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aqua, aquæ cēna, cēnæ culpa, culpæ doctrīna, doctrīnæ ecclēsia, ecclēsiæ evangelista, evangelistæ famīlia, familīæ glorīa, glorīæ grātia, grātiæ hōra, hōræ missa, missæ nātūra, nātūræ pāpa, pāpæ terra, terræ vīta, vītæ ā (ab, abs) ad cōram cum ē (ex)

A Primer of Ecclesiastical Latin Chapters 1-5 Flash Cards

Apr 02, 2015



Flash cards for chapters 1-5 of John F. Collins "A Primer of Ecclesiastical Latin." You must print the flash cards out. One page is one side, and the other page is the flip side and vice-versa. It should be straighforward to figure out!
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Page 1: A Primer of Ecclesiastical Latin Chapters 1-5 Flash Cards

aqua, aquæ cēna, cēnæ culpa, culpæ

doctrīna, doctrīnæ ecclēsia, ecclēsiæevangelista, evangelistæ

famīlia, familīæ glorīa, glorīæ grātia, grātiæ

hōra, hōræ missa, missæ nātūra, nātūræ

pāpa, pāpæ terra, terræ vīta, vītæ

ā (ab, abs) ad cōram

cum dē ē (ex)

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f. blame, fault f. supper f. water

m. evangelist f. church, assembly f. doctrine

f. grace; favor, pl., thanks f. glory f. household, family

f. nature f. Mass f. hour

f. life f. earth, land, ground m. pope

(prep. + abl.) in the presence of

(prep. + acc.) to, toward; for (the purpose of); at

(prep. + abl.) from, away from

(prep. + abl.) from, out of(prep + abl.) from, down from;

about, concerning(prep. + abl.) with

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et in prō

-que sine super

First Declension Nouns Singular Plural

N. -a -æG. -æ -ārumD. -æ -īsAc. -am -āsAb. -ā -īs

sum, esse, fuī, futūrus

ancilla, ancillæ

Jūdæa, Jūdææ jūstitia, jūstitiæ Marīa, Marīæ

potentia, potentiæ ager, agrī agnus, agnī

angelus, angelīarchangelus, archangelī

apostolus, apostolī

Chrīstus, ChrīstīDeus, Deī

(nom. pl. diī)discipulus, discipulī

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(prep. + abl.) in front of; in behalf of, for; instead of, on

behalf of

(prep,: 1. + acc.; 2. + abl.) 1. into, onto; against; for (the

purpose of) 2. in, on; among; by means of, with

(1. cord. conj.; 2. intensifying adv.) 1. and 2. even, too; et ...

et (both ... and)

(prep.: 1 + acc.; 2 + abl.)1. above, upon; over 2. about,

concerning(prep. + abl.) without (enclitic cord. conj) and

f. maid, (female) servant be, exist

f. Mary f. righteousness, justice f. Judea

m. lamb m. field; pl. country f. power

m. apostle m. archangel m. messenger, angel

m. disciple, student m. God (nom. pl. diī, gods) m. Anointed One, Messiah,


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dominus, dominī episcopus, episcopī fīlius, fīliī

minister, ministrī Petrus, Petrī populus, populī

puer, puerī psalmus, psalmī servus, servī

hodiē nam nōn


Second Declension Masculine NounsSingular Plural

N. -us -īG. -ī -ōrumD. -ō -īsAc. -um -ōsAb. -ō -īs

Present Tense of the verb sum 'to be'Singular Plural

1st sum sumus

2nd es estis

3rd est sunt

rēgīna, rēgīnæ chorus, chorī hymnus, hymnī

liber, liberī vir, virīcælum, cælī

(nom. pl. cælī)

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m. son m. overseer, bishop m. lord, master

m. people m. Peter m. servant, minister

m. servant, slave m. psalm m. boy, child; servant

(adv.) not (cord. conj.) for, because (adv.) today

(prep. + acc.) across

m. hymn m. choir f. queen

n. (nom. pl. cælī) heaven, sky m. man, husband m. book

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canticum, canticī dōnum, dōnīEvangelium,


fēstum, fēstī gaudium, gaudiīmystērium,


odium, odiī Peccātum, peccātīpræceptum,


præmium, præmiī rēgnum, rēgnī sabbatum, sabbatī

sacrificium, sacrificiī

sæculum, sæculīin sæcula


testāmentum, testāmentī

ūniversum, ūniversī verbum, verbī

vīnum, vīnī vitium, vitiī hīc

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n. Good News, Gospel n. gift n. song, canticle

n. mystery n. joy n. feast, feast-day

n. lesson, precept; command n. sin n. hatred

n. Sabbath n. kingdom, rule n. reward

forever (and ever) n. age, world n. sacrifice

n. word n. universe n. covenant, testament

(adv.) here, in this place n. fault, sin, vice n. wine

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Second Declension of Neuter NounsSingular Plural

N. -um -aG. -ī -ōrumD. -ō -īsAc. -um -aAb. -ō -īs

First/Second Declension Adjectives 1Singular

Masc. Fem. Neuter

N. -us -a -umG. -ī -æ -īD. -ō -æ -ōAc. -um -am -umAb. -ō -ā -ō

animus, animī gladius, gladiī magister, magistrī

modus, modī mundus, mundī numerus, numerī

aurum, aurīcēnāculum,



aeternus, -a, -um in aeternum antīquus, -a, -um

beātus, -a, -um bonus, -a, -um clārus, -a, -um

magnus, -a, -um malus, -a, -um meus, -a, -um

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First/Second Declension Adjectives 2Plural

Masc. Fem. Neuter

N. -ī -æ -aG. -ōrum -ārum -ōrumD. -īs -īs -īsAc. -ōs -ās -aAb. -īs -īs -īs

(adv.) there, in that place; then

m. teacher, master, rabbi m. sword m. heart, mind, spirit

m. number, multitude m. world m. manner, way

n. sacramentn. dining room, upper room,

upstairs roomn. gold

old, ancient; subst., pl.: ancients, forefathers

forever eternal

clear, bright; glorious, famous good blessed happy

my, mine bad, evil, wicked great, large, big

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mortuus, -a, -um multus, -a, -umnoster, nostra,


novus, -a, -um pius, -a, -um impius, -a, -um

sacer, sacra, sacrum tuus, -a, -um vērus, -a, -um

vīvus, -a, -um Sabaōth ubi

ambulō, ambulāre, ambulāvī, ambulātus

cantō, cantāre, cantāvī, cantātus

dō, dare, dedī, datus

dōnō, dōnāre, dōnāvī, dōnātus

laudō, laudāre, laudāvī, laudātus

collaudō, collaudāre, collaudāvī, collaudātus

līberō, līberāre, līberāvī, līberātus

operō, operāre, operāvī, operātus

ōrō, ōrāre, ōrāvī, ōrātus

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our, ours much, many dead

wicked, godless holy; loving, tender new, recent

true your, yours (sing.) holy, sacred

(interrog. adv) where?(Hebrew: indecl. pl. noun)

armies, hostsliving, alive

give sing, chant walk, take a walk; 'live'

praise exceedingly; praise together

praise give, grant; forgive

pray work free

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adōrō, adōrāre, adōrāvī, adōrātus

exōrō, exōrāre, exōrāvī, exōrātus

rēgnō, rēgnāre, rēgnāvī, rēgnātus

sacrō, sacrāre, sacrāvī, sacrātus

cōnsacrō, cōnsacrāre, cōnsacrāvī, cōnsacrātus

servō, servāre, servāvī, servātus

cōnservō, cōnservāre, cōnservāvī, cōnservātus

observō, observāre, observāvī, observātus

vocō, vocāre, vocāvī, vocātus

ēvocō, ēvocāre, ēvocāvī, ēvocātus

invocō, invocāre, invocāvī, invocātus

stēlla, stēllæ

via, viæ famulus, famulīdocumentum,


prīncipium, prīncipiī benedictus, -a, -um dīvīnus, -a, -um

jūstus, -a, -um sānctus, -a, -um enim

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rule, reign beseech worship, adore

keep, preserve make holy, consecrate make holy, consecrate

call, invite watch, observe keep, preserve

f. star call upon, invoke call forth

n. example m. servant f. way, road, street

divine blessed, blest n. beginning

(postpos. coord. conj.) for; indeed hallowed, holy; subst.: saint righteous, just

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meritō numquam nunc

quoque semperreddō, reddere,

reddidī, redditus

trādō, trādere,trādidī, trāditus

fugō, fugārefugāvī, fugātus

dēleō, dēlēre,dēlēvī, dēlētus

habeō, habēre,habuī, habitus

misceō, miscēre,miscuī, monitus

moneō, monēre,miscuī, mixtus

agō, agere,ēgī, āctus

grātiās agerebibō, bibere, bibī, bibitus

crēdō, crēdere,crēdidī, crēditus

dūcō, dūcere,dūxī, ductus

ēdūcō, ēdūcere,ēdūxī, ēductus

indūcō, indūcere,indūxī, inductus

perdūcō, perdūcere,perdūxī, perductus

sēdūcō, sēdūcere,sēdūxī, sēductus

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(adv.) now (adv.) never (adv.) rightly, deservedly

give back, render (adv.) always (intensifying adv.) too, also

destroy, wipe out put to flight, chase away give over, hand down, betray

warn, advise; teach mix, mingle have, hold; consider

drink give thanks (to), thank (+ dat.) do, drive, conduct

lead out lead believe (in), trust (in)

deceive lead through, bring to lead into, bring into

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jungō, jungere,jūnxī, jūnctus

conjungō, conjungere,

conjūnxī, conjūnctus

capiō, capere,cēpī, captus

accapiō, accapere,accēpī, acceptus

recipiō, recipere,recēpī, receptus

faciō, facere,fēcī, factus

afficiō, afficere,affēcī, affectus

dēficiō, dēficere,dēfēcī, dēfectus

efficiō, efficere,effēcī, effectus

audiō, audīre, audīvī (audiī),


exaudiō, exaudīre, exaudīvī (exaudiī),


veniō, venīre,vēnī, ventus

adveniō, advenīre,advēnī, adventus

conveniō, convenīre,convēnī,


inveniō, invenīre,invēnī, inventus

Hebræus, Hebræī nātus, nātī domus, domī

exemplum, exemplī templum, templī Ægyptius, -a, -um

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take, receive; understand join, unit join

do, make take back, regain take, get, receive

make, effect fail, waste, vanish affect

come hear (favorably) hear

come upon, find come together, be fitting come, arrive

f. home, house m. son, child m. Hebrew

Egyptian n. temple, church n. example

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Chrīstiānus, -a, -um ēlēctus, -a, -um adhūc


-ne quārē

Present Indicative Active: 1st Conjugation Endings

-o -mus -s -tis -t -nt

sum sumus es estis est sunt

eram erāmus erās erātis erat erant

erō erimus eris eritis erit erunt

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(adv.) so far, till now, still chosen, elect Christian

(interrog. adv.) for what reason? why?

(enclitic interrog. particle) used in sentence questions

(coord. conj.) or;either…or

Imperfect Tense of the Copulative Verb:

sum ‘to be’ I was we were you were you were he/she/it was they were

Present Tense of the Copulative Verb: sum ‘to be’

I am we are you are you all are he/she/it is they are

Future Tense of the Copulative Verb: sum ‘to be’

I will be we will be you will be you will be he/she/it will be they will be

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