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Towards a reputation-based routing protocol to contrast blackholes in a delay tolerant network Gianluca Dini, Angelica Lo Duca Dept. of Ingegneria della Informazione, University of Pisa, L.go Lazzarino 1, I-56126 Pisa, Italy article info Article history: Received 4 September 2011 Received in revised form 17 February 2012 Accepted 15 March 2012 Available online xxxx Keywords: Delay tolerant network Reputation Blackhole abstract A Delay Tolerant Network (DTN) relies on the implicit assumption that nodes cooperate towards message forwarding. However, this assumption cannot be satisfied when there are malicious nodes acting as blackholes and voluntarily attracting and dropping messages. In this paper we propose a reputation-based protocol for contrasting blackholes. Every node locally maintains the reputation of forwarding nodes it comes in touch with and, then, upon selecting the next forwarding node, the node chooses among those having the highest reputation. The proposed reputation protocol is composed of three basic mechanisms— acknowledgments, node lists, and aging—that make communication efficient and capable of adapting to the changing operating conditions of a DTN. The protocol has been used to extend CAR [1]. The resulting protocol RCAR (reputation- based CAR) has been compared with T-ProPHET [2], a state-of-the-art reputation-based DTN routing protocol, from several standpoints. As it turns out, RCAR is more effective than T-ProPHET and outperforms it in most cases. Ó 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. 1. Introduction A Delay Tolerant Network (DTN) is a network paradigm where connectivity among mobile nodes is not always guaranteed. In order to guarantee messages delivery even in presence of network partitions, a DTN defines specific routing mechanisms to forward messages. The most com- mon are epidemic-based [3] and probability-based [1,4]. In the epidemic-based mechanisms, many replicas of the same message are transmitted in the hope that at least one reaches the receiver. This mechanism is very expensive in terms of employed resources and it is not applicable when the nodes have limited resources (e.g., mobile nodes when they are battery operated). In the probability-based mecha- nism, the sender forwards the message to the node having the highest probability of successful message delivery. This mechanism relies on the implicit assumption that all the nodes cooperate to message forwarding. Unfortunately, malicious nodes may misbehave and act against the rout- ing mechanism in different ways [5,6]. In this paper we deal with a specific malicious misbehavior according to which malicious nodes called sinkholes send wrong routing information to attract the largest possible number of mes- sages. This sinkhole attack may be preparatory to other kinds of attacks, such as dropping all the attracted mes- sages or dropping only some of them. In the former case the sinkhole acts as a blackhole, whereas in the latter as a selective forwarder [7]. In the paper we face with the problem of reducing the impact of the presence of blackholes in a DTN and propose an approach based on the concept of reputation. In short, upon selecting the next forwarding node, i.e., the node to forward a message to, a node estimates how well a candi- date forwarding node has behaved on the basis of past interactions with that possible forwarding node. We call reputation such an estimation. In practice the reputation measures the trustworthiness of a node. The lower the rep- utation of a node, the higher the chance that the node is a 1570-8705/$ - see front matter Ó 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. Corresponding author. E-mail addresses: [email protected] (G. Dini), [email protected] (A. Lo Duca). Ad Hoc Networks xxx (2012) xxx–xxx Contents lists available at SciVerse ScienceDirect Ad Hoc Networks journal homepage: Please cite this article in press as: G. Dini, A. Lo Duca, Towards a reputation-based routing protocol to contrast blackholes in a delay tol- erant network, Ad Hoc Netw. (2012),

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Towards a reputation-based routing protocol to contrast blackholesin a delay tolerant network

Gianluca Dini, Angelica Lo Duca ⇑

Dept. of Ingegneria della Informazione, University of Pisa, L.go Lazzarino 1, I-56126 Pisa, Italy

a r t i c l e i n f o

Article history:Received 4 September 2011Received in revised form 17 February 2012Accepted 15 March 2012Available online xxxx

Keywords:Delay tolerant networkReputationBlackhole

a b s t r a c t

A Delay Tolerant Network (DTN) relies on the implicit assumption that nodes cooperatetowards message forwarding. However, this assumption cannot be satisfied when thereare malicious nodes acting as blackholes and voluntarily attracting and dropping messages.In this paper we propose a reputation-based protocol for contrasting blackholes. Every

node locallymaintains the reputation of forwarding nodes it comes in touch with and, then,upon selecting the next forwarding node, the node chooses among those having the highestreputation. The proposed reputation protocol is composed of three basic mechanisms—acknowledgments, node lists, and aging—that make communication efficient and capableof adapting to the changing operating conditions of a DTN.The protocol has been used to extend CAR [1]. The resulting protocol RCAR (reputation-

based CAR) has been compared with T-ProPHET [2], a state-of-the-art reputation-basedDTN routing protocol, from several standpoints. As it turns out, RCAR is more effective thanT-ProPHET and outperforms it in most cases.

! 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction

A Delay Tolerant Network (DTN) is a network paradigmwhere connectivity among mobile nodes is not alwaysguaranteed. In order to guarantee messages delivery evenin presence of network partitions, a DTN defines specificrouting mechanisms to forward messages. The most com-mon are epidemic-based [3] and probability-based [1,4]. Inthe epidemic-basedmechanisms, many replicas of the samemessage are transmitted in the hope that at least onereaches the receiver. This mechanism is very expensive interms of employed resources and it is not applicable whenthe nodes have limited resources (e.g., mobile nodes whenthey are battery operated). In the probability-based mecha-nism, the sender forwards the message to the node havingthe highest probability of successful message delivery. Thismechanism relies on the implicit assumption that all the

nodes cooperate to message forwarding. Unfortunately,malicious nodes may misbehave and act against the rout-ing mechanism in different ways [5,6]. In this paper wedeal with a specific malicious misbehavior according towhich malicious nodes called sinkholes send wrong routinginformation to attract the largest possible number of mes-sages. This sinkhole attack may be preparatory to otherkinds of attacks, such as dropping all the attracted mes-sages or dropping only some of them. In the former casethe sinkhole acts as a blackhole, whereas in the latter as aselective forwarder [7].

In the paper we face with the problem of reducing theimpact of the presence of blackholes in a DTN and proposean approach based on the concept of reputation. In short,upon selecting the next forwarding node, i.e., the node toforward a message to, a node estimates how well a candi-date forwarding node has behaved on the basis of pastinteractions with that possible forwarding node. We callreputation such an estimation. In practice the reputationmeasures the trustworthiness of a node. The lower the rep-utation of a node, the higher the chance that the node is a

1570-8705/$ - see front matter ! 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

⇑ Corresponding author.E-mail addresses: [email protected] (G. Dini), [email protected]

(A. Lo Duca).

Ad Hoc Networks xxx (2012) xxx–xxx

Contents lists available at SciVerse ScienceDirect

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journal homepage: www.elsevier .com/locate /adhoc

Please cite this article in press as: G. Dini, A. Lo Duca, Towards a reputation-based routing protocol to contrast blackholes in a delay tol-erant network, Ad Hoc Netw. (2012),

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blackhole. The chances of selecting a node as a forwardingnode are weighted by means of its reputation. Therefore anode having a low reputation is unlikely chosen as a for-warding node.

In our approach every node maintains a local notion ofreputation. We make this choice in order to avoid the over-head and the technical complications related to maintain-ing a global shared notion of reputation [8]. Intuitively,reputation is maintained by means of three mechanisms,namely acknowledgments, nodes list and aging. Every mes-sage carries the list of forwarding nodes the message hastraversed. Upon receiving the message, every node canupdate the reputation of the forwarding nodes specifiedin the list. Furthermore, upon handing a message to aforwarding node, the sender starts waiting for an acknowl-edgment from the ultimate destination. If the acknowledg-ment arrives, the sender increases the reputation of thatforwarding node. Finally, reputations are periodically aged,i.e, decreased. The challenge here is to adapt the aging per-iod to the highly changing delays of a DTN. We succeed inthis by using a properly designed Kalman filter [9].

The reputation management mechanism employs bothdata messages and acknowledgment messages. In particu-lar, the format of data messages has been extended toaccommodate additional information concerning reputa-tion management while an acknowledgment message is aunicast short message. It follows that, differently fromother systems [2,10], the proposed reputation manage-ment protocol does not need to resort to communicationexpensive mechanisms for reputation updates dissemina-tion based on broadcast/multicast communication.

The described reputation mechanism can be applied toall the DTN routing protocols using a probabilistic ap-proach. In practice, it can be used whenever the next hopof a message is chosen as the one having the highest prob-ability to deliver the message.

In this paper we apply the reputation-based approachto the Context Aware Routing (CAR) protocol, a probabil-ity-based routing protocol previously defined in [1]. CARhas no protection mechanisms against blackholes. Weshow that by augmenting CAR by means of the proposedreputation mechanism, the delivery ratio increases from20% up to 60% according to the considered scenario.

We call Reputation-based CAR (RCAR) the resulting pro-tocol. An early version of RCAR has already been proposedin [11]. With respect to that version, here we propose thefollowing enhancements: (a) we protect the integrity ofthe reputation management information carried by mes-sages; (b) we add a mechanism to dynamically determinethe reputation aging period; (c) we compare the perfor-mance of RCAR with that of T-ProPHET from several view-points including delivery ratio, attraction ratio, anddelivery delay. T-ProPHET is another reputation-based pro-tocol for DTN [2] that we have chosen for comparison withRCAR because it is both quite recent and the most similarto RCAR. Performance evaluation tests show that in thebest case RCAR is able to reach a delivery ratio of about80% while T-ProPHET in the best case reaches a deliveryratio of about 70%. Furthermore RCAR works better thanT-ProPHET when the number of blackholes in the networkis low. In any case, RCAR is more effective than T-ProPHET,

that is, the improvement that RCAR makes to CAR alwaysoutperforms the improvement that T-ProPHET makes toProPHET.

The paper is organized as follows. Section 2 describesrelated works. Section 3 describes the network assump-tions whereas Section 4 describes RCAR. Section 5 reportsperformance evaluation by means of simulation. Finally,Section 6 describes our conclusions and future work.

2. Related work

Secure cooperation in DTNs is quite a recent researchchallenge. However, a lot of work addressing the differentaspects of secure cooperation has been produced [5,6]. Themost common threats to DTNs are: selfish nodes andblackhole nodes. A selfish node is a node which is reluctantto cooperate in message forwarding in order to save itsown energy. At the state of art, the most important proto-cols acting against selfish nodes try to reduce the selfish-ness by incentivating the selfish nodes to cooperate[12–14].

A blackhole is a node which drops all the received mes-sages. At the state of art, the most important protocols act-ing against blackholes can be classified as: (a) reputation-based, (b) reference-based, and, finally, (c) replication-based.In reputation-based systems [8,2], each node observes thebehavior of other nodes and assigns each of them a reputa-tion which measures how well a node is behaving. Therouting of messages is done on the basis of the reputation:the lower the reputation the lower the probability that anode is chosen as next hop (forwarding node) for amessage.

In reference-based systems [15–17], each node wantingto forward a packet gives its references to its neighbors. Areference is a piece of evidence specifying that a nodehas cooperated to message forwarding. On the basis of ref-erences of a given node j, a node i can decide whether toforward its messages to j or not. In replication-based sys-tems [10,18], secure cooperation is achieved by sendingmany replicas of the same message.

In the Secure Reputation-based Dynamic WindowScheme (SReD) [8], messages are forwarded to nodes hav-ing the highest reputation. The basic idea of SReD is to pro-vide recommandations to each node based on the opinionsof the other nodes. In practice, if a node a wants to calcu-late the reputation of a node b, it asks its neighbors, exceptnode b, to give their opinion. Then, a calculates the reputa-tion of b as the sum of its own opinion and the opinions gi-ven by the neighbors. In SReD reputations are sharedamong all nodes. The SReD protocol relies on the strongassumption that every node has a trusted hardware. Actu-ally, in the absence of trusted hardware, a node could dis-seminate bogus recommandations. With respect to SReD,we propose a protocol in which the reputation is a local no-tion so that there is not the need of a trusted hardware.

In [2], the authors describe T-ProPHET, a reputation as-sisted data forwarding mechanism for opportunistic net-works. Each node sends its messages to the node havingthe higher reputation. Upon receiving a message, a destina-tion builds a Positive Feedback Message (PFM), which

2 G. Dini, A. Lo Duca / Ad Hoc Networks xxx (2012) xxx–xxx

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contains information to update the reputation of the carri-ers. The PFM is sent through epidemic routing, in order toreach more quickly the sender. When the sender receivesthe PFM, it can update the reputations of the carriers con-tained in it. The epidemic routing mechanism allows a sen-der to update reputations quickly, but it also adds trafficoverhead. An extensive comparison with T-ProPHET is re-ported in Section 5.

Ren et al. propose a mechanism to detect blackholenodes based on packet exchange recording [16]. When twonodes meet, they exchange their respective history re-cords, containing the list of all node they have encoun-tered. All the history records are authenticated throughdigital signatures. Comparing the other node’s history withits own local history, each node is able to determinewhether the other node has forwarded all the messagesor not. This mechanism is called sanity check. If a nodehas not forwarded all the messages, the other nodes candetect it and classify that node as a blackhole. This mech-anism is able to recognize a high number of blackholenodes. However, this technique is not suitable when con-tact time between two nodes is short, because there maybe no time to exchange long histories.

The same authors propose an improvement of the pre-vious technique [17] where the sanity check is performedby a special node called ferry node rather than by every sin-gle node. Periodically, the ferry node visits all the nodesand asks them their history records. The ferry node classi-fies a node as a blackhole if the history of that node con-tains messages that the other nodes’ histories do notcontain. While this technique is very efficient, the ferrynode features a single point of failure. If an adversary isable to compromise the ferry node, or take it down, allthe system is compromised.

Chuah et al. propose a dynamic replication mechanism,where the number of generated message copies, calledredundant factor, is calculated dynamically, on the basisof the current delivery ratio [10]. In particular, given a traf-fic flow originating in a sender and ending in a destination,this latter node measures the delivery ratio for the flowand sends it to the sender. The sender dynamically adjuststhe redundancy factor according to the received deliveryratio. The main drawback of this protocol consists in thelarge number of messages caused by replication.

3. System model

We consider a Delay Tolerant Network (DTN) composedof several wireless nodes moving inside a fixed area. For in-stance, a node may be a device held by a human or embed-ded in a bus. In the network, messages are forwardedaccording to the following strategy. If a route already existsbetween the sender s and the receiver r, the message is for-warded using a standard routing protocol for ad hoc net-works (e.g. DSDV). We call this mechanism synchronousrouting. If the route does not exist, the sender uses an asyn-chronous routing mechanism according to which the mes-sage is forwarded to the forwarding node c having thehighest chance of successful message delivery. The nodec stores the message in its local buffer until it either estab-

lishes a route with the receiver r or encounters another for-warding node c0 having a higher chance of messagedelivery to the destination. In the former case, c deliversthe message to r by means of the synchronous routing. Inthe latter case, c applies again the asynchronous routingand forwards the message to c0. This routing process con-tinues until the message eventually reaches its final desti-nation r. Notice that a buffer has a limited size, therefore,when it gets full, the arrival of a new message causes amessage loss. DTN mechanism inherently loses messages,unless the buffer size is unlimited. DTN management sys-tems differ on buffer management and message replace-ment policies [19].

A crucial issue in asynchronous routing is how to selectforwarding nodes [20]. Many solutions have been pro-posed [4,21,22]. In this paper we refer to the selection algo-rithm proposed by CAR (Context Aware Routing) [1]. InCAR, each node calculates its own delivery probability, i.e.,the chance of successful message delivery on the basis ofits own context information. A node context is defined asthe set of attributes that describe the aspects of the systemthat can be used to drive the process of message delivery(e.g., mobility of node or battery level). Each node esti-mates its own delivery probability by means of a UtilityFunction Uðx1; x2; . . . ; xnÞ ¼

Pni¼1wiUiðxiÞ where xi repre-

sents an attribute, Ui(xi) the Utility Function calculatedover xi, and wi is the significance weight reflecting the rel-ative importance of each attribute.

A node periodically computes an estimation of its owndelivery probability. Then, the node broadcasts such anestimation to all the nodes it is able to reach through syn-chronous routing. The routing information necessary tobuild routing tables for synchronous routing is attachedto the delivery probability estimation. CAR employs DSDVas synchronous routing protocol. In CAR, a node choosesthe forwarding node among those reachable through thesynchronous routing, and selects the one having the high-est chance of message delivery, i.e., the node having thegreatest value of U.

3.1. Adversary model

A DTN could be affected by many threats [23,18]. In thispaper we assume that a node under the adversary controlmay behave as a blackhole [7]. This means that the mali-cious node strives to appear attractive for the other nodesas far as the routing algorithm is concerned. Then, uponreceiving messages to forward—both synchronously orasynchronously—the blackhole drops them. In order to sur-reptitiously increase its own attractiveness, a blackholemay act in two ways, either modifying routing informationin transit or exploiting the CAR mechanism for forwardingnode selection. In the latter case, the blackhole could sur-reptitiously disseminate falsely high values of the UtilityFunction (U? 1), so inducing other nodes to select it withhigh probability. We assume that blackholes do notcollude.

Incidentally, we would like to point out that blackholesand selfish nodes have opposite behaviors. A selfish node isa node that uses the routing service but does not want tospend its own resources to cooperate towards that service

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[7]. Therefore, in contrast to blackholes, selfish nodes striveto appear unattractive for the other nodes in order not tobe selected as forwarding nodes. However, if selected, theywill forward messages. In CAR, selfish nodes disseminatefalsely small values of the Utility Function (U? 0). It fol-lows that countermeasures against selfish nodes tend tobe very different from those against blackholes. In this pa-per we will not deal with selfish nodes and will not men-tion them any further. Countermeasures against themwill be the subject of future work.


In this section we describe RCAR (reputation-basedCAR), an extension of CAR based on the concept of reputa-tion and able to limit the effect of the presence ofblackholes.

In Section 4.1 we introduce the concept of reputation inCAR. Then in Sections 4.2 and 4.3, we give some intuitionsabout its implementation and how nodes reputation getsupdated.

4.1. The concept of reputation

Every node estimates how well another nodes behavesregarding the forwarding of messages. We call reputation(R) such an estimation. The range of R is [0,1]. The lowerR, the higher the probability that the node is a blackhole.R is a local notion because it is calculated by each nodeon the basis of its own network experience. In other words,there is no global consensus on the reputation of a givennode. This is in order to save the node energy and avoidboth the traffic overhead and the technical complicationsdue to the achievement of such a consensus. By Rij we de-note the reputation of node i calculated by node j. Everynode j calculates the reputation Rij of every node i it meets,as described below.

A node uses reputation to contrast blackholes as follows.

Definition 1 (Local Utility Function). Let Ui be the UtilityFunction of i and Rij be the reputation of node i at node j,then the Local Utility Function, Lij, is given by:

Lij ¼ Rij $ Ui ð1ÞIntuitively Lij represents how capable of forwarding

messages node j considers node i. Node j uses the local util-ity function to choose a node. In practice, it chooses thenode i having the highest value of Lij as the forwarder ofa message. The rational basis of this choice is the following.Assume that a node i is a blackhole. Thus node j assigns alow reputation value to node i, i.e., Rij ? 0. It follows thatthe value of Lij ? 0 and thus j does not select i as a forward-ing node.

More formally, let D be the event ‘‘node i delivers a mes-sage’’ and B the event ‘‘node i is not blackhole’’. The prob-ability of successful message delivery P(D) is given by theBayes theorem:



where P(DjB) = Ui, where Ui is the Utility Function of node i.This is because if a node is not blackhole (event P(B) = 1),the event D happens with a probability given by thechances of the node to forward a message (i.e. Ui). Further-more, P(B) = Rij, where Rij is the reputation given by thenode j to the node i. This is because a node is not blackholewith a probability equal to its reputation. Thus we have:

PðDÞ ¼ RijUi


but P(BjD) = 1 because if i forwards messages, i is not black-hole. Therefore,

PðDÞ ¼ Ui $ Rij ð4Þ

where P(D) = Lij.Fig. 1 shows the flow diagram of the algorithm used by

RCAR to select a forwarding node. Assume that a node s,the sender, sends a message m to a node r, the receiver.If a route exists between s and r, the node s exploits thesynchronous routing, otherwise it exploits the asynchro-nous routing as described in Section 3. When the synchro-nous routing is available, the node s selects the next hop nto reach r according to the DSDV protocol, as in CAR. Onceselected the next hop n, the node s checks whether Lsn > 0.If this is the case, it means that the node n is not blackhole,so that the node s sends it the message m. Otherwise, ifLsn = 0, the node s tries to exploit the asynchronous routing.As already said, the asynchronous routing is used alsowhen a route from the sender to the receiver does not ex-ist. In the case of asynchronous routing, the sender s selectsthe node c having the highest Lsc. In order to reach the nodec, the node s exploits the synchronous routing, that is, it se-lects the next hop n according to the DSDV protocol, in or-der to reach c. Once received the message m, the node cstores it in its local buffer. As before, node s sends the mes-sage m to n only if Lsn > 0, otherwise it stores m in its localbuffer. Periodically both the nodes s and c try to send themessages contained in their local buffer by repeating thepreviously described mechanism.

We have made the choice that node j forwards a mes-sage to a given next hop n if and only if Lnj > 0 because atthe same time we want both to contrast blackholes andpreserve the advantages introduced by the use of synchro-nous routing.

Note that when the synchronous routing is used, a nodes sends the message to a node n only if Lsn > 0, while whenthe asynchronous routing is used, the node s selects thenode n having the largest value of Lsn. This is due to the factthat in the synchronous routing the Utility Function of thenode n does not influence the routing so that we can as-sume that Usn = 1. This means that the value of Lsn dependsonly on the reputation. In this case, the message must notbe sent to a node if it is a blackhole. The node n is blackholeif Rsn 6 h, where h is a threshold to consider a node black-hole. Without loosing in generality, we can assume h = 0,because if Rsn = 0 the node n is certainly blackhole. In con-trast, in the asynchronous routing, 0 6 Usn 6 1 and thus thevalue of Lsn depends also on it. This means that it is not suf-ficient to check whether Lsn > 0 to select the forwardingnode, because the protocol must also take into accountthe node having the largest Utility Function.

4 G. Dini, A. Lo Duca / Ad Hoc Networks xxx (2012) xxx–xxx

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4.2. The reputation update protocol

The Reputation Update Protocol (RUP) is the mechanismused by RCAR to update reputations of nodes. Integrity andauthenticity of RUP information is protected by means ofdigital signatures. In particular, we assume that every nodehas a pair (public key, private key) and a certificate bindingits identifier to its public key signed by a CertificationAuthority (CA) trusted by all the nodes. By hx ia we indicatethe digital signature of node a on quantity x. Deploying aPublic Key Infrastructure (PKI) is in general a problematictask due to the problems connected to certificaterevocation and, more in general, the need of an onlineCA. Solutions have been proposed in [24–27]. However,at the state of art, PKI is the common solution used in DTNsto authenticate messages and provide their integrity[2, 14,15].

The basic idea behind the RUP is based on the followingobservation. If a node d receives a message, then all nodesthe message passed through are well behaving or, other-wise, d would have not received the message. This meansthat, upon receiving a message, node d can increase thereputation of all nodes the message passed through, pro-vided we can keep track of them.

We keep track of nodes a message has passed throughas follows. Every message m carries the list of identifiersof nodes the message has passed through. We call node list(nlist) such a list. Upon receiving message m, a node addsitself to the nlist. A node adds itself only once, even though

a message passes through that node many times. A mali-cious node could modify the nlist and add identifiers ofnodes the message has not passed through in order to in-crease the reputation of other malicious nodes. In orderto avoid such modifications, the message carries also a listof digital signatures r1,r2, . . . ,ri%1 that prove that the mes-sage has actually passed through the nodes specified in thenode list. We call slist such a list. The digital signature ri

establishes an unbreakable link between the node cireceiving m and the node ci%1 from which it has receivedm. In practice through ri we are sure that the message mhas gone from ci%1 to ci without passing throughout anyother intermediate node.

The length of the slist influences both the messagelength and thus the RCAR communication overhead as wellas the message processing time and thus the RCAR pro-cessing overhead. However, as we will show in Section 5,the average number of nodes a message passes throughis small, namely about 1.5 on average. This means thatthe overhead added by the digital signatures is practicallynegligible.

Let us suppose that a sender s sends a messagem = (mid,p,d, ts,nlist,slist) where mid is the unique identi-fier associated to each message, p is the message payload,d is the destination node and ts is the time at which themessage is sent. Initially nlist and slist are empty. Theyare iteratively constructed as follows. Suppose that the for-warding node c1 receives the message from s. It updatesthe nlist and the slist as follows:

Fig. 1. Flow diagram of the RCAR algorithm.

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Please cite this article in press as: G. Dini, A. Lo Duca, Towards a reputation-based routing protocol to contrast blackholes in a delay tol-erant network, Ad Hoc Netw. (2012),

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nlist ¼ c1 ð5Þslist ¼ r1 ð6Þ

In the most general case, node c1 forwards the message m.Whenm passes through the ith forwarding node ci, i > 0, letus assume that nlist = {c1,c2, . . . ,ci%1} andslist = {r1,r2, . . . ,ri%1}. Then, ci updates nlist and slist asfollows:

nlist nlistkci ð7Þslist slistkhri%1; ciici ð8Þ

where k indicates the append operation and hxici indicatesthe digital signature made by node ci on content x.

Upon receiving messagem, the receiver d verifies (i) thedigital signatures contained in the slist and (ii) if the list ofnodes contained in the nlist corresponds to that containedin the slist. If the check is successful, it extracts the list ofnodes from nlist and increases the reputation of all thesenodes.

The described protocol allows only the receiver d to up-date the reputation of the nodes. This basic mechanism canbe improved, using two additional mechanisms: ack-basedand step-by-step. With the ack-based, the destination noded builds an acknowledgment message ack = (mid, ts,clist,s-list), and sends it back to the sender s. The nlist and slistof the acknowledgment are initialized with the nlist andthe slist of the original message. Furthermore, during theack forwarding process, the nlist and the slist are updatedas described before for standard messages. The ack behavesas a standard message except it is not acknowledged in itsturn. The ack message may follow a different route fromthe original message m. In practice, each node forwardingthe ack adds itself in the nlist and slist, only if it is not al-ready contained in them. Upon receiving the ack message,the original sender s verifies the digital signatures con-tained in the slist and the correspondence between thenodes contained in the nlist and the slist, and if this checkis successful, it increases the reputation of the nodes con-tained in the nlist.

The step-by-step mechanism is an improvement of theprevious one. All the nodes traversed by the message andthe corresponding ack extract the corresponding slist andnlist, verify the digital signatures contained in the slistand the mutual consistency of nlist and slist. Then they up-date the reputation of the nodes contained in the nlist. As itturns out, the reputation update process involves only cer-tain nodes, namely those receiving the original messageand the ack. We have made this choice to keep low theDTN management traffic. In the performance evaluationtests described in Section 5, we have used the step-by-steptechnique.

4.3. The aging mechanism

The just described mechanism allows every node to in-crease the reputation of all the nodes contained in the nlistof a message that passes through the node. However, if amessage gets lost, a node has no means to know whethera blackhole has dropped it or another situation has oc-curred (e.g. message dropped for buffer overflow or TTL

elapsed). Furthermore, even though the node could knowthat a message has not been delivered, it could not knowwhich node along the path has misbehaved. Thus, in orderto cope with blackholes, a mechanism based on aging isused to decrease the reputation of all the nodes. In practice,periodically a node decreases the reputations of all thenodes. This choice is done to have a conservative policy,because a node does not know which node has droppedthe message.

We assume that the reputation increases and decreaseslinearly. That is, reputation R may be increased by a posi-tive non-zero quantity X, i.e. R max(1,R + X), or de-creased by a positive non-zero quantity Y, i.e., R max(0,R % Y). Quantities X and Y may be different if we requirethat the reputation increases and decreases at differentpaces. In an optimistic policy, node i may initially considerj trusted, i.e., initially Rji = 1. In contrast, in a conservativepolicy, node i may not initially trust j at all, i.e., initiallyRji = 0. Intermediate policies can be defined.

In the aging mechanism, it is important the choice ofthe value of the decrease period T. On one hand, a too largevalue of T generates a high number of false negatives, be-cause reputation of blackholes is decreased too slowly.On the other hand, a too small value of T, instead, producesa high number of false positives, i.e. well-behaving nodesare classified as blackholes because their reputation de-creases too quickly before acknowledgments come backto the sender.

In order to fulfil the requirements of a DTN, the de-crease period T cannot be fixed, because DTN conditionschange. The decrease period T could be expressed as afunction of the Round Trip Time (RTT). Upon sending amessage, the sender attaches the message a timestampspecifying the moment in which the message was origi-nated. So doing, upon receiving the correspondingacknowledgment, the sender node is able to calculate theRTT of the message. This means that whenever a node re-ceives an acknowledgment, it can update the decrease per-iod. In this way the decrease period follows the RTT and isupdated dynamically according to network conditions.However, due to the nature of DTN, an acknowledgmentmay get lost so that the decrease period is not updated cor-rectly. In order to dynamically update the decrease periodeven when the RTT is not (always) available, we employ amechanism to predict the future values of RTT on the basisof the past history. We use Kalman filters [9]. Kalman fil-ters were originally thought for automatic control systemstheory. They are able to estimate the next state of a dy-namic system on the basis of some observations. Theadvantage of using Kalman filters derives from their abilityto predict the next state even when the current observa-tion is not available. Furthermore, they do not require tostore the whole past history of the system so they can beused also by resource constrained vehicles.

In more details, by Tk and Dk we denote the decrease per-iod and the RTT at the step k respectively. The RTT is a mea-sured value (i.e. it comes from real observations), while thedecrease period is an estimated value (i.e. it is calculatedthrough the Kalman algorithm). The purpose of the Kalmanfilter is to calculate the value of the decrease period Tk+1 atthe step k + 1 given Tk. The Kalman filter is composed of

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two phases: (a) the predictor, (b) the corrector. Fig. 2 showsthe architecture of a Kalman filter. The predictor takes thecurrent value of the decrease period (Tk) as input and esti-mates the next value T%

kþ1 on the basis of its own algorithmas described in [9]. The notation T% indicates that the valuehas not been compared with the measured values yet. Thevalue T%

kþ1 represents the next predicted value for the de-crease period. However, it must be corrected with the val-ues coming from real measures of RTT in order to avoidthat it drifts away too far from the real value of RTT. Forthis reason, the predicted value T%

kþ1 constitutes the inputfor the corrector component, which takes also the valueof the RTT Dk as input and produces the final predicted va-lue Tk+1. It is important to note that if the value of the RTT isnot available at a given step, the corrector component canbe ignored and the next predicted value of the decreaseperiod coincides with T%


5. Performance evaluation

In this section we evaluate performance of RCAR viasimulation. RCAR has been compared to T-ProPHET [2], areputation-based protocol for DTN that is both very recentand the most similar to RCAR. Furthermore, we also com-pare RCAR to Epidemic Routing (ER) [3]. In brief, ER relieson the idea that both the sender and any forwarding nodeforward a message to all the nodes they meet until themessage arrives at destination. However, in order to avoidoverwhelming the network, a forwarding node never for-wards a message twice.

In our evaluation we also compare the improvementintroduced by RCAR on CAR [1] with the improvementintroduced by T-ProPHET on ProPHET [4].

Both CAR and ProPHET are probabilistic routing proto-cols for DTNs. They both calculate the next hop of a mes-sage as the one having the highest delivery probability.Both in ProPHET and in CAR a node a calculates the deliv-ery probability of a node b on the basis of the past encoun-ters between the two nodes. However, if the pastencounters are not available or they are too old, in CAR

the node a locally forecasts the delivery probability of bby using particular forecasting techniques (i.e. Kalmanfilters). In ProPHET, instead, the node a asks its neighborstheir past encounters with b. On the basis of the receivedinformation, the node a calculates the delivery probabilityfor node b.

CAR and ProPHET have already been compared in [1]. Inthe absence of blackholes CAR outperforms ProPHET fromseveral standpoints. In particular, CAR achieves a higherdelivery ratio, a smaller number of sent messages and asmaller propagation delay than ProPHET. This is due tothe fact that CAR has a more efficient mechanism to updatedelivery probabilities than ProPHET. However, as we aregoing to describe below, this update mechanism allowsblackholes to attract a larger number of messages in CARthan in ProPHET. It follows that CAR is more susceptibleto blackholes than ProPHET.

In order to make performance evaluations and compar-isons, we have simulated RCAR, CAR and ER using the OM-Net++ simulator, while for ProPHET and T-ProPHET wehave taken results from [2]. In order to compare CAR,RCAR, ER, ProPHET and T-ProPHET in the same conditions,we have considered the same simulation scenarios as de-scribed in [2]. In particular, we have created blackholesand well-behaving nodes moving around a fixed area. Onlywell-behaving nodes send/receive messages while black-holes have been implemented as nodes distributing adelivery probability Ub = 1 for all the destinations. Once at-tracted a message, a blackhole drops it. In the case of ER, itdoes not employ delivery probability, so that a blackhole isa node which drops received messages.

We have set the number of well-behaving nodes to 20.We have performed two sets of simulations: (a) we havevaried the network area size (1000 m $ 1000 m,2000 m $ 2000 m and 3000 m $ 3000 m), while keepingfixed the number of blackholes (6 blackholes), (b) we havevaried the number of blackholes (2,6,10,14) while keepingfixed the network area size (1000 m $ 1000 m). Each nodehas a communication range equal to 25 m, with a variablespeed from 0 to 5 m/s. Each node generates a message with

Fig. 2. The Kalman filter architecture.

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a rate of 1 message/s and has a buffer size of 1000 mes-sages. For each simulation we have performed 20 runs,each lasting 8900 s. In each run we have set the warm upperiod to 300 s. The warm up period is the initial timeneeded to build the routing tables for synchronous routing.We have set the routing table transmission interval (RTTI)to 3 s. The RTTI represents the interval of retransmission ofthe routing tables. In practice, each node retransmits itsrouting table to the other nodes every RTTI seconds. Wehave set the initial reputation to 1, the reputation incre-ment X to 0.1, while the reputation decrement Y to the halfof the reputation increment (i.e. 0.05). Table 1 resumesconfiguration parameters.

We have measured the following metrics:

' Node List Length. It is the number of nodes containedinto an acknowledgment, when it arrives to the originalsender of the message.

' Delivery ratio. It is the ratio between the number ofreceived messages and the number of sent messages.Acknowledgments do not contribute to the deliveryratio. In practice, it measures the fraction of messagesthe network is able to deliver in the presence of black-holes. Ideally the delivery ratio should be equal to 1.

' Attraction Ratio. It is the ratio between the number ofattracted data message by the blackholes and the num-ber of sent data messages. Acknowledgments do notcontribute to the attraction ratio, although blackholesattract acknowledgments too. In practice, the attractionratio measures the fraction of messages the blackholesare able to attract. Ideally the attraction ratio shouldbe equal to 0.

' Average Delay. It is the time between the generation of amessage and its delivery to the final receiver. It is calcu-lated as the average of all the messages received,included acknowledgments. Ideally the average delayshould be equal to 0.

' Total Number of Sent Messages. It is the total number ofmessages sent in the network, including routing mes-sages and acknowledgments.

5.1. Node List Length

Fig. 3 shows the distribution of the Node List Length vs.the network area sizes. Each tick on the x-axis representsthe Node List Length, that is, the number of nodes con-tained in the acknowledgment. We note that for aboutthe 50% of messages the node list contains 1.5 nodes andonly sporadically the Node List Length is two or longer.

5.2. Delivery ratio

Fig. 4 shows the delivery ratio of RCAR, CAR, ER, Pro-PHET and T-ProPHET with respect to different networkarea sizes. In all the cases ER outperforms all the other pro-tocols, paying the cost of a very high number of sent mes-sages, as explained in Section 5.5. However, its deliveryratio decreases while increasing the network area size. Thisis due to the fact that when the network area size in-creases, the probability that two nodes meet is low so thattheir buffers are not emptied. This causes buffer overflowand many messages get lost.

In all the cases RCAR outperforms T-ProPHET. It is inter-esting to note that when the network area size is1000 m $ 1000 m and 2000 m $ 2000 m, CAR reaches thelowest delivery ratio. This is due to the fact that whenthe network is small, in CAR the synchronous routingworks, while ProPHET has not a synchronous routing. Ifthe synchronous routing is very efficient when there arenot blackholes [1], it does not work as expected in presenceof blackholes. Actually, when the network is small, theprobability to meet blackholes is so high that many mes-sages are sent to them and consequently are dropped.When the network area size increases (3000 m $3000 m), CAR outperforms both T-ProPHET and ProPHET.This is due to the fact that when the network area is large,CAR uses the asynchronous routing. As the network area islarge, the probability to meet a blackhole is smaller so thatthe asynchronous routing works quite efficiently.

Fig. 5 shows the performance increase in delivery ratioof RCAR (T-ProPHET) on CAR (ProPHET) with respect to dif-ferent network area sizes. The performance increase indelivery ratio is calculated as the difference between thedelivery ratios of RCAR (T-ProPHET) and CAR (ProPHET),respectively. The greater the performance increase thegreater the increase introduced by RCAR (T-ProPHET) onCAR (ProPHET). We note that in all cases the performanceincrease in delivery ratio introduced by RCAR on CAR ishigher than the one introduced by T-ProPHET on ProPHET.

Fig. 6 shows the delivery ratio of RCAR, CAR, ER, Pro-PHET and T-ProPHET with respect to an increasing numberof blackholes. ER outperforms all the other protocols, ex-cept in the scenario with 14 blackholes where it reachesa delivery ratio comparable to the one of RCAR and CARand smaller than the one of T-ProPHET. This is due to thefact that when the number of blackholes increases, theprobability that a node meets a blackhole is higher andconsequently it is higher the probability that a node for-wards replicas of messages to blackholes. As a result manymessages are dropped and the delivery ratio decreases.

When the number of blackholes is small (2 and 6), RCARoutperforms all the other protocols. In contrast when the

Table 1Configuration parameters.

Parameter Value

Network area 1000 m $ 1000 m, 2000 m $ 2000 m,3000 m $ 3000 m

Number of wellbehaving nodes


Number of blackholes 2,6,10,14Communication range 25 mNode speed 0–5 m/sData generation rate 1 message/sSimulation time 8900 sWarmup period 300 sRTTI 3 sNumber of runs 20Buffer size 1000 messagesReputation increment 0.1Reputation decrement 0.05Initial reputation 1

8 G. Dini, A. Lo Duca / Ad Hoc Networks xxx (2012) xxx–xxx

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number of blackholes is high (10 and 14), T-ProPHET out-performs all the other protocols. However, in all cases,the performance increase in terms of delivery ratio intro-duced by RCAR on CAR is higher than the one introducedby T-ProPHET on ProPHET (Fig. 7). It is interesting to notethat T-ProPHET seems to be independent on the numberof blackholes, because the delivery ratio remains quite con-stant while varying the number of blackholes. This is dueto the way it updates delivery probabilities, as describedin Section 5.3.

5.3. Attraction ratio

Figs. 8 and 10 show the attraction ratio of RCAR, CAR,ProPHET and T-ProPHET with respect to an increasing net-work area size and an increasing number of blackholes

respectively. We do not show the values for ER, becausein ER a blackhole simply drops the messages it receiveswithout attracting them. In ER, in fact, a blackhole has nomeans to attract a message, as the routing mechanismsends messages to all the nodes.

We note that the attraction ratio of CAR is higher thanthe one of ProPHET in all scenarios so that also RCAR at-tracts more messages than T-ProPHET. However this isdue to the different mechanisms adopted by CAR and Pro-PHET to update delivery probabilities. In fact in CAR a nodecalculates another node delivery probability exactly as thedelivery probability sent by that node. In particular, if ablackhole sends a delivery probability Ub = 1, every node ireceiving it assumes that the blackhole has a delivery prob-ability Uib = Ub = 1. In ProPHET, instead, a node i calculatesthe delivery probability of a node j as the combination ofthree factors: (a) the previous delivery probability assignedby i to j, (b) the probability for i to meet j, which is calcu-lated locally by i, (c) the delivery probability sent by j to i.This means that if a blackhole sends a delivery probabilityUb = 1 to a node i, the node i calculates the delivery proba-bility Uib for that blackhole keeping into account the de-scribed factors so that in general Uib 6 Ub. It follows thatin CAR the probability to choose a blackhole is higher thanin ProPHET.

It is interesting to note that when the network area sizeincreases, the attraction ratio of CAR decreases, while theone of ProPHET increases. This is due to the different mech-anisms used by CAR and ProPHET to update the deliveryprobabilities. When the network area size increases, theprobability that a node meets a blackhole is lower. How-ever, in ProPHET the lower the probability to meet a car-rier, the higher the influence of the delivery probabilitysent by that carrier. In other words, when a blackholesends a delivery probability Ub = 1 to a node i, node i calcu-lates Uib 6 Ub, if the network area size is small, whereasnode i calculates Uib = Ub [4], if the network area size islarge. In CAR, instead, the less the probability to meet a car-rier, the less the probability that the carrier is chosen asforwarder.

Figs. 9 and 11show the attraction ratio increase of RCARover CAR and T-ProPHET over ProPHET. The attraction ratioincrease is calculated as the difference between the attrac-tion ratio of CAR (ProPHET) and RCAR (T-ProPHET). Thegreater the attraction ratio increase the greater theimprovement introduced by the RCAR (T-ProPHET) over

Fig. 3. Nodes List Length distribution.

Fig. 4. Delivery ratio vs. network area size.

Fig. 5. Delivery ratio increase vs. network area size. Fig. 6. Delivery ratio vs. number of malicious nodes.

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CAR (ProPHET). RCAR outperforms T-ProPHET in the sce-nario with a small network area, while when the networkarea size increases T-ProPHET outperforms RCAR.

5.4. Average delay

Figs. 12 and 13 show the average delay of RCAR, CAR,ER, ProPHET and T-ProPHET with respect to an increasingnetwork area size and an increasing number of blackholes,respectively. We note that ER reaches a smaller average de-lay than T-ProPHET and ProPHET and a greater average de-lay than RCAR and CAR. Furthermore, the average delay ofProPHET is higher than the one of CAR in all scenarios sothat also the average delay of T-ProPHET is higher thanthe one of RCAR. The fact that the average delay of CAR islower than the one of ProPHET has already been discussedin [1]. In practice, CAR employs also synchronous routingwhile ProPHET does not.

5.5. Total number of sent messages

Figs. 14 and 15 show the total number of sent messagesin the network by RCAR, CAR and ER. We do not show thevalues for T-ProPHET and ProPHET, because the authors in[2] do not analyze this metric. We note that ER sends about5.38 $ 106 messages in the worst case (scenario with 6blackholes and network area of 1000 m $ 1000 m) and1.046 $ 106 messages in the best case (scenario with 6blackholes and network area of 3000 m $ 3000 m). RCAR

instead sends about 1.01 $ 106 messages in the worst case(scenario with 10 blackholes and network area of1000 m $ 1000 m) and 0.2 $ 106 messages in the best case(scenario with 6 blackholes and network area of 3000 m $3000 m).

We note that ER transmits a number of messages whichis about five times greater than RCAR. This large overheadallows ER to outperform the other protocols in terms ofdelivery ratio. However, such a gain is very limited. For in-stance, in the case of 6 blackholes and a network size equalto 3000 m $ 3000 m the delivery ratio of ER is 0.88whereas that of RCAR is 0.77 (Fig. 14). It follows that froma practical point of view such an improvement of deliveryratio is not sufficient to justify the corresponding largecommunication overhead. For this reason, ER is not advis-able in a DTN.

Fig. 7. Delivery ratio increase vs. number of malicious nodes.

Fig. 8. Attraction ratio vs. network area.

Fig. 9. Attraction ratio increase vs. network area.

Fig. 10. Attraction ratio vs. number of malicious nodes.

Fig. 11. Attraction ratio increase vs. number of malicious nodes.

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RCAR generates a greater number of messages than CARbecause of the acknowledgment mechanism. The overheadin number of messages introduced by RCAR to CAR is53.95% in the worst case (scenario with 2 blackholes andnetwork area of 1000 m $ 1000 m) and 12.36% in the bestcase (scenario with 6 blackholes and network area of3000 m $ 3000 m). The high overhead introduced by RCARto CAR in the worst case is because in this scenario CAR hasalso a high Attraction Ratio (Fig. 10). This means that CARdelivers a low number of messages, because many of themare dropped by blackholes.

6. Conclusions

In this paper we have presented a reputation-basedprotocol to contrast blackholes in a DTN. The protocolhas been integrated in CAR and the resulting RCAR protocolhas been compared with T-ProPHET, a state-of-the-art rep-utation-based routing protocol deriving from ProPHET,from several viewpoints. As it turns out RCAR outperformsT-ProPHET in terms of delivery ration and average delay.Furthermore, the improvement of RCAR with respect toCAR always outperforms the improvement of T-ProPHETwith respect to ProPHET. In addition to this, we believethat RCAR has the following merits.

' RCAR proves that an effective and efficient reputation-based routing protocol for DTN can be based on a localnotion of reputation. As it turns out from Section 5, sucha local notion allows us to effectively contrast black-holes without incurring in the overhead and the techni-cal complications inherent to maintaining a globalnotion of reputation.

' Furthermore, RCAR has a reduced overhead. Actually, inRCAR the information for reputation management isproperly integrated in data and acknowledgment mes-sages. So, RCAR does not need to resort to expensivebroadcast/multicast communication for reputationmanagement. In addition, simulations show that thenode list is short so making sustainable the relatedcommunication and computation overhead.

' Finally, RCAR shows that it is able to adapt to the highlychanging conditions of a DTN. In particular RCAR is ableto adapt its aging period so reducing the chance of falsepositives and false negatives.


We wish to thank the anonymous reviewers for theirconstructive criticisms and suggestions that helped us toimprove the paper. We also wish to thank Dr. Cecilia Mas-colo, University of Cambridge (UK), and Dr. Mirco Musole-si, University of St. Andrews (UK) who have provided uswith CAR source code. Finally, we wish to thank Dr. Na Liwho has given us useful information about T-ProPHET.

This work has been partially supported by the EU FP7Project UAN (Grant Agreement No. FP7-2007-2013-225669), the EU FP7 Integrated Project PLANET (Grantagreement No. FP7-257649), and the EU FP7 Network of

Fig. 12. Average delay vs. network area.

Fig. 13. Average delay vs. number of blackholes.

Fig. 14. Total number of sent messages vs. network area size.

Fig. 15. Total number of sent messages vs. number of malicious nodes.

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Excellence CONET (Grant Agreement No. FP7-2007-2-224053).


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Gianluca Dini received his ‘‘Laurea’’ degree inElectronics Engineering from the University ofPisa, Pisa, Italy, in 1990, and his Ph.D. inComputer Engineering from Scuola Superiore‘‘S. Anna’’, Pisa, Italy, in 1995. From 1993 to1994 he was Research Fellow at the Depart-ment of Computer Science of the University ofTwente, The Netherlands. From 1993 to 1999he was Assistant Professor at the Diparti-mento di Ingegneria della Informazione,Elettronica, Informatica, Telecomunicazioni ofthe University of Pisa, where he is now Asso-

ciate Professor. His research interests are in the field of distributedcomputing systems, with particular reference to security. Currently he isworking on security in networked embedded systems. He has publishedmore than eighty papers in international conferences, books and journalsand has participated to many projects funded by the Commission of theEuropean Community, the Italian Government and private companies.

Angelica Lo Duca is a Ph.D. student atDepartment of Ingegneria della Informazioneof University of Pisa, Italy. She received herB.S. degree in Computer Science from Uni-versity of Pisa, in 2007. Her current researchinterests include privacy and security issuesin challenging networks, like UnderwaterAcoustic Networks (UANs) and Delay TolerantNetworks (DTNs).

12 G. Dini, A. Lo Duca / Ad Hoc Networks xxx (2012) xxx–xxx

Please cite this article in press as: G. Dini, A. Lo Duca, Towards a reputation-based routing protocol to contrast blackholes in a delay tol-erant network, Ad Hoc Netw. (2012),