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Addiction to mass media

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  • 7/30/2019 Addiction to mass media


  • 7/30/2019 Addiction to mass media



    Addiction Defined

    The e addiction can be applied to all types of excessive behavior, such as

    o n on drugs (e.g., alcohol, narcot ics, caffeine), food, exercise,

    gambling, and television viewing (Peele, 1985). Newer types of addictions that have

    been studied include Internet addiction (Kubey, Lavin, & Barrows, 2001), online

    sexual addiction (Bingham & Piotrowski, 1996), and addictive consumer behavior

    (Elliott, Eccles, & Cournay, 1996; Faber, O'Cuinn, & Krych, 1987). According to

    Peele (1985), the r motives for addictive behavior are: reduction of pain,

    s and awareness (i.e., escape); enhanced sense of control, power, and

    self-esteem (i.e., compensation); and the simplification, predictability, and immedi-

    acy of experience (i.e., ritual). Interestingly, comhiunication research on television

    use has uncovered similar motives for watching television (Rubin, 1981).

    Researchers have had great difficulty in reaching agreement in defining addiction.

    This is f a c t by th a t addiction can be defined by contributing factors,

    symptoms, and consequences. The history of alcoholism is a good example of this

    struggle. According to Keller and Doria (1991), alcoholism has over the years been"applied to getting drunk, to heavy drinking, excessive drinking, deviant drinking,

    and unpopular " (p. 253). Most researchers now agree that heavy d rinking

    does not constitute alcoholism unless other symptoms are manifested. For example,

    Beresford (1991t said th e concept of alcoholism has changed over time to merge

    psychological and social symptoms with physical ones.

    According to Akers (1991), the traditional concept of addiction included toler-

    ance, dependence, and withdrawal, and applied to the physiological demand for a

    drug. However, the termpsychological dependence replaced addiction in the 1960s

    to r to the a for a drug without physical dependence; the term is now used

    to describe habitual behavior in the absence of proof for physical addiction.

    Although popular no w favors the traditional conceptual izat ion of addiction,

    the term dependence remains in its place (Akers, 1991).

    Criteria for dependence (i.e., addiction) are outlined in the American Psychiatric

    Association's (1994) Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-

    IV), which lists seven symptoms: (1) tolerance (a need for more of the substance to

    achieve the same effect, or a diminished effect with the same amount of substance);

    (2) withdrawal(a substance-specific syndrome that results if the substance use is

    reduced or stopped that is unrelated to another physical illness, or use of the

    substance o n et o to reduce withdrawal symptoms); (3) the substance is

    taken in larger amounts over longer time than is intended; (4) persistent desire and/or

    cu efforts t cut down are experienced; (5) a great deal of time is spent in

    obtaining, using, and recovering from the substance; (6) important activities such as

    school, work, or time with friends are given up or reduced; and (7) the individual

    continues use of the substance despite physical or psychological problems (p. 181).

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    380 Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media/September 2004

    An individual o has to respond affirmatively to three or more symptoms during

    any b e to be classified as substance dependent.

    Substance abuse is characterized by severe impairment or distress, such as loss of

    employment, child neglect, or putting one's life at risk due to the behavior. th


    on the above cri teria, a person could be diagnosed as substancedependent based o n psychological factors. Although the American Psychiatric

    Association (1994) typology includes physical withdrawal, the argument has been

    made that people could experience psychological withdrawal, consisting of irrita-

    bility, anxiety, and fear when the substance is reduced or stopped (Beresford, 1991).

    So, can people be "addicted" to television in the true sense of the word?

    Television Addiction

    In 1977, in argued in The Plug-in Drug that television has properties of

    addiction. Researchers have been intrigued by this idea, but few have tried to study

    it systematically. Anecdotal accounts and speculation comprise most of the research

    on television addiction. Furthermore, similar to the alcohol and drug abuse literature,

    a conceptual haze between the concepts of heavy exposure, reliance, dependence,and addiction to television remains problematic. A clear distinction needs to be

    made between these concepts to determine the difference between normal and

    problem viewing.

    Foss and Alexander (1996) compared self-defined heavy viewers (6 hours per day)

    with nonviewers and found that many nonviewers called television a drug or a

    re li gi on a nd i t it caused less interaction with friends and family, less time

    spent doing more productive or healthier things, and less critical thought. Nonview

    ers reported that television was simply too seductive to have around. Heavy viewers

    saw addiction to television as a likely outcome, but not for themselves. For them, it

    was simply a means for escape and relaxation. People who avoid television tend to

    cite its addictive properties as the reason. Nonviewers in Australia wouldn't watch

    because they couldn't "resist its power" (Edgar, 1977, p. 74). They regarded it as a

    depressant drug that dulls the senses. Mander (1978) collected around 2,000anecdotal responses to television that made it sound like "a machine that invades,

    controls and deadens the people who view it" (p. 158). Common statements resulted,

    such as "I feel hypnotized" and "I just can't keep my eyes off it" (p.158). In talking

    about their television behavior, people compared themselves to mesmerized,

    drugged-out, and spaced-out vegetables. Similarly, Singer (1980) asked, "why do we

    turn the set on almost automatically on awakening in the morning or on returning

    home from school or work?" (p. 31). Singer, though, said that addiction to television

    is a extreme n d speculated that television's magnetism can be explained

    by a human "orienting reflex." That is, we are programmed to respond to new or d

    stimuli, and because novel and sudden images are key features of

    television, it draws our attention. Singer said that the addictive power of television is

    probably to minimize problems by putting other thoughts in your mind (i.e., escape).

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    In an empirical search for this seemingly pervasive psychological phenomenon.

    Smith (1986) used popular literature to generate items for a measure of television

    addiction. Although e resultant scale was not directly based on the DSM-IV

    (American Psychiatric Association, 1994), it included some of the concepts such as

    loss of control, time spent using, withdrawal, attempts to quit, and guilt. Her studyvia mail of 491 adults found that very few of the participants identified with the

    concepts in her measure; only 11 out of 491 respondents admitted television

    addiction, o 64% f the respondents reported that television was addictive

    (consistent with the third-person effect literature; e.g., Davison, 1983). Smith

    found a strong relationship between the amount of time spent viewing and the

    tendency to call oneself an addict.

    Noting that there have been almost no empirical studies of television addiction,

    Mcllwraith, Jacobvitz, Kubey, and Alexander (1991) cited an earlier version of the

    DSM-IV t DSM-III-R) o discuss a possible relationship to television viewing.

    Using Smith's (1986) measure, they found that only 17 out of 136 college students

    were self-designated addicts. They reported twice as much television viewing as

    non-addicts, more mind wandering, distractibility, boredom, and unfocused day

    dreaming, and tended to score higher on scales measuring introversion and neurot-

    icism. They also d signifi cantly more dysphoric mood watch ing, and watch-

    ing to fill time.

    Also using Smith's (1986) measure of television addiction, Anderson, Collins,

    Schmitt, and Jacobvitz (1996) found that, for women, stressful life events predicted

    television addiction-like behavior and guilt about television watching. The authors

    d that women used television in a way that was "analogous to alcohol" (p.

    255), and wondered f television watching served to delay more healthy and

    appropriate coping strategies. Also using Smith's measure, Mcllwraith (1998) found

    only 10% of the 237 participants sampled while visiting a museum identified

    themselves as television addicts. Mcllwraith found that those who admitted addic-

    tion to television watched significantly more hours of television than others, and

    watched e to escape unpleasant moods and to fill time. Mcllwraith's sampleechoed Smith's (1986), who found that participants most often responded neveron

    all the items about television addiction. According to Smith, the phenomenon of

    television addiction is unsubstantiated in empirical research, but is robust in anec-

    dotal evidence.

    For example, like other addictions, television watching is thought to contribute to

    s i a nd n in family relat ionships. One woman explained how her

    husband's addiction to television contributed to their separation (Edgar, 1977):

    " T h e r e n o no way of spending an evening alone with my husband

    without television. He was most resentful if I stuck out for my choice of program and

    most re sen tfu l i I t it off while he slept in front of it" (pp. 75-76). There are

    worse stories. Fowles (1982) related tragic newspaper accounts due to quarrels about

    television: "Charles Green of East Palo Alto, California stabbed his sister to death

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    382 Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media/September 2004

    w i t h s h knife e she took out the electrical fuses so he would stop viewing.

    In Latwell, Louisiana, John Gallien shot his sister-in-law because she kept turning

    down the volume" (p. 30). Studies of television deprivation (e.g.. Tan, 1977; Winick,

    1988) also indicate profound and real withdrawal-like symptoms, supporting the

    notion of addiction.A h a v e have attempted to study other types of media addiction

    directly using APA criteria. For example. Fisher (1994) found that children could be

    vi as de o video games (based on a specific APA model of gambling

    addiction). The children's pathological video game playing was based on model

    criteria such a n d duration of play, supernormal expenditures, borrow-

    ing and selling of possessions to play, and self-awareness of a problem. Phillips,

    Rolls, Rouse, and Griffiths (1995) studied the video game habits of 868 children,

    aged 11 to 16. They found that 50 could be classified as addicts. The addicted

    children e v e r y every day, for longer time periods than intended, often to the

    neglect of homework. They reported feeling better after play, and using play to avoid

    other things (escape). Also based on APA criteria, a case study in the United Kingdom

    effectively diagnosed a young man as addicted to pinball machines (Griffiths, 1992).

    Consistent with third-person effect literature (e.g., Davison, 1983), the young man

    thought t he o o much, but that he was not "addicted."

    Therefore, a n d and inferential evidence suggests that television can be

    extremely compelling and important in people's lives, even beyond dependence or

    habit. Whether n viewing can truly be addicti ve is still unclear. Although

    many have made the comparison and some have even studied addiction based on

    concepts drawn from popular literature, no researchers have studied and measured

    television addiction based purely on DSM-IV (American Psychiatric Association,

    1994) criteria. Recently, Kubey (1996) argued that at least 5 of the 7 DSM-IV criteria

    a r e t o applicable to television viewing, but this remains to be tested. Although

    he did not believe th e addiction criteria of tolerance and continued use despite

    e (symptoms one and seven) seemed likely for television use, he did believe

    that all the others could clearly apply. According to Kubey, although we don'tthink

    of television as a substance, we do take it into our minds. Although this is a fruitful

    a r e a of t o to diagnose television dependence have not been estab-

    se (p. 233).e

    rn s that television use may be addictive for some people,

    but addiction has not been effectively conceptualized in the communication litera-

    ture (Kubey, 1996). Psychiatry has provided criteria for dependence/addiction that

    have taken decades to develop, but communication scholars have yet to attempt to

    use them fully.

    In that effort, this research involved two separate studies. The first used conve-

    nience sampling to pilot and test the validity of a new measure of television

    addiction. The second employed purposive sampling, replicated parts of the first

    study, and added a measure of social desirability. Reliable multidimensional and

    unidimensional scales f television addiction result from the research.

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    Study One

    Voluntary participation was solicited from a convenience sample of adults of

    various ages to test a proposed Television Addiction Measure. Participants were

    personally contacted at four locations in a suburb of a small Midwestern city: a fleamarket, a restaurant, and two fire stations. These locations were chosen due to ease

    of access, and to maximize a diverse sample and the likelihood of heavy television

    users. This research k place over the December holiday season, during which

    busy public places provide an unusual opportunity to reach people of mixed



    A diverse sample was obtained (N = 300). Participants' reported ages as of their

    l a s t 1 8 t o 8 t o 2 y e a r s (N = 298 , M = 34 . 52 , SD = 15 . 20 ) . O f

    those who r their gender, 135 were male (45.3%, coded 0) and 163 were

    female (54.7%, coded 1). Results also varied among those who reported their

    education level (N = 297), with 7 participants achieving some high school (2.3%,coded 1), 56 graduating from high school (18.9%), 33 graduating from trade school

    (11.1%), 152 attaining some college (51.2%), 35 graduating from college (11.8%),

    and 14 achieving a graduate-level education (4.7%, coded 6). On this 6-point rating

    scale, the mean r for education was 3.65 (SD = 1.12).

    Participants were also asked to report the number of hours they watched television

    yesterday morning (M= 0.36, SD = 0.80), afternoon {M= 0.40, SD = 0.87), and

    evening (M= 1.75, SD = 1.56), as well as how many hours they usually watch in

    the morning (M= 0.45, SD = 0.81), afternoon (M= 0.61, SD = 0.99), and evening

    {M = . SD = 1.44). Television exposure was measured this way in order to

    achieve accuracy of recall. From these numbers, overall television exposure was

    indexed by adding the three numbers describing television watched yesterday to the

    three numbers g tele vision watche d tod ay, and divid ing h y 2 {M = 2.90

    hours, SD = 2.25). This enabled an average of concrete memory about yesterdaywith the more abstract memory about usual behavior. Average exposure ranged from

    0 to 15 hours per day.

    The questionnaire contained a cover page describing the purpose of the study and

    participants' rights, a w measure of television addiction, a measure of alcohol

    addiction adapted for television, and some demographic questions to describe the


    Television Addiction Scale

    A new scale measured symptoms of television addiction based wholly on the

    DSM-IV criteria for psychological addiction (American Psychological Association,

    1994). Although Smith's (1986) scale measured television addiction, it was based on

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    384 Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media/September 2004

    content gleaned from popular literature, not psychiatry. Here, five statements were

    created o represent each f the seven criteria of addiction/dependence: tolerance

    (e.g., "I feel like I watch more TV than I used to in order to feel the same");

    withdrawal(e.g., "when I am unable to watch television, I miss it so much that you

    could call it 'withdrawal'"); unintended use (e.g., "I often watch TV for a longer timethan I intended"); cutting down (e.g., "I often think that I should cut down on the

    amount of television that I watch"); time spent(e.g., "compared to most people, I

    spend a great deal of time watching television"); displacement of other activities

    (e.g., "I often watch television rather than spending time with friends and family");

    and continued use (e.g., "I keep watching TV even though it is causing serious

    problems in my life"). Response options were strongly agree (5), agree (4), agree

    some and disagree some (3), disagree (2), and strongly disagree (1). The 35-item

    measure appeared to have face validity, as assessed by the researcher and a

    colleague in communication studies (see Appendix A for the measure).

    Principal components factor analysis with iterations and varimax rotation deter

    mined the factor structure for the addiction measure. (Oblimin rotation yielded no

    improvement from the resultant varimax structure.) A factor needed a minimum

    eigenvalue of 1.0 and t least three loadings meeting a 50/40 rule (in which an itemlo ad s on o r at .50 or more, and less than .40 on other factors) to be retained.

    A liberal 50/40 rule was applied because the resultant factors approximated DSM-IV

    (American Psychiatric Association, 1994) criteria, and to retain as many of the

    original items as possible. The analysis initially identified six factors that explained

    62.59% of the total variance. However, only four factors explaining 55.45% of the

    variance were retained for analysis. Retained factor items were summed and aver-

    aged to create factor indices. The primary loadings in the factor solutions are

    summarized in Table 1.

    Factor 1, Problem Viewing, accounted for 22.1% of the total variance after

    rotation (eigenvalue = 7.75). Its 11 loadings described television viewing that is

    problematic (e.g., has created real problems for me, family members get angry; M

    = 1.64, SO = 0.58, Cronbach a = .93). Of the seven DSM-IV criteria for

    psychological addiction (American Psychiatric Association, 1994) all five of theitems designed to represent "continued television use despite problems" loaded

    on this factor. Two items from each of the following criteria also loaded on this

    factor: time spent, cutting down, and displacement of other activities.

    Factor 2, Heavy Viewing, accounted for 14.9% of the total variance after rotation

    (eigenvalue = 5.20). Unlike Factor 1, these 10 items represented heavy viewing, but

    not necessarily m viewing (e.g., tim e real ly gets away fr om me, wind up

    spending hours; M = 2.41, SD = 0.78, a = .89). The APA criteria were

    represented in this factor by three displacement items, three unintended use items,

    two time spent items, and two cutting down items.

    Factor 3, Craving for Viewing, accounted for 7.8% of the total variance after

    rotation (eigenvalue = 2.74). The six items that loaded on this factor suggested a

    craving to watch more television (e.g., I've tried to reduce, I watch more and more

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    Table 1 Factor Structure of

    Television Addiction Scale


    Item Number 1 2 3 4

    Factor 1: Problem Viewing

    33 alienating my loved ones .87 .12 .15 .07

    35 loved ones can't stand it .84 .07 .16 -.06

    31 causing serious problems .84 .06 .20 -.03

    20 embarrassed to tell people .81 .18 .12 -.03

    28 my whole life .80 .11 .16 .14

    19 feel bad but can't stop .80 .10 .14 .08

    26 rather than time with family .76 .22 .03 .13

    34 caused real problems .72 .23 .32 .01

    22 much of my time .70 .35 .04 .30

    32 family members angry .55 .34 .27 .03

    23 all my leisure time .44 .37 .11 .37

    Factor 2: Heavy Viewing11 longer time than intended .16 .78 .17 .18

    29 productive if watched less .18 .73 .04 .05

    13 hours rather than minutes .20 .71 .26 .22

    30 hobbies if watched less .09 .71 .07 .04

    12 time gets away from me .03 .68 .17 -.04

    16 think I should cut down .20 .65 .35 -.01

    18 guilt about watching so much .40 .56 .27 -.05

    21 much time compared to others .43 .53 .06 .34

    27 should be working or at school .23 .51 .23 .25

    25 more time than anything else .44 .50 .07 .25

    Factor 3: Craving for Viewing

    03 more shows for same enjoyment .21 .31 .61 .04

    01 watch more to feel the same .28 .13 .60 .11

    1 7 can't reduce amount .20 .22 .58 .08

    07 watch because 1 missed it .29 .20 .56 .19

    04 same amount, less satisfaction .11 .18 .45 -.17

    03 more TV for same enjoyment .52 .21 .43 .15

    Factor 4: Withdrawal

    10 could easily go without it .04 -.03 .04 .82

    24 don't spend that much time .17 .14 .06 ' .

    09 can't imagine going without .10 .23 .14 .58

    06 withdrawal when unable .34 .20 .39 .49

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    386 Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media/September 2004

    shows lately; M = 2.00, SD = 0.60, a = .75). The APA criteria for this factor

    included four tolerance items (one tolerance item was inadvertently repeated in the

    measure), one cutting down item, and one withdrawal item.

    Factor 4, Withdrawal, accounted for 7.3% of the total variance after rotation

    (eigenvalue = 2.57). The four items loading on this factor denoted feelings ofwithdrawal when without television (e.g., I miss it so much, can't imagine going

    without TV; M= 2.36, SD = 0.81, a = .65). The APA criteria items loading on this

    factor were three withdrawal items and one time spent item.

    Factor 5 was not retained due to its low reliability (a = .53). Also, a one-item

    Factor 6 was not d because it failed to meet the specified criteria .

    Item analysis was used o improve upon the reliability of factor structures. A few

    changes were made to the initial structure. For example, statement 1 ("I feel like 1

    watch more TV than I used to in order to feel the same enjoyment"), which loaded

    on Factors 1 and 3, was placed in Factor 3 (see Table 1 for the factor structure and

    Appendix A for I t s Its removal from Factor 1 reduced the reliability coefficient

    from .95 to .94, but its addition to Factor 3 increased the reliability coefficient from

    .70 to .75. Also, the 50/40 rule was relaxed to include items that made conceptual

    sense. For m item 6, "When I am unable to watch TV, I miss it so much thatyou could call it 'withdrawal,'" did not reach the .50 mark but most clearly loaded

    on Factor 4 with other withdrawal items. Similarly, items 21 and 25 loaded on

    Factors 1 and 2, but because they were time spent items that positively contributed

    to reliability, they were retained on Factor 2.

    As a result of the pilot study, a few items that failed to fit the factor structure were

    reworded for clarity, as suggested by Kerlinger (1986). Item 2, "\ watch about the

    same amount of TV as I used to" was changed to "I've watched the same amount of

    TV as I always have." Item 8, "If I have to miss my shows for some reason, it makes

    me very upset" became "If I have to miss a favorite show I feel upset," and item 15,

    "I usually a TV for s long as I planned" was extended to "I usually watch TV

    for t o as I planned to watch." In addition, a few of the items that loaded on

    Factor 1 were altered to include the word "sometimes," with the hope of increasing

    the factor variance. Appendix A reflects these revisions.

    Adapted Addiction Scale

    The questionnaire also included an adapted version of the CAGE questionnaire

    (Ewing & , 1970), an alcoholism screening device, to establish construct

    validity for the new Television Addiction Scale. The acronym CAGE represents four

    questions used by physicians to alert them to patients' potentials for alcoholism,

    adapted for the present study to reflect television, not alcohol use: Cutting down

    (Have ou gh t you t o cut down on the amount of television you wafc/i?);

    Annoyance by criticism (Have people annoyed you by criticizing your television

    watching?); Guilty feeling (Have you ever felt bad or guilty about your television

    watching?); and Eye openers (Do you usually turn on the television first thing in the

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    morning?). Two or three affirmative responses to the measure indicates high suspi-

    cion of alcoholism. According to Ewing (1984), "even one positive reply calls for

    further inquiry" (p. 1907). Responses were coded 1 = no and 2 = yes.

    h a s has been widely used because of its ease of

    administra-tion and effectiveness (see Ewing, 1984) and has been validated by others (e.g.,

    Mayfield, McLeod, & Hall, 1974). The measure has been found to be more sensitive

    than other screening devices, with accuracy ratings in predicting alcoholism of over

    90% (Ewing, 1984). In s study, 28% of the participants answered "yes" to

    question 1, % to to 2, 11 % to question 3, and 28% to question 4. Because

    high scores on CAGE and high scores on the Television Addiction Measure

    suggest television addiction, they should be positively correlated.


    After e analysis of the Television Addiction Scale, two-tailed Pearson correla

    tions revealed relationships between study variables that tended to support the

    construct validity of the Television Addiction Scale. The Television Addiction Scale

    factors were a s well. For example. Problem Viewing was positively

    related to Craving for Viewing (r = .65, p < .001), Heavy Viewing (r = .62, p