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A Practical Guide to New IFRSs for 2010

May 29, 2018



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  • 8/9/2019 A Practical Guide to New IFRSs for 2010


    A practical guide to new

    IFRSs for 2010February 2010

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    PricewaterhouseCoopers IFRS and corporate governance publications and tools 2010

    IFRS technical publications

    IFRS pocket guide 2009Provides a summary of the IFRS recognition and measurementrequirements. Including currencies, assets, liabilities, equity,income, expenses, business combinations and interimfinancialstatements.

    IFRS student manual 2010Designed as a practical guide to IFRS for researchers,teachers, students and those studying for professional exams.Includes worked examples and illustrations from real IFRScompanyaccounts.

    Illustrative interim nancial information for existingpreparers (due May 2010)Illustrative information, prepared in accordance with IAS 34, fora fictional existing IFRS preparer. Includes a disclosure checklistand IAS 34 application guidance. Reflects standards issued upto 2010.

    Illustrative IFRS corporate consolidated nancialstatements for 2009 year endsIllustrative set of consolidated financial statements for an existingpreparer of IFRS. Includes an appendix showing exampledisclosures under IFRS 3 (revised).Included with Manual of accounting IFRS 2010; alsoavailableseparately.

    Illustrative consolidated nancial statements Investment property, 2009 Private equity, 2009

    Banking, 2009 Insurance, 2009 Investment funds, 2009

    Realistic sets of financial statements for existing IFRS preparersin the above sectors illustrating the required disclosure andpresentation.

    Impairment guidanceGuidance includes: Questions and answers on impairment of nonfinancial assets in the

    current crisis Top 10 tips for impairment testing

    Manual of accounting Financial instruments2010Comprehensive guidance on all aspects of the requirements forfinancial instruments accounting. Detailed explanations illustratedthrough worked examples and extracts from company accounts.Included with Manual of accounting IFRS 2010; alsoavailableseparately.

    Preparing your rst IFRS nancial statements:Adopting IFRSOutlines how companies should address the process of selectingtheir new IFRS accounting policies and applying the guidance in

    IFRS 1. Provides specific considerations for US market.

    Segment reporting an opportunity to explainthe businessSix-page flyer explaining high-level issues for management toconsider when applying IFRS 8, including how the standard willchange reporting and what investors want to see.

    Keeping up to date

    Want to know about the latest IFRS developments? Stay ahead.

    IFRS newsMonthly newsletter focusing on the business implications of the IASBs

    proposals and new standards.IFRS mail-shotTwice-monthly email summarising new items added to,including breaking news from the IASB on new standards, exposure draftsand interpretations; PwC IFRS publications; IFRS blog posts; PwC webcasts;and more.

    To subscribe, email [email protected]

    Manual of accounting IFRS 2010Global guide to IFRS providing comprehensive practicalguidance on how to prepare financial statements in accordancewith IFRS. Includes hundreds of worked examples and extractsfrom company accounts. The Manual is a three-volume setcomprising:

    Manual of accounting IFRS 2010 Manual of accounting Financial instruments 2010

    Illustrative IFRS corporate consolidated financialstatements for 2009 year ends

    A practical guide to capitalisation of borrowingcostsGuidance in question and answer format addressing thechallenges of applying IAS 23R, including how to treat specificversus general borrowings, when to start capitalisation andwhether the scope exemptions are mandatory or optional.

    A practical guide to new IFRSs for 201048-page guide providing high-level outline of the keyrequirements of new IFRSs effective in 2010, in question andanswer format.

    A practical guide to segment reportingProvides an overview of the key requirements of IFRS8,Operating segments and some points to consider as entitiesprepare for the application of this standard for the first time.See also Segment reporting an opportunity to explain thebusiness below.

    A practical guide to share-based paymentsAnswers the questions we have been asked by entitiesand includes practical examples to help management drawsimilarities between the requirements in the standard and theirown share-based payment arrangements. November2008.

    Executive guide to IFRS Topic summaries 2010

    Key information on the major accounting topic areas. Eachsummary includes explanations of current requirements anda resources table showing external source material and PwCguidance, tools, practice aids and publications that relate tothetopic.

    Financial instruments under IFRS A guide throughthe mazeHigh-level summary of IAS 32, IAS 39 and IFRS 7, updatedin June 2009. For existing IFRS preparers and first-timeadopters.

    IAS 39 Achieving hedge accounting inpracticeCovers in detail the practical issues in achievinghedge accounting under IAS 39. It provides answers tofrequently asked questions and step-by-step illustrations of howto apply common hedging strategies.

    IAS 39 Derecognition of nancial assets inpracticeExplains the requirements of IAS 39, providing answers tofrequently asked questions and detailed illustrations of how toapply the requirements to traditional and innovative structures.

    IFRS 3R: Impact on earnings the crucial Q&A fordecision-makersGuide aimed at finance directors, financial controllers anddeal-makers, providing background to the standard, impacton the financial statements and controls, and summary

    differences with US GAAP.

    IFRS disclosure checklist 2009Outlines the disclosures required by all IFRSs published up toOctober 2009.

    Only available in electronic format. To download visit

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    Introduction 21. New and amended standards

    Consolidations IFRS 3 (revised), IAS 27 (revised) 5

    Cost o investment IAS 27 and IFRS 1 amendment 17

    Financial instruments

    ClassicationandmeasurementofnancialassetsIFRS9 19

    HedgingofportionsofnancialinstrumentsIAS39amendment 23

    ClassicationofrightsissuesIAS32amendment 24

    Group cash-settled share-based payment transactions IFRS 2 amendments 26

    Related-partydisclosuresIAS24amendment 28 First-timeadoptionIFRS1amendment:nancialinstrumentdisclosures 30

    First-time adoption IFRS 1 amendment: oil and gas assets and

    leaseclassication 31

    2. New and amended interpretations

    Pre-paymentsofaminimumfundingrequirementIFRIC14 32

    Agreements or construction o real estate IFRIC 15 33

    HedgesofanetinvestmentinaforeignoperationIFRIC16 35

    Distributions o non-cash assets to owners IFRIC 17 36

    TransferofassetsfromcustomersIFRIC18 37

    ExtinguishingnancialliabilitieswithequityinstrumentsIFRIC19 39

    3. Annualimprovementsproject2009 41

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    This publication is a practical guide to the new IFRS standards and interpretations thatcome into eect in 2010. For three years there was little change to the body o IFRSs since

    European listed groups were required to apply the standards in 2005. This period o bedding



    standards and interpretations, and amendments to existing requirements.


    combinations, adopt a single consolidation model (the entity model). The revised standards


    prepared. This has important implications or reported earnings pre- and post-acquisition

    and or the calculation o goodwill and non-controlling interests (the new name or minority


    Management will need to consider the accounting or uture business combinations careullybeforestructuringdeals,asthewaythetransactionisundertakencouldhaveasignicant

    accounting impact. The separate amendment to IFRS 1 and IAS 27 concerning the recognition

    o the cost o investment will help companies transitioning to IFRS.



    Recognition and measurement. It applies to 2013 year ends but can be adopted with

    immediate eect.




    implications, as the revenue recognition between the two standards can be quite dierentandwillhavewiderimplicationsthanjustfortherealestateindustry.IFRIC16,Hedgesofa



    requires distributions o assets other than cash made as a dividend to owners to be measured


    will impact certain sectors, particularly utilities, as it changes how such assets should be



    when an entity renegotiates the terms o its debt when the liability is extinguished by the debtor

    issuing its own equity.


    improvements project have aected many o the standards. Some o the changes addressinconsistencyinterminologybetweenthestandards;otherswillimpactcertainentitiesand

    hence will need careul consideration.

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    The table below summarises the implementation dates or the new and amended IFRSs that

    are considered in more detail in the pages that ollow.

    Standard Adoptedby EU1


    Changes that apply rom 1 July 2009

    IAS 27 (revised), Consolidated andseparatenancialstatements

    4 Early adoption is permitted, but cannotbe adopted without IFRS 3 (revised).


    IFRS 3 (revised), Business combinations 4 Early adoption is permitted, but cannotbe adopted without IAS 27 (revised).


    IFRS 1 (revised), First-time adoption 4 Early adoption is permitted. N/A


    4 Early adoption is permitted. 23

    Amendment to IFRS 1, First-time adoptiono IFRS, and IAS 27, Consolidated andseparatenancialstatements,ontheCosto an investment in a subsidiary, jointlycontrolled entity or associate

    4 17


    4 Early adoption is permitted. EUendorsedfor1July2009.


    IFRIC 17, Distributions o non cash assetsto owners

    4 Early adoption is permitted. 36


    4 Early adoption is permitted. EUendorsedfor31October2009.


    Annual improvements 2008

    IFRS 5, Non-current assets held or salesand discontinued operations

    4 Prospective adoption rom the dateIFRS5wasrstapplied.Earlyadoptionpermitted i IAS 27 (as amended in May2008)isalsoadopted.


    Annual improvements 2009

    IFRS 2, Share-based payments Early adoption is permitted. 43IFRIC9,Reassessmentofembeddedderivatives

    Early adoption is permitted. 44

    IFRIC16,Hedgesofanetinvestmentinaoreign operation

    Early adoption is permitted. 44

    Changes that apply rom 1 January 2010

    Amendment to IFRS 2, Share basedpayments Group cash-settled share-based payment transactions

    Early adoption is permitted. 26

    Amendments to IFRS 1, First-timeadoption, or additional exemptions

    Early adoption is permitted. 31

    IFRIC 15, Agreements or construction

    ofrealestate,effective1January2009although EU endorsed or 1 January 2010

    4 Early adoption is permitted. 33

    Annual improvements 2009

    IFRS 5, Non-current assets held or saleand discontinued operations

    Early adoption is permitted. 44

    IFRS8,Operatingsegments Early adoption is permitted. 44

    IAS1,Presentationofnancialstatements Early adoption is permitted. 41

    1 As at February 2010.

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    Standard Adopted

    by EU1Pg

    Annual improvements 2009 (continued)

    IAS 7, Statement o cash fows Early adoption is permitted. 41

    IAS 17, Leases Early adoption is permitted. 41

    IAS18,Revenue Amendment only aects appendix

    hence adoption on publication.


    IAS 36, Impairment o assets Early adoption is permitted. 42

    IAS38,Intangibleassets Early adoption is permitted. 42

    IAS39,Financialinstruments:Recognitionand measurement

    Early adoption is permitted. 43

    Changes that apply rom 1 February 2010

    Amendments to IAS 32, Financialinstruments:Presentation,onclassicationo rights issues

    4 Early adoption is permitted. 24

    Changes that apply rom 1 July 2010

    Amendment to IFRS 1, First-time

    adoption, on exemption o new air valuedisclosures

    Early adoption is permitted. 30

    IFRIC19,Extinguishingnancialliabilitieswith equity instruments

    Early adoption is permitted. 39

    Changes that apply rom 1 January 2011

    AmendmenttoIAS24,Related partydisclosures

    Early adoption is permitted. 28

    AmendmenttoIFRIC14,IAS19Thelimitonadenedbenetasset,minimumunding requirements and their interaction

    Early adoption is permitted. 32

    Changes that apply rom 1 January 2013

    IFRS9,Financial instruments Early adoption is permitted. 19

    1 As at February 2010.

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    are expected to add to earnings volatility, making earnings harder to predict. They are also

    likely to:

    Infuence acquisition negotiations and deal structures in an eort to mitigate

    unwanted earnings impacts.

    Potentially impact the scope and extent o due diligence and data-gathering

    exercises prior to acquisition.

    Require new policies and procedures to monitor and determine changes in the air

    value o some assets and liabilities.Call or valuation expertise.

    Infuence the how, when and what o stakeholder communications.

    The table below sets out the potential impact or gains and losses on day 1, measurement o

    assets and liabilities in the acquisition balance sheet and income statement volatility on day 2

    and beyond.

    Impact on

    earnings at

    combination date

    Impact on net

    assets/goodwill at

    combination date


    earnings impact

    Share options given to seller 4 4

    Existing interest held in target 4 4Earn-outpaidinaxednumber

    o equity shares


    Earn-out paid in cash or sharestoaxedamount



    Transaction costs 4 4

    Full goodwill 4 4

    Contingent liabilities 4 4

    Settlement o pre-existing





    Restructuring costs 4

    Indemnity rom seller 4 4

    Buying or selling minority interest 81

    1Transactions with minority interests resulted in income statement eects under IAS 27, depending on an entitys policy. There will be no

    eect on income under IAS 27 (revised).

    Consolidations IFRS 3 (revised)

    and IAS 27 (revised)

    Eective date


    EU adoption status


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    Questions and answers

    1. Scope and applicability

    2. Consideration

    3. Goodwill and non-controlling interests

    4. Assetandliabilityrecognition5. Other issues

    6. IAS 27 (revised) new proposals on minority interests and disposals

    1. Scope and applicability


    IFRS 3 (revised) is a urther development o the acquisition model. The standard now applies

    to more transactions, as combinations by contract alone and combinations o mutual entities

    are brought into the standards scope. Common control transactions and the ormation o

    jointventuresremainoutsidethescopeofthestandard.Thedenitionofabusinesshasbeenamended slightly. It now states that the elements are capable o being conducted rather than


    application guidance. This may bring more transactions into acquisition accounting.

    1.1 When will the new standard aect the nancial statements?



    annual period beginning on or ater 30 June 2007. IFRS 3 (revised) and

    IAS 27 (revised) are applied at the same time. Retrospective application to earlier

    business combinations is not permitted.

    1.2 Has the scope o the standard changed?

    Yes, it now includes combinations o mutuals and combinations by contract. This


    1.3 What about common control transactions?

    Common control transactions remain outside the scope o the new standard. The IASB

    has a project on accounting or them, but this is currently on hold until sta resources

    become available. Entities choose a policy or such transactions. The most common are

    either applying IFRS 3 by analogy to other business combinations or using predecessor

    values by analogy to US and other GAAPs with similar rameworks. Entities should

    continue to use their existing policy or business combinations under common control.

    2. Consideration


    changes are ound in this section o the revised standard. Individual changes may increase

    or decrease the amount accounted or as consideration. These aect the amount o goodwill

    recognised and impact the post-acquisition income statement. Transaction costs no longer


    includes the air value o all interests that the acquirer may have held previously in the acquired

    business. This includes any interest in an associate or joint venture or other equity interests

    o the acquired business. I the interests in the target were not held at air value, they are re-

    measured to air value through the income statement.

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    The requirements or recognising contingent consideration have also been amended.

    Contingent consideration is now required to be recognised at air value even i it is not deemed

    to be probable o payment at the date o the acquisition. All subsequent changes in liability-


    2.1 The selling-shareholders will receive some share options. What eect will

    this have?

    An acquirer may wish selling-shareholders to remain in the business as employees. Their

    knowledge and contacts can help to ensure that the acquired business perorms well.

    The terms o the options and employment conditions could impact the amount o

    purchase consideration and also the income statement ater the business combination.

    Share options have a value. The relevant accounting question is whether this value is

    recorded as part o the purchase consideration, or as compensation or post-acquisition

    services provided by employees, or some combination o the two. Is the acquirer paying

    shareholders in their capacity as shareholders or in their capacity as employees or

    services subsequent to the business combination?


    and also whether or not the options are replacing existing options held by the employeein the acquired business. Options are likely to be consideration or post-acquisition

    service where some o the payment is conditional on the shareholders remaining in

    employment ater the transaction. In such circumstances, a charge is recorded in post-

    acquisition earnings or employee services. These awards are made to secure and

    reward uture services o employees rather than to acquire the existing business.

    2.2 Is it true that some business combinations will result in gains in the income


    Yes, it is. Any previous stake is seen as being given up to acquire the business. A gain

    or loss is recorded on its disposal. I the acquirer already held an interest in the acquired

    entity beore acquisition, the standard requires the existing stake to be re-measured

    to air value at the date o acquisition, taking any movement to the income statement

    (together with any gains previously recorded in equity that relate to the existing stake).

    I the value o the stake has increased, there will be a gain to recognise in the income

    statement o the acquirer at the date o the business combination. A loss would only

    occur i the existing interest has a book value in excess o the proportion o the air value

    o the business obtained and no impairment had been recorded previously. This loss

    situation is not expected to occur requently.

    The standard also requires any gain on a bargain purchase (negative goodwill) to be

    recorded in the income statement. This is not a change rom the previous requirements.

    2.3 Some o the payments or the business are earn-outs. How are theseaccounted or?

    It is common or some o the consideration in a business combination to be contingent

    on uture events. Uncertainty might exist about the value o the acquired business


    business is successul. Conversely, the seller wants to receive ull value or the business.

    Earn-outs are oten payable based on post-acquisition earnings or on the success o a


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    The acquirer should air value all o the consideration at the date o the acquisition

    including the earn-out. I the earn-out is a liability (cash or shares to the value o a


    income statement. There is no requirement or payments to be probable, which was the

    case under previous IFRS 3. An increase in the liability or strong perormance results

    in an expense in the income statement. Conversely, i the liability is decreased, perhaps

    due to under-perormance against targets, the reduction in the expected payment will be

    recorded as a gain in the income statement.

    These changes were previously recorded against goodwill. Acquirers will have to explain

    this component o perormance: the acquired business has perormed well but earnings

    are lower because o additional payments due to the seller.

    2.4 Does it make a dierence whether contingent consideration (an earn-out) is

    payable in shares or in cash?



    changes recognised in the income statement.

    Earn-outs payable in ordinary shares may not require re-measurement through theincome statement. This is dependent on the eatures o the earn-out and how the

    number o shares to be issued is determined. An earn-out payable in shares where the




    issued depending on perormance, regardless o the air value o those shares, the


    income statement.

    2.5 A business combination involves ees payable to banks, lawyers and

    accountants. Can these still be capitalised?

    No, they cannot. The standard says that transaction costs are not part o what is paid

    to the seller o a business. They are also not assets o the purchased business that are

    recognised on acquisition. Transaction costs should be expensed as they are incurred

    and the related services are received.

    The standard requires entities to disclose the amount o transaction costs that have

    been incurred.

    2.6 What about costs incurred to borrow money or issue the shares used to

    buy the business. Do these also have to be expensed?

    No, these costs are not expensed. They are accounted or in the same way as they were

    under the previous standard.

    Transaction costs directly related to the issue o debt instruments are deducted rom the

    air value o the debt on initial recognition and are amortised over the lie o the debt as

    part o the eective interest rate. Directly attributable transaction costs incurred issuing

    equity instruments are deducted rom equity.

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    3. Goodwill and non-controlling interests

    The revised standard gives entities the option, on a transaction-by-transaction basis, to measure




    interest as well as on the acquired controlling interest. The bargain purchase guidance remainsthe same with the requirement to recognise negative goodwill immediately in the income


    3.1 Does the type o consideration aect how much goodwill is recognised?

    No, it does not. Regardless o how payments are structured, the consideration is

    recognised in total at its air value at the date o the acquisition. Paying the same

    amount in todays values in dierent ways will not make a dierence to the amount o

    goodwill recognised.

    The orm o the consideration will not aect the amount o goodwill, but the structure o


    Payments that are contingent and deemed to be part o the acquisition price will be

    measured at air value and included in the business combination accounting on day one.

    Equity instruments that are contingent consideration are not subsequently re-measured.

    Debt instruments are subsequently re-measured through the income statement.

    Changes in the carrying amount o contingent consideration will oten not be oset by


    may be required i an in-process research and development (IPR&D) project meets key


    20 years. The increased amounts due under the contingent consideration arrangement are

    likely to be recognised as an expense in the income statement beore the project generates

    any revenue at all.

    3.2 How is goodwill measured?

    Goodwill continues to be a residual. It may well be a dierent residual under IFRS 3

    (revised) compared to the previous standard. This is partly because all o the

    consideration, including any previously held interest in the acquired business, is

    measured at air value. It is also because goodwill can be measured in two dierent ways.



    net assets acquired. This is a partial goodwill method because the non-controlling


    goodwill. Goodwill can also be measured on a ull goodwill basis, described in the

    ollowing question.

    3.3 What is ull goodwill?

    Full goodwill means that the non-controlling (minority) interest is measured at air value,

    and goodwill is recognised in a business combination. Under previous IFRS 3, minority

    interest was recognised at the minoritys share o net assets and did not include any

    goodwill. Full goodwill means that non-controlling interest and goodwill are both increased

    by the goodwill that relates to the non-controlling interest.

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    3.4 When can ull or partial goodwill be recognised?

    The standard gives a choice or each separate business combination. An acquirer may

    either recognise the non-controlling interest in the subsidiary at air value, which leads

    to 100% o goodwill being recognised (ull goodwill), or the acquirer can recognise the

    non-controlling interest measured at the non-controlling interest in net assets excluding

    goodwill. This leads to goodwill being recognised only or the parents interest in the

    entity acquired, the same as under previous IFRS 3 (partial goodwill).

    This is one o the major dierences with the US GAAP standard: under US GAAP, the

    non-controlling interest must be measured at air value, and ull goodwill is always


    This choice only makes a dierence in an acquisition where less than 100% o the

    acquired business is purchased. Few acquisitions o listed entities are or less than

    100% o the equity shares. Business combinations where the entire business is

    acquired will result in goodwill being calculated in much the same way as it was under

    previous IFRS 3.

    3.5 What is the eect o recognising ull goodwill?

    Recognising ull goodwill will increase reported net assets on the balance sheet. The

    potential downside is that any uture impairment o goodwill will be greater. Impairments

    o goodwill should not occur with greater requency.


    goodwill impairment testing may be easier under ull goodwill, as there is no need to

    gross-up goodwill or partially owned subsidiaries.

    A company planning a cash buy-out o the non-controlling interest in a subsidiary at a

    uture date may want to record the non-controlling interest at air value and recognise

    ull goodwill in a business combination. I the non-controlling interest is later purchased,

    there will be a lower dierence between the consideration paid or the non-controlling

    interest and its recorded value, and thus a smaller percentage reduction o equity.

    4. Assetandliabilityrecognition

    The revised IFRS 3 has limited changes to the assets and liabilities recognised in the


    and liabilities o the acquiree is retained. Most assets are recognised at air value, with

    exceptions or certain items such as deerred tax and pension obligations.

    4.1 Have the recognition criteria changed or intangible assets?

    No, there is no change in substance. Acquirers are required to recognise brands,

    licences and customer relationships, amongst other intangible assets. The IASB

    has provided additional clarity that may well result in more intangible assets being

    recognised, including leases that are not at market rates and rights (such as ranchise

    rights) that were granted rom the acquirer to the acquiree.

    4.2 What happens to the contingent liabilities o the acquired business?

    Many acquired businesses will contain contingent liabilities or example, pending

    lawsuits, warranty liabilities or uture environmental liabilities. These are liabilities where


    outfow and the timing o an outfow may also be uncertain.

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    There is very little change to previous guidance under IFRS. Contingent assets are not

    recognised, and contingent liabilities are measured at air value. Ater the date o the

    business combination contingent liabilities are re-measured at the higher o the original

    amount and the amount under the relevant standard, IAS 37.

    Measurement o contingent liabilities ater the date o the business combination is an

    area that may be subject to change in the uture (see Q&A 5.5).

    4.3 I consideration paid and most assets and liabilities are at air value, what

    does this mean or the post-combination income statement?

    Fair valuation o most things that are bought in a business combination already existed

    under previous IFRS 3. The post-combination income statement is aected because


    acquisition date and subsequently recognised as an expense in the income statement,

    through amortisation, depreciation or increased costs o goods sold.

    A mobile phone company may have a churn rate o three years or its customers. The

    value o its contractual relationships with those customers, which is likely to be high, will

    be amortised over that three-year period.

    There may be more charges in the post-combination income statement due to increased

    guidance in IFRS 3 (revised) on separating payments made or the combination rom

    those made or something else. For example, guidance has been included on identiying

    payments made or post-combination employee services and on identiying payments

    made to settle pre-existing relationships between the buyer and the acquiree.


    recognised in the income statement. This means that the better the acquired business


    4.4 Can a provision be made or restructuring the target company in the

    acquisition accounting?

    The acquirer will oten have plans to streamline the acquired business. Many synergies


    consolidation o production acilities. An estimate o the cost savings will have been

    included in the buyers assessment o how much it is willing to pay or the acquiree.

    The acquirer can seldom recognise a reorganisation provision at the date o the business

    combination. There is no change rom the previous guidance in the new standard: the

    ability o an acquirer to recognise a liability or terminating or reducing the activities o

    the acquiree in the accounting or a business combination is severely restricted.

    A restructuring provision can be recognised in a business combination only when the

    acquiree has, at the acquisition date, an existing liability, or which there are detailedconditions in IAS 37, the provisions standard.

    Those conditions are unlikely to exist at the acquisition date in most business

    combinations. A restructuring plan that is conditional on the completion o the business

    combination is not recognised in the accounting or the acquisition. It is recognised

    post-acquisition, and the expense fows through post-acquisition earnings.

    4.5 What might adjust goodwill and over what period?


    The adjustment period ends when the acquirer has gathered all the necessary

    inormation, subject to the one year maximum.

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    4.6 The seller will be giving an indemnity on a tax exposure. How will this be

    accounted or?

    An indemnity is a promise by the seller to reimburse the buyer or liabilities o uncertain

    amount or likelihood. The indemnity is recognised as an asset and measured in the same



    5. Other issues

    There is additional guidance on accounting or employee share-based payments in the

    revised standard. It provides additional guidance on valuation as well as determining whether

    replacement share awards are part o the consideration or the business combination or may

    be compensation or post-combination services.

    The revised standard includes additional guidance with regard to contracts and arrangements

    o the acquired business at the balance sheet date. Leases and insurance contracts are

    assessed based on the acts at the time they were entered into (or subject to substantial


    Previous IFRS 3 required deerred tax assets o the acquired business that were not recognised

    at the date o the combination but subsequently meet the recognition criteria to be adjusted

    against goodwill. The revised standard will only allow adjustments against goodwill within the


    5.1 Are there any changes to deerred tax accounting?

    Yes. The main change relates to the recognition o acquired deerred tax assets ater the


    the income statement.

    Adjustments to deerred tax assets will only aect goodwill i they are made within the


    rom new inormation about acts and circumstances that existed at the acquisition date.

    Ater the 12-month period, adjustments are recorded as normal under IAS 12, through

    the income statement or the statement o changes in equity, as appropriate.

    5.2 Is there more clarity around classication and reassessment o contracts

    and other arrangements?

    Yes, there is. The previous IFRS 3 was silent on what to do with leases, purchase and


    assessments such as the determination o embedded derivatives are made based onthe acts at the date o the business combination. The only exceptions are leases and


    the inception date o the contract.

    5.3 Will the nancial statements grow through additional disclosures?

    Thenancialstatementswillbelongerthanbeforeandevenmoredetailed.Some o the

    new disclosure requirements are:

    the amount o acquisition-related costs expensed and the income statement line


    the measurement basis selected and the recognised amount o non-controllinginterestsintheacquiree;

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    where non-controlling interest is measured at air value, the valuation techniques and


    details o transactions that are separate rom the acquisition o assets and


    in a step acquisition, disclosure o the air value o the previously held equity interest

    in the acquiree and the amount o gain or loss recognised in the income statement

    resultingfromremeasurement;and inormation about receivables (air value, gross contractual amounts receivable and

    best estimate o cash fows not expected to be collected at the acquisition date).

    5.4 Do previous transactions need to be restated?

    No. Business combinations and transactions with minorities that occurred prior to the

    adoption o IFRS 3 (revised) and IAS 27 (revised) are not restated. The standards are to

    be applied prospectively to all transactions or which the transaction date is on or ater



    Some uture accounting related to previous business combinations will change oncethe standard is adopted. Deerred tax assets that are recognised relating to a previously

    acquired business will be accounted or under the revised standard. Instead o aecting


    a non-controlling interest that existed at the date o adoption o IFRS 3 (revised) and


    5.5 Are there more changes to come?

    Possibly, although the timing o any change is uncertain. The IASB has a project on

    its agenda to address the treatment o business combinations involving entities under


    become available.



    IFRS 3 (revised). There are other ongoing projects on some standards that are linked

    to business combinations (notably IAS 37 on provisions and IAS 12 on deerred tax)

    that may aect either the recognition or measurement at the acquisition date or the

    subsequent accounting.

    6. IAS 27 (revised) minority interests and disposals

    The revised consolidation standard moves IFRS to a mandatory adoption o the economicentity model. Current practice under IFRS is overwhelmingly the parent company approach.

    The economic entity approach treats all providers o equity capital as the entitys shareholders,

    even when they are not shareholders in the parent company. The parent company approach


    A partial disposal o an interest in a subsidiary in which the parent company retains control

    does not result in a gain or loss but in an increase or decrease in equity under the economic

    entity approach. Purchase o some or all o the non-controlling interest is treated as a treasury

    transaction and accounted or in equity. A partial disposal o an interest in a subsidiary in which

    the parent company loses control but retains an interest (say an associate) triggers recognition

    o gain or loss on the entire interest. A gain or loss is recognised on the portion that has been

    disposedof;afurtherholdinggainisrecognisedontheinterestretained,beingthedifferencebetween the air value o the interest and the book value o the interest. Both are recognised in

    the income statement.

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    6.1 What happened to minority interest?

    All shareholders o a group whether they are shareholders o the parent or o a

    part o the group (minority interest) are providers o equity capital to that group. All

    transactions with shareholders are treated in the same way. What was previously the

    minority interest in a subsidiary is now the non-controlling interest in a reporting entity.

    There is no change in presentation o non-controlling interest under the revised standard.

    Additional disclosures are required to show the eect o transactions with non-

    controlling interest on the parent-company shareholders.

    6.2 What happens i a non-controlling interest is bought or sold?

    Any transaction with a non-controlling interest that does not result in a change o control


    the non-controlling interest is a debit or credit to equity. This means that an entity will not

    record any additional goodwill upon purchase o a non-controlling interest nor recognise

    a gain or loss upon disposal o a non-controlling interest.

    6.3 How is the partial sale o a subsidiary with a change in controlaccounted or?



    retained interest is remeasured to air value, and any gain or loss compared to book

    value is recognised as part o the gain or loss on disposal o the subsidiary. Consistent

    with a gain on a business combination (see Q&A 2.2), the standards take the approach

    that loss o control involves exchanging a subsidiary or something else rather than

    continuing to hold an interest.

    6.4 How does the new standard aect transactions with previously recognised

    non-controlling interests?

    An entity might have purchased a non-controlling interest recognised as part o a

    business combination under the previous version o IFRS 3 that is, where only partial

    goodwill was recognised. Alternatively, an entity might recognise partial goodwill under

    the new IFRS 3 (revised) and might purchase a non-controlling interest at a later date.

    In both cases, no urther goodwill can be recognised when the non-controlling interest

    is purchased. I the purchase price is greater than the book value o the non-controlling

    interest, this will result in a reduction in net assets and equity. This reduction may be


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    Principles o business combinations

    Understand the economics

    What does the acquirer think it is buying? Howmuchdoesitthinkitispaying? What does the contract actually say?

    Are there any other linked transactions?

    Previously held interest


    Remeasure a previously held

    equity interest at its acquisition-

    date air value.


    or loss.

    Recycle items o other

    comprehensive income.

    Non-controlling interest (NCI)

    Measure NCI either at air value

    or at the NCIs proportionateshare o the acquirees



    Measurement choice or each


    NCI measurement determines



    recognised i:


    acquisitiondate;andb) they are part o what was exchanged in the




    Exceptions to the recognition and/or measurement:







    Areas to watch out or:

    Contracts should be re-assessed except or insuranceandleases.[IFRS3paras15-17].

    Allidentiableintangiblesarerecognised. [IFRS3AppBparasB31-40].

    Restructuring provisions are rarely recognised. [IFRS3para11].



    Goodwill is a residual. Full or partial goodwill depends on

    measurement o NCI.

    Bargain purchase

    Re-assessfairvalues.[IFRS3Rpara36]. Recognisegaininprotorloss.[IFRS3Rpara34].

    What constitutes control?


    Factors infuencing control[IAS27paras13-15] Equity shareholding. Control o the board. Potential voting rights. Control agreement. Jointcontrol.[IAS31para3]. Specialpurposeentities(SPEs).[SIC-12].

    De acto control.

    Economic interest is not the same as control.Control exists

    IFRS 3 (revised) applies

    Acquisition method

    Identiy acquirer. Determine acquisition date.Account or elements.

    Individual asset


    standard, eg, IAS 16, Property,plant and equipment, or a

    property (non-investment).

    Business: no control



    in associates or IAS 31, Interestsin joint ventures.

    Group o assets

    Allocate cost based on relative air values at

    purchase date to assets acquired (includingintangibles) and liabilities assumed.


    Excluded elements are payments made at the

    time o the acquisition which do not orm part

    o consideration transerred. Consider(a)reasonsforthetransaction;(b)whoinitiated





    Settlement o pre-existing relationships.


    Remuneration or uture employee services.


    Reimbursement or paying the acquirers


    Costs to issue debt or equity.




    Please note that

    this fowchart does

    not cover group

    reconstructions or

    common control


    Is the transaction an acquisition o an

    asset or a business?



    Subsequent measurement

    [IFRS3paras54-58]. Reacquired rights. Contingent liabilities. Indemnicationassets. Contingent consideration.


    held interest









    assets and



    Asset acquisition

    Business acquisition


    Components o consideration transerred

    [IFRS 3 para 37].




    Allconsiderationisrecognisedandmeasuredat air value.

    Forms o consideration transerred (examples)


    o the acquirer.




    and call options.




    Contingent consideration

    [IFRS3paras39,40,58]. Classifyasliabilityorequity.



    No control

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    Investment (10%)






    and CTA as part o gain/loss on sale.


    within equity to retained earnings.

    Subsidiary (60%) to investment (10%)




    income items attributable to them.


    date control is lost.


    gain/loss on sale.


    equity to retained earnings.


    attributable to the parent.




    signicantinuenceislost. RecycleentireCTAandAFSreserveofassociateaspartof

    gain/loss on sale.


    retained earnings.





    comprehensive income items

    attributable to them.


    at its air value at the date control is lost.


    part o gain/loss on sale.


    within equity to retained earnings.


    loss attributable to the parent.





    o NCI adjustment goes to equity (attributed to

    owners o parent).





    and amount o NCI adjustment goes to

    equity (attributed to owners o parent).




    and recycle AFS reserve.


    FV consideration

    + amount o NCI (air value or share in

    net assets)

    + FV previously held investment

    - FV net assets.


    IMoA = PwCs IFRS Manual o Accounting





    o other comprehensive income (i any).


    FV consideration

    + amount o NCI (air value or share in net assets)

    + FV previously held investment

    - FV net assets.

    Associate (25%) to associate (35%)

    Determinegoodwillateachstage(FVconsiderationFV o share o net assets).


    owned 25%.

    Investment (10%) to associate (25%)




    AFS reserve.


    FV consideration

    + FV previously held investment

    - FV o total share o net assets.

    + 15%

    = 25%+ 70%


    + 10%

    = 35%



    + 10%=90%

    - 30%= 60%

    - 20%


    - 30%= 10%

    - 50%

    = 10%

    - 10%

    = 30%

    Step acquisitions

    Step disposals

    Step acquisitions and disposals

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    Cost o investment amendments

    to IFRS 1 and IAS 27

    The amendments to IFRS 1, First-time adoption o IFRS, and IAS 27, Consolidated andseparatenancialstatements,bringthreemajorchanges:


    statements, on transition to IFRS, is determined under IAS 27 or as a deemed cost. Deemed

    cost is either air value or the carrying amount under the previous accounting practice.

    Dividends rom a subsidiary, jointly controlled entity or associate are recognised as income.

    There is no longer a distinction between pre-acquisition and post-acquisition dividends.

    The cost o the investment o a new parent in a group (in a reorganisation meeting certain

    criteria) is measured at the carrying amount o its share o equity as shown in the separate


    Eective date


    EU adoption status


    What was the reason or the amendment?



    accounted or at cost, a parent entity could previously recognise income rom the investment

    only to the extent that distributions were received rom post-acquisition earnings. Distributions in

    excess o post-acquisition earnings were recognised as a reduction to the cost o the investment.

    Prior to the amendment, IFRS 1 required retrospective application o this method o calculating

    cost, which was oten cumbersome to reconstruct or investments that had been held or several


    previous GAAP carrying amount.

    I dividends are recognised as income and not as a reduction to the cost o the

    investment, is there risk o impairment?

    Yes. IAS 36 has been amended to identiy circumstances when a dividend payment requires

    impairment testing. These circumstances include:

    Dividends exceeding the total comprehensive income (under IAS 1(revised)) o the subsidiary,




    including goodwill.

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    How will this alleviate dividend trap issues?

    Prior to the amendment, dividends rom pre-acquisition earnings were recognised as a


    parent, they were not available or urther distribution. Under the new standard, dividends

    are credited to income and available or distribution, subject to there being no impairment

    and subject to local legal requirements.

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    Financial instruments






    early adoption.

    Eective date

    Annual periods starting 1 January 2013. Early adoption is permitted rom 12 November


    EU adoption statusNot adopted by the European Commission at the time o going to print.

    How does IFRS 9 improve nancial reporting?







    What is in the scope?




    How are nancial assets to be measured?



    to collect cash fows that represent the payment o principal and interest. For all other


    measurement basis.

    What determines classication?



    to sell it prior to maturity to realise air value changes. I the latter, the instrument is measured


    fow characteristics o the instrument.

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    What is contractual cash fow characteristics test?




    as consideration or the time value o money and or the credit risk associated with the principal

    amount outstanding during a particular period o time.

    Any leverage eature increases the variability o the contractual cash fows with the resultthat they do not have the economic characteristics o interest. I a contractual cash fow


    fow characteristic is not genuine i it aects the instruments contractual cash fows only on the

    occurrence o an event that is extremely rare, highly abnormal and very unlikely to occur.

    What are common eatures that generally would pass the cash fow

    characteristics test?



    Multiple extension options (or example, a perpetual bond).

    Call and put options i they are not contingent on uture events, and the pre-payment

    amount substantially represents unpaid amounts o principal and interest on the principal

    amount outstanding, which may include reasonable additional compensation or the early

    termination o the contract.


    variable and vice versa.


    reset day as long as the rate compensates the lender or the time value o money (or

    example, an option to pay three-month LIBOR or a three-month term or one-month LIBOR

    or a one-month term).

    What are common eatures that generally would ail cash fows characteristics


    Linkage to equity index, borrowers net income or other variables.

    Inverse foating rate.

    Call option at an amount not refective o outstanding principal and interest.

    Issuer is required or can choose to deer interest payments and additional interest does not

    accrue on those deerred amounts.


    reset day such that the rate does not compensate the lender or the time value o money(or example, an option to pay one-month LIBOR or a three-month term and one-month

    LIBOR is not reset each month).


    constant maturity bond (that is, the rate is disconnected with the term o the instrument

    except at origination).

    An equity conversion option in a debt host (rom a holder perspective).

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    Are reclassications permitted?




    assets is required.


    be determined by the entitys senior management as a result o external or internal changes,shouldbesignicanttotheentitysoperationsanddemonstrabletoexternalparties.

    For example, an entity has a portolio o commercial loans that it holds to sell in the short term.

    The entity acquires a company that manages commercial loans and has a business model that

    holds the loans in order to collect the contractual cash fows. The portolio o commercial loans

    is no longer or sale, and the portolio is now managed together with the acquired commercial


    Another example o a change in the business model is where an entity decides to shut down

    a line o service (or example, a retail mortgage business). The line o service does not accept

    new business, and the aected portolio is being actively marketed or sale.

    IFRS9indicatesthatchangesinintentionswithrespecttoindividualinstruments,temporarydisappearance o a particular market or transers o instrument between business models do

    not represent a change in business model.

    What does this mean or equity investments?

    Equity investments do not demonstrate contractual cash fow characteristics o principal and



    through other comprehensive income. The designation is available on an instrument-by-

    instrument basis and only on initial recognition. Once made, the designation is irrevocable.

    All realised and unrealised air value gains and losses ollow the initial designation, and there is

    norecyclingoffairvaluegainsandlossesrecognisedinothercomprehensiveincometoprotor loss. Dividends that represent a return on investment rom equity investments will continue


    Can an equity investment be measured at cost where no reliable air value

    measure is available?


    but stipulates that, in certain circumstances, cost may be an appropriate estimate o air value.


    range o possible air value measurements. Cost will not be an appropriate estimate o air

    value i there are changes in investee circumstances, markets or wider economy, or i there is

    evidence rom external transactions or or investments in quoted equity instruments. To the

    extent actors exist that indicate cost might not be representative o air value, the entity shouldestimate air value.

    What does this mean or hybrid contracts?






    may ail the contractual cash fow characteristic test and should thereore be measured at air


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    Is air value option available?






    recognition or measurement inconsistency, commonly reerred to as an accounting mismatch.


    What are transition requirements?



    some exceptions. Comparative inormation is not required to be adjusted retrospectively or

    adoptions beore 2012.




    it will be required to early adopt all preceding stages rom the same date.

    What happens next?

    The IASB has issued an exposure drat on amortised cost and impairment, which proposes an


    at amortised cost. The ED is open or comment until 30 June 2010. It is the second stage in


    advise on operational aspects o the expected loss model.


    and an ED on hedging in Q2 2010. The IASB is also expected to seek comments on the FASBs




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    TheIASBissuedanamendmenttoIAS39,Eligiblehedgeditems,on31July2008.Theamendment makes two changes:


    In a hedge o one-sided risk with options, it prohibits including time value in the

    hedged risk.

    Eective date


    EU adoption status


    I management issued infation linked debt, can it hedge the infation



    designated as a hedged item in a cash fow or air value hedge.

    I management uses options to hedge orecast sales in oreign currency, can it

    still designate them as hedges o one-sided risk?

    Yes, options may be designated as hedges o one-sided risk or example, the oreignexchange risk that orecast sales in oreign currency will be worth less in the unctional

    currency o the entity.

    Can these options be perectly eective hedging instruments?


    designated as a hedging instrument. Changes in the time value o the options will be posted to


    What should management do i it designated the ull air value o the options as

    hedging instruments in the past?

    Management should re-designate such options in new hedged relationships on an intrinsic

    value basis prospectively as soon as possible.

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    ClassicationofrightsissuesanamendmenttoIAS32waspublishedon8October2009.The amendment recognises that the previous requirement to classiy oreign-currency-

    denominated rights issued to all existing shareholders on a pro rata basis as derivative liabilities

    is not consistent with the substance o the transaction, which represents a transaction with

    owners acting in their capacity as such. The amendment thereore creates an exception to the



    Eective date

    Annual periods beginning on or ater 1 February 2010. It should be applied retrospectively.

    Early adoption is permitted.

    EU adoption status


    What is a rights issue?

    A rights issue is used as a means o capital-raising whereby an entity issues a right, option or



    market share price, and shareholders are economically compelled to exercise the rights so that

    their interest in the entity is not diluted. Rights issues are not used or speculative purposes and

    are required by laws or regulations in many jurisdictions when raising capital.

    Why new guidance now?

    Rights issues have become popular in the current environment due to liquidity constraints on

    the markets. Entities listed in dierent jurisdictions are normally required by laws or regulations






    What does the amendment require?

    The IASB recognised that classiying oreign-currency-denominated rights issued to all existingshareholders on a pro rata basis as derivative liabilities was not consistent with the substance

    o the transaction, which represents a transaction with owners acting in their capacity as such.



    What is the scope o the new guidance?

    The scope o the amendment is narrow and applies only to pro rata rights issues to all existing

    shareholders in a class. It does not extend to long-dated oreign currency rights issues or

    oreign-currency-denominated convertible bonds. For these instruments, the option to acquire

    the issuers equity will continue to be accounted or as a derivative liability, with air value


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    How will this change current practice?


    cash regardless o the currency in which the exercise price is denominated, provided they are

    oered on a pro rata basis to all owners o the same class o equity. Unlike derivative liabilities,



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    Group cash-settled share-based

    payment transactions IFRS 2


    The IASB issued amendments to IFRS 2, Group cash-settled share-based payment




    Group and treasury share transactions, into IFRS 2. They also expand on the guidance given in

    IFRIC 11 to address group arrangements that were not considered in that interpretation.

    Eective date

    Annual periods beginning on or ater 1 January 2010. Early adoption is permitted.

    EU adoption status

    Not adopted by the European Commission at the time o going to print.

    What was the reason or the amendments?

    The amendments were issued to expand on the guidance in IFRIC 11 on accounting or awards

    in group situations. IFRS 2 now covers cash-settled awards that will be settled by an entity

    within the group that does not employ the employees who receive the awards.

    How does an entity account or group cash-settled share-based payment


    Where a parent entity issues a cash-settled award to employees o its subsidiary, the





    settle the award).



    fow chart below.

    What will be the impact o the amendments?


    should have been correctly accounted or as cash-settled share-based payment arrangements.


    standards have been silent in this area), subsidiaries may need to account or a change in

    accounting policy.

    For example, i a subsidiary chose to treat an award granted to its employees by its parent as


    will now need to be treated as equity-settled. Management will thereore need to measure the

    air value o the award at grant date and transer the credit to equity. This could involve time

    and eort in order to look back and determine the air value o the award at grant date.

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    Will management need to restate their nancial statements?


    statements need to refect the amendments as i they had always been applied. The entitys


    to be restated.

    As the amendments to IFRS 2 are ully retrospective, any changes in accounting policy will


    accounting estimates and errors.



    1 My equity instruments, include equity instruments o my subsidiaries (non-controlling interests).


    3 For the entity that settles the obligation, treatment will be as equity-settled only i the transaction is settled in equity instruments o

    that entity (including equity instruments o a subsidiary o that entity). For the entity receiving the goods or services, treatment will

    be as equity-settled unless there is an obligation to settle in cash or other assets.

    Not in scope

    o IFRS 2

    Equity-settled expense

    Equity-settled expense

    (Note 3)

    Does counterparty get

    cash (or other assets)

    based on the valueo either my equity

    instruments or equity

    instruments o anothergroup entity? (Note 2)

    Does counterparty getequity instruments o

    another entity in thesame group? (Note 2)

    Do I have to settle theobligation?

    Do I have to provide

    those instruments (that

    is, am I the settler?)

    Does counterparty get

    my equity instruments?

    (Notes 1 and 2)

    Cash-settled expense











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    IAS24,Related-partytransactions,wasamendedinNovember2009.Therevisedstandardremoves the requirement or government-related entities to disclose details o all transactions




    entities. They were thereore required to disclose transactions with the government and

    other government-related entities. This requirement was onerous in territories with pervasive


    transactions and collect the inormation required to make the disclosures. For example, a

    government-controlled railway was theoretically required to disclose details o its transactions


    statements and was costly and time-consuming to collect.



    entities. A government-controlled bank, or example, would be required to disclose details o

    its transactions, deposits and commitments with all other government-controlled banks and

    with the central bank

    Eective date

    Annual periods beginning on or ater 1 January 2011. Earlier adoption is permitted either

    or the entire standard or or the reduced disclosures or government-related entities.

    EU adoption statusNot adopted by the European Commission at the time o going to print.

    What is the denition o a government-related entity?



    What disclosures are government-related entities required to make?


    or transactions between government-related entities and the government, and all other

    government-related entities. Those disclosures are replaced with a requirement to disclose:

    The name o the government and the nature o the relationship.




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    What is the impact o the change in disclosure requirements?




    will provide more meaningul inormation about the nature o an entitys relationship with the


    Why has the denition o a related party changed?


    inconsistencies. These inconsistencies meant, or example, that there were situations in which


    has been amended to remove such inconsistencies and make it simpler and easier to apply.

    What is the impact o the amended denition?


    will be required to make additional disclosures.

    The entities that are most likely to be aected are those that are part o a group that includesboth subsidiaries and associates and entities with shareholders that are involved with other

    entities. For example, a subsidiary is now required to disclose transactions with an associate

    o its parent. Similarly, disclosure is required o transactions between two entities where

    both entities are joint ventures (or one is an associate and the other is a joint venture) o a

    third entity. In addition, an entity that is controlled by an individual that is part o the key

    management personnel o another entity is now required to disclose transactions with that

    second entity.

    What next steps should management consider?

    Management o government-related entities should consider whether they wish to adopt the

    amendment early. Early adoption is likely to be attractive or many entities, but managementintending to adopt early should also consider the revised disclosure requirements and put in

    place procedures to collect the required inormation. EU entities cannot currently apply the

    amendment because the European Commission has not yet adopted it.


    additional disclosures will be required and put in place procedures to collect that inormation.

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    First-time adoption IFRS 1




    time adopters with the same transition relie that existing IFRS preparers received in the March


    Eective date

    Annual periods beginning on or ater 1 July 2010. Earlier adoption is permitted. Early



    EU adoption status

    Not adopted by the European Commission at the time o going to print.

    What triggered this amendment?

    Existing IFRS preparers were granted relie rom presenting comparative inormation or the


    Disclosures. The relie was provided because the amendments to IFRS 7 were issued ater

    the comparative periods had ended, and the use o hindsight would have been required.


