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Page 1 of 69 A study of NIST SP 800-144 standard on IT risk management in cloud computing: Creating a novel framework for implementing it in Small and Medium sized Enterprises (SMEs) by applying COSO and ISACA’s Risk IT frameworks Sandeep Kaur Sidhu Master of Science (Computer & Information Science) University of South Australia Thesis submitted to the University of South Australia School of Information Technology & Mathematical Sciences in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science (Computer & Information Science) Supervisor: Dr Kim-Kwang Raymond Choo Date: 28 October 2013

A study of NIST SP 800-144 standard on IT risk management in cloud computing… ·  · 2013-10-28A study of NIST SP 800-144 standard on IT risk management in cloud computing: ...

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A study of NIST SP 800-144 standard on IT risk management

in cloud computing: Creating a novel framework for

implementing it in Small and Medium sized Enterprises (SMEs) by

applying COSO and ISACA’s Risk IT frameworks

Sandeep Kaur Sidhu

Master of Science (Computer & Information Science)

University of South Australia

Thesis submitted to the University of South Australia

School of Information Technology & Mathematical Sciences

in partial fulfilment of the

requirements for the degree of

Master of Science (Computer & Information Science)

Supervisor: Dr Kim-Kwang Raymond Choo

Date: 28 October 2013

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Cloud computing is a new form of service-oriented computing in which, clients are

offered software applications, platforms, infrastructure, databases, and security as

services. It is cost effective given that there are minimal capital expenses and all

services are chargeable based on actual usage or subscriptions-based usage. This

model is very attractive for small and medium scale enterprises (SMEs). However, there

are a number of security risks in cloud computing that needs to be managed. Currently,

there are unclear regulations and models about how cloud computing vendors should

undertake IT security and risk management accountabilities. NIST SP 800-144 is the

first standard by a regulatory body on cloud computing security but it needs to be

supported by other standards and empirical theories. In this dissertation, a detailed

mapping of NIST standard with COSO and Risk IT standards supported by empirical

theories has been carried out. The synergised form of NIST SP 800-144 with COSO

and Risk IT has been proposed for SMEs to manage their own IT risks amidst limited

expectations from cloud service providers, and uncertainty of applicable regulations.

The three standards can be used with an assumption that not everything is in control of

even large-scale enterprises but they still manage their risks. The similar philosophy of

certain internal practices in uncertain external environment can be applied by SMEs as

well. The findings reveal how SMEs can plan their cloud hosting ambitions, how can

they define their own standards and expectations, how can they select multiple clouds,

and how can they build their own controls by using multiple cloud service providers,

investing some additional sums.

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Table of Contents

Table of Figures:......................................................................................................................................... 4

Chapter 1: Introduction .............................................................................................................................. 5

1.1. Background and context ................................................................................................................ 5

1.2. Research problem .......................................................................................................................... 8

1.3. Research aim and objectives ..................................................................................................... 10

1.4. Research questions ..................................................................................................................... 10

1.5. Research significance and expectations .................................................................................. 11

1.6. Structure of the dissertation ........................................................................................................ 12

Chapter 2: Literature review ................................................................................................................... 13

2.1. Introduction .................................................................................................................................... 13

2.2. Empirical review of IT risk management ................................................................................... 13

2.3. IT risk management frameworks ................................................................................................ 15

2.4. Empirical review of cloud computing ......................................................................................... 19

2.5. Security risks and IT risk management in cloud computing ................................................... 22

2.6. A review of NIST 800-144 framework ....................................................................................... 25

2.7. Summary ........................................................................................................................................ 26

Chapter 3: Research design ................................................................................................................... 27

Chapter 4: Findings against research question 1 ................................................................................ 30

4.1. Findings .......................................................................................................................................... 30

4.2. Discussions ................................................................................................................................... 38

4.3. Summary ........................................................................................................................................ 39

Chapter 5: Findings against research question 2 ................................................................................ 40

5.1. Findings .......................................................................................................................................... 40

5.2. Discussions ................................................................................................................................... 49

5.3. Summary ........................................................................................................................................ 51

Chapter 6: Findings against research question 3 ................................................................................ 53

6.1. Findings .......................................................................................................................................... 53

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6.2. Discussions ................................................................................................................................... 58

6.3. Summary ........................................................................................................................................ 59

Chapter 7: Conclusions and recommendations .................................................................................. 61

7.1. Conclusions ................................................................................................................................... 61

7.2. Recommendations ....................................................................................................................... 63

References ................................................................................................................................................ 65

Table of Figures:

Figure 1: A triangulated model of cloud security (Ahmad and Janczewski, 2010: p. 4) ............... 7

Figure 2: An example integrated model of risk management framework in cloud computing

based on COSO framework (Horwath et al. (2012: p. 9)..................................................... 8

Figure 3: An overview of Risk IT Framework (ISACA, 2009, p. 33) ...........................................16

Figure 4: COSO Risk Management Framework (COSO, 2004, p. 2) .........................................18

Figure 5: The multi-level service oriented architecture in the cloud computing (Zhang, Cheng,

and Boutaba, 2009: p. 10) .................................................................................................20

Figure 6: Threat profiling in cloud computing environment ........................................................33

Figure 7: Threat of malicious attackers in cloud computing environment ...................................34

Figure 8: Illustration of virtualization and virtual boundary weakness threats (GOS stands for

guest operating system and HYP stands for Hypervisor) ...................................................36

Figure 9: Storage of data on multiple storage clusters spread globally poses data proliferation

threat on cloud computing .................................................................................................37

Figure 10: Integrated risk management framework by mapping the controls of COSO, NIST, and

Risk IT, as per Table 2 ......................................................................................................48

Figure 11: Multilayer integrated risk management framework with multiple parties taking

accountabilities of respective cloud layers .........................................................................56

Figure 12: Mapping the multi-layer risk management framework with the integrated framework

of NIST SP 800-144, COSO, and Risk IT ..........................................................................57

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Chapter 1: Introduction

1.1. Background and context

This research is related to IT risk management challenges in cloud computing

and the practical implementation of NIST SP 800-144 standard specifically designed for

risk management in the clouds. Cloud computing has emerged as a new concept of

commodity services in the world of computing, storage, broadband network access,

platform services, and software services (Doherty, Carcary, and Conway, 2012: p. 2).

Cloud computing vendors, like Google, Microsoft, and Amazon offer rapid provisioning

of on-demand self-operating services with minimal intervention by the service provider

(Clemons and Chen, 2010: p. 3). These benefits are mostly availed by small and

medium scale enterprises given their lack of capital funding for establishing expensive

self-hosted IT infrastructures (Miller, 2009: p. 9-10).

Cloud computing offers many business benefits to customers, especially in

saving operating costs, managing IT enabled businesses with minimum administrative

overheads, and getting access to world class software platforms and applications

managed by their original manufacturers (Doherty, Carcary, and Conway, 2012: p. 2).

However, cloud computing has multiple IT risks due to shared platforms, data

confidentiality and privacy in user areas protected by virtual boundaries, identity thefts,

privacy issues, vendor or data lock-in, loss of governance, loss of compliance, insider

trading, and shared network and software vulnerabilities (Doherty, Carcary, and

Conway, 2012: p. 3-4; ENISA, 2010: p. 5-6). Given that the cloud computing systems

are multi-vendor and multi-tenant, a standard legally-enforceable risk management

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framework incorporating all service providers and tenants is the key challenge (ENISA,

2010: p. 3).

Risks in cloud computing arise due to shared services, cross-border litigation,

data location, inter-cloud compatibility issues, lack of legal support for consumers, trust

issues on service providers, IT security risks, consumer issues, privacy issues, data

segregation issues, and data proliferation issues (Chandran and Agnepat, 2010: p. 3-5

Clemons and Chen, 2010: p. 5-7; Fan and Chen, 2012: p. 23-24; Jansen, 2011: 2-4;

Sabahi, 2011: p. 245-247).

Fan and Chen (2012: p. 20-21) proposed that there should be an integrated risk

management standard incorporating regulators, service providers, and customers. This

standard should take care of cross-border litigation issues and data location uncertainty,

as well. A model for analysing risks at component levels of multiple layers of cloud

computing needs to be established and agreed among all parties based on their

priorities and impacts. This can be done by applying globally accepted standards like

COSO, Risk IT (COBIT 5), and ISO 27005. For example, Ahmad and Janczewski

(2010: p. 4) presented a triangulated model of cloud computing security employing

integration of globally accepted security standards, statutory laws, and cloud services

(Figure 1). In this model, the cloud service provider can choose any standard or set of

standards for implementing risk management as long as they are integrated with the

statutory laws and regulations applicable on the services offered. Hence, if Sarbanes

Oxley 2002 regulators recognise ISO 27005 for self hosted IT infrastructures, cloud

computing service providers can adopt ISO 27005 and customise it for implementing an

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effective IT risk management framework covering each component on the cloud such

that they can demonstrate compliance to Sarbanes Oxley regulations.

Figure 1: A triangulated model of cloud security (Ahmad and Janczewski, 2010: p. 4)

Horwath et al. (2012: p. 8-9) presented an example scenario (Figure 2) of how

such an integrated model can be implemented using COSO (Committee of Sponsoring

Organizations of the Treadway Commission) risk management framework. They

integrated the candidates offering cloud solutions, service delivery models, deployment

models, business processes, and regulatory governance requirements in a single risk

management framework based on COSO standard. They recommended that the COSO

enterprise risk management framework can be used to define, establish, and

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continuously improve an audit checklist used by regulators. Once standardised

enforced, all cloud services and solutions providers will implement controls in

accordance to the standard and incorporate terms in agreements with specific roles of

cloud tenants and service providers.

Figure 2: An example integrated model of risk management framework in cloud

computing based on COSO framework (Horwath et al. (2012: p. 9)

1.2. Research problem

The problem is that there is a lack of standardised risk management framework

for cloud computing framework accepted globally for regulatory compliance. Cloud

Security Alliance recommended standard methods for risk management on cloud

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computing (IET, 2012: p. 3). However, these recommendations have not been

standardised by regulation authorities. Mostly, regulation authorities prefer ISO 27005,

ISO 27001, ISO 27002, and COBIT standards for demonstrating regulatory compliance

of IT security and risk management (IET, 2012: p. 5-6). Cloud service providers need to

find ways for using these standards for IT risk management. A new ISO standard (ISO

27017) is emerging for cloud computing risk management that is expected to be ratified

in year 2014. It may be the preferred choice of regulators, but till then there is a serious

lack of internationally accepted standards fit for regulatory compliance of security and

risk management of cloud service providers (Rittinghouse and Ransome, 2010: p. 158-

159). This problem poses a serious business risk for SMEs given that they have most

prominent reasons to adopt cloud computing services and are rapidly moving their IT

systems to the clouds (Dai, 2009: p. 56; Haselmann and Vossen, 2011: p. 10; Jansen

and Grance, 2011: p. 21; Karabek, Kleinert, and Pohl, 2011: p. 28).

NIST SP 800-144 is the first US regulatory standard for implementing risk

management in the clouds (Jansen and Grance, 2011). This standard is released in

year 2011 but is not yet adequately supported by implementation procedures such that

cloud providers can adopt a standardised framework for managing cloud risks. This

standard needs exploratory study such that it can be mapped with other established risk

management standards used for IT risk management. The above problem description

and this challenge have been taken as the research problem of this dissertation. The

researcher intends to explore NIST SP 800-144 standard and map it with COSO and

ISACA’s Risk IT standards such that an appropriate risk management framework for

SMEs using cloud computing can be proposed.

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1.3. Research aim and objectives

With reference to the above established background and context, and the

research problem, following research aim is defined for this research:

Aim: To explore NIST SP 800-144, COSO, and Risk IT standards and the existing

theories complimenting their recommendations, and propose an IT risk management

framework for SMEs using cloud computing to run their businesses. In absence of

established standards proposed by regulators, this research will aim on how SMEs can

protect themselves from IT risks while using cloud hosted resources.

The aim is supported by the following research objectives:

(a) To study the IT risk exposures of businesses using cloud computing resources

(b) To explore NIST SP 800-144, COSO, and Risk IT standards and the existing

theories complimenting their recommendations

(c) To analyse how these standards can help the SMEs, dependent upon cloud

hosted resources for running their businesses, in managing IT risks

1.4. Research questions

This research is directed by the aim and objectives proposed above for finding

answers to the following research questions:

(a) What are the IT risk exposures of businesses that use cloud hosted resources for

running their business processes?

(b) How NIST SP 800-144 standard could be supported by COSO and Risk IT

standards and the existing theories complimenting their recommendations?

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(c) How can NIST SP 800-144, COSO, and Risk IT standards help SMEs dependent

upon cloud hosted resources in managing their IT risks?

These questions will be answered through exploratory studies of literatures on cloud

computing security and risk management and stated standard documents.

1.5. Research significance and expectations

This research will be significant for researchers studying change in business

risks and IT risks of SMEs that have moved their IT resources to cloud computing. This

research may serve as a useful reference document for such research aspirants,

especially in the fields of security controls and risk management for SMEs using cloud

computing. In addition, this research may be able to generate some useful information

for SMEs using cloud hosted resources looking forward to methods and ways for

managing IT risks. This research shall produce a synergy of three professional

standards and clarify their implementation approaches with the help of academic

literatures. Hence, it is expected that the results will be actionable in real world business

environments. Given an opportunity, the researcher will look forward to disseminate the

knowledge gained through the university website, journals, and conferences.

The following results are expected in this research:

(a) A detailed review of literatures for identifying controls that can be used with NIST

SP 800-144 standard

(b) Mapping of NIST SP 800-144 recommendations with the controls identified, and

with COSO and Risk IT standards

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(c) Analysis of how this mapping will help SMEs using cloud hosted resources in

managing their IT risks

These results will help in enhancing practical implementation of IT risk

management in cloud computing using NIST SP 800-144 standard. The results will

present a consolidated view of opportunities to address security and privacy issues on

the clouds. Some controls may be easily implementable and some of them may require

long term multi-agency alignments and policy changes. However, the consolidated view

can be helpful in preparing short-term and long-term goals for enhancing IT risk

management on the clouds.

1.6. Structure of the dissertation

This research is divided into seven chapters. The first chapter presents the

research attributes needed to establish the direction of data collection and exploratory

study. The second chapter presents a detailed literature review pertaining to the

research topic, research problem, and research objectives and questions, keeping the

research aim in mind. The third chapter is a review of literatures related to research

design, especially using the research onion concept of Saunders, Lewis, and Thornhill

(2011). The fourth chapter comprises findings against the first research question using

the data collected in Chapter 2 and additional reviews conducted. Similarly, Chapters 5

and 6 comprise findings against the second and third research questions, respectively

using the data collected in Chapter 2 and additional reviews conducted. Chapter 7

presents a consolidated analysis of findings in Chapters 2, 3, 4, and 5, conclusions

drawn from the analysis, and recommendations evolved from this research.

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Chapter 2: Literature review

2.1. Introduction

Cloud computing is a new framework for delivering IT services to customers

connecting to its various layers through Internet. It has gained significant popularity in

recent years due to lowered capital expenses and affordable revenue expenses offered

to cloud tenants. However, the threats and uncertainties looming on cloud computing

are wider due to shared infrastructures, virtual tenant boundaries, and spreading of data

across multiple locations beyond territorial jurisdiction due to virtualised storage

systems networked using virtual networking. These challenges have caused privacy

and trust issues leading to reluctance by many business entities and public sector

organisations in adopting cloud services. Looking into these challenges, NIST has

released a standard SP 800-144 for managing risks on cloud computing. Given that it is

a new standard, there are no academic references on practical implementation of SP

800-144 in organisations. In this dissertation, the researcher has targeted to combine

SP 800-144 with two popular risk management frameworks, ISACA’s Risk IT and

COSO, to design an actionable risk management framework for Small and Medium

scale enterprises using cloud hosting for their IT services needs. The resulting

framework will be validated by interviewing risk management practitioners.

2.2. Empirical review of IT risk management

Risk management in IT is concerned with protection of IT assets such that the

negative impacts on business due to loss, unauthorised modifications, or unavailability

of an IT asset can be minimised or eliminated completely (Humphreys, Moses, Plate,

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1998: p. 11). IT assets comprise of information units (business-related documents and

records), and the assets used for creating, processing, disseminating, storing,

transmitting, and archiving the information units (Humphreys, Moses, Plate, 1998: p.

11). IT assets are exposed to numerous threats emanating from the Internet or internal

hackers (Elgarnal, 2009: p. 12). These threats can compromise the confidentiality,

integrity, and availability of IT assets leading to financial, legal, reputational, customer,

and employee impacts to the organisation (Dhillon and Backhouse, 2000: p. 126;

Humphreys, Moses, Plate, 1998: 9). Identification, assessing, and management of IT

risks are needed to reduce or eliminate the vulnerabilities such that the external threats

do not compromise the IT assets and their confidentiality, integrity, and availability

(Anderson and Choobineh, 2008: p. 24; Humphreys, Moses, Plate, 1998: 14; Ozkan

and Karabacak, 2010: p. 568).

The risk identification, assessment, and management framework comprises

quantitative evaluation of influencing factors and assigning values to them (Ozkan and

Karabacak, 2010: p. 572; Humphreys, Moses, Plate, 1998: 22). They key values of

concern are importance of assets to the business, most relevant threats, magnitude of

impacts on business, probability of impacts, and internal vulnerabilities prevailing in the

IT systems of the organisation (Gandotra, Singhal, and Bedi, 2009: p. 720-721;

Humphreys, Moses, Plate, 1998: 24-25; Ozkan and Karabacak, 2010: p. 570). The risk

value is a quantitative outcome of asset value (a function of confidentiality, integrity, and

availability ratings), threat value (product of probability value and impact value), and

vulnerability value (probability of breach) (Gandotra, Singhal, and Bedi, 2009: p. 722;

Humphreys, Moses, Plate, 1998: 25). Finally, all risks are logged in an enterprise-wide

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risk register and assigned to individual risk managers for invoking risk treatment by

avoiding, accepting, transferring, or eliminating the risks (Shortreed, 2008: p. 10-11).

2.3. IT risk management frameworks

Some of the popular IT risk management frameworks are ISO 27001 (BSI, 2005),

ISO 27005 (BSI, 2008), NIST 800-30 (NIST, 2001), ISACA’s Risk IT (ISACA, 2009), and

COSO. ISO 27001 is a standard for implementing information risk management system

using information risk management as the fundamental framework and building upon it

the management system for establishing, operating, reviewing, and improving an

information security management system (BSI, 2005: p. 8-9). ISO 27005 and NIST 800-

30 deal with a framework of information risk management system comprising risk

identification, risk assessment, risk prioritisation, risk treatment, and application of

controls using qualitative and quantitative data collection and analytical methods (BSI,

2008: p. 10; NIST, 2001: p. 8). ISACA’s Risk IT is a modern IT risk management

framework that considers an organisation-wide risk view system as the core of the

framework enabling all departments to view the bigger picture and treat risks

accordingly. COSO risk management framework follows a similar approach with specific

focus on people aspects of IT risk management and risk aware culture in the

organisation at all levels of the organisational hierarchy, irrespective of designation,

role, and responsibilities (COSO, 2004: p. 18).

The frameworks chosen for integrating with NIST 800-144 framework are

ISACA’s Risk IT and COSO risk management framework. These frameworks have been

chosen because of two reasons:

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(a) There are sufficient references available on these standards for establishing a

theoretical foundation.

(b) Both these standards focus on organisation-wide risk views ensuring bigger

picture visualisation of IT and related risks. In cloud computing, the risk

management framework needs to protect all tenants and hence such a model

has been recommended by NIST 800-144, as well. Hence, it is expected that

the three models will synergise effectively.

Figure 3: An overview of Risk IT Framework (ISACA, 2009, p. 33)

The ISACA’s Risk IT framework is presented in the Figure 1 above. The Risk IT

framework comprises three primary domains – risk governance, risk evaluation, and risk

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response. The idea of enterprise-wide view of IT risks is to ensure that they can be

treated keeping the bigger picture in consideration and ultimately are integrated with the

enterprise-wide risk management framework. This is to ensure that when risk-aware

analysis is done, the IT risks are included in the risks considered for making business

decisions. The focus is not only on technical risks but also is on IT-linked business risks

such that the risk profile of maintained for IT systems can be linked with business

objectives and business risks. In this way, IT-related risks are prioritised keeping in view

their linkage with high priority business risks. The IT systems linked with high business

risk profiles from business perspective are prioritised. Such decisions are made by

business in collaboration with IT, which is the key advantage of enterprise-wide visibility

of IT risks and their linkages with business risks. The risk response is carried out

accordingly. (ISACA, 2009: 34-37)

The COSO model of risk management is presented in the Figure 2. It is an

enterprise-wide risk management framework with IT risk management embedded within

the larger system. This model is based on risk appetite and risk management

philosophy defined in the organisation, which is based on various internal standards

maintained by the management. In this model, risk appetite and tolerance levels are

defined as a part of business objectives of the firm. The rest of the model has been

taken from NIST 800-30 and ISO 27005 standards for risk identification, assessment,

prioritisation, and treatment, and communications, monitoring, and control systems for

ensuring appropriate risk-aware culture within the organisation. Risk-related culture is

viewed as the core of COSO framework. (COSO, 2004: 3-12)

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Figure 4: COSO Risk Management Framework (COSO, 2004, p. 2)

The risk management modelling for cloud computing has been carried out by

integrating COSO and ISACA’s Risk IT and using them as supporting frameworks for

NIST 800-144 standard. This integration can enable integration of two major

philosophies proposed by the two standards – organisation wide risk view and risk-

related organisational culture. These two philosophies can be viewed as primary

enablers of accurate categorisation and treatment strategy of risks and of effectiveness

of security controls for treatment of risks. In cloud computing, multiple flavours of

service providers (SaaS, PaaS, and IaaS, as discussed in the next section) serve

numerous tenants (clients) for various business purposes. Hence, the organisation wide

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risk view philosophy will result in sharing of risks-related information with all

stakeholders with clear demarcation of accountabilities at service providers’ end and

clients’ end. Such a demarcation will enable the SaaS, PaaS, and IaaS providers

(discussed in the next section), and the clients to identify the controls needed at their

respective ends and own them.

Having reviewed the empirical theories and models in IT risk management, the

next step is to understand cloud computing closely and identify the risks prevailing in

cloud IT environments. The next section presents an empirical view of cloud computing.

2.4. Empirical review of cloud computing

Cloud computing is characterised by three forms of delivery, as described by

NIST in their technology roadmap for cloud computing, Vol. II (Badger et al., 2011: p.

11-15). These models are:

(a) Software as a service (SaaS)

(b) Platform as a service (PaaS)

(c) Infrastructure as a service (IaaS)

The three models have different service offerings and mode of deliveries. The

SaaS providers use PaaS clouds to host business applications on various platforms and

the PaaS providers use IaaS clouds to energise their platforms. Mostly, SaaS providers

are direct interfaces to customers. Customers interface with PaaS clouds for developing

in-house cloud-based development capabilities. Some customers interface with IaaS

clouds for renting raw storage and computing powers. (Badger et al., 2011: p. 16-21;

Chorafas, 2011: p. 24-30)

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As per Qian, Luo, Du, and Guo (2009: p. 628-629), Microsoft Azure and Google

App Engine can be classified as a PaaS clouds, Google Apps can be classified as SaaS

cloud, and Amazon Elastic Compute can be classified as an IaaS cloud. Zhang, Cheng,

and Boutaba (2009: p. 10) elaboration such a classification in their multi-level service

oriented model presented below:

Figure 5: The multi-level service oriented architecture in the cloud computing (Zhang,

Cheng, and Boutaba, 2009: p. 10)

As per the multi-level service oriented model by Zhang, Cheng, and Boutaba

(2009: p. 10-12), cloud hosted applications like and, that

keep their platforms hidden from customers, may be categorised as SaaS providers.

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Microsoft Azure and Google App Engine open their platforms for customers for

developing applications and hence may be categorised as PaaS providers. Amazon

EC2 and Go Grid offer their infrastructure services (elastic computing and storage) to

customers for deploying their own platforms. Hence, they may be categorised as IaaS


Tai, Nimis, Lenk, and Klems (2010: p. 4-9), Amburst et al. (2010: p. 50-54), and

Miller (2009: p. 23-30) presented the following benefits of cloud computing for end-


(a) Elastic computing and storage facilities

(b) Rapid application development and deployment

(c) Pay-per-usage model

(d) No administrative, obsolescence, and upgrading hassles

(e) State of the art infrastructure and platforms

(f) Access to world class business applications

(g) Ubiquitous access

(h) Easy commissioning and decommissioning

(i) No capital expenses

(j) Affordable recurring expenses

These benefits have attracted a number of end-customers to cloud computing resulting

in rapid and significant growth of this industry. However, there are some security risks

that needs to be managed effectively on cloud computing. Unlike self-hosted

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infrastructures, risk management is not that straightforward in cloud computing. These

aspects are discussed in the next section.

2.5. Security risks and IT risk management in cloud computing

Cloud computing employs the same IT infrastructure components as employed in

self hosted IT infrastructures. However, the differentiation is due to virtualisation and

web services architecture (web 2.0) based multi-tenancy framework. Modern

organisations maintain internal security controls and hire people to manage them.

However, if competitors connect to the same IT infrastructure and use shared IT

resources for running their business applications, there are doubts on trustworthiness

and reliability of the personalised environments provided by the service providers. The

competitors worry about data proliferation across the virtual boundaries established for

tenants on cloud computing. The scenario becomes more challenging when most of the

security controls are managed by the cloud service providers and the tenant

organisations lack visibility as well as control on their data security. These challenges

drives security risks and IT risk management on cloud computing. (Sabahi, 2011: p.

245-246; Jansen, 2011: 2-3)

The cloud service providers deploy large-scale infrastructures with state-of-the-

art security technologies. Hence, there is less chance that the traditional security risks

striking self-hosted IT may strike clouds. The challenges are more related to multi-

tenancy, pooling of shared infrastructure components, and common access to

applications. The IT resource provisioning is normally implemented through

virtualisation and web 2.0 interfacing for applications access. Hence, virtualisation and

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web services security risks are more prominent on cloud computing. (Jansen and

Grance, 2011: p. 8-10; Jansen, 2011: 4-5)

Given that cloud computing comprises shared infrastructure components; the

boundaries around work areas offered to tenant are virtual and protected by security

settings in virtualised servers and network components. Hence, tenant organisations

perceive unclear risk profiles of identity theft, privilege hacking, exploits, session

masquerading, and other Internet and virtualisation-based exploits. In addition to

unknown risk profiles due to virtualised environments and web services architecture, the

tenant organisations have little controls on security-related settings on the clouds. Most

of the controls are managed by the platform and infrastructure services providers

interfacing with the software-as-a-service provider. Hence, tenant organisations are

unclear about their role in risk treatment and the effectiveness of risk treatments

conducted by the service providers. The strength of virtualised boundaries is unclear

and hence tenant organisations are unsure about protection of their data from Internet

threats, competitors’ activities, proliferation attempts, insider trading, lock-in attempts

(by the cloud service providers), and breaches of confidentiality, integrity, and reliability.

(Sabahi, 2011: p. 246-247; Jansen, 2011: p. 6; Jing and Jian-Jun, 2010: p. 477; Tripathi

and Mishra, 2011: p. 3)

Another significant challenge facing effective risk management on cloud

computing is related to auditing and forensics for control effectiveness testing and

regulatory compliance. The cloud providers need to provide standard interfaces, system

generated logs, tenant specific logs, auto-generated hash functions, virtual machine

cloning/regeneration, and snapshots of tenant databases for law enforcement, forensic

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investigations, and regulatory auditing. The traditional host-based forensics, system

auditing, vulnerability analysis, penetration testing, and other popular mechanisms need

to be taken to the clouds in service oriented approach. New technology and legal

dimensions need to involve for distributed computing, virtualised infrastructures, and

web services architectures to address this gap. (Chen et al., 2013: p. 44-46; Chen and

Yoon, 2010: p. 255-256; Ruan et al., 2011: p. 8-10; Taylor et al., 2011: p. 6)

Risk management in cloud computing is different compared to self-hosted IT

systems of individual organisations. In clouds, risk management needs to be

implemented in multi-agency mode, whereby each agent may be a different

organisation or a different service provider. In such a scenario, an enterprise-wide view

of risk may be difficult to achieve making risk treatments disconnected with business

objectives and performance goals. This is highly risky for tenant organisations as well

as service providers. Tenant organisations may be affected due to irrational approach of

risk identifications and treatments causing poorer security and privacy controls. Service

providers may by affected by losing clients and market share if a major data breach

occurs that affects multiple tenants hooked to their respective clouds. Hence, there

needs to be a mechanism of common risk view in which, all agents access a common

risk registry, log their risks, and publish reports of their mitigation activities. The tenant

organisations can log into the registry and view the treatments of the risks that they are

concerned about. In this way, there will be transparency and integration of risk

management on the cloud. The risks may be treated using hierarchical analytics of each

layer of the cloud such that the tenant organisations gain visibility into risk treatments of

the layers invisible to them. This framework combined with standardised forensics and

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cloud audits can enhance cloud computing reliability considerably. (Mukhin and

Volokyta, 2011: p. 739; Peiyu and Dong, 2011: p. 3202; Zech, 2011: 413; Zhang et al.,

2010: p. 1331-1332)

The reviews presented in above paragraphs are outcomes of academic research

studies. However, they are not standardised for application in a cloud environment.

NIST SP 800-144 is the first attempt to standardise cloud computing security. A review

of the standard is presented in the next section.

2.6. A review of NIST 800-144 framework

The NIST SP 800-144 standard’s framework is presented with six chapters

including introduction and conclusion. The key chapters are Chapter 4 on issues and

propositions concerning security and privacy on cloud computing, and Chapter 5 on

secured outsourcing of public clouds. The standard presents issues and propositions on

the following (Jansen and Grance, 2011: p. 14-35):

(a) Governing deployment, expansion, and change management in cloud


(b) Meeting compliance obligations on the clouds

(c) Achieving trustworthy computing on the clouds

(d) Standardisation of cloud computing architecture taking care of security,

auditing, and other requirements

(e) Access control and identity protection on the clouds

(f) Isolating software and platform environments on cloud computing

(g) Protecting data and its life cycle on the clouds

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(h) Ensuring data availability on the clouds

(i) Responding to incidents in clouds

The standard addresses most of the concerns raised in academic literatures by

scholars. However, the recommendations need to be tested in practical environments

by executing pilot testing or running simulations. In addition to these propositions, the

standard presents detailed plan of activities when moving IT resources to cloud

computing environments. It has a separate section of recommendations for small and

medium scale enterprises that need cloud computing to run their IT-enabled

businesses. (Jansen and Grance, 2011: p. 14-35)

2.7. Summary

In this chapter, a detailed literature review pertaining to the research topic is

presented. The literature review forms a background of empirical theories on IT risk

management, popular risk management models and cloud computing in general. In

addition, specific sections on IT risks on cloud and NIST SP 800-144 standard’s

framework are presented. In this way, the context of this research with all background

information is clarified. The next chapter presents a detailed review of research

methods and presents a finalised research design for this study.

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Chapter 3: Research design

This is an archival research based on an in-depth study of published documents

on NIST SP 800-144, COSO, and ISACA’s Risk IT, and related research studies. The

research questions pertain to IT risk exposures of SMEs on cloud computing, employing

NIST 800-144 with supported standards (Risk IT and COSO), and formulating an IT risk

management framework for SMEs on cloud computing. These research questions have

been addressed through archival research because of excellent availability of

literatures, published standards, and published research reports. It is expected that this

research will gain sufficient insight into the standards and underlying theories supporting

them. This will help in gaining a reasonable level of generalisability in this research.

For choosing the document sources, the judgmental sampling type is chosen

such that the sample units are based on researcher’s chosen criteria for selection. The

following criteria have been used for choosing the sample units from the population

(books, journals, published research studies, standards documentation, and such other

reliable sources):

(a) Is a reliable and reviewed source

(b) Is based on primary or secondary data, and insights from experts in this field

(c) Relevant to the research topic and context (risk management on cloud


(d) Will help in answering research questions and meet the objectives

(e) Will help in developing a theoretical framework for managing risks on cloud

computing for SMEs

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Sampling has been conducted using an iterative reading approach. In the first

round a large number of references have been chosen with general keywords, like

cloud computing security, cloud computing risk management, and security standards on

cloud computing. The summaries of all these references were studied and a first sample

set was chosen based on the sampling criteria presented in above. The researcher

studied the references in the first sample set in detail and rejected the ones that do not

deliver relevant information needed for this research. After the rejections, the second

sample set was chosen and finalised.

The researcher has primarily accessed reputed databases for collecting the

sources in the sample. The key databases used are IEEE Xplore, ACM, Science Direct

(Elsevier and Pergamon), Emerald, and Springer. In addition, the researcher has

included published research studies on websites of universities at master and doctorate

levels. The core references about the standards reviewed have been taken from the

COBIT, COSO, and NIST websites. Some popular books published by reputed

publishers (like Pearson, Elsevier, IGI, and CRC) have been chosen, as well. Data was

collected in two forms – in exploratory form and reviewed in Chapter 2, and in tabulated

form and presented in Chapters 4, 5, and 6. In Chapter 2, data is collected and

reviewed to build the knowledge of theories and in Chapters 4, 5, and 6; data is

collected to find answers to the research questions.

Data analysis is conducted qualitatively by collecting the relevant definitive points

from the references and analysing them. In Chapter 2, the data collected from

references are reviewed and included in the form of a logical flow such that the

theoretical foundation can be established. This foundation helped in affirming the

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context and in preparing the background to collect data for answering the research

questions. In Chapters 4, 5, and 6, the relevant points are chosen and tabulated for

finding answers to the research questions. The findings are discussed in detail to

analyse reflections of existing theories in the data sets and finding new theories

evolving from them.

In this research, there are no human respondents and hence there are no ethical

issues related to research on people. However, use of secondary sources invokes the

need for protecting their intellectual property rights and protecting the research against

plagiarism. Hence, all sources have been cited within the contents and a list of

references is included at the end. In addition, all figures have been redrawn.

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Chapter 4: Findings against research question 1

4.1. Findings

The first research question of this dissertation is the following:

What are the IT risk exposures of businesses that use cloud hosted resources for

running their business processes?

The risk exposures on clouds have been studied in Chapter 2. A tabulated form of the

data collected is presented in Table 1 below. Some risks studied in Chapter 2 have

been combined given that they represent a common risk type. The discussion on these

findings is presented in Section 4.2.

Table 1: IT risk exposures of businesses using cloud hosted resources

S. No. IT Risk exposures Sources

1 The identity of business users may

be stolen by eavesdroppers such

that their privileges can be misused.

Tripathi and Mishra (2011), Jansen

and Grance (2011), Jing and Jian-Jun

(2010), Sabahi (2011), and Jansen

(2011), ,

2 Attackers may use exploits on the

Internet to target vulnerabilities of

applications and underlying


Tripathi and Mishra (2011), Jansen

and Grance (2011), Jing and Jian-Jun

(2010), Sabahi (2011), and Jansen

(2011), ,

3 All the threats prevailing at the

network layer in self-hosted IT

systems exist in cloud computing, as

well. This is because the

components used to build cloud

LANs and WANs are similar to

Tripathi and Mishra (2011), Jansen

and Grance (2011), Jing and Jian-Jun

(2010), Sabahi (2011), and Jansen

(2011), ,

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S. No. IT Risk exposures Sources

traditional self-hosted networks.

4 Virtualisation results in spreading of

data over a number of servers

installed at multiple physical

locations. In global clouds, data may

even cross national boundaries.

Zhou et al., (2010), Zhang et al.

(2010), and Sabahi (2011)

5 Cloud uses virtualised user spaces

separated by virtual boundaries.

Security vulnerabilities in these

virtual boundaries can cause data


Jing and Jian-Jun (2010), Tripathi and

Mishra (2011), Sabahi (2011),

Kandukuri, Paturi, and Rakshit (2009),

Pearson and Benameur (2010)

6 Existing technologies for technical

auditing and forensics analysis may

not be effective on cloud platforms.

Jansen (2011), Jansen and Grance

(2011), Sabahi (2011), Pearson and

Benameur (2010)

7 Current IT risk management

practices on cloud computing is


Sabahi (2011), Jansen (2011), Jansen

and Grance (2011), Zhang et al.

(2010), Zhou et al., (2010)

8 Users do not get controls on their

virtual computing and storage

environments because they are

virtualised and are allocated from a

large-scale pool.

Pearson and Benameur (2010),

Zhang et al. (2010), Jansen and

Grance (2011), Zhou et al., (2010),

Kandukuri, Paturi, and Rakshit (2009),

Jansen (2011)

9 In multi-cloud scenarios, end-to-end

accountability of services is unclear.

Jansen (2011), Jansen and Grance

(2011), Kandukuri, Paturi, and Rakshit

(2009), Zhang et al. (2010), and Zhou

et al., (2010)

10 Cloud security controls are not yet


Zhou et al., (2010), Jansen (2011),

Jansen and Grance (2011),

Kandukuri, Paturi, and Rakshit (2009),

Pearson and Benameur (2010),

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S. No. IT Risk exposures Sources

Tripathi and Mishra (2011), and Zhang

et al. (2010)

11 There may be additional threats that

may arise in a shared virtualised

environment with multi-tenancy


Zhou et al., (2010), Jansen (2011),

Jansen and Grance (2011),

Kandukuri, Paturi, and Rakshit (2009),

Pearson and Benameur (2010),

Tripathi and Mishra (2011), Zhang et

al. (2010)

12 Cloud vendors may tend to lock the

services of tenants making it difficult

for them to change service providers

in the scenario of unsatisfactory


Zhang et al. (2010), Zhou et al.,

(2010), Tripathi and Mishra (2011),

Pearson and Benameur (2010),

Kandukuri, Paturi, and Rakshit (2009),

Jansen and Grance (2011), and

Jansen (2011)

The Table 1 presents the threat profiling of the cloud, which can be drawn in the

form presented in Figure 6. The dotted arrows indicate the threats positioned in various

sections on the cloud. The first level of threats that cloud users face is at the contractual

level. The users may face a scenario of unclear accountabilities on who will own the

security of their data during entry, retrieval, storage, transit, and destruction on the

cloud. The clouds are multitenant systems served by integrated services by multiple

service providers. In this design, clouds clearly lack definition of accountabilities for

tackling various risks. At the contractual level, tenants also face uncertainty of vendor

lock in if the decommissioning terms are not agreed and the assets to be returned to the

tenant are not identified clearly.

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Figure 6: Threat profiling in cloud computing environment

Referring to Figure 6 and the findings in Table 1, there may be Internet-based

exploits, network threats, and system threats similar to those found in self-hosted IT

infrastructures having servers enabled on the Internet. However, the scenario on cloud

does appear more complex than self-hosted infrastructures because the cloud systems

are exposed to Internet and multiple independent tenant organisations or independent

users. It is possible that attackers can gain access to cloud systems up to an extent by

simply signing up as a valid tenant. In such a scenario, these attackers are better

placed for launching attacks like denial of service and account hijacking than self-hosted

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infrastructures where they are outsiders. Essentially, they can become an insider

attacker to some extent. As a result of overall threats identified in Figure 6 (lack of

accountability, standards, transparency, forensics, and auditability) such attackers can

social engineer internal IT administrators for gaining better access within the cloud. The

Cloud Security Alliance (2013) report on cloud threats has highlighted malicious insider

threats as one of the most prominent challenge. The Figure 7 is presented to illustrate

why malicious insider threat is high in cloud computing.

Figure 7: Threat of malicious attackers in cloud computing environment

In self-hosted environments, a user access is controlled by a single risk

management framework controlled by the top management. In a cloud-hosted

environment, every tenant organisation may have its own risk management framework.

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Hence, while it can control access of users within its own virtual domain it cannot control

the access granted to a malicious attacker signing up as a valid cloud tenant. The

scenario becomes more dangerous if the multi-tenancy and weak virtual boundary

threats exist. The risk management framework needs to be implemented by the cloud

service providers in such a way that risk management of individual tenants are

integrated with it. In such a scenario, a sound tenant verification process controlled by

the cloud risk management framework can keep malicious attackers away from the

cloud. For example, scanned copies of all original identity documents along with a

verification report by local police or an authorised verification agency may be made

mandatory before tenancy agreement is signed.

The other prominent threats in cloud computing environments are virtualization

and virtual boundary weakness threats. The Figure 8 presents an illustration of how

these threats may operate in a cloud environment. In a virtualisation environment, a real

physical server is divided into multiple virtual machines using hypervisors that are

operating systems capable of hosting multiple operating systems as guests (VMware,

2012: p. 2-3). However, the hypervisors are susceptible to traditional OS exploits (like,

buffer overflow attacks, malware injections, or denial of service) because it is yet

another OS (VMware, 2012: p. 4). If the systems security controls (example, an

intrusion prevention device) is not in place, the hypervisors can be compromised by

attackers for taking control (VMware, 2012: p. 4). Once the hypervisor is penetrated

successfully, the attacker can take access of all the virtual machines hosted on it and

hence firewall and intrusion prevention controls are needed at the system level in the

hypervisor systems (VMware, 2012: p. 5).

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Figure 8: Illustration of virtualization and virtual boundary weakness threats (GOS

stands for guest operating system and HYP stands for Hypervisor)

The most complex threat on cloud computing is related to data storage, which

gets striped across multiple storage devices across the cloud. Data storage outside the

political boundaries of many countries may be illegal. However, in cloud computing data

is striped across multiple cloud storages, as illustrated in Figure 9. The data stored

outside the regulatory regime may be retrieved separately by insider traders or

attackers gaining access to hypervisors (as explained in the previous paragraph). The

risk management framework of the cloud service provider should incorporate a control

that the tenants can choose the location for data storage through a panel. Google and

Amazon are working on adding such a control.

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Figure 9: Storage of data on multiple storage clusters spread globally poses data

proliferation threat on cloud computing

The above discussion reveals that threats on cloud computing are distributed in

multiple components and hence an integrated multiparty risk management

accountability framework is needed. The largest player among them may drive the

system through a main risk management system and the other parties (including tenant

organisations) should plug their respective risk management systems into the primary

system. A more effective way is to offer risk management as a service on the cloud

such that tenant organisations and smaller cloud service providers may buy a

subscription in the application and log and mitigate their own risks.

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4.2. Discussions

The scholars have made it clear that all risks prevailing in self-hosted IT

infrastructures are present in cloud computing environments. There are many additional

risks in cloud computing, as well. This reflects that cloud computing environments are

generally riskier than self-hosted IT infrastructures given that risks pertaining to agency

exposures, third party environment exposures, multiparty service exposures,

outsourcing exposures, shared platform exposures, legal and regulatory exposures, and

cross-border access/transfer exposures are added. It is interpreted that cloud

infrastructure owners will mitigate the risks prevailing in self-hosted environments in

much better ways because they will have better capital funds to invest on state-of-the-

art security products (like, firewalls and intrusion prevention devices). Hence, the

primary concern is related to the additional risk exposures stated above. For example,

data location and data proliferation issues cannot be solved by investing in state-of-the-

art security systems and applications. These issues can be solved through appropriate

procedures for ensuring transparency, auditing, forensics, and regulatory compliance

demonstration. The risk management framework of cloud service providers should

address these added exposures that businesses might face in using their services. The

issues of poor user controls, data ownership, data protection, privacy in multi-tenancy

environment, and transparency during commissioning of services, operations of running

services, and decommissioning of services can be addressed by employing a global

standard for risk management on cloud computing. NIST SP-800-144 offers such an

opportunity to global cloud vendors. The next chapter presents the findings on how

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NIST SP 800-144 can be supported by COSO and Risk IT to make it actionable in cloud


4.3. Summary

In this chapter, the first research question has been addressed. A tabulated

presentation of cloud computing risks and the references citing them is furnished.

Overall, it is discovered that there are additional risks in cloud computing environments,

which cannot be addressed using the strategies and technologies used in self-hosted IT

environments. A much broader standards and regulatory framework is needed to

mitigate cloud computing risks for protecting all the parties associated with the cloud. In

addition, risks with conflicting mitigation solutions from the perspective of provider

versus user interests need to be addressed.

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Chapter 5: Findings against research question 2

5.1. Findings

The second research question of this dissertation is the following:

How NIST SP 800-144 standard could be supported by COSO and Risk IT standards

and the existing theories complimenting their recommendations?

The findings are based on a carefully executed comparison of the three standards and

mapping the most relevant controls. The Table 2 presents mapping of controls chosen

in COSO and Risk IT with the controls in NIST SP 800-144 standard. A discussion is

presented in Section 5.2.

Table 2: Synergy among SP 800-144, COSO, and Risk IT standards



NIST SP 800-144 COSO Risk IT Sources

1 Controls on policies,

standards, and


procedures for IT

services acquisition,

operations, and


Common view of

risk appetite, risk


monitoring and

updating risk

controls, risk-related

roles, and


Common risk

view (risk


plans, risk

register, risk

analysis results,

reports, and

mitigation plans)

integrating IT

risks with

enterprise risk

management, and

making risk-

Jansen and


(2011); ISACA

(2009); COSO


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NIST SP 800-144 COSO Risk IT Sources

aware decisions.

2 Compliance with

laws and regulations

pertaining to data

location, data

proliferation, and

electronic discovery.



executive support,


culture, mapping

business-unit risks

with company-wide

risks, policies and

procedures as per

compliance needs of

business, monitoring

procedures, auditing

procedures, and



Common risk

view, compliance


developing IT

risks scenarios,


audits, IT risks

roles, stakeholder


responding to

risks, and risk



Jansen and


(2011); ISACA

(2009); COSO


3 Trustworthiness of

clouds pertaining to

the issues of insider

access, data


composite services,

visibility, ancillary

data, and risk



philosophy and

goals, managing

conflicts of interest,

rewards and


transparency in risk


allocating resources

to risk management,

social responsibility,


accountabilities, and

Define IT risk


integrate IT and

enterprise risks,


assurance for IT

risk management,

single risk view,

enterprise-level IT

risk policy,

monitoring and

controls, and


Jansen and


(2011); ISACA

(2009); COSO


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NIST SP 800-144 COSO Risk IT Sources

risk and compliance-

related human

resource protocols

and procedures

communication of

IT risks

4 Trustworthy



pertaining to the

issues of attack

surface, virtual

network protection,

virtual machines

imaging, and client

side protection

Determine risk

tolerance levels of

capital assets, map

tolerance levels with

industry averages,

breakup risk

tolerances into

departmental risk

thresholds, identify

and measure events

against tolerance

levels, and use


techniques (like

process flow

analysis and


IT risk

assessment, IT

risk tolerance

levels, IT risk


mapping IT

systems with IT

risks, develop IT

risk scenarios, IT

risks monitoring,

IT risk registry,


controls, and



Jansen and


(2011); ISACA

(2009); COSO


5 Identity and access

management and


Risk indicators,

escalation triggers,

loss event tracking,

ongoing event


categorising events,



Identify IT risk


monitor IT risks,

identify incidents,

initiate incident


maintain incident

response plans

Jansen and


(2011); ISACA

(2009); COSO


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NIST SP 800-144 COSO Risk IT Sources

among events,

establishing risk

metrics, applying

qualitative and




assessing inherent

and residual risks,

choosing response

strategies, applying

controls, and

information and


against risk

scenarios, and


lessons learnt

from risk events

6 Isolation of user

areas in multi-



Same as above Identify IT risk


monitor IT risks,

identify incidents,

initiate incident


maintain incident

response plans

against risk

scenarios, and


lessons learnt

from risk events

Jansen and


(2011); ISACA

(2009); COSO


7 Data protection Same as above Identify IT risk


Jansen and


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NIST SP 800-144 COSO Risk IT Sources

monitor IT risks,

identify incidents,

initiate incident


maintain incident

response plans

against risk

scenarios, and


lessons learnt

from risk events



controls will also


(2011); ISACA

(2009); COSO


8 Availability of


Same as above Identify IT risk


monitor IT risks,

identify incidents,

initiate incident


maintain incident

response plans

against risk

scenarios, and


lessons learnt

from risk events

Jansen and


(2011); ISACA

(2009); COSO


9 Incident Same as above Identify IT risk Jansen and

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NIST SP 800-144 COSO Risk IT Sources

management scenarios,

monitor IT risks,

identify incidents,

initiate incident


maintain incident

response plans

against risk

scenarios, and


lessons learnt

from risk events


(2011); ISACA

(2009); COSO


10 Outsourcing controls Same as above IT risk


while taking




management and

stakeholder buy

in, maintaining IT

risk scenarios, IT

risk transfer, and



assurance of IT

risk management


controls will also

Jansen and


(2011); ISACA

(2009); COSO


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NIST SP 800-144 COSO Risk IT Sources


11 Contractual


Same as above IT risk


while taking




management and

stakeholder buy

in, maintaining IT

risk scenarios, IT

risk transfer, and



assurance of IT

risk management


controls will also


Jansen and


(2011); ISACA

(2009); COSO


12 Commissioning and



Same as above A combination of

controls in


obligations /

outsourcing, and

data protection

Jansen and


(2011); ISACA

(2009); COSO


13 Principles of fair

information practices

for clients

Same as

trustworthiness of

clouds and


A combination of

controls in


obligations /

Jansen and


(2011); ISACA

(2009); COSO

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NIST SP 800-144 COSO Risk IT Sources



outsourcing, and

data protection


14 Independent security



auditing, gap

analysis reporting,

and certifying



assurance of IT

risk management

Jansen and


(2011); ISACA

(2009); COSO


15 Security resources

management and


No specific controls

mentioned; however

controls identified

for trustworthy

computing may


Same as




Jansen and


(2011); ISACA

(2009); COSO


16 Certification and



auditing, gap

analysis reporting,

and certifying



assurance of IT

risk management

Jansen and


(2011); ISACA

(2009); COSO


17 Secure systems

configurations and

managing security


Same as identity

and access



Same as




Jansen and


(2011); ISACA

(2009); COSO


18 Developing security-



Risk Management

committee with


competencies for


assessing and

Build and allocate


resources for IT

risk management,

implementing IT


Jansen and


(2011); ISACA

(2009); COSO


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NIST SP 800-144 COSO Risk IT Sources

managing risks inventory

controls, and

effective IT-risk


The above integration can be accomplished in the form of the framework

presented in Figure 10.

Figure 10: Integrated risk management framework by mapping the controls of COSO,

NIST, and Risk IT, as per Table 2

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The NIST SP 800-144 is proposed as an umbrella framework because it

identifies all risks prevailing in the cloud computing environment. However, the NIST

standard does not identify the processes, underlying standards, and risk assessment

and mitigation frameworks needed to treat the risks. In this context, Risk IT and COSO

are used as additional standards integrated and positioned under the umbrella

framework. Risk IT has a strong process orientation whereas COSO has a strong

technical and mathematical / statistical orientation. The NIST SP 800-144 standard may

be used for defining the scope, statement of applicability, and risk identification. After

the roles of Risk IT and COSO are completed, NIST standard can be used to document

the security policy. Risk IT can be used for designing a risk management organisational

structure and roles and for processes and templates for reviews, assessments, and

reporting. COSO can be used for technical side of risk management for statistical

modelling of risk assessment and risk categorisation and prioritisation. This standard

can be further used for identifying controls, and testing their effectiveness. Once all

these tasks are accomplished, a security policy document can be designed as per the

NIST recommendations keeping in view all risks on the cloud and the compliance

needed from all participating agents.

5.2. Discussions

NIST SP 800-144 standard comprises a list of controls identified for managing

security risks in cloud computing environments. The standard does not present how

these controls can be implemented. However, the standard mentions that

implementation approaches of the stated controls can be taken from existing standards

on IT risk management, like ISO 27005 and ISACA COBIT 5 (Risk IT). This is where

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this research can serve as a value addition. The Table 2 presents the names of most

appropriate procedures chosen from COSO and Risk IT to implement the controls

mentioned in NIST SP 800-144.

A close observation reveals that the focus of COSO is on identifying, developing,

implementing, and operating scientific approaches to identifying risks and implementing

controls, whereas the focus of Risk IT is on defining, implementing, and operating

organisational roles and processes for risk management. Hence, the hierarchy of

standards may be as the following:

(a) Risk assessment and analysis using scientific methods – COSO

(b) Identifying controls – NIST SP 800-144

(c) Implementing roles, structures, and processes – Risk IT

(d) Implementing organisation-wide risk view – Risk IT

(e) Implementing technical and systemic controls – COSO

(f) Technical and systems auditing – COSO

(g) Process auditing – Risk IT

(h) Implementing corrective actions related to roles, structures, and processes –

Risk IT

(i) Implementing corrective actions related to technologies and systems – COSO

In cloud computing environment, implementing these steps will require

collaboration among all cloud service providers offering bundled services to tenants.

The single risk view concept can be implemented by publishing an extranet on which, all

cloud service providers publish their respective risks and mitigation actions. The tenant

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organisations should be given access to the extranet such that they can know about the

risk management system, its processes, identified risks, mitigation actions, and audit

reports. This will help them to plan their respective risk management frameworks in line

with the framework used by cloud service providers and address the areas not covered

by the service providers. For example, user and group access and privileges within

tenant’s private environment need to be addressed by the tenant’s risk management

framework. If a single cloud service provider is not able to fulfil all the security controls

needed by the SME organisation, the services from various cloud service providers may

be chosen based on their abilities to fulfil the security controls. In this way, the risks will

be divided and an optimum selection cloud providers can be finalised keeping in mind

the overall risk mitigation objectives. For example, e-mails may be hired from one cloud

and collaboration applications may be hired from another cloud depending upon how

well they handle the risks related to these services. A possible combination is that the

cloud chosen for e-mail services has better e-mail protection features and the cloud

chosen for collaboration has better protection features for instant messaging and video

conferencing. The SMEs may have to pay an extra cost by segregating services in this

way, but they can achieve optimum mitigation of their risks identified with the help of

NIST SP 800-144 standard. The controls chosen from COSO and Risk IT will help in

consolidating identification, assessment, and mitigation of risks at one place irrespective

of which cloud provider is responsible for which risks.

5.3. Summary

The chapter presents the findings to the second research question. A close

mapping between controls recommended by NIST SP 800-144 with those of COSO and

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Risk IT is presented after careful interpretations of every control in these standards. It

has been observed that COSO has a lot of emphasis on applying scientific,

mathematical, and statistical theories in identifying risks, assessing them, assessing

impacts, and formulating controls. On the other hand, Risk IT is focussed on enterprise-

wide risk view to ensure transparency, and better and timely contributions from all roles

in the enterprise in mitigating the risks. Based on this understanding and keeping NIST

SP 800-144 standard as the umbrella framework, a hierarchy of standards for various

steps of risk assessment and management in cloud computing is proposed.

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Chapter 6: Findings against research question 3

6.1. Findings

Following is the third research question of this research. This question is

pertaining to the expected benefits to SMEs if these standards are employed by the

cloud service providers in the way the mappings are proposed in Chapter 5.

How can NIST SP 800-144, COSO, and Risk IT standards help SMEs dependent upon

cloud hosted resources in managing their IT risks?

As learnt from the literatures, a SME organisation should following the checklist

presented below for signing up with a cloud service provider:

(a) Documenting security requirements in detail

(b) Integrating security requirements in overall requirement specifications

(c) Detailed analysis on the bare minimum and desirable expectations on how these

specifications can be met

(d) Assess multiple cloud providers

(e) Shortlist the ones that match the expectations as closely as possible

(f) Initiate negotiations and contractual procedures

(g) Agree security and risk management roles, checklists, and accountabilities

(h) Implement services on one or more clouds after buying their subscriptions; build

tolerances against risk scenarios using multiple cloud services; prefer a phased


(McDonald, 2010; Chen and Yoon, 2010; Mukhin and Volokyta, 2011; Jansen and

Grance, 2011)

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NIST SP 800-144 presents a separate section on how SMEs should prepare

themselves before entering the clouds such that their risks are mitigated effectively in

the best possible ways. The most prominent recommendation is related to documenting

the security requirements of the organisation and testing them by taking pilot accesses

into multiple clouds. Some of the key aspects to be documented are incident

management, problem rectification, change management, access to information,

integrity, handling of information, information in transit, information destruction,

information availability, access controls, backups, recovery, auditing, assurance,

reliability, confidentiality, and risks mitigation of information assets, (Jansen and

Grance, 2011)

The SMEs may be benefitted from the integrated framework of NIST SP 800-

144, COSO, and Risk IT in the areas of documenting all security needs, conducting

scientific assessment of threats and security needs, identifying key controls, developing

a security policy, developing organisational structure, roles, and processes, developing

technical controls, and establishing monitoring and auditing mechanisms. The cloud

service providers may not allow technical auditing on their infrastructures. However, a

report by Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET, 2012) claimed that cloud

tenants need not worry about security controls of the technical infrastructures of the

clouds. They reported that SMEs will find their controls much better than what they

could have implemented in their self-hosted infrastructures. Moreover, a report by Ernst

and Young (2011) reported emergence of Cloud Trust Protocol (CTP), Cloud Auditing

Framework (CAF), Continuous Assessments Checklist (CAC), and Cloud Controls

Matrix (CCM) based on the efforts by Cloud Security Alliance (CSA). CSA is not a

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regulatory body but is an alliance of key industrial players in cloud computing. CSA

efforts may or may not result in evolution of a complete regulatory standard for cloud

computing. However, they are expected to strengthen the security of cloud technical

infrastructures much beyond the affordability of SMEs if they had tried to implement

them in their own infrastructures. This fact is emphasised in the report by Institution of

Engineering and Technology (IET, 2012), as well.

The integrated risk management framework with participation among the tenants

and all other agents attached with cloud computing is presented in Figure 11. This

model is based on the multi-layer cloud model proposed by Demchenko et al. (2011: p.

16-18). In this model, the cloud is modelled with seven layers with the layers 1 to 4

designated as IaaS layers (virtual servers, hypervisors, guest operating systems, and

virtual / real networking), the layer 5 designated as PaaS layer (databases, web servers,

and application servers), the layer 6 designated as SaaS layer (cloud based software

applications), and the layer 7 designated as tenant organisation’s layer (user defined

applications and workflows). Each of these layers will have their respective threats as

identified in Chapter 4. The researcher has extended this model by mapping a

multilayer risk management framework as shown in Figure 11. The risks prevailing in

layers 1 to 4 will be managed by the IaaS provider, the risks prevailing in layer 5 will be

managed by the PaaS provider, the risks prevailing in layer 6 will be managed by the

SaaS provider, and the risks prevailing in layer 7 will be managed by the tenant


However, how will the risk management practices of these layers be integrated?

This query is solved in Figure 12.

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Figure 11: Multilayer integrated risk management framework with multiple parties taking

accountabilities of respective cloud layers

Figure 12 presents a mapping between the multi-layer risk management

framework with the integrated framework of NIST SP 800-144, COSO, and Risk IT. The

umbrella framework may be designed and hosted by the largest player (example, the

IaaS provider) based on NIST SP 800-144, along with technical systems (like statistical

analysis models) as per COSO and process workflows and risk organisation builders as

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per Risk IT. This framework may be used in the form of paid services for risk

management as a service, and all other agents may use its features for plugging their

own risk management systems. Other agents (including the tenant organisations) may

buy subscriptions on this framework and open their own access-controlled private areas

for identifying, assessing, analysing, logging, mitigating, and reporting their risks. The

risks on various layers may be identified using the NIST SP 800-144. The ownership will

be very clear if all assets are marked with clear information on which layer they belong

to on the seven layer cloud model. If the layers are identified, the ownerships will be

clear, as well. The systems and processes offered by the risk management as a service

provider will be as per COSO and Risk IT, as defined in Figure 10 and replicated again

in Figure 12.

Figure 12: Mapping the multi-layer risk management framework with the integrated

framework of NIST SP 800-144, COSO, and Risk IT

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In the system presented in Figure 12, the reports generated by all service

providers may be made transparent such that all tenant organisations can view them.

This will facilitate appropriate coordination among all service providers, and the primary

controller of the umbrella framework (the risk management as a service provider) can

monitor what other agents are doing and what is their overall compliance level. They

can own the role of setting, reviewing, and modifying standards, tools, and processes,

which can be used by all other agents plugged into this system.

6.2. Discussions

The SMEs may get the best benefits from the integrated standards framework in

the non-technical side of their security framework, and partial technical controls

manageable through the control panel offered to them. The benefits will be based on

the philosophy of deriving the best from the cloud in the interest of the organisation.

Hence, if they have carefully formulated organisations structure, roles, accountabilities,

processes, communications framework, and an enterprise-wide risk view, they can use

the cloud services in the most effective ways. Cloud service providers offer 24 X 7

helpline numbers and e-mail ids for taking client requests and concerns. If the internal

risk management framework of a SME is well structured and organised with the help of

the integrated standards, they can communicate effectively, ask the right questions, and

demand the right services from the cloud helpdesk. With emerging seriousness among

cloud vendors, they are willing to share their monitoring and performance related

reports if asked formally. The proposed framework is designed to be controlled by the

risk management as a service provider on cloud computing. In practical world, such a

service may be launched on cloud computing in due course.

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If risk management as a service model is not launched in near future, the SMEs

may share their internal risk management frameworks and structures with the cloud

providers, the latter will take them seriously knowing that they are dealing with parties

serious about their risk management. In order to get the best, the SMEs will have to ask

for the right and appropriate information and services. They should be concerned only if

they are refused, which is unlikely in many cases given the rising seriousness about risk

management because of efforts by CSA and the rising competition among cloud service

providers. The communications protocol between cloud service providers and SME

tenants may not emerge suddenly. It may take some time and the integrated standards

framework can be of great help. The SMEs may decide to form their own forums and

share their practices on risk management such that the standards could be adopted by

multiple organisations. If the cloud service providers observe the emerging trend of

standards like NIST SP 800-144, COSO, and Risk IT, they will begin to align their

services as per these standards. These are published standards and hence nothing is

hidden from anyone. One just needs to commit to them and start adopting their


6.3. Summary

NIST SP 800-144 comprises a separate section describing how SMEs should

prepare their risk management framework before entering the clouds. The standard

recommends a number of security requirements that the SMEs may consider before

choosing the right cloud service providers. However, the standard does not recommend

how the security requirements can be implemented in a risk management framework.

The integrated framework of NIST SP 800-144, COSO, and Risk IT may be launched as

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the risk management as a service by one of the largest agents of the cloud computing

system (like, the IaaS provider) and offer subscriptions to all other agents hooked to the

system. The other agents may buy subscriptions from this service provider and use the

tools, workflow engines, and processes designed by the service provider in line with

COSO and Risk IT recommendations, as presented in Figures 10 and 12. Each agent

may take accountability as per their respective layers on the seven layer model, as

shown in Figure 11. The integrated framework can help the SMEs in implementing a

comprehensive risk management framework and integrate it with the risk management

practices of cloud service providers through formation of a SME forum, sign appropriate

agreements, communications, and service requests.

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Chapter 7: Conclusions and recommendations

7.1. Conclusions

This research is an organised archival study into the risks faced by cloud

computing providers and tenants and the empirical theories and standards for mitigating

them for SMEs using cloud services as tenants. The focus has been on NIST SP 800-

144, COSO, and Risk IT standards. NIST SP 800-144 standard has been chosen

because it is specifically designed for cloud computing security only. Risk IT is a

standard specific for IT risk management and COSO is a standard specific for

enterprise risk management. This combination appeared suitable to the researcher with

an expectation that risk management practices from cloud purview, IT purview, and

enterprise purview will be covered comprehensively.

First of all, the risk exposures in cloud computing environment have been

researched. This is the context of the first research question. It has been observed that

all the risks prevailing in self-hosted IT infrastructures are evident in cloud computing

environments, as well. There are additional risks related to multi-tenancy, third party

dependence, multi-party outsourcing and shared infrastructures. These risks are related

primarily to compliance, trust, and privacy, whereas the security risks at the technology

layers of the cloud are well handled by most of the cloud service providers given the

wider bandwidth available to them for implementing state-of-the-art security


NIST SP 800-144 standard offers a number of security controls for cloud

computing. In Chapter 5, the NIST recommended controls are mapped carefully with the

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corresponding controls of COSO and Risk IT. This is the context of the second research

question. It has been found that COSO recommendations comprise scientific methods

for identifying, assessing, and controlling risks whereas Risk IT recommendations

comprise organisations structures, roles, interfaces, processes, and procedures for

managing risks with an enterprise-wide risk view philosophy. Based on a close analysis

of the three standards, a hierarchy of steps is proposed for using the three standards in

an organised and structured enterprise risk management system.

The initiatives by Cloud Security Alliance as reported by IET (2012) and Ernst

and Young (2011) are highly commendable, especially when the cloud regulatory

frameworks are yet to be standardised. The Cloud Security Alliance has introduced

Cloud Trust Protocol (CTP), Cloud Auditing Framework (CAF), Continuous

Assessments Checklist (CAC), and Cloud Controls Matrix (CCM). SMEs can benefit

significantly from such initiatives. A risk management as a service framework is

proposed in Chapter 6 using the seven-layer cloud model and the integrated framework

of NIST SP 800-144, COSO, and Risk IT formed in Chapter 5. However, SMEs may

move one step ahead and undertake their own initiatives in building their respective risk

management frameworks before entering the clouds. NIST SP 800-144 standard

recommends a set of preparations that SMEs may like to complete before choosing the

right cloud service providers. NIST recommended a number of security requirements

that SMEs may consider in planning for their risk management framework on cloud

computing. If SMEs map these requirements with the corresponding controls in COSO

and Risk IT mapped in Chapter 5, they can be well prepared to choose the most

appropriate cloud service providers and manage their risks effectively with least

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involvement of the cloud providers. A structured framework of communications and

service requests will make sure that they can get the best support from cloud service

providers for mitigating risks.

7.2. Recommendations

This research recommends that SMEs should form a forum and agree upon set

of standards using NIST SP 800-144, COSO, and Risk IT, or similar known and

emerging standards. These standards are published and hence all SMEs can

implement them by going through the guides and by hiring consultants. Even cloud

service providers can gain access to these standards easily. If the SMEs join hands and

demand compliance to these standards, the cloud service providers will also find it

easier to align their services accordingly. It will be easier for both parties to implement a

collaborative framework of risk management. The mapping of controls presented in

Chapter 5 is just an illustration on how this could be achieved. It can be done in better

ways by involving professional consultants. Once the cloud service providers and the

SMEs align their risk management frameworks, it will be just a matter of appropriate

communications and service requests. By choosing multiple cloud service providers, the

SMEs may segregate their services and their controls among multiple clouds at slightly

additional costs.

This research is an archival study and hence is based on published literatures,

standards, and reports. It is recommended that future researchers may like to undertake

this study by conducting primary research among SMEs using cloud-hosted services

and among cloud service providers. In such studies, a practical viewpoint of how

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standards can be implemented for SMEs using cloud services may emerge. Such

studies may clarify the positioning of standards and Cloud Security Alliance initiatives,

which has not been addressed by this research. Such minute details can be learnt only

from experiences of SMEs and cloud service providers.

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