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Acceleration of particles with lasers at RAL Peter A Norreys Physics Group Leader Central Laser Facility CCLRC Rutherford Appleton Laboratory visiting Professor of Physics, Imperial College London.

Acceleration of particles with lasers at RAL Peter A Norreys Physics Group Leader

Jan 11, 2016




Acceleration of particles with lasers at RAL Peter A Norreys Physics Group Leader Central Laser Facility CCLRC Rutherford Appleton Laboratory visiting Professor of Physics, Imperial College London. Electron Energy. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation
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Page 1: Acceleration of particles with lasers at RAL Peter A Norreys Physics Group Leader

Acceleration of particles with lasers at RAL

Peter A Norreys

Physics Group LeaderCentral Laser Facility

CCLRC Rutherford Appleton Laboratory

visiting Professor of Physics,Imperial College London.

Page 2: Acceleration of particles with lasers at RAL Peter A Norreys Physics Group Leader



n E



World's First Observation of Mono-energetic Electrons from a Laser Plasma Accelerator

• Laser Plasma Accelerators have 1,000 higher electric field than conventional accelerators

• Implies kilometer’s to centimeters reduction in size for same electron energy - attractive

• To date have always produced broad range of energies which severely limited application

• Quasi Mono-energetic electrons up to 100 MeV produced for the first time at RAL

• Astra “Gemini” may increase this to the GeV level

• Experiments performed on the Astra ultra-high power laser system in the CLF

• Major success for the RCUK Basic Technology Programme

IC / RAL / Strathclyde / UCLA collaboration

Mangales et alNature, 431 , 535 (2004)

Astra Target Area 2

Page 3: Acceleration of particles with lasers at RAL Peter A Norreys Physics Group Leader


• Introduction to the ASTRA laser facility

• Basic concepts for electron acceleration

• Laser wakefield acceleration

• Beam pointing

• Photon acceleration in laser wakefield accelerators

• Scaling to multi-GeV energies - Astra Gemini laser at RAL

• Physics group modelling team in the CLF

Page 4: Acceleration of particles with lasers at RAL Peter A Norreys Physics Group Leader

15 TW = 1.5 1013 W

Power = Energy = 0.6 J = 1.51013 W

pulse duration 40 fs

To maximise the intensity on target, the beam must be focused to a small spot.

The focal spot diameter is 20 m and is focused with an f/17 off-axis parabolic


Intensity = Power = 1.5 x 1018 W cm-2

Focused area

Laser characteristics


diffraction gratings

Page 5: Acceleration of particles with lasers at RAL Peter A Norreys Physics Group Leader

Astra laser

• Single Beam Titanium Sapphire laser system• 10 TW optical pulse at 10Hz / 25TW at 1Hz• Operates to 2 target areas • Experiments in Laser-Plasma Physics

Page 6: Acceleration of particles with lasers at RAL Peter A Norreys Physics Group Leader

• A single electron in an intense infinite plane polarised laser field exhibits a figure of eight motion due to the vxB term in the Lorentz force F = -e(E+vxB)

• At relativistic intensities, electrons are accelerated in the direction of the propagation direction k twice every laser cycle.

• The kinetic energy the electron acquires is roughly proportional to the ponderomotive potential energy Up

Electron motion in an intense laser field




1016 Wcm-2 1018 Wcm-2 1021 Wcm-2

Up 1 keV 0.4 MeV 14 MeV

Intensity on target

kT~E ( )mc I / . keVosc Wcm

1 511 1 137 12



18 2

Page 7: Acceleration of particles with lasers at RAL Peter A Norreys Physics Group Leader

• Perturbing ‘object’ passes through a medium which is displaced from equilibrium

• The medium then returns creating oscillations

• Areas of high and low electron density create extreme electric fields

High intensity laser pulse

Laser wakefield acceleration

Gas Jet

Electron density

Page 8: Acceleration of particles with lasers at RAL Peter A Norreys Physics Group Leader

OSIRIS simulations

Electron density plot at 3.1ps

0 200 400







-0.125 -0.100 -0.075 -0.050 -0.025Phasespace_x2x1

Page 9: Acceleration of particles with lasers at RAL Peter A Norreys Physics Group Leader

Electron acceleration

Laser pulseWakefield

Projection of electron density


Plasma electrons are trapped and accelerated by the laser’s wakefield

Collaboration between CCLRC, IST Lisbon, University of Strathclyde Glasgow,UCLA, and Imperial College London

Page 10: Acceleration of particles with lasers at RAL Peter A Norreys Physics Group Leader

Measured electron spectra

a) ne= 1.6 x 1019 cm-3

b) ne= 1.8 x 1019 cm-3

c) ne= 3 x 1019 cm-3

d) ne = 5 x 1019 cm-3

at E = 350 mJ, t = 40 fsec.

Mono-energetic spikes in the spectra observed

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Two independent measurements of the plasma length

When the density is such that the dephasing length,

is shorter than the plasma, the monoenergetic features are lost

Page 12: Acceleration of particles with lasers at RAL Peter A Norreys Physics Group Leader

Measured electron spectrum using a 500 mJ laser pulse at a density of 2 1019 cm-3.

The energy spread is ± 3%.

(1) Self-focusing of laser: electrons first appear

(2) Wavebreaking first occurs

(3) More breaking occurs - multiple bunches

(4) Dephasing causes smoothing of the spectrum

Mono-energetic electron beams observed

Plasma density: 2.1 x 1019 cm-3

Page 13: Acceleration of particles with lasers at RAL Peter A Norreys Physics Group Leader

• Fritzler et al., measured the emittance of an electron beam from a laser wakefield accelerator (with a ‘thermal’ distribution) using the pepperpot technique and radiochromic film as the diagnostic.

• The normalised emittance is defined as the rms correlation between the space (x) and reduced momentum (x’) coordinates of all beam electrons in the (x,x’) 2D phase space

x’ = px/pz is the electron angle wrt laser axis.

• (x,x’) phase space plot is a measure of the divergence of the electron beam as a function of position across the beam.

• At 55 MeV electron energy, measurements of the normalised emittance were 2.7 (0.9) mm mrad.

S.Fritzler et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 92 165006 (2004)

222 '', xxxxnrmsx

Good beam properties measured at LOA in France

Page 14: Acceleration of particles with lasers at RAL Peter A Norreys Physics Group Leader

According to Wei Lu and Warren Mori (UCLA) the theoretical energy gain E is

provided that the laser focal width is matched to the bubble size.

This indicates that the maximum energy gain is simply proportional to the laser power (within the dephasing limit)

Should scale to multi-GeV energies

Courtesy of Prof L.O.Silva, IST, Lisbon

3D simulations of laser wakefield accelerators






3D explicit PIC simulations using OSIRIS typically take 1 week to run on a 256 node cluster with 2GB memory per node.

2D simulations are needed for parameter scans. They take 12 - 24 hours to run on 32-node clusters

Page 15: Acceleration of particles with lasers at RAL Peter A Norreys Physics Group Leader

Proof of principle: towards a super compact proton accelerator

Basic set-up (top view)

Target:3-25 µm Al

Proton/ion beam


• Large accelerating fields exist throughout the target

• Hydrocarbon surface contaminants provide the protons for acceleration on both front and rear surface.

• Acceleration takes place over 10’s of µm (E~1012 V/m)(Standard accelerators E~106 V/m, typical scale 10’s of metres)

Proton/ion beam

A.P.Fews, P.A.Norreys et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 73,1801 (1994)

E.L.Clark, K.Krushelnick et al.,Phys. Rev. Lett. 84, 670 (2000)

Page 16: Acceleration of particles with lasers at RAL Peter A Norreys Physics Group Leader

James Green

Alex RobinsonRaoul TrinesPeter Hakel

Kate Lancaster

The Physics Group, Central Laser Facility

Christopher Murphy took the photo!

Dr Mark Sherlock has also joined us and Prof Roger Evans has arrived as a consultant

Page 17: Acceleration of particles with lasers at RAL Peter A Norreys Physics Group Leader


• The first observations of mono-energetic electron beams from laser wakefield accelerators has been made using the ASTRA laser facilities at RAL.

• These beams have excited wide interest because of the huge accelerating electric fields generated (> GeV m-1).

• There is much to do - pointing stability of the beam, shot to shot energy fluctuation, scaling with laser power.

• Theory indicates that the energy gain is proportional to the laser power - multi-GeV energies may be possible on ASTRA-GEMINI. Scaling to 10 PW, it is possible that energies of interest to HEP science can be generated - needs experimental validation on the Vulcan 10 PW capability.

• There also have been a number of proposed applications for these beams such as for injectors into subsequent conventional acceleration stages, new light sources, probing of dense plasmas and for inertial fusion energy.

Page 18: Acceleration of particles with lasers at RAL Peter A Norreys Physics Group Leader

• S. P. D. Mangles, C.D.Murphy, Z. Najmudin,

A. G. R. Thomas, J. L. Collier, A. E. Dangor, E. J. Divall, P.S. Foster, J.G. Gallacher, C. J. Hooker, D.A. Jaroszynski, A. J. Langley, W. B. Mori, R. Viskup, B. R. Walton,

and K. Krushelnick

• CLF laser, target area and engineering staff.



The mono energetic electron acceleration work described here was performed as part of the RC

UK Basic Technology alpha-X grant

Page 19: Acceleration of particles with lasers at RAL Peter A Norreys Physics Group Leader

Long-Wavelength Hosing Instability in a Self-Injected Laser-Wakefield Accelerator

M. C. Kaluza, S. P. D. Mangles, A. G. R. Thomas, C. D. Murphy, Z. Najmudin, A. E. Dangor, K. M. Krushelnick

Plasma Physics Group, Imperial College London

J. L. Collier , E. J. Divall, K. Ertel, P. S. Foster, C. Hooker, A. J. Langley, D. Neely, J. Smith

CCLRC Rutherford Appleton Laboratory


Page 20: Acceleration of particles with lasers at RAL Peter A Norreys Physics Group Leader

Photon acceleration

x – ct (m)

Final photondistribution Initial photon









Photon frequency (rad/s)

Image taken from simulations using a dedicated wave-kinetic code

The laser’s photons are accelerated by the laser’s own wakefield!

Page 21: Acceleration of particles with lasers at RAL Peter A Norreys Physics Group Leader

Photon spectra

• Asymmetric redshift/blueshift qualitatively reproduced

• Numerical shifts too big; caused by use of 1-D plasma model

• Large blueshift because scaled wakefield amplitude exceeds 1

• No blueshift of the spectrum as a whole

• Rise and fall of blueshift with increasing density explained from wakefield behaviour.

C.D.Murphy, R.Trines et al., Phys. Plasmas, March 2006