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- 1 - Abteilung Volkswirtschaftslehre Kommentiertes Vorlesungsverzeichnis für das Frühjahrssemester 2010 Aktuelle Änderungen: siehe Zusätzliches Studienangebot in Heidelberg: Durch eine Kooperationsvereinbarung zwischen der Fakultät für Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften der Universität Heidelberg und der Abteilung Volkswirtschaftslehre der Universität Mannheim fördern beide Einrichtungen Maßnahmen zur Zusammenarbeit in Lehre und Forschung, die geeignet sind, deren Qualität zu verbessern. Für Studierende sind vor allem folgende Kooperationsbereiche von Bedeutung: Wechselseitige Zulassung von Studierenden und Doktoranden zu den Lehrangeboten beider Abteilungen, es wird die Möglichkeit geschaffen, die Bachelor-/Diplomarbeit und/oder Veranstaltungen des Wahlbereiches an der jeweils anderen Abteilung abzulegen, Bereitstellung gemeinsamer Ausbildungsangebote für den wissenschaftlichen Nachwuchs, Förderung der gemeinsamen Betreuung und Begutachtung von Doktorarbeiten und Habilitationsschriften durch Mitglieder beider Abteilungen. Anfragen zur Kooperation können an den Geschäftsführer der Abteilung Volkswirtschaftslehre, Herrn Dr. Thorsten Lindenbauer (Tel.: 0621/181-1773), gerichtet werden. Inhaltsverzeichnis I. Bachelorstudium ............................................................................................................... 2 A. Grundlagenphase ......................................................................................................... 2 B. Vertiefungsphase .......................................................................................................... 4 C. Spezialisierungsphase .................................................................................................. 7 D. Wirtschaftsgeographie .................................................................................................. 22 E. Wirtschafts- und Sozialgeschichte ................................................................................ 26 F. Zusätzliches Studienangebot für Volkswirte .................................................................. 27 G. Statistik für andere Studiengänge …………................................................................... 28 II. Diplomstudium (Hauptstudium) .......................................................................................... 29 A. Pflichtveranstaltungen für Volkswirte ............................................................................... 29 B. Wahlveranstaltungen für Volkswirte ............................................................................... 30 C. Wahlveranstaltungen für Betriebswirte, Handelslehrer, Philologen und Politologen 52 III. Masterstudium .................................................................................................................... 54 IV. Doktorandenstudium ........................................................................................................... 60

Abteilung Volkswirtschaftslehre Kommentiertes ... · Basic terms and concepts (event and probability, ...), conditional probability, Bayes formula, dependence and independence of

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Page 1: Abteilung Volkswirtschaftslehre Kommentiertes ... · Basic terms and concepts (event and probability, ...), conditional probability, Bayes formula, dependence and independence of

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Abteilung Volkswirtschaftslehre Kommentiertes Vorlesungsverzeichnis

für das Frühjahrssemester 2010

Aktuelle Änderungen: siehe

Zusätzliches Studienangebot in Heidelberg: Durch eine Kooperationsvereinbarung zwischen der Fakultät für Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften der Universität Heidelberg und der Abteilung Volkswirtschaftslehre der Universität Mannheim fördern beide Einrichtungen Maßnahmen zur Zusammenarbeit in Lehre und Forschung, die geeignet sind, deren Qualität zu verbessern. Für Studierende sind vor allem folgende Kooperationsbereiche von Bedeutung: • Wechselseitige Zulassung von Studierenden und Doktoranden zu den Lehrangeboten beider Abteilungen, • es wird die Möglichkeit geschaffen, die Bachelor-/Diplomarbeit und/oder Veranstaltungen des Wahlbereiches an der jeweils

anderen Abteilung abzulegen, • Bereitstellung gemeinsamer Ausbildungsangebote für den wissenschaftlichen Nachwuchs, • Förderung der gemeinsamen Betreuung und Begutachtung von Doktorarbeiten und Habilitationsschriften durch Mitglieder

beider Abteilungen. Anfragen zur Kooperation können an den Geschäftsführer der Abteilung Volkswirtschaftslehre, Herrn Dr. Thorsten Lindenbauer (Tel.: 0621/181-1773), gerichtet werden.


I. Bachelorstudium ............................................................................................................... 2 A. Grundlagenphase ......................................................................................................... 2 B. Vertiefungsphase .......................................................................................................... 4 C. Spezialisierungsphase .................................................................................................. 7 D. Wirtschaftsgeographie .................................................................................................. 22 E. Wirtschafts- und Sozialgeschichte ................................................................................ 26 F. Zusätzliches Studienangebot für Volkswirte .................................................................. 27 G. Statistik für andere Studiengänge …………................................................................... 28

II. Diplomstudium (Hauptstudium) .......................................................................................... 29 A. Pflichtveranstaltungen für Volkswirte ............................................................................... 29 B. Wahlveranstaltungen für Volkswirte ............................................................................... 30 C. Wahlveranstaltungen für Betriebswirte, Handelslehrer, Philologen und Politologen … 52

III. Masterstudium .................................................................................................................... 54

IV. Doktorandenstudium ........................................................................................................... 60

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I. Bachelorstudium Betriebswirtschaftliche Veranstaltungen siehe Fakultät für Betriebswirtschaftslehre. A. Grundlagenphase

Übungen zu den Vorlesungen Makroökonomik, Mikroökonomik und Statistik werden auf den Internetseiten der Abteilung bekannt gegeben. Makroökonomik A

Vorlesung 4st. Krebs, T.wtl Fr 10:15 - 11:45 19.02.2010-04.06.2010 O 163 und O 169 wtl Fr

13:45 - 15:15 19.02.2010-04.06.2010 O 163 und O 169

BITTE MELDEN SIE SICH ZU DER VORLESUNG IM STUDIERENDENPORTAL UNTER “Veranstaltungsanmeldung” AN. !! ACHTUNG, DIE VORLESUNG WIRD PARALLEL IN DEUTSCH (O 163) UND ENGLISCH (O 169) GEHALTEN !! Literatur zur Vorlesung: Mankiw, N. Gregory (2003), Makroökonomik, 5. Auflage, Schäfer-Poeschl Verlag, Stuttgart. oder die englischsprachige Ausgabe Mankiw, N. Gregory (2006), Macroeconomics, 6th Rev, Worth Publishers Inc., U.S.

Inhalt: a) Wachstum: Sparen, Zinsen und Kapitalakkumulation; Technischer Fortschritt; Human Kapital; Geld, Inflation und Wachstum.b) Der Arbeitsmarkt: Arbeitslosigkeit; Löhne und Gehälter; Technischer Fortschritt und Lohnungleichheit. c) Die offene Volkswirtschaft: Exporte und Importe; Kapitalströme; Wechselkurse; Globalisierung und Wachstum; Globalisierung und Arbeitsmarkt. d) Wirtschaftspolitik: Fiskalpolitik und Steuerreform; Arbeitsmarktreform; Rentenreform; Gesundheitsreform. Übungen zur Vorlesung: siehe updates zum kommentierten Vorlesungsverzeichnis Course title: Makroökonomik A Method (hours per week): lecture (4) + practical exercises (2) Course level: Bachelor Prerequisites: none Examination: written, 120 min. ECTS: 8 Course description: a) Economic Growth: saving, interest rates and capital accumulation; technological progress; human capital; money, inflation and economic growth. b) The Labor Market: unemployment; wages and salaries; technological progress and wage inequality. c) The Open Economy: exports and imports; capital flows; exchange rates; globalization and economic growth; globalization and the labor market. d) Economic Policy: fiscal policy and tax reform; labor market reform; social security reform; health reform.

Contact person: Corinna Jann-Grahovac (secretary’s office), Tel. 181-1851, e-Mail: cjann[at]

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Mikroökonomik A (englisch)

Vorlesung von Thadden, E.L.wtl Di 08:30 - 10:00 16.02.2010-01.06.2010 M 003 wtl Do 10:15 - 11:45 18.02.2010-03.06.2010 M 003


Mikroökonomik A (deutsch)

Vorlesung Felgenhauer, M.wtl Di 08:30 - 10:00 16.02.2010-01.06.2010 A 3, 001 wtl Do

10:15 - 11:45 18.02.2010-03.06.2010 A 3, 001

Inhalt: Haushaltsentscheidungen, Güternachfrage, Entscheidungen unter Unsicherheit, Firmenentscheidungen, Produktionsangebot und Faktornachfrage, partielles und allgemeines Marktgleichgewicht. Literatur: Robert S. Pindyck und Daniel S. Rubinfeld, Mikroökonomie. (6. Auflage), Pearson Studium, 2005. Hal R. Varian, Grundzüge der Mikroökonomik. (6. Auflage), Oldenburg, 2004. Übungen zur Vorlesung: siehe updates zum kommentierten Vorlesungsverzeichnis Course title: Mikroökonomik A Instructors: Prof. Dr. Ernst-Ludwig von Thadden (lectures in English), Dr. Mike Felgenhauer (lectures in German) Method (hours per week): lecture (4) + practical exercises (2) Examination: written, 120 min. ECTS-credits: 8 Course description: Household theory, demand, decisions under uncertainty, producer theory, firm supply and factor demand, partial and general equilibrium. Literature: Robert S. Pindyck und Daniel S. Rubinfeld, Microeconomics. (Sixth Edition), Pearson Education International, 2005, Hal R. Varian, Intermediate Microeconomics: A Modern Approach. (Sixth Edition), W. W. Norton & Company, 2002. Contact person: Dr. Mike Felgenhauer, Tel. 181-1911, e-Mail: felgenha[at], L 7, 3-5, room 3.01

Statistik I

Vorlesung 4st. Stocker, T.wtl Mo 10:15 - 11:45 15.02.2010-31.05.2010 M 003 wtl Mi

08:30 - 10:00 17.02.2010-02.06.2010 M 003

Wichtiger Hinweis: Diese Veranstaltung richtet sich ausschließlich an Studierende des Bachelor-Studiengangs VWL!

Inhalt: Teil 1: Deskriptive Statistik Statistische Grundbegriffe, Beschreibung univariater und multivariater Daten mit rechnerischen oder grafischen Hilfsmitteln (Lage, Streuung, Schiefe, ...), Zusammenhang zwischen Merkmalen (einfache lineare Regression und Korrelation, Analyse von Kontingenztafeln, ...), Messung von statistischer Konzentration, Preis- und Mengenindizes. Teil 2: Elementare Wahrscheinlichkeitsrechnung Grundbegriffe und Konzepte (Ereignis und Wahrscheinlichkeit, ...), Bedingte Wahrscheinlichkeit, Bayes-Formel, Abhängigkeit und Unabhängigkeit von Ereignissen, Elementare Kombinatorik, Zufallsvariablen und Zufallsvektoren, diskrete und stetige Verteilungen, Berechnung von Erwartungswerten, Quantilen und anderen wahrscheinlichkeitstheoretischen Entsprechungen deskriptiver Maße, Randverteilungen und bedingte Verteilungen, zentraler Grenzwertsatz. Literatur: Fahrmeir, Künstler, Pigeot, Tutz: Statistik - Der Weg zur Datenanalyse, 5. Auflage; Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer, 2004.Schira: Statistische Methoden in der VWL und BWL; München: Pearson Studium, 2003.

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Übungen: Zeiten und Räume für die Übungen werden zu Semesterbeginn bekannt gegeben (1. Vorlesung). Die Einteilung erfolgt über DotLRNPlus. Course title: Statistik I Instructor: Dr. Toni Stocker Method (hours per week): lecture (4) + practical exercises (2) Course level: Bachelor Course language: German Examination: written, 180 minutes ECTS-Credits: 8 Course description: Part 1: Descriptive statistics Fundamental terms in statistics, description of univariate and multivariate data by means of calculational or graphical devices (location, dispersion, skewness, ...), correlation and simple linear regression, analysis of contingency tables, price and volume indices. Part 2: Elementary probability theory Basic terms and concepts (event and probability, ...), conditional probability, Bayes formula, dependence and independence of events, elementary combinatorics, random variables and random vectors, discrete and continuous random variables, calculation of expectation, quantiles and other probabilistic counterparts of descriptive measures, marginal and conditional distributions, central limit theorem. Contact person: Dr. Toni Stocker, Tel. 181-3963, L 7, 3-5, room 1.43, E-mail: stocker[at]

B. Vertiefungsphase


Vorlesung 4st. Janeba, E. / Wille, E.wtl Mo 15:30 - 17:00 15.02.2010-04.06.2010 B 6, 23-25 A 0.01 wtl Mi

12:00 - 13:30 17.02.2010-04.06.2010 B 6, 23-25 A 0.01

Information für Diplom-Betriebswirte: Für Studierende, die noch nicht an der Veranstaltung “Finanzwissenschaft für Betriebswirte” teilgenommen haben, besteht die Möglichkeit, diese durch Besuch eines Teils der obigen Veranstaltung entweder bei Prof. Wille (1. Semesterhälfte) oder bei Prof. Janeba (2. Semesterhälfte) zu ersetzen. Nur der jeweils besuchte Teil ist klausurrelevant. Course title: Finanzwissenschaft Instructors: Professor Dr. Eckhard Janeba and Professor Dr. Eberhard Wille Method (hours per week): lecture (4) + practical exercises (2) Examination: written, 180 minutes ECTS-Credits: 8 Course description: The aim of the course is to familiarize students with the modern areas of Public Finance. In the first part the lecture covers the following topics: a. Motives, carriers and aim of public activities b. Instruments of public finance c. Public goods and the optimal budget d. Budgetary and finance planning e. Outcome measurement in the public sector and cost-benefit analysis The second part of the course deals with the welfare-theoretic foundations of government activity in general, and analyzes optimal taxation and public provision of private goods in a second-best world in particular. Other issues discussed are the role of government intervention in the presence of externalities, the shifting of taxes in partial and general equilibrium (tax incidence), and tax evasion, among other things. Contact persons: Prof. Dr. Eckhard Janeba, Tel. 181-1795, e-Mail: janeba[at], L7, 3-5, room 2.29; Prof. Dr. Eberhard Wille, Tel. 181-1830, E-Mail: wille[at], L7, 3-5, room 2-20

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Übung 2st. Abel-Koch, J. / Drechsler, M.wtl Di 08:30 - 10:00 02.03.2010-01.06.2010 L 7, 3-5 031 wtl Di 10:15 - 11:45 02.03.2010-01.06.2010 L 7, 3-5 031 wtl Mi 13:45 - 15:15 03.03.2010-02.06.2010 L 9, 1-2 004 wtl Mi

15:30 - 17:00 03.03.2010-02.06.2010 L 9, 1-2 004

The courses are divided in two halves. Melanie Drechsler lectures in the first half, Jennifer Abel-Koch in the second. Die Übungen in der ersten Hälfte des Semesters (Vorlesungsteil Prof. Wille) beginnen in der 3. Vorlesungswoche. Ein zusätzlicher Ersatztermin wird in der Veranstaltung rechtzeitig bekannt gegeben. Contact persons: Frau Melanie Drechsler, Tel. 181-1759, e-Mail: mdrechsl[at], L7, 3-5, room 2.18; Frau Jennifer Abel-Koch, Tel. 181-1791, E-Mail: j.abel[at], L7, 3-5, room 2.32


Vorlesung 4st. Grüner, H. / Vaubel, R.wtl Mo 10:15 - 11:45 15.02.2010-04.06.2010 O 163 wtl Di

15:30 - 17:00 16.02.2010-05.06.2010 O 163

Die Veranstaltung besteht aus zwei Teilen. Die erste Hälfte wird von Prof. Grüner, die zweite Hälfte von Prof. Vaubel gelesen. Wirtschaftspolitik II für Diplom-Volkswirte: Der zweite Veranstaltungsteil kann in Kombination mit einer Ergänzungsveranstaltung als Ersatz für die Diplom-Veranstaltung Wirtschaftspolitik II angerechnet werden, siehe hierzu unter Diplomstudiengang. Information für Diplom-Betriebswirte: Für Studierende, die noch nicht an der Veranstaltung “Wirtschaftspolitik für Betriebswirte” teilgenommen haben, besteht die Möglichkeit, diese durch Besuch des zweiten, von Prof. Vaubel gelesenen Teils der Veranstaltung zu ersetzen. Nur dieser Teil ist für sie klausurrelevant. Course title: Wirtschaftspolitik Instructors: Prof. Dr. Hans Peter Grüner, Prof. Dr. Roland Vaubel Method (hours per week): lecture (4) + practical exercises (2) Course level: Bachelor Course language: German Prerequisites: first three semesters B.Sc. Examination: written exam, 180 min. ECTS-Credits: 8 Course description: Part I 1. Introduction: Economic policy 2. Targets and means of national economic policy 3. Theory of allocation and economic policy 4. Basic models of direct and indirect democracy 5. Theory of economic policy reforms 6. Models of political influence 7. Fiscal policy 8. Growth policy 9. Monetary policy 10. Labor market policy 11. Competition Policy

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Part II 1. Freedom, Efficiency and Distribution 2. Environmental Policy 3. Policies towards Natural Monopolies 4. Policies for Full Employment and Price-Level Stability Contact persons: Prof. Dr. Hans Peter Grüner, Tel. 181-1886, L7, 3-5, room 2.06, E-mail: hgruener[at]; Bernhard Klingen, Tel.: 0621/181-1813, L7, 3-5, room 2.10, e-mail: klingen[at]

Wirtschaftspolitik Teil A

Übung Kolerus, C.wtl Mi 13:45 - 15:15 17.02.2010-21.04.2010 L 7, 3-5 031 wtl Mi 15:30 - 17:00 17.02.2010-21.04.2010 L 7, 3-5 031 wtl Do 08:30 - 10:00 18.02.2010-22.04.2010 A 5, 6 B 244 wtl Do

10:15 - 11:45 18.02.2010-22.04.2010 A 5, 6 B 144

Übungen zum zweiten Teil: siehe Ankündigungen in der Veranstaltung. Grundlagen der Ökonometrie

Vorlesung 2st. Trenkler, C.wtl Di

13:45 - 15:15 16.02.2010-04.06.2010 M 003

Übungen zur Vorlesung: siehe updates zum kommentierten Vorlesungsverzeichnis

Course title: Grundlagen der Ökonometrie Instructor: Prof. Dr. Carsten Trenkler Method (hours per week): lecture (2) + tutorial (2) Course level: Bachelor Course language: German Prerequisites: Statistik I + II Examination: written, 90 min. ECTS-Credits: 6 Course description: Der Kurs gibt eine Einführung in die wichtigsten Methoden der Ökonometrie. Besprochen werden das multiple Regressionsmodell, KQ-Schätzer und ihre Eigenschaften, die Grundzüge asymptotischer Theorie, Verzerrung durch ausgelassene Variablen, Restriktionstests, Modellspezifikation, Modelldiagnose, perfekte und imperfekte Multikollinearität, nichtlineare Modellierungen sowie IV-Schätzung. Neben einer einführenden Betrachtung der theoretischen Aspekte der Methoden, wird vor allem deren Anwendung demonstriert und die empirisch relevanten Aspekte diskutiert. Die Vorlesung wird durch methodische und empirische Übungen begleitet. Contact person: Prof. Dr. Carsten Trenkler, Tel. 181-1852, E-mail: trenkler[at], L7, 3-5, room 105

Internationale Ökonomik

Vorlesung 2st. Nocke, V.wtl Mo

17:45 - 19:15 15.02.2010-31.05.2010 B 6, 23-25 A 0.01

1. Theorie des Außenhandels (das Ricardianische Modell; das Heckscher-Ohlin Modell; unvollständiger Wettbewerb; Internationale Faktormobilität) 2. Außenhandelspolitik 3. Wechselkurse und Grundzüge der internationalen Makroökonomie

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Course title: Internationale Ökonomik Instructor: Prof. Volker Nocke, PhD Method (hours per week): lecture (2) + practical exercises (2) Course level: Bachelor Course language: German Prerequisites: Microeconomics A+B Examination: written, 90 min. ECTS-Credits: 6 Course description: 1. International Trade Theory (The Ricardian Model; The Heckscher-Ohlin Model; Imperfect Competition; International Factor Movements) 2. International Trade Policy 3. Exchange Rates and Open-Economy Macroeconomics Contact person: Prof. Volker Nocke, Ph.D., Tel. 181-1875, E-mail: lsstahl[at], L7, 3-5, room 3.05, office hours by appointment

Internationale Ökonomik

Übung Boeva, G. / Hennighausen, T.wtl Mi 08:30 - 10:00 17.02.2010-02.06.2010 L 7, 3-5 001 Wtl Mi 10:15 - 11:45 17.02.2010-02.06.2010 L 7, 3-5 001

wtl Do 15:30 - 17:00 18.02.2010-03.06.2010 L 7, 3-5 001 wtl Do 17:15 - 18:45 18.02.2010-03.06.2010 L 7, 3-5 001

C. Spezialisierungsphase

Analysis B

Vorlesung und Übung

6st. Winschel, E.

wtl Di 08:30 - 10:00 16.02.2010-01.06.2010 L 9, 1-2 004 wtl Di 10:15 - 11:45 16.02.2010-01.06.2010 L 9, 1-2 004 wtl Mi

13:45 - 15:15 17.02.2010-03.06.2010 A 5, 6 B 144

Course title: Analysis B Instructor: Dr. Evguenia Winschel. Course language: German Method (hours per week): lecture (4) + practical exercises (2) Prerequisites: Analysis Examination: written, 180 minutes ECTS-Credits: 11 Course description: calculus of several variables ll, integral calculus, differential equations, difference equations. Contact person: Dr. Evguenia Winschel, Tel. 181-1939, eugeniaw[at], L 7, 3-5, S08.

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Angewandte Mikroökonometrie mit Stata

Vorlesung und Übung

4st. Maier, M.

wtl Mo 08:30 - 10:00 15.02.2010-04.06.2010 L 7, 3-5 001 wtl Mo

15:30 - 17:00 15.02.2010-04.06.2010 L 7, 3-5 158

Course title: Angewandte Mikroökonometrie mit Stata Instructor: Dr. Michael Maier Method (hours per week): lecture (2) + computer tutorials (2) Course level: Bachelor and Diploma Course language: German/English Prerequisites: Basic Econometrics/Grundlagen der Ökonometrie Examination: written, 90 minutes ECTS-Credits: 7 Course description: This course introduces various microeconometric methods, which can be applied to analyze a wide range of economic questions. In particular, linear and instrumental variables regressions, discrete choice models, panel data models (including nonlinear and dynamic approaches), methods for durations, quantile regressions, econometric evaluation models, and basic nonparametric methods are discussed. All topics will be applied in computer tutorials using Stata. The aim of the lectures is to enable the participants to understand and apply econometric models in empirical analyses, to decide which model to choose for a given empirical question, and to gain sound experience with the Stata software package. Contact person: Michael Maier, Tel. 181-3500, E-mail: michael.maier[at], L 7, 3-5, room 103

Arbeitsmärkte in Entwicklungsländern (Bachelor Blockseminar)

Blockseminar 2st. Frölich, M. / Vollan, B.

Termine nach Absprache Course title: Arbeitsmärkte in Entwicklungsländern (Bachelor Blockseminar) Instructor: Dr. Björn Vollan Method (hours per week): seminar (2) Course level: Bachelor Course language: German Prerequisites: Grundlagen der Ökonometrie/Basic Econometrics Examination: seminar paper + presentation, group project ECTS-Credits: 4 Course description: The seminar covers current topics related to labour markets in developing countries (mostly Africa), with a strong empirical (microeonometric) focus. The topics include: child labour, informal labour markets, entrepreneurship, firm creation, labour market regulations, microcredit, microinsurance etc. (The seminar is offered in autumn and in the spring term, in the form of a block seminar.) Contact person: Prof. Dr. Markus Frölich, Tel. 181-1845 (secretary´s office), E-Mail: anja.schott[at], L7, 3 - 5, room 1.07


Vorlesung und Übung

4st. Bergemann, A. / Gürtzgen, N.

wtl Mi 10:15 - 11:45 17.02.2010-02.06.2010 L 7, 3-5 031 wtl Fr

10:15 - 11:45 19.02.2010-04.06.2010 L 7, 3-5 031

Die Veranstaltung bietet eine Einführung in die Grundlagen der Arbeitsmarktökonomik. Aufbauend auf dem neoklassischen Arbeitsangebotsmodell und der Behandlung der Arbeitsnachfrage werden Arbeitsmarktgleichgewichte bei unterschiedlichen Marktformen diskutiert. Anschließend erfolgt eine Einführung in die Modelle von Lohnverhandlungen sowie unterschiedliche Modelle zur Erklärung von Entlohnungsunterschieden, wie z.B. kompensierende Lohndifferenziale und Diskriminierung. Darüber hinaus gibt die Vorlesung eine Einführung in Humankapitaltheorien und Suchmodelle.

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Mit der Einführung in die obigen Themenkomplexe soll insbesondere die Analyse der Wirkungen staatlicher Eingriffe auf den Arbeitsmarkt ermöglicht werden. Ein besonderer Schwerpunkt liegt auf der Verbindung theoretischer, institutioneller und empirischer Aspekte, wobei der vermittelte Stoff anhand aktueller empirischer Untersuchungen illustriert werden soll.

Course title: Arbeitsmarktökonomik Instructors: Annette Bergemann, Nicole Gürtzgen Method (hours per week): lecture (3), exercises (1) Course level: Bachelor and Diploma Prerequisites: Mikroökonomik A+B, Grundlagen der Ökonometrie Examination: written, 135 min. ECTS-Credits: 8 Course description: The course provides an introduction to labour economics. We begin with the neoclassical model of workers’ labour supply and then discuss employers’ labour demand. Building on optimal supply and demand behaviour, we next turn to the labour market equilibrium. The course further provides an introduction to models of wage bargaining and covers various theoretical determinants of wage differentials, such as discrimination and compensating wage differentials. We also address human capital theories as well as job search models. A major goal is to provide students with the necessary tools that help to analyse the labour market consequences of government interventions, such as minimum wages, social security, taxes etc. We also present recent results of the relevant empirical literature. Contact persons: Prof. Dr. Annette Bergemann, Tel. 181-1930, L7, 3-5, room 1.45, annette.bergemann[at]; PD Dr. Nicole Gürtzgen, Tel. 0621/1235-155, ZEW, L 7, 1, guertzgen[at]


Blockseminar 2st. Jürges, H.

Einzel Di 09:00 - 16:00 16.03.2010-16.03.2010 Einzel Mi

09:00 - 16:00 17.03.2010-17.03.2010

Topics: • Effects of class size • Quality of Teachers • Performance-related pay for teachers • Competition between schools • Vouchers • Central exit examination • School autonomy • Accountability • Peer Effects • Equality of opportunity • Early childhood education • Tracking

Course title: Bildungsökonomik Instructor: Prof. Dr. Hendrik Jürges Method (hours per week): block seminar (2) Course level: Bachelor and Diploma Course language: German Examination: seminar paper and presentation ECTS-Credits: 4 (Bachelor) or 6 (Diploma) Course description: Since the PISA-Shock, the German school system is under scrutiny. The quality of education is now in the focus of the public and school reform has become a topic of lively discussion. The economics of education of the past decade has intensely studied all sorts of school reform. In this seminar, we will discuss the central results of this research: Do we need smaller classes? What is the role of teacher quality? Is competition between schools good or bad? What is the effect of central examinations? Does early tracking into secondary schools harm all pupils? Contact person: Hendrik Jürges, Tel. 181-3519, e-Mail: juerges[at], L 13,17, room 212

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Economics of Conflict

Blockseminar 2st. Orzen, H.

Einzel Di 13:45 - 15:15 16.02.2010-16.02.2010 L 9, 1-2 003 Einzel Fr 09:00 - 18:00 16.04.2010-16.04.2010 L 9, 1-2 003 Einzel Fr

09:00 - 18:00 23.04.2010-23.04.2010 L 9, 1-2 003

Course title: Economics of conflict Instructor: Prof. Dr. Henrik Orzen Method (hours per week): Block seminar (2) Course level: Bachelor/Diploma Course language: English or German, depending on participants Prerequisites: Mikroökonomik A + B or equivalent Examination: Seminar paper, presentation, attendance and active participation ECTS Credits: 4 (Bachelor) or 6 (Diploma) Course description: The seminar will cover topics relating to research that offers an economic perspective on conflict. A broad definition of “conflict” will be used, and the term will not be restricted to armed or violent confrontations. More important for the characterization of conflict, as understood here, is its focus on effort with the sole purpose to (re-)distribute what is available, quite distinct from wealth-enhancing efforts relating to production and exchange. There will be topics on rent-seeking competition, coalitions and group formation, conflict management and conflict settlement. An initial organizational meeting will be held at the beginning of the term. Contact person: Prof. Dr. Henrik Orzen, Tel. 181-1890, E-Mail: henrik.orzen[at], L7, 3-5, room 4.05

Empirical Industrial Organization

Blockseminar 2st. Müller, E.

Einzel Fr 08:30 - 18:00 05.03.2010-05.03.2010 L 9, 1-2 002 Einzel Sa

08:30 - 18:00 06.03.2010-06.03.2010 L 9, 1-2 002

Organizational meeting: Tuesday, February 16, 2010, 10.15-11.45 am, L 7, 3-5 031 Seminar papers need to be handed in by March 12, 2010. Students can sign up for the seminar in the week of November 23 - 27, 2009. Please send an email to Dr. Elisabeth Mueller (mueller[at] including matrikel no., major, semester and 2-3 topics of your choice. Deregistrations are possible until December 6, 2009. Course title: Empirical Industrial Organization Instructor: Dr. Elisabeth Müller Method (hours per week) : block seminar (2) Course language: English on demand (seminar papers can be either written in English or in German) Prerequisites: Microeconomics III for Diploma students, Microeconomics B for Bachelor students; Introduction to Econometrics Examination: Seminar paper and oral presentation. Diplom students are asked to additionally discuss a seminar presentation. ECTS-Credits: 4 (Bachelor) or 6 (Diploma) Course description: The seminar covers empirical applications of core topics of industrial organization. Topics covered include: static competition and market power; dynamic competition, collusion and strategic interaction; price discrimination; vertical relationships; entry and industry structure; network externalities. Contact person: Dr. Elisabeth Müller; ZEW, L 7, 1, room 358; Tel. 1235-383; e-mail: mueller[at], office hours: meetings can be arranged via email Course topics A) Static Competition and Market Power Topic 1: Borenstein, S. (1989), “Hubs and High Fares: Dominance and Market Power in the U.S. Airline Industry”, RAND Journal of Economics , 2, 344-365.

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AND Genesove, D. and W. Mullin (1998), “Testing Static Oligopoly Models: Conduct and Cost in the Sugar Industry, 1890-1914”, RAND Journal of Economics , 29, 355-377. B) Dynamic Competition, Collusion, and Strategic Interaction Topic 2: Porter, R. (1983), “A Study of Cartel Stability: The Joint Executive Committee, 1880-1886”, Bell Journal of Economics , 14, 301-314. AND Ellison, G. (1994), “Theories of Cartel Stability and the Joint Executive Committee”, RAND Journal of Economics, 25, 37-57. Topic 3: Borenstein, S. and A. Shepard. (1996.), “Dynamic Pricing in Retail Gasoline Markets”; RAND Journal of Economics, 27, 429-451. Topic 4: Chevalier, J. A. and D. S. Scharfstein (1996), “Capital-Market Imperfections and Countercyclical Markups: Theory and Evidence”, American Economic Review, 86, 703-725. Topic 5: Knittel, C. and V. Stango. (2002), “Price Ceilings as Focal Points for Tacit Collusion: Evidence from the Credit Card Market”, American Economic Review , 39, 1703-1729 AND Busse, M. (2000), “Multimarket Contact and Price Coordination in the Cellular Telephone Industry”; Journal of Economics and Management Strategy, 9, 287-320. Topic 6: Röller, L. H. and F. Steen (2006), “On the Workings of a Cartell: Evidence from the Norwegian Cement Industry”, American Economic Review , 96, 321-338. AND Steen, F. and L. Sorgard, “Semicollusion in the Norwegian Cement Market”, European Economic Review , 43, 1775-1796. C) Price Discrimination Topic 7: Nevo, A. and C. Wolfram (2002), “Why Do Manufacturers Issue Coupons? An Empirical Analysis of Breakfast Cereals,” RAND Journal of Economics, 33, 319-339. AND Busse, M. and M. Rysman. (2005), “Competition and Price Discrimination in Yellow Pages Advertising”, RAND Journal of Economics , 36, 378-390. D) Vertical Relationships Topic 8: Hastings, J. ( 2004), “Vertical Relationships and Competition in Retail Gasoline Markets: Empirical Evidence from Contract Changes in Southern California,” American Economic Review , 94, 317-328. AND Chevalier, J. A. and F. S. Morton (2006), “State Casket Sales Restrictions: A Pointless Undertaking?”, NBER Working Paper No. 12012. E) Dynamics: Entry and Industry Structure Topic 9: Bresnahan, T. and P. Reiss (1991), “Entry and Competition in Concentrated Markets”, Journal of Political Economy, 99, 977-1009. Topic 10: Hortacsu, A. and C. Syverson (2007), “Cementing Relationships: Vertical Integration, Foreclosure, Productivity, and Prices”, Journal of Political Economy , 115, 250-301. F) Network Externalities Topic 11: Gandal, N., M. Kende and R. Rob (2000), “The Dynamics of Technological Adoption in Hardware/Software Systems: The Case of Compact Disk Players”, RAND Journal of Economics 31, 43-61. AND Gandal, N. (1994), “Hedonic Price Indexes for Spreadsheets and an Empirical Test for Network Externalities”, RAND Journal of Economics, , 25, 160-170.

Experimental Methods and Applications to Development Economics

Vorlesung 2st. Vollan, B.wtl Di

13:45 - 15:15 16.02.2010-01.06.2010 L 7, 3-5 031

Course title: Experimental Methods and Applications to Development Economics Instructor: Dr. Björn Vollan

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Method (hours per week): lecture (2) Course level: Bachelor Course language: German or English Prerequisites: none Examination: written, 90 minutes (70%); group project (30%) ECTS-Credits: 5

Course description: The course gives an overview on selected recent topics in development economics and introduces the students to experimental methods (lab and field experiments, randomized and quasi randomized experiments). The course introduces the concept of impact evaluation of policy programmes as a new trend in development practice and economics. Besides methodological and econometric aspects we discuss issues from behavioural economics (e.g. time and risk preferences, trust and co-operation) the potential of linking them with econometric studies and the relation of behavioural economics to development problems. In particular the topics covered during the course range from rural agriculture in using natural resources to the development of entrepreneurship through e.g. microcredit. • Introduction to experimental methods • Culture, poverty and behavioural variability over groups • Co-operation and Social Capital • Natural resource management • Development, development aid and impact evaluation • Microcredit • Microinsurance and Microsavings • Corruption Contact person: Björn Vollan, Tel. 181-3648, E-Mail: bjoern.vollan[at], L7, 3-5, room 119/120 Finanzwissenschaft (Blockseminar)

Blockseminar Janeba, E.

Einzel Mo 08:00 - 18:30 15.02.2010-15.02.2010 L 7, 3-5 457/458 Einzel Fr

08:00 - 18:30 12.02.2010-12.02.2010 O048-050

Course title: Finanzwissenschaft (Blockseminar) Instructor: Professor Dr. Eckhard Janeba Method (hours per week): seminar (2) Prerequisites: Finanzwissenschaft I + II und Mikroökonomie III or Vertiefungsphase Examination: presentation, participation, paper ECTS Credits: 4 (Bachelor) or 6 (Diploma) Course description: Topic to be announced Contact person: Prof. Dr. Eckhard Janeba, Tel. 181-1795, e-Mail: janeba[at], L7, 3-5, room 2.29 Gesundheitsökonomie

Vorlesung 3st. Wille, E.wtl Di

09:45 - 12:00 16.02.2010-04.06.2010 L 7, 3-5 P 044

Course title: Gesundheitsökonomie Instructor: Prof. Dr. Eberhard Wille Method (hours per week): lecture (3) Course level: Bachelor and Diploma Course language: German Prerequisites: Finanzwissenschaft Examination: written, 135 minutes ECTS-Credits: 7 Course description: determinants of health care expenditures, efficiency and effectiveness in health care; outcome measurement, managed care and disease management, cost benefit analysis in health care. Contact person: Prof. Dr. Eberhard Wille, Tel. 0621/181 1828, L 7, 3-5, room 2-20, E-Mail: wille[at]

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Gesundheitsökonomisches Seminar

Seminar 2st. Wille, E.

Einzel Do 10:00 - 17:00 18.02.2010-18.02.2010 O 131 Einzel Fr

10:00 - 17:00 19.02.2010-19.02.2010 L 9, 1-2 003

Course title: Gesundheitsökonomisches Seminar Instructor: Prof. Dr. Eberhard Wille Method (hours per week): seminar (2) Course level: Bachelor and Diploma Course language: German Prerequisites: Finanzwissenschaft Examination: seminar paper, oral presentation ECTS-Credits: 4 (Bachelor) or 6 (Diploma) Course description: the German social insurance system, social contributions in international perspective, financing of statutory health insurance and nursing care insurance, risk adjustment scheme, impact of European integration on national health systems Contact person: Dipl.-Volkswirt Michael Popp, Tel. 0621/181-1782, L 7, 3-5, room S06, e-mail: michael-popp-lu[at]

Growth and Cycles

Blockseminar 2st. Dürnecker, G.

Einzel Fr

17:00 - 18:00 19.02.2010-19.02.2010 L 7, 3-5 P 043

Organizational meeting: Friday, February 19, 5 pm Course title: Growth and Cycles Instructor: Georg Dürnecker Method (hours per week): Block seminar (2) Course level: Bachelor and Diploma Course language: English Prerequisites: Basic Macroeconomics Examination: Seminar paper + Presentation ECTS-Credits: 4 (Bachelor) or 6 (Diploma) Course description: Short-run fluctuations in economic activity and long-run growth are two phenomena which are common to almost all economies. In the past, both were often considered to be independent from each other. However, recently, economic research has started to explore the links and interdependences between business cycle fluctuations and the long-run growth path of economies. The aim of this course is two-fold. First, we will review and discuss various theories of long-run economic growth and models that address business cycle fluctuations such as (a) the neoclassical growth model, (b) overlapping-generations models, (c) models of endogenous growth, (d) the Schumpeterian model of creative destruction, (e) the real business cycle model and (f) New Keynesian models. Second, we will discuss the recent advancements in the literature on the link between short-run fluctuations and long-run growth. In addition to the theory covered in the seminar, we will also focus on empirical aspects and important stylized facts related to growth and cycles. Contact person: Georg Dürnecker, Tel. 181-1804, E-mail: duernecker[at], L 7, 3-5, room 246.

Household Finance

Blockseminar 2st. Hintermaier, T.Einzel Do 09:00 - 19:00 11.02.2010-11.02.2010 L 7, 3-5 P 043 Einzel Fr

09:00 - 19:00 12.02.2010-12.02.2010 L 7, 3-5 P 043

Course title: Household Finance Instructor: Dr. Thomas Hintermaier Method (hours per week): block seminar (2) Course level: Bachelor Course language: English

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Prerequisites: at least one course in each of micro, macro, econometrics Examination: presentation (50 %), seminar paper (50 %) ECTS-Credits: 4 Course description: The seminar will cover topics in household finance which feature prominently in recent debates of economic policy. The topics include: the cross-section of asset holdings, participation in various asset markets like stocks and housing, financing of homeownership, subprime mortgage markets, developments of house prices and their relation to other macroeconomic variables, consumer credit risk and its relation to legal regulations. Contact person: Dr. Thomas Hintermaier, Tel. 181-1806, E-mail: hinterma[at], L 7,3-5, room 243.

Industrielle Revolutionen im Vergleich

Vorlesung 3st. Scherner, J.wtl Di 10:15 - 11:45 16.02.2010-04.06.2010 L 7, 3-5 001 14-tägl Do

10:15 - 11:45 18.02.2010-04.06.2010 L 7, 3-5 001

Kurzbeschreibung und Lernziele: In der Veranstaltung werden historische Entwicklungsprozesse in vergleichender Perspektive behandelt. Unter anderem werden die Bedingungen für erfolgreiche Industrialisierung sowie die genauen Abläufe verschiedener industrieller Revolutionen thematisiert. Der ersten industriellen Revolution in Großbritannien wird ebenso Augenmerk gewidmet wie dem Übergreifen dieses Prozesses nach Kontinentaleuropa und nach Übersee (z.B. USA und Südkorea); auch Argentinien wird betrachtet als ein Fall noch nicht vollendeter wirtschaftlicher Entwicklung. Einführende Literatur: Christoph Buchheim, Industrielle Revolutionen. Langfristige Wirtschaftsentwicklung in Großbritannien, Europa und Übersee, München 1994 Tom Kemp, Industrialization in the Non-Western-World, London 2. Aufl. 1989 David S. Landes, Wohlstand und Armut der Nationen: Warum die einen reich und die anderen arm sind, Berlin 1999 Toni Pierenkemper, Wirtschaftsgeschichte. Eine Einführung – oder, wie wir reich wurden, München 2005 Anforderungen für den Leistungsnachweis: Klausur (135 Min.) weitere Hinweise: Angebot für B.Sc. VWL (Modul 7/8); Diplom VWL (Wahlbereich); M.A. Geschichte (alle Arten); Magister Wirtschafts- und Sozialgeschichte/Neuere Geschichte; Wirtschaftspädagogen; Diplom BWL (Wahlbereich Wirtschaftsgeschichte) Course title: Industrielle Revolutionen im Vergleich Instructor: PD Dr. Jonas Scherner Method (hours per week): lecture (3) Course level: Bachelor and Diploma Course language: German Examination: written, 135 min. ECTS-Credits: 7 Course description: In this lecture economic development in several countries will be discussed in a comparative way, focusing especially on the preconditions for successful industrialization and on the typical features of development processes. We will examine, for example, the case of the forerunner of the industrial revolution, Great Britain, as well as the cases of several latecomers, both in Europe and in other continents during the 19th and 20th centuries. Contact: PD Dr. Jonas Scherner, e-mail: scherner[at], L7, 3-5, Raum P23, Tel. 181-1906

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Industrielle Revolution, Entwicklung und Unterentwicklung als globale Phänomene vom 18. bis 20. Jahrhundert

Proseminar und Hauptseminar

2st. Scherner, J.

Einzel Mo 18:00 - 19:30 15.02.2010-15.02.2010 L 7, 3-5 P 044 Einzel Fr 10:00 - 18:00 12.03.2010-12.03.2010 L 7, 3-5 P 044 Einzel Sa

10:00 - 18:00 13.03.2010-13.03.2010 L 7, 3-5 P 044

Inhalt: Industrialisierte Länder waren in ihrer Geschichte mit ähnlichen Problemen konfrontiert wie manche heutzutage unterentwickelten Länder. In diesem Seminar sollen Industrialisierungsprozesse zwischen dem 18. und 20. Jahrhundert und ihre Bedeutung für die Wirtschaftsentwicklung diskutiert werden. Das Hauptseminar wird angeboten für folgende Studiengänge: B.Sc. VWL (Module 7/8); Diplom VWL (Wahlbereich); M.A. Geschichte (Aufbaumodul Moderne); Magister Wirtschafts- und Sozialgeschichte /Neuere Geschichte; BWL (mit Wahlfach Wirtschaftsgeschichte); Wirtschaftspädagogen mit Wahlfach Geschichte. Am Montag, den 15. Februar 2010, gibt es eine Einführungsveranstaltung. Abgabetermin für die Seminararbeit ist der 25. Februar, der Seminarblock findet dann am 12./13. März 2010 statt. Infolge dieses dichtgedrängten Zeitplans wird es möglich, noch im Frühjahrssemester 2010 die Voraussetzung für die Übernahme einer Bachelor-Arbeit in Wirtschaftsgeschichte im gleichen Semester zu erfüllen. Die Anmeldung zum Seminar ist ab Mittwoch, den 25. November 2009, per E-Mail unter scherner[at] möglich. Die Seminarthemen werden ab 24. November auf der Homepage sowie am Schwarzen Brett des Lehrstuhls veröffentlicht. Bitte geben Sie bei der Anmeldung fünf Auswahlthemen in der Reihenfolge Ihrer Präferenzen an. Course title: Industrielle Revolution, Entwicklung und Unterentwicklung als globale Phänomene vom 18. bis 20. Jahrhundert Instructor: PD Dr. Jonas Scherner Method (hours per week): seminar (2) Course level: Bachelor and Diploma Course language: German Examinations: seminar paper and its presentation ECTS-Credits: 4 (Bachelor) or 6 (Diploma) Course description: In their past today’s industrialized countries were confronted with similar problems as less-developed countries at the time. In this seminar historical industrialization processes from the 18th to the 20th century and their significance for economic development will be discussed. Contact: PD Dr. J. Scherner, e-mail scherner[at], L7, 3-5, room P23, phone 181-1906


Vorlesung 2st. Conrad, K.wtl Di

15:30 - 17:00 16.02.2010-01.06.2010 L 7, 3-5 031

Inhalt: Gegenstand und Entwicklung der Industrieökonomik, Produkt- und Preisdifferenzierung, Unvollständige Qualitätsinformation, Einführungspreise und Werbung, Marktstruktur und Marktdynamik, Forschung und Entwicklung, Empirische Industrieökonomik. Literatur: Berndt, E.R., The Practice of Econometric, 1991. Bester, I Theorie der Industrieökonomik, Springer Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, 2000. Bühler, S. und F. Jaeger, Einführung in die Industrieökonomik, Springer Verlag, 2002. Cabral, Industrial Organization, Cambridge, 2000. Chambers, R.G., Applied Production Analysis - A Dual Approach, Cambridge Univ. Press, 1989. Eaton, B.C. und D.F. Eaton, Microeconomies, 3. ed., Prentice Hall, New Jersey, 1995. Greene, W.H., Econometric Analysis, 2. Aufl., 1994. Hansen, G., Quantitative Wirtschaftsforschung, Vahlen, 1993. Link, A.N., Technological Change and Productivity Growth, 1987. Pfähler, W. und Wiese, H., Unternehmensstrategien im Wettbewerb, Springer Verlag, 1998. Pindyck, R.S. und D.L. Rubinfeld, Microeconomics, 5. ed., Prentice Hall, New Jersey, 2001. (Mikroökonomie, 5. Auflage, Pearson Studium, 2003) Shy, Oz; Industrial Organization, MIT Press, 1995.

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Course title: Industrieökonomik Instructor: Professor Dr. Klaus Conrad Method (hours per week): lecture (2) Examination: written, 90 minutes ECTS-Credits: 5 Course description: Objective and development of industrial economics, Product differentiation and price discrimination, Product choice problem and advertising, Market structure and dynamics, Research and development, Empirical industrial economics. For further details see Contact person: Professor Dr. Klaus Conrad, Tel.: +49 621 181 1896, e-mail: kconrad[at] Information and Incentives

Vorlesung 2st. Hagenbach, J. / Peitz, M.wtl Di 08:30 - 10:00 16.02.2010-30.03.2010 L 7, 3-5 001 wtl Mi

08:30 - 10:00 17.02.2010-31.03.2010 L 7, 3-5 P 044

Course title: Information and Incentives Instructor: Jeanne Hagenbach Method (hours per week): lecture (2); concentrated in the first half of the term; 4 hours in the first 7 weeks Course level: Bachelor and Diploma Course language: English Prerequisites: Game Theory Examination: written, 90 minutes ECTS-Credits: 5 Course description: In this course, we focus on two-sided interactions in which one part has more information than the other part. Our goal is to examine the consequences of such an information gap on the character and efficiency of the interaction and analyse the general structure of incentive problems that arise. After an introduction to the subject of asymmetric information, we will first present a benchmark model in which both parties share the same information. Next, the course will be divided into two parts devoted respectively to Moral Hazard (one part has more information about the action that it controls) and Adverse Selection (one part is better informed about its own characteristics). The course aims at presenting basic theory before moving on to applications. Economic situations in which asymmetric information problems arise include a very wide range of areas: markets with unobservable quality, monopolistic price discrimination, provision of public goods, auctions, insurance, labor economics and even politics. Basic reference for the course will be Laffont, J-J et D. Martimort (2002), The Theory of Incentives. The Principal-Agent Model, Princeton University Press. Office Hours: Wednesday, 14:00-15:00 h. Contact person: Nuray Mamaç (Secretary to Prof. Nocke/Prof. Peitz), Tel. 181-1880, E-mail: lsstahl[at]


Blockseminar Conrad, K.

Themen und Datum entnehmen Sie bitte der Homepage. Das Seminar findet als Blockseminar Mitte Mai 2010 statt. Wer Interesse hat, möge zwei Themen seiner Wahl angeben (per e-mail an Frau Reiter). Die Referate werden dann ab Mitte Januar vergeben und können in den Semesterferien bearbeitet werden. Course title: Informationsökonomik Method (hours per week): seminar (2) Course level: Diploma, Bachelor Examination: paper, oral presentation ECTS-Credits: 4 (Bachelor) or 6 (Diploma) Course description: Please visit the home-page to see the topics: index.php?Startseite. The seminar takes place at the middle of May 2010. Please choose two topics and inform us about the title. You can prepare the seminar paper in the semester break. Contact person: Prof. Dr. Klaus Conrad, phone: 181-1896, e-mail: kconrad[at], L7, 3-5, room 401

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Internationale Finanzmarktkrisen

Seminar 2st. El-Shagi, M.

Termine nach Vereinbarung Course title: Internationale Finanzmarktkrisen Instructor: PD Dr. Makram El-Shagi Method (hours per week): seminar (2) Course level: Bachelor and Diploma Examination: seminar paper, presentation, discussion of another participant’s paper, active participation ECTS-credits: 4 (Bachelor) or 6 (Diploma) Course description: seminar on international finance crisis; for further information see Contact person: PD Dr. Makram El-Shagi, Tel. 03457-753835, e-Mail: Makram.El-Shagi[at]

Labour Markets in Developing Countries

Vorlesung 2st. Haile, G.wtl Mo

10:15 - 11:45 15.02.2010-04.06.2010 L 7, 3-5 P 044

Coursel title: Labour Markets in Developing Countries Instructor: Dr. Getinet Haile Method (hours per week): lecture (2) Course level: Bachelor and Diploma Course language: English Prerequisites: Basic Econometrics/Grundlagen der Ökonometrie Examination: to be announced ECTS-Credits: 5 Course despription: The course covers labour economics, including theoretical and empirical concepts, with a particular focus on issues pertinent to developing countries. More details will follow. Contact person: Dr. Getinet Haile (Prof. Dr. Markus Frölich), E-mail Sekretariat: anja.schott[at], L7, 3-5, room 107, Tel. 181-1845

Microeconomic Applications

Vorlesung und Übung

3st. Väänänen, L. / Peitz, M.

wtl Do

13:45 - 15:15 18.02.2010-03.06.2010 L 7, 3-5 P 044

Course title: Microeconometric Applications Instructor : Lotta Väänänen Prerequisites: Microeconomics A&B, Basic Econometrics Method (hours per week): lectures (2) + computer tutorials (1) Examination: Final exam (70%) and homework exercises (30%) Course level: Bachelor Course language: English ECTS-Credits : 6 Course description: The course focuses on empirical applications of microeconometric methods with cross-sectional and panel data. It complements the course Applied Microeconometrics with Stata by focusing on the application of methods to specific research problems, giving students practical guidance on how to approach empirical research in economics. Starting from a research question, we discuss econometric issues related to the identification of the causal effect, what estimators to use and why, and what data and measurement issues are involved. The applications covered include questions in labor economics (e.g. wage equations, labor force participation, unemployment program evaluation), as well as questions in industrial organization (e.g. firm growth, production functions, demand), and we work with cross-sectional and panel data sets on individuals and firms.

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Textbook: A. C. Cameron and P. K. Trivedi, Microeconometrics Using Stata. Stata Press, 2009. Office hours: Wednesday, 15:00-16:00 h. Contact person: Nuray Mamaç (Secretary to Prof. Stahl/Prof. Peitz), Tel. 181-1880, E-mail: lsstahl[at]

Ökonometrische Anwendungen

Blockseminar Mammen, E. / Nagel, C.BlockMo-Fr


- 08.02.2010-12.02.2010

Vorbesprechung und Themenvorstellung Wann: 10.12.2009 10 Uhr Wo: Raum 127 in L7, 3-5 Wer: per mail bei cnagel[at] angemeldete Studenten Weitere Infos auf der Lehrstuhlseite von Prof. Mammen im Bereich Aktuelles.

Course title: Ökonometrische Anwendungen Instructors: Prof. Dr. Enno Mammen, Christoph Nagel Method (hours per week): block seminar (2) Course level: Bachelor and Diploma Course language: German Prerequisites: Grundlagen der Ökonometrie/Basic Econometrics or similar Examination: presentation of programmed results + commented version of presentation ECTS-Credits: 4 (Bachelor) or 6 (Diploma) Course description: This seminar takes typical economic problems that are linked to a specific econometric problem and looks at them from an applied perspective with STATA or R. The topics are based on the chapters of the book “Running Regressions” by Baddeley and Barrowclough, Cambridge University Press, 2009. Each student picks one chapter that is the basis of the seminar work. Please note, that chapters will be allocated to students on the 10.12.2009 when all students and the instructors meet. Students abroad please send an email to the contact person with your ranking of topics. Several students are allowed to pick one chapter but work is to be done strictly individually. Students specialize then within each chapter. Please consult the webpage of the “Lehrstuhl für Statistik” of Prof. Mammen for details. Contact person: Christoph Nagel, Tel. 181-1938, Email: cnagel[at], L7, 3-5 room 125.

Optimal currency areas

Seminar 2st. Winschel, V.wtl Do

13:45 - 15:15 18.02.2010-03.06.2010 L 7, 3-5 P 043

Wir diskutieren in den ersten drei Wochen die Kriterien für die Eignung von Ländern für einen Währungsraum (OCA). Danach werden die Themen der Seminararbeiten festgelegt und bearbeitet.

Course title: Optimal currency areas Instructor: Dr. Viktor Winschel Method (hours per week): seminar (2) Course level: Bachelor and Diploma Course language: English on demand Prerequistes: basic macroeconomics Examination: term paper ECTS-Credits: 4 (Bachelor) or 6 (Diploma) Course description: The suitability of countries for a currency area is the topic of the first three weeks of lectures. Afterwards the topics of the term papers are fixed and worked out. For further information see Contact person: Dr. Viktor Winschel, L7, 3-5, Raum: 245, Tel: 0621-181-1802, e-mail: winschel[at]

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Seminar in Political Economy

Blockseminar 2st. Felgenhauer, M.Einzel Fr 08:00 - 19:00 19.02.2010-19.02.2010 L 9, 1-2 002 Einzel Sa

08:00 - 19:00 20.02.2010-20.02.2010 L 9, 1-2 002

Blockseminar am 19. und 20. Februar 2010; genaue Uhrzeit und Ort werden noch bekannt gegeben. Interessierte Studenten werden gebeten, sich in der Zeit vom 23. bis 27.11.2009 bei Mike Felgenhauer für das Seminar anzumelden.

Course title: Seminar in Political Economy Instructor: Dr. Mike Felgenhauer Method (hours per week): seminar (2) Course level: Bachelor, Diploma Course language: German Prerequisites: Game Theory (basic knowledge from first two years of the Bachelor programme) Examination: seminar paper (about 12 pages); presentation of the seminar paper (about 1 h); active participation in the seminars; Diploma students in addition have to discuss the seminar paper of a fellow student in class ECTS-Credits: 4 (Bachelor) or 6 (Diploma) Course description: political competition, lobbying, information aggregation in the political process Contact person: Dr. Mike Felgenhauer, Tel. 181-1911, E-Mail: felgenha[at], L 7, 3-5, room 3-01

Seminar “Public Choice”

Seminar 2st. Vaubel, R.Einzel Sa 09:30 - 16:30 27.02.2010-27.02.2010 L 7, 3-5 P 043 Einzel Sa

09:30 - 16:30 06.03.2010-06.03.2010 L 7, 3-5 P 043

Course title: Seminar “Public-Choice” Instructor: Prof. Dr. Roland Vaubel Method (hours per week): seminar (2) Course level: Bachelor and Diploma Course language: German or English ECTS-Credits: 4 (Bachelor) or 6 (Diploma) Course description: Topics for seminar papers will be suggested on the message board. Contact person: Prof. Dr. Roland Vaubel, Tel.: 0621/181 1816, e-mail : vaubel[at], L 7, 3-5, room 2-12

The Economics of International Organizations

Vorlesung 3st. Vaubel, R.wtl Di 17:15 - 18:45 16.02.2010-23.03.2010 L 7, 3-5 P 044 Einzel Di 17:15 - 18:45 13.04.2010-13.04.2010 L 7, 3-5 P 044 wtl Mi

12:00 - 13:30 17.02.2010-02.06.2010 L 7, 3-5 031

Course title: The Economics of International Organizations Instructor: Prof. Dr. Roland Vaubel Method (hours per week): lecture (3) Course level: Bachelor, Diploma, and Master Course language: English Examination: written,135 min ECTS-Credits: 7 (Bachelor and Diplom) or 7.5 (Master)

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Course description: 1. Theory of international organizations 1.1. Normative Theory 1.2. Positive Theory 2. The economic analysis of selected international organisations 2.1. European Community/ Union (constitutional economics, budget, environmental, social, agricultural and research policy, development aid) 2.2. International Monetary Fund 2.3 World Bank Group 2.4 International Labour Organisation 2.5 World Trade Organisation Contact person: Prof. Dr. R. Vaubel, Tel.: 0621/181-1816, e-mail: vaubel[at], L 7, 3-5, room 2-12

Thesis Preparation Seminar

Seminar Orzen, H.

Termine nach Vereinbarung Course title: Thesis Preparation Seminar Instructor: Prof. Dr. Henrik Orzen Method (hours per week): (2) Course level: Bachelor/Diploma Course language: English or German, depending on participants Prerequisites: Mikroökonomik A + B or equivalent Examination: presentation, attendance and active participation ECTS Credits: none Students who write their final thesis at the chair for Business Economics are given the opportunity to present and discuss preliminary results from their research.

Time Series Analysis

Vorlesung und Übung

4st. Stocker, T.

wtl Fr

10:15 - 11:45 19.02.2010-04.06.2010 L 7, 3-5 001

Übungstermine nach Vereinbarung. Textbook: Stock, J.H. and Watson, M.W. (2007), Introduction to Econometrics, Pearson, Chapters 14, 15, and 16. Some additional material will be taken from Lütkepohl, H. and Krätzig, M. (2004), Applied Time Series Econometrics, Cambridge University Press.

Course title: Time Series Analysis Instructor: Dr. Toni Stocker Method (hours per week): lecture (2) + practical exercises (2) Course Level: Bachelor and Diploma Course language: English on demand Prerequisites: Grundlagen der Ökonometrie (Basic Econometrics) Examination: written , 90 minutes ECTS-Credits: 7 Course description: The lecture gives an introduction to applied univariate and multivariate time series techniques and will cover AR(I)MA, ADL, VAR and GARCH processes. We will discuss model specification and diagnosis, forecasting and unit root testing. Depending on time, we will also cover estimation of dynamic causal effects and the cointegration concept. The lecture will be accompanied by computer tutorials and exercises. Please, have a look on the website at the beginning of the semester for updated course information. Contact person: Dr. Toni Stocker, e-Mail: stocker[at], L7, 3-5, room 143, Tel. 181-3963

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Topics in Political Economics

Vorlesung 2st. Winschel, E.wtl Mi

10:15 - 11:45 17.02.2010-02.06.2010 L 7, 3-5 P 044

Course title: Topics in Political Economics Instructor: Dr. Evguenia Winschel Method (hours per week): lecture (2) Course level: Bachelor and Diploma Course language: English Prerequisites: Wirtschaftspolitik Examination: a take home final exam ECTS-Credits: 5 Course description: In this course, we study methods, applications and empirical methodology of political economy via investigation of various topics such as distributive politics, special interest groups, media and politics, etc. Contact person: Dr. Evguenia Winschel, Tel. 181-1939, eugeniaw[at], L 7, 3-5, S09


Vorlesung 2st. Conrad, K.wtl Mo

15:30 - 17:00 15.02.2010-31.05.2010 L 7, 3-5 031

Inhalt: Umweltproblematik und ökonomische Theorie, Theoretische Ansätze zur Lösung des Umweltproblems, Umweltpolitische Instrumente bei unvollkommener Information, Umweltpolitische Instrumente bei unvollkommener Konkurrenz, Instrumente einer praktischen Umweltpolitik, Beurteilung der Instrumente der Umweltpolitik, Makroökonomische Aspekte des Umweltschutzes, Internationale Aspekte der Umweltallokation. Literatur zur Umweltökonomik: Baumol, W.J. und W.E. Oates, The Theory of environmental policy, 2. ed., Cambridge, Univ. Press, 1988. Bergh, J.C.J.M. van den (ed.), Handbook of Environmental and Resource Economics, Edward Elgar, 1999. Cansier, D., Umweltökonomie, 2. ed., Lucius & Lucius, Stuttgart, 1996; Endres, A., Umweltökonomie, 3. ed., 2007. Fees, E., Umweltökonomie und Umweltpolitik, Verlag Vahlen, 3. ed., 2007. Kemper, M., Das Umweltproblem in der Marktwirtschaft, 2. ed., Duncker und Humbold, Berlin, 1993. Kolstad, C.D., Environmental Economics, Oxford Univ. Press, 2000. Weimann, Joachim, Umweltökonomik, 3. ed., Springer Verlag, 1995. Course title: Umweltökonomik Instructor: Prof. Dr. Klaus Conrad Method (hours per week): lecture (2) Examination: written, 90 minutes ECTS-Credits:5 Course description: The goal is to define the field of environmental economics and to put it in perspective in relation to economics in general. The introduction deals with externalities, public goods and property rights. Section 2 presents theoretical approach to cope with environmental problems (Pigou, Coase, price-standard approach, permits). Section 3 deals with environmental instruments under asymmetric information and section 4 with environmental instruments under imperfect competition. Section 5 gives a detailed discussion of environmental policy instruments and section 6 compares them with respect to their pros and cons (dynamic efficiency, incentive for induced technical change, etc.). Section 7 deals with some macroeconomic aspects of environmental protection (e.g. green accounting). Section 8 with the international dimension (transboundary pollution, the acid rain game, global pollution and global warming). For further information see Contact person: Prof. Dr. Klaus Conrad, Tel. +49 621 181-1896, L7, 3-5, room 4.02, E-mail: kconrad[at]

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Wirtschaftspolitisches Seminar für BSc Studierende

Seminar 3st. Grüner, H.wtl Do

15:30 - 20:00 18.02.2010-28.03.2010 L 9, 1-2 002

Course title: Wirtschaftspolitisches Seminar für BSc Studierende Instructor(s): Prof. Dr. Hans Peter Grüner Method (hours per week): seminar (3) Course level: Bachelor Course language: German Prerequisites: Vertiefungsphase Examination: Presentation. ECTS-Credits: 4 Course description: The seminar covers current economic policy issues. Contact person: Prof. Dr. Hans Peter Grüner, Tel. 181-1886, L7, 3-5, room 206, e-mail: hgruener[at]

D. Wirtschaftsgeographie Empirische Regionalökonomie

Blockseminar 2st. Deschermeier, P.Einzel Do 17:15 - 18:45 18.02.2010-18.02.2010 L 7, 3-5 P 044 wtl Fr

08:30 - 13:30 16.04.2010-30.04.2010 L 9, 1-2 002

Blockveranstaltung im April 2010 Das Ziel des Seminars ist die Simulierung des Forschungsprozesses am Beispiel regionaler Arbeitsmärkte. Aufbauend auf einem Ausgangsthema wird die eigenständige Formulierung von Hypothesen, Datenrecherche, Datenaufbereitung und die Interpretation empirischer Ergebnisse erwartet. Die maximale Teilnehmerzahl ist auf 10 begrenzt. Die Themen werden rechtzeitig auf der Webseite des Lehrstuhls veröffentlicht. Am 18.2. findet eine Einführungsveranstaltung in L7, 3-5, P044 statt.

Course title: Empirische Regionalökonomie Instructor: Philipp Deschermeier Method (hours per week): seminar (2) Course level: Bachelor and Diploma Course language: German Prerequisites: basic knowledge on Regional Economy Examination: oral presentation, seminar paper ECTS-Credits: 4 (Bachelor) or 6 (Diploma) Course description: The aim of the course is to simulate an investigation process on regional labor markets. Starting point is a specific study objective. The approach of the course is characterized by simulating a research processing starting with hypotheses development, data collecting, data analysis and evaluating the empirical based results in the state of research. The maximum number of participants in the seminar is limited to 10. The announcement of the topics will be posted on the seminar’s webpage in due time. There will be an introductory course on 18.2.2010 at 17.15 in P044 in L7, 3-5. Contact person: Philipp Deschermeier, Tel. 0621-181-3299, E-Mail: philipp.deschermeier[at], L7, 3-5, room P 026

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Entrepreneurship in the Region

Blockseminar 2st. Hasse, S.Einzel Fr 13:45 - 17:15 26.03.2010-26.03.2010 L 9, 1-2 002 Einzel Fr 13:45 - 17:15 16.04.2010-16.04.2010 L 9, 1-2 002 Einzel Fr 13:45 - 17:15 23.04.2010-23.04.2010 L 9, 1-2 002 Einzel Fr

13:45 - 17:15 30.04.2010-30.04.2010 L 9, 1-2 002

Course title: Entrepreneurship in the Region Instructor: Stefanie Hasse (Chair Prof. Gans) Method (hours per week): Block seminar (2) Course level: Bachelor and Diploma Course language: English or German, depending on participants Prerequisites: none Examination: Seminar paper, presentation, attendance and active participation ECTS Credits: 4 (Bachelor) or 6 (Diploma) Course description: Why do some regions become vital centers of entrepreneurial activity while others languish? The importance of entrepreneurship as a factor in the creation of both individual and regional wealth has recently generated considerable interest. Successful regions were not transformed overnight just due to a single breakthrough idea. The transformation has often been possible only because a blend of intangibles - novel ideas, enterprising individuals, networks, a culture of risk taking, - have come together with tangibles such as seed capital to produce transformative business ideas. The seminar will cover topics to research exactly these soft and hard factors which determine the specific intensity of business start-ups among regions. The seminar will be organized as a block seminar. An organizational meeting will be held at the beginning of the semester. At this meeting we will decide when the seminar presentations are made. Contact person: Stefanie Hasse, Tel. 181-1960, E-Mail: Stefanie.hasse[at], L7, 3-5, room P031.


Seminar 2st. Gans, P.wtl Fr

13:45 - 17:00 05.03.2010-19.03.2010 L 7, 3-5 P 043

Das Seminar findet vor dem 23. März 2009 als Blockseminar statt. Inhalt: Die Veranstaltung ist für Studierende Dipl.-VWL sowie für B.Sc. VWL geeignet. Referatsthemen und Termine sind auf der Homepage des Lehrstuhls ( zu finden. Prüfungsleistung: Für alle Studienabschlüsse: Anwesenheitspflicht, Referat (ca. 30 Minuten) mit schriftlicher Ausarbeitung (ca. 15 Manuskriptseiten) Anmeldung: Für alle Studierende findet eine einführende Veranstaltung am Mittwoch, den 17. Februar 2010, Beginn 10.15 Uhr, in L 9,1-2, Hörsaal 004 statt. Eine Anmeldung ist bis 15. Februar 2010 erforderlich und erfolgt bei Frau S. Beck (sbeck[at]; Tel. 0621/181-1958). Sprechstunde: Vorlesungszeit: Dienstags, 16-17 Uhr, L 7, 3-5 Raum P029; außerhalb der Vorlesungszeit: Angabe auf der Homepage des Lehrstuhls Course title: Regionalökonomie Instructor: Prof. Dr. Paul Gans Offered: Spring semesters Method (hours per week): seminar (2) Examination: oral presentation, seminar paper ECTS-Credits: 4 (Bachelor) or 6 (Diploma) Course description: Regional Economy Contact person: Prof. Dr. Paul Gans, Tel. 181-1963, E-Mail: paulgans[at], L 7, 3-5, room P 029; Tuesday 16:00-17:00.

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Vorlesung 2st. Gans, P.wtl Mi

10:15 - 11:45 17.02.2010-02.06.2010 L 9, 1-2 004

Inhalt: Wirtschaftsgeographie untersucht die ökonomischen Prozesse aus einer räumlichen Perspektive. Die Beschreibung und Erklärung wirtschaftlichen Handelns von privaten und öffentlichen, individuellen und kollektiven Akteuren steht dabei im Zentrum der Veranstaltung. Die Akteure des Wirtschaftslebens, unterschiedliche Wirtschaftszweige ebenso wie staatliche Einrichtungen, sind räumlich verortet und die von ihnen ausgehenden Prozesse des Handels, der arbeitsteiligen Produktion oder des Transfers von Wissen entsprechend lokalisierbar. Häufig sind wirtschaftliche Aktivitäten in bestimmten Lokalitäten oder Regionen stark konzentriert. Sie werden durch spezifische soziale, kulturelle, politische, technologische und wirtschaftliche Strukturen ihres Umfeldes mit beeinflusst und wirken umgekehrt an der Gestaltung dieser Strukturen mit. Die Einführung in die Wirtschaftsgeographie gibt einen Überblick über die räumliche Verteilung wirtschaftlicher Aktivitäten und Akteure und zeigt die wichtigsten Theorien zu deren Beschreibung und Erklärung auf. Darüber hinaus werden Ansätze zur unternehmerische Standortwahl und Standorttheorien dargelegt und mit Hilfe von Fallbeispielen veranschaulicht. Literatur (Auswahl): Bathelt, H.; Glückler, J. (2002): Wirtschaftsgeographie. Stuttgart. Kulke, E. (2008): Wirtschaftsgeographie. Paderborn u. a., 3. Aufl. Maier, G.; Tödtling F. (2001): Regional- und Stadtökonomik 1. Standorttheorie und Raumstruktur. Wien/New York, 3. akt. Aufl. Schätzl, L. (2003): Wirtschaftsgeographie 1. Theorie. Paderborn. Prüfungsleistung: Studienabschluss: B.Sc. VWL Klausur: 90 Min. Leistungsanforderungen: Anwesenheitspflicht ECTS: 6 ECTS Anmeldung: nicht erforderlich Sprechstunde: Vorlesungszeit: Di., 16-17 Uhr, Verfügungsgebäude L 7, 3-5, Raum P029 Außerhalb der Vorlesungszeit: Angabe auf der Homepage des Lehrstuhls Kontakt: sbeck[at]; paulgans[at] Tel.: 0621/181-1958, -1963 Sonstiges: Für alle Studierenden findet eine einführende Veranstaltung am Mittwoch, den 17. Februar 2010, von 10.15 Uhr bis 11.45 Uhr in L 9,1-2, Hörsaal 004 statt. Course title: Wirtschaftsgeographie Instructor: Prof. Dr. Paul Gans Method (hours per week): lecture (2) + practical exercises (1) Examination: written, 90 minutes ECTS-Credits: 6 Course description: Economic Geography analyses economic processes from a spatial perspective. Main focus of the course is the description and explanation of economic activities of private and public as well as individual and collective actors. These actors, coming from different economic sectors as well as governmental agencies are located in a certain place. Therefore their actions, such as trade, production or transfer of knowledge may be localized as well. Often economic activities are concentrated in certain places or regions. They are influenced by specific social, cultural, political, technological and economic structures but, at the same time, also help to shape those structures. The course provides an overview of the spatial distribution of economic activities and actors. It also presents the most important theories that try to explain those activities. Furthermore some concepts on the choice of location of companies are discussed and illustrated by some case studies. Contact person: Prof. Dr. Paul Gans, Tel. 181-1963, E-Mail: paulgans[at], L7, 3-5, room P 029; Tuesday 16:00-17:00

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Übung 1st. N. N.14-tägl Mi

13:45 - 15:15 24.02.2010-04.06.2010 L 7, 3-5 001

Wirtschaftsgeographie I: Standort, Cluster, Netze

Vorlesung 2st. Gans, P.wtl Di

12:00 - 13:30 23.02.2010-04.06.2010 L 7, 3-5 001

Wirtschaftliche Prozesse sind stets an bestimmte Akteure wie z. B. Unternehmer, Arbeitskräfte oder Institutionen geknüpft. All diese Akteure haben einen physischen Ort, so dass die von ihnen ausgehenden Prozesse des Handels, der arbeitsteiligen Produktion oder des Transfers von Wissen lokalisierbar sind. Häufig sind wirtschaftliche Aktivitäten in bestimmten Lokalitäten oder Regionen stark konzentriert und mit anderen Aktivitäten in derselben Raumkategorie eng verknüpft. Sie werden dabei durch spezifische soziale, kulturelle, politische, technologische und wirtschaftliche Strukturen dieses Umfeldes mit beeinflusst und wirken umgekehrt an der Gestaltung dieser Strukturen mit. Die Vorlesung geht von den Konzepten “Distanz” und “Nähe” aus und behandelt dann Themen wie unternehmerische Standortwahl, neoklassische Standorttheorien, behaviouristische Konzepte der Standorttheorie, Handeln in ökonomischen Netzen sowie Gründung und Entwicklung von Unternehmen aus evolutionstheoretischer Perspektive. In der Vorlesung wird Wert darauf gelegt, die verschiedenen theoretischen Ansätze mit Hilfe von Fallbeispielen zu diskutieren. Literatur (Auswahl): Bathelt, H.; Glückler, J. (2002): Wirtschaftsgeographie. Stuttgart. Kulke, E. (2004): Wirtschaftsgeographie. Paderborn u. a., 3. Aufl. Maier, G.; Tödtling F. (2001): Regional- und Stadtökonomik 1. Standorttheorie und Raumstruktur. Wien/New York, 3. akt. Aufl. Prüfungsleistung: Studienabschluss Dipl.-VWL, Magister VWL, BWL i.Q., Politikwissenschaft, Sozialwissenschaften, Wirtschaftspädagogik: Anwesenheitspflicht, Anfertigung einer Hausarbeit (ca. 15 Manuskriptseiten), Abgabe zu Beginn des folgenden Semesters (Vorlesungszeit) ECTS: 5 ECTS Studienabschluss Dipl.-BWL für das Wahlfach Wirtschaftsgeographie: Klausur von 150 Minuten, Anwesenheitspflicht BA-Studiengänge (nicht für BA-VWL): Anwesenheitspflicht, Klausur von 90 Minuten oder Hausarbeit wie bei Studienabschluss Dipl.-VWL Anmeldung: nicht erforderlich Sprechstunde: Vorlesungszeit: Di., 16-17 Uhr, L 7, 3-5, Raum P029; außerhalb der Vorlesungszeit: Angabe auf der Homepage des Lehrstuhls Kontakt: sbeck[at]; paulgans[at]; Tel.: 0621/181-1958, -1963 Sonstiges: Für alle Studierende findet eine einführende Veranstaltung zu Inhalt und Leistungsnachweisen (alle Studiengänge), am Mittwoch, 17.Februar 2010, 10.15-11.45 Uhr in L 9,1-2, Hörsaal 004, statt. Course title: Wirtschaftsgeographie I: Standort, Cluster, Netzwerke Instructor: Prof. Dr. Paul Gans Offered: Winter semesters Method (hours per week): lecture (2) Examination: tba. ECTS-Credits: 5 Course description: Economic processes are always tied to certain actors such as entrepreneurs, employees or institutions. These actors have a physical location. Thus, processes starting from these actors such as trade, shared production or transfer of knowledge can be localized. Quite frequently economic activities are concentrated in certain places or regions and linked to other activities in the same place or region. They are on the one hand influenced by specific social, cultural, political, technological and economical structures of this regional milieu, and, on the other hand, help to shape the specific regional structures. The lecture takes off from the two concepts of “distance” and “proximity” and deals with issues like entrepreneurial location choice, neoclassical location theories, behaviouristic concepts of location theory, actor-oriented networks as well as the establishing and development of companies in an evolutionary perspective. The lecture attaches great importance to the discussion of the various theoretical approaches with the help of case studies and examples. Contact person: Prof. Dr. Paul Gans, Tel. 181-1963 E-Mail: paulgans[at]; L 7, 3-5, room P029; Tuesday 16:00-17:00

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E. Wirtschafts- und Sozialgeschichte Industrielle Revolutionen im Vergleich

Vorlesung 3st. Scherner, J.wtl Di 10:15 - 11:45 16.02.2010-04.06.2010 L 7, 3-5 001 14-tägl Do

10:15 - 11:45 18.02.2010-04.06.2010 L 7, 3-5 001

Kurzbeschreibung und Lernziele: In der Veranstaltung werden historische Entwicklungsprozesse in vergleichender Perspektive behandelt. Unter anderem werden die Bedingungen für erfolgreiche Industrialisierung sowie die genauen Abläufe verschiedener industrieller Revolutionen thematisiert. Der ersten industriellen Revolution in Großbritannien wird ebenso Augenmerk gewidmet wie dem Übergreifen dieses Prozesses nach Kontinentaleuropa und nach Übersee (z.B. USA und Südkorea); auch Argentinien wird betrachtet als ein Fall noch nicht vollendeter wirtschaftlicher Entwicklung. Einführende Literatur: Christoph Buchheim, Industrielle Revolutionen. Langfristige Wirtschaftsentwicklung in Großbritannien, Europa und Übersee, München 1994 Tom Kemp, Industrialization in the Non-Western-World, London 2. Aufl. 1989 David S. Landes, Wohlstand und Armut der Nationen: Warum die einen reich und die anderen arm sind, Berlin 1999 Toni Pierenkemper, Wirtschaftsgeschichte. Eine Einführung – oder, wie wir reich wurden, München 2005 Anforderungen für den Leistungsnachweis: Klausur (135 Min.) weitere Hinweise: Angebot für B.Sc. VWL (Modul 7/8); Diplom VWL (Wahlbereich); M.A. Geschichte (alle Arten); Magister Wirtschafts- und Sozialgeschichte/Neuere Geschichte; Wirtschaftspädagogen; Diplom BWL (Wahlbereich Wirtschaftsgeschichte) Course title: Industrielle Revolutionen im Vergleich Instructor: PD Dr. Jonas Scherner Method (hours per week): lecture (3) Examination: written, 135 min. ECTS-Credits: 7 Course description: In this lecture economic development in several countries will be discussed in a comparative way, focusing especially on the preconditions for successful industrialization and on the typical features of development processes. We will examine, for example, the case of the forerunner of the industrial revolution, Great Britain, as well as the cases of several latecomers, both in Europe and in other continents during the 19 th and 20 th centuries. Contact: PD Dr. Jonas Scherner, e-mail: scherner[at], L7, 3-5, Raum P23, phone 181-1906

Industrielle Revolution, Entwicklung und Unterentwicklung als globale Phänomene vom 18. bis 20. Jahrhundert

Proseminar und Hauptseminar

2st. Scherner, J.

Einzel Mo 18:00 - 19:30 15.02.2010-15.02.2010 L 7, 3-5 P 044 Einzel Fr 10:00 - 18:00 12.03.2010-12.03.2010 L 7, 3-5 P 044 Einzel Sa

10:00 - 18:00 13.03.2010-13.03.2010 L 7, 3-5 P 044

Inhalt: Industrialisierte Länder waren in ihrer Geschichte mit ähnlichen Problemen konfrontiert wie manche heutzutage unterentwickelten Länder. In diesem Seminar sollen Industrialisierungsprozesse zwischen dem 18. und 20. Jahrhundert und ihre Bedeutung für die Wirtschaftsentwicklung diskutiert werden. Das Hauptseminar wird angeboten für folgende Studiengänge: B.Sc. VWL (Module 7/8); Diplom VWL (Wahlbereich); M.A. Geschichte (Aufbaumodul Moderne); Magister Wirtschafts- und Sozialgeschichte /Neuere Geschichte; BWL (mit Wahlfach Wirtschaftsgeschichte); Wirtschaftspädagogen mit Wahlfach Geschichte.

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Am Montag, den 15. Februar 2010, gibt es eine Einführungsveranstaltung. Abgabetermin für die Seminararbeit ist der 25. Februar, der Seminarblock findet dann am 12./13. März 2010 statt. Infolge dieses dichtgedrängten Zeitplans wird es möglich, noch im Frühjahrssemester 2010 die Voraussetzung für die Übernahme einer Bachelor-Arbeit in Wirtschaftsgeschichte im gleichen Semester zu erfüllen. Die Anmeldung zum Seminar ist ab Mittwoch, den 25. November 2009, per E-Mail unter scherner[at] möglich. Die Seminarthemen werden ab 24. November auf der Homepage sowie am Schwarzen Brett des Lehrstuhls veröffentlicht. Bitte geben Sie bei der Anmeldung fünf Auswahlthemen in der Reihenfolge Ihrer Präferenzen an. Course title: Industrielle Revolution, Entwicklung und Unterentwicklung als globale Phänomene vom 18. bis 20. Jahrhundert Instructor: PD Dr. Jonas Scherner Method (hours per week): seminar (2) Course level: Bachelor and Diploma Course language: German Examinations: seminar paper and its presentation ECTS-Credits: 4 (Bachelor) or 6 (Diploma) Course description: In their past today’s industrialized countries were confronted with similar problems as less-developed countries at the time. In this seminar historical industrialization processes from the 18th to the 20th century and their significance for economic development will be discussed. Contact: PD Dr. J. Scherner, e-mail scherner[at], L7, 3-5, room P23, phone 181-1906

Forschungsseminar in Wirtschaftsgeschichte

Forschungsseminar 2st. Scherner, J.Einzel Do

17:15 - 18:45 25.02.2010-25.02.2010 L 9, 1-2 002

Kurzbeschreibung und Lernziele: Diskussion der Arbeiten, die Doktoranden und Examenskandidaten am Lehrstuhl schreiben Anforderungen für den Leistungsnachweis: Vortrag, Konzept der Arbeit Weitere Hinweise: Teilnahme nach spezieller Einladung Course title: Forschungsseminar Instructor: PD Dr. Jonas Scherner Method: seminar Course description: This is a research seminar. Here students writing a thesis in economic history report on their work. Contact person: PD Dr. Jonas Scherner, phone 0621/181-1906, e-mail: scherner[at]; L7, 3-5, room P11-13; office hours Tuesday, 15.30-16.30 h

F. Zusätzliches Studienangebot für Volkswirte Social Skills Für Studierende des Bachelorstudiengangs besteht die Möglichkeit zum Erwerb von Schlüsselqualifikationen (Social Skills). Die Kurse können ab dem zweiten Fachsemester belegt werden. Das Studentenwerk Mannheim bietet hierzu im Auftrag der Abteilung VWL unter anderem folgende Veranstaltungen an:

• Projektmanagement, • Business Etikette und Personal Development, • Zeit- und Selbstmanagement • Typologie des Managers • Präsenz und Präsentieren

Weitere Informationen zum aktuellen Kursangebot finden Sie bis zum Semesterbeginn online unter Bachelorstudiengang+Volkswirtschaftslehre.html Dort erfolgt auch die Anmeldung zu den Kursen. Der Besuch der Kurse ist kostenlos, jedoch zwingend mit einer Anrechnung als Studien- und Prüfungsleistung im Rahmen von Modul 8 verbunden. Bitte beachten Sie die ergänzenden Hinweise auf der Webseite

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Kurse der Universitätsbibliothek zur Datenbank- und Literaturrecherche für Wirtschaftswissenschaftler

Wirtschaftswissenschaften: Literatursuche in Katalogen, Portalen und Internet (Kurs A) Zielgruppe: Studierende der Fächer BWL und/oder VWL Dauer: 1 1/2 Std. Termin(e): 9.2.2010 und 23.2.2010, jeweils um 12:00-13:30 Uhr; weitere Termine können auch kurzfristig vereinbart werden. Treffpunkt: Bibliotheksbereich Schloss Ehrenhof, PC-Raum, 2. OG. Referent: Wolfram Lindner, Tel. 0621/181-3006 Anmeldung: Über das Studierendenportal  

Wirtschaftswissenschaften: Recherchieren in Datenbanken und Internet (Kurs B) Zielgruppe: Studierende der Fächer BWL und/oder VWL Dauer: 1 1/2 Std. Termin(e): 11.2.2010 und 25.2.2010, jeweils um 12:00-13:30 Uhr; weitere Termine können auch kurzfristig vereinbart werden. Treffpunkt: Bibliotheksbereich Schloss Ehrenhof, PC-Raum, 2. OG. Referent: Wolfram Lindner, Tel. 0621/181-3006 Anmeldung: Über das Studierendenportal

G. Statistik für andere Studiengänge Grundlagen der Statistik

Vorlesung und Übung

6st. Steinke, I.

wtl Mo 13:45 - 15:15 15.02.2010-31.05.2010 A 3 001 wtl Di 15:30 - 17:00 16.02.2010-01.06.2010 A 3 001 wtl Mi

15:30 - 17:00 17.02.2010-02.06.2010 A 3 001

Vorlesung und Übung

6st. Steinke, I.

wtl Mo 10:15 - 11:45 15.02.2010-31.05.2010 A 3 001 wtl Di 10:15 - 11:45 16.02.2010-01.06.2010 A 3 001 wtl Mi

08:30 - 10:00 17.02.2010-02.06.2010 A 3 001

Inhalt: Die Vorlesung stellt eine Einführung in die Wahrscheinlichkeitsrechnung und Induktive Statistik dar. Es werden die Grundbegriffe und Grundlagen der Wahrscheinlichkeitsrechnung besprochen, z.B. Wahrscheinlichkeit, bedingte Wahrscheinlichkeit, Unabhängigkeit, Bayessche Formel, Zufallsvariablen, Verteilungsfunktion, diskrete und stetige Verteilungen, Verteilungen von zwei und mehr Zufallsvariablen und Grenzwertaussagen für große Stichproben. Im Rahmen des Statistikteils der Vorlesung wird in die Grundkonzepte der Schätz- und Testtheorie eingeführt, es werden die wichtigsten klassischen Parametertests besprochen und theoretische und praktische Aspekte von linearen Regressionsmodellen diskutiert. Course title: Grundlagen der Statistik Instructor: Dr. Ingo Steinke Method: lecture (4) + practical exercises (2) Course level: Bachelor Examination: 180 minutes ECTS-Credits: 8 Course description: The lecture is an introduction into probability theory and inductive statistics. Die basic concepts and formulas of probability theory will be discussed such as probability, conditional probability, independence, Bayes formula, random variable, distribution function, discrete and continuous distributions, distributions for two and more random variables and limit theorems for large sample sizes. The introduction into statistics contains the basic ideas of estimation and testing theory. The most popular elementary tests will be presented and theoretical and practical aspects of regression analysis discussed. Contact person: Dr. Ingo Steinke, Tel. 181-1785, e-Mail: isteinke[at], L 7, room 141.

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II. Diplomstudium


A. Pflichtveranstaltungen für Volkswirte

Zu den Veranstaltungen Internationale Ökonomik und Grundlagen der Ökonometrie siehe Bachelorstudiengang Vertiefungsphase. Die Veranstaltungen Wirtschaftspolitik I sowie Finanzwissenschaft I und II werden nicht mehr angeboten.

Wirtschaftspolitik B

Vorlesung 4st. Vaubel, R.wtl Mo 10:15 - 11:45 19.04.2010-04.06.2010 O 163 wtl Di

15:30 - 17:00 20.04.2010-05.06.2010 O 163

Die Veranstaltung Wirtschaftspolitik besteht aus zwei Teilen (A und B). Teil A wird von Prof. Grüner, Teil B von Prof. Vaubel gelesen. Teil B (ab 19. April) kann in Kombination mit der Vorlesung „Quantitative Theorie der Wirtschaftspolitik“ als Diplom-Veranstaltung Wirtschaftspolitik II angerechnet werden. Course title: Wirtschaftspolitik II Instructor(s): Prof. Dr. Roland Vaubel Course level: Diploma Method (hours per week): lecture (2.5) + practical exercises (2) Course language: German Prerequisites: Vordiplom Examination: Final written exam, 180 min. ECTS-Credits: 8 Course description: Part II 1. Freedom, Efficiency and Distribution 2. Environmental Policy 3. Policies towards Natural Monopolies 4. Policies for Full Employment and Price-Level Stability Contact person: Bernhard Klingen, Tel.: 0621/181-1813, L7, 3-5, room 2-10, e-mail: klingen[at]

Quantitative Theorie der Wirtschaftspolitik (zweiter Teil von Wirtschaftspolitik II)

Vorlesung 0.5st.

Vaubel, R.

wtl Do

17:15 - 18:30 04.03.2010-25.03.2010 L 7, 3-5 031

Studierende, die diese Veranstaltung besuchen möchten, melden sich bitte bis zum 12. Februar 2010 per e-mail beim Lehrstuhlsekretariat, Frau Rosenkranz, rosenkranz[at], an. Voraussetzung: abgeschlossenes Grundstudium Inhalt: Die Veranstaltung kann nicht separat belegt werden, sondern kann nur gemeinsam mit dem Teil B der Veranstaltung Wirtschaftspolitik für den Bachelor-Studiengang (siehe oben) als Diplom-Veranstaltung Wirtschaftspolitik II angerechnet werden.

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Literatur: Ein Verzeichnis der empfohlenen Literatur wird in der Vorlesung verteilt und ist am Lehrstuhl erhältlich. Course title: Wirtschaftspolitik II Instructor: Prof. Dr. Roland Vaubel Course level: Diploma Method (hours per week): lecture (2.5) + practical exercises (2) Prerequisites: Vordiplom Examination: written ECTS-Credits: 8 Course description: The lecture consists of two parts: Economic Policy for Bachelors (part B) and “Quantitative Theory of Economic Policy”. Contact person: Bernhard Klingen, Tel.: 0621/181-1813, e-mail: klingen[at], L7, 3-5, room 2-10

B. Wahlveranstaltungen für Volkswirte

Die Wahlveranstaltungen ersetzen die ehemaligen Vertiefungsfächer und Wahlpflichtfächer (die hier angebotenen Veranstaltungen sind zum Teil auch für Betriebswirte, Mathematiker, Soziologen und Sozialwissenschaftler zu empfehlen). Angewandte Mikroökonomik Arbeitsmärkte in Entwicklungsländern (Diplom Blockseminar)

Blockseminar 2st. Frölich, M. / Vollan, B.

Termine nach Vereinbarung Course title: Arbeitsmärkte in Entwicklungsländern (Diplom Blockseminar) Instructor: Prof. Dr. Markus Frölich Method (hours per week): seminar (2) Course level: Diploma Course language: German Prerequisites: Grundlagen der Ökonometrie/Basic Econometrics Examination: seminar paper + presentation ECTS-Credits: 6 Course description: The seminar covers current topics related to labour markets in developing countries (mostly Africa), with a strong empirical (microeonometric) focus. The topics include: child labour, informal labour markets, entrepreneurship, firm creation, labour market regulations, microcredit, microinsurance etc. (The seminar is offered in autumn and in the spring term, in the form of a block seminar.) Contact person: Prof. Dr. Markus Frölich, Tel. 181-1845 (secretary´soffice), E-Mail: anja.schott[at], L7, 3 - 5, room 107


Vorlesung und Übung

4st. Bergemann, A. / Gürtzgen, N.

wtl Mi 10:15 - 11:45 17.02.2010-02.06.2010 L 7, 3-5 031 wtl Fr

10:15 - 11:45 19.02.2010-04.06.2010 L 7, 3-5 031

Die Veranstaltung bietet eine Einführung in die Grundlagen der Arbeitsmarktökonomik. Aufbauend auf dem neoklassischen Arbeitsangebotsmodell und der Behandlung der Arbeitsnachfrage werden Arbeitsmarktgleichgewichte bei unterschiedlichen Marktformen diskutiert. Anschließend erfolgt eine Einführung in die Modelle von Lohnverhandlungen sowie unterschiedliche Modelle zur Erklärung von Entlohnungsunterschieden, wie z.B. kompensierende Lohndifferenziale und Diskriminierung. Darüber hinaus gibt die Vorlesung eine Einführung in Humankapitaltheorien und Suchmodelle.

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Mit der Einführung in die obigen Themenkomplexe soll insbesondere die Analyse der Wirkungen staatlicher Eingriffe auf den Arbeitsmarkt ermöglicht werden. Ein besonderer Schwerpunkt liegt auf der Verbindung theoretischer, institutioneller und empirischer Aspekte, wobei der vermittelte Stoff anhand aktueller empirischer Untersuchungen illustriert werden soll.

Course title: Arbeitsmarktökonomik Instructors: Annette Bergemann, Nicole Gürtzgen Method (hours per week): lecture (3) + exercises (1) Course level: Bachelor and Diploma Prerequisites: Mikro A+B, Grundlagen der Ökonometrie Examination: final exam, 135 min. ECTS-Credits: 8 Course description: The course provides an introduction to labour economics. We begin with the neoclassical model of workers’ labour supply and then discuss employers’ labour demand. Building on optimal supply and demand behaviour, we next turn to the labour market equilibrium. The course further provides an introduction to models of wage bargaining and covers various theoretical determinants of wage differentials, such as discrimination and compensating wage differentials. We also address human capital theories as well as job search models. A major goal is to provide students with the necessary tools that help to analyse the labour market consequences of government interventions, such as minimum wages, social security, taxes etc. We also present recent results of the relevant empirical literature. Contact persons: Prof. Dr. Annette Bergemann, phone 181-1930, room 1.45, annette.bergemann[at]; PD Dr. Nicole Gürtzgen, phone: 0621/1235-155, ZEW, L 7, 1, guertzgen[at]


Seminar 2st. Jürges, H.

Einzel Di 09:00 - 16:00 16.03.2010-16.03.2010 Einzel Mi

09:00 - 16:00 17.03.2010-17.03.2010

Topics: • Effects of class size • Quality of Teachers • Performance-related pay for teachers • Competition between schools • Vouchers • Central exit examination • School autonomy • Accountability • Peer Effects • Equality of opportunity • Early childhood education • Tracking

Course title: Bildungsökonomik Instructor: Prof. Dr. Hendrik Jürges Method (hours per week): block seminar (2) Course level: Bachelor and Diploma Course language: German Examination: seminar paper and presentation ECTS-Credits: 4 (Bachelor) or 6 (Diploma) Course description: Since the PISA-Shock, the German school system is under scrutiny. The quality of education is now in the focus of the public and school reform has become a topic of lively discussion. The economics of education of the past decade has intensely studied all sorts of school reform. In this seminar, we will discuss the central results of this research: Do we need smaller classes? What is the role of teacher quality? Is competition between schools good or bad? What is the effect of central examinations? Does early tracking into secondary schools harm all pupils? Contact person: Hendrik Jürges, Tel. 181-3519, e-Mail: juerges[at], L 13,17, room 212

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Econometrics of Financial Markets

Vorlesung und Übung

4st. Pigorsch, U.

wtl Mi 08:30 - 10:00 17.02.2010-04.06.2010 L 7, 3-5 P 043 wtl Do

10:15 - 11:45 18.02.2010-03.06.2010 L 7, 3-5 P 043

Course title: Econometrics of Financial Markets Instructor: Prof. Dr. Uta Pigorsch Offered: Spring semester 2010, irregular cycle Method (hours per week): lecture (2) + tutorials (2) Course level: Master and Ph.D. (Diploma students are also admitted) Course language: English Prerequisites: Econometrics I and II Examination: written (90 minutes) (for Ph.D. students: exam and term paper) ECTS-Credits: 7 (Diploma students) Course description: The course provides an advanced study of econometric techniques most often used in the empirical analysis of financial markets. This involves inter alia (long-horizon) regressions, the generalized methods of moments and maximum-likelihood estimation, hypothesis testing, misspecification and issues related to measurement error and instrumental variable selection, as well as topics from (multivariate) time series analysis. The econometric methods will be studied within their main field of application in financial economics, such as the predictability of asset prices, the assessment of present value relations, the empirical analysis of asset pricing models (CAPM, APT etc.) and of event studies, the assessment of comovements among markets (e.g. cash and future), the modeling of volatility, etc. Contact person: Prof. Dr. Uta Pigorsch, Tel. 181-1945, E-mail. uta.pigorsch[at], L7, 3-5, room 126

Economics of Conflict

Blockseminar 2st. Orzen, H.

Einzel Di 13:45 - 15:15 16.02.2010-16.02.2010 L 9, 1-2 003 Einzel Fr 09:00 - 18:00 16.04.2010-16.04.2010 L 9, 1-2 003 Einzel Fr

09:00 - 18:00 23.04.2010-23.04.2010 L 9, 1-2 003

Course title: Economics of conflict Instructor: Prof. Dr. Henrik Orzen Method (hours per week): Block seminar (2) Course level: Bachelor/Diploma Course language: English or German, depending on participants Prerequisites: Mikroökonomik A + B or equivalent Examination: Seminar paper, presentation, attendance and active participation ECTS Credits: 4 (Bachelor) or 6 (Diploma) Course description: The seminar will cover topics relating to research that offers an economic perspective on conflict. A broad definition of “conflict” will be used, and the term will not be restricted to armed or violent confrontations. More important for the characterization of conflict, as understood here, is its focus on effort with the sole purpose to (re-)distribute what is available, quite distinct from wealth-enhancing efforts relating to production and exchange. There will be topics on rent-seeking competition, coalitions and group formation, conflict management and conflict settlement. An initial organizational meeting will be held at the beginning of the term. Contact person: Prof. Dr. Henrik Orzen, Tel. 181-1890, E-Mail: henrik.orzen[at], L7, 3-5, room 4.05

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Empirical Industrial Organization

Blockseminar 2st. Müller, E.

Einzel Fr 08:30 - 18:00 05.03.2010-05.03.2010 L 9, 1-2 002 Einzel Sa

08:30 - 18:00 06.03.2010-06.03.2010 L 9, 1-2 002

Organizational meeting: Tuesday, February 16, 2010, 10.15-11.45 am, L 7, 3-5 031 Seminar papers need to be handed in by March 12, 2010. Students can sign up for the seminar in the week of November 23 - 27, 2009. Please send an email to Dr. Elisabeth Mueller (mueller[at] including matrikel no., major, semester and 2-3 topics of your choice. Deregistrations are possible until December 6, 2009. Course title: Empirical Industrial Organization Instructor: Dr. Elisabeth Müller Office hours: meetings can be arranged via email Method (hours per week) : block seminar, 2 hours per week Course language: English on demand (seminar papers can be either written in English or in German) Prerequisites: Microeconomics III for Diploma students, Microeconomics B for Bachelor students; Introduction to Econometrics Examination: Seminar paper and oral presentation. Diplom students are asked to additionally discuss a seminar presentation. ECTS-Credits: Bachelor 4, Diploma 6 Course description: The seminar covers empirical applications of core topics of industrial organization. Topics covered include: static competition and market power; dynamic competition, collusion and strategic interaction; price discrimination; vertical relationships; entry and industry structure; network externalities. Contact person: Dr. Elisabeth Müller; ZEW, L 7, 1, Mannheim; room 358; phone: 1235-383; email: Mueller[at] Course topics A) Static Competition and Market Power Topic 1: Borenstein, S. (1989), “Hubs and High Fares: Dominance and Market Power in the U.S. Airline Industry”, RAND Journal of Economics , 2, 344-365. AND Genesove, D. and W. Mullin (1998), “Testing Static Oligopoly Models: Conduct and Cost in the Sugar Industry, 1890-1914”, RAND Journal of Economics , 29, 355-377. B) Dynamic Competition, Collusion, and Strategic Interaction Topic 2: Porter, R. (1983), “A Study of Cartel Stability: The Joint Executive Committee, 1880-1886”, Bell Journal of Economics , 14, 301-314. AND Ellison, G. (1994), “Theories of Cartel Stability and the Joint Executive Committee”, RAND Journal of Economics, 25, 37-57. Topic 3: Borenstein, S. and A. Shepard. (1996.), “Dynamic Pricing in Retail Gasoline Markets”; RAND Journal of Economics, 27, 429-451. Topic 4: Chevalier, J. A. and D. S. Scharfstein (1996), “Capital-Market Imperfections and Countercyclical Markups: Theory and Evidence”, American Economic Review, 86, 703-725. Topic 5: Knittel, C. and V. Stango. (2002), “Price Ceilings as Focal Points for Tacit Collusion: Evidence from the Credit Card Market”, American Economic Review , 39, 1703-1729 AND Busse, M. (2000), “Multimarket Contact and Price Coordination in the Cellular Telephone Industry”; Journal of Economics and Management Strategy, 9, 287-320. Topic 6: Röller, L. H. and F. Steen (2006), “On the Workings of a Cartell: Evidence from the Norwegian Cement Industry”, American Economic Review , 96, 321-338. AND Steen, F. and L. Sorgard, “Semicollusion in the Norwegian Cement Market”, European Economic Review , 43, 1775-1796. C) Price Discrimination Topic 7: Nevo, A. and C. Wolfram (2002), “Why Do Manufacturers Issue Coupons? An Empirical Analysis of Breakfast Cereals,” RAND Journal of Economics, 33, 319-339.

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AND Busse, M. and M. Rysman. (2005), “Competition and Price Discrimination in Yellow Pages Advertising”, RAND Journal of Economics , 36, 378-390. D) Vertical Relationships Topic 8: Hastings, J. ( 2004), “Vertical Relationships and Competition in Retail Gasoline Markets: Empirical Evidence from Contract Changes in Southern California,” American Economic Review , 94, 317-328. AND Chevalier, J. A. and F. S. Morton (2006), “State Casket Sales Restrictions: A Pointless Undertaking?”, NBER Working Paper No. 12012. E) Dynamics: Entry and Industry Structure Topic 9: Bresnahan, T. and P. Reiss (1991), “Entry and Competition in Concentrated Markets”, Journal of Political Economy, 99, 977-1009. Topic 10: Hortacsu, A. and C. Syverson (2007), “Cementing Relationships: Vertical Integration, Foreclosure, Productivity, and Prices”, Journal of Political Economy , 115, 250-301. F) Network Externalities Topic 11: Gandal, N., M. Kende and R. Rob (2000), “The Dynamics of Technological Adoption in Hardware/Software Systems: The Case of Compact Disk Players”, RAND Journal of Economics 31, 43-61. AND Gandal, N. (1994), “Hedonic Price Indexes for Spreadsheets and an Empirical Test for Network Externalities”, RAND Journal of Economics, , 25, 160-170.

Estimating dynamic econometric models

Vorlesung 2st. Winschel, V.wtl Di

13:45 - 15:15 16.02.2010-01.06.2010 L 7, 3-5 P 043

Course title: Estimating dynamic econometric models Instructor: Dr. Viktor Winschel Method (hours per week): lecture (2) Course level: Diploma Course language: English Prerequisites: advanced, quantitative, numerical macroeconomics or econometrics Examination: term paper, exam or code ECTS-Credits: 5 Course description: We estimate dynamic econometric models within linear Gaussian and general state space models and generalize into graphical, functional and logical frameworks and their implementation on our large grid computer. For further information see Contact person: Dr. Viktor Winschel, L7, 3-5, room 2.45, Tel: 0621-181-1802, e-mail: [email protected]

Growth and Cycles

Blockseminar 2st. Dürnecker, G.

Einzel Fr

17:00 - 18:00 19.02.2010-19.02.2010 L 7, 3-5 P 043

Organizational meeting: Friday, February 19, 5 pm Course title: Growth and Cycles Instructor: Georg Dürnecker Method (hours per week): Block seminar (2) Course level: Bachelor and Diploma Course language: English Prerequisites: Basic Macroeconomics Examination: Seminar paper + Presentation

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ECTS-Credits: 4 (Bachelor) or 6 (Diploma) Course description: Short-run fluctuations in economic activity and long-run growth are two phenomena which are common to almost all economies. In the past, both were often considered to be independent from each other. However, recently, economic research has started to explore the links and interdependences between business cycle fluctuations and the long-run growth path of economies. The aim of this course is two-fold. First, we will review and discuss various theories of long-run economic growth and models that address business cycle fluctuations such as (a) the neoclassical growth model, (b) overlapping-generations models, (c) models of endogenous growth, (d) the Schumpeterian model of creative destruction, (e) the real business cycle model and (f) New Keynesian models. Second, we will discuss the recent advancements in the literature on the link between short-run fluctuations and long-run growth. In addition to the theory covered in the seminar, we will also focus on empirical aspects and important stylized facts related to growth and cycles. Contact person: Georg Dürnecker, Tel. 181-1804, E-mail: duernecker[at], L 7, 3-5, room 246.

Human Capital Formation

Seminar 2st. Pfeiffer, F.

wtl Mi

17:15 - 18:45 17.02.2010-02.06.2010

Course title : Human Capital Formation Instructor : PD Dr. Friedhelm Pfeiffer Method (hours per week): seminar (2) Course language: English or German, depending on participants Prerequisites: Microeconomics, Microeconometrics Course level : Diploma, Master, Graduates Examination : Seminar paper, presentation, attendance and discussion of another paper ECTS Credits: 6 (Diploma, Master) Course description: In the seminar we will discuss the technology of skill formation (initial conditions, home resources, competence formation) and related recent fields from the psychology and economics of human capital formation. The role of investments by the individual, the family and institutions (the matrix of inside and outside factors) will be studied in theoretical and empirical work of human capital formation over the life cycle. There will be an organizational meeting at the beginning of the semester at ZEW Mannheim. At this meeting we will decide when the seminar presentations will take place. Contact person : PD Dr. Friedhelm Pfeiffer, Tel. 1235-150, pfeiffer[at]

Immigration and Public Policy

Vorlesung 2st. Gathmann, C.

wtl Di

13:45 - 15:15 16.02.2010-01.06.2010 L 9, 1-2 002

Course title: Immigration and Public Policy Instructor: Prof. Christina Gathmann, Ph.D. Method (hours per week): lecture (2) Course level: Master and Diploma Course language: English Prerequisites: Microeconomics A&B and Basic Econometrics (Diploma level) Examination: written exam, 90 minutes (80%), class participation (20%) ECTS-credits: 5 (Master and Diploma) Course description: The lecture will give an overview of the economics of migration. Topics include: What determines migration patterns and how do migrants differ from non-migrants? Does the population in the destination country benefit from immigrants? Does migration result in a brain drain or brain gain for the sending country? How do countries regulate legal and illegal migration flows? Is a generous welfare state compatible with a mobile labor force? The block seminar will then analyze these topics in more depth and apply to specific empirical cases. References: Bodvarsson, O. B. and H. van den Berg (2009), Economics of Immigration: Theory and Policy; Borjas, G. (2001), Heaven’s Door: Immigration Policy and the American Economy. Contact: Prof. Christina Gathmann, Ph.D.; cgathmann[at]; Tel: 181-1798.

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Vorlesung 2st. Conrad, K.wtl Di

15:30 - 17:00 16.02.2010-01.06.2010 L 7, 3-5 031

Inhalt: Gegenstand und Entwicklung der Industrieökonomik, Produkt- und Preisdifferenzierung, Unvollständige Qualitätsinformation, Einführungspreise und Werbung, Marktstruktur und Marktdynamik, Forschung und Entwicklung, Empirische Industrieökonomik. Literatur: Berndt, E.R., The Practice of Econometric, 1991. Bester, I Theorie der Industrieökonomik, Springer Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, 2000. Bühler, S. und F. Jaeger, Einführung in die Industrieökonomik, Springer Verlag, 2002. Cabral, Industrial Organization, Cambridge, 2000. Chambers, R.G., Applied Production Analysis - A Dual Approach, Cambridge Univ. Press, 1989. Eaton, B.C. und D.F. Eaton, Microeconomies, 3. ed., Prentice Hall, New Jersey, 1995. Greene, W.H., Econometric Analysis, 2. Aufl., 1994. Hansen, G., Quantitative Wirtschaftsforschung, Vahlen, 1993. Link, A.N., Technological Change and Productivity Growth, 1987. Pfähler, W. und Wiese, H., Unternehmensstrategien im Wettbewerb, Springer Verlag, 1998. Pindyck, R.S. und D.L. Rubinfeld, Microeconomics, 5. ed., Prentice Hall, New Jersey, 2001. (Mikroökonomie, 5. Auflage, Pearson Studium, 2003) Shy, Oz; Industrial Organization, MIT Press, 1995. Course title: Industrieökonomik Instructor: Professor Dr. Klaus Conrad Method (hours per week): lecture (2) Examination: written, 90 minutes ECTS-Credits: 5 Course description: Objective and development of industrial economics, Product differentiation and price discrimination, Product choice problem and advertising, Market structure and dynamics, Research and development, Empirical industrial economics. For further details see Contact person: Professor Dr. Klaus Conrad, Tel.: +49 621 181 1896, e-mail: kconrad[at]


Blockseminar Conrad, K.

Themen und Datum entnehmen Sie bitte der home-page. Das Seminar findet als Blockseminar Mitte Mai 2010 statt. Wer Interesse hat möge zwei Themen seiner Wahl angeben (per e-mail an Frau Reiter). Die Referate werden dann ab Mitte Januar vergeben und können in den Semesterferien bearbeitet werden. Course title: Informationsökonomik Method (hours per week): seminar (2) Course level: Diploma, Bachelor Examination: paper, oral presentation ECTS-Credits: 6 (Diploma), 4 (Bachelor) Course description: Please visit the home-page to see the topics: The seminar takes place at the middle of May 2010. Please choose two topics and inform us about the title. You can prepare the seminar paper in the semester break. Contact person: Prof. Dr. Klaus Conrad, phone: 181-1896, e-mail: kconrad[at], L7, 3-5, room 401

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Labour Markets in Developing Countries

Vorlesung 2st. Haile, G.wtl Mo

10:15 - 11:45 15.02.2010-04.06.2010 L 7, 3-5 P 044

Coursel title: Labour Markets in Developing Countries Instructor: Dr. Getinet Haile Method (hours per week): lecture (2) Course level: Bachelor and Diploma Course language: English Prerequisites: Basic Econometrics/Grundlagen der Ökonometrie Examination: to be announced ECTS-Credits: 5 Course despription: The course covers labour economics, including theoretical and empirical concepts, with a particular focus on issues pertinent to developing countries. More details will follow. Contact person: Dr. Getinet Haile (Prof. Dr. Markus Frölich), E-mail Sekretariat: anja.schott[at], L7, 3-5, room 107, phone 181-1845

Optimal currency areas

Seminar 2st. Winschel, V.wtl Do

13:45 - 15:15 18.02.2010-03.06.2010 L 7, 3-5 P 043

Wir diskutieren in den ersten drei Wochen die Kriterien für die Eignung von Ländern für einen Währungsraum (OCA). Danach werden die Themen der Seminararbeiten festgelegt und bearbeitet.

Course title: Optimal currency areas Instructor: Dr. Viktor Winschel Method (hours per week): seminar (2) Course level: Bachelor and Diploma Course language: English on demand Prerequisites: basic macroeconomics Examination: term paper ECTS-Credits: 4 (Bachelor) or 6 (Diploma) Course description: The suitability of countries for a currency area is the topic of the first three weeks of lectures. Afterwards the topics of the term papers are fixed and worked out. For further information see Contact person: Dr. Viktor Winschel, L7, 3-5, room .245, Tel: 0621-181-1802, e-mail: winschel[at]

Seminar in Political Economy

Blockseminar 2st. Felgenhauer, M.Einzel Fr 08:00 - 19:00 19.02.2010-19.02.2010 L 9, 1-2 002 Einzel Sa

08:00 - 19:00 20.02.2010-20.02.2010 L 9, 1-2 002

Blockseminar am 19. und 20. Februar 2010; genaue Uhrzeit und Ort werden noch bekannt gegeben. Interessierte Studenten werden gebeten, sich in der Zeit vom 23. bis 27.11.2009 bei Mike Felgenhauer für das Seminar anzumelden.

Course title: Seminar in Political Economy (Blockseminar) Instructor: Dr. Mike Felgenhauer Method (hours per week): seminar (2) Course level: Bachelor, Diploma Course language: German

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Prerequisites: Game Theory (basic knowledge from first two years of the Bachelor programme) Examination: seminar paper (about 12 pages); presentation of the seminar paper (about 1 h); active participation in the seminars; Diploma students in addition have to discuss the seminar paper of a fellow student in class ECTS-Credits: 4 (Bachelor) or 6 (Diploma) Course description: political competition, lobbying, information aggregation in the political process Contact person: Dr. Mike Felgenhauer, Tel. 181-1911, E-Mail: felgenha[at], L 7, 3-5, room 3-01

Thesis Preparation Seminar

Seminar Orzen, H.

Termine nach Vereinbarung Course title: Thesis Preparation Seminar Instructor: Prof. Dr. Henrik Orzen Method (hours per week): (2) Course level: Bachelor/Diploma Course language: English or German, depending on participants Prerequisites: Mikroökonomik A + B or equivalent Examination: presentation, attendance and active participation ECTS Credits: none Students who write their final thesis at the chair for Business Economics are given the opportunity to present and discuss preliminary results from their research.

Topics in Macroeconomics

Vorlesung und Übung

4st. Winschel, V.

wtl Do 12:00 - 13:30 18.02.2010-03.06.2010 L 7, 3-5 P 044 wtl Fr

10:15 - 11:45 19.02.2010-04.06.2010 L 7, 3-5 P 043

Main Literature: Introduction to Modern Economic Growth by Acemoglu Additional Literature: Knowledge Representation and Reasoning by Brachman, Levesque Computational Intelligence by Poole et. al. Memory Evolutive Systems by Ehresmann, Vanbremeersch Course title: Topics in Macroeconomics Instructor: Dr. Viktor Winschel Method (hours per week): lecture (2) + practical exercises (2) Course Level: Master and Diploma Course language: English Prerequisites: Macroeconomics Examination: written exam ECTS-Credits: 7 (Diploma) or 9 (Master) Course description: We will study the standard literature on economic growth in the text book of Acemoglu (chapters 8 to 11 and some material from later chapters). We will also spend some few lectures to learn how other sciences discuss topics also important in macroeconomics - like knowledge, reasoning, decentralized processes, networks or aggregation. For further information see Contact person: Dr. Viktor Winschel, L7, 3-5, room 2.45, Tel: 0621-181-1802, e-mail: winschel[at]

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Topics in Political Economics

Vorlesung 2st. Winschel, E.wtl Mi

10:15 - 11:45 17.02.2010-02.06.2010 L 7, 3-5 P 044

Course title: Topics in Political Economics Instructor: Dr. Evguenia Winschel Method (hours per week): lecture (2) Course level: Bachelor and Diploma Course language: English Prerequisites: Wirtschaftspolitik Examination: a take home final exam ECTS-Credits: 5 Course description: In this course, we study methods, applications and empirical methodology of political economy via investigation of various topics such as distributive politics, special interest groups, media and politics, etc. Contact person: Dr. Evguenia Winschel, Tel. 181-1939, eugeniaw[at], L 7, 3-5, S09

Empirische Wirtschaftspolitik Seminar “Public Choice”

Seminar 2st. Vaubel, R.Einzel Sa 09:30 - 16:30 27.02.2010-27.02.2010 L 7, 3-5 P 043 Einzel Sa

09:30 - 16:30 06.03.2010-06.03.2010 L 7, 3-5 P 043

Course title: Seminar “Public-Choice” Instructor: Prof. Dr. Roland Vaubel Method (hours per week): seminar (2) Course level: Bachelor, Diploma, and Master Course language: German or English Examination: written, 90 minutes ECTS-Credits: 4 (Bachelor), 5 (Master) or 6 (Diploma) Course description: Topics for seminar papers will be suggested on the message board. Contact person: Prof. Dr. Roland Vaubel, Tel.: 0621/181 1816, e-mail : vaubel[at], L 7, 3-5, room 2-12

Finanzsystem, Information, Risiko Internationale Finanzmarktkrisen

Seminar 2st. El-Shagi, M.

Termine nach Vereinbarung Course title: Internationale Finanzmarktkrisen Instructor: PD Dr. Makram El-Shagi Method (hours per week): seminar (2) Course level: Bachelor and Diploma Examination: seminar paper, presentation, discussion of another participant’s paper, active participation ECTS-credits: 4 (Bachelor) or 6 (Diploma) Course description: seminar on international finance crisis; for further information see Contact person: PD Dr. Makram El-Shagi, Tel. 03457-753835, e-Mail: Makram.El-Shagi[at]

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Finanzwissenschaft Finanzwissenschaft (Blockseminar)

Blockseminar Janeba, E.

Einzel Mo 08:00 - 18:30 15.02.2010-15.02.2010 L 7, 3-5 458 Einzel Mo 08:00 - 18:30 15.02.2010-15.02.2010 L 7, 3-5 457 Einzel Fr

08:00 - 18:30 12.02.2010-12.02.2010 O048-050

Course title: Finanzwissenschaft (Blockseminar) Instructor: Professor Dr. Eckhard Janeba Method (hours per week): seminar (2) Prerequisites: Finanzwissenschaft I + II und Mikroökonomie III or Vertiefungsphase Examination: presentation, participation, paper ECTS Credits: 4 (Bachelor) or 6 (Diploma) Course description: Topic to be announced Contact person: Prof. Dr. Eckhard Janeba, Tel. 181-1795, e-Mail: janeba[at], L7, 3-5, room 2.29 Gesundheitsökonomie

Vorlesung 3st. Wille, E.wtl Di

09:45 - 12:00 16.02.2010-04.06.2010 L 7, 3-5 P 044

Course title: Gesundheitsökonomie Instructor: Prof. Dr. Eberhard Wille Method: hours per week: lecture (3) Course level: Bachelor and Diploma Course language: German Prerequisites: Finanzwissenschaft Examination: written, 135 minutes ECTS-Credits: 7 Course description: determinants of health care expenditures, efficiency and effectiveness in health care; outcome measurement, managed care and disease management, cost benefit analysis in health care. Contact person: Prof. Dr. Eberhard Wille, phone: 0621/181 1828, L 7, 3-5, room 2-20, E-Mail: wille[at]

Gesundheitsökonomisches Seminar

Seminar 2st. Wille, E.

Einzel Do 10:00 - 17:00 18.02.2010-18.02.2010 O 131 Einzel Fr

10:00 - 17:00 19.02.2010-19.02.2010 L 9, 1-2 003

Course title: Gesundheitsökonomisches Seminar Instructor: Prof. Dr. Eberhard Wille Offered: every semester Method (hours per week): seminar (2) Course level: Bachelor and Diploma Course language: German Prerequisites: Finanzwissenschaft Examination: seminar paper, oral presentation ECTS-Credits: 4 (Bachelor) or 6 (Diploma) Course description: the German social insurance system, social contributions in international perspective, financing of statutory health insurance and nursing care insurance, risk adjustment scheme, impact of European integration on national health systems Contact person: Dipl.-Volkswirt Michael Popp, phone: 0621/181-1782, L 7, 3-5, room S06, email:michael-popp-lu[at]

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International Trade and Tax Policy Analysis

Vorlesung 2st. Janeba, E.wtl Di

10:15 - 11:45 16.02.2010-04.06.2010 L 7, 3-5 P 043

Course title: International Trade and Tax Policy Analysis Instructor: Prof. Dr. Eckhard Janeba Method (hours per week): lecture (2) + exercise (1) Offered: Spring semester Course level: Master and Diploma Examination: tba. ECTS-Credits: 6 (Diploma) or 7 (Master students) Course description: This course deals with trade and public policies in open economies with a focus on recent policy debates. Atthe same time we provide foundations for policy analysis by studying theoretical models. A tentative list of topics and questions is as follows: 1. How does trade affect wages and unemployment? 2. Is free trade good for the environment? 3. How do firms respond to trade liberalization? 4. Does trade integration increase or decrease tax competition? 5. Who lobbies for trade protection? 6. Does international trade erode culture? 7. Is international tax competition welfare improving? 8. Does globalization shrink the welfare state? Contact person: Prof. Dr. Eckhard Janeba, Tel. 181-1795, E-Mail: janeba[at], L 7, 3-5, room 229; Office hours: tba

International Trade and Tax Policy Analysis

Übung 1st. Janeba, E.14-tägl Mo

10:15 - 11:45 15.02.2010-31.05.2010 L 7, 3-5 P 043

Information und Wettbewerb Information and Incentives

Vorlesung 2st. Hagenbach, J. / Peitz, M.wtl Di 08:30 - 10:00 16.02.2010-30.03.2010 L 7, 3-5 001 wtl Mi

08:30 - 10:00 17.02.2010-31.03.2010 L 7, 3-5 P 044

Course title: Information and Incentives Instructor: Jeanne Hagenbach Method (hours per week): lecture 2 hours; concentrated in the first half of the term; 4 hours in the first 7 weeks Prerequisites: Game Theory ECTS-Credits: 5 Course schedule: Tuesday and Wednesday 08:30-10:00 Course level: Bachelor and Diploma Course language: English Course description: In this course, we focus on two-sided interactions in which one part has more information than the other part. Our goal is to examine the consequences of such an information gap on the character and efficiency of the interaction and analyse the general structure of incentive problems that arise. After an introduction to the subject of asymmetric information, we will first present a benchmark model in which both parties share the same information. Next, the course will be divided into two parts devoted respectively to Moral Hazard (one part has more information about the action that it controls) and Adverse Selection (one part is better informed about its own characteristics). The course aims at presenting basic theory before moving on to applications. Economic situations in which asymmetric information problems arise include a very wide range of areas: markets with unobservable quality, monopolistic price discrimination, provision of public goods, auctions, insurance, labor economics and even politics. Basic reference for the course will be Laffont, J-J et D. Martimort (2002), The Theory of Incentives. The Principal-Agent Model, Princeton University Press. Office Hours: Wednesday, 14:00-15:00 h. Contact person: Nuray Mamaç (Secretary to Prof. Nocke/Prof. Peitz), Tel. 181-1880, E-mail: lsstahl[at]

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Öffentliche Ausgaben und Sozialversicherung Gesundheitsökonomie

Vorlesung 3st. Wille, E.wtl Di

09:45 - 12:00 16.02.2010-04.06.2010 L 7, 3-5 P 044

Course title: Gesundheitsökonomie Instructor: Prof. Dr. Eberhard Wille Offered: every semester Method: hours per week: lecture (3) Course level: Bachelor and Diploma Course language: German Prerequisites: Finanzwissenschaft Examination: written, 135 minutes ECTS-Credits: 7 Course description: determinants of health care expenditures, efficiency and effectiveness in health care; outcome measurement, managed care and disease management, cost benefit analysis in health care. Contact person: Prof. Dr. Eberhard Wille, phone: 0621/181 1828, L 7, 3-5, room 2-20, E-Mail: wille[at]

Gesundheitsökonomisches Seminar

Seminar 2st. Wille, E.

Einzel Do 10:00 - 17:00 18.02.2010-18.02.2010 O 131 Einzel Fr

10:00 - 17:00 19.02.2010-19.02.2010 L 9, 1-2 003

Course title: Gesundheitsökonomisches Seminar Instructor: Prof. Dr. Eberhard Wille Offered: every semester Method (hours per week): seminar (2) Course level: Bachelor and Diploma Course language: German Prerequisites: Finanzwissenschaft Examination: seminar paper, oral presentation ECTS-Credits: 4 (Bachelor) or 6 (Diploma) Course description: the German social insurance system, social contributions in international perspective, financing of statutory health insurance and nursing care insurance, risk adjustment scheme, impact of European integration on national health systems Contact person: Dipl.-Volkswirt Michael Popp, phone: 0621/181-1782, L 7, 3-5, room S06, email:michael-popp-lu[at]

Ökonometrie Analysis B

Vorlesung und Übung

6st. Winschel, E.

wtl Di 08:30 - 10:00 16.02.2010-01.06.2010 L 9, 1-2 004 wtl Di 10:15 - 11:45 16.02.2010-01.06.2010 L 9, 1-2 004 wtl Mi

13:45 - 15:15 17.02.2010-03.06.2010 A 5, 6 B 144

Course title: Analysis B Instructor: Dr. Evguenia Winschel. Offered: Summer semesters Method (hours per week): lecture (4) + practical exercises (2)

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Prerequisites: Analysis Examination: written, 180 minutes ECTS-Credits: 11 Course description: calculus of several variables ll, integral calculus, differential equations, difference equations. Contact person: Dr. Evguenia Winschel, Tel. 181-1939, eugeniaw[at], L 7, 3-5, S08.

Angewandte Mikroökonometrie mit Stata

Vorlesung und Übung

4st. Maier, M.

wtl Mo 08:30 - 10:00 15.02.2010-04.06.2010 L 7, 3-5 001 wtl Mo

15:30 - 17:00 15.02.2010-04.06.2010 L 7, 3-5 158

Course title: Angewandte Mikroökonometrie mit Stata Instructor: Dr. Michael Maier Method (hours per week): lecture (2) + computer tutorials (2) Course level: Bachelor and Diploma Course language: German/English Prerequisites: Basic Econometrics/Grundlagen der Ökonometrie Examination: written, 90 minutes ECTS-Credits: 7 Course description: This course introduces various microeconometric methods, which can be applied to analyze a wide range of economic questions. In particular, linear and instrumental variables regressions, discrete choice models, panel data models (including nonlinear and dynamic approaches), methods for durations, quantile regressions, econometric evaluation models, and basic nonparametric methods are discussed. All topics will be applied in computer tutorials using Stata. The aim of the lectures is to enable the participants to understand and apply econometric models in empirical analyses, to decide which model to choose for a given empirical question, and to gain sound experience with the Stata software package. Contact person: Michael Maier, Tel. 181-3500, E-mail: michael.maier[at], L 7, 3-5, room 103

Diplomanden- und Doktorandenseminar Ökonometrie

Seminar Trenkler, C. / Pigorsch, U.

Termine nach Vereinbarung Prof. U. Pigorsch, Prof. C. Trenkler Contact persons: Prof. Dr. Carsten Trenkler, e-Mail: trenkler[at], L7, 3 - 5, Raum 105, Tel. 181-1852 Prof. Dr. Uta Pigorsch, e-Mail: uta.pigorsch[at], L7, 3 - 5, Raum 126, Tel. 181-1945

Experimental Economics

Vorlesung 2st. Schmidt, C.

wtl Di

15:30 - 17:00 16.02.2010-01.06.2010 L 9, 1-2 003

Course title: Experimental Economics Instructor: Dr. Carsten Schmidt Method (hours per week): lecture (2) Course level: Master, Diploma, PhD Course language: English Prerequisites: Participants are expected to have acquired a sound background in micro and game theory Examination: written exam, 90 minutes (90%) + participation: journal of classroom experiments (10%) ECTS-Credits: 5

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Course description: This course in Experimental Economics will look at what economic theory has to say about economic choices and strategic interactions and what people actually do when faced with strategic decisions. We will conduct a large number of classroom experiments in order to either identify systematic deviations or to confirm theoretical predictions. Beginning with the history and purposes of experimental economics, this course will cover the latest methods and survey existing experimental research. Most importantly, this course will teach students how to set up an economic experiment. Contact person: Dr. Carsten Schmidt, L7, 3-5, room 4.16, Tel. 181-3425, e-mail: cschmidt[at]


Vorlesung und Übung

4st. Frölich, M.

wtl Di 12:00 - 13:30 16.02.2010-04.06.2010 L 7, 3-5 031 wtl Fr 12:00 - 13:30 19.02.2010-04.06.2010 L 7, 3-5 031 wtl Fr

12:00 - 13:30 19.02.2010-04.06.2010 L 7, 3-5 158

Der Kurs behandelt PARAMETRISCHE Modelle für die Analyse von Mikrodaten. (Er ist komplementär zum Kurs Treatment effects, der vollständig nichtparametrisch orientiert ist.)

Course title: Microeconometrics Instructor: Prof. Dr. Markus Frölich Method (hours per week): lecture (3) + computer tutorial (1) Course level: Diploma and Master (also PhD admitted) Course language: English Prerequisites: Grundlagen der Ökonometrie and at least one additional course in econometrics Examination: written, 135 minutes ECTS-Credits: 8 (Diploma) or 9.5 (Master) Course description: This course covers PARAMETRIC models for the analysis of microeconomic data as common in analysis of household data, marketing, firm data etc. (It is complementary to the course Treatment effects, which will be entirely non-parametric.) Students are expected to read the following chapters of Wooldridge (2002): Econometric analysis of cross section and panel data (Chapter 10, 11, 13, 15, 16, 17, 20, 12, 14). Computer tutorials with Stata complement the lectures. Contact person: Prof. Dr. Markus Frölich, e-Mail Sekretariat: anja.schott[at], L7, 3 - 5, room 107, phone 181-1845

Ökonometrische Anwendungen - Seminar Statistik / Ökonometrie

Blockseminar Mammen, E. / Nagel, C.BlockMo-Fr


- 08.02.2010-12.02.2010

Vorbesprechung und Themenvorstellung Wann: 10.12.2009 10 Uhr Wo: Raum 127 in L7, 3-5 Wer: Per mail bei cnagel[at] angemeldete Studenten Weitere Infos auf der Lehrstuhlseite von Prof. Mammen im Bereich Aktuelles.

Course title: Ökonometrische Anwendungen Instructors: Prof. Dr. Enno Mammen, Christoph Nagel Method (hours per week): block seminar (2) Course level: Bachelor and Diploma Course language: German Prerequisites: Grundlagen der Ökonometrie/Basic Econometrics or similar Examination: presentation of programmed results + commented version of presentation ECTS-Credits: 4 (Bachelor) or 6 (Diploma)

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Course description: This seminar takes typical economic problems that are linked to a specific econometric problem and looks at them from an applied perspective with STATA or R. The topics are based on the chapters of the book “Running Regressions” by Baddeley and Barrowclough, Cambridge University Press, 2009. Each student picks one chapter that is the basis of the seminar work. Please note, that chapters will be allocated to students on the 10.12.2009 when all students and the instructors meet. Students abroad please send an email to the contact person with your ranking of topics. Several students are allowed to pick one chapter but work is to be done strictly individually. Students specialize then within each chapter. Please consult the webpage of the “Lehrstuhl für Statistik” of Prof. Mammen for details. Contact person: Christoph Nagel, Tel. 181-1938, Email: cnagel[at], L7, 3-5 room 125.

Time Series Analysis

Vorlesung und Übung

4st. Stocker, T.

wtl Fr

10:15 - 11:45 19.02.2010-04.06.2010 L 7, 3-5 001

Übungstermine nach Vereinbarung. Textbook: Stock, J.H. and Watson, M.W. (2007), Introduction to Econometrics, Pearson, Chapters 14, 15, and 16. Some additional material will be taken from Lütkepohl, H. and Krätzig, M. (2004), Applied Time Series Econometrics, Cambridge University Press. Course title: Time Series Analysis Instructor: Dr. Toni Stocker Method (hours per week): lecture (2) + practical exercises (2) Course Level: Bachelor and Diploma Course language: English on demand Prerequisites: Grundlagen der Ökonometrie (Basic Econometrics) Examination: written , 90 minutes ECTS-Credits: 7 Course description: The lecture gives an introduction to applied univariate and multivariate time series techniques and will cover AR(I)MA, ADL, VAR and GARCH processes. We will discuss model specification and diagnosis, forecasting and unit root testing. Depending on time, we will also cover estimation of dynamic causal effects and the cointegration concept. The lecture will be accompanied by computer tutorials and exercises. Please, have a look on the website at the beginning of the semester for updated course information. Contact person: Dr. Toni Stocker, e-Mail: stocker[at], L7, 3-5, room 143, Tel. 181-3963

Statistik Ökonometrische Anwendungen - Seminar Statistik / Ökonometrie

Blockseminar Mammen, E. / Nagel, C.BlockMo-Fr


- 08.02.2010-12.02.2010

Siehe Seite 44

Time Series Analysis

Vorlesung und Übung

4st. Stocker, T.

Siehe oben

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Umwelt- und Ressourcenökonomik Umweltökonomik

Vorlesung 2st. Conrad, K.wtl Mo

15:30 - 17:00 15.02.2010-31.05.2010 L 7, 3-5 031

Inhalt: Umweltproblematik und ökonomische Theorie, Theoretische Ansätze zur Lösung des Umweltproblems, Umweltpolitische Instrumente bei unvollkommener Information, Umweltpolitische Instrumente bei unvollkommener Konkurrenz, Instrumente einer praktischen Umweltpolitik, Beurteilung der Instrumente der Umweltpolitik, Makroökonomische Aspekte des Umweltschutzes, Internationale Aspekte der Umweltallokation. Literatur zur Umweltökonomik: Baumol, W.J. und W.E. Oates, The Theory of environmental policy, 2. ed., Cambridge, Univ. Press, 1988. Bergh, J.C.J.M. van den (ed.), Handbook of Environmental and Resource Economics, Edward Elgar, 1999. Cansier, D., Umweltökonomie, 2. ed., Lucius & Lucius, Stuttgart, 1996; Endres, A., Umweltökonomie, 3. ed., 2007. Fees, E., Umweltökonomie und Umweltpolitik, Verlag Vahlen, 3. ed., 2007. Kemper, M., Das Umweltproblem in der Marktwirtschaft, 2. ed., Duncker und Humbold, Berlin, 1993. Kolstad, C.D., Environmental Economics, Oxford Univ. Press, 2000. Weimann, Joachim, Umweltökonomik, 3. ed., Springer Verlag, 1995. Course title: Umweltökonomik Instructor: Prof. Dr. Klaus Conrad Method (hours per week): lecture (2) Examination: written, 90 minutes ECTS-Credits:5 Course description: The goal is to define the field of environmental economics and to put it in perspective in relation to economics in general. The introduction deals with externalities, public goods and property rights. Section 2 presents theoretical approach to cope with environmental problems (Pigou, Coase, price-standard approach, permits). Section 3 deals with environmental instruments under asymmetric information and section 4 with environmental instruments under imperfect competition. Section 5 gives a detailed discussion of environmental policy instruments and section 6 compares them with respect to their pros and cons (dynamic efficiency, incentive for induced technical change, etc.). Section 7 deals with some macroeconomic aspects of environmental protection (e.g. green accounting). Section 8 with the international dimension (transboundary pollution, the acid rain game, global pollution and global warming). For further information see Contact person: Prof. Dr. Klaus Conrad, Tel. +49 621 181-1896, L7, 3-5, room 4.02, E-mail: kconrad[at]

Wirtschaftsgeographie Demography and Region / Demographie und Region

Vorlesung 2st. Gans, P.wtl Mo

12:00 - 13:30 22.02.2010-04.06.2010 L 7, 3-5 P 044

Every course of the module may also be attended individually. Course title: Demography and Region Instructor: Prof. Dr. Paul Gans Method (hours per week): lecture (2) Offered: Winter semesters Course level: Master and Diploma Examination: tba. ECTS-Credits: 5

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Course description: The lecture is designed to be an introduction to demography. It attempts to import and understanding of the behaviour of human populations by describing carefully the basic measures, models and observation procedures. The study of population processes implies a plenty of information for regional development e. g. with regard to labour and housing market. Contact person: Prof. Dr. Paul Gans, Tel. 181-1963, E-Mail: paulgans[at], L 7, 3-5, room P 029; Tuesday 16.00 - 17.00

Empirische Regionalökonomie

Blockseminar 2st. Deschermeier, P.Einzel Do 17:15 - 18:45 18.02.2010-18.02.2010 L 7, 3-5 P 044 wtl Fr

08:30 - 13:30 16.04.2010-30.04.2010 L 9, 1-2 002

Blockveranstaltung im April 2010 Das Ziel des Seminars ist die Simulierung des Forschungsprozesses am Beispiel regionaler Arbeitsmärkte. Aufbauend auf einem Ausgangsthema wird die eigenständige Formulierung von Hypothesen, Datenrecherche, Datenaufbereitung und die Interpretation empirischer Ergebnisse erwartet. Die maximale Teilnehmerzahl ist auf 10 begrenzt. Die Themen werden rechtzeitig auf der Webseite des Lehrstuhls veröffentlicht. Am 18.2. findet eine Einführungsveranstaltung in L7, 3-5, P044 statt.

Course title: Empirische Regionalökonomie Instructor: Philipp Deschermeier Method (hours per week): seminar (2) Course level: Bachelor and Diploma Course language: German Prerequisites: basic knowledge on Regional Economy Examination: oral presentation, seminar paper ECTS-Credits: 4 (Bachelor) or 6 (Diploma) Course description: The aim of the course is to simulate an investigation process on regional labor markets. Starting point is a specific study objective. The approach of the course is characterized by simulating a research processing starting with hypotheses development, data collecting, data analysis and evaluating the empirical based results in the state of research. The maximum number of participants in the seminar is limited to 10. The announcement of the topics will be posted on the seminar’s webpage in due time. There will be an introductory course on 18.2.2010 at 17.15 in P044 in L7, 3-5. Contact person: Philipp Deschermeier, Tel. 0621-181-3299, E-Mail: philipp.deschermeier[at], L7, 3-5, room P 026

Entrepreneurship in the Region

Blockseminar 2st. Hasse, S.Einzel Fr 13:45 - 17:15 26.03.2010-26.03.2010 L 9, 1-2 002 Einzel Fr 13:45 - 17:15 16.04.2010-16.04.2010 L 9, 1-2 002 Einzel Fr 13:45 - 17:15 23.04.2010-23.04.2010 L 9, 1-2 002 Einzel Fr

13:45 - 17:15 30.04.2010-30.04.2010 L 9, 1-2 002

Course title: Entrepreneurship in the Region Instructor: Stefanie Hasse (Chair Prof. Gans) Method (hours per week): Block seminar (2) Course level: Bachelor and Diploma Course language: English or German, depending on participants Prerequisites: none Examination: Seminar paper, presentation, attendance and active participation ECTS Credits: 4 (Bachelor) or 6 (Diploma) Course description: Why do some regions become vital centers of entrepreneurial activity while others languish? The importance of entrepreneurship as a factor in the creation of both individual and regional wealth has recently generated considerable interest. Successful regions were not transformed overnight just due to a single breakthrough idea. The transformation has often been possible only because a blend of intangibles - novel ideas, enterprising individuals, networks, a culture of risk taking, - have come together with tangibles such as seed capital to produce transformative business ideas. The

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seminar will cover topics to research exactly these soft and hard factors which determine the specific intensity of business start-ups among regions. The seminar will be organized as a block seminar. An organizational meeting will be held at the beginning of the semester. At this meeting we will decide when the seminar presentations are made. Contact: Stefanie Hasse, E-Mail: Stefanie.hasse[at], L7, 3-5, room P031.


Seminar 2st. Gans, P.wtl Fr

13:45 - 17:00 05.03.2010-19.03.2010 L 7, 3-5 P 043

Das Seminar findet vor dem 23. März 2009 als Blockseminar statt. Inhalt: Die Veranstaltung ist für Studierende Dipl.-VWL sowie für B.Sc. VWL geeignet. Referatsthemen und Termine sind auf der Homepage des Lehrstuhls( zu finden. Prüfungsleistung: Für alle Studienabschlüsse: Anwesenheitspflicht, Referat (ca. 30 Minuten) mit schriftlicher Ausarbeitung (ca. 15 Manuskriptseiten) Anmeldung: Für alle Studierende findet eine einführende Veranstaltung am Mittwoch, den 17. Februar 2010, Beginn 10.15 Uhr, in L 9,1-2, Hörsaal 004 statt. Eine Anmeldung ist bis 15. Februar 2010 erforderlich und erfolgt bei Frau S. Beck (sbeck[at]; Tel. 0621/181-1958). Sprechstunde: Vorlesungszeit: Dienstags, 16-17 Uhr, L 7, 3-5 Raum P029; außerhalb der Vorlesungszeit: Angabe auf der Homepage des Lehrstuhls Course title: Regionalökonomie Instructor: Prof. Dr. Paul Gans Offered: spring semesters Method (hours per week): seminar (2) Examination: oral presentation, seminar paper ECTS-Credits: 4 (Bachelor) or 6 (Diploma) Course description: Regional Economy Contact person: Prof. Dr. Paul Gans, Tel. 181-1963, E-Mail: paulgans[at], L 7, 3-5, room P 029; Tuesday 16:00-17:00.

Wirtschaftsgeographie I: Standort, Cluster, Netze

Vorlesung 2st. Gans, P.wtl Di

12:00 - 13:30 23.02.2010-04.06.2010 L 7, 3-5 001

Wirtschaftliche Prozesse sind stets an bestimmte Akteure wie z. B. Unternehmer, Arbeitskräfte oder Institutionen geknüpft. All diese Akteure haben einen physischen Ort, so dass die von ihnen ausgehenden Prozesse des Handels, der arbeitsteiligen Produktion oder des Transfers von Wissen lokalisierbar sind. Häufig sind wirtschaftliche Aktivitäten in bestimmten Lokalitäten oder Regionen stark konzentriert und mit anderen Aktivitäten in derselben Raumkategorie eng verknüpft. Sie werden dabei durch spezifische soziale, kulturelle, politische, technologische und wirtschaftliche Strukturen dieses Umfeldes mit beeinflusst und wirken umgekehrt an der Gestaltung dieser Strukturen mit. Die Vorlesung geht von den Konzepten “Distanz” und “Nähe” aus und behandelt dann Themen wie unternehmerische Standortwahl, neoklassische Standorttheorien, behaviouristische Konzepte der Standorttheorie, Handeln in ökonomischen Netzen sowie Gründung und Entwicklung von Unternehmen aus evolutionstheoretischer Perspektive. In der Vorlesung wird Wert darauf gelegt, die verschiedenen theoretischen Ansätze mit Hilfe von Fallbeispielen zu diskutieren. Literatur (Auswahl): Bathelt, H.; Glückler, J. (2002): Wirtschaftsgeographie. Stuttgart. Kulke, E. (2004): Wirtschaftsgeographie. Paderborn u. a., 3. Aufl. Maier, G.; Tödtling F. (2001): Regional- und Stadtökonomik 1. Standorttheorie und Raumstruktur. Wien/New York, 3. akt. Aufl.

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Prüfungsleistung: Studienabschluss Dipl.-VWL, Magister VWL, BWL i.Q., Politikwissenschaft, Sozialwissenschaften, Wirtschaftspädagogik: Anwesenheitspflicht, Anfertigung einer Hausarbeit (ca. 15 Manuskriptseiten), Abgabe zu Beginn des folgenden Semesters (Vorlesungszeit) ECTS: 5 Studienabschluss Dipl.-BWL für das Wahlfach Wirtschaftsgeographie: Klausur von 150 Minuten, Anwesenheitspflicht BA-Studiengänge (nicht für BA-VWL): Anwesenheitspflicht, Klausur von 90 Minuten oder Hausarbeit wie bei Studienabschluss Dipl.-VWL Anmeldung: nicht erforderlich Sprechstunde: Vorlesungszeit: Di., 16-17 Uhr, L 7, 3-5, Raum P029; außerhalb der Vorlesungszeit: Angabe auf der Homepage des Lehrstuhls Kontakt: sbeck[at]; paulgans[at]; Tel.: 0621/181-1958, -1963 Sonstiges: Für alle Studierende findet eine einführende Veranstaltung zu Inhalt und Leistungsnachweisen (alle Studiengänge), am Mittwoch, 17.Februar 2010, 10.15-11.45 Uhr, in L 9,1-2, Hörsaal 004 statt. Course title: Wirtschaftsgeographie I: Standort, Cluster, Netzwerke Instructor: Prof. Dr. Paul Gans Offered: winter semesters Method (hours per week): lecture (2) Examination: tba. ECTS-Credits: 5 Course description: Economic processes are always tied to certain actors such as entrepreneurs, employees or institutions. These actors have a physical location. Thus, processes starting from these actors such as trade, shared production or transfer of knowledge can be localized. Quite frequently economic activities are concentrated in certain places or regions and linked to other activities in the same place or region. They are on the one hand influenced by specific social, cultural, political, technological and economical structures of this regional milieu, and, on the other hand, help to shape the specific regional structures. The lecture takes off from the two concepts of “distance” and “proximity” and deals with issues like entrepreneurial location choice, neoclassical location theories, behaviouristic concepts of location theory, actor-oriented networks as well as the establishing and development of companies in an evolutionary perspective. The lecture attaches great importance to the discussion of the various theoretical approaches with the help of case studies and examples. Contact person: Prof. Dr. Paul Gans, Tel. 181-1963 E-Mail: paulgans[at]; L 7, 3-5, room P029; Tuesday 16:00-17:00

Wohnungswirtschaftliches Seminar

Seminar Gans, P. / Hasse, S.14-täglich


15:30 - 18:45 25.02.2010-04.06.2010 L 7, 3-5 P 044

Das Seminar findet an 3 Donnerstagen von 16.00 - 18.30 Uhr statt. Referentinnen und Referenten aus der Wohnungswirtschaft, Kreditwirtschaft usw. tragen zu einem übergeordneten Thema vor. Die Termine stehen etwa ab Ende Februar 2010 fest. Für diese Veranstaltung können keine Leistungsnachweise ausgestellt werden. Nähere Informationen zu den Vorträgen unter

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Wirtschafts- und Sozialgeschichte Für Volkswirte und Studierende aller anderen Fachrichtungen, insbesondere für Betriebswirte, Handelslehrer, Historiker, Sozialwissenschaftler Forschungsseminar in Wirtschaftsgeschichte

Forschungsseminar 2st. Scherner, J.Einzel Do

17:15 - 18:45 25.02.2010-25.02.2010 L 9, 1-2 002

Kurzbeschreibung und Lernziele: Diskussion der Arbeiten, die Doktoranden und Examenskandidaten am Lehrstuhl schreiben Anforderungen für den Leistungsnachweis: Vortrag, Konzept der Arbeit Weitere Hinweise: Teilnahme nach spezieller Einladung Course title: Forschungsseminar Instructor: PD Dr. Jonas Scherner Method: seminar Course description: This is a research seminar. Here students writing a thesis in economic history report on their work. Contact person: PD Dr. Jonas Scherner, phone 0621/181-1906, e-mail: scherner[at]; L7, 3-5, room P11-13; office hours Tuesday, 15.30-16.30 h

Industrielle Revolutionen im Vergleich

Vorlesung 3st. Scherner, J.wtl Di 10:15 - 11:45 16.02.2010-04.06.2010 L 7, 3-5 001 14-tägl Do

10:15 - 11:45 18.02.2010-04.06.2010 L 7, 3-5 001

Kurzbeschreibung und Lernziele: In der Veranstaltung werden historische Entwicklungsprozesse in vergleichender Perspektive behandelt. Unter anderem werden die Bedingungen für erfolgreiche Industrialisierung sowie die genauen Abläufe verschiedener industrieller Revolutionen thematisiert. Der ersten industriellen Revolution in Großbritannien wird ebenso Augenmerk gewidmet wie dem Übergreifen dieses Prozesses nach Kontinentaleuropa und nach Übersee (z.B. USA und Südkorea); auch Argentinien wird betrachtet als ein Fall noch nicht vollendeter wirtschaftlicher Entwicklung. Einführende Literatur: Christoph Buchheim, Industrielle Revolutionen. Langfristige Wirtschaftsentwicklung in Großbritannien, Europa und Übersee, München 1994 Tom Kemp, Industrialization in the Non-Western-World, London 2. Aufl. 1989 David S. Landes, Wohlstand und Armut der Nationen: Warum die einen reich und die anderen arm sind, Berlin 1999 Toni Pierenkemper, Wirtschaftsgeschichte. Eine Einführung – oder, wie wir reich wurden, München 2005 Anforderungen für den Leistungsnachweis: Klausur (135 Min.) weitere Hinweise: Angebot für B.Sc. VWL (Modul 7/8); Diplom VWL (Wahlbereich); M.A. Geschichte (alle Arten); Magister Wirtschafts- und Sozialgeschichte/Neuere Geschichte; Wirtschaftspädagogen; Diplom BWL (Wahlbereich Wirtschaftsgeschichte) Course title: Industrielle Revolutionen im Vergleich Instructor: PD Dr. Jonas Scherner Method (hours per week): lecture (3) Examination: written, 135 min. ECTS-Credits: 7 Course description: In this lecture economic development in several countries will be discussed in a comparative way, focusing especially on the preconditions for successful industrialization and on the typical features of development processes. We will examine, for example, the case of the forerunner of the industrial revolution, Great Britain, as well as the cases of several latecomers, both in Europe and in other continents during the 19th and 20th centuries. Contact: PD Dr. Jonas Scherner, e-mail: scherner[at], L7, 3-5, Raum P23, phone 181-1906

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Industrielle Revolution, Entwicklung und Unterentwicklung als globale Phänomene vom 18. bis 20. Jahrhundert

Proseminar und Hauptseminar

2st. Scherner, J.

Einzel Mo 18:00 - 19:30 15.02.2010-15.02.2010 L 7, 3-5 P 044 Einzel Fr 10:00 - 18:00 12.03.2010-12.03.2010 L 7, 3-5 P 044 Einzel Sa

10:00 - 18:00 13.03.2010-13.03.2010 L 7, 3-5 P 044

Inhalt: Industrialisierte Länder waren in ihrer Geschichte mit ähnlichen Problemen konfrontiert wie manche heutzutage unterentwickelten Länder. In diesem Seminar sollen Industrialisierungsprozesse zwischen dem 18. und 20. Jahrhundert und ihre Bedeutung für die Wirtschaftsentwicklung diskutiert werden. Das Hauptseminar wird angeboten für folgende Studiengänge: B.Sc. VWL (Module 7/8); Diplom VWL (Wahlbereich); M.A. Geschichte (Aufbaumodul Moderne); Magister Wirtschafts- und Sozialgeschichte /Neuere Geschichte; BWL (mit Wahlfach Wirtschaftsgeschichte); Wirtschaftspädagogen mit Wahlfach Geschichte. Am Montag, den 15. Februar 2010, gibt es eine Einführungsveranstaltung. Abgabetermin für die Seminararbeit ist der 25. Februar, der Seminarblock findet dann am 12./13. März 2010 statt. Infolge dieses dichtgedrängten Zeitplans wird es möglich, noch im Frühjahrssemester 2010 die Voraussetzung für die Übernahme einer Bachelor-Arbeit in Wirtschaftsgeschichte im gleichen Semester zu erfüllen. Die Anmeldung zum Seminar ist ab Mittwoch, den 25. November 2009, per E-Mail unter scherner[at] möglich. Die Seminarthemen werden ab 24. November auf der Homepage sowie am Schwarzen Brett des Lehrstuhls veröffentlicht. Bitte geben Sie bei der Anmeldung fünf Auswahlthemen in der Reihenfolge Ihrer Präferenzen an. Course title: Industrielle Revolution, Entwicklung und Unterentwicklung als globale Phänomene vom 18. bis 20. Jahrhundert Instructor: PD Dr. Jonas Scherner Method (hours per week): seminar (2) Course level: Bachelor and Diploma Examinations: seminar paper and its presentation ECTS-Credits: 4 (Bachelor) or 6 (Diploma) Course description: In their past today’s industrialized countries were confronted with similar problems as less-developed countries at the time. In this seminar historical industrialization processes from the 18th to the 20th century and their significance for economic development will be discussed. Contact: PD Dr. J. Scherner, e-mail scherner[at], L7, 3-5, room P23, phone 181-1906

Wirtschaftspolitik The Economics of International Organizations

Vorlesung 3st. Vaubel, R.wtl Di 17:15 - 18:45 16.02.2010-23.03.2010 L 7, 3-5 P 044 Einzel Di 17:15 - 18:45 13.04.2010-13.04.2010 L 7, 3-5 P 044 wtl Mi

12:00 - 13:30 17.02.2010-02.06.2010 L 7, 3-5 031

Course title: The Economics of International Organizations Instructor: Prof. Dr. Roland Vaubel Method (hours per week): lecture (3) Course level: Bachelor, Diploma, and Master Course language: English Examination: written,135 min ECTS-Credits: 7 (Bachelor and Diplom) or 7.5 (Master) Course description: 1. Theory of international organizations

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1.1. Normative Theory 1.2. Positive Theory 2. The economic analysis of selected international organisations 2.1. European Community/ Union (constitutional economics, budget, environmental, social, agricultural and research policy, development aid) 2.2. International Monetary Fund 2.3 World Bank Group 2.4 International Labour Organisation 2.5 World Trade Organisation Contact person: Prof. Dr. R. Vaubel, Tel.: 0621/181-1816, e-mail: vaubel[at], L 7, 3-5, room 2-12

C. Veranstaltungen für Betriebswirte, Handelslehrer, Philologen und Politologen

Zu den Veranstaltungen Finanzwissenschaft, Wirtschaftspolitik und Internationale Ökonomik siehe Bachelorstudiengang Vertiefungsphase. Regionalökonomie

Seminar 2st. Gans, P.wtl Fr

13:45 - 17:00 05.03.2010-19.03.2010 L 7, 3-5 P 043

Das Seminar findet vor dem 23. März 2009 als Blockseminar statt. Inhalt: Die Veranstaltung ist für Studierende Dipl.-VWL sowie für VWL BA geeignet. Referatsthemen und Termine sind auf der Homepage des Lehrstuhls( zu finden. Prüfungsleistung: Für alle Studienabschlüsse: Anwesenheitspflicht, Referat (ca. 30 Minuten) mit schriftlicher Ausarbeitung (ca. 15 Manuskriptseiten) ECTS: 6 ECTS Anmeldung: Für alle Studierende findet eine einführende Veranstaltung am Mittwoch, den 17. Februar 2010, Beginn 10.15 Uhr, in L 9,1-2, Hörsaal 004 statt. Eine Anmeldung ist bis 15. Februar 2010 erforderlich und erfolgt bei Frau S. Beck (sbeck[at]; Tel. 0621/181-1958). Sprechstunde: Vorlesungszeit: Dienstags, 16-17 Uhr, L 7, 3-5 Raum P029; außerhalb der Vorlesungszeit: Angabe auf der Homepage des Lehrstuhls Course title: Regionalökonomie Instructor: Prof. Dr. Paul Gans Offered: spring semesters Method (hours per week): seminar (2) Examination: oral presentation, seminar paper ECTS-Credits: 6 Course description: Regional Economy Contact person: Prof. Dr. Paul Gans, Tel. 181-1963, E-Mail: paulgans[at], L 7, 3-5, room P 029; Tuesday 16:00-17:00.

Wirtschaftsgeographie I: Standort, Cluster, Netze

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Vorlesung 2st. Gans, P.wtl Di

12:00 - 13:30 23.02.2010-04.06.2010 L 7, 3-5 001

Wirtschaftliche Prozesse sind stets an bestimmte Akteure wie z. B. Unternehmer, Arbeitskräfte oder Institutionen geknüpft. All diese Akteure haben einen physischen Ort, so dass die von ihnen ausgehenden Prozesse des Handels, der arbeitsteiligen Produktion oder des Transfers von Wissen lokalisierbar sind. Häufig sind wirtschaftliche Aktivitäten in bestimmten Lokalitäten oder Regionen stark konzentriert und mit anderen Aktivitäten in derselben Raumkategorie eng verknüpft. Sie werden dabei durch spezifische soziale, kulturelle, politische, technologische und wirtschaftliche Strukturen dieses Umfeldes mit beeinflusst und wirken umgekehrt an der Gestaltung dieser Strukturen mit. Die Vorlesung geht von den Konzepten “Distanz” und “Nähe” aus und behandelt dann Themen wie unternehmerische Standortwahl, neoklassische Standorttheorien, behaviouristische Konzepte der Standorttheorie, Handeln in ökonomischen Netzen sowie Gründung und Entwicklung von Unternehmen aus evolutionstheoretischer Perspektive. In der Vorlesung wird Wert darauf gelegt, die verschiedenen theoretischen Ansätze mit Hilfe von Fallbeispielen zu diskutieren. Literatur (Auswahl): Bathelt, H.; Glückler, J. (2002): Wirtschaftsgeographie. Stuttgart. Kulke, E. (2004): Wirtschaftsgeographie. Paderborn u. a., 3. Aufl. Maier, G.; Tödtling F. (2001): Regional- und Stadtökonomik 1. Standorttheorie und Raumstruktur. Wien/New York, 3. akt. Aufl. Prüfungsleistung: Studienabschluss Dipl.-VWL, Magister VWL, BWL i.Q., Politikwissenschaft, Sozialwissenschaften, Wirtschaftspädagogik: Anwesenheitspflicht, Anfertigung einer Hausarbeit (ca. 15 Manuskriptseiten), Abgabe zu Beginn des folgenden Semesters (Vorlesungszeit) ECTS: 5 Studienabschluss Dipl.-BWL für das Wahlfach Wirtschaftsgeographie: Klausur von 150 Minuten, Anwesenheitspflicht BA-Studiengänge (nicht für BA-VWL): Anwesenheitspflicht, Klausur von 90 Minuten oder Hausarbeit wie bei Studienabschluss Dipl.-VWL Anmeldung: nicht erforderlich Sprechstunde: Vorlesungszeit: Di., 16-17 Uhr, L 7, 3-5, Raum P029; außerhalb der Vorlesungszeit: Angabe auf der Homepage des Lehrstuhls Kontakt: sbeck[at]; paulgans[at]; Tel.: 0621/181-1958, -1963 Sonstiges: Für alle Studierende findet eine einführende Veranstaltung zu Inhalt und Leistungsnachweisen (alle Studiengänge), am Mittwoch, 17.Februar 2010, 10.15-11.45 Uhr, in L 9,1-2, Hörsaal 004 statt. Course title: Wirtschaftsgeographie I: Standort, Cluster, Netzwerke Instructor: Prof. Dr. Paul Gans Offered: winter semesters Method (hours per week): lecture (2) Examination: tba. ECTS-Credits: 5 Course description: Economic processes are always tied to certain actors such as entrepreneurs, employees or institutions. These actors have a physical location. Thus, processes starting from these actors such as trade, shared production or transfer of knowledge can be localized. Quite frequently economic activities are concentrated in certain places or regions and linked to other activities in the same place or region. They are on the one hand influenced by specific social, cultural, political, technological and economical structures of this regional milieu, and, on the other hand, help to shape the specific regional structures. The lecture takes off from the two concepts of “distance” and “proximity” and deals with issues like entrepreneurial location choice, neoclassical location theories, behaviouristic concepts of location theory, actor-oriented networks as well as the establishing and development of companies in an evolutionary perspective. The lecture attaches great importance to the discussion of the various theoretical approaches with the help of case studies and examples. Contact person: Prof. Dr. Paul Gans, Tel. 181-1963 E-Mail: paulgans[at]; L 7, 3-5, room P029; Tuesday 16:00-17:00

III. Masterstudium

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Demography and Region / Demographie und Region

Vorlesung 2st. Gans, P.wtl Mo

17:15 - 18:45 22.02.2010-04.06.2010 L 7, 3-5 031

Every course of the module may also be attended individually. Course title: Demography and Region Instructor: Prof. Dr. Paul Gans Method (hours per week): lecture (2) Offered: Winter semesters Course level: Master and Diploma Examination: tba. ECTS-Credits: 5 Course description: The lecture is designed to be an introduction to demography. It attempts to import and understanding of the behaviour of human populations by describing carefully the basic measures, models and observation procedures. The study of population processes implies a plenty of information for regional development e. g. with regard to labour and housing market. Contact person: Prof. Dr. Paul Gans, Tel. 181-1963, E-Mail: paulgans[at], L 7, 3-5, room P 029; Tuesday 16.00 - 17.00

Econometrics of Financial Markets

Vorlesung und Übung

4st. Pigorsch, U.

wtl Mi 08:30 - 10:00 17.02.2010-04.06.2010 L 7, 3-5 P 043 wtl Do

10:15 - 11:45 18.02.2010-03.06.2010 L 7, 3-5 P 043

Course title: Econometrics of Financial Markets Instructor: Prof. Dr. Uta Pigorsch Offered: Spring semester 2010, irregular cycle Method (hours per week): lecture (2) and tutorials (2) Course level: Master and Ph.D. (Diploma students are also admitted) Course language: English Prerequisites: Econometrics I and II Examination: written (90 minutes) (for Ph.D. students: exam and term paper) ECTS-Credits: 7 (Diploma) or 9 (Master) Course description: The course provides an advanced study of econometric techniques most often used in the empirical analysis of financial markets. This involves inter alia (long-horizon) regressions, the generalized methods of moments and maximum-likelihood estimation, hypothesis testing, misspecification and issues related to measurement error and instrumental variable selection, as well as topics from (multivariate) time series analysis. The econometric methods will be studied within their main field of application in financial economics, such as the predictability of asset prices, the assessment of present value relations, the empirical analysis of asset pricing models (CAPM, APT etc.) and of event studies, the assessment of comovements among markets (e.g. cash and future), the modeling of volatility, etc. Contact person: Prof. Dr. Uta Pigorsch, Tel. 181-1945, E-mail. uta.pigorsch[at], L7, 3-5, room 126

Experimental Economics

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Vorlesung 2st. Schmidt, C.

wtl Di

15:30 - 17:00 16.02.2010-01.06.2010 L 9, 1-2 003

Course title: Experimental Economics Instructor: Dr. Carsten Schmidt Method (hours per week): lecture (2) Course level: Master, Diploma, PhD Course language: English Prerequisites: Participants are expected to have acquired a sound background in micro and game theory Examination: written exam, 90 minutes (90%) + participation: journal of classroom experiments (10%) ECTS-Credits: 5 Course description: This course in Experimental Economics will look at what economic theory has to say about economic choices and strategic interactions and what people actually do when faced with strategic decisions. We will conduct a large number of classroom experiments in order to either identify systematic deviations or to confirm theoretical predictions. Beginning with the history and purposes of experimental economics, this course will cover the latest methods and survey existing experimental research. Most importantly, this course will teach students how to set up an economic experiment. Contact person: Dr. Carsten Schmidt, L7, 3-5, room 4.16, Tel. 181-3425, e-mail cschmidt[at]

Frictional Labor Markets and Macroeconomics

Vorlesung 2st. Dürnecker, G.wtl Mi

12:00 - 13:30 17.02.2010-04.06.2010 L 9, 1-2 002

Course title: Frictional Labor Markets and Macroeconomics Instructor: Georg Dürnecker Method (hours per week): lecture (2) Course level: Master Course language: English Prerequisites: Participants are expected to have acquired a sound background in dynamic macroeconomic theory. Examination: Presentation + Final Exam ECTS-credits: 5 Course description: The Walrasian approach to labor markets is convenient but it bears little resemblance with reality. In this course we will review and discuss macroeconomic models of the labor market with frictions. The aim is to familiarize students with (a) the state-of-the-art models that are commonly used in modern macroeconomic research and (b) important empirical (ir)regularities related to individual and aggregate labor market outcomes. We will cover a variety of topics including: Partial and general equilibrium search theory (McCall, (1970), Burdett (1978), Mortensen and Pissarides (1994)) / Wage dispersion (Postel-Vinay and Robin (2002), Burdett and Mortenson (1998)) / Directed search (Burdett, Shi and Wright (2001), Shimer (2005), Shi (2002)) / Labor markets and business cycle fluctations (Andolfatto (1995), Merz (1995), Shimer (2005)) / Further issues: Job creation and job destruction / Worker flows. Contact person: Georg Dürnecker, Tel. 181-1804, E-mail: duernecker[at], L 7,3-5, room 246.

Human Capital Formation

Seminar 2st. Pfeiffer, F.

wtl Mi

17:15 - 18:45 17.02.2010-02.06.2010

Course title : Human Capital Formation Instructor : PD Dr. Friedhelm Pfeiffer Method (hours per week): seminar (2) Course language: English or German, depending on participants Prerequisites: Microeconomics, Microeconometrics Course level : Diploma, Master, Graduates Examination : Seminar paper, presentation, attendance and discussion of another paper ECTS Credits: 6 (Diploma, Master) Course description: In the seminar we will discuss the technology of skill formation (initial conditions, home resources, competence formation) and related recent fields from the psychology and economics of human capital formation. The role of

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investments by the individual, the family and institutions (the matrix of inside and outside factors) will be studied in theoretical and empirical work of human capital formation over the life cycle. There will be an organizational meeting at the beginning of the semester at ZEW Mannheim. At this meeting we will decide when the seminar presentations will take place. Contact person : PD Dr. Friedhelm Pfeiffer, Tel. 1235-150, pfeiffer[at]

Immigration and Public Policy

Vorlesung 2st. Gathmann, C.

wtl Di

13:45 - 15:15 16.02.2010-01.06.2010 L 9, 1-2 002

Course title: Immigration and Public Policy Instructor: Prof. Christina Gathmann, Ph.D. Method (hours per week): lecture (2) Course level: Master and Diploma Course language: English Prerequisites: Microeconomics A&B and Basic Econometrics (Diploma level) Examination: written exam, 90 minutes (80%), class participation (20%) ECTS-credits: 5 Course description: The lecture will give an overview of the economics of migration. Topics include: What determines migration patterns and how do migrants differ from non-migrants? Does the population in the destination country benefit from immigrants? Does migration result in a brain drain or brain gain for the sending country? How do countries regulate legal and illegal migration flows? Is a generous welfare state compatible with a mobile labor force? The block seminar will then analyze these topics in more depth and apply to specific empirical cases. References: Bodvarsson, O. B. and H. van den Berg (2009), Economics of Immigration: Theory and Policy; Borjas, G. (2001), Heaven’s Door: Immigration Policy and the American Economy. Contact: Prof. Christina Gathmann, Ph.D.; cgathmann[at]; Tel: 181-1798.

International Trade and Tax Policy Analysis

Vorlesung 2st. Janeba, E.wtl Di

10:15 - 11:45 16.02.2010-04.06.2010 L 7, 3-5 P 043

Course title: International Trade and Tax Policy Analysis Instructor: Prof. Dr. Eckhard Janeba Method (hours per week): lecture (2) + exercise (1) Offered: Spring semester Course level: Master and Diploma Examination: tba. ECTS-Credits: 6 (Diploma) or 7 (Master students) Course description: This course deals with trade and public policies in open economies with a focus on recent policy debates. At the same time we provide foundations for policy analysis by studying theoretical models. A tentative list of topics and questions is as follows: 1. How does trade affect wages and unemployment? 2. Is free trade good for the environment? 3. How do firms respond to trade liberalization? 4. Does trade integration increase or decrease tax competition? 5. Who lobbies for trade protection? 6. Does international trade erode culture? 7. Is international tax competition welfare improving? 8. Does globalization shrink the welfare state? Contact person: Prof. Dr. Eckhard Janeba, Tel. 181-1795, E-Mail: janeba[at], L 7, 3-5, room 229; Office hours: tba

International Trade and Tax Policy Analysis

Übung 1st. Janeba, E.14-tägl Mo

10:15 - 11:45 15.02.2010-31.05.2010 L 7, 3-5 P 043

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Markets and Strategies I

Vorlesung 4st. Peitz, M.wtl Mo

13:45 - 18:45 15.02.2010-31.05.2010 L 7, 3-5 P 043

Übungstermine nach Vereinbarung Course title: Markets and Strategies I Instructor: Prof. Dr. Martin Peitz Method (hours per week): lecture (4) + practical exercises (2) Prerequisites: Microeconomics I Course language: English/German ECTS-Credits: 14 Course description: It is a too complex task to analyze strategic planning problems without an appropriate reduction to a more abstract environment. This makes a formal analysis very important and often essential. This course shall enable the student to gain such an understanding from a business strategy and competition policy perspective. Importantly, the student is not only expected to understand existing models but more general principles and mechanisms at work. Hence, models can be adapted to tackle concrete problems. Students are provided with a toolkit and are encouraged to think strategically. This course covers the fundamentals of the theory of industrial organization. These are complemented by case studies and background knowledge of competition policy. Organization: 1. Introduction; 2. Market Power; 3. Sources of Market Power; 4. Pricing and Market Segmentation 5. Product Quality and Information; 6. Theory of Competition Policy; 7. R&D and Intellectual Property; 8. Networks, Standards, and Systems; 9. Intermediation Contact person: Nuray Mamaç (Secretary to Prof. Peitz), Tel. 181-1880, E-mail: lsstahl[at]


Vorlesung und Übung

4st. Frölich, M.

wtl Di 12:00 - 13:30 16.02.2010-04.06.2010 L 7, 3-5 031 wtl Fr 12:00 - 13:30 19.02.2010-04.06.2010 L 7, 3-5 031 wtl Fr

12:00 - 13:30 19.02.2010-04.06.2010 L 7, 3-5 158

Course title: Microeconometrics Instructor: Prof. Dr. Markus Frölich Method (hours per week): lecture (3) + computer tutorial (1) Course level: Diploma and Master (also PhD admitted) Course language: English Prerequisites: Grundlagen der Ökonometrie and at least one additional course in econometrics Examination: written, 135 minutes ECTS-Credits: 8 (Diploma) or 9.5 (Master) Course description: This course covers PARAMETRIC models for the analysis of microeconomic data as common in analysis of household data, marketing, firm data etc. (It is complementary to the course Treatment effects, which will be entirely non-parametric.) Students are expected to read the following chapters of Wooldridge (2002): Econometric analysis of cross section and panel data (Chapter 10, 11, 13, 15, 16, 17, 20, 12, 14). Computer tutorials with Stata complement the lectures. Contact person: Prof. Dr. Markus Frölich, e-Mail Sekretariat: anja.schott[at], L7, 3 - 5, room 107, phone 181-1845

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Multiple Time Series Analysis

Vorlesung und Übung

4st. Trenkler, C.

wtl Mi 10:15 - 11:45 17.02.2010-04.06.2010 L 9, 1-2 002 wtl Do

08:30 - 10:00 18.02.2010-04.06.2010 L 7, 3-5 158

Course title: Multiple Time Series Analysis Instructor: Prof. Dr. Carsten Trenkler Method (hours per week): lecture (2) + exercise (2) Course level: Master Course language: English Prerequisites: Advanced Econometrics I Examination: written, 90 minutes ECTS-Credits: 9 Course description: The lecture gives an introduction to multiple time series techniques and will cover vector autoregressive (VAR) processes, VAR estimation, VAR order selection and model checking. Moreover, the so-called VEC models as well as unit root and cointegration testing will also be treated. The use of VAR models in forecasting, causality and impulse response analysis will be explained and illustrated using empirical examples. The methods will be applied in computer tutorials. Textbook: Lütkepohl, H. (2005), New Introduction to Multiple Time Series Analysis, Springer, Berlin, Chapters 1-4 and 6-9, Appendices A-D. Contact person: Prof. Dr. Carsten Trenkler, Tel. 181-1852, E-mail: trenkler[at], L7, 3-5, room 105

The Economics of International Organizations

Vorlesung 3st. Vaubel, R.wtl Di 17:15 - 18:45 16.02.2010-23.03.2010 L 7, 3-5 P 044 Einzel Di 17:15 - 18:45 13.04.2010-13.04.2010 L 7, 3-5 P 044 wtl Mi

12:00 - 13:30 17.02.2010-02.06.2010 L 7, 3-5 031

Course title: The Economics of International Organizations Instructor: Prof. Dr. Roland Vaubel Method (hours per week): lecture (3) Course level: Bachelor, Diploma, and Master Course language: English Examination: written,135 min ECTS-Credits: 7 (Bachelor and Diplom) or 7.5 (Master) Course description: 1. Theory of international organizations 1.1. Normative Theory 1.2. Positive Theory 2. The economic analysis of selected international organisations 2.1. European Community/ Union (constitutional economics, budget, environmental, social, agricultural and research policy, development aid) 2.2. International Monetary Fund 2.3 World Bank Group 2.4 International Labour Organisation 2.5 World Trade Organisation Contact person: Prof. Dr. R. Vaubel, Tel.: 0621/181-1816, e-mail: vaubel[at], L 7, 3-5, room 2-12

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Topics in Macroeconomics

Vorlesung und Übung

2st. Winschel, V.

wtl Do 12:00 - 13:30 18.02.2010-03.06.2010 L 7, 3-5 P 044 wtl Fr

10:15 - 11:45 19.02.2010-04.06.2010 L 7, 3-5 P 043

Main Literature: Introduction to Modern Economic Growth by Acemoglu Additional Literature: Knowledge Representation and Reasoning by Brachman, Levesque Computational Intelligence by Poole et. al. Memory Evolutive Systems by Ehresmann, Vanbremeersch Course title: Topics in Macroeconomics Instructor: Dr. Viktor Winschel Method (hours per week): lecture (2) + practical exercises (2) Course level: Master and Diploma Course language: English Prerequisites: Macroeconomics Examination: written exam ECTS-Credits: 7 (Diploma) or 9 (Master) Course description: We will study the standard literature on economic growth in the text book of Acemoglu (chapters 8 to 11 and some material from later chapters). We will also spend some few lectures to learn how other sciences discuss topics also important in macroeconomics - like knowledge, reasoning, decentralized processes, networks or aggregation. For further information see Contact person: Dr. Viktor Winschel, L7, 3-5, Raum: 245, Tel: 0621-181-1802, e-mail: winschel[at]

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IV. Volkswirtschaftliches Doktorandenstudium Siehe auch Veranstaltungen unter CDSE! Advanced Macroeconomics II

Vorlesung 4st. Adam, K.wtl Mi 10:15 - 11:45 17.02.2010-04.06.2010 L 7, 3-5 P 043 wtl Mi

15:30 - 17:00 17.02.2010-04.06.2010 L 7, 3-5 P 043

Course title: Advanced Macroeconomics II Instructor: Prof. Dr. Klaus Adam Offered: FSS 10 Method (hours per week): lecture (4) in the 1st half of the semester Course level: Ph.D. Course language: English Prerequisites: Advanced Macroeconomic I Examination: 90 minutes ECTS-Credits: 5 Course description: This course covers basic methods useful for dynamic economic modeling under rational expectations. 1. Linear Rational Expectations (RE) Models linearizing economic models and solving linear RE models: determinacy, indeterminacy, and ‘sunspot’ equilibria 2. Linear RE models and Vector Auto-Regressions (VARs) state space representation of economic models-VAR representation of observables, invertibility problems identification of economic shocks 3. Linear Quadratic (LQ) Dynamic Programming solving LQ problems: Ricatti equation, invariant subspace methods stochastic problems and certainty equivalence Literature: to be determined. Contact person: Prof. Dr. Klaus Adam, Tel. 181-1809, e-Mail: adam[at], L 7, 3-5, room 2-42.


Doktorandenseminar 2st. Krebs, T.wtl Mo

13:45 - 15:15 15.02.2010-31.05.2010 L 9, 1-2 003

Experimental Economics

Vorlesung 2st. Schmidt, C.

wtl Di

15:30 - 17:00 16.02.2010-01.06.2010 L 9, 1-2 003

Course title: Experimental Economics Instructor: Dr. Carsten Schmidt Method (hours per week): lecture (2) Course level: Master, Diploma, PhD Course language: English Prerequisites: Participants are expected to have acquired a sound background in micro and game theory Examination: written exam, 90 minutes (90%) + participation: journal of classroom experiments (10%) ECTS-Credits: 5 Course description: This course in Experimental Economics will look at what economic theory has to say about economic choices and strategic interactions and what people actually do when faced with strategic decisions. We will conduct a large number of classroom experiments in order to either identify systematic deviations or to confirm theoretical predictions. Beginning with the history and purposes of experimental economics, this course will cover the latest methods and survey existing experimental research. Most importantly, this course will teach students how to set up an economic experiment. Contact person: Dr. Carsten Schmidt, L7, 3-5, room 4.16, Tel. 181-3425, e-mail: cschmidt[at]

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Workshop Adam, K.wtl Di

17:15 - 18:45 16.02.2010-05.06.2010 L 7, 3-5 001

Financial Market Bubbles

Doktorandenseminar 2st. Adam, K.

Lecture hours: block seminar, precise time to be determined.

Course title: Financial Market Bubbles Instructor: Prof. Dr. Klaus Adam Method (hours per week): seminar (2) Course level: Ph.D. Course language: English Examination: Students are requested to read all papers, to choose one paper for presentation, and to participate in the discussion of other students papers. ECTS-Credits: 5 Course description: We will cover a variety of recent models illustrating a range of economic mechanisms that can give rise to asset price bubbles, including relative wealth concerns by investors, herding, money illusion, and learning effects. We also cover a set of papers in which bubble-like phenomena are efficient. Contact person: Prof. Dr. Klaus Adam, Tel. 181-1809, e-Mail: adam[at], L 7, 3-5, room 2-42.

Human Capital Formation

Seminar 2st. Pfeiffer, F.

wtl Mi

17:15 - 18:45 17.02.2010-02.06.2010

Course title : Human Capital Formation Instructor : PD Dr. Friedhelm Pfeiffer Method (hours per week): seminar (2) Course language: English or German, depending on participants Prerequisites: Microeconomics, Microeconometrics Course level: Diploma, Master, Graduates Examination: Seminar paper, presentation, attendance and discussion of another paper ECTS Credits: 6 (Diploma, Master) Course description: In the seminar we will discuss the technology of skill formation (initial conditions, home resources, competence formation) and related recent fields from the psychology and economics of human capital formation. The role of investments by the individual, the family and institutions (the matrix of inside and outside factors) will be studied in theoretical and empirical work of human capital formation over the life cycle. There will be an organizational meeting at the beginning of the semester at ZEW Mannheim. At this meeting we will decide when the seminar presentations will take place. Contact person : PD Dr. Friedhelm Pfeiffer, Tel. 1235-150, pfeiffer[at]

Learning and Expectations Formation in Macroeconomics

Vorlesung 2st. Adam, K.wtl Di

15:30 - 17:00 16.02.2010-04.06.2010 L 7, 3-5 P 043

Course title: Learning and Expectations Formation in Macroeconomics Instructor: Prof. Dr. Klaus Adam Method (hours per week): lecture (2) Course level: Ph.D.

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Course language: English Prerequisites: Advanced Macroeconomic I and II Examination: 90 minutes ECTS-credits: 5 Course description: This course reviews several topics in macroeconomics from the viewpoint of bounded rationality and learning with an emphasis on using models of learning to explain empirical phenomena and to design macroeconomic policies. Learning is a new way of thinking about macroeconomic dynamics, which can be used to assess the plausibility of rational expectations equilibria (REE), select among the equilibria when there are multiple REE, and analyze dynamic paths of temporary equilibria. The modern approach to adaptive learning differs from the adaptive expectations approach of the 1950’s by using rational expectations equilibria as a reference point and by emphasizing the implications of small deviations from full forecast rationality. The macroeconomic dynamics induced by adaptive learning dynamics allow to interpret and replicate empirical phenomena that appear puzzeling from the viewpoint of RE models. Moreover, recent learning models have yielded new and important insights for the design of monetary policies. By default grading will be based on a written exam. Alternatively and following individual negotiations, I may agree to assign a grade based on a term paper that has to be handed in by mid August. Whether the latter option will be available also depends on the size of the course. Contact person: Prof. Dr. Klaus Adam, Tel. 181-1809, e-Mail: adam[at], L 7, 3-5, room 2-42.


Vorlesung und Übung

4st. Frölich, M.

wtl Di 12:00 - 13:30 16.02.2010-04.06.2010 L 7, 3-5 031 wtl Fr 12:00 - 13:30 19.02.2010-04.06.2010 L 7, 3-5 031 wtl Fr

12:00 - 13:30 19.02.2010-04.06.2010 L 7, 3-5 158

Course title: Microeconometrics Instructor: Prof. Dr. Markus Frölich Method (hours per week): lecture (3) + computer tutorial (1) Course level: Diploma and Master (also PhD admitted) Course language: English Prerequisites: Grundlagen der Ökonometrie and at least one additional course in econometrics Examination: written, 135 minutes ECTS-Credits: 8 (Diploma) or 9.5 (Master) Course description: This course covers PARAMETRIC models for the analysis of microeconomic data as common in analysis of household data, marketing, firm data etc. (It is complementary to the course Treatment effects, which will be entirely non-parametric.) Students are expected to read the following chapters of Wooldridge (2002): Econometric analysis of cross section and panel data (Chapter 10, 11, 13, 15, 16, 17, 20, 12, 14). Computer tutorials with Stata complement the lectures. Contact person: Prof. Dr. Markus Frölich, e-Mail Sekretariat: anja.schott[at], L7, 3 - 5, room 107, phone 181-1845

Microeconomics III

Vorlesung 2st. Grüner, H.wtl Mo

08:00 - 11:00 12.04.2010-04.06.2010 L 9, 1-2 003

Course title: Microeconomics III Instructor: Prof. Dr. Hans Peter Grüner Offered: FSS2010 Course level: Doctoral studies Course language: English Prerequisites: B.Sc. Examination: Final written exam. Course description: (Reading list: Mas Colell, Whinston and Green Chapters 8E, F, 9, 13, 23.) 1.Contents: Bayesian Games 8 E, TH-Perfection, 8 F

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Exercises: 8 E 1, 3; F 1, 2, 3 2.Contents: Dynamic Games 9 A, B , C, D Exercises: 9 B 3, 4, 6, 7 3.Contents: Dynamic Games and 13 (complete) Exercises: 9 C 1, 2, 3 and 13 C 6 4.Contents: Mechanism design 23 A, B Exercises 23 B 3, 4 5.Contents: Mechanism Design 23 C Exercises: 23 C 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 11 6.Contents: Mechanism Design 23 D, E Exercises: 23 D 1, 2, 4 and E 3, 5, 6 7.Contents: Mechansim Design 23 F and Incomplete contracts: papers by Rotemberg Saloner, Grossman Hart, Hart Moore Exercises: 23 F9, 10

Micro Theory Workshop

Workshop Jung, P.wtl Mo

12:00 - 13:30 15.02.2010-04.06.2010 L 7, 3-5 P 043

Reading Course in Advanced Industrial Organization

Seminar 3st. Nocke, V.wtl Mo

15:30 - 17:45 15.02.2010-03.06.2010 L 9, 1-2 003

Course title: Reading Course in Advanced Industrial Organization Instructor: Prof. Volker Nocke, PhD Offered : FSS 2010 Method (hours per week): class room presentations and discussion 3h p.w. Prerequisites: Microeconomics I, II, and III ECTS-Credits: 4 Course schedule: Wednesday, 10:15-11:45 h. Course language: Englisch Course description: The reading course will cover selected topics at the frontiers of research in industrial organization. A detailed reading list will be communicated at a later stage. Office hours by appointment.

SFB /TR 15 -Seminar

Doktorandenseminar 2st. Nocke, V.wtl Di

13:45 - 15:15 16.02.2010-02.06.2010 L 7, 3-5 P 044