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http://SolomonsPorch.TV Page 1 of 15 Copyright © 2010 by Solomon’s Porch, Priest River, Idaho, 3/22/10 You may copy this in whole and distribute freely with credit to its source. Please make the effort for an offering. You may do so on the home page. A Witness in the Constellations by Yakov Levi A Timepiece In The Heavens, How Biblical Months Are Set-Apart… It is my premise that Moshe and our ancient forefathers looked to the stars, sun and moon as we look at our watches and printed calendars today. There is a precise mechanical time clock in the sky with precision parts that are light years in distance from each other interacting through the physics of intergalactic forces such as gravity, solar wind, centrifugal force, atomic blasts, etc. It is written, “Then God said, ‘Let there be lights in the firmament of the heavens to divide the day from the night ; and let them be for signs and seasons , and for days and years ; and let them be for lights in the firmament of the heavens to give light on the earth’; and it was so. Then God made two great lights: the greater light to rule the day , and the lesser light to rule the night . He made the stars also. God set them in the firmament of the heavens to give light on the earth, and to rule over the day and over the night, and to divide the light from the darkness. And God saw that it was good. So the evening and the morning were the fourth day;” Genesis 1:14-19. Most of us do not understand how this works, yet the Ruach HaKodesh (Holy Spirit) is beginning to restore and reveal it’s proper order and reckoning in these days to prepare Israel as a spotless bride for the King of Kings, Y-H-V-H, the E-l-ohim of Avraham, Yitzhak and Ya’acov. The twelve constellations that symbolize the twelve tribes of Israel are one of two witnesses that help set-apart the months of the year; and one of four witnesses that sets apart the beginning of the year . The constellation of the Fish and the Ram are integral to determining a year that may have an Adar Bet. Teaching the other witnesses are beyond the scope of this topic. According to Ancient Rabbis, the constellations are servants to the months . They are one key indicator that separate the months of the year. When luminaries complete the cycle of their orbits, namely the twelve signs, the year has come to an end. The twelve constellations collectively are a single witness that set-apart the years. Every month is heralded by a different constellation that follows the sighting of the first crescent moon as it descends into the western horizon along the equatorial line. The first crescent moon is the luminary that sets-part the beginning or first day of a Biblical month. PDF Created with deskPDF PDF Writer - Trial ::

A Witness in the Constellations - Solomon's · A Witness in the Constellations by Yakov Levi ... How Biblical Months

May 25, 2018



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A Witness in the Constellations by Yakov Levi A Timepiece In The Heavens, How Biblical Months Are Set-Apart…

It is my premise that Moshe and our ancient forefathers looked to the stars, sun and moon as we look at our watches and printed calendars today. There is a precise mechanical time clock in the sky with precision parts that are light years in distance from each other interacting through the physics of intergalactic forces such as gravity, solar wind, centrifugal force, atomic blasts, etc. It is written, “Then God said, ‘Let there be lights in the firmament of the heavens to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs and seasons, and for days and

years; and let them be for lights in the firmament of the heavens to give light on the earth’; and it was so. Then God made two great lights: the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night. He made the stars also. God set them in the firmament of the heavens to give light on the earth, and to rule over the day and over the night, and to divide the light from the darkness. And God saw that it was good. So the evening and the morning were the fourth day;” Genesis 1:14-19. Most of us do not understand how this works, yet the Ruach HaKodesh (Holy Spirit) is beginning to restore and reveal it’s proper order and reckoning in these days to prepare Israel as a spotless bride for the King of Kings, Y-H-V-H, the E-l-ohim of Avraham, Yitzhak and Ya’acov. The twelve constellations that symbolize the twelve tribes of Israel are one of two witnesses that help set-apart the months of the year; and one of four witnesses that sets apart the beginning of the year. The constellation of the Fish and the Ram are integral to determining a year that may have an Adar Bet. Teaching the other witnesses are beyond the scope of this topic. According to Ancient Rabbis, the constellations are servants to the months. They are one key indicator that separate the months of the year. When luminaries complete the cycle of their orbits, namely the twelve signs, the year has come to an end. The twelve constellations collectively are a single witness that set-apart the years . Every month is heralded by a different constellation that follows the sighting of the first crescent moon as it descends into the western horizon along the equatorial line. The first crescent moon is the luminary that sets-part the beginning or first day of a Biblical month.

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As a servant to the first crescent moon, the associated constellation follows in obedience for each Biblical month. At the 29th or 30th day of the Jewish month, our ancient forefathers looked to the western horizon to watch for the appearance of the first crescent moon. The nice little treat they received when they obediently followed this commandment was that other associated signs in the heavens followed. This always included one of the twelve key constellations and may have included other planetary luminaries from time to time. This pattern is only valid when observing the constellations from the land of Israel. It is not chance that twelve collective bodies of stars that each form a picture associating itself with one of the tribes of Israel follows after the first crescent moon. In the same month that the crescent is sighted in the western horizon, the associated constellation for that month is also represented. In the night sky a ferris wheel of constellations form around the equator of the earth so that when we look up in the sky we can see the Twelve Tribes of Israel rising with the sun (Son) each morning and setting with the sun (Son) each evening; but once a month the tribe associated with that month chases after the first crescent moon as it descends with the son (Son) to set-apart the first day of the Biblical month; the next morning, the same constellation rises in the dawn. The complexity of the stellar mechanisms involved can only be imagined but is incomprehensible. Consider that the moon is always rotating around the earth, the earth is always rotating around the sun while it also rotates, the sun is rotating in the Milky Way galaxy and the Milky Way galaxy is moving in the universe among other galaxies. Yet, Y-H-V-H, El Shaddai (God Almighty) orchestrated this wonderful ferris wheel where all these separate bodies that are millions of light years apart and impacted by complex intergalactic forces synchronize like a precise time clock. In reflection, it is fascinating to see this revelation about the macrocosm of the universe in light of the complexity we already know about to a large extent in the microcosm of the human body. If you are already practicing the physical sighting of the first crescent moon, once you are able to recognize the constellations, you can easily identify them physically following the first crescent moon from the perspective of the earth when located in the land of Israel. For practice, I recommend using a well developed planetarium application. I recommend Stellarium which is available free on the Internet. You must be sure you set your computer’s main time clock to Israel and set the application’s time clock to Jerusalem, Israel or else it will not render accurate projections. Be very cautious and apply discernment because if you use the Stellarium to identify future events without the leading of the Ruach HaKodesh in what you are doing, you are potentially engaging in witchcraft. It is much wiser to use the application to learn from past events and cycles of time to educate yourself about the lost heritage of our forefathers that engaged the heavens as a timepiece in their lives. It is interesting that through sophisticated computer applications, we can quickly re-inherit the knowledge lost from our forefathers. This knowledge often took years, decades and centuries to develop.

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Since each constellation is associated with one of the tribes of Israel, the story painted in the heavens is a picture of each of the tribes o f Israel diligently following after the sighting of the first crescent moon in order to keep the appointed times of Y-H-V-H as He has commanded. Such is also the symbolism communicated where it is written, “Now a great sign appeared in heaven: a woman clothed with the sun, with the moon under her feet, and on her head a garland of twelve stars;” Revelation 12:1 . The woman is Israel standing on the foundation of the moon that sets-apart the Moedim. The garland of twelve stars are the twelve constellations or the Twelve Tribes of Israel that also crown her head giving her the discernment to keep the Moedim in the set-apart months. After sighting of the first crescent moon in the evening, the next morning each constellation will again appear in the eastern horizon at dawn, ascending along the equatorial line. Visibility will depend on the amount of daylight present. The constellations can only be seen in the early hours of the day when ascending in the eastern horizon before the intensity of the sunlight increases, and descending in the western horizon after the intensity of the sunlight decreases. The counterpart of the constellation that is rising on the east sets in the west. For example, as Taleh (The Ram, Aries) ascends on the eastern horizon along the equatorial line, Moznayim (Scales of Justice, Libra) sets in the western horizon along the equatorial line. I include the common astrological names for cross reference purposes. I have not been able to verify if the traditional names derived from Judaism are scriptural but I am using them for they are the only names available to me at the time of this writing. This particular association between The Ram and the Scales of Justice is symbolic of the Lamb of E-l-ohim who sits on a throne of justice and righteousness for it is written, “Righteousness and justice are the foundation of Your throne; Mercy and truth go before Your face;” Psalm 89:14 . Torah or “The Law” is synonymous with righteousness, and justice is the proper balance of its principles. The weightiness of the principle to exercise justice is portrayed in the heavens because the two key constellations that cry out about this precept are associated with the two key months containing the spring and fall feasts. These months as are also the months that began the Biblical year. Tishri began the Biblical year until Abib was designated to begin the Biblical year after the covenant at Mt. Sinai. At this time I want to praise Y-a-huah E-l-ohim (Y-H-V-H), the E-l-ohim of Avraham, Yitzhak and Ya’acov for the following testimony. He is the only One who can impart to us the knowledge, insight, wisdom and understanding needed to open up the principles of the Torah. Y-ah is the One who revealed the pattern you will see in this testimony. It is written, “The secret things belong to the LORD our God, but those things which are revealed belong to us and to our children forever, that we may do all the words of this law;” Deuteronomy 29:29 . In the case of this testimony, almost all Israel knew the

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pattern of the constellations and how to start a Biblical month at one time in history. It is a very simple pattern that has been lost through the ages. Abba is now restoring what has been lost and made secret. The following pages offer a short summary of select constellations and illustration of the evening sky in the western horizon as it would appear from Jerusalem, Israel. The illustrations include the first crescent moon, associated constellation, equatorial line and testimony of the first crescent sighting from Nehemiah Gordon. In order to see Nehemiah Gordon’s testimony more clearly you can increase your page zoom to 150% in Microsoft Word or other compatible document viewer. Because of the size of the graphic, each constellation will be covered on a separate page.

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Month of Abib/Nisan and Taleh (The Ram or Aries): The constellation Taleh, resembling a ram, is associated with beginnings, birth, growth and renewal. It is the first constellation to follow the sighting of the first crescent moon for the month of Abib; the first month in the Biblical year. This constellation follows the first crescent moon as it descends into the western horizon along the equatorial line; confirming the month is the month of Abib. The ram is symbolic of the Pesach lamb used for the sacrifice of the Passover. It is no coincident that this constellation appears in the month of Abib when the first crescent is sighted; the month of the Passover. When Israel left Egypt, Egypt’s deity, the ram, was at the height of its ascension in the skies. Sacrificing of the Pesach lamb also conveyed the message that the constellation is not to be an object of worship; but instead an integral picture that is a part of Y-H-V-H’s plan for His people. The theme of being born, born-again or renewed is associated with the acceptance of the Pesach Lamb of E-l-ohim, Yeshua HaMashiach, who is our Savior, and who is Y-a-huah E-l-ohim in the flesh.

Simulation of the evening of March 27, 2009 from Je rusalem, Israel at time 18:52 and first crescent sighting testimony from Nehemiah Gordon in lower ri ght.

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The Month of Ziv/Iyar and Shor (The Bull or Taurus) : The constellation Shor resembles a bull. The bull is a symbol of great strength, hard work, and a bearer of burdens. It is the first constellation to follow the sighting of the first crescent moon for the month of Ziv; the second month in the Biblical year.

Simulation of the evening of April 26, 2009 from Je rusalem, Israel at time 19:15 and first crescent sighting testimony from Nehemiah Gordon in lower ri ght.

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Month of Sivan and Teomim (The Twins or Gemini): The constellation Teomim or The Twins or otherwise known as Gemini is the first constellation to follow the sighting of the first crescent moon for the month of Sivan; the third month of the Biblical year.

Simulation of the evening of May 25, 2009 from Jeru salem, Israel at time 19:53 and first crescent sighting testimony from Nehemiah Gordon in lower ri ght.

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Month of 4 th Month and Sartan (The Crab or Cancer): The constellation Sartan or The Crab or otherwise known as Cancer is the first constellation to follow the sighting of the first crescent moon for the 4th Month .

Simulation of the evening of June 23, 2009 from Jer usalem, Israel at time 19:30 and first crescent sighting testimony from Nehemiah Gordon in lower ri ght.

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Month of Tishri and Moznayim (Scales of Justice or L ibra): The constellation Moznayim or the Scales of Justice is the first constellation to follow the first crescent moon sighting for the month of Tishri or seventh month . The symbol of the scales of justice is appropriate for the month of Tishri; for it is the month for the fall feast days of Yom Teruah, Yom Kippur & Sukkoth. Yom Teruah is known as the “Day of Judgment” & Yom Kippur is known as the Day of Atonement. The festivals of the month of Tishri are characterized by the principle of judgment. I will not expound on these here as it is better presented through teaching the appointed times or feasts of this month. The Ancient Rabbis recognize Tishri 1 as the day for the creation of mankind. In light of this, it is understood that man’s function on earth is to do justly by weighing varying factors in the journey of life. Man is to discern the correct balance in social and spiritual concerns based on Torah precepts. It is considered that on Yom Teruah, an accounting is made for man’s exercise of his free-will. For more insight in why the Ancient Rabbis identify Tishri 1 as the day for the creation of mankind, see the home page of http://SolomonsPorch.TV. This relationship between the creation of mankind in the month of Tishri and the scales of justice is another indicator that highlights the weightiness for the principle that mankind must sit on a throne of “Righteousness and Justice” if we are to follow the example of Yeshua HaMashiach.

Simulation of the evening of September 20, 2009 fro m Jerusalem, Israel at time 17:37 and first crescent sighting testimony from Nehemiah Gordon in lower right.

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Distinguishing the Months of Adar, Adar Bet and Abi b: One key approach for distinguishing a year that includes a 13th month or Adar Bet is to observe the distance in relationship between sighting the first crescent moon to the associated constellation for the month. The first crescent moon will always be found leading the constellation, not in the constellation and not following it. Let’s look at the month of Adar and Abib in 2009. Notice below that in the month of Adar for 2009, the First Crescent Moon takes the lead in descending along the equatorial line into the western horizon as viewed from Jerusalem, Israel. “The Fish” or Pisces follows signaling this is the month of Adar. Nehemiah Gordon’s first crescent witness was on February 26, 2009. However, for this month, based on another moon sighting source, I identified that Nehemiah’s sighting may have been a day late due to visibility issues in Israel. The first crescent moon will enter the head of “The Fish” if observed on the evening of February 26th instead of February 25th. Therefore the evening of February 25th is used to begin the month of Adar. In practical application I see no issue if the obse rvation is missed by one day if we did our due diligence to observe the firs t crescent sighting. The first crescent sighting is to be observed and not calcula ted; per commandment in the Torah.

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Now let’s take a look at the month of Abib presented earlier in this study. Notice that the first crescent moon takes the lead along the equatorial line ahead of “The Ram” as it descends into the western horizon as viewed from Jerusalem, Israel.

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Now, let’s take a look at the month of Adar in 2010. Again, notice the first crescent moon leading the constellation “The Fish” along the equatorial line as it descends into the western horizon viewed from Jerusalem, Israel.

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Now remember the principle that the constellation associated with the month must follow the first crescent moon sighting on the evening it is sighted. In light of this, let’s take a look at the month that will follow in 2010 for Abib once the first crescent is sighted from Israel. On March 16th 2010, Nehemiah Gordon reported that the first crescent moon was not sighted from Israel and therefore the new month will begin on the evening of March 17th by default. I would normally set the view to the evening of March 17th, 2010. However, it is my insight that Nehemiah should have seen the first crescent on the evening of March 16th from Israel based on testimony from other sources. This is a very rare exception for I have been relying on Nehemiah’s witness for almost 8 years. As a result, I am setting the view to March 16th, 2010. As you can see, the first crescent moon is deeper into the constellation “The Fish,” although it may be ahead of “The Ram.” When the first crescent moon tarries in the constellation for two months, it is a year with an Adar Bet. Our ancestors who observed the constellations likely recognized that the first crescent moon could not advance enough in one month to pass through “The Fish” in certain years in order to lead “The Ram” for Abib. See earlier illustrations to compare.

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In the next illustration, for the purpose of teaching, see what happens to the first crescent when it is projected 29 days (one day short of a full 30 days in a Biblical month) from the evening of March 16th. Notice on the evening of April 14th, 2010 the first crescent is leading “The Ram” as it descends into the western horizon along the equatorial line as viewed from Jerusalem, Israel.

For the purpose of teaching and understanding, I pr ojected the relationship of the constellation “The Bull” and “Scales of Justice” for t heir associated months for 2010 and found that the first crescent moon leads t he associated constellations for the related month if Abib is started on the eve ning of April 14 th, 2010. I did not include the illustration for “The Bull” here; but the illustration for the “Scales of Justice” for the projected first crescent sighting d ate of October 9 th, 2010 follows. Therefore, an Adar Bet is called beginning the even ing of March 16 th, 2010. The months line up with their respective first cres cent sightings and constellations only if there is an Adar Bet. See t he projected illustration for the month of Tishri.

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The following is the view for the sighting of the projected first crescent moon on October 9th, 2010. Notice that the constellation “Scales of Justice” follows nicely after the first crescent sighting for the month of Tishri. This will only line up like this in Tishri if there is an Adar Bet beginning the evening of March 16th, 2010.

Join me on Facebook, or Solomon’s Porch Social Network and Forums (SPSNF) where I will open up the scriptures and discuss practical application of these principles; go to the home page of http://SolomonsPorch.TV to connect. It is extremely important you weigh all precepts in completeness and balance. This is justice. There are other topics of interest and urgency offered at http://SolomonsPorch.TV in the menu option "MY LIVING ROOM." Be sure to get updated versions of this teaching directly from http://SolomonsPorch.TV in the menu section “MY LIVING ROOM > The Study Room.” Sheh E-l-ohim Yivarech Otcha (May God Bless You) Yakov Levi

Bondservant in Yeshua HaMashiach

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