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sowing seeds action learning The opportunity to engage in reflection

action learning - NHS Wales · David A Kolb (1984). Kolb’s experiential learning cycle is juxtaposed against ways in which an action learning set would typically address the issues.

Apr 18, 2020



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Page 1: action learning - NHS Wales · David A Kolb (1984). Kolb’s experiential learning cycle is juxtaposed against ways in which an action learning set would typically address the issues.

≥sowing seeds

action learning

The opportunity to engage in reflection

Page 2: action learning - NHS Wales · David A Kolb (1984). Kolb’s experiential learning cycle is juxtaposed against ways in which an action learning set would typically address the issues.



s are

able to raise difficult



sensitive issue

s, and share their learning in a supportive environment

Page 3: action learning - NHS Wales · David A Kolb (1984). Kolb’s experiential learning cycle is juxtaposed against ways in which an action learning set would typically address the issues.


What is action learning? Our understanding and use of action learning has grown and evolved over a number of years. We have learnt that it can be a powerful tool that brings people together to address individual and organisational issues. It encourages individuals through the process of learning and taking action to build sustainable solutions to problems and difficulties that often seem intractable. Whilst we recognise that there are many different interpretations and variations on the theme of action learning, this publication shares a model we have successfully used across public services in Wales.

How can you describe action learning?• Apowerfulwayforindividualstolearnfromothers• Asimpleyetpowerfultoolforpersonalandprofessionaldevelopment• Astructurednetworkingopportunitywithasmallgroupofpeoplegivingyouthe environmenttoaskquestions,seekanswersandgainsupport• Aprocesswherepeoplebecomementorstoeachother–learningwithandthrough eachother• Thechancetolearnfrom,andbesupportedby,askilledfacilitator• Theopportunitytoworkonrealproblemsandimplementsolutions,management developmentwhichislearningbydoing• Totakeactioninthelightofnewinsight



s are

able to raise difficult



sensitive issue

s, and share their learning in a supportive environment

Page 4: action learning - NHS Wales · David A Kolb (1984). Kolb’s experiential learning cycle is juxtaposed against ways in which an action learning set would typically address the issues.



ing by doin

g is

not in it



t but must be c


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ith the ability

to refle

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the learning exp


Page 5: action learning - NHS Wales · David A Kolb (1984). Kolb’s experiential learning cycle is juxtaposed against ways in which an action learning set would typically address the issues.


Action learning was developed in the 1940s by Reg Revans, who set up management development programmes for the National Coal Board. Revans’ original training as a scientist enabled him to devise a new process for management development, recreating the benefits of the research laboratory where colleagues share and compare problems, ideas and solutions. He named this learning process ‘action learning’.







Where does action learning come from?


ing by doin

g is

not in it



t but must be c


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ith the ability

to refle

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the learning exp


Page 6: action learning - NHS Wales · David A Kolb (1984). Kolb’s experiential learning cycle is juxtaposed against ways in which an action learning set would typically address the issues.

As adults, we have the benefit of a vast amount of experience. However, to learn from these we need to do more than merely have the experience itself. In order for us to learn, and encourage learning in others, we must consider the experiential learning cycle (a cycle because the learner goes round and round it, repeatedly).



What is experiential learning?

Concrete experience

(doing/having and experience)

Active experimentation(planning/trying out

what you have learned)

Reflective observation

(reviewing/reflecting on the experience)

Abstract conceptualisation(concluding/learning from the experience)


Page 7: action learning - NHS Wales · David A Kolb (1984). Kolb’s experiential learning cycle is juxtaposed against ways in which an action learning set would typically address the issues.




• Individualsmeetingtogetherinagroup (knownasaset).Foreaseofworking, aboutfivetosevenpeoplemakeupaset

• Eachindividualbringsarealissue/live challengeorprojecttothesetthatthey wishtoprogress

• Thewholesetworksforthebenefitofthe personpresentingtheissue

• Theaimfortheindividualpresenting theissue,istobeabletotakeactionon theissueandtoreflectandlearnfrom theaction

• Typicallytheactionlearningsetmeets foroneday,every4–6weeks,overan agreedperiod(forexample6,9or12 months)

• Thesetcreatesexplicitgroundrulesto ensureeffectiveworkingand confidentiality

• Themeetingisfacilitatedbyanindividual outsideofthelearningsetwhoacts asacatalystandcoordinator,supporting individualsthroughtheprocessof learning

How does action learning work?


to take action on the


and t

o refle

ct and lear

n from the action


Page 8: action learning - NHS Wales · David A Kolb (1984). Kolb’s experiential learning cycle is juxtaposed against ways in which an action learning set would typically address the issues.

• Membersoftheactionlearningsetstake turnstopresentaparticularsituation thattheycurrentlyfacewithintheirlives whichrequiresaction

• Thepresentertalks,foraslongas theywish,anddescribestheirsituation/ dilemma/challenge.Duringthistime, thepresentershouldonlybeinterrupted toenablethemtoclarifytheirissueor moveforward

• Setmembersaskquestionswhichare designedtoassistthepresentertohavea deeperunderstandingoftheirissue

• Setmembersdonotgiveadvice,tell anecdotes,passjudgement,ortalkabout howitcomparestotheirownsituation

• Thesetassiststhepresentertoreview optionsanddecideonaction.Theaction pointshouldberealisticandfocusonthe issue,problemsoropportunitypresented

• Thesetreflectsonthegroupprocessand givesfeedbacktoeachotheronwhathas takenplace

• Atafuturesetmeeting,thepresenter reportsontheactiontaken

What pattern of learning does a typical action learning set follow?

What is the role of the set facilitator?• Explaintheprocessofactionlearning

• Encouragethegrouptoreflectongroup processes

• Modeltheskillsofactionlearning

• Createsafetyandworkstodeveloptrust inorderforindividualmembersto exploresensitiveissues

• Takethegroupbeyondsuperficial analysistoadeeperlevelof understanding

• Keepthegroupfocusedontheindividual presenter

• Ensurethatgroupmembersfollowaction learningconventions

• Encouragereflectionthroughoutthe processandcommitmenttoaction

• Enablethegrouptodrawoutgeneral lessonsonmanagementdevelopment

What is the role of the set member?• Createtheconditionsthatsupport learningbygivingpeopletimetothink withoutinterruptions

• Supportgroupmembersthrough encouragementandpracticalhelp

• Askquestionsandwherenecessary challengehabitualthinkingand assumptions

• Beingopentothechallengeofcolleagues andlisteningtoalternativesuggestions

• Takeactionbytryingsomethingnewin andoutsidesetmeetings

• Engageinthelearningprocess,sharethe experienceandpersonalinsights

• Tofocusonlearning,notonlyontheissue butalsowhatisbeinglearntabout oneself

Personal growth resultin

g in greater self a

wareness and

enhanced self-confidence


Page 9: action learning - NHS Wales · David A Kolb (1984). Kolb’s experiential learning cycle is juxtaposed against ways in which an action learning set would typically address the issues.








Why is this different from other forms of learning

Why is action learning successful as a strategy for overcoming problems and difficulties

Personal growth resultin

g in greater self a

wareness and

enhanced self-confidence


Page 10: action learning - NHS Wales · David A Kolb (1984). Kolb’s experiential learning cycle is juxtaposed against ways in which an action learning set would typically address the issues.

The opportunity to engage in reflec


is a key feature of action






• Intendedactionleadingtolearninginandfromtheexperienceoftheaction(betweenthe setmeeting)

• Leadingtothesetmeetingwherethepresenterreflectsandquestionswithothersthat experience

• Leadingtoa\reframingofthepictureand/ornewwayofseeingthesituation,leadingto newaction



What about ground rules?


Page 11: action learning - NHS Wales · David A Kolb (1984). Kolb’s experiential learning cycle is juxtaposed against ways in which an action learning set would typically address the issues.

The opportunity to engage in reflec


is a key feature of action



Some questions and answers about action learning

What will you and your organisation gain from action learning?•Havingtimewhereyouarelistenedtoina non-judgementalway•Personalgrowthresultingingreaterself awarenessandenhancedself-confidence•Differentwaysofsolvingproblemsandmore choicesaboutthewayforward•Aclearerunderstandingofhowyoulearnand managechange•Theabilitytosupport,challengeandmotive others•Developpartnerships• Itmotivatesindividualstofaceissuesand reducestress•Excellentinquiryskills

How can you contribute to action learning?• Ifyouthinkalot,youwillaskgoodquestions• Ifyoudoalot,youwilllikesupportingpeople todeviseactionplans• Ifyouknowalot,youwillsharethat information• Ifyouarenotanexpert,youwillbringafresh approachandchallengeassumptions•Youwillbringyouruniqueperspectiveonthe world

How can you use your time slot in action learning meetings?•Youmayaskthegrouptostayquietwhile yougiveabriefpresentationandthenaskfor commentsafterwards•Youmaywanttotakecommentsand questionsasyouproceed•Youcanuseaflipcharttoillustrate•Youmayaskforinformation•Youmayaskthesettofocusonthe consequencesofyouractionorinactionssince thelastmeeting

•Youmayaskthesettodiscusstheissuewhile yousitandsaynothing•Youmayasksomeonetotakenotes•Youmaystructureyourtimearoundkey questions•Youmaywanttorecordyourtimeslotand replay

“Themostimportantthingtorememberistoaskthesetmembersforwhatyouwant”.Set participant

What does action learning contribute to our work as public servants?• Itvaluestheindividualandtheirperspective• Itcreatesnetworksacrossorganisations andprofessionalboundariesandbreaksdown barriers• Ituseslistening,questioningandchallengeto promoteunderstanding• Ithasnounnecessaryhierarchyor bureaucracy• Itoftenworksinconditionsofconfusionand riskwithcontestedconceptssuchasequality• Itisflexibleandrespondstoandcreates changebyconsideringnewwaysofdoing things• Itsupportsandempowersindividuals,groups andorganisations

“Greatquestionsarekeyinactionlearningapproaches”.Set participant


Page 12: action learning - NHS Wales · David A Kolb (1984). Kolb’s experiential learning cycle is juxtaposed against ways in which an action learning set would typically address the issues.

Questions to ask the presenter of the issue - an aid for reflection

Do I ask questions that clarify the issue?• Whodoyoureportto?• Howmanypeopledoyoumanage?• Howlonghaveyoubeenthere?

Do I ask questions that enable the presenter to open up?• Whatareyoutryingtodo?• Howdoyouseeit?• Whatmighthelpyou?• Whatobstaclesdoyouenvisage?

Do I ask questions that probe?• Pleaseexplainmore• Whatexactlydoyoumean?• Whatassumptionsareyoumaking?

Do I ask questions on action?• Sowhatcanyoudonext?• Whatareyougoingtodonext?• Whatareyougoingtodoyourselfbeforethe nextmeeting?

Questions for facilitators – an aid for reflection


• HowclearamIontheroleandrespon- sibilities of an action learning facilitator?

• HowdoIenablethesettofocuson the learning rather than the detail of the issue?

•Whatactionlearningskillscan/ should I model?


• HowamIenablingthesettokeepto task and to maintain the timetable?

• HowcanIencourageallsetmembers to contribute their perspectives?

• HowcanIbuildanatmosphereof comfort, trust and openess?• HowcanIenablesetmembers to take more responsibility for their learning and actions?

•Whyisitimportantnottoimposemy knowledge and view on the set?

• HowdoIhelptomaintainapositive atmosphere and keep energy levels appropriate?


• Whatshould/couldIbedoingdifferently?

• HowdoIhelpthegroupwork towards self-facilitation?

• HowdoIpromoteandencouragethe ideas of recording learning?

•WhattoolscanIintroducetohelp participants express themselves well?

Page 13: action learning - NHS Wales · David A Kolb (1984). Kolb’s experiential learning cycle is juxtaposed against ways in which an action learning set would typically address the issues.

Questions on how to decide what issues to work on – an aid for reflection• Isthechallengeimportant,significant, complex, current and real?• Who,ifanybody,needstoapproveofmy choice of issue?• AmIcertainIwillbeabletotakeaction on the dilemma?• Whatisthetimeframeformaking progress on the issue?• HowwouldIfeelifIwerenotableto resolve the problem?

• CanIexplainwhatisinmyheadand heart to other people?• AmIwillingtobechallengedonthis area of my work, life or personality?• Woulditbemostusefultoworkona familiar or unfamiliar issue?• Whatistroublingmeorexcitingme about work?

Questions for listeners/supporters – an aid for reflection• HowdoIensurethatIaskquestions rather than offer solutions? What can I do to show my empathy and concern?• HowdoIdemonstratemybeliefthatthe presenter is the expert on the issue?• TowhatextentdoIreflectbackwhatthe presenter says?• HowamIhelpingthepresentertothink in different ways about their problems?

• HowdoIwelcometheperspectives offered by other set members?• Whataremymotiveswhenasking questions?• Whenisitappropriatetosupportand when should I challenge?• Howdoesthepresenterwantmetohelp?• WhatcanIlearnfromthis?

Question for action points – an aid for reflection• WhatdoIwanttodo/improve/changeby the next set meeting?• Whowillcarryouttheactionpoints?• Whatmightpreventmecarryingoutmy action points?• WhodoIneedtoworkorconsultwith?• WherecanIgetmoreinformationabout this?• Whatisthetimetableforcarryingoutthe specific action points? How realistic is that?

• Whatarethecompetingprioritiesand how will I handle them?• Whataretherisksofactinginthisway for me and/or the organisation and/or other people?• WhatdoIhopetofeelwhenIhavetaken action?• IfIchoosenottotakeaction,howdoI justify this?


Page 14: action learning - NHS Wales · David A Kolb (1984). Kolb’s experiential learning cycle is juxtaposed against ways in which an action learning set would typically address the issues.

What do action points help us do?• Takeastep-by-stepapproachtoproblem solving, change and development• Developleadershipskillsaswetake charge and reach our goals• Testourlearningbackintheworkplace• Identifythesupportandresourceswe need• Helpustomakeorganisationaland personal changes• Becomemorerealisticabouthowwe manage our time

• Recognisethattherearemanypossible solutions• Staypositiveaswerealisewecando something• Learnmoreaboutourselves,ourissues, our set and our organisations• Transferourlearningacrossthe organisation• Takeownershipandpersonal responsibility for an issue

Questions for all set members when reviewing the learning – an aid for reflection• WhathaveIlearnedinthisaction learning session?• Howhavemythoughtsaboutmyissue changed?• Howdifferentaremyfeelingsaboutmy problems now?• WhatchangedbehavioursdoInotice about myself?• Whatistheimpactofmylearningonmy boss, my team and my organisation?

• Whathelpsmylearning?• Whathindersmylearning?• Whataremylearningneedsandhowcan I meet them?• WhatmoredoIwanttolearn?• HowdoIensurethatmylearningis transferred across the organisation?

What should set members avoid?• Habitualthinking,itkeepsyouinyour comfort zone• Interruptingthepresenter,makeanote of any thoughts, points or questions and contribute these at a more appropriate time• Tellinganecdotes,givingadvice,passing judgement on the situation/issue presented• Askingquestionswhicharedesignedto illustrate how clever you are, instead ask questions which open up the presenter’s own view of the issue• Closedquestions,theycanproduce defensive actions and behaviours

• Donotspendtimediscussingsomething that does not lead you to generating action points even if you find it interesting • Obsessivebehaviour• Disablingyourselffromtakingaction through deficit thinking• Bringingatrivialissue/problemtothe set.Theactionlearningprocessdepends on the individual bringing an issue which is of personal significance• Turningupforthelearningset unprepared. It is important that you are clear about what you want to say at the set meeting


Page 15: action learning - NHS Wales · David A Kolb (1984). Kolb’s experiential learning cycle is juxtaposed against ways in which an action learning set would typically address the issues.


Page 16: action learning - NHS Wales · David A Kolb (1984). Kolb’s experiential learning cycle is juxtaposed against ways in which an action learning set would typically address the issues.



Reference List

ActionLearning:Itsorigins&Growth1982,Bromley,Chattwell-BrattABCofActionLearningRegRevans,3rdedn.,1998,London,LemosandCraneActionLearningIanMcGillandLizBeaty.2ndedn.,2000,London,KoganPage.ActionLearning,LeadershipandOrganisationalDevelopment in Public ServicesEditedbyClaireRiggwithSueRichards,2006,Oxford,Routledge.ActionLearningforManagersMikePedlar,1996,London,LemosandCrane.ActionLearningKrystynaWeinstein,2ndedn.,1999,London,Gower.ManagementEducationandDevelopmentVolume24,part4,1993:ActionLearning:ReflectionsonBecomingaSetMember,LizBeatty,TomBournerandPaulFrost

OptimisingthepowerofActionLearningMichaelJMarquardt,2004,PaloAlto,CA,Davies-BlackPublishing.TheActionLearningHandbookIanMcGillandAnneBrockbank,2004,London,RoutledgeFarmer.ThePowerorExperimentalLearning:ahandbookfortrainers and educatorsColinBeardandJohnPWilson,2002,London,KoganPageAchievingResultsthroughActionLearningIanCummingandKoHallm,2001,PeterHoneyPublications

...To live so that which comes to me as seedgoes to the next as blossom

That which comes to me as blossomgoes on as fruit.Dawna Markova

Theseedsofideasbecomethebasisonwhichwegrowourknowledgeandunderstanding,in turn, enabling us to develop the organisations in which we work.

ActionlearningwaswrittenbyVoirreyMansonandDrNeilWoodingandisone of the series of Sowing Seeds topic papers published by Public Service ManagementWales.