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Page 1 of 27 ACSA RESPONSE TO BIDDERS QUESTIONS Version 4 REQUEST FOR BIDS FOR CAR RENTAL OPPORTUNITIES FOR A PERIOD OF TEN (10) YEARS AT AIRPORTS OPERATED BY AIRPORTS COMPANY SOUTH AFRICA SOC LIMITED (ACSA) # QUESTIONS FROM BIDDERS ACSA RESPONSE 1. We have the following question pertaining to regarding the qualification process: You have 3 elements in terms of transformation, do you need to meet all 3, regardless of your ownership to qualify? Would one still qualify if you meet the ownership element and are Level 3, but only score 11/19 on Management Control? 1) Yes, all 3 elements must be met 2) No, all 3 elements must be met 2. Further to the ACSA non-compulsory car rental tender briefing held at ORTIA on Monday, 11 September, we wish to submit the following questions/comments for clarity; We are concerned that the minimum rental for both kiosks and bays will increase annually by 8% over the ten year tender period. We would propose that the increase be set at the annual cpi. Alternatively it could be linked to lower of 8% growth in percentage of T&M for the Car Rental industry at ACSA operated Airports. This is purely to protect the operators against a sudden loss in revenue due to various economic, political or other unforeseen events. The annual escalation of 8% will be revised to the following: The annual escalation will be arrivals passenger growth plus CPI, but limited to not exceed 8% and not less than 5%.

ACSA RESPONSE TO BIDDERS QUESTIONS Version 4 … RENTAL BIDDERS QUESTIONS A… · develop their bid proposal. ... Through the car rental value chain, ... Three year project Income,

Mar 29, 2018



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Page 1: ACSA RESPONSE TO BIDDERS QUESTIONS Version 4 … RENTAL BIDDERS QUESTIONS A… · develop their bid proposal. ... Through the car rental value chain, ... Three year project Income,

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1. We have the following question

pertaining to regarding the

qualification process:

You have 3 elements in terms of transformation, do you need to meet all 3, regardless of your ownership to qualify?

Would one still qualify if you meet the ownership element and are Level 3, but only score 11/19 on Management Control?

1) Yes, all 3 elements must be met

2) No, all 3 elements must be met

2. Further to the ACSA non-compulsory car

rental tender briefing held at ORTIA on

Monday, 11 September, we wish to

submit the following

questions/comments for clarity;

We are concerned that the minimum

rental for both kiosks and bays will

increase annually by 8% over the ten

year tender period. We would propose

that the increase be set at the annual

cpi. Alternatively it could be linked to

lower of 8% growth in percentage of

T&M for the Car Rental industry at

ACSA operated Airports. This is purely

to protect the operators against a

sudden loss in revenue due to various

economic, political or other unforeseen


The annual escalation of 8% will be revised to the following: The annual escalation will be arrivals passenger growth plus CPI, but limited to not exceed 8% and not less than 5%.

Page 2: ACSA RESPONSE TO BIDDERS QUESTIONS Version 4 … RENTAL BIDDERS QUESTIONS A… · develop their bid proposal. ... Through the car rental value chain, ... Three year project Income,

The current tender documentation

neither highlight the impacts of a force

majeure on the concessionaires nor their

ability to withdraw their service from the

airport within the ten year period under

such circumstances.

Please confirm that in calculating the

various procurement criteria, bidders can

exclude vehicle purchases, any spend

with state entities who do not have any

black ownership and any spend that

would be excluded in the usual

calculation of Total Procurement

Measured Spend (TPMS)?

Some bidding entities may be

considering some corporate

transactions, which would impact on the

level of black ownership and

consequently exercisable voting rights in

black hands, but that may not be

concluded by the RFB deadline of

November 01, but will be in place

effective 1 April 2018 (anticipated

Concession start date). Please advise if

ACSA would consider an amendment to

the current timetable to accommodate

such processes which would materially

affect some of the pre-qualification


In the final lease agreement, it will be inserted.

Briefly, ACSA’s stance is that Should the Premises

or the Building be damaged to such an extent that

the Premises are, in the sole opinion of the

Lessor’s architect, not rendered un-tenantable,

then ACSA shall, at its cost and expense, repair

the damaged or destroyed portion of the Premises

as soon as may be reasonably practicable in the

circumstances. The tenant shall have no claim

whatsoever against ACSA during this time.

SCM confirms that in the calculation vehicles

purchases will be excluded and the quality spend

with state entities will be included.

ACSA is considering the request and will advise


Page 3: ACSA RESPONSE TO BIDDERS QUESTIONS Version 4 … RENTAL BIDDERS QUESTIONS A… · develop their bid proposal. ... Through the car rental value chain, ... Three year project Income,

Please advise of the relief a bidder may

seek from ACSA should they meet

almost all of the seven pre-qualification

criteria. Will ACSA have no regard to an

entity that meets one or six of the seven

pre-qualification criteria?

Please clarify how a pre-qualification

criteria will be determined in the case of

a NEWCO, either as a result of a joint

venture or the formation of a new entity,

where parties may not have a ESD (eg:

procurement) history. The matter may

also be complicated in terms of

incorporate and non-incorporated


Please confirm that a bidding entity is

permitted to operate multiple car rental

brands from their kiosks? In the briefing

session it was mentioned that a

maximum of five (5) brands will be

permitted per kiosk.

Please advise on the process that will be

undertake to determine the

applicable timetables and conditions for

a successful Level 4 bidder to achieve

an improved B-BBEE rating during the

tender period.

All seven pre-qualification criteria must be met

The pre-qualification criteria will be determined by

the two entity scorecard from the business units

and the consolidated scorecard will be given to the

new JV company

A bidding entity will be allowed to operate up to five

brands from their kiosk.

In the instance that a bidder is not a Level 3, the

bidder must provide a transition plan as part of

their bid. Such transition plan must indicate the

timeline the bidder would take to achieve Level 3

status. ACSA will access the reasonability of the

plan and timeline, and this transition plan will

become a lease condition.

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Please confirm that any bidders

transformation improvement plans will

be based on the various calculations

(and spend exclusions) applicable at the

pre-qualification stage? In particular, that

the procurement calculation under

Enterprise Supplier Development (ESD)

excludes vehicle spend. Ref q 3 above.

Please confirm that a bidders

transformation plans should be included

in the RFB submission?

It was noted that ACSA will publish both

their Transformation and Commercial

Policies on the ACSA website this week.

Please confirm?

Please confirm that successful bidders

with a B-BBEE level 4 or lower will not

incur the 5% penalty until they have

breached the agreed timetable with

ACSA as part of the bid award. Details

on how this will be applied would be


ACSA to supply current detailed kiosk

layouts for PE and CTIA.

Please confirm that the 5% levy to be

applied to ‘additional services’ relates to

non-car rental related transactions taking

place from a successful bidders parking

bay e.g.: chauffeur services and not the

The procurement calculator under ESD excludes

vehicle spend from vehicle OEM’s.

Bidders who status is lower than level 3 must

provide a transition plan as part of their bid.

The policies are published on the ACSA website

Successful bidders will only incur the penalty if they

breach the terms agreed to as part of the signed

lease agreement.

Kiosk layouts provided on the e-tender and ACSA

tender bulletin websites.

The levy will only apply to non-car rental related


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revenue generated from car rental non

time and mileage transactions?

Further to q.14, please clarify that the

5% levy for non-car rental transactions

should not be levied separately per

parking bay but as part of the general

turnover calculation?

Please clarify, in the context of a

corporate structure with a car rental

division, who’s certified ID documents of

Directors are to be supplied?

In terms of the Functionality Evaluation

Criteria under “Staffing”, we would

propose that key black management

personnel with minimum car rental

experience should not be penalized.

Please confirm that a bidders B-BBEE

rating certificate should be valid (i.e.: not

expired) as at Nov 01, 2017 and that no

further B-BBEE conditions are placed on

a bidder until the tender is awarded,

even if the certificate expires prior to 1

April 2018 (anticipated concession start


ACSA is requested to share their

transaction forecasts for each airport

over the tender period to assist bidders

develop their bid proposal.

The levy will be applied separately to the minimum

monthly parking bay rental; and time and mileage

turnover calculation.

All directors and shareholders registered on the

CIPC registration documents that are certified need

to be supplied in the bid document.

Transformation within the car rental industry was

required to commence a while back; therefore, the

points allocated are reasonable.

All valid B-BBEE Certificates that are submitted on

submission for bid closing date for 01 November

2017 will be valid and proof for validation is


Traffic forecasts will be made available on the e-

tender and ACSA websites.

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Please clarify the circumstances under

which a car rental division of a

conglomerate, with multiple non-tourism

interests, is able to submit their generic


Please confirm that as per Appendix H:

B-BBEE Verification Certificate, the

required report to show an analysis of

shareholding is the detailed B-BBEE

scorecard report which accompanies the

general one page B-BBEE rating


Please clarify the scope of ACSA’s

intended ESD partner and how they plan

to support car rental concessionaires

become more competitive?

Please advise how many physical copies

of the bid must be submitted?

We have noted and appreciated that

responses to the various car rental

tender questions submitted, will be

addressed within 48/72 hours by ACSA.

Please confirm that the Functional

Evaluation Criterion (5.4

Functional/Technical) is to be completed

on the basis of the capacity of the

bidding entity and not by each car rental

The bidding car rental company with multiple non-

tourism scorecards can submit their generic

scorecard that can prove their ownership and

shareholding for the group for companies that is in

the car rental industry.

This is to confirm that B-BBEE Verification

certificate showing the detail analysis for the

shareholding scorecard report is expected with the

B-BBEE certificate as proof.

The ESD partner will therefore be required to assist with all these initiatives and the following:

Through the car rental value chain, create sustainable supplier development initiatives to the car rental industry Give support to black owned operators

Give support to black shareholders in current joint ventures with established operators Monitoring and evaluation of all ESD interventions in the

car rental space

One Original and three copies for bid documents to

be submitted by bidders.

Depending on the nature of the clarification

requested, ACSA will endeavor to respond within

72 hours.

The functionality must be completed based on the

bidding entity, and not each car rental opportunity.

Appendix O and U must be submitted per airport.

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opportunity at the airport? This clarity is

required when read with Appendix T.

The Tender document (1.3 Separate

Bids) requires Annexure (read to mean

Appendix for consistency?) K; L; O; T

and U to be completed for each of the

car rental opportunities bid. Noting that

many operators will use their full set of

resources, including key head office

functions, to operate the various

opportunities, please clarify the


Appendix K – Bidder Structure of

Resources for the Opportunity (Bidder to

attach structure of resources for the

opportunity) Are you specifically

requiring airport based resources only

and not an overview of the dependent

resources available in the


We would also appreciate some clarity

on the scope and definition of resources.

Appendix T – Functionality Criteria


Ref to question 24 above

Appendix U – Three year project

Income, Expenditure and Cash flow

In the previous tender a consolidated

financial statement was required. Please

clarify the need for individual airport

financial statements as its likely many

bidders may not have this information

readily available as the airport will be

An organogram that reflect how the structure from

national level; regional to airport level will be

effected. The number of resources and their titles

must be provided. This will only be required for a

single airport opportunity.

Since the opportunities are for each airport, bidders

are required to provide the business plan for each

airport separately. This will enable ACSA to assess

the sustainability of each opportunity. A

consolidated plan must also be provided.

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consolidated into an area or regional

financial reporting centre. Surely the

focus should remain that the bidding

entity must demonstrate their financial

sustainability at a consolidated level?

Security Plan – please clarify that you

require a general overview of the

bidder’s security plans/procedures and

not by airport.

Finally, in relation to the minimum

parking bay calculations (ref and using ORTIA as an

example, if 75 bays were to be bid, do

we calculate the total minimum value as;

50 bays at R2,250 + 25 bays at R2,750

= R181,250 or

75 bays at R2,750 = R206,250

A general overview of the security plans and

procedures are required.

The minimum rental required is 50 bays at R2,250

+ 25 bays at R2,750 = R181,250


In addition, please can you direct me to

your link on the ACSA website

displaying the Transformation and

Commercial Policies which, as per the

tender briefing this day last week, were

to be published on your site last Friday,

15 September? When reviewing the

ACSA website this morning, I didn’t find

the policies.

ACSA has loaded the Transformation and Commercial policies to

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4. Current kiosk plans and layout for Cape Town International Airport

Current Parking Bay plans and layout for Cape Town International Airport Current kiosk plans and layout for Port Elizabeth Airport Current Parking Bay plans and layout for Port Elizabeth Airport Current Table of kiosk and parking bay numbers per allocation and rentals for Cape Town International Airport Current Table of kiosk and parking bay numbers per allocation and rentals for Port Elizabeth Airport

Current kiosk and parking bay plans and layouts are provided on e-tender and ACSA website. Provided on the E-tender and Acsa tender websites Provided on the E-Tender and ACSA tender websites The current allocation of kiosks and bays are not relevant for this RFB. The current allocation of kiosks and bays are not relevant for this RFB


With reference to our discussion

regarding the B-BBEE provision of the

ACSA tender, the tender document is

unclear on whether we may apply the

pre-qualification criteria listed in,

specifically the exclusion of procurement

of new vehicles and management

control evaluated based on the Car

Rental Division’s Executive

Management, to our current B-BBEE

certification and have a new certificate

issued for “ACSA purposes only”.

In its current form, the tender document

states the following in Section 4:

4.2 – B-BBEE Provisions: Car Rental

Companies must use the Amended Tourism B-BBEE Sector Codes, effective 20 November 2015. Bids will be scored on a 50/50 basis with 50 points

Certificate by an SANAS accredited agency using the ACSA exclusion must be provided.

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relating to price and 50 points to B-BBEE 4.2.1 – Large Entities Scorecard:

ACSA has revised the weighting of the legislated scorecard to be more heavily weighted toward Ownership. It only refers to the weighting of the points and makes no reference to Car Rental Companies restating their actual scores by utilizing the prequalification criteria stipulated in 4.2.4. Appendix G and H state that the recalculated points based on the ACSA scorecard weighting that Car Rental Companies declared in 4.2.1 must be substantiated by a B-BBEE certificate issued by an accredited verification agency. [Question: Are we allowed to apply the pre-qualification criteria listed in, to our current B-BBEE scorecard, recalculate our scores on this basis and utilize the adjusted scores in our declaration in 4.2.1?]

4.2.4 – Pre-Qualification Criteria:

Specific pre-qualification criteria is set out pertaining to ownership, enterprise and supplier development and management control – Large Entities: [Question: Are

we allowed to apply the pre-qualification criteria listed here for the purposes of adjusting our scorecard declared in 4.2.1 and in 4.2.6 to determine our revised B-BBEE level or is this section only for the purposes of pre-qualifying?]

4.2.5 – omitted in the document

The exclusion of motor vehicles procured from vehicle OEM’s can be used to determine the B-BBEE status level for this RFB. The exclusion of motor vehicles procured from vehicle OEM’s can be used to determine the B-BBEE status level for this RFB. Noted

6. Please can you assist in clarifying the

following please

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How many copies of the complete tender are required? Enterprise and Supplier Development as per The document makes reference the exclusion of OEM vehicle purchases. Does this then apply to the adjusted scorecard for the future as well and not only in terms of the pre-qualification calculation. Secondly, as requested at the briefing meeting, please advise if there has been agreement to allow for government and quasi-government spend to be excluded as well. E.g. ACSA, Eskom, SANRAL etc. – please confirm that the definition of “Black People” and “Black Females” in all the sections of the pre-qualification is in terms of the definition of “black people” as per the Tourism Charter Scorecard which will be utilized 4.2.1 The current points total per the large entities scorecard has 111. The Tourism Charter Scorecard works of 118 points with minimum bands in achieving the various levels. Please can we understand how you will be aligning these bands to your score card of 111 points and what the various band levels will then be to achieve levels using the ACSA point’s allocation?

One original plus three copies for bid documents required and flash drive Yes, see above comment. This methodology will be applied for the future as well. There is no agreement to exclude government and Quasi-government spend for the scorecard points. ACSA, Eskom and Sanral That is correct, Black People is as per the tourism charter scorecard which is be utilized in the scorecard table The Bidder is required to comply with the Tourism sector codes as published and gazetted from time to time.

The following definitions shall apply:

Large Enterprise– any enterprise with an annual

turnover (as defined in the amended Tourism sector codes as gazetted in June 2017) in excess of R50 Million or more per annum and/or with an asset base (as

defined in the amended property sector codes as gazetted in June 2017) of more than R400m qualifies as a large entity.

Qualifying Small Enterprise (QSE) – Any enterprise with an annual total turnover of R50 Million or less

and/or an asset base of less than R400m qualifies as Qualifying Small Enterprise. o A QSE which is 100% Black owned qualifies for an

elevation to Level One contributor of B-BBEE recognition level.

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3.11.18 – please can we be guided by the ACSA expectation in achieving level 3 should a successful bidder not currently have a level 3. Would the expectation of the adjust score card be based on a

o A QSE which is at least 51% Black owned qualifies

for an elevation to Level Two contributor of B-BBEE recognition level.

o QSEs mentioned above are only required to obtain a

sworn affidavit or Certificate from the Companies and Intellectual Property Commission (CIPC) on an annual basis, confirming the annual total revenue based on the

QSE thresholds table and level of black ownership. Exempted Micro Enterprise (EME) – Any enterprise

with an annual total turnover of R10 Million or less and/or an asset base of less than R80m qualifies as an Exempted Micro-Enterprise.

o EME’s mentioned above are only required to obtain a

sworn affidavit or Certificate from the Companies and

Intellectual Property Commission (CIPC) on an annual basis, confirming the annual total revenue based on the QSE thresholds table and level of black ownership.

Points awarded for B-BBEE 50 points will be allocated for B-BBEE.

The following scoring matrix will be applied to this Bid. (i) The bidder will be scored as per his/her BBBEE scorecard as reflected in the certificate.

The formula to be applied is: Page 26

By example, if the bidder scores 85 out of the 117 points, the points to be allocated will be calculated as follows:

85/117*50 = 36.32 points out of 50. (ii) Each bidder will then be ranked per their BBBEE and

Price scoring combined. Points scored will be rounded off to the nearest 2 decimal places.

This can be based on the company’s financial year end, but the certificate must be valid as at 1 Nov 2017.

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company’s/bidders financial year e.g. recalculation for the financial year ending June or can the amended scorecard be based over a 12 month period extending over 2 different financial years but still ensuring that the validity is applicable as at 1 November 2017 3.11.4 – legal disputes. Does this relate to legal disputes between the bidder and ACSA only?

With ACSA only

7. What all is included in “other revenue” services which will be levied? E.g. will “insurance revenue” also be subject to 5% charge.

How do we treat the 3 months surety in cash-flow (is it a lump sum received back at end of the concession?).

1. Para 1.5: Request for clarity or information may only be requested till 20 Oct. Para 2.13 (“timelines”) however indicates that enquiries closing date is 13 Oct. Which one is correct?

2. Para 3.8: must we apply

separately for the various drop-off kiosk/s or does it go with parking?

3. Para 3.8.1: We have two kiosks

at ORT i.e. leisure & VIP – will

Additional charges as part of a car rental (time and mileage) transaction will not attract the 5% charge. If the security deposit is paid in cash/EFT, then this amount will be refunded back to the bidder at the end of the concession, provided there are no outstanding amounts due to ACSA.

1) The correct date is 13th October.

2) The kiosks must be tendered separately to the parking bays.

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the application deem to include both? Or must we apply for both?

4. Para 3.11.4: “The Bidder should

be in a legal dispute…..” – with ACSA or in general?

5. Para 3.11.9: Is the security and

safety plan requirement per airport or generic?

6. Para 3.11.12: Please provide a copy of the management rules

7. Para Is the 15% black women ownership included in the 30% for black people?

8. Para Is the 15% and 2% under management control part of the 30% requirement?

9. Para 5.4 Kiosk Design: Do we have to provide a kiosk design for every airport or one generic design/format/lay-out?

10. Para 5.4 Logistics: Must we explain logistics in general, or per location?

11. Section 6 Returnable

Documents: Must we use your templates as provided, or just the format?

12. Section 6 Appendix K: Please explain what is required by “Structure of Resources for the Opportunity”

3) Each kiosk must be tendered for separately. Bidders are reminded to consider clause 5.6 on ACSA’s Transformation Imperatives.

4) With ACSA only.

5) The security plan must be generic.

6) Management rules attached separately on the two websites.

7) The 15% Black Women can form part of the

30% Black People.

8) The 15% Black Women can form part of the

30% Black People. The 2% Black employees can be employees at any level within the entity.

9) One generic kiosk design be acceptable.

10) Logistics in general on how the vehicles will be brought to the airport, or from the airport depots must be explained.

11) The templates that are provided are a guide to be used. The information requested on the templates must be provided.

12) An organogram that reflect how the structure from national level; regional to airport level will be effected. The number of resources and their titles must be provided. This will only be required for a single airport opportunity.

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13. Section 6 Appendix M: Do you require the client details for four of our clients?

14. General: The information requested to be submitted is of a very sensitive nature and we do not have a non-disclosure commitment from ACSA or its personnel. What assurance do we have that the information will not be leaked?

Version 2 additions

We have the following additional

questions for ACSA:

Regarding your pre-qualification criteria for large entities (i.e. section

o is each of the seven elements considered a criterion? i.e. if you don’t meet one, will you be disqualified?

o Under management control, you refer to “…executive management within the car rental division of the entity”. Should the bidder not have a car rental division set up, but rather a car rental branch, will this suffice?

For confirmation, services such as GPS, child seat, tank refueling, and insurance will not be subject to the 5% service charge by ACSA? But services such as chauffer drive will be?

13) Yes, the details of 4 clients are required.

14) Kindly refer to clause 1.11 of the RFB. This

clause relates to the bidder’s confidentiality.

Yes, all seven elements must be met. The management control of the bidding entity must be provided. Yes, Additional charges as part of a car rental (time and mileage) transaction will not attract the 5% charge. Yes, services such as chauffer drive will attract the 5% charge.

Page 16: ACSA RESPONSE TO BIDDERS QUESTIONS Version 4 … RENTAL BIDDERS QUESTIONS A… · develop their bid proposal. ... Through the car rental value chain, ... Three year project Income,

Question: The minimum rates quoted for

the each of the Kiosks and Parking Bays

– Are these Inclusive or Exclusive of

14% VAT?

If a bidder is operating a franchise, must

the franchise agreement period be the

same as the 10-year tender period.

Please provide clarification on the

requirement for landside permits.

Version 3 additions what will be the escalation rate for the increase for the next 10 years

Question: In terms of Clause 3.11 –

Special Conditions of RFB.

Clause 3.11.19 – This will be in the form

of a cash deposit or payment guarantee

– No problem.

All rates quoted are Exclusive of VAT.

If a bidder is bidding under a franchise or agency

agreement, the bidder must provide a copy of the

signed franchise/agency agreement. The

agreement must be valid for a period of at least five

years from the anticipated commencement date of

1 April 2018 ie. not expire before 31 March 2023.

The concession contract with ACSA will however

be for 10 years, and all commercial contractual

conditions must be honoured by the bidder for the

entire term.

A requirement will be for all staff operating at an

airport to have an airport permit, specifically the

staff that operate at the kiosks and parking bay

area. The application process will include the

vetting, by the State Security Agency, of the

individual applying for the permit. The application

fee is to cover the cost of this process, including

the issuing of the landside permit.

The annual escalation will be arrivals passenger growth plus CPI, but limited to not exceed 8% and not less than 5%.

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Clause 3.11.20 – The successful Bidder

will further be required to give ACSA a

surety equal to the remaining 9 month’s

rental of the first year of the concession.

In what form would this be required? A

further cash deposit or payment

guarantee from a reputable financial

institution acceptable to ACSA – Could

this also be in the form of a “BID BOND”

Guarantee from the Bidders financial


1. Your response to question 6 from

respondents as far as para relating to Management Control. Please confirm that

a. the definition of black people includes natural black, coloured and Indian persons

b. the definition of black female includes natural black, coloured and Indian persons

2. your response in question 7 re para1.5 in terms of date for questions

a. with the extension of the submission date to the 12th January 2018 has there been an extension of the date for questions. Recommendation would be to extend this by a similar period of days

b. Please advise if the tender award date has extended as a result of the submission extension.

Please refer to Annexure C – “Deed of Surety”

document which is part of the draft lease


The definition of Black people and Black women is

per the definition in the B-BBEE Act

The closing date for enquiries and clarification is

extended to 13 November 2017.

The date is not being extended.

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3. Section 5.4 in terms of Functionality. Under the staffing section reference is made to Commercial Executive. Please provide clarity of this role within the ACSA understanding as to whether this refers to a financial role, Sales role or legal role within the entity.

4. Section 5.6.1 – please forward a copy of the Transformation imperatives for car rental opportunities as indicated – this document is not on

Version 4

In terms of The Draft Lease Agreement:

Clause 14.11 Business Hours

Clause 14.11.1 The Lessee shall, from

60 (sixty) minutes prior to movement of

the first scheduled flight of any day, until

30 (thirty) minutes after the movement of

the last scheduled flight of any day

Clause Ensure that the kiosk

is open for business.

In view of the above could you please

advise the time of the first and last

movement at the following airports;



Further to your previous response (see below) outlining what procurement exclusions car rental tender applicants can be apply, please clarify further what

Google definition: The Chief Commercial Officer

(CCO) is an executive-level role, with the holder

being responsible for the commercial strategy and

the development of an organization. It typically

involves activities relating to marketing, sales,

product development and customer service to drive

business growth and market share

Please follow link below: bulletin


Flight schedules change from time to time. Every

airport display the flight arrival and departing times

on information provided by the individual airlines.

Currently the first flight out of CTIA and KSIA is

about 06h00 and the last arriving flight is about


All spend with SOE can be included in your

procurement spend report.

Page 19: ACSA RESPONSE TO BIDDERS QUESTIONS Version 4 … RENTAL BIDDERS QUESTIONS A… · develop their bid proposal. ... Through the car rental value chain, ... Three year project Income,

your SCM means by ‘quality spend with state entities’ We have noted the tender deadline extension to 12 Jan 2018, please advise if the deadline remains 2pm at the same ORTIA venue? Where can we find the traffic forecasts that were going to be made available by ACSA? (It was said that it will be made available but there is nothing there yet). VERSION 5

1. I have a query regarding the ACSA

tender; COR 50/2017.

As per the ToR we are requested to

bid for our preferred position at

each airport, as well as a back-up.

In the situation where we would be bidding on the basis of 2 different

operating models, would we bid for

our preferred and backup kiosk

number, per model.

I.e. If under Model A, we wish to

apply for Kiosk X at OR Tambo, with

Kiosk X+1 as a backup and

Under model B, we wish to apply for

Kiosk Y, with Kiosk Y+1 as a backup.

The deadline remains 14h00 at the same ORTIA


The traffic forecast can be found on the ACSA

tender bulletin website

An entity can only submit a single bid. The single

bid includes all nine airports, The bid allows for

bidders to submit bids for various kiosks at an

airport as part of the single bid, and includes a

sheet where the bidder indicate their preference in

the event a bidder is ranked highest for more than

one kiosk at the particular airport.

Page 20: ACSA RESPONSE TO BIDDERS QUESTIONS Version 4 … RENTAL BIDDERS QUESTIONS A… · develop their bid proposal. ... Through the car rental value chain, ... Three year project Income,

In this situation; would we need to submit 2 separate tenders (Model A

tender & Model B tender) per

opportunity (e.g. OR Tambo) or

would we be able to consolidate

these options within the single tender for OR Tambo.

These operational models would be

fundamentally different from one

another, hence the request to bid for positions under either model.

“1.2 The documents must be signed

and completed by a person who has

been given authority to act on behalf of the Bidder. The bottom of

each page of the bid documents

must be signed or stamped with the

Bidder’s stamp as proof that the

Bidder has read the bid documents.”

Q: Please confirm that each page of

the ‘bid documents’ includes the i)

actual bid document itself (incl the

copies), ii) the Request for Bid (RFB),

iii) the draft concession agreement

and iv) the accompanying


2. “1.7 d) Award the bid to a Bidder

other than the highest scoring Bidder where transformation

imperatives (Point 5.6) allow;

Q: Please advise on the evaluation

methodology/criteria that will be

applied as per 1.7 d)?

3. “1.9 Conflict of Interest. Each Bidder

shall include in its bid a declaration

that neither the Bidder nor any

Yes, each page includes the bid document and

copies, the RFB, concession agreement and


Please refer to 5.6 on Transformation imperatives

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member of the Bidder’s consortium or shareholder of such member has

any interest whatsoever (whether

direct or indirect) in any other

Bidder or in any member of any

other Bidders’ consortium bidding for the same Car Rental


Q: Please confirm that;

a) the bid declaration is a reference to the

‘Appendix A:

Declaration Form’,

b) as a publicly listed

company, it is not possible for such a

bidder to identify such

a conflict amongst its

shareholders which

includes asset managers incl entities

like the PIC

c) should no conflict be

identified, is the authorised individual

from the bidding entity

able to sign the

Declaration Form on

behalf of the bidding entity and its directors?

4. “2.5.3 Furnish ACSA with the

security required in terms of Point 2.7 (Security) within the time

allowed therefore; and “ (ref also


Q: As per pro-forma agreement,

clause 9.9 and with reference to

Annexure E (Deed of Suretyship),

surely this obligation cannot be

That is the correct appendix to use

To provide a list for all shareholders that are on the

board for directors for the list company/companies

holdings group for companies.

This is for all list directors on the board that has

signing and approval from the board for directors

and shareholders for the company

Where bidders are not able to provide the

necessary surety as required in this bid, the surety

amount can be substituted by increasing the level

of the payment guarantee by the value of the

surety required.

Page 22: ACSA RESPONSE TO BIDDERS QUESTIONS Version 4 … RENTAL BIDDERS QUESTIONS A… · develop their bid proposal. ... Through the car rental value chain, ... Three year project Income,

placed upon the directors of a

publically listed company?

5. “2.9.3 Each Bidder is obliged to

become acquainted with all of the

provisions of the laws affecting the

bid, the entering into of the Concession Agreement and

fulfilment of its terms;’’

Q: Please provide copies of all and

any relevant ACSA documents as

relied upon in Q5

6. ‘‘3.3 Passenger Numbers – April

2016 to March 2017’

Q: As per previous requests, please

supply ACSA forecasted passenger

numbers for the 10 year car rental

concession period for each of the

ACSA airports within the tender?

7. “Bidders should ensure there is a relationship between the size of

kiosk they bid for to the number of

parking bays requested. In this

regard, the minimum number of

parking bays have been set for each kiosk as per the table below.”

Q: This statement is unclear and

implies that despite a much higher

average bid price for parking bays, a

bidder will be in any event limited

to the number of bays awarded

proportionate to the sqm’s of the

kiosk within the car rental area. For

example, if a bidder is awarded a

kiosk which is 10% of the available

car rental kiosk space, the bidder

will only be allocated 10% of the

On the ACSA website we have the link to the

transformation plan and the airport management

rules. All other legislation that must be complied

with are industry specific and ACSA does not

provide same. It is for each bidder to know the

legislation affecting the industry and ensure


The traffic forecast can be found on the ACSA

tender bulletin website.

The purpose of this requirement is to avoid a

scenario where a bidder bid for the smallest kiosk,

and then request a substantially large number of

parking bays.

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available parking bays. Please


8. ‘’ ORTIA parking bays … Each

successful car rental operator will

be offered at least 12 parking bays

in front of, or close to, their kiosk. These parking bays will form part of

the minimum number of parking

bays a bidder is required to bid for.


Q: As the current concessionaires

operate bays on the same levels,

there is a concern about how the

ORTIA parking bays will be

allocated. Is ACSA implying that

successful bidders may have to

consider split operations with some

awarded bays on the ground floor

and the balance on the first floor?

Should this be the case significant

operational costs and inefficiencies

will be created.

9. Q: Aside from CTIA and PE, no other

expansion plans are being considered for the remaining

airports. There is a real concern that

at ORTIA and KSIA, for example,

assuming modest volume growth,

additional parking and kiosk space will be required within five years.

How will such a review take place

and what car parking options are

being considered for the car rental

concessionaires at that time?

10. ‘’3.11.10 Bidders will be required to

apply for landside permits for their

staff in line with airport legislation. The cost of the permit will be for

the bidders account. The cost of

The apportionment of parking bays is not linear to

the sizes of the kiosk. In this regard, a minimum

number of parking bays have been set. The

proportionate number of bays will be determined

based on the number of parking bays bidders

request for in the bid. The apportionment will be

done on a basis that is fair and reasonable to all

successful bidders.

Successful bidders will be offered the 12 bays on

the ground level. If a successful bidder wishes not

to take up the 12 parking bays to avoid a split

operation, the decision rest totally with the

successful bidder. If a successful bidder does not

take up their 12 parking bays, these bays will be

offered to the successful bidder that have ranked

the highest in order of selecting their location of


ACSA is aware that further capacity will be

required in the future. The future capacity will be

incorporated into the airport master plans. At this

point in time, the basis of how such a review and

what parking options are being considered are still

under investigation.

The SAVRALA proposal is yet to be considered by

ACSA. Therefore, it would be in the interest of

bidders to make provision for these costs in their

business plan.

Page 24: ACSA RESPONSE TO BIDDERS QUESTIONS Version 4 … RENTAL BIDDERS QUESTIONS A… · develop their bid proposal. ... Through the car rental value chain, ... Three year project Income,

permits is approximately R250.00, and is for a period of 2 years, where

after a new permit will have to be

applied for.’’

Q: A recent meeting between ACSA

and the car rental industry body

SAVRALA proposed that landside

permits would only be required for

the bidder’s supervisors and

managers at the airport? Please


11. ‘’Functional Evaluation Criterion…

Range, categories and mileage of

vehicles to be rented out’’

Q: Given that most if not all car

rental business run their fleets a

minimum of one year, we wish to

propose that the scoring criteria for

vehicle age and kilometres is based

on the average age and kilometres

of the fleet rather than the

maximum age and kilometres per


12. Q: Based on the 5% surcharge for

non-car rental transactions (eg:

vehicle transfer) how will ACSA

manage other non-car rental concessionaires such as metred

taxis, Uber and other transfer

companies who collect customers

outside the main terminal buildings

on the curb side?

13. Q: In the case that the parking bays

are oversubscribed, how will the

available parking bays then be allocated?

The scoring of this criterion is only based on

mileage. There is no mention of the age of the

vehicle in this regard.

The bid is for the usage of kiosks and parking bays

within the leased area. The additional 5%

surcharge is for the usage of these facilities.

The proportionate number of bays will be

determined based on the number of parking bays

bidders request for in the bid. The apportionment

will be done on a basis that is fair and reasonable

to all successful bidders.

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