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Advanced Recon Commandos

Jun 04, 2018



Raymar Walton
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  • 8/13/2019 Advanced Recon Commandos


    Advanced Recon Commandos also known as Advanced Recon Clone troopers or simply ARCtroopers were an elite variant of clone trooper in the Grand Army of the Republic during the CloneWars . Although less numerous than the other clones , they were also among the most skilled soldiersin the galaxy .

    During the early stages of the clone army's development, Jango Fett andhisMandalorian military advisors advocated the creation of clones capable of handling covert missionstoo delicate for the standard units. To achieve the desired results, the Kaminoans did not apply thestandard behavior correction and enhanced the prime clone 's genetic sample to increase physicalprowess. ARC troopers had special training that allowed them to act without thinking. They claimed itwas similar to the Jedi's use of the Force .[1]

    The first attempt at genetic alterations failed, resulting in the Null-class ARC troopers . Having learnedtheir lesson, the Kaminoans succeeded in their second attempt, generating the first 100 ARC troopers,designated the Alpha-class .

    After completing standard flash training and accelerated growth, these clones were placed under thedirect tutelage of Jango Fett . Under Fett's strict discipline they learned to use their fierce independence,innate creativity, and physical superiority in combination with their training in advanced weapons andvehicles to become virtual one-man armies. After completing their training, the ARC troopers werelocked in stasis on Kamino until they were required.

    Two months after the Battle of Geonosis , a Confederacy assault on Kamino prompted their earlyactivation. As droid detachments closed in on Tipoca City ,Prime Minister Lama Su activated theAdvanced Recon Commandos and authorized their deployment to hot-spots across Kamino in a last-ditch effort to save the planet's precious cloning facilities. The ARCs worked with a force o f Jedi to repel

    the droid forces.

    Following the First Battle of Kamino , the ARCs were integrated into the Grand Army of the Republic. Asthe ARCs took their place in the larger world, they developed distinct personalities due to theirunaltered nature; some gave themselves names, others formed relationships outside the GAR. Onceintegrated, Advanced Recon Commandos worked as solo operatives or in small squads led by ARCcaptains, either performing self-contained missions or supplementing larger Grand Army of the Republicoperations. It is possible that they trained ordinary clone troopers in ARC techniques and commandedthem in squads; due to the limited number of ARCs, it is unlikely that the teams would be comprisedonly of them. One notable exception was the aftermath of the Battle of Hypori , where a twenty-man

    ARC trooper team under the leadership of Captain Fordo engaged GeneralGrievous in combat.

    As the Clone Wars progressed, some battles were won by the Republic largely thanks to the ARCtroopers, most notably the Battle of Muunilinst , where the Muunilinst 10 disabled Separatist defensesthat were causing damage to Republic forces. Soon, as their reputation spread among the GAR andthroughout the galaxy, the Advanced Recon Commandos proved time and time again as to why theywere they regarded as the best of the best in the Grand Army. As perfect soldiers, the ARCs and Jango
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    were almost exactly alike; in fact, the leader of the Muunilinst 10 ,Fordo , had adapted the same blaster-spinning routine as Jango Fett.

    However, because of their training as independent soldiers, they were more prone to questioningorders. In one unforgettable incident on Ord Cestus, ARC trooper Alpha 98 (known as Nate and later as

    Jangotat) disobeyed an order from his Jedi commander and sacrificed his life to destroy a local group ofdespots.

    The Advanced Recon Commando tradition did not end with the death of Jango Fett in 22 BBY. Followinghis escape from Rattatak in early 20 BBY, Alpha , one of the earliest ARCs, returned to Kamino to trainthe second generation clone trooper commanders as Fett had trained him. These commanders,like Bacara and Cody, adopted the individualized practices of the ARCs and brought a new sense ofcreativity to the Grand Army of the Republic. Later in the war, distinguished infantry clone trooperscould be promoted into ARC troopers. ARC troopers Fives and Echo obtained ARC status in this way.

    After the Clone Wars, all surviving ARCs were offered either retirement or the option to train theirsuccessors, the stormtroopers , passing on their combat experience. These new ARC troopers were alsorumored to have undergone intensive deep core programming. Some even defected to the Alliance toRestore the Republic while others went rogue, following in Jango Fett's footsteps by becoming bountyhunters and assassins .[2][3] A number of ARC troopers were assigned to become part of the ImperialCommando Special Unit , a special forces unit that was attached to the elite 501st Legion .[4]

    Some ARC troopers, possibly a new batch, took part in the Kamino uprising by leading the secretlygrown clone anti-Imperial troopers against the Imperial stormtroopers of the 501st Legion in a fight toliberate Kamino from the Empire. The anti-Imperial clones failed, however.

    During the Empire's reign, specialized stormtroopers known as shock troopers bore armor similar to thatused by ARC troopers. They were also armed with DC-17 hand blasters .


    DC-17 hand blaster

    miniature flamethrower

    WESTAR-M5 blaster rifle

    DC-15A blaster rifle

    DC-15S blaster

    Fragmentation grenade

    Reverse-polarity pulse grenade

    EMP grenades
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    HX2 antipersonnel mines

    Special equipment:

    Z-6 rotary blaster cannon

    PLX-1 portable missile launcher

    Reciprocating quad blaster

    Created early in the war, ARC troopers wore a more advanced and versatile version of the Phase Iarmor , along with command pauldrons and kamas . They commonly had a periscope rangefinderattachment on the right side of their helmets, similar to Mandalorian helmets.

    While each mission profile required a different loadout, ARC troopers were commonly armed withthe WESTAR-M5 blaster rifle , DC-15A blaster rifles , DC-17 hand blasters , and frag and reverse-polaritypulse grenades . When heavier firepower was required, ARCs donned specialized armor to bear theweight of reciprocating quad blasters , PLX-1 portable missile launchers , or Z-6 rotary blaster cannons . Many individual ARC Troopers also had bandoliers and pouches for extra equipment, such as EMPgrenades and extra ammunition.

    Jaster Mereel wore traditional Mandalorian armor of a metallic -gray color , with red shoulder plates andred trim around the visor of his rangefinder -equiped helmet. On the left shoulder, Mereel bore thecustom Mythosaur skull-inspired insignia of the True Mandalorians, and his chest plates were adorned

    with a yellow -painted, four-sided diamond. Mereel also wore a re dcape , heavy combat boots , anda brown multi-pouched utility belt with his armor, but did not opt to wear or use a jetpack in the field.During his life as a Mandalorian soldier, Mereel utilized a short-barreled blaster rifle that supported theattachment of a combat knife beneath the muzzle, in addition to two blaster pistols which hekept holstered around his thigh plates .[1]

    Jace Malcom was outfitted with the standard white-and-orange armor of a Republic trooper during theGreat Galactic War. While fighting above Korriban, he made use of a blaster cannon, as well as a laserchaingun and a missile launcher. During the battle, the corporal lost his helmet ,[10] and on Alderaan heelected not to utilize one. He kept a combat knife in a sheath on his chest and in battle on the Core

    World he again wielded a portable blaster cannon. Malcom also made use of grenades and signal flaresduring the conflict on Alderaan .[2] During the Cold War, Malcom eschewed the common garb of fabricuniforms that were favored by military leaders and instead continued to wear a suit of trooper armor,largely identical to that which he had worn throughout the Great War.
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    the other clone fell to his doom, Fil fired a cable from his DC-17 pistol and with the help of Nahdar Vebband Kit Fisto, he was hoisted to safety. During the Battle of Muunilinst , ARC trooper Captain Fordo usedtwin customized DC-17 pistols while leading his forces against San Hill's forces.

    The DC-17 blaster pistol should not to be confused with the DC-17m Interchangeable Weapon System ,

    though it did share its designation with the larger weapon for a reason they shared many of theirinterior components, a fact which helped explain the DC-17 hand blaster's unusually high stoppingpower and firing rate. This fact was widely appreciated by the users of the weapon, who tended to knowthem inside and out as part of their training, and so ARCs in particular tended to look down onuninformed people who puzzled over the similarity of the naming for two such apparently differentweapons. High ranking ARC officers sometimes customized their DC-17s by writing on them or addingattachments such as revolving system or even a scope.

    A clone commando , also known as a Republic commando and later an Imperial commando , was anelite soldier of the Grand Army of the Republic and later the Stormtrooper Corps . Often workingin groups of four , clone commandos were assigned to carry out covert operations too delicate forregular clone troopers . Covert infiltration, sabotage, demolition and assassination were standard tasksfor the clone commandos.

    When Order 66 was issued by Chancellor Palpatine near the conclusion of the Clone Wars , the JediOrder became targeted fo rextermination while Palpatine brought a swift end to the Old Republic bydeclaring himself emperor of the first Galactic Empire . The remaining Republic commandos wererechristened as Imperial commandos and incorporated into a special forces unit attached to the 501stLegion , under the command of th eSith Lord Darth Vader .

    However, a minority of commandos refused to comply with Order 66, either out of sympathy for

    the Jedi or due to other personal reasons. For instance, Ion Team did not carry out the command to killtheir Jedi officers, viewing it as an invalid order and not believing that the Jedi would betray theRepublic, and instead opted to ensure the survival o f General Roan Shryne . Other commandos fledto Mandalore , choosing to go into hiding rather than serve as the enforcers of the Emperor's New Order .

    Soon after the Kaminoans began developing the Galactic Republic 'ssecret clone army on theirhomeworld of Kamino , a special forces unit was conceived as a necessary addition to the overalloperational effectiveness of the new military force. Jango Fett , aMandalorian bounty hunter andthe genetic template for the entire clone army, was confident that progeny would be engineered intothe best soldiers in the galaxy , but also knew that there were situations that regular infantry was not

    suited for. As a result, he requested for a special batch of clones that he would personally trainas Advanced Recon Commandos . The Kaminoans reluctantly agreed, but due to their disappointment inthe failed prototypes , they felt little confidence that the second generation of ARC troopers would meettheir expectations. Thus, they compromised with Fett; the bounty hunter would be allowed to train hisARC troopers while the Kaminoans proceeded with their plan to create the clone commandos, otherwiseknown as Republic commandos .[1]
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    Unlike the ARC troopers, the Republic commandos would be more loyal and susceptible to followingorders without question, yet they would still retain greater ability for independent thought than thestandard clone troopers . Thus, they were to be the perfect balance between two extremes. With agreater capacity for independent thinking, the commandos would be better suited to handling delicatemissions with complicated objectives. If necessary, they would also be capable of devising their own way

    for completing missions. By being indoctrinated with absolute loyalty to the Republic, the commandoswould not be difficult to control as the notorious Null-class ARC troopers were .[2]

    The first batches of clone commandos were separated into squads, also known as " pods ", of four cloneseach, in reflection of the native aiwha hunting pods from Kamino .[2][3] In addition to being subjected tothe computerized flash-training program, the commando squads were divided amongst the Cuy'val Dar , a group of professional mercenaries covertly brought to Kamino and hired to train the commandos in avariety of ways, such as teamwork, infiltration methods, demolition techniques, assassination and muchmore. The majority of the trainers were Mandalorians, such as Kal Skirata and Walon Vau ; the rest weremercenaries of different backgrounds .[1][4] Although Fett's Cuy'val Dar were primarily responsible for

    the commandos' training, Kaminoan scientists personally oversaw the development of their creations aswell. Taun We took a vested interest in the training of Delta Squad 's leader, RC-1138 , and helped toguide him throughout the first ten years of his life.

    Clone commandos were trained by a group of one hundred elite training sergeants chosen by Jango Fett , of which seventy-five were Mandalorian mercenaries. These men and women, known as the Cuy'valDar trained the commandos in a variety of tactics ad fighting techniques, but the impressionablecommandos also developed a few behavioral traits similar to their instructors .[1] The first generation ofclone commandos were selected from the regular clone batches and then segregated into "pods" offour, effectively forcing them to depend on each other and work together in order to survive. During

    their training, commando squads were often pitted against each other during combat sessions .[3]

    Clone commandos were trained in live-fire exercises, giving them a sense of the reality of combat longbefore the regular clones. Anti-terrorist training was conducted in a building nicknamed the KillingHouse . Though many commandos failed to survive their exercises, the rest learned rapidly, allowingthem to become better soldiers. However, the the loss of fellow squadmates was felt by any commandowho lost a vod a brother. The commandos also experienced near-death torture to train them inresisting interrogation, and many clones were left mentally scarred from the experience .[1]

    By the end of the commandos' training, the Kaminoans were very pleased with the results. Althoughunfit to fight on the battlefield as infantry soldiers, nor capable of performing complete solo operations

    like the ARC troopers, the clone commandos nevertheless demonstrated themselves as a new breed ofwarriors that few could challenge. Neither the regular clone troopers or even the elite ARC trooperscould match the clone commandos in organization and team-work. Despite the fact that manycommandos were indoctrinated in Mandalorian culture and regarded each other as brothers, theKaminoans were impressed enough to dub their experiment a complete success .[3]

    Specialized training
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    "Try to keep them from blowing the place up until Vau gets here, ok? "

    Niner , to Darman[src]

    Each clone commando was trained to handle a specialized task, varying from commando to commando.Some, lik eSev, specialized in sniping and assassination. Others, like Fi, specialized as medics and receivedmore advanced training than their other brethren in that field. Others, like Boss or Niner , showed moreleadership potential and acted as squad leaders. Some, like Scorch and Darman , showed a natural skillwith demolitions ordinance and acted as demo specs. Others, like Fixer or Atin, were trained to be ableto handle a variety of technology-based tasks, such as slicing computers .[2]

    Integration into trooper training regime

    "Not quite ARCs, sir. Not like clone troopers, either. We don't work alone and we don't work in formations. We just look the same. "


    It appears that the clone commando program was so successful that some clone troopers were trainedin commando skills and tactics. Some commando-trained troopers were CT-19/39 , a recon trooper killedon Praesitlyn ;[12] RC-5108/8843 , a former bomb disposal expert taken under Kal Skirata 's wing; theclone trooper squad that accompanied Mace Windu and Valiant during the hunt for DarthSidious ;[13] and the non-ARC members of The Muunilinst 10 .[14]

    DC-17m Interchangeable Weapon Systems

    Katarn -class commando armor

    E-Web heavy repeating blasters

    Accelerated Charged Particle Repeater Guns

    Accelerated Charged Particle Array Guns

    Improvised explosive devices

    Bore bangs

    Flash-bang grenades

    EMP grenades


    Geonosian force pikes

    LJ-50 concussion rifles
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    Knuckle plate vibro blades

    Night Ops Armor


    DC-17 hand blasters (Seen used by RC-1138 )

    WESTAR-20 blaster pistols

    Kamino saberdarts


    Commando recon droids


    Ribbon charges

    Hydraulic shearing machine

    DC-15s side arm blasters


    Wookiee Guided Rocket Launchers

    EMP disruptors

    Detonation packs

    Thermal detonators

    EWHB-12 heavy repeating blasters

    Wookiee rocket turrets

    Geonosian Elite Beam Weapons


    Miniature bacta tanks

    Thermal detonator tape

    Bacta sprays

    Heads-up displays
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    Dampener aerosols

    Phase II clone trooper armor was an enhanced version of the Phase I clone trooper armor.

    Phase II incorporated all of its predecessor's systems in addition to polarized lenses, padding, andstronger, lighter armor plates. It could also support more modular attachments, making it superior to itspredecessor. It was far more comfortable for Humans to wear than its predecessor, sincethe Kaminoans had become more familiar with Human anatomy. [source? ] Unlike early iterations of thePhase I armor, color was used to denote unit affiliation, not rank.

    Phase II armor was introduced around 21 BBY, and slowly replaced Phase I armor in the monthsfollowing. Phase II armor was the basis of the stormtrooper armor later worn bythe soldiers of EmperorPalpatine 's Empire . Another variant of the Phase II armor was th e Katarnarmor . ARC trooper armor was also modified to be Phase II.

    The new armor incorporated a more advanced air filtration and oxygen supply system, polarized lenses,and an annunciator to make speech more comprehensible. In addition, the boots were magnetized andincorporated a grav-field alternator to ensure stability. Another useful feature was that the armor andthe bodysuit could be pressurized, allowing the clones to fight longer in a vacuum environment than itspredecessor.(though medical recovery was still needed for longer exposures).

    The Phase II armor, unlike the Phase I armor in many ways, had many different variations. Some armor,was modified to suit the individual clone, while some armor, like the previous Phase I , was specialized tosuit a certain 'breed' of troopers (such as clone paratroopers ). It is known that some clones,like Faie and CC-1004 , had more than one set of armor. Many Clone Commanders and ARC troopers hadspecial attachments on their armor, and allowed some lower ranked officers to wear specialattachments as well. Some special attachments included kamas and pauldrons , they could also attachelectrobinoculars and sun visors to their helmets. Clone captains would occasionally have a pair of DC-17hand blasters attached to each side of their kama. Camouflaged armor was mainly used by ARC and ARFtroopers , but occasionally camouflaged armor was issued.

    Clone scout troopers served as special scouts in the Grand Army of the Republic and were oftendeployed into situations that required fast movement or combat.

    Clone scout troopers were equipped with highly advanced plastoid armor, though they wore mainly abody glove on the neck, upper leg, and lower arms. They also had wider visor plates that allowed alarger visual area. They usually were armed with either DC-15A blaster rifles or DC-15S blasters , though
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    on occasion they would also use the DC-15x sniper rifle . The armor would be camouflaged to blend intothe surroundings on forest and swamp worlds. They would be assigned two vehicles: BARC speeders formounted reconnaissance duty and AT-APs for attacking and defending. Using BARC speeders couldmake them look very similar to BARC troopers , some of which also wore a form of clone scout armor.

    Clone trooper commanders were clone troopers bred on Kamino for leadership roles in the GrandArmy of the Republic .

    They led regiments of 2,304 clone troopers into battle. Each legion of clone troopers only had one seniorclone commander . Sometimes, however, smaller regiments and battalions were led by clonecommanders, lik eCommander Cody , who led the 212th Attack Battalion . When Jedi needed a group ofclone troopers, no matter what size, a clone commander would usually join the group to assist the JediGenerals .

    Commander training

    Clone commanders received flash-training to fulfill their advanced roles and were also bred with extracapacity for autonomy, tactical thinking and coordination. In combat, they were often assigned to fieldcommand centers, but participated with their fellow clone troopers in combat if the situation requiredit.

    ARC training

    After success with Advanced Recon Commandos , some ARCs, like Alpha-17 , returned to Kamino toretrain clone commanders with ARC skills, making the commanders more independent than they oncewere. After the commanders were trained, they earned the title "ARC commander ", then returned totheir legion to train their best clones and assistants in their new skills. Their new, independent trainingled to distinct personalities among the commanders.


    In the beginning of the Clone Wars , the clone officers were distinguished by yellow markings on theirarmor and helmets. The retrained ARC commanders often added more items to their armor, like ARCtrooper kamas and pauldrons . Commanders would also don other peripherals like macrobinoculars orCommander Bacara 's cheek plating. Some commanders allowed their best troops to also wear ARCarmor.

    "While the Senate sleeps, a great evil threatens the peace and freedom of the peoples of our galaxy. Our politicians, who neither work nor sacrifice, have forgotten, if they ever knew it, that freedom is not free,that the price of freedom is constant vigilance. We the crew of the Scarlet Thranta , are the children of
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    your beloved Republic! We are your sons and daughters. We are the Sons and Daughters of Freedom!

    Follow us! "

    Zozridor Slayke[src]

    The Sons and Daughters of Freedom , also known as Freedom's Sons , were founded by ZozridorSlayke shortly before the outbreak of the Clone Wars . They were a kind of paramilitary auxiliary tothe Jedi .

    Zozridor Slayke was a distinguished member of the Galactic RepublicJudicial Forces who sawthe Separatist movement for what it was and decided if the Republic was not going to take action thathe must. He and the crew of ship he commanded, Scarlet Thranta , left the Republic they vowed to serveand protect.

    The Thranta soon joined with many other ships, soldiers , mercenaries , and even civilians who saw thesame threat. Slayke, a charismatic leader, persuaded thousands to follow him. He called his army the

    Sons and Daughters of Freedom, for they were the sons and daughters of the Republic and vowed toprotect their freedom.

    Unfortunately for Slayke, the Republic saw them as a threat and dispatched the Jedi Master NejaaHalcyon to arrest Slayke. Soon Slayke and his troops were being hunted by the very Republic theywished to protect. Halcyon was a silent supporter of the splinter group and, finding that his consciencemade it very hard to arrest them, allowed the group to escape by prolonging a fight between him andone of Slayke's champions.

    The Clone War s Edit

    Later during the Clone Wars , the Sons and Daughters of Freedom responded to an emergency distresscall from Praesitlyn . The group fought valiantly there but lost thousands of troops in the process. NejaaHalcyon and Anakin Skywalker led a Republic assault force to assist Slayke. Slayke and Halcyon becamefriends and together repelled the Separatists. The Sons and Daughters of Freedom were then grantedamnesty and fought valiantly in the rest of the Clone Wars, aiding the Jedi Order when they could.

    Compositio n Edit

    In addition to the officers and ship crews, the Sons and Daughters of Freedom had 50,000 ground

    troops. They came from all across the galaxy and Slayke tried to keep them in units of their own species . Such units included a squad of Gungan engineers and a company of Bothan observers. At the end of thebattle, the Sons and Daughters of Freedom numbered less than two thousand.

    The fleet of the Sons and Daughters of Freedom had around 94 ships. The majority were lost in thebattle.

    CloakShape fighters
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    Gun Tugs

    S40K Phoenix Hawk -class light pinnaces

    Carrack -class light cruisers

    Plooriod Bodkin

    Dreadnaught -class heavy cruisers

    CR90 corvettes

    Scarlet Thranta


    Storm IV Twin-Pod cloud cars

    Armored ground vehicles

    Two batteries of SPHA mortars