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Advérbios Completo

Oct 13, 2015



Suzete Osmarini
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AdvrbiosParte superior do formulrio 01. Numa das sentenas abaixo o advrbio no est corretamente inserido:

a)He hasnt met me yet.b)I was rather cold yesterday.c)Gary always is dreaming of youd)We hardly work on Sundays.e)Theyll travel by car.

02. This is a ________ good course for you to take.


03. I noticed the student speak English _______________.

a)very fluentb)fluentc)more fluentd)fluentlye)fluency

04. They ran very _______ in the race but at the end they could ______ breathe.

a)fast, harderb)fast, hardlyc)fast, hardd)faster, hardlye)fastly, hard

05. Complete o dilogo, usando os advrbios corretos:- Hasnt anyone caught the thief ____________?- No, he hasnt been caught ______. He will be caught ______

a)already; still; just nowb)yet; yet; soonc)now; already; tomorrowd)still; yet; immediatelye)yet; already; at the momen06. You are a gentleman, and as ______ you must be polite to women.


07. Todas as alternativas abaixo trazem advrbios de freqncia, exceto:


08. They state theyve been ther____________.

a)onceb)for the fun of itc)on Sundayd)In Marche)Todas so corretas

09. They havent _____ thought of it________.

a)whether /yetb)even / yetc)then / alsod)ever / alwayse)even / only

10. The test was _______ no one passed.

a)very hard thatb)too hard for thatc)too hard, sod)so hard so thate)even / only

Parte inferior do formulrioGabarito dos exerccios: 1 - C2 - E3 - D4 - B5 - B

6 - E7 - B8 - E9 - B10 - C

Adverbs of Manner 3

Complete o quadro com os advrbios correspondentes, utilizando os seguintes sufixos: -ly, -wise, -ward(s).

Parte superior do formulrioAdverb of Manner








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ExerccioAdverbs of Manner 2

Complete o quadro com os advrbios correspondentes. Utilize, em caso necessrio, os seguintes sufixos: -ly, -wise, -ward(s).

Parte superior do formulrioAdverb of Manner










Adverb of Manner



3.homehomewards/ homeward




7.outoutwards/ outward



10.backbackwards/ backward

ExerccioAdverbs of Manner 1

Complete o quadro com os advrbios correspondentes. Utilize, em caso necessrio, os seguintes sufixos: -ly, -wise, -ward(s).

Parte superior do formulrioAdverb of Manner








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RespostasAdverbs of Manner 1

Adverb of Manner



3.upupwards/ upward




7.easteastwards/ eastward


9.downdownwards/ downward


Parte inferior do formulrioParte inferior do formulrioParte inferior do formulrio

Adverb of Manner

1.northnorthwards/ northward



4.earthearthwards/ earthward



7.landlandwards/ landward

8.downdownwards/ downward



GrammarNetGramtica daLngua InglesaAdvrbios (adverbs of manner)

1 Os advrbios de modo formam-se juntando um sufixo a um adjectivo, substantivo, ou advrbio de direco:

(adjectivo) + LY

beautifullylindamente, maravilhosamente



quicklydepressa, rapidamente

slowlylentamente, vagarosamente

Para informao sobre ortografia dos advrbios de modo terminados em -ly, veja Adverbs-lySpelling

(substantivo) + WISE




moneywiseem relao a dinheiro ,financially speaking

businesswiseem relao a negcio

timewiseem relao a tempo

clockwiseno sentido dos ponteiros de um relgio

O que significa o sufixo wise?Algumas das equivalncias em Portugus para a palavrawisesosbio, sensatoouprudente, como vemos nos exemplos abaixo: Hes a wise man.Ele um homem sbio. Its wise to make a reservation. sensato (prudente) fazer uma reserva.Para ver mais expresses com wiseclique aqui)Mas a coisa se complica quandowise usado como sufixo, ou seja, aparece no final de algumas palavras. Uma das equivalncias que podemos encontrar ento parawiseno sentido deouna direo de. Vejamos alguns exemplos abaixo para esclarecer melhor: clockwiseno sentido horri anti-clockwiseno sentido anti-horrio lengthwise (= no sentido do comprimento) crosswiseno sentido de cruz slantwise na direo inclinadaExiste tambm um uso do sufixowiseque significa algo comocom relao aouem termos de. Apesar demuito informal, esse um uso muito comum dewise, principalmente no ingls falado. Vejam novamente outros exemplos abaixo: Time-wise were not doing too badly.Em relao ao tempo ns no estamos muito mal. How are you doing business-wise?Como voc est indo em termos de negcio? Theyre much better money-wise.Eles esto muito melhores em termos de dinheiro. This hasnt been a good year saleswise.Este no tem sido um bom ano em termos de faturamento. Securitywise theyve made a lot of improvements.Em termos de segurana eles melhoraram bastante. What are we talking about, pricewise?Quanto ns estamos falando, em termos de preo? What are your plans, career wise?Quais so seus planos, em termos de carreira?S para esclarecer, possvel escrevermostime-wiseoutimewise,price-wiseoupricewise,money-wiseoumoneywise, etc.

(substantivo / advrbio de direco) + WARD(S)

upward(s)para cima

downward(s)para baixo

homeward(s)em direco casa

northward(s)em direco ao norte

southward(s)em direco ao sul

westward(s)em direco a oeste

eastward(s)em direco a leste

NOTA: As palavras terminadas em -WARD podem ser empregues como advrbios ou adjetivos. As palavras terminadas em -WARDS so somente empregues como advrbios.

2 Outros advrbios de modo formam-se combinando adjectivos terminados em -ly com way, manner ou fashion:

(adjectivo terminado em -ly) + WAY/MANNER/FASHION

She spoke in a motherly way.Ela falou de um modo maternal.

He spoke in a friendly manner.Ele falou de um modo amigvel.

They walked in an orderly fashion.Eles caminharam de uma forma ordeira.

Mais exemplos de adjetivos terminados em -ly: brotherly(fraternal), elderly,(idoso) fatherly,(paternal) lively,(animado) lonely,(solitrio) lovely,(adorvel) silly(bobo), sisterly, (de irm, como uma irm) ugly.(feio).

3 Existem advrbios de modo com significado e forma iguais aos seus adjetivos correspondentes:


He works fast.Ele trabalha depressa.

He works hard(1).Ele trabalha arduamente.

He came last(1).Ele chegou em ltimo lugar.

(1) hardly e lastly tambm existem como advrbios, mas tm significados diferentes: ex. I hardly know her. (Eu mal a conheo.) ex. Lastly, she is a liar. (Finalmente, ela uma mentirosa.)

4 Existem tambm advrbios de modo em forma de sintagmas preposicionais:

sintagma preposicional

He went home by train.Ele foi para casa de comboio.

He left in a hurry.Ele saiu apressadamente.

We met by chance.Encontramo-nos por acaso.

5 Posio dos advrbios de modo:

(verbo) + ADVERB

He walks quickly.Ele anda depressa.

She drives carefully.Ela guia cuidadosamente.

They sing beautifully.Eles cantam lindamente.

(verbo + complemento) + ADVERB

She read the letter quickly.Ela leu apressadamente a carta.

He left the room furiously.Ele saiu furiosamente da sala.

She speaks English fluently.Ela fala fluentemente ingls.

(sujeito) + ADVERB(2) + (verbo)

I quickly wrote the letter.Escrevi apressadamente a carta.

I furiously slammed the door.Fechei furiosamente a porta.

I carefully checked the wires.Verifiquei cuidadosamente os fios.

no incio da frase para dramatizao

Suddenly, everybody started screaming.De repente, toda a gente comeou a gritar.

Silently, the soldier crept behind the enemy lines.Silenciosamente, o soldado rastejou atrs das linhas inimigas.

Questes de Vestibular: Lngua Inglesa-Adjectives and adverbs

(UFTM/MG) Universidade Federal do Tringulo Mineiro - Questo 1:

The adjective annoyed and the verb hang up respectively mean

A -extremely irritated; make another call.

B -slightly angry; end a telephone conversation.

C -a bit anxious; give up calling.

D -very nervous; stop trying.

E -too impatient; talk to someone else.

Nvel da questo: Mdio

Tipo da questo: Simples Escolha

(UFT/TO) - Universidade Federal do Tocantins - Questo 2: The Legacy of Beijingby Melinda LiuBy now, its clear that both Chinese and visitors alike reveled in the 2008 Games, even many skeptics. The merry national atmosphere is quite different from the mood before Aug. 8, when officials worried about polluted air, terror attacks, even the performance of high-profile athletes like hurdler Liu Xiang. Some of their fears came to pass: a lone attacker killed an American coachs family member, scattered protests did take place and Liu limped away gold-less after an injury.Still, the Olympics were undeniably a PR success. Beijings critics warned of crackdowns, but travelers were greeted instead with the sight of citizens reacting to the Games with cheers and tears against a backdrop of stunning architecture. For domestic audiences, officials peddled a relaxed, humane image President Hu Jintao sat in the audience at sporting events like a regular spectator thats playing well at home. The Games will have many legacies, from Michael Phelps to Usain Bolt. But for Beijing, its soft-power campaign will do more for its overseas image in the years to come than cocky triumphalism ever could have done.Newsweek. September 1, 2008, p. 5

The following sentence contains an adverb:

A -A lone attacker killed an American coachs family member.

B -Officials peddled a relaxed, humane image.

C -But for Beijing, its soft-power campaign will do more for its overseas image.

D -The Olympics were undeniably a success.

Nvel da questo: Mdio

Tipo da questo: Simples Escolha

(UEMS)- Universidade Estadual de Mato Grosso do Sul - Questo 3: I often go down to the gravestones of David Block and Elizabeth Block. They stand together, not far from the church. From there, I look towards the sea, and I rememberFALKNER, J. Meade. Moonfleet. London: Longman, 1994.Choose the correct opposite adverbs to the bold ones in the text:

A -usually close

B -always there

C -seldom further

D -never near

E -sometimes here

Nvel da questo: Mdio

Tipo da questo: Simples Escolha

(UEMS)- Universidade Estadual de Mato Grosso do Sul - Questo 4: ... there are pubs everywhere in Britain. They come in a wide range of styles, noisy ones with sport on giant TV screens or rock music, where young people go to meet each other; and quiet ones with little tables in dark corners. These days many have a restaurant area and quite good food, but others still have nothing more than crisps and nuts. Some are just inhabited by regulars, drinkers who come in every day and who all know each other, making the place a kind of private club; others have only tourists and passers-by. Some pubs are pretty and charming; others are ugly and stink of old beer and cigarette smoke.FARREL, Mark. British Life and Institutions. London: Chanerel Ltd., 2000.

Choose the alternative which contains only adjectives:

A -Ugly Charming Noisy Dark

B -Little Giant Quite Old

C -Good Only Quiet Private

D -Stink Old Giant Dark

E -Young Screen Ugly Good

Nvel da questo: Mdio

Tipo da questo: Simples Escolha

(UFC) - Universidade Federal do Cear - Questo 5: Vocabulary: dispel (line 09): acabar comhousehold (line 12): casa, famlia

The adverb surprisingly (line 02) is equivalent in meaning to:

A -suddenly.

B -obviously.

C -noticeably.

D -drastically.

E -unexpectedly.

Nvel da questo: Mdio

Tipo da questo: Simples Escolha

(UNEMAT/MT) - Universidade do Estado de Mato Grosso - Questo 6:

O sufixo ly uma marca de advrbio, todavia, nem toda palavra terminada em ly advrbio. Assinale a alternativa em que a palavra terminada em ly NO advrbio:

A -currently (line 1)

B -apply (line 2)

C -apparently (line 2)

D -recently (line 5)

E -simply (line 18)

Nvel da questo: Difcil

Tipo da questo: Simples Escolha

(UNIFOR/CE) - Universidade de Fortaleza - Questo 7: AFRO-BRAZILIAN KNOWLEDGEJohn Roach Afro-Brazilian slaves and free blacks alike descended on the Chapada Diamantina in the mid-19th century to mine diamonds from the lush landscape. Though the discovery of [ADJECTIVE] diamond deposits in South Africa effectively ended the Brazilian boom by 1880, many of the Afro-Brazilians stayed behind. Robert Voeks, a professor of geography at California State University, Fullerton, said he was drawn to the region, in part, by his belief that many academic colleagues specializing in the study of cultural plant lore, or ethnobotany, overlooked Afro-Brazilian folkways. With the help of a few locals, Voeks established a baseline of 45 known medicinal plants. He then questioned a group of local Afro-Brazilians about the plants and their medicinal properties. Among other insights, Voeks found that Afro-Brazilian elders, especially illiterate women over the age of 50, retain a wealth of knowledge about the medicinal properties of local plants. The finding refutes the perception held by some scholars that the "immigrant" status of 19th-century Afro-Brazilians precluded them from sufficiently learning how to incorporate the local flora into their daily lives. Afro-Brazilians drew from their African traditional plant knowledge. They also incorporated insights from indigenous populations who were also enslaved. In doing so, they established a knowledge of South American plants that continues today, Voeks said.(Adapted from National Geographic News. April 6, 2004)

O adjetivo que substitui corretamente [ADJECTIVE], no texto, :

A -poorer.

B -richer.

C -smaller.

D -more fertile.

E -less abundant.

Nvel da questo: Fcil

Tipo da questo: Simples Escolha

No definida - Questo 8: Choose the correct alternative:

The movie is ___ good, but its ___ late to go now.

A -very; very.

B -too; very.

C -very; much.

D -very; too.

E -too; too.

Nvel da questo: Fcil

Tipo da questo: Simples Escolha

(UEA/AM) Universidade do Estado do Amazonas - Questo 9: The United States is a nation of immigrants. Those who chose to pull up stakes and try their luck in a distant land have energy and are willing to take risks, says psychologist John Gartner of Johns Hopkins University. For most immigrants, that translates into a spark and drive that lead them to success in their adopted land. For a few, however, risk-taking coupled with impulsivity may set the stage for violence, Gartner says, and you do see more violence in immigrant nations like Australia and America. If barriers of language or culture keep an immigrant child from fitting in, it can increase the risk that he will become alienated and, given enough triggers, resort to violence.Besides, murder and violence are also higher in nations with the largest income inequality. The United States ranks high on this problematic measure. Perhaps it was no coincidence that Cho, murderer of more than 30 people at Virginia Tech, railed that your golden necklaces werent enough, you snobs. Your trust fund wasnt enough.(from The Anatomy of Crime in NEWSWEEK, April 30, 2007)

In the text, besides (line 11) may be replaced without any loss of meaning by

A -However.

B -Last but not least.

C -Finally.

D -Nevertheless.

E -In addition.

Nvel da questo: Mdio

Tipo da questo: Simples Escolha

(UERGS) - Universidade Estadual do Rio Grande do Sul - Questo 10: THE CITY OF ST. FRANCISFamous for its Golden Gate Bridge, Alcatraz Island and earthquakes, San Francisco is also recognised as one of the most disabled-friendly and accessible cities in the world. With steep hills, busy streets and heavy traffic, this is not the most obvious place for disabled people to enjoy. Nevertheless, the city has been at the forefront of the disability rights movement since the 1970s, when campaigners forced the government to implement section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, which prohibits discrimination on the basis of disability. Susan Mizner, director of the mayor's office for disability in San Francisco, explains that the disability rights movement really started in Berkeley with a student who wanted to go to Berkeley Law School. He developed a group of wonderful advocates who, when the disability community was trying to pressure the federal government to implement the regulations to 504, staged a sit-in just a couple of blocks from here. They staged a 28-day sit-in and it holds the record for the longest sit-in. This was the reason why Joseph Califano implemented the Rehab Act regulations. So San Francisco is the site of one of the biggest grass-roots disability movements that has had the widest effect in the country. It is estimated that around 150,000 people in San Francisco suffer from some sort of disability, ranging from mobility impairment and sensory disabilities, such as loss of hearing and sight, to chronic illnesses like HIV, MS, or mental disabilities. Susan Mizner understands the needs of the disabled community better than most because, in her early twenties, she developed an immune system disorder that changed her life. Any form of disablement makes life difficult, but in San Francisco things are easier than in many cities. Buses and trams include lifts for wheelchair users and the ultra-modern BART (Bay Area Rapid Transit) system which has lifts at all stations and level access from platforms onto and off the trains. Around the city, kerbs have been adapted and ramps introduced alongside steps. The sports stadium also incorporates many features for disabled visitors. Now the city government is testing audible signals at pedestrian crossings, a potentially life-saving improvement for visually impaired people. Cost is a major factor for any access improvements. But when San Francisco's historic City Hall had to be reconstructed after the 1989 earthquake, it included state-of-the-art accessibility. Susan Mizner and her colleagues are also leading the way in terms of construction policies to get more accessible and adaptable housing built. There is another more obvious symbol of the city's disabled accessibility: "The Rock" the island of Alcatraz that once served as a notorious prison - is fully accessible to disabled visitors. It would be wrong to say that life for the disabled in San Francisco is ideal, and the budget cuts in California continue to cause real hardship. But in a world where many disabled people feel invisible and ignored by the ablebodied majority, the sound of audible pedestrian crossings is the sound of a city that cares. In San Francisco, says Susan Mizner, improvements to accessibility are still welcomed: There is always some initial hesitation when you are trying to do something new. But one of the benefits of being here in San Francisco is that people get it. They want to do the right thing, they understand the idea of inclusion, and most of the time if we can explain why it is needed and show them how we can do it, it is embraced very happily and heartily.(Julian Earwaker, extrado e adaptado do stio leitura:steep (linha 03) ngremeat the forefront (linhas 04 e 05) na vanguardastaged (linha 11) organizaramsit-in (linha 12) protestokerbs (linha 24) meios-fioshardship (linha 35) dificuldades financeiras

Assinale a alternativa que apresenta a traduo mais adequada para o advrbio Nevertheless (linha 05), considerando o seu contexto.

A -Portanto

B -No entanto

C -Alm disso

D -Conseqentemente

E -Infelizmente

Nvel da questo: Mdio

Tipo da questo: Simples Escolha

(UEMS)- Universidade Estadual de Mato Grosso do Sul - Questo 11: THE MASS MEDIA HAVE AN ADVERSE EFFECT ON MORAL STANDARDS. DO YOU AGREE?Newspapers, in one form or another, have been in existence for centuries, their purpose being to spread news. Public radio and television services, on the other hand, have only been available in the UK since 1922 and 1932, respectively, and were introduced with the intention of informing, educating and entertaining. While radio seems to have largely maintained its standards, newspapers and TV have, in my opinion, totally abused their position of power, resulting in a serious decline in moral standards. As Richard Hoggart said, They are full of a corrupt brightness, of improper appeals and moral evasions...Perhaps the most serious offender is television, as today's broadcasters seem to have completely abandoned the issue of ethics. This is more than apparent in the films and programmes which are intended to entertain, as they bombard the viewer with explicit language, sex and violence. Similarly, the news informs us using devastating images of grief, desperation and death. It is often felt that by exposing the public to such graphic depictions, television producers have contributed to our becoming immune to shocking behaviour and events which, in the past, we would have been upset to offend by.Furthermore, newspapers, especially the tabloids, have come to depend on overly-explicit articles and pictures in order to guarantee sales. It is commonplace nowadays to see, for instance, photographs of celebrities most private moments or horrific scenes of death occupying the front pages of daily publications. The fact that these images are intended and generally manage to sell newspapers displays the craving for sensationalism which exists within society today. In contrast, it must be admitted that the mass media have a lot to offer in the way of information and entertainment. The news and documentaries can be very informative and educational as long as the material is handled in a responsible manner. The problem is that, because people are willing victims of the media's irresponsibility, the media continue to produce material which is unacceptable by all moral standards.To conclude, it is clear that the public have a right to know and that producers should be allowed a certain degree of artistic licence, but should we not draw the line somewhere before we lose sight of our principles altogether?Source: EVANS, Virginia. Successful Writing Proficiency, 2 ed. Express Publishing, 1998.

Furthermore, newspapers, especially the tabloids, have come to depend on overly-explicit articles and pictures in order to guarantee sales. In this sentence, the word furthermore can correctly be replaced by:

A -nevertheless;

B -in addition to that;

C -thus;

D -meanwhile;

E -however.

(UPE) - Universidade de Pernambuco - Questo 12: Dont worry if you cant understand Billy. We cant ____________. A -too

B -also

C -either

D -him

E -he

Nvel da questo: Fcil

Tipo da questo: Simples Escolha

(PUC-RIO) - Pontifcia Universidade Catlica do Rio de Janeiro - Questo 13: Check the item in which there is a correct correspondence between the idea expressed by the underlined words and the idea in italics.

A -However, other experts said the diet remains... (lines 13-14) conclusion.

B youve got to wonder how severe... (lines 18-20) cause.

C -...if more people kept to the low-carb diet (lines 19-20) contrast.

D -Also, bad breath, muscle cramps, diarrhea,... (lines 37-41) addition.

E -...because the brain and muscle do not get... (lines 43-45) result.

Nvel da questo: Difcil

Tipo da questo: Simples Escolha

(PUC-MG) - Pontifcia Universidade Catlica de Minas Gerais - Questo 14: The word since (line 2) conveys an idea of:

A -manner;

B -place;

C -time;

D -result.

Nvel da questo: Fcil

Tipo da questo: Simples Escolha

(UFV/MG) - Universidade Federal de Viosa - Questo 15:

The only word which does not express an idea of contrast is:

A -although (line 17);

B -even though (lines 59-60);

C -but (line 9);

D -despite (line 46);

E -thus (line 28).

Nvel da questo: Mdio

Tipo da questo: Simples Escolha

(UFV/MG) - Universidade Federal de Viosa - Questo 16: Which of the following words functions as an adjective in the text?

A -Spent (line 40).

B -Supplied (line 26).

C -Balanced (line 29).

D -Cooked (line 43).

E -Made (line 31).

Nvel da questo: Mdio

Tipo da questo: Simples Escolha

(UNIFOR/CE) - Universidade de Fortaleza - Questo 17: NO SAFETY IN SINGLESJust a little indulgence, just this once? Watch out. Harvard Medical School researchers report that even one cigarette or a single piece of cheesecake can stress your heart. In one study, 15 healthy young mendrank a liquid meal with 1,200 calories and 100 grams of fat. Five hours [LATE], blood flow through their secondary coronary arteries- the blood vessels that do all the work when bigger arteries are blocked- decreased by 18 percent. The research could explain why some people get chest pains after a fatty meal. Separately, scientists found that after a single cigarette, blood levels of vitamin C and other antioxidants dropped in men. Their blood-vessel walls also stopped releasing nitric oxide. That could make it more difficult to get blood and oxygen to the heart. So think before you splurge. Your heart will thank you. (Newsweek, August 12, 2002)A forma correta de [LATE] no texto :

A -later;

B -the later;

C -as late;

D -latest;

E -the latest.

(UFRGS) - Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul - Questo 18: 1 I was taken to meet a gorgeous cheetah who2 would share a scene with me and I fell in love with3 him instantly. In order to get him used to me, I had to4 take him around with me everywhere on a lead like a5 dog. He had a wonderful loud purr like a cat trying to6 impersonate a motor bike. We looked like becoming7 inseparable. Then there were a few... incidents.8 Every day a car took us to the set. He would sit with9 me on the back seat, purring away happily, fascinated10 by everything in the car, including the shiny button on11 the back of the chauffeur's cap. One day the sun12 caught the button at a certain angle and the bright13 light started to flutter and sparkle. This caught his14 attention and he grabbed it, taking a considerable15 part of the chauffeur's scalp with it. After that, we16 travelled to the set separately. I was still allowed to17 take him for walks, though, until the day he spotted18 the catering manager's German Shepherd dog sitting19 on the steps outside the unit canteen. He took off like20 the wind, and the heavy chain which was his lead was21 torn out of my hand, taking half the skin with it. The22 German Shepherd spotted him coming, and quicker23 than I have ever seen any dog move, he had bounded24 up the steps and into the canteen and- I swear this is25 true- shut the door behind him. The cheetah came to26 a skidding halt like Sylvester, the cartoon cat, but he27 was going at such a pelt he went head over heels on28 he steps and knocked himself out. That was the end29 of that friendship. (CAINE, Michael. What's it all about?, 1993)The word Then (l. 7) introduces in the text:

A -an opposed idea;

B -a logical conclusion;

C -a follow up;

D -a hypothesis;

E -an argument.

Nvel da questo: Mdio

Tipo da questo: Simples Escolha

(PUC-MG) - Pontifcia Universidade Catlica de Minas Gerais - Questo 19: The Germans, the French and all the nationalities probably dont envy many things about the English, but they do envy their language. They believe, quite rightly, that, if you are a native English speaker, then you dont have to worry about learning a foreign language. Yet, according to an article in the London paper FINANCIAL TIMES, by Quentin Peel, they should think again. Peel believes that being monolingual in the modern world is not such a good thing. He writes: The triumph of the English language in the world trade, technology, culture and science, thanks to the overwhelming predominance of America in all those areas, may yet prove to be more of a curse than a blessing for those of us who speak it as a mother tongue. Of course it is a wonderful convenience. We do not have to struggle with all those tiresome foreign languages that others still insist on preserving. What worries me, however, is the consequent collapse of language learning in many parts of the English speaking world. Precisely because it is no longer perceived as necessary and useful, the study of foreign languages is in danger of being relegated to the same irrelevance as the study of classical Latin and Greek.According to Peel, if you are British, sitting uncomfortably on the edge of a proudly and persistently polyglot continent, it is both dangerous and perverse. It makes all those continental neighbours so much more difficult to comprehend. We really do not understand their culture and their history and their thinking, because we cannot be bothered to learn their language.(Adapted from: Speak Up. May 1st, 2001.)The word however (SUBLINHADA NO TEXTO, NO SEGUNDO PARGRAFO) indicates:

A -addition;

B -consequence;

C -contrast;

D -conclusion.

Nvel da questo: Mdio

Tipo da questo: Simples Escolha

(UFRGS) - Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul - Questo 20: Maine, vermont, New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Rhode Island and Connecticut are all proud members of Americas northeast corner known as New England.Famous for its spectacular fall foliage, New England enjoys incredible regional diversity throughout the year. Each state has its special places to visit, from Vermonts Green Mountains to the rocky seacoast of Maine. You can be digging your heels into the sand on one day and sitting beside a mountain waterfall on the next. Or you can go antiquing and flea marketing, pick apples, dine on lobster and apple pie, or camp in a state park.Besides Natures breathtaking show, falls rich harvest is on display and for sate wherever you venture. Also popular are festivals of every kind, from herbs and vegetables to art and crafts.Four of the six New England states were members of the original Thirteen Colonies, and many American historical sites and events have been memorialized for visitors. So dont forget your camera because New England has some of the best scenery in the country.Country Almanac, Fall 2001.The "ing" form that stands for an adjective in the text is:

A -digging

B -sitting

C -antiquing

D -marketing

E -breathtaking

Nvel da questo: Difcil

Tipo da questo: Simples Escolha

GABARITO:questo 1: B-questo 2: D-questo 3: D-questo 4: A-questo 5: E-questo 6: B-questo 7: B-questo 8: D-questo 9: E-questo 10: B-questo 11: B-questo 12: C-questo 13: D-questo 14: C-questo 15: E-questo 16: C-questo 17: A-questo 18: C-questo 19: C-questo 20: E

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(FAVIC/BA) - Faculdade Visconde de Cair - Questo 21: In the 1950s, an educator and businessman named Frederic E. Pamp Jr., published an article arguing that the study of the humanities was perhaps more relevant to managers than all the courses taught in business school. But could the same case be made in todays technology-driven world? Who has time to pick up a 400-page novel when there are hundreds of urgent e-mails to answer, training seminars to attend, and trade publications to scan? The canon once academies list of indispensable writing seems more irrelevant to businesspeople now than ever before.Thats not, of course, entirely true. Every individual regardless of profession needs to stretch his mind and to reflect, now and again, on the human condition.(HARVARD BUSINESS REVIEW. A conversation with literary critic Harold Bloom. Boston, v. 79, n. 5. p. 635. May 2001)- canon a set of writings of a particular author.- to stretch to make something longer, wider.It is correct to say that:

A -perhaps can be substituted for "maybe".

B -taught is used in the Simple Past.

C -could indicates capacity.

D -training is used as a verb.

E -more irrelevant is a comparative indicating equality.

Nvel da questo: Mdio

Tipo da questo: Simples Escolha

(UESC/BA) - Universidade Estadual de Santa Cruz - Questo 22: Beyond 6 BillionWorld population at mid-2000 was 6.06 billion and growing by 75 million people a year. More than 95 per cent of the growth is taking place in developing countries.The future size and rate of growth of the global population depends on action taken to end gender discrimination. Experience in developing countries over 30 years has shown that when women are offered a full range of choices, they have smaller but healthier and better-educated families than their mothers did. If there were universal access to family planning, and women could have only the number of children they wanted, the total fertility rate in many countries would fall by one third.(THE STATE OF WORLD POPULATION 2000. UNFPA. United Nations Population Fund -New York, p. 6)Based on the language usage in the text, it is correct to say that:

A -Beyond is an adverb.

B -75 in full is written seventy-fifth.

C -has shown indicates an action connected to the present time.

D -planning takes part in a structure in the Past Continuous.

E -could expresses an idea of permission.

Nvel da questo: Difcil

Tipo da questo: Simples Escolha

(FGV/RJ) - Fundao Getlio Vargas Rio - Questo 23: Complete as lacunas com os correspondentes de "pouco(a)(s)".I always have ... coffee. Just ... cups a day. A -a few - few

B -little - few

C -little - little

D -few - a few

E -a lot of - many

Nvel da questo: Mdio

Tipo da questo: Simples Escolha

(FATEC-SP) - Faculdade de Tecnologia de So Paulo - Questo 24: They had ... difficulty finding a qualified engineer for the job. A -few

B -many

C -very

D -quite

E -little

Nvel da questo: Mdio

Tipo da questo: Simples Escolha

(PUC-MG) - Pontifcia Universidade Catlica de Minas Gerais - Questo 25: Last month a well-known infertility specialist, Panayiotis Zavos of the University of Kentucky, announced that he and Italian researcher Severino Antinori were forming a consortium to produce the first human clone. Researchers in South Korea claim they have already created a cloned human embryo, though they destroyed it rather than implanting it in a surrogate mother to develop.Given what researchers have learned since Dolly, the mechanics of cloning are not very hard: take a donors egg, suck out the nucleus, and hence the DNA, and fuse it with, say, a skin cell from the human being copied. Then, with the help of an electrical current, the reconstituted cell should begin growing into a genetic duplicate. The consensus among biotechnology specialists is that within a few years the news will break of the birth of the first human clone.Variations on cloning technology are already used in biotechnology labs all across the country. These techniques will allow the creation of cloned herds of sheep and cows that produce medicines in their milk.Researchers also hope that one day, the ability to clone human cells will make it possible to grow new hearts and livers and nerve cells. But some of the same techniques could also be used to grow a baby.Debate over issues like abortion and euthanasia will seem transparent compared with the questions that human cloning raises. Trying to block one line of research could impede another and so reduce the chances of finding cures for aliments such as Alzheimers and Parkinsons, cancer and heart disease. So we are left with choices and a need to think through whether it is this technology that alarms us or just certain ways of using if.(TIME, February 26, 2001, p. 25-27 - Adapted)Rather than means:

A -together with;

B -soon after;

C -apart from;

D -instead of.

Nvel da questo: Fcil

Tipo da questo: Simples Escolha

(PUC-RS) - Pontifcia Universidade Catlica do Rio Grande do Sul - Questo 26: The Silmarillion, now published four years after the death of its author, is an account of the Elder Days, or the First Age of the World. In The Lord of the Rings, were narrated the great events at the end of the Third Age; but the tales of The Silmarillion are legends deriving from a much deeper past, when Morgoth, the first Dark Lord, dwelt in Middle-earth, and the High Elves made war upon him for the recovery of the Silmarils.Not only, however, does The Silmarillion relate the events of a far earlier time than those of The Lord of the Rings; it is also in all the essentials of its conception, far the earlier work. (...) But it was never published (though some indication of its content could be gleaned from The Lord of the Rings), and throughout my fathers (J. R. R. Tolkien) long life he never abandoned it, nor ceased even in his last years to work on it. In all that time The Silmarillion, considered simply as a large narrative structure, underwent relatively little radical change; it became long ago a fixed tradition, and background to later writings.Christopher TolkienA palavra far poderia ser substituda, sem alterao de sentido, por:

A -very;

B -much;

C -some;

D -more;

E -a bit.

Nvel da questo: Difcil

Tipo da questo: Simples Escolha

(PUC-PR) - Pontifcia Universidade Catlica do Paran - Questo 27: In English ________ is a very common suffix to form adjectives: A --s

B --th

C --ous

D --or

E -- ous

Nvel da questo: Mdio

Tipo da questo: Simples Escolha

(PUC-RS) - Pontifcia Universidade Catlica do Rio Grande do Sul - Questo 28:

The opposite of the adjective "low" (line 13) as it is used in the text is: A -tall;

B -rich;

C -loud;

D -heavy;

E -deep.

Nvel da questo: Fcil

Tipo da questo: Simples Escolha

(UFPR) - Universidade Federal do Paran - Questo 29: In the sentence Indeed, a brain surgeon can actually cut brain tissue The underlined word can be replaced by: A -In fact.

B -Nevertheless.

C -However.

D -Moreover.

E -Whatever.

Nvel da questo: Fcil

Tipo da questo: Simples Escolha

GABARITO:-questo 21: A-questo 22: A-questo 23: B-questo 24: E-questo 25: D-questo 26: B-questo 27: C-questo 28: C-questo 29: A