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Adult Education Survey Questionnaire Czech Republic English version

Adult Education Survey Questionnaire · Technical Questions – Information on the Household A1 Region of residence (NUMNUTS) ... C6 CZ-NACE - code (please code only in the electronic

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Page 1: Adult Education Survey Questionnaire · Technical Questions – Information on the Household A1 Region of residence (NUMNUTS) ... C6 CZ-NACE - code (please code only in the electronic

Adult Education Survey


Czech Republic

English version

Page 2: Adult Education Survey Questionnaire · Technical Questions – Information on the Household A1 Region of residence (NUMNUTS) ... C6 CZ-NACE - code (please code only in the electronic


Page 3: Adult Education Survey Questionnaire · Technical Questions – Information on the Household A1 Region of residence (NUMNUTS) ... C6 CZ-NACE - code (please code only in the electronic


Technical Questions – Information on the Household

A1 Region of residence (NUMNUTS)

A2 Code of accommodation establishment (Pagina)

A3 Number of Census Area A4 Sequence number of dwelling A5 Municipality A7 Number of households in the dwelling A8 Sequence number of household A10 Date of survey

A11 Result

1 Interview

21 Refusal – not willing to provide information

22 Not able to participate 23 Language barrier 24 Refusal – other reasons 31 No one home

A13 Number of persons living in the same household

Number of persons

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Table of individuals

B2 Information on the individual

Information on the individual Person 1 Person 2 Person 3 Person 4

B3 Relation to the head of household

Person 1 Person 2 Person 3 Person 41 Head of household 2 Husband/wife of the head of household 3 Life partner of the head of household

4 Child of the head of household (or her husband/wife, life partner)

5 Father or mother of the head of household (or her husband/wife, life partner)

6 Another relative 7 Other members of the household

B4 Status of the surveyed person

Person 1 Person 2 Person 3 Person 41 Surveyed person


Person refuses to answer – data cannot be determined even from another person (proxy cannot be applied)

B5 Sex

Person 1 Person 2 Person 3 Person 41 Male 2 Female

B6 Legal marital status

Person 1 Person 2 Person 3 Person 41 Never married 2 Married 3 Widowed 4 Divorced

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B7 Sequence number of partner of the surveyed person, living in the same household

Sequence number of partner Person 1 Person 2 Person 3 Person 4

B8 Do you live in your household with at least one of your parents?

Person 1 Person 2 Person 3 Person 41 Yes 2 No

B9 Sequence number of father of the surveyed person, living in the same household

Sequence number of father Person 1 Person 2 Person 3 Person 4

B10 Sequence number of mother of the surveyed person, living in the same household

Sequence number of mother Person 1 Person 2 Person 3 Person 4

B11 Date of birth

Date of birth Person 1 Person 2 Person 3 Person 4

B12 Birth year

Birth year Person 1 Person 2 Person 3 Person 4

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B13 Have you already had your birthday this year?

Person 1 Person 2 Person 3 Person 4

1 Yes (The date of birth falls in the period between the 01/01 and the date of the survey)

2 No (the date of birth falls in the period from the date of the survey till the 31/12)

B15 Born on the territory of the current CR?

Person 1 Person 2 Person 3 Person 4 1 Yes

2 No → B18

B16 Country of birth

Country of birth Person 1 Person 2 Person 3 Person 4

B17 Years of residence in the CR – please state the number of years

Years of residence Person 1 Person 2 Person 3 Person 4

B17 Are you a citizen of the Czech Republic?

Person 1 Person 2 Person 3 Person 41 Yes 2 No

B18 Citizenship

Citizenship Person 1 Person 2 Person 3 Person 4

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Economic activity of the individual

C1 Usual labour status

What is your usual labour status?

Person 1 Person 2 Person 3 Person 4 1 Carries out a job (including family ) 2 On maternity leave 3 On parental leave → D1 4 Unemployed → D1 5 In education (apprentice, student, other) → D1 6 In early retirement → D1 7 In retirement → D1 8 Fully disabled retiree (disability 3rd level) → D1 9 Partially disabled retiree (disability 1st and 2nd level) → D1

10 Permanently disabled → D1 11 Fulfilling domestic tasks → D1 12 Other → D1

C2 Professional status

Filtr: C1 = 1,2

What is you professional status in the main job?

Person 1 Person 2 Person 3 Person 4 1 Employee a 2 Self-employed with employees a 3 Self-employed without employees a 4 Member of producer cooperative a 5 Family worker a

C3 Full/part-time work

Filtr: C1 = 1,2

In your main or only job you work:

Person 1 Person 2 Person 3 Person 4 1 Full time (full working hours) 2 Part time (shorter working hours)

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C4 Economic activity - text

Filtr: C1 = 1,2

What is produced / which activities are performed in the place of your main job? (The type of activity is stated – if it is e.g. manufacturing, distribution, services etc. and the products produced, material processed etc.)


1 Person 1

2 Person 2

3 Person 3

4 Person 4 C5 CZ-NACE - code (please code only in the electronic questionnaire) Person 1 Person 2 Person 3 Person 4

1 By activity described 2 By the name of state institution

C6 CZ-NACE - code (please code only in the electronic questionnaire) C7 Occupation Filtr: C1 = 1,2

Which work do you do? The title of activity is stated (what concretely the person does in her job).


1 Person 1

2 Person 2

3 Person 3

4 Person 4 C8 - CZ-ISCO - code (please code only in the electronic questionnaire )

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C9 Number of workers Filtr: C2 = 1,2,4,5

How many persons work in your firm/institution? (referring to the whole company not its regional branch/workplace)

Person 1 Person 2 Person 3 Person 41 1 to 10 persons 2 11 to 19 persons 3 20 to 49 persons 4 50 to 249 persons 5 250 or more persons 6 No answer but 10 or more persons

C10 Year of job start

Filtr: C1 = 1,2

When did you start working in your current job? (please state the age of the person or the

year of the start)

Person 1 Person 2 Person 3 Person 4 Age of person or the year of start

Education D1 Highest ISCED What is your highest level of education or training completed?

Person 1 Person 2 Person 3 Person 4

1 No formal education, or the 1st stage of basic school not finished → D7

2 1st stage of basic school (1st five years of basic school) → D4

3 Basic/primary education (2nd stage of basic school, lower stages of “Gymnazium”) → D4

4 Secondary education with certificate of apprenticeship shorter than 2 years

5 Secondary education with certificate of apprenticeship 2 years or longer

6 Secondary education with “maturita” (a-level) examination – general or vocational

7 Secondary education (not specified)

8 Follow-up courses, post-secondary courses, multiple secondary education


Secondary education at courses for upper secondary graduates with certificate of apprenticeship

10 Higher technical education and higher education at conservatoires (DiS. degree awarded)

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11 University education – Bachelor (Bc. degree awarded)

12 University education – Master (degrees awarded: Mgr., Ing., RNDr., MUDr, JUDr.)

13 University education - Doctor (degrees awarded Ph.D., CSc., DrSc)

D2 Field of ISCED – text

Filtr: D1 >3

Please describe the field of the highest completed education or training.

Text Person 1 Person 2 Person 3 Person 4

D3 ISCED field - code (please code only in the electronic questionnaire ) D4 Year of completion Filtr: D1 >1

Year when the highest level of education or training was completed:

Person 1 Person 2 Person 3 Person 4

D5 Not completed education and training Filtr: D4 >1990

Did you ever start a level of education higher than the level of your completed education and did not complete it? (Started to study a higher level, but did not complete it, ended the education preliminarily before the successful passing of final examination)

Person 1 Person 2 Person 3 Person 4 1 YES 2 NO → D7

D6 Not completed ISCED Filtr: D5 =1

Which level of education did you start but not completed?

Person 1 Person 2 Person 3 Person 4

4 Secondary education with certificate of apprenticeship shorter than 2 years

5 Secondary education with certificate of apprenticeship 2 years or longer

6 Secondary education with “maturita” (a-level)

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examination – general or vocational

7 Secondary education (not specified)

8 Follow-up courses, post-secondary courses, multiple secondary education


Secondary education at courses for upper secondary graduates with certificate of apprenticeship

10 Higher technical education and higher education at conservatoires (DiS. degree awarded)

11 University education – Bachelor (Bc. degree awarded)

12 University education – Master (degrees awarded: Mgr., Ing., RNDr., MUDr, JUDr.)

13 University education - Doctor (degrees awarded Ph.D., CSc., DrSc)

Parental education D7 Education of father What is the highest level of education achieved by your father?

Person 1 Person 2 Person 3 Person 41 Primary 2 Secondary without “maturita” (a-level) exam 3 Secondary with “maturita” (a-level) exam 4 Tertiary (for ex. degrees Ing., Mgr., Bc., DiS...)

D8 Education of mother What is the highest level of education achieved by your mother?

Person 1 Person 2 Person 3 Person 41 Primary 2 Secondary without “maturita” (a-level) exam 3 Secondary with “maturita” (a-level) exam 4 Tertiary (for ex. degrees Ing., Mgr., Bc., DiS...)

Access to information about learning possibilities E1 Seeking information Last 12 months

Have you looked for any information concerning learning possibilities? (E.g. for the purpose of selecting the suitable learning activity, concerns all learning)

Person 1 Person 2 Person 3 Osoba 4 1 ANO 2 NE → F1

E2 Finding information Last 12 months

Filtr: E1 =1

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Did you find the information? Person 1 Person 2 Person 3 Person 4 1 YES 2 NO → F1

E3 Source of information Last 12 months Filtr: E2 =1

Where / from whom did you find information on learning activities? (MARK ALL THAT APPLY)

Person 1 Person 2 Person 3 Person 41 Internet

2 Member of the family, neighbour, work colleague, friend, acquaintance

3 Your employer

4 Guidance (or job agency) services (e.g. career guidance provider by employment service office)

5 An education or training institution (school, college, university, training centre)

6 Mass media (TV, radio, newspaper, magazines, posters)

7 Books 8 None of the sources above

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Formal education F1 Participation in formal education Last 12 months Have you been a student or apprentice in formal education?

Person 1 Person 2 Person 3 Person 4 1 YES 2 NO → G1

F2 Number of activities of for. educ. Last 12 months

Filtr: F1 =1

In how many formal education activities did you participate?

Person 1 Person 2 Person 3 Person 41 Number of activities

F3 Most recent formal education Last 12 months

Filtr: F1 =1

Please describe your most recent formal education (please focus on the field of education)


1 Person 1

2 Person 2

3 Person 3

4 Person 4 F4 Level of the most recent for. educ. Last 12 months

Filtr: F1 =1

What was the level of the most recent formal education?

Person 1 Person 2 Person 3 Person 4

2 1st stage of basic school (1st five years of basic school) → F7

3 Basic/primary education (2nd stage of basic school, lower stages of “Gymnazium”) → F7

4 Secondary education with certificate of apprenticeship shorter than 2 years

5 Secondary education with certificate of apprenticeship 2 years or longer

6 Secondary education with “maturita” (a-level) examination – general or vocational

7 Secondary education (not specified)

8 Follow-up courses, post-secondary courses, multiple secondary education

9 Secondary education at courses for upper secondary graduates with certificate of

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10 Higher technical education and higher education at conservatoires (DiS. degree awarded)

11 University education – Bachelor (Bc. degree awarded)

12 University education – Master (degrees awarded: Mgr., Ing., RNDr., MUDr, JUDr.)

13 University education - Doctor (degrees awarded Ph.D., CSc., DrSc)

F5 Code of the field of most recent formal education (please code only in the electronic questionnaire ) Filtr: F4 > 3 F7 Method of the most recent for. educ. Last 12 months

Filtr: F1 =1

Which of the following methods of learning was the main (most used) method in the most recent formal education activity?

Person 1 Person 2 Person 3 Person 41 Traditional teaching (e.g. classroom) 2 Distance learning using online or offline computer

3 Distance learning using traditional teaching materials (textbooks)

F8 Reason for participation in the most recent for. educ. Last 12 months

Filtr: F1 =1

Could you please specify the reasons important for your participation in the most recent formal education activity? (MARK ALL THAT APPLY)

Person 1 Person 2 Person 3 Person 41 To do my job better / improve carrier prospects 2 To be less likely to lose my job

3 To increase my possibilities of getting a job, or changing a job/profession

4 To start my own business 5 I was obliged to participate

6 To get knowledge/skills useful in my everyday life

7 To increase my knowledge/skills on a subject that interests me

8 To obtain a certificate (certificate of apprenticeship, maturita certificate, higher education degree...)

9 To meet new people/For fun 10 None of the reasons above

F9 Taking place of the most recent for. educ. Last 12 months Filtr: F1 =1

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When did this learning take place?

Person 1 Person 2 Person 3 Person 41 Only during paid working hours 2 Mostly during paid working hours 3 Mostly outside paid working hours 4 Only outside paid working hours 5 Not working at that time

F10 Number of weeks of the most recent for. educ. Last 12 months

Filtr: F1 =1

Please estimate the number of weeks in the last 12 months, when this learning took place. (Interviewer: It is possible to state the number of weeks and the number of instruction hours per week or it is possible to skip the number of weeks and state directly the aggregate number of hours for all weeks)

Person 1 Person 2 Person 3 Person 41 Number of weeks

F11 Number of hours per week of the most recent for. educ. Last 12 months Filtr: F10 >0 What was the average number of instruction hours per one week?

Person 1 Person 2 Person 3 Person 41 Number of hours per week

F12 Number of hours per year of the most recent for. educ. Last 12 months What was the total number of instruction hours for the last 12 months?

Person 1 Person 2 Person 3 Person 41 Number of hours per 12 months

F13 Payment for the most recent for. educ. Last 12 months Filtr: F1 =1

Please indicate, who paid the costs related to the study (tuition fees, registration, exam fees, expenses for books or technical study means): (Please state all who participated on the payment) (MARK ALL THAT APPLY)

Person 1 Person 2 Person 3 Person 4 1 Employer → F15 2 Public employment service / employment office → F15 3 Other public institutions → F15 4 A family member / relative 5 Yourself 6 None of the persons / services above → F15

F14 Amount of payment Last 12 months

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Filtr: F13 =4,5

How much did you personally (or your family member/relative) pay for tuition fees, registration, exam fees, expenses for books or technical study means necessary for the education activity? (Please state an amount in CZK)

Person 1 Person 2 Person 3 Person 41 Amount of payment

F15 Use of the skills Last 12 months

Filtr: F1 =1

How much have you used (or expect to use) the skills or knowledge that you acquired from this education activity?

Person 1 Person 2 Person 3 Person 41 Nearly 100% 2 A fair amount 3 Very little 4 Not at all

F16 Satisfaction Last 12 months Filtr: F1 =1

Are you satisfied with the education / training received for the most recent formal education?

Person 1 Person 2 Person 3 Person 4 1 YES → F18 2 NO

F17 Reason for dissatisfaction Last 12 months

Filtr: F16 =2

What are the reasons of not being satisfied? (MARK ALL THAT APPLY)

Person 1 Person 2 Person 3 Person 41 Low relevance / usefulness 2 Level of training too low 3 Level of training too high 4 Low quality of teaching

5 Organization of training (location, materials, classrooms etc.)

6 None of the reasons above F18 Outcome of skills Last 12 months

Filtr: F1 =1

Have the new skills/knowledge acquired through the most recent formal education activity helped you in any of the following ways? (MARK ALL THAT APPLY)

Person 1 Person 2 Person 3 Person 4

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1 Getting a (new) job 2 Promotion in the job 3 Higher salary / wages 4 New (interesting) tasks 5 Better performance in present job

6 Personal related reasons (meet interesting people, refresh your skills in general subjects etc. ...)

7 No outcomes yet 8 Not outcomes expected 9 None of the above

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Non-formal education

During the last 12 months have you participated in any of the following activities with the intention to improve your knowledge or skills? (in any area or field, including your hobbies and leisure activities, it concerns the non-formal education)

G1 Courses Last 12 months Courses (at the workplace or in your free time) Examples: language courses, computer courses, driving courses, management courses, cooking courses, gardening courses or painting courses)

Person 1 Person 2 Person 3 Person 41 YES 2 NO

G2 Workshops Last 12 months Workshops or seminars? (at the workplace or in your free time) Examples: health seminar, data workshop, woodcarving symposium, creative workshop

Person 1 Person 2 Person 3 Person 41 YES 2 NO

G3 Workplace learning Last 12 months Planned periods of education or instruction directly at the workplace, organised by the employer (with the aid of a colleague, employees of your firm/institution)? Example: Training to operate a new machine or to learn new software (for one or two persons – directly on their computers)

Person 1 Person 2 Person 3 Person 41 YES 2 NO

G4 Private lessons Last 12 months Private lessons with the aid of a professional teacher? (at the workplace or in your free time) Examples: mathematics, piano or English lessons. A lesson should be included only if provided by a professional teacher and excluded if provided by a friend, family member or colleague.

Person 1 Person 2 Person 3 Person 41 YES 2 NO

G5 Number of activities of non-formal educ. Last 12 months

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Filtr: G1 or G2 or G3 or G4 =1

In how many such non-formal education activities (courses, workshops, seminars, workplace training, private lessons) have you participated? (Repeated activities – e.g. regular weekly language course – count as one activity)

Person 1 Person 2 Person 3 Person 41 Number of activities

G6 Identification of activities of non-formal educ. Last 12 months Filtr: G5>0 Table – the overview of activities of non-formal education in the last 12 months Please describe for each person all non-formal education activities and code their type (1 - course, 2 - workshop, 3 - workplace learning, 4 - private lessons)

Identification of the activity Type of activity

1 Person 1

Identification of the activity Type of activity

2 Person 2

Identification of the activity Type of activity

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3 Person 3

Identification of the activity Type of activity

4 Person 4

G7 Last non-formal education activity Last 12 months Filtr: G5>0 Which of these activities did you do as the most recent? (The shortest time elapsed since the participation) (Please mark in tables to question G6 the most recent non-formal activity for each person) Execution of random selection of education activities for the next questions.

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Non-formal education – detail (please survey the randomly selected non-formal education activities)

G11 Main reason Last 12 months What was the main reason for participation in this activity?

Code 1 Mainly job related 1 2 Mainly personal/non-job related reasons 2

G12 ISCED field - code (please code only in the electronic questionnaire ) G13 Main method Last 12 months Filtr: Type of activity = 1,2,4 What was the main method of learning?

Code 1 Traditional teaching (e.g. classroom) 1 2 Distance learning using online or offline computer 2 3 Distance learning using traditional teaching material (textbooks) 3

G14 Reasons for participation Last 12 months Which of the following reasons were important for your participation in this education activity? (MARK ALL THAT APPLY)

Code 1 To do my job better/ and/or improve carrier prospects 1 2 To be less likely to lose my job 2 3 To increase my possibilities of getting a job, or changing a job/profession 3 4 To start my own business 4 5 I was obliged to participate 5 6 To get knowledge/skills useful in my everyday life 6 7 To increase my knowledge/skills on a subject that interests me 7 8 To obtain a certificate 8 9 To meet new people/For fun 9

10 None of the reasons above 10 G15 Time of taking place Last 12 months Filtr: Type of activity = 1,2,4 When did this learning take place?

Code 1 Only during paid working hours 1 2 Mostly during paid working hours 2 3 Mostly outside paid working hours 3 4 Only outside paid working hours 4 5 Not working at that time 5

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G16 Number of hours Last 12 months What was the total number of instruction hours of this learning (during the last 12 months)? (Please state the number of hours) G17 Provider Last 12 months Filtr: Type of activity = 1,2,4 Who was the provider of this education activity (who provided the expertise)?


1 Formal education institution (secondary school/university) 1

2 Non formal education and training institutions (e.g. language school, training institute, organisation providing further education) 2

3 Commercial institution where ET is not the main activity (e.g. equipment suppliers) 3 4 Employer 4 5 Employers’ organisations, chambers of commerce 5 6 Trade unions 6 7 Non-profit associations (e.g. cultural society, political party) 7 8 Individuals/private persons (e.g. students giving private lessons) 8

9 Non commercial institution where ET is not the main activity (e.g. libraries, museums, ministers) 9

10 None of the above 10 G18 Certificate Last 12 months Did you/ will you receive a special certificate (increasing qualification) from this learning?


1 Yes, required by the employer or a professional body or by law to carry out current or planned job/occupation 1

2 Yes, not required by the employer or a professional body or by law 2 3 No (acknowledgement of attendance or no acknowledgement) 3

G19 Payment of the non-formal educ. Last 12 months Filtr: Type of activity = 1,2,4 Please indicate which of the following cases describes the best the payment for costs related to this education activity? (tuition fees, registration, exam fees, expenses for books or technical study means necessary for the study)

Code 1 Fully paid by yourself 1 2 Partly paid by yourself and partly paid by somebody else 2 → G203 Fully paid by somebody else 3 → G20

4 You paid for the activity, but you do not know if this was in-full or in-part payment and if anybody else also paid for this activity 4

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G20 Payer Last 12 months Filtr: Type of activity = 1,2,4 Who paid for the costs related to this education activity? (tuition fees, registration, exam fees, expenses for books or technical study means necessary for the study etc. Please state all, who participated on the payment) (MARK ALL THAT APPLY)

Code 1 Employer 1 2 Public employment service / employment office 2 3 Other public institutions 3 4 A household member or a relative 4 5 None of the persons/services above 5

Verification for all activities (if more than 3 activities) G21 Work reasons Last 12 months Filtr: Number of activities >3, G11≠1 in none of the activities surveyed in detail Did you participate in any of the learning mainly for the job related reasons? (Concerns all courses, workshops and private lessons)

Person 1 Person 2 Person 3 Person 41 YES 2 NO

G22 Working time Last 12 months Filtr: Number of activities >3, G15≠1 in none of the activities surveyed in detail Did any learning in which you participated take place during paid working hours? (Concerns all courses, workshops and private lessons )

Person 1 Person 2 Person 3 Person 41 YES 2 NO

G23 Employer payment Last 12 months Filtr: Number of activities >3, G20≠1 1 in none of the activities surveyed in detail Did your employer pay for any of the learning? (Concerns all courses, workshops and private lessons)

Person 1 Person 2 Person 3 Person 41 YES 2 NO

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Difficulties and reasons for not participating H1 Difficulties Last 12 months Would you have liked to participate even more in learning activities? (more learning activities, alternatively any learning activity for those who did not participate)

Person 1 Person 2 Person 3 Person 4 1 YES → H4 2 NO

H2 Reasons for not participating Last 12 months

Filtr: H1=2 Were there any particular reasons that made you not want to participate (want to participate more) in learning activities? (MARK ALL THAT APPLY)

Person 1 Person 2 Person 3 Person 41 You did not have the prerequisites 2 Cost: training was too expensive 3 Lack of employer’s support

4 Lack of support on the side of public/state institutions

5 Training conflicted with work schedule/was organised at inconvenient time

6 Distance: Training took place at a distance hard to reach

7 No access to a computer or internet for distance learning

8 Family responsibilities: You did not have time due to family responsibilities

9 Your health or age 10 Other personal reasons 11 No suitable education or training activity 12 You do not need (further) education/training 13 Negative experience with past learning 14 None of the difficulties above

H3 Most important reason Last 12 months

Filtr: More answers in H2

Among the stated reasons, which was the most important? (Please mark the most important reason in table to question H2) (continue with question I1)

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H4 Type of difficulty Last 12 months

Filtr: H1=1

What type of difficulty complicating the participation in learning (which you eventually overcame) did you face before your participation in education/training? (MARK ALL THAT APPLY)

Person 1 Person 2 Person 3 Person 41 You did not have the prerequisites 2 Cost: training was too expensive 3 Lack of employer’s support

4 Lack of support on the side of public/state institutions

5 Training conflicted with work schedule/was organised at inconvenient time

6 Distance: Training took place at a distance hard to reach

7 No access to a computer or internet for distance learning

8 Family responsibilities: You did not have time due to family responsibilities

9 Your health or age 10 Other personal reasons 11 No suitable education or training activity 12 None of the difficulties above

H5 Most important type of activity Last 12 months

Filtr: More answers in H4

Which of the stated reasons was the most important? (Please mark in table to question H4 the most important reason)

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Informal learning I1 Participation in informal learning Last 12 months Other than the activities discussed earlier, have you deliberately tried to learn anything to improve your knowledge and skills (either at work or during your free time)?

Person 1 Person 2 Person 3 Person 4 1 YES 2 NO → I11

I2 Number of informal activities Last 12 months

Filtr: I1=1

How many of such activities have you tried?

Person 1 Person 2 Person 3 Person 41 One 2 Two and more

I3 Field - text Last 12 months

Filtr: I1=1

Please describe the field of the most recent informal learning activity


1 Person 1

2 Person 2

3 Person 3

4 Person 4 I4 Code of the field of 1st activity (please code only in the electronic questionnaire) I5 Purpose of the 1st activity Last 12 months

Filtr: I1=1

Purpose of the most recent informal learning activity

Person 1 Person 2 Person 3 Person 41 Mainly job related 2 Mainly personal/non-job related reasons

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I6 Method of the 1st activity Last 12 months Filtr: I1=1 What was the main source of information used in your most recent informal learning activity?

Person 1 Person 2 Person 3 Person 41 Family members, friends or colleagues

2 Using printed material (books, professional magazines, etc.)

3 Using computers (online or offline)

4 Through television/radio/video/CD

I7 Field - text Last 12 months

Filtr: I2=2

Please identify the field of the 2nd most recent informal learning activity


1 Person 2

2 Person 2

3 Person 3

4 Person 4 I8 Code of the field of 2nd activity (please code only in the electronic questionnaire ) Filtr: I2=2

I9 Purpose of the 2nd activity Last 12 months Filtr: I2=2

Purpose of the 2nd most recent informal learning activity

Person 1 Person 2 Person 3 Person 41 Mainly job related 2 Mainly personal/non-job related reasons

I10 Method of the 2nd activity Last 12 months Filtr: I2=2

What was the main source of information used in your 2nd most recent informal learning activity?

Person 1 Person 2 Person 3 Person 41 Family members, friends or colleagues

2 Using printed material (books, professional magazines, etc.)

3 Using computers (online or offline) 4 Through television/radio/video/CD

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Information and Communication Technologies I11 Computer skills Which of the following computer related activities have you already successfully carried out? (MARK ALL THAT APPLY)

Person 1 Person 2 Person 3 Person 41 Copying or moving a file or folder

2 Using copy and paste tools to duplicate or move information within a document

3 Using basic arithmetic formulas in a spreadsheet(for example in MS Excell)

4 Compressing (or zipping) files

5 Connecting and installing new devices, e.g. a printer or a modem


Transferring files between computer and other devices (from digital camera or from/to mobile phone, from PC to mp3 player etc.)

7 Creating electronic presentations with presentation software (e.g. PowerPoint)

8 Installing a new or replacing an old operating system

9 Writing a computer program using a specialised programming language

10 Never used a computer 11 None of the above

I12 Internet skills Which of the following internet activities have you already successfully carried out? (MARK ALL THAT APPLY)

Person 1 Person 2 Person 3 Person 4

1 Sending e-mails with attached files (documents, pictures, etc.)

2 Using a search engine to find information (e.g. Google, Seznam)

3 Posting messages to chatrooms, newsgroups or an online discussion forum

4 Using the Internet to make telephone calls

5 Using peer-to-peer file sharing for exchanging movies, music, etc

6 Creating a web page


Uploading text, games, images, films or music to websites (e.g. to websites for social networkingsuch as facebook, rajce, youtube etc.)

8 Modifying the security settings of internet browsers 9 Never used internet

10 None of the above

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Mother tongue J1 Mother tongue What is your mother tongue?

Person 1 Person 2 Person 3 Person 41 Czech 2 Slovak 3 English 4 Russian 5 German 6 French 7 Spanish 8 Polish 9 Roma

10 Other – please fill in: 10 Other – please fill in: 10 Other – please fill in: 10 Other – please fill in:

J2 Mother tongue 1 – code (please code only in the electronic questionnaire) J3 Mother tongue - yes/no

Do you have another mother tongue?

Person 1 Person 2 Person 3 Person 4 1 YES 2 NO → J6

J4 Mother tongue 2 Filtr: J3=1

Which is your second mother tongue?

Person 1 Person 2 Person 3 Person 41 Czech 2 Slovak 3 English 4 Russian 5 German 6 French 7 Spanish 8 Polish 9 Roma

10 Other – please fill in: 10 Other – please fill in: 10 Other – please fill in:

J5 Mother tongue 2 – code (please code only in the electronic questionnaire ) Filtr: J3=1

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Foreign languages

J6 Number of languages How many foreign languages do you speak? (Excluding your mother tongue/s)

1 Person 1 0→Κ1

2 Person 2 0→Κ1

3 Person 3 0→Κ1

4 Person 4 0→Κ1 J7 Languages - selection Filtr: J6>0

Which of the following languages can you use? (Excluding your mother tongue/s) (MARK ALL THAT APPLY)

Person 1 Person 2 Person 3 Person 41 English 2 Russian 3 German 4 French 5 Spanish 6 Polish 7 Italian 8 Other – please fill in: 8 Other – please fill in: 8 Other – please fill in: 8 Other – please fill in:

J8 Other languages Please list all the languages you can use (except those mentioned already above) (please code only in the electronic questionnaire)

J9 Best known language Filtr: J6>1

Which of the foreign languages mentioned before do you know the best? (excluding your mother tongue/s)

(Please mark in table to question J7)

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J10 Level of the knowledge of the language

Filtr: J6>0

Please choose which alternative best describes your knowledge about the first best known foreign language you mentioned above (excluding your mother tongue/s):

Person 1 Person 2 Person 3 Person 4


I can understand and use the most common everyday expressions. I use the language in relation to familiar things and situations


I can understand the essential of clear language and produce simple text. I can describe experiences and events and communicate fairly fluently


I can understand a wide range of demanding texts and use the language flexibly. I master the language almost completely

J11 2nd best known international language Filtr: J6>2

Which of the foreign languages mentioned before you know second best? (excluding your mother tongue/s)

1 Person 1

2 Person 2

3 Person 3

4 Person 4

J12 Level of the knowledge of the language

Filtr: J6>1

Please choose which alternative best describes your knowledge about the second best known foreign language you mentioned above (excluding your mother tongue/s):

Person 1 Person 2 Person 3 Person 4


I can understand and use the most common everyday expressions. I use the language in relation to familiar things and situations


I can understand the essential of clear language and produce simple text. I can describe experiences and events and communicate fairly fluently


I can understand a wide range of demanding texts and use the language flexibly. I master the language almost completely

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Cultural participation K1 Live performance Last 12 months How many times have you attended a live performance (plays, concerts, operas, ballet and dance performances...)?

Person 1 Person 2 Person 3 Person 41 One to six times 2 More than six times 3 Never

K2 Cinema Last 12 months How many times were you in the cinema?

Person 1 Person 2 Person 3 Person 41 One to six times 2 More than six times 3 Never

K3 Visit of the cultural site Last 12 months How many times did you visit a museum, exhibition, historical, archaeological or cultural site?

Person 1 Person 2 Person 3 Person 41 One to six times 2 More than six times 3 Never

K4 Sport events Last 12 months How many times have you attended a sport match/event (e.g. as audience in a stadium)?

Person 1 Person 2 Person 3 Person 41 One to six times 2 More than six times 3 Never

K5 Newspapers Last 12 months How often did you read newspapers (papers or internet)?

Person 1 Person 2 Person 3 Person 41 Every day or almost every day 2 1-4 days a week 3 At least once a month (but not every week) 4 Less than once a month 5 Never

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K6 Book Last 12 months Did you read a book as a leisure activity?

Person 1 Person 2 Person 3 Person 41 YES 2 NO

K7 Number of books Last 12 months

Filtr: K6=1 How many books did you read?

Person 1 Person 2 Person 3 Person 41 less than 5 2 5 to 9 3 more than 10

End of questionnaire on individual

Questions on households - income

L1 Amount of income Please state the total net monthly income of your household. Household income

L2 Income category Filtr: L1= not filled Please try to estimate, what is the total net monthly income of your household. Choose one of the possibilities offered:.

1 Up to 7 000 CZK 2 7 001 to 12 000 CZK 3 12 001 to 16 000 CZK 4 16 001 to 20 000 CZK 5 20 001 to 23 000 CZK 6 23 001 to 28 000 CZK 7 28 001 to 33 000 CZK 8 33 001 to 40 000 CZK 9 40 001 to 50 000 CZK

10 50 001 CZK and more