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Issue No 2 - August 2009 page 1 FROM THE DESK OF OUR GM After more than 200 days without a lost time injury an employee on PM4 sus- tained a multiple fracture to his arm due to an unsafe action. A management brief has gone out regarding this incident and reaffirming a zero tolerance approach to unsafe behaviour. It is requirement that the role out plan for Hazard Identification Risk Assessments (HIRAC) continues in each area of our business and that there is participation at shopfloor level. The OHSAS18001 external auditor indicated that HIRAC implementation is probably the best he has seen within Sappi and even within the industry. After a week long audit we received certification – congratulations. The challenge to each one of is to translate the recently acquired tools and processes into a safer work environment. Our marketing team was at the mill on Thursday last week. A key focus was identifying ideas and putting plans to develop new prod- ucts for Adamas Mill. Ou abjective is to launch one new product each quarter. Thank you to Charles Stapelberg for his excellent contribution during his short tenure at Adamas Mill. Our condolences go out to the family and friends, on the passing of Johny Mfecane. In this issue: SAFETY IS A STATE OF MIND THAT EVERYONE SHOULD ADOPT… “Looking out for each other” “My actions demonstrate my commitment to safety” * Charles’ goodbye note * Head Office Marketing Visit * New Time Administra- tion * Heart Awareness * AIDS Info article * Beach Clean Up 2009 * OHSAS 18001 * Arbor Day * Coke Awards * Adamas News * Casual Day / Loslit Dag * Birthdays / Anniversa- ries * Sappi Vacancies A New “face” welcomes visitors and staff as they enter the main gate here at Sappi Adamas.
Welcome message from author
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Page 1: Adamas Wots Happening Aug09

Issue No 2 - August 2009

page 1


After more than 200 days without a losttime injury an employee on PM4 sus-tained a multiple fracture to his arm due toan unsafe action. A management brief hasgone out regarding this incident andreaffirming a zero tolerance approach tounsafe behaviour. It is requirement that therole out plan for Hazard Identification RiskAssessments (HIRAC) continues in eacharea of our business and that there isparticipation at shopfloor level. TheOHSAS18001 external auditor indicatedthat HIRAC implementation is probably

the best he has seen within Sappi and even within the industry. Aftera week long audit we received certification – congratulations. Thechallenge to each one of is to translate the recently acquired toolsand processes into a safer work environment.

Our marketing team was at the mill on Thursday last week. A keyfocus was identifying ideas and putting plans to develop new prod-ucts for Adamas Mill. Ou abjective is to launch one new producteach quarter.

Thank you to Charles Stapelberg for his excellent contribution duringhis short tenure at Adamas Mill.

Our condolences go out to the family and friends, on the passing ofJohny Mfecane.

In this issue:


“Looking out for each other”

“My actions demonstrate my commitment to safety”

* Charles’ goodbye note* Head Office MarketingVisit* New Time Administra-tion* Heart Awareness* AIDS Info article* Beach Clean Up 2009* OHSAS 18001* Arbor Day* Coke Awards* Adamas News* Casual Day / Loslit Dag* Birthdays / Anniversa-ries* Sappi Vacancies

A New “face” welcomes visitors andstaff as they enter the main gate here

at Sappi Adamas.

Page 2: Adamas Wots Happening Aug09

page 2

Dear Adamas Personnel,

Although I have only worked here for a year, I came to know a team ofpeople with a unique and lovely culture of friendship and caring for each

other. A team that can show empathy to fellow workers, and then turn aroundand work hard, willing to sweat and go the extra mile. I felt part of the teamand I was invited in and treated as if I have been here for years. I learned alot in this year while working here from different people and different teamsof people. I also had the opportunity to live my passion for paper making

and leadership and share some of my experience with you all. It was greatand together we achieved excellent results on the paper machines and f/

house in terms of Efficiencies and performance. My fondest achievement yet in Sappi was to lead theteam of people here at Adamas that managed to take Pm4’s EE from an average of 68%, to now

currently, and average of 77%. This is an excellent 13% improvement on efficiencies which deservesan Official recognition for the team.

I want to thank Bev and the management team. A team ready for the challenges, a pro active team withinnovative spirit and a willingness to succeed. I learned a lot from you and appreciated the feedbackand correction when required. To you all I wish you the very best in future. I believe this mill will go fromstrength to strength with such a dynamic and diverse team of individuals all hungry for more success.

Charlie says cheers

Marketing staff visit to AdamasThe Head Office Marketing Team visited Adamas Mill on the 3rd and 4th September 2009, to hand outhotdogs, colddrinks and t-shirts to all the Adamas employees during shifts. The Marketing Team stated thatthis initiative was to show confidence and unity with Adamas Mill personnel, to recognize employees’ effortsand show support for the Mill’s next business year. They also wanted to thank the Mill’s employees for theirdaily efforts to reduce costs and keep the Mill as lean as possible. The Marketing Team believes that as ateam united and motivated towards a common goal, we will turn the business around and deliver results. Letus join them in believing that we can all make a difference!!

God bless, Charles

Adamas staff eagerlylined up to collect

their hotdog, an icecold drink and a t-

shirt served to themby the Marketing


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New tool will make Sappi’s TimeAdministrators super efficient

Thousands of employees working shifts clock in and out of our millseach day. Sappi’s Time Administrators have their hands full toprocess the time management messages of each and every em-ployee. For years, there was no functionality to process shift substi-tutions and overtime in bulk on their computers.

But all that is about to change.

Business Systems’ SAP Human Capital Management team hasbeen involved in a time management project since mid last year.EPIUSE, a recognised SAP partner, introduced Sappi to a toolcalled Advanced Time Process Manager (ATPM). The tool waspiloted in Saiccor Mill’s woodyard on 01 December 2008.


Although some concerns were raised (and solved), the tool provedto have many valuable benefits: bulk processing, improved accu-racy, cost efficiency, user friendliness and simplicity. What’s moreis that Time Administrators will experience an incredible 30% timesaving in their daily time management activities.

Role players

Dawie Hattingh was also actively involved in the project and playedan instrumental part in initiating the project. Erick Jacobs was theProject Manager and reported all activities and status to KooshPanday. Linda Toward and Toni du Plessis tested the functionalityand took ownership from a business point of view. They will alsotrain the time administrators at Saiccor. Grant Jarvis tested thefunctionality in the pilot phase and gave the final go-ahead to roll itout to the rest of Saiccor.


The project roll-out across all Sappi’s Southern African mills com-menced in August and it is forseen that all Time Administrators willbe trained within three months from receiving the software. Trainingat Saiccor Mill is already underway.

These employees were instru-mental in making the roll-outand implementation of theAdvanced Time Process

Toni du Plessis and Linda Toward

Eric Jacobs and Koosh Panday

Grant Jarvis

Page 4: Adamas Wots Happening Aug09

Be HeartSmart

Work with Heart is the mes-sage for Heart AwarenessMonth (HAM) during Septem-ber. HAM is a national aware-ness campaign co-ordinated bythe Heart and Stroke FoundationSA (HSFSA) - its purpose is tocreate awareness of cardiovas-cular disease (CVD) and itsprevention.

In celebration of HAM, theHSFSA is encouraging all SouthAfricans to join the fight againstCVD by having their cholesterol,blood pressure and glucosechecked: these are often re-ferred to as ‘silent killers’ be-cause there are no visiblesymptoms when levels areraised. Currently about 195South Africans – or 13 minibusloads – die each day from heartdisease. Of these, heart attacksare responsible for about 33deaths per day and are twice asprevalent among men as inwomen, while about 60 peopledie a day due to strokes andabout 37 due to heart failure.“Heart disease affects people of

all ages, races and genders”,says Pamela Warrington,Communications Officer,HSFSA, “By knowing yourcholesterol, blood pressure andglucose levels, you have alreadylimited your chances of becom-ing another victim of heartdisease. Once you know yourrisks, you will be able to makethe necessary changes requiredto live a heart healthy lifestyle.”

In a bid to promote health andwellness as well as the preven-tion of cardiovascular disease inthe workplace, the HSFSA offersa comprehensive CorporateWellness Programme, whichincludes the newly launchedHealthy Hearts @ WorkCanteen Programme. TheProgramme is designed to helpemployers create a hearthealthy environment at theoffice. “Many of us spend amajor part of our day at workand as a result it is vital that wemake the environment asconducive to good health aspossible. If we each make smallchanges to our daily routines wecan introduce heart health intoour lives and into our workplace,” says Shân Biesman-

Simons, Director of Nutritionand Education, HSFSA.

During September, HeartAwareness Month, the HSFSAis offering free blood pressurescreenings country-wide - formore details or nutritionaladvice, contact the Heart MarkDiet Line on 0860 223 222during office hours, or formore information on our Corpo-rate Wellness Programme orthe Healthy Hearts @ WorkCanteen Programme pleasecontact Eshaam Mohidien, KeyAccounts Manager: HealthScreenings, on ( 021) 447 4222or email:[email protected]

For more FREE heart smartnutritional advice from regis-tered dietitians, call the HeartMark Diet Line on 0860 223 222or [email protected]

Page 5: Adamas Wots Happening Aug09

A longer,healthier life IS

possibleTwenty years have passedsince HIV/AIDS was firstrecognised. And althoughthere is still no cure forthis disease, great ad-vances have been made intreating it.

Anti-retroviral medication(ARVs) have given thou-sands of HIV/AIDS patients anew lease on life. Takencorrectly, ARVs not onlyimprove your health, but alsoprolongs your life.

Things you should knowabout ARVs:

Who uses it?

Sappi provides free anti-retroviral treatment (ART) topatients with a CD4 count of300 or less.

What can you expectwhen you’re on the Sappitreatment programme?

Once registered, a healthcare worker will counsel you,work out the correct treat-ment for your needs andlifestyle, and will provide youwith ongoing support.

What do ARVs do?

They are designed to controlor destroy the virus thatcauses HIV/AIDS.

Should you still wear acondom when usingARVs?

Absolutely. You can still bere-infected, and possibly witha different strain of HIV, oreven with HIV viruses that areresistant to the ARTs you’reusing.

Are there side effectswhen taking ARVs?

Many ARVs have temporaryside effects like nausea,vomiting, etc. Your healthcare worker will talk to youabout them. It is very impor-tant not to stop taking themedicine unless the healthcare worker advises you todo so.

Can I use some-one else’s ARVs?

No. The combina-tion of ARV drugswould have beenplanned accordingto that person’sparticular needs andlifestyle.

What about alter-

So far, other treatments Likeherbal and homeopathic rem-edies have not yet proven to beeffective. In fact, some treatmentsinteract badly with ARVs andcould make them less effective,such as St John’s Wort andgarlic. Multivitamins may delaythe onset of AIDS in peopleinfected with HIV, but they cannot‘reverse’ AIDS.

Abbreviations and


HIV - Human Immuno Virus

AIDS - Acquired Immune Defi-ciency Syndrome

ARV - Anti Retro Viral

CD4 cell (count) - is a specialisedcell that works with your immunesystem to protect your body fromviruses and infections

HOMEOPATHIC - is a form ofalternative medicine

HERBAL - traditionalmedicinal or folk medi-cine

VIGS afrikaans) -Verworwe immuniteits-


HIV - KNOWLEDGE IS POWERnative therapy and vitamins?

Page 6: Adamas Wots Happening Aug09

Cleaning up the coast!!Beach Clean-up will be taking place on Saturday 19th September.

This year Sappi has been allocated Pollock beach and we will get together in the old ‘Something Good’car park.

Refuse bags will be

distributed from 9h30 am.

Last year an estimated 20 tons of litter wascollected off our beaches!

The NMMM Conservation Department’shave noted that beaches are cleaner thanprevious years due to continued clean-up


We urge Sappi Adamas mill employeesand your families to once again make adifference when we get together with ourBayworld friends and children from disad-vantaged areas to clean our beaches. See

you there!

Let’s all get together and makea conserted effort to conservethis beautiful part of our coast-

line for future generations. Let’ssee all our TRUE BLUES


Above: Some of the wonderful “volun-teers” from last years effort. Right:

Pollock Beach at it’s best.

Page 7: Adamas Wots Happening Aug09

As you are aware an OHSAS 18001 audit was conducted at Adamas Mill during the week 31/8 to 4/9.The Adamas family was faced with a real challenge during the last three months to ensure compliance

with this new standard.

True to the Adamas family, everybody took up the challenge with enthusiasm and dedication resulting inAdamas Mill being certified OSHAS 18001: 2007 compliant.

Thank you team for your support in ensuring a safe and healthy working environment and making thisaudit a success. Let us continue on this road of continuous improvement and ensuring a safe working

environment for all.

OHSAS 18001

Every year Sappi Adamas is an eager contributor / participant in thefundraising effort known as “Casual Day / Loslit Dag”. Although this dayis meant for people to come out and show their öther side” us here atAdamas don’t usually need to be invited twice to show that we are not

scared to stand out from the rest. Here are a few photo’s of some of theguys / girls who did it for charity! (the aim was to dress up as a fan of

your favourite sport / team)Bev as aBAFANA Fan!

Mike Oelofse dresses as a SappiHooker (first team) and Ray Lund (well)

dressed as a Liverpool fool fan.

Danie, not quite sure ifhe’s a Bokkie or a


Page 8: Adamas Wots Happening Aug09

National Arbor Week serves to promote awareness forthe need to plant and maintain indigenous trees through-out South Africa, especially for the many disadvantaged

communities who often live in barren areas.

A combination of educational and environmental aware-ness formed the basis of Sappi’s celebrations of Arbor

Week this year. Sappi will donate paper to various previ-ously disadvantaged schools where trees are being

planted by the Conservation Dept.

Throughout the country at our mills we will be plantingindigenous trees.


Pictured here doing the honours by planting the treeare from left to right, Mike Burns, Daniel Njikelana,

Gladstone Mageda and Bev Sukhdeo

Anwar Neethling 5/9, Mxolisi Ngoqo 5/9,Siyabonga Nomanyama 5/9, Witness

Mkosana 6/9, Louw Esterhuizen 8/9, Mariode Doncker 10/9, Mpumelelo Mahomana 15/9, Daniel Njikelana 15/9, Desmond Koloki 16/9, Nimrod Mpoyisa 16/9, Xolani Noketshe 20/

9, Preggie Pillay 21/9, Louis Geyer 23/9,Richard Mali 23/9, Scott Randall 23/9,

Thozamile Maqoma 24/9, Bryant Matomela25/9, Malungisa Mrubata 25/9, Luthando

Kolisi 26/9, Mxolisi Mbophane 27/9,Mhlanguli Sonyabashe 29/9

We wish all our employees cel-ebrating this month a very happybirthday and many more healthy

happy Sappi years ahead.

ANNIVERSARIESGladstone Mageda - 30 yrs

Dickson Koliwe - 28 yrsGill Humphreys - 24 yrs

Andrew Leo - 22 yrsRaymond le Roux - 19 yrs

Mncedisi Kula - 16 yrsDugmore Ntlabati - 15 years

Johnny Strydom - 15 yrsXolani Noketshe - 10 yrs

Xolani Yekelo - 10 yrsLuthando Kolisi - 5 yrs

Neren Anumuthoo - 4 yrsLoleta Dalton - 4 yrs

Yolande Mattheus - 3 yrsOnyx Ngesi - 3 yrs

Claudius Coetzee - 2 yrs

Thanks to all these employees for theirhard work and effort toward making Sappi

Adamas the best employer to work for.Congratulations ladies and gents.

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The Production MDT hasnominated Johan Thyunsmafor a coke award for discover-ing paper that started smoul-dering in the 2nd section PM4

today, September 4th. Hisquick thinking and action saved

possible damaged to themachine.

Our bestwishes goto AllisonFarrett,

who had anoperation

and isrecoveringat home.He is dueback atwork in

September. All here at Adamaswish him a speady recovery.

Coke award to Louw Esterhuizen, Christo Willemse, CharlesDaniels and Buyile Mputhamputha for recovering a quantity of

roughly 600kg of old and damaged reels of wrapper for the Typektint grades.

Louw took the initiative to recover this wrapper which was unusableand lying in the store but he needed a special core insert to enable

him to use the severely damaged reels. Christo Willemse re-sponded promptly and once the insert made it was up to the Will

Cutter Operators Charles and Buyile to use this wrapper. Which theydid eagerly.

All the damaged reels have thus been used, the value of the wrap-per that was recovered through this action being roughly R46 800.

Very well done guys, excellent work!

Beyond the purpose of this award I would like to acknowledge theteam spirit that exists between production and engineering person-nel in the Fin.House and so I want to thank my colleagues for their

devoted and loyal support. It is highly valued

Coke Awards

A heartfelt welcome to Daalia,Zakira’s new baby girl. We wishZakira and her family lots of love

with their new bundle of joy!

It is with sadness that we report thepassing of our fellow employee,

Johny Mfecane. He had been withSappi for 30 years, he leaves behind

his wife, Cynthia, 3 sons and adaughter.

Our sympathies go out to his family,friends and all who knew him.

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Bronze award winners:

Gill Humphreys, SanetErasmus, Sonja Farndon,Neren Anumuthoo, MurielHerselman, Yolande Mattheus,Hannelie Meiring

SHE award winners:

1st Richard de Doncker, 2nd

Onyx Ngesi, 3rd PaddyPadayachy

BBS award winners:

1st Nimrod Mpoyisa, 2nd SiviweTyatyaza, 3rd Vuyani Bodo


Here are the names of therecipients of The Bronze

Awards, SHE Awards and BBSWinners

Bronze Award winners: MurielHerselman (above) and Sanet

Erasmus (below) being handedtheir awards by Bev Sukhdeo

SHE Award Winner Richard deDoncker being handed his award by

Bev Sukhdeo


Fitter - Engineering (LiquorPlant & S02 Recovery)

SaiccorClosing date: 18 SeptemberContact Leslie Jones (Sappi

Recruitment)011 407 4097

[email protected]

Fitter - Engineering PulpFinishing (Bleaching)

SaiccorClosing date: 18 SeptemberContact Leslie Jones (Sappi

Recruitment)011 407 4097

[email protected]

Area ControllerSappi Export Services Durban

Closing date: 18 SeptemberContact Cheryl King (Sappi

Recruitment)011 407 8502

[email protected]

Product Development Man-ager

Fine Paper MarketingBraamfontein

Closing date: 18 SeptemberContact Cheryl King (Sappi

Recruitment)011 407 8502

[email protected]

IT Helpdesk TechnicianEnstra Mill

Closing date: 18 SeptemberContact Zelmah van Zyl (Sappi

Recruitment)011 407 4057

[email protected]

Process Engineer KLBNgodwana Mill

Closing date: 18 SeptemberContact Zelmah van Zyl (Sappi

Recruitment)011 407 4057

[email protected]

Also try the Sappi Career Website or Facebook via the intranet