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ENTERTAINMENT CAREER CONNECTION “RECORDING, RADIO, FILM CONNECTION” INTERVIEW WITH: BRIAN KRAFT TAPE#: N/A JULY 15, 2010 TRANSCRIBED BY SAY IT BACK (RS) Q : Okay are there? [00:00:04] BRIAN KRAFT : I’m here. Q : Perfect. So I guess you got the questions I sent you, right? [00:00:11] BRIAN KRAFT : Yeah but I honestly didn’t read em. Q : Yeah, not a problem, okay. So first one is, let’s talk some about some of those insinuations we see on the net that, you know, recording connection or radio connection or film connection is a scam. What’s your first reaction to those?

Addressing the Recording Connection Scam

Apr 10, 2015



Don't believe it if someone tells you about the so-called Recording Connection scam.
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Page 1: Addressing the Recording Connection Scam


Q : Okay are there?


BRIAN KRAFT : I’m here.

Q : Perfect. So I guess you got the questions I sent you,



BRIAN KRAFT : Yeah but I honestly didn’t read em.

Q : Yeah, not a problem, okay. So first one is, let’s talk

some about some of those insinuations we see on the net that, you

know, recording connection or radio connection or film connection

is a scam. What’s your first reaction to those?


BRIAN KRAFT : Well, unfortunately, we live in the age of

uber technology and while the Internet is a wonderful thing for a

variety of reasons, um, it also is -- it can be a very damaging

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thing to, you know, entrepreneurs, business owners, business --

businesses, um, schools, organizations, etcetera.


And, you know, we all have -- I think many of us have experienced

this in one form or the other. I mean all over the radio now you

have ads for companies that manage your reputation, um, and

there’s a reason for that. The reason is because a lot of these,

uh, a lot of people can get on the Internet and say whatever they

wanna say. [LAUGHS]


Um, the computer, the laptop and the desktop, have given the

common person, the average person, um, a lot of power, the power

of words. And that’s a good thing. I’m definitely a fan of

that; I’m a proponent of that. However, um, how does the

Internet filter false complaints?


I mean each and every one of us, whether we’re a business owner

or just a private citizen and a business owner or even public

figures and famous people and non famous people, all of us, we’ve

all been at one time in our life, probably more than once,

subject to, um, you know, false claims about us. Whether it be

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an ex-girlfriend or an ex-boyfriend or an ex-wife or an ex-

husband or a parent, or, you know, someone who’s upset with us

because they didn’t feel they got treated right, that’s fine and

it’s important that people voice their opinions.


But there are two sides to every story. Is recording connection,

radio connection and film connection a scam? Absolutely not.

You know, I’m a man of integrity. I would never be a part of

anything that was a scam. We’ve made -- I would say honestly --

if you look at our student body, I would say nine -- I could

honestly say 90 percent of our student body and graduates are

happy with the education they received with the radio, recording

and film connection programs -- 90 percent.


Ten percent -- then there’s ten percent who are unhappy. Now

five to six percent of those people are unhappy for their own

reasons. They wanted to finish the program but they couldn’t

because they got a divorce. Or they got sick or they had to

move. Okay so now we’re at 95 percent and then there’s five

percent who are unhappy with us and I would say two and a half

out of that five percent have actually really good reasons.

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No company’s perfect, no school is perfect. But we do do our

best to make sure that each and every one of them get what they

paid for, get what they deserve.

Q : Okay.


BRIAN KRAFT : I’m not sure if I answered your question

directly but --

Q : That was a good answer. And you kind of like actually

answered question two in a way, too. But just to kinda like go

back, I know you’ve probably perused a few of these Internet

posts. Did anything leap out at you, I mean as a source or

something? I mean it -- to me the analogy is a postal, you know,

worker going postal.


BRIAN KRAFT : Well here’s the interesting thing about the

Internet and the complaints about recording, radio or film

connection on the Internet. I, yes, I’ve seen many of the

complaints on the Internet. Um, and I will honestly tell you

that many of them -- many of them -- are from people who have

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never ever transacted business with us. They’ve never done

business, they’ve never come to our school, they’ve never

attended any of our classes. Um, and or --

Q : And I assume they never paid you any money as well?


BRIAN KRAFT : They never paid us a dime. So in other

words, these are people who visited -- who -- who may have

visited our school like on an orientation day and decided not to

do the program. And then went home and wrote a complaint about

us. Or it’s someone -- could be someone who never ever has even

visited an orientation but just has an axe to grind with life.


Or I have seen complaints, um, from anonymous people on the

Internet that I have no idea what their gripe is. They’re just

seeming -- sitting behind their computer and complaining. And

then finally I’ve seen complaints from former employees who, you

know, don’t work for the school anymore. So I would caution

parents and students when they see negative complaint about any

company on the Internet to take it with a grain of salt.

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Um, to do your own research. Um, don’t always believe what you

read because some person sitting behind their, uh, computer

posted a negative response. Now having said that, if you peruse

the Internet you’ll see overwhelmingly there’s more positive

reviews than there are negative reviews. But you asked about the

negative and so there you have it.

Q : Okay. What would you -- you know, obviously I think

that students going into your programs dream of being successful.

Do you guarantee that they have success?


BRIAN KRAFT : Absolutely not. In fact, I would, um,

absolutely not. What we do say, in fact, is this is going to be

a very difficult process. What they’re trying to achieve is

extraordinary. Let me be clear on that. People who want to make

it in the music business, the recording business, the film

business, the acting world, the radio broadcasting world -- and

remember, 80 to 90 percent of the people that come to us, they

don’t wanna just make it in those fields, they wanna be the

Howard Sterns, the Colin Cowherds, the, um, the Rush Limbaughs.

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They wanna be the Puff Daddys, the -- they wanna not only make it

in these careers but they wanna be at the top of their pyramid or

the top of that career period -- pyramid, excuse me. So the

chances of them making it are -- are slim. I’ll be honest, and

we tell them that right from the first phone call. We say to

them, what you are about to embark on is extremely -- is going to

be extremely difficult, extremely challenging.


We do not guarantee success to anyone. What we guarantee them is

the opportunity to sit in front of and to learn from one on one

from a person who could, if the student does everything in their

power to be successful, then that -- they -- they have positioned

themselves properly in front of someone who could change their

lives. That’s what we say.

Q : Okay so basically you provide the opportunity but it’s

up to the student to provide the effort and the passion and --

and then utilize that opportunity and seize it?


BRIAN KRAFT : That’s correct. Look, it’s very simple. Let

me us an analogy that a lot of people will understand. If you

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wanna be a famous basketball player, right, and there are many

kids out there who want that.

Q : Right.


BRIAN KRAFT : They -- and I -- and I’m over here saying let

me set you up with a scrimmage in front of Pat Riley and Phil

Jackson. Or I can set you up and you can go to school for

basketball and play in front of nobody whose making their living

in the NBA. Which school would you rather go to? You would much

rather play in front of Pat Riley and Phil Jackson because if

you’re good enough, if you’re hard working enough, Phil Jackson

and Pat Riley will notice that and they’re connected enough to

get you into the NBA.

Q : Okay.


BRIAN KRAFT : In school, the scrimmage example can never

get you into the M-- NBA because it’s filled with people who

aren’t making their living in the NBA. Does that make sense?

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Q : Absolutely that’s a -- nah, I think that’s a great way

to put it and even -- and so you provide the opportunity to play

in front of Phil Jackson or Pat Riley. But if you don’t have

game, if you don’t have size, if you don’t have effort, you’re

gonna lose the opportunity. It’s gonna be meaningless. But if

you have those, now you’ve gone someplace. You have -- you’ve

certainly bettered your chances.


BRIAN KRAFT : That’s absolutely correct. Now let me give

one more analogy because sometimes the baskul-- basketball

analogy may confuse people. In addition to that, let’s add one

more analogy. Let’s talk about the business analogy. Let’s say

you want to be -- one day you would like to be a successful

entrepreneur, a successful businessman or woman. If I could tell

you that you could tomorrow be working as an apprentice [COUGH

SOUND] inside Donald Trump’s company or instead you could go to a

college, community college or a trade school or a vocational

school and learn real estate, where would you rather go?


Where would your parents rather you go? Where would any parent

ra-- have their kid go? Which would the parent choose? Would

they choose for their son or daughter to apprentice under Donald

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Trump, a man who’s done it, who’s proven himself to be successful

or would they choose to send their kid to Real Estate College on

a campus to learn from an instructor who may be a very good

person and a -- a great Father, a great, you know, a great

husband. But he’s not successful in real estate. If he were,

you can bet he wouldn’t be teaching at that college campus.

Q : Okay.


BRIAN KRAFT : What our school does is our school provides

the opportunity to show your stuff while you’re learning one on

one from an industry professional.

Q : Perfect. Okay, let’s talk briefly about your role at

Entertainment Connection which is film and radio and recording



Q : You started as a mentor. So, you kind of came in like

any successful businessman. You kind of started at the bottom

and worked your way up. And I think along the way because of

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that knowledge of being there, doing it, you probably also, you

know, have helped improve the programs. So -- [OVERLAP]


BRIAN KRAFT : I did start as -- go ahead.

Q : I’m sorry. So, take us through that, I guess, that



BRIAN KRAFT : I did start off as a mentor. I’m a -- a

professional documentary filmmaker. I’ve made four professional

documentary films. My latest film which I just completed last

year is called The Fall of America and the Western World, um,

which is a ten part, ten hour documentary about the economic

collapse of 2008, um, and the ongoing economic troubles of not

only America but of, um, the Western World, Western civilization.


Um, this documentary that I made, by the way, you know, features

extremely notable people. Uh, Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, the Father

of Reaganomics, is in it. Um, the imminent economist, Doug Casey

is in it. Um, Professor Mark Crispin Miller of NYU, New York

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University, is in it. Best selling New York Times author, Naomi

Wolf is in it. Um, so I know what it is to make movies.


I’ve, like I said, made four professional ones, uh, thus far. I

-- as much as I am a filmmaker, I’m also and have always been

obsessed with education. I love education. Um, I spend

countless hours every day educating myself. I’m a veracious

reader. I loved school. I was a geek. I loved school.


I remember each and every one of my favorite teachers, and the

reason I love those teachers, um, was because they were great

mentors to me. I’ve always been engaged and encouraged and

intrigued by the idea of mentors. So, in addition to being a

filmmaker, I always wanted to be a mentor and I was a film

connection mentor to start. I mentored students.


Um, I helped students with their screen plays. I helped students

with their, um, making their films. I helped students, um, break

into the film business, and that’s how I got started with the

film connection from sort of the bottom up. I was a mentor.

And, uh, and, yeah, and after, uh, doing that for four years, um,

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I realized there was a side of me that wasn’t being, um, said, as

it were. And, uh, that side of me was I’ve -- I love business.


I love the i-- the challenge of perfecting or trying to perfect a

business. From making a business not only successful but to make

a business, um, you know a proud member of community, to make a

business interesting in the community. Um, and so, the marriage

between being a mentor, a filmmaker, and a businessman, you know,

really appealed to me. And five years ago, I became the Chief of

Operations at the Film Recording and Radio Connection, and, uh,

and that’s my story.

Q : Okay, here’s a statement. From what I gathered just in

my own personal experiences, if you’re mentored by someone,

you’re going down the path of being an entrepreneur and self

sufficient whereas if you go to school, you’re learning how to be

an employee. Do you think that’s kind of a fair statement?


BRIAN KRAFT : I’m sorry. Say that again.

Q : Mentoring kind of develops entrepreneurs, self

sufficient people, whereas going to school kind of puts you as an


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BRIAN KRAFT : I think that, uh, I haven’t heard that

before, but I really do like that. Um, school is a part and when

we -- when we talk about school, I think it’s important we should

make note we’re talking about higher education right now. We’re

talking about college. We’re talking about universities, trade

schools, vocational schools, technical schools, things like that.

Um, those kinds of schools, of course, they have merits.


Yes, but those kinds of schools do indeed promote the heard

mentality, absolutely. They put you in a room with twenty,

thirty, forty, fifty -- sometimes I’ve seen a hundred people, one

teacher and an aide teaching a hundred people or twenty people or

thirty people.

Q : Per class [OVERLAP] per class, right?


BRIAN KRAFT : Per class, exactly. Now, this is all well

and good. I’m not saying you’re not going to learn anything.

You’re gonna learn something. I went to college. I learned. I

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loved some of my lecture classes. I learned a whole bunch about

history from lecture class, and politics and they’re great.

They’re wonderful, and the teachers are great if you -- if you’re

lucky to get a good one. What we’re saying, though, is how does

that help you get a job?


How does that help you access your dream career? It doesn’t.

The answer, folks, is it doesn’t. It doesn’t help you with that,

and I think this is a huge problem with the American and, you

know, the world education system. The idea that college is the

best way to break into a chosen field, I think, is going the way

of the dodo bird meaning it’s going extinct.


I really believe that. We’ve got too many colleges with too many

students who are all then graduating at the exact same time every

year, by the way, and all then going out and competing for the

same jobs. How could that -- just do the Math. How could that

possibly work to get people employed in the careers they want to

be employed in?


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The answer is it can’t work. It doesn’t work. Parents know it

don’t -- doesn’t work. Students know it doesn’t work, and most

of all, graduates of these prestigious colleges and universities

and -- and -- and -- and technical trade school and vocational

schools know that it doesn’t work. They’re the ones who right

now are sitting at home with a meaningless piece of paper called

a degree waiting, uh, to -- a few hours before they go to their

shift at the bar or the restaurant where they’re a waiter or a



These are the people who are suffering. There are the people who

are suffering under this system in which we go and educate our

children or ourselves in classrooms of fifty to one hundred

people. I’m saying this is no longer valid, okay? It’s very

important that, though, that I’m -- that people hear what I’m

saying. I’m not saying don’t go to college. If you want to get

educated because you love to read and you love to write papers

and you’re just hungry for knowledge, if you’re one of those rare

few, absolutely go to college.


Or if you need to get a degree where degrees matter like law and

medicine, absolutely go to college. But if you’re looking to be

a filmmaker, if you’re looking to be a radio broadcaster, if

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you’re looking to be a, um, audio engineer or a music producer,

it you’re looking to get into graphic design, if you’re looking

to be a photographer, if you’re even looking to get into cul--

the culinary arts, I would suggest a different path than

traditional college or a technical trade school.


I would suggest you find yourself a mentor, pay that mentor

money, [LAUGHS] and have that mentor teach you one on one.

That’s the best way to learn anything.

Q : Is it -- do you think it’s a fair statement that it’s

also -- you probably get a bigger bang for the buck that way?


BRIAN KRAFT : You absolutely get a bigger bang for the buck

that way. Let me add one thing to what I’m saying. For parents

out there who’ve always had their -- their -- their heart set on

their child going to college or the person who’s now, right now,

reading this thinking yeah, but I need to learn how to cook or I

need to learn how to cut hair ‘cause that’s what you’ve always

wanted to do. Okay, I got news for you. Then go to college and

learn those skills. But in addition to that, if you want to be

employable when you’re out of that school, get a mentor.

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Now, while you’re in school, I would love it if every college

student on the planet right now, while they’re attending classes

at USC, UCLA, or any other -- or any trade school of The

University of Phoenix or DeVry Institute or Vidal Sassoon or --

or CIA, the culinary place. I would love if while they’re in

class doing what they’re doing, they came to me and let me

introduce them to a mentor in the business who’s making a living

doing what they want to do.


And do it in tandem with the regular education. That’s one group

of people. Then there’s another group of people, a second group

of people and I would say to those people, if you don’t want to

go to college or you can’t afford to go to college -- this is

another big one now days. You can’t afford college. Then let me

get you a mentor. Let me help you get a mentor. That’s what we

do at Radio Recording and Film Connection and ECC. We connect

people. Now, could I, Mike, can I say one thing?

Q : Sure.


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BRIAN KRAFT : Someone just walked into my office. I forgot

I had this appointment. Is there any way we -- I can call -- we

can start again in a half hour or are you busy?

Q : I’m gonna be gone but I can get back to you like maybe

either one or about four?


BRIAN KRAFT : Perfect, one o’clock is perfect.

Q : Okay, we’ll try for one. Does four work as a backup?


BRIAN KRAFT : One is better but four could work. Yes, I


Q : No, no problem. I just wanna make sure I download this

before [LAUGHS] before we do the other one or it’ll zap

over and I’m running a little bit tight.


BRIAN KRAFT : Okay, that was -- that was -- was that good


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Q : Yeah, yeah, and maybe 1:30 -- if 1:30 is good, that

would work, too, probably better.


BRIAN KRAFT : Okay, 1:30 is fine.

Q : Perfect, see you then.


BRIAN KRAFT : Alright, Buddy.

Q : Bye.





Q : OK. There's -- there's an old saying, “Imitation is

the sincerest form of flattery.” I think that there's a certain

amount of that that applies, you know? What would you say?


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BRIAN KRAFT : There's no doubt that -- there's no doubt

that the Radio, Connection, Recording Connection, Film Connection

has imitators. But to be honest, um, you know -- well, you know

I got to stop for a second. To be ho- -- who is imitating us?

We've got one guy.

Q : Well -- well we've had -- there have been people who

haven't made it cause they didn't understand how much work it

was. Maybe that's the angle. Cause we had to learn by doing,

and --



Q : Well, you know, there's -- there's been a few others

that have come and gone. Um, cause it's a long --


BRIAN KRAFT : Well I would say this. I would just say

this. Um, right now as it stands, uh, students have really two

decisions -- uh, two choices I should say. Not decisions.

Students have two choices. One -- they could go to a traditional

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university or technical trade locational school. Or two -- they

can come to the Radio, Recording, or Film Connection. We have

had imitators in the past.


People who, um, tried to do what we do. But the reality is all

of those companies at this point in 2010 have fallen by the

wayside and have not been successful. They have all gone out of

business. The reason for that is simple. No other mentor

apprentice program has the connections that Radio, Recording, and

Film Connection has. This business -- this school has been in

business for 26 years.


Twenty six years we've been building contact in the industry.

And at this point in time -- in 2010 we have some of the biggest

names in music, broadcasting, and film serving as mentors for our



Tim Palmer is a music producer, audio engineer and mixer for U2

-- for Pearl Jam. In fact he mixed Pearl Jam's most successful

record “Ten,” which sold I don't know -- somewhere upwards of 20

million copies. Um, you might want to check the math on that.

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David Bowie -- the Cure -- now this is the guy who works --

remember -- I've said produces and mixes and audio engineers for

U2, the Cure, Tears for Fears, David Bowie, Pearl Jam.


We also have as a mentor for our program a gentleman named Warren

Hewart who mixes -- produces for the band Korn. Who has

composed, mixed and produced for hit T.V. shows like “Grays

Anatomy.” Um, we have mentors in film.


Like Alex Colesian who was the creator, along with Matt Damon and

Ben Affleck of the famous -- infamous reality show, uh, “Project

Green Light.” Basically started reality T.V. ten years ago.

He's a mentor from our program. We have radio mentors at major

stations all over the U.S.


That means that you will get to go into a radio station and

literally learn one on one under people who are on the air for

big radio stations -- Cumulus, Clear Channel, Beasley, CBS. So

our mentors I think speak who we -- the company we keep I think

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speaks volumes. The people who teach for us -- who are our



Would they be working for us -- working with us if we were a

scam. No. The que- -- the answer is no. They would not be.

Q : Right. And you're -- you're also a -- a member of

some, you know, just basically industry associations and stuff.

I -- I -- I think they're quite numerous -- all those

affiliations --


BRIAN KRAFT : We are fully accredited mentor apprentice

program. Fully accredited with the USDAAS, the NPSAA, MENC M-E-

N-C. We are endorsed by the American Music Producer's Union, by

the Audio Engineering Society, the AES. Um, all in all to date

we have over 12 accreditations and sponsorships, um, from both

non-profit and, uh, for profit accreditation agencies.

Q : OK. Cool. Now do we want to talk about the BBB at all

or just leave that out?


BRIAN KRAFT : Sure. I'll talk about it.

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Q : OK. Um, so what do you -- what do you say to people

who go, “What -- uh, we -- your -- your grade isn't very good

with the Better Business Bureau? Um, you know -- w-what's the

deal with that?


BRIAN KRAFT : It's an unfortunate scenario. Um, the Better

Business Bureau as most Americans are finding out here in 2010 is

not what it used to be. Uh, the B-B-B, much to my chagrin, and

much to my dismay -- much to my surprise is a -- not a government

organization at all. But a for profit telemarketing company that

literally sells memberships.


What they do is they call business owners -- small, medium, and

large sizes. And they offer them a membership at a price. If

you pay some -- depending on the size you pay between $400.00 and

I think $10,000 per year to be a member of the B-B-B. Anybody

who pays -- anybody who pays receives an A grade.


Let's not mince words. I just said if you pay them, you receive

an A grade. If you pay them and receive complaints from

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consumers, they are more lenient on you and your complaints than

if you are not a member.


So what you have -- if you have prestigious well known and

celebrated companies who have -- who are not members -- who have

maybe one to ten complaints, who have F ratings. One of those

companies -- I think most of your readers have heard of it. It's

called Starbucks. That's right -- Starbucks coffee is not a

member of the B-B-B.


Meaning Starbucks has refused to pay the Better Business Bureau

for a grade. And has an F -- an F rating. Um, now Verizon

Wireless is a member. They do choose to pay the Better Business

Bureau thousands of dollars every year. They have an A grade and

they have over 1,000 complaints.


The Better Business Bureau is not a government organization.

It's not what you think it is. Um, and it's not to be trusted.

Moreover, the Better Business Bureau does nothing to help

consumers get clear -- well, you know what? I don't want to get

into it too much.

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Q : Yeah. Uh, here -- here's the question. Here's the

question then that -- that I think will wrap this up. Um, so

when you -- when you did get this grade from the Better Business

Bureau, did you try and contact them, and -- and -- and -- and

see what you could do to improve you grade?


BRIAN KRAFT : So when we first received a grade that was

lower than a B with the Better Business Bureau, the, um, chief of

opera- -- uh, I'm sorry.


The Chief Executive Officer, James Petula, did contact the B-B-B

to say, “Hey. We're surprised at this grade. What -- what can

we do to better our grade?” And we got in touch with a gentleman

over there by the name of Gary Allman, and unfortunately the

conversation degraded into, um, you know, an argument.


Now I think it's important to state that since we've done further

research, it seems like Mr. Gary Allman likes to pick fights with

a lot of businesses. We're not alone. And so yeah, we did reach

out to them. We did try and get clarity on why we had -- at the

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time it was a C grade. After the argument on the phone, the very

next week our grade was lowered to a D. And then eventually an F



And we are currently in a -- in litigation proceedings, uh, in

Cal- -- California Superior Court fighting the F rating. I

should point out that many companies across the United States are

currently suing the B-B-B for the exact same reason. There are

law suits in Las Vegas, New Mexico, um, and other cities and

states that, um, where -- where the B-B-B has been, um, put on --

put on trial.

Q : OK. And I noticed that they -- they seem to have

misclassified what you do as a business. Have -- have you like

tried to you know, get 'em -- schedule a meeting and -- or invite

them to your place to go over what you guys do?


BRIAN KRAFT : Well, that's the other thing. Is the Better

Business Bureau, um, also has no idea what we actually do. Now

think about this. They have no idea what we actually do. They

think we are something else. They think we are a job placement

service. No where on our web site or on any of our literature

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does it mention anything about a job -- being a job placement

service like an Apple One.


Um, so they don't know what we do. We pointed this out to the

Better Business Bureau. Invited the Better Business Bureau --

president or vice president or any of his employees to come down

to our office to see what it is we do. To explain what it is we

do. And they refused to talk to us. So the Better Business

Bureau -- a Company -- private, for profit company that is

grading companies refuses to talk to the very companies they are



Think about this. This is like a teacher in a college classroom

or a high school class room who hands out an F grade, and then

refuses to talk to the student that she's handing the F grade out

to. Absolute insanity.

Q : And that actually sounds like hands out the F grade

without even reading the paper.

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BRIAN KRAFT : That's right. That's right.

Q : OK. OK. Um, OK, let's -- let's shift gears and, um,

you want to do some -- some of the Wiki stuff?


Q : Um, let's see, uh, we -- we talked earlier about --


BRIAN KRAFT : Can we talk about -- can we talk about the --

should we talk a little bit more about the company, or you got


Q : I think we've got -- I think we're pretty good. Um,

you know, if -- if we need more I think we can always fill it in.



Q : OK? But I mean between the first one and this one I

think -- I think we're pretty good.


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Q : Well, you -- you -- you discuss quite a bit, you know,

about the mentor apprentice method and how you got involved with

it. But now for your Wiki, um, where do you want to take the

mentor apprentice, uh, method of teaching, and -- and you know,

careers and stuff?


BRIAN KRAFT : So it is my stated, um, intention -- my

mission in life, to bring the mentor apprentice approach to

learning. Uh, to wor-- to the world. Um, right now, um -- well,

let me just say it this way. It is my mission in life to make

sure that every high school student -- that every graduate of

high school -- that every college student, and as many adults as

I can get -- um, I want to get them all mentors.


Everybody on the planet needs a mentor. One at least. Three or

four ain't bad either. Let me explain. The only way you can get

where you want to -- not the only way. But one of the best ways

to get where you want to get in life is to find yourself a

mentor. To pay that mentor to help you -- to educate you. Why

do I say pay?

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A lot of people -- not a lot of people, but some people might

have a problem with that. Well, why do I have to pay a mentor?

Aren't mentors -- don't mentors do it for free? Don't mentors do

things from the kindness of their heart? The answer is yes and

no. Yes mentors do things from the kindness of their heart.


Yes mentors do this because they want to teach, and give back.

And explain their crafts to some willing apprentice -- yes. But

what's wrong with paying them? When you pay someone to help you,

you're assured a certain amount of feedback -- of time, of

education with that person. We pay for food. Nobody has a

problem with that. I mean, you know, couldn't we argue that the

food companies are morally obligated or ethically obligated to

provide food for free to us?


Um, uh, in my opinion where we -- what -- what I would like to --

well, let me say it this way. I would like to see every student

in high school have a mentor. What kind of mentor? Well, one at

least -- two would be perfect. That's my motto. One at least.

Two would be perfect. What is the one? The one at least is a

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career mentor. High school students while they're in 11th and

12th grade -- right -- juniors or -- or seniors in high school.


While they're taking their classes, and they're doing whatever

there is that they're doing. Whether they're surfers or baseball

players or basketball players. Or they're into music. And

they're into a band. Or they're a D.J., or they're smoking pot.

Whatever they're doing -- in addition to their regular studies, I

believe their parents should pay a small fee to get that kid a

career mentor.


How do you do that? You first and foremost ask the kid what it

is he or she thinks they want to do when they graduate -- right?

And then you get that kid exposed. That student exposed once or

twice per week to whatever that student wants to do. So for

example, let's say you have a kid who's in a rock band.


Right? That's what he does when he's not in high school. Well,

wouldn't it just be amazing if we could get that child -- that

student a mentor in the recording business? Or a music executive

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to mentor them. Someone who's in A and R. Those are the people

who sign record acts -- or music acts when they're -- if they're

good enough.


What if a child or a student said to you “I want to -- I know

what I want to do. I'm in 11th grade, but I -- I know what I

want to do. I want to be a chef. Well, imagine in addition to

going to regular school, once or twice a week they also went to a

restaurant there in their local town or city. And they

apprentice under an actual chef once or twice per week? And

learn the ropes of the restaurant business. I could go on with

the example. But you see where I'm going with this.

Q : Um-hum.


BRIAN KRAFT : It would be an amazing experience. You would

first and foremost expose people to -- young people to the -- to,

um, to the -- to the workforce. You might even save yourself and

your family a whole lot of money should that student decide that

college is not for them. They know what they want to do. Now

that brings me to my next point. Let's say you absolutely as a

parent want your child to go to college -- a degree is important

to you. You must -- they want.

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You want them to go to the best college they can get into and get

that -- put their four years in and get that piece of paper.

Great. I want to be -- make very clear. I am a fan of higher

learning. I love university. I love col- -- college. This is

not excluding universities. If you want your child to go to

school, or if you're a student reading this and you want to go to

school -- go to school. Absolutely. Take your electives.


Take your history classes, and your math classes. Learn as much

as you can about economics and business or -- or the fun things.

You know -- whatever -- what's another example, Mike? Um, like,

uh, taking college.

Q : Um, let's see -- um, drama.


BRIAN KRAFT : Whatever -- drama and politics. And take

your music classes and your broadc- -- I mean acting classes.

Like you said -- drama. Take your fashion classes. Go be a

fashion -- take classes for fashion --

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Q : Yeah. Physics -- Chemistry -- yeah.

BRIAN KRAFT : Physics -- whatever it is --

Q : Yeah.


BRIAN KRAFT : Whatever you want. Go -- if you're set on

going college -- go to college. Spend the $30,000 a semester, or

$10,000 a semester. Or even go to co- -- a community college if

you -- if that's your bag. And spend your $60.00 a class. Fine.

All I'm saying is that in addition to that you better get

yourself a career mentor.


A career mentor while you're going to college, or while you're in

high school along -- in tandem with your regular education will

help you -- will assist you in understanding what it takes to

make it in the real world.


Will connect you to the people that you want to be connected to,

right? Um, and will give you un-equaled life experience. So you

can put it on your resume too should you decide to do something

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else when you're done. Now I also mentioned a second mentor would

be perfect I said.

Q : Um-hum.


BRIAN KRAFT : One mentor is good -- two are perfect. I

believe that each and every one of us could use guidance. This

is life guidance. Some people might want to call it spiritual

guidance. This is not about -- you know, Mike. I'm going to

have to work on that part.

Q : OK. That's fine.

BRIAN KRAFT : You know what? I don't want to say the

spiritual stuff.

Q : It's like help skills. Right? Life skills?


BRIAN KRAFT : Let's just say this. Exactly -- the second

mentor could help you with your life skills. The problem that

most people are faced with when they graduate high school or they

graduate college, or wake up at 43 years old and find themselves

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in the same boat is people don't really know how to be effective.

They don't know how to be effective. They're not good at

communicating. They're -- they don't understand their point in

life. They don't understand what they want out of life.


They're lost in a spiral of disinformation, pain, and suffering.

And they don't have anyone really to talk to. Now I know this

sounds like therapy. But it's really not. It's a mentor who is

not really curbing mental problems. It's a mentor that's helping

people get clear on how to be effective in life.


How to communicate to employers, family and friends. How to get

the most out of your life. How to write a mission statement and

stick to it. How to talk -- how to write a resume. How to write

a cover letter. How to walk and be happy and in peace. Again,

one mentor is good -- two is perfect. It's my goal to bring the

idea and the concept of mentoring both for professionals -- or

people who want to be professionals, i.e. career, and for people

who want to be more effective in their personal and private and

professional lives, i.e. life skills mentor. One would be good.

Two would be perfect.

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Q : OK. And touching real briefly on that life skills

thing. Um, you had mentioned people who are you know at 40 or

whatever -- all of a sudden they wake up and they've gotten the

pink slip and they're out on the street. A lot of these people

don't really -- kind of -- they're -- they're self awareness and

self evaluation seems to be lacking.


They've been at a job. That's defined them for their entire

life. And all of a sudden they're kind of starting from scratch.

And they don't really know what their skills are. What they --

you know, they don't know how to sell themselves. They don't --

their -- their sense of self worth or -- or self evaluation --

they -- they don't know how to do it. And that would seem to be

part of that life skills.


BRIAN KRAFT : That's absolutely right. Um, one of the

things that I have found in my work -- working with people -- is

that, um, many of us have graduated high school and or then

college, and we pick -- we pick their career. You remember that?

Q : Um-hum.

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BRIAN KRAFT : You were somewhere between the ages of 18 and

25 for most of us. But what's with going on in the world now,

it's really, you know, 16 to 40, right?

Q : Or fifty.


BRIAN KRAFT : Yeah, sometimes people now a days are waking

up a little later. And they're saying to themselves, it's time

for me to pick something to do. I'm going to pick something to

do. Great. The problem is our culture teaches the wrong lesson

as it were. They're teaching people to choose something that

motivates them. What motivates you, Johnny? What motivates you,

Kim? What motivates you, Susie? And so these people of all ages

sit down with themselves often times in -- in a rush, right?

Q : Um-hum.


BRIAN KRAFT : And they say, “I want to be a lawyer. Yeah.

That seems fun. That seems like I could be motivated to do that.

If you could hear people's inner monologues it may sound

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something like this. “Well, I don't know what the hell I want to

do. But maybe law. Those dudes make a lot of money. You know,

or I don't know what I want to do. I guess journalism, because

it looks -- it would look cool to be a reporter.


Or I don't know what I want to do. I mean maybe I'll go into --

yeah, I'll go into acting, because that would be living a life

less ordinary. Or some people's inner monologues may sound like

this: “You know what? I don't have any clue what I want to do.

I -- I don't really feel good about my talents. You know, I

think I'll just go into -- I don't know. Work for the city. Or

I'll work for the state. Right? I'll go into, you know,

something like that. Or I don't have any idea what I'm going to

do. I mean, my mom and dad told me when I was a kid I was sort

of like I -- I was -- I was -- had influence over p- -- maybe

I'll go in and I'll start selling cars.


I'm not disrespecting any of the aforementioned careers. Please

understand that. But what I am trying to illuminate is that a

lot of people choose what they want to do on this planet for the

rest of their lives from a place of motivation. What motivates

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me? The problem, Mike, is this. Motivation never made anybody

happy. What does? Inspiration. Inspiration.


We don't know how to access that part of ourselves that tells us

what inspires us. We're -- it's very easy in our culture to

access that part of us that tells us what motivates us. Look.

Let's be honest. What motivates most Americans or most Western

Europeans, or most Japanese, or most Australians? Money. Right.

Q : Um-hum.


BRIAN KRAFT : Let's be honest. What motivates us? We say

when we're 18 -- 25 -- 30 -- 40 or 50 and on and on? I want to

make a lot of money. I want to make a lot of money, because

money equals liberation. Money equals freedom. That's what they

say to themselves and or to their friends. And if they don't say

it, they're thinking it.


The problem is -- the problem is that's a lie. Money doesn't buy

freedom. And while there's nothing wrong with making a lot of

money, you can't approach -- you can't look to m- -- to money to

set you free. What does set you free? Meaning what makes you

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happy inside where you're at peace while you're driving to work?

Or you're at peace when you put your head down on the pillow at

night? Or even most importantly when you're at -- what makes you

at peace?


When you wake up in the morning most people I know -- they don't

wake up happy. They wake up miserable dreading the day. Or go

to sleep miserable dreading tomorrow. Or sit in traffic on their

way to work with a donut and a cup of coffee going, “I hope this

traffic jam prohibits -- or stalls my time from getting into

work. So I can have an extra four minutes when you're at peace

-- to myself. Right?

Q : Um-hum. So -- so -- I'm sorry?

BRIAN KRAFT : So -- go ahead.

Q : Oh, I was just going to say yeah, I -- no I agree with

you that -- that you know you've made the right choice when you

wake up in the -- when you can't wait to wake up in the morning

to get to work. Or whatever it is you're doing.


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BRIAN KRAFT : That's right. Now -- right. And

unfortunately, I -- I -- you can quote me as saying what you just

said, cause it's great. I'm not even going to try to improve

upon it. Well said. But reality is this. Most of us are

unhappy with our careers. And therefore since what -- most of

what we do is in our careers -- most of the time we spend is at

work, right?

Q : Um-hum.


BRIAN KRAFT : We're therefore unhappy with ourselves. Not

because we're flawed human beings. Not because we're bad or --

or stupid. Or we're unlucky. I hear that one a lot. I'm just

unlucky, you know? Well I'm not a lucky guy. Whatever. That's

why I work at this insurance company. I'm unlucky.


No. You're not unlucky. You're not stupid. You're not wrong.

What you are is you chose poorly five -- ten -- 15 years ago or

more. And you're paying for the poor choice. Life has

consequences. Right?

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Q : Um-hum.


BRIAN KRAFT : You can't get -- you know -- life has

consequences. So what I'm saying is if you're going to choose

wisely, you better choose from what inspires you. Not what

motivates you. And the reason is this. Let me just reiterate.

When you choose what motivates you, you will always choose money

or sex or power. And those things as the -- as reality T.V. is

showing us, you know, right in our living room, those things

don't breed happiness.


They don't breed peace of mind. What does breed peace of mind?

When people choose what they want to do for the rest of their

lives from a place of what inspires them. Look at the word

inspiration. Inspired -- in spirit -- one with spirit. That's

where that word comes from. When people choose to do something

that really gets them exited regardless -- regardless of what --

of -- of -- it's just like something that can make them millions

of dollars. They're almost always going to be happy to go to



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Let me give you a quick example. I have a client that I work

with. She always -- she's currently a lawyer. She makes high --

well mid to high six figures a year. High pressure lawyer. OK?

Big -- big firm. A litigator. Makes a lot of money. Miserable.

Hates her job. Hates her job. Why is she miserable? Because

she picked a career that motivated her.


She picked something that she could make a lot of money at. And

frankly make her parents hap- -- her parents were thrilled when

she graduated from Harvard Law. Thrilled. And it worked on her

even too. She bought into the myth for a few years.

Q : Um-hum.


BRIAN KRAFT : Well now she's approaching her 40s and she

doesn't like her career? Why? She picked from what motivates

her. So all of her money -- the Porsche that she drives in --

all of her fancy clothes -- the prestige she gets from being a

litigator in a top firm -- her clients who are major players --

none of that can satisfy her soul.


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So what is she doing? Well, through the work we're doing, she's

realizing that what she always wanted to do -- believe it or not

-- talk about ironic. What she always wanted to do is be a yoga

teacher. So she started on the side a little yoga business. And

she's about to cycle out of her law career, and open up a yoga



But hold on folks. Those who are reading this, don't get

discouraged. She's also an entrepreneur. Her goal is to make a

lot of money through yoga -- not through law.

Q : Um-hum.


BRIAN KRAFT : Why is this working for her? Because she's

inspired. She was in other words put here to spread the word of

yoga and fitness. Not the word of law. That doesn't mean that

you weren't put here to be -- to spread the word of law. You

could be inspired to be a lawyer.


I guarantee you whether you're a lawyer, a doctor, a business

man, a truck driver, a bus driver, or a sanitation person. If

you're inspired by it, you have peace of mind and happiness.

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Q : Cool. OK. Last thing on mentoring -- um, just in sort

of a random survey that I've done. It seems that almost every

successful person at one point in their life had a mentor.

Whether it was somebody, a co-worker, their boss, a friend.

You know somebody they stumbled across. You know a film shoot ,

whatever it is, um, would you [AUDIO GAP].

BRIAN KRAFT : Would I what? Hello -- hello , I lost you.


Q : Hello?


Q : Yeah, sorry. The phone died on me. Um -- anyway I was

saying, you know, do you think uh -- um, you know success -- a

lot of successful people it seems have somewhere in their life

have stumbled across a mentor that gave 'em a -- a nudge in the

right direction at one point?


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BRIAN KRAFT : That's absolutely right. And as soon as I

finish taking this leak, I'm going to talk about that. Give me

one second, brother.

Q : Sure. We'll have fun transcribing this. [LAUGHS]


BRIAN KRAFT : Hey there. Sorry about that.

Q : No problem.

BRIAN KRAFT : So yeah. Um, I would encourage -- you know

if you're in the research phase of you know, what I say. In

other words, if you're thinking about using my, you know,

services to help you find a mentor -- um, and you're researching

whether, you know, if you're like I believe in mentors. Is this

the way to go? Should I be paying for mentors? These are all

very valid questions.


I would encourage that person to sit with themselves in a quiet

room for the next few days, and make a list of maybe 20 people

they admire. You know, known people. Or I guess it could be

unknown people as well. But people that they admire. Make sure

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your list has people in there that you admire for the way they

can make money.


That could be someone you know, or it could be Donald Trump. Um,

make sure your list includes an athlete or two that you admire.

Right? Make sure your list includes a bi- -- a small business

owner that you admire. Someone who you think has a cool bis- --

you don't even have to know them. Let's just say you've driven

by their shop. Or you stopped in on -- in on their business.


And you are wow, what a cool life that is. What a cool shoe

store that guy has. Or what a cool dry cleaning business that

guy has. Make sure in other words your list has a variety of

people that you either know and or want to know. Or at least



From all facets of life. Once you're done -- and -- and say

you're going to commit to writing 20 names down. I guarantee you

that everyone on your list, once you go and do a Goggle search to

-- to confirm my -- my -- what I'm saying -- I guarantee you that

everyone on that list will have had a mentor.

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A mentor that helped that person stay focused or get focused.

And be successful. I would submit to you that you cannot be

successful without a mentor. You may have mentors and you don't

even know their mentors. And so it begs the question -- what I'm

saying begs the question -- well then, what do I need Brian Kraft



The answer is, you don't. If you are the kind of person who can

go out into the world and organize a mentor for yourself -- if

you are the kind of person who could make it happen on your own,

then you don't need me. The reality is though, my service

provides you not only with the mentor, and organizes the mentor,

and provides you with, you know, structure, so as you men- --

your apprenticeship is successful. But it also connects you to

people that you may not be connected to. Or that you may have

never known without me.

Q : OK.

BRIAN KRAFT : It is my -- go ahead.

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Q : No. I'm sorry. Go ahead.


BRIAN KRAFT : I was just going to say that I want to make

it clear to the readers of this that it is my goal to bring back

the idea of a mentor, number one. Number two -- to those who are

aware of the value of a mentor to professionalize it -- if that's

a word.


To commercialize it. I want mentors being paid for their

services. And I -- I'm not shy about that. You should pay your

mentor. Don't let -- don't do it for free. Pay him so you have

Mondays and Wednesdays with him for two hours. Pay her so you

know she's going to show up on Saturday and deliver what you're



Would you hire an electrician for free? Would you hire a

gardener to just come in and do your lawn for free? Would you --

if I told you I had a Mercedes Benz for you and I was just giving

it to you, would you trust me if I owned a car dealership? You

need to -- we need to get the word out that the time is now to

start paying mentors to help you so you can -- you know, on a

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consistent basis -- Mike, this is all great stuff. And forgive

me if it's all over the place. But I'm try- --

Q : No, this -- this is good. Is -- cause I -- I think one

of the other things that -- one of your other goals would be, um,

to expand the availability and accessibility of mentors to more

and more people.


BRIAN KRAFT : Absolutely. I mean, I'm envisioning a --

like a website that has like hundreds of thousands of people who

are available to be paid as a mentor.

Q : Um-hum.

BRIAN KRAFT : All of who are bonded by us. You know, maybe

they pay in $1,000 to be for life. And we train them. And you

know, from -- from pastry chefs to bus drivers -- you know what

I'm saying?

Q : Right. OK. Um, let's talk now about [SOUNDS LIKE:



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BRIAN KRAFT : I don't even remember what they are.

Q : [LAUGHS] Good. OK.

BRIAN KRAFT : I don't think we need to talk about that yet.

Q : OK.

BRIAN KRAFT : I like where we were going with this. And

I'm just, uh --

Q : Yeah. No. I think you've got some great stuff.


Q : OK. Um, I'm trying to think how to stop the recording.

Um, you -- why don't we -- I think we're good here. Um, I --

let's talk about the four insights in Paul. But you want to do

that on like not this call?

BRIAN KRAFT : Yeah. Sure. You want to call me back?

Q : Yep. I'll call you right back.

BRIAN KRAFT : All right. Thanks.

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Q : Bye.
