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ADVISORY BOARD M. CHE Paris, France A. CORMA CANÓS Valencia, Spain D.D. ELEY Nottingham, England G. ERTL Berlin/Dahlem, Germany G. HUTCHINGS Cardiff, UK E. IGLESIA Berkeley, California, USA H. KNÖZINGER Munich, Germany P.W.N.M. VAN LEEUWEN Tarragona, Spain J. ROSTRUP-NIELSEN Lyngby, Denmark R.A. VAN SANTEN Eindhoven, The Netherlands F. SCHÜTH Mülheim, Germany J.M. THOMAS London/Cambridge, England H. TOPSØE Lyngby, Denmark

(Advances in Catalysis 56) Bruce C. Gates and Friederike C. Jentoft (Eds.)-Academic Press (2013)

Sep 27, 2015




Advances in Catalysis 56
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    A. CORMA CANSValencia, Spain

    D.D. ELEYNottingham, England

    G. ERTLBerlin/Dahlem, Germany

    G. HUTCHINGSCardiff, UK

    E. IGLESIABerkeley, California, USA

    H. KNZINGERMunich, Germany

    P.W.N.M. VAN LEEUWENTarragona, Spain

    J. ROSTRUP-NIELSENLyngby, Denmark

    R.A. VAN SANTENEindhoven, The Netherlands

    F. SCHTHMlheim, Germany

    J.M. THOMASLondon/Cambridge, England

    H. TOPSELyngby, Denmark

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    Tracy J. Benson

    Center for Chemical Energy Engineering, Dan F. Smith Department of Chemical

    Engineering, Lamar University, Beaumont, TX, USA

    Wm. Curtis Conner Jr.

    Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, Massachusetts,


    Prashant R. Daggolu

    Dave C. Swalm School of Chemical Engineering, Mississippi State University, Mississippi

    State, Mississippi, USA

    Karl D. Hammond

    Department of Nuclear Engineering, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, Tennessee, USA

    Rafael A. Hernandez

    Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Louisiana at Lafayette, Lafayette,

    Louisiana, USA

    Shetian Liu

    Coal Chemical Catalysis Center, National Institute of Clean-and-Low-Carbon Energy,

    Beijing, China

    Robert Schlogl

    Department of Inorganic Chemistry, Fritz Haber Institute of the Max Planck Society,

    Berlin, Germany

    Mark G. White

    Dave C. Swalm School of Chemical Engineering, Mississippi State University, Mississippi

    State, Mississippi, USA



    The obituaries of two giants in catalysis anchor this volume.

    Paul Weisz created the field of shape-selective catalysis and was at the

    core of the research that gave birth to the science and technology of

    zeolite-catalyzed hydrocarbon conversion. He graced these volumes as

    the author of three chapters, as Associate Editor from 1956 to 1959, and

    as Editor from 1959 to 1993. No one did more for Advances in Catalysis.

    Haldor Topse created one of the most influential and consistently inno-

    vative industrial organizations in our field, leaving a legacy of robust new

    technology, a commitment to basic research as the wellspring of industrial

    innovation, and a dedication to serving mankind. Researchers in the com-

    pany that bears his name have made numerous lasting contributions to these

    Advances as authors and editorial board members.

    Our first chapter, by Hammond and Conner, will serve both as a tutorial

    and as an insightful review of the characterization of porous materials by

    physical sorption techniques. This field has been spurred not only by the

    widespread availability of automated equipment to facilitate the measure-

    ments but also by advances in data interpretation including those guided

    by density functional theory. As interest in porous materials grows, the chal-

    lenges of using surface areapore volumemeasurements continue to expand.

    The field is being stimulated with continuing discoveries in zeolites and

    related materials; in materials with ordered mesopores; and in materials

    with extremely high internal areas (such as metalorganic frameworks)

    there is a flood of innovations in the design of complex pore networks

    and tailored pore hierarchies. As the authors point out, good practice in

    the use of physical sorption techniques requires an understanding of the

    fundamentalswhich they set outand attention to details that are often

    overlookedwhich they highlight. This chapter is a readable, practical

    how-to guide that we believe may become required reading for many

    who work with porous materials.

    Carbon is widely used as a (rather inert) support in catalysis, but its own

    catalytic properties have gone largely overlooked. Schlogl explains the

    fascinating chemistries of inorganic carbons, including nanocarbons such

    as fullerenes, nanotubes, nanofibers, and graphenes. He provides deep

    insight into the electronic properties of carbon, including the effects of var-

    ious structural elements on local, bulk, and topological levels. For example,


  • on an atomistic level, carbon hybridization, defects in graphene sheets, and

    surface functional groups are all significant. The author compares the prop-

    erties of basal and prismatic carbon faces and explains the influences of

    topologyand hence of curvature. This discussion demonstrates that car-

    bon has it allmetal-like properties; olefinic properties associated with

    localized double bonds; and acidbase properties stemming from the surface

    functional groups. This combination offers rich opportunities for catalysis

    but also presents a daunting challenge for characterization and synthesis. The

    analysis of the electronic properties of a particular type of sitespresent

    among a multiplicity of other sitesturns out to be quite involved. Schlogl

    assesses the characterization techniques and provides guidance for controlled

    syntheses of nanocarbons. He also reports on the inadvertent formation of

    carbons as surface deposits during catalysis and their detrimental effects

    and contrasts them with the perhaps surprising beneficial catalytic effects

    of some such deposits. Case studies (oxidative dehydrogenation of ethylben-

    zene and of alkanes) highlight the catalytic properties of nanocarbons and

    demonstrate the success of the authors rigorous approach to synthesis and


    Addressing the rapid growth in research motivated by the need for sus-

    tainable fuels and chemicals, and the corresponding focus on biomass con-

    version, Benson, Daggolu, Hernandez, Liu, and White have taken on the

    substantial task of organizing the literature of the surface and catalytic reac-

    tions of oxygen-containing organic compounds. The authors start with a

    foundation in reaction thermodynamics and present an extensive summary

    of the adsorption chemistry of oxygenates on a wide range of surfaces. Most

    of the knowledge in this area has emerged from surface science and compu-

    tations, and the presentation illustrates the difficulty of analyzing the behav-

    ior of oxygenates on more complex surfaces. The authors address various

    classes of catalytic reactions that lead to removal of oxygen from organic

    compoundsas products including water, CO2, CO, and others.

    A reaction class considered in detail is hydrodeoxygenation, seemingly of

    great potential for production of fuels from bio-oils but hindered by a lack

    of fundamental understanding and a clear path forward for choosing viable

    catalysts and processes. After presenting candidate processing steps for bio-

    mass upgrading, the authors wrap up with some thoughtful concepts for

    integrated process designs. This chapter will be a stimulus and a valuable

    resource for researchers working on biomass conversion.



    x Preface

  • PAUL B. WEISZ19192012

    Paul B. Weisz, 93, an internationally recognized expert in the areas of

    zeolite catalysts and diffusion died on Tuesday, September 25, 2012, in State

    College, PA.

    In the 1960s and 1970s, working with several collaborators atMobil Oils

    New Jersey research laboratories, Weisz pioneered the use of natural and

    synthetic zeolites as catalysts for petroleum refining and petrochemical man-

    ufacture. These zeolite catalysts eventually revolutionized many refining and

    petrochemical conversion processes because they facilitated only certain

    reactions between molecules having specific dimensions. To describe this

    class of chemical reaction, Weisz coined the phrase shape-selective cataly-

    sis. In 1960, he first published his concept of acid-catalyzed zeolitic reac-

    tions and shape selectivity in a seminal article entitled Intracrystalline and

    Molecular-Shape Selective Catalysis by Zeolite Salts ( J. Phys. Chem. 64,

    382 (1960)) and in a 1962 article recognized the importance of acid catalysis

    in zeolites ( J. Catal. 1, 301 (1962)).

    Weiszs vision of shape selectivity, initially probed using natural zeolites

    including erionite and chabazite, ultimately led to the discovery of the zeo-

    lite ZSM-5 and at least 15 significant and distinct petrochemical and


  • petroleum refining processes. His early work in multifunctional heteroge-

    neous catalysis (Adv. Catal. 13, 137 (1962)) was fundamental to the

    understanding and progress of multifunctional aromatic reforming catalysts.

    Similarly, his work with Dwight Prater in the interpretation of measure-

    ments in experimental catalysis (Adv. Catal. 6, 143 (1954)), which drew

    heavily from the work of giants in diffusion with chemical reaction,

    including Thiele and Damkohler, significantly advanced the understanding

    of how practical catalysts function. His work in experimental measurements

    in catalysis became essential reading for all who entered the field.

    His 1962 article with J. S. Hicks, entitled The Behavior of Porous

    Catalyst Particles in View of Internal Mass and Heat Diffusion Effects,

    Chem. Eng. Sci. 17, 265 (1962) was selected as one of the 50 most influential

    articles in Chemical Engineering Science in the publications 1995 Frontiers in

    Chemical Engineering Science commemorative edition.

    One of Pauls formidable strengths was his ability to communicate com-

    plex theories succinctly. He was a constant contributor to the ACS publi-

    cation ChemTech throughout the 1970s and 1980s, where he continued

    to enlighten and delight readers with his insightful observations of how phe-

    nomena like diffusion and kinetics applied to everyday life. His views of

    catalysis were succinctly stated in numerous prefaces of Advances in Catalysis,

    which he edited from 1956 until 1993.

    Processes based on Weiszs concept of shape-selective catalysis were

    first commercialized in the early 1960s. In displacing the more conven-

    tional amorphous catalysts in gasoline production, the zeolite catalysts

    were found to greatly increase the amount of gasoline produced from a

    barrel of oil as well as the octane number of the gasoline at a time of dra-

    matically increased demand for more and higher-octane-number gasoline.

    Weiszs work and its significant impact inspired efforts to look for new,

    synthetic zeolites, which continue to this day. Several zeolites developed

    under his guidance proved applicable for many other petroleum and pet-

    rochemical processes, including those that produced precursors for poly-

    ester (p-xylene) and high-quality lubricants. One of these zeolites (ZSM-5)

    was the basis for Mobils methanol-to-gasoline process, the first new syn-

    fuels process since the World War I development of the FischerTropsch

    process. Throughout the 1970s and 1980s, Paul was intimately associated

    with Mobils discovery of new catalytic materials and the processes that

    were developed around them.

    While working at Mobil, Paul Weisz took a sabbatical leave to earn his

    doctoral degree from the Eidgenossische Technische Hochschule (ETH) in

    xii Thomas F. Degnan

  • Zurich, Switzerland, in 1966. His thesis was based on an analysis of the per-

    meation of dyes into fibers. His analysis was the basis for some of the fun-

    damental laws associated with diffusing molecules in fibers based on the

    molecular dimensions and chemical properties of the molecules.

    Born in Pilsen, Czechoslovakia, Paul Weisz grew up with an innate

    desire to become a scientist. He published his first article in a ham radio jour-

    nal at the age of 16. Paul emigrated to the United States in 1939 from Berlin,

    interrupting his graduate studies in Germany to attend Auburn University,

    where he completed his B.S. degree in less than one year. Following his

    graduation, he worked as a researcher at the Bartol Research Foundation

    of the Franklin Institute in Swarthmore, PA. He later moved to the

    Massachusetts Institute of Technology, where, as an electronics engineer,

    he participated in the development of LORAN, a long-range radio

    signal-based aid to navigation.

    Weisz joined Mobil Research and Development Corporation in 1946 as

    a Research Associate at Mobils Paulsboro, NJ, research laboratory. He

    progressed through a number of technical assignments, in 1961 reaching

    the position of Senior Scientist, the highest technical position in Mobil.

    He managed Mobils Exploratory Process Research organization from

    1967 until 1969 and its Central Research Laboratory in Princeton, NJ, from

    1969 through 1982. He retired from Mobil in 1984.

    He then began a third, highly productive career, applying chemical and

    physical principles to biomedical research, first at the University of Pennsyl-

    vania and then at the Pennsylvania State University. Working with Made-

    leine Jouille at the University of Pennsylvania, he synthesized molecules that

    mimic some of the healing properties of heparin while not exhibiting hep-

    arins potentially dangerous side effects.

    For his numerous industrial research accomplishments and contribu-

    tions to the science of catalysis, Paul Weisz earned many awards, including

    the E. V. Murphree Award in Industrial Chemistry from the American

    Chemical Society (ACS) (1972), the Pioneer Award from the American

    Institute of Chemists (1974), the Leo Friend Award from the ACS

    (1977), the R. H. Wilhelm Award from the American Institute of Chem-

    ical Engineers (1978), the Lavoisier Medal from the Societe Chemique de

    France (1983), the Langmuir Distinguished Lecturer Award from the ACS

    (1983), the Perkin Medal, the ACSs highest award (1985), the Carouthers

    Award from the ACS (1987), and the National Medal of Technology,

    awarded by President George H.W. Bush in 1992. Paul Weisz was elected

    to the U.S. National Academy of Engineering in 1977 and received an

    xiiiObituary Paul B. Weisz

  • Honorary Doctorate (Sc.D. in technological science) from the Swiss Fed-

    eral Institute of Technology in 1980.

    The catalysis community will miss one of its most original and influential


    Thomas F. Degnan

    xiv Thomas F. Degnan

  • HALDOR TOPSE19132013

    Dr. Haldor Topse, founder and Chairman of the Board of Haldor

    Topse A/S, passed away on May 21, 2013, only 4 days before his 100th

    birthday. His passing away was a great loss to his family, the company,

    the catalysis communityand the world at large.

    Dr. Topse was a researcher, an entrepreneur, and a businessman. He

    was also an idealist and a humanist, deeply engaged in the global community.

    In his words: The corporate world in itself means nothing unless it

    improves the lives of people and the conditions in poor countries. He cre-

    ated a unique company that today is world-leading in catalysis. His achieve-

    ments have reached much further: he contributed significantly to the global

    community through perseverance and dedication, leading to technological

    and scientific contributions to solve key global challenges related to energy,

    food, and the environment. Dr. Topse set high standards within the indus-

    try; he never stopped pushing the technological boundaries. His vision

    inspired and enabled progress that made the chemical industry more sustain-

    able, profitable, and competitive.


  • Haldor Topses leadership of the company led to accomplishments

    ranging from fundamental understanding to technological advancements.

    One of the first business areas of the companyand to this day one of

    the most significantwas ammonia synthesis, in which Topse established

    a dominant position based on innovations in the catalyst and the synthesis

    process. Other achievements include environmental technologies and

    ground-breaking catalytic process equipment. One of Haldor Topses last

    efforts was the development of solid oxide fuel cells, and his persistence led

    to the establishment of the subsidiary Topse Fuel Cell and a dedicated effort

    to develop and commercialize this energy-efficient technology.

    Haldor Topse was born in 1913, into a world recovering from a world

    war and descending into recession. As a young man studying in Copenha-

    gen, he saw the lines of people queuing for jobs, queuing for a free meal

    and he vowed to himself that he would make a difference, that he would use

    his knowledge and privileged position to contribute to making the world a

    better place.

    Topse continued his studies with, among others, Niels Bohr, the

    Danish physicist and Nobel Laureate. By 1940, he had already made a name

    for himself, but on the 9th of April of that year, Hitlers troops invaded Den-

    mark. Topse had been offered a job in the United States. A plane was ready

    to take him and his family from Denmark, but his departure was impossible,

    because two of his children were hospitalized. His wife, Inger Topse,

    turned to him and said, Now that we cannot leave, you must make some-

    thing which will be useful after the war. And early on, Topse saw the

    potential of catalysis, which today is the basis for most of the worlds chem-

    ical production.

    Topses base was the natural sciences; his years with Bohr were forma-

    tive. He based his company on the strong belief that fundamental under-

    standing of the chemistry and engineering of the processes in the

    companys portfolio would provide a competitive edge. His policy was

    always to invest significantly in researchin manpower and research instru-

    ments, bench-scale test units, and pilot-scale units. This visionary approach

    serves as a model for industrial as well as academic research institutions


    Topses conviction was that research and new ideas are vital to staying

    competitiveeven research that may not contribute directly to the bottom

    line. Ideas that seemed unrealistic 20 or 30 years ago have developed into

    xvi Bjerne S. Clausen and James Dumesic

  • technologies that contribute significantly today. Topse encouraged these

    ideas to grow. Through his own scientific understanding and visionary

    insights, he inspired the people around him, acting as a catalyst for the com-

    pany he created and for the catalysis community as a whole.

    Haldor Topses vision and his dedication to fundamental science fos-

    tered the development of new catalysts and processes, allowing the company

    to grow into new business areas: early on, he identified the business potential

    of the refining industry, and thanks to his commitment, significant efforts

    were made to develop hydroprocessing catalysts based on cutting-edge

    research, resulting in the BRIM catalysts and technology. The develop-

    ment of Topses WSA technology (wet gas sulfuric acid) started as the

    side-project of one of Topses brightest researchers, and although Haldor

    Topse doubted the potential of this technology, he encouraged the

    research to continue. Today, Topses WSA technology contributes

    significantly to a more sustainable world.

    Dr. Topse was driven by a determination to make a difference. The

    roots of this determination lie in the depression of the 1930sand his

    opportunity to contribute to change. Today, seemingly everyone who

    has known Haldor Topse is familiar with his stance that if you have

    the ability and the means to contribute to the world, you also have the obli-

    gation. Thus, beyond his contributions to science and engineering, Topse

    contributed funds for schools, programs for street children, and other wor-

    thy causes.

    Topse held many influential posts. His knowledge and insight about

    sociopolitical megatrends served the globe, exemplified by his work in

    the Population Council in the 1970s. He had a knack for networking that

    brought him into contact with people of influence: politicians, world

    leaders, kings and queensfrom Nelson Mandela to Mahatma Gandhi.

    Topse never sat back in awe; rather, he used his talent for dialogue and per-

    suasion to express his sociopolitical views, to the benefit of mankind. These

    views have been publicized in several books dealing with the global social

    and economic situation.

    Haldor Topse was honored with numerous awards and medals, among

    them the Hoover Medal, in 1991. To Dr. Topse, one recognition espe-

    cially stood out: in 1999, the Association of Danish Engineers named him

    the Engineer of the century. The honor was given in recognition of both

    his technical achievements in catalysis and his commitment to social issues.

    xviiObituary Haldor Topse

  • Dr. Topses social engagement, passion for science, ambition, and

    determination created a legacy that continues to exert an enormous world-

    wide impact.We and our community will long remember him for his strong

    commitment to the world around himand his belief that we all have an

    obligation to contribute.

    Bjerne S. Clausen*

    James Dumesic*

    *Parts of this text appeared in Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2013. Angewandte Chemie by Gesellschaft

    Deutscher Chemiker Reproduced with permission of WILEY - V C H VERLAG GMBH & CO.

    xviii Bjerne S. Clausen and James Dumesic


    Analysis of Catalyst SurfaceStructure by Physical SorptionKarl D. Hammond*, Wm. Curtis Conner Jr.*Department of Nuclear Engineering, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, Tennessee, USADepartment of Chemical Engineering, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, Massachusetts, USA


    1. Introduction 72. The Phenomenon of Physical Adsorption 8

    2.1 History of adsorption in catalyst characterization 82.2 Choice of adsorbate 92.3 Presentation of adsorption data 122.4 The Langmuir isotherm 142.5 Monolayers to multilayers 162.6 BET theory 18

    3. A Tour of the Adsorption Isotherm: From Vacuum to Saturation and Back 273.1 The micropore-filling region: 108

  • 7.2 Sorption analysis techniques derived from simulations 698. Details of Adsorption Apparatus 72

    8.1 Volumetric adsorption systems 728.2 Start to finish: Acquiring an adsorption isotherm 75

    9. Common Pitfalls in Adsorption Experiments and Analyses 859.1 Definitions of standard temperature and pressure 869.2 Measurement of the saturation pressure 869.3 Drift in bath temperatures/compositions and equipment calibration 889.4 Reference state for argon at 77 K 889.5 Misuse of the BET equation 899.6 Failure to degas properly 919.7 Inaccurate or nonequilibrium pressure readings 919.8 Correcting (incorrectly) for thermal transpiration 929.9 Interpreting hysteresis at low pressures to be porosity 949.10 Reporting 1720 pores 94

    10. Summary 95References 97


    Heterogeneous catalysis usually takes place by sequences of reactions involving fluid-phase reagents and the exposed layer of the solid catalyst surface. Estimation of the totalcatalyst surface area, its potential accessibility to gas- or liquid-phase reactants, and gen-eral catalytic activity are initially based on themorphology of the catalyst. Universally, mea-surements of adsorption and their interpretation are used to estimate the surface area andporosity relevant to catalytic reactions. We provide here a description of many traditionaland recent techniques in adsorption-based catalyst characterization intended for exper-imental practitioners of adsorption. Our chapter includes descriptions of which regions ofthe isotherm correspond to micropore filling, mesopore filling, surface coverage, and sat-uration, supplemented by discussions of model isotherms, from the Langmuir isothermand the BrunauerEmmettTeller theory to the Halsey equation. Pore size distributionmethods include the BarrettJoynerHalenda and relatedmethods for mesopores, empir-ical methods developed for micropores, and simulation-based methods that have finallyresolved the differences between adsorption (increasing loading) and desorption(decreasing loading). This chapter also includes a discussion of hysteresis and metastabil-ity, both of which trip up experimentalists from time to time. We finish with a descriptionof data acquisitionmethods and equipment, which are often obscured behind the facadeof automation, and a discussion ofwhat users should be aware of andwhat can gowrong.

    NOMENCLATURE[A] activity of species A

    as normalized adsorption isotherm on a standard, nonporous material such as silica orcarbon; asVads/Vads(P/P 0.4)

    g surface tension

    2 Karl D. Hammond and Wm. Curtis Conner Jr.

  • u loading: yn/nm, interpreted as the fraction of unoccupied sites in the first layerui loading in layer ik proportionality constant between flux and pressure for an ideal gas; k (2pMakT)1/2m chemical potential ((partial) molar Gibbs free energy)n vibrational frequency along the normal mode that results in desorption from a layerr density of adsorbates atomic/molecular diameterV grand potential, OPVgAA surface area

    AAA force constant between the adsorbate and itself in the HK and ChengYang models

    AAE force constant between the adsorbate and the adsorbent in the HK and ChengYang


    Adsorbate the atom/molecule that is adsorbing onto a surface

    Adsorbent the solid species onto which the adsorbate adsorbs

    Adsorptive a synonym for adsorbate

    Am area of one molecule, typically reported in nm2 or A2 per molecule or atom but can also

    be in m2/mol or m2/cm3 STP (i.e., surface area per unit volume adsorbed)

    Ap surface area of a pore

    ai sticking coefficient: probability of adsorbing given a collision with the surface

    b Langmuirs parameter, which has units of inverse pressure

    AEI International Zeolite Association framework code for materials such as AlPO-18,

    SAPO-18, SIZ-8, and SSZ-39 (the code is derived from AlPO EIghteen)

    ATS International Zeolite Association framework code for materials such as

    AlPO-36, MAPO-36, FAPO-36, and SSZ-55 (the code comes from AlPO Thirty-Six)

    BET BrunauerEmmettTeller theory

    BJH the BarrettJoynerHalenda method of pore size distribution analysis for mesopores

    CBET or C second BET fitting parameter (the other being the monolayer capacity), a

    positive number related to the difference in the heat of adsorption between layers

    Chemisorption chemical adsorption, the process of atoms ormolecules chemically reacting

    with a solid surface, in contrast to physisorption

    CH empirical Halsey constant in the FrenkelHalseyHill equation

    CK constant of proportionality between inverse pore size and the base-10 logarithm of

    relative pressure: CK 2gVl = RT log10 CPDFT classical potential density functional theory

    D inner diameter of the glass tube used in physical adsorption experiments

    d0 arithmetic mean diameter of adsorbate and adsorbent atoms/molecules in the HK model

    Degassing the process of heating a sample to remove adsorbed gases, such as water, from the

    surface in preparation for an adsorption experiment; also called outgassing

    DFT density functional theory

    DH the DollimoreHeal method of pore size distribution analysis for mesopores

    Dp pore diameter, Dp2rpf fugacity

    F Helmholtz free energy

    Fr density functional

    FAU International Zeolite Association framework code for materials such as faujasite,

    zeolite X, zeolite Y, ECR-30, LZ-210, and SAPO-37 (the code comes from FAUjasite)

    G Gibbs free energy of adsorption

    3Analysis of Catalyst Surface Structure by Physical Sorption

  • h height of the bath

    H enthalpy of adsorption

    H1 hysteresis hysteresis classification in which the loop has similar shape on adsorption as it

    does on desorption

    H2 hysteresis hysteresis classification in which the loop has a different shape on adsorption

    than it does on desorption; the adsorption process is gradual, whereas desorption is


    HEU International Zeolite Association framework code for materials such as heulandite,

    clinoptilolite, and LZ-219 (the code is derived from HEUlandite)

    HK HorvathKawazoe model for adsorption in slit-like micropores

    HRADS high-resolution adsorption, a term applied to techniques that measure adsorption

    below about 1 Torr (103 atm)IBET intercept of the BET plot

    Jm molecular flux hitting the surface

    k Boltzmanns constant

    ka rate coefficient for adsorption

    kd rate coefficient for desorption

    K equilibrium constant

    length of the neck of the sample tubeLTA International Zeolite Association framework code for materials such as zeolite A, ITQ-29,

    SZ-215,SAPO-42, andZK-21,ZK-22, andZK-4 (thecode isderived fromLindeTypeA, the

    original name for zeolite A as synthesized by the Linde group at Union Carbide)

    log natural logarithm (note that common (base 10) logarithms are written explicitly (e.g.,


    m mass of the adsorbent

    Macropore pore with a radius larger than 50 nm (such pores fill near the saturation pressure

    and are generally not resolvable on adsorption isotherms)

    Manifold the chamber directly above a valve that connects it to the sample tube in a

    volumetric adsorption system

    Ma molecular (or atomic) mass of the adsorbate

    MEL International Zeolite Association framework code for materials such as ZSM-11, SSZ-

    46, silicalite-2, and TS-2 (the code is derived from Mobil ELeven)

    Mesopore pore with a radius between 2 and 50 nm

    MFI International Zeolite Association framework code for materials such as ZSM-5,

    silicalite-1, EU-13, ISI-4, mutinaite, and KZ-1 (the code is derived from

    Mobil FIve)

    Micropore pore with a radius of 2 nm or less (important: the word micropore has

    nothing to do with the word micrometer)

    MTT International Zeolite Association framework code for materials such as ZSM-23,

    EU-13, ISI-4, and KZ-1 (the code is derived from Mobil Twenty-Three)

    MTW International Zeolite Association framework code for materials such as ZSM-12,

    CZH-5, NU-13, TPZ-12, and VS-12 (the code derives from Mobil TWelve)

    NA areal density of adsorbate atoms/molecules

    Nanopore name sometimes used in place of the word pore, especially by authors

    attempting to draw analogies to nanotechnology (all micropores, mesopores, and

    macropores are nanopores, despite the illogic of the prefixes)

    4 Karl D. Hammond and Wm. Curtis Conner Jr.

  • NE areal density of adsorbent atoms/molecules

    nads or n number of molecules (or moles) adsorbed, usually per gram adsorbent

    NamA number of moles in the adsorption manifold before the sample valve is opened

    NamB number of moles in the adsorption manifold after the sample valve is opened

    Ngas number of moles currently in the gas phase inside the adsorption manifold and over the


    Nin total number of moles added to the adsorption manifold since the start of the


    NLDFT nonlocal density functional theory, a type of CPDFT in which the functional

    includes the contributions of density gradients to the free energies

    nm monolayer capacity: the number of molecules or moles of adsorbate in one layer on the

    surface, typically normalized per unit mass of adsorbent

    NMR nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy

    Outgassing synonym for degassing

    P absolute pressure

    PA pressure in the adsorption manifold before the sample valve is opened

    PB pressure in the adsorption manifold after the sample valve is opened

    P/P relative pressureP saturation pressurePg pressure on the vapor side of a vaporliquid meniscus

    Physisorption physical adsorption, the process of atoms or molecules adhering to a surface

    without forming chemical bonds, in contrast to chemisorption

    P pressure on the liquid side of a vaporliquid meniscus

    Ps standard pressure (usually 1 atm.101,325 Pa760 Torr)Q heat of adsorption (negative enthalpy change of adsorption); subscript i indicates

    adsorption on the ith molecular layer

    QL heat of condensation

    QSDFT quenched solid density functional theory, a type of CPDFT in which gradients in

    both the adsorbate and adsorbent densities are factored into the free energy calculation;

    the net effect is more flexible pore walls than NLDFT

    R universal gas constant (in J mol1 K1)RHO International Zeolite Association framework code for materials such as zeolite Rho,

    ECR-10, LZ-214, and pahaspaite

    rc rate of condensation

    re rate of evaporation

    rK or hri mean radius of curvature of the meniscus inside a filled or filling pore, often calledthe Kelvin radius

    Re ratio of the volume of the empty tube to the manifold volume

    Rf ratio of the volume of the filled tube to the manifold volume

    Rn square of the ratio of the volume of a cylinder representing the pore and another

    cylinder representing the fluid added to/removed from the pore; used in BJH


    rp mean pore radius

    S entropy

    SBET slope of the BET plot

    SABET surface area as extracted from the BET equation

    5Analysis of Catalyst Surface Structure by Physical Sorption

  • SANS small-angle neutron scattering

    SBA material code designating unique materials first made at the University of California,

    Santa Barbara, such as SBA-15

    SEM scanning electron microscopy

    SF SaitoFoley model of adsorption in cylindrical micropores

    STP standard temperature and pressure, typically defined as 273.15 K and 1 atm

    t statistical thickness of the adsorbed layer

    T absolute temperature (in Kelvins)

    Tb temperature of the bath

    TEM transmission electron microscopy

    TON International Zeolite Association framework code for materials such as zeolite Theta-1,

    ISI-1, KZ-2, NU-10, and ZSM-22 (the code comes from Theta-ONe)

    Tr room temperature, typically about 2025C

    Ts standard temperature (usually 273.15 K0 C, but others are also commonly used)Tt triple-point temperature (in Kelvins)

    Type I isotherm an isotherm, such as the Langmuir isotherm, that is concave and has no

    apparent multilayer adsorption

    Type II isotherm an isotherm, such as the BET isotherm, that has an inflection point and

    shows multilayer adsorption but no hysteresis

    Type IV isotherm an isotherm that begins like a Type II isotherm but exhibits hysteresis

    Vads or V standard volume adsorbed, in cm3 STP/g adsorbent. VadsnadsRTs/Ps

    Vam volume of the adsorption manifold, typically in cm3

    Vbulb volume of the bulb at the bottom of a typical glass adsorption cell

    VDS apparent volume of the chamber containing the sample from the sample valve onward,

    including effects due to temperature gradients, typically in cm3

    Ve volume of the empty calibration tube, typically in cm3

    Vf volume of the calibration tube after the known-volume insert is in place, typically

    in cm3

    Vg molecular or molar volume of the vapor phase

    Vgas volume, at STP, of adsorbate currently in the gas phase inside the sample and manifold


    Vin total volume, at STP, of adsorbate added to the adsorption manifold since the start of the


    VET International Zeolite Association framework code for the zeolite VPI-8 (the code is

    derived from Virginia Polytechnic Institute EighT)

    VFI International Zeolite Association framework code for materials such as VPI-5,

    AlPO-54, H1, and MCM-9 (the code is derived from Virginia Polytechnic Institute FIve)

    V liquid molar or molecular volume

    Vm monolayer volume, or the volume all adsorbed molecules would take up if desorbed and

    returned to STP; VmnmRTs/PsVp pore volume

    Vstd volume of a known standard, such as a cylindrical tube of precision-bore glass

    w width of slit-like pores in the HK model

    W weighting function for each isotherm in the simulated kernel of isotherms; this

    becomes the pore size distribution function when fit to an experimental isotherm

    xm areal density of surface sites

    6 Karl D. Hammond and Wm. Curtis Conner Jr.


    Physical adsorption results from interactions between subcritical fluid

    species and nearly any solid surface. The measurements are made by a variety

    of well-developed techniques and interpreted by using ever more sophisti-

    cated models. Physical adsorption experiments probe thermodynamic phase

    equilibria between bulk fluid phases and adsorbed phases, which progress

    from single, isolated molecules to a single layer of molecules on the surface

    (a monolayer) to multilayers to condensation (or sublimation). Analyses of

    equilibrium data characterizing the adsorption of physisorbing gases are

    commonly employed to estimate the morphology of the sample, including

    the total surface area, the distribution of the dimensions of any pores (ranging

    in diameter from about 0.1 to 50 nm), and the total pore volume/void frac-

    tion. These analyses are employed to guide understanding of the influence of

    morphology on sorption, separations, and catalysis.

    Considerable progress has been made in the last several decades in inves-

    tigations of physical adsorption on high-surface-area solids, both experimen-

    tally and theoretically (18), such that we now understand the phenomena

    associated with sorption far better than we ever have. Furthermore, materials

    synthesis has developed to such an extent that we can now produce materials

    possessing very high surface areas (>1000 m2 g1 of solid) or with uniformpores in the range 120 nm, or even solids with multiscale porosity compris-

    ing a network of pores of one size embedded within a network of pores of

    another dimension and/or connectivity. Physical adsorption (physisorption)

    is then employed to characterize, design, and optimize the morphology of

    the material for specific applications.

    The purpose of this chapter is to provide an understanding of what is

    known about physisorption with respect to analyses and interpretation as

    these relate to the morphology of high-surface-area solids. To these ends,

    we begin by describing the sequence of phenomena associated with phy-

    sisorption, its history, and simple modes of adsorption on relatively flat sur-

    faces. We then begin our tour, considering the adsorption isotherm, region

    by region (Section 3). Adsorption onmaterials having pores less than 2 nm in

    fundamental dimensions (called micropores) exhibits unique challenges,

    as their pores fill at extremely low pressures, before the surface is completely

    covered; these challenges are discussed in Section 4. For larger pores, called

    mesopores and macropores, there is often hysteresis between the adsorbing

    7Analysis of Catalyst Surface Structure by Physical Sorption

  • and desorbing trajectories along an adsorption isotherm; the phenomenon of

    adsorption hysteresis is discussed in Section 5. We also discuss methodolo-

    gies involved in determining porosity and pore size distributions and close

    the chapter with discussions of the experimental aspects of adsorption: how

    adsorption apparatus works and how to avoid some common mistakes in

    measuring and interpreting adsorption data.


    2.1. History of adsorption in catalyst characterizationIt was recognized well over a century ago that solid surfaces could enable

    gases or liquids to react under conditions in which they would not react

    in the absence of the surface. These observations were quickly understood

    to occur when molecules or atoms stuck to the surface, changing both

    their relative reaction energies and their local concentrations. This

    processatoms and molecules adhering to a surfacewas termed adsorp-

    tion by Kayser in 1881 (9). Irving Langmuir (10,11) later expressed the

    kinetics of steps associated with the individual adsorption and desorption

    processes by assuming that each atom/molecule reacted with an array of

    sites on the surface,

    AS !ka A S AS 1:1AS !kd AS AS, 1:2

    where [A] represents the activity of an adsorbed molecule, the adsorbate, and

    [S] the activity of a site on the solid, the adsorbent. The adsorbate can also be

    called the adsorptive, especially in situations in which adsorbent and

    adsorbate may be confused. At equilibrium, an equilibrium constant,

    K, reflects the ratio of adsorption and desorption rate coefficients, ka/kd.

    Langmuir was attempting to provide a quantitative analytical back-

    ground for heterogeneous catalytic reactions, and the sorption processes

    to which he was referring were generally exothermic and activatedwhat

    we would now call chemical adsorption, or chemisorption. However, it was soon

    understood that less exothermic processes could occur under the general

    heading of adsorption, and indeed, adsorption could occur without for-

    ming chemical bonds with the surface. Such nonchemical adsorption is

    called physical adsorption, or physisorption.

    8 Karl D. Hammond and Wm. Curtis Conner Jr.

  • 2.2. Choice of adsorbateThe choice of adsorbate (vapor to be adsorbed) is largely dictated by the type

    of information desired and the adsorbent that one wishes to characterize. For

    physical adsorption, the adsorbatemust be chemically inert with respect to all

    compounds present on the surface. Nitrogen and argon are common choices

    for this reasonand several other (very important) considerations: they are

    readily available, inexpensive, and relatively safe to handle. Nitrogen and

    argon also have another distinct advantage when it comes to porous mate-

    rials: they are very small molecules and can thus penetrate much smaller

    pores and cover smaller surface features than larger molecules such as


    Krypton has been employed as an adsorbate, particularly for materials

    with very low surface areas. The reason for this application is that kryptons

    vapor pressure at liquid nitrogen temperature is very low (2 Torr (12)),meaning that errors in the dead space (Section 8.2.1) are less important.

    Xenon is also an inert probe for low-surface-area materials; like krypton, it is

    typically used at liquid nitrogen temperatures. This choice is one of practi-

    cality: liquid nitrogen is much cheaper than liquid krypton or xenon. It has

    the drawback that 77 K is well below the triple points of both krypton and

    xenon. XenonNMR spectroscopy has also been employed to probe the tex-

    ture and chemistry of surfaces; see the many studies by Fraissard et al.


    Water can be used as an adsorbate, but its highly polar nature provides

    some interesting analysis quirks. The most important of these is that inter-

    actions between water molecules are sometimes stronger than interactions of

    water with surface atoms/molecules, meaning that the isotherm (see next

    section) is convex to the pressure axis. This is particularly true for graphite

    and other carbonaceous (i.e., nonpolar) adsorbents. Water adsorption there-

    fore holds its own niche in the adsorption community and requires

    completely different interpretations than those characterizing more typical

    adsorbateadsorbent interactions.We do not discuss water adsorption in this


    Carbon dioxide is an increasingly common choice as an adsorbate. How-

    ever, it poses challenges in the interpretation of adsorption data: carbon

    dioxide sublimes under the conditions of most adsorption experiments,

    which implies that any concept of monolayer adsorption is complicated

    by the differences between the surface phase, a supercooled liquid reference

    phase, and the solid phase that actually occurs at saturation. It has also been

    9Analysis of Catalyst Surface Structure by Physical Sorption

  • known to chemisorb on many materials (12), and it is also known to inter-

    calate between layers of carbonaceous materials (19,20), a process that is

    more akin to dissolution or absorption than adsorption.

    Hydrocarbons such as methane or butane are commonly used as adsor-

    bates, but only for the purpose of estimating adsorption capacities of that spe-

    cific hydrocarbon, such as for interpretation of diffusion or catalytic activity

    data.We emphasize, however, that the surface area and porosity accessible to

    larger hydrocarbons such as benzene or nonane may be smaller than those

    available to small molecules such as nitrogen or argon. Indeed, materials with

    multiscale porosity may have many small pores connecting larger ones; if the

    adsorbing molecule is too large to diffuse through the small pores at appre-

    ciable rates, large fractions of the porosity may be inaccessible. Furthermore,

    if the surface is atomically rough, the adsorbate might not adsorb on the

    rougher areas, obscuring the surface area.

    For the purpose of surface area determination and assessment of porosity,

    which are the primary topics of this chapter, the use of nitrogen and argon is

    nearly universal for the reasons discussed earlier in this section. Other inert

    gases, such as krypton or xenon, are also used in specialized adsorption

    experiments, such as determining occluded porosity (e.g., pores accessible

    to nitrogen but not xenon), assessing surface roughness (21), or determining

    surface areas of very low-surface-area materials.1 A list of common adsor-

    bates and their properties is included in Table 1.1.

    It might be noted that nitrogen, oxygen, and carbon dioxide have non-

    zero quadrupole moments, whereas argon, krypton, and xenon do not.

    Quadrupolar interactions between adsorbing species and a surface have been

    invoked to explain several differences in adsorption phenomena (22). These

    include smaller molecular surface areas for nitrogen as a consequence of

    nitrogens ability to stand up on the surface because of interactions

    between its quadrupole moment and ions or polar functional groups on

    the surface, such as oxides or hydroxides. The coverage per molecule is less

    when the nitrogen molecule is perpendicular to the surface than it is when

    the molecule lies flat on the surface with its axis parallel to the surface.

    Quadrupolar interactions have also been suggested as the reason why nitro-

    gen adsorbs on zeolites and other microporous silicates at lower pressures

    than argon (which lacks a quadrupole moment). However, we note that

    silicalite-1 exhibits the same differences between nitrogen and argon

    1 Krypton and xenon are often used in low-surface-area analyses because their vapor pressures at liquid

    nitrogen temperatures are extremely low, minimizing errors in the dead volume (Section 8.2.4).

    10 Karl D. Hammond and Wm. Curtis Conner Jr.

  • Table 1.1 Common adsorbates and their properties under the conditions of common adsorption experimentsVapor T (K) Am (

    2) Am (m2/cm3 STP) g (N/m) V (cm

    3/mol) P (Torr) CK () References

    N2 77.36 16.2a 4.30 0.00888 34.7 760 4.16 (2325)

    N2 87.30 0.00667 36.9 2130 2.95 (23,24)

    N2 90.20 17.0 4.51 0.00606 37.7 2750 2.65 (2325)

    Ar 77.36b 18.0c 4.78 27.5 230c (12,26)

    Ar 87.30 16.6a 4.40 0.01242 28.6 760 4.25 (12,27)

    Ar 90.20 14.4 3.82 0.01186 29.1 1020 4.00 (2426)

    O2 90.20 14.1 3.74 0.0132 28.1 760 4.30 (25,28,29)

    CO2 194.7b 14.1 3.74 28.1 1320d (28,30)

    Kr 77.36b 20.8 5.52 1.78 (31,32)

    Xe 77.36b 23.3 6.18 0.00187 (33,34)

    aThere are two proposals (12): use 16.6 A2 for adsorption on both carbons and oxides, meaning Am(N2, 77 K)16.2 A2 for adsorption on carbons and 19.3 A2 foradsorption on oxides; or use 16.2 A2 for adsorption on everything for nitrogen and use 13.8 A2 for argon adsorption on carbons and 16.6 A2 for adsorption on oxides.Keeping the value for nitrogen constant and changing the value for argon is typical, although not necessarily motivated by any theoretical considerations.bTemperature is below the triple-point temperature.cThe value of 230 Torr refers to the supersaturated liquid; the sublimation pressure at 77.36 K is 200 Torr (26). The value Am18.0 A2 corresponds to BET plots usingthe sublimation pressure rather than the vapor pressure (12).dThe value of 1320 Torr refers to the supersaturated liquid; the sublimation pressure is of course 760 Torr (30).Symbols: T, temperature of bath; Am, area of one monolayer for use with Equation (1.22); g, surface tension; and V, molar volume for the Kelvin equation(Equation 1.23); CK 2gVl = RT log10 , the constant for the reduced Kelvin equation (Equation 1.35); and P, saturation pressure. Rows in boldface indicatethe most common and/or recommended bath temperature for the adsorbate in question.

  • adsorption as ZSM-5, even though the former has no aluminum or internal

    hydroxyl groups. We are unaware of any independent spectroscopic evi-

    dence of significant quadrupolar interactions giving rise to differences in ori-

    entation or energetics under the conditions employed in physisorption

    measurements, but we do not discount the possibility.

    2.3. Presentation of adsorption dataAdsorption data are largely presented in two ways: isotherms, or plots of

    quantity adsorbed against pressure or a similar abscissa at a fixed temperature;

    and isobars, or plots of quantity adsorbed against temperature or inverse tem-

    perature at constant pressure. Isotherms are muchmore common, as it is typ-

    ically much more difficult to control pressure at non-atmospheric values than

    it is to control temperatures. A list of common low-temperature baths is

    given in Table 1.2. The vast majority of adsorption isotherms for the purpose

    of catalyst characterization are nitrogen isotherms recorded at 77 K (liquid

    nitrogen at its normal boiling point).

    Adsorption isotherms are plots of quantity adsorbed against pressure,

    fugacity, activity, or chemical potential. Pressure is nearly always the pre-

    ferred abscissa in experiments: measuring the chemical potential is (unfortu-

    nately) rather difficult. Theoretical or simulated isotherms, however, often

    are based on chemical potential or activity instead. There is little difference

    Table 1.2 Common (and not-so-common) low-temperature baths used in physical andchemical adsorptionBath Bath temperature Adsorbates typically used Tt (K)


    Nitrogen 77.36 K (boiling) N2, Ar, Kr, Xe 63.1526

    Argon 87.30 K (boiling) Ar, N2, Kr, Xe 83.8058

    Oxygen 90.20 K (boiling) Ar, N2a 54.36

    CO2b 194.7 K (subliming) Hydrocarbons, CO2 216.55

    Ammonia 240 K (boiling) Ammonia 195.40

    Water/ice 273.15 K (freezing) Hydrocarbons, carbohydrates, CO2 273.16

    Ambient air 292300 K H2,c COc N/A

    Boiling water 373.15 K (boiling) 273.16

    aLiquid oxygen baths are typically used only in specialized experiments because of safety concerns.bCarbon dioxide baths are usually dry ice in a low-freezing liquid such as acetone or alcohol.cFor chemisorption.dThe symbol Tt indicates the triple-point temperature.

    12 Karl D. Hammond and Wm. Curtis Conner Jr.

  • between these choices: the vapor phase obeys the ideal gas law at the pres-

    sures involved in most adsorption experiments, and thus the pressure and

    chemical potential are related via the following result, derived from the

    GibbsDuhem equation:

    m m kT log a m kT log f =f m kT log P=P 1:3

    where P is the saturation pressure, the pressure at which the bulk liquid isin equilibrium with the vapor at this temperature, and the quantity P/P isa dimensionless quantity called the relative pressure. Strictly speaking,

    the reference pressure is not necessarily equal to the saturation pressure,

    but the difference in chemical potential between two points on the isotherm

    will still be equivalent to a difference in the logarithm of the relative


    The quantity adsorbed is usually expressed inmoles or the equivalent (see

    following paragraph) and normalized by the mass of the adsorbent. This nor-

    malization is dubious in some cases: the quantity adsorbed per gram of a very

    dense adsorbent may be quite high per unit volume of adsorbent, for exam-

    ple, despite low values of the number of moles per gram on the isotherm.

    Comparing the quantity adsorbed per gram of ceria (r7 g/cm3) wouldnot be a good comparison to the quantity adsorbed per gram of alumina

    (r4 g/cm3), for example, because of the difference in density. Whencomparing quantity adsorbed across different materials, one should take care

    to normalize the plots in such a way that the resulting comparison makes

    logical sense.

    When measuring adsorption isotherms, it is common to substitute the

    number of molecules (or moles) adsorbed, n, for standard volumes adsorbed,

    V. The standard volume is simply the volume that the molecules would take

    up in an ideal gas at standard temperature and pressure (STP).What precisely

    it means to be at STP is somewhat varied; we discuss this in Section 9.1.

    Because these quantities differ by a constant, it makes very little difference

    which one is chosen. Because using standard volumes typically requires one

    fewer set of conversions (see Section 8), doing so is typical. From this point

    on, we make no distinction between the number of molecules or moles and

    standard volumes, and, in all instances when n appears in the equations in the

    preceding text, it can be replaced byVwithout changing the meaning of the


    The astute reader will note readily that it is the logarithm of pressure that is

    proportional to changes in chemical potential, the driving force behind

    13Analysis of Catalyst Surface Structure by Physical Sorption

  • adsorption. Using logarithmic pressure axes, however, is hindered by the

    fact that taking the logarithm obscures most of the interesting parts of

    the isotherm related to porosity (Section 3), which occur in the decade

    between P/P101 and P/P1.Examples of adsorption isotherms can be found in figures throughout this

    document. We consider some model isotherms in the remainder of this sec-

    tion. We emphasize that none of these models predicts observed adsorption

    isotherms in perfect detail in all regions of the isotherms. Indeed, they tend

    to be good models of adsorption only for idealized systems or in relatively

    narrow regions of the adsorption isotherm.

    2.4. The Langmuir isothermThe Langmuir adsorption isotherm (11) is the simplest model of adsorption

    that yields useful results. The Langmuir isotherm is based on the following


    1. The surface consists of a uniform two-dimensional array of identical

    adsorption sites.

    2. The probability of adsorbing on or desorbing from a site is independent

    of the number of nearby molecules (the loading, y).3. The activation energy for desorption is equal to the heat of adsorption,Q.

    4. The vapor phase obeys the ideal gas law.

    5. A site may not adsorb more than one adsorbate species at a time (no


    With these assumptions, the number of molecules striking the surface per

    unit area (the flux, Jm) is the following (35):




    rPk 1:4

    where P is the pressure of the gas,Ma the molecular mass of the adsorbate, k

    Boltzmanns constant, and T temperature. If we define the loading (fraction

    of occupied sites) as y, then the fraction of empty sites is 1y. If we assumethat there is a probability, a, of a molecule sticking to the surface, then the

    rate of condensation is

    rc aJm 1y aPk 1y : 1:5By the third assumption, the rate of evaporation is

    re xmneQ=kTy, 1:6

    14 Karl D. Hammond and Wm. Curtis Conner Jr.

  • where xm is the number of surface sites per unit area and n is the frequency ofvibration along the reaction coordinate that results in desorption. At

    equilibrium, rc re and, thus,aPk 1y xmneQ=kTy: 1:7

    Solving for the loading, we obtain the Langmuir adsorption isotherm,

    y akPxmneQ=kT aLP


    1 bP 1:8

    where bak/(xmneQ/kT) has units of inverse pressure and is often a fittedparameter. If we define Ps as the standard-state pressure, then the quantity

    KbPs is the equilibrium constant of the reaction, that is,

    K T eDGads=kT eDSads=keDHads=kT eDSads=keQ=kT , 1:9

    where G is Gibbs free energy, S entropy, and H enthalpy.

    These results are summarized in Figure 1.1. The primary characteristic of

    the Langmuir isotherm is the last assumption: only a single layer forms,

    A + ka


    A kd

    A +

    KineticskaP(1 q) = kdq q

    1 q=


    P = bP

    q =bP

    1 + bP

    At equilibrium

    1 2




    1b = 10 atm1

    b = 1 atm1

    b = 0.1 atm1

    P (atm)


    Figure 1.1 The Langmuir (Type I) adsorption isotherm. In this model, a single layer, ormonolayer, forms when adsorbate particles adhere to specific sites on the surface,resulting in a horizontal asymptote at unit loading. The loading, y, is the quantityadsorbed divided by the quantity adsorbed at saturation (infinite pressure). Highervalues of b indicate stronger adsorbateadsorbent interactions.

    15Analysis of Catalyst Surface Structure by Physical Sorption

  • meaning there is saturation (a horizontal asymptote) once monolayer capac-

    ity is reached. Equation (1.8) is the basis for most theories of heterogeneous

    catalysis and chemical adsorption.

    2.5. Monolayers to multilayersThe Langmuir adsorption isotherm (Equation 1.8) is based on the

    assumption that adsorption proceeds from zero up to saturation,

    y!1. The adsorbate species in the gas or liquid phase are in equilibriumat a specific temperature and pressure with the species adsorbed on the

    surface. All species adsorbed are presumed to have equal chemical

    potentials, which do not depend on the presence of other adsorbed spe-

    cies. Thus, it is assumed that the interactions of each adsorbing species

    with the surface are identical and that interactions between adsorbate

    atoms/molecules on the surface are much weaker than the interactions

    with the surface.

    When applied to reversible chemical adsorption (chemisorption),

    the Langmuir adsorption isotherm applies to both uniformly distributed sites,

    in which case the loading is proportional to the fractional coverage of

    the surface, and sites distributed on only a (possibly small) fraction of the sur-

    face. In the latter case, saturation of the Langmuir adsorption isotherm rep-

    resents the covering of only a part of the surface.

    In physical adsorption, in contrast to chemisorption, the entire surface

    accessible to the adsorbate is involved. Thus, to a good approximation,

    the surface is entirely composed of active sites, and saturation would be

    achieved when the adsorbing species completely covers the surface. This

    would represent a monolayer of adsorbed species. Intuitively, the maximum

    coverage would reflect the closest packing of adsorbing species on the sur-

    face. In physisorption, the forces between an adsorbed species and a surface

    site are relatively weak, and the adsorbed species are relatively free to move

    across the surface and to change the surface sites with which they primarily

    interact. This facile, two-dimensional mobility also differentiates physical

    from chemical adsorption.

    Physisorption occurs as a consequence of the interactions between any

    surface and molecules as the temperature approaches the boiling (or dew)

    point of the molecules in the gas. It begins at a temperature or pressure

    substantially below the actual pressure or temperature at which bulk

    16 Karl D. Hammond and Wm. Curtis Conner Jr.

  • condensation would occur. As an analogy, we can feel the effects of

    humidity even though it is not raining, or even damp, outside.

    When an atom or molecule approaches any surface, it is influenced by

    forces of attraction (e.g., van derWaals forces). A molecule is also influenced

    by such forces when it approaches other adsorbed molecules. In physical

    adsorption, whereby adsorbateadsorbent interactions are relatively weak,

    a molecule that encounters a molecule already adsorbed will be influenced

    by similar (albeit weaker) forces of attraction than those involving a surface

    site. It will have a probability of adsorbing on top of a group of already

    adsorbed molecules, which will probably be less than the probability of

    adsorbing if it had encountered the uncovered surface. The difference in

    the probabilities between adsorbing on top of already adsorbed species

    and on exposed solid surface is directly related to the difference between

    the energies of attraction between the surface and an adsorbing molecule

    and between an adsorbed molecule and an adsorbing molecule. The surface

    also contributes to the forces of attraction for adsorption of the molecules in

    the second and higher layers, but the forces are reduced because the mole-

    cules are at a larger distance from the surface.

    Physical adsorption will therefore involve the formation of more than a

    single layer of adsorbed molecules as the pressure increases. Thus, multilayer

    adsorption is primarily a property of physical adsorption. It can, however, be

    found for chemisorption if subsequent layers differ in composition, as in

    atomic layer deposition (36).

    If we wish to interpret the relationship between the quantity adsorbed

    and pressure under isothermal conditions (or the quantity adsorbed

    and temperature under isobaric conditions), it is necessary to understand

    multilayer adsorptionspecifically, the relationship between adsorption

    of the first layer (the monolayer) and adsorption of subsequent layers. Prob-

    ability (and thus entropy) leads one to conclude that the second layer should

    start to fill before the first layer is completed, provided there is not an

    extremely large difference in the heat of adsorption between these layers.

    As the number of adsorbed layers increases, it is also reasonable to assume

    that the heat of adsorption will eventually approach the heat of condensation

    of the adsorbate. Several relationships have been proposed to express the

    changes in the amount adsorbed and the pressure and temperature for

    adsorption up to and in excess of a monolayer. We discuss several of these

    throughout this chapter.

    17Analysis of Catalyst Surface Structure by Physical Sorption

  • 2.6. BET theory2.6.1 The BET equationBy far, the best known model of multilayer adsorption is that developed

    by Brunauer, Emmett, and Teller (37), universally known in the adsorp-

    tion community as BET theory. This theory was developed to describe

    the initial adsorption of a monolayer and the simultaneous adsorption of

    multilayers. It starts with the premise that more than a single layer can be

    formed on a surface. It is further based on the assumption that the energy

    of interaction between the adsorbing species and the surface is strongest in

    the first layer and decreases for subsequent layers. To simplify the ana-

    lyses, Brunauer, Emmett, and Teller made a further assumption: the

    energy of interaction (heat of adsorption) between Nth and N1st layersfor N2 and as N!1 is the same as the heat of condensation. The BETtheory is also based on the assumption that the corresponding sticking

    coefficients and attempt frequencies for the second and higher layers

    are the same as for the second layer. Only the forces of interaction

    (and sticking coefficients and attempt frequencies) between the surface

    and the first layer are different in the BET theory. Furthermore, it is

    assumed that the volume of each adsorbed layer is identical. This is equiv-

    alent to assuming that the surface is flat (smooth on an atomic scale).

    Moreover, at PP, the saturation pressure, the number of layers is infi-nite, and the adsorbate density becomes identical to that of the

    bulk liquid.

    Just as in the Langmuir expression (Equation 1.8), it is possible to express

    the formation of a monolayer by considering the rate of adsorption onto

    empty sites and their rate of desorption. We express the fraction of empty

    sites as y0 and the concentration of those sites covered in the first layer asy1 (and so on for higher layers). The heat of adsorption in the first layeris Q1, and xm is the number density of sites in the sample, as before.

    By analogy to Equation (1.7), the rate of ad/desorption for each layer i at

    equilibrium is as follows:

    aiPk 1yi xmnieQi=kTyi: 1:10

    The attempt frequency ni is, at the microscopic level, the vibrational fre-quency of the normal mode of the adsorbed complex that, if sufficiently

    excited, will result in desorption of a molecule. It is never actually measured,

    nor is it necessary to do so.

    18 Karl D. Hammond and Wm. Curtis Conner Jr.

  • By definition,


    yi 1, 1:11

    and the number of molecules adsorbed on the surface is nnmP

    i01 iyi,

    where nm is the monolayer capacity (total number of sites in the sample). From

    Equation (1.10) and the assumption that the second and higher layers have

    identical properties, we find the following set of equations:

    y1 a1xmn1

    PeQ1=kT y0

    y2 a2xmn2

    PeQL=kTy1 a1xmn1


    xmn2P2e Q1QL =kTy0

    y3 a2xmn2

    PeQL=kTy2 a1xmn1




    . . .

    yi a2xmn2

    PeQL=kTyi1 a1xmn1



    i1y0 1:12

    These equations can be written more concisely if we define ay1/y0 andby2/y1. We define another constant, C, as their ratio,

    C ab a1a2




    and write the fractional coverage of each layer as follows:

    yi abi1y0 biCy0: 1:14C is positive and dimensionless. From Equation (1.11), we can write

    y0 1X1i1

    yi 1X1i1

    bi" #

    Cy0: 1:15

    Because b

  • nnm Cb

    1b 1bCb : 1:16

    If we now factor in the assumption that n!1 as P!P, then we know,from the definition of b, that

    limP!Pb 1


    xmn2PeQL=kT , 1:17

    which means that bP/P and thusn

    nm CP=P

    1P=P 1 C1 P=P : 1:18

    Equation (1.18) is the BET adsorption isotherm. To find the number of

    molecules in one monolayer, which is proportional to the surface area, it is

    convenient to rearrange this equation into something easily plotted, such as


    n 1P=P 1


    nmCP=P: 1:19

    Equation (1.19) is called the BET equation. A plot of the left-hand term, P/

    n(PP), versus P/P yields (if the model assumptions are accurate, at least) astraight line with slope (C1)/nmC and intercept 1/nmC. The surface area,SABET, and the value ofC (often writtenCBET) are therefore given in terms

    of the slope, SBET, and the intercept, IBET, by the following:




    where Am is the area one molecule occupies on the surface. The general

    approach employed in the BET theory is depicted in Figure 1.2.

    2.6.2 The constant C in the BET equationThe value of C in Equation (1.19) reflects the differences between the for-

    mation of the first layer and the formation of subsequent layers (i.e., a/b as inEquation (1.13)). In the BET formulation, this is viewed as the difference

    between the first and second layers, with all layers from 2 to 1 regardedas being similar. Differences between the reflection coefficients and attempt

    frequencies between the first and second layer are presumably small (of order

    unity), so that the value ofC is most sensitive to the difference in interaction

    energy (heat of adsorption) between the surface and the first layer and

    20 Karl D. Hammond and Wm. Curtis Conner Jr.

  • between the second and subsequent layers (these latter differences tend to

    the heat of condensation). That is,

    C a1a2



    exp Q1QL




    The value of C therefore reflects the difference in the heat of adsorption

    for the first layer compared with the heat of condensation. The value of C is

    thus sensitive to the enhancement resulting from adsorption in comparison

    with bulk condensation. Large values of C reflect high adsorption energies


    Liquid-like second and higher layers

    kd,iqi = ka,iPqi1

    Each layer is assumedLangmuir-like on top of prior

    layers, but the first layer differsfrom all higher layers.

    C = AeQ1Q2

    kT > 0P/

    Vads(1 P/P )=



    C 1

    CVmP /P

    BET Equation

    P / P

    P /P

    Vads(1 P / P )

    slope =C 1CVm

    intercept =1


    BET PlotVm =


    slope + intercept

    C = 1 +slope



    Figure 1.2 Schematic representation of the BET adsorption isotherm and its assump-tions. Themonolayer volume, Vm, from the BET plot is often used to estimate the surfaceareas of catalysts, provided that the value of C is reasonable and the assumptions of themodel apply.

    21Analysis of Catalyst Surface Structure by Physical Sorption

  • for the first layer, whereas small values of C reflect small differences in

    adsorption compared with condensation.

    The ability to calculate a monolayer volume from an adsorption iso-

    therm depends on the nature of the isotherm and, thus, on the difference

    in the energy for the interaction between the surface and the first layer and

    the energy of interaction between the first and subsequent layers. Low

    values of C calculated from the BET equation can mean that the first layer

    is not significantly enhanced in adsorption compared with subsequent

    layers, and it will therefore be difficult to determine a proper value of

    the monolayer volume. A rule of thumb is that C must be greater than 50

    for the BET theory to give rise to a reasonable calculation of the monolayer

    volume and, thus, the surface area (38). A C value of 20 corresponds to a

    difference of greater than 1.92 kJ/mol in the heat of adsorption of nitrogen

    at 77 K, for example; the heat of condensation is 5.56 kJ/mol at this


    At the other extreme, large values of C reflect (in the BET theory) large

    differences in the energy of interaction for the first layer compared with sub-

    sequent layers. The theory was developed to represent physical adsorption

    on a flat (or nearly flat) surface, not chemisorption or adsorption in micro-

    pores (i.e., pores less than approximately 2 nm in radius, for which the

    assumption of a flat surface is no longer valid). Thus, there is an upper limit

    to the value of C for which BET analysis is reasonable to employ. Sing et al.

    (12,38) suggested that values of C greater 200 found in BET analyses would

    make the analysis questionable, and therefore the surface areas calculated

    from such data should be used only with reservation. A C value of 200 cor-

    responds to a difference in the heat of adsorption of 19.2 kJ/mol for nitrogen

    adsorption at 77 K. The shape of the BET isotherm as a function of the C

    parameter is shown in Figure 1.3.

    It is apparent from Figure 1.3 that isotherms with low values of C do not

    exhibit a definite transition between the first and subsequent layers (this tran-

    sition occurs at a relative pressure of0.1), whereas isotherms characterizedby higher values of C (>200) exhibit a transition at much lower relativepressures. Intermediate values of C (and thus the difference between the

    adsorption in the first layer and that in subsequent layers) give an easily dis-

    tinguishable transition from monolayer to multilayer adsorption. Higher

    values of C imply strong adsorption (i.e., more than simple physical adsorp-

    tion onto a flat surface).

    We emphasize that the calculation suggested earlier (C1 slope/inter-cept) can be extremely sensitive to the value of the intercept. This point is

    22 Karl D. Hammond and Wm. Curtis Conner Jr.

  • 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5106 105 104 103 102 101

    Relative pressure (P/P) Relative pressure (P/P)



















    C = 1












    Figure 1.3 The shape of the BET isotherm varies significantly as a function of the C parameter. Values of C between 50 and 200 (shadedregion) are generally considered reasonable; values outside this range are found in situations for which the assumptions underlying the BETtheory are likely invalid. The plot on the left is represented with the pressure on a logarithmic scale; such plots are typical for high-resolution(micropore) adsorption isotherms.

  • particularly problematic because the BET surface area parameter is often not

    particularly sensitive to the intercept. The slope is always positive (unless


  • difference is smaller than the uncertainty in the measurement of Am. The

    value of the area for a close-packed liquid is thus often used, meaning

    Am13.8 A2 per atom. A value of 14.2 A2 per atom is used in some casesas well (39). In general, surface areas can be determined from argon iso-

    therms, but the value of the specific surface area assumed in the calculation

    should be specified along with the C constant in the BET equation. Values

    for other temperatures and other adsorbates are presented in Table 1.1.

    If the assumptions underlying the model hold, Vads(1P/P) is a strictlyincreasing function of relative pressure in the range in which the BET equa-

    tion is applied, and if the value of C is reasonable, then measured values of

    the BET surface area are typically repeatable within 5%.

    2.6.4 Rough estimates: The single-point BET surface areaThe value of Am4.30 m2/cm3 STP for nitrogen at 77 K lends itself to aneasy estimate of the BET surface area of a non-microporous material. Pick a

    point on the isotherm that is above monolayer coverage but below any

    mesopore filling; P/P0.2 is usually a good choice, although values any-where in the range from 0.1 to 0.25 have been used by various authors,

    depending on their guess of Point B defined by Brunauer et al. (37).

    Now, multiply the volume adsorbed (in cm3/g) by 4.3 (or 4 for a rougher

    estimate). The result is a very rough estimate of the surface area.

    2.6.5 Weaknesses of the BET theoryThe BET theory was formulated on the basis of a series of assumptions

    (Section 2.6.1) that may or may not be too restrictive for a particular system.

    Fortunately, for a large fraction of solids, these assumptions are appropriate at

    relative pressures below P/P0.3 (i.e., an average of approximately onemonolayer of adsorption on a smooth surface). One problem with the for-

    mulation of the BET theory is that each individual molecule added on top of

    another molecule in a partial layer is viewed as being adsorbed with the same

    energy as found for bulk condensation. The interactions between molecules

    in a given layer are also disregarded. Thus, the n1st and n2nd layers maybegin to form before the nth layer is complete. This picture also does not

    fully account for the entropy of adsorption: it accounts for changes in con-

    figurational entropy (ways of arranging molecules on the surface), but

    neglects entropy arising from molecular mobility, as the molecules are fixed

    in position in the BET model (12). It is also difficult to interpret rough sur-

    faces in the context of BET theory, as such surfaces violate the assumption of

    an array of nearly identical adsorption sites.

    25Analysis of Catalyst Surface Structure by Physical Sorption

  • Halsey (40) observed that the BET theory includes the quite untenable

    hypothesis that an isolated adsorbed molecule can adsorb a second mole-

    cule on top, yielding the full energy of liquefaction, and that in turn the

    second molecule can adsorb a third.... One would expect that the linear

    picture of columns of molecules would not be formed, but instead layers

    would more closely approximate close-packed layers, in which subsequent

    adsorbing molecules can interact with more than one molecule in the

    layer(s) below. These effects, if accounted for, would all add small correc-

    tions to the BET equation, some of which become more important for

    specific systems.

    The assumption that the second and subsequent layers all have adsorption

    energies that are equal to the energy of condensation neglects the possibility

    that the second layer may be influenced by the solid surface, which is only a

    few Angstroms distant. In many cases, the second layer will be influenced by

    the presence of the surface below and thus interact with the surface. This net

    interaction energy in the second layer will fall somewhere between that of

    the first layer and the energy of condensation. As layers above the second

    layer are formed, the differences between the first and the second and the

    second and the third layers become evident.

    The BET theory therefore overestimates the rate at which multilayers

    form and does not account for the adsorption entropy. It also simplifies

    the energy of interaction between layers. However, these problems occur

    primarily at loadings above an average of one monolayer of adsorption.

    At loadings up to onemonolayer average coverage, the BET theory has been

    shown to provide the most consistent approach for the estimation of the

    exposed surface area for surfaces for which appropriate values ofC are found

    (12,38,41)that is, for C>50 (reasonably strong forces of adsorption) andC


    A physical adsorption isotherm can be analyzed to determine a variety

    of morphological characteristics of a solid. No single theory is able to reflect

    all physical interactions for sorption (adsorption and desorption): from the

    first few sorbing molecules, to a monolayer, to multilayers, to condensation

    of a liquid (or even a solid) throughout the system. Theories have been

    developed to represent each of the sequential processes associated with

    the measurement of sorption.

    In this section, we offer a tour of the physical adsorption isotherm,

    starting at the lowest pressures that can be obtained by conventional vacuum

    equipment (typically P108 P or higher), progressing in order throughthe following regions: micropore filling, surface coverage (monolayer for-

    mation), mesopore filling, macropore filling, saturation, macropore empty-

    ing, and mesopore emptying. The astute reader will recognize that these

    regions often overlapbecause the transition between them is often

    unclearand thus analysis is typically restricted to ensure applicability of

    the given model analyses. We use Figure 1.4 as a guide.

    3.1. The micropore-filling region: 108

  • 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 10






    0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 10











    3 S








    3 S



    Relative pressure (P/P)

    Relative pressure (P/P)

    Figure 1.4 Nitrogen isotherms at 77 K on SBA-15 silica samples that incorporate bothmicropores andmesopores, suggesting different regions of the isotherm as discussed inthe text. The top plot indicates a solid containing larger mesopores than the lower plot;the material represented in the lower plot has pores that lie right on the transitionbetween micropores and mesopores.

    28 Karl D. Hammond and Wm. Curtis Conner Jr.

  • adsorption, or HRADS (a term coined by Venero and Chiou (42)), as dis-

    cussed in Section 4.

    A representation of the phenomena associated with this region of the

    adsorption spectrum is shown in Figure 1.5. The pores fill at pressures well

    below those required to give a monolayer on the exterior surface because of

    Figure 1.5 Schematic representation of pore filling in micropores. The pores fill withadsorbate before the exterior surface is covered. Reprinted with permission from Ref. (43).Copyright 2005, American Chemical Society.

    29Analysis of Catalyst Surface Structure by Physical Sorption

  • the three-dimensional interactions between the sorbing molecule and the

    surface. It is not even clear what is the density of the sorbed species when

    the pores are filled, as this depends on the molecule-to-surface and

    molecule-to-molecule interactions, which can differ even for physisorption.

    3.2. Monolayer region: 0.05

  • three-dimensional network), these void spaces will gradually fill with

    condensing adsorbate as the pressure increases. The smaller pores fill

    and empty at lower relative pressures. At the same time, more is

    adsorbed as the exposed surface becomes thicker. The existence of

    hysteresisa difference in quantity adsorbed at the same relative pres-

    sure between the adsorption and desorption branches of the

    isothermis discussed in Section 5. We stress that mesoporosity often

    is present when a sample consists of an agglomerate of particles: such

    porosity is created between the particles, and the voids created by the

    agglomeration are often similar in size to the dimensions of the primary

    particles (Figure 1.6).

    Figure 1.6 Simplified representation of the process of adsorption and desorption inmesopores, showing surface coverage, pore filling, pore emptying (both by cavitationand otherwise), and saturation. Note that the surface is covered before the pores fill.Reprinted with permission from Ref. (43). Copyright 2005, American Chemical Society.

    31Analysis of Catalyst Surface Structure by Physical Sorption

  • 3.5. Adsorption on exterior surfaces: 0.45
  • range of pressures that can be measured with such transducers is four

    decades at best, with accuracy increasing near the top of the range. Thus,

    a 1000 Torr transducer (e.g., one that translates a pressure in the range

    01000 Torr into a voltage in the range 010 V) is most accurate in

    the range 1001000 Torr, is marginally accurate from 1 to 10 Torr,

    and is not accurate at all below about 0.1 Torr (about 104 atm). Con-sequently, at least two transducers are required to cover the required

    range of pressures, preferably a combination that includes a transducer

    that is accurate (1%) at approximately 105 Torr. Not all adsorptioninstruments that claim to measure microporosity by HRADS employ

    pressure measurement systems (transducers) with this precision, and in

    the ones that do, the low-pressure transducer is often optional


    In addition to the required pressure measurement accuracy, the mea-

    surements must be performed over a sufficiently long time that adsorp-

    tion equilibrium is achieved. This concern is often not readily apparent:

    if one watches the pressure drop, it may appear stable for several minutes

    before dropping as little as 104 Torr, but over a longer period (say,30 min), the pressure will drop by more than two or three times that,

    and neglect of the continuing change can lead to significant errors in

    the determination of pore sizes. The experimental problem is that the

    heats of adsorption in microporous solids are unusually high, often sig-

    nificantly higher than the heat of vaporization. Furthermore, the rates of

    heat and mass transfer to and from the micropores are low because of the

    low pressures involved with samples that are essentially thermal insulators

    and held in glass (a good thermal insulator itself ). It therefore takes a

    considerable time for sorption equilibrium to be reached: as much as

    an hour or more between points may be necessary at the lowest pressures

    at which adsorption takes place. It is extremely important that the mea-

    surements be performed properlyconsequences of not doing so range

    from inaccurate determinations of pore sizes to nonphysical results (such

    as oscillating isotherms (44)).

    The measurem