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Adaptive Beam Forming and Space Time Adaptive Processing

Apr 07, 2018



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  • 8/3/2019 Adaptive Beam Forming and Space Time Adaptive Processing


  • 8/3/2019 Adaptive Beam Forming and Space Time Adaptive Processing


    In this Presentation

    Fundamentals of Antenna Arrays Linear Arrays Planar Arrays Phased Arrays Adaptive Arrays

    Beamforming (Spatial Filtering) Signal Models

    Conventional Beamforming Optimal Beamforming MATLAB Illustration

    Space-Time Adaptive Processing

  • 8/3/2019 Adaptive Beam Forming and Space Time Adaptive Processing


    Fundamentals of Antenna Arrays Many applications require radiation characteristics (like

    gain, directivity) that may not be achievable by a singleelement

    Antenna array is a geometric arrangement of antennaelements

    Resulting radiation pattern is a vector sum of individualpatterns

    Antenna arrays provide more directivity by thephenomena of wave interference

    Directive Gain in a given direction is a measure of abilityof an antenna/array to radiate power in that given


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    Fundamentals of Antenna Arrays

    As the length of the antenna aperture increases, beamwidth decreasesAs the number of antenna elements increase, directive gain increases

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    Linear Arrays

    Linear array is a lineararrangement of antenna elementswith equal spacing d betweensuccessive elements

    Uniform LA is LA with equalcurrent excitation and uniformprogressive phased shift betweenelements

    The electric field at a far observation point is (assumingisotropic elements) is independent of

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    Radiation Pattern of an 8-Element UniformLinear Array with d = 0.5

    Polar Plot E(sin) vs direction cosine (sin)

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    Array Controls

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    Increasing Array Sizeby Adding Elements


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    Increasing Array Sizeby Separating Elements

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    Amplitude Tapering (Windowing) and Phase Quantization

    In Antenna Arrays the current exitations (aperture distribution) are tapered i.emultiplied by a window sequence to reduce the side lobe level. Reduction of SideLobe Level is obtained at the cost of increase in beamwidth

    In practice phase shifters are implemented as part of TR modules, using finitenumber of bits

    Due to quantization error (difference between desired phase and actualquantized phase) the sidelobe levels are affected

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    Planar Arrays Planar Arrays have antenna elements

    placed on a plane according to somegrid configuration (rectangular, circular)

    Planar arrays can control thebeamshape in both planes (, ) andform pencil beams whereas linear array

    only controls the pattern in one plane

    Total electric field at a far fieldobservation point is given by

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    Radiation pattern of an 8 8-element uniform-amplitude and spaced square planar array

    Spherical Radiation Pattern

    Radiation Pattern Translation fromSpherical coordinates into U,V space

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    Phased Array Antennas

    Array antennas synthesize narrow directive beams thatmay be steered mechanically or electronically

    Electronic steering is achieved by controlling the phaseof the electric current feeding the array elements, thus

    the name phased array

    Phase relation is maintained using a network of powerdividers and phase shifters

    Direction is selected by adjusting the phase differenceprovided by each phase shifter (usually done using amicroprocessor)

    Li Ph d A

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    Linear Phased ArrayScanned Every 30deg, N=15, d=/4

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    Adaptive Arrays

    An adaptive array not only steers the beamsbut also the nulls

    Nulls are steered towards the direction ofjammers and nullify their detrimental effects

    Adaptive arrays first sample the environmentto estimate the interferences

    Next a weight vector is calculated to modify

    the sidelobes for effective null steering andsupression of interferences

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  • 8/3/2019 Adaptive Beam Forming and Space Time Adaptive Processing


    Signal Models In spatial array processing there are three types of signals

    desired target signal

    jammer signal noise signal

    Thus the total signal received by the array is

    x = xs + xj + xn Jammer and Noise are classified as interference. The

    undesired interference signal is

    xu = xj + xn Both jammer and noise are characterized as zero mean

    normally distributed. Hence the covariance matrix of thisundesired signal would be

    Ru = E[xuxuH] = Rn + Rj

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    Signal Models Desired Target Signal

    Signal is narrowband x(t) = e j2ft

    Antenna Array has receiverbehind each element. These

    receivers digitize the receivedsignal

    The combined output of thereceivers is a N-dimensionalsignal

    x is complex baseband signalreceived at left most element

    V is spatial array vector

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    Signal Models Noise Signal

    In the receiver array each element produces thermal noise Modelled as zero mean Gaussian random process

    The noise covariance matrix is Rn = n2I, n

    2 =kTnB

    Jamming Signal Jammers are modeled as spatial point sources that constantly

    transmit high power omni-directional interference signal

    The signal covariance matrix is equal to

    Where j

    2 jammer noise power

    Vj is array manifold vector associated with jammer

    direction of arrival If we are dealing with N jammers, then the covariance

    matrices would add, because we assume jammers are

    mutually uncorrelated

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    Conventional Beamformer The beamformer output y of our

    array is

    The complex weights wi arechosen to control the sidelobe level to steer the main beam towards

    an angle 0

    However this data independentbeamformer may not providenulls in the direction of interferersand hence suboptimal SINR

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    Optimal Beamformer (MVDR) A minimum variance distortionless response beamformer (MVDR) also

    called an optimal beamformer accomplishes two objectives Minimize the array output interference power Get the target desired signal without any distortion

    Controllable parameters are array weights wi (weight vector w) Array output in vector notation is

    Output is a combination of desired signal and interference components

    The interference output is the sum of noise and jammer outputs or

    If we want to minimize the interference output power, then we mustminimize

    subject to the constraint

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    Optimal Beamformer (MVDR) The constrained minimum variance distortionless response can be

    achieved with the weight vector

    where is the desired target steering vector

    The desired weight vector can be calculated to be


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    Matlab Illustration(Both Jammers in Sidelobes, with No Weighting)

    N=16 antennas elements are used

    Desired target located at 00

    Jammers located at 180 (with SNR of 50dB) and -330 (with SNR of 30dB)

    Two dotted vertical lines indicate the angles of arrival of the two jammers

    -80 -60 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 80-60







    Angle of Arrival (degrees)


    Unadapted Array Pattern

    -80 -60 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 80-60







    Angle of Arrival (degrees)


    Distortionless Beamformer Array Pattern

  • 8/3/2019 Adaptive Beam Forming and Space Time Adaptive Processing


    Adaptive Beamforming Optimal Beamforming only sounds good only in theory

    Obtaining Rin (interference covariance matrix) requires

    infinite number of samples. Hence we can onlyestimate it. A sampled interference covarianceestimation is

    Various adaptive beamforming methods are based oncollecting data from which correlation matrix isestimated Block Adaptive Implementation

    Uses block of data to estimate the adaptive beamforming weight vectorand is known as Sample Matrix Inversion (SMI)

    Sample by Sample Adaptive Implementation RLS Algorithm Steepest Descent Method

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    Training Data

    Before the beamforming system can be used,it must be trained with target- free samples

    Training Data are of two types Target Free training data xin = xn + xj Target in training data xin = xn + xj + xs

    In applications like radar, target free trainingdata is always available by takingmeasurements at ranges shorter or longerthan the target

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    Space-Time Adaptive Processing (STAP)

    STAP is concerned with the two-dimensional processing ofsignals in both the spatial and temporal domains to optimallydiscriminate targets from both clutter and jamming

    Detection of slowly moving targets by air- and spaceborneMTI radar (moving target indication) is heavily degraded bythe motion induced Doppler spread of clutter returns.

    Space-time adaptive processing (STAP) can achieve optimumclutter rejection via implicit platform motion compensation.

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    General STAP Architecture

    Space TimeEnvironment issampled in spatialdomain by using

    array of antennaelements

    Also sampled in

    temporal domain bytransmitting a seriesof pulses to obtaindoppler information

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    Space-Time vs Spatial Processing Degrees of Freedom

    In spatial array processing, thedegrees of freedom equals numberof antenna elements N

    In STAP, every antenna transmits atrain of M pulse and applies a

    complex weight on each echo afterreceiving them. Hence the degrees offreedom equals NM.

    Progressive Phase Shift In spatial array processing only

    progressive phase shift betweenantenna elements is used In STAP, progressive phase shift

    between antenna elements andbetween successive pulses receivedfrom each antenna element is


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    Signal Behavior in Space-Time Environment

    Space Time Signal Environment

    Receiver Noise has no structure inspace/frequency and thereforeappears as a uniform noise floor

    Broadband Noise Jammers are

    localized in AOA but spread acrossthe entire doppler spectrum

    Appears as ridge of energylocalized in AOA but spreadacross all doppler shifts

    Scatterers at an angle of w.r.tantenna boresight will have adoppler shift of

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    Space Time Adaptive Processing

    Angle doppler characteristics of the echo froma moving point target depend on both theradar platform motion and the target motion

    If the target is stationary and directly on theboresight, the doppler shift will be zero andwill fold into the clutter

    However if the target is moving it will separatefrom the clutter on the doppler axis andshown in the figure

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    Optimal STAP Processing The spatial steering vector for a ULA of M sensors is

    The temporal frequency steering vector assuming Ltransmitted/received pulses is

    The two dimensional LM X 1 space time steering vector isgiven by

    The optimal STAP weight vector is given by

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    Thank You

    Matlab Source Listing (beamformer m)

  • 8/3/2019 Adaptive Beam Forming and Space Time Adaptive Processing


    Matlab Source Listing (beamformer.m)Input Section

    close all

    clear all


    % User Input Section

    lambda = 0.03; % wavelength

    d = lambda/2; % element spacing

    dl = d/lambda;

    N = 16; % # of array elements

    aoa_max = asin(1/2/dl); % maximum "real space" AOA (radians)

    window_on = false; % true or false

    Nangle = 1000; % # of angles for evaluating beam pattern

    Nm1 = Nangle-1;

    t_aoa = pi/180*(0); % target AOA (radians)

    j_aoa1 = pi/180*(18); % jammer #1 AOA (radians)j_aoa2 = pi/180*(-33); % jammer #2 AOA (radians)

    SNR = 0; % signal to noise ratio (dB)

    JSR1 = +50; % jammer #1 to noise ratio (dB)

    JSR2 = +30; % jammer #2 to noise ratio (dB)

    % End user input section%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

    Matlab Source Listing (beamformer m)

  • 8/3/2019 Adaptive Beam Forming and Space Time Adaptive Processing


    Matlab Source Listing (beamformer.m)Computing the Optimal Weight Vector

    p_n = 1; % noise powerp_t = p_n*(10^(SNR/10)); % target powerp_j1 = p_t*(10^(JSR1/10)) ; % jammer powerp_j2 = p_t*(10^(JSR2/10)) ; % jammer power% compute signal vectorstarget = sqrt(p_t)*exp(j*2*pi*(0:N-1)'*d*sin(t_aoa)/lambda);if (window_on)

    t = target.*taylorwin(length(target),4,-30);elset = target;endj1 = sqrt(p_j1)*exp(j*2*pi*(0:N-1)'*d*sin(j_aoa1)/lambda);j2 = sqrt(p_j2)*exp(j*2*pi*(0:N-1)'*d*sin(j_aoa2)/lambda);

    % compute covariance matrix with and without jammersR = p_n*eye(N);Rj = p_n*eye(N) + p_j1*j1*(j1') + p_j2*j2*(j2');disp(['Covariance matrix rank with jammers = ',num2str(rank(R))]);% compute beamformer weight vector with and without jammersw = R\conj(t);wj = Rj\conj(t);

    Matlab Source Listing (beamformer m)

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    Matlab Source Listing (beamformer.m)Plotting the Output Patterns

    % compute and display beampatterntheta = -aoa_max + 2*aoa_max/Nm1*(0:Nm1);W = zeros(Nangle,1);Wj = zeros(Nangle,1);for p = 1:NangleW(p) = w.'*exp(-j*2*pi*(0:N-1)'*dl*sin(theta(p)));Wj(p) = wj.'*exp(-j*2*pi*(0:N-1)'*dl*sin(theta(p)));endWp = db(abs(W),'voltage');scale = 10*log10(N^2);% scale = 0;Wp = Wp - scale;Wjp = db(abs(Wj),'voltage') - scale;figure(1)plot(180/pi*theta,Wp)axis([-180*aoa_max/pi +180*aoa_max/pi -60 0])% gridxlabel('Angle of Arrival (degrees)');ylabel('Normalized Array Response (dB)')title('Unadapted Array Pattern')vline(180/pi*[j_aoa1, j_aoa2])

    kappa = t'*transpose(inv(Rj))*conj(t);wj1 = wj/kappa;Wj1 = zeros(Nangle,1);for p = 1:NangleWj1(p) = wj1.'*exp(-j*2*pi*(0:N-1)'*dl*sin(theta(p)));endWjp1 = db(abs(Wj1),'voltage');figure(3)plot(180/pi*theta,Wjp1)axis([-180*aoa_max/pi +180*aoa_max/pi -60 0])% gridxlabel('Angle of Arrival (degrees)');ylabel('Normalized Array Response (dB)')title('Distortionless Beamformer Array Pattern')vline(180/pi*[j_aoa1, j_aoa2])