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MARCH 2013 Ambassadors For Christ In Canada Newsletter (Eastern Canada Edition) ࢬ˱ɣਥԚԾผ ˱خ INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS AND MISSIONS by Rev. Nelson Leung Ȑ⥤ưۮǢ䇂濜菴⟶⤽疨ຐ皭ᘳ㽒ư唛ᚇ⚛뺔沓礔 븖凄븗揅湍⟶濜憔䇂뺕ⅸϗ⟶Āύᚇ⚛ⵠ뺕减ຐ皭 ᘳ㽒ư⟶ⅸϗ㵊ĹĀ礔Ŋ憔䇂ᚇ⚛ઠ뺔 Ʊ⤼ᯓ뺕ⅸϗ䇂皏ĀDžᘳ㽒ঠߘƪ僖ຐ剘棻 ⟎ᅦ唞弱䇂 7TDCPC ᚇ⚛ᆼ⤵뺔 沓⟶Āύᮖ矢ᘳ㽒ᚇ⚛ᆼ ⤵뺕⤽ċʽ哨ⅸϗ䇂ᘳ㽒ۮǢȠϗᆼ⤵Ĺ唛䘷䉱ǖ䇂䵽 쪗뺔佧减⟶ⅸϗ⤱✤䇂 ,QP (WPIĀʽᘳ㽒ۮǢຐ 皭ᘳ㽒ư䇂Ί儂뺕Ƞϗ沓ư䇂䵽쪗뺔Ƞϗ墫 䘷䇂ટড়⏕扗ຐ皭ᘳ㽒뺕ȵ哸哨⤽⇁䆺㵊⤟㏍ໄ掄 攽䘷뺔 㿑ⅸ䦐沓⛢䣲쩪뺕ⅸ横쭅✺짹碹뺕Āύᙚď⛢ 䇂㿈ຐ뺕ⅸŶďȠϗ措扦뺔眘㤇뺕ⅸवܧ忠⏕䱨 ۮᙔ䟞뺔ェ㿑ⅸ棐ܧ彂Č뺕仢⤵䊏ܧᶨᆪ⚛⤵뺔Ƞϗ⤵ ᆦ砂湍⤽Āύ秄墫䇂ᘁ⨴뺕⠰Č⤟⤵䆺䱔嗨䇂㧲뺔 짹碹䱑⤽ċⅶǾ㡓䌓ᶶ뺕Ƞϗ䳼ď盒嬨ȠϗɄ䇂少 掮뺕IJ䵽ਊǾӢ䚜磮涀搈Ƞϗঠ⤵⚛ߘ掄攽䘷뺔 ⅸ碹ຐ䇂쩪ϥ뺕Ȳⅸᾯ ᮖ⋔ߘܧ܊ݓᆼ䇂➊ᗸ뺕淁 쩪ⅸ⟶Āύ㾧ᘳ㽒뺕ᘳ兗措扦浆⛢Č睠憔嚍ໄ⏂ ⇠뺔⤽DžǾⅸ䇂䞣怮减櫑䊏姩憵ⅸ뺕ʴŶ⤽ĀDžǾ뺕 Ĺᆪ⟶䌓ᶶ뺕Ƞϗ⏕䱨ⅸIJ唛ⅸ㡓ভ뺔ߘຐㄶϥ뺕措扦 ⛢Ȳⅸ撶洨č뺕ⅸ䲱ᾯ븖ⅸ⟶提즓븗Ǿ㽒ᘃ䇂Ί 儂뺕沓Dž䌓ᶶʣ⇜뺕ᮆߤⅸ뺕ďౠᘳ兗Ĺ甃泊뺕⤟ ᘳ⤵ːǾ뺕IJⅶ㡓䌓䇂甓ᶶ뺔墫Ƞϗ䇂䛢弱Č䇂 Ứ‵뺕ⅸ∤ܧƪČᬌIJⅶ甃㡓Āʽ⥂Ŋ䇂Ǿ뺔ⅸ沓ᆦຐ Ǿ墫沓Dž⚸少䌓ᶶ䇂⿺毺⥂减⿺Ứḻ⁵뺔 㿑桩桩ᆪ䌓ᶶ䘷⡌Ğᚇ⚛䇂ટড়쩪뺕ܙ斷ⅸϗ ḝ抖䘷ᙔ⎶ƪᶨᆪຐ皭ᘳ㽒 䝕ㄛ뺓 眳ㄛ뺓㾧ᘳ㽒 ⅸ ϗ䇂ᘳᯡĹ뺔Ƞϗ砂墫措扦⛢䇂Ⳍ瘴뺕⅍㿷哨䇂横 ɖ印ߓ뺕⤽Dž㽌哶汌ᇈƪ✴ਊ忠ᛆᜂ▲㘷뺔䘷㵊ટ ఽ䌓ᶶ뺕㬐⟶ܙ䌓ᶶᘳ㽒沓ύᚇ⚛၂뺕ⅸϗ㿑 ȵ皭弱㋀䇂Ʉ뺕ȵȠϗᘳⲽČ뺓横綗Č뺓 䗰ǖČὯČ䇂睠憔뺕៤矓Č唛Ƞϗ捌뺕Ƞϗ忠 뺔ⅸϗ⤟礗匇Ƞϗ抖ṈȠϗ뺕ȵ哶Ƞϗ⤽Āᆿ印㡓哨 䇂ᚯǾ뺓⤿ভ卂㲑横ːӢ洔뺕ᙚⅶᚇ⚛䇂ઠ뺔 ᄒዖ·ʴႪܭਯδٵ This issue of our newsletter features international student ministry and student missions. They are important to AFC because we are a missions organization and reaching international students is one of our key missional mandate. ǡ ơ Ǥ ǡ Ǥ three of our students shared their encounters with God there. Then our newest ơǡ ǡ - Ǥ know God more as they responded to God’s calling to reach international students. As I pen this article, I am in South Korea. I am in a foreign land where the culture ơ Ǥ Ǥ ǡ Ǥ ǡ Ǥ Ψ - tion is Christian. South Korean Christians are upfront and pious in their faith, and Ƥ Ǥ Ƥ - Ǥ Ǥ ơ Ǥ people, mostly Christians, who accepted and befriended me. They reached out ǡ culture humbled me to question who I am and the meaning of life. These ǡ ǡ Ƥ a Christian. With their prayer and acts of kindness, I found God and grew into a Ǥ foreigner like me. As more and more Christians are responding to God’s calling for missions, let us remember that God has placed many international students (immigrants, Ȍ Ǥ language and culture. They doubt their own identity and ability. Some are disori- ented and hammered by loneliness. God is calling Christians in general and ƤǤ out our faith by meeting their academic, physical, social and emotional needs. We need to engage them in spiritual dialogues so that they will be found. We - lize to their families, friends and kinsmen in their homelands, and accomplish the missions mandate. WHAT’S BEEN GOING ON AT AFC EASTERN CANADA ?

AFC Eastern Canada March 2013

Mar 31, 2016



AFC Eastern Canada March 2013 & TC updates. You can download a PDF version here:
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  • MARCH 2013

    Ambassadors For ChristIn Canada Newsletter

    (Eastern Canada Edition)



    This issue of our newsletter features international student ministry and student

    missions. They are important to AFC because we are a missions organization and reaching international students is one of our key missional mandate.

    three of our students shared their encounters with God there. Then our newest - know God more as they responded to Gods calling to reach international students.

    As I pen this article, I am in South Korea. I am in a foreign land where the culture -tion is Christian. South Korean Christians are upfront and pious in their faith, and

    -people, mostly Christians, who accepted and befriended me. They reached out culture humbled me to question who I am and the meaning of life. These a Christian. With their prayer and acts of kindness, I found God and grew into a foreigner like me.

    As more and more Christians are responding to Gods calling for missions, let us remember that God has placed many international students (immigrants, language and culture. They doubt their own identity and ability. Some are disori-ented and hammered by loneliness. God is calling Christians in general and out our faith by meeting their academic, physical, social and emotional needs. We need to engage them in spiritual dialogues so that they will be found. We -lize to their families, friends and kinsmen in their homelands, and accomplish the missions mandate.



  • In working with AFCs international student ministry, I am often asked: Who are you referring to when you speak of international students? Furthermore, why put such a strong emphasis on reaching them that AFC even started up a new ministry just for that? My good friend from Inter-Varsity Christian Fellowship who has been working with interna-tional students for quite some years now once told me: International students are those in your class who always look a bit lost.

    Often international students give us the sense of being lost because they are in a foreign country, studying under a system/language that is also foreign to them. Perhaps this feeling of being home away from home is all too familiar with many of us. The essence of international student ministry here at AFC is to serve international student because we believe that God has a great and mighty plan for them while they are here in Canada, a foreign land!

    think about international student ministry. I was especially intrigued by reunited with his brothers who sold him into slavery in Egypt. At that his dreams but also realized that it was actually God who sent him ahead to Egypt for the purpose of one day delivering his own household from deliver and prepare him, putting him in charge of the whole land so that Israel eventually may be delivered through him.

    Many of the international students/scholars I interact with seem to have Gods hand actively pursuing them. I have had the privilege to journey about a strong sense of Gods presence in their lives through the love and kindness they received from Christians. Yet I believe that just like the I believe that is God revealing Himself as Lord and Savior to these interna-tional students/scholars personally, He had also brought them here such that one day they may bring deliverance to their own people through the

    God has graciously extended an invitation to AFC that we may join in His work to reach the nations starting with reaching and serving the interna-tional students who come to Canada. While being faithful with the foregoing vision, AFC has chosen to heed the new call in international student ministry to serve those who are home away from home, know-ing that God has great plans for each of them. God is inviting us to be part Christ to those who are home away from home. Perhaps one day they back to their homes!

    How beautiful on the mountains are the feet of those who bring good news Isaiah 52:7a





    International Student Ministrys (ISM) Tuesday night bible study. Since then, Ive really come to enjoy learning together with the International student/scholars. I learned to be in the role of a listener, and I saw God work unimaginably as He spoke through the students in their questions and insights. Through ISMs bible studies and social events, I came to know some of these students more and He put me in some very special friendships. One of these friendships was with a visiting doctor from China, whom I had the privilege to see come to know how personal God was in her life and how much He desired to pursue a loving relationship with her. Through this friendship He showed me the importance of listening and being sensitive to His voice. The past year of serving on ISM has pushed me to be a better listener, discover what it means to build authentic relationships through Christ, and share His Love. It is exciting to accept Gods invitation to journey together with the beautiful works in progress He has placed with me to love, learn with and listen to.

    by Kelly

    +5/ +5/+5/



    Praise God for new ministries targeting Mandarin high school students.Praise God for new friends and connections after 40th anniversary.Praise God for all TC volunteers, who are working hard to serve our youth.Praise God for a time of rest during Family Day & Chinese New Year.

    Please pray for CCF students for their growth in knowledge of Christ.Please prayPlease continue to prayPlease prayPlease pray for all TC participants for their experiences and journey with Christ.Please pray for Campus Challenge planning, fundraising & recruiting.



    - English TC- Cantonese TC- Mandarin TC Conference

  • 7TDCPC





    During Urbana 12, God helped me to see that I am like the prodigal son who asks for my inheritance from my father and declares independence and freedom. I try to control everything that I have and laughter.

    Do I really know God?No, I may even have believed in the wrong god. What I believe in

    My own desire I thirst that my life would be stable, peaceful, smooth and happy; that I would have a wonderful family, good friends, material abundance, great achievements in my study and career.

    Proudness I want others to see that I have the ability to serve, that I have the godliness towards faith and good relationship with God. I even try to take over Gods place to save lost souls.

    not that I hope to enjoy Gods presence in his eternal kingdom.

    Unreal perfection With such a mighty God on my back, I know afraid; God will help me! When I dont know which way to go, its alright; God will lead me! When I dont know what to do, I will not fear; God has His plan! I just need to believe!

    Is this right?No! Its all wrong!These standards are just scales I use to measure Gods greatness. I use His gifts of material things, relatives, friends, talents, IQ, looks, to apportion my thanksgiving and praise for Him. He becomes something that I manufacture, not the God who created me.

    God reveals to me again the true meaning of the Gospel by incidents He allows to happen to me, by my experience at Urbana and every little thing that occurs after the conference. God says, salvation is not because Jesus died and rose again; salvation is because Jesus bore my sins and the punishments resulting from my sins. Jesus was willing to accept the Father turning away from Him -cial love is something I cant describe by words, and irresistible by my own desire and proudness.

    Even though I was only a common sinner among the 16,000 attend-ees at Urbana12, God still showered on me His fullness, abundance and His perfect love according to His will.

    by Qoqo Ong

    Unit 12. 70 Gibson Drive. Markham. Ontario. Canada. L3R 4C2

    CONTACT US 905.513.0713

    [email protected]

  • by Nicole Chow

    by Qoqo Ong

    It was an indescribable invitation.

    This past December, I had the privilege to attend a feast with another 16,000 people. This was no ordinary feast, but it was Gods feast where invitations were sent from Him personally. The theme for this Urbana was The Great Invita-tion. To be honest, I did not understand the meaning of the theme until I experi-enced Gods constant pursing of me during my time there.

    Urbana12 gave many attendees unforgettable moments. To simply list out a few activities, there were manuscript Bible studies, multi-lingo worship, and speakers dropped my luggage and headed over to the American Center. The twenty plus hour ride obviously did not impede my excitement. By seeing people endlessly entering the stadium, my excitement was mounting. Now that I think back, Gods personal invitations were overwhelmingly pouring on me since the moment where Urbanas director Tom Lin asked, Where is your Mongolia?

    The very next day early in the morning, we all woke up for manuscript Bible study familiar to many, including myself. Unexpectedly, while studying the passage with a group of passionate brothers and sisters in the Canadian Student Leader-ship Track, I once again heard Gods invitation clearly and loudly. Within the span of eleven verses, we studied how Jesus presented Simon Peter with two invitations, from the shallow waters to the deep, and also with His non-forceful approach towards intimacy. After that one and a half hour of Bible Study, I sat there speechless. Maybe it really was very bombarding of a message for me to digest. For the following few days, I totally could not be oblivious and ignore God personally conversing with me.

    During the next few days, as I was more attentive to Gods presence in my life, I started to experience what it means for God to be with us. This time was no the last day, God led my steps to the prayer rooms. I felt a little uneasy as I entered the prayer room. While planning to leave within ten minutes, I never expected that a small prayer would give me such great peacethe next time I looked at the time, three full hours passed by. Simply put, the three hours spent in the worship prayer room was like a conversation I had with God. Every time I moment I quieted down to listen, the background worship music or verses that experienced this before, not ever. In the end, I didnt accomplish anything of my was worth more than attending any events!

    As Urbana had a theme that threaded through all the activities of the whole conference, God did the same in my life (especially during the few times I went to invitation and nailed this right in my heart, After experiencing My love, are you willing to follow me?



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    by Vivian Lee - President of the University of Toronto at Scarborough Chinese Christian Fellowship (SCCF)



