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Aakash Bhatt Socio

Jun 03, 2018



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    Sociology and other social sciences

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    Hidayatullah National Law University

    Raipur, Chhattisgarh

    Submitted to:Dr. Uttam Kumar Panda

    (Assistant Professor, Sociology)

    Submitted by:


    Roll No.-13

    Semester- I, B.A.L.LB.(Hons.)

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    Certificate of declaration ...........03


    Acknowledgment.. ...........................................................................04


    Introduction.... .....05

    4. Objectives.....06


    Research Methodology................................................................................06


    Relationship between sociology and history ............. ...07


    Relationship between sociology and political science.........................08-09

    8. Relationship between sociology and economics..................................09-10


    Relationship between sociology and anthropology.............................10-11


    Relationship between sociology and geography..................................11-12


    Relationship between sociology and psychology......................................12

    12.Relationship between sociology and law...................................................13


    Relationship between sociology and education.........................................14


    Major Findings............................................................................................15



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    Certificate of Declaration

    I hereby declare that the project work entitled sociology and other social sciences submittedto

    HNLU, Raipur, is record of an original work done by me under the able guidance of Dr. Uttam

    Kumar Panda, Faculty Member, HNLU, Raipur.


    ROLL NO. 13


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    Thanks to the Almighty who gave me the strength to accomplish the project with sheer

    hard work and honesty. This research venture has been made possible due to the generous

    co-operation of various persons. To list them all is not practicable, even to repay them in

    words is beyond the domain of my lexicon.

    This project wouldnt have been possible without the help of my teacher Dr . Uttam

    Kumar Panda, Faculty of Sociology at HNLU, who had always been there at my side

    whenever I needed some help regarding any information. He has been my mentor in the

    truest sense of the term. The administration has also been kind enough to let me use their

    facilities for research work. I thank them for this.

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    Sociology is the science of society with its institutions. It is considered at one of the

    youngest social science.

    The word sociology was used for the first time on Augusta Comte, a French Philosopher; in1842 the word sociology is derived from the Latin word Logos meaning science. So theEtymological meaning of sociology is the science of society.

    In order to understand the meaning of sociology fully, let me give a few definitions.

    Ginsberg: Sociology is the study of human interaction and inter relation their conditionsand consequences.

    Ward: Sociology is the science of society.

    Fairchild: Sociology is the study of relationship between man and his human

    environment.Ogburn: Sociology is a body of learning about society;

    Kimball Young: Sociology deals with the behaviour of man in groups. In short we cansay that sociology studies in its totality the cultural heritage.

    Features of Sociology:

    1. Sociology deals with mans life as a whole.

    2. Sociology is a science, but not a pure science like Physics and chemistry, it is a social


    3. It is a theoretical and not an applied science.

    4. It is a positive science and not a normative science.

    5. The subject matter of sociology is society rather than the individual.

    Different types of social sciences other than sociology

    (a)History (h) Education

    (b) Political Science

    (c) Economics

    (d) Anthropology

    (e) Geography

    (f) Psychology

    (g) Law

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    (1).The main objective of this project to is to study about relation b/w sociology and other social


    (2).Another main objective is to study the differences b/w sociology and other.

    Focusing on these objectives I will try to explain the relation between sociology and other social

    sciences through research and study by the various resources and will try to bring a good project

    using the best of my capabilities.

    Research Methodology:

    This project work is descriptive & analytical in approach. It is largely based on the analysis of

    different aspect of sociology and other social sciences. Books & other references as guided by

    faculty of sociology were primarily helpful for the completion of this project.

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    Relationship between Sociology and History

    Sociology and History are closely and intimately related to each other. Sociology cannot be

    separated from History and History cannot be isolated from sociology. That is why Professor

    G.E. Howard remarked "History is the past Sociology and Sociology is the present History",John Seely says that" History without Sociology has no fruit, Sociology without History has no


    History is mainly concerned with past events. It is systematic record of the story of mankind.

    History presents a chronological account of past events of the human society. It is the socialscience, which deals with past events and studies the past social, political and economic aspects

    of the country, According to Gettle "History is the record of the past events and movements,

    their causes and inter-relations''. It includes a survey of conditions, or developments in economic,

    religious and social affairs as well as the study of states, their growth and organization and theirrelation with one another.

    Both Sociology and History depend upon each other and can influence one another. Sociologydepends upon History in order to study past events and situations. History of cultures and

    institutions is helpful in the understanding of sociology and on the collections of materials. Inorder to understand the past society and activities, we have to take the help of History. Sociology

    concerned with the study of the historical development of human society. It studies ancient

    customs, modes of living, various stages of life and past social institutions through the historicalanalysis. This information about the past is of great importance to sociologists. For instance, if a

    sociologist has to study family and marriage as social institutions he has to study their historical

    developments also. Owing to this reason, Arnold Toynbee's book "A Study of History" and

    Spengler's book "Decline of the West" are very valuable of the study of sociology.

    In the same way, Sociology provides social background of the study of History. History is nowbeing studied from the sociological viewpoint. History supplies facts, which are interpreted and

    coordinated by the sociologists. The historians need social background for writing and analyzing

    history and this is provided by the sociologists. The study of History would be meaninglesswithout the appreciation of sociological significance. History becomes meaningful in the social


    Difference between Sociology and History:

    The two social sciences History and Sociology are different. The points of difference betweenthe two may be noted.

    1. Sociology is interested in the study of the present social phenomena with all theircomplexities. But History deals with the past events of man. It is silent regarding the present.

    2. Sociology is relatively a young social science. It has very short history of its own. It is not

    even two centuries old. But history is an age-old social science. It has a long story of 2000 years

    or even more.

    3. Sociology is an analytical science. But history is a descriptive science.

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    Relationship between Sociology and Political Science

    Sociology and political science are so closely and deeply related to each other that one becomes

    meaningless without the other. According to Morris Ginsberg ''Historically, Sociology has its

    main roots in politics and philosophy of history". The state, which is the centre of political

    science in its early stage, was more of a social than political institution.

    Sociology is the fundamental social science, which studies man's social life as a whole and

    attempts to discover the facts and the laws of life as a whole. Political science, on the other hand,

    is concerned with the political life of a man, which is one part of his total life. Sociology is the

    science of society where as the political science is mainly concerned with the state andgovernment. These two social sciences are very common in certain spheres. Political science is a

    branch of sociology, which deals with the principles of organization and government of human

    society. The subject matter of political science thus comes within the field of sociology.

    Sociology depends very much on political science in every respect. The state and governmentsmake laws for the welfare of the society; the government removes social evils such as poverty,

    unemployment, dowry and so on from the society. The undesirable customs are uprooted from

    the society by the government. The government gives financial assistance to people at the time ofnatural calamities such as floods, famine, cyclone and drought. Social institutions and social

    organizations are regulated by the state and government. Sociology studies various aspects of

    political activities through the help of political science. The government can bring about changes

    in the society with the help of laws.

    In the same way, political science depends upon sociology and sociology provides material topolitical science that is the political life of the people. Therefore, some sociologists regard

    political science as a special branch of sociology, it can be said that without sociologicalbackground the study of political science is quite impossible. Political science deals with thesocial group organized under the sovereignty of the state. The forms of government, the nature of

    governmental organs, the laws and sphere of the state activity are chiefly determined by the

    social processes. The laws which are formed by the government are based on the social customs,traditions, mores, norms, etc. of the society. Most of the changes which have been taken place in

    the political theory, during the past times have been possible due to sociology. For understanding

    of political problems, some knowledge about sociology is very essential because all political

    problems are mainly corrected with a social aspect. In this connection F.H. Gidding says "Toteach the theory of the state to men who have not learn the first principle of sociology is like

    teaching astronomy or thermodynamics to men who have not learnt Newton's laws of Motion".

    Thus, both sociology and political science depends upon each other. Both are inter-related andinter-dependent. Truly, it can be said that society is the mirror of politics of the country.According to G.E.G. Catlin, sociology and political science are the two faces of the same figure.

    In the opinion of EG. Wilson "It must be admitted of course, that it is often difficult to

    determine, whether a particular writer should be considered as sociologists or political theorist orphilosopher.

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    Differences between Sociology and Political Science:

    In-spite of the above relationship, both sociology and political science are however different

    from each other in certain respects,

    1. Sociology is the science of political science; on the other hand, it is the science of state and

    government. Sociology studies society as a whole and man as a social being where as political

    science deals with a particular aspect of society, which is regarded as a politically organized unit.Therefore, political science is a more specialized science than sociology.

    2. Sociology has wider scope than that of political science. Sociology deals with social, political,

    economic, cultural and other aspects of society and studies will be the social institutions such as

    family, marriage, religion, kinship, caste and so on. But political science deals with political

    aspect and studies a specific political institution like state and government only. Thus, sociologyis regarded as a general science while political science is viewed as a specialized social science.

    3. Sociology studies forms of associations and institutions where as political science deals with

    the state and government which are known as specific forms of association. That is why

    professor Garner remarks "Political science is concerned with only human form association suchas state, sociology deals with all form association."

    Relationship between Sociology and Economics

    According to Thomas, Economics is, in fact, but one branch of the comprehensive science ofsociology. In the word of Silverman, it may be regarded for ordinary purposes as an offshoot of

    the parent science.

    Sociology which studies the general principles of all social relations. But this does not mean that

    economics is a branch, of sociology.

    Economics deals with the economic activities of man. Dr. Alfred Marshall defines economics asOn the one side the study of wealth, and on the other and more important side a part of the

    study of man.

    Prof. Lionel Robbins defines economics as the science of human behaviour in its relations with

    ends and scarce means which have attractive uses. It can also be understood as the science ofwealth in its three stages namely; production and consumption.

    Economics studies man as a wealth getter and a wealth disposer. Wealth constitutes the central

    problem of economics. It studies inter-relations of purely economic factors and forces.

    The relations of price and supply, money flows, input-output ratios and the like. It studies the

    structure and function of economic organisations like banks, factories, markets, business firms,corporations, transport etc. Recently economists have shown more interest in motivation behind

    mans economic action.

    Economics and Sociology are helpful to each other. Economic relationship bears a close relation

    to social activities. At the same time social relationships are also affected by economic activities.

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    Because of this close relation Thomas regarded Economics as the branch of Sociology. But this

    is an extreme view. Economics may be specified here as an independent science.

    It is said that Economics is the study of mans activities devoted to obtaining the material meansfor the satisfaction of his wants. Economics is primarily concerned with the earning and

    spending of wealth, in other words, it studies man as a wealth- getter and wealth-disposer and is,

    thus concerned with economic relationships.

    Sociology on the other hand is the study of social relationships and social activities. It is wellknown that there is an intimate connection between economic and social relationships. Owing to

    this reason, Economics is regarded as a branch of Sociology.

    Thus both economics and sociology are closely related to each other. Economic welfare is

    considered as a part of social welfare. It is not possible to study economic welfare without anadequate knowledge about social laws. Economics seeks the help of Sociology in this


    For instance, the economists are interested in solving the economic problems like poverty,

    unemployment, beggary, etc. For this purpose they do not forget to take into account the socialphenomena existing at that particular period. Economic generalisations are based on date

    collected from Sociology.

    In this respect sociology is of immense help to economics. Note that economics is not helpful to

    sociology in the same way. Economic relationships affect social relationships to a considerableextent. The economic forces play a vital role in mans social life as mans happiness depends

    upon economics to a great extent.

    Owing to this reason sociologists are concerned with economic institutions. In other words they

    study the social aspect of economic life.

    The sociologists study social problems like crime, slavery, prostitution, unemployment, beggary,poverty, population growth, suicide, etc. They never forget to take into account the economic

    factors in order to find out the causes and explanations of these said problems.

    Relationship between Sociology and Anthropology

    The relation between sociology and anthropology is widely recognized today. In fact,

    anthropologist Kroeber pointed out that the two- sciences are twin sisters. Robert Redfied writes

    that viewing the whole United States, one say that the relations between sociology andanthropology are closer than those between anthropology and political science, which is partly

    due to greater similarity in ways of work.

    Anthropology is a general science like sociology. 'The word anthropology' is derived from twoGreek words, 'anthropos' and 'logos' meaning the study of man. More precisely, it is defined by

    Kroeber as the science of man and his works and behaviour. Anthropology is concerned not withparticular man but with man in-group with races and peoples and their happenings and doings.

    There is a great deal of similarities between anthropology and sociology. A number of subjects

    include society, culture, family religion, social stratification, etc. For this reason an eminent

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    anthropologist like A.L. Kroeber regards "Sociology and Anthropology as twin sisters"

    Etymologically, anthropology means the study of the science of man. It traces the developmentof human race, and studies, in particular, the primitive preliterate people and their culture.

    Anthropologists are sure that anthropology is deeply concerned with the physical and cultural

    development of human beings from the time of their origin to this day. There cannot be two

    opinions about the fact that the field of its investigation is very vast. Its major divisions are as

    follows.Anthropology concentrates on man as he is. On the other hand, sociology analyses man as social

    animal. It is an indispensable fact that sociologists in their attempt to understand the social

    phenomena of present times, draw upon the knowledge of the past. Nor can it be denied thatthey, in their desire to study man and society, make the best use of the invaluable data furnished

    by anthropological researches. In the same way, the data obtained by sociologists have

    immediately benefited anthropologists. Thus, there is no use of stressing on the fact that

    sociology and Anthropology are closely related to each other and are inter-dependent.

    Differences between Sociology and Anthropology

    Notwithstanding their inter-dependence the two sciences differ from each other in many respects.The points of differences are as follows.

    (1) The primitive, pre-literate people and their culture from the subject matter of anthropology.The completely human society is the basis of its investigation. It not only studies, the physical

    characteristics of the human race but also studies the influence itself. On the other hand,

    sociology takes note of the influence of the human race exerts on social relations, and it deals

    with people and their culture in the present context. Nor is it all. It focuses the attention ofsociologists on some of the particular aspects of society. Thus it is quite obvious that the subject-

    matter of sociology is not the concern of anthropology. In respect of subject matter, both

    anthropology and sociology differ from each other.

    (2) Anthropology has for its subject matter the small and static culture of people who belong tothe pre-literate period. In sharp contrast to anthropological concern with small and static cultures,

    sociology investigates the culture of society which, to say the least is very vast and dynamic in


    (3) It is really curious that sociologists can easily manage with the second-hand informations,while anthropologists cannot hut depend upon the first-hand knowledge.

    Relationship between Sociology and Geography

    Davis has referred to the following areas of study which require a combination of demographic

    and sociological skills: "(1) Fertility in connection with attitudes and social institutions; (2)Population changes in relation to social and economic change; (3) The labour force with respect

    to population structure and social organisation; and (4) The family with regard to demographic


    International and internal migration is two other areas of study mentioned by Davis, whereknowledge of sociology and demography need to be combined.

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    Even in the study of mortality, age and sex differentials, though biologically determined, may

    have sociological bases, and, therefore, need to be recognised as such.

    Broom Selznick treat population as one of the nine principal "elements of sociological analysis"for the discussion of six special topics, that is, family, city, minorities, industrial sociology,

    political sociology and criminal behaviour.

    It, therefore, appears that along with social organisation, culture, socialisation, primary groups,social stratification, associations, collective behaviour and ecology, populations is an importantelement in sociological analysis.

    Relationship between Sociology and Psychology

    Sociology and Psychology are closely related with each other. Both are interrelated and inter-dependent. Psychology is concerned with the exploration of the depth of man's mind and

    behaviour in society. It is said that psychology shows the significance of the relationship

    between the organism (individual) and environment and the response of the former to the latter.

    It is defined as "the study of man's mental life and behaviour". It is the science of mind of mental


    The aim of psychology is to arrive at the laws of mental life and behaviour of human beings.

    Sociology, on the other hand is the study of society. It studies man's social relationships. In the

    words of Thouless, psychology is the positive science of human experience and behaviour.

    Thus, sociology studies society where as psychology is concerned with human behaviour, So

    there are resemblances between psychology and sociology. Both are regarded as positive science.

    These two disciplines have a great deal in common and are inter-related. It is difficult to

    understand the inter-relations and the activities of human beings; without an adequate knowledgeof human psychology. In the same way, many truths of psychology would remain unintelligible

    without a comprehensive idea about social relationships, behaviour and activities.

    There is no gain saying the fact that psychology trends support to sociology and the help

    sociology extends to psychology, is by no means insignificant. In other words they depend oneach other for their existence. In this way, both psychology and sociology are deeply related to

    each other.

    Differences between Sociology and Psychology

    Although the two disciplines are inter-dependent, they differ from each other in certain respects.

    1. Psychology is concerned with the human mind whereas sociology is concerned with as a


    2. The methods used by sociology and psychology are not identical. Both disciplines therefore,

    differ from each other in respect of methods.

    3. The psychologist focuses his attention on the individual while the sociologist is pre-occupied

    with society as a whole. Therefore, the individual is regarded as the unit of psychology andsociety is regarded as the unit of sociology.

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    Relationship between Sociology and law

    Law is an enactment made by the state. It is backed by physical coercion. Its breach is

    punishable by the courts. It represents the will of the state and realizes its purpose.

    Laws reflect the political, social and economic relationships in the society. It determines rights

    and duties of the citizens towards one another and towards the state.

    It is through law that the government fulfils its promises to the people. It reflects the sociological

    need of society.

    Law and morality are intimately related to each other. Laws are generally based on the moralprinciples of society. Both regulate the conduct of the individual in society.

    They influence each other to a great extent. Laws, to be effective, must represent the moral ideas

    of the people. But good laws sometimes serve to rouse the moral conscience of the people and

    create and maintain such conditions as may encourage the growth of morality.

    Laws regarding prohibition and spread of primary education are examples of this nature.Morality

    cannot, as a matter of fact, be divorced from politics. The ultimate end of a state is the promotionof general welfare and moral perfection of man.

    It is the duty of the state to formulate such laws as will elevate the moral standard of the people.

    The laws of a state thus conform to the prevailing standard of morality. Earlier writers onPolitical Science never made any distinction between law and morality.

    Plato's Republic is as good a treatise on politics as on ethics. In ancient India, the term Dharma

    connoted both law and morality. Law, it is pointed out, is not merely the command of the

    sovereign, it represents the idea of right or wrong based on the prevalent morality of the people.

    Moreover, obedience to law depends upon the active support of the moral sentiments of the

    people. Laws which are not supported by the moral conscience of the people are liable to becomedead letters.

    For example laws regarding Prohibition in India have not succeeded on account of the fact that

    full moral conscience of the people has not been aroused in favor of such laws.

    As Green put it, "In attempting to enforce an unpopular law, a government may be doing more

    harm than good by creating and spreading the habit of disobedience to law. The total cost of such

    an attempt may well be greater than the social gain."

    Although law and morality arc interdependent yet they differ from each other in their content,

    definiteness and sanction.

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    Relationship between sociology and education:

    Education and sociology are very much related to each other. It was Emile Durkheim who firstclearly indicated the need for a Sociological approach to the study of education. Durkheim

    considered education to be something social in character, in it origin and in its functions. As a

    result the story of education relates more clearly to sociology than to any other science. Sinceneeds of the society change continuously, education must also change; the needs of differentsocieties differ, so also the pattern of education in different societies has to differ. What isimplies is that social force determining the nature of education, so the relationship between

    education and sociology is of vital importance. Let me make a mention of a few aspects.

    The relationship between the two is shown as under.

    Education a social Process: Education is a social process. Changes In the behaviour of the childare bought about in accordance with the different social conditions.

    Personality development a result of social process: Education aims at the all round development

    of the personality of the individual. Personality does not develop in vacuum. It develops with theinteraction of social forces, which are the domains of sociology. So there is a relationshipbetween education and sociology. Socialization a result of social process: Education socializes

    the individual. The process of socialization takes place through the role played by family, school

    and other agencies Sociology also studies the process of socialization. So the relationshipbetween education and sociology is very vast.

    Curriculum based of social needs: Sociology provides suggestion about reforming curriculum. It

    says that curriculum should be based on social needs and values and keeps new concepts into

    consideration and revises the curriculum from time to time according to the changing needs ofthe society.

    Human being common subject of both: Human being is the subject of both the education and

    sociology. With one discipline along with him, a complete study of the human being is not

    possible so the relationship between the two is clear.

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    Major Findings:

    1. One of the main findings of my project is able to find out relation b/w sociology and other

    social sciences.


    The second major finding of my project is how all the types or subsets of social science areinterdependent on each other.

    3. The third major finding of my project is beside being from same set i.e social science they

    too have differences.

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    To conclude, Sociology as a branch of knowledge has its own unique characteristics. It is

    different from other sciences in certain respects. Sociology has now emerged into an independent

    science. It is not treated and studied as a branch of any other science like philosophy or politicalphilosophy or history. As an independent science it has its own field of study, boundary and

    method. The area of inquiry of sociology is general and not specialised. It is concerned with

    human interaction and human life in general. Other social sciences like political science, history,

    economics etc., also study man and human intention on certain aspects of human interaction and

    activities and specialise themselves, in these fields.

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    i. Shankar Rao C.N., Principles Of Sociology, Sixth Edition, S.Chand& Co. Ltd.,



    Newspapers-The Hindu, TOI.

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