 Obedience to Gods Instructions 08 The Race Called Christianity11 Youth and Young Adults Corner14 Young Adults Conference Highlights16 Agape Missions19 Testimony Corner22 18-22 Sept. Annual Conference24 June Women Conference Highlights26 First Touch Ministry Highlights

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Scripture Study Class @ 8:30am Every SundayWorship Celebration @ 9:30am Every Sunday“Lil Love” Children’s Ministry @ 10:30 am Every SundayWednesday Evening & Dig Deeper @ 7:00pm Every Wed1st & 3rd Friday Empowerment Encounter Nite @ 10:00pm



The Scripture

is the infallible and authoritative Word of God, without error, given for the purpose of directing man to salvation.

The Triune GOD

consists of the Father; the Son, Jesus Christ; and the Holy Spirit. They are co-existent, co-eternal, and co-equal.

GOD the Father

is the creator of heaven and earth and the sustainer of all things. There is but one God, infinite, eternal and perfect in holiness, truth and love.

GOD the Son, Jesus

was supernaturally conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of Virgin Mary, and was without sin. He was the vicarious sacrifice of the sin of all mankind through His own glorified body, appeared to many, ascended unto Heaven, and will return to earth in power and glory. He is the Head of His body, the church.

GOD, the Holy Spirit

convicts the world of sin, righteousness and judgment, unites man to Jesus Christ in faith, brings about the new birth, and dwells within the believer, enabling him to grow in sanctification and righteousness and become a gift of God to the Church

The Baptism of the Holy Spirit

is available to all that believe in Jesus Christ and will totally surrender their lives to the complete, perfect will of God.

The Gifts of The Holy Spirit

the word of wisdom, the word of knowledge, faith, gifts of healing, working of miracles, prophecy, discerning of spirits, diverse kinds of tongues, and the interpretation of tongues are available through the Holy Ghost and are for the Church today.

The Fruit of The Holy Spirit

love, joy, peace, long suffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness and temperance and the character of God must be evident in the life of every disciple sent forth into all the earth ( Gal 5:22 & 23; Isaiah 11:1 & 2; Rev 1:4; Rev 4:5 and Rev 5:6). Character is the stability of the anointing.

Man was created in the image and likeness of God. Through the original sin of Adam and Eve, mankind fell from God and became sinful in nature. He is totally incapable of returning to God in himself and is lost without hope, apart from the salvation of Jesus Christ.


is the gift of God through the grace and faith of Jesus Christ. There is no other name except that of Jesus Christ by which men may be saved. By turning from sinto repentance and trusting in Christ and His vicarious death, man is born again unto eternal life by the Holy Spirit.

What a joy it is to introduce you to Agape Word Center church! You will discover that our passion is to provide a place where

people just like you can have a life changing experience with God. AGAPE Word Center Church International is a multicultural and multinational nondenominational church with a passion to develop Agents of Change who purpose to positively impact their world for Jesus Christ, Ambassadors of a living Christ to a dying world. Join us for exuberant praise, passionate worship, the incorruptible Word and Agape after-service fellowship.

As part of its vision in presenting a living Christ to a dying world, Agape through its outreach efforts is actively involved in the local communities we live in, making a difference in people’s lives, one life at a time. Agape also endeavors to provide access to comprehensive social services for those in economic and social crisis. We seek to enable people in need within our community to more fully support and nurture themselves and their families and further support action that leads to a healthy and caring society, free of the oppression of poverty in its various forms.

• Taking the gospel of Jesus Christ to all nations and make disciples of them as commanded by our Lord Jesus Christ.

• Training the people for the fulfilling of destiny through the teaching and practice of the pure, unadulterated, incorruptible WORD of God.

Welcome to Agape

From Pastor and Lady Cee

• To make a positive difference in people’s lives, one life at a time, through the active demonstration of God’s unconditional love (AGAPE) for His people.

• Making ready a people prepared for the Lord.

Come join us for vibrant praise, passionate worship and powerful preaching and teaching of the Incorruptible Word. We look forward to worshiping with you as we endeavor to faithfully influence the effective discipleship of the body of Christ in this generation, according to the will of God.

Our prayer is that through this magazine, you will experience first love and the power of Christ in your life. We trust that you will discover Agape to be a church full of People who love God and are excited to serve Him alone.

Agape Word Center Church is conveniently located in the heart of downtown Silver Spring with easy access from Silver Spring Metro station, at 850 Sligo Avenue, Silver Spring, MD. 20910.

The heart of AGAPE can be summarized as follows:

Reasd more at

What We believe

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Martha Hamukwaya of First Touch Ministry got engaged on 15th of January to Michael Mcpherson.

Come and drink from the Oasis of Love….Let the Living Waters flow! Agape hosts powerful meetings to equip and empower you to soar and excel in the marketplace as the rivers of living water flow from within you in this year to Arise and Shine.














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Enoch was a great man of God who lived for 365 years (Genesis 5: 21-23). He walked in righteousness, and totally believed in God. People could not comprehend his level of

faith in God. He overcame every encountered obstacle by the power of faith in God. Your faith can be as little as a mustard seed, and that is sometimes all which is needed for production of fruits (Matthew 17:20). Regardless of the situation, I encourage you to tap into your operating faith in God.

Your messiah lives forever; He will never leave nor forsake you (Hebrews 13:5, Deuteronomy 31:6). Provided that you are faithful and do the necessary works needed, His words would be manifested in your affairs (James 2: 14-26). Enoch’s relationship was God was unique such that He made him escape death (Hebrews 11: 5-6). It’s my prayer that your relationship with God is taken to the next level. I also pray that your faith stays renewed regardless of the situation.

In the physical being, one can’t comprehend living as long as Enoch did; however, it was the Hand of God that made that longevity possible. Just as Enoch relied on faith, I encourage you to build your faith in God because it is only what pleases Him. Even that little faith you have can germinate; use it as a foundation needed to get to the next level in Christ.

Noah was another faithful servant of God that lived for 950 years (Genesis 9: 28-29). He walked righteously in the sight of God and also taught his children to the same (Genesis 6:9). As great as this servant of God was, he also had some faults (Genesis 9: 18-25). Noah got drunk and his children had to cover his nakedness. For Noah to have lived so long, God knew that there was something in him that warranted it.

Nowadays, some believers fail to move on after stumbling in their walk with God. Regardless of your imperfections, don’t be that vessel that can’t be redeemed. God is a merciful One, and can redeem you like Noah was. You can always come back to Him and ask for forgiveness. Once that relationship with God is disconnected, prosperity in your affairs are hindered.

Regardless of the mountains you are trying to overcome, remain faithful to God. There is a season for everything (Ecclesiastes

3:1), so don’t try helping God speed up processes that need manifestation. Regardless of how long it takes, I encourage you to wait upon the Lord. He is One of perfection (Psalms 18:30); once He blesses you, the blessing is yours. During trials, I also encourage you to immerse yourself deeply into His words.

Also remember that others have gone through similar trials which you may be facing, this emphasizes the need for immersion in His words. Seek counsel in His words, and understand how others triumphed. Provided you stay faithful, and remain diligent in the required work needed for that breakthrough, the words of God will definitely be manifested (Isaiah 55: 8-11). Also, remember that He has given you everything through His words; all that’s needed is your diligence to find what He has spoken.

Abraham was a man of patience and obedience (Romans 4: 16-17). Even while his wife was dumbfounded about God’s declaration of a son, Abraham knew that the words of God would be manifested. It’s my prayer that you use His words to handle your situations. As you’re a soldier for His Kingdom, I also pray that you stand according to His words. I encourage you not to accept defeat during any form of trial.

Joshua was not influenced by his environment, and publicly declared his loyalty to God (Joshua 24:15). During difficulties, do you forget about God? Remember that He has given all which is needed; all that is required of you is searching the scriptures. I encourage you to take your burdens to the Lord, and don’t let laziness cause demise in your affairs.

Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego never gave up on their faith in God; they refused to conform to worshipping other gods (Daniel 3:12). When God intervenes in your situation, He does it in a manner that witnesses would be amazed (Daniel 3: 14-30). Regardless of the situation, stay encouraged and have a steadfast fast. All you need is the report of God (established through His words) rather than that of man (Proverbs 3: 5-6, Psalms 146:3). God is One that never makes mistakes, and man is full of it. Why rely on man rather than God (your Father)?



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As a father, I urge you to release faith into your home. As a father, I urge you to walk in righteousness.Noah walked with Godly fear. Joshua was not moved by everything around his surroundings. Abraham did not look on the longevity of the challenge; he knew that the words of God would be manifested as said. As a father, I urge you to release these words into your home. These words would cause your children to see your faith and they would walk in righteousness as well. They would hold on to the righteousness required of them, and this would be passed on to their off springs. As a father, speak blessings into your home, as blessings come through speaking. It’s my prayer that the Lord gives you increase and more. It’s my prayer that these blessings be showered on your children as well. As a father, may you be blessed by the Lord who made the heaven and earth.



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The Amalekites were always in conflict with the Israelites. They attacked the Israelites as they entered the Promised Land. They are the same group that attacked the Israelites at Ziklag

in 1 Samuel 30. In Judges 6:3-5 we see the Amalekites attack the Israelites by destroying their produce. God instructed Saul, through His servant Samuel to go and attack, and utterly destroy Amalek. The instruction is specific and direct. To kill man and woman, infant and nursing child, ox, sheep, camel and donkey, meaning NO life was to be spared. Saul gathered the people and went out to attack the Amalekites as he had been instructed. Saul and his people destroyed all the people, except Agag, the king, and spared the best of the sheep, the oxen and all that was good. We also are like Saul in one way or another. We have found ourselves in positions where we have disobeyed God just to suit ourselves, or please ourselves.

Saul chose to deceive himself and disobey God, the God who anointed him king. God gave him the power and authority that he possessed, but he decided to change God’s instructions. We know God’s instructions from His word, but sometimes we modify it. Malachi 3:8-12, instructs us to “bring all the tithes into the storehouse.” We, as Christians all know what tithe is, a tenth of what we get. In the old covenant it would be in form of grain, fruit or herd or flock, in our case, it is monetary, because that is what we get for our labor/work. The Lord tells us to give our tithes, but how honest are we when it comes to obeying that instruction? So many things come our way, sometimes we pay less than we are supposed to. Like Saul, we do part of what we are commanded to do and carry out the rest of the instruction to suit ourselves. It is easy to say I will pay this much, after all I am the only one that knows how much I got paid…exact same thing with Saul, destroyed some, kept some to benefit himself. When God told Saul to attack the Amalekites, it was for Saul’s own good. In the same way, we see in Malachi 3 V 10-12, the Lord commands us to give a tithe, and who benefits from this tithe? You and Me…” 10 bring all the tithes into the storehouse, That there may be food in My house, And try Me now in this,” Says

the LORD of hosts, ‘‘If I will not open for you the windows of heaven And pour out for you such blessing That there will not be room enough to receive it. 11 “And I will rebuke the devourer for your sakes, So that he will not destroy the fruit of your ground, Nor shall the vine fail to bear fruit for you in the field,” Says the LORD of hosts; 12 And all nations will call you blessed, For you will be a delightful land,” Says the LORD of hosts. The Lord will fight our battles; the enemy’s schemes against us will not prevail, whatever we lay our hands to do shall prosper, in our work places and homes. Sometimes it may not be the tithe, it may be an instruction to fast, to pray for someone, to do something out of your comfort zone, to reach out and help a person in need, (instruction could be between you and God) maybe to get up in the middle of the night and pray, but you decide I will pray while lying down, right there you have gone against God’s instruction. Remember God’s instructions benefit us.

When Samuel came to Saul, he was quick to tell Samuel that he had carried out the instruction of the Lord. The Lord knew that Saul had not destroyed everyone and everything as instructed. But Samuel asked him a question (V 14) “what then is this bleating of the sheep in my ears, and the lowing of the oxen which I hear? Remember when we deceive ourselves; we follow up with a lie. We say nobody knows how much I got, and we pay that tithe that is less than what we should have paid…so right there, the picture we have painted is not a true one. God knows all things, and He sees all things. What excuses do we make for not doing what God commands us to do? Every day, we are all commanded to do something, and at the end of the day if we have not done it, what excuse do we have? We are to pray every day, what do we say at the end of the day if we have not spent time in God’s presence? Saul’s response in V15 is another lie; he says the people spared the best of the sheep and oxen to sacrifice to the Lord.

Dig Deeper Bible Study by Sis. Susan


God’s instructions are found in His Word. 1 Samuel 15:1-23


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Saul is king, he is the one who received the instruction, and all he was supposed to do is perform the command and have his men do it according to what the Lord had told him. He had authority over the people, and they could not command him to do the wrong thing. We believers have also been given authority by God. We are in this world but we are called not to be conformed to this world... but our minds must be renewed that we may prove that good and acceptable and perfect WILL of God according to Romans 12:2. But there are times as believers when we listen to non-believers and do what they suggest we do, even when we know it is not the WILL of God, and when we are in trouble we blame our friends, the non-believer who made us do what is not right in the eyes of God. Remember Adam and Eve in the garden? In Genesis 2:15-17, the Lord commanded Adam not to eat of the tree of the knowledge of evil and good, but when the Eve offered him, he ate and blamed the woman. Did he not know the instruction concerning that tree? He did, but he chose to disobey God, and then blamed the woman. He could have easily said no to the woman so as to do the will of God. In Genesis 3:13, we see the same thing with Eve. When she had eaten of the tree the Lord commanded not to eat, she blamed the serpent. Should she have listened to the serpent, which she had authority over?

Pacing around, listening to a theme song, stretching, hydrating, and laying on the ground. These were various activities

I observed my comrades doing right before stepping to the starting line for the race; the last and gruesome event on the physical fitness test. This race always remained a defining moment because failing it had retributions. Those minutes on the track while running required me battling with the weather, my breathing pattern; and most importantly, my mind. However, the most important factors for success were prior preparations, and my mind and legs being on the same page.

No matter how prepared I was for this event, the phases during the race always remained the same, and occurred in progression. There was that phase at the beginning where I felt like it was piece of cake. Then the phase where my legs struggled and my mind had every motivational speech sounding off; and finally, the zone-out phase. At this point, I never knew where the energy came from, but I always ran

We should be careful not to fall into the trap of listening to our friends or family when they make suggestions that will take us out of the will of God. We are the light; therefore we must be the ones to lead them to do the will of God. They should not pull us away from the will of God but we should win their souls to the kingdom of God, because that is who we are called to be – Soul winners. Remember the devil always disguises himself; he can use anyone to get you to go against the will of God. Do not conform.

We should be willing to do the will of God. Let us get to the level where we can obey God and carry out His instructions, no matter how hard. As Christians, we are Christ-Like, imitators of Christ, meaning God gives us the ability to do what He commands us to do. Christ obeyed God, even when it meant Him dying just for the will of God to be done. We should desire or thrive to perform God’s commandments fully. God puts us in charge of our possessions and when we prove unreliable, He is disappointed.

like it was a now or never situation. Crossing that finish line was always the best feeling ever; I inquired about my recorded time, and just hoped that the next physical fitness test wasn’t anywhere in sight.

In the same manner, I see a lot of believers on this race called Christianity. No one said it would be a walk in the park (Hebrews 12:1-2). For me, the first phase of the race could represent the early periods in your relationship with Christ. You are excited and proud of your association with Him,

until the second phase kicks in. This is where trials and tribulations dwell. This phase could involve struggling with your worldly desires (James 1:12-15, 1 Thessalonians 4:1-8), having a hard time conforming to His will (Ephesians 6:5-8, Romans 12:1-2), or even strained relationships with your loved ones due to your newly found faith in Christ.

Regardless of the situation, I urge you to stay strong and don’t let your faith be shattered (James 1:2-4). Hold on to your faith in Christ; without it, your race would be futile. It’s faith that would propel you to the zone-out phase. A phase where you don’t put your hope in man but God (Psalms 146:3-6, 1 Corinthians 2:5). A phase where you can speak, and the impossible happens (Mark 11: 20-24). A phase where your plans are confirmed through Christ prior to executing them (1 John 5:14-15, 1 Samuel 30: 7-8). A phase where your life



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Become a watchman for your loved ones and your circle of influence.There is so much that God wants to do in your life, and one of the avenues that would get you there is prayers. I encourage you to pray without ceasing (1 Thessalonians 5:17).

Join us Mondays @ 7pm for prayer. Call 240-694-8572/240-813-5192. Submit your prayer request [email protected] or anynoumous via website.

Minister Judith Chisata heads the prayer ministry. A woman on the frontline and great minister of the word .Has great faith and passionate Worshiper and Warrior in prayer. She is married to Elder Dickson Chisata and they are blessed three great children. She believes in building a body of strong warriors for Jesus.

PRAYER MINISTRY HIGHLIGHTcan be an encouragement to others struggling (1 Thessalonians 3:6-7). A phase where you display courage (Daniel 3:13-16).

Going back to my numerous encounters on the track, I remember an instance when my mind was shattered and my legs surrendered to defeat. It’s my prayer that you don’t get engulfed by defeat. On other instances, I also remember running by some of my colleagues, and seeing signs of defeat written all over their body language. I remember saying some encouraging words like, “The finish line is closer than you think or it’s almost over”.

Regardless of whatever I said, or whatever other runners did to motivate me while running, the mind was in control and had the ultimate decision to make. If it had faith in their motivational speeches or mine, the legs would be rejuvenated with energy. In the same manner, faithful servants of Christ can intervene for you; however, your faith needs to be intact for breakthroughs and other manifestations (Acts 14: 8-10).

As believers in Christ, we all have a race to run. It’s a personal affair with Him, so remember that someone else’s faith would not get you to the finish line. Regardless of how I tied those running shoe laces, or how soothing my favourite music sounded prior to approaching the starting line, prior preparations, and my mind and legs being in one accord was all that always saw me through.

In this race called Christianity, the shoe laces and music could represent prayers and worship. Without faith, their effects are nullified (James 1: 2-8, Matthew 17: 14-20). Be faithful and stay encouraged in whatever situation you find yourself because Christ would see you through. Don’t let your faith be one that is harbored in a backpack and taken off when the arms and shoulder hurts.

Going back to my experience on the track, I recognized the need for my mind and legs coordination while running. Such a coordinated effort required serious preparations of both parties. Those long morning and evening runs enabled me know my legs breaking point, how to control my breathing, how to stay properly hydrated, and how my mind factored into the whole process. Is it possible to run a marathon without preparing for it?

In the same manner, faith without preparations and work would yield no result (James 2:14-26). God has done His part, so it’s my prayer that you stay encouraged, and remain faithful. It’s my prayer that you remain diligent in your work needed to propel you to the next level in the Christianity race. In addition, I pray that you desire His words wholeheartedly, such a desire would help build your faith in God (Romans 10:17). Rather than just being a hearer, I also pray that you act accordingly to His instructed words (James 1: 20-24).

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When you join this ministry, you will learn how to live your Christian life to your fullest potential. We are the generation that God is calling to be the Difference! The age group 13 – 17 = the Youth. The age group 18 – 35 = the Young Adults..

Hello ! My name is Mrs Susan Nyondo from Bread of Life Church International , Emmasdale in Lusaka Zambia. I have been leading worship for the past 28 years and I have been married for 19 years. A mother 2 boys and 2 girls aged 18,17,13, and 7. I have an article in the Zambia daily called Agony pep talk with Auntie Sue. I would like to chat to youth and young adults at Agape .I would love to encourage you to fear God in your relationships because that is what will help you hate sin. Abstain from sex before marriage because having sex before marriage is not love. You should put your service to God first before everything, You should be honest to each other and be faithful to each other. Even as Christians you are still human therefore you should be careful avoid places where you are just the two of you as it is not safe for you. Another very important thing l should mention is that you should complete your education before settling down together.

Allen Bikobere of First Touch ,Prayer and Young Adult Ministry. I have been with Agape for 2 ½ years. I thankful to God for placing me in this Church where agents of Change are developed. I am an Agent of Change who is shining forth this year. As young adults we should offer our bodies as a living sacrifice in a way of honoring God. Having confidence in God and keeping the ten commandments. Being bold to say no to anything that hinders your relationship with God. And another view for young adults should be prayerful and this is where I encourage the input of the 9 gifts of the Spirit. Not forgetting young adults must keep it in mind that they are brides to Jesus Say no to what is not right no matter the insults you get keep it mind that in your Fathers eyes is right and always God is on the side of those who walk up right.

When you have God in your life in all aspect of your living, there is nothing you will lack. For people are lonely and sad sometime because there is a void that only the Lord can fill up. So trying other things to replace that will only last for short-time . Seek God and you lack nothing. I confess that God is my life, my shield, my friend, my Father and most of all my Lord.



- Allen Bikobere of First Touch ,Prayer and Young Adult Ministry

-Ngaheteh Gina Ngombi of First Touch and the Youth& Young Adult ministry

- Mrs Aggie Chongo Leader of Youth and Young Adult Ministry


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Been with Agape since their 3rd week. I love working under the Hospitality department. I enjoy it but has it’s challenges but with God all things are possible you ovecome. Always encourage myself in the word of God where I draw my strength from. My shout out: Authenticity is not something we establish or prove with a one time act of kindness; however it’s something people see in us when they’re around us. And whether they see it or not really is not the point. The point is this we need to live it if we really care about adheres and we live it out, that’s enough. But if we fake it, people will most certainly see through the facade, and whatever relationships we build on that foundation will eventually fall apart!!!

-Catherine Nalwenga of First touch ministry.

A man who has friends must himself be friendly, but there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother. (Proverbs 18:24 ). And be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God in Christ forgave you. (Ephesians 4:32 NKJV) . Have u written off a person as someone u want nothing to do with?? that person might deserve a second chance...

-Grace Kakoma of Agape Praise and Present Truth,Young adult ministry

My name is Lucy-Stella Chongo and my photo was taken a week before the church launched with my twin brother Sam. In 2006, we were part of Lil Love Children Sunday School. We are now both in youth class. We learn new aspects of Christianity. I love learning the way we learn , because it combines what we do in our daily life and what Gods words shows us to do just in a deeper level. The teachings have made me see a new view of how to use God’s word in my everyday activities, and also showed me a new view on how to live a life as a Christian. Youth class has taught me to have a deeper desire to know God and helped me have a deeper connection with God. I LOVE YOUTH CLASS.

-Lucy-Stella Chongo

Believe in your Value: Take a minute and look into your heart. How do you feel about yourself. If you answer does not agree with God’s word, then I encourage you to begin today renewing you minds about yourself. Read Romans 12:8-9

God loves you unconditionally ! See your self as God sees you. When you study the word of God ,you will find out that you are precious and ceated in your mothers’s womb by the hand of God. You are not an accident.Even if your parents told you that they never reallly wanted you,I can assure you that God wanted You. You are valuable and worthy as swell as gifted. You have a purpose on this earth.Jeremiah 29:11 and Psalm 37:1-16

He is out Father: Do not let feelings rule you anymore, Take a step of faith and start improving your quality of Life today. Believe that you make good decisions, that you are a valuable person with great future and something good is going to happen to you today. Isaiah 43 : 4-5

My prayer: Lord ,I ask you to imprint your love into their depths of your people ‘s hearts .Lord I believe that you have a great future for your people and that they can walk in their God given purposes for their lives.

Be Encouragedby Catherine Nalwenga

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Joshua Mwandu graduates from Heritage High School. Now attending Mary Washington University in Fredericksburg where he will pursue a career as a pre- med student while majoring in computer science in his first degree.


Loy Bogerbatyo : Oh! Having graduated feels really good knowing my hard work paid off and not having to wake up at 5am anymore. Lol ! I am very thankful to God cause He helped me endure to the end. I graduated from TC Williams School of Practical Nursing

Samuel Kalenzi: It feels great, awesome, relieving and at the same time challenging to graduate. I graduated with a Master’s of Science in Applied Information Technology with a concentration and a Masters Graduate Certificate in information security and assurance, GPA=4.0 from Towson University! It all begun with an interest in the IT career, listening to my inner man/spirit, and then exercising my faith and planting seeds. It is important to yield to the Holy Spirit for his help, guidance and favor through personal relationship with him and servants of God (2 Chronicles 20:20). I especially thank Pastor and Lady Cee, Papa Dickson and Mama Judith Zion Chisata, Sister Susan, Brother Kumbwi and other members of Agape Church for their prayers, worship, support, and praise; they were a conduit for the Holy Spirit for deliverance of my mind/brain from unknown headaches and spiritual restoration. It was until I felt better in my mind that I was able to gain the momentum to pursue graduate school. I also diligently believed in myself that I can make it.

Uakatora Murangi : It was a long journey , stressful but I have made it to the end and achieved what I have worked for. Above all I thank God in all because I could not have made it without him. It feels wonderful. I graduated in Health Education and General studies an associate degree.

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THE YOUNG ADULTS HAD A GREAT CONFERENCE ON 22 JUNE , 2013. We had the young adults from The Revelation Church and also The greater Way of life Church. They came together in unity and ministered in praise ad worship. The word given by Pastor Muna Chongo. Great insights on Immigration by Mrs Kay Musonda.

ANSWERING THE CALL TO SERVE was a play demonstrated by the young adults on 22 June 2013 to reach out the abundance life of Jesus Christ . This play is about three sisters in a church, who where called to serve. Sister Charity and Sister Lucy answered the call despite the life they had live in the past and the situation they were facing. They made the decision to serve the Lord in their ministry they were called into. No matter the hardship they may face. The Lord visited them and blessed them abundantly, as He had promised in his word.

On the other hand Sister Ruth failed to answer the call. She was struggling with the chaos of this word and blinded by what the world has to offer her. God gave Sister Ruth chances to answer her call on different occasion and warning about her pervert way but sister Ruth threw the words to the mud. Living a pervert life led Sister Ruth to death, failing to answer her call. The bible says the wages of sin is death and she stood before God to answer judgement.

Young Adults Conference Highlights

Sao ethel Joy

jay Grace Patricio

Some of the young Adults of Agape who participated

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suzgo clara stephanie , loy

francis emmanuel Rachel

Benji steve maleele of He Touched me Ministries ,Little Rock ARYOUNG ADULTS OF THE REVELATION CHURCH

The Revelation Group - anais, junior, Pamela, johnnie

Agape - Developing Agents of Change for Christ!

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Our Pastors Rev & Mrs Alpheus Decker ,Freetown Sierra Leone. Greetings in the Precious and Matchless Name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. We thank Mr Alhassan Kamara for the parcel . We thank God for the instruments and other stuff we have received. The Audio CDS has blessed my heart tremendously same as the magazine. I am using the CDs as teaching material for the church. God bless you the rest of the Agape Family

Reach out by supporting missions work. Ask how by Emailing: [email protected]


Mama Edith Muhizi in Kakamega, Kenya, doing missions work

Chawezi Phiri during a mission trip to - Choma, Zambia

Pastor Donald and Mrs Tsitsi Simpito ministering in Luska, Zambia

Changing Lives, impacting nations

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Our Pastor Joyce Mumba overseer of Congo DRC Hello Agape family , My message : And blessed be God Most High, Who has delivered your enemies into your hand.” And he gave him a tithe of all Genesis 1:20. We cannot see the glory of GOD without giving tithe. God Bless you all enjoy the month of July.

Br.Robert Segujjia.


Agape has mission trips coming our way soon in 2014 where youth will travel to Zambia. These mission trips change lives and impact nations for Jesus. Join us you can make a difference that counts. Our trips are exciting and Spirit filled life transforming experience and you never be the same again. You will meet, pray and minister and live with people of different culture, we work with partners and affiliates to distribute different essentials to the needy, promote the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ and make the vision of the International outreach Mission of Agape plain. Kindly reach out by supporting the mission work in Zambia, Kenya ,Uganda and the church planting work we are doing in Sierra Leone and Congo DRC. Ask how by Emailing: [email protected]

Branches in Congo: Valley Agape Branch in Likasi, Hill of Patmos Agape Branch in Likasi, Bethsaida Agape Branch in Fungurume , Mapendo,Agape Branch

Agape Congo is located in three cities, Likasi, Lubumbashi and Fungurume. A fledgling church, it is faced with great operational challenges, yet rests on the hope and Word of God. There is a great need for ministry work in Congo. Indeed the workers are truly few and the vineyard is huge, with a ready harvest. The people are hungry for God, serving a Might God with so little means, yet with great faith. Despite the poverty, the people are facing in the villages of Likasi but they are hungry for God, walking for miles to come to church, trusting and thanking God for His faithfulness. They are building and are in need of materials and resources


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Pastor Mwandu and his family

Exciting moments !! The mwandu family launch out this july

I love to share and celebrate the resurrection of the Lord and teach the children who God is and seeing them come to the Lord. Thank God for the opportunity to teach the Lil Love at Agape Word Center church and the opportunity to lead the ministry. I truly missed the children of Little Love.


The Little Love Sunday School Ministry is doing a one day road trip to the Sight and Sound Theater in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania on July 13th, 2013. Great opportunity to watch a live musical performance of the story of Noah. Call Church office 240-813-5192/301-588-1695 or Email: [email protected] .

lil Love Corner


Mrs Lydia Mwandu our outgoing leader for Sunday School:

Pastor Mwandu and his family were released on the 29th June as they go forth and plant a work in Leesburg ,Virginia. The name of the Church is House of Prayer Fellowship International. The temporary home of the House of Prayer fellowship international will be John W Tolbert Jr Elementary School.

Lil love give a shout out: Thank you Ma Mwandu ! God go before you as you start a great work in the vineyard.

Meet Sister Chishala Katongo Wapenyi our new Lead in Lil Love Ministry Children Sunday school. She is a mother to Nakato Wapenyi. She is Arising and Shining.

Sarah Mwandu says see you later ! She is one of the teachers in Lil Love Children Ministry.

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There's power in testimony. And they overcame him by the blood of the lamb and by the word of their testimony Revelation 12:11. Send your testimony [email protected].

Thanks Pastor Cee,Mrs Cee, Mama Judith and all who have stood with us in prayer at Agape.My beloved Sister WON the case !! Thanks you so much for everything .She was awarded everything even the house and that she had not asked for !! So they can now leave the shelter and go back home!!! Again thanks. It was worth her coming to church like you said before going to court again. ONK

Agape, I would never put my personal business out there for the world to see but the word says that we are to overcome by our testimonies. I have to be obedient to what the spirit of God is telling me this morning because someone needs encouraging or reassurance that God is able and will do what He said He would do! I been going through a lot this year with my health and I have not be able to work like I usually did.

I fell behind on my bills, did not have food to eat, nor gas to put in my vehicles. When I was able to work and I only had enough money to either put gas in one vehicle, or get food to eat or pay something on a bill, and sad to say I stopped paying my TITHES, yes ,I stopped paying my TITHES when that should have been the only bill I paid.

However, this week they came to repose my car but they gave me until Friday to call them and let them get the car if I was not able to get the money. I was talking to my co-workers one day this week and we were talking about God and things we were dealing with and stuff and I said I do not care what if the Lord blesses with when I get paid Friday. I am taking my tithes out .Then Lord blesses me with just enough to pay at least one car note. I said thank you Jesus, then I quickly thought about my promise I spoke into the atmosphere to pay my TITHE and had the nerve to get a little sad because if I paid my TITHE ,I would not have enough to pay on my car note .However, I went to the bank on Friday withdrew my check. Gladly took my tithe out and watch this before I got off work a knock came at the door where I work at and I was BLESSED with $898.0 to pay my last month car note, this month car note, and was able to keep the rest of my check to pay the rest of a past due bill, put gas in both of my vehicles, buy some groceries and have a few dollars left in my pocket!!! All because I was obedient and gave God what was His which was my TITHE. God will do just what he said He will do if we are obedient and trust and believe that He is who He says He is. Jehovah Jireh, my provider, Jehovah El Shaddai more than enough for me .Family our obedience is truly, truly connected to our blessings. Have a blessed month. My goodness I am about to go in praise mode. God is just soooooo good!!! Kindly share my testimony to the church that God gave me to bless. Sister Kimmier Bolden.

I thank God !! Oasis of love ,Prayer Ministry and Pastor, I would like to thank you for praying and supporting the children and we won the custody case and we are back in our house thank you very much.SNK

MY AGAPE EXPERIENCE: My name is Irene Nabutono daughter to Mama Jessica Dheyongera her 5th child. My agape experience is but not limited to meeting genuine Jesus loving gospel centered people with a passion to worship, create , share and witness. Everyday my fiancé and I get to serve with this awesome ministry of Agape, it has changed and still is changing

TESTIMONY CORNERour lives. I admire the collaboration in church which is providing a print media it has helped make an impact. Mostly I love the fact that Agape is excited about helping its members and as they donate some time to bless us and teach us, they too are blessed and learn new things. I.N

Shout out from Zambia : Hello, children of God, I greet you in the name above all names. Thanks a lot for that sharing and keep it up as you may be aware the devil is equally struggling hard to destabilize Jesus followers. Therefore, keep awake for you to survive, Amen. Uncle Everitus Kalaba ,Chipata Zambia

FROM LIFE TO DEATH AND BACK TO LIFE by Gloria Mfutila MumbaA real life story about my mother Rev Dr Apotre Joyce Mumba. She lives in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). On the 1st of January 2013 after the cross over service at church Agape Word Center Church International (AWCCI), she started seeing dead pastors and servants of God without being asleep and she became afraid of going outside and even looking at people became difficult for her. This happened from the 1st until 5th when she completely died.

MY EXPERIENCE : On the 6th during the church service at my church the Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG) in Ndola I saw phone calls from DRC but I could not pick up because I was in church. I went out after some time to collect the present for a sister in the Lord, I had to answer I was told to start off there and then for Congo. I never understood the rush then. When I asked then I was told my mother was not well and that she couldn't talk. I told my pastor and mama pastor then I started off for DRC that afternoon of the 6th January 2013.

I reached home by 23 hours I found people in the house looking sad no one was smiling went to her room she was cold and gone no heart beat at all, after all my human thoughts I gathered my energy then held her hand and talked to God with my eyes open (NOT PRAYING) I told God what I had in my heart at that time, but nothing happened until I said 'GOD even if you are not in the mood of miracles please for me this time you will do it, before I get up of this bed I want her to open her eyes' thank God it happened, she sneezed and opened her eyes but still she couldn't talk. I told again God that I was grateful for her life back but I want her voice out, thank GOD again she spoke and that was on the 7th around 02 hours. If we all calculate she died since the 5th and came back to life on the 7th.I glorified God and prayed the all night.

APOTRE’S EXPERIENCE DURING THAT TIME OF DEATH.In the morning of the 5th January 2013,my mum lost strength and told everyone in the house not to take her to the hospital and that they should call me and my brother in Zambia but I was the only one who they managed to go through and I got there to witness everything. She went and saw a huge screen and she stood in front then everything about her came out in two forms written and video so she saw very few people going to heaven but a lot are going to hell including men of God. HELL exists' she said everyone should make their lives straight with JEHOVAH through JESUS-CHRIST. She spoke a lot but it’s better to find out from her.


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My testimony is about a recent work situation, I have been and I am still amazed at how God intervened and what he did for me. Just some background on me I am a single parent and am

solely responsible for myself and my 12 year old son Alihaji Benson so it is important for me to have an income at all times. I am self-employed as a software consultant and work on a project by project basis. I am partnered with a Fortune 1001 Company. I was the key person on a support project team that was made up of two employees from the Fortune 100 Company and myself. One of the individuals was a manager and the other person was in training to become a manager.

We were providing support to a specific client whose business is complicated. I was the only person on the project that understood the work requirements and did the majority of the work. Both of these individuals were consistently thorns in my flesh and consistently tried to undermine me in many different ways although the client was very happy with my work. One of the incidents that happened was last August I went on vacation and when I returned, another employee also from the Fortune 100 organization took me aside and told me that the manager was trying to get rid of me. I was asked not to say anything and I thanked the person for letting me know. The interesting thing is that this person was working on a different project also being managed by the same manager. I had only met this person about two months previously and had immediately sensed the persons’ spirit was good. I also told the individual that it confirmed what I had felt in my spirit as this person was also a believer and had previously spoken up on my behalf. I worked under these conditions with the two individuals mentioned for almost two years until January 2013 when the project ended.

The Fortune 100 Company had more than one project with the same client. One of the other projects had started in summer 2012. The project was stopped in fall 2012 because the client was not satisfied with the work as the individuals providing support did not have the experience to do the work. The client wanted the project to be restarted and learnt that I had the needed experience and asked that I be moved to the new project. The same manager with whom I was working with on the previous project was also in charge of this project. The client asked a number of times for a plan to restart the new project. It took the manager about a month to provide a plan to the client although the plan was already prepared. I was told there would be a two week break to get the other project restarted.

The two weeks became a little over two months and I thought the project would not get restarted. Unknown to the manager I was in contact with the client regarding the developments; as the manager was not communicating with me. It would appear that the manager was trying to drag things out so I would have no choice but to move on. I had an opportunity to rejoin an organization I had worked with previously but I turned it down. Things moved along and I finally resumed work, I was happy to go back to work to begin earning income again.

When I returned to work on the project that was restarted, I walked into a different position, a promotion with an increase. As if that wasn’t

enough just to go back to work, shortly after my return I learnt that the client insisted that the manager who was a thorn in my side be removed from the project. The client did not want him managing the project and asked that I manage the day to day activities. The Fortune 100 Company has oversight since I am not one of their employees, but I do not have somebody directing the work I am the one doing it. My work environment has made a 360 degree turnaround, the work is challenging and complex with aggressive deadlines but it is a pleasure to work with the individuals I now work with.

I just want to encourage all of us that prayer is key and changes things; we can and must always call upon God in every situation. Each day I prayed (and still do) and asked God to give me the grace, strength and guidance to handle the day ahead. Also, that any stressful and irritating situation that arose I should handle appropriately and not lose myself or act in an ungodly manner as it was very easy to do. A situation did present itself where I started to get very upset and the other Fortune 100 employee (another believer) intervened again and took me away from the situation. Since I was on the computer most of the time; I would put in my ear plugs and listen to CDs of past sermons as well as praise and worship music while working. This kept me very centered and calm during the difficulties that arose.

I want to thank our parents Pastor and Lady Cee, Minister Judy and the Intercession team for standing in the gap for all of us. Prayer goes up and power comes down let us all aim to be more prayerful. I say God did it again, and Ephesians 3: 20-21 comes to mind; “Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us, 21 to Him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus to all generations, forever and ever.”

Sometimes when situations are heavy God sends people to help us along the way. When God does a job he does it excellently, completely and beyond our expectations, I was happy to continue to adjust myself and work with the same manager again but God decided to give me a bonus. Be encouraged, of good cheer, pray and wait patiently on God he will carry you, see you through and he will work overtime for us all. I stand in awe……………


1Fortune business magazine rates companies for being one of the best places to work.


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Main Guest Speaker is Bishop Dr. Joseph Imakando, overseer of the Bread of Life Church International headquartered in Zambia. He is an apostle, teacher, pastor, author, conference speaker, broadcaster, bridge builder, advisor whose ministry has taken him to many nations. Bishop Joe's unique ministry is characterized by a strong apostolic favour resulting into birthing of many churches and impartations. His messages are simple, practical and extremely powerful. Consequently many have been lifted and catapulted into their destiny.

Agape Agent of Change Conferences has seen lives being transformed and received great testimonies of God’s power at work abounding! From the barren wombs opening to favor with life challenging issues. It is a glorious time in the presence of the Lord, with many being lifted and catapulted into their destiny.


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Meet Salai Lucy Banda an Agent of Change leading the First Touch Ministry and a member in the prayer ministry and also in the Oasis of love ministry. It her time and She is arising in Excellence.

Salai Shades light on First Touch Ministry: We believe in excellence and that there is nothing like a warm welcome to help everyone feel at home in God’s House. We believe that the way we care for people is a reflection of the way our Lord Jesus cares for us. We believe every significant relationship starts with a sense of being welcomed and accepted. And that everyone is important to God and important to us as well. I am also in the prayer ministry and also in the Oasis of love ministry.

First touch Ministry has Ushers, Hospitality, Protocol, Sanctuary beautifiers. If you are committed…willing to count the cost and pay the price…willing to love God’s precious people at all costs…If God has chosen you to represent Him through righteousness and truth….If you are one full of faith and the Holy Ghost… stop resisting God and join us!

Let me leave you with this encouragement. No matter how shaky things in this world are, we find assurance in the fact that God remains the same as He changes us and those around us.

She spoke to the young adults and gave insights too on resume and interview etiquette. Not only is she career coach , a mother of two greats boys Muhambi and Chanda. She is married to Mr Mwape Musonda

There is but one thing that needs to be given-up. The thing that has sat where God should seat in your heart. You have to give-up that priced possession of your heart. It was only when Abraham gave isaac, his priced

possession that God said “ now I know you fear me”. Abraham took away his and let God seat on his throne of his legacy. God is at work with you, but he has to keep covenant, so should you. On his side he has given us his Son. For that was his priced possession in heaven. Let go and let God bless you. Keep covenant by obeying what he is asking of you. “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind, and your neighbor as yourself.” (Luke 10:27 ESV)

GOD WILL DO IT WHEN YOU LET GOby Pastor Chanjo Phiri of Gift of God Fellowship , Pittsburgh ,PA.



We would love to bring her back for those who missed out ! Send us emails on [email protected]

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In life we go to through so much. God in His great mercy sends Maman Astrid Kamwang (right) from The Revelation Church to bring a word of encouragement and stir us up so we may arise and know He has not left but choose to go forward. It’s my time to go forward. Thank you for this conference

Minister Judith Chisata is great teacher in prayer. Her way of teaching just stirred me up. I am arising as great warrior. My life will not remain the same. I am thankful to God for this opportunity and that I came all the way. I have taken the fire.

Just after Minister Judith Zion then Pittsburgh in ministration of music Yes these ladies from Pittsburgh Gospel Tabernacle choir and Women of Purpose brought the presence of God down. The set the stage on fire !!! Elder Beatrice Maambo: A teacher of the word of God. She said: Do not forget your Armor ! So true that smile tells it all and we were blessed. She took it to another altitude. Reverend Lebo ,Better Days International told us it’s is our time to get up from our comfort zone and fight for what God has in store for us. I took mine. Rev Lebo when you see her at glance , you will wonder can She deliver but let her get that MIC .She preached a storm . Wow BDI praise team and Ethel Kays sang our generation shall praise His name.

Rev Lebo


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Min Clarissa Segun of Global Eternity Ministries . Talked about Zipporah who stood up to God. Zipporah a woman of infulence. Wow ! Get the CD as She bring forth great revelation to stir us up as we are told to Arise and shine and that it is our time.

Lisa Rosemary Kalusa King: Gave a testimony to strengthen someone;s faith and to encourage us all to continue to seve and believe in the God almighty for it is not in vain. Glory to God. Mrs Elizabeth Symba teaching the Women how to arrange flowers and table Etiquette. She was assisted by Mrs Bertha Musuku and Mr Patricio Ikobe Moketo.

The theme and all the organization and just the atmosphere was amazing. We thank God for his presence and the outpouring and allowing Agape to go forth with this conference. Great line up of ministers. I chose to return the next day. What a power packed finishing by Lady Cee of Agape Word Center Church. We love you Mama Cee!! please send our love to the women of Agape may they continue to be great agents of change who are on fire for God. Many lives were touched ! Glory be to God !

Agape, I attended it’s your time conference. The conference was a blessing to me lets say it was like a spiritual charger to my life. Good teaching and inspiration to me and others. May his name be glorified. UT


Wow Sis Lucystella ,Sao, Ngoza,Salai ,Olivia ,Sis Prossy a big thank you we enjoyed your hospitality Pastor Ziba you have a great style of praise and Ethel you are blessed with a great gift.

MAMMY CEE, thank you for being there for me. I am so thankful to God for the conference. It your time conference was for me. What I saw in there...I was eyes were blind and I began to see. This God...I do not know how to even say it.. but give him praise and glory. He showed me a big snake almost my size eye to eye. Jesus! ! came out of me. I have never praised God in a way I am feeling ...this feeling I can describe heaviness left me. Lord Jesus,thank you for walking me through ...taking my hand...praying for me and my family. Jesus....and standing in the gap.K.I.M


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Our Mother: Lady Cee

Ms Catherine Nalwenga Mrs Elizabeth Symba

Min. Judith “ Zion” Chisata Elder Beatrice Maambo Mrs Prossy Segujjia.

Mrs Bertha MusukuMs Audrey Mclaren Mrs Lydia Mwandu

Lady Lulu Ziba

Mama Edith Muhizi

Women Arising In Excellence

Mrs Suzyo Tembo

Mrs Fatty BanguraMrs Jessica DheyongeraMrs Laura Anderson Mrs lizzie Mumba

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to live an authentic Christian life and to live victorious knowing God intimately.

• OASIS OF LOVE MINISTRY- to see the people of God grow in the nature and stature of their excellent God, beacons of hope in a dark world. A place to find inner healing and counsel.

WORSHIP MINISTRY• AGAPE PRAISE- Vibrant praise, passionate worship and

exalting our God through diversity of songs, music, dance. • DAUGHTERS OF ZION-Worship the Lord in dance .Our

dance is to glorify God, minister to the lost and edify believer.

• PRESENT- TRUTH ACTING MINISTRY -0ur main call is to be a prophetic voice in the earth that will clearly sound the alarm for the church to become mature, and attain the whole measure of the fullness of Christ.

OPERATION WIN THE WORLD• WIN THE WORLD-Winning souls by presenting a living

Christ to a dying world without compromise. • MISSION TRIPS- Meet, Pray, and Minister and live with

people of a different culture. Helping other people excel with Jesus their rock.

• SOCIAL IMPACT- making a difference in people’s lives, one life at a time and enabling people in need within our community to more fully support and nurture themselves and their families and further support action that leads to a healthy and caring society, free of the oppression of poverty in its various forms.

MEN MINISTRY & WOMEN MINISTRY• MEN OF DESTINY- Developing men to have strong

foundations in faithfulness, character and integrity.• ESTHER WOMEN -Equipping women to do kingdom work

through service locally and globally. The Esther Women are Beacons.




Young Adults, giving Godly direction and structure in their daily lives.

• LIL LOVE -Helping our children to know, live and lead others to Christ in love as they study the Word

PASTORAL & CHURCH OFFICE• PASTORAL - To preach the biblical revelation, cast the

ministry vision and provide leadership in all areas. • CHURCH OFFICE- A one stop administrative and resource

center of excellence for the church’s various ministries and world at large.

• FIRST TOUCH-Spirit of Excellence prevails and every worshipper has a welcoming experience in demonstration of the love of God.

• MEDIA-Providing reliable and excellent multi-media services to support the church.


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Media Corner

Be blessed by this wonderful collection of audio sermons by pastor Cee, your life

will never be the same again!

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Scripture Study Class @ 8:30am Every SundayWorship Celebration @ 9:30am Every Sunday“Lil Love” Children’s Ministry @ 10:30 am Every SundayWednesday Evening & Dig Deeper @ 7:00pm Every Wednesday1st & 3rd Friday Empowerment Encounter Nite @ 10:00pm

Service Times

AGENTS OF CHANGE ARE PEOPLE OF S. P. E. E. DSELFLESSNESS - A people walking in the Agape Love of God 1 Corinthians 13.PRAYER -A people affecting their generation thru prayer-James 5:16, Luke 18:1, 1 Thess. 5:17EVANGELISM-A people winning souls to Christ Act 1:8, Matt 28:18, Acts 8:35EMPOWERMENT-A people economically empowered to further the gospel and improve lives. 2Cor 9:8-11DISCIPLESHIP- A people walking in the Lord’s ways and training others to lead. Eph. 4:7-16, 2Timothy 2:2

BE A SPIRITUAL GIANT? Let God's love consume you and guide everything that you do. See the world, the church through the eyes of Jesus and with the heart of God the Father. Love others as you are loved. That is the most excellent way.

DON’T FORGET YOUR CHALLENGE! Make new friends and invite others, reach out and make a differ-ence in love, pray for the vision and for the members too. You could even advertise your church on via social media what you learnt or invite friends to church this Sunday


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Scripture Study Class @ 8:30am Every SundayWorship Celebration @ 9:30am Every Sunday“Lil Love” Children’s Ministry @ 10:30 am Every SundayWednesday Evening & Dig Deeper @ 7:00pm Every Wednesday1st & 3rd Friday Empowerment Encounter Nite @ 10:00pm

WHAT YEAR WERE THESE TAKEN? Correct answer you win a gift card courtesy of Arise and Build Committee.

1 2




Send your answers to [email protected]


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Contact info

Administrator: [email protected] of Destiny: [email protected] Women: [email protected] Study Class: [email protected]: [email protected] and Build: [email protected]

Prayer line: [email protected]

Oasis of love: healing , Deliverance & counseling : 240-463-8485 - [email protected]

CHURCH OFFICE HOURS: Tuesday & Wedneday: 10am-7pm Friday :10am - 5:30pm

You are an Agent of Change! Keep the Faith and have a great month

God bless You.

[email protected] l

P. O. Box 13312, Silver spring, MD. 20911

240-694-8572 / 240-463-8801 2404638485

[email protected]

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