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Page 1: ACRED HEART ˘ ˘ ˇˆ


Pastor/Párroco����������������Reverend Ken Ramón�Landry�

Parochial Vicar���������������Rev. Charles Kwabena Arthur�

Deacons/Diáconos�����������������Randy Duke; Warren Goff�

……………………………………...Tomasz Powroźnik�

Coordinator of Hispanic Ministry/Coordinadora del

Ministerio Hispano…Hna. Claudia Ines Crisóstomo Reyes�

Religious Ed./Educación Religiosa��������Elizabeth Trejo�

Dir. of Religious Education����������Christopher Vineyard�

YFF/CCD……...………………..Christopher Vineyard�

Parish Secretary/Secretaria����������������������Patty Nowell�

Youth/Juventud���������������������������…….....Angela Marco�

Choir Director������������������������������������Olivia Drinkwater�

Music/ Música����������������������������������������Blanca Berdion�

Webmaster�������������������������������������������������Paul Sanchez�


Mondays, 9:00 a.m.�6:00 p.m.�


Saturday, 3:15�3:45 p.m.�

Sunday, 12:30�1:15 p.m.; 3:15 �3:45 p.m.�



Sacred Heart Catholic School�����������������Keith Brackett�

������������������������������������������������������������������Vicki Flanagan�


608 Southern Avenue • 601�583�8683�

High School/Secundaria:�

510 W. Pine Street • 601�450�5736�


Make Disciples. That’s It!�


Hagan Discipulos. Eso es Todo!�


Monday�Wednesday 8:15 a.m.; Thursday 8:30 a.m.�

Saturday 4 p.m.�

Sunday 8 a.m., 10:30 a.m., 4 p.m.; Domingo en español 1:30 p.m.�

Mass is Live Streamed on Facebook and YouTube �

Sun. at 10:30 a.m.(English); 1:30 p.m. (en Español) �


Monday�Thursday 9 a.m.�4:30 p.m.; Friday 9 a.m.�4:00 p.m.�

(Closed for lunch from 12:00 p.m.�1:00 p.m.) �

NOVEMBER 7, 2021 • 7 NOVIEMBRE 2021�

313 WALNUT STREET • HATTIESBURG, MISSISSIPPI 39401� • Email: [email protected]

Parish Office: Tel. 601�583�9404 • Parish Fax: 601�583�9486�




Visit Us�


Page 2: ACRED HEART ˘ ˘ ˇˆ



Stephanie Land�� � 601�408�9190�

Adult Choir�

Olivia Drinkwater� � 601�583�9404�

Altar Servers/Monaguillos�

Christopher Vineyard� � 601�583�9404�

Gaspar Martin Carmelo� 601�778�1264�

Altar Society� � � �

Kay Bucciantini� � 769�390�7941�

Baptisms �

Shannon Bennett � � 601�583�9404�

Becoming Catholic (RCIA)�

Deacon Warren Goff� 601�447�3227�

Counseling� � � �

Camille Bondurant,� � 601�583�9404�


Faith and Justice Ministry�

Kathy Zipple� � � 601�297�9055��

Knights of Columbus Council 1908�

Quincy St. Pierre� � 601�408�6222�


First contact the church� 601�583�9404�

Candace Barquero� � 601�544�8052�

MOMS Ministry of Mothers Sharing�

Amanda Pegram� � 601�434�3725�


Parish Office� � � 601�583�9404�

Parent Morning Out�


Candace Barquero � � 601�408�0299�

Social Coordinator�

Julia Starrett� � � 601�325�6401�

� � �

St. Vincent de Paul Society� �

Visit Tues. & Wed. 9:30 a.m.�11:30 a.m.�

e�mail� � � �

Youth Ministry Team�

Team Leader�

Angela Marco� � � 601�583�9404�

E�mail� � [email protected]

Readings for the week of November 7, 2021�

Sunday:� 1 Kgs 17:10�16/Ps 146:7, 8�9, 9�10 [1b]/

� � Heb 9:24�28/Mk 12:38�44 or 12:41�44�

Monday:� Wis 1:1�7/Ps 139:1b�3, 4�6, 7�8, �

� � 9�10 [24b]/Lk 17:1�6�

Tuesday:� Ez 47:1�2, 8�9, 12/Ps 46:2�3, 5�6, 8�9 [5]/�

� � 1 Cor 3:9c�11, 16�17/Jn 2:13�22�

Wednesday:� Wis 6:1�11/Ps 82:3�4, 6�7 [8a]/Lk 17:11�19�

Thursday:� Wis 7:22b�8:1/Ps 119:89, 90, 91, 130,

� � 135, 175 [89a]/Lk 17:20�25�

Friday:�� Wis 13:1�9/Ps 19:2�3, 4�5ab [2a]/�

� � Lk 17:26�37�

Saturday:� Wis 18:14�16; 19:6�9/Ps 105:2�3, 36�37, �

� � 42�43 [5a]/Lk 18:1�8�

Next Sunday:� Dn 12:1�3/Ps 16:5, 8, 9�10, 11 [1]/�

� � Heb 10:11�14, 18/Mk 13:24�32�

2021 Liturgical Publications�

Altar Flowers �

The flowers for the Mass were donated by �

Julia Rowell’s children, Michael, Deborah, Donna and

Chris in honor of Julia’s 90th Birthday.�

Las flores para la misa fueron donadas por �

los hijos de Julia Rowell, Michael, Deborah, Donna and

Chris en honor al 90 cumpleaños de Julia.�


Mondays, �

9:00 a.m.�6:00 p.m.�

Come spend time �

with Our Lord present in

the Blessed Sacrament.�

Page 3: ACRED HEART ˘ ˘ ˇˆ

32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time�

On December 10, 1979, a very petite holy woman

known as Mother Teresa of Calcutta spoke these words in

her Nobel Peace Prize Acceptance Speech, “But I am sure

in the families and many of our homes, maybe we are not

hungry for a piece of bread, but maybe there is somebody

there in the family who is unwanted, unloved, uncared,

forgotten, there isn’t love. Love begins at home. And love

to be true has to hurt. I never forget a little child who

taught me a very beautiful lesson. They heard in Calcutta,

the children, that Mother Teresa had no sugar for her

children, and this little one, Hindu boy four years old, he

went home and he told his parents: I will not eat sugar for

three days, I will give my sugar to Mother Teresa. How

much a little child can give. After three days they brought

into our house, and there was this little one who could

scarcely pronounce my name, he loved with great love, he

loved until it hurt. And this is what I bring before you, to

love one another until it hurts, but don’t forget that there

are many children, many children, many men and women

who haven’t got what you have. And remember to love

them until it hurts.”�

Living authentically and walking with holiness always

involves sacrifice. It has to hurt. Only actions springing

from true and deep sacrifice demonstrate true integrity.

Without sacrifice, even what is apparently a generous

gesture can be nothing. It is no wonder that the widow

who contributed from her poverty received great admira-

tion from Jesus and the young child in our story above the

interest of Mother Teresa. It is easy to make the houses of

our lives look like they are in perfect order when in fact

they are in shambles within. Religion can sometimes

make this hypocritical masquerade easy to accomplish.

We can find ourselves in all the right holy places, reciting

all of the correct prayers, participating in community

collections, and reciting the proper doctrines only to find

ourselves empty, shallow, self�focused, and overly

anxious about personal concerns.�

The one who learns to discover their inner poverty,

their spiritual poverty, is the only one who can truly place

him or herself at the mercy of God. It is only when we

allow ourselves to be empty that we realize Who we

actually need to fill us. This is the real meaning of trust.

Many of us are afraid to take the plunge. We allow

ourselves to detach from only so much, always keeping a

watchful eye on the protection of our securities. We

understand the value of poverty, but we do not want to

become too poor. As long as we are able to recognize this

tension, our reluctance to let go and our struggle, we can

continue our journey of humbly learning how to love so

deeply that it hurts. God understands and waits. �

2021 Liturgical Publications�

Pregnant? Need Help? Call Birthright of Hattiesburg 601�606�7054�

Plots at Sacred Heart Cemetery for Sale�


The Catholic Cemetery is a sacred place and

consecrated ground. As a final resting place for

members of our Sacred Heart families and their

loved ones, our cemetery is at the service of God and

his people as they rest for eternity until the Lord


Single plots in our cemetery may be purchased for

$450.00 through the month of November. A single

niche for cremains in the columbarium is $450.00.

After November, plots can only be purchased when

a death occurs. To reserve a burial place, 10% of the

entire cost is needed, with full payment required in a

year’s time. For an immediate family member who is

not registered at Sacred Heart, the cost is $550.00.

Only when full payment is received are burial places

considered “purchased.” No burial place is

“guaranteed” nor is burial permitted until payment

has been made in full.�

St. Frances Xavier Cabrini�

Feast Day November 13�

You may recognize the name St.

Frances Xavier Cabrini (1850 � 1917)

as the first United States citizen to

become a saint. Known for her deep

trust in God, she was a courageous

woman doing the work of Christ.�

Her life of service began when she

was first refused admission to the

religious order which had educated her

to be a teacher. Not one to take things face value, she

instead focused her charitable work at the House of

Providence Orphanage in Cadogno, Italy, and in 1877,

professed vows there and took the religious habit.�

When the bishop closed the orphanage in 1880, he

named St. Frances Xavier Cabrini prioress of the

Missionary Sisters of the Sacred Heart. However, she

had a dream she was determined to fulfill. Since her

early childhood, she had dreamed of being a missionary

in China. Pope Leo XIII, however, urged her to see the

need in the west. She traveled with six of her fellow

religious sisters to New York City, where they worked

with the thousands of Italian immigrants residing there.�

Although she experienced many disappointments

during this time, she persevered. When she arrived in

New York, the house intended to be her first orphanage

in the United States was not available. Rather than

come back to Italy and the order she oversaw, she

instead found a way to establish that orphanage

elsewhere � plus a few more. Throughout her life, she

is known for founding 67 institutions dedicated to

caring for the poor, the abandoned, the uneducated, and

the sick. She died of malaria in her own Columbus

Hospital in Chicago in 1917. �

2021 Liturgical Publications�

Page 4: ACRED HEART ˘ ˘ ˇˆ

32º Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario�

En la liturgia de hoy, Jesús nos enseña lo que vale ante

Dios. Sus ejemplos ayudan a clarificar lo que existe en el

corazón de cada uno según su posición y estatus económi-

co. Por un lado, Jesús condena algunas actitudes y alaba

otras. Desenmascara y confronta a los escribas y maestros

de la ley, y alaba la ofrenda de la viuda. Él observaba

cuidadosamente para enseñar lo correcto, lo que lleva a

vivir con dignidad. Había visto el sufrimiento de los

pobres, de los enfermos, de los huérfanos y de las viudas.

También, veía como los ricos se aprovechaban de los más

pobres; no había ninguna consideración para ellos, les

cobraban impuestos, les hacían cumplir leyes injustas que

ni ellos mismos cumplían.�

Ahora, ¿cómo hacemos para compartir lo que tenemos?

¿Damos de lo que nos sobra, como los ricos de los tiempos

de Jesús o somos como la viuda de Sarepta y la del

Evangelio que generosamente dieron lo que tenían desde

su pobreza? Actualmente, es digno de resaltar la grandeza

de los pobres, de los inmigrantes que son ricos en

bendiciones porque su confianza está puesta en Dios.

Recordemos, siempre, que Dios ve los corazones y no las

apariencias. Lo que da valor es el amor con que se hacen

las cosas. “Yo les aseguro que esta viuda pobre ha dado

más que todos los otros” (Marcos 12:43). En resumen, el

mundo necesita generosidad y confianza al máximo.

Oremos con el Salmo 145: “Da el Señor protección al

forastero, y reanima al huérfano y a la viuda, mas desvía

el camino de los malvados, El Señor reina para siempre, tu

Dios, Sion, de generación en generación”.�

2021 Liturgical Publications�

Preguntas De La Semana�

Tómese un tiempo en familia para reflexionar y discutir las siguientes preguntas.�

Primera Lectura:�

En la historia del encuentro inicial entre Elías y la viuda, vemos a la viuda recompensada por su fe y valentía. �

¿Cuándo ha tenido tu fe un resultado positivo?�

Segunda Lectura:�

La lectura de Hebreos se centra en la muerte sacrificial de Jesús en la tierra, su intercesión por nosotros desde el cielo y

su eventual regreso al final de los tiempos. �

¿A quién conoces que necesite escuchar este resumen preciso de nuestra fe en Cristo?�


En la lectura del Evangelio escuchamos a Jesús criticar a los escribas por su hipocresía y alabar a la viuda por su genero-

sidad. ¿Cómo te aseguras de que tus acciones y tu fe sean auténticas?�

� � 2021 Liturgical Publications�

Cementerio Católico del Sagrado Corazón�



El Cementerio Católico es un lugar sagrado y una

tierra consagrada.� Es el lugar de eterno descanso

para los miembros queridos�de las familias del

Sagrado Corazón.�Nuestro cementerio está al

servicio de Dios y de su pueblo en donde los restos

mortales�descansan eternamente hasta la última

venida de Nuestro Señor.�

Durante el mes de noviembre se puede comprar

una parcela� por $450.00.� Un solo nicho para

cenizas en el columbario cuesta $450. Después de

noviembre, se pueden comprar parcelas al ocurrir

una defunción o hay que esperar hasta el noviembre

del 2012.� Para reservar una parcela, hay que pagar

el 10% del costo y el resto se tiene que pagar antes

del final de un año.� Para un�miembro de la familia

que�no está inscrito en el Sagrado Corazón, el costo

es de $550.00.� Solamente cuando se ha pagado�el

costo total de una parcela es cuando se considera

"comprada".� No se puede "garantizar" una parcela

en concreto ni se puede permitir un entierro en esa

parcela hasta que se ha pagado el total del costo.�

Page 5: ACRED HEART ˘ ˘ ˇˆ

Happy Birthday to all of our November �

babies who were born this week:�

May God bless you with good health and �

happiness for many years to come!�

Sun., November 7�

Lauren Anderson�

Anne Bailey Hall�

James Harrington�

Dorothy Holloway�

Vicki Miller�

Tuan Nguyen�

John Palensky�

Mon., November 8�

Patrick McCarthy�

Tues., November 9�

Rowen Anglin�

Mark Gallardo�

Gerard Hansen�

Brenna Paola�

Carolina Reeves�Garcia�

Patricia Sutton�

Chris Tomlinson�

Wed., November 10�

Michael Bishop�

Patricia Brewer�

Carter Bullock�

Xiuling Chen�

DeAnn Dean�

Jerry Morgan�

John Ratliff�

Anabel Rogers�

Heidi Celina Winborne��

Thurs., November 11�

Melanie Coronado�

Miller Hayden�

Maria Grace Jarrett�

Ava Norval�

James Pentney�

Fri., November 12�

Christine Boehmer�

Anne Kathryn DeViney�

Carol Doherty�

Ellen Doleac�

Mona Gauthier�

Jamie Malone�

Brian Murphy�

Greg Porcello�

Sat., November 13�

Shannon Bennett�

Joyce Beran�

Melissa Buchanan�

Dana Coleman�

James Patrick Harrington�

Justin Harvison�

Joe Phillips�

Brennan Sullivan�

This Week At The Heart �

(Sacred Heart School)�

School Ac�vi�es:�

November 8� Turkey Dollar Drive @ Elementary�

� � Blood Drive, Free Dress for High�

� � School participants�

� � Jr. High Basketball vs Purvis�

� � Spirit Club�

� � 3 p.m. Center Stage�

November 9� Turkey Dollar Drive @ Elementary�

� � Varsity Basketball @ St. Patrick’s�

� � 3 p.m. Cheer (HS Chapel)�

November 10 Turkey Dollar Drive @ Elementary�

� � Progress Check�

November 11� Turkey Dollar Drive @ Elementary�

� � Varsity Basketball @ St. Patrick’s�

� � 8:30 a.m. Elementary Mass�

� � 9:30 a.m. High School Mass�

November 12� Turkey Dollar Drive @ Elementary�

� � Deadline to register for 5K for shirt �

� � guarantee�

November 13� Jr. High Basketball Tournament @ SH�

KC Council 1908�

KC Council 1908 is pleased to recognize well

deserving Knights and families from Sacred Heart!�

Family of the Month, October 2021:�

Whitt & Julia Starrett Family�

Knight of the Month, October 2021:�

Paul Sanchez�


New Wine classes begin Tuesday, September 21, at

6 p.m. in the Parish Life Center. New Wine is

accepting students again. Please visit our webpage,

Facebook, or contact Christopher Vineyard at the

Parish Office for more details.�

Nov. 16 Christian Scripture Dr. Mark�

� � � � Nicovich�

Nov. 30 Christian Scripture Dr. Mark�

� � � � Nicovich�

Knights of Columbus�

KC Council 1908 will meet on Monday, November

8, at 6:30 p.m. at Sacred Heart High School. All

members are encouraged to attend.�

Page 6: ACRED HEART ˘ ˘ ˇˆ



Mon., Nov. 8, 8:15 a.m.�� All Souls’ Novena �

Tues., Nov. 9, 8:15 a.m.� � All Souls’ Novena�

Wed., Nov. 10, 8:15 a.m. � All Souls’ Novena�

Thurs., Nov. 11, 8:30 a.m. � All Souls’ Novena �

� � 9:30 a.m. (HS)�†Ashley Krebs�

Sat., Nov. 13, 4:00 p.m.� � Mr. & Mrs. Henry� �

Sun., Nov.14, 8:00 a.m.� � †Mary Graham�

Sun., Nov. 14, 10:30 a.m. � Mariellen Cummings�

� � � � Rosie Randle�

Sun., Nov. 14, 1:30 p.m.� Sacred Heart Parishioners �

Sun., Nov. 14, 4:00 p.m.� Rose Williams �

Nov. 13�14� Sat. 4:00 p.m.�

Sun. 8:00 a.m.�

Sun. 10:30 a.m.� Sun. 1:30 p.m� Sun. 4:00 p.m.�

Extraordinary �

Ministers of �


Helen Cartwright�

Jim Ford�

Nina Tran�

Sandra Whitacre�

Tony Garcia�

Lauren Raborn�

Javier Marroquin�

Lorena Marroquin�

Kim Cargill�

Phyllis Lee�



Kathy Zipple�

Joseph Beran�

Theresa Lester�

Glenn White�

Heidi Blanchard�

Larissa Anderson�

Jesus Anima�

Aquilino Garcia�

Ascencion Martinez�

Jim Gladden�

Shannon Bennett�



Ann Loveless�

David Nagy�

Bill Jarrett�

Casey Mercier�

Andy Mercier�

Gary Pace�

Larry Bellipanni�

Jim Maloney�

Teresa Maloney�

Gavin Mistich�

Juan Gaspar�

Santiago Gomez�

Tomas Pacheco�

Merin Hernandez�

Over Escalante�

Mary Ann Purvis�


Altar Servers�

Len Charleville�


Benjamin Breeden�


Cooper Mercier�

Emi Clark�

Hannah Raborn�

William Raborn�

Paul Blanchard�

Victor Guzman�

Everardo Agustin�

Luis Angel�

Angel Perez�


Klaire Bennett�

Madeline Hodges�


Len Charleville� Lynn Landrum� Jim Maloney� � Phyllis Lee�



Sun., November 7� Pope Francis�

Mon., November 8� Fr. Philip J. Audet�

Tues., November 9 � Fr. Mike Austin �

� � � Fr. Alfred Ayem SVD�

Wed., November 10� Fr. Sergio Balderas�

� � � Fr. Joseph Benjamin SSJ�

Thurs., November 11� Fr. Hyginus Boboh SSJ�

� � � Fr. Dennis Carver�

Fri., November 12� Fr. Tommy Conway�

� � � Fr. Ruben Covos�

Sat., November 13� Fr. Arockia Doss IVD�

Prayers For Our Sick�

Oración Por los


Althea Aucoin�

Lauryn Barrett�

Joyce Beran�

Annett Sanford Beverly�

Janet Blouin�

Edna Brewer�

Donna Campbell�

Kate Corrigan�

Isabella D’Amico�

Sarah Agnes Fink�

Adriana Forcade�

Sunnye Forte�

Jim Gladden�

Nancy Goff�

Luis Gonzalez�

Jennifer Guitar�

Pat Harrington�

Judy Heintz�

Meco Johnson�

Jim Jones�

Ed Kauchick�

Stephanie Land�

OD Landrum�

Tom LeBlanc�

Ronald J. Leonard, Sr. �

Rhonda Little�

Collette Machauer�

George Magola�

Justin Maloney�

David Manwiller�

Dave Martin, Jr. �

Pam McClary�

Kathleen Muli�

Ruby Nicdao�

Cherice Nobles�

Meg Nobles�

Marcia Russell�

BJ Sanford�

Joe Schlautman�

Pilar Juan Sevilla�

Richard Smith�

Beth Strahan�

Terry Sullivan�

Mary Traub�

Alondra Villalobos�

Maria Villalobos�

Agnes Watson�

Bette Worrel�

Francis Zipple�

Willa Zumwalt�

For all who are sick�

Page 7: ACRED HEART ˘ ˘ ˇˆ

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Page 8: ACRED HEART ˘ ˘ ˇˆ


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