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AA Gabriel SELF-EMPOWERMENT WITH LIGHT White Light, Love and Decrees; Receiving Power THE ARCHANGEL GABRIEL as Spoken through John Columbus Taylor Tape# 920913: Sedona, AZ, September 13, 1992 Beloved Masters, welcome once again to this place and to this time. We bring you a most special greeting this evening from a Great Being of Light that might be known as the Elohim of Humor. There have been so-called only seven Elohim. We also want you to know there are some very wonderful members of the Seraphim and Cherubim that graduated. And so therefore there are about to be 144 Elohim very shortly in what might be the understanding of time. In another understanding, of course, it has always been that way. Those Beings are actually Unlimited in number, but certainly we would say, in what is the understanding of this universe, it is appropriate from time to time to place certain specific numbers on things because it helps you, since so much of what you interpret is at the intellectual level. However, this evening we were giving consideration to doing a most special talk called the "Talk of Silence," in which there would be no words; there would only be an energy that comes through. But we realize that a lot of you would have a very difficult time sitting here for 59 minutes or so in total silence. You might find yourselves feeling a little bit edgy or uneasy, wondering what in the world is going on. So we will continue with our normal mode of bringing information to you So at this time we invite you to become quiet, to close your eyes, take a deep breath, hold it for just a moment, and then let it out. Allow yourself to be at peace; allow yourself to be in this place and this time. Now, some of you are accustomed perhaps to going out of body. We ask you to be here and be now, be in this place and this time. Invocation "Beloved Great All That Is All In All, we do indeed once again give thanks for all those that are gathered here this evening. We ask Thy Blessing upon each and every one; that that which is rendered in service to them, they would indeed be able therefore to take it with them

AA Gabriel SELF Powerment With Light

Jul 08, 2016



Meaghan Mathews

spiritual matter
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AA Gabriel SELF-EMPOWERMENT WITH LIGHT White Light, Love and Decrees; Receiving Power THE ARCHANGEL GABRIEL as Spoken through John Columbus Taylor Tape# 920913: Sedona, AZ, September 13, 1992

Beloved Masters, welcome once again to this place and to this time. We bring you a most special greeting this evening from a Great Being of Light that might be known as the Elohim of Humor. There have been so-called only seven Elohim. We also want you to know there are some very wonderful members of the Seraphim and Cherubim that graduated. And so therefore there are about to be 144 Elohim very shortly in what might be the understanding of time. In another understanding, of course, it has always been that way. Those Beings are actually Unlimited in number, but certainly we would say, in what is the understanding of this universe, it is appropriate from time to time to place certain specific numbers on things because it helps you, since so much of what you interpret is at the intellectual level. However, this evening we were giving consideration to doing a most special talk called the "Talk of Silence," in which there would be no words; there would only be an energy that comes through. But we realize that a lot of you would have a very difficult time sitting here for 59 minutes or so in total silence. You might find yourselves feeling a little bit edgy or uneasy, wondering what in the world is going on. So we will continue with our normal mode of bringing information to you So at this time we invite you to become quiet, to close your eyes, take a deep breath, hold it for just a moment, and then let it out. Allow yourself to be at peace; allow yourself to be in this place and this time. Now, some of you are accustomed perhaps to going out of body. We ask you to be here and be now, be in this place and this time. Invocation "Beloved Great All That Is All In All, we do indeed once again give thanks for all those that are gathered here this evening. We ask Thy Blessing upon each and every one; that that which is rendered in service to them, they would indeed be able therefore to take it with them throughout every experience for the duration of this incarnation as it is understood to be; that it would bring Lightness; that it would bring Joy; that it would bring an increase in Happiness and Harmony, in Prosperity, in all that they deem at any level of their consciousness to be that which is called good. For indeed we would say that all is Good in Thy Name, and therefore all is good upon this plane. And each one is therefore learning how to bring that forth into their experience. May these words this evening therefore assist in empowering each one, that they may experience the very greatest and the highest of Light, Love, Truth and Joy from this day forward, to the good of all concerned. So be it." Now, Empowerment with Light. Personal or Self-Empowerment with Light. Automatically, you sort of have an idea of what that is about. And we will say that certainly from a certain etheric perspective it certainly has to do with meditation, filling yourself with White Light and various other colors when it is appropriate to do so. But we're also going to give you some very practical suggestions, some of which you may know already or may have heard about, some of which are relevant for this time of the year as it were, and some that perhaps you didn't know about. These practical suggestions are the things that you can do, things that you can say, both for

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your own personal and self empowerment and to assist all others who come into your energy field. The first thing this evening therefore that is most important for you at this time is to understand that in order to be in alignment and in harmony with the energies that are coming in at this time that are seeking to en-Lighten you, bring you into the Light, we are talking about filling yourself with White Light. The more that you fill yourself with White Light, it will increase your awareness. With acute, sharp, perceptive awareness, you will be able to know what is going on within. There won't be any of this so-called subconscious or unconscious issues or blockages or things like that. Now, granted it takes time because you exist in time. And each and every soul is evolving in a different way and has its own timing in a manner of speaking. But you can certainly assist at the conscious level in speeding up much of this timing with the activities, with the meditations, with the spiritual practices that you employ. That's one of the reasons that you are here incarnated upon this planet at this time, because of the opportunities that are represented in the context of all the wonderful ramifications of change. Whenever there is change, as in a person's life, it is the opportunity for spiritual growth. When a person chooses to make changes in their life, they are choosing growth. When a person is resistant to change, then they are oftentimes resisting their own growth into greater Unlimitedness. With the Light, with the White Light in particular, with your practice every day, sometimes 3, 5, 7, 10, 12 times a day, it only takes a few seconds to envision yourself being filled with White Light. But as you do so, your awareness increases. Now, with the increase in awareness, then you have, for example, the awareness of what you might call a behavioral pattern. And if a behavioral pattern has produced a certain result in your life that you find is inappropriate or undesirable, then with the awareness that maybe "here it is once again," it gives you the opportunity to make choices. But your words are very important here, and speaking certain words is very important. You want to acknowledge your awareness, your awareness of what might be called a limited behavioral pattern. In acknowledging that awareness, you are getting some of the energy of that pattern out of the physical body. It is actually cleansing to you to speak words such as "I Am aware that I feel..." [whatever the emotion may be]. And you can carry it eventually a step further than that and say such things as "I AM aware that I chose to feel..." [whatever the feeling may be]. One of the premises in psychology, traditional therapeutic psychology, has to do with repressed emotion. This is a very valid thing for anyone on a spiritual path. If you have repressed emotions (and everyone does) from infancy, childhood and adolescence, then it can form an unconscious blockage towards that which you are seeking to employ now, which is your knowledge of all the spiritual principles, the spiritual laws, the laws of life and the like in your own life. And sometimes you wonder why is it that they don't work in the way that it seems like they should. It's a very dangerous thing sometimes for a lot of people to come into the knowledge of something that they are ill-prepared to actualize in a practical sense. This has a tendency to cause a lot of people to get into delusionment, to become very disappointed and almost with feelings

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of abject failure in terms of what they're trying to achieve in their lives. What we want to do is to assist you in a more practical way of what you can do, so that you can avoid some of those pitfalls, some of those traps that may even now be affecting you subtlety or otherwise. Now, we have to be very careful how we do this, because one of the most important principles is that "whatever you give attention to in your life you are empowering into experience." So one of the very first and most important premises in using the techniques and the technologies and the tools that we give to you is that we want you to do it within the context of loving yourself just as you are. Now, that's a biggie right there, because a lot of you sometimes look at yourselves and you want to do something about your physical body, or you look at your life in some way and you want to do something about your financial situation or your health or improve your relationships or whatever it may be. So there's automatically a certain level, certain areas in your life where you have a lot of judgments, a lot of energy such that you're focusing that energy, we're going to simply say quite bluntly, incorrectly. While we know from the highest perspective that is not so. But from the perspective of what you say you want and where you are, where you are desiring to and aspiring to expand the Light within and free yourself from the limitations, we would say that there are certainly times when the energy that coming in is misused. So we want to help you in understanding how you can free yourself from that. One of the first things, of course, then relates to these repressed emotions. The normal process in psychological therapy is of course, a longterm process. And unfortunately there are a lot of people involved in psychology that unconsciously fear giving someone a tool that could set them free in a matter of days. Instead they often take the approach and the attitude that it takes years and years of therapy. Now, this is not intended to in any way invalidate that process. It does work. However, the continued backward look at one's life risks creating the repetition of events. You have a phrase that "history has a way of repeating itself." One of the causes of that is by the power of one's attention. As we said earlier, whatever you give your attention to, you are feeding your life energy into it, and empowering more of it into expression, into reality, into perhaps your own experience. Another cause of "history repeating itself" is when the lessons are not learned so that you, or any group of you, does not consciously make different choices. Awareness brings the opportunity, but you must make the choice as to how you use that awareness in your own life. From our observations we have noticed that there are some who are very willing to let go of the alter-ego identifications of limitation. Now, if that is not clear to you, what we mean by that is that maybe you have an alter-ego identification of being abused, or maybe you have an alter-ego identification of experiencing lack, or maybe you have an alter-ego identification of sickness in the physical body. Whatever you have, it is produced at the alter ego level. It is therefore primarily what we are going to call illusion. It's very real where you are; we know that. But in fact, since it is not of the purity of the Light, it is not therefore of real substance. It is of misqualified energy. Therefore, the way to free yourself from it is to love it

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away from you. What does that mean? Now, we've shared with some of you who have been to our talks before here, we shared with you that from our perspective we say there is only One Law in the Universe, and that is the Law of Love. The Law of Love states that "Whatever you love, you become." Furthermore, in the three-dimensional realm, the activity of the Law of Love is giving your attention to a thing. So there are some people who have a misunderstanding about how to apply the Law of Love in terms of releasing themselves from limitation. The actual activity of applying the Law of Love is giving your attention to something that is of greater Unlimitedness, ceasing giving the attention to something of limitation. Now. However, with respect to repressed emotion, since there is that within you in some cases (not everyone, but most people; everyone goes through it eventually, but not everyone necessarily that we speak to is still saddled with a lot of repressed emotion), but one of the things that is necessary is to be able to get that up and out, to free yourself from it. You do this with the Light. That is the gentlest way to do so. But it means that you have to be aware, alert and very kind and gentle with yourself. Can you do that? From our perspective, of course you can. The next question is, "Are you willing to do that?" Well, the intellect says, "Well, but of course." But the intellect doesn't realize that, because it is so intimately connected to alter ego, the alter ego does not want to give up that identity. So it takes a determined effort of using the Light, typically from 30 to 90 days. Now, with the energy that is here at this time, it is conceivable that you could do it in as little as seven days, and it is conceivable that if you chose not to, you could spend the next 100,000 million lifetimes seeking to do so. It's a matter of choices and what do you really want. Do you mean it when you say you want to grow? Do you really mean it, and do you know what you mean when you say that you want the Light to come in, that you want all this Unlimitedness? We know that's primarily coming from what the intellect thinks it's all about, rather than from the feeling of knowing what it's really all about. We assist each and every one of you. And your own Higher Self and Beloved Great Soul Being is not going to allow you to process at the conscious level any more energy than what you can do without say destroying yourself in some way. But with the energy that is here now, this increase in the energy density is certainly making it possible for the speedup of your thought and feeling to manifest very quickly. You're feeling all the time, but you're not necessarily aware of what you're feeling. So the purpose of the White Light is to bring you a greater sense of awareness. Now, with that greater sense of awareness, you may notice your feelings becoming a little more intense. Your feeling is really your power. And if you want your life to be greater than what it is, you are in effect saying that you want to have dominion and control over a greater flow of power. And since that power is your feeling, you have to be aware of the feeling in order to be able to consciously, through thought, direct the power so that it is not misqualified, but does indeed empower what you want to experience. When you come into the awareness of how to create, you also have the responsibility to begin using that knowledge and applying it to create in your life. Not that some of you aren't even beyond that, in a manner

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of speaking, in that there can be a total trust and surrender to the Beloved Great I AM Presence of God within you, your own Soul/Spirit, your own Higher Self, Higher Mental Body, whatever term you want to call it, God within. There's a lot of terminology that's used to describe the same thing. So whatever you feel comfortable with, certainly go ahead and use. Now, in the context therefore of releasing this energy of the repressed emotion, there are several other ways that you could go through releasing it. One is to call it forth. In other words you could do this in the mornings of your time, when you have about an hour, and you're in a safe place where you're willing to feel whatever comes up, without destroying any property or damaging yourself or anything. This is something that we do advise a little care in, because there are some people who do have a lot of repressed emotion, and it is blocking their experience. But there are times when this might be an appropriate process. It is simply to say something like this: "Mighty I AM Presence, Beloved Great Soul Being that I AM, I call forth now to own in this hour, that I feel in this hour, any repressed anger from infancy, childhood and adolescence. See to it that all of it is brought forward into this hour and owned in this hour, and that I am set free from that energy forever." Now, we would also advise you to do certain other things perhaps that you sense, especially if you have any idea at all that you may have a lot of repressed anger within. How can you know? Do you draw to you situations or circumstances that you find yourself gritting your teeth, huffing and puffing? Do you have to take deep breaths a lot of time? Sighs or whatnot? Do you find yourself feeling depressed? You know, we spoke with you, and we of course had the one through whom we speak write an article concerning this symptom called depression. There are a lot of entities for whom that represents a symptom that is associated with the genetic changes taking place in the physical body. But one of the other causes of depression is repressed anger. So it is important to look at these things. And it's also important to realize that there are a lot of times when you are affected by atmospheric conditions, such as the quantity of light, interestingly, coming from the Sun. Once again, while we hesitate to use what might be called psychological terms, there is one here that is very appropriate for this time of year. SAD, Seasonal Affective Disorder. That is, there are some people that when the light from the sun grows less and less each day, they start to feeling a little more depressed. One of the ways that you can combat that involves a threefold process. If you experience this for any reason, if in the fall and toward the winter you find yourself feeling more sluggish or more prone to any sadness or depression or anything like that, then this is a very important thing to do. 1) Have more lights on around you, electric lights. That is a form of light. 2) Be outside more. Get physical activity. Move your body. 3) Go into meditation and visualize yourself being filled with Light. The more that you visualize yourself being filled with Light, that is actually a Light that is at a higher frequency, interestingly, than most of the light that is coming from the sun, and it too will have its effect. So, when you do this, what can you expect? What might you find going on in your life? Once again, the Light is going to increase awareness. It's going to do a

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lot of other wonderful things too for you, by the way. It's going to assist in the processes, let us say, that are speeding up the genetic changes so that you acclimate to these increases in the energy densities far more easily. In that way, you find that it's far easier to use the energies that are here for what they're intended to be used. And they are intended to be used to lovingly create the reality that you desire. Now, you're not always consciously connected with what your Soul/Spirit and Higher Self desires for you. But we will put it to you in terms such as we said last night, that whenever you have a joyful desire for something, it is that your own Beloved Great Soul Being and your own Higher Self want to give that to you. And it is not supposed to be about effort, it's not supposed to be about work, it's not supposed to be about struggle or any of those kinds of things. When it becomes work, when it becomes struggle or effort, that is the alter ego identities and limitations getting in the way. When you are aware of that, acknowledge your awareness. The more that you acknowledge yourself, you are empowering yourself. The more that you acknowledge what you know, when you come into the awareness and the knowingness of something, that's going to help to trigger certain functions physiologically in the body that actually speed up your knowingness even more. When you use words like "I know, I know," there's actually a physiological process that responds to the very vowel sounds themselves of the words "I know." The pineal and pituitary glands secrete hormones that activate certain cells in the brain that are receivers, and they allow you to receive higher thought. Whenever you have a question about something, one of the things that you can do is say, "I AM the Knowingness of the answer to this question. I AM the Presence which brings this Knowingness into my conscious awareness now." Affirm everything as "NOW," because that is the truth. One of the most important words that you have in your vocabulary is NOW. Two of the worst words you have is "if" and "when," because you are implying a future in which you want a thing, and as long as you say "if," it may never happen; and whenever you say "when," you are pushing away perhaps the very thing that you want to have. If you keep affirming "NOW," that is what brings it into your reality far more quickly. But let's look at some specific experiences, because there are a lot of entities in this area of the country, for example here in this wonderful city, who come here and they find challenges in finances or challenges in health or something of that nature. So why is it then that it seems like with all your affirming, with your all your saying and everything else, why doesn't it really happen? That's a big question that lot of people have. Well, part of the reason for that is that it may be that your Higher Self and Soul/Spirit wants you to learn a different way to create things. You've been creating more from an alter-ego, a mental, intellectual level. You're just beginning now to learn how to use the energies of Divine Love through which eventually all things will manifest upon this plane from henceforth. The time is not here quite yet, and there are lots of entities who are still locked into much of the ego creation that you see in the rest of the world. But you are on a different pathway. Let them have their reality. Bless them and love them for it. They are growing at their own pace

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and in their own way. And many are actually far more advanced spiritually than you could possibly imagine at this time, because you never know how an Ascended Master may come into your life. You may never know what disguise that entity may take. They may appear to be someone that you know and thought that you knew, but momentarily it could be an Ascended Master speaking through them. But be that as it may, since the way that you're creating and the way that you're learning to create things now is through Love, what about the situation where perhaps you have called forth, you require money or you want healing or you want a relationship healed, and it just seems like with all your efforts it seems that it has not worked the way you have wanted it to. Why not? Well, the very first thing that we're going to say unto you is that the question "why?" comes from the alter ego. You immediately disconnected from your Source when you start saying things like, "Why hasn't it happened yet?" "Why didn't it happen the way I decreed it?" The other thing that we would say unto you is that to have that power such that what you decree for yourself would come forth immediately, means that whatever you think and feel all the time is going to happen. That Energy of God, that ability, does not discriminate between whether you have a joyful feeling or a sad feeling. It's only going to manifest experiences that duplicate whatever the feeling is that you are qualifying your energies with, the energy of the thought that comes to you. You could have a thought about money and a thought about receiving money, but the feeling within you is still of lack, of anxiety, of stress, of jealousy or envy of anyone that has something that you want. Then whatever experience comes to you is going to be qualified with that energy or feeling that you are putting out. And remember, you are feeling all the time. The most important thing that you can do then in your behalf first of all is to resolve those unresolved emotions that may still remain within you. And you do this primarily at this time most gently, most effectively and most quickly by filling yourself with Light. The Light is going to bring your the awareness, and you're going to acknowledge what you become aware of. That helps to get it out, and you start becoming more released from it. Additionally, the White Light, since it contains all vibrations, also contains the Violet Light. But you can use the Violet Light specifically for cleansing and purification, especially of the emotional aura, the mental aura and the spiritual aura, the causal aura. In doing so, when you start filling yourself also with the Violet Light and using the Violet Flame, when you do that you are accomplishing both a cleansing in the now of whatever energy you may be having coming through you now, but you're also cleansing past misqualified energy. It could be from this lifetime. It could be whatever accumulation of misqualified energy you may have in your life. Now, if you've been misqualifying energy from somewhere nigh onto the neighborhood of say 3 to 7 million years, and if you assume at the ego level that you're going to erase all of that in a manner of a couple of days, that's one of the reasons you get yourselves out onto limbs and in trouble and into delusion and disillusion. So we want to be very practical and realistic. We don't want to limit what we know you can do, but we also don't want you to get unrealistic in your expectations,

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because in doing that you're actually doing yourself an injustice. And there are many entities who are seeking to bring you truth. But sometimes you're not fully prepared for that truth. And it's actually doing you an injustice because you try a thing and when it doesn't work, sometimes you give up and actually misqualify more energy in that feeling of desperation or anger or resentment, that feeling of "why didn't it work," and that kind of thing. You actually do more damage to yourself than what you would have done if you had just done nothing at all. So here again, in your application, rather than get fixed on needing a result manifested physically, rather than do that, simply just keep filling yourself with Light and speaking certain decrees in your behalf, and not into anxious expectation about needing to see a result right away. Then when something happens, it's a joyful surprise, and that joy lifts you higher and actually increases your ability to create, to manifest with the energies that are here. If on the other hand you started doing things for the specific purpose of creating a certain experience by a certain time, then when it didn't happen, if it didn't -- and we're not going to say it won't, because you can -- but to say that you can doesn't necessarily mean that you will, because everyone of you is autonomous and sovereign and the authorities of your life - but if you do decree this thing and it didn't happen, don't you see that you get disappointed, you get frustrated, you get angry. You get angry with Spirit for example. "Well, Spirit told me such and such a thing was going to happen by such and such a time. Why didn't it happen then?" Well, one of the things we want you to understand is our perspective. Our perspective is such that we have an understanding of time in a far different manner than you do, because all things exist simultaneously. So no matter what you desire, as we've shared with you, you could not even have the desire if your Beloved Great Soul Being and Higher Self had not already created it for you. So it exists. And we see it in your energy field. It's there. You exist in time. And your perception of time is a little bit different, because your perception of time is qualified by the senses of the physical body. And by virtue of that much lower frequency of perception, you're not always able to see etherically what's on its way to you. If you could change your attitude such that each time you had a joyful desire about something you "wanted," if you could change that (notice we're using the word "if"; we give ourselves poetic license to do so), [audience laughter] but if you could do that and change the attitude such that you would start saying instead, "Aha, here is something my Soul/Spirit wants to give to me. Maybe it will come to me today. Wonderful." Then you start getting into joyful expectancy rather than anxious expectation. Both energies are extremely powerful. One is extremely powerful in magnetizing you and electrifying you to draw to you that joyful experience. The other equally repels it. It's your choice. So what happened for a lot of entities? Why didn't the things come to them that perhaps Spirit sometimes says? The biggest reason is that rather than it be that joyful, loving and gracious, grateful attitude of expectancy, it is more often qualified by anxiety, by emotional need. There are a lot of people who want something in their life because they think it's going to make them happy. There was a program that the one through whom we speak saw here recently.

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This afternoon Ross Pirot was on television. It was a call-in interview kind of thing, and one of the people asked him, "What does it feel like to be a billionaire." And his answer interestingly was, "You know, money doesn't bring you happiness. Money is one of the least important things in the world." Well, one could say, "That's easy for him to say because he's got plenty of it!" And that's true. But what he said was important and is a far greater truth. "Happiness is within." He has a wonderful wife, a wonderful family, wonderful grandchildren, and he loves life. Do you love life? Do you love what life has given to you as the life that you are? Can you feel grateful, can you feel that gratitude all the time for the life that you are? Begin using the Light and it will increase your feeling of gratitude for life, for all life. And you will also notice, some of you perhaps if you haven't been, you will also notice a greater respect for all of life. And you will also notice you're letting go perhaps of some of the, we're going to call them petty judgments of others. Now that is kind of a judgmental term in itself, but it is applicable in this situation, because there are times when you have opinions. You have opinions about entities, you have opinions about your friends, you have opinions about people in the city, you have opinions about the people you left behind to move here, some of you. Those opinions come from the alter ego, and you're misqualifying energy everytime you have an opinion about someone. When you start using the Divine Love, that energy of Divine Love that is here now, in the way in which it is intended at the highest level, you start seeing literally only the Divine in all of life. And what you see is what you get. If you see only limitations; if you see your friends only with their issues, their challenges, then you are in effect only seeing that for yourself. Now, there are some exceptions to this, so we don't want you to necessarily think that you have to stop being real and being honest with yourself about where you are, because there are times when you have to admit to yourself, hey, you don't feel real hunky dory about yourself. And you've got to admit it. Then you can take the next step to where you can apply the greater principles and the greater truths. If you are in a state for example of finances where emotionally you're in a great state of need, then it's not going to do you one bit of good to try to envision all this money coming to you. It may; it may not; but more than likely it won't, because your energy of emotion is what you're empowering the thought with. You're clothing that thought with the misqualified energy of need. And all you end up creating is more experiences next week, next month, that are qualified with that emotion. If you cease reacting to the events of the day, whatever happened, because you created that yesterday, last week, last month, last year - if you cease reacting to it and start affirming only the joy and the happiness and the good, "All is good in my world. All is in Divine Order," things like this; using the Violet Flame, issuing your decrees that Only Happiness and Harmony, Love and Light come into my experience, eventually, because you're Unlimited God-Beings, that must come forth. If you affirm, if you say, "I AM" to a thing long enough, you're going to become it. That is one of the simple laws of life, and it even goes beyond whatever you're feeling emotionally. It can transcended that. The power of the spoken word.

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Now emotion is at a higher frequency, but eventually if you speak a thing long enough it's going to happen. How long? That's the ego that wants to know how long. When? Remember. If? Why? Where? To question a thing is to express doubt, and doubt is one of the most insidious energies that delays your Unlimited. Yet you exist in it, you're surrounded by thoughts and feelings of doubt all the time. Yet you can call upon the Great I AM Presence of God within you to start cleansing away, with the Mighty Violet Flame, even all energies of doubt that have every registered at any level of your consciousness. Call that forth, that Violet Flame to start doing that in your life. Then you're going to find yourself being able to connect with a desire, and you will have that feeling of Knowing that it's on its way to you; that the mere fact that you could register the thought in your consciousness means that it is on its way somehow to you. And you want to be wide awake and alert to the doorway of opportunity to manifest it into your experience. There will be times, of course, when, if there is a thing that you desire, it means there are activities that you must do. But do that which brings you joy. Let the feeling of joy, which is given to you from your Higher Self and Higher Mental Body and registered electrically in the physical body, let that feeling of joy be one of your primary guides. And if you do, you will find yourself being led quite naturally into higher and greater Light, Love, Truth, Joy, Happiness, Prosperity, well-being, all that you call desirable and good in your world. Certain things (there are) that you can speak in your own behalf. There are many of the Divine Rays, and the Divine Rays are administered by the Great Beings of Light who are the personifications of all those desirable qualities that are even within you. Whatever quality, there is a Divine Ray for it, there's a Great Being of Light that is the administrator of that Ray. You can call forth the Divine Ray and bring it into your experience. You can even more powerfully invoke it in behalf of other people. You see, more often than not, what you call forth for yourself, it is because you don't think you have it or you don't feel you have it or you don't know you already have it. But what you call forth for another person, you don't have that emotion around it of lack or need. Yet that same energy flows through you when it goes to another person. So when you decree and call forth energies or things for other people, it affects you very greatly. In so doing, which is one of the big things that we talked about last night, you are empowering yourself by rendering a great service to other people. There are times, however, when perhaps there is an immediate need, and it's legitimate, it's critical in a manner of speaking because you may be dealing with a crisis of some kind. So in order to be able to handle those situations more effectively, we want you to be aware of how you can call upon the Great Beings of Light. And to do that is to qualify whatever you request, that it be part of the Ascended Masters' Divine Plan fulfilled upon this plane, meaning that whenever you request a thing for your own personal immediate needs, also request 1) that it be eternally sustained, 2) that it be qualified with the Ascended Masters consciousness, and 3) that it be qualified with the Ascended Masters Pure White Fire Love Substance from the Great Central Sun as part of the Ascended Masters Divine Plan fulfilled upon this plane. So

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all three of those things apply when you are requesting things in behalf of yourself, and they equally can apply when you are invoking the Divine Rays on behalf of other people, and it is appropriate for you to do so. Now, a couple of other things, and then we are going to be resting for a few minutes as it were and we'll answer some questions. We would invite you in the context of questions to think about what would benefit everyone, rather than necessarily just what is a personal concern. But before we do that, we want you to close your eyes once again. We want to bring some energy in at this time to help in an integration process. Here we want you to envision forming in this room now, filling this room, the Golden Light of Divine Wisdom and Divine Love. Now Golden Light is also the energy that assists in the integration of intellectual knowledge into Absolute Knowing that is registered within the Soul. It is particularly useful in the context of when you observe things in the outer world, and if you for any reason have an intense emotional judgment about whatever you observe, it may mean that you have not yet created experience for the understanding. In this way, you can use the Golden Light of Divine Wisdom and Divine Love to integrate the knowledge of the experience directly into understanding, so that then you have compassion; you do understand, and you don't have to create the experience in your own life. But here tonight we want to use this for integrating right now some of what you have heard this evening. So envision, see yourself, visualize yourself being filled with the Golden Light at this time. And as this Light is beaming down upon each person, it is also beginning to broaden. First, it begins with individual beams. But each beam begins to broaden so that it becomes a single beam filling this entire room, filling this entire home and filling this entire city, and finally filling this entire planet. See that now, that the whole planet is receiving this Golden Light. And the next thing is to envision the Violet Light doing the same thing. First of all, it starts off as separate beams filling each and every one of you, coming into the top of your head, the crown chakra. But then that beam begins to broaden, and it surrounds you completely. Then it starts to merge with the other beams of everyone else in this room until it becomes a single beam filling this entire room, expanding once again to fill the entire home, this entire city, and finally this entire planet. And the third beam of Light that we want you to receive this evening is a Clear Pink Light of self love and self-forgiveness. Once again, it starts off as individual beams of Light coming into the crown chakra, filling your entire being, even your physical body with this Light, growing, expanding, merging with the other beams of Light so that it becomes a single beam of Light filling this entire room, then the entire home, this entire city, and this whole planet. Now, in your own meditations, if you would do that same thing you are automatically implying the expansion of Light within you and the expansion of Light upon the planet. And so it is, because you are beginning to learn how to speak with the language of Light in so doing. It's no longer words. It's no longer from the alter ego, the intellect, the mind. It's from the language of Light and feeling. And that is how you communicate and how you will eventually begin learning to communicate as the Light increases its expansion on this plane. It

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enhances telepathic communication, but telepathic communication is still verbal in nature for most people, meaning it's in words. That is still very limited because words are very limited. But when you start attuning to communicating with Light and sensing and perceiving with Light, it will empower you. There is no entity upon this plane nor in any other realm or dimension who is any better than you or who is any greater than you. It is only that you have chosen a different experience. You forgot who you are. You are remembering. And if any entity purports itself to be greater than you, be very careful. That entity may be seeking to cause you to become dependent upon them. Now it matters not how you perceive yourself, when you use the knowledge and apply the knowledge that you have with such as "I know, I AM the Knowing." You will expand your knowing. When you use the Light, you are going to increase your awareness; you are going to surround yourself in this White Light that protects you automatically at all times. When you cleanse with the Violet Light, when you fill yourself with the Pink Light and the Golden Light, you are doing wonderful things for your being and for the entire planet as well. It is very appropriate for you to do so if you have not been doing so. Some of you have sporadically let's say. The more consistent that you are with it, the better it is going to function in your life. If you were to say be a 4-year-old child sitting down at a piano for the first time, you probably wouldn't do very much. Well, that is kind of the way it is with a lot of the energies that are coming in now, and the spiritual tools, the knowledge that you have. Oh yes, we know that a lot of you want to think that you are highly evolved, very advanced and the like. Will you accept in great humility and in great gratitude that that may or may not be true, and it doesn't matter whether it's true or not. What matters is what you feel. And we can use matter there as a verb. What creates experiences in your life is what you truly feel. And oftentimes the thoughts concerning one's relative evolution also comes from alter ego, of wanting or needing to be better than another in some way. But at the Soul level there's a grand equality. And we want you to begin being able to acknowledge that equality; and as you do so, you are acknowledging an equality that is far grander than what your imagination could contemplate at this time. But in giving your attention to that and acknowledging that grand, wonderful Unlimited Equality, by the power therefore of the Love that flows through you in that process you start becoming that Unlimited Being that you've always been. We love you greatly, very greatly. And the energy of Love is coming to each and every one of you at this time. If you will allow it, it will transform much of what has transpired in your life in a very wonderful way. And it can do so. If you feel stress, if you feel that there is resistance in your life in certain areas, from our perspective we would say that is only the alter ego trying to hang on or hold onto identities of limitation. If you will be willing to let it go, and talk to your Beloved Great Soul Being like the great friend that it is. You don't have to be so ritualized in the words that you use. Prayer is a wonderful thing. Speak to yourself, talk to your Beloved Great Soul Being. Tell it what you're feeling. Tell it what you want. Ask for what you desire. And ask that all that is good be eternally sustained for everyone upon this planet. They are

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just as deserving as you are, not matter what the appearance is, no matter what it may seem that they are going through. From a different perspective, there will come a day when you will see the Light, and you will see what we shall call "the nature of reality in truth," rather than in illusion. This is the realm of illusion, but it is also the realm where there is a great spiritual growth because it's also where things manifest physically. You touch them, you hold them. The realm of time. A most important place in your own growth and your own expansion, especially now with the opportunities that are here. At this time, however, we would say that the time has come that we must depart. While our words in this manner may cease, while what we share with you in this manner may cease temporarily, we're always with you. We are always seeking to bring more Light into your experience and into your expression, that you would then express more Light and Love for all of Life, and especially the life that you are. Be kind and gentle with yourselves and with your brothers and sisters. They need you and you need them. It is a grand cooperation that is taking (place) here to expand the Light on this planet. Benediction: "Beloved I AM Presence, God All That Is, we do indeed give thanks this evening that each one of these has received and integrated a grand Knowing of something. While they may not know it intellectually in this moment, when they awaken in the morning, their life will be changed. They will begin living a little differently. They will begin manifesting a little more quickly, a little more joyfully. They will begin feeling better in physical body. There will be healing in relationships. There will be more opportunities for prosperity, over and above just in the form money. And there will be a grand Knowing and Awakening of the Unlimitedness that is in each one. We decree this therefore to be accomplished in behalf of the expansion of Light on this plane. And so it is. So Be it!" We love you greatly, and though we leave you in this manner and in this time, as always we're only a loving thought away. So be it.

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