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Nenad Težak, Ivan Bahun, Ivan Petrovi´ c Active Suppression of Low-frequency Interference Currents by Implementation of the High-performance Control System for the Grid-interfaced Converters DOI UDK IFAC 10.7305/automatika.53-2.128 621.3.015/.016:629.4.06 4.3; 5.7.2 Original scientific paper Operation of traction drive and auxiliary power supply converters installed onboard modern vehicles causes increased content of line harmonics and interharmonic components in the line current. Passive techniques for filtra- tion of low frequency interference line currents appeared to be insufficient, but are combined with active mitigation techniques. The paper describes and suggests active suppression methods based on proper design of the grid in- terface of the power converter and its corresponding control system. Interference currents, including those induced by the operation of onboard power converters can significantly influence the correct operation of telecommunica- tion, train control systems and other railway signaling infrastructure along the tracks, having direct impact to the safety of the railway transport. Therefore, suppression of low-frequency interference line currents requires careful implementation of active/passive methods. For purpose of quality evaluation of performances of the grid interface of the traction drive converters and its corresponding control system in particular, a series of tests for assessment of the line current frequency spectrum, resulting from the operation of the converter in typical exploitation conditions, were performed. Tests were performed in laboratory conditions and on the vehicle, with satisfactory results. Key words: Active filter, Control system design, Interference currents suppression, Line-side converters for rail- way applications Aktivno potiskivanje nisko-frekvencijskih struja smetnji u pojnoj mreži djelovanjem na upravljaˇ cko- regulacijsku strukturu mrežnog suˇ celja pretvaraˇ ca. Široka primjena pretvaraˇ ca glavnih i pomo´ cnih pogona, na suvremenim željezniˇ ckim vozilima, uzrokuje pojavu pove´ canog sadržaja neželjenih viših harmonika te me ¯ duhar- monika u strujama pojne mreže. Pasivne tehnike filtriranja nisko-frekvencijskih struja smetnji pokazale su se ne- dostatnim, te se kombiniraju s aktivnim tehnikama. U radu su predložene aktivne metode potiskivanja zasnovane na odgovaraju´ cem dizajnu mrežnog suˇ celja pretvaraˇ ca glavnih i pomo´ cnih pogona i pripadne upravljaˇ cko-regulacijske strukture. Struje smetnji, pa tako i one nastale kao posljedica rada pretvaraˇ ca glavnih i pomo´ cnih pogona instali- ranih na vozilo, uzrokuju elektromagnetske smetnje koje mogu znaˇ cajno utjecati na ispravan rad telekomunikacijske (TK) i signalno-sigurnosne (SS) infrastrukture uz prugu, a samim tim i na sigurnost željezniˇ ckog prometa. Stoga se potiskivanju nisko-frekvencijskih struja smetnji u pojnoj mreži treba pristupiti s posebnom pozornoš´ cu, koriste´ ci pasivne/aktivne mjere. U svrhu ocjene kvalitete postignutih radnih karakteristika mrežnog suˇ celja pretvaraˇ ca za napajanje glavnog pogona, u smislu potiskivanja struja smetnji, proveden je ˇ citav niz pokusa mjerenja spektralnog sastava struja pojne mreže pod djelovanjem pretvaraˇ ca u tipiˇ cnim uvjetima eksploatacije. Ispitivanja su provedena u laboratorijskim uvjetima, kao i na vozilu, uz zadovoljavaju´ ce rezultate. Kljuˇ cne rijeˇ ci: aktivni filtri, dizajn regulacijskog sustava, potiskivanje struja smetnji, mrežni pretvaraˇ ci za želje- zniˇ cka vozila 1 INTRODUCTION Within the last two decades, dynamic performances of the modern railway vehicles improved drastically, as a re- sult of the wide application of power electronic devices installed onboard – primarily IGBT based traction drive converters, i.e. power converters for the main propulsion, and the auxiliary power supply units. Traction converters supply main propulsion drives based on AC traction mo- tors, while auxiliary power converters units provide power supply for all other systems onboard railway vehicle (ven- tilation of the traction motors, pumps within the cool- ing system of the power converters, air compressors, bat- tery chargers...). Application of power electronics onboard modern railway vehicles resulted with many benefits, in- Online ISSN 1848-3380, Print ISSN 0005-1144 ATKAFF 53(2), 199–214(2012) AUTOMATIKA 53(2012) 2, 199–214 199

Active Suppression of Low-frequency Interference Currents by Implementation … · 2013. 5. 28. · Active Suppression of Low-frequency Interference Currents in Traction Applications

Jan 23, 2021



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Page 1: Active Suppression of Low-frequency Interference Currents by Implementation … · 2013. 5. 28. · Active Suppression of Low-frequency Interference Currents in Traction Applications

Nenad Težak, Ivan Bahun, Ivan Petrovic

Active Suppression of Low-frequency Interference Currents byImplementation of the High-performance Control System for theGrid-interfaced Converters


10.7305/automatika.53-2.128621.3.015/.016:629.4.064.3; 5.7.2 Original scientific paper

Operation of traction drive and auxiliary power supply converters installed onboard modern vehicles causesincreased content of line harmonics and interharmonic components in the line current. Passive techniques for filtra-tion of low frequency interference line currents appeared to be insufficient, but are combined with active mitigationtechniques. The paper describes and suggests active suppression methods based on proper design of the grid in-terface of the power converter and its corresponding control system. Interference currents, including those inducedby the operation of onboard power converters can significantly influence the correct operation of telecommunica-tion, train control systems and other railway signaling infrastructure along the tracks, having direct impact to thesafety of the railway transport. Therefore, suppression of low-frequency interference line currents requires carefulimplementation of active/passive methods. For purpose of quality evaluation of performances of the grid interfaceof the traction drive converters and its corresponding control system in particular, a series of tests for assessment ofthe line current frequency spectrum, resulting from the operation of the converter in typical exploitation conditions,were performed. Tests were performed in laboratory conditions and on the vehicle, with satisfactory results.

Key words: Active filter, Control system design, Interference currents suppression, Line-side converters for rail-way applications

Aktivno potiskivanje nisko-frekvencijskih struja smetnji u pojnoj mreži djelovanjem na upravljacko-regulacijsku strukturu mrežnog sucelja pretvaraca. Široka primjena pretvaraca glavnih i pomocnih pogona, nasuvremenim željeznickim vozilima, uzrokuje pojavu povecanog sadržaja neželjenih viših harmonika te meduhar-monika u strujama pojne mreže. Pasivne tehnike filtriranja nisko-frekvencijskih struja smetnji pokazale su se ne-dostatnim, te se kombiniraju s aktivnim tehnikama. U radu su predložene aktivne metode potiskivanja zasnovane naodgovarajucem dizajnu mrežnog sucelja pretvaraca glavnih i pomocnih pogona i pripadne upravljacko-regulacijskestrukture. Struje smetnji, pa tako i one nastale kao posljedica rada pretvaraca glavnih i pomocnih pogona instali-ranih na vozilo, uzrokuju elektromagnetske smetnje koje mogu znacajno utjecati na ispravan rad telekomunikacijske(TK) i signalno-sigurnosne (SS) infrastrukture uz prugu, a samim tim i na sigurnost željeznickog prometa. Stogase potiskivanju nisko-frekvencijskih struja smetnji u pojnoj mreži treba pristupiti s posebnom pozornošcu, koristecipasivne/aktivne mjere. U svrhu ocjene kvalitete postignutih radnih karakteristika mrežnog sucelja pretvaraca zanapajanje glavnog pogona, u smislu potiskivanja struja smetnji, proveden je citav niz pokusa mjerenja spektralnogsastava struja pojne mreže pod djelovanjem pretvaraca u tipicnim uvjetima eksploatacije. Ispitivanja su provedenau laboratorijskim uvjetima, kao i na vozilu, uz zadovoljavajuce rezultate.

Kljucne rijeci: aktivni filtri, dizajn regulacijskog sustava, potiskivanje struja smetnji, mrežni pretvaraci za želje-znicka vozila


Within the last two decades, dynamic performances ofthe modern railway vehicles improved drastically, as a re-sult of the wide application of power electronic devicesinstalled onboard – primarily IGBT based traction driveconverters, i.e. power converters for the main propulsion,and the auxiliary power supply units. Traction converters

supply main propulsion drives based on AC traction mo-tors, while auxiliary power converters units provide powersupply for all other systems onboard railway vehicle (ven-tilation of the traction motors, pumps within the cool-ing system of the power converters, air compressors, bat-tery chargers...). Application of power electronics onboardmodern railway vehicles resulted with many benefits, in-

Online ISSN 1848-3380, Print ISSN 0005-1144ATKAFF 53(2), 199–214(2012)

AUTOMATIKA 53(2012) 2, 199–214 199

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Active Suppression of Low-frequency Interference Currents in Traction Applications N. Težak, I. Bahun, I. Petrovic












Fig. 1. Simplified schematic of the track circuit for the occ-upancy control of the double isolated track section with"Z" configuration of insulated joints

cluding improved vehicle dynamics due to installed ACtraction drives, outperforming corresponding DC drives bydynamic characteristics as well as by ease and costs of themaintenance, increase of power that can be transferred tothe vehicle through the overhead line, possibility of regen-erative braking with favorable impact to the total energyconsumption of the vehicle and the maintenance of theother, hydraulic or electro-pneumatic brake systems...).

However, operation of power converters installed on-board causes increased content of interference currents –high order harmonics and interharmonic components – inthe overhead line current as well as in the return currentthrough the rails and other return paths [1-9].

Low-frequency interference currents and disturbances,especially interharmonic components, are much harder tofilter out and therefore are particularly dangerous, if theirfrequency is equal to or very close to the operating fre-quency bands of the train control and other railway signal-ing infrastructure along the tracks.

Interference mechanism between railway vehicle andthe track circuit for occupancy control on the double iso-lated track section, is illustrated by Fig. 1.

A track circuit usually has power applied to each railand a safety relay coil wired across them. The safety de-vice (relay) and the power supply are attached to oppositeends of the section in order to prevent broken rails fromelectrically isolating part of the track from the circuit.

When the track section is clear, i.e. when no train ispresent, the relay is energised by the current flowing fromthe power source through the rails. Otherwise, when a trainis present, its axles short the rails together; cutting out thecurrent to the track relay coil, and it is de-energised. Con-sequently, circuits through the relay contacts report theclear/occupied status of the track section. A series resis-tors limit the currents when the track circuit is shunted, i.e.short circuited.








-1250.0-12.5-25.0-37.5-50.0-62.5 12.5 25.0 37.5 50.0






I0 [



Fig. 2. Waveform of the relay coil voltage UR, and corre-sponding FFT spectrum in a frequency range up to 2 kHz,during correct operation of track circuit when the tracksection is clear: transmitter energizes the receiver by cir-cuit specific operating signal (in this case 831/3 Hz)








-1250.0-12.5-25.0-37.5-50.0-62.5 12.5 25.0 37.5 50.0






I0 [



Fig. 3. Waveform of the relay coil voltage UR, and corre-sponding FFT spectrum in a frequency range up to 2 kHz,during correct operation of track circuit when the tracksection is occupied: there is no circuit specific operatingsignal since the input of the relay device is short circuitedby axles of the railway vehicle

Waveform of the relay coil voltage UR, and correspond-ing FFT spectrum in a frequency range up to 2 kHz, duringcorrect operation of track circuit, when the track sectionis clear, is presented in Fig. 2. Transmitter (power supply)energizes the receiver (relay coil) by circuit specific oper-ating signal (831/3 Hz).

When the train is present, immediately after it enters thetrack section, the input of the relay device is short circuitedby axles of the railway vehicle (Fig. 3).

Loss of the input signal to the receiver (relay coil) acti-vates the occupied status of the track section.

In case that power converters installed onboard gener-ate sufficient content of the interference currents within

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Active Suppression of Low-frequency Interference Currents in Traction Applications N. Težak, I. Bahun, I. Petrovic

the narrow frequency band around the track specific op-erating frequency, vehicle will continue to energize the re-ceiver, acting as a power supply. Therefore, the train willnot be successfully detected, which can cause high propor-tion severe accidents with potentially enormous hazardousand tragic consequences.

Suppression of interference currents is carried out byimplementation of active and passive methods [10-14].Passive methods include installation of adequate power fil-ters in the input stage of the line-side converters, by consid-erable increase of stray inductances of the multi-coil trans-former windings for traction and auxiliary power supplyconverters, by installation of properly sized auxiliary filter-ing windings and AC filters in the output stages (e.g. sinus-filters attached to the outputs from auxiliary power supplyunits). Active mitigation techniques are performed primar-ily by appropriate design of the electrical power circuit ofthe grid-interface of the traction converters and auxiliarypower supply units (line-side converters), and the corre-sponding control system.

Typical electrical power circuit topologies of the gridinterfaces of the traction and auxiliary power converters,intended for operation on AC railway networks are pre-sented in the following sections. In order to achieve themost effective way to suppress the line interference cur-rents, particularly low-frequency harmonics, sub-harmonicand interharmonic components of the line current, some is-sues concerning the design of electrical power circuit of thegrid-interfaced converters and accompanying control sys-tem are discussed in the paper.


Connection between the overhead line and the line-sideconverter of the traction drive and auxiliary power supplyconverters differs with respect to the catenary voltages therailway vehicle is designed for [15-20]. On AC powersupply systems (25 kV, 50 Hz; 15 kV, 162/3 Hz) the tractionconverter is typically connected to the dedicated windingsof the single-phase multi-coil transformer, while on DCnetworks (750 VDC; 1.5 kVDC; 3 kVDC), standard so-lution is a direct connection through the input power filter(Fig. 4).

Connection of auxiliary power supply converters to theDC network does not differ from the solution for the trac-tion converters.

Auxiliary power supply converters, intended for opera-tion on AC supply network, are also typically connected tothe dedicated secondary winding of the single-phase multi-coil transformer, but there are some solutions were the grid

25kV, 50Hz / 15kV 16⅔Hz





750VDC / 1.5kVDC / 3kVDC





Fig. 4. Grid connection of traction drive converter to: a)AC supply network: 25 kV, 50 Hz or 15 kV, 162/3 Hz; b)DC supply network: 750 V, 1.5 kV or 3 kV


3×400 V

50 Hz

25kV, 50Hz / 15kV 16⅔Hz




Fig. 5. Auxiliary power supply converter connected to thestabilized DC-link voltage of the traction drive converter

interface of the auxiliary power supply converter is con-nected directly to the stabilized DC link voltage of the trac-tion drive converter, i.e. at the output of its line-side con-verter (Fig. 5).

Typical electrical power circuit topology of the trac-tion drive converters intended for operation on AC powersupply networks, is a pair of single-phase inverter bridgeswhose outputs are connected in parallel to the DC-link, to-gether with the main DC-link capacitor, resonant filter andbraking/protection unit (Fig. 6).

Such configuration of the line-side converter enables

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Active Suppression of Low-frequency Interference Currents in Traction Applications N. Težak, I. Bahun, I. Petrovic




Fig. 6. Typical electrical power circuit topology of the trac-tion drive converters intended for operation on AC powersupply networks

AC electrical traction drive full four-quadrant operation,necessary for application in modern railway vehicles.

Topology with two inverter bridges is used in orderto realize high-power units for the main propulsion trac-tion drives (usually over 500kW), when demands on op-erating electrical characteristics are drastically increasing.Besides, by implementation of interlaced PWM (Pulse-Width Modulation), a resulting switching frequency istwice higher, while retaining the total switching and con-duction losses on a similar level. Distribution of powerlosses on more IGBT switches has favorable impact on thedesign of the cooling system as well.

Resonant filter connected to the DC-link of the tractionconverter is tuned to the frequency twice higher than thefrequency of the input grid voltage. Thus, for 50 Hz ACsupply networks, resonant filter is tuned to the frequencyof 100 Hz, in order to damp the oscillations of the DC-linkvoltage caused by the fundamental component of the linecurrent, after the rectification by the line-side converter.Beside the first resonant frequency, equal to the doublegrid frequency, there is another resonant frequency, result-ing from the combination of the main DC-link capacitorand the aforementioned resonant filter. Thus, a proper se-lection of parameter values for the resonant filter and mainDC-link capacitor is very important.

In fact, harmonic components of the line current causedby counter-voltages generated by line-side converters, re-lated to the second resonant frequency can generate dan-gerous low-frequency interharmonic components of theline current [21]. Based on the hardly available data aboutthe key values of the electrical power circuits of the line-side converters of the traction drives, small overview ofthose parameters for several vehicle types is made (Ta-ble 1).

Table 1. Values of key parameters of the electrical powercircuit of the traction drive converters: fs - grid frequency,UdcN & PdcN - rated DC-link voltage and rated DC-linkpower, Cd - main DC-link capacitor, C2 - resonant filtercapacitor

fs PdcN UdcN Cd C2Vehicle[Hz] [MW] [V] [mF] [mF]

A 50 0.550 1500 9.6 4.8B 50 2.150 2800 7.8 3.4C 50 0.610 900 18.0 3.16D 50 1.000 1800 10.0 10.0E 162/3 3.200 2800 9.0 7.67F 162/3 3.200 2600 8.28 7.13G 162/3 3.000 2800 10.6 7.0H 162/3 2.400 2400 12.0 8.0I 162/3 2.000 2800 6.2 4.75

Control system of the output stage of the tractiondrive converter, i.e. three-phase inverter bridge, is designedto achieve the best performance regarding the dynamiccharacteristics of the AC traction drive, employing asyn-chronous traction motor and a variation of field orientedcontrol (FOC), or direct torque control (DTC) algorithms,[22-34].

Due to the hysteresis character of the DTC algorithm,traction drives with direct torque control generate a broadnoise spectrum of current harmonics, that can be in-jected in the DC link of the converter. Injected harmonicscan cause a generation of significant content of the low-frequency disturbances in the line current, by their inter-action with the fundamental component of the line currentand the control system of the line-side converters.

Standard topology of the grid interface of the auxil-iary power supply converters, powered from AC network,is configuration of several parallel/series connected boostconverters, according to the demanded power ratings andthe input voltage range.

Parallel configurations of auxiliary converter (Fig. 7) areusual at lower input voltage ranges, while series configura-tions are typical for higher input voltage ranges.

The boost converter, i.e. grid-interface of the auxil-iary converter, acting as an active rectifier, also stabilizesthe output DC-link voltage, while maintaining nearly con-stant voltage regardless of line voltage variations, includ-ing both fluctuations and distortions. The output modulesof the auxiliary power supply converter (three-phase in-verter units with fixed/variable frequency outputs, batterychargers, etc.) are then connected to this stabilized DC-link voltage in order to supply various loads onboard (vari-able/fixed frequency AC drives, lighting, information sys-tem, etc.). The boost converter is required to operate, from

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Active Suppression of Low-frequency Interference Currents in Traction Applications N. Težak, I. Bahun, I. Petrovic

no-load to full power, over a wide AC input voltage range,produce a stabilized output DC-link voltage, and supportfull output load drop.

Some design considerations regarding the configurationof electrical power structure of the grid-interface of theauxiliary power supply converter are discussed in [35].


Injection of interference line currents in the powersupply network, due to the operation of traction drive andauxiliary power supply converters, are primarily caused byinteraction between the control structure of the correspond-ing line-side converter and:

• disturbances generated by output stages of the con-verters, (high performance AC traction drives basedon induction motor and FOC/DTC control, invertersin combination with transformer for galvanic isola-tion of loads...)

• current-voltage circumstances in the power supplysystem(interaction with other vehicles, powered fromthe same substation, direct interaction with the infras-tructure of different substations, quality of the contactbetween the catenary line and the pantograph. . . ).

Methods for mitigation of interference line-currents arebasically derived based from passive/active approach.

Passive mitigation techniques include:

• installation of power filter at the input of the line-sideconverter (high voltage L-C filters, filter windings, in-crease of stray reactance of transformer. . . )

• installation of filters in the output stages, particularlythe outputs of auxiliary converters (various configura-tions of sinus filters. . . )

~ output modules

of the converter

(three-phase inverters,

)battery chargers...

Fig. 7. Typical configuration of electrical power circuit ofthe grid interface of the auxiliary power converter, pow-ered from AC power supply systems, for low input voltagerange, and high rated power

• suppression of DC current component in sections ofthe converter with combination of inverters and isola-tion transformers (in order to prevent the distortion ofthe load currents due to the saturation of the magneticcore [36]).

Active mitigation techniques [37-46] comprise:

• selection of the proper modulation scheme/strategyand its adequate implementation (type of modula-tion. . . )

• algorithms for elimination of effects of non-linearitiesin the control of IGBT switches (dead-time elimina-tion. . . )

• implementation of appropriately designed controlsystem (feedback signal processing, implementa-tion of model referenced predictive control algo-rithms, and maximal usage of feed-forward controlschemes. . . ).

Among the passive measures, installation of sinus fil-ter in the output stages of the auxiliary power supply con-verters is regularly applied, in order to obtain nearly si-nusoidal output voltages and load currents from the modu-lated DC voltage. Sinus filters are used to overcome the nu-merous problems associated with long cable runs betweenan inverter drive and a motor, by reducing the voltage riserate dV/dt, and associated peak voltages and currents, toa benign level. The asymmetric voltage and current wave-forms produced by pulse width modulation, are convertedback almost to a pure sine wave, which helps to reduce RFIand often removes the need for a screened cable. There arealso motor noise, temperature and mechanical stress reduc-tion benefits from using a sinusoidal filter.

There are many variations in the implementation of thesinus filter. More detailed overview of implementationsand possible connections of sinus filter with the trans-former and inverter is given in [47-50]. Based on practicalexperience, a version of sinus filter utilizing the stray in-ductance of the transformer as a filter inductance, so thatthe filter capacitors are directly attached to the secondarywindings (Fig. 8), proved to be state-of-the-art solution,and is most widely used in practice.

Transformer as a part of the sinus filter, also serves forgalvanic isolation of loads from the input, requires verycareful design of the control system of the converter. Actu-ally, improper control of the converter can result with theDC component of the output current, which could cause asaturation of transformers magnetic core and load currentdistortion. Thus, load current distortion, reflected as a DClink voltage disturbance, could initiate generation of inter-ference line currents, as a consequence of the operation ofthe line-side converter and its control system.

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Active Suppression of Low-frequency Interference Currents in Traction Applications N. Težak, I. Bahun, I. Petrovic

Both, passive and active approach, are used in order toeliminate the DC component of the magnetization current.Passive methods (application of additional series resistorbetween the inverter and transformer, bigger air-gap...), areeasier to implement, without any changes in control sys-tem, but result as larger, less efficient and more expensivesolutions, with respect to the ones obtained by applicationof active methods (elimination of dead-time effects in con-trol of IGBTs, detection and compensation of the DC com-ponent in the output voltage of the inverter, detection ofcore saturation...).

Since the weight of equipment installed onboard is al-ways important issue in vehicle design, active approach inelimination of the DC component of the magnetization cur-rent is obviously much more acceptable.

Active techniques for suppression of the DC componentof the magnetization current [42-44] modify the controlpulses to IGBTs in order to minimize the negative effectsof nonlinearities in the control of semiconductor switches,or alter the current reference waveform of the inverter, incase that DC component of the magnetization current, orthe current distortion due to core saturation is detected.

The negative impact of the dead-time effect on the con-trol of the IGBT switches can be drastically reduced byseveral changes in the control system, employing the out-put current feedback control. These algorithms can be im-plemented on dedicated hardware platform, while the restof them can be integrated in the control structure realizedin the digital signal processor (DSP). The core of the PWMunit is mostly embedded also in the DSP, or in some casesin the accompanying FPGA chip [45,46].

Beside the aforementioned problems with eliminationof the DC component of the magnetization current, thereare many other issues related to the line-current harmon-ics emerging as a result of the operation of parallel/seriesconnected line-side converters of traction drives and aux-iliary power supply converters. Due to harmonic inter-modulation between the converters, including the funda-mental component of the line current, resulting content oflow-frequency interference currents can be significantly in-


Fig. 8. State-of-the-art solution of sinus filter, utilizing thestray inductance of the transformer as a filter inductance

creased. On the other hand, set of equal, coherently con-trolled traction drive and auxiliary power supply convert-ers enables additional options for the suppression of low-frequency interference currents with respect to the over-head line power supply system. Problems related to themutual interaction of several vehicles powered from thesame substation, including the possible impact of such in-teractions on stability of the power network is another classof problems.

Nevertheless, for successful implementation of the ac-tive mitigation techniques for suppression of the low-frequency interference line currents, in depth knowledgeof the modulation techniques, solutions for compensationof imperfections in the control of IGBT switch is required.


In order to achieve the best dynamic performances,flexible control of output currents and voltages retainingtheir size and mass as small as possible, i.e. high specificpower density, almost all power converters installed on-board modern railway vehicles are operating in switchingmode.

Change of the amplitude and frequency of the outputvoltage is done by application of various switching se-quences to the IGBT switches, i.e. modulation [51-58].

Fundamental frequency of the generated voltage is forall grid-interfaced converters powered from AC network,including line-side converters of the AC traction drivesand auxiliary power supply converters, tied to the grid fre-quency. Counter-voltage generated by the line-side con-verter is non-sinusoidal, containing wide spectrum of har-monic components besides the fundamental. High-orderline harmonics are sinusoidal voltages whose frequency isan integer multiple of the grid frequency. Average valueof the output voltage in specific time interval representsthe DC component of the voltage in that time frame. If thebasic time frame is set to the period of the switching fre-quency, averaged sinusoidal waveform of the fundamentalvoltage component is obtained.

The very existence of other harmonics in the gener-ated counter voltage, together with the mechanism of theintermodulation with the fundamental component of thegrid voltage and other already injected harmonics, opensup the possibility for generation of lots of problems re-lated to the electromagnetic compatibility issues, includingnot only the problems of possible negative mutual impactof converters and other equipment installed onboard, butalso the problems regarding the interference line currentsand the possible negative effect on the correct operationof telecommunication and train control systems and otherrailway signaling infrastructure along the tracks.

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Active Suppression of Low-frequency Interference Currents in Traction Applications N. Težak, I. Bahun, I. Petrovic

Selection and implementation of the proper modulationscheme can significantly reduce the risks and problems re-lated to the harmonics content generated by the operationof traction drive and auxiliary power supply converters.Hence, the requirements set on the modulation algorithminclude generation of maximal amplitude of the fundamen-tal voltage, and the best frequency spectrum possible, aswell as very good dynamic characteristics with respect tothe versatile voltage and load variations, at moderate IGBTswitching frequency (in the applications for line-side con-verter of the traction drive and auxiliary power supply units– 500 Hz. . . 4kHz).

Additional requirements on modulation scheme for ACconverters include true grid synchronous operation withphase-control of the switching frequency harmonics, in or-der to interlace all converters onboard, and topology spe-cific requirements related to the parallel/series configura-tions of the line-side converters for traction drives and aux-iliary power supply converters).

Carrier based pulse-width modulation is typical forsingle-phase grid-interfaced traction drives and auxiliarypower supply converters, while the most often used sub-version of that modulation scheme in this applications issynchronous, sinusoidal, unipolar PWM:

• synchronous (ratio between the switching frequencyand the grid frequency is an integer value)

• sinusoidal (with respect to the modulation index overgrid voltage period, i.e. modulation signal is sinu-soidal)

• unipolar (with respect to the generation of output volt-age, i.e. output voltage waveform)

• symmetric/asymmetric (regarding the modulation in-dex update instances, i.e. whether it is sampledonce/twice during modulation carrier interval, respec-tively).

To achieve about the same harmonic spectrum of theline currents, significantly higher switching frequency isrequired in case that asynchronous modulation is applied,instead of the synchronous modulation. Consequently,asynchronous modulation would cause considerable dropof efficiency, due to higher switching frequency, and muchhigher level of electromagnetic interference in very widefrequency range. Therefore, it is unacceptable in line-sideconverters applications for traction drives and auxiliarypower supply converters.

Railway vehicles powered from AC power supply, grid-interfaces of the traction drive and auxiliary power supplyconverters are connected to the overhead line by meansof multi-winding single-phase transformer. Regarding high

performance demands on these converters and their dy-namic characteristics, in order to obtain the best possi-ble line-current spectrum and current reference tracking,synchronous, sinusoidal, unipolar PWM with line currentclosed control loop.


To achieve the best dynamic characteristics of the line-current control loop, the current controller is supportedby a model-referenced feed-forward control path, whoseoutput signal is formed according to the actual values ofthe control variables (voltage and current reference, state-variables...). Besides, for DC-link voltage control pur-pose, an outer voltage control loop is added to the con-trol system. Amplitude of the current reference waveformis formed according to the output from the superimposedvoltage controller. Typical parallel configuration of theelectrical power circuit of the grid-interface of the auxiliarypower supply converter and the simplified block diagramof the corresponding control structure are given by Fig. 9.Parallel configuration of several boost converters is typi-cally applied in case when relatively high power output atrather low input voltage range is demanded by application.In order to minimize the harmonic content at the switchingfrequency, control PWM pulses of all parallel connectedboost converters are interlaced, i.e. phase-shifted by 90◦el.,resulting in the higher effective switching frequency withrespect to the power supply grid [51].

For synchronization of the current reference to the linevoltage purpose, an actual value of the phase-angle of thegrid voltage is needed. Since the phase angle cannot bemeasured directly, it must be evaluated indirectly, by someof the estimation techniques. There are many algorithmsfor the phase-angle estimation of the line voltage. More de-tailed overview of phase-angle estimation techniques, em-ployed in grid-interfaced converter applications is given in[59-70]. Actual value of the line voltage and its frequencyare very often additional outputs from the estimation algo-rithm.

Simplified block diagram of one particular algorithm forthe phase-angle estimation of the line voltage, the modifiedEPLL (Enhanced Phase Locked Loop) algorithm is givenby Fig. 10.

Modified EPLL algorithm differs, from the original ver-sion, by implementation of SDFT (Sliding Discrete FourierTransform) filter in the input section of the phase-detector,and modification of the loop filter (adaptive sliding meanvalue filter, self-tuned to the double line voltage frequency)in the output path for the estimated frequency ω and phase-angle θ, efficiently eliminating odd harmonics from the es-timated outputs (formerly the main drawback of the origi-nal EPLL), while preserving good dynamic characteristics.

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Implementation of SDFT filter to the line voltage signal,i.e. the input section of the phase detector, and notch fil-ter in the output stage, drastically improves the robustnesswhile retaining the dynamic performance, even in the verypolluted grid environment, i.e. highly distorted line volt-age, significant content of line harmonics and interharmon-ics, sags and phase jumps of the line voltage, even multiplezero-crossings of the line voltage within the fundamentalperiod, Fig. 11.

Beside the variations of the EPLL algorithm, phase-angle estimation employ multiple ANF filters (AdaptiveNotch Filter), i.e. a combination of narrow-band adaptivefilters, whose central frequencies are matched to the fun-damental line frequency and its multiples (Fig. 12).

The ratio of total power of all traction drives installedonboard railway vehicle to that of the auxiliary powersupply converters is more than 5:1. For instance, a trainwith two traction drives and one auxiliary power supplyunit per powerhead, has a typical ratio between tractionand auxiliary converters of 2000kW to 200kW in favorof traction drives. At the same time, the IGBT switchingfrequencies are much lower in traction drive convertersthan in auxiliary power supply converters, typically a fewtimes. Thus, traction drive converters performances, with










vs vd




t m



s o

f th

e c











s, b


ry c





Tb1 Tb2 Tb3 Tb4









Dr1 Dr3

Dr2 Dr4

vd* ib*






f (ib1 , ib2 , ib3 , ib4)



sin(x) sgn(x)




Estimation of

phase-angle ,


and frequency





PWM generator




phase control
















Fig. 9. Control structure for the typical configuration of theelectrical power circuit of the grid-interface of the auxil-iary power supply converters powered from AC supply net-work



+epd =0*







phase detector



× ×



ω ωωi× θ

Fig. 10. Simplified block diagram of particular algorithmfor the phase-angle estimation of the line voltage, the mod-ified EPLL (Enhanced Phase Locked Loop)

Fig. 11. Output waveforms from the modified EPLL algo-rithm for the estimation of the phase-angle, amplitude andfrequency of the line voltage, in case of very polluted gridenvironment

Fig. 12. Adaptive notch filter - ANF: a) simplified blockdiagram of the multiple ANF filter; b) schematic diagramof the basic ANF filter block (for ith harmonic)

respect to the generation of low-frequency interference line

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currents, require even more demanding design approach.Grid-interface of the traction drive converters, poweredfrom AC supply system, supports full four-quadrant op-eration, thus increasing the possibility to generate interfer-ence line currents, injected by the output three-phase in-verter and motor. For instance, if the output inverter injectsharmonic component at 125 Hz into the DC link voltage,it will result in 75 Hz and 175 Hz harmonic components,by means of intermodulation with the fundamental of theline current. Reflected harmonics can fall within the oper-ating frequency range of particular railway safety criticalsystems. Thus, by selection of the proper modulation typeand design of the control system for the grid interface ofthe traction drive converter, extremely cautious approachis required.

In order to obtain the best frequency spectrum of theline current, a synchronous, sinusoidal unipolar PWM istypically employed in grid-interface applications for trac-tion drives. Control system structure for the grid interfaceof the traction drive converter powered from AC supplysystem, based on banks of PIR current controllers (Propor-tional + Integral-Resonant) is given by Fig. 13.

Estimation of the grid voltage parameters (phase-angle,amplitude and frequency) is realized through, already de-scribed, modified EPLL algorithm (Fig. 10), while the es-timation of the input voltage to the line-side converter isdone by compensation of the voltage drop across the leak-age reactance of the dedicated windings of the single-phasemulti-coil transformer.

Due to PIR controllers, the control system is character-ized by excellent dynamic performance, while maintainingvery good harmonic suppression qualities (Fig. 14).

System loop gain, provided by ideal form of the reso-nant part of the PIR controller, is infinite at the tuned fre-quency, set to the frequency of supply grid (Fig. 15), thuseliminating any steady state error at that frequency.

Due to its narrow-band action, PIR current controllersinherently enable suppression of all harmonic componentsof the line current other than the grid fundamental.

Practical implementations include slight damping of thecontrollers step response (up to several percents), in orderto improve stability of the PIR controller and its robust-ness with respect to the quality and precision of the mea-surement/estimation of the grid frequency, necessary forreal-time recalculation of the coefficients for all employedresonant parts.

Frequency characteristics of the non-ideal resonant partof the PIR controller, tuned to the fundamental grid fre-quency is given by (Fig. 16), while the characteristics ofother resonant parts of the PIR controller look basicallythe same, except the difference in corresponding centralfrequencies.







~ vs11


~ vs12







a) vd

* *^






+sin( )


Estimation of



and frequency


PWM generator




phase control



2 2

2 IP

K sK


2 2



IK s


2 2



IK s







2 2

2 IP

K sK


2 2



IK s


2 2



IK s



Estimation of secondary






| x |

| x |










+ 0ω









Fig. 13. a) Electrical power circuit of the grid interfaceof the traction drive converter, powered from AC supplysystem. b) Simplified block diagram of the control systemapplied to the grid interface of the traction drive converter,powered from AC supply system

Estimation of the input voltage to the line-side con-verter, by compensation of the voltage drop across the leak-age reactance, is needed for evaluation of the feed-forwardpath output signal, calculated according to the actual valueof the overhead line voltage, transformer parameters andthe actual value of the current reference. Instead of the reg-ularly sampled actual value of the overhead line voltage, itsapproximation by the sum of the first few line harmonicsis used in some implementations.

The possibility of the phase-control of the PWM carrier,with respect to the zero-crossing of the line voltage,, is not explicitly specified in the block diagramof the control system, as it is the integral part of the PWMunit. By coordination of grid interfaces of all traction driveand auxiliary power supply converters installed onboard,

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2 2

2 IK s






Fig. 14. Block diagram of the PIR controller with anti-windup protection, by active monitoring of the limitationof the controller output against the defined limits. Resonantpart of the controller, tuned to the fundamental frequencyof the grid ( f0 = 50 Hz, ω0 = 2πf0 ≈ 314 rad/s), isadditionally marked

Fig. 15. Frequency characteristics of the resonant part ofthe ideal form of the PIR controller (f0 = 50 Hz)

Fig. 16. Frequency characteristics of the non-ideal reso-nant part of the PIR controller (f0 = 50 Hz, KI = 100)

TDC2(traction drive converter for

load simulation)

TDC1(traction drive

converter under test)








i1 1-1

i1 1-2



Fig. 17. Simplified schematic of the electrical power circuitof the laboratory test bed for the traction drive convertersby using the opposition of two converters, i.e. back-to-backmethod

switching harmonics can be suppressed even more effec-tively. Thus, two parallel connected single-phase bridgesof the single traction drive grid interface, with interlacedPWM control at 2 kHz, generate resulting switching har-monic of the line current at the frequency of 4 kHz. By in-terlacing the two traction drives, connected to the dedicatedwindings of the same multi-coil transformer within thesame power-head, switching harmonics can be suppressedeven farther in the frequency band around 8 kHz. Accord-ingly, the phase coordination between the two power-headsof the vehicle can be implemented, in order to push the re-sulting switching frequency of the overhead line current tothe 16 kHz band.


For purpose of quality evaluation of performances of thegrid interface of the traction drive converters and its cor-responding control system in particular, a series of testsfor assessment of the line current frequency spectrum, re-sulting from the operation of the converter, has to be per-formed. Tests are performed in laboratory conditions, typi-cally employing the opposition of two converters, i.e. back-to-back method, to simulate realistic operating conditions(Fig. 17), as well as by tests performed on the vehicle.

During simulated driving cycle, tested drive is operateddirectly according to the set torque reference, while thedrive for load simulation is configured to operate in speed

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1A/10V ~=



= M1















= M2ud













=M3 ud









=M4 ud






TDC3 3

TDC4 4



































Ethernet switch5-port

UTP Cat.5e

BNC(RG-58)UTP Cat.5e


UTP Cat.5e

UTP Cat.5e

coaxial synchronization cable





BK3560C BK3560C

"A" "B"

Fig. 18. Typical test configuration for the measurement of the line interference currents, generated by the operation ofall traction drive converters (TDC1...TDC4), and auxiliary power supply converters (AUXPSC1, AUXPSC2) installedonboard, based on the two network-connected and synchronized data acquisition systems

control mode, driven by predefined speed trajectory. Dur-ing the run-up period, drive under test operates in motoringmode consuming energy from the grid, while the drive forthe load simulation works in regenerating regime, return-ing the energy back to the supply grid, and vice versa. Ifconsidered in total, energy balance reveals that grid sup-plies only the energy necessary to cover the internal lossesof the test-bed equipment (converters, motors and trans-formers). Laboratory tests of the traction drive convertersalone are not sufficient, with respect to the line interfer-ence currents characterization, because of the impact of thetorque control and torque ripple characteristics of the drivesimulating the realistic load conditions.

More accurate evaluation of performances of the gridinterface of the traction drive converters and its control sys-tem in particular, is done according to the test results ob-tained by tests performed directly on railway vehicle. Typi-cally, test configuration should provide simultaneous mea-surements of all relevant signals in both power-heads (linecurrents and voltages of all converters installed onboard,traction motor speeds and currents...) by two synchronizeddata acquisition systems (Fig. 18).

During the performance tests of implemented controlstructures, presented in the paper, overhead line and re-turn currents were measured for various electrical driveconfigurations and operating conditions. Preliminary anal-

ysis was performed in frequency domain (FFT analysiswith predefined FFT resolution, window function, windowwidth and window overlapping...).

Final validation of the impact of the vehicle on supplygrid was performed by time domain analysis, applying aset of high-order narrow-band filters on the measured over-head line current. Employed narrow-band filters have pre-defined pass-band width, order and the prototype of thefilter (usually Butterworth). The filtered signal is than av-eraged with predefined integration base, i.e. width of thetime-window, and window overlapping.

Central frequencies of these predefined band-pass filtersare set to the typical operating frequencies of the train con-trol systems and other railway safety related devices andtrack circuits (75 Hz, 83 Hz...). Averaged low-frequencyline interference currents, i.e. averaged output from the fil-ters are checked than against the current limits for partic-ular operating frequency band, and must not exceed theallowed values in order to comply to the specifications ofparticular railway operator.

The effects of the proposed strategy for active suppres-sion of the interference line currents is illustrated by com-parison of typical FFT spectrums of the overhead-line cur-rent and the phase-current of the traction motor, measuredon the vehicle during the start-up (Fig. 19).

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Fig. 19. Typical waveforms of the overhead-line voltages (ukvA, ukvB) and currents (ikvA, ikvB), input currents to thetraction drive converters (TDC1, TDC2), traction motor phase current (im1), and corresponding FFT spectrums, mea-sured during the start-up off the vehicle


Operation of traction drive and auxiliary power supplyconverters installed onboard modern vehicles caused in-creased content of line harmonics and inter-harmonic com-ponents in the line current. The correct operation of theautomatic train control systems, other safety related trackcircuits, as well as the telecommunication infrastructurealong the tracks, could be severely compromised by low-frequency interference line currents, resulting in directthreat to the safety of railway traffic if the line current har-monic content exceeds permissible levels for the operatingfrequency bands of safety and telecomm devices. Passivetechniques for filtration of low frequency interference linecurrents appeared to be insufficient, due to the significantincrease of the total power of traction drive and auxiliarypower supply converters installed onboard, but are com-bined with active mitigation techniques. Active suppres-sion methods are based on proper design of the grid inter-face of the power converter and its corresponding controlsystem. Embedded systems based on the high-performanceDSP processors, enabled implementation of very complexalgorithms and related digital PWM generators, includinginterlaced operation of PWM units within dislocated trac-

tion drive and auxiliary power supply converters, based onaccurate estimation of grid voltage parameters, i.e. withoutany additional synchronization infrastructure.

Major effects of application of the active techniques forsuppression of low-frequency interference line currents,are obtained on the single converter level. However, by in-terlaced operation of grid interfaces of all the convertersinstalled onboard railway vehicle, additional possibility forthe suppression of line harmonics, particularly harmonicsat the common switching frequency, is enabled.


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Active Suppression of Low-frequency Interference Currents in Traction Applications N. Težak, I. Bahun, I. Petrovic

Nenad Težak received the B.Sc. and M.Sc. de-gree in electrical engineering from the Univer-sity of Zagreb, Croatia, in 1991 and 2000, respec-tively. Since 1998, he is a member of the PowerElectronics and Control Department, Koncar-Electrical Engineering Institute, where he is in-volved in projects mainly in co-operation withtraction industry. His current research interestsinclude design of control systems for power con-verters, electrical drives and distributed industrialcontrol systems for railway and power generation


Ivan Bahun was born in Cerje Nebojse, Croa-tia, in 1960. He received his B.S.E.E., M.S.E.E.and Ph.D.E.E. degree from Faculty of ElectricalEngineering and Computing, University of Za-greb, in 1984, 1992 and 2005., respectively. Heis currently President of the Managing Board ofKoncar-Electric Vehicles Inc. His areas of inter-est are tram, train, electric locomotives, and newpower electronics solutions for the electric ve-hicles. He has been author and coauthor of pa-pers published in journals and presented at the

national and international conferences. He is a member of Korema.

Ivan Petrovic received B.Sc. degree in 1983,M.Sc. degree in 1989 and Ph.D. degree in 1998,all in Electrical Engineering from the Faculty ofElectrical Engineering and Computing (FER Za-greb), University of Zagreb, Croatia. He had beenemployed as an R&D engineer at the Institute ofElectrical Engineering of the Koncar Corporationin Zagreb from 1985 to 1994. Since 1994 he hasbeen with FER Zagreb, where he is currently afull professor and the head of the Department ofControl and Computer Engineering. He teaches a

number of undergraduate and graduate courses in the field of control sys-tems and mobile robotics. His research interests include various advancedcontrol strategies and their applications to control of complex systems andmobile robots navigation. Results of his research effort have been imple-mented in several industrial products. He is a member of IEEE, IFAC –TC on Robotics and FIRA – Executive committee. He is a collaboratingmember of the Croatian Academy of Engineering.

AUTHORS’ ADDRESSESNenad Težak, M.Sc.Department of Power Electronics and Control,KONCAR, Electrical Engineering Institute,Fallerovo šetalište 22, HR-10002, Zagreb, Croatiaemail: [email protected] Bahun, Ph.D.KONCAR, Electric Vehicles,Velimira Škorpika 7, 10 000, Zagreb, Croatiaemail: [email protected]. Ivan Petrovic, Ph.D.Department of Control and Computer Engineering,Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing,University of Zagreb,Unska 3, HR-10000, Zagreb, Croatiaemail: [email protected]

Received: 2011-11-18Accepted: 2012-01-30

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