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Journal of Materials Processing Technology 164–165 (2005) 1113–1119 Advancements in pulse gas metal arc welding P. Praveen a, , P.K.D.V. Yarlagadda a , M.J. Kang b, 1 a School of Mechanical, Manufacturing and Medical Engineering, Queensland University of Technology, 2 George Street, Brisbane, Qld 4001, Australia b Production Technology Center, Korea Institute of Industrial Technology, 35-3 HongChon-Ri, IbJang-Myun, Chonan 330-820, South Korea Abstract Environmental concerns have driven manufactures to look for alternative materials like aluminium that are lighter in weight and possess good thermal and electrical conductivity. However, fabrication of alternative materials presents a considerable challenge for fabrication in volume production. Welding is one of the most common fabrication processes. Good thermal and electrical conductivity act as a drawback for welding and generally results in excessive heating of base material. Pulse gas metal arc welding (GMAW-P) overcomes this drawback by producing spray transfer at lower mean currents. Modern welding has become complex due to need for setting up of combination of large number of welding parameters to achieve best quality of weld. Trial and error methods are impractical. In addition, there are many facets of disturbances and each has its own source and mitigation techniques. This need has resulted in several advancements in GMAW-P technology. This paper reviews progress in performance of GMAW-P technology. © 2005 Published by Elsevier B.V. Keywords: Synergic systems; Pulse gas metal arc welding; Microprocessor-based control 1. Introduction Gas metal arc welding (GMAW) is widely used in in- dustries for welding wide variety of ferrous and non-ferrous materials. GMAW achieves coalescence of metals by melting continuously fed current-carrying wire. However, attractive- looking GMAW needs consistent, high-quality welding procedures to achieve good quality. This need is due to continuous control metal transfer that is necessary in GMAW. At relatively low currents, GMAW operates in the globular metal transfer mode. When current is increased, the process transits to spray mode. Globular mode is characterized by periodic formation of big droplets at the end of electrodes (which detach due to gravitational force in to the weld pool) and suffers from lack of control over molten droplets and arc instability due to formation of big droplets. Spray mode offers high deposition rate but minimum current for spray mode is too high for some materials, large heat input to workpiece, wide bead, and only downhand positional capability are some Corresponding author. E-mail address: [email protected] (P. Praveen). 1 Working as a research fellow in school of MMME, QUT, Australia. of its drawbacks. These modes of metal transfer are shown in Fig. 1(a) and (b). During the mid-1960s, an alternative transfer technique of GMAW-P was invented. This mode of metal transfer over- comes the drawbacks of globular mode while achieving the benefits of spray transfer. This mode is characterized by puls- ing of current between low-level background current and high-level peak current in such a way that mean current is always below the threshold level of spray transfer. The pur- pose of background current is to maintain arc where as peak currents are long enough to make sure detachment of the molten droplet. Due to existence of number of metal transfer modes, the knowledge of the transition current zone between the globular and spray mode has great importance in the GMAW process, because it determines the working conditions of the process [14]. This region of operation for pulse is very narrow and is dependent upon number of changing welding conditions during welding operation [13]. Hence good pro- cess stability and quality of weld fillet can only be obtained by controlling the mode of metal transfer. With the advent of electronics, significant progress has been made in the devel- opment of high-performance arc welding equipment. This 0924-0136/$ – see front matter © 2005 Published by Elsevier B.V. doi:10.1016/j.jmatprotec.2005.02.100

Advancements in pulse gas metal arc welding

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Page 1: Advancements in pulse gas metal arc welding

Journal of Materials Processing Technology 164–165 (2005) 1113–1119

Advancements in pulse gas metal arc welding

P. Praveena, ∗, P.K.D.V. Yarlagaddaa, M.J. Kangb, 1

a School of Mechanical, Manufacturing and Medical Engineering, Queensland University of Technology,2 George Street, Brisbane, Qld 4001, Australia

b Production Technology Center, Korea Institute of Industrial Technology, 35-3 HongChon-Ri, IbJang-Myun, Chonan 330-820, South Korea


Environmental concerns have driven manufactures to look for alternative materials like aluminium that are lighter in weight and possessgood thermal and electrical conductivity. However, fabrication of alternative materials presents a considerable challenge for fabrication involume production. Welding is one of the most common fabrication processes. Good thermal and electrical conductivity act as a drawbackfor welding and generally results in excessive heating of base material. Pulse gas metal arc welding (GMAW-P) overcomes this drawback byproducing spray transfer at lower mean currents. Modern welding has become complex due to need for setting up of combination of largenumber of welding parameters to achieve best quality of weld. Trial and error methods are impractical. In addition, there are many facets ofdisturbances and each has its own source and mitigation techniques. This need has resulted in several advancements in GMAW-P technology.T©






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his paper reviews progress in performance of GMAW-P technology.2005 Published by Elsevier B.V.

eywords:Synergic systems; Pulse gas metal arc welding; Microprocessor-based control

. Introduction

Gas metal arc welding (GMAW) is widely used in in-ustries for welding wide variety of ferrous and non-ferrousaterials. GMAW achieves coalescence of metals by melting

ontinuously fed current-carrying wire. However, attractive-ooking GMAW needs consistent, high-quality weldingrocedures to achieve good quality. This need is due toontinuous control metal transfer that is necessary in GMAW.

At relatively low currents, GMAW operates in the globularetal transfer mode. When current is increased, the process

ransits to spray mode. Globular mode is characterized byeriodic formation of big droplets at the end of electrodeswhich detach due to gravitational force in to the weld pool)nd suffers from lack of control over molten droplets and arc

nstability due to formation of big droplets. Spray mode offersigh deposition rate but minimum current for spray mode is

oo high for some materials, large heat input to workpiece,ide bead, and only downhand positional capability are some

∗ Corresponding author.

of its drawbacks. These modes of metal transfer are sin Fig. 1(a) and (b).

During the mid-1960s, an alternative transfer techniquGMAW-P was invented. This mode of metal transfer ocomes the drawbacks of globular mode while achievingbenefits of spray transfer. This mode is characterized bying of current between low-level background currenthigh-level peak current in such a way that mean currealways below the threshold level of spray transfer. Thepose of background current is to maintain arc where ascurrents are long enough to make sure detachment omolten droplet.

Due to existence of number of metal transfer mothe knowledge of the transition current zone betweenglobular and spray mode has great importance in the GMprocess, because it determines the working conditionthe process[14]. This region of operation for pulse is venarrow and is dependent upon number of changing weconditions during welding operation[13]. Hence good process stability and quality of weld fillet can only be obtaiby controlling the mode of metal transfer. With the adven

E-mail address:[email protected] (P. Praveen).1 Working as a research fellow in school of MMME, QUT, Australia.

electronics, significant progress has been made in the devel-opment of high-performance arc welding equipment. This

924-0136/$ – see front matter © 2005 Published by Elsevier B.V.oi:10.1016/j.jmatprotec.2005.02.100

Page 2: Advancements in pulse gas metal arc welding

1114 P. Praveen et al. / Journal of Materials Processing Technology 164–165 (2005) 1113–1119

Fig. 1. Different modes of metal transfers in GMAW: (a) globular, (b) spray,and (c) pulse.

paper describes some of the recent developments in the areaof control technology to enhance capability of GMAW-P.

2. Advancement in power source design

The basic function of a welding power source is to pro-duce and control current and voltage required for arc welding.Market demands for reduction in size, cost, weight and im-proved reliability has seen many changes in the design ofpower sources. These advancements in the design have beenpossible because of advances in electronics industry and bet-ter understanding of welding arc phenomena.

2.1. Conventional transistorised power sources

Conventional transistorised power sources were in-phaseregulator type utilising paralleled connected banks of smallpower transistors, which serves as variable load resistor.Welding machines of this design are simple and robust innature. The drawbacks of this design are high cost, large sizedue to water-cooling units and lacks advanced control featureneeded for GMAW-P.

2.2. Secondary transistor-controlled series regulators

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ormi eed

Table 1Comparison of various power source designs

Power sources Traditional Inverter

Power consumed More LessElectrical efficiency Poor GoodSize Large CompactWeight More LessAreas of usage Research only Wide rangeFrequency of operation Low HighRunning cost High LowCost of production High LowLabour cost High LowMaterial cost High LowNumber of tapings in transformer More NoneDesign Simpler ComplexRepair Possible Replace mostlyControl of metal transfer mode Poor BetterArc stability Low High

transistor switches. Operations at high frequency give directbenefits in the form of portability, lesser weight, arc stability,faster response times, energy efficient and reduced runningcost. Indirect benefits are in form of reduction in labour andtransportation cost. A brief comparison between inverters andother forms of power source design is tabulate inTable 1.

3. Advancement in pulse waveform

3.1. Principal factors and influences

GMAW-P offers significant benefits. However, in order toachieve these advantages, careful setting of large number ofwelding parameters is required. Complete explanation of in-fluence of individual parameters is beyond the scope of thispaper. The influence of various parameters has been summa-rized inTables 2 and 3.

3.2. Pulse waveforms

Waveforms are response of welding power source to ac-tions of electric arc. The area under the waveform determinesthe amount of energy transmitted by a single droplet to theworkpiece. Waveform allows heat transfer to workpiece in am ravels eld.







The secondary transistor-controlled series regulatorrate in two modes through secondary transistor: pern and off at a switching frequency or by adjusting the

io of the make-time to the break-time (pulse width modion). Higher output is attained by large switching frequer by higher ratio of make-time to the break-time. Bene

rom machines of this design is reduced power dissipair cooled comparatively smaller size, smooth output anell suited for the pulsed GMAW due to improved respo

ate and better control. Popular variations like chopperrol power sources are available, yet they are still inefficvailable in restricted ranges of control and operation, bnd expensive to manufacture.

.3. Primary transistor switched inverter technology

Primary transistor switched inverter technology transfnput signal to high operating frequency using high-sp

ore effective manner and has the ability to manipulate tpeeds, heat input, fumes, spatter and appearance of w

able 2nfluence of various system parameters

arameters Influences

elding speed PenetrationMetal transfer mode

ire size Penetrationire-feed rate Penetration

Weld bead shapehielding gas Arc stability

Metal transfer modeWeld bead shapeMolten droplet detachme

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Table 3Influence of various pulse parameters

Parameters Influences

Peak current Metal transfer modeTapering of electrodePenetrationMolten metal droplet detachment

Peak time Number of droplets detached per pulseBase current Molten metal droplet detachment

Temperature of transferred metalFluidityWidth of weld poolWetting in weld beadInfluences drop size

Mean current Metal transfer modeFrequency Number of droplets detached per pulse

Mean currentPulse duration Number of droplets detached per pulse

Influences drop sizeDuty cycle Number of droplets detached per pulseResponse rate Melting rate

Diameter of molten dropletFused plate and reinforcement area

In order to improve control of metal transfer, waveformscan now be tailor made to suit different welding conditionsas the power sources respond to changes demanded by thesoftware instantaneously.

New way of achieving better penetration is through use oftwo distinct series of welding pulses and pulsing wire-feedrate. Two of the pulse waveforms employing this techniquehave been shown inFig. 2. In Alu-Plus, combinations of hot


Fig. 3. Perfectly rectangular signal.

and cold series of pulses at a fixed frequency are employed[5]. Set of cold pulses maintains the arc length, preheats boththe electrode wire and the material surface, stabilises weldpool and produces a weld ripple each time it is fired. Set ofhot pulses improves control over weld pool and penetration.Pulsing of wire-feed rate produces acceleration and deceler-ation phases resulting in ripples on weld bead[2]. During ac-celeration phase, arc energy grows and achieves better weldpenetration. In deceleration phase, arc energy reduces andstabilizes weld pool.

3.3. Physical equations for controlled transfer basedupon output electrical signal format

(a) Perfectly rectangular[3] (seeFig. 3):

Im = Iptp + Ibtb

tp + tb

W = αIm + βL(I2pTp + I2


Tp + Tb

(b) Trapezoidal[6] (seeFig. 4):

Im =t1(Ip−Ib)

2 + t2(Ip − Ib) + t3(Ip−Ib)2 + Ib(tp + tb)

(tp + tb)


os s-s

ig. 2. Different pulse waveforms for GMAW-P: (a) Alu-Plus[5] and (b)ouble Pulse[2].

W = αIm + βLI2m + (Ip − Ib)2tptb

(tp + tb)2− (Ip − Ib)3

3(tp + tb)dIdt

c) Exponential[12] (seeFig. 5):

Im (meant current) andW (wire-feeding rate) simplify tame as for trapezoidal waveform.α andβ are constants aociated with arc and resistance heating.

Fig. 4. Trapezoidal signal.

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Fig. 5. Exponential signal.

3.4. Characteristics of pulse zone[8]

(a) Burn off criterion: Maintain constant arc length by bal-ancing wire-feed rate and wire burn off rate.

(b) Metal transfer criterion:• Spray transfer must be produced at low wire-feed

speeds;• Pulse amplitude must exceed minimum limit to pro-

duce spray transfer;(c) Arc stability criterion:

• Background current must exceed minimum limit;• Background current and pulse amplitude should not

be too high;(d) Capacity criterion: Limitation to peak current by power

source capacity at excessively very high pulse amplitudesetting.

(e) Droplet detachment criterion:

Inptp ≥ c

wheren is the slope,ca constant, and both are dependenton chemical composition and diameter of filler wire (seeFig. 6).


ms,n ual-i em,p con-t

ing,i rate[ n allt lsep m( eter( h thata ire-f beenp twof

Fig. 6. Pulse parametric zone[7].

4.1. One-knob control

One-knob control achieves manipulation of all pulse vari-ables by using a single control or knob. This type of con-trol eases the jobs of welder, allowing him to manipulate allwelding parameters over wide range of wire-feed rate andcurrent. This system uses tacho generator reading as input tohardwired electrical unit, which generates appropriate squarewaveform based on input. Logic of one-knob control is im-plemented in two ways.

4.1.1. Synergic controlThis mode can also be regarded as wire-feed speed control

of mean current[12]. Power supply and wire-feeder are di-rectly linked in such a way that means current is determinedby wire-feed rate to ensure stable arc. The circuit arrangementfor this system is shown inFig. 7.

The pulse waveform (seeFig. 8) produced by this type ofcontrol has constant peak duration and excess current. Vari-able pulse parameters are peak current, base current and basecurrent duration. This control can only be operated in thefixed ranges of mean current as large mean current mightproduce multiple droplets detachments per pulse.

4.1.2. Self-regulating controlThis mode can also be regarded as voltage control of mean

c ev tema e bya ar-r

. Advancement in control features

With increasing use of automation in welding systeeed for automatic control system for achieving better q

ty and improved control has grown. In a welding systrincipal sources of disturbances, which need constant

rol and adjustments, are welding parameters.For achieving controlled transfer during pulse weld

t is essential that wire-feed rate is balanced by burn8]. This means achieving one drop per pulse conditiohe time, which involves constant control of all the puarameters. Synergic control[4] is defined as – ‘any systeopen or closed loop) by which a significant pulse paramor the corresponding wire-feed speed) is amended sucn equilibrium condition is maintained over a range of w

eed speeds (or average current levels)’. Synergic hasractically implemented into modern welding machine in

orms: one-knob control and microcomputer control.

urrent or error voltage system[12]. The welding voltagaries according to the arc length in GMAW. This syslways tries to restore arc length to set reference voltagutomatically modifying the burn off rate. The circuitangement for this system is shown inFig. 9.

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Fig. 7. Synergic control[12].

Fig. 8. Pulse waveform of synergic control[1].

Fig. 9. Self-regulating control[12].

The pulse waveform (seeFig. 10) produced by this typeof control has constant peak duration, peak current and basecurrent. Only variable pulse parameter is base current du-ration. This control logic is poorly defined as base currentinfluences droplet size[1] and requires constant adjustmentto electrical stick out (or arc length).

Fig. 10. Pulse waveform of self-regulating control[1].

One-knob control also suffers from need for calibrationat the start that requires considerable operator skills, cannotincorporate other system variables such as shielding flow gasrate control, seam tracking, etc., and simpler design givespoor flexibility as it restricts search.

4.2. Microcomputer control

Latest generation of advanced electronic power sourcesare controlled by microprocessor or microcontroller. Theyhave replaced traditional hard-wired systems for controlling,sequencing and timing of operations to achieve optimum out-put. The microprocessors increase flexibility by quick re-trieval of predetermined process parameters and storing al-gorithms, which can compute relationship between variouspulsing parameters. Synergic relationships between pulse pa-rameters can be stored in some form of memory system, e.g.,EPROM, EEPROM (electrical erasable programmable readonly memory) or FLASH ROM, etc.[10].

Fig. 11 shows microcomputer control for synergic sys-tems. This system first takes wire material and diameter asinput to compute molten metal droplet volume. Based ondroplet volume, pulsing parameters, wire-feed rate and arclength are automatically selected from memory. The possi-ble disturbances in the system can be extinguishment of arcand change in wire-feed rate or arc length. Former is over-c DCc shlyc rela-t



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ome by initiating the arc again by supplying a high levelurrent. Latter is automatically corrected by resetting frealculated values of pulsing parameters from synergicionships defined in the memory.

Various types of controls developed with help of digechnology by using microprocessor are as follows.

.2.1. Arc length regulation controlArc regulation in modern welding power source

chieved through control of arc voltage. Any change inength will possibly result in longer arc length or shoircuiting, which can be detected by monitoring arc voltahe possible scenario for voltage change is shown inTable 4.

Voltage drop below predetermined threshold arc volauses short circuit to occur. To clear short circuit, short pf high current is applied as in “dip pulse” shown inFig. 12.ulse then returns to its normal form.Wire-feed arc voltage control achieves the control by m

fying wire-feed rate. If arc length is increased, wire-feeds increased to main constant arc length. This method isently not popular due to poor stability and comparativlower response rate of wire-feeders.

Frequency arc voltage control achieves the controodifying pulse frequency, which in turn modifies mean

ent. This mode basically restores the arc length by decrehe number of drops transferred to the workpiece.

CC/CV arc voltage control depends upon dynamic ccteristics of the welding power source. CV mode is cha

erized by large change in current for small voltage chaseeFig. 13).

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Fig. 11. Microcomputer-controlled pulsed synergic system[9].

Table 4Different voltage changes in system

Scenario Control method

Voltage drop belowthreshold

Short-circuit control

Voltage fluctuation Wire-feed arc voltage controlFrequency arc voltage controlConstant voltage/current (CC/CV)arc voltage control

CV/CC pulsed MIG power source using both modes, as-sumes CC mode during pulse peak duration and CV modeduring background duration.

CC mode during peak tries to control and self-regulatethe arc length, while CV mode in background stabilizes arclength.

4.2.2. Arc ignition and start-up controlTraditionally welding is started by moving the weld-

ing wire towards workpiece and the short-circuited wire

Fig. 12. Short-circuit control through dip pulse[11].

melts and ignites. Such a start is accompanied by somespatters.

The development in electronics has made welding powersources more intelligent. The welding power source can nowbe started without spatter and eliminates poor fusion defectsgenerally observed for high conductivity materials such asaluminium. The start feature usually employs slow run instart techniques to eliminate start-up defects.

4.2.3. Weld termination controlSignificant improvements have been made to achieve bet-

ter control over weld termination. Burn back control shedsthe accumulated molten metal at the end of the electrode andleaves a sharp end electrode ready for next weld. Crater fillcontrol feature eliminates the crater, which is formed at theend of weld by gradually decreasing the welding current overa certain period or reversing the direction of welding at end.

Fig. 13. CC/CV curves.

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Fig. 14. Nonlinear models between mean current and wire-feed rate[6].

5. Discussion

In spite of several controls and methods described above,the welding arc in GMAW-P changes irregularly even undersimilar welding conditions. The two possible reasons for thisbehaviour are disturbance due to external and internal factors.The disturbance in the welding system causes deviation tooccur from predetermined parameters settings.

Internal disturbances in the welding system may be at-tributed to influence of dynamic response of power source[3]. These deviations are due to nonlinear relationship be-tween average current and resistance melting of wire andgenerally results in poor quality of weld.Fig. 14shows someof the nonlinear relationships between average current andwire-feed speed. Improved external control is obtained byimplementation of nonlinear relationships between weldingparameters taking into account power source dynamics.

Stabilising the arc in real time due to disturbances meansregularising the waveforms of the welding current andwelding voltage. The nonlinear form of disturbances isdifficult to model using conventional methods like PIDcontrollers. Robust methods using artificial intelligence like

neural networks, fuzzy logic and genetic algorithms mustbe implemented to refine control strategies. Such a systemcan self-diagnose the system and can easily respond to thechanges. This feature also improves process consistency byelimination of need for trim control to counter deviationsfrom predetermined parameters.

6. Conclusion

Recent developments in the controlled transfer haveachieved better control of GMAW-P and offer benefits in bothproduction and quality. The use of intelligent microproces-sor control in conjunction with automatic feedback controlsystems can provide implementation of quality systems ataffordable price. With advent of technology and increase inthe knowledge base about welding processes, future trend ofGMAW-P machines is likely to be improved performance ataffordable price.


[1] C.J. Allum, Met. Construction (1983) 347–353.[2] sivu04.




[[ ) Is-

[[ oc.

[ 8s–

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