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Hospitality & the ADA: Accessible Conferences & Events Kelly A. Hickok Community Services Manager Resources for Independent Living, Inc. 1

Accessible Conferences & Events Kelly A. Hickok Community Services Manager Resources for Independent Living, Inc. 1.

Dec 16, 2015



Joseph Ball
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  • Accessible Conferences & Events Kelly A. Hickok Community Services Manager Resources for Independent Living, Inc. 1
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  • Accessible Conferences Maximize attendance and participation through assessment, planning, and preparation Sites and facilities Transportation Communication 2
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  • Location, location, location! Choosing accessible sites and facilities Ask the venue staff (hotel, convention center, etc.) Ask the locals (people with disabilities, disability organizations) Check it out yourself Get professional help (consultants) 4
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  • Think globally Assess the community, not just the facility Navigating the surrounding area Walkable? Sidewalks, street crossings, etc. Restaurants, attractions, shops, etc. Service animal relief areas Local transportation options 5
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  • Local transportation How will people get to the conference facility or around the community? Public transit (city bus systems, streetcars, subway systems, etc.) Private transportation (taxi companies, airport or hotel shuttles, etc.) Are these systems accessible?? 6
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  • Accessible transportation Accessible communications Stop announcements Route/destination information Accessible practices Non-discrimination (e.g. stowing mobility devices) Reasonable modifications (e.g. service animals, boarding assistance) 7
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  • Accessible vehicles Rail: one car per train Street systems (e.g. city bus, shuttle service van) Most systems, public or private, must have accessible vehicles or ensure equivalent service Private transportation provider running only automobiles (e.g. taxi company) does not have to acquire accessible vehicles Stations, terminals, stops! If you cant get to it, you cant get on it 8
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  • Equivalent transportation service Hours, days of operation Response time Service area Fares, etc. EXAMPLE: Hotel with inaccessible shuttle van contracts with local company to provide lift-equipped van when needed; service must be equivalent to what is available to other guests 9
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  • Check it out! Use the right checklist Use the right tools Invest in good quality, basic tools Tape measure, level Use them the right way Follow the checklist instructions 10
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  • Checklists: Hotels Accessibility Checklist for Hotels (BluePath) ADA Checklist for New Lodging Facilities (Department of Justice) 11
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  • Checklist: Big Daddy ADAAG Checklist Organized by sections which can be used in various combinations or as supplements to more basic checklists Includes sections on spaces and elements not always found or addressed in detail in other checklists, for example Assembly areas, including those with fixed seating Bus stops Transit terminals and stations 12
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  • Checklist: Little Guy Readily Achievable Checklist for Existing Business Facilities (Department of Justice) Short, easy Can be used at any type of facility Addresses only basic spaces and elements Parking Entrance Public restrooms, etc. 13
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  • 2010 ADA Standards New 2010 ADA Design Standards will be required for use on March 15, 2012 (can be used now) 14
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  • New facility standards 2010 Standards include many additions, for example Kitchens and kitchenettes Laundry machines Saunas and steam rooms Exercise machines Swimming pools and spas Golf courses Playgrounds Boating and fishing facilities 15
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  • Revised facility standards 2010 ADA Standards also include many revisions to current standards, for example Parking Toilet facilities Assembly areas Transient lodging guest rooms 16
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  • Accessible Guest Room: EXAMPLE 17
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  • Hotel policies and procedures New ADA regulations, effective March 15, 2012, establish new requirements for places of lodging to facilitate people with disabilities making reservations for accessible rooms 20
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  • Hotel reservation practices: #1 Enable individuals with disabilities to make reservations during the same times and in the same manner as others By telephone In person Through third parties 21
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  • Hotel reservation practices: #2 Identify and describe accessible features of hotel and guest rooms in enough detail that an individual with a disability can independently assess whether the facility meets his/her needs 22
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  • Hotel reservation practices: #3 Hold back accessible guest rooms until all other rooms of that type have been rented 23
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  • Hotel reservation practices: #4 Reserve accessible guest rooms and remove them from the reservation system to eliminate double-booking 24
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  • Hotel reservation practices: #5 Guarantee and hold specific rooms reserved by individuals with disabilities, regardless of whether specific rooms are held for others 25
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  • Be proactive Establish non-discrimination, equal opportunity policy and include in conference promotions and materials Establish and publish a reasonable deadline for participants to make requests that will require individualized response Remember presenters, speakers, and guests 27
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  • Be prepared To establish a reasonable deadline, and to respond effectively to requests, you will need to learn about the resources and procedures available to obtain various goods and services Interpreters or CART providers Assistive listening devices (if not already available at conference facility) Braille or audio-recording services 28
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  • What you can do Design and create materials to be as accessible and user-friendly as possible Brochures and promotional materials Registration materials Conference programs, maps, handouts, etc. Temporary signs Web sites 29
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  • Print communication Simple, easy-to-read fonts Good contrast between text and background Non-glare finish Uncluttered designs will be more user-friendly for everyone 30
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  • Electronic communication Electronic materials are not automatically accessible Web sites, electronic files on CDs or flash drives, etc. must be designed to be accessible, especially for people using computer screen-readers (assistive technology that converts text to mechanized speech) 31
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  • Accessible electronic communication Alt tags (simple text descriptions) on images and graphics Description for video Captions for audio Meaningful hyperlink text (Mid-Atlantic ADA Center, not click here or ADA Centerclick Consistent, meaningful styles (heading 1, heading 2, etc.) Simple tables 32
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  • Insist and assist Insist that your sub-contractors, trainers, and speakers follow guidelines and meet deadlines to ensure accessibility Assist and support them Presentation practices and tips Designing, producing accessible materials 33
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  • Train the trainers Train event staff Disability awareness People-first language Offering assistance How to communicate effectively Working with interpreters, CART providers Accessible presentation practices Not an option! 36
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  • Set-up Accessible routes, accessible counter and table heights, reachable self-serve items Displays and booths Registration and information areas Refreshment and food service stations Tables and seating Integrated wheelchair seating options 37
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  • Classroom Set Up Good for trainings and informal presentations Easy for participants to take notes, have refreshments, etc. Allows some interaction between trainer and participants Can be difficult to foster interaction among participants
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  • Banquet Set Up Great for small group interaction Often used when meals are being served Works well for large groups Can create undesirable sight lines where participants have their back to the speaker(s )
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  • Chevron Set Up Similar to classroom, but creates a more intimate setting Allows for more interaction between trainer and participants Provides good sight lines throughout the room Excellent for trainings and audio-visual presentations
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  • U Shape (Horseshoe) Set Up Excellent for large group interaction among participants Provides good sight lines throughout Allows space for the trainer to stand and be seen by everyone Best for small to medium-sized groups
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  • Theater (Auditorium) Set Up Maximizes room space for large groups Good sight lines throughout the room Difficult for participants to take notes or have refreshments Can be uncomfortable for long trainings
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  • Hollow Square Set Up Good for facilitated discussion Small to medium-sized groups Fosters interaction and brainstorming Best if there is no one facilitator or if the leader is also part of the group
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  • Board Room (Conference) Great for discussion and group interaction Best for small groups (no more than 24 people) Best for meetings without a trainer or where the leader is part of the group If there is a trainer, some participants will have poor sight lines
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  • Temporary fixes Temporary accessible parking spaces Temporary signage Portable ramps Prop open heavy doors Place detectable warning objects 45
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  • Tax Incentives Tax credit for small businesses (30 or fewer employees OR $1 million or less revenue) Up to $5,000 to offset costs of hiring interpreters, producing accessible materials (Braille, etc.), removing structural barriers in existing buildings Tax deduction for businesses of any size Up to $15,000 for removing barriers in buildings or vehicles 46
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  • Resources ADA National Network Hospitality Initiative 1-800-949-4232 V/TTY U.S. Department of Justice 1-800-514-0301 V 1-800-514-o383 TTY U.S. Access Board 1-800-872-2253 V 1-800-993-2822 TTY 47