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'€1Cean Travel ;·::·. Again Is Heavy t:. Aro Carrying More This season Than 1: Apy Time Since 1914. -·--- ·stmlAGE 1HOWS BIG LOSS ,. .. ,_ F'ltat" Ct.m .Ptr i:«nt Gn&ter Tflan l,.ut ) <i "(fil-Chan,ntl ll.lld • /' ,, Pcrta Mcrt Popular. 1... ,,- .:: ..... RCOORD QP 'tfftQQJRBSJS OF EV,I{'NTS 'AT HOME ANP AOROAO· Smiths to ·Pay Honor to CapL John Smith Tbo In "Jitiioy" movo- mrmto lo to bo lounchctl lD tbo Umtoo Stnto.. .-oct a mmlll from tbo-, Sml.thtj" '17Ul bo tho war ery rnll:cd m OVCJ'3 db', and llnm!ot. It t7Ul bo SW::lC01'00 b;v the OtiD'- Jolm Smith Mcmortal wllb Jb Vq. nocll mn owt:n n ftmd tor tbo 'ot o cfr;dl:ll!L' mounmoa to -tho or;v otCoptatn Smltb em tho epot nt ncnrv '17bcrc. {n 1001. llo Md blo b:md ot co1ml!sttl tlmt c::t foot o:l en11. Wltb lllDUa:i9 o.C Om!Wn trfboucs. hr ba)ed lhllt tbo total \Till bo ciuOlctW to eNd tbo ttlllc:st mtmUII:c:lt ln Amor- leo nt tllo cf liamptOn roat!o, <:7bcro It vtu bo 11lell;llo lar oot nt Tbo rotlectetJ In &{CJ!(l« T!la millie.!! IClrJ.ta\Y'COn working full ovcna colic.· r At tho i)t tho ot pf ,.,cy Mexico 13wte ln .ijlltlm' Clqr Clll.Uilberfdln '*.viin \'&elected' dept tqr Dli.OtbCl' !V!:Iit. v Tbroo ll1IIUI of· Mt,,and Mrs. Writ Dudlo,y, Loulo, 1 t WlUle, 5. (\lld J. J.. 4. dled N. Y, from tho cftCl<:t& or c:atJpg J'ilt po!Jon; 'rbe tllrw lltUo but1oil11l tbo ®JJlo coffio. · · ' The Of tho nudltor- ll.\.111 and aDlllUI14Etl tit tho U. S. Iii· dlnn cchool Ul AlbUil_UOtQue, \?bleb 'tl'UO burned eomo qo, wut be atortcd ut once. All opl.lrollr111tlon of (14:1.000 bWJ ptu!!led t1nd tho monoy \l1ll be ovq.llnb!o o.t itllW. occorOI£1S' to word rocel'WC:d tlil'lJ ucctt. Z. Z. D()ddo, ;t. J1funbcr of yearo CllM'Ctar)' oC the bo::ml or Gebool tru.o- tooa or Douctno, bas I'C31gl)cd hiD nJll 11000 tQr \i.ellantl. Ontbto. CAAudn. whore ,ha will lo!n Ttl!:! "firotlict ;tn t.hc nrgo.nlnn· tWo ot 11 Domlnlpn for tho nwnufdcturo of ftblll"mlll mnchlnllt'Y. Wanttna hiLl mto klllod oo bo conld act bcr unl! OluJTJ bcr 4angh- tcr blt 41 tql'filCl' J:il:!$tana. 1'1ltJ.IJ John· r:on. IMJaQ., !.cuJP. A.rlll.1 l11lCd hlQ J,Uk.o Jobncoo, to ccmml't tba i.Cl'Otdlns to tho tat• Jcr'o ro; ._So dloltod tho vom· no to llv.ltb Uta night of MOJ' ZO. Ocorao lt\ c!ooml'd to dlo tor tho murder- ot Walter LOJ'"ton. uuard at tho t!toto lndUDtrtul Bchoul at Phce!l!x, \Ytll act bo banscd Juno 10. Governor a.anoual'Cd a GtoJ of OltOetitloti hao been obtolocd tbl'()USb Ul\' nuns ot on appccl to the Dt4to .SUpromo Court. PIUO!l oro t.gtldo to hol<l tho oa:t roc=Uos ()( thtf CC:nmtelcm ()C Aug. 1 uc nls!lop'o D rt:SOrt 1:e:ll' VO, N. hL, U wu ®l.tC!ll ID o.J<:.ft_br lD by 9. ttt.l Man. tt:o ot tbet ec:£1fliii.£oi trom s. a &::::ti!cn. lbo flrc:lcll ODtl Clllw l><lvr.a, Jr. Nmr Mmlco eonunlaloner. lrl:ln$<AUnnlli! t.omo JI.tmC;a or <'hor&od "Ji:tlj tnm::JE::) m WIUJ tbo of * WD, Ah1D th1o htul CCiCO':::l. .Aa llD Hllltt::ij lltld hiD coo'a wUc, Ura. AlvlD tbo Ctmar.l .hits Qtc:cd u pl&la otStillll ot nrm oov ot nboot lGli.OOO tau!. act\ nnd <TO.O 1:>C1c:nec4 to tltlO t!:o b!l &2,()00 ccno elect)' fC:ll'll on c:1tb ootmt In thll to CUlldant c;:ntco no'l7. Tllo alAte 1110 ono Intore:J.Ucnt\1 Uomwtno !:!arulo llns of tho moat .. nat to Portnlo ln cC!%cd tho tbo &mor1e, PUtdloiith, ana ball brousht Ttro moro forol:lt \'70'0 teyortM oot Ulo St. Pnol nculll. Tbo Ooltet'l to lJ)(I l4ooom 0 ,...,,. Albc""or- Gtotca Ulr.::l hna n ntll:lbt>r o! cow com- ...,.. flmntfli:;!l ror;:o ana c.blpa Qt:t!t orut t.o tho Con ...ulan -ODa tho oth· l'tlnniOU to Oercany ond Brttnln. 'l'ila cr <m tho Ollbert Dotb tl'l!f'O Amor1cun haD IIGT ttiO l:lllU ool3 r.cro bronab'- o:1C:: control Om tfco b«-cmo a focto7 fo tt:o blab bl7 tho rang= t" P to lllo prc::t!tlt trade. 'l'bo Ii'ro:tll tlmo c;l!OW mcmt;y n reG fit.\VO 11oo tloo tho PotU. G::laJtnr oo tho forc.=t tblD ceat...":f,. cmtoa llhlpll hovo brongbt Into Co t!:e dey r.c:1thor PTPfU In bi cnvtlrnl otllc: llntll. bclna toltl1ll to (rUnrd ocotrun ttlrtbClt BIRD KNEW ONLY MEXICAN Pavrct on Roof or Ore;on Ccttaat Would RtQOncl to flo Other L.llllt;'.JlqL -_ oolbrcaho bJ tho fnr<>at eGMiro. Tho 10::::0 lo crn1!IJ:la hn., t-n h:!:lvy In como Tbe 1\ ow Men c-o Minto c:(l:lVcmtlon of tho Amertmo t7!U flo l1<!1d Jn lAg Mondtu'. AaC, ql, to Wati- AUft. Sf), t't"hPn tlio'fuinool <*ll)- tlf)tl of offil.'l?l'tl t1111 be htli.'J. E<I\Tord OoMmnn. o l'tll}U fn the Hat· Seboo1 1 TttGU>n. wo:;.",fiiJ;t Jultlot;t ID thP MfGf$ tcnmp:ltsn nn!®ffr 'the lOfti'- gruqJ\Dnr lll1• fnll. neeordlna to announce- tho mshway llt:4 Uld!#"Way- Wlucntlan at no ftr!lvo- _o. .tfctd nnd bla IU<!!ttlruiDl ma thQ Jlnt" befomibtl.traUanal It to b1d,- bt the (1 ntt:lUll' trC:'\1 mntta at In ooy o o 1 N o_.s , .\e-tnnva. MENTS, G.UPFIRINGS, H,O.PttS ANQ QF f.V.tjltiND. WEBTEJ&H 'l'l.vo hlllldrU nnUc.mal an on duty In tbo cool etrlho nffil or Utnh to cmton:o Governor MDJ!xl'D p:oclamntlon of martial ln'l'l', wh!eb rnus nftol' .A ptlno sqafll, baQ bem ldUed end a lillnO ontc:lat .wQunclo ed bY men who fim on a \nlltl n.eru Onto.. " Wlth WOI3blngton. sclcctett as tho qon dty, offit:.el'!l dectcl\ tho bnslnll:lS of tho forty-elsbth annu· a1 of tho Imperial Councll ot the Shrlnoro wn11 wound up by n urnnd onsount npoctodo which brouabt to a cjQ?e the llQidell Jubilee of Shrlncdom Iii Bqo lo'rolltf!!Co.. Wltb one tn'ID and a lea portlally dlOtvod ott (Ul4 tho lload qnd tOJBO etn'wcd' 'bnd •"tho bod)' or Jo-..cph Durot. oaod 60, .found on S!l5ugb to Pnrk c:ouQcy, nenr f Cllowntai!O Notional f.arlt. nl!tlr IJv- 11\i!rton, Plll'\;t raoi'lru on thQ troll (If n buuo url!dY bear, ,.,hJcb !tilled Durct nnor bre:iktll!: looco o trap tot tb.].BJ'llU!ll"o \'lctlm. Ooor&O Von mm ot Salt Lotto Olt; mtnlued blo t1tlo of amotoUl' ;Q1t cham- pion of tho PocUJc Northwest by C:o- fcottna Don t;tcln of Soo.Ulo, -t Pti. Ill of tblrty-allt holes at tbo Colmw(lllphs at Vnncouvor. n. 0. Von Elm \70.0 4 down nt tbe end ot tho bolo. bnt lllllnod atcndlly o:1 tho BmOQ piQllor and \'filii o11 cq1l!ml t1ltb Stt!n at tho thlrtCGUth hclo of tho e«end· Tout:.a. PCIIJ:S ato In the vldnltl' ot Oorn;v, Utab. for auv, o Uto lodlua brova, Wbo to ol· to lluo 1laln h1a rtval In Jove. ODJ2 GCt1 Joto tbo moQiltnln wilda wtfh on [rullnn bello DOlilCd WUmo Wlloon. Ac- eOTdlna to reporta rcegtvcd at tho In· lflon D$Qcy at Salt Loise f'lt7. SchOll· II'UY &!lot ODd ldUed Mnrooroop wntlo to 'tT!ll uls:Qi) tn- hill «lpoo IJtuldaJ Disbt. Rolph E. Trotter. alliul Howard C. \'VIUmxca, :rl yc:ml oi(J. Of iOO!llrDtOml. Oblo, G!d by pollco ,So taco cborums ot eualllog tlZ3,000 In tor;rcd PD-7 choclm lo vo.rloUJ ot the United ID acdm' arrcat In Oaltlond. Calif. Ro g'QQ a.8 D ElhrtOPr, DC!- to polll'G. Trotter blu! boon Etoco, pollfil cay, ho dlll!lp- ·t.rom Yotmptotm with a (lad blntlk pey cbocka btolon tmm tho Oompooy of tbnt ctty. WAIBilfOTOB NC1al control of tho air tu pro•·ont nullo and to oorournuo tho mtUdmnm of l'acUo ueo nnd etndcroc7 to n bill lntrotluced to tho lllc.uca bl7 lli;pl'allmtntlvo Whlto, R' Mo.lo0. 'l'bo bill c:rtll up nbbut (-wontr alfti!1'Clot t>loi::Qll of lltll· mtb CPllfOPrloto wn"o nfloea• Ucm& . Oovmp.ment c;;llm1"1! nod oporntlon of e031 mf!Wil ml!l proltlcted by II<!Vernl EOlltnril ctmtna o dlllMllllllon In tlio SGlato «m tho root atrtkP 11111JoUon. ayllllt01' Lcmroot. \VIcronaln. domnndc>tl 'that Cbo uovcrnmcmt tolro ovOT' 110fn· c1mt minca tn roal that II1Ql' 1w Callltmnn nod Unltoo {Itttrn4 outlnn'- b:lvllatll!liUng tho ollogud ron- fei:II!Db ot Wllllam Jonru:on, allo.o N. Prlroatehculr. tllnt ho C!lOlllld the 0%· ptom!O!l of UJroo Dtlurm ammlllllUon llhtpo t!:S ' -N. s.. In 1011, t1tlG: 1D many dGatbR and IOJ"':lt dootructlon In that .eJty. John· £00 eomtmtt.e;j Ill li lll:tcly CJlOt oo Boon a-c-att, Ia cOUnty, U1lt TMtWJ: . - lrt faelntr fqmlne nt1 thQ tbo cutttng off o1 the ueaol fol)cl -GIJDpllen for tho elfY. l::IUJPPliCS oro bc!ns sent thero from· but· theso oro lnsuttldent. woro uantn activo In Bel· tnst and o. lnrso fnctory \vno dostroyc4- l)y flro. Royal Canndlnn mounted pollee ro.. rnlded a fnrmbouoo on St. Tho" nour Montreal, nnd oelr:ol\ I,UOO,OOQ worth ot forged Unitod Federnl Ueocrve Bonk notei'J., Briere, nlluu Dedrockor, end· All'nld Jean were arrested. A lurgo: mod'ern printing preua woo In the houeo. Tho boguo blile clover lmltntlono of American l"Urron- cy, otflclalo eald. , Itlna Oeor;o nnd Mary hove accepted to be ue dllll)or on Juno 24 or Ambusondor und, Mm Hnn·tly. C'hlet Juntlt'e und 1\Jru.' ',rnft, who will be In London nt that· tltno, oleo will bo prcoent. Ambul!l!la· do.r nod 1\Jru. Hnrvoy orranued tho atn- nor tor tho IIIna nnd queen so,·eml \VGll!ts ago. \Vhon t11oy leornod that l\Jr •. and Mro. Tan would oo In land at tho tlmo they lncludocl U1em In tho amnll con1pany Invited. Tho ulllod c:ouncll of ombn!lmldoro. lncludlou Myron T. Berrll'lt of tho United Stntc:J, recently do.·lded that tho altuntlon In AUiltrlo wuu oo deo- porote thut they ocnt pleua to all tbo BQvornmeota lntenllltod to oUIIJI<'nd their clolma naultwt 'Aubtttn for twen- tl' fCliJ'D In ord11r that tllo Tormoulon IU!bcmlll of t'rodlta mny operate. All tho lfro1lt powem, lndudlna America, ulready ho vc IIUapeodod their l'lnliilll, but a f(t'IY at tho smnllor oneo havo not. Weoltby with their fnmlllc:J and voluobll'a oro Roolna from Non- chana. t"'lllltW of Klnnulll pmvtllt"(!, o.o tho army ot' Dr. Suo Ynt·Bcn. tho Sontb Chinn odYoncell north· \l'tlrd. l.ooUI'l)r ut t)\e hnnllD or tho IIOUthCIMl troop:! Ia f<mrod. AmClrll"OO m!G:llonortea nt Noncllona ore nl:o pro- pa.rod to leavo lt it become;, noe=l'i' tor tho fortt:J of Wu Pci·Fo. tho mill· ton- pcmor of tho PclllCS .covcmmcnt. to OYDetlQto Non-cbllila. GmmB.AL Tbo dt'atll toll of tbo lntot, bot tor- riDe, burrtcnno that Ql'I'OlJliCd clown on U. S. BUREAU OP WMbiJlatoU. D. a. - (\Vt;"o41'Q lt.l!::l Sn:!Sm::a\) li'Kvlta acd Potl)to · ll'ro&;ular, moGliT tTeMor. Doma.nd _p.nd movomont .Hrn· Ito!!. North t1Dd !Joutll CCLro!lna Cob- llloro AdVGnccd during tbo weou In ldnding morket4 to cc!lllpn hlaJI point. $6 to 8! pw- bbl. but tq Go cJo11o ot SIS.llll to. $e. Ill .. more decllnod tO tf.IJO tB VllU1DIO enatorn nd- Y'Cinced to 8T to 8r.ll0 In oo.otorn cltlea. but o)oafd wen k In moot marltottl C\t JUO to 8& 60, and ra.naed f7 to 87.2G In DODton <md ChiCol(o. Cobblol'l> wcttlt.c-'1' at ohlpplnu polnta, North C'CLrollno. atocl<. H.GO to 15; VlralniAa, 83.l!G tQI r. o. b. Colltornto Go.lmoq Tlnta. apvotlcod In olt)' wholoao.lo nw.rkoto to I' ronu-o of 81,60 to tlD por otandard nnd to a clo"o of ta.5o tp 811. Jun" U. Oeorat11 ctodl llll Jli\e , IIi !-low Yortt, ot 8!.110 to Ot. IQwor nt lmpnrlnl \'nile,., DhlpJ:llru; J:fOinta rullna U.!B. 110 aprlna Tho trond of tho C4Gtorn .-bolaaolo mo11l prltoa WftA dowo<111rd. IAmb cllnod U to f&; mutton 81 to \' 11nd. troah porte lnlnll. Jl to por oo lilA. Good ¥4'141 estPa.dr· but mt'ldlurn Q' wcus t lower. prtcoa uneba:nt'•d Prtcon llOOd lfTodo m"a to noot. IH to vool. 110 to 0\G. lamb. 011 to 31. l!;ltUton Jl4 tn $16 llqht porb loiDII. SlD to bt ao hae>YY lolna. '14 lo ttD. rroda•Ca. Doltor mnrluitu rtrrn l'roductlnn pl>lo and lh>otoa, 37". C'l>koRo In<' Cbo.,oe mcrltolo atcOQ7 Tra.dtou qullco a.etlvo. ...nn pnlooo .-....chlng aoucl vol· nma No Df.IWulotlvo lntoM>at u ,... t. J>rlcoa et W:Z:::t:llDI!In prlmn!7 morhota T.,lna. fl::ltu1oa. 10\l,c. Doublo Dnlolca. lll<l: 1'cmna AmortC1lO. Lonahonu>. Jllc- !}qu<>rv Ptota. UralD. .Now im-b (',lty tho cluriDII: "'ook 4"mnnol morlsol- ln <'hi· Wlnlt>l" -wtntu .,boG(. 01o No. D ral- whltn o"to.. 8Gr with lndl<:'otlona that tho total number of dead mtaht ao much htalu!r A=Ttlo:w that tho enJted Stotca not ncod on anny "'oro mot by SOt'n!tot'J' Wooko of tho War Deport· tnc:Jt. In an nddrc::!l at tho J1T(fdunttna Cltorrlrlc:J ot Ulo Unltcwl Rtatca r.ltll· ta1'1 Acndomy nt WCll'lt Point with a ehrtcmGDt W:at "tho dvtUuUoo ot tbe \'l'orld ro!ltD an oo cmror loundlltton thnn dld tho clvUllUJtlon of Jloatou" nt tho limo of tbo po}ke Rtrllto Dl!orly thrco yoora aao. Pn:lportloo of tho W IIIIa rorpora lion nt EIIIUlbetb, N. <:71!rt> bid In ot auc- Uon by Olo Darrult Uotor rorp.1raUon tor •. 'rho hi ghat bid \1'M modo by tho Ua:no-oll Motor Car Company and won $5,1100,000. Solo ot tbo Wlll!Jr 1t)lcmt. wblcb coYora thlrt)'- acrea and hod nn mlmatctl value ot appnntlmatllly 1)11.000,000. mwn awolt connrmntlon ot Dodlao In tho Dlatrlct Court at NeworiL Whllo oddiUonol woao !"Uta rmuns ov<!r tho boodg or !lr.O.QOO moro rnllu-uy and o<>11ltcd onlJ fornml ro- leoca b7 tho mllroad lnbor board to onothor 840.000.000 tmm the t•llY rolla of the mrrtorg, It waA rumor"''t In Chlcal!O thtlt any rotl atrtko ttroW· lou ont of pro=mt thnmtA mny b<> dl· rcrlod nnd fiDDnced from < ·nnnllu no n mrono or ovodlna tho mt'ent ded- Glon of tho United StateD Supn>mo <'.ourt boldln(f onloOJJ Unbl" ror dom- rnoc.."d 11.;7 &btb' Flro orlaJilt!tlliir tronr nn In tho mutn" rocm of tho Mlnm·lll Loll.cJ l.umlx>r Co:npany plant at" );tln- crol. forty mllev eoathooot of Tocemn. &mtroyod tflo mU1 !ltl4 11tored In the! ynl'lfll, ut 1Ul el:tlmoted loo or l>r1.,_l No. t mtllod <'OI'tl celllnlJ lown. Ur No I 4Cirll: norOu•m <:7boot tq eeotrol North nn- ltotn. No D bores wtntor ,.h.,,.e lh conlrul tt'GOCOII. 81.0G For thco wo•l' Chtcnao .,fuiJ whtllt down I %c. rh•11· lnJ at U.U: C'bleauo Jol,. corn up llflc. Ill &UnncApolla July wh.,GL d<J"'D D\6c. at U 38: Mtr July WhOAt doon 8r, At 81 OG July "'""at do\'l'll ... at r .. u .... pound Now Torlt Julr roturoo up Gil polota. at II Ur. n.,.. r.torllot rontlnu4'0 wnok 1>0<1 to oork lo.,or. O.•mood only tor boat flTI\I!all. AITtYUID prtnctpaJiy nf lo.,. llnd otr !{TClde · hor Quoted Nn L Umoth,., Now Torlt ttl 60 U hiCI. U4. Pltubur!l'h tU.tlO. Cblraqo. t4. ('\nelnnl>ll, Dt1 60 No I oltolfa, "mphla, tU No. I proJrto "hlccao. 010 GO lllnnl\4poll._ 011 II"K'<3. f>lorllot enntlnou dull and lnn.-UvoJ )foro prellJIUNI In ... 11 by both mlllo nna fobbera Quotcx! 11prloa; bra.n <"hi· tt 0. l'hllndolf.hlo U3 GO !It an• clar4 mlddlloaa ("b ('lltlOL 810 Ta Olu• ten. Mll("li.Jlo. .,, an. lnaoed 1'llPl>l. ·' N'"" Yorh . .:•.:.G_a ____ _ ('ottl•. Qoolollnna on rhnt.-o otratr:bc .... ,..,. n>Med liP '" OT. and holtory ltlnO• al 11 !!! lO OT.!5 F-der on" alo<'lt•r tmdo cnnllnuP4 alonu thP D:>IDO llOC!II lhCII It hG• f<>r betlor t.hnn I "'0 wl'elu now TbPr<> Ia 1> llmltPd drmand for oltMI.<'fl.,.., lluht In lhla dopnrtm.,nt. but m., .. m.,ot of nrdlonrv llnlm<>r• Ia \"Pr)l' lllllw. ThQ mntk"l llru! hold !U!. V•r2 trOll UDdPr -'lf•lJ t"Ohdltlona dftt.J qUd• tQilno• (or Dll'91'!1 atiJI mtllrQ around thP 11 ma.rlL Bulla ond cCLivcao """"' '""""'· for purpolloa havo d<><'llno4 conPiderabtp. carloAd tot• bolllna ot on1F fG 'l'bc nmrlt<>t for v"111 rl:llvoo fltUJ IM>on d<m>oroiiiiM'I, tor<llna to d<>n!IIN. by cantlauod hcovy illJtlPII"IL l\300,000. Puelu•n pnh1 tho top A potJUon- by coro tlulo 2.000 tor ono ehqtoo b. on tile> tOO) "n ...... "". o•·•a.. QA'""""' an"'ln.. that A cnrJoa.dg, OIO.tG, VItiA Ollla pp.lll b)( pa.olt• • u - ... - ....... .. Mil- Tho built of o::r.IAil ll:lttroa ttom apec:IQI election bo cnllcd ro pormtl 810.05 ltnwo to tUG lfi!IIVF_ !lOW&! wo-re d :1n ft "1 thrown out ot lnnda Cit .tiUI dtC!Cdt lbem to vote Oil with mw. fl '" r ccc- prtoo of oa.lfG nnc2 I'CUI!h,_ hllnVY atot;V uon or Tuloa and lneoftlOrntina It al elumlft'd ho.nlt" a.t 07.J&G. DPl'fCI•In " m> -t""' ""'-nt}a bop-s llhnrod to th" fniJ OlCUIOt of t.hCI a now town. w .. a .,. " 11 ,..,.-.., ' n4ynndna mnrlt<>& oa.lot ronglna trot:l to OQVorMr Roborttua Tllo petttto-& 011.eo to uo. WQQ not !11 rn:m ana t?na ro- Mqa tor o<>rum purpns<!JI 11<>14 tumo .. f- ""n'(){>t!Dru) botoro telca 8ft.?ll, an!l IJUotaUona on llttbt u "" •• , ootootJ<11'8 conllnuod to rlmr:a fton'a ronddm-00. to Qfl)onll 010. Lnabc.d ona \Thlppad abput bt a t:ro- a!l .. p. milo galG RllitO ttlan toUt nnd Cl bnlt' Folr qoollty OIIPJ>(!d lalj)b:l .oold tnr miles uM1o -earth, on tbo of guf• 89 llot ond 110mo r&o'lO •, I I '•t ,' eau,nd ,bttloc:J ot hJo · • t • t onk 1 "nd to dtnu to _l'CIPllll M outttldll prlell In w til • .. .. ,.,.,. _.t. rtvo• Cllt>pcd 0'1'/oli' ll--- • '-•' · nnd &traps tlttl14'!ftM to Q p1irQulntct tot' tl!1t. . •. , that «· 'WhlrliDs crotlf .. , mtsht >Cattta thiim to· brco.k nto Qt Ulo ... dctnlfo C!d by ospt., A. W. cgrfnl pbo· U:ll;lt'tll)htoll', M!Wilok field, Dayton. -QbJo. \"l'ho tho p:trn· cllntb JIJ1llp recOttl \'ll\¢i{ he 24,200 (.aet. ': .. r\ ',

'€1Cean Travel ;·::·. Again Is'€1Cean Travel ;·::·. Again Is Heavy t:. S(~!)rs Aro Carrying More J!aJ~tmger~

Sep 08, 2019



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Page 1: '€1Cean Travel ;·::·. Again Is'€1Cean Travel ;·::·. Again Is Heavy t:. S(~!)rs Aro Carrying More J!aJ~tmger~

'€1Cean Travel ;·::·. Again Is Heavy t:.

S(~!)rs Aro Carrying More J!aJ~tmger~ This season Than

1: Apy Time Since 1914. ~-' -·---

·stmlAGE 1HOWS BIG LOSS ,. .. ,_

F'ltat" ~r.d ~d Ct.m P.u~tr. ~ .Ptr i:«nt Gn&ter Tflan l,.ut

) <i "(fil-Chan,ntl ll.lld • /' ,, Pcrta Mcrt Popular. 1... ,,- .::.....


ll==~=;;#~#.#~==;;:;;:;#Jt;i<'' HOME ANP AOROAO·

Smiths to ·Pay Honor to CapL John Smith

Tbo lot~t In "Jitiioy" movo­mrmto lo to bo lounchctl lD tbo Umtoo Stnto.. .-oct a mmlll from tbo-, Sml.thtj" '17Ul bo tho war ery rnll:cd m OVCJ'3 db', tom~. and llnm!ot. It t7Ul bo SW::lC01'00 b;v the OtiD'- Jolm Smith Mcmortal ~t!o:t. wllb ~411llllrttm Jb ~ortolk. Vq.

nocll (Ontrfbau~n mn owt:n n ftmd tor tbo c~ 'ot o cfr;dl:ll!L' mounmoa to -tho tn~· or;v otCoptatn Smltb em tho epot nt CaP;~ ncnrv '17bcrc. {n 1001. llo Md blo b:md ot co1ml!sttl tlmt c::t foot o:l t.tem~ en11.

Wltb lllDUa:i9 o.C Om!Wn ~ trfboucs. n· hr ba)ed lhllt tbo total \Till bo ciuOlctW to eNd tbo ttlllc:st mtmUII:c:lt ln Amor­leo nt tllo ~ cf liamptOn roat!o, <:7bcro It vtu bo 11lell;llo lar oot nt ~

Tbo rotlectetJ In &{CJ!(l« T!la millie.!! IClrJ.ta\Y'COn working full ovcna ma~ colic.· r

At tho rcx:elll.ta~tl.~a i)t tho bo:;~ro ot n-~ntQ pf ,.,cy ~o~ Mexico 13wte

Sell®~ ln .ijlltlm' Clqr :ra;n~:l Clll.Uilberfdln '*.viin \'&elected' J!~l·

dept tqr Dli.OtbCl' !V!:Iit. v

Tbroo ll1IIUI of· Mt,,and Mrs. Writ Dudlo,y, Loulo, ot~!J 1 t WlUle, 5. (\lld J. J.. 4. dled ~tl~.~t,lti~VJ, N. Y, from tho cftCl<:t& or c:atJpg J'ilt po!Jon; 'rbe tllrw lltUo .oom~·l\fc~ but1oil11l tbo ®JJlo coffio. · · '

The ~n~~e~ Of tho nudltor­ll.\.111 and aDlllUI14Etl tit tho U. S. Iii· dlnn cchool Ul AlbUil_UOtQue, \?bleb 'tl'UO burned eomo ttm~ qo, wut be atortcd ut once. All opl.lrollr111tlon of (14:1.000 bWJ ptu!!led ColiF~ t1nd tho monoy \l1ll be ovq.llnb!o o.t itllW. occorOI£1S' to word rocel'WC:d tlil'lJ ucctt.

Z. Z. D()ddo, t~ ;t. J1funbcr of yearo CllM'Ctar)' oC the bo::ml or Gebool tru.o­tooa or Douctno, A:~ bas I'C31gl)cd hiD pos!Uo~ ~t.ld nJll l~.>nve 11000 tQr \i.ellantl. Ontbto. CAAudn. whore ,ha will lo!n Ttl!:! "firotlict ;tn t.hc nrgo.nlnn· tWo ot 11 Domlnlpn ~WJ>ornUon for tho nwnufdcturo of ftblll"mlll mnchlnllt'Y.

Wanttna hiLl mto klllod oo bo conld act bcr 11ro~ unl! OluJTJ bcr 4angh­tcr blt 41 tql'filCl' J:il:!$tana. 1'1ltJ.IJ John· r:on. No~o IMJaQ., r.~r !.cuJP. A.rlll.1

l11lCd hlQ bl'Cth~ J,Uk.o Jobncoo, to ccmml't tba crt~ i.Cl'Otdlns to tho tat• Jcr'o ro; ._So dloltod tho vom· no to llv.ltb o~ Uta night of MOJ' ZO.

Ocorao ~llcl; lt\ c!ooml'd to dlo tor tho murder- ot Walter LOJ'"ton. uuard at tho t!toto lndUDtrtul Bchoul at Phce!l!x, \Ytll act bo banscd Juno 10. Governor C~IDb;,ll a.anoual'Cd a GtoJ of OltOetitloti llUtotw>tl~l7 hao been obtolocd tbl'()USb Ul\' nuns ot on appccl to the Dt4to .SUpromo Court.

PIUO!l oro b"'~ t.gtldo to hol<l tho oa:t roc=Uos ()( thtf Rh·~r CC:nmtelcm ()C Aug. 1 uc nls!lop'o ~ D rt:SOrt 1:e:ll' e~ VO, N. hL, U wu ®l.tC!ll ID o.J<:.ft_br ~l'od lD

lltctl::fttc:~ ~ t~co ~ by \~. 9. )~>t~~at.l:.C:l!l ca~ ttt.l ~ Man. tt:o uc:IW~a-1 ~::r ot tbet ec:£1fliii.£oi trom s. a &::::ti!cn. lbo flrc:lcll ~ ODtl Clllw l><lvr.a, Jr. Nmr Mmlco eonunlaloner. lrl:ln$<AUnnlli! co~ t.omo JI.tmC;a or P~C1lt <'hor&od

"Ji:tlj tnm::JE::) m p:;a..~ tcm::.:l~ WIUJ tbo 1:1.~ of * WD, Ah1D th1o ~C3 htul ~ CCiCO':::l. .Aa llD Hllltt::ij lltld hiD coo'a wUc, Ura. AlvlD ~ tbo Ctmar.l .hits ~!ill lfA~ Qtc:cd u pl&la otStillll ot nrm oov ~ID ot nboot lGli.OOO tau!. act\ de~ Clmll::~r. nnd <TO.O 1:>C1c:nec4 to elm~ tltlO t!:o ~ b!l &2,()00 ccno elect)' fC:ll'll on c:1tb ootmt In thll tom~ to CUlldant c;:ntco no'l7. Tllo alAte ~k::ltiD17. 1110 co~ ~ ono Intore:J.Ucnt\1 Uomwtno !:!arulo llns of tho moat ~u .. nat to Portnlo ln cC!%cd tho ~~e. tbo &mor1e, J~ro. n~a. PUtdloiith, ana ball brousht Ttro moro forol:lt nrc:~ \'70'0 teyortM oot Ulo St. Pnol nculll. Tbo Ooltet'l to lJ)(I l4ooom forN~I 0 ,...,,. Albc""or-Gtotca Ulr.::l hna n ntll:lbt>r o! cow com- ...,.. "~ flmntfli:;!l ror;:o ana p-:~~r c.blpa Qt:t!t orut t.o tho Con ...ulan -ODa tho oth· l'tlnniOU to Oercany ond Brttnln. 'l'ila cr <m tho Ollbert r-one~ Dotb tl'l!f'O Unl~ Amor1cun Unt:~ haD IIGT ttiO l:lllU ool3 r.cro bronab'- o:1C:: control Om tfco b«-cmo a focto7 fo tt:o blab bl7 tho rang= t" P to lllo prc::t!tlt ~lat::J ~r trade. 'l'bo Ii'ro:tll tlmo c;l!OW mcmt;y n reG fit.\VO ~ 11oo tloo cut~cd tho PotU. G::laJtnr oo tho forc.=t tblD ceat...":f,. ~ cmtoa llhlpll hovo ~w<m brongbt Into ~~;:a Co t!:e dey r.c:1thor PTPfU prc~UUon In bi cnvtlrnl otllc: llntll. bclna toltl1ll to (rUnrd ocotrun ttlrtbClt


Pavrct on Roof or Ore;on Ccttaat Would RtQOncl to flo Other


-_ ~-~-

oolbrcaho bJ tho fnr<>at eGMiro. Tho 10::::0 lo crn1!IJ:la hn., t-n h:!:lvy In como lOt't!Utl~

Tbe 1\ ow Men c-o Minto c:(l:lVcmtlon of tho Amertmo ~nn t7!U flo l1<!1d Jn lAg V~ Mondtu'. AaC, ql, to Wati­c~lby. AUft. Sf), t't"hPn tlio'fuinool <*ll)­tlf)tl of offil.'l?l'tl t1111 be htli.'J. •

E<I\Tord OoMmnn. o l'tll}U fn the Hat· Seboo11 TttGU>n. wo:;.",fiiJ;t Jultlot;t

ID thP ll!lf!~ MfGf$ tcnmp:ltsn cctl~MNI nn!®ffr 'the lOfti'­

gruqJ\Dnr lll"lt(l»l~.oUbo lll1• fnll. neeordlna to announce­tho mshway llt:4 Uld!#"Way­

l~i®e'~V1t Wlucntlan (n!::t::JltC<~ at no ~Ill. ftr!lvo- _o. .tfctd

~ nnd bla IU<!!ttlruiDl ma ln;"htti~t thQ Jlnt" befomibtl.traUanal

cotl~ftQq It to b1d,-

"'"'''"'~ bt the f~ct-~ot (1 ntt:lUll' trC:'\1 mntta at

In ooy

o o 1 N o_.s , .\e-tnnva. MENTS, G.UPFIRINGS, H,O.PttS

ANQ F~ARS QF f.V.tjltiND.

WEBTEJ&H 'l'l.vo hlllldrU nnUc.mal au~®

an on duty In tbo cool etrlho nffil or Utnh to cmton:o Governor MDJ!xl'D p:oclamntlon of martial ln'l'l', wh!eb rnus l&:~uod nftol' .A ptlno sqafll, baQ bem ldUed end a lillnO ontc:lat .wQunclo ed bY men who fim on a \nlltl n.eru Otu~tlo Onto.. "

Wlth WOI3blngton. sclcctett as tho qon .~oven~c4 dty, offit:.el'!l dectcl\ tho bnslnll:lS of tho forty-elsbth annu· a1 ~slon of tho Imperial Councll ot the Shrlnoro wn11 wound up by n urnnd onsount npoctodo which brouabt to a cjQ?e the llQidell Jubilee of Shrlncdom Iii Bqo lo'rolltf!!Co..

Wltb one tn'ID and a lea portlally dlOtvod ott (Ul4 tho lload qnd tOJBO etn'wcd' 'bnd lo~futod. •"tho bod)' or Jo-..cph Durot. oaod 60, ~vo.o .found on S!l5ugb ~ to Pnrk c:ouQcy, nenr f Cllowntai!O Notional f.arlt. nl!tlr IJv-11\i!rton, ~IPU- Plll'\;t raoi'lru n~ on thQ troll (If n buuo url!dY bear, ,.,hJcb !tilled Durct nnor bre:iktll!: looco o trap tot ~~ tb.].BJ'llU!ll"o \'lctlm.

Ooor&O Von mm ot Salt Lotto Olt; mtnlued blo t1tlo of amotoUl' ;Q1t cham­pion of tho PocUJc Northwest by C:o­fcottna Don t;tcln of Soo.Ulo, -t Pti. Ill th~lr mnt~;_b of tblrty-allt holes at tbo Colmw(lllphs at Vnncouvor. n. 0. Von Elm \70.0 4 down nt tbe end ot tho ~btca:Jtb bolo. bnt lllllnod atcndlly o:1 tho BmOQ piQllor and \'filii o11 cq1l!ml t1ltb Stt!n at tho thlrtCGUth hclo of tho e«end· Tout:.a.

PCIIJ:S ato ~h~ In the vldnltl' ot Oorn;v, oorth~st Utab. for Sechc:::~­auv, o Uto lodlua brova, Wbo to ol· ~d to lluo 1laln h1a rtval In Jove. ~:>. ODJ2 hl:A'iV~~;flod GCt1 Joto tbo moQiltnln wilda wtfh on [rullnn bello DOlilCd WUmo Wlloon. Ac­eOTdlna to reporta rcegtvcd at tho In· lflon D$Qcy at Salt Loise f'lt7. SchOll· II'UY &!lot ODd ldUed Mnrooroop wntlo to 'tT!ll uls:Qi) tn- hill «lpoo IJtuldaJ Disbt.

Rolph E. Trotter. alliul Howard C. \'VIUmxca, :rl yc:ml oi(J. Of iOO!llrDtOml. Oblo, G!d by pollco ,So taco cborums ot eualllog tlZ3,000 In tor;rcd PD-7 choclm lo vo.rloUJ dtl~ ot the United St4tto~. ID acdm' arrcat In Oaltlond. Calif. Ro g'QQ ~UClltl(iJOJ a.8 D ElhrtOPr, DC!­

~ to polll'G. Trotter blu! boon ~t Etoco, pollfil cay, ho dlll!lp-

·t.rom Yotmptotm with a (lad blntlk pey cbocka btolon tmm tho ~o Q~l Oompooy of tbnt ctty.

WAIBilfOTOB NC1al control of tho air tu pro•·ont

nullo co~GIUon and to oorournuo tho mtUdmnm of l'acUo ueo nnd etndcroc7 mu~ propo~~ed to n bill lntrotluced to tho lllc.uca bl7 lli;pl'allmtntlvo Whlto, R' Mo.lo0. 'l'bo bill c:rtll up nbbut (-wontr alfti!1'Clot t>loi::Qll of lltll· Uont~ mtb CPllfOPrloto wn"o nfloea• Ucm& .

Oovmp.ment c;;llm1"1! nod oporntlon of e031 mf!Wil ml!l proltlcted by II<!Vernl EOlltnril ctmtna o dlllMllllllon In tlio SGlato «m tho root atrtkP 11111JoUon. ayllllt01' Lcmroot. \VIcronaln. domnndc>tl 'that Cbo uovcrnmcmt tolro ovOT' 110fn· c1mt minca tn ~apply roal that II1Ql' 1w o~d

Callltmnn nod Unltoo {Itttrn4 outlnn'­ltl~ ~ b:lvllatll!liUng tho ollogud ron­fei:II!Db ot Wllllam Jonru:on, allo.o N. Prlroatehculr. tllnt ho C!lOlllld the 0%·

ptom!O!l of UJroo Dtlurm ammlllllUon llhtpo t!:S ' tr~t~Utntrlttlt, -N. s.. In 1011, t1tlG: 1D many dGatbR and IOJ"':lt dootructlon In that .eJty. John· £00 eomtmtt.e;j ~efdG Ill li lll:tcly CJlOt oo Boon a-c-att, Ia cOUnty, U1lt TMtWJ: . ~"'· -

Lo:lld<mdletl~ lrt faelntr fqmlne nt1 thQ tbo cutttng off o1 the ueaol

fol)cl -GIJDpllen for tho elfY. l::IUJPPliCS oro bc!ns sent thero from· uuw~t<ow. but· theso oro lnsuttldent. lnc:tncllol~lea woro uantn activo In Bel· tnst and o. lnrso fnctory \vno dostroyc4-l)y flro.

Royal Canndlnn mounted pollee ro.. rnlded a fnrmbouoo on St. Tho"

nour Montreal, nnd oelr:ol\ I,UOO,OOQ worth ot forged Unitod

Federnl Ueocrve Bonk notei'J., Briere, nlluu Dedrockor, end·

All'nld Jean were arrested. A lurgo: mod'ern printing preua woo dl~vorod In the houeo. Tho boguo blile were.~ clover lmltntlono of American l"Urron-cy, otflclalo eald. ,

Itlna Oeor;o nnd Qu~ Mary hove accepted luvltn~lona to be uue:~ts ue dllll)or on Juno 24 or Ambusondor und, Mm Hnn·tly. C'hlet Juntlt'e und 1\Jru.' ',rnft, who will be In London nt that· tltno, oleo will bo prcoent. Ambul!l!la· do.r nod 1\Jru. Hnrvoy orranued tho atn­nor tor tho IIIna nnd queen so,·eml \VGll!ts ago. \Vhon t11oy leornod that l\Jr •. and Mro. Tan would oo In land at tho tlmo they lncludocl U1em In tho amnll con1pany Invited.

Tho ulllod c:ouncll of ombn!lmldoro. lncludlou Myron T. Berrll'lt of tho United Stntc:J, recently do.·lded that tho altuntlon In AUiltrlo wuu oo deo­porote thut they ocnt pleua to all tbo BQvornmeota lntenllltod to oUIIJI<'nd their clolma naultwt 'Aubtttn for twen­tl' fCliJ'D In ord11r that tllo Tormoulon IU!bcmlll of t'rodlta mny operate. All tho lfro1lt powem, lndudlna America, ulready ho vc IIUapeodod their l'lnliilll, but a f(t'IY at tho smnllor oneo havo not.

Weoltby Chln~..n with their fnmlllc:J and voluobll'a oro Roolna from Non­chana. t"'lllltW of Klnnulll pmvtllt"(!, o.o tho army ot' Dr. Suo Ynt·Bcn. tho Sontb Chinn l~dor, odYoncell north· \l'tlrd. l.ooUI'l)r ut t)\e hnnllD or tho IIOUthCIMl troop:! Ia f<mrod. AmClrll"OO m!G:llonortea nt Noncllona ore nl:o pro­pa.rod to leavo lt it become;, noe=l'i' tor tho fortt:J of Wu Pci·Fo. tho mill· ton- pcmor of tho PclllCS .covcmmcnt. to OYDetlQto Non-cbllila.

GmmB.AL Tbo dt'atll toll of tbo lntot, bot tor­

riDe, burrtcnno that Ql'I'OlJliCd clown on

U. S. BUREAU OP ~~. WMbiJlatoU. D. a. -

(\Vt;"o41'Q N.~ lt.l!::l Sn:!Sm::a\)

li'Kvlta acd Veso•e~bleo. Potl)to m.r~to~ · ll'ro&;ular, moGliT

tTeMor. Doma.nd _p.nd movomont .Hrn· Ito!!. North t1Dd !Joutll CCLro!lna Cob­llloro AdVGnccd during tbo weou In ldnding morket4 to cc!lllpn hlaJI point. $6 to 8! pw- bbl. but dc~:llnoiJ: tq Go cJo11o ot SIS.llll to. $e. t>rlcot~- Ill ~nltJ .. more decllnod otoadll~ tO tf.IJO tB $5.ll~­VllU1DIO enatorn ,.llho~ Cob~lllrl!.- nd­Y'Cinced to 8T to 8r.ll0 In oo.otorn cltlea. but o)oafd wen k In moot marltottl C\t JUO to 8& 60, and ra.naed f7 to 87.2G In DODton <md ChiCol(o. Cobblol'l> wcttlt.c-'1' at ohlpplnu polnta, North C'CLrollno. atocl<. H.GO to 15; VlralniAa, 83.l!G tQI 8~.ou r. o. b.

Colltornto «~nto.loupoa, Go.lmoq Tlnta. apvotlcod In olt)' wholoao.lo nw.rkoto to I' ronu-o of 81,60 to tlD por otandard crot~ nnd doo~llnod to a clo"o of ta.5o tp 811. Jun" U. Oeorat11 ctodl llll Jli\e , IIi !-low Yortt, ot 8!.110 to Ot. Pri~l1 IQwor nt lmpnrlnl \'nile,., DhlpJ:llru; J:fOinta rullna U.!B.

110 aprlna lln~ra. $4.6~

Tho trond of tho C4Gtorn .-bolaaolo mo11l prltoa WftA dowo<111rd. IAmb d~ cllnod U to f&; mutton 81 to \' 11nd. troah porte lnlnll. Jl to por oo lilA. Good ¥4'141 estPa.dr· but mt'ldlurn Q' wcus aon~ra.lly t lower. Dr>e~f prtcoa uneba:nt'•d Prtcon llOOd lfTodo m"a to noot. IH to ~1~.1101 vool. 110 to 0\G. lamb. 011 to 31. l!;ltUton Jl4 tn $16 llqht porb loiDII. SlD to bt ao hae>YY lolna. '14 lo ttD.

~ rroda•Ca. Doltor mnrluitu rtrrn l'roductlnn op~

L'3":0~ boN!.".;rcya:~t" u~':''Wnf.~:r: pl>lo and lh>otoa, 37". C'l>koRo In<'

Cbo.,oe mcrltolo atcOQ7 Tra.dtou qullco a.etlvo. ...nn pnlooo .-....chlng aoucl vol· nma No Df.IWulotlvo lntoM>at u ,. .. t. J>rlcoa et W:Z:::t:llDI!In prlmn!7 morhota T.,lna. IT~\': fl::ltu1oa. 10\l,c. Doublo Dnlolca. lll<l: 1'cmna AmortC1lO. tl~c. Lonahonu>. Jllc- !}qu<>rv Ptota. u~


.Now im-b (',lty ~ac:::::d tho a~y .mar:a.M.ih.<itt?<ti::ttf;t"·'i:~-:!.il

cluriDII: "'ook 4"mnnol morlsol­ln <'hi· Wlnlt>l"

-wtntu .,boG(. 01o No. D ral­

whltn o"to.. 8Gr with lndl<:'otlona that tho total number of dead mtaht ao much htalu!r

A=Ttlo:w that tho enJted Stotca c!oc:~ not ncod on anny "'oro mot by SOt'n!tot'J' Wooko of tho War Deport· tnc:Jt. In an nddrc::!l at tho J1T(fdunttna Cltorrlrlc:J ot Ulo Unltcwl Rtatca r.ltll· ta1'1 Acndomy nt WCll'lt Point with a ehrtcmGDt W:at "tho dvtUuUoo ot tbe \'l'orld ro!ltD an oo cmror loundlltton thnn dld tho clvUllUJtlon of Jloatou" nt tho limo of tbo po}ke Rtrllto Dl!orly thrco yoora aao.

Pn:lportloo of tho W IIIIa rorpora lion nt EIIIUlbetb, N. J~ <:71!rt> bid In ot auc­Uon by Olo Darrult Uotor rorp.1raUon tor ~000 •. 'rho IJ~nd hi ghat bid \1'M modo by tho Ua:no-oll Motor Car Company and won $5,1100,000. Solo ot tbo Wlll!Jr 1t)lcmt. wblcb coYora thlrt)'­~vcn acrea and hod nn mlmatctl value ot appnntlmatllly 1)11.000,000. mwn awolt connrmntlon ot Juda~ Dodlao In tho li'~dnrol Dlatrlct Court at NeworiL

Whllo oddiUonol woao !"Uta rmuns ov<!r tho boodg or !lr.O.QOO moro rnllu-uy l!mploy~ and o<>11ltcd onlJ fornml ro­leoca b7 tho mllroad lnbor board to onothor 840.000.000 tmm the t•llY rolla of the mrrtorg, It waA rumor"''t In Chlcal!O thtlt any rotl atrtko ttroW· lou ont of pro=mt thnmtA mny b<> dl· rcrlod nnd fiDDnced from < ·nnnllu no n mrono or ovodlna tho mt'ent ded­Glon of tho United StateD Supn>mo <'.ourt boldln(f onloOJJ Unbl" ror dom­~Qll rnoc.."d 11.;7 &btb' tnc;n~zt,

Flro orlaJilt!tlliir tronr nn ~loGlon In tho mutn" rocm of tho Mlnm·lll Loll.cJ l.umlx>r Co:npany plant at" );tln­crol. forty mllev eoathooot of Tocemn. &mtroyod tflo mU1 !ltl4 ltrnl~r 11tored In the! ynl'lfll, ut 1Ul el:tlmoted loo or

l>r1.,_l No. t mtllod <'OI'tl celllnlJ lown. Ur No I 4Cirll: norOu•m <:7boot tq eeotrol North nn­ltotn. U.lO~fl: No D bores wtntor ,.h.,,.e lh conlrul tt'GOCOII. 81.0G For thco wo•l' Chtcnao .,fuiJ whtllt down I %c. rh•11· lnJ at U.U: C'bleauo Jol,. corn up llflc. Ill U~c. &UnncApolla July wh.,GL d<J"'D D\6c. at U 38: UnnD~U Mtr July WhOAt doon 8r, At 81 OG Wlnolp<~l:' July "'""at do\'l'll s~ ... at 01.~6

r .. u ....

4u~f:! %t:o!!~co:ln"o'l::n~~ af•,f:~!; pound Now Torlt Julr roturoo up Gil polota. at II Ur. n.,..

r.torllot rontlnu4'0 wnok 1>0<1 Iodin"~ to oork lo.,or. O.•mood only tor boat flTI\I!all. AITtYUID prtnctpaJiy nf lo.,. llnd otr !{TClde · hor Quoted Nn L Umoth,., Now Torlt ttl 60 l'hlladot~

UhiCI. U4. Pltubur!l'h tU.tlO. Cblraqo. t4. ('\nelnnl>ll, Dt1 60 No I oltolfa, "mphla, tU No. I proJrto • "hlccao.

010 GO lllnnl\4poll._ 011 II"K'<3.

f>lorllot enntlnou dull and lnn.-UvoJ )foro prellJIUNI In ... 11 by both mlllo nna fobbera Quotcx! 11prloa; bra.n <"hi· ~O.Ifo. tt 0. l'hllndolf.hlo U3 GO !It an• clar4 mlddlloaa ("b ('lltlOL 810 Ta Olu• ten. Mll("li.Jlo. .,, an. lnaoed 1'llPl>l. ·' "· N'"" Yorh . .:•.:.G_a ____ _

DL~ li2An:t~

('ottl•. Qoolollnna on rhnt.-o otratr:bc ....,..,.

n>Med liP '" OT. and holtory ltlnO• ~roiC! al 11 !!! lO OT.!5

F-der on" alo<'lt•r tmdo cnnllnuP4 alonu thP D:>IDO llOC!II lhCII It hG• f<>r betlor t.hnn I "'0 wl'elu now TbPr<> Ia 1> llmltPd drmand for oltMI.<'fl.,.., lluht at~>ou In lhla dopnrtm.,nt. but th~ m., .. m.,ot of nrdlonrv llnlm<>r• Ia \"Pr)l' lllllw. ThQ mntk"l llru! hold !U!. V•r2 trOll UDdPr -'lf•lJ t"Ohdltlona dftt.J qUd• tQilno• (or rholc~ Dll'91'!1 atiJI mtllrQ around thP 11 ma.rlL

Bulla ond cCLivcao """"' '""""'· for bt~trh.,rlna purpolloa havo d<><'llno4 conPiderabtp. carloAd tot• bolllna ot on1F fG 'l'bc nmrlt<>t for v"111 rl:llvoo fltUJ IM>on ~omt>ltltalv d<m>oroiiiiM'I, t~r• tor<llna to d<>n!IIN. by cantlauod hcovy illJtlPII"IL

l\300,000. Puelu•n pnh1 tho top .f'l~~ 010.~0. A potJUon- elut~od by coro tlulo 2.000 tor ono ehqtoo bun~ b. on tile> tOO) "n

...... "". o•·•a.. QA'""""' an"'ln.. that A cnrJoa.dg, OIO.tG, VItiA Ollla pp.lll b)( pa.olt• • u - ... - ....... ~ ~,. .. Mil- Tho built of o::r.IAil ll:lttroa ttom apec:IQI election bo cnllcd ro pormtl 810.05 ltnwo to tUG lfi!IIVF_ !lOW&! wo-re

d :1n ft "1 thrown out ot lnnda Cit .tiUI dtC!Cdt lbem to vote Oil with mw. fl '" r ccc- prtoo of oa.lfG nnc2 I'CUI!h,_ hllnVY atot;V uon or Tuloa and lneoftlOrntina It al elumlft'd ho.nlt" a.t 07.J&G. DPl'fCI•In

" m> -t""' ""'-nt}a bop-s llhnrod to th" fniJ OlCUIOt of t.hCI a now town. w .. a .,. ~;a.,.. " 11 ,..,.-.., ' n4ynndna mnrlt<>& oa.lot ronglna trot:l to OQVorMr Roborttua Tllo petttto-& 011.eo to uo. WQQ not !11 llrGP~ rn:m ana t?na ro- Mqa tor o<>rum purpns<!JI 11<>14 11~ tumo.. f- ""n'(){>t!Dru) botoro telca 8ft.?ll, an!l IJUotaUona on chnlo~ llttbt

u "" •• , ootootJ<11'8 conllnuod to rlmr:a fton'a ~~~.'fli ronddm-00. to Qfl)onll 010.

Lnabc.d ona \Thlppad abput bt a t:ro- a!l .. p.

milo galG RllitO ttlan toUt nnd Cl bnlt' Folr qoollty OIIPJ>(!d lalj)b:l .oold tnr miles uM1o -earth, on tbo ~orxo of guf• 89 llot ond 110mo dA~IIt Jlprlllll'A~ r&o'lO





tocatlc<J~ eau,nd ,bttloc:J ot hJo ~JJic.:l ~:J :~~~f3o~~3 r:·~~~r JJ:i~~'ioJ1tl · • t • tonk1 "nd eomn~~lleld to dtnu to _l'CIPllll M outttldll prlell In ootll~t1l!!Jl1 w til • .. .~"

.. ,.,.,. _.t. rtvo• '4'41Ut~>. Cllt>pcd 0'1'/oli' lfl!I~1A\. ll--- • '-•' · nnd &traps tlttl14'!ftM to Q p1irQulntct tot' tl!1t. . •. , • t«~r that «· 'WhlrliDs crotlf .. , ·~I'CDI>l mtsht w-()eil:tcp.l;l~11 >Cattta thiim to· brco.k nto ~'ICtal Qt Ulo ~>mare ... dctnlfo ~lttt<­C!d by ospt., A. W. ~tovmw, cgrfnl pbo· U:ll;lt'tll)htoll', M!Wilok field, Dayton. -QbJo. \"l'ho ~t!J l:!_~ol;to tho rWO~l~'Q p:trn· cllntb JIJ1llp recOttl \'ll\¢i{ he 4et~e<llldcd 24,200 (.aet.

': ..

r\ ',

Page 2: '€1Cean Travel ;·::·. Again Is'€1Cean Travel ;·::·. Again Is Heavy t:. S(~!)rs Aro Carrying More J!aJ~tmger~

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Q~p.\ineu. . ~!Y matter~,_ . . . . ' ... w bQI)l~$1ellQ,S~ • ' ' '

:; 'Jig UJC c~rt>et)Wr worli on W · •t}~nyno'e building. . . · •. Dr. J. ·w. li.l.wo, ot··'Et

w~;in town ~1'1aur11tlnv PtJd ·wcu~. bea.~!q,H ~· greeted bf.., ·lito .

• frlfU\0.!), • I

Mr rtUJt 'h{ 1s. J11mcn Antlm"Son' nr Ji'o/toift{4lnton, wer" tmdi\1Jr ht Cnttll:n\ 11 .. •.u.uuln.y. . ~

!\lr aihl l\"1 I'll, n D' l(h1(tflton, ar J\'l.·r~~ w.:r~ \ lr•it.iug .,tel ll'l'iendti tu\J nclgh:>Ot"W ht•ra thh1 wc.~~tc. ·~

l'lfr. 111tn ·~ro. Pnul Wllnon or l.htl ttor(h hid" .\VCl'~ lblfl wcG!f-Bttund\nt:r to but~lncl'I!J mn.t.· t.(>rll. Mr. Wbon hnA lllt'Jte th~Jl tntuCfrott.'l.nnt1 ;,~;o." tl.U ouc c;,r our b('l;1t. c:ltlv..o :>~.

J. W. l~nalJ,l, -pi Alto. Wll'.l n. VtlJII.or to o,~,,' M n••dllJ', na Ill

fllo cuato n pn.ld lhtl Mounlnlnear o \'lo!t.

~~~'"' Ot~ M .• Jo~ess, .ar .Cna· li'IWZO. It til r;!!.ltl, wiU -\lc n ,~ptll· cbt9 bororJ lho Domocrp.l)o caun· ty ,·onv&mllon f11r Ut~ nowiu~on tor eoun~,v ole rlr.

o. B. Short nn family tldo ~ooh for I'"' 11{oWn/ l~nnoan, 't?hnro thlly will n•t~ldu for owldlc ot l('flnt.. .J I'. Short (]ld awt Ot·ll hla rr:um blft' uchl ltlo cn11t nnd runt.<•li lhu lund lo Mr : W. •r. Lun.r.l.ln,.., Mr. Hlwat ,.lntA.•d ·.tmt If he l<tll('•l n. nolloo t11 rot.u rn hero Ito wantn c. V!nccl t J l'Oilltl bnl' lr w.

William It llllllard, ttran() non ltuul rwpl ... w ul llll' pul•lll:ahl•l'tl tJ( j tlan rrutJII~IIl'r" (J( lho Moun· t:&lnetlr, left Thu r«<lay Ul'll'nlnt;

for &•ymour, 'l't•xnn, hlo home. 'VIIIInm ha • npont t.ho pattt. \'('l\1'

'U'Ilh un and hH btwn of vulu11bll' lltl• 0 ll at'O l11 lllflll.f WD.)'II. f((' ~~

tutl'-~'ll1 lo n•t.un1 h••••• t.hlr1 full D'.l ho hl uu•11Uy In lu\'tl wllh the cuuntry, and tterhatJco aomQ t.hlnn cine.

Mr... Ot•o C Cll.'nteUlll, ol c Jo,.,m •, •~ ar1 U.\7 •• "*"tUua her dau~htA.•r, Mr... l'•··u·l Uoom• She C!ltnn dm?n more tbon n 't7N' k n £!11 11 11 t1 w f' 111 " •I I u Jl 011

'\Yt•ll oud paid ~lr. ('l,·meul.n' Jl."lrl'rl I .s, '.\II.. 011d ~I r•. Jo~ I Cll.!lllf'IJln IL 't•li ,\lr ... ( 'lt•nlf'lll~ 1 forntt>rl) !11 C'.J 111 l:n111l:tll nnd l

4Jo11 111 ~~~ v f rh•mlo,~ Ill' rt1 \\ hu u rt' 1

tlf\"J.LJ'II &;I cl to lltt() 111'1.

Mr. l~p Onull('r ho11 boUt.tht h tnb 11. Norrl•' 111toacul ha llu• j{n<;O or lhc I ltcc:.mllh nllOl) at tbt~ttan, \\ hu, wilh W. 1'. Ga•nm, Ja runn•uu lho nhol'. ~tr. C:m.1or ~ woll !mown m Uun a,:u t of LJ1o rC)CtJnt,y 1111•J will ~;ct. n U1Wtl 1-'l'!~n.m:-au

Jo.c ~ returned o wcoh or tt'I'O P.O" f mm (! tiHurnll\ ~.>here



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. Onion· Sett~ GarJen Seeds Pltr'NS'

' '

PJ...,w Shares Sweeps· Cliidten N ettinj HogF~n~ Cem:eitt Lilite.


Dr7 Batteries

Paints i& Oils Lulwiarttqg Oils ~ G



Es~ablished 1892~ •


Intereot at 4 pea'cQent.eteJ p~ ()a Time at1d Saw·

m~Dcpo!lit9 Ac-


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MY GARAGE • • ,_

iBqulpped to •turn out . •W<nl: bjt


:F:XPER1' fiJfECflll'NIC --At .Reasona1He!ifiice~··

•Oifs, Gtw .and G~uine ·Fotll nc-crensorieo. Autliorlz!d fl1"oro i\gents· -e~~l~V lOE CAR A:VAIIr.A.!:IlDE A<rotylene W.e!diung A Spceiality

Witt .Sears ' . Pr-Oprietor

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· bJ D!J~It. t the p:ust t\70 1Jf;Sl'~ o~ b nuo In l>mJt!h,v ur UttJ Vlnmon A ll..l\.u l1 Jll.'tllJic. Uc ~~~Ill C llllt:HI a Vulllt. hut B<llU&'· 613 nntl t'iWlo luu'll col!!'d vu~UH ~ountalnC\!r nud ocrilln lwcnou.J a,\.aUbQcrlbt>r. JUG.Il bi!C!l 0 (IOOd &:.1 ol lntoro.'lt. In I&O illcn oml 'ti'mld:l a utrouo lnfluvlico In tho l~p'Ubtie.on lua·t.v nnd \llll ba liDo ln~cnmtnn eblU:"t.

INQUIKifS lROMm.Y ANSWfRfl~~ '<> • '

lfAROLo·~ liURil· J\iioml~· At Law s~.u. A'l·:t~"1'~0Nfl'1l 1 . ""tt~&tn.-L11;7» omCJt. . ~. .

)t.\'1-;t'BRS . ·

"&..:~!IlL~ c-~... " (It Sale By The Tffs\vo~th Co-~ ! ~ .. :'!'! ~ ' ! . !!: !! ~!


M'r .. J. R: Norrl~, our dUlnna t>ltlctmmttb Lot• tho ar.aot y~t.l~~!ifldliillll~~~lil:l!l!ll!--~· .. ,~~;:!:..:~:! ~~~··::.=~~~ N.· M£X ••

. lofb 'rhumd~ auorntna Fr~tt~ L. C6x1 ·•r.n lVoanu~oton 'C¢'01\l\14 NolrUa,:-:osbl ti)vt~U~t · 1~ . ....,"""'"" ...... ..-..... ~-..--....,....,..,..._ ... ...,........,. ...........

-ArlJI!"t:l'r~hUi'·o lJo Ill on t1 d~! nlh1:ll'! wur ot thto !tlr u tu·m, lltwlnu oold bio l~nd :north of tho Mounmtn tn lUool: Ran ell lM:C.Pl". lto. UG!dni!Z thG tt•ltl flVCl~Otfil !Wlll bo actmmlmt\t~d . ~~ . tol* n.'< It ti:l t~roctt U•(lt lkt C!bUtlr~n:; .. 1\),ltql), . by W.l~ nn Ja ~ L'titiK • llMd".enJalu nt;wn .to t~ll .nmm~ . :n~~~~\J1,;·tt)· 'lJ1 So\•au.ou.r, 7M~~l· ~ . .. · ~~J~Uaaro tot:: tbO' .· c )?'~ L"'lj;'i.U. .ot ~~l\Jlf,;t)~()t ''1,7CW . - .. _""""' JtelM l{t1!i. t;t,ltnn·~~ n~d .to1B;' ~l1!1tt-. prc'Sctti tamtt~n .. ~• A n:lrrow- <ltlt:'ul\fi ttt¥: lat..;t ttt\ · ~utn WO".ttilt\lollt\. u; atronu ~all~

·.· ,Jf:\~tltiltly. b~ut-u ftM.U b~f!!.~ d'd~~·. U'!i~ ·i% a~!~_udlll ~.ntcm. l~o t\'M <U_t.nhtt1 ·~ "''Wcll~ll?S:S mtu•, ®d lUi.~. t\ti t.Y.ti::l\1 ~n tb~,·E~e~~rw.rrv tr_,.Wblt:(l~'~~-ccorll. th~t '\lSll Mdl;, runl bitl t~c~«l ~ t'1't)Ut' t>f'\!~t"l}'!Uinbt~ ~n;u ~1tt lud :t~~!th'i· (lltr~lm~ · hil t'!n•~~ · tliJ ~~ . ~ll li'\11 ·1 ttr.u b:ttttm '(~u wt::::n t~ nv~ll'flC'ja ~n tl·~ ·1\at.,)\tttb. ~~1d1~l t:1.o ·~~ ie ~~11j:o·:t1u': 11 ~tJn~:ryo~dw. t , ~ rour·f~l~!.J , tioo'kctl·ft\'f:~ t~~ trim.1tt~~ u-ntt .np.<l for S!J.1.ltdJ · ~U.1at'~ i:~~ t[•I!J: t;oa\ !!ll) >1.\0.\V' w~ ttrrn~ot!lt to \1.11.\. · Wk Jf:t):Jt!';itr., il:nlt::r~t. · 1tH~~ t:U:l~~l'J: f•~b {< Ueu~_::.:un~t. ·.& b & tti1\lt1Js·!;'e1\I,~Z:.l· ~~:::~ t •!i:l t:-~~~t SO~Uf.l.U,lU if !i;OCl\1 ~·~~~r..r&t· · UfrJ:n $t~lt:ancr ~i~:J t~r.~Q., lm~;l mrJ ll~'.tlts-~ mi. .8lk-tld: 111 IWt

r.t·m tm~'l tr"ft~ · \:'J~·;) b~1~ n,y e~td!)Jl \'Ouattl l~tc tl~ l't~lM•n . Lf4&~,;•·1l~ ~;';,)~ k:i' t.":.::.:l t.~~~c;rtls~:.t\ cl'!!ct;ut !l.Il;;~ -r~ti:>. k\taW.t

~t(lt-J!r:S:m:-:1. . . · · · \~•~ion in t!~t.oH.k~o! "


'. srout "~tl&~ot auppt,r felt&' w6

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· ~~ f'llJ.\i!t~illr,tt~ll, ~~eipt.ot.l!rtc'-, . ~tidillJ~,DA:Kf.l. BOO&t.1:.1l.

.. -iftaai~ll !~ -~. lltt.· · _

c, Baker cu.-, {, 114110A.D'WAY,ftiW YCMit Cl'tY, N, Y.


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l'fos:wcll,!T\'l\v MexicO~ r;, 1~.

A.'* v-•• ~,. ,he r.O 1$9'

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Page 3: '€1Cean Travel ;·::·. Again Is'€1Cean Travel ;·::·. Again Is Heavy t:. S(~!)rs Aro Carrying More J!aJ~tmger~



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····our· Customers €an ·-:.. Bani; By Jtai1

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Mnll ·UtMba me~oanry p.~pers.Q~anlcd vy emote exrnnnntron.r•• 'm1.1 wU\r sentl--wour il'tll!~ ~lnce clieo1ts. ·to :~ot.JJT ct'cdit,,on w

•h ....,~ ,._, " • .

Collnt,:-recttv~.· .1\"\Ym~nte-- on notes~ nn· &war' til& I"'~~., fnA-·'~.I'tloq, nnd -eounsol" .

~ . q •

~ Ally ~11slneoo~copt-<f•Cl3.oblng ot.-tlleelra · wh lch you trl\n&oot hero • iQ· tl::l,'tlo~ can hanCllccl. t"2't'ou~b tbo mcilla. .



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&i. .. Come and lll.tkttt~o•c~, •

;r:'"', u-u In ·~iro~!il®.f4~ia'Ataltodllk. . -tJl'"'(ilUTlN&.~F.lY.*ItG'I'& and ,yoa bow

n-.; <J&n outing- ~s,a~<Wlllpleto wlthont &-driodnk.

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Page 4: '€1Cean Travel ;·::·. Again Is'€1Cean Travel ;·::·. Again Is Heavy t:. S(~!)rs Aro Carrying More J!aJ~tmger~

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