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A New Beginning 10 Day Devotional...A New Beginning 10 Day Devotional 7 Day 4 Faith Faith shows the reality of what we hope for; it is the evidence of things we cannot see. Hebrews

Apr 19, 2021



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Page 1: A New Beginning 10 Day Devotional...A New Beginning 10 Day Devotional 7 Day 4 Faith Faith shows the reality of what we hope for; it is the evidence of things we cannot see. Hebrews



By Adi Larrazolo

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Day 1: The Beginning of a New Journey ............................................... 1

Day 2: Forgive and Let Go .......................................................................... 3

Day 3: God is Always Talking to you ...................................................... 5

Day 4: Faith ....................................................................................................... 7

Day 5: Patience ................................................................................................ 9

Day 6: Judgement ......................................................................................... 11

Day 7: Love yourself ................................................................................... 13

Day 8: Be thankful ....................................................................................... 15

Day 9: Meditating ......................................................................................... 17

Day 10: Trust and enjoy the process ................................................... 19

Page 3: A New Beginning 10 Day Devotional...A New Beginning 10 Day Devotional 7 Day 4 Faith Faith shows the reality of what we hope for; it is the evidence of things we cannot see. Hebrews

A New Beginning 10 Day Devotional


Day 1

The Beginning of a New Journey

Before starting a new beginning it is vital to understand one's

self worth and there is no better place to learn about our true

worth than the bible. You do not have to be a radically religious

person to understand these verses and believe them to be true

in your life; Genesis 1:26-27 says we are made in his image, the

very image of God, He has given us dominion over everything

he created in this world including dominion over ourselves. We

are God's highest form of creation.

We tend to be hipper focussed on our current situations and

many times forget we are beautiful souls created in God's

image, we poses God like qualities as Jesus tells us in John

14:12-14 Very truly I tell you, whoever believes in me will do

the works I have been doing, and they will do even greater

things than these, because I am going to the Father. And I will

do whatever you ask in my name, so that the Father may be

glorified in the Son. You may ask me for anything in my name,

and I will do it.

This verse is a great reminder that we are not alone and that

we have more power than what we give ourselves credit for.

Sometimes we dwell so much on past circumstances, we

choose to give them so much power and we allow our mind to

create a story of who we are based only on past circumstances

that don't serve us well.

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I would like to invite you to open your heart and accept

yourself as the beautiful creation that you truly are. Make a

choice to believe in the power you hold through Christ, be the

creator of your own life and stop dwelling on past

circumstances that have kept you in the prison cell you have

allowed yourself to create with your thoughts. Break free from

the debilitating believes that you have deliberately created in

your own mind, choose to start a new beginning today

regardless of the past. Remember you only have one life in this

beautiful world and it is God's desire that you live a fulfilled life

as he tells us in Jeremiah 29:11 For I know the plans I have for

you,” says the Lord. “They are plans for good and not for

disaster, to give you a future and a hope.

Decide today, only you can make that decision!

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A New Beginning 10 Day Devotional


Day 2

Forgive and Let Go

Romans 12:19

Don't take revenge, dear friends. Instead, let God's anger take

care of it. After all, scripture says, “I alone have the right to take

revenge. I will pay back, says the lord.”

I was 33 years old when I decided to take the first step and let

go of the past in order to regain my power and create the life

that I truly desired, a life full of Joy, love and peace, a life that

honors God. The second step to the beginning of this beautiful

journey is to forgive.

In my personal life I had allowed past circumstances define

who I had become, some of these circumstances where created

by other people and I had created a lot of resentment and hate

in my heart towards those people. What I have learned is that

even though what they had done to me whas out of my control

It was however, in my control to decide what I had allowed it

to become.

While Reading God's word I came across this bible verse found

in Ephesians 4:31-32 Get rid of all bitterness, passion, and

anger. No more shouting or insulting, no more hateful feelings

of any sort. Instead, be kind and tender-hearted to one another

as God has forgiven you through Christ. This verse has taught

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me that in my human nature I have also sinned against God and

against others, and how much I am in need of His mercy.

When I decided to forgive, I decided to let go of all the chains

that tied me to the people that had hurt me I became free of a

past that didn't serve me well. It wasn't easy, It was a process

and it took a while to accomplish but I was determined to be

free. A letter was just how I did it, I wrote a letter to all the

people that had hurt me being very specific on the details of my

pain and what they had done to me I included the

consequences that followed and at the end of each letter I

wrote the words I FORGIVE YOU. I cried a lot and after crying I

decided to shred all the letters, the entire process helped me

feel empowered and allowed me to regain control of my life. It

is my intention that you decide to forgive those who have

wronged you even if they haven't asked for forgiveness this

will allow you to completely let go of the past and become free

to create a better life. I was once told that unforgiveness is like

drinking poison and thinking that someone else will die.

When you decide to forgive you become empowered, make

that choice today!

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A New Beginning 10 Day Devotional


Day 3

God is Always Talking to you

Once you have decided to accept your true worth and decided

to forgive, you will then be able to start a new chapter in your

life one where you are able to accept that all of God's promises

are true for your life. You are worthy of God's love and grace

and he is alway willing to forgive and to forget. This is so

powerful in my life because it makes me realize that while in

my human nature I will encounter temptation but God is alway

there ready to forgive me and allow me to have a new start at

any given time, all I need to do is truly repent, confess my sin

and ask God to forgive me. There is no need to hold on to our

mistakes and continue dwelling on them and allowing them to

define who we are.

We must trust that God has a perfect plan for our lives, he tells

us in Ephesians 1:4-5 that Even before he made the world, God

loved us and chose us in Christ to be holy and without fault in

his eyes. God decided in advance to adopt us into his own

family by bringing us to himself through Jesus Christ. This is

what he wanted to do, and it gave him great pleasure.

It is so beautiful to symply trust that God is guiding us to his

perfect will and as he tells us in Philippians 2:13 For God is

working in you, giving you the desire and the power to do what

pleases him. It is important to trust that when we choose to

walk with God he will work through us and guide us to act

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accordingly in order to accomplish the beautiful life he has for


Often a thought of a new possibility about something we are

truly passionate about or even to better ourselves come to

mind, for the most part we tend to just call them a day dream

and move on with our life, we think of it as something so

impossible to achieve because we have become so comfortable

with the life we live even if it's one that is not fruitful.

When we experience contrast in our lives and the idea of a new

life comes to mind it is highly important to know that is God

guiding us to a new opportunity in order to create a new life.

While the beginning of an unknown journey might seem scary

at the time, we must trust that God will open doors at the

perfect time and we will encounter people that will assist us in

this new journey.

It is important to be sensitive to God's voice, he speaks to all of

us and only by trusting that he will be there for us will we be

lead to pursue a new life where we can accomplish great things

for his kingdom. We are his hands and feet in this world and

when we decide to walk by faith we become one with him as

we are told in 1 Corinthians 6:17 But who ever is united in the

Lord is one with him in spirit.

Therefore we must trust that the spirit of God is always guiding

us to pursue the true purpose of our existence to continue

expanding and becoming better every day. We must learn to

trust the process and enjoy the journey.

Romans 12:2 Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but

be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be

able to test and approve what God’s will is-- his good, pleasing

and perfect will.

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A New Beginning 10 Day Devotional


Day 4


Faith shows the reality of what we hope for; it is the evidence

of things we cannot see. Hebrews 11:1

We are commanded to live by faith and call the unseen as seen.

When choosing to hear God's voice and deciding to start a new

journey it is highly important to acquire an attitude of faith and

believing that to God anything is possible and since we are

connected to him in spirit and we are one with him in spirit, we

must trust that we are being guided by the Holy Spirit of God.

We will encounter situations that will bring us discomfort and

we must trust that these situations are meant to help us feel

discomfort in order to expand and move us to a new direction.

We must never trust our own understanding as we are told in

Proverbs 3:5-6 Trust in the Lord with all your heart do not

depend on your own understanding. Seek his will in all you do

and he will show you which path to take.

It is important to not become discouraged when you encounter

a situation that might make you feel like you are facing a

setback, on the contrary learn to enjoy the journey. We know

that God causes everything to work together for the good of

those who love God and are called according to his purpose for

them Romans 8:28

To live a life of faith is a choice, and while it is not an easy one

at the beginning, as it requires to let go of your own control

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and your own understanding and trust God in all you do, with

time it becomes of second nature and a very rewarding one. As

we are in this material world and we are constantly reacting to

our human senses, to what we can hear, see, touch and smell

and be easily distracted, but instead we must learn to turn off

these senses and use our spiritual eyes.

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Day 5


Romans 8:25 But if we hope for what we do not see, we wait

for it with patience

While we are in this human nature we must always remember

that we are eternal souls and we have been called to live by the

spirit. Trusting that everything will always workout for the

best even if it does not seem like it at the time. As we live in a

time and day where instant gratification is the new norm, we

must learn to have patience and learn to trust God's perfect

timing. In my personal journey of faith I have encountered

situations that at the time seemed like there was nothing to

learn and in my human “understanding” I was unable to see the

benefit of my circumstance, with time I am able to see the

meaning of everything I have endured. It is vital to have a

positive mindset and renew our mind on a daily basis and

choose not to allow any negative thoughts come to your mind

as if your life depended on this.

When a thought of defeat or doubt comes to you, you must

replace it with a positive one, a thought that serves you better

and that is aligned with God's truth.

We must learn to encourage ourselves, believe that all of God's

promises are true for us and that he will never leave us or

forsake us. Trust that there is a reason for everything, all things

aline when you choose to live by the spirit and live a fruitful

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life, the life that God has for you. When you choose to stay in a

positive mindset you gain control of every situation because

you are certain that despite what your physical eyes can see

there is far more that only our spiritual eyes can see, knowing

that if you can see it in your mind you can trust with certainty

that you will be able to experience it in the physical world. We

serve a God that knows no limmits, a God that spoke this world

into existence therefore we must trust that his timing will

always be perfect. Remember God is not bound by time or

space and as 2 Peter 3:8-9 tells us but do not forget this one

thing, dear friends With the lord a day is like a thousand years,

and a thousand years are like a day. The Lord is not slow in

keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. Instead he

is patience with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but

everyone to come to repentance.

We must trust the process and enjoy the journey and trust that

God’s timing will always be perfect. It is the most beautiful

feeling when we decide to wait upon the Lord and see things

unfold in God's perfect timing

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Day 6


Matthew 7:2 For with what judgment you judge, you will be

judged; and with the measure you use, it will be measured back

to you.

Growing up I spend a part of my life in a very small town in

Mexico where my grandparents and my mom where from.

Growing up in a small town has its advantage and

disadvantages as one might imagine, a major disadvantage is

the lack of privacy as everyone knows everything about

everyone, by default I learned to judge other people at a very

young age. I quickly became very self conscious and paranoid

that someone was judging me or my actions and I soon realized

I felt that way because I judged other people, and I felt that the

same way I judge them they were judging me.

Judging other people really prevents us from growing and

expanding into the life we truly desire, that is why when you

choose to start a new journey it is vital to create an attitude of

forgiveness and compassion in Matthew 7:3 we are reminded

And why do you look at the speck in your brother’s eye, but do

not consider the plank in your own eye? When we decide to

focus on our own life we are able to grow and therefore help

others grow as well, but if are solely focused on other people's

wrongdoings, we are then unable to change our own life and


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When we choose to focus on our own mistakes and our own

faults and we then look at them with created contrast the

contrast will help us expand to see and learn what we truly

desire for our life instead of beating ourselves up for the

mistakes we have made. This is when we will be able to expand

and create a life we truly desire.

Never allow past mistakes stop you from creating a new life

instead earn to embrace them and understand that without

them there would have been no contrast to show you what you

truly desire. It is vital to understand that while we will

probably encounter many mistakes throughout our life we

must always learn to no beat yourself up over them but learn

to come to the father and ask for forgiveness immediately the

sooner you do that the sooner you will be able move forward

and continue in the creation mode. Let's never forget that we

are always either consciously or unconsciously creating our

life. Let's create with purpose and intention by making sure

that every single word that we speak will be to build up those

around us and ourselves.

James 4:11-12 Do not speak evil of one another, brethren. He

who speaks evil of a brother and judges his brother, speaks evil

of the law and judges the law. But if you judge the law, you are

not a doer of the law but a judge. There is one Lawgiver, who is

able to save and to destroy. Who are you to judge another?

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Day 7

Love yourself

And the second, like it, is this: ‘You shall love your neighbor as

yourself.’ There is no other commandment greater than these.”

Mark 12:31

In order to love others it is critical that we must also love

ourselves. This commandment is at the top of the list as we are

reminded in God's word our bodies are the temple of the Holy

Spirit and we must learn to love ourselves. If everyone exercise

this commandment there would really be no room for jealousy

and envy as we would all have the same love for others as we

would for ourselves, we would avoid self destructive choices

therefore we would not do the things that bring harm to

others. However in many cases we have not been taught to love

ourselves or to love others properly, leaving room for jealousy

and envy between people.

As self love is not something that is really ever thought to us at

a young age it is something that we must choose to learn, when

you understand your true worth and understand that all your

neighbors where created in God image just like yourself you

will understand the importance of self love. Without self love

you will live a life that will always try to please others, only to

find that validation and that feeling of worthiness will always

fall short when expected from others. Society teaches us that

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self worth is found on the outside with material things or your

appearance but your looks will only take you to do things you

might later regret. So many things in this world are disguised

as love, the kind of love you will find will not be true, it is until

you learn to love yourself that you will allow other to see your

true beauty and others will love you for who you really are.

There is no one in the face of the earth that has existed, that

exists or that will exist that is exactly like you every single one

of us bring something different to our society and it is

important that we embrace who we are and understand that it

is though our uniqueness that we are able to create the life we

truly desire. By understanding that Love is not a feeling but a

verb, an action it is something you choose to do on a daily basis

regardless of the circumstances. We live in a society where

everything that is good has been distorted therefore we have

created many erroneous ideas of what is truly pure and

honorable leaving us feeling empty inside because we believe

that if our feelings and emotions change we must always follow

them without having any type of self control or think about


Choose to love yourself so that you can experience how

capable you truly are of loving others choose only the things

that will bring you glory and honor, the things that will bring

you true lasting joy not just instant gratification that will soon


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Day 8

Be thankful

Philippians 4:6 Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by

prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests

be made known to God;

When I started my new journey I found how truly important it

is to be thankful for everything. There is magic in an attitude of

gratitude. When you choose to solely focus on all the good

things you have in your life rather than focusing on the bad the

negative or even the things you don't have, something truly

magical happens, you are able to focus only on the good and

you continue finding more good in every circumstance.

Gratitude becomes a chain of reaction where you start

attracting only good in your life because you are so hyper

focused on all the things that you are grateful, you are then

able to move to a positive state of mind, allowing God to work

his perfect will in you. This is why we are commanded to give

thanks always, this state of mind is only acquired by practicing

to be thankful on a daily basis.

When I began to practice thankfulness, it was very hard as the

circumstances that I was facing at the time were not the ideal

circumstances for starting a trial run of thanksgiving. It is in

our nature to react to our human senses invertanly stopping us

from being thankful for what our earthly eyes cannot see,

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however it is important to remind ourselves what Jesus tells

us, to give thanks for what we have asked for trusting that God

has already answered our prayers.

It is vital to train ourselves to stay in this state of mind

throughout the day, if you really think about it there is always

something you can be thankful for. Let's say you only have one

thing you can be thankful for (although almost impossible that

you only have that one thing to be thankful for) by

acknowledging it you will be able to move in to a state of

gratitude. It is when we are in a state of gratitude that we are

able to shift from anxiety and worry to trust in God the creator

of the universe and know for a fact that he will answer our

prayers as he tells us in 1st Thessalonians 5:16-18 Rejoice

always, Pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for

this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus

When I choose to focus on all the things that I could be thankful

for I am able to be happy and I am able to focus on the small

priceless things that I often take for granted. When I am in a

grateful state It became easier for me to trust God and be

patient, I am able to enjoy the journey feeling absolutely


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Day 9


Psalms 119:15-16

I will meditate on Your precepts And regard Your ways. I shall

delight in Your statutes; I shall not forget Your word.

Meditating in the early morning and before bed is highly

important. By doing so you are being intentional in reminding

yourself you are in this world on a mission, that you are not

here to react to past or current circumstances or react to other

people. Instead remind yourself that you are the creator of

your life and when you choose to meditate and remind yourself

of this power you possess through the Holy Spirit of God you

deliberately create the beautiful life that God has for you. In

this way you are more likely to succeed and accomplish your

hearts desires.

When you choose to meditate in God's word and choose to

quiet your mind and focus in on all the things you are thankful

for before you start your day, you are able to set yourself in a

state of mind that allows you to act instead of react, you move

to a creative mode where you deliberately choose how you

want your day to unfold. When you do this you dont allow

unexpected circumstances and other people's choices affect

you because you trust the creator and know in your heart that

he will deliver you from anything that will not take you to

where you are meant to go.

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When You meditate in the early morning you set an intention,

an intention to trust God, an intention to allow the Holy Spirit

of God work within you and guide you to accomplish your

hearts desires. NO one else can accomplish that for you, it is

important that you take the time to meditate and set the right

intention every single day.

You will soon see how your life unfolds for the best, and

because you are making a choice of acting and focusing on the

good things you will be able to see more opportunities present

themselves to you, opportunities that you will otherwise not

have notice.

It is your choice to start your day meditating and setting the

intention to hear God's voice and allow him to guide you, or

you can simply go on your way reacting to the many situations

that come your way and live by default were your life is

created by what happens to you rather than creating with


Psalms 77:12 I will meditate on all Your work And muse on

Your deeds.

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Day 10

Trust and enjoy the process

Psalms 37:4 Delight yourself in the Lord, and he will give you

the desires of your heart.

Once you have decided to forgive yourself and others, to accept

your true worth therefore believing that you are worthy of all

of God's promises, and you have chosen to renew your mind

daily and have faith that God is always guiding you to the life

he has planned for you through the contrast that you

experience in life and choose to meditate in Him; it is

important to simply trust the process and have complete faith.

The God that spoke this world into existence is always there

for you guiding you to that beautiful life he has for you, a life of

blessings, a life where you will be able to accomplish great

things and be a blessing to others. You must learn to be bold

and know without a doubt that God is by your side every

second of the day. The Holy spirit of God that lives within you

is always guiding you and the same power that rose Jesus from

the dead lives within you, we are one with God. Remember

these facts on a daily basis as they are imperative to our walk

with God, His truths will help guide us in those moments when

it seems easier to just live by what our earthly senses dictate.

Trusting that God has everything under control and that if we

have asked him he will be faithful to answer our prayers in the

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perfect timing. Lets not forget that timing is everything and we

must be patient.

As we are reminded in Psalms 37:4 Delight yourself in the

Lord, and he will give you the desires of your heart. I

encourage you to enjoy the process, lets delight ourselves in

the Lord by trusting and having the kind of faith instructed in

Philippians 1:6 being confident of this, that he who began a

good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of

Christ Jesus.

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A New Beginning 10 Day Devotional


Never allow a temporary earthly situation dictate the rest of your life

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