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Adult Gifted

Apr 08, 2018



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  • 8/7/2019 Adult Gifted


    Adult Gifted: You DonAdult Gifted: You Don t Justt Just

    Outgrow It!Outgrow It!

    James T. Webb, Ph.D.James T. Webb, Ph.D.P.O. Box 5057P.O. Box 5057Scottsdale, AZ 85261Scottsdale, AZ 85261(602) 954(602) 954-

    The unexamined life is notThe unexamined life is notworth living.worth living.

    Socrates (469 BCSocrates (469 BC 399 BC) in Plato,399 BC) in Plato, Dialogues, Apology Dialogues, Apology

  • 8/7/2019 Adult Gifted


    Historically, the intellectual and academicHistorically, the intellectual and academicachievements of gifted children have beenachievements of gifted children have been

    emphasized, with less emphasis on adults.emphasized, with less emphasis on adults.

    Mean= 100 Standard Deviation= 15

    (IQ) 55 70 85 100 115 130 145 160

    Average IQ Scores of Selected GroupsAverage IQ Scores of Selected Groups

    IQ of 130IQ of 130Research scientists, professors, seniorResearch scientists, professors, seniorexecutivesexecutives

    IQ of 120IQ of 120Persons graduating from collegePersons graduating from collegeIQ of 110IQ of 110Persons graduating from high schoolPersons graduating from high schoolIQ of 100IQ of 100Average of total populationsAverage of total populationsIQ of 70IQ of 70Mildly mentally retardedMildly mentally retarded

    IQ of 55IQ of 55Moderately mentally retardedModerately mentally retarded

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    Presidential Scholars ResearchPresidential Scholars ResearchSimpson & Kaufmann, F. (1981).Simpson & Kaufmann, F. (1981). Journal of Career Education Journal of Career Education , 38, 38--4545

    IQ Ten+ year followIQ Ten+ year follow- -up study of 1964up study of 1964- -1968 Presidential1968 PresidentialScholarsScholars322 Presidential Scholars; 53% male, 47% female; all areas322 Presidential Scholars; 53% male, 47% female; all areasof U.S.of U.S.All in top oneAll in top one- -half of 1 percent of national merit Scholarshalf of 1 percent of national merit Scholars97% were college graduates; 61% had graduate degrees97% were college graduates; 61% had graduate degrees55% changed majors; 33% changed majors two or more55% changed majors; 33% changed majors two or moretimestimes29% doubted they had made the correct career decision29% doubted they had made the correct career decision

    23% had received special awards since graduating (vs.23% had received special awards since graduating (vs.89% awards in college)89% awards in college)67% reported no participation in organized activities67% reported no participation in organized activities(lack of time; no interest)(lack of time; no interest)

    Well, Im 21. I guess Im throughWell, Im 21. I guess Im throughwith all my stages.with all my stages.

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    Stages of Moral DevelopmentStages of Moral Development(Adapted from Kohlberg, 1964)(Adapted from Kohlberg, 1964)

    Stage 3Stage 3 - - (Conforming to(Conforming toTraditions)Traditions)

    Whatever pleases theWhatever pleases themajority is consideredmajority is consideredmorally right; othermorally right; otherviewpoints can be seen;viewpoints can be seen;conformity is prized; desireconformity is prized; desireto do things for othersto do things for others

    Stage 4Stage 4 - - (Conforming to(Conforming toTraditions)Traditions)

    Group authority, law, dutyGroup authority, law, dutyand rules of society areand rules of society areprized; concern forprized; concern for

    maintaining social order formaintaining social order forits own sake; socialits own sake; socialdisapproval avoided;disapproval avoided;emphasis on the inherentemphasis on the inherentri htness of rules andri htness of rules and

    Stages of Moral DevelopmentStages of Moral Development(Adapted from Kohlberg, 1964)(Adapted from Kohlberg, 1964)Stage 5Stage 5 - - (Beyond(BeyondConformity)Conformity)

    Internal commitment toInternal commitment toprinciples of personalprinciples of personalconscience; concern withconscience; concern withindividual rights withinindividual rights withinstandards set by consensus;standards set by consensus;emphasis on fair proceduresemphasis on fair proceduresfor reaching consensus andfor reaching consensus andfor evaluating principles andfor evaluating principles and

    rulesrulesStage 6Stage 6 - - (Beyond(BeyondConformity)Conformity)

    Concern with universalConcern with universalethical principles andethical principles andabstract morality affecting allabstract morality affecting allbeings regardless ofbeings regardless ofconventional views;conventional views;

  • 8/7/2019 Adult Gifted


    ADULT LIFE STAGESADULT LIFE STAGES(adapted from Erikson (1959), Levinson (1986) and(adapted from Erikson (1959), Levinson (1986) and Sheehy Sheehy (1995, 2006)(1995, 2006)

    Age 18Age 18- -2424 Pulling upPulling upRootsRoots

    BreakingBreakingaway fromaway fromhomehome

    Age 25Age 25 3535

    Trying 20sTrying 20s EstablishingEstablishingself as anself as anadult; careeradult; careerchoices;choices;coming tocoming to

    grips withgrips withmarriage,marriage,children,children,societysociety

    ADULT LIFE STAGESADULT LIFE STAGES(adapted from Erikson (1959), Levinson (1986) and(adapted from Erikson (1959), Levinson (1986) and Sheehy Sheehy (1995, 2006)(1995, 2006)AgeAge3535 --4545

    Deadline decadeDeadline decade AuthenticityAuthenticitycrisis, halfwaycrisis, halfwaypoint of life; repoint of life; re- -evaluation of selfevaluation of selfand relationships;and relationships;choices aboutchoices aboutpushing harder vs.pushing harder vs.withdrawing vs.withdrawing vs.changechange

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    ADULT LIFE STAGESADULT LIFE STAGES(adapted from Erikson (1959), Levinson (1986) and(adapted from Erikson (1959), Levinson (1986) and Sheehy Sheehy (1995, 2006)(1995, 2006)

    AgeAge4545 --5555

    Renewal orRenewal orresignationresignation

    Further redefinition oFurther redefinition opriorities;priorities;relationships arerelationships arerenewed or changed;renewed or changed;roles change; childrenroles change; childrenleave home; parentsleave home; parentsage or die; physicalage or die; physical

    changes of self;changes of self;further realization offurther realization ofown mortalityown mortality

    ADULT LIFE STAGESADULT LIFE STAGES(adapted from Erikson (1959), Levinson (1986) and(adapted from Erikson (1959), Levinson (1986) and Sheehy Sheehy (1995, 2006)(1995, 2006)Age 55Age 55++

    RegenerationRegeneration Acceptance/rebellionAcceptance/rebellionat prospect ofat prospect ofretirement;retirement;friends/mentors die;friends/mentors die;evaluation of lifesevaluation of lifeswork; newwork; newrelationship withrelationship withfamily; physicalfamily; physicalchanges; selfchanges; self- -acceptance oracceptance orrejectionrejection

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    Bright adults are aware of their intelligence, and knowBright adults are aware of their intelligence, and knowhow it impacts their it impacts their lives.Their intelligence gives them everything they reallyTheir intelligence gives them everything they reallyneed to succeed.need to succeed.Their brightness is always prized by their families.Their brightness is always prized by their families.Their intellectual abilities are always an asset with theirTheir intellectual abilities are always an asset with theircoworkers and supervisorscoworkers and supervisorsThey should succeed in all areas of life they enter.They should succeed in all areas of life they enter.They have personal, family, and social lives that areThey have personal, family, and social lives that are

    more stable and satisfying.more stable and satisfying.They naturally enjoy being leaders and assuming extraThey naturally enjoy being leaders and assuming extraresponsibility for others.responsibility for others.


    Keen awareness andKeen awareness andimpatience with timeimpatience with timeand space limitations;and space limitations;frustration withfrustration with


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    Dissatisfaction with standards of achievement;Dissatisfaction with standards of achievement;always looking to improvealways looking to improve


    Dissatisfaction with others and the worldDissatisfaction with others and the worldaround themaround them

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    Searching for personal meaning Searching for personal meaning


    Relations with othersRelations with others

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    Marital expectations and communicationsMarital expectations and communications

    Expectations and relationships with childrenExpectations and relationships with children

    Dissatisfaction with coDissatisfaction with co- -workersworkers

    Discontent with selfDiscontent with self

    Positive Disintegration Is LikelyPositive Disintegration Is Likelyto Result, with Existentialto Result, with Existential

    Depression as a Main ComponentDepression as a Main Component

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    Bright = Successful, Happy, ContentBright = Successful, Happy, ContentStrengths Possible ProblemsStrengths Possible Problems

    Able to see potential; has highAble to see potential; has highexpectancies of self and others;expectancies of self and others;thinks criticallythinks critically

    Acquires and retains informationAcquires and retains informationquicklyquickly

    Need for success andNeed for success andrecognition; intolerant of others;recognition; intolerant of others;may seek excessively highmay seek excessively highstandards; ahead of the timesstandards; ahead of the times

    Impatient with slowness of others;Impatient with slowness of others;may be seen as know it allmay be seen as know it all

    Bright = Successful, Happy, ContentBright = Successful, Happy, ContentStrengths Possible ProblemsStrengths Possible Problems

    Large store of information inLarge store of information inadvanced areas; diverseadvanced areas; diverseinterests and abilities; multiinterests and abilities; multi- -talentedtalented

    Intense and intrinsicallyIntense and intrinsicallymotivated; high energy level;motivated; high energy level;persistent, goalpersistent, goal- -directeddirectedbehaviorbehavior

    Career decision problems;Career decision problems;frustrated over lack of time;frustrated over lack of time;feeling different from others;feeling different from others;existential aloneness; may beexistential aloneness; may beseen by others as always inseen by others as always incontrolcontrolType A personality; difficultyType A personality; difficultyrelaxing; resists interruptions;relaxing; resists interruptions;

    may neglect others duringmay neglect others duringperiods of focused interests;periods of focused interests;stubbornnessstubbornness

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    Bright = Successful, Happy, ContentBright = Successful, Happy, ContentStrengths Possible ProblemsStrengths Possible Problems

    Independent and selfIndependent and self- -reliant;reliant;creative and inventive; likes newcreative and inventive; likes newways of doing thingsways of doing things

    Seeks consistency and meaningSeeks consistency and meaningin value systems and behaviorsin value systems and behaviorsof self and othersof self and others

    Difficulty in delegating andDifficulty in delegating andtrusting others judgment; rejectstrusting others judgment; rejectswhat is already known; disruptswhat is already known; disruptscustoms or plans of otherscustoms or plans of others

    Overly selfOverly self- -critical, perhapscritical, perhapsdepressed or cynical aboutdepressed or cynical aboutothers; sometimes bossy orothers; sometimes bossy ordomineeringdomineering

    Bright = Successful, Happy, ContentBright = Successful, Happy, ContentStrengths Possible ProblemsStrengths Possible Problems

    Sensitive to others; desiresSensitive to others; desiresintense emotional relationshipsintense emotional relationships

    Focuses on causeFocuses on cause- -effecteffectrelations; insists on supportingrelations; insists on supportingevidence and proofevidence and proof

    Strong sense of humor; able toStrong sense of humor; able tolaugh at selflaugh at self

    Oversensitive to peer criticism;Oversensitive to peer criticism;intense mentor relationshipsintense mentor relationshipsresult in keen disappointmentresult in keen disappointment

    Difficulty with nonDifficulty with non--logical humanlogical humanaspects, such as feelings,aspects, such as feelings,traditions, or matters to be takentraditions, or matters to be takenon faithon faith

    Humor may not be understood byHumor may not be understood byothers; may focus on absurditiesothers; may focus on absurditiesof situations; humor may be suedof situations; humor may be suedto attack others or hold them at ato attack others or hold them at adistancedistance

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    Acceptance of others vs. disappointment andAcceptance of others vs. disappointment andcynicismcynicismAcceptance of self vs. excessive selfAcceptance of self vs. excessive self- -criticismcriticismand depressionand depressionNecessity of feelings vs. the efficiency of logicNecessity of feelings vs. the efficiency of logicand rational approachesand rational approachesFinding personal meaning vs. tangibleFinding personal meaning vs. tangibleachievementsachievements

    Tasks for Bright AdultsTasks for Bright Adults

    Know yourselfKnow yourselfAccept yourselfAccept yourselfFind sources to nurture yourselfFind sources to nurture yourself

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    The Truth IsThe Truth Is We Often Shy Away from ExaminingWe Often Shy Away from Examining

    Ourselves and Our LivesOurselves and Our Lives

    Joharis WindowJoharis Window(Luft & Ingham, 1955)(Luft & Ingham, 1955)

    Known toKnown toSelfSelf

    Unknown toUnknown toSelfSelf

    Known toKnown toOthersOthers

    AA BBDecrease our blindDecrease our blindspot throughspot throughfeedback fromfeedback from

    othersothersUnknown toUnknown toOthersOthers

    CCDecrease thisDecrease thiscell through selfcell through self- -disclosuredisclosure

    DDDecrease this cellDecrease this cellthroughthroughintrospectionintrospection

  • 8/7/2019 Adult Gifted


    Basic Coping StylesBasic Coping Styles(Dr. Karen Horney)(Dr. Karen Horney)

    Moving TowardMoving Towardaccepts societysaccepts societystraditions; conforms; works the system totraditions; conforms; works the system tobecome successfulbecome successfulMoving Away FromMoving Away Fromrejects traditionalrejects traditionalsociety via withdrawal; nonsociety via withdrawal; non- -traditional;traditional;arcanearcane

    Moving AgainstMoving Againstrebelliously rejectsrebelliously rejectssociety; openly nonsociety; openly non- -conforming; angryconforming; angry

    An AdvancedAn Advanced Coping StyleCoping Style

    SelfSelf--ActualizationActualization rising above the basicrising above the basicthree styles, yet integrating all three.three styles, yet integrating all three.

    Life focus is on principles and values, ratherLife focus is on principles and values, ratherthan peoplethan people

    Little personal narcissism or egotismLittle personal narcissism or egotism May involve positive disintegrationMay involve positive disintegration May make others very uncomfortableMay make others very uncomfortable

  • 8/7/2019 Adult Gifted


    Your Personal Coat of ArmsYour Personal Coat of Arms

    Each of us has a shield to protect us and toEach of us has a shield to protect us and torepresent our valuesrepresent our valuesTitle your shield by putting your name onTitle your shield by putting your name onthe top of the pagethe top of the pageIn each section of your shield, put theIn each section of your shield, put thefollowing:following:

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    Your Personal Coat of ArmsYour Personal Coat of Arms (continued)(continued)

    Think of one that describes you, and draw a smallThink of one that describes you, and draw a smallpicture to represent that wordpicture to represent that wordMake a drawing to represent the social or political causeMake a drawing to represent the social or political causethat you have done the most for during your lifetimethat you have done the most for during your lifetimeList two things you have been struggling to becomeList two things you have been struggling to becomebetter at.better at.Symbolize or write a major fantasy of what you year toSymbolize or write a major fantasy of what you year todo, or would do, if you had no, or would do, if you had no restrictions.Select three words by which you want people toSelect three words by which you want people todescribe you, and write (or symbolize) them.describe you, and write (or symbolize) them.Make a drawing to represent what caused the greatestMake a drawing to represent what caused the greatestchange in your way of living.change in your way of living.Symbolize the most important person in your life.Symbolize the most important person in your life.

    Issue # 1Issue # 1 Roles and TraditionsRoles and TraditionsHow much of our identity and selfHow much of our identity and self- -worth comes fromworth comes fromthe roles we play?the roles we play?Does my role define me, or do I define the role?Does my role define me, or do I define the role?Are my traditions and roles confining rituals, or do theyAre my traditions and roles confining rituals, or do theygive me meaningful substance?give me meaningful substance? What would I be like without my roles? What value What would I be like without my roles? What valuewould I have?would I have?At some point, all of our roles will be stripped from us.At some point, all of our roles will be stripped from us.A solid sense of self cannot be built on roles.A solid sense of self cannot be built on roles.There are three existential facts:There are three existential facts:

    We are basically alone We are basically alone We will die We will die We need others We need others

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    Identify the five most central roles in yourIdentify the five most central roles in yourlife (mother, son, teacher, civic leader,life (mother, son, teacher, civic leader,etc.)etc.)Rank these roles, with 1 being the mostRank these roles, with 1 being the mostcentral to your lifes activitiescentral to your lifes activitiesTake 5 and throw it awayTake 5 and throw it away

    Continue discarding roles until only oneContinue discarding roles until only onerole is leftrole is leftNow discard that role. What of you is left?Now discard that role. What of you is left?

    # 1# 1 -- RolesRoles - - What to take home;What to take home;behaviors to trybehaviors to try

    Consider how much your roles define you, versus howConsider how much your roles define you, versus howmuch you define your roles?much you define your roles?Reflect on what you would be like without my roles.Reflect on what you would be like without my roles. What value would you have What value would you have What would others be like without their roles? What What would others be like without their roles? Whatvalue would they have?value would they have?Are your traditions and roles confining rituals, or doAre your traditions and roles confining rituals, or dothey really give you meaningful substance?they really give you meaningful substance?

    Ask family and coAsk family and co- -workers how they perceive yourworkers how they perceive yourmajor roles. Their ideas may be different!major roles. Their ideas may be different!Temporarily take time out from each of your roles toTemporarily take time out from each of your roles toenrich or enhance other rolesenrich or enhance other rolesInvent a new tradition for yourself or your family.Invent a new tradition for yourself or your family.

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    Issue # 2Issue # 2 Interpersonal RelationshipsInterpersonal Relationships

    Do you have at least one person withDo you have at least one person withwhom you can be accepted without yourwhom you can be accepted without yourroles?roles?Are your relationships with othersAre your relationships with othersprimarily authentic, or mostly roles?primarily authentic, or mostly roles?Do you really need to be in control ofDo you really need to be in control ofothers so much of the time?others so much of the time?

    Does your logic interfere with your abilityDoes your logic interfere with your abilityto give and receive affection?to give and receive affection?

    # 2# 2 RelationshipsRelationships - - What to take home;What to take home;behaviors to trybehaviors to try

    Set aside 5 to 15 minutes special time eachSet aside 5 to 15 minutes special time eachday to let someone else be in controlday to let someone else be in controlAs an exercise, convey and receiveAs an exercise, convey and receiveaffection nonaffection non- -verballyverballyIdentify the imperfections in each ofIdentify the imperfections in each ofyour relationships. How would youryour relationships. How would yourrelationships change ifrelationships change if youyou stopped trying stopped trying to change these imperfections?to change these imperfections?

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    Issue # 3Issue # 3 Self ManagementSelf Management

    Can you accept yourself as valuableCan you accept yourself as valuableseparate from your roles and separateseparate from your roles and separatefrom others evaluations of you?from others evaluations of you?Can you become more aware of your selfCan you become more aware of your self- -talk?talk?Can you manage your selfCan you manage your self- -talk?talk?Can you allow yourself to become awareCan you allow yourself to become aware

    of yourself, even when it does not fit withof yourself, even when it does not fit withyour roles. Can you allow yourself toyour roles. Can you allow yourself toexplore?explore?

    # 3# 3 SelfSelf--ManagementManagement What to takeWhat to takehome; behaviors to tryhome; behaviors to try

    Meditate for 5 to 15 minutes per dayMeditate for 5 to 15 minutes per dayMeasure the amount of negative selfMeasure the amount of negative self- -talktalkas compared with the amount of positiveas compared with the amount of positiveselfself--talktalkMinimize your selfMinimize your self- -control in selectedcontrol in selectedsituationssituations

    Be aware of HALT and its relationshipBe aware of HALT and its relationshipto depression and cynicism. (When weto depression and cynicism. (When weare tired, we are attacked by ideas weare tired, we are attacked by ideas weconquered long ago.conquered long ago. Nietsche)Nietsche)

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    Issue # 4Issue # 4 Life MeaningLife Meaning

    The people who need meaning the most areThe people who need meaning the most areusually so busy achieving that they have nousually so busy achieving that they have notime to search for it.time to search for it.Meaning comes from authentic relations withMeaning comes from authentic relations withothers. Are we just playing roles, or are ourothers. Are we just playing roles, or are ourrelationships real?relationships real?Can you conclude that your life has purposeCan you conclude that your life has purposeand meaning?and meaning?Have you developed values and beliefs that goHave you developed values and beliefs that gobeyond your roles?beyond your roles?

    What if you could start over? What would you What if you could start over? What would youdo differently?do differently?Can you trust that there is some unity orCan you trust that there is some unity orharmony in life?harmony in life?

    # 4 Life Meaning# 4 Life Meaning What to take home;What to take home;behaviors to trybehaviors to try

    What meaning do you give your life? Ultimately, you What meaning do you give your life? Ultimately, youhave to give your own life meaning.have to give your own life meaning. Write a last lecture Write a last lecturea speech you would give if youa speech you would give if youknew you would die tomorrow. What have you learnedknew you would die tomorrow. What have you learnedabout the meaning of life that you can share with others.about the meaning of life that you can share with others.Locate the five stories, poems, music, and/or works ofLocate the five stories, poems, music, and/or works ofart that have had the most meaning for you. Share themart that have had the most meaning for you. Share themwith a friend or a family member. How have theywith a friend or a family member. How have theyhelped you find meaning?helped you find meaning?Describe your greatest accomplishment. Does it relate toDescribe your greatest accomplishment. Does it relate tothe goals you set for yourself? To your purpose in life?the goals you set for yourself? To your purpose in life?Remember that your ideas may not be valued orRemember that your ideas may not be valued orrecognized for quite some timerecognized for quite some time

  • 8/7/2019 Adult Gifted


    The reasonable man adapts to the worldThe reasonable man adapts to the worldaround him. The unreasonable manaround him. The unreasonable man

    expects the world to adapt itself to him.expects the world to adapt itself to him.Therefore, all progress is made byTherefore, all progress is made by

    unreasonable men.unreasonable men.

    George Bernard ShawGeorge Bernard Shaw

    Suggested ReadingsSuggested ReadingsDaniels, S. & Piechowski, M. M. (Eds.) (2009).Daniels, S. & Piechowski, M. M. (Eds.) (2009). Living with intensity: Understanding the Living with intensity: Understanding thesensitivity, excitability, and emotional development of gifted children, adolescents, and sensitivity, excitability, and emotional development of gifted children, adolescents, and adultsadults . Scottsdale, AZ: Great Potential Press.. Scottsdale, AZ: Great Potential Press.

    Goleman, D. (1980). 1,528 little geniuses and how they grew.Goleman, D. (1980). 1,528 little geniuses and how they grew. Psychology Today Psychology Today , 28 , 28 53.53.

    Jacobsen, M.E. (2000). Jacobsen, M.E. (2000). The gifted adult: A revolutionary guide for liberating everyday geniusThe gifted adult: A revolutionary guide for liberating everyday genius ..New York: BallantineNew York: Ballantine

    Levinson, D.J. (19867). A conception of adult development.Levinson, D.J. (19867). A conception of adult development. American Psychologist American Psychologist , 3 , 3 13.13.

    Mendaglio, S. (Ed.) (2008).Mendaglio, S. (Ed.) (2008). Dabrowskis theory of positive disintegrationDabrowskis theory of positive disintegration . Scottsdale, AZ:. Scottsdale, AZ:Great Potential Press.Great Potential Press.

    Streznewski, M.K. (1999).Streznewski, M.K. (1999). Gifted grownups: The mixed blessings of extraordinary potentialGifted grownups: The mixed blessings of extraordinary potential ..New York: Wiley.New York: Wiley.Valliant, G.E. (1977). How the best and brightest came of age.Valliant, G.E. (1977). How the best and brightest came of age. Psychology Today Psychology Today , 34 , 34--41,41,107 107--110.110.

    Yalom, I.D., (1980).Yalom, I.D., (1980). Existential psychotherapy Existential psychotherapy . New York: Basic books.. New York: Basic books.

  • 8/7/2019 Adult Gifted


    INVENTION AND PRODUCTIVITYINVENTION AND PRODUCTIVITY(From Inventors USA Ltd., Worcester, MA, June ,1983)(From Inventors USA Ltd., Worcester, MA, June ,1983)

    Time interval between when a product was conceivedTime interval between when a product was conceivedand when it was produced for the public:and when it was produced for the public:Zipper.30 yearsZipper.30 yearsHeart pacemaker..32 yearsHeart pacemaker..32 yearsFluorescent lighting33 yearsFluorescent lighting33 yearsRadar..35 yearsRadar..35 yearsHelicopter.37 yearsHelicopter.37 yearsSilicone..38 yearsSilicone..38 years

    Nuclear energy..46 yearsNuclear energy..46 yearsPhotography..56 yearsPhotography..56 yearsTelevision..63 yearsTelevision..63 years