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Abstracts e Electoral Code for Mexico City, 2008 Manuel Larrosa Haro Javier Santiago Castillo This article’s purpose is to spread knowledge of the advancements and modifications made to the local Distrito Federal electoral law, in force since 2005. The 2008 Electoral Code reform resulted from the politi- cal consequences and need of new rules for competition and oversee- ing that the 2006 federal and local elections left as a lesson in Mexico City and the rest of the country. Unlike its federal counterpart, the local Distrito Federal electoral code reform, modified, abolished and created articles in the new code. Therefore, it may be said that it was a more ample reform since it treated issues that the federal instance left unrevised. The result of the 2008 legislative changes was a new electoral code reformed in all the issues of the books comprised in it. There from its regulation and procedural relevance. Key words: electoral law, electoral system, political parties, Unidad Técnica Especializada de Fiscalización, electoral campaigns, oversee- ing, electoral procedure, Instituto Electoral del Distrito Federal. Four fundamental theoretical problems for deliberative democracy José Manuel Robles In recent decades, we have witnessed a resurgence of the debates su- rrounding the possibility and the capabilities of deliberative demo- cracy. As has happened with other political theories like republica- nism, the deliberation was considered for a long time as a political choice that did not fit with the characteristics of the State and the POLIS 2011, vol. 7, núm. 1, pp. 183-185

Abstracts - Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana

Oct 16, 2021



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The Electoral Code for Mexico City, 2008

Manuel Larrosa Haro Javier Santiago Castillo

This article’s purpose is to spread knowledge of the advancements and modifications made to the local Distrito Federal electoral law, in force since 2005. The 2008 Electoral Code reform resulted from the politi-cal consequences and need of new rules for competition and oversee-ing that the 2006 federal and local elections left as a lesson in Mexico City and the rest of the country. Unlike its federal counterpart, the local Distrito Federal electoral code reform, modified, abolished and created articles in the new code. Therefore, it may be said that it was a more ample reform since it treated issues that the federal instance left unrevised. The result of the 2008 legislative changes was a new electoral code reformed in all the issues of the books comprised in it. There from its regulation and procedural relevance.Key words: electoral law, electoral system, political parties, Unidad Técnica Especializada de Fiscalización, electoral campaigns, oversee-ing, electoral procedure, Instituto Electoral del Distrito Federal.

Four fundamental theoretical problems for deliberative democracy

José Manuel Robles In recent decades, we have witnessed a resurgence of the debates su-rrounding the possibility and the capabilities of deliberative demo-cracy. As has happened with other political theories like republica-nism, the deliberation was considered for a long time as a political choice that did not fit with the characteristics of the State and the PO




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modern citizen. However, in the past 25 years first ranking authors have tried to recover this form of participation by modifying anyone of the elements part of the classical definition. Nonetheless, and espe-cially from the more liberal wing of political theory, not few that have raised major criticisms of this contemporary version of democratic deliberation. This article intends to, first, show the main theoretical discussions on the theory of deliberative democracy; secondly, point out the main arguments against this kind of political practice and, fi-nally, summarize the major replies to those criticisms. The discussion ultimately carries out a critical review of the debate in order to show the effect, possibility and benefits of such practices. Key words: democratic theory, deliberative political theory, political participation.

Gandhi: civil active resistance

Armando Rendón CoronaThis article refers to Gandhi’s conception on active resistance accor-ding to his political ethic principles that regulate the forms of action, resistance and truth. It postulates the individual and collective resis-tance action against injustice and oppression, accepting the sacrifices that it implies. The axes of his strategy are the duty of disobedience and non-cooperation with the State through non violent resources such as boycott, activity suspension and mass mobilization. It combi-nes refusal of a domination system with the creation of a new social order, in which dignity awareness and autonomy from the system, up to self-rule are indispensable.Key words: active resistance, non-cooperation, non-violent action.

Fair trade, an alternative of local development?

Armando García ChiangResulting from different alternative trade initiatives, “fair trade” may be defined as a type of partnership that seeks sustainable develop-ment for excluded producers or with major disadvantages. It seeks to achieve such objective by proposing better commercial conditions


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to farmers and educating consumers. This type of trade, has known, in the past two decades, a steady growth in the industrialized coun-tries. It has evinced different conceptions and strategies to progress, raising questions about the impact of its practices and its ability as a real alternative of sustainable and equitable local development. This article carries out a brief review of the history of fair trade, introduces a discussion on its relationship with the local development and social economy, and presents concrete examples of this commercial alterna-tive both sides the producers and the consumers.Key words: fair trade, local development, trade relations.

Justine or the political, ethical and psychosocial criticism of our sadistic reality

Jorge Veraza UrtuzuásteguiThe Marquis de Sade’s work is a critique of modernity in its various aspects: economy, politics and culture, with emphasis on legal, ethic and psychosocial critique taking sexual and emotional behavior as key. All this is remarkable in his celebrated novel Justine, or The misfortunes of virtue which we will cover to counteract its false in-terpretations and of all Sade´s work which have subsequently faded away its invaluable criticism of modernity, of profound actuality in the 21st century. The multiple misinterpretation of Sade´s thinking has a common factor: interpreters confused Sade´s libertines’ charac-ter thinking —when they seek to justify their excesses— with Sade´s own thought, thus they invert and misrepresent it; when precisely Sade built those characters and the thoughts they express in order to criticize them. But for the interpreters everything happens as if Sade ratifies them. This article compares Sade with Freud and continues the reinterpretation of Justine, linking it to Don Quixote and Candide, influences already noted by other authors, but that is here deepened and checked with another surprising influence, not treated until now, Shakespeare’s Titus Andronicus. The reinterpretation, given the above said, allows recovery of Sade’s work for analysis y criticism of contem-porary societyKey words: modernity criticism, Sade, nature, sadism, religion, mo-ney-power, violence, sexual libido, Freud, Eros, Thanatos.


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6. Las referencias en los textos se presentarán de acuerdo con las es-pecificaciones técnicas del estilo Harvard: dentro del cuerpo del POLI

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trabajo se indicará el apellido del(os) autor(es) y el año de la edición consultada. Ejemplos: (Sorauf, 1967), (Alcántara y Freidenberg, 2001); (Cohen, March y Olsen, 1972); (Pugh et al., 1968), cuando se trata de más de tres autores. Si hay una cita textual, se deberá incluir el número de página o conjunto de páginas; por ejemplo (Weber, 2004: 8-9). Cuando haya más de una obra del mismo au-tor con el mismo año de publicación, se distinguirán con letras minúsculas junto al año, de la siguiente manera: (Weber, 2004a) y (Weber, 2004b).

Al final del texto se incluirá la bibliografía completa, por orden al-fabético del apellido de los autores, con todos los datos de las obras citadas. Por ejemplo, para el caso de un libro: apellido y nombre del autor (si hubiese más de un autor, el orden de los datos a par-tir del segundo autor serán nombre y apellido), año de la edición, título del libro, número de la edición (sólo cuando no sea la prime-ra), nombre del traductor en su caso, lugar de la edición, editorial. Todos los datos se separan con comas.

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Requisitos para las colaboraciones

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mientos básicos de la obra y una visión crítica del texto, y privile-giará las opiniones fundamentadas.

Sólo se aceptarán los artículos que satisfagan todos los requisitos aquí señalados. Los trabajos estarán sujetos a un primer dictamen del Comité Editorial y a dos o más dictámenes posteriores de especialistas en la materia con el método doble ciego. Se considerará la pertinencia temática y sus contenidos académicos y formales. Los resultados de los dictámenes se notificarán a la brevedad a los autores. Las colaboraciones aceptadas se someterán a corrección de estilo y su publicación estará sujeta a la disponibilidad de espacio en cada número. En ningún caso se devolverán originales. El envío de cualquier colaboración a la revista implica la aceptación de lo establecido en estos requisitos.

Requisitos para las colaboraciones

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María Cristina Steffen Riedemann

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Textos1. Norberto Bobbio

•Definicióndedesobedienciacivil2. Platón


3. John Locke•Delausurpación•Delatiranía•Deladisolucióndelgobierno

4. Óscar Godoy Arcaya•Absolutismo,tiraníayresistenciacivilenelpensamientopolíticodeJohnLocke

5. Henry David Thoreau•Deldeberdeladesobedienciacivil

6. León Tolstoy•Aloshombrespolíticos

7. Giuseppe Mazzini•Losdeberesdelhombre

8. Pietro Ameglio Patella•Luchasocialgandhiana:delaresistenciapasivaalSatyagraha

9. Nelson Mandela•Laresistenciasecreta

10. Martin Luther King•CartadesdelacárceldeBirminham

11. Bertrand Russell•Ladesobedienciacivilylaamenazadeguerranuclear

12. Noam Chomsky•Sobrelaresistencia

13. Erich Fromm•Ladesobedienciacomoproblemapsicológico

14. Hannah Arendt•Desobedienciacivil

15. John Rawls•Eldeberylaobligación

16. Ronald Dworkin•Losderechosenserio•Desobedienciacivil

17. Jürgen Habermas•Otoñode1983olaneutralizaciónmoraldelderecho

•Derechoyviolencia.Untraumaalemán18. Ariel H. Colombo

•Laparadojadellegislador19. Jean L. Cohen y Andrew Arato

•Desobedienciacivilysociedadcivil20. Michael Randle


Videos1. Gandhi


2. Martin Luther KingLaluchaporlosderechoscivilesDuración:16min.44seg.

3. Nelson MandelaLaluchadesdelacárcelDuración:12min.05seg.

4. Noam ChomskyFabricandoelconsensoControldelpensamientoenlassociedadesdemocráticasDuración:42min.04seg.

Audios1. Homage to Mahatma Gandhi


2. A Change is gonna comeSamCookeLetra:SamCookeDuración:3:12minAño:1963

3. Mandela DaySimpleMindsLetra:SimpleMindsDuración:5:45min.Año:1989

4. SatyagrahaPhilipGlassLibreto:ConstanceDeJongPhilipsDuración:117min.Año:1980


División de Ciencias Sociales y HumanidadesDepartamento de Sociología

Av. San Rafael Atlixco No. 186 Col. Vicentina C.P. 09430, Iztapalapa, México D.F.

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POLIS, nueva época, primer semestre 2011, vol. 7, núm. 1, se imprimió en junio de 2011 en Impresos Grafit, Joaquín Baranda núm. 16, Col. El Santuario, Iztapalapa, México D.F. Corrección de estilo: Wenceslao Huerta, Bertha Trejo. Composición tipográfica: Jesús Fernández Vaca.

La edición consta de 500 ejemplares.

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