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Acceptance Sampling - Besterfield

Feb 24, 2018



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  • 7/25/2019 Acceptance Sampling - Besterfield


    Besterfield: Quality Control, 8thed.. 2009 Pearson Education, Upper addle !i"er, #$ 0%&'8.

    (ll ri)hts reser"ed


    Chapter 9- Lot-by-LotChapter 9- Lot-by-Lot

    Acceptance SamplingAcceptance SamplingBy AttributesBy AttributesPowerPoint presentation to accompanyPowerPoint presentation to accompany

    BesterfeldBesterfeldQuality Control, eQuality Control, e

    PowerPoints created by !osidaPowerPoints created by !osidaCoowarCoowar

  • 7/25/2019 Acceptance Sampling - Besterfield


    Besterfield: Quality Control, 8thed.. 2009 Pearson Education, Upper addle !i"er, #$ 0%&'8.

    (ll ri)hts reser"ed


    Fundamental Aspects Statistical Aspects

    Sampling Plan Design

  • 7/25/2019 Acceptance Sampling - Besterfield


    Besterfield: Quality Control, 8thed.. 2009 Pearson Education, Upper addle !i"er, #$ 0%&'8.

    (ll ri)hts reser"ed

    Learning "b#ecti$esLearning "b#ecti$es

    When you have completed this chapter youshould be able to:

    Know the advantages and disadvantages of

    sampling; the types of sampling plans and

    selection factors; criteria for formation of lots;

    criteria for sampling selection; and decisions

    regarding reected lots!

    Determine the "# #urve for a single sampling


  • 7/25/2019 Acceptance Sampling - Besterfield


    Besterfield: Quality Control, 8thed.. 2009 Pearson Education, Upper addle !i"er, #$ 0%&'8.

    (ll ri)hts reser"ed

    Learning "b#ecti$es-cont%d&Learning "b#ecti$es-cont%d&

    When you have completed this chapter youshould be able to:

    Determine the e$uations needed to graph the

    "# #urve for a double sampling plan!Know the properties of "# #urves!

    Know the consumer%producer relationships of

    ris&' A()' and )(!

  • 7/25/2019 Acceptance Sampling - Besterfield


    Besterfield: Quality Control, 8thed.. 2009 Pearson Education, Upper addle !i"er, #$ 0%&'8.

    (ll ri)hts reser"ed

    Learning "b#ecti$es-cont%d&Learning "b#ecti$es-cont%d&

    When you have completed this chapter youshould be able to:

    Determine the A"( curve and the A"() for a

    single sampling plan!Determine single sampling plans for stipulated

    producers ris& and for stipulated consumers


  • 7/25/2019 Acceptance Sampling - Besterfield


    Besterfield: Quality Control, 8thed.. 2009 Pearson Education, Upper addle !i"er, #$ 0%&'8.

    (ll ri)hts reser"ed

    'undamental Aspects'undamental Aspects

    Acceptance Sampling is a form of

    inspection applied to lots or

    batches of items before or after aprocess to udge conformance to

    predetermined standards!

  • 7/25/2019 Acceptance Sampling - Besterfield


    Besterfield: Quality Control, 8thed.. 2009 Pearson Education, Upper addle !i"er, #$ 0%&'8.

    (ll ri)hts reser"ed

    Acceptance SamplingAcceptance Sampling

    Acceptance Sampling is very useful when: )arge numbers of items must be)arge numbers of items must be

    processed in a short amount of time!processed in a short amount of time!

    *he cost of +passing defectives, is low!*he cost of +passing defectives, is low! Fatigue-boredom is caused by inspectingFatigue-boredom is caused by inspecting

    large numbers of items!large numbers of items!

  • 7/25/2019 Acceptance Sampling - Besterfield


    Besterfield: Quality Control, 8thed.. 2009 Pearson Education, Upper addle !i"er, #$ 0%&'8.

    (ll ri)hts reser"ed

    Acceptance SamplingAcceptance Sampling

    Acceptance Sampling is very useful when:Destructive testing is re$uired

  • 7/25/2019 Acceptance Sampling - Besterfield


    Besterfield: Quality Control, 8thed.. 2009 Pearson Education, Upper addle !i"er, #$ 0%&'8.

    (ll ri)hts reser"ed

    Acceptance SamplingAcceptance Sampling*hree important aspects of sampling:

    .nvolves random sampling of theentire lot

    Accept and /eect )ots 0does not

    improve the $uality1 +)otSentencing,

    Audit *ool

    *hree approaches to +lot sentencing,:Accept with no inspection

    2334 inspection

    Acceptance Sampling

  • 7/25/2019 Acceptance Sampling - Besterfield


    Besterfield: Quality Control, 8thed.. 2009 Pearson Education, Upper addle !i"er, #$ 0%&'8.

    (ll ri)hts reser"ed

    Acceptance SamplingAcceptance SamplingAdvantages

    )ess e5pensive/educed damage

    /educes the amount of inspection


    /is& of accepting +bad, lots and

    reecting +good, lots)ess information generated

    /e$uires planning and


  • 7/25/2019 Acceptance Sampling - Besterfield


    Besterfield: Quality Control, 8thed.. 2009 Pearson Education, Upper addle !i"er, #$ 0%&'8.

    (ll ri)hts reser"ed

    Sampling PlansSampling Plans

    Sampling Plans specify the lot si6e' samplesi6e' number of samples and

    acceptance-reection criteria!

    Sampling plans involve: Single sampling Double sampling 7ultiple sampling



  • 7/25/2019 Acceptance Sampling - Besterfield


    Besterfield: Quality Control, 8thed.. 2009 Pearson Education, Upper addle !i"er, #$ 0%&'8.

    (ll ri)hts reser"ed

    Sampling PlansSampling Plans

    Single Sampling Plan

    8 9 lot si6e

    n 9 sample si6e

    #9acceptance number.f c or less non%conforming units are found

    in the sample' the lot is accepted' else it is


  • 7/25/2019 Acceptance Sampling - Besterfield


    Besterfield: Quality Control, 8thed.. 2009 Pearson Education, Upper addle !i"er, #$ 0%&'8.

    (ll ri)hts reser"ed

    Single Sampling PlanSingle Sampling Plan

    A single sampling plan is one where:

    A representative sample of n items isA representative sample of n items is

    drawndrawn from a lot si6e of 8 itemsfrom a lot si6e of 8 items

    ach item in the sample is e5amined

    and classied as good-defective.f the number of defective e5ceeds a

    specied reection number 0c1 the whole lot

    is reected; otherwise the whole lot isaccepted

  • 7/25/2019 Acceptance Sampling - Besterfield


    Besterfield: Quality Control, 8thed.. 2009 Pearson Education, Upper addle !i"er, #$ 0%&'8.

    (ll ri)hts reser"ed

    (ouble Sampling Plan(ouble Sampling Plan

    ADouble Sampling Plan allows to ta&e asecond sample if the results of the originalsample are inconclusive!Species the lot si6e' si6e of the initial sample'

    the accept-reect-inconclusive criteria for theinitial sample 0N, n1, c1 (Ac), r1(Re)1Species the si6e of the second sample and theacceptance reection criteria based on the total

    number of defective observed in both the rstand second sample 0n2,c2,r2)

  • 7/25/2019 Acceptance Sampling - Besterfield


    Besterfield: Quality Control, 8thed.. 2009 Pearson Education, Upper addle !i"er, #$ 0%&'8.

    (ll ri)hts reser"ed

    First Randomsample


    C1 r1

    First sample inconclusive,

    take second sampleReject LotAccept Lot

    Compare number of defective found in the first random sample toCompare number of defective found in the first random sample to C1C1

    andand r1r1 and make appropriate decision.and make appropriate decision.

    (ouble Sampling Plan(ouble Sampling Plan

  • 7/25/2019 Acceptance Sampling - Besterfield


    Besterfield: Quality Control, 8thed.. 2009 Pearson Education, Upper addle !i"er, #$ 0%&'8.

    (ll ri)hts reser"ed


    Reject LotAccept Lot

    Compare the total number of defective in both lots toCompare the total number of defective in both lots to C2C2and makeand make

    the appropriate decisionthe appropriate decision

    Lot First Random sample

    Second Random sample

    (ouble Sampling Plan(ouble Sampling Plan

  • 7/25/2019 Acceptance Sampling - Besterfield


    Besterfield: Quality Control, 8thed.. 2009 Pearson Education, Upper addle !i"er, #$ 0%&'8.

    (ll ri)hts reser"ed

    (ouble Sampling Plan(ouble Sampling PlanAMultiple Sampling Plan is similar to the

    double sampling plan in that successivetrials are made' each of which hasacceptance' reection and inconclusiveoptions!

    Which Plan you choose depends on:#ost and time8umber of samples needed and

    number of items in each sample

  • 7/25/2019 Acceptance Sampling - Besterfield


    Besterfield: Quality Control, 8thed.. 2009 Pearson Education, Upper addle !i"er, #$ 0%&'8.

    (ll ri)hts reser"ed

    Lot 'ormationLot 'ormation

    #onsiderations before inspection:)ots should be homogeneous

    )arger lots are more preferable thansmaller lots

    )ots should be conformable to thematerials%handling systems used inboth the vendor and consumerfacilities

  • 7/25/2019 Acceptance Sampling - Besterfield


    Besterfield: Quality Control, 8thed.. 2009 Pearson Education, Upper addle !i"er, #$ 0%&'8.

    (ll ri)hts reser"ed

    !andom Sampling!andom Sampling

  • 7/25/2019 Acceptance Sampling - Besterfield


    Besterfield: Quality Control, 8thed.. 2009 Pearson Education, Upper addle !i"er, #$ 0%&'8.

    (ll ri)hts reser"ed

    Statistical AspectsStatistical Aspects*he "perating #haracteristic

    #urve:7easures the performance of an

    acceptance sampling plan

    Plots the probability of accepting thelot versus the lot fraction defective

    Shows the probability that a lotsubmitted with a certain fraction

    defective will be either accepted orreected

    A t bl Q lit L lA t bl Q lit L l

  • 7/25/2019 Acceptance Sampling - Besterfield


    Besterfield: Quality Control, 8thed.. 2009 Pearson Education, Upper addle !i"er, #$ 0%&'8.

    (ll ri)hts reser"ed

    Acceptable Quality Le$elAcceptable Quality Le$el


    *he A() is a percent defective that isthe base line re$uirement for the$uality of the producer=s product! *heproducer would li&e to design a

    sampling plan such that there is ahigh probability o acceptinga lotthat has a defect level less than ore$ual to the A()!

    L t + l P tL t + l P t

  • 7/25/2019 Acceptance Sampling - Besterfield


    Besterfield: Quality Control, 8thed.. 2009 Pearson Education, Upper addle !i"er, #$ 0%&'8.

    (ll ri)hts reser"ed

    Lot +olerance PercentLot +olerance Percent


    *he )ot *olerance Percent Defective*he )ot *olerance Percent Defective)*PD or )( is a designated high)*PD or )( is a designated high

    defect level that would bedefect level that would be

    unacceptable to the consumer! *heunacceptable to the consumer! *he

    consumer would li&e the samplingconsumer would li&e the samplingplan to have aplan to have alo! probability olo! probability o

    acceptingacceptinga lot with a defect level asa lot with a defect level as

    high as the )*PD!high as the )*PD!

  • 7/25/2019 Acceptance Sampling - Besterfield


    Besterfield: Quality Control, 8thed.. 2009 Pearson Education, Upper addle !i"er, #$ 0%&'8.

    (ll ri)hts reser"ed

    +ype .rror )Producer%s !is/*+ype .rror )Producer%s !is/*

    *his is the probability' for a given

    0n,c1 sampling plan' of reecting a lotthat has a defect level e$ual to theA()! *he producer su>ers when thisoccurs' because a lot with acceptable$uality was reected! *he symbol ? iscommonly used for the *ype . errorand typical values for range from 3!@

    to 3!32!

    + . )C %+ . )C %

  • 7/25/2019 Acceptance Sampling - Besterfield


    Besterfield: Quality Control, 8thed.. 2009 Pearson Education, Upper addle !i"er, #$ 0%&'8.

    (ll ri)hts reser"ed

    +ype .rror )Consumer%s+ype .rror )Consumer%s

    !is/*!is/**his is the probability' for a given0n,c1 sampling plan' of accepting alot with a defect level e$ual to the)*PD! *he consumer su>ers when

    this occurs' because a lot withunacceptable $uality was accepted!*he symbol is commonly used forthe *ype .. error and typical values

    range from 3!@ to 3!32!

    " ti Ch t i ti"perating Characteristic

  • 7/25/2019 Acceptance Sampling - Besterfield


    Besterfield: Quality Control, 8thed.. 2009 Pearson Education, Upper addle !i"er, #$ 0%&'8.

    (ll ri)hts reser"ed

    "perating Characteristic"perating Characteristic

    Cur$eCur$e*his curve plots the probability ofaccepting the lot 0B%a5is1 versus thelot fraction or percent defectives 0C%a5is1! "he #$ cur%e is the primary

    tool or &isplaying an& in%estigatingthe properties o a 'ot AcceptanceSampling Plan!

  • 7/25/2019 Acceptance Sampling - Besterfield


    Besterfield: Quality Control, 8thed.. 2009 Pearson Education, Upper addle !i"er, #$ 0%&'8.

    (ll ri)hts reser"ed

    "C Cur$es"C Cur$es

    *here are two types of "# curves:

    *ype A

    ives the probability ofacceptance of an individual lot

    coming from nite production*ype E

    ives the probability of

    acceptance for lots coming froma continuous production

    "CC Si l S li"CCs or Single Sampling

  • 7/25/2019 Acceptance Sampling - Besterfield


    Besterfield: Quality Control, 8thed.. 2009 Pearson Education, Upper addle !i"er, #$ 0%&'8.

    (ll ri)hts reser"ed

    An#perating $haracteristic $ur%e (#$$) is a

    probability curve for a sampling plan that shows theprobabilities of accepting lots with various lot$uality levels 04 defectives1!











    0 .05 .10 .15 .20





    $ot %ualit" &' defective(

    Under this sampling plan, if the lot has 3% defective

    . the

    probability of accepting the lot is 90% . theprobability of rejecting the lot is 10%

    f the lot has 20% defective

    . it has a small probability !"%# of being accepted

    . the probability of rejecting the lot is 9"%



    "CCs or Single Sampling"CCs or Single Sampling


  • 7/25/2019 Acceptance Sampling - Besterfield


    Besterfield: Quality Control, 8thed.. 2009 Pearson Education, Upper addle !i"er, #$ 0%&'8.

    (ll ri)hts reser"ed















    0 .05 .10 .15 .20 $ot %ualit" &' defective(

    $& ' percentage level of defects at(hich a c)stomer is (illing to accept

    )$cceptable &ot*

    *rod)cer+s is- probability acceptable lot is rejected

    "CC, AQL and Producer%s !is/"CC, AQL and Producer%s !is/

  • 7/25/2019 Acceptance Sampling - Besterfield


    Besterfield: Quality Control, 8thed.. 2009 Pearson Education, Upper addle !i"er, #$ 0%&'8.

    (ll ri)hts reser"ed















    0 .05 .10 .15 .20 $ot %ualit" &' defective(

    &/* ' )pper limit on the percentage&/* ' )pper limit on the percentage

    of defectives that a c)stomer isof defectives that a c)stomer is

    (illing to accept.(illing to accept.

    Cons)mer+s is- probability )nacceptable is acceptedCons)mer+s is- probability )nacceptable is accepted

    Unacceptable &ot

    "CC, L+P( and Consumer%s !is/"CC, L+P( and Consumer%s !is/

  • 7/25/2019 Acceptance Sampling - Besterfield


    Besterfield: Quality Control, 8thed.. 2009 Pearson Education, Upper addle !i"er, #$ 0%&'8.

    (ll ri)hts reser"ed

    "CC or (ouble Sampling Plan"CC or (ouble Sampling Plan

  • 7/25/2019 Acceptance Sampling - Besterfield


    Besterfield: Quality Control, 8thed.. 2009 Pearson Education, Upper addle !i"er, #$ 0%&'8.

    (ll ri)hts reser"ed

    (ouble Sampling Plan(ouble Sampling Plan

    nspect a samplenspect a sample

    o 012 rom loto 012 rom loto 3422o 3422

    0 or less 0 or less


    units accept lots andunits accept lots andstopstop

    4 or more 4 or more

    5onconorming units5onconorming units

    the lot is not acceptedthe lot is not acceptedand stopand stop

    3 or 6 nonconorming 3 or 6 nonconormingunits, inspect a secondunits, inspect a second

    sample o 322sample o 322

    1 or less 1 or less5onconorming units5onconorming units

    "n both samples,"n both samples,

    Accept the lotAccept the lot

    7 or more 7 or more5onconorming units5onconorming units

    "n both samples"n both samples

    +he lot is not accepted+he lot is not accepted

    igure %G raphical description of the double sampling plan: 89@H33'n292G3'cr29H' n@9@33' c@9G' and r@9I

  • 7/25/2019 Acceptance Sampling - Besterfield


    Besterfield: Quality Control, 8thed.. 2009 Pearson Education, Upper addle !i"er, #$ 0%&'8.

    (ll ri)hts reser"ed

    "CC or a 8ultiple Sampling Plan"CC or a 8ultiple Sampling Plan

    A$erage "utgoing QualityA$erage "utgoing Quality

  • 7/25/2019 Acceptance Sampling - Besterfield


    Besterfield: Quality Control, 8thed.. 2009 Pearson Education, Upper addle !i"er, #$ 0%&'8.

    (ll ri)hts reser"ed

    A$erage "utgoing QualityA$erage "utgoing Quality


    A common procedure' whensampling and testing is non%destructive' is to 2334 inspectreected lots and replace all

    defectives with good units! .n thiscase' all reected lots are madeperfect and the only defects left arethose in lots that were accepted&&

  • 7/25/2019 Acceptance Sampling - Besterfield


    Besterfield: Quality Control, 8thed.. 2009 Pearson Education, Upper addle !i"er, #$ 0%&'8.

    (ll ri)hts reser"ed

    *heA%erage #utgoing uality (A#)is theaverage of reected lots 02334 inspection1

    and accepted lots 0 a sample of items




    N - nAOQ = P * p( ) where


    P = Probability of accepting a lot

    p = Fraction defective

    n = saple si!e

    N = "ot si!e

    A$erage "utgoing QualityA$erage "utgoing Quality

  • 7/25/2019 Acceptance Sampling - Besterfield


    Besterfield: Quality Control, 8thed.. 2009 Pearson Education, Upper addle !i"er, #$ 0%&'8.

    (ll ri)hts reser"ed

    A"Q and Acceptance SamplingA"Q and Acceptance Sampling




    01 lots3: nonconorming

    00 lots3: nonconorming

    4 lots3: nonconorming

    4 lots2: nonconorming

    Figure %2G Jow acceptance Sampling wor&s

    A"Q and AcceptanceA"Q and Acceptance

  • 7/25/2019 Acceptance Sampling - Besterfield


    Besterfield: Quality Control, 8thed.. 2009 Pearson Education, Upper addle !i"er, #$ 0%&'8.

    (ll ri)hts reser"ed

    A"Q and AcceptanceA"Q and Acceptance

    SamplingSampling+otal 5umber+otal 5umber 5umber5umber


    00 lots-00 lots-


    00)6222*66,22200)6222*66,222 66,222)2&23*77266,222)2&23*772

    4 lots-4 lots-




    44,;7244,;72 772772

    Percent 5onconorming )A"Q* Percent 5onconorming )A"Q* 772

  • 7/25/2019 Acceptance Sampling - Besterfield


    Besterfield: Quality Control, 8thed.. 2009 Pearson Education, Upper addle !i"er, #$ 0%&'8.

    (ll ri)hts reser"ed

    *ypically the term 08%n1-8 is very close to 2;

    therefore' the e$uation most often used is:

    AOQ = P *p where

    P = Probability of accepting a lot

    p = Fraction defective



    A$erage Quality o nspectedA$erage Quality o nspectedLotsLots

    " i Q li l

  • 7/25/2019 Acceptance Sampling - Besterfield


    Besterfield: Quality Control, 8thed.. 2009 Pearson Education, Upper addle !i"er, #$ 0%&'8.

    (ll ri)hts reser"ed

    A plot of theA#0B%a5is1 versus theincoming lotp0C%a5is1 will start at 3forp9 3' and return to 3 forp9 20where every lot is 2334 inspected

    and rectied1! .n between' it willrise to a ma5imum! *his ma5imum'which is the worst possible longtermA#' is called the Average

    "utgoing (uality )evelA#'!

    A$erage "utgoing Quality Le$elA$erage "utgoing Quality Le$el

    A$erage +otal nspection

  • 7/25/2019 Acceptance Sampling - Besterfield


    Besterfield: Quality Control, 8thed.. 2009 Pearson Education, Upper addle !i"er, #$ 0%&'8.

    (ll ri)hts reser"ed

    A$erage +otal nspection)A+*

    When reected lots are 2334inspected' it is easy to calculate theA"if lots come consistently with adefect level ofp! For a )ASP 0n,c1

    with a probabilitypaof accepting alot with defect levelp' we have:

    A"9n * (2 + pa) (N + n)

    where Nis the lot si6e!

    A$erage Sample 5umberA$erage Sample 5umber

  • 7/25/2019 Acceptance Sampling - Besterfield


    Besterfield: Quality Control, 8thed.. 2009 Pearson Education, Upper addle !i"er, #$ 0%&'8.

    (ll ri)hts reser"ed

    A$erage Sample 5umberA$erage Sample 5umber


    For a single sampling 0n,c1 we &now eachand every lot has a sample of si6e nta&en and inspected or tested! Fordouble' multiple and se$uential plans'the amount of sampling variesdepending on the number of defectsobserved!

    A$erage Sample 5umberA$erage Sample 5umber

  • 7/25/2019 Acceptance Sampling - Besterfield


    Besterfield: Quality Control, 8thed.. 2009 Pearson Education, Upper addle !i"er, #$ 0%&'8.

    (ll ri)hts reser"ed

    A$erage Sample 5umberA$erage Sample 5umber

    )AS5*)AS5*For any given double' multiple orse$uential plan' a long termASNcan be calculated assuming alllots come in with a defect level

    ofp! A plot of theASN' versusthe incoming defect levelp'describes the samplingeLciency of a given plan

    scheme!AS8 9 n2 M n@ 02 N P21 for a doublesampling plan!

  • 7/25/2019 Acceptance Sampling - Besterfield


    Besterfield: Quality Control, 8thed.. 2009 Pearson Education, Upper addle !i"er, #$ 0%&'8.

    (ll ri)hts reser"ed

    Sampling Plan (esignSampling Plan (esign

    Suppose ? is &nown and the A() isalso &nown then :Sampling plan with stipulated

    producers ris&

    Sampling plan with stipulatedconsumers ris&

    Sampling plan with stipulated

    producers and consumers ris&can be designed!

  • 7/25/2019 Acceptance Sampling - Besterfield


    Besterfield: Quality Control, 8thed.. 2009 Pearson Education, Upper addle !i"er, #$ 0%&'8.

    (ll ri)hts reser"ed

    Sampling Plan (esignSampling Plan (esign

    Stipulated Producers /is&? 9 3!3G A() 9 2!@4

    Pa93!G P3!G9 3!32@

    Assume values for #' nd np3!G forthis c value' calculate n

  • 7/25/2019 Acceptance Sampling - Besterfield


    Besterfield: Quality Control, 8thed.. 2009 Pearson Education, Upper addle !i"er, #$ 0%&'8.

    (ll ri)hts reser"ed

    Sampling Plan (esignSampling Plan (esign

    Stipulated #onsumers /is& 9 3!23 )( 9 I!34

    Pa93!23 P3!239 3!3I3

    Assume values for #' nd np3!G forthis c value' calculate n

  • 7/25/2019 Acceptance Sampling - Besterfield


  • 7/25/2019 Acceptance Sampling - Besterfield


    Sampling Plan (esignSampling Plan (esign

    Jave H plans! Select plan based on: )owest sampling si6ereatest sampling si6e

    Plan e5actly meets consumersstipulation and is as close aspossible to producers stipulation

    Plan e5actly meets producersstipulation and is as close aspossible to consumers stipulation