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The Owen Lea Foundation…. Let’s Make A Difference! Association of Computer Repair Business Owners…Now over 3,900 members! ACRBO MAG WHAT’S INSIDE Computers, Networking, Websites, Advertising, Marketing & Sales ISSUE 015 | Mar 2013 Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts….Winston Churchill

ACRBO Mar Magazine 2013

Mar 13, 2016



Association of Computer Repair Business Owners Magazine
Welcome message from author
This document is posted to help you gain knowledge. Please leave a comment to let me know what you think about it! Share it to your friends and learn new things together.
Page 1: ACRBO Mar Magazine 2013

The Owen Lea Foundation….

Let’s Make A Difference!

Association of Computer Repair

Business Owners…Now over

3,900 members!


WHAT’S INSIDE Computers, Networking, Websites, Advertising, Marketing & Sales

ISSUE 015 | Mar 2013

Success is not final, failure is not

fatal: it is the courage to continue

that counts….Winston Churchill

Page 2: ACRBO Mar Magazine 2013

A New Upsell Opportunity

Tactics Every Business Should Implement

Define Social Marketing

Small Business

What To Do About Java

Small Business Marketing

Avoid This 4 Letter Word

Reputation Changer









Association of Computer Repair Business Owners


Page 3: ACRBO Mar Magazine 2013



Are you a writer? Do you enjoy writing down your


Would you like to be able to contribute each

month regarding your business model and give tips

to other business owners?

If so feel free to contribute to the magazine. Credit

is given to all writers in the form of links to your

website or any other way you would like.

Share your experiences!

Page 4: ACRBO Mar Magazine 2013

Editor’s Note Welcome to the latest edition of the

Association Magazine. I'd like to welcome

our new contributors this month.

We look forward to bringing you more articles this coming year that can help you grow your business. Lastly I’d like to congratulate you for investing your time to educate yourself by reading this magazine. We are proud to be able to help all our readers, and look forward to serving you for many years to come.

Dan ACRBO Keep your valuable feedback coming. I try to reply to every email, I appreciate your input as it helps to make the ACRBO magazine possible. Write to me at: [email protected]

ACRBO Magazine Fredericksburg Virginia

Advertising enquires: Send an email to [email protected]

Contribute articles: If you would like to be a contributing author for the magazine then send an email to [email protected] and let us know what you would like to write about. Copyright 2012 ACRBO. All rights reserved. Reprinted with permission. No part of this publication may be reproduced, translated or converted into machine-readable form or language without the written consent of the publisher. Articles express the opinions of the authors and are not necessarily those of the publisher

ACRBO Magazine

Director: ACRBO [email protected]

Contributors Various experts in their fields

The instructions and advice in the

Magazine is for entertainment purposes only. The creators, producers,

contributors and distributors of the ACRBO Mag disclaim any liability for

loss or lack of results from following the advice expressed herein

Page 5: ACRBO Mar Magazine 2013

Finders Fee

I typically have businesses

contact me for support but I

do not provide support for

businesses I only do

residential clients. If I refer

them to another business

should I get a fee?

Absolutely…But, you need to

establish yourself with this

other company ahead of time

not the day the referral comes

in. Get it setup ahead of time

so you know that you are

going to get a fee and

determine what that fee is

going to be in advance.




I am looking at

subcontracting to places like

OnForce and others. Is it

worth my time?

Well it really depends on how

busy you are. If you are busy

then I don’t see it being

beneficial to you. If you have

slow period then I can see it

filling in gaps. I personally

feel that time would be put to

better use marketing yourself

and your business vice doing

sub work.











ACRBO inbox

Have a question? If so email it do

[email protected] and we will be glad to

answer it.

It can be business related pertaiing to

marketing, setting up your business, growth of

your business or anything you can think of.

With 2012 ending the Association has shown that

Page 7: ACRBO Mar Magazine 2013

A New Upsell Opportunity


As business owners, we put a lot of effort into

growing our customer base. As important as this

is, we often overlook the simple services and

products we can provide our existing customers in

order to generate more income.

Anti-virus software is a common upsell, and given

the right vendor and volume it can be a very

profitable revenue stream. Unfortunately, a lot of

businesses stop there. There are many products

and services we can resell to generate more

income, some more profitable than others, but all

increase our bottom line. There are many choices

such as uninterruptable power supplies, wireless

devices to cut the cord, external hard drive

enclosures, tune-up services, even configuration

of 3rd party DNS servers for extra protection from

malware. Hopefully we are all familiar with these

common upsells, but I would like to introduce a

new potential revenue stream.

dMaintenance is an inexpensive, white label, fully

automated maintenance application which can be

branded with any company name and logo and

resold. Originally designed as an automated

maintenance application for network

administrators to push out a scheduled

maintenance routine to workstations, it also

serves as the perfect stand-alone maintenance

application for home and small business users.

The feature set within dMaintenance is massive,

including reporting and email capabilities, and it

optionally has the ability to work with (and control)

3rd party applications of your choice, with

preconfigured functionality for apps like CCleaner,

Defraggler, and PatchMyPC and some Nirsoft

reporting apps.

Believe me, our customers ARE looking for PC

maintenance applications. We frequently see

‘maintenance’ software on our customer’s PCs;

some are legitimate while others are more like

snake oil. Many of our customers purchase these

apps (legitimate or otherwise) from other

companies – there are plenty these of companies

out there selling maintenance applications. Why

aren’t we doing the same?

As business owners we can benefit greatly

because unlike reselling products with per-PC

licenses such as anti-virus software, or having

monthly fees associated with managed services

platforms, dMaintenance is a one-time purchase.

Once the initial investment is recouped, there is

no additional overhead on future sales; every

additional sale is pure profit. It may be resold

as a one-time deal or as part of a packaged

maintenance bundle with other products and/or

services; and we set the rates. We can choose an

inexpensive model so it practically sells itself to

every single customer, or we can price it

competitively with similar products and make up

the overhead in just a few sales. With an optional

and inexpensive dCloud account from Foolish IT,

which adds subscription based functionality, we

can even resell it to our clients as part of a

monthly or annual subscription based service.

Our customers benefit by purchasing software

from people they trust, with no risk involved.

Often the search for a miracle maintenance

application is why our customers get malware and

virus infections, so by providing the application for

ours customer we help secure them against future

threats by removing their need to seek out


To learn more, visit, click on

the dMaintenance link, and explore a new way to

generate more revenue from your existing

customer base!

Page 8: ACRBO Mar Magazine 2013

This month’s winner will receive the

eBook “Computer Repair Business

Lessons Learned”.

We will randomly choose a winner and e-

mail the winner.

Just send an email to [email protected]

and in the Subject line put: WinBook

Last Month’s winner is Ken Pennington

of Ken’s PC Repair


Page 9: ACRBO Mar Magazine 2013





IMPLEMENT Do you remember your first day as a business owner? You were probably just like the rest of us... pretty darned happy and a bit on the proud side. Yeah, back then we thought we could conquer the world. Now we're too busy conquering our own little corner of the world to pay a lot of attention to the rest of the world... unless it's to learn a few tips from successful owners.

1. Create a Special Offer

A special offer is exactly that... an offer that is special. Normally, customers would not be able to purchase this product or combination of products, and once the products are gone... sorry!

You don't have to go out and order a bunch of new products to put together a special offer. It doesn’t take a whole lot... just use what you've got. Grab a few items that are related, group them together, discount the price, and your customers will be excited to be getting a good deal. Think about it from your standpoint... you've sold three or four items rather than one. Yeah, combination offers are winning deals for everyone! Could be as simple as a computer tune-up WITH a year of virus software included.

2. Address the Small Customer Groups

Niche markets are everywhere, right under your nose! Within the customer audience that you serve right now are groups of people who share common traits. Think about it... maybe you have a group who speaks Spanish, a group of teens, and a group of middle class family men and women.

Evaluate these classes of people, and discover the unique needs and desires they share. That will set you up to customize your advertising campaign directly to them. It’s not hard to take your current ads, and make a few changes to adjust to the niches. They’ll be impressed that you understand THEM, and the increase in your profits will be the best thanks you can get.

3. Set Up a Winning Referral Program

Successful owners develop the ability to turn their customers into advocates. Often, they don't even have to directly ask customers to refer them to others. Their willingness to go the extra wins customer loyalty and support. Naturally, satisfied customers refer their friends and family to the place that will take good care of them.

Quality service and is the first step toward referrals, but you can easily take it one step further. Studies show that every satisfied customer tells three people about you. What would happen with a little incentive added to the picture? Yeah, a lot more. Give customers who refer friends a thank you - whether it's a discount, special gift item, or a simple thank you card - and watch the referrals spiral!

You can get two birds with one stone by implementing customer surveys. A few quick questions about what the customer does and doesn't like about your product, followed by a request for the names and addresses of friends and family who would benefit from the product, and you're all set to go with the contact information of a prospective customer!

Page 11: ACRBO Mar Magazine 2013


View and control remote

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Subscription or one-

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Free Trial:

More Information:

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[email protected]

Have a story

to share with

others about

your computer

business that

might help

them in the

future. Submit

it and we will

publish it in

next month’s

issues right in

this location.

Send to

[email protected]


Page 12: ACRBO Mar Magazine 2013

In business time is one commodity that you do not ever have enough of. There will always be enough projects, meetings, loose ends, appointments and more, but never enough time. How to make time for things that you never found time for before.

How to not stress out at the end of each day because you did not finish what you started.

Start Today “Time Is Precious”…


Page 13: ACRBO Mar Magazine 2013

Inside this article we are going to examine what

needs to be implemented to be successful

online. This system is really easy and one that

people don't bother about too much. By telling

you what to search for online, this is going to

be a smart way for you to master how to set up

a small online business.

Page 14: ACRBO Mar Magazine 2013


Define Social

Marketing- Old Wine

Generally, social marketing can be defined as a new concept (not so new though) to market or promote an endeavor using the internet and the web2.0 based tools. Started with this small approach, social marketing has now gained a new level as many people across the world are joining the worldwide business chain with several new ideas and strategies. The purpose of social marketing is to provide fast and quality service using the World Wide Web. All the enterprises of online business market are aiming to be part of global economy and take their business to next level with the help of social media marketing. In essence, social marketing is the key word to get a worldwide platform and succeed in business. Apart from this brief definition social marketing has different other wings that needs a proper co-ordination for proper marketing.

Social media sites were basically created an online network of people who wanted to communicate with each other and stay in touch. Business owners and corporate houses used the social media tools for marketing their businesses, services or products. Just from its beginning, social marketing has succeeded to create a difference in the world of business. Businesses houses that made careful and strategic use of social media sites created a revolution in the marketing world but at the same time careless and casual dealing spelled doom for many businesses.

If you are a newcomer to the world of social media marketing then you need not worry a lot about the results of your efforts because there are thousands of online resources from where you would be able to learn some vital tips and tricks to crack the social networking or social marketing nut. Online reviews, e-books available on "social marketing" would provide you with a comprehensive picture of social media marketing world. The pros and cons of this business and survival strategies are also discussed thoroughly in these books, journals or articles. Here, in this blog we will discuss the two most potential social media - Facebook and Twitter and strategies that would get surprising fast results from.


Let's start with Facebook that has been ranked as the second most popular (Google is still number 1) social media site for its popularity. With the introduction of Facebook, social marketing has taken a new turn and the generation now defines social marketing in a single word, which is Facebook.

Business owners are making the most out of Facebook and taking the opportunity to measure their performance from both positive and negative comments on their products and services. Using Facebook, clients can research on the needs and demands of customers, which changes frequently. At the same time one can provide updates on the upcoming services or products fan pages to keep the visitors engaged. Spending a few extra dollars on Facebook and let visitor's know about your company directly from Facebook.


As a social media site, Twitter has been ranked tenth and is being used widely to deliver short messaincredible speed. A short message of 140 characters reaches the inbox of your consumers in a minute and the tweets will spread to the mass in an explosive manner. There is no other cost-effective and timesaving marketing idea than tweeting about a

Twitter has more preference among the busy users who prefer to get product updates just right to the point. The most important fact about twitter is that it always contains relevant messages, so the customers will read them thoroughly, instead of justhem.

Now, it depends on your business and th


Let's start with Facebook that has been ranked as the second most popular (Google is still number 1) social media site for its popularity. With the introduction of Facebook, social marketing has taken a new turn and the generation now defines social marketing in a single word, which is Facebook.

Business owners are making the most out of Facebook and taking the opportunity to measure their performance from both positive and negative comments on their products and services. Using Facebook, clients can research on the needs and demands of customers, which changes frequently. At the same time one can provide updates on the upcoming services or products fan pages to keep the visitors engaged. Spending a few extra dollars on Facebook and let visitor's know about your company directly from Facebook.


As a social media site, Twitter has been ranked tenth and is being used widely to deliver short messages at incredible speed. A short message of 140 characters reaches the inbox of your consumers in a minute and the tweets will spread to the mass in an explosive manner. There is no other cost-effective and time-saving marketing idea than tweeting about a product.

Twitter has more preference among the busy users who prefer to get product updates just right to the point. The most important fact about twitter is that it always contains relevant messages, so the customers will read them thoroughly, instead of just ignoring them.

Now, it depends on your business and the product when you get down to choosing between Facebook and Twitter - choose the one that suits your business needs perfectly.

Page 15: ACRBO Mar Magazine 2013

ACRBO marketplace

PC Dice Contact: [email protected] A great gift for that tech you know. Or even better take them on site with you and amaze your customers.

Linux For The Rest Of Us

- Do you want to stay ahead of the computer curve so that you don't feel left in the dust?

- Do you want to expand your knowledge so that YOU are that technician who people go to for advice?

- Do you want to learn an operating system so powerful and fun you'll wonder how you lived without it?

Your Ad here Contact

[email protected] Let Us Know

> Want to see your ad here? Drop us an email.

Page 16: ACRBO Mar Magazine 2013

Owning and running your own small business

Owning and running your own small business is a great thing to do, but it is not always easy. If you want to have success with your small business, there are some ways to do it, though. Here are some small business tips to maximize your profits and minimize your headache, even early on with the business.

The first of the small business tips that you need to remember is that in the early time of the business, you want to keep your profits as high as possible. This is not always an easy thing to do because often, especially when your business has first opened, your customers are pretty low, and therefore your money is pretty low. In order to make this happen, keep your spending as low as you can. Avoid buying anything that is unnecessary in order to keep all the money that you can.

Another of the great small business tips that you can use is about advertising. If you want to get customers, which are necessary for the success of many businesses, you will have to advertise in order to get them. Advertising is something that you should always make room for in your budget. Of course, finding the most affordable methods of advertising early on will make quite a bit of difference. It may take more work, though.

If you want to start your own small business, the market for a business is something you should consider. If there is no market for your business, you will not have any success with it. So, make sure that the people in your area will want to purchase the products or services that you will offer them. This is a very important part of having any sort of success with a business - possibly the most important in some cases, because it can often determine the success or failure of a business.

Another of the great business tips that you can use is to always take advantage of the Internet. Even if your business is not one that would benefit in any way from a website, it is a great idea to advertise on the Internet. This can greatly expand your ability to get customers. And what's even better - Internet advertising is far more affordable than many local newspapers. This is advantageous for additional advertising at a great price, which is especially great for young businesses that don't have a lot of money to spend on advertising.

If you have a successful small business,

then you will experience all of the great

advantages of it. But, you have to have

a successful small business in order for

that to happen. These small business

tips will help you make your business

more successful so that you will actually

make money. Keep all of these in mind

when you buy a business or when you

start one of your own. They will be

helpful in both cases to get your

business established and help you

actually make money.

Page 17: ACRBO Mar Magazine 2013

The Industry


Who Is Technibble For?

Technibble is a free resource for Computer Technicians and Computer Business Owners.

Technibble helps computer technicians with information and how-to-articles published a few times

a week and has a strong community of Computer Technicians to help one another.

Technibble helps you by covering topics such as:

- How to start a Computer Business

- Advertising, how to get clients and keep them

- Business and legal issues

- Streamline your computer repair work

- Technician related product reviews and discounts

- New opportunities to look out for

- Stories from “the trenches” from your fellow Computer Techs

Technibble also has a large database of Computer Repair tools and adds a new on to its database

every week.

Be sure to check out the Archives, Computer Repair Tools section and the Computer

Technician forum. .

Page 19: ACRBO Mar Magazine 2013


Page 20: ACRBO Mar Magazine 2013


In recent months the programming language Java has been

in the news a lot, mostly because of its association with

virus infections. By most reliable accounts, over one-half of

all recent malware infections have been accomplished by

exploiting vulnerabilities in Java.

Java was first released by Sun Microsystems in 1995, which

was subsequently acquired by database software company

Oracle. According to the Oracle web site, “Java runs on

more than 850 million personal computers worldwide, and

on billions of devices worldwide, including mobile and TV


Contrary to a widely-held belief, Apple computers are not

immune to virus infection. In fact, the most widespread

infection of Macs to date involved 670,000 infected

computers that unwittingly became members of a botnet

known as Flashback.

The Flashback virus was actually a Trojan Horse, installed

as a “drive-by download,” without the user’s knowledge or

permission. The virus accomplished this objective by taking

advantage of known security holes in Java, adjusting its

behavior as necessary to fit the environment of the target


These vulnerabilities are commonly exploited on Windows-

based PCs, and many IT professionals question whether

Java will ever be secure enough to be trusted on the

average user’s computer. As much as Oracle tries to find

and patch all the holes in Java, the bad guys keep finding

more of them.

Further complicating the issue is the fact that some

applications are incompatible with Java 7 altogether and still

require the older Java Version 6. Oracle has continued to

update Java 6 as well as Java 7, with the latest update

being Java 6 Update 41. But they have announced that

there will be no new public updates of Java 6 after

February, 2013.

So, what should you and your users do about Java? You

will hear various opinions on the subject. The right answer,

of course, is “it depends.”

The unfortunate reality is that many programs, devices, and

web sites use Java in one form or another. While some

experts recommend removing Java from your computers

altogether, that approach may not be practical in some

cases. But a reasonable first step might be to uninstall Java

from your computer and see whether you lose any



Do all of the programs you normally use continue to run

normally without Java installed? If so, that’s a promising

sign. What about web sites? Any of your favorites quit

working when Java isn’t there? Here’s a hint –

GoToWebinar won’t work without Java. And there are many


One of the improvements in the recent Java updates is a

wider range of options related to security. There is now a

Security tab in the Java dashboard, with a slider that allows

you to select a Security Level from Low to Very High. The

default setting is High (recommended), and an Advanced

option gives you more granularity in the detailed settings.

There is also an option to “Enable Java content in the

browser,” with a check-mark in that box by default.

Deselecting that option will greatly improve the security of

that computer, albeit at the risk of breaking some web

pages. But this is a prudent step for you to take if possible.

Another new option allows you to specify how often to have

Java check for updates. The default was originally once per

month and has since been increased to once per week. But

now you can set it to check for updates every day if you like.

Considering how frequently new exploits are discovered,

you may want to set all of your computers to check for Java

updates daily. The increased overhead is minimal, and the

potential for keeping the computer secure against Java-

based attacks is significant.

It’s important to note that there is no option to install Java

updates automatically, only to notify the user that a new

version is available. So be sure your users know to look in

the System Tray on a regular basis and allow a Java update

to install any time it is offered.

Keeping Java up to date is every bit as important to security

as a serious, commercial-grade (not free, in other words)

anti-virus program and Windows Updates. Disabling or

removing it altogether is a more secure solution, but one

that may not be practical for many users.

What To Do About Java?

Copyright 2013 by Ken Dwight, “The Virus Doctor™,” Houston, Texas. All rights reserved. Ken is a Computer Consultant, Speaker, and Trainer, and creator of the Virus Remediation Training workshop for computer support technicians. For reprint rights, information about upcoming workshops, or to inquire about booking Ken for your next Conference, Convention, or Company Meeting, contact us at or phone (281) 537-0252.

Page 23: ACRBO Mar Magazine 2013

Spend on Publicity – As I mentioned before,

publicity is free and offers your business a

great chance to get local recognition. But it

won’t work without well-crafted news releases.

So don’t be afraid to spend a few bucks to get

a writer working for you on a freelance basis if

you need that support to generate news

releases and spot story ideas.

NEGOTIATE AD PRICE – Buying ads is a bit

like buying a used car. The price really isn’t

the price. It’s the starting point. So be sure to

negotiate on the asking price for the ad.






Every form of advertising has an element of

waste. As soon as you buy the ad, there’s a

certain percentage of people that will see your

message but simply will not care. As I leaf

through the newspaper and spot an ad for a new

car, I don’t really look at it since I’m not currently

in the market for a new car. That advertising

money is gone up front. As soon as you buy the

ad, you can almost hear some of the money

being blown out the window.

So for all that you probably hear about targeting

your advertising and marketing efforts, what you

really need to know is which advertising

opportunities have the least waste.

STAY LOCAL – Before you go and place an ad in

the newspaper or on radio, ask yourself: Who

will hear or see this ad? If you service a relatively

small area, don’t buy ads on a radio station that

reaches far beyond the area in which you do

business (your “trade area”.) Same goes for the

newspaper. You are paying for coverage that you

are not interested in. Buy local ads that local

customers will be exposed to.

Don’t be afraid to spend a

few bucks to get a writer

working for you on a

freelance basis if you need

that support to generate

news releases and spot

story ideas.

Page 24: ACRBO Mar Magazine 2013



So what is spam? According to Wikipedia, Spam is the use of

electronic messaging systems to send unsolicited bulk

messages, especially advertising, indiscriminately. However,

reality is that spam is anything the reader thinks it is.

Maybe you've sent out an ezine and it's been marked as spam

and you want to yell, "I'm not a spammer! I didn't spam you!

You signed up to receive this information!" Do you know that


There are some common reasons people report emails as


• Length of time between emails. If you haven't sent to

your list in several months, chances are they've

forgotten who you are.

• Change in sender. Did you change your email address

or have emails coming from a different address? They

don't recognize you.

• Content is not what they expected. Set clear

expectations of what they're signing up for and what

they will receive. In my instance, I have a Virtual

Assistant company. My ezine includes business tips for

entrepreneurs. I also co-founded a non-profit that does

equine assisted therapy. If I started emailing my

entrepreneurs about the therapy, they might not be too


• Recipient didn't ask for email. If you've purchased a list,

then the recipient definitely did not ask to receive emails

from you. Make sure you're only emailing to people who

WANT to hear from you.

Along with the above tips, there are a few more things you can

do to alleviate the possibility of someone reporting you as


• Use double opt-ins. When someone signs up, have them to confirm

their email address.

• Set expectations. If someone is signing up for a monthly ezine, and

you decide you want to do weekly tips, ask the subscriber to opt into

that list. Don't just assume because they signed up for the monthly

ezine that they want to receive weekly tips.

• Make sure your email looks reputable.

• Don't try to hide your unsubscribe link. Make it visible so someone

can easily unsubscribe rather than report you as spam through their


• Brand your subject line. Be sure to include your company name or

initials or your ezine title in the subject line so people know what

they're opening. For example, this week's subject line of my ezine

was "[GCOS] Avoid this 4-letter word".

• Avoid known spam triggers. When creating your content, be sure

your content and formatting do not trigger the spam filters. For

instance, if your picture ratio outweighs your word ratio, it could

trigger the spam filters. And of course, we know certain words will do

that, which I won't include here!!

• Check your spam rating. Several email marketing providers offer a

spam score before you send your email. Make sure you're within the

limits and make changes to reduce your spam score.

While there's no set and sound rule to avoid being reported as spam,

following these tips will lessen those chances! What things do you do to

avoid the spam trap?

Several email marketing

providers offer a spam score

before you send your email.

Make sure you're within the

limits and make changes to

reduce your spam score.

Page 26: ACRBO Mar Magazine 2013










Page 28: ACRBO Mar Magazine 2013


Reputation Changer - When Is It

Time to Call A Reputation Defender? Keeping your name positive, protected and well managed

online is not an easy task. To protect their name, a lot of

people opt for online reputation management firms.

However, a lot of other steps exist to take matters into

your very own hands. Here are some of the best

strategies in protecting your reputation. Follow these

reputation changer steps to begin making positive

changes in your online reputation now.

Get your brand name under control. Your competitors

would love to squat onto sites that haven't been

registered. Even more so, they might create defamatory or

fake accounts making use of your actual name. A lot of

new laws that protect against these practices are

beginning to emerge, but making the changes frequently

takes a long time and is also a very daunting process.

Make it a point to fully

comprehend and manage your

social media privacy. You have to

know how to remove negative

reviews, feedback, comments, etc.

The best thing you could do is to get your brand name

under control across multiple sites by registering your

name and related information across various websites.

This may include social networking sites, other websites

and more. You must be aware about which social media

sites are frequently used and are also currently hot.

Use your social media connections. Plenty of companies

out there today do not completely understand social

media. Direct interaction beyond promotional posts is

how social media defines itself. Utilize these sites as

mediums to interact directly with your customers.

Resolve a potentially negative scenario directly and

professionally, if there are any. Doing so will add real

value to both your name and brand.

Monitor your privacy online. Promoting, discussing and boosting your

brand's image are what a social media site is great for. But do you have

any idea about how privacy works in sharing for sites such as these?

Managing your privacy online has earned somewhat of a bad name in

the recent years. However, the good news is that it's only served to help

people, businesses as well as organizations protect their privacy even

more. Make it a point to fully comprehend and manage your social

media privacy. You have to know how to remove negative reviews,

feedback, comments, etc. A preventive measure such as this one grows

increasingly more important each day.

Be aware of any changes, new posts, etc. Do you realize that social

media isn't actually a "once and you are done" phenomenon? Neglected

or under-posted accounts could prove extremely dangerous for your

image. You need to be absolutely active in interacting, posting and

responding to your customers, but you also need to be aware of new

posts, responses as well as other various information.

A targeted reputation management account, in the end, can accomplish

all of these for you and more. However, that doesn't necessarily mean

you are actually off the hook in taking the important reputation

defender steps outlined above. You may need to find a reputation

management specialist that will help you place control back into the

palm of your hands.

Page 30: ACRBO Mar Magazine 2013

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