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THE FRENCH ACADEMY. RECKITION OP EOGENE LAWCHL. ais annnsss \ uafrrcarict i nv witit klocjcbbci . I.Mill 'UK AS * FAKMHI, MAYOS, AM> IHIM HM tl wm inw. iin.t.Ns nu: acej>san umnnn ai A l it>; OB M'll-tliN Hilt. freon inu anentan conaasmnnairr oi rna raramrB.] Panis, Nov. 26..That ot lucky men Eugene Lnbiche, waa received yesterday at Un Academic Prancaise, and to crown his inch in it ad there a asl speech aboal w huh tin serious mai li.vol. i.s. tba literary and Superficial ir.enihers ol U s urn ii mt<- ese - ever i u-^ beer raving. Labicbs composed his harangue mst ai the spiril moved hun to wiite it. lu every pare ¦it is felicitoua, and throughout raried and ral. rtsroey a ts lecturing about it before tbi newspapers had caught it up in the afternoon, and in noun11 il it the most charming masterpiece ol n- bind thal be hst.-ned to in tbe Ac demi Lal.nhe writes timi! plats lor the Palais Royal a 1'ral de Rot k, I. ss the Hut. b coarseness ol that notci; i. irish Catholic prieetaused totencl theil fair penn ut lung as the] were kepi 1 nu:.' their guardian angel netti dc rted tv va, A play which waa from beginning nj end hilnrioiu i; -iii, t b.-i-e lore, in- witueesed w it hool injury to tin bj this i ii- ;. a, Labh h. -No wi Ht ha- ve, been a eatisr Ming rn ith; iiml tm Aci with mon- penetrating un. uni on tbi oi id,unni tn keep human nature ewes t, Ieminent, and dlgn tied lu- iud vi ste: av rn :isi hil .!..: I la i'll. bon:.-, and fm,nh lite. I waa anticipated, read his speech mon ghtfully. 'I'll iso who : v.-is a monologue. .'.. or i: ha.l iii ,:: j,.-, ii bci :u ilm quality * -i..;. i v ; j hr ;,.. ir the Palais Roj al, and ie ea. li ;.-.. i n coi I- i riicre is great i hie i. on dens abountl, -.¦.:,:. h iou; being lch< 14 bj I '.:.,., -. verj When it una li. d « it. * le Uti - 1. ii ti. .. Oe LA ni 1: [ '! bc ' taming [Iii ure 1 ive fu free tl ! ter treal tuan to bc is in tho .¦¦.-. ll ol -I r thai I i angular. 'J mouth is ty t His 1 rit is lodged in ( t ... . .( good- ce ... 1.ot 1 way. In ito La billie's tranquil and well legulnted, He h 0 lire out hi- own lile. Jog-fro! ¦.. and In I;:,- -.,1.!.-.; in la- La- been fly 1 1 "ce of Icniau in he Chateau ii" I...-..h. -. 11 :bc ¦¦¦ lo ile hus r.-cl timed ¦' icres ol a bal - to be unprofitable lui and boa converted into a rich farm, on Wi tillage ot which Im is the Mayor I - sprung np since be wen! to Hm-there. Tba farm 1 bia serious escnpatinn. Surplus energj to the Pal lia Roj al channel. It ung i'll ;i is to niii'- tunny plays na which thc lu bia mirth in the milan 1 Ile ison bis estate a Jock of all tra.les and professions, ami consulted hy the villagers a'-tout their own maladies sud those ol their cattle; alma! their law affairs also; and it nol anfre- Qttently happens tint th- "ld folks come ind 11k I to v, rite 1'. lc! il liny all cull him .. M'sh u h Mair.-.' and he calls himsell ulc Moires fain- " or thc Cheap .ia. h ot thc Com m.ii ie. wi 1 in Sj tBFABB. lie was at his civic post in the Sologne when the German invasion was sweepiug over Prance, and be ployed some tricks <'ii lin- invaders, inspired by ., Palais Royal muse. Ono tiny the Mayor ol ;i ncighlmring village came driving up the av eu u< at Landuia t>. consult thc Chutelain on an affair of major importaneo. Ile was pale from ap¬ prehension. "'Al:,it is ti..- matterf" quoth I. he. "Have the Pniss .:. 1 ken your wife os n hostageP1 "No. Bul H.'- Grind Luke of S tnie;! ii.bu tl (the real imiii.¦ ol los Highness the witty author can never recollect) bas come withs te ol oin. ei .un! I! ins. arni they swear they will pillage the house ii I do not send them to-day in tune foi dinner 200 bottles ol Chsteau Laiitte. Two hundred bottles!" repeated thc frightened Mayor. "Where am 1 ever to rind them in tins E logue wilderness 1 Cnlcss " " C niess wbatt" laid Lahichc "Oh, 1 ha.div .lan- saj it.'' "Say out. mau, ainl don't bc afraid." "Cnlcss you rede tbeni to tue. I will pay yon ten, twelve, fourteen, Sixteen, twenty front -.' ba ;;!¦. ii you booac t" ilk 1! ,t Brice, .mi s, t it down to tim charge oi ths Commune." "And you think," replied Lnbiche, *. hat I a ;i going to ht those I'lussinua swill I hem¬ ed v< - with mt hoi.-.- wincef n n u ii a fool." "But, good if. Lnbiche," supplicates! thc Mayor, '.'Hst 1 bi uk a moment ol all the bric-a-brac they would havoapretexl lol looting." "Oh.l do not nioau nt all thal you aie to bo haded. Hut I have nu nie.i." .. is it I " You mw ex- 1 .title tm oiiiiunire. Well, just go home, i'll (,v.- yon KOO cniptj bottles with a I'aullisc mark. Fill them with your ordinaire, seal the corks, and send Timm tohs Highness the Grand Duke." tl Lion rn- sdi iaed him, so the fright* ned Mayor did. Grand Luke and hisofficers never suspected the trick that wes played anon them, and thc pre- i bric a ina.- wai nol looted. \ few days later some I blaus rode np tbi Bveuue. brandishing swords and in apparent fury. Tm rn- ti r>'ii rs hal been annoying tac Invaders, and j lie k:.c\t it. Tin- moment he san them he 1 ,L bis wife by tin- shou Idol ..mi ph bed ber over to tbe piano, aud said: "Quick! quick! strike up 11-1 nt Minta, waltz." She, more dead than alive, , v-tl. Ihe hiisnaiid then threw open the win- , :,..i 1 un 11 in-' into the ball stood with his back I., the entrance d.', al which a Hhlan knocked. When a servant girl ran to "pen if. the ma ter Lu koin d to bel to return to the kitchen. Ile opened when th-- waits bad time to priMlnce its elicit oil tho (.ern: an-. M ho-.- angi r. as he iudged it v , j be, ws softened lit the music, They were 1 inning,id the windon nol to lose .1 note. Labu he found them In a mood to negotiate, and before they le.fl summoned you na ladies onnvisi! With bil Wife to ('.nie lo the til a tt Mlg-rooIH Hld deuce a round with tbe U blane B a. iv ANUiA-ii; 'N ti mr ti uh my. Al yesterday - reception, the Academy had s giy, modern, and bright aspect Ladies »i-i-- in foi- bits unusually brilliant for Academical solemni¬ fies. Labicbs obtained tickets for his tali Palais Boya] friends and foi most ol the conn.- actors of that and tho other theatres). Prineeea Mathilde ii a personal friend ol Labiche, who has elton eater* tained Prince jerome at his bologna chatana. Mn- weal io hear tbe Joyous writer*! ¦peech, and being ¦ woman of origiBal mind and culture, wai de¬ lighted with it- Legouvo and Angler wera the god¬ fathers. John Lcmolonc was to answer, tbs ;h,,,u..,i, His sp.-ci li. t.ft'i Lahithc's, tell flit. lt was thia to style, poor in matter, labored, rad amelie] badly ol Un-lamp nnrcey. at bis lecture, kihi toni it wa- not worthy <-l being reproduced by Ihe XlXtk sn-ti. Itt defects would not have been probably noticed bsd net the richly gifted liteiarj guuin nf the Bologna Brat spoken. There eas tbs (rcobnens of tbs country to wbnl Lnbichs -aid a'out ht. de Secy, about that Moloch ol modern lull nt. )oiii i.alisin, about retoliitioiis. polities, bil own Bnaesuming eood-natured muns, and Um last meson ge which ina predeceieor arni te tho /. an.¦my. Had Madam.' de BO* Igue'l sou iuberitttd the wit and geniality of bia mother, ber reedj pen, eui natural style. 1 could imagine him expressing iii'iiselt at the Academy as Labicbedid yeeterday, I have spoken ol the ladies' dresses, Tocntarinto akuils. the blonde and vcffj pratt) Median Hentj Hoiissaye was m emerald green velvet, witta ¦ round hat crowned with a tuft of green feathers, heh! in their place by a gold filagree hntteifiy. Madame Camille bee, wife ut the author of the lull for tho higher education of girls, was also in gm ii. hut ol' a lil per il.te. lins linly la daughter nf the eminent physiologist, Geimaln Bee, who has in the interest of the hu..,an race encouraged lui bnshand to persevere kn carrying his lull through Poi io nu ni. Madame Labfehe is a awe* t, sonar, and reri ladvlike woman of more thus miry. she weeina black satin costume and mantle, trimmed willi reheline lur, and had lilac feathers in her bonne'.. I inn tobi that sim ami Lahicbe ire a " John Auder so,, m\ Jo" couple, and nit.univ mach lori and affection wasexpn anl in ber tearlnl eyes, which even ";i"' I"- was appian leal welled "ter. M.fd ame A.lam was in black satin and jet. In the coan outside the portico entrance she annonnced that a morning representation ol her Gnlatbie will be given next week foi the benefit of .the girls ti- .li¬ nn al .lint t ti ht Madame Paulin. lin: WOMAK'S RIGHT* 111 rsuiiN. I may here observe tba! tbetideoi politics and nmnm rs bow runs to an Equal Rights dires tion. li Hon.ce Greeley's beneficent spun can take cogni¬ zant e ul w bal is now la lng done in France for gu ls, it mo t rejoice. Women have unquestionabli as sumed the open dim tion of tbe Radical party, and notably Loins.- Michel, lt ls to be regretted thal Buttering hus deranged her exceptionally noble mind, and Ibal ber influence is not on tbe side of evolution. Madame Adam bads the lift rarr world. Gambetta is notoriously advised byatadv of spotless reputation and great political and Ut¬ era n experience. In the Kanltoorg rtt. Gel spiritual directors il in!. that Women's Bnftrage, e. im h 1 ni u::. s. n com mi mis. wonld in- favorable tu thc clergy, and therefore aro for Kunai ow. n v 'm..1 be .ii u live ot clerics. i ion, i"ii w ben Cai See's bill boo been fifi en years in op ration Women's Sultm e, sud bc does also. nonld prove In Hu beneficent. Apropos ol Humes,.dis, he waa on ol adi mit mus i.> whom Lahiche wittily allu lcd winn in- told how ti encouraged him lo kno< k al thc dom ol the Iv li. Iii- two daughb is v. im ai tue rec pi .on. Tin- yoiingcs! looked very pr.-i i.. in a dark blue vol vi t costume trimmed with fur. Bile il 'Miler, and un'!.-d '-.' li ll a ac i. e -liiii invi ni ive mind. An n mau who saw her at I.ord Salisbury's marino villa lu ar Diepi ". io be in love with ber. and a otter of a ( ouul issi's C i- oni .lin, a lal gi li tUHO. THE I'ETROLI I'M SI VI \. \ i. r DECLINE IN rna 1 DFORO Oil 11 I .\t lit I. OMPI OM I CHEAP nil is lill lill t ll U ll. o'laa.MMMH Hi. un. 1.1>. Penn., Dec. U3.«--A feu fuctsrt- > ibal eontnbut duel inc n om expori list wdl come ainn u...-n, ma as cou para U> t little ib km the petroleum business outside ul the n-alor. of its< in a ki 11 ral «sj il bas '¦. o pro¬ duction ni crude oil bas, since tbe di el rad¬ ford field, tin v. ed -.! Ihe consul! - ia.i ilirecilj have given auj (urti r atti ition to tbi ter. 1. -ii tj, bowei I. tbe * lins ii,., v-ti, and .iiiis- lome other great .:- t tO * I ii i.e d is rm li} fi i the foul -ti p- i>: Ibe Ol I'reek, Du! ler uion dis- | roam iou ht Int Od Creek, at one i me iup| lb il tae a fl i) ¦¦¦ bile 'li Cl tba t < pal barrell da ly, are ooo ku iv n onij ni ij be pun has..; bi \,, v :..<. i, in tither wdrds, tbe Bradford eld must now tbe oil, end it U beyond question tnat thia Seld ll irrade. 11ns ol tae -:i .¦nail¦.tiio.ia >-t tins luci !. found Iii the decline ol work. I'll- ia not eaui d bj tuc InaeUvity of tbe pro¬ ducers, but bv tho lock of available terri ory la which to operate, s ll produ ag b ri Itorj is nen in tba bandi "i actual operators, usny ol uboea were snxlou to hold wi.inuit drilling amil sex! >i tr, when they expected mack better prleee, knowing Heit tin- field wai limited. Bul in ooarlj ct. rv casi these oonservatlTs operators wen-, ompeUi d to stab noUa in order to prevent tlnir lamp, (rom being drained through tbs drilling ol riikie-s neighbors. Tne result bc n niel i »-<iat they sss tool tbej will booui of wink ne> t) eu for -nek of territory. Bat thc individual hardship will he as mulling compered to tbe probable Increased eos! of artificial light to Hie world's poor. To COOBO, then, te lue ilium dian finnie nf petroleum prodnotton mnl its cost, it BM] BS Paid Unit, fruin the comparatively little aew wort being commenced, tba rapid (UeHne m the wells now produetag, aud the deftains of the oil- bearing territory, tho itajs of cheap potroleua have passed, at least lor some tune, Eves Should s nev fie i be discovered, past ezperlenes shows tbet petroleum, outside et tbe present geld, o turn the oil Bows, owtag to bc gi sol quantity of gos, costs to prodnc from *i oo ta g3 per barrel. Wheo tbe world bas to depjod upon di- tricis ouiside of Bradford fur its BBppty, it may rea- sonnbly sxpeet ta pay the shevo prices fur erode mi. The Dumber of wells now Peing pumped In this district la simply snorerans, and l hats talked with tiuoe Booker-rod manmTacturera who ure flinns' up daiiy an BTersgc ol twenty weiis, a pumping wed oever ir..du ssanythunrlike aomaeb iii-unc that Sowa,ond tin- lucroaaedeos) ni operetta r,mad< np et !;iLmr, break- log sod wearing of moobi ery.i glng of thc tab! g ir.un sand ami paraffins sud Btonpam from severe weather, moat all no tuto tbe aeoeral aceonnl Al prea- ni a uve uumberof wells ar* mut dowu owing toa h. trcitv >>r wah i. In ev< n district la tbe Bradford field tm- tmiiosttom ur sri immense decline <i... i v act omuls ie, Wbile an immense decline and Increased cost of pre- dnetioa la crude oil are as certain as snytblna In ibe inline con be, lt ia possible that tbli may uol have tin- n.-ii iii ral'lna tin* pi Ice <>." refined oil, lur tbe following reasons: Heretofore tbe Standard Oil Company baa ten mc i at least two Innis of tbe crude malena and the pi url a hove uudoubtedlj been veij larg*, In the rec I junction suit, in Cleveland, ol the Standard <nl Ci paay asaiusl Bchofli ld, Sburmer a (casie, Ihe following appeared its lian ol the evidence Tho next year, 1876. the net profit pei barrel wac 12 52. Ah ui 88.000 biirrels were relined, and Ibero wa areal profit of ..-":.'",,h. t ch porty, plalnuff and defeuu ants, thus received fl 11..) profit, Wblli ile- eon nulled, io July 20, l--o. th lt west pr il: wal cl 37 p. i barrel, and the average ri ~- per barrel. lt was iuevit that a business nm such h net pr .tit to ono corpora¬ tion, and so liirirc a pereeutsgs "f n-t gains, sb old ti rri-i thc. attention of eapitallata, and a lurk'" Bamber Of ,ii>;u mus lelinerics nie mw balldlOg al Buffalo, Pitts burg, Chester end other, pointe Wltb tbsse refineries iu iheerude market a competitive borers, lt ls possible I 'mt lui- price ol r< linell ml S 111 he kept will.rn i-, aeon- able Iiml a, notwithstanding a lame appreciation «>t th priee ol crude oil. A moderate price for refined m ls a r.-al to every land on the planet, ando boon c. nu-a. it la to be boped, ihiBcounir.i may be aili, tu confer upun thepooi oi sii aatlono for meoy yean to come ^______^^_________ .. MAN'S 1MUAIAM IY lo MAN.n -?- an appeal ion mr condcctobj Asm pxrvi bj bp DOBSB-1 Al:-. Ps Phi I <l i tor of The J rib u » e. Sm: Then hi a etona ol mn fellow-men who areeupesedto btsm berdsllps ladaraai temptations. Irater i" theeondnotors and driven on oorvarioai boise oar linen 'itn-v bare te bo up ot Send! o'clock in the morning and are often on dots ontll ll and 19 al instit. Between those un er vals bey hare a " sering "et tWO hours, more or les.., nt a time WhSfl |h< V ar.-, mt on ilinv. Tbese interval- eosss UTSeutariy niul afton: ihi hi opporfnulfj fur rcs: and meals. Boms nf the borsecei line- av, a n omodie is room well lighted ami wai med, with comfortable seati where tbs smployss cnn n-st itu li in.t nil duty. Others, notably thc Pourtb Aveane line, hoi aothtagofths Kin I, lin rc isa small roeta tt SCI I <!" lie n cati stay, hu! I! OOOtOtal nu A ctiiiiuin la rtoas for their eoeifori Liquor ind tager-beer salooai hu- t vi rj woore, sud from ths Ugh! sod warmth sad oom fortabk s-.-uts wita tt hieli tuey are f .ri.ism .1 nm very iu- Vlttag le shivering, ur-tl, iiuiiL'iy men. Hu; he wan enters thsss saloons ta eajoj their limiter rad eomforl la expected ta dunk, bi temi 'ed to driak, is is ¦ tu inner compelled to drink. A druukmi eeoductor or driver M instantly dlscbarse.1, ead ii ii-it verj herd togelao titter situation Lu ooteruelto mbjeet men to i mp tiifion so tarribli I l'o place them tans between two fires one of widen must Inevitably uara ihem i Tin- Fourth Avenue Uno eas cn.uni. anord lo nuke coed piiTl-uin fm ii- t -mp,.i.i es. Anotberp ;ot. Borne ol tbe haas, aetahly the Bixtk Avenue lm», fuiiiisn to their employes two ticketi u latBhtbt, wit bono ol nbickthey mar ride ta their bornes,aud wits lbs otbei ride back ta the morning io tm ir, ni W. Oagbt BOt even due to du Iii,ti These mea ai eua n."ir teri almost eonataotly whoo u Wii-.i tm iii only tbeuiaelvea hi.iis. Ths wife ol a niniiu inr told m.- i est. rdaj iiiat for a >eur her im b iud lili.linillir.ii allie tn pul on ur lain-oil bil BOO! .let-kings; thal from belog eeustantli on bu fesi u inulls eera sometlmee en swollen tba! n.e tl sn bang d-.e. ii over I, i- it n kies; inti lt hm ll in hs Were Bul tight I) b! ti oben ob dali he could oot keep about rn ,,i;. Vii ih « in in lu.»-r wall a mile ami a li.lit lu ami from Ins pest nun ni. |{ iii,il uigiii, or psy fare out ol Ina oieogre earatags, which are barely ragscisiit to keeit soul mnl body tosether. He ts a eoaaucior un the Pouria Av. mir Hue., ,m 1 lias n.-eu fur years. If itu: car COBB BOOiea 00BBOt he compelled ny the etatani nf luitii.inty itiui piiiun- opinion in siafce comfort. slile pinvi-lnn fur their meit, will nut private Lei.. In eui e take tin- mattel ut baad ami provide lui conducion sud Ur. mis as n dm t for ins -Ito; st L, t, Atu lurk. Lice. TZ, 1--0. STUDYING CASI' AND MODEL. A ci. wei: Al THE Al,"!' BCHOOL& yy iiAl May ii -ns in in Atii'Yi:- rHBCOCMI ni !S*| ||,in Al IM AlAIelMV eil" |u*|t,s IIII lltlll'INil rOO SYIAI.I.I-AlMIMiS 11IAI AI'K BAM V Bl KW, |.) one ttlm cubis for flu* (ir--t time, tb'* arl schools ot tba New-fort Astra.ny of Ueelgi pt* He ul mil th ls Uti eei IS ;,tlel lim ol. I tie Antl'|ltr Behool, with its tune Inge aleovee,crowded a itb land easels and ttudeata, iao busy ood inter* piece, Tbe earnost young nen and women, wii.i quick glances and ready Hagen, yy ho are gath i-teei aboul Un* glacial white pleaterenta,en ia striking emt r i-i yy il ii 'ibe- .'meei is e.: bss forms Yvhieh town abiBYB* tin m. The costa theomlvea, nie). contrast strangely with each other. The works ol inn hut Un tu ¦>¦ ead Rome an i< .-1 !.-. i by tbe pro- due imus ot modern Intro, and goda, goddeaaea and even of tbe nineteenth plaster, an nng< -1 along the yy ail- on termaof < nr 1.1 mi im n tv. Borne of tbe relatlonnhip of cool are strikingly harmonloua; others on amuaing tor tin ir absurdity. As one enters tht Antique school jual within thc dcm* he is confronted by the menacing Qgui two Roman Iwters. Wben he recover* om tl momentary will ace in I k-oven Dumtor ni students drawing iremi cast-i ii heads. A prctti young girl be drawing the bead eef the young Augustus**, and if she deon not fall in lovi yyuIi the handsome youth before she gets throuab, certn mv " will noi beti tugas- l'is. \ milter i- placed dangcronsll ne; ¦u bu !. .- i. yopd imi lal lilli A J mun: man iii:t by is rs 'pn i- sids ing eeo pnjH-i I I'S* I'e-Y es! modus, with n iracalla and Vitcllius appear iu ongi nial m. Napoli on and and ' ns ii to lace his old preceptor. Seneca, whom bc Iv ondemncd (¦. deal h. Bocrab , wno much wiser than be handse acrsss thc i'l' -BY I be a Agrippa and Diana. lt ten tion betula II .lunn nnd Venns, and Rotter! Fulton, once chai aeteriren os the "disco! Fulton Ferry," is in the comp .n ::!!'! "tl .ul lu's." .i-t .ii' W.i* ii '. liston appropriate^ - \Y and ' nf Hi-- cant l'n- iii -tri!' a. yy ho then upi n be tin - to deti t itch ri she bad i In h< r woi k .I V ll.iYY Vi. e. (ilks ..,|-! nm] 11 ir,' iwded. Tliey eeut lin tattle .ii-'-t in ill confront)* a of st [lina ntudeiif yy hon Apollo lon l n ul Anni.s il Mer¬ cury, beside him, seem to bc panning in niue . - to iuces with the Venns dc .: whom the Supplicating Venn turns hu e es :ln.i raises bis banda t, in heres fulness n e-iii- nlireli ts to 1 he pw*! bim ni ii v ;,t roriu to rc pro nee b,-r dignit y nnd grs rhe petrit! ,1 agi nv ol i he Laocoon group claims no ntl olio ad the Bweet t be company for . ,i h other. -il. lins dandles the Infant ttaccbusfor tbe ol only Yin or Hue." admirers, .ucl thc p mr maimed ie-er's. h. tun ot tune and tbe elcmculs. is left aioiic yy 11 h b A careful observer could noi fail to notice mon than lem' yoong man turn nwaj lrom tbe r.irare bclore him, and stealthily sketch tbe face ot eua-of hts foil neighbor*. Living beauly and the uraee- ot to-dav would romctimee assert their itionevenin themidatol tbeallorementaof a:n len! ut t. a iai.k with pnovesa »u wm. a urn. " How many students are Du rr \.-n- now V Baked a Tichum reporter .»f Professor Wllmartb " About 100 iu all the lasses, ami yu might have n many more if we eould take tbem; but tbere ia n it room to accommodate many inure than are hi re at piroent. In order tee gel along ot all, thia year, \\.. bave hml tee raise- tbe standard f'-r odin tn the Antique acbool. rhe instruction lafreeto all yy lue are- ml mil t. .1. Formerly ;i shaded drawing from the caa! "f a hand, foot, or any other part of the human figure, if considered ed sufficient merit by the Council «f tbe Academy, would admit the applicant, bul m>YY uothiug Icim than the drawing s<i .rn antique lu.ul will bi- considered, aud Unit miss* in ol a mu, b highel eb gree of excellence than ha* b,. ii required in past -.ear*. Then, bm. the Council cn \ receives applications f"i admission anon the ttrst Monday ol each month now, instead sit ii|i"ii any Monday a* heretofore. The Council na si- yy eek ly, n- usual, however, to consider draw¬ ings offered tn 'eenie promotion." .. How many de partnu nt- ut instruction are theta in tl .Vam my iiisyy' ','' "Th ic ure tbe Antique school, tbe Life school, and the I*.»r*r.i t and Ski te li cia.ces. The Antique school in <b(bs-ii both t. . in n amt women fi" 7 o'clock tn tue morning until Ratnight. The Life school ins separate eluates for men and women, y\ im sltaYY flinn rn- niiile model. Tin- chi es fm" men ni lin- fun iiii-iii ami niuo m the e-. inn-', the laste iser yy. .ti is-11 in the at ter noon. Students are ad¬ mitted tn this -si bene] after Ila', ill!! sll i'ltii I Itel a haded drawing .u a statue' n. the Antique school, yy bi- b is ni ¦ittiii. ni nu rit to olivine e tho Council that thc ad vance men! eef tin- student is ins titi.*d Iby ,- B'i imi :11.i111 \. i Us Portrait meets in thc lecture-room in tbe afternoons, Models iu urti-tie costumes are provided, and th.' students maj either draw or punt, as thoj ere aids. The re ii :.- i Im admission i* the apn b, the Council ol a crayon drawing of s heaelmadu in tbe Antique sclnol. The Sketch clan is non a ii lents'atlair. and is open te> all who wish to oin. lt meets between uud .*. o'clock in the afiemoous. Hie si mi. i- a i.e inti:- iii pt mil i" .!;iy by dav, and cae b eeo.- :i--um sae i. -.-it;iii_ nonie proiui nent historical ti m habit ol dress. I in is taken to have them costumes aa accurate i pot Bible, anel tics Hie- clan work is very instruct rn aside irom (bo value ol the mn. ins. given in draw* iny. Announcements of tl nines to bc used an bivi u out :i week beforehand, so that tbs re may be due time for preparation. Some ol the st mien ts yy bo .u-i- unable to tbe fatigue ol i.l issi an lue.n under tl*.- intense observation eel tbsit rales aild 1 a- sine Y (en il lin a ] ttSk lui .Ult ibu, at li i-i- |.mis. I. 1. f. >i yy le'lu lucy 1 iiinntli the costumes decielcil 11 ...i¦. .. e in Satunlu-j * lbs- Academy is closed. Thal is ,t iiiu rule. Imf ,; is a goo I one, lor it liol only gives the -indents a lit filed y m at nm, but gives t beni an opportunity tor visiting the studios, galleries, and litany rn tbi prit tte collect ions in the city, when tbi a an yam timi ii tis sm critical observation. "OM est tils- Heist Itil-le sti!i'_- te,lillie* of tl|C Academy is tbe Students' Seociety, which meets fortnightly. On the earlier meeting of the month, t nu coiupotiitioua is assigned, and iii*' e out¬ point ions produced il :... PH VIOUS lian, tb tte it cised in the presence of Om tttciety. ComiioHitions may be in black ami Whiten kn cohn os the stu dent choona rhe rtubjci-1 prcs**nteil at the leal meeting, lor instance, yy is 'Hesitaticu,' and tho llliillbeis elf th" BOC let J YY 111 ca. ll e. un |n ese n |ijet uro to illustrate thal idea lin- givrotnc atudeiitia hue' to exe ri i.*"' tiull originality, and oin fairly -.I... s the degree e.f Individuality they severally | ss. .v., t yyo .ii tin- pii tares yy ill probably illus irrit- tbe nba iii the saute mumer, .uni hence, eat b nt may bani sum tin.ii from every eethe student. At tlie-.- nieotiugs, uttei tbe ecunpoeitinui IlIlYs- bs eil fritil leel BUtl a HUbjl'l t hil- hs-ii: se-'i a tsi| fist the nexl month, Cr- temcindei <. t the evening is de vests-il 10 toe tal intercourse, music, ami sesm, times there is dancing. At tlie alternate umetiugs, held mar tlie middle nf em li mouth, Um tit sign is fo have u serb-* <-l bellin*, by pr mum nt Jartuto, un tin* prue in al tn art-Un nb a being uot BO much to have a series --. elaborate Beni it ibu art, bm ;. num¬ ber ol plain talk-, ("iv mn Bxperii dcm ol thc spcakcts, ami showing Un' aliena! metbodaoi wonting, of ai ranging tbe palette, treating ol tbe berat teristica ni colors, and other subjects of a kindred nature. I asl wintei Preaidenl Huntington and othei. lee tm, si to tbe students, cud then wm oin a elerie* of talks em Ainslie' Anatomy.1 After tbe conclusion esl ts b leeton, s general discussion usually follows, and thereat ol tbo evening is nmi time ii devoted to tbe A-a-ieiiiY s Largi collecti.t uuunviugs and photographs --! celebrated paintings. "L lao areal pit) thal then is not roon in tho Aa-i-tiiY for plas .ilk' --ii exhibition its uermaneul s ss. Ie, mn eel pit. Ill I, _'- a In eil bel art YS ni k*, so I hil t students ami others contd baYs* ercees tsi thom. Few persons bars an) Idea ol tbe great Bomber ol excellent ya en ks la poaaeaalott of .the- Academy, In the lust pla. B-. each Anoe late, icon his alee tmil. ls required lo prennl ins portrait, painted by himself, and i.n b Academician nus! in.-sui ont nt his pain ti uga Now the collection ol portrait* alone ts interesting, but tbs collection of pictures from tba Academicians shows the progresnol American art I ssl ll Merl -i- doWII (el lill' pl Cst ||| lillie, ami I lie eb. ls' id iiiYuiuai'lc nida limn the miltie worth ol ibo pictures. No Academician wishes to leave the Academe a ph tnic to r< present him all through the fat ure which is nnworthj of bim. ind boure the examples (rem such artist ire ol the high rat order ol bis work-. Bot there is do place ta bang these pictures ut present, and so they an packed In boxes and rarelt soe the light. Then there ls also tbs ehiydam eoilectioo of paintings, which wm given to tho Academy, which includes a nnmbci "f representative workaof Loth Amerii an and foreign ari, and there are beaidea mani paintings which have been presented by artists and others, and the line collection ut engravings, photographs, and is ptoduutiona already mentioned. Then- are ¦ few piece-oi bc ulpara :iNu. rmi excuse me, 1 mus) ^> intO the Lite -chool tm a lett momenta BOW would 'o ('onie along f' MK sfKsK Bl I lie tn SCHOOL. Passim between two colossal statues, represent¬ ing Bat' hus ami Fiercnlee, win. it stem to guard Hm entrance, ihe reporter fond himself intheMLifo ronni," a long apartment not remarkably well lighted, in winch a targe ramtx r of young men sat with their easels ranged m a semi-circle shoo! a nuile young man ol admirably developed pi tums, vim sion'! upon s rah d platform, posing in a characteristic attitude, Along the nar of ibo room were shel rei upon which are numerous ..isis, sod.strangely out of place for a "Lift room a '.¦ I hui'.mn old sin li tOO Which iiiniirneil tho loesol nearly all of Hie phalanges ol itshandsand feet, bung in a little triangular cloe i with tb o.n .). Set 'ral di ii-:-- uical casi i outside were Biting companions i«-r Hm uncanny A semi cir. I>- iii shail".! .' -Inn n- Hom I In- edin:-', ami a trg relli ctol Wai in rallgc tull: lit up t In- nu li :. An 'ii ¦'.- in..:;- orrungeini ol ol . li.'.r sunoui il. d the Hu- phi where thc mode] st.I. sn that while thc ii ineiiiiiteh a nit iiiui might lie t' ry order I lia! be inti! liol take cold, Hie .¦. tin ro-'iu I. tillered o,iittu ft . Af tel lim I'rofessoi bud ci ti. ised all poi b asked tt bal ai hod ol in ruc! ion he Ulploj d. I t--.ii u af! r tho I'n'ii li, or Taint i h siiid, .. u iii li. iii iii tilt ar ¦. .\ ii--, ill ti follow I now. Hm modern Iii ri Irma lu- I'l'-iuh an ll ..ns. ..| w bom i I hived in nial '. I'm- 111 nt oi-i- .1, j on seo it in ni Hot in detail; In > it ia, ral In r t h in as t.- ¦¦¦¦ to paint hood nto rom the rn tittil i nm.i voubl bc to III trill ll-'lll .'.eur pOHll of " lint as to ii he no uni foi ul mel hod or tho ti itu nt ol all si ii url. The gri al objei t, In mj st hal ih ..: il. i toi ..-: hst and i vpn ss it. Individ as the the .i toft-vol nil Ollt lin- pei llhallt.e- ol ea. ll in l,,,ii .ii miling i" biai bar ueter. Kaeb mau has his own oriruuism; in n a man will illy ; in In- mil ii- -i ii .e. blunt, and full ol brute iuiii'. ami thal man will nisi..rapro ,. amount ol groin I, iu Hong manner un vi ie, in a -inp: il I: in'-. (lue iii ¦; ni w onld H.- hi I." and iuii.vI oforo, h to mid bani kno i, V\ li tin coi.i one ni".' pound away, and kim k nfl the rough ib a great hammer, until thc chai is dressed suUicieutly to receive thc more n iiniiieii, ,-s. An excosfl ol delicacy, v. strength, is useless, and very gi igth is valueless if nol niuu'iid by refinement, elements ar.- necessary to tho ucrompl ihod artist." ami ;f either.!. ii i, it should bc strength¬ ened. .-ie ni .ti t" to do In a minute what am iii- r cannot do in an o ir. I believe in advancing thc rapid wu er, and in giving the in.ling to ms bought. I do nol Im- lievc ni grinding a man through a mill, bul m let¬ ti ii: him work .0 em dm l' to his inuit ulna ol ind (iib nt. Om in .-ai objei I i- to teach the student think for hims, if ami learn bow t-> inti rpi"t uature oo he goes along, ii must learn bow to ask nature questions, anil also bow to receive nature's answers. One cannot formulate a recipe for learn¬ ing this; each man mus! hamil iu ins own way. lin- ultimate end before the student is to learn ta r»xpi s, ni! the appearances ol nature trntl lo ,iii thia, be must learn m sec the proporti. thal exist in things and tbe relations ot light and shade. Tba! includes all of tiru .vim/, and added to 'truth in color' comprehends all there iain painting, if a man has learned these, be can render any effect in lianne. Hut bey.I that power um. s .i'm creative faculty,hind that^nust in- in the man himself. No Academy cac givehim that. We can only n--id him by teat bing bim bow to cornel his eye rad to develop quick and accurate perceptions. In regard to tho tuan uer of working or tbe materials used, 1 .-ur.- nothing at all; if Ho- end laugh! for is attained in He bea! manner, i bal is enough. ..Ali who study ari, of cou".e. cannot become artists, bul all will be marie better able to enjoy both arl and nntuie from thestudy; they will be better able to pass judgment upon the work of others, and to appreciate the refinements ol life in general. Bul ii ia imp.lible to make just anybody au artist. Artistic capability or talent must hive been born in the individual destined to excel in ai', and lt must lu- cultivated hy yearsol earnest studt belora success can come. It is east for schools to turn mil educated classes, but great m. -. can never be product merely bi eon ca lion.'' NOTES FROM NEWPORT. Kkwpobt, R. L. Dec. 22..Some noticeable mp "Vi mellis ure being mail.-1. the sommer residence uri engrossmae Levi P. Morton, of {few-Yt rk. on Belle- vu-- ive mai :ii-'i in tim eottnga on the isms avenue " il bj Mr, P. 9. <i D. Haiilet'llle. Colonel Ioho B. Euga ami Mr. William P. Townsend, "f tin.- city, n ive :-'i a- to ll iv ma f..r the winter. tanoatMcCarthy Little, U. B.N., lita town with ins fandlj James R. Keene will spend tbe holidays with his family lo thia eu i. Mn Edward Klog, ot New-York, bsa commenced ta in inn.dh in iri' V" hercx BUilve * lin- db Spring sod Bowerj its. ih-mn st trees wbl eb bsve hld thc bouse from viet are betas eui away, and some other improve tm lils .ne lu ur m nie In Lie groUOdS. T ..- I nit. .I -tale- Bloop .'! w :ir Powhatan, which lin- bei tat anchor in the oater harbor for icvcrsl weeks, ha-1'-null ii in Ne i -York. li. te-.-, li sompristas tbs training Boot of ths Navy ore expected to rend ivouaofl Coaster* 1 llarbor Island during tin- winier, try "rd ir ..i ibe N it | Department. G n ni ,f tm ea H. Pan Alen. of New-York, aae per¬ rit d, the Msgbec cottage al Ward-eve. sud Clay lt., a bs will niter ami ot be*wis Improve as a nimmel re-, leuce. H.- paid an an -s7,i"H» tor the estele. m. Neilson ii iwsrd bas retnrnod from bu visit ta the Booth. Mr. Thu.mis BlddlO. Of 1'niladclpliia. lias purebSSed ah nil 1,300 fest nf lau 1 on tic v. c-t -ale nf Everett- p'ilie. vt the second intartntamenl of the Bellevue Dre- malic Club nt Cooloo Hall 'her.- waa pre* oted a comedy in mi" act, translated tram tbe French hy merni theeompoay. The leading characters were personated by Mrs. Wilma Byre sad Mr J. White. Tins waa fol in .iii by a burlessj ai operaticmonodrams hy Mr. Op- thorp, ol Boatoo, The atonoloroe represented a Preach rook, who cu-stat- inns in the kilauea his experience ii «if in-, -nu iii" opera "i "Robed tbe Devil. After in.- pia) there werudaucloc, rn ueto and refreshments. 'I ll'- eil!. Ol l.e o' WI re tues' lil. Mr. John P, Newell, ul this ri,}, is spending the win¬ ter ll Pail, Train e. Tin-lin d' id md Medical Boetetybaa appointed Dr. Buoiuel W. Buller, of this If.. a d-1-I'tle iii tin- New- York Medica Nodety. in Land Company baa sold to Mr wm,tom I. Keh ods, ihe .irti-t. ol QarmootowB, Peuo., a Un ol lan i mi Ulbba a Di Bloia-avei The heirs ol lbs late Miss Marv P. Wyeth bate s -ld a bu of land on Iverett-plees to (eau.el Bauiuel lt, limn V. I.leiiteiiant .1. I.. MstglB, D. §. N.. has reported fOT dil, t at Hie linti" ll mci: t lin p". I., -i,ilmn ll tills lull'nor Tbs weekly bops at Pori Adams sro among thc social events ul itu- season. DROWNED AT PORTRESS MOS HOE. T'liitn-s MONBON, Va., Dec. 25..Corporal Norton, ul Uah n K 'Jd Artidcrjr. Id company with J.icnii Kelti, civilian, aud a corporal of Battery r, "Ul Ariiiit-ry, sttsmptad tah) ¦fisraoen to cross MillOresk, amie mst of the lort, lu a small, which, being overloaded, BBgSU -I The dav was fnxgy and the hom sonia not he wen bi ths psepls ou tbeetoit-. N irtoo, wini whs not Krone, Boee became szbsnsted ami dis- sppeered, TBsotbsi two were resetted by a Mr. Iiiisn-H, wno beard their cries snd wini to Ibsir sssleiaace Klein ii is sin e dlctl from Ibo i-lf.-. :s of his SXpvSUre. Norton's nod)- has noi jet i> ea i entered. How tih.y Livn N«»w..(Sonne--Smoking- rutiiii it tbe O ) iii,u-i. Ti ne. 4 p. nu Vonna Quiver fm iiiiivi-rmiii-nt clerk nu gigO per ai,mun lo admit Un,' friend): " Y. s-do.mut hau luck ,»k,.hi li upp. ii three hmiiireii bore lam sight, ll this aort o'thies goes oa lor a mooth I shall have to draw nu the (iuv'in.r The ind boj'll pull ral Inn a lung fBOO utei ii. chi" (Cull- BtdertOg Hm! tao " old tiny ".tin- K«v. Denis imiverful Int ni: Inn leen cid .Inn IO pl'.'Mile for on a llmUeilUd a j tjr, it is uni iMOoahahla iaat bu »'" ».UfcUMih. LETTEK8 FROM THE PEOPLE. YuiNUs ANALYTICAL CONCORDANCE. Y\ l\ -'INtll'V 1Mb (.III YIN e 'I Yr',: n.THE Ii:lni'*-k's riKMIl Yt A linn ( iii now. r ri 11 I Vd I ler tl 1 ri i T rib tl n e. sm: fouroxeelleot prealon of " Ifouog'a An* slytieal Cooeordaiws " ba* boon safely received. I wngreatlyeurpnaed, however, to Bod tlc- edition that imbil.heel by tbe .aerieon Booh Exchange, of ." yy V'lk. ."-olin* tune since I bee mm acquainted wit ti serums chorgn Bade by another publisher, wbo (lunns to is*im the " aiitli(eri/e;el Amcrmtin editioo, to wit:" That a publishiog firm in America . . . aro attemptiog to foiat npon tbeeommo* mtv ii, iiiinY i-i-ii and imperfect edition <-f the < "n- esid ance ;" ami. "witboul at icmp' to correct even the neel obvious typographienl errata, thy an reprinting v rbatim, leaving oat most important uiiii r inse-iie-d ..i Un- second edition.'' 1 -.Ya*. "I e eeiirs", pTOJUlllCod alMUist lb" Iii >k Eg* cbaoge edition, for tbat yvus Hm only object o', then ; "ml unfavorably Imprnsed yv uli tin; premium, especially as these serious ch nm cams I. ixigh the 1 linburgh linn lo the American clergy. <bilii-ti iongnt,lfel| tba n rei (actable and prominent an ntl il bmeotaa lin: .Ni:-*, u: ut ta Yviiulel nevei in imperfe t copy of such an Important wort as its premium n> m-iv subscribers. IS if I mit, tem. thal chorgn inim socb ce deserved investigation, because if the edi* i iee., yy .ie imperfei I in one ;i.ti ie ul er, it might i> in .i.i Y'.na! :»*- unreliable aa * whole, 1 have, ire, taken thc time and pains to examine il melii'v. j cn ip tri -.. \y nil the " autb .' v. ,i I u-.i land i" secoud nv bcd sdi 1 m. li proof ntti:".!' rues quoted w nld ap.irlm* i. u.,.| ir sue a co n.i ' '. i '¦¦! r io ce I i innot n ul the slightest d n nn ds publishi l Ul Ami i u' 'ii 'inn l-i int tory i. i-.u-'.'-, 1- !',¦¦ t.Y !.... ., hon rod Ann a " |lli!l, Sib il. \ .ii- i-i- ii .iiiu edition hus a di "ii :iii* H'M" ct, i bini wise, 'In- riy ic. page h adi i ? lui ,:i. Any .n t". r ai -age a lieir. i in tue " a ¦, uni nu. .-¦ iinn i" ul i m.' .-i ... i ' i' in- -. I 1. I fail tn fluil " eenY .- mi i y '"--I aplnc il errata " iu the preuiiu parcel wnh tbe " ne > and lu r lum u-i nil t, W ll 11 ! i: 107, 1 next lille 'll I ii ';' ¦' I be " bri i tion is * i"i want ol i tbe line, . -1 ;i" In be,lb '1 tl. is. L al) mt." the -ame -ii rbi i iii Italie rnnuiii I .- li Iii inns. ,v- ¦. cd " typographical errata," and limy are "ob mus" ire n 'Y. nu " ed Aixaiu, I* 'uni column, lo," he hue is bo lull that thu Hebrew words end have no italic pronuncia ton : i ime iu both edi¬ tions. Mv tune .uni ..our -| a yy ll not JloW li¬ lma cia,,i more uf this "errata'' page 3(10, "to ree uv« toiget- |s,i_i- 1 bj, ,:iu ill) ls l( I-i'.' e.I .in lalo, in ii .ai .:.):.. et e.-- existing between then two ((Inn,ii* ot Mr. Young's Concordance, aud conclude tnat in" advertisement ol tbe " new, revised and authorized Aim'in au edition," in io bu us obauiroti aro concerned, nerd m»r alarm anyone who i-t*. th.-i in*.'it lui I iu ni m secured the American editiou. 1 am s,t i-i mo tbat im* two editions an alike in cn ry Y'. tile (irei.lint I,nie.''il- I'X.n.tlll. .1. .banking you, -ir, for ar mva noble nu, and lu¬ ci liding my warm regards for nu: lam, ly yours, Aannt'ii 8. Bubb La iisi Baptist Church. fi ,in''n.a Cr,m., 1>¦ e-. 17. 1880, III!: OLD QI Nfl Al' NEWBURQ. a i.k.rri ic h.nv j. i, beaci.. in Agawgn ro mu. All..,' II* le rOBBKS'S I \e Il-il'-'s lu fg| c.YT- Ai.uui k. ni- uuca ai waiaigoTon'i head* Qt yuh i:.s. Tu ile Editor of The Tri bun s, Sib: Iii Tiik TRIBUNE ol Um 13th in-m. tiiei' sppeon a letter from tue dlstinaulsbed |itiirnslist snd lectnrer. Mr. Archibald Forbes, ron re¬ ina tbe Wosulugtoa'i Dcodquarten at his place, m white-, speaking ot 1 il ugae of guns and otbn Ire- pi.iee. lie say*: On the penultimate pegs ot I ..*... there occurs tin tniio .'.ii.k item: "Tiiei. Ons B-iucI ll-iYvit- / i- Eogitsb bronze.captured ut Yorktown, Oct. 1 7, i "81." i in- im ie rUmi- en .in- lawn on be river trout Ot tue Ite.-i sjii lt r botli-e; and lt Uiii|'i> i) .sr* ttu- Inscription, .. Miriemi-. u-.i by .ns- capitulation nf Yorktown, IO.ti of October, 1711." Hutu sin bears me lUS-BTlpl! ll Ualiuy. lieielmel'. 177.'," till e.i prut'es lt t< .. i;..:.'n-:i oro /, , batPreaebbroaaa In tbe first place, tbe catalogue i-f then yans is not meant to n » EteseripUVB -'tie, **:iv tu^ iheir history. etc, for la rant casro this is only traditionaryi hui is tte* S "fl.eel slmjely IO {T.Y'C til-ill ttl'il'e sod ICBVS the Ul- icnpuons on tbem to tell their own story. Mow, ebal ar. in- histor e.11 en ors tbat arc -' Important as to de* ii.aiiei iHilt (Hon in _Ysiur widely circolated paper! 1.. re on i romentioned,and bs m-tis that the cat' asserts time insoanaoncaptared at Yorktown i.. (lisb brouct.*, whereas it really ls French bronses, accord.g to lbe bMcrlptioa on tbe gua Itself, how tbe catalogue hp-.i is i.o tuc! thine. When .t mis* " Englisa iinn,/.' gnus," lt lin no nierenn n WBem the bronze cams lrom, wlietUei Irom Franc** Germany ar Eoglaad. I: :- Buglisb, tint ui this si ase, bal iti '-ie sense s>f oyy n* eisinj.- ii belonged to tbe English. JTbe plain mesantng, r.i.'i.¦ ^ iniii ti ..lies o me anyone would nive to tin: statesmen! in the* eatalogic is: " i bis gea,wmcb belonged io tbe Luci isl, ls mode of bronse, sod was eaptund at York oyyii." ii would uol b.* only un error m history,bnt an egregious uni unpardonable blunder to pot a i m.** t u: tb c lUtlogae ii illy oniradicted y tie mscrip- 1100 on tue gun its if. Ti.e otbn error bi thai stated tine it: ie observation em two other French-mads pieces lu tbe greiuucU 't lbs Newborn Headu tia limn i-e n m.. inscription, "Liberte*£galite;" one i- mtil.i-.t " Ar-rs ii ai i" I ali -." tin- nt tier " I', Paris." Ooth near tue date ol ootistruetiou, "em ;i." which, In our reckoning, 1701J. Now, udw toe War of lucie* pt it i uce bad come to a Ciose n vsu yens prevlouaty, lllert ls mi SCUse in Ytiieri t ae-e siiiim.ii eui lie -t\ led, SS tli.-.i are ut ile- eat.iln. u -, eil " lia .!. t. e-> "sir " K iVO- l'J,I.J lille ": et" |rl taut Indeed las', ill's* nu,- .I ii.- Prent a ttevolui.e period wbich tbere cannot in- .ai ni it ive rem tpeci .1 aiipoaii mem* ni coi imem u atm: iii e m.iii! ei YYI.a WssblUgl IO'S Ile nb|i!.i-,s tiUtn.ti se tWO pl .ce.*, tl IVs uo l-ee.uueeleitu Ve llIe|llo- [si ,!t ai -- .il ai, a ni b,ive tte a clo. lu buslue.-a yy BOTS ti.'-, -lie. Then ure put (Ioytu simply "Oims-French broiiz-. Uevobitiiiimry relit*." These two ar- ll.e ouly oil''" out of over thirty tnat a:e styled " lt ivolattonary reties." Tu*, witb the tact tbst they an Freoeb ead hove ou them Ibo words " Liberte-Egallte," readers ll Impossible III iiliYiBite tent au iKimra ml* tel ib.riiit bb! vvha; leYnunai tti.-v sro"reties." These words laehnnanveluttoBn a pei <>il of timi' that make* emt-sbtiiMcr us he too.BB BpoO tbem Inscribed oa a gun. li.ey yy- re words uni only ta¬ lon French cannon, bal erablasoBs.1 on French gags, ottered al ag tbs itreets sad tiiu-uie'-i forth by French bi min ou the battleSeld, carr] lng aaon tenor to tin- ie ut ni dasp 'H-iu than thc ttnumer of their gnni, ness words Inj .it tia* bottom ed tue uuii-t lernbls reve* lution tim wortd ern beheld, oed it oeeded no leegde- seriptieo to tell when tbe gun on which tbey nie- ,u scribed betoaged. How tbey rsrae mto ooi pessessloa 1 do not kuow sud never took tba psiu* to Inquire, but kiippoao that the) were captured from tim French ir the* Kochab during the wm that followed tn revota mi. iBfi7;ej, ind some twenty am-r eon used br toe iiitn agaioat as, la the War of 181g, ead fell into mir bsnds in nme of ths battles io that wm; bring in tue M.ite in-'* .ii, til. > yy,[b* probably captured In ooe of those fought on oar northern frontier. Un timi us it ni i.y , Hie fuel is ssf in,nor latportaon; tu* totenet at¬ tached to tus ni in I-,d vy tinily freeiu tln-ir being " relm" olthe Flem ti i-v i,iifnii. Hut Mr. biYrbas aa\*ft Un*' en e. as eui-!!, .. tb-v ii.ivi bo bastaess eben the] et,-.' lt tins be ii flinn-* clim ism tann lull ni tie tblrt) tedi gone on tbe grounds have no business there rbiine of tin- gnus tini's- mete naed la los Preach uud Indian war. some la tao war of 1776, m tnat of imo, anet othen were captured m tbs Mexican War ami iu iib Wat eif tin- KelMlllon. Then ail have bei*n nut io P* by Hie Uriieta; OuVeraBeUI, I'V th1* .Stat.- UiiTeruiuetil, and by ladivtdaals. The trasten dM nn tool it their duty ii .1 yy e's. ta. t un nmi tn imii tan tuose that tel.,tel iils'ii! tn Hil- BeVoluUon of 177ii ai|d send tile: rect back, BS Ue tl Iy .ill nf Wein lill' Uli'lilnl lltls of lbe Y itt le)U» Vt ara we lave beea engaged ia slim tin* fountliitiou eef me (oivei niueiit, and hence sw objects of moro ir tan la- terni to tbe more dura 100,000 people tba) soausllr Visit im.. ooaseerated spot, li oui everv nari of our coun¬ try ami te! tin-cit lb/, il wm bl. J. 'I. IU.OLitv. Seubmg, S. T. Dix. 15, ls»u m . PES8UAD_Na rillNKlNn DEMOCRATS, To the Editor nf The Tribune. Sin : Iii Him t .unit} we made ll txtinm- tli-,.,1 y sxain on Ihe OctolH-r tan, SSpee-Uljl in Be-tglbM le..,I. wileri* u tm uitier of osipiea of lilt; lui lilMt Wen- distributed, COneeqaeotly we .ne tm to »'iiuit there is no more t llci Hyc motliod of oouductiiig u Ku- i.'.biein cainpatan than liv Hie fire dil rib ll.I ymir sb among ths think ag class of t ropertr-helsV .; n mo -tr ft I 1 trios. shwefsn '.. BL, W. Ya.. D a it. i kan, IMIflTANrt ANH PTLOBIM0. KUWAIT) a !< WNK fl I I I" IWI M Mtl.V Ol TIIH plymouth nonarstn rna am> un ip peaton MB man or m HLOBIMJ POI fO BB inn- dbb i gaurn mm bushee oe n nraniaM. To i he Fifi to r o r The tribune. Biri Binna I hare been in Encl ind, ami i nl:iceil ht sp.-.aal -nilly of ll..- in. -i tn the Belted States, there have hun BBbBaBCd In NaW-Yort Iwn workBof the flintiest neets, wbteb yt ii.ake worse thee icmmoa i..- sknsaheut tbees PUgrla Pathsis tth. ¦ ;.' ta nuns mp brai SO, l*r- fosOOl M. ( 11 lt i. ia I is ", nf Mn-tl- can literature," doss lem thea |o th ta ths puritan*, nt.! Iii itu PUgl hum dues tbs . r- I ll n ju-.lee bf array tog them bs tao ii rk- «t sssece of tlc ttnr-t lyps of 1 url m It is a jtr.-nt mistake to DM iiuv long r the p. p- ii i ekari , ihstek ofPuritan ehsreetor .nd manners. hi ll: gland nor rn N< » I rs the Port- tans wholly aovere sod derk sad dosi li Ikey suic whieb weshrighl ind genial sod eral, nhs of lal roBoaa md hn sdlh, of iwss li i tor,,ui inu-r r>;- Puritan ihoae with e brigbl light, amt ii fl sea the P taaoha -I ii'iice. whit I bo < l it ib dark eettpee I. ¦¦. Uno of I'oriiiin history, ni Bngtand ead bi v od al- lewtiur all tho lights cf the! appear, * a-i!-, bm ie.nh m -s and prom all Purl vi. .ti t mp uni to gned to the Pm Ban s isia. Ami Hies. teodeeetM t.. bn tl I edem fl i tr-etr great con sw Arnold p ¦. i oomp my fl '"lia the Immoi; U on n ii d women H.- cool 'in' .. » ya L Yet the fact ls, I .'.mud in Bo , I ... I: tbs H s of ¦..I tn m..1 bi msnltiked they, i.:. .i .. d lindern i.ill tr us w -li m liberty, di perl d froi pure truth li -s the tt t>e ol' ininti Itt lu- I- Di nt I. a Pilgrims were, like i Bud thal in den ii Pi.r ipmeot, the ti mmpb of b i Cull Ul e i.ll fee lom In A I Ttl i- comploU h. inf and tho no wbleb im - . . i :, ¦¦ ri pubinbi d lei > -ny of -t. .'¦ . , fare well i ol . ¦¦ < 1 ami pronoui el li '*tl I tbe tu tm ii not .letti- ii given to lt. lie I i to < tarnish another view, with lbs result ol ss bi "palled down tho peal i rrlsM from ut IICM- ttoii.and more t -: ! em at.- delighted ta exoil bia ai tho spusi le of a Ihoeghl ul t-i b- n'H'e out of righi ' d tin ol ii liberalism . By to ¦embrace fur! Di D ri ¦'- argument iu ni bli t low bl mis. He J ii s: l aeed n ni rel I you tba nf the Synod of Dori wm Calvinism lu ita ali iud itara. .. rn, or tba i which ll w - conceived end carrti I oat bad In ii tn" opt.te of toleration.bed in i.. uni--- n. hardly tbe posaibility of .i icbMihei -. CCpl 00 that tho good linn ol -1 onld l kio -i io fo .---initially diOcrenl from thal lu widen lt conci red teem. . I ie -ive it in be ., eoibld tur any candi,t person t-. i ad CS lull] Il .liuison'O in fence of tbe d el ai f thia My uni, wltbonl reachiug the oouclusioa that b wes lui egroemeol with the syn.1.1. not merely la Ibe faith watch >: ii ni formulated, hm rn mai animus ol iBfalilbil ty and luexunsure tocos atud future modlti? ition in which it held them. Boob betas th wt, th impossible the! ha s.inuit1 have spoken tO (he Pl rmi ll !.. -. usc ut which be hos leen commonly repu'od to ive ipoken. ol aa limy co.iM have di .".i n-a ii after the faahloo of tbi sell- ty I ed 'adva i lakers'' of to-day. Bach bi Dr. Dexter's vtew, and there ii but ens dilrl- cully sboul lt.every potato! it that ism w cid be ibo un upon the most c nclorive evidence ol Bobtoooe'a own aumy ead clear declarations tobe ahaoiutely Mattery to fact H'h.ii-oii wm certainly aa orthodox Csletuhn* MMalnstthe Aniii'H ms, bul ks ked ¦ ¦sensed so greet sud m spiritual ind m fros thal ths theological garb eat llghtl) upon aim. and he presented tao saht an bbsiiai!-' of .ni orthodox Calvmbit, st ths werai moment orthodox Calvinism ever mw, SHb> ptOtely ahave his own orthodoxy ll S temp.-c of ebarity, totaratlon, geutleneM sud Uberabtyj whtah has Borer been inrpaasod. ii; ire - ii Iden.if the mosi interesting eharaetor that the armlnioa -.i.t--- derived ngtb tm in tho tn..'" Caristtan apirii "i Its chain- piena, and that wheo BoMbmb coom to the centra: veray on ths orthodos atdsMs l»uutant,nb] iiiiin.-.'.ii::. meeeMwsodno snl et] ls bli anexemptad superiority, not only to tbe - fDntchCUlvam t«m around bim, but to ths geutli sad liberal armit l.iacs opposed to iiim. Tin re bi cvtdeuM stao th it Kum insoa tatt thal ins esra periy had orooghl tim.kstu such a POM of b ot B|>lrll alni I loleBl d um in-in hst lie Ibougbt tbe wilderoeM better thoo tbi m ...ny h wal 'meei to keep, rhe evidence that Bobuison :.t:iu'.':t tun largeat toleration, sad f «t tbe Pl griuu iborouanlyoars ried tl ou: ls abu dint and cone lu -ive. Dr. ii. uer nae evolved a Bootnsoa tram bia own logn .o u .-, louse* .*. nf tn m my sit jmts iiud the -I - " i- ¦.: ,ie.ind character wblca prove tbe real Kubin mi en even more liberal Itwo be ..)¦¦ irs In tte lurcwell ,uh. ress. He WOO, I le. !, ni.* of -it if of hu OWtt I HUM | be desired ta keep aultail'.ed ins capacity to " eiii'u ic further lighl d when all tb tact*, of wii-it lie s.iid, nil wbsi li- dil. sud wini ne woe, iro brought lalo t -tv. lu- nedeal d i fenn I lo lift Pim .|uiro out of tbe tea b ol rasa atti a. nts... ..a, ulm de wo. Dr. Dexter las ttri'ten wu out doc cari; for tue proof! vt ht -ii be Des » t- are both mun) ami conclusive ta Kuli. ii s a's wu words, uni thc) ive out lil ¦-. d -ir.-.f .ii sn; P ti oi the most favorable vi- t .. lt iiiiu-K.n's Il¬ lustrious supeilonty to in- ago, bis porty, iud eves bis lunn. lt I succeed ta returning taAmertci with th bow rear, I shall make public thc fa cm ni terj <>f tue l-l,'.-ruii church, as I hut, saced ed IO n- ot erina; it. lt ls to be regretted tba! tbe ¦...:-. atlempi evef made to likto tbe Pilgrim ligiii outer thi '¦'¦.-. tao bushel should iiate been mane st mis ia;e da) .: wntst *ho li ts had ei'.ep-ne,,ii un ins ,,; |, irotns the i.ull.. !>.. Dexter seems uot suSt-'ientty if t llg.-reued between r ilthful bistory ono oenomiiiatl--n Joaru Ism, -.:;|i i mi .»,:. je, fUattnlnaVm, \tear s ».y- tanti, i>ti. ~. mao. A PROMISING CAREER ( OT SHORT. ls the Lilt tor vt Ihe Tr iv lt Bibi Thc Bowe, published in Tun limn nt--. of tn doy, ol the md rathe id ai i len! in n it k tursltan. hy WbtOh frank '>V. Mnt'h, Sf this elly, bait Li- ure, rreeted eoMeg ate nesssrotti frtouds ¦ fa ling ad pru- f.iimtt sorrow. Eta WBSI - tie-in tn far B :. , il il; h t .)., and lind h. en tt Uh thal lino boya ul. His sumners wen- seen and aim seale, sdeV d m which tt as a bte nf stn.! nt. ui in sud m I'.h beering w inch made tam hosts of frienda Be esme from the Stats sf Gksjr* iie.-i.ciit, a rustle, v.-.lite ...iii d bey, to Ihe tn it wetasm oils, it w a tin: long belore b u- relou .1 rare < ap». Iiy ss a aotosman, nod at the Usm el ms ti,-nu bc wm an eminently succeMfal ead promlslag roana mau Tin Hi-iieo, Conoeettcut uever produce Ja better. sTsar-Perib, Dee. ~'.i. isa Tim- C in. kvtuUa MR. HI'GHilS > i'Ml..>\v. To the h. ii it a r of The tr ivan*, Bot! My eldest son, Bjffctasyi fCftfl of ago, desires io ne a Lintier, mid I h.p.- rmi WillebsBBBUI with liiloriual mn aliuut Mr. im-luus HuSTBt'O'l i'oi.huu- mtv at stacby. T in. Mt sou Uta earned shew .ema a formen ii is bo whim. jp* grillage, i*,. J3. lsSo. [Our answer tn thu! and many similar letters ad- diuaacd tn Tan lumisi is, write ta ihe flnnsain tindent af the Rigby Colony, btaghy, Tsnus. AU: tho informatioii we have ali mt the cdouy has already been printed in our columns.. Bf,] A K1N1> ITUNtJ IO DO. To the l.Jitor of lin Iribiti.t. Sin: A Bunauar nf well«known gentlemen of Iti-oiiklyn have iveentiv BUSHUshed al turu OWB .». p m.ia i>oein cniitu'i .. i.ihoi'ijs," written hy Mr. C'. Hatch Bunth, lu thc- hope Hui Its sale unghi pr ive pre- gtahta te Uta anther. Peialyste hes ksoanaeiiatad Mr. Bmllh for nesiiv every kimi of w.-rk jud p.r.nin « ny. parobase in. loam t, ni bars the satiaiacilon of knowuLp ti. tl tl,"t ne UMUSUOg B WOrthj Ulah. X Arte Ierk,Dec lib IBBO, l.\tioi:.\UK lisr UiiAitk:..Senior Surgeon: .. I ni-n palinulai ly to see , a-e Nn ;it, hi tutu- vtunt no- fore 1 leave. I tear the symptoms ari no. bbb tutor- alni-" Nurse :" You i .munt ral iimtt, s) (Jeor^e, Wc sm just goiug to kevaeweuiBBg !" -ii'un a.


Nov 07, 2021



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ais annnsss \ uafrrcarict i nv witit klocjcbbci. I.Mill 'UK AS * FAKMHI, MAYOS, AM> IHIM HM tl

wm inw. iin.t.Ns nu: acej>san umnnn aiA l it>; OB M'll-tliN Hilt.

freon inu anentan conaasmnnairr oi rna raramrB.]Panis, Nov. 26..That ot lucky men

Eugene Lnbiche, waa received yesterday at UnAcademic Prancaise, and to crown his inch init ad there a asl speech aboal w huh tin serious maili.vol. i.s. tba literary and Superficial ir.enihers olU s urn ii mt<- ese - ever i u-^ beerraving. Labicbs composed his harangue mst aithe spiril moved hun to wiite it. lu every pare

¦it is felicitoua, and throughout raried andral. rtsroey a ts lecturing about it before tbi

newspapers had caught it up in the afternoon, andin noun11 il it the most charming masterpiece ol n-

bind thal be hst.-ned to in tbe Ac demiLal.nhe writes timi! plats lor the Palais Royal

a 1'ral de Rot k, I. ss the Hut. b coarseness olthat notci; i. irish Catholic prieetaused totencltheil fair penn ut lung as the] were kepi

1 nu:.' their guardian angel netti dc rted tv va,A play which waa from beginning nj end hilnrioiui; -iii, t b.-i-e lore, in- witueesed w it hool injury to tin

bj this i ii- ;. a, Labh h.-No wi Ht ha- ve, been a eatisr

Ming rn ith; iiml tm Aciwith mon- penetrating un. uni on tbi

oi id,unni tn keep human nature ewes t,Ieminent, and dlgn tied lu- iud vi ste: av rn

:isi hil .!..:I la i'll. bon:.-, and fm,nh lite.

I waa anticipated, read his speech monghtfully. 'I'll iso who

: v.-is a monologue. .'..or i: ha.l iii ,:: j,.-, ii bci :u ilm quality

* -i..;. i v ; j hr ;, the Palais Roj al, and

ie ea. li ;.-.. i n coi I-

i riicre is great ihie i. on

dens abountl, -.¦.:,:. hiou; being lch< 14 bj

I '.:.,., -. verjWhen it una li. d « it.

* le Uti

- 1. ii ti. .. Oe LAni1: [

'! bc ' taming[Iii

ure 1 ive fufree tl

! ter treal tuan tobc is in tho

.¦¦.-. ll ol -I

r thaiI i angular. 'J mouth is

tytHis 1 rit is lodged in (

t ... . .( good-ce ... 1.ot 1

way. In ito La billie'stranquil and well legulnted, He h

0 lire out hi- ownlile. Jog-fro!

¦.. and In I;:,- -.,1.!.-.; inla- La- been

fly 1 1"ce of Icniau in he Chateau

ii" I...-..h. -. 11 :bc ¦¦¦ lo ile hus r.-cl timed¦' icres ol a bal - to be unprofitable

lui and boa converted into a rich farm, on

Wi tillage ot which Im is the MayorI - sprung np since be wen! to Hm-there. Tbafarm 1 bia serious escnpatinn. Surplus energj

to the Pal lia Roj al channel. Itung i'll ;i is to niii'- tunny

plays na which thc lu bia mirth in the milan1 Ile ison bis estate a Jock of all tra.les

and professions, ami consulted hy the villagersa'-tout their own maladies sud those ol their cattle;alma! their law affairs also; and it nol anfre-Qttently happens tint th- "ld folks come ind 11kI to v, rite 1'. lc! il liny all cull him.. M'sh u h Mair.-.' and he calls himsell ulc Moires


or thc Cheap .ia. h ot thc Com m.ii ie.

wi 1 in Sj tBFABB.lie was at his civic post in the Sologne when the

German invasion was sweepiug over Prance, andbe ployed some tricks <'ii lin- invaders, inspired by

., Palais Royal muse. Ono tiny the Mayorol ;i ncighlmring village came driving up theaveuu< at Landuia t>. consult thc Chutelain on anaffair of major importaneo. Ile was pale from ap¬prehension. "'Al:,it is ti..- matterf" quothI. he. "Have the Pniss .:. 1 ken your wife os

n hostageP1 "No. Bul H.'- Grind Luke ofS tnie;! ii.bu tl (the real imiii.¦ ol los Highness thewitty author can never recollect) bas come withs

te ol oin. ei .un! I! ins. arni they swear theywill pillage the house ii I do not send them to-dayin tune foi dinner 200 bottles ol Chsteau Laiitte.Two hundred bottles!" repeated thc frightenedMayor. "Where am 1 ever to rind them in tins

E logue wilderness 1 Cnlcss " " Cniess wbatt"laid Lahichc "Oh, 1 ha.div .lan- saj it.'' "Sayout. mau, ainl don't bc afraid." "Cnlcss you redetbeni to tue. I will pay yon ten, twelve, fourteen,Sixteen, twenty front -.' ba ;;!¦. ii you booac t" ilk1! ,t Brice, .mi s, t it down to tim charge oi thsCommune." "And you think," replied Lnbiche,*. hat I a ;i going to ht those I'lussinua swill I hem¬ed v< - with mt hoi.-.- wincef n n u ii a fool.""But, good if. Lnbiche," supplicates! thc Mayor,'.'Hst 1 biuk a moment ol all the bric-a-brac theywould havoapretexl lol looting." "Oh.l do notnioau nt all thal you aie to bo haded. Hut I havenu nie.i." .. is it I " You mw ex-1 .title tm oiiiiunire. Well, just go home, i'll(,v.- yon KOO cniptj bottles with a I'aullisc mark.Fill them with your ordinaire, seal the corks, andsend Timm tohs Highness the Grand Duke." tlLion rn- sdi iaed him, so the fright* ned Mayor did.

Grand Luke and hisofficers never suspectedthe trick that wes played anon them, and thc pre-i bric a ina.- wai nol looted.

\ few days later some I blaus rode np tbiBveuue. brandishing swords and in apparent fury.Tm rn- ti r>'ii rs hal been annoying tac Invaders, andj lie k:.c\t it. Tin- moment he san them he1 ,L bis wife by tin- shou Idol ..mi ph bed ber over

to tbe piano, aud said: "Quick! quick! strike up11-1 nt Minta, waltz." She, more dead than alive,, v-tl. Ihe hiisnaiid then threw open the win-, :,..i 1 un 11 in-' into the ball stood with his backI., the entrance d.', al which a Hhlan knocked.When a servant girl ran to "pen if. the ma terLu koin d to bel to return to the kitchen. Ileopened when th-- waits bad time to priMlnce itselicit oil tho (.ern: an-. M ho-.- angi r. as he iudged itv , j be, ws softened lit the music, They were

1 inning,id the windon nol to lose .1 note.Labu he found them In a mood to negotiate, andbefore they le.fl summoned youna ladies onnvisi!With bil Wife to ('.nie lo the til a tt Mlg-rooIH Hlddeuce a round with tbe Ublane

B a. iv ANUiA-ii; 'N ti mr ti uh my.

Al yesterday - reception, the Academy had s giy,

modern, and bright aspect Ladies »i-i-- in foi-

bits unusually brilliant for Academical solemni¬

fies. Labicbs obtained tickets for his tali PalaisBoya] friends and foi most ol the conn.- actors ofthat and tho other theatres). Prineeea Mathilde ii a

personal friend ol Labiche, who has elton eater*

tained Prince jerome at his bologna chatana. Mn-

weal io hear tbe Joyous writer*! ¦peech, and being¦ woman of origiBal mind and culture, wai de¬

lighted with it- Legouvo and Angler wera the god¬fathers. John Lcmolonc was to answer, tbs

;h,,,u..,i, His sp.-ci li. t.ft'i Lahithc's, tell was thia to style, poor in matter, labored, radamelie] badly ol Un-lamp nnrcey. at bis lecture,kihi toni it wa- not worthy <-l being reproduced byIhe XlXtk sn-ti. Itt defects would not have been

probably noticed bsd net the richly gifted liteiarjguuin nf the Bologna Brat spoken. There eas tbs(rcobnens of tbs country to wbnl Lnbichs -aid

a'out ht. de Secy, about that Moloch ol modernlull nt. )oiii i.alisin, about retoliitioiis. polities, bilown Bnaesuming eood-natured muns, and Um last

mesonge which ina predeceieor arni te tho/. an.¦my. Had Madam.' de BO* Igue'l sou iuberitttdthe wit and geniality of bia mother, ber reedj pen,

eui natural style. 1 could imagine him expressingiii'iiselt at the Academy as Labicbedid yeeterday,

I have spoken ol the ladies' dresses, Tocntarintoakuils. the blonde and vcffj pratt) Median Hentj

Hoiissaye was m emerald green velvet, witta ¦round hat crowned with a tuft of green feathers,heh! in their place by a gold filagree hntteifiy.Madame Camille bee, wife ut the author of the lullfor tho higher education of girls, was also in gm ii.

hut ol' a lil per il.te. lins linly la daughter nf theeminent physiologist, Geimaln Bee, who has in theinterest of the hu..,an race encouraged lui bnshandto persevere kn carrying his lull through Poi ionu ni. Madame Labfehe is a awe* t, sonar, and reriladvlike woman of more thus miry. she weeinablack satin costume and mantle, trimmed willireheline lur, and had lilac feathers in her bonne'..I inn tobi that sim ami Lahicbe ire a " John Auderso,, m\ Jo" couple, and nit.univ mach lori andaffection wasexpn anl in ber tearlnl eyes, whicheven ";i"' I"- was appian leal welled "ter. M.fd ameA.lam was in black satin and jet. In the coanoutside the portico entrance she annonnced that a

morning representation ol her Gnlatbie will begiven next week foi the benefit of .the girls ti- .li¬nn al .lint t ti ht Madame Paulin.

lin: WOMAK'S RIGHT* 111 rsuiiN.

I may here observe tba! tbetideoi politics andnmnm rs bow runs to an Equal Rights dires tion. li

Hon.ce Greeley's beneficent spun can take cogni¬zant e ul w bal is now la lng done in France for gu ls,it mo t rejoice. Women have unquestionabli as

sumed the open dim tion of tbe Radical party, andnotably Loins.- Michel, lt ls to be regretted thalButtering hus deranged her exceptionally noblemind, and Ibal ber influence is not on tbe side of

evolution. Madame Adam bads the lift rarrworld. Gambetta is notoriously advised byatadvof spotless reputation and great political and Ut¬era n experience. In the Kanltoorg rtt. Gelspiritual directors il in!. that Women's Bnftrage,e. im h 1 ni u::. s. n commi mis. wonld in- favorabletu thc clergy, and therefore aro for Kunai

ow. n v 'm..1 be .ii u live ot clerics.i ion, i"ii w ben Cai See's bill boo been fifi enyears in op ration Women's Sultm e, sudbc does also. nonld prove In Hubeneficent. Apropos ol Humes,.dis, he waa on ol

adi mit mus i.> whom Lahiche wittily allu lcdwinn in- told how ti encouraged him lo kno< k althc dom ol the Iv li. Iii- two daughb isv. im ai tue rec pi .on. Tin- yoiingcs! looked verypr.-i i.. in a dark blue vol vi t costume trimmed with

fur. Bile il 'Miler, and un'!.-d '-.' li lla ac i. e -liiii invi ni ive mind. An nmau who saw her at I.ord Salisbury's marino villalu ar Diepi ". io be in love with ber. and

a otter of a ( ouul issi's C i-

oni .lin, a lal gi li tUHO.


\ i. r DECLINE IN rna 1DFORO Oil 11 I .\t lit I. OMPI

OM I CHEAP nil is lill lillt ll U ll. o'laa.MMMH -¦

Hi. un. 1.1>. Penn., Dec. U3.«--A feu fuctsrt-> ibal eontnbut duel incn om expori list wdl

come ainn u...-n,ma as cou para U> t little ib kmthe petroleum business outside ul the n-alor. of its<in a ki 11 ral «sj il bas '¦. o pro¬duction ni crude oil bas, since tbe di el rad¬ford field, tin v. ed -.! Iheconsul! - ia.i ilireciljhave given auj (urti r atti ition to tbiter. 1. -ii tj, bowei I. tbe *lins ii,., v-ti, and .iiiis- lome other great

.:- t tO


Iii i.e d is rm li} fi i the foul

-ti p- i>: Ibe Ol I'reek, Du! ler uion dis-| roam iou ht Int

Od Creek, at one i me iup| lb il taea fl i) ¦¦¦ bile 'li

Cl tba t < palbarrell da ly, are ooo ku iv n onij

ni ij be pun has..; bi \,, v :..<.

i, in tither wdrds, tbe Bradford eld must nowtbe oil, end it U beyond question tnat thia Seld

ll irrade. 11ns ol tae -:i

.¦nail¦.tiio.ia >-t tins luci !. found Iii the decline olwork. I'll- ia not eaui d bj tuc InaeUvity of tbe pro¬ducers, but bv tho lock of available terri ory la which tooperate, s ll produ ag b ri Itorj is nen in tba bandi "i

actual operators, usny ol uboea were snxlou tohold wi.inuit drilling amil sex!>i tr, when they expected mack better prleee, knowingHeit tin- field wai limited. Bul in ooarlj ct. rv casithese oonservatlTs operators wen-, ompeUi d to stab noUain order to prevent tlnir lamp, (rom being drained

through tbs drilling ol riikie-s neighbors. Tne resultbc n niel i »-<iat they sss tool tbej will booui of

wink ne> t) eu for -nek of territory. Bat thc individualhardship will he as mulling compered to tbe

probable Increased eos! of artificial light to

Hie world's poor. To COOBO, then, te lue ilium dianfinnie nf petroleum prodnotton mnl its cost, it

BM] BS Paid Unit, fruin the comparatively littleaew wort being commenced, tba rapid (UeHne m

the wells now produetag, aud the deftains of the oil-bearing territory, tho itajs of cheap potroleua havepassed, at least lor some tune, Eves Should s nev fie i

be discovered, past ezperlenes shows tbet petroleum,outside et tbe present geld, o turn the oil Bows, owtag tobc gi sol quantity of gos, costs to prodnc from *i oo tag3 per barrel. Wheo tbe world bas to depjod upon di-tricis ouiside of Bradford fur its BBppty, it may rea-

sonnbly sxpeet ta pay the shevo prices furerode mi. The Dumber of wells now Peing pumpedIn this district la simply snorerans, and l hats talkedwith tiuoe Booker-rod manmTacturera who ure flinns' updaiiy an BTersgc ol twenty weiis, a pumping wed oeverir..du ssanythunrlike aomaeb iii-unc that Sowa,ondtin- lucroaaedeos) ni operetta r,mad< np et !;iLmr, break-log sod wearing of moobi ery.i glng of thc tab! gir.un sand ami paraffins sud Btonpam from severeweather, moat all no tuto tbe aeoeral aceonnl Al prea-ni a uve uumberof wells ar* mut dowu owing toa

h. trcitv >>r wah i. In ev< n district la tbe Bradford fieldtm- tmiiosttom ur sri immense decline <i... i v act omuls ie,Wbile an immense decline and Increased cost of pre-

dnetioa la crude oil are as certain as snytblna In ibeinline con be, lt ia possible that tbli may uol have tin-n.-ii iii ral'lna tin* pi Ice <>." refined oil, lur tbe following

reasons: Heretofore tbe Standard Oil Company baaten mc i at least two Innis of tbe crude malena and thepi url a hove uudoubtedlj been veij larg*, In the recI junction suit, in Cleveland, ol the Standard <nl Cipaay asaiusl Bchofli ld, Sburmer a (casie, Ihe followingappeared its lian ol the evidenceTho next year, 1876. the net profit pei barrel wac 12 52.

Ah ui 88.000 biirrels were relined, and Ibero wa arealprofit of ..-":.'",,h. t ch porty, plalnuff and defeuuants, thus received fl11..) profit, Wblli ile-eon nulled, io July 20, l--o. th lt west pr il: wal cl 37p. i barrel, and the average ri ~- per barrel.

lt was iuevit that a businessnm such h net pr .tit to ono corpora¬tion, and so liirirc a pereeutsgs "f n-t gains, sb oldti rri-i thc. attention of eapitallata, and a lurk'" BamberOf ,ii>;umus lelinerics nie mw balldlOg al Buffalo, Pitts

burg, Chester end other, pointe Wltb tbsse refineries iuiheerude market a competitive borers, lt ls possibleI 'mt lui- price ol r< linell ml S 111 he kept will.rn i-, aeon-able Iiml a, notwithstanding a lame appreciation «>t thpriee ol crude oil. A moderate price for refined m lsa r.-al to every land on the planet,ando boon c. nu-a. it la to be boped, ihiBcounir.i may beaili, tu confer upun thepooi oi sii aatlono for meoyyean to come


.. MAN'S 1MUAIAM IY lo MAN.n-?-

an appeal ion mr condcctobj Asm pxrvi bj bpDOBSB-1 Al:-.

Ps Phi I <l i tor of The J rib u » e.

Sm: Then hi a etona ol mn fellow-men whoareeupesedto btsm berdsllps ladaraai temptations.Irater i" theeondnotors and driven on oorvarioaiboise oar linen 'itn-v bare te bo up ot Send! o'clockin the morning and are often on dots ontll ll and 19 alinstit. Between those un er vals bey hare a " sering "ettWO hours, more or les.., nt a time WhSfl |h< V ar.-, mt on

ilinv. Tbese interval- eosss UTSeutariy niul afton: ihi hi

opporfnulfj fur rcs: and meals. Boms nf the borseceiline- av, a n omodie is room well lighted ami wai med,with comfortable seati where tbs smployss cnn n-st

itu li in.t nil duty. Others, notably thc Pourtb Aveaneline, hoi aothtagofths Kin I, lin rc isa small roetatt SCI I <!" lie n cati stay, hu! I! OOOtOtal nu A ctiiiiuin la

rtoas for their eoeifori Liquor ind tager-beer salooaihu- t vi rj woore, sud from ths Ugh! sod warmth sad oomfortabk s-.-uts wita tt hieli tuey are f .ri.ism .1 nm very iu-

Vlttag le shivering, ur-tl, iiuiiL'iy men. Hu; he wan

enters thsss saloons ta eajoj their limiter rad eomforlla expected ta dunk, bi temi 'ed to driak, is is ¦ tu innercompelled to drink. A druukmi eeoductor or driver Minstantly dlscbarse.1, ead ii ii-it verj herd togelaotitter situation Lu ooteruelto mbjeet men to i mptiifion so tarribli I l'o place them tans between twofires one of widen must Inevitably uara ihem i Tin-Fourth Avenue Uno eas cn.uni. anord lo nuke coedpiiTl-uin fm ii- t -mp,.i.i es.

Anotberp ;ot. Borne ol tbe haas, aetahly the BixtkAvenue lm», fuiiiisn to their employes two ticketiu latBhtbt, wit bono ol nbickthey mar ride ta their

bornes,aud wits lbs otbei ride back ta the morning iotm ir, ni W. Oagbt BOt even due to du Iii,ti Thesemea ai eua n."ir teri almost eonataotly whoo uWii-.i tm iii only tbeuiaelvea hi.iis. Ths wife ol aniniiu inr told m.- i est. rdaj iiiat for a >eur her im b iud

lili.linillir.ii allie tn pul on ur lain-oil bil BOO!.let-kings; thal from belog eeustantli on bu fesi uinulls eera sometlmee en swollen tba! n.e tl sn bangd-.e. ii over I, i- it n kies; inti lt hm ll in hs Were Bul tight I)b! ti oben ob dali he could oot keep about rn ,,i;.Vii ih « in in lu.»-r wall a mile ami a li.lit lu ami fromIns pest nun ni. |{ iii,il uigiii, or psy fare out ol Inaoieogre earatags, which are barely ragscisiit to keeitsoul mnl body tosether. He ts a eoaaucior un the PouriaAv. mir Hue., ,m 1 lias n.-eu fur years.

If itu: car COBBBOOiea 00BBOt he compelled ny theetatani nf luitii.inty itiui piiiun- opinion in siafce comfort.slile pinvi-lnn fur their meit, will nut private Lei.. In eui etake tin- mattel ut baad ami provide lui conducion sudUr. mis as n dm t for ins -Ito; st L, t,Atu lurk. Lice. TZ, 1--0.


yy iiAl May ii -ns in in Atii'Yi:- rHBCOCMIni !S*| ||,in Al IM AlAIelMV eil" |u*|t,s


AI'K BAM V Bl KW,|.) one ttlm cubis for flu* (ir--t time, tb'* arl

schools ot tba New-fort Astra.ny of Ueelgi pt*He ul mil th ls Uti eei IS ;,tlel lim ol. I tie Antl'|ltrBehool, with its tune Inge aleovee,crowded a itb

land easels and ttudeata, iao busy ood inter*piece, Tbe earnost young nen and women,

wii.i quick glances and ready Hagen, yy ho are gathi-teei aboul Un* glacial white pleaterenta,en ia

striking emt r i-i yy il ii 'ibe- .'meei is e.: bss forms Yvhiehtown abiBYB* tinm. The costa theomlvea, nie).

contrast strangely with each other. The works olinn hut Un tu ¦>¦ ead Rome an i< .-1 !.-. i by tbe pro-due imus ot modern Intro, and goda, goddeaaeaand even of tbe nineteenth century.inplaster, an nng< -1 along the yy ail- on termaof < nr1.1 mi im n tv. Borne of tbe relatlonnhip of coolare strikingly harmonloua; others on amuaing tortin ir absurdity.As one enters tht Antique school jual within thc

dcm* he is confronted by the menacing Qguitwo Roman Iwters. Wben he recover* om tlmomentary will ace in I k-oven

Dumtor ni students drawing iremi cast-i ii

heads. A prctti young girl be drawing the beadeef the young Augustus**, and if she deon not fall inlovi yyuIi the handsome youth before she getsthrouab, certn mv " will noi beti tugas-l'is. \ milter i- placed dangcronsll ne;

¦u bu !. .- i.

yopd imi lal lilli A J mun: man iii:t by is rs 'pn i-

sids ing eeo pnjH-i I I'S* I'e-Y es!

modus, with n iracalla and Vitcllius appeariu ongi nial m. Napoli on and

and 'ns ii

to lace his old preceptor. Seneca, whom bcIv ondemncd (¦. deal h. Bocrab , wno

much wiser than be handse acrsss

thc i'l' -BY

I be a Agrippa and tention betula II

.lunn nnd Venns, and Rotter! Fulton, once chaiaeteriren os the "disco! Fulton Ferry," isin the comp .n ::!!'! "tl .ul lu's."

.i-t .ii' W.i* ii '. liston appropriate^- \Y

and ' nf Hi-- cant

l'n- iii -tri!'

a. yy ho then upi n be tin - to deti t itch

ri she bad i In h< r woi k.I V ll.iYY

Vi.e. (ilks

..,|-! nm] 11 ir,' iwded.Tliey eeut lin tattle

.ii-'-t in illconfront)* a of st [lina ntudeiifyy hon Apollo lon l n ul Anni.s

il Mer¬cury, beside him, seem to bc panning in niue

.-to iuces with theVennsdc .: whom theSupplicating Venn turns hu e es :ln.i raises bis

banda t, in heresfulness n e-iii- nlireli ts to 1 he pw*!

bim ni ii v ;,t roriu to rcpro nee b,-r

dignit y nnd grs rhe petrit! ,1 agi nv ol i heLaocoon group claims no ntl olio ad theBweet t be company for . ,i h other.-il. lins dandles the Infant ttaccbusfor tbeol only Yin or Hue." admirers, .ucl thc p mr maimed

ie-er's. h. tun ot tune and tbe elcmculs. is leftaioiic yy 11 h bA careful observer could noi fail to notice mon

than lem' yoong man turn nwaj lrom tber.irare bclore him, and stealthily sketch tbe face oteua-of hts foil neighbor*. Living beauly and theuraee- ot to-dav would romctimee assert their

itionevenin themidatol tbeallorementaofa:n len! ut t.

a iai.k with pnovesa »u wm.aurn." How many students are Du rr \.-n- now V Baked

a Tichum reporter .»f Professor Wllmartb" About 100 iu all the lasses, ami yu might haven many more if we eould take tbem; but tbere ian it room to accommodate many inure than are hi reat piroent. In order tee gel along ot all, thia year,\\.. bave hml tee raise- tbe standard f'-r odintn the Antique acbool. rhe instruction lafreetoall yy lue are- ml mil t. .1. Formerly ;i shaded drawingfrom the caa! "f a hand, foot, or any other part ofthe human figure, if considered ed sufficient meritby the Council «f tbe Academy, would admit theapplicant, bul m>YY uothiug Icim than the drawings<i .rn antique lu.ul will bi- considered, aud Unitmiss* in ol a mu, b highel eb gree of excellence thanha* b,. ii required in past -.ear*. Then, bm. theCouncil cn \ receives applications f"i admissionanon the ttrst Monday ol each month now, insteadsit ii|i"ii any Monday a* heretofore. The Councilna si- yy eek ly, n- usual, however, to consider draw¬ings offered tn 'eenie promotion."

.. How many de partnu nt- ut instruction are thetain tl .Vam my iiisyy' ',''"Th ic ure tbe Antique school, tbe Life school,

and the I*.»r*r.i t and Ski te li cia.ces. The Antiqueschool in <b(bs-ii both t. . in n amt women fi" 7o'clock tn tue morning until Ratnight. The Lifeschool ins separate eluates for men and women,y\ im sltaYY flinn rn- niiile model. Tin- chi es fm" men

ni lin- fun iiii-iii ami niuo m the e-. inn-', thelaste iser yy. .ti is-11 in the at ternoon. Students are ad¬

mitted tn this -si bene] after Ila', ill!! sll i'ltii I Itel a

haded drawing .u a statue' n. the Antiqueschool, yy bi- b is ni ¦ittiii. ni nu rit to olivine e thoCouncil that thc advancemen! eef tin- student is institi.*d Iby ,- B'i imi :11.i111 \. i Us Portraitmeets in thc lecture-room in tbe afternoons,Models iu urti-tie costumes are provided, and th.'students maj either draw or punt, as thoj ere

aids. The re ii :.- i Im admission i* the apnb, the Council ol a crayon drawing of s heaelmaduin tbe Antique sclnol. The Sketch clan is non a

ii lents'atlair. and is open te> all who wish to oin. ltmeets between uud .*. o'clock in the afiemoous. Hiesi mi. i- a i.e inti:- iii ptmil i" .!;iy by dav, and cae beeo.- :i--um sae i. -.-it;iii_ nonie proiuinent historical ti m habit ol dress. I inis taken to have them costumes aa accurate i potBible, anel tics Hie- clan work is very instruct rnaside irom (bo value ol the mn. ins. given in draw*iny. Announcements of tl nines to bc usedan bivi u out :i week beforehand, so that tbs re maybe due time for preparation. Some ol the stmientsyy bo .u-i- unable to tbe fatigue ol i.l issi anlue.n under tl*.- intense observation eel tbsitrales aild 1 a- sine Y (en il lin a ] ttSk lui .Ult

ibu, at li i-i- |.mis. I. 1. f. >i yy le'lu lucy 1 iiinntli thecostumes decielcil 11 ...i¦.

.. e in Satunlu-j * lbs- Academy is closed. Thal is ,tiiiu rule. Imf ,; is a goo I one, lor it liol only givesthe -indents a lit filed y m at nm, but gives t beni anopportunity tor visiting the studios, galleries, andlitany rn tbi prit tte collect ions in the city, whentbi a an yam timi ii tis sm critical observation."OM est tils- Heist Itil-le sti!i'_- te,lillie* of tl|C

Academy is tbe Students' Seociety, which meetsfortnightly. On the earlier meeting of the month,

t nu coiupotiitioua is assigned, and iii*' e out¬point ions produced il :... PH VIOUS lian, tb tte itcised in the presence of Om tttciety. ComiioHitionsmay be in black ami Whiten kn cohn os the student choona rhe rtubjci-1 prcs**nteil at the lealmeeting, lor instance, yy is 'Hesitaticu,' and thollliillbeis elf th" BOC let J YY 111 ca. ll e. un |n ese n |ijet uroto illustrate thal idea lin- givrotnc atudeiitiahue' to exe ri i.*"' tiull originality, and oin fairly

-.I... s the degree e.f Individuality they severally| ss. .v., t yyo .ii tin- pii tares yy ill probably illusirrit- tbe nba iii the saute mumer, .uni hence, eat nt may bani sum tin.ii from every eethestudent. At tlie-.- nieotiugs, uttei tbe ecunpoeitinuiIlIlYs- bs eil fritil leel BUtl a HUbjl'l t hil- hs-ii: se-'i a tsi|fist the nexl month, Cr- temcindei <. t the evening isde vests-il 10 toe tal intercourse, music, ami sesm, timesthere is dancing. At tlie alternate umetiugs, heldmar tlie middle nf em li mouth, Um tit sign is fohave u serb-* <-l bellin*, by pr mum nt Jartuto, untin* prue in al tn art-Un nb a being uot BO much tohave a series --. elaborate Beni it ibu art, bm ;. num¬ber ol plain talk-, ("iv mn Bxperii dcm ol thc spcakcts,ami showing Un' aliena! metbodaoi wonting, ofai ranging tbe palette, treating ol tbe berat teristicani colors, and other subjects of a kindred nature.I asl wintei Preaidenl Huntington and othei. leetm, si to tbe students, cud then wm oin a elerie* oftalks em Ainslie' Anatomy.1 After tbe conclusionesl ts b leeton, s general discussion usually follows,and thereat ol tbo evening is nmi time ii devoted totbe A-a-ieiiiY s Largi collecti.t uuunviugs andphotographs --! celebrated paintings."L lao areal pit) thal then is not roon in tho

Aa-i-tiiY for plas .ilk' --ii exhibition its uermaneuls ss. Ie, mn eel pit. Ill I, _'- a In eil bel art YS ni k*, so I hil tstudents ami others contd baYs* ercees tsi thom.Few persons bars an) Idea ol tbe great Bomber olexcellent ya en ks la poaaeaalott of .the- Academy, Inthe lust pla. B-. each Anoe late, icon his alee tmil. lsrequired lo prennl ins portrait, painted by himself,and i.n b Academician nus! in.-sui ont nt hispain tiuga Now the collection ol portrait* alone tsinteresting, but tbs collection of pictures from tbaAcademicians shows the progresnol American artI ssl ll Merl -i- doWII (el lill' pl Cst ||| lillie, ami I lie eb. ls'

id iiiYuiuai'lc nida limn the miltie worth ol ibo

pictures. No Academician wishes to leave theAcademe a ph tnic to r< present him all through thefature which is nnworthj of bim. ind boure theexamples (rem such artist ire ol the highrat orderol bis work-. Bot there is do place ta bang these

pictures ut present, and so they an packed Inboxes and rarelt soe the light. Then there ls alsotbs ehiydam eoilectioo of paintings, which wmgiven to tho Academy, which includes a nnmbci "frepresentative workaof Loth Amerii an and foreignari, and there are beaidea mani paintings whichhave been presented by artists and others, and theline collection ut engravings, photographs, and is

ptoduutiona already mentioned. Then- are ¦ fewpiece-oi bculpara :iNu. rmi excuse me, 1 mus) ^>intO the Lite -chool tm a lett momenta BOW would

'o ('onie along f'MK sfKsK Bl I lie tn SCHOOL.

Passim between two colossal statues, represent¬ing Bat' hus ami Fiercnlee, win. it stem to guard Hm

entrance, ihe reporter fond himself intheMLiforonni," a long apartment not remarkably welllighted, in winch a targe ramtx r of young men sat

with their easels ranged m a semi-circle shoo! a

nuile young man ol admirably developed pitums, vim sion'! upon s rah d platform, posing ina characteristic attitude, Along the nar of ibo

room were shel rei upon which are numerous ..isis,

sod.strangely out of place for a "Lift room a

'.¦ I hui'.mn old sin li tOO Which iiiniirneil tholoesol nearly all of Hie phalanges ol itshandsandfeet, bung in a little triangular cloe i with tbo.n .). Set 'ral di ii-:-- uical casi i

outside were Biting companions i«-r Hm uncannyA semi cir. I>- iii shail".! .' -Inn n-

Hom I In- edin:-', ami a trg relli ctol Waiin rallgc tull: lit up t In- nu li :. An 'ii ¦'.-

in..:;- orrungeini ol ol .

li.'.r sunoui il. d the Hu- phi where thc mode]st.I. sn that while thc ii ineiiiiiteha nit iiiui might lie t' ry order I lia! beinti! liol take cold, Hie .¦. tin ro-'iu

I. tillered o,iittu ft . Af tel limI'rofessoi bud ci ti. ised allpoi b asked tt bal ai hod ol in ruc! ionhe Ulploj d.

I t--.ii u af! r tho I'n'ii li, or Taint ih siiid, .. u iii li.

iii iii tilt ar ¦. .\ ii--, ill ti follow Inow. Hm modern Iii ri Irmalu- I'l'-iuh an ll

..ns. ..| w bom i

I hived in nial

'. I'm- 111nt oi-i- .1, j on seo it in ni

Hot in detail; In > it ia,ral In r t h in as t.- ¦¦¦¦ to painthood nto

rom the rn tittil i nm.i voubl bc toIII trill ll-'lll .'.eur pOHll of

" lint as to ii he no

unifoi ul mel hod or tho ti itu nt ol all si ii

url. The gri al objei t, In mjst hal ih ..: il.


toi ..-: hst and i vpn ss it. Individas thethe .i

toft-vol '¦

nil Ollt lin- pei llhallt.e- ol ea. llin l,,,ii .ii miling i" biai bar

ueter. Kaeb mau has his own oriruuism; in

n a man will illy ; inIn- mil ii- -i ii .e. blunt, and full

ol brute iuiii'. ami thal man will nisi..rapro,. amount ol groin I, iu Hong manner

un vi ie, in a -inp: il I: in'-. (lue iii

¦; ni w onld H.- hi I." and iuii.vI oforo,h to

mid bani kno i, V\ li tin coi.ione ni".' pound away, and kim k nfl the rough

ib a great hammer, until thc chaiis dressed suUicieutly to receive thc more niiniiieii, ,-s. An excosfl ol delicacy, v.

strength, is useless, and very gi igth isvalueless if nol niuu'iid by refinement,elements ar.- necessary to tho ucrompl ihod artist."ami ;f either.!. ii i, it should bc strength¬ened.

.-ie ni .ti t" to do In a minutewhat am iii- r cannot do in an o ir. I believe inadvancing thc rapid wu er, and in giving the

in.ling to ms bought. I do nol Im-lievc ni grinding a man through a mill, bul m let¬ti ii: him work .0 em dm l' to his inuit ulna ol

ind (iib nt. Om in .-ai objei I i- to teach the studentthink for hims, if ami learn bow t-> inti rpi"t uatureoo he goes along, ii must learn bow to ask naturequestions, anil also bow to receive nature'sanswers. One cannot formulate a recipe for learn¬ing this; each man mus! hamil iu ins own way.lin- ultimate end before the student is to learn tar»xpi s, ni! the appearances ol nature trntllo ,iii thia, be must learn m sec the proporti.thal exist in things and tbe relations ot light andshade. Tba! includes all of tiru .vim/, and added to

'truth in color' comprehends all there iainpainting, if a man has learned these, be canrender any effect in lianne. Hut bey.I thatpower um. s .i'm creative faculty,hind that^nustin- in the man himself. No Academy cac givehimthat. We can only n--id him by teat bing bimbow to cornel his eye rad to develop quick andaccurate perceptions. In regard to tho tuan uer ofworking or tbe materials used, 1 .-ur.- nothing atall; if Ho- end laugh! for is attained in He bea!manner, i bal is enough.

..Ali who study ari, of cou".e. cannot becomeartists, bul all will be marie better able to enjoyboth arl and nntuie from thestudy; they will bebetter able to pass judgment upon the work ofothers, and to appreciate the refinements ol life ingeneral. Bul ii ia imp.lible to make just anybodyau artist. Artistic capability or talent must hivebeen born in the individual destined to excel inai', and lt must lu- cultivated hy yearsol earneststudt belora success can come. It is east forschools to turn mil educated classes, but greatm. -. can never be product merely bi eon ca lion.''


Kkwpobt, R. L. Dec. 22..Some noticeablemp "Vi mellis ure being mail.-1. the sommer residenceuri engrossmae Levi P. Morton, of {few-Yt rk. on Belle-vu-- ive mai :ii-'i in tim eottnga on the isms avenue" il bj Mr, P. 9. <i D. Haiilet'llle.Colonel Ioho B. Euga ami Mr. William P. Townsend,

"f tin.- city, n ive :-'i a- to ll iv ma f..r the winter.tanoatMcCarthy Little, U. B.N., lita town with

ins fandljJames R. Keene will spend tbe holidays with his

family lo thia eu i.

Mn Edward Klog, ot New-York, bsa commenced tain inn.dh in iri' V" hercx BUilve * lin- db Spring sodBowerj its. ih-mn st trees wbleb bsve hld thc bousefrom viet are betas eui away, and some other improvetm lils .ne lu ur m nie In Lie groUOdS.T ..- I nit. .I -tale- Bloop .'! w :ir Powhatan, which lin-

bei tat anchor in the oater harbor for icvcrsl weeks,ha-1'-null ii in Ne i -York.

li. te-.-, li sompristas tbs training Boot of ths Navyore expected to rend ivouaofl Coaster* 1 llarbor Islandduring tin- winier, try "rd ir ..i ibe N it | Department.G nni ,f tm ea H. Pan Alen. of New-York, aae per¬

rit d, the Msgbec cottage al Ward-eve. sud Clay lt.,a bs will niter ami otbe*wis Improve as a nimmelre-, leuce. H.- paid an an -s7,i"H» tor the estele.m. Neilson ii iwsrd bas retnrnod from bu visit ta

the Booth.Mr. Thu.mis BlddlO. Of 1'niladclpliia. lias purebSSed

ah nil 1,300 fest nf lau 1 on tic v. c-t -ale nf Everett-p'ilie.

vt the second intartntamenl of the Bellevue Dre-malic Club nt Cooloo Hall 'her.- waa pre* oted a comedyin mi" act, translated tram tbe French hy mernitheeompoay. The leading characters were personatedby Mrs. Wilma Byre sad Mr J. White. Tins waa folin .iii by a burlessj ai operaticmonodrams hy Mr. Op-thorp, ol Boatoo, The atonoloroe represented a Preachrook, who cu-stat- inns in the kilauea his experienceii «if in-, -nu iii" opera "i "Robed tbe Devil. Afterin.- pia) there werudaucloc, rn ueto and refreshments.'I ll'- eil!. Ol l.e o' WI re tues' lil.Mr. John P, Newell, ul this ri,}, is spending the win¬

ter ll Pail, Train e.

Tin-lin d' id md Medical Boetetybaa appointed Dr.Buoiuel W. Buller, of this If.. a d-1-I'tle iii tin- New-York Medica Land Company baa sold to Mr wm,tom I.

Keh ods, ihe .irti-t. ol QarmootowB, Peuo., a Un ollan i mi Ulbba a Di Bloia-aveiThe heirs ol lbs late Miss Marv P. Wyeth bate s -ld a

bu of land on Iverett-plees to (eau.el Bauiuel lt,limn V.

I.leiiteiiant .1. I.. MstglB, D. §. N.. has reported fOTdil, t at Hie linti" ll mci: t lin p". I., -i,ilmn ll tills lull'norTbs weekly bops at Pori Adams sro among thc social

events ul itu- season.


T'liitn-s MONBON, Va., Dec. 25..CorporalNorton, ul Uah n K 'Jd Artidcrjr. Id company withJ.icnii Kelti, civilian, aud a corporal of Battery r, "UlAriiiit-ry, sttsmptad tah) ¦fisraoen to cross MillOresk,amie mst of the lort, lu a small, which, beingoverloaded, BBgSU -I The dav was fnxgy and the hom

sonia not he wen bi ths psepls ou tbeetoit-. N irtoo,wini whs not Krone, Boee became szbsnsted ami dis-sppeered, TBsotbsi two were resetted by a Mr. Iiiisn-H,wno beard their cries snd wini to Ibsir sssleiaaceKlein ii is sin e dlctl from Ibo i-lf.-. :s of his SXpvSUre.Norton's nod)- has noi jet i> ea i entered.

How tih.y Livn N«»w..(Sonne--Smoking-rutiiii it tbe O ) iii,u-i. Ti ne. 4 p. nu Vonna Quiverfm iiiiivi-rmiii-nt clerk nu gigO per ai,mun lo admit Un,'friend): " Y. s-do.mut hau luck ,»k,.hi li upp. ii threehmiiireii bore lam sight, ll this aort o'thies goes oalor a mooth I shall have to draw nu the (iuv'in.r Theind boj'll pull ral Inn a lung fBOO utei ii. chi" (Cull-BtdertOg Hm! tao " old tiny ".tin- K«v. Denis imiverfulInt ni: Inn leen cid .Inn IO pl'.'Mile for on a llmUeilUda j tjr, it is uni iMOoahahla iaat bu »'" ».UfcUMih.


Y\ l\ -'INtll'V 1Mb (.III YIN e 'I Yr',: n.THE

Ii:lni'*-k's riKMIl Yt A linn ( iii now.r ri 11 I Vd I ler tl 1 ri i T rib tl n e.

sm: fouroxeelleot prealon of " Ifouog'a An*slytieal Cooeordaiws " ba* boon safely received. I

wngreatlyeurpnaed, however, to Bod tlc- editionthat imbil.heel by tbe .aerieon Booh Exchange, of." yy V'lk. ."-olin* tune since I bee mm acquaintedwit ti serums chorgn Bade by another publisher,wbo (lunns to is*im the " aiitli(eri/e;el Amcrmtineditioo, to wit:" That a publishiog firm in America. . . aro attemptiog to foiat npon tbeeommo*mtv ii, iiiinY i-i-ii and imperfect edition <-f the < "n-

esid ance ;" ami. "witboul at icmp' to correcteven the neel obvious typographienl errata, thyan reprinting v rbatim, leaving oat most importantuiiii r inse-iie-d ..i Un- second edition.''

1 -.Ya*. "I e eeiirs", pTOJUlllCod alMUist lb" Iii >k Eg*cbaoge edition, for tbat yvus Hm only object o', then

; "ml unfavorably Imprnsed yv uli tin;

premium, especially as these serious ch nm cams

I. ixigh the 1 linburgh linn lo the Americanclergy. <bilii-ti iongnt,lfel| tba n rei (actableand prominent an ntl il bmeotaa lin: .Ni:-*,u: ut ta Yviiulel nevei in imperfe t copy ofsuch an Important wort as its premium n> m-iv

subscribers. IS if I mit, tem. thal chorgn inim socbce deserved investigation, because if the edi*

i iee., yy .ie imperfei I in one ;i.ti ie ul er, it might i> in.i.i Y'.na! :»*- unreliable aa * whole, 1 have,

ire, taken thc time and pains to examine il

melii'v. j cn ip tri -.. \y nil the " autb.' v. ,i I u-.i land i"

secoud nv bcd sdi 1 proof ntti:".!' rues quoted w nld ap.irlm*

i. u.,.| ir sue a co n.i .¦ ' '. i '¦¦! r io ce I

i innot n ul the slightest d n nnds publishi l Ul

Ami i u' 'ii 'inn l-i int

tory i. .¦ i-.u-'.'-, 1- !',¦¦ t.Y !....., ;¦ hon rod Ann


|lli!l, Sibil. \ .ii- i-i- ii .iiiu edition hus a

di "ii :iii* H'M" ct, i bini wise, 'In-

riy ic. page h adii ? lui ,:i. Any

.n t". r ai -age

a lieir. i in tue " a¦, uni nu. .-¦ iinn i" ul i m.'

.-i ... i' i' in-

-. I 1. I fail tn fluil " eenY .-

mi i y '"--I aplnc il errata " iu the preuiiuparcel wnh tbe " ne > and

lu r lum u-i

nil t, W ll 11 ! i:

107, 1next

lille 'll I ii ';' ¦'

I be " bri i tion is * i"i want oli tbe line, . -1 ;i" In

be,lb '1 tl. is. Lal) mt." the -ame -ii rbi i iii Italiernnu i ii I

.- li Iii inns. ,v- ¦. cd" typographical errata," and limy are "ob mus"

ire n 'Y. nu" ed

Aixaiu, I* 'uni column,lo," he hue is bo lull that thu Hebrew wordsend have no italic pronuncia ton : i ime iu both edi¬tions. Mv tune .uni ..our -| a .¦ yy ll not JloW li¬

lma cia,,i more ufthis "errata'' page 3(10, "to ree uv« toiget-

|s,i_i- 1 bj, ,:iu ill) ls l( I-i'.'e.I .in lalo,

in ii .ai .:.):.. et e.-- existing between then two((Inn,ii* ot Mr. Young's Concordance, aud concludetnat in" advertisement ol tbe " new, revised andauthorized Aim'in au edition," in io bu us obauirotiaro concerned, nerd m»r alarm anyone who i-t*.

th.-i in*.'it lui I iu nim secured theAmerican editiou.1 am s,t i-imo tbat im* two editionsan alike in cn ry

Y'. tile (irei.lint I,nie.''il- I'X.n.tlll. .1..banking you, -ir, for >¦ ar mva noble nu, and lu¬ci liding my warm regards for nu: lam,

ly yours, Aannt'ii 8. BubbLa iisi Baptist Church.

fi ,in''n.a Cr,m., 1>¦ e-. 17. 1880,

III!: OLD QI Nfl Al' NEWBURQ.a i.k.rri ic h.nv j. i, beaci.. in Agawgn ro mu.

All..,' II* le rOBBKS'S I \e Il-il'-'s lu fg| c.YT-

Ai.uui k. ni- uuca ai waiaigoTon'i head*

Qt yuh i:.s.Tu ile Editor of The Tri bun s,

Sib: Iii Tiik TRIBUNE ol Um 13th in-m.tiiei' sppeon a letter from tue dlstinaulsbed|itiirnslist snd lectnrer. Mr. Archibald Forbes, ron re¬

ina tbe Wosulugtoa'i Dcodquarten at his place, mwhite-, speaking ot 1 il ugae of guns and otbn Ire-pi.iee. lie say*:On the penultimate pegs ot I ..*... there

occurs tin tniio .'.ii.k item: "Tiiei. Ons B-iucI ll-iYvit-/ i- Eogitsb bronze.captured ut Yorktown, Oct. 1 7,i "81." i in- im ie rUmi- en .in- lawn on be river troutOt tue Ite.-i sjii lt r botli-e; and lt Uiii|'i> i) .sr*

ttu- Inscription, .. Miriemi-. u-.i by .ns- capitulation nfYorktown, IO.ti of October, 1711." Hutu sin bears melUS-BTlpl! ll Ualiuy. lieielmel'. 177.'," till e.i prut'es lt

t< .. i;..:.'n-:i oro /, , batPreaebbroaaaIn tbe first place, tbe catalogue i-f then yans is not

meant to n » EteseripUVB -'tie, **:iv tu^ iheir history. etc,for la rant casro this is only traditionaryi hui is tte*S "fl.eel slmjely IO {T.Y'C til-ill ttl'il'e sod ICBVS the Ul-

icnpuons on tbem to tell theirown story. Mow, ebalar. in- histor e.11 en ors tbat arc -' Important as to de*ii.aiiei iHilt (Hon in _Ysiur widely circolated paper!1.. re on i romentioned,and bs m-tis that thecat' asserts time insoanaoncaptared at Yorktown

i.. (lisb brouct.*, whereas it really ls French bronses,accord.g to lbe bMcrlptioa on tbe gua Itself, how tbecatalogue hp-.i is i.o tuc! thine. When .t mis* " Englisaiinn,/.' gnus," lt lin no nierenn n WBem the bronzecams lrom, wlietUei Irom Franc** Germany ar Eoglaad.I: :- Buglisb, tint ui this si ase, bal iti '-ie sense s>f oyy n*

eisinj.- ii belonged to tbe English. JTbe plain mesantng,r.i.'i.¦ ^ iniii ti ..lies o me anyone would nive to tin:

statesmen! in the* eatalogic is: " i bis gea,wmcb belongedio tbe Luci isl, ls mode of bronse, sod was eaptund atYork oyyii." ii would uol b.* only un error m history,bntan egregious uni unpardonable blunder to pot a im.** t u: tb c lUtlogae ii illy oniradicted y tie mscrip-1100 on tue gun its if.Ti.e otbn error bi thai statedtine it: ie observation em two other French-mads

pieces lu tbe greiuucU 't lbs Newborn Headu tialimn i-e n m.. inscription, "Liberte*£galite;" one i-

mtil.i-.t " Ar-rs ii ai i" I ali -." tin- nt tier " I', Paris."Ooth near tue date ol ootistruetiou, "em ;i." which, Inour reckoning, 1701J. Now, udw toe War of lucie*pt it i uce bad come to a Ciose n vsu yens prevlouaty,lllert ls mi SCUse in Ytiieri t ae-e siiiim.ii eui lie -t\ led, SStli.-.i are ut ile- eat.iln. u -, eil " lia .!. t. e-> "sir " K iVO-l'J,I.J lille ": et" |rl taut Indeed las', ill's* nu,- .Iii.- Prent a ttevolui.e period wbich tbere cannot ni it ive rem tpeci .1 aiipoaii mem* ni coi imem u atm:

iii e m.iii! ei YYI.a WssblUgl IO'S Ile nb|i!.i-,stiUtn.ti se tWO pl .ce.*, tl IVs uo l-ee.uueeleitu Ve llIe|llo-[si ,!t ai -- .il ai, a ni b,ive tte a clo. lu buslue.-a yy BOTSti.'-, -lie.

Then ure put (Ioytu simply "Oims-Frenchbroiiz-. Uevobitiiiimry relit*." These two ar-

ll.e ouly oil''" out of over thirty tnata:e styled " lt ivolattonary reties." Tu*,witb the tact tbst they an Freoeb ead hove ou themIbo words " Liberte-Egallte," readers ll Impossible IIIiiliYiBite tent au iKimra ml* tel ib.riiit bb! vvha; leYnunai

tti.-v sro"reties." These words laehnnanveluttoBna pei <>il of timi' that make* emt-sbtiiMcr us he too.BB BpoOtbem Inscribed oa a gun. li.ey yy- re words uni only ta¬

lon French cannon, bal erablasoBs.1 on Frenchgags, ottered al ag tbs itreets sad tiiu-uie'-i forth byFrench bi min ou the battleSeld, carr] lng aaon tenor to

tin- ie ut ni dasp 'H-iu than thc ttnumer of their gnni,ness words Inj .it tia* bottom ed tue uuii-t lernbls reve*lution tim wortd ern beheld, oed it oeeded no leegde-seriptieo to tell when tbe gun on which tbey nie- ,u

scribed betoaged. How tbey rsrae mto ooi pessessloa1 do not kuow sud never took tba psiu* to Inquire, butkiippoao that the) were captured from tim French irthe* Kochab during thewm that followedtn revota mi.iBfi7;ej, ind some twenty am-r eon used br toeiiitn agaioat as, la the War of 181g, ead fell into mirbsnds in nme of ths battles io that wm; bring in tueM.ite in-'* .ii, til. > yy,[b* probably captured In ooe ofthose fought on oar northern frontier. Un timi us itni i.y , Hie fuel is ssf in,nor latportaon; tu* totenet at¬tached to tus ni in I-,d vy tinily freeiu tln-ir being " relm"olthe Flem ti i-v i,iifnii. Hut Mr. biYrbas aa\*ft Un*'en e. as eui-!!, .. tb-v ii.ivi bo bastaess eben the] et,-.'lt tins be ii flinn-* clim ism tann lull ni tie tblrt) tedigone on tbe grounds have no business there rbiine oftin- gnus tini's- mete naed la los Preach uud Indian war.some la tao war of 1776, m tnat of imo, anetothen were captured m tbs Mexican War ami iu iibWat eif tin- KelMlllon. Then ail have bei*n nut io P* byHie Uriieta; OuVeraBeUI, I'V th1* .Stat.- UiiTeruiuetil, andby ladivtdaals. The trasten dM nn tool it their dutyii .1 yy e's. ta. t un nmi tn imii tan tuose that tel.,teliils'ii! tn Hil- BeVoluUon of 177ii ai|d send tile: rect back,BS Ue tl Iy .ill nf Wein lill' Uli'lilnl lltls of lbe Y itt le)U» Vt arawe lave beea engaged ia slim tin* fountliitiou eef me(oivei niueiit, and hence sw objects of moro ir tan la-terni to tbe more dura 100,000 people tba) soausllrVisit im.. ooaseerated spot, li oui everv nari of our coun¬

try ami te! tin-cit lb/, il wm bl. J. 'I. IU.OLitv.Seubmg, S. T. Dix. 15, ls»u

m .

PES8UAD_Na rillNKlNn DEMOCRATS,To the Editor nf The Tribune.Sin : Iii Him t .unit} we made ll txtinm-

tli-,.,1 y sxain on Ihe OctolH-r tan, SSpee-Uljl in Be-tglbMle..,I. wileri* u tm uitier of osipiea of lilt; lui lilMt Wen-

distributed, COneeqaeotly we .ne tm to »'iiuit th.itthere is no more t llci Hyc motliod of oouductiiig u Ku-

i.'.biein cainpatan than liv Hie fire dil rib ll.I ymirsb among ths think ag class of t ropertr-helsV

.; n mo -tr ft I 1 trios.shwefsn '.. BL, W. Ya.. D a it. i kan,


plymouth nonarstnrna am> un ip peatonMB man or m HLOBIMJ POI fO BB inn-

dbb i gaurn mm bushee oe n nraniaM.To i he Fifi to r o r The tribune.Biri Binna I hare been in Encl ind, ami

i nl:iceil ht sp.-.aal -nilly of ll..- in. -i tn the

Belted States, there have hun BBbBaBCd In NaW-YortIwn workBof the flintiest neets,wbteb yt ii.ake worse thee icmmoa i..- sknsaheuttbees PUgrla Pathsis tth. ¦ ;.' ta nuns mpbrai SO, l*r- fosOOl M. ( 11 lt i. ia I is ", nf Mn-tl-can literature," doss lem thea |o th ta ths puritan*,nt.! Iii itu PUgl hum dues tbs . r- I ll n ju-.lee bfarraytog them bs tao ii rk- «t ssseceof tlc ttnr-t lyps of 1 url m Itis a jtr.-nt mistake to DM iiuv long r the p. p-ii i ekari , ihstek ofPuritan ehsreetor .nd manners.

hi ll: gland nor rn N< » I rs the Port-tans wholly aovere sod derk sad dosi li Ikeysuic whieb weshrighl ind genial sod eral, nhs oflal roBoaa md hn sdlh, of iwss li i

tor,,ui inu-r r>;- Puritanihoae with e brigbl light, amt ii fl sea theP taaoha -I ii'iice. whit I bo < l

it ib dark eettpee I..¦ ¦¦. Unoof I'oriiiin history, ni Bngtand ead bi v od al-lewtiur all tho lights cf the! appear, *

a-i!-, bm ie.nh m -s and prom all Purlvi. .ti t mp uni to gned to

the Pm Ban s isia.Ami Hies. teodeeetM t.. bn tl I edem fl

i tr-etrgreatcon sw Arnold

p ¦. i oomp my fl'"lia the Immoi; U on n ii d womenH.- cool 'in' .. » ya

L Yet the fact ls, I.'.mud in Bo , I

... I: tbs H s of¦..I tn m..1 bi msnltiked

they, i.:. .i .. dlindern i.ill tr

us w -li m liberty, di perl d froi

pure truth li -s the

tt t>eol' ininti Itt lu-


Di nt I. a

Pilgrims were, like i

Bud thal inden ii Pi.r

ipmeot, the ti mmpb of b i

Cull Ul e i.ll fee lom In A I

Ttl i- comploU h. inf pres.nland tho no

wbleb im -

. . i

:, ¦¦ ri pubinbi d lei>

-ny of -t. .'¦ . ,

fare well >¦ i ol . ¦¦ <

1 ami pronoui el li '*tl Itbe tutm i i not


ii given to lt. lie I i to < tarnishanother view, with lbs result ol ss bi"palled down tho peal i rrlsM from

ut IICM-

ttoii.and more t -:

! em at.- delighted ta exoil bia ai tho

spusi le of a Ihoeghl ul

t-i b- n'H'e out of righi ' d tinol ii liberalism . By to

¦embrace fur! Di D ri ¦'- argument iu

ni bli t low bl mis. He J ii s:

l aeed n ni rel I you tba nf theSynod of Dori wm Calvinism lu ita ali iud itara.

.. rn, or tba i which ll w - conceived endcarrti I oat bad In ii tn" opt.te of toleration.bed ini.. uni--- n. hardly tbe posaibility of .i icbMihei -.

CCpl 00 that tho good linn ol -1

onld l kio -i io fo .---initiallydiOcrenl from thal lu widen lt conci red teem.

. I ie -ive it in be ., !¦ eoibldtur any candi,t person t-. i ad CS lull] Il .liuison'O

in fence of tbe d el ai f thia Myuni, wltbonlreachiug the oouclusioa that b wes lui egroemeolwith the syn.1.1. not merely la Ibe faith watch>: ii ni formulated, hm rn mai animus ol iBfalilbil ty andluexunsure tocos atud future modlti? ition in which itheld them. Boob betas th wt, th impossible the! has.inuit1 have spoken tO (he Pl rmi ll !.. -. usc utwhich be hos leen commonly repu'od to ive ol aa limy co.iM have di .".i n-a iiafter the faahloo of tbi sell- ty Ied 'adva i lakers''of to-day.Bach bi Dr. Dexter's vtew, and there ii but ens dilrl-

cully sboul lt.every potato! it that ism w cid be ibounupon the most c nclorive evidence ol Bobtoooe'a own

aumy ead clear declarations tobe ahaoiutely Matteryto fact H'h.ii-oii wm certainly aa orthodox Csletuhn*MMalnstthe Aniii'H ms, bul ks ked ¦ ¦sensed so

greet sudm spiritual indm fros thal ths theologicalgarb eat llghtl) upon aim. and he presented tao sahtanbbsiiai!-' of .ni orthodox Calvmbit, st ths weraimoment orthodox Calvinism ever mw, SHb>ptOtely ahave his own orthodoxy ll S temp.-cof ebarity, totaratlon, geutleneM sud Uberabtyj whtahhas Borer been inrpaasod. ii; ire - ii Iden.if the mosiinteresting eharaetor that the armlnioa -.i.t--- ngtb tm in tho tn..'" Caristtan apirii "i Its chain-

piena, and that wheo BoMbmb coom to the centra:veray on ths orthodos atdsMs l»uutant,nb]iiiiin.-.'.ii::. meeeMwsodno snl et] ls bli anexemptadsuperiority, not only to tbe - fDntchCUlvamt«m around bim, but to ths geutli sad liberal armitl.iacs opposed to iiim. Tin re bi cvtdeuM stao th it Kuminsoa tatt thal ins esra periy had orooghl tim.kstusuch a POM of b ot B|>lrll alni I loleBl d um in-in hst lieIbougbt tbe wilderoeM better thoo tbi m ...ny h wal'meei to keep, rhe evidence that Bobuison :.t:iu'.':t tunlargeat toleration, sad f «t tbe Pl griuu iborouanlyoarsried tl ou: ls abu dint and cone lu -ive. Dr. ii. uer naeevolved a Bootnsoa tram bia own logn .o u .-, louse* .*.nf tn mmy sit jmts iiud the -I - " i- ¦.: ,ie.indcharacter wblca prove tbe real Kubin mi eneven more liberal Itwo be ..)¦¦ irs In tte lurcwell,uh. ress. He WOO, I le. !, ni.* of -it if of hu OWtt IHUM |be desired ta keep aultail'.ed ins capacityto " eiii'u ic further lighl d when all tb tact*, ofwii-it lie s.iid, nil wbsi li- dil. sud wini ne woe, irobrought lalo t -tv. lu- nedeal d i fenn I lo lift Pim .|uiroout of tbe tea b ol rasa atti a. nts... ..a, ulm de wo. Dr.Dexter las ttri'ten wu out doc cari; for tue proof!vt ht -ii be Des » t- are both mun) ami conclusive ta Kuli.ii s a's wu words, uni thc) ive out lil ¦-. d -ir.-.f.ii sn; P ti oi the most favorable vi- t .. lt iiiiu-K.n's Il¬lustrious supeilonty to in- ago, bis porty, iud eves bislunn.

lt I succeed ta returning taAmertci with th bowrear, I shall make public thc fa cm ni terj <>ftue l-l,'.-ruii church, as I hut, saced ed IO n- ot erina;it. lt ls to be regretted tba! tbe ¦...:-. atlempi evefmade to likto tbe Pilgrim ligiii outer thi '¦'¦.-. tao bushelshould iiate been mane st mis ia;e da) .: wntst *holi ts had ei'.ep-ne,,ii un ins ,,; |, irotns the i.ull.. !>..Dexter seems uot suSt-'ientty if t llg.-reuedbetween r ilthful bistory ono oenomiiiatl--n Joaru Ism, -.:;|i i mi .»,:.

je, fUattnlnaVm, \tear s ».y-tanti, i>ti. ~. mao.

A PROMISING CAREER ( OT the Lilt tor vt Ihe Tr iv lt

Bibi Thc Bowe, published in Tun limn nt--.of tn doy, ol the md rathe id ai i len! in n it k tursltan.hy WbtOh frank '>V. Mnt'h, Sf this elly, bait Li- ure,rreeted eoMeg ate nesssrotti frtouds ¦ fa ling ad pru-f.iimtt sorrow. Eta WBSI - tie-in tn far B :. , il il; ht .)., and lind h. en tt Uh thal lino boya ul. Hissumners wen- seen and aim seale, sdeV d m which tt asa bte nf stn.! nt. ui in sud m I'.h beering w inch madetam hosts of frienda Be esme from the Stats sf Gksjr*iie.-i.ciit, a rustle, v.-.lite ...iii d bey, to Ihe tn it wetasmoils, it w a tin: long belore b u- relou .1 rare < ap». Iiyss a aotosman, nod at the Usm el ms ti,-nu bc wm aneminently succeMfal ead promlslag roana mau TinHi-iieo, Conoeettcut uever produceJa better.

sTsar-Perib, Dee. ~'.i. isa <¦ Tim- C in. kvtuUa

MR. HI'GHilS > i'Ml..>\v.To the h. ii it a r of The tr ivan*,Bot! My eldest son, Bjffctasyi fCftfl of ago,

desires io ne a Lintier, mid I h.p.- rmi WillebsBBBUIwith liiloriual mn aliuut Mr. im-luus HuSTBt'O'l i'oi.huu-

mtv at stacby. T in. Mt sou Uta earned shew .ema aformen ii is bo whim. jp*grillage, i*,. J3. lsSo.

[Our answer tn thu! and many similar letters ad-diuaacd tn Tan lumisi is, write ta ihe flnnsaintindent af the Rigby Colony, btaghy, Tsnus. AU:tho informatioii we have ali mt the cdouy hasalready been printed in our columns.. Bf,]

A K1N1> ITUNtJ IO DO.To the l.Jitor of lin Iribiti.t.

Sin: A Bunauar nf well«known gentlemenof Iti-oiiklyn have iveentiv BUSHUshed al turu OWB .».

p m.ia i>oein cniitu'i .. i.ihoi'ijs," written hy Mr. C'.Hatch Bunth, lu thc- hope Hui Its sale unghi pr ive pre-gtahta te Uta anther. Peialyste hes ksoanaeiiatad Mr.Bmllh for nesiiv every kimi of w.-rk jud p.r.nin « ny.parobase in. loam t, ni bars the satiaiacilon of knowuLpti. tl tl,"t ne UMUSUOg B WOrthj Ulah. XArte Ierk,Dec lib IBBO,

l.\tioi:.\UK lisr UiiAitk:..Senior Surgeon:.. I ni-n palinulai ly to see , a-e Nn ;it, hi tutu- vtunt no-fore 1 leave. I tear the symptoms ari no. bbb tutor-alni-" Nurse :" You i .munt ral iimtt, s) (Jeor^e,Wc sm just goiug to kevaeweuiBBg !" -ii'un a.