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Audience feedback
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Page 1: Aduience feedback

Audience feedback

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We created a Facebook page for GR Productions, this allowed us to share our video with all of our friends on Facebook. We noticed that after we had posted our video on Facebook, the views of our went up.

We also had people ‘Liking’ our video, which is positive encouraging feedback

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Here are some comments that people left about our video...

We created a twitter account so that we could use social networking to distribute our video.

After watching our video more people started to follow our account. This showed that they are interested in our video and anything that we possibly have to come. Here are some people that are following us...

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We posted our finished video to YouTube, this allows other people to watch it and gives them the opportunity to leave some feedback.

We named our video ‘A2 media Jessie J music video JCA’ this means that if you search ‘Jessie J music video’ our video will be amongst the results which makes our video easier to find.

We had 96 views for our video

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I created a survey using an online programme called Survey Monkey. This survey is to help us to get some feedback about our video, creating a survey helps the feedback to be more specific and detailed as we are guiding the audience by asking about specific aspects of our video.Survey Monkey allows people to leave anonymous feedback, because of this I think that peoples feedback is more honest as we cannot tell who is saying it.

We got 3 positive comments about our video, this is really positive feedback. Two things that people commented on were how current it was and how well we have recreated the original well.

We asked people to rate our video out of 5. Two people voted our video at a 4 and one person voted it at a 5. This is really positive and allowed us to work out an average rating of 4.3

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Everyone thought that our video had a clear story line. This is positive feedback as it means that we created clear narrative and acted out the story line clearly meaning that it is easy to understand and follow.

Everyone thought that the video suits the lyrics perfectly. This is something that we aimed for, we planned the action around the lyrics, for example at the lyrics ‘pull my hair and pus away my chair’ we had the bully doing these actions as they were being sung.

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Everyone thought that our video matches the genre of pop. We did a lot of research into the genre before we started filming, this was to help us to create a authentic pop music video. Also because we recreated the original Jessie J video our video was always going to fit the genre.

I asked this question as a comment question so that I can get a more detailed answer about what people specifically like about the video. Two three things that stood out that people liked are the miming of Olivia, the acting in the classroom scene and how we managed to recreate the original.

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This question is to help me to pick out aspects of our video that we could improve on if we were too make the video again and also things to think of in future video projects. It was suggested that we could add more narrative to video. I agree with this suggestion, again this is caused by Olivia leaving.

All of the comments are referring to the end section of the video where there is a large chunk of Olivia performing. This is something that we also picked up on and thought that we could change, however because of Olivia leaving our group before we had finished filming, we could not film any new footage to break this chunk up.

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Everyone thought that we have used a variety of shot types. In my research before filming I had researched and analysed a lot of current pop music videos, looking at the angles and sot types used to ensure that we included a variety and also the appropriate ones to fit the genre.