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A Statement Author Dale G. Basgall February 6, 2013
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Page 1: A Statement Author Dale G. Basgall February 6, 2013.

A StatementAuthor

Dale G. BasgallFebruary 6, 2013

Page 2: A Statement Author Dale G. Basgall February 6, 2013.

Zero Point !

I don’t really know if this zero point is actually a statement of no point or an opinion on a technology that is to be made viable for living things. What is wrong with zero point claims is that they have not actually manifested into reality for humanity, as the contentions made by the claimants in the Zero Point field state that the energy is infinite. Is the zero point actually a location or position of energy liberation within the quantum measurement system? Is zero point and the claims conjectured reproducible by man? My understanding leads me to perceive that the zero point is actually that; a literal point within a sphere that exerts zero impedance to electrical energy liberation, like in neutral without friction while also being bound (biased) in a specific position or zero point between rotating spherical particle fields.

Zero magnetic gauss, zero electrical charge, zero gravity, are all relative to zero and like the electron, a zero shell allowing energy to jump from the nuclease to electron shells and further to the outer shell orbits of the standard model atom. Men and women (physicists) dominate the scientific fields by their observations of what they have calculated to be exactly a true theory. Those physicists observe in nature while calculating mathematically to show what they are contending is in fact correct and is illusive for factual dissection in another opposing end of the plane which I see as a religion which we have also allowed men and women (clergy) to dominate the religious field by their teachings and recitals. So what’s fact and what exactly is zero point energy, will it be useful to the normal Joe?

It’s time for all people to come together and understand that science, religion and personal observations are all one in our lives and just because the choices available for a belief seem separated, they are not.

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Page 3: A Statement Author Dale G. Basgall February 6, 2013.

This evaluation begins with experiments to design circuits that sequentially operate electrical loads and took place commencing in late 1970’s. The flip flop or the newly developed IC called the 555 at that time was chosen by our working team to oscillate electrical current, and due to the size over the conventional electro mechanical relays used at the time to operate mobile or manufacturing factory machinery that used electrical logic to complete a process.

Our shop had many Simpson meters that we biased to indicate the voltage measurements in the millivolt dc, millivolt ac, volt range and up to 15 volts dc. At that time the conventionally accepted operating voltage range was 5Vdc for most all IC’s, so we ran around 3.5-4.5Vdc chip power. The total systems were dc circuits due to electrical shock hazards using AC power in wet cold and populated conditions, as well as the systems we were working on at the time were in remote areas and required mobile type of equipment . The conventional 12Vdc battery (lead acid) was used as the power source. The batteries at that time were liquid acid and the current paste batteries of today for the mobile equipment had not been developed yet.

Some large heavy equipment used two 12 Vdc batteries in series to start the diesel engines (24vdc) and then an electromechanical relay would then switch to a parallel configuration on run to power the 12vdc accessories.

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While doing experiments with timing circuits and oscillations of dc current it was found that air temperature and density play an important role on the functioning of semiconductors in free air. Static electricity would trip the FET’s unless biasing was used to trim them down to lower sensitivity. Resistance in packaging was determined early on when different color’s were used in the sealing of the circuitry. Vibrations from road transportation also effected the early IC circuitry so special boxes had to be developed to transport the finished electronic circuits. Even the human static electricity was enough to trip the transistor junctions from 10 feet away. We effect semiconductors and this is fact known from the early stages of electronic development.

Moving through the early eighties it was known that these frequency vibrations emitted from oscillating electromagnets could affect us as humans and also the animals and other life forms. Producing products that are controlled by oscillating frequencies also take their toll on the exposed worker. At one point a frequency will be experienced by an individual that makes you so sick you need to leave the area or change the frequency of oscillation. If continued experimenting persists from curiosity a chronic brain condition can be made observable. Every person seems to have their own specific frequency of rejection and that frequency will cause a person pain somewhere and somehow.My observation is to be careful when experimenting with oscillating electro- magnetic inductors they can become permanent changes in your life just like an accident.

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Page 5: A Statement Author Dale G. Basgall February 6, 2013.

Experience is key to understanding working with Electromagnetic Frequencies.

In the late 1970’s and in specific around 1978, when the CompuServe began the intranet, our labs were working with Potter Brumfield electro mechanical relays to control mobile machinery as well as stationary automated factory machinery. The factory machinery at that time was mostly powered by AC electrical current and I was dedicated to mobile dc current applications.

When we designed circuits in the beginning of the electronics era we simply took many Simpson gauges from the scrap pile and set up a bench that contained many different types of measurement as well as resistance banks, battery power supplies, probes and we experimentally made the circuit stable we were designing. Heavy load resistors that were common to create voltage drops were on their way out at that time. The semiconductor days were great because prior to that is was mechanical switches and mechanical over electric circuitry with hundreds of wires loomed together and to multiple things that were distances apart. After working through those days with Potter Brumfield electrical mechanical relays it was found that a well designed relay circuit could last 20 years if the container of the electrical elements was sealed tight. Electronic circuitry performance for 20 years is a must for a good solid product so all of our work was protected by heavy steel cases that a CAT dozer could push a large scraper with the electronic circuitry enclosure container between them. So the absolute secret to making your circuitry last and perform well for many years is the enclosure you put it in.

Well DC was great but consumed more volume of current than a higher voltage so we started making and breaking the circuits while observing voltage drops and performance standards. This developed into dc circuit modulation, it was almost like the fluctuations in ac but with a specific electrical polarity for example modulating the high side or the low side current to reduce total electron flow through the powering circuitry. 2/21/2013Zero Point Consciousness 5

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In early electronic chip days the people working with them on a daily basis observed with the IC’s that special grounding steps had to be used and attached to the human body as to not allow static electricity to remain and accumulate possibly altering the chips programmed function. Also in the very raw state without attaching component circuitry the observer would soon realize that static electricity can come and go without physically upsetting the area but causing a transistor to turn on with no apparent input. This is called float and I parallel it to a feather hanging by the ceiling with a thread attached and within a sealed tight room. One light breath of air and the feather moves around freely with ease. So if you had to count on that feather moving to a specific point in the area and contact a point of power, a stream of air would have to be directed towards the floating feather at an area that would force the feather to reach a repeated position precisely where the feather is anticipated or calculated to end up repeatedly many times obtaining the same results . Transistor float or feather float where is the boundary to motion in the sensitive (unstable) system? An unstable system cannot be claimed as useful to many until it is made stable and reliable.

The LENR field has attributes of Zero Point (ZPE) as described from a scientific foundation.

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Page 7: A Statement Author Dale G. Basgall February 6, 2013.

Science needs repeatability to accept a theory and to calculate projected resultsfor an anticipated gain of some type. The entire acceptance of anyone's theory is calculated subsequent the vision from the constructer of that theory attaining credibility with a vectored geometry from repeated math sums (algorithm) of the theory proposed.

Zero Point now is fictitious at best, there is no theory no explanations and absolutely no visible signs of it’s existence within our normal lives. This sounds like a religion of belief with an incredibly close extraordinary similarity. The similarity is that religions and science are now close together for the first time since magic was practiced. Zero point has taken me into the deep understanding that every life form can contain an observer, like some awareness that is not within the human body or at least I have experienced that there is something else out there that is not explainable at this time. Science calls it Zero Point and Quantum Entanglement and the religions call it Grace and there is also a defined Zero Point on the earth. The point is that you can name it anything you like and to me the Zero Point is a position to gain some type of liberated energy which is also not clearly defined in any satisfying point of view. Quite simply zero point can be explained in five simple words and you can quote me on this one “Explanations Cannot Replicate Zero Point”. There is a feel, based on reflection and makes things move by indirect participation producing a powerful moving field resulting force.2/21/2013Zero Point Consciousness 7

Page 8: A Statement Author Dale G. Basgall February 6, 2013.

Zero Point Energy in mid 1990 had led me to evaluate that the zero point field of energy was something that just happened on a sporadic conduction of elements resulting shock. When oscillating circuits attached to copper coil windings are electrically energized magical things seemed to happen. At some point the mechanical devices could also achieve this almost magical power and fly apart in a hundred pieces. It was the vibrations that actually did the damages by somehow blending together and then wham flying apart like the crystal glass oscillating and then flying into pieces simply from voice.

Nevertheless that crystal glass video demonstrates acoustical vibrations and the viewers may be really open to accepting the fact that vibrations contain the information sought in understanding zero point energy . Either way one needs to simply observe for themselves and if you can accept that all humans and life forms exist as individual observers it will allow you to understand the zero point potential. I know this kind of stretches the belief system of many observers due to the experiences that end up to be each individuals beliefs once accepted.

The important quality is the ability to accept change through observations and everyone observes in the same basic ways. The following video will exhibit a slightly different reality observable when someone clinically dies.

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Page 9: A Statement Author Dale G. Basgall February 6, 2013.

The basic zero point energy can be applied to many aspects of mechanics and in fact the observation conclusively in my mind can be explained as something unexplainable happens. Something you don’t count on just bursts out for some unexplainable reason. For example putting a gallon of fuel in your car or pickup expecting to go 25 miles and for some reason you get 100 miles out of the gallon which had never been observed prior in the same engine. I can’t explain that as a mechanic and it could be possible but raises questions as to how that could of happened and I surely would want to investigate and try to do that again.

So LENR could be associated with a zero point type of energy, one that is not explainable to any rationally trained physicist. To the religious person it may be just a magical possibility to use when toasting food. To the interested by stander simply a neat concept and then on to their own life issues. So who will be the 100th monkey theorem in the quest for Zero Point Energy?

This zero point LENR possibility sounds right for several reasons and one important fact is that there seems to be no mechanically moving parts for the device or reactor used to enclose the reactive ingredients to the LENR process.

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Page 10: A Statement Author Dale G. Basgall February 6, 2013.

Zero is a specific point between a high and a low, it is the center of dipolarity or the equal division between the extremes of an element of factual mass. This point is specific to each different pressure (potential) measurement, and in example the pressure of fluid and the vacuum, the high side of a sine wave or the low side of the sine wave, the crest of an ocean wave of water and the valley bottom of the ocean wave, the gauss of a permanent magnet North Face and the gauss of a permanent magnet South Face and they are all relative with a zero point specific in position.

For example the fluid pump as illustrated in a previous power point whereas the pump forces the volume of fluid to flow and indicated in the following slide in a schematical diagram. The flow of fluid will never reach above zero until the pump rotation is increased to a point that zero pressure is passed and pressure arises due to the flow of any given fluid through any given orifice at a speed greater than zero. The pump maintains a flow volume of the element through a conduit system of a specific size and length and as the flow increases it becomes observable that pressure above zero also increases in a direct proportion to the elemental flow.

A 12Vdc battery also has a zero point on the scope sine wave which is 6volts high and 6volts low so the zero point potential is in the center.

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A permanent magnet has a gauss reading measureable on each opposing face and at the point where the horizontal center is measured a zero gauss is indicated. So the zero point is relative and a generic center point of contact for all elements observed.

What is really interesting in this quest to define zero point for realistic application to electrical energy harvesting like for example in LENR, questions need to be addressed in a more free environment that allows anyone to chime in and contend what they see as zero point and the energy to be liberated. As I see it no one person or company has found that answer as of todays date.

It also seems that zero point is a way of thinking into belief like a religion, like the scientists and what they see in vision prior to it’s mathematical conclusiveness in fact, what people see in prayer and their beliefs of eternal life.

It is clear and without doubt in the quest for a zero point collecting device that many belief barriers need to be crossed within the searchers of the information if in fact it actually exists. I guess one form of truth is the electrical generators of the past and the obvious energy electricity gives. Important is that we believe in something and I believe that; LENR will be developed and known as a form of zero point energy liberation.

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A question now arises; is the zero point possibly an energy at no resistance to flow? If you actually cut the red zero line out each part of the exhibited physical observations in the previous slide become a whole division of the elemental attributes. If you cut the magnet in the center 0 line then the top cut surface becomes North again, that’s cool but seems almost alive.

In the fluid pump application pump one rotates at one specific rpm that is specifically set to produce a flow rate outward a specific size port. This flow rate fills the conduit at a specific rate as to not cause a pressure gauge to rise but at the point of first change in 1 psi (pressure per square inch). Pump 2 is connected with it’s suction or low side into the outlet of Pump 1. If pump 2 were exact in volume per revolution as Pump 1and the RPM (revolutions per minute) of Pump 2 were exactly matched to Pump 1then whatever pressure was between the two would equal zero and pump 2 would become the outlet of elemental flow.

Moving over to the DC sine wave (square wave) you can see that the flow of electricity is considered the electron which is said to have a negative or low side potential and being attracted to the positive or high side potential in volts.

Energy is a cooperating medium directed into a flow useable to life in all scales of measurement.

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In conclusion of this Zero Point Statement it seems to me that zero point must be possible due to so many others have written about what they interpret that the zero point field is or the actual energy anticipated to harvest or gain when developed. Also the LENR field has close similarities to the zero point field whereas magnetic and electrical domains are present as a working field force.

The part not fitting is the type of energy to be liberated from the zero point field, is it electricity as we know it today? It simply is the lowest possible energy state a particle or field potentially carries. Now we need to collect that and store the energy so the question that presents itself is where do we start and how come this has not been developed yet? Zero point energy collection and LENR reactions require magnetic domain fields to liberate thermal energy.

Both fields LENR and Zero Point claim to release frictional charges from energy fields produced by particles and or the medium between them causes the particles to be bound on the outer sphere and held frictionally by magnetism of like polarity biasing while the frictional charge is harvested and stored in some way. An example of a wheel made with magnets embedded within the outer surface and rotated while inside another wheel with magnets embedded within the inner surface with an opposition or compression from matching polarity in gauss. As the inner wheel is rotated heat is generated from the compression and biasing of the magnetic fields in direct proportion to the speed and quantity of the opposing magnetic fields.

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In any case when you rotate magnetic fields to the exact right or wrong speed against like fields of magnetic polarity the impulses could be a problem for your health so there is some danger in the seemingly harmless magnets rotating. These are a percussion type of resulting field causing a vibration of the medium and go right through a human with almost zero impedance.

These vibrations are well monitored by the powers at large and as soon as the specific frequency is picked up by their monitors your shut down immediately in some way that makes it appear you’re a nutbar to others or worse.

Care needs to be exhibited when trying to explore the zero point field especially if any results are discovered. I am confident that the zero point field energy collection process does not involve mechanically rotating wheels. I have built expensive wheels for several different science teams with deep pockets as well as speaking with other inventors with their own versions of wheels rotating containing permanent magnets or using electromagnetic coils. Zero Point energy harvesting will be mechanically motionless as well as the LENR thermal energy liberating processes claimed by observers of the reactions causing the energy liberation and allowing the storage of it. When you use mechanical wheels and moving parts friction always wins out and the only energy that could be possibly liberated from a permanent magnet or the electromagnetic coil is a differential of potential magnetic product between the individual magnetic fields, so that method does not calculate plus.

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Zero Point research and LENR are not the fields an inventor or scientist can justify as a viable invention due to the hugeness of the discovery if it allows a person to have an energy collector at home without any moving parts emitting no harmful radiation to other life forms. Any inventor knows what research in the energy field will result. If it really is a new discovery in these fields of either LENR or Zero Point an independent inventor or scientist will be eaten alive by the corporate world as seen in the past. So it’s not the type of research you want to call home and tell Mom about, like a nasty girlfriend that’s fun and exciting but you would never take her home to meet Mom.

For some reason it seems this zero point energy would be better serving as a power for life forms to manifest a pleasant reality for themselves and others, and very possibly at the point everyone's energy vibrates harmoniously these technologies will emerge as a reality for everyone to benefit from.

After research and digging deep into this subject it appears that creation is obvious, by whom is a conjecture at best but apparent that science and religion are actually one in the same search for truth, and an awareness is noted that this truth in zero point could be as factual as the stories written in the bibles of the past religions. Here is a final video on the hidden secrets of Newton that reveal his awareness of creation our connection to it.

Thank you for your interest in LENR (ZPE), the Author.