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A Modern Course in the Quantum Theory of Solids Capitulo 1

Feb 26, 2018



Baco Davis
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  • 7/25/2019 A Modern Course in the Quantum Theory of Solids Capitulo 1


    Chapter 1

    Lattice Dynamics

    When the structure and cohesion of solids are studied, we assume that the

    atoms or ions in solids stay at their respective equilibrium positions. This

    is sufficient for the purpose of studying their structural and binding prop-

    erties. However, when we pursue to understand many other properties of

    solids, such as their thermodynamic properties, the picture of static atoms

    or ions in solids becomes inadequate and their dynamics must be taken into

    consideration. As a matter of fact, atoms or ions in solids never stay persis-

    tently at their equilibrium positions at finite temperatures. Instead, they

    move back and forth (that is, they vibrate or oscillate) constantly about

    their equilibrium positions. This kind of motion is referred to as lattice vi-

    brationsand the entire subject related to lattice vibrations is called lattice

    dynamics or crystal dynamics.

    Lattice dynamics can be said to be the oldest branch of solid state

    physics. To be convincing, we now trace some of the early important de-

    velopments in lattice dynamics. In 1907, Einstein1 published his work onthe lattice specific heat, entitled Plancks theory of radiation and the the-

    ory of specific heat (the birth of the Einstein model on the lattice specific

    heat). In 1912, Born and von Karman2 published their work on lattice

    vibrations, entitled On vibrations in space lattices(the birth of the formal

    theory of lattice dynamics), and Debye3 published his work on the lattice

    specific heat, entitledOn the theory of specific heat(the birth of the Debye

    model on the lattice specific heat). There are many other early landmark


    1A. Einstein, Annalen der Physik 22, 180 (1907).2M. Born and Th. von Karman, Physikalische Zeitschrift 13, 297 (1912); ibid. 14, 15

    (1913).3P. Debye, Annalen der Physik (Leipzig) 39, 789 (1912).


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    2 A Modern Course in Quantum Theory of Solids

    In 1950s, Brockhouse4

    pioneered the measurement of the spectrum oflattice vibrations (the dispersion relations of normal modes of lattice vi-

    brations) of a solid through inelastic neutron scattering experiments. The

    development of this experimental technique provided a great impetus to

    the study of lattice dynamics in various types of solids.

    Lattice vibrations are very important because they play vital roles in

    many physical properties of solids. Lattice vibrations can scatter electrons

    in a metal and thus yield resistance to the motion of electrons, which leads

    to the increase in the resistivity of the metal. Lattice vibrations can take

    heat from or give heat to the environment and thus affect the heat capacity

    of a solid. A certain kind of lattice vibrations interact with photons and

    thus have an impact on the optical properties of a solid. The interaction

    of lattice vibrations with conduction electrons in a metal can even change

    the ground state of the electrons in a fundamental way and render them to

    be superconducting. The consequences of lattice vibrations on the physical

    properties of solids are so many that one can hardly give an exhausted list

    in a limited space.

    Because of their paramount importance, a thorough study of latticevibrations is undoubtedly necessary. Surprised or not, lattice vibrations

    call for both classical and quantum theories for their complete descriptions.

    The necessity of a quantum theory of lattice vibrations is clearly testified

    by the inability of classical theory of lattice vibrations to produce the cor-

    rect temperature dependence of the specific heat of a solid as observed in

    experiments. Lattice vibrations must be studied in three stages before their

    effects on physical properties can be fully unveiled. In the first stage, vari-

    ous vibrational modes are obtained through solving the classical equationsof motion of atoms or ions. In the second stage, vibrational modes are

    quantized according to the canonical quantization rules. This is the first

    time that lattice vibrations are quantized. The second stage acts only as a

    transition. For a better understanding of their properties and for the conve-

    nience of their applications, lattice vibrations are quantized for the second

    time in the third stage. With the second quantization, the consequences of

    lattice vibrations on physical properties of solids can be fully investigated.

    Regardless of the type of bonding, any solid can be taken as composed

    of electrons and nuclei. These two kinds of particles are intimately coupled

    4B. N. Brockhouse and A. T. Stewart, Physical Review 100, 756 (1955).

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    Lattice Dynamics 3

    together. The Hamiltonian of a solid is then given byH= He+ Hn+ Hen,

    He= i


    2m2i +







    |ri rj | ,

    Hn = I









    |RIRJ| ,






    |ri RI|,


    wherem is the mass of an electron, MI and ZIe are the mass and charge

    of nucleusI, ri and RIdenote the positions of the ith electron and theIth

    nucleus, respectively, He is the Hamiltonian of the subsystem of electrons,

    Hnis the Hamiltonian of the subsystem of nuclei, and Henis the interaction

    Hamiltonian between electrons and nuclei.

    The Hamiltonian in Eq. (1.1) is referred to as the fundamental Hamil-

    tonian of a solid in the sense that all the properties of the solid can be

    computed if the eigenvalues and eigenstates ofHcould be found exactly.Unfortunately, it is not in sight at all that any one could accomplish that.

    Therefore, we have no choice but make some approximations to be able

    to proceed to understand any physical properties of a solid. Because

    the electrons and ions are coupled together, the separation of the elec-

    tronic and nuclear motions would be of great help. This is provided by

    the BornOppenheimer approximationthat is also known as the adiabatic


    This chapter is organized as follows. The BornOppenheimer approxi-mation is first introduced in Sec. 1.1 so that we can concentrate only on the

    motion of nuclei (or atoms or ions) thereafter. We then attempt to develop

    the classical theory of lattice vibrations as gently as possible, with the full

    classical theory established in the end.

    In Sec. 1.2, we introduce the harmonic approximation and derive the

    harmonic lattice potential energy for a three-dimensional crystal with a

    multi-atom basis. We then proceed to find the normal modes of lattice

    vibrations of a solid under the harmonic approximation. Attention should

    be paid to the way we solve the classical equations of motion of atoms: We

    expand the displacement of an atom in terms of its Fourier components (i.e.,

    make a Fourier transformation of the displacement of atoms with respect

    to positions of primitive cells and time) so that the differential equations

    are converted into algebraic equations.

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    4 A Modern Course in Quantum Theory of Solids

    In finding the normal modes of lattice vibrations in a crystal, we followthese steps:

    (1) Establish the classical equations of motion of atoms using Newtons

    second law with the force acting on an atom derived from the harmonic

    lattice potential energy.

    (2) Fourier transform the displacements of atoms and convert the differen-

    tial equations into algebraic equations.

    (3) Find the allowed values of wave vector.

    (4) Solve the resultant algebraic equations for the frequencies of normalmodes.

    (5) Introduce the normal coordinates and polarization vectors for normal


    (6) Solve for the polarization vectors.

    (7) Discuss the properties of polarization vectors.

    (8) Derive an expression for the displacements of atoms.

    (9) Derive the Hamiltonian of the crystal under study.

    The results obtained in the last two steps will be used in the quantization

    of lattice vibrations.

    1.1 BornOppenheimer Approximation

    The characteristic speed of an electron in a solid is 106 m/s, while that of a

    nucleus is 105 m/s. Thus, the electrons in a solid move much faster than the

    nuclei. This is because the electrons are much lighter than the nuclei, m 103MI, while the momenta they acquire through various interactions are

    comparable. Because of the much higher mobility of the electrons than that

    of the nuclei, when the configuration of the nuclei changes, the electrons

    can respond instantaneously and thus remain essentially in the electronic

    ground state. We can thus assume that the nuclei remain at their stationary

    positions when the ground state of the electronic subsystem is solved. The

    full potential energy of the nuclei is then obtained by taking the electronic

    contributions into account and used subsequently to solve for the motion of

    the nuclei. The disentanglement of the motion of the electrons and nuclei

    in such a manner is known as the BornOppenheimer approximationorthe

    adiabatic approximation.

    We now describe the BornOppenheimer approximation in more details.

    For brevity in notations, we first introduce collective notations for the co-

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    Lattice Dynamics 5

    ordinates of the electrons and nuclei. Letr= {r1, r2, , rNe} collectivelydenote the electronic coordinates and R ={R1,R2, ,RN} the nuclearcoordinates. Here Neis the number of electrons and Nthe number of nuclei.

    Let (r, R) = (r; R)(R) be the wave function of the solid with (r; R)

    and(R) the electronic and nuclear wave functions, respectively. The semi-

    colon in(r; R) indicates that R is taken as a parameter when the motion

    of the electronic subsystem is solved. We start with the eigenequation of

    the Hamiltonian H= H(r, R) (i.e., the stationary Schrodinger equation of

    the solid)

    H(r, R)(r, R) =E(r, R), (1.2)

    whereEis the eigenvalue ofH(r, R). To proceed, we rearrange the above

    equation as


    (r; R)

    He(r) + Hen(r, R)

    (r; R)

    = 1

    (r; R)(R) E Hn(R)

    (r; R)(R)

    . (1.3)

    To emphasize the coordinate dependence, we have explicitly displayed

    proper coordinate variables in the Hamiltonians. Because of the entan-

    glement of the variables r and R, the two sides of Eq. (1.3) can not both

    equal either a constant or a function of only r or R. However, since the

    nuclei can be taken as remaining at their stationary positions when the

    ground state of the electronic subsystem is solved, the eigenequation for

    the electronic states

    He(r) + Hen(r, R)(r; R) = E(R)(r; R) (1.4)can be solved with the nuclei remaining in the configuration R, where E(R)is the electronic eigenenergy in the nuclear configuration R. Inserting the

    above equation into Eq. (1.3), we obtainHn(R) + E(R)

    (r; R)(R)

    = E(r; R)(R). (1.5)

    The motion of the nuclei is thus separated from that of the electrons. This

    is a great step forward since we now have a recipe to solve the eigenequation

    of the Hamiltonian of the solid albeit it is done approximately. If the vari-

    ables in Eq. (1.3) had been separated exactly, we would have had an exact

    solution to the problem. In a sense, the BornOppenheimer approximation

    is equivalent to solving Eq. (1.2) with the separation of variables. Hence,

    the impreciseness in the BornOppenheimer approximation is caused by

    the forceful application of the separation of variables to Eq. (1.2).

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    6 A Modern Course in Quantum Theory of Solids

    The electronic energyE(R) is referred to as the adiabatic contributionto the potential energy of the nuclei. The other terms related to electronicwave functions are referred to as the non-adiabatic contribution and they

    can be inferred from Eq. (1.5). Multiplying both sides of Eq. (1.5) by

    (r; R) from left and then integrating over r (i.e., over r1, r2, , rNe),we have



    2MI2I+ (R)

    (R) =E(R), (1.6)

    where (R) is the nuclear potential energy and is given by

    (R) =1






    |RIRJ| + E(R) + na(R). (1.7)

    The term na(R) in (R) is the non-adiabatic contribution and is given by

    na(R) = I



    dr (r; R)I(r; R)





    dr (r; R)2I(r; R) (1.8)


    dr =

    dr1dr2 drNe . Due to the afore-mentioned slow motionof the nuclei in comparison with the electrons, the non-adiabatic contribu-

    tion is usually small and can be taken into account perturbatively. The

    non-adiabatic contribution is very important to some physical properties

    of a solid since it describes the interaction between electrons and lattice


    When only the electronic states are of concern, Eq. (1.4) can be solved

    for a set of fixed nuclear positions (i.e., a fixed nuclear configuration). In

    consideration of the large masses and slow motion of the nuclei, their mo-tion is often solved using classical mechanics. In such a case, a potential

    energy surface can be mapped out by solving Eq. (1.4) for different nuclear

    configurations and then used in classical computations for the motion of


    In practice, the nuclei in Eq. (1.2) are often replaced with ions or ion

    cores since the core electrons play a much less role than valence electrons

    in determining the properties of a solid.

    1.2 Lattice Potential Energy and Harmonic Approximation

    From the above discussions, we see that the nuclear potential energy, re-

    ferred to as the lattice potential energy hereafter, can be obtained only

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    Lattice Dynamics 7

    after the electronic motion has been solved for all the nuclear configura-tions. Thus, it seems that the understanding of the lattice dynamics of a

    crystal is impossible without the knowledge of the electronic states. How-

    ever, the lattice potential energy can also be obtained empirically with the

    input from experiments. Such an approach is called the pseudopotential

    method. In any event, the lattice potential energy is assumed to be known

    from now on. In this sense, our treatment is of phenomenological nature.

    With the kinetic energy expressed in terms of momenta of atoms, the lattice

    Hamiltonian is given by



    + (r1, r2, , rN), (1.9)

    where we have used the lowercase letter i to label an atom, the lowercase

    letter m to denote its mass, the bold lowercase letter p to denote its mo-

    mentum, and the bold lowercase letter r to denote its position. The bold

    capital letter Ris now reserved for the lattice vectors. Also, for brevity we

    will generally refer to atoms as the constituents of a crystal in this section

    even though they may be ions. But, ions will be used when an ionic crys-tal is explicitly referred to. For pairwise interactions between atoms, the

    lattice potential (r1, r2, , rN) can be written as

    (r1, r2, , rN) = 12


    (ri rj), (1.10)

    where(ri rj) is the interaction energy between atomsiandj.For the given lattice potential energy of a crystal, the problem we face

    is what to do with it to develop a theory for the lattice dynamics of thecrystal. To accomplish this, we make good use of the fact that atoms move

    only in the close vicinities of their equilibrium positions (that is, the am-

    plitudes of their vibrations are small). In the first step, we Taylor-expand

    the lattice potential energy in terms of the displacements of atoms from

    their equilibrium positions and keep only up to the second-order terms in

    the expansion. This practice is known asthe harmonic approximation. The

    lattice Hamiltonian in the harmonic approximation is referred to as a har-

    monic Hamiltonian. The crystal with a harmonic Hamiltonian is referred

    to as a harmonic crystal. The terms of orders higher than the second

    order are referred to as anharmonic terms. Ordinarily, the contributions

    from the anharmonic terms are negligibly small and can be safely ignored.

    However, for crystals with extraordinary properties, such as ferroelectric

    crystals and crystals that can undergo structural phase transformations,

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    8 A Modern Course in Quantum Theory of Solids

    the anharmonic terms become important. For such crystals, the effects ofthe cubic and quartic anharmonic terms are often considered.

    We now consider a three-dimensional crystal with a multi-atom basis.

    To be able to keep track of the algebras comfortably, we first describe clearly

    how the atoms are labeled and their positions denoted.

    As generally done, we label each primitive cell by the lattice site on

    which the primitive cell sits. Thus, the ith primitive cell locates on the

    ith lattice site and its position vector is given by Ri that is the lattice

    vector of the ith lattice site. Because of the presence of bases of atoms in

    a crystal, the number of atoms in each primitive cell is greater than one.The atoms within each primitive cell are indexed by positive integers, with

    Greek letters (,, ) often used for the variables of indices. For ap-atombasis, we have= 1, 2, ,p. To refer to an atom within a primitive cell,we can say the th atom within the ith primitive cell. The position of

    an atom within a primitive cell is given in the local Cartesian coordinate

    system associated with the primitive cell with the origin at the tip of the

    position vector of the primitive cell, denoted by d for theth atom. Thus,

    the equilibrium position of the th atom within the ith primitive cell in acrystal is given by Ri+ d.

    Shown in Fig. 1.1 is a simple cubic crystal with a two-atom basis. The

    CsCl crystal has such a structure. Because atom 1 in a primitive cell locates

    at the tip of the position vector of the primitive cell, its position vector is

    zero in the local Cartesian coordinate system associated with the primitive

    cell and is thus not shown in the figure.

    With the displacement of an atom from its equilibrium position taken

    into account, the instantaneous position ri of theth atom within theithprimitive cell is given by

    ri=Ri+ d+ ui. (1.11)

    In components, the above equation reads

    ri, =Ri+ d+ ui,. (1.12)

    The lattice potential energy in Eq. (1.10) is now expressed as




    (Ri+ d Rj d+ ui uj) (1.13)

    for a crystal with a multi-atom basis. Taylor-expanding(Ri+ dRj d+uiuj) in terms ofuiujaboutRi+dRjdand keeping

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    Lattice Dynamics 9



















    Fig. 1.1 Lattice vibrations in a simple cubic crystal with a multi-atom basis. (a) Staticlattice. To indicate that the atoms of the second kind locate at the centers of the cubes(the primitive cells), the body diagonals of one cube are drawn. (b) Dynamic lattice.The ith primitive cell is shaded and marked by i close to its rear lower-left corner thatis chosen as the origin of the local Cartesian coordinate system associated with theprimitive cell. The global Cartesian coordinate system is also shown. (c) Description ofatomic positions. Shown are the position Ri of the ith primitive cell, the position d2

    of the second atom within the primitive cell, the displacements u

    i1 and u

    i2, and theinstantaneous positions ri1 and ri2 of the two atoms within the primitive cell. Notethat the position vector d1 of the first atom is zero within the local Cartesian coordinatesystem associated with the primitive cell and is not shown.

    only terms up to the second order, we have

    (Ri+ d Rj d+ ui uj) (Ri+dRjd)+

    (Ri+dRjd)(ui, uj,)


    (ui, uj,)(Ri+dRjd)(ui, uj,), (1.14)

    where and denote the first- and second-order partial derivatives of

    with respect to components of a lattice vector

    (Ri+ d Rj d) = (Ri+ d Rj d)Ri


    (Ri+ d


    d) =

    2(Ri+ d Rj d)RiRi



    The harmonic lattice potential energy is then given by

    harm = 0+1





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    10 A Modern Course in Quantum Theory of Solids





    (Ri+ d Rj d) (1.17)

    is the total cohesive (or lattice) energy. The first-order term vanishes be-

    cause of the equilibrium conditioni (i=j)

    (Ri+ d Rj d) = 0.

    We can remove the constraint i =jon the dummy summation variablesin Eq. (1.16) upon noticing the presence of the factors (ui, uj,) and(ui,uj,). However, to avoid the possible divergence in (Ri+dRjd), we set it to be identically zero for i =j, which is permissiblebecause the term with i= j did not appear in Eq. (1.16). We can then

    rearrange harm as follows

    harm = 0+1


    i, j

    (ui, uj,)(Ri+dRjd)(ui uj,)

    = 0+1




    (Ri+dRjd)(ui, ui,ui, uj, )

    = 0+1





    (Ri+ d Rj d )


    (Ri+ d Rj d)

    ui, uj,

    = 0+




    ui, D, (Ri Rj)uj, , (1.18)

    where we have introduced matrixD(RiRj) whose (, )th element isgiven by

    D, (Ri Rj) =j

    (Ri+ d Rj d )


    (Ri+ d Rj d). (1.19)Note that the row of D is indexed by the combination of and and

    the column by the combination of and . Thus, for a three-dimensional

    crystal with ap-atom basis,Dis a 3p3p matrix. Note also that the depen-dence on the positions of atoms within a primitive cell has been transferred

    into the subscripts. The Fourier transform of D(Ri Rj) with respect

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    Lattice Dynamics 11

    to Ri Rj is a very important quantity from which the dynamics of thelattice vibrations in the crystal can be inferred.Because of the presence of the basis, not all elements of D(Ri Rj)

    are even functions ofRi Rj . However, it still has several other usefulproperties.

    (1) As indicated by its argument,D,(RiRj) depends on Ri and Rjonly in the form ofRiRj.

    (2) From its definition in Eq. (1.19), it is seen that D,(Rj Ri) =D,(RiRj). It also holds that D,(RjRi) =D,(RiRj).

    (3) The summation ofD, (Ri Rj) overi or j vanishesj

    D, (Ri Rj) = 0. (1.20)

    1.3 Normal Modes of a Three-Dimensional Crystal with a

    Multi-Atom Basis

    Having discussed the harmonic lattice potential energy of a crystal, we nowturn to solving the problem of lattice vibrations for the crystal by finding

    the normal modes of its lattice vibrations using classical mechanics. We

    begin with setting up the classical equations of motion for atoms in the


    1.3.1 Equations of motion of atoms

    Differentiating the harmonic lattice potential energy for a three-dimensional

    crystal with a multi-atom basis in Eq. (1.18) with respect to ui, , weobtain theth component of the force exerting on the th atom within the

    ith primitive cell due to all other atoms in the crystal

    Fi, = harm


    = 12




    ui, D, (RiRj)uj,

    = 1





    (RiRj)uj, ii

    + ui, D, (RiRj)ij

    = j

    D, (Ri Rj)uj, . (1.21)

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    12 A Modern Course in Quantum Theory of Solids

    It follows from Newtons second law mui, =Fi, thatmui, =


    D, (Ri Rj)uj, , (1.22)

    wherem is the mass of the th atom in a primitive cell. Note that there

    is an equation of the above form for each atom in the crystal and for each

    coordinate component of the displacement of each atom. Thus, we have

    3N p equations in three dimensions. The solutions to the above equations

    are to be found by expressingui, in terms of its Fourier components

    ui, (t) =k

    1N m

    Q(k, )ei(kRit) (1.23)

    with N the total number of primitive cells in the crystal. The fact that

    ui,(t) takes only on real values leads to the property that Q(k, ) =

    Q(k, ) for the Fourier coefficient Q(k, ) .

    1.3.2 Allowed values of wave vector k

    The allowed values ofk are to be found from the Born-von Karman bound-ary condition that, for a crystal with a multi-atom basis, is stated as follows

    ui1+N1, i2i3, ,(t) =ui1, i2+N2, i3, ,(t) =ui1i2, i3+N3, ,(t)

    =ui1i2i3, ,(t), (1.24)

    whereN1,N2, andN3are respectively the numbers of primitive cells along

    basis vectors a1, a2, and a3.

    The above equation indicates that the crystals wraps itself up in all

    three directions of a1, a2, and a3. Inserting Eq. (1.23) into Eq. (1.24)


    eiN1ka1 = eiN2ka2 = eiN3ka3 = 1. (1.25)

    Since the above equations do not change ifk is changed by any reciprocal

    lattice vector K, we restrict k to be within the first Brillouin zone with

    the understanding that the wave vectors differing only by reciprocal lattice

    vectors are all equivalent. To infer the allowed values ofk from the above

    equation, we express k as

    k= x1b1+ x2b2+ x3b3,where 0 |x1|,|x2|,|x3| 1 and b1, b2, and b3 are the primitive vectorsof the reciprocal lattice. Upon making use of the orthonormality relation

    between bi and aj, bi aj = 2ij, we haveei2N1x1 = ei2N2x2 = ei2N3x3 = 1

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    Lattice Dynamics 13

    from which it follows thatx1 =n1/N1, n1= 0,1,2, ,(N1/2 1), N1/2,x2 =n2/N2, n2= 0,1,2, ,(N2/2 1), N2/2,x3 =n3/N3, n3= 0,1,2, ,(N3/2 1), N3/2.

    The allowed values ofk are then given by

    k= (n1/N1)b1+ (n2/N2)b2+ (n3/N3)b3 (1.26)

    with ni = 0,1,2, ,(Ni/2 1), Ni/2 for i = 1, 2,3. From thevalue ranges ofn1,n2, andn3, we see that the total number of the allowed

    values of k is N = N1N2N3, the total number of primitive cells in the

    monatomic crystal. This statement is applicable to any crystal regardless

    of its dimensionality and no matter whether or not it has a basis.

    1.3.3 Allowed values of frequency

    We now find the allowed values of frequency. Substituting Eq. (1.23) intoEq. (1.22) yields

    m 2Q(k, )N



    = k


    D, (Ri Rj) Q (k, )N m



    Q(k, ) =

    1mmj D, (RiRj)eik(RiRj)

    Q (k, ),

    D, (k) 2

    Q(k, ) = 0, (1.27)

    where D, (k) is the dynamical matrix for a three-dimensional crystal

    with a multi-atom basis and is given by

    D, (k) = 1



    D, (Ri Rj)eik(RiRj). (1.28)

    To be able to infer some conclusions without solving the above equations

    explicitly, we must acquire the necessary knowledge on the properties of the

    dynamical matrix. We now show that it is a Hermitian matrix. Taking the

    Hermitian conjugation of D(k) and making use of D,(Rj Ri) =

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    14 A Modern Course in Quantum Theory of Solids

    D, (Ri Rj), we haveD, (k) =



    D,(Ri Rj)eik(RiRj)

    = 1mm


    D, (RjRi)eik(RiRj )

    = 1mm


    D, (Ri Rj)eik(RiRj), (1.29)

    that is,D, (k) = D, (k) or D

    (k) = D(k). (1.30)

    To arrive at the final result on the third line in Eq. (1.29), we have set

    RjRi Ri Rj .We now go back to the equations in Eq. (1.27). First of all, they imply

    thatthe squares of the frequencies of the normal modes are the eigenvalues

    of the dynamical matrix. The Hermitian property of the dynamical matrix

    guarantees that all the solutions of2 are real. They are also nonnegative

    for stable crystals. Since these equations are homogeneous linear equations

    for Q (k, )s, the secular equation for the determination of frequencies

    follows from the sufficient and necessary condition for the existence of non-

    trivial solutions

    det |D, (k) 2 | = 0. (1.31)The above equation is an algebraic equation of order 3pwithp the number

    of atoms in the multi-atom basis. Thus, it has 3p different solutions for


    and 6p different solutions for at each wave vector k if no degeneracyoccurs. Hence, there are 3p branches of normal modes. The Latin letter s

    is used as the branch variable. The frequency in branch s will be denoted

    byks. Since there are Ndifferent allowed values ofk, there are in total

    3pNnormal modes of lattice vibrations in a crystal with a p-atom basis.

    Note that degeneracy may occur in some regions of the first Brillouin zone.

    Taking into account the fact that there are in total 6pallowed values of

    , we can express the coefficient Q(k, ) in the expansion ofui, (t) in

    Eq. (1.23) as follows

    Q(k, ) =


    Q(k, ks)ks+ Q(k, ks),ks

    . (1.32)

    We now find out how many branches among the 3pbranches are acous-

    tical branches and how many are optical branches. For this purpose, we

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    Lattice Dynamics 15

    study the dynamical matrix at k = 0. Setting k to zero in Eq. (1.28) andmaking use of Eq. (1.19), we obtain

    D, (0) = 1mm


    D, (Ri Rj). (1.33)

    Setting k = 0 in Eq. (1.31), we obtain the equation for determining fre-

    quencies at k= 0

    det |D, (0) 2| = 0. (1.34)

    Noticing that the above equation is just the eigenequation for D(0), wesee that the zero eigenvalues of D(0) correspond to acoustical branches.

    Therefore, the number of acoustical branches is given by the dimension

    of D(0) less its rank. The rank of D(0) can be found by the Gaussian

    elimination method in linear algebra. With the rows and columns ofD(0)

    indexed in the order = 1x,1y, 1z, 2x,2y, 2z, , px, py, pz, matrixD(0) takes on the following form


    D11, xx



    D11, xy



    D11, xz









    D21, xxm2m1


    D21, xym2m1


    D21, xzm2m1










    ... . .





    Dp1, xxmpm1


    Dp1, xympm1


    Dp1, xzmpm1


    Dpp, xx






    Dpp, xz


    If we multiply the th column for = 1, 2, , p 1 by m/mp,respectively, and then add the results to the pth column, we obtain thefollowing result on the th row in the pth column



    D, (Ri Rj) = 0

    for=x, y, z, where we have made use of the property ofD,(RiRj)in Eq. (1.20). Therefore, the last three columns ofD(0) have been brought

    to zero through the elementary column operations to matrix D(0). After

    this, no additional columns can be brought to zero because of the absence

    ofDp, (Ri Rj) for=x, y, z in matrix D(0). Therefore, the rank ofD(0) is 3p 3. This implies that three acoustical branches are present in athree-dimensional crystal with ap-atom basis and that the remaining3p3branches are optical branches. This conclusion is verified in Fig. 1.2 by

    the experimental results of inelastic neutron scattering on an NaCl crystal

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    16 A Modern Course in Quantum Theory of Solids

    that has a two-ion basis. Figure 1.2 shows that NaCl has three acousticalbranches (one longitudinal and two transverse acoustical branches, that

    is, one LA branch and two TA branches) and three optical branches (one

    longitudinal and two transverse optical branches, that is, one LO branch

    and two TO branches). Note that the two transverse acoustical branches

    are degenerate along the directions (, 0,0) and (, , ) and so are the two

    transverse optical normal modes.

    0 1 0 0.5(,0,0) (,,0) (,,)




    30 LO














    Fig. 1.2 Dispersion relations of the normal modes in an NaCl crystal at 80 K. Thesymbols denote experimental data of inelastic neutron scattering by Raunio et. al. [G.Raunio, L. Almqvist, and R. Stedman, Physical Review 178, 1496 (1969)]. The linesrepresent cubic-spline interpolations of the experimental data.

    From the above results we can infer that, for a three-dimensional

    monatomic crystal, there are three branches of normal modes and they areall acoustical branches. If a monatomic crystal is taken as a crystal with a

    one-atom basis for the purpose of counting branches of normal modes, we

    see that the above conclusion is also applicable to a monatomic crystal.

    Taking into account the facts that a one-dimensional crystal of inert

    gas atoms has only one branch of acoustical normal modes and that a one-

    dimensional ionic crystal has one branch of acoustical normal modes and

    one branch of optical normal modes, we can draw a general conclusion that

    there is (are) d acoustical branch(es) andd(p

    1) optical branch(es) in a

    d-dimensional crystal with ap-atom basis.

    The above conclusion can be also stated in terms of the numbers of

    acoustical and optical normal modes. In a d-dimensional crystal of size

    of N primitive cells with a p-atom basis, there are dN acoustical normal

    modes andd(p 1)Noptical normal modes.

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    Lattice Dynamics 17

    1.3.4 Polarization vectorsHaving discussed the frequencies of all normal modes, we now study

    the solutions for the Fourier coefficients Q(k, ) in Eq. (1.23). Since

    Q(s)(k, ks) for normal mode ks can only be determined within a multi-

    plicative factor from Eq. (1.27), we set

    Q(s)(k, ks) =Q(k, ks)(s) (k) (1.35)

    and demand that the vector (s) (k) = (

    (s)1 (k),

    (s)2 (k),

    (s)3 (k)) be nor-

    malized. Inserting the above expression into Eq. (1.27) and specializingEq. (1.27) for branch s, we obtain the equations for (s) (k)s

    D, (k) 2ks

    (s) (k) = 0. (1.36)

    The vector (s) (k) is referred to as the polarization vector of normal

    mode ks on atom . The polarization vectors possess the following prop-



    (k) =


    (k), (1.37)


    (k)(s) (k) =ss , (1.38)



    (k)(s) (k) = . (1.39)

    Equation (1.37) indicates that the effect of taking the complex conjugation

    of a polarization vector is equivalent to taking the inversion of its wave-

    vector variablek in k-space. Eq. (1.38) gives usthe orthonormality relation

    of polarization vectors. Eq. (1.39) gives us the completeness relation ofpolarization vectors.

    1.3.5 Displacements of atoms

    We can derive an expression for the displacement of an atom in a three-

    dimensional crystal with a multi-atom basis from Eqs. (1.23), (1.32),

    and (1.35). We have

    uj, (t) = 1

    N mks

    qks(t)(s) (k)eikRj , (1.40)

    whereqks(t)s arethe generalized coordinatesof normal modes, referred to

    as the normal coordinates, and are given by

    qks(t) =Q(k, ks)eikst + Q(k, ks)eikst. (1.41)

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    18 A Modern Course in Quantum Theory of Solids

    Using the above expression and Q

    (k, ks) =Q(k, ks), we can verifythatqks(t) possesses the following propertyqks(t) =qks(t). (1.42)

    1.3.6 Hamiltonian of a crystal with a multi-atom basis

    To derive the Hamiltonian for a monatomic crystal, we first express its ki-

    netic and interaction potential energies in terms of the above-introduced

    normal coordinates. Making use of the expression of the displacement

    uj, (t) of an atom in Eq. (1.40), we have for the kinetic energy

    T =j



    2j, (t) =





    qks(t)qks (t)(s) (k)

    (s) (k





    qks(t)qks (t)(s) (k)

    (s) (k) =




    qks(t)qks(t), (1.43)

    where we have made use of the orthonormality relation of the polarization

    vectors given in Eq. (1.38). With the constant term omitted and in terms of

    the normal coordinates, the harmonic lattice potential energy in Eq. (1.18)is given by

    harm =1




    ks(t)qks(t). (1.44)

    The Lagrangian of the crystal is then given by

    L= T harm = 12


    qks(t)qks(t) 1



    2ksqks(t)qks(t). (1.45)

    To obtain the Hamiltonian of the crystal, we must first find the momentum

    conjugate to qks(t). Differentiating L with respect to qks(t), we have

    pks(t) = L






    qks (t)qks (t)




    qks (t)kkss+ qks (t)kkss

    = qks(t) = qks(t). (1.46)

    The Hamiltonian of the crystal then follows from the above Lagrangian in

    the standard wayH=


    pks(t)qks(t) L




    pks(t)pks(t) +1



    2ksqks(t)qks(t). (1.47)

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    Lattice Dynamics 19

    Since the Hamiltonian has been expressed as a sum of the Hamiltoniansof 3pNindependent harmonic oscillators, we have hitherto solved the prob-

    lem of lattice vibrations of a three-dimensional crystal with a multi-atom

    basis at the level of classical mechanics. In order to see how good the results

    obtained so far, we now compute the contribution of lattice vibrations to

    the specific heat (the lattice specific heat) using the above results.

    1.4 Classical Theory of the Lattice Specific Heat

    For the computation of the lattice specific heat, we first evaluate the internal

    energy u per unit volume of the crystal. The internal energy is given by

    the sum of the energies of individual harmonic oscillators weighted by the

    Boltzmann factor eH/Zwith = 1/kBTthe inverse of temperature and

    Z =

    ksdqksdpks eH the canonical partition function. The internal

    energy per unit volume is then given by

    u= 1



    dqksdpks HeH

    = 1ZV


    dqksdpks eH = 1


    ln Z

    . (1.48)

    Our problem then reduces to the evaluation ofZ. Making use of Eq. (1.47),

    we have



    dqksdpks eks(pkspks+





    dqksdpks e





    The above maneuvers have reduced a 6pN-fold integral into a product

    of 2-fold integrals. Note that, because of the relations qks = qks and

    pks =pks, q

    ks and p

    ks are not independent variables. For our goal is the

    evaluation of the lattice specific heat, we do not even need to evaluate the

    2-fold integral explicitly. What we need to do is to extract the temperature-

    dependence ofZfrom the above equation. This can be easily accomplished

    by making a change of variables

    qks =

    qks, pks =


    We then have

    Z= 1




    ksdpks e

    (p ksp




    ks)/2 =



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    20 A Modern Course in Quantum Theory of Solids

    where the temperature-independent value of the 2-fold integral has beendenoted by A. The internal energy per unit volume is then given by

    u= 1

    V 3pN kBT = 3pnkBT (1.49)

    from which the lattice specific heat per unit volume follows

    cv = u

    T = 3pnkB, (1.50)

    wherepis the number of atoms in a primitive cell and n= N/Vis the num-

    ber of primitive cells per unit volume. For a three-dimensional monatomiccrystal without a multi-atom basis, p= 1. We then havecv = 3nkB. The

    result in Eq. (1.50) is the well-known DulongPetit law for the lattice spe-

    cific heat of solids. Expressing it in joules per kelvin per mole, we have

    cv = 3R with R the gas constant, R = 8.314 JK1 mol1. Expressing itin calories per kelvin per mole, we have cv = 3R6 calK1 mol1 withR 1.986 calK1 mol1.

    Unfortunately, the result in Eq. (1.50) is in consistency with the exper-

    iment only in the high-temperature limit. While the above result indicatesthat cv is a constant at all temperatures, the experiment reveals that cvtends to zero essentially in the cubic power ofT as Tgoes to zero. There-

    fore, classical theory of lattice vibrations is insufficient in explaining the

    temperature dependence of the lattice specific heat. To resolve this incon-

    sistency, we now quantize the lattice vibrations.

    1.5 Quantization of Lattice Vibrations

    We now quantize the normal modes of lattice vibrations derived in the

    classical theory to develop a quantum theory for lattice dynamics. The

    quantization process consists of two steps. In the first step, the canonical

    quantization scheme is utilized to quantize the normal coordinates and

    momenta of normal modes. In the second step, the combinations of the

    quantum operators of the normal coordinates and momenta of the normal

    modes give rise to new operators, the annihilation and creation operators

    of phonons, with phonons being quanta of lattice vibrations. An important

    quantity to obtain in the quantization process is the expression of the atomic

    displacement in terms of the annihilation and creation operators of phonons.

    This expression is referred to as the quantum field operatorof the atomic

    displacement since it describes the field of the atomic displacement in terms

    of quantum operators.

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    Lattice Dynamics 21

    The first quantization is achieved by replacing the classical normal co-ordinatesqks in Eq. (1.41) and the corresponding momenta pks of normal

    modes by operators qks and pks that are required to satisfy the commuta-

    tion relationsqks, p


    = kk ss ,

    qks, qks


    pks, pks

    = 0. (1.51)

    Note that qks and pks have the following properties

    qks = qks, p

    ks = pks. (1.52)

    In the framework of the first quantization, the atomic displacements

    and the Hamiltonian of the crystal corresponding to Eqs. (1.40) and (1.47),respectively, are given by

    uj, = 1

    N m


    qks(s) (k)e

    ikRj , (1.53)









    ksqks. (1.54)

    In the second quantization, we introduce the following annihilation and

    creation operators of phonons

    aks =


    1/2qks+ i



    aks =


    1/2qks i




    The operators aks and aks satisfy the following commutation relations

    aks, aks

    = kk ss ,

    aks, aks


    aks, a


    = 0.(1.56)

    Inverting the expressions in Eq. (1.55), we can express qks and pks asfollows

    qks =


    1/2aks+ a



    pks = i


    1/2aks aks



    In terms of the annihilation and creation operators of phonons, the

    quantum field operator of the atomic displacements and the Hamiltonian

    of the crystal are given by

    uj, =ks

    2N mks

    1/2(s) (k)

    aks+ a


    eikRj , (1.58)



    aksaks+ 1/2

    . (1.59)

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    22 A Modern Course in Quantum Theory of Solids

    The eigenvalues and eigenstates of the crystal Hamiltonian Hare givenby

    En =ks

    (nks+ 1/2)ks,

    |n =ks

    |nks =ks



    nks |0,n= {nks | ks}, nks = 0, 1,2, .


    The time dependence of aks and aks

    can be derived through the Heisen-

    berg equation of motion. It is found that

    aks(t) = eikstaks, a

    ks(t) = e

    ikstaks. (1.61)

    Inserting the above expressions for the time dependence of aks and aks

    into Eq. (1.58), we obtain the time-dependent quantum field operator of

    the atomic displacements

    uj, (t) =ks

    2N mks

    1/2(s) (k)

    eikstaks+ e




    2N mks

    1/2(s) (k)e


    + (s)




    1.5.1 Statistics for phonons

    In treating finite-temperature problems related to phonons, the statisticsfor phonons is an indispensable piece of instrument. Since phonons are

    bosons of spin zero, they obey the BoseEinstein statistics. However, we

    can directly compute the thermal distribution using the eigenvalues of the

    crystal Hamiltonian in Eq. (1.60). According to Boltzmann, the crystal

    takes the eigenstate|n as its state with the probability of eEn/kBT/Zwith Z=


    En/kBT the canonical partition function. We now evaluate

    the average number of phonons in the single-phonon state |ks, nks, whichis given by

    nks = 1Z



    = 1





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    Lattice Dynamics 23

    Making use of standard algebraic manipulations in statistical mechanics,we have

    nks = 1Z












    = 1

    eks/kBT 1 .

    That is

    nks = 1

    eks/kBT 1 (1.63)which is just what the BoseEinstein statistics gives for phonons. Note

    that, because phonons in a crystal are constantly annihilated and created,

    their number is not conserved and their chemical potential is zero.

    1.6 Phonon Density of States

    In phonon-related problems, we often need to perform the summation ofthe form

    ks F(ks) over the phonon wave vector k and branch s, where

    F(ks) depends on k only through the phonon dispersion relation ks.

    Such a sum can be converted into an integral over phonon frequencies for

    the benefit of reducing a three-dimensional integral (that results from con-

    verting the sum over kinto an integral over k) to a one-dimensional integral.

    This is especially useful in numerical computations. The conversion into

    an integral over phonon frequencies can be easily implemented by using the

    property of the Dirac -function: d ( ks) = 1. Inserting this

    magic one into the summation

    ks F(ks), we have




    F(ks) = 1



    d ( ks)F(ks)


    d F()




    ( ks)


    d g()F(), (1.64)

    where g() is the phonon density of states, with g()d the number ofphonon states per unit volume in the frequency range from to + d,

    and is given by

    g() = 1



    ( ks) =s


    (2)3( ks). (1.65)

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    24 A Modern Course in Quantum Theory of Solids

    The phonon density of states in branch s is given bygs() =




    ( ks) =


    (2)3( ks). (1.66)

    g() is then the summation ofgs() over phonon branches. We can also ex-

    press the phonon density of states in terms of an integral over the constant-

    frequency surface. To obtain this expression, we write dk = ddk with

    d the area element on the constant-frequency surface S, ks = , and

    express( ks) in terms of the componentk ofk perpendicular to theconstant-frequency surface S

    ( ks) = (k k 0)kks ,wherekksis the derivative in the direction of the normal of the constant-

    frequency surface S. We then have

    gs() =




    (k k 0)kks = 1



    dkks . (1.67)This alternative expression of the phonon density of states can differenti-

    ate the importance in the contributions of various normal modes to thedensity of states and disclose the singularities in the dispersion relations.

    Ifkks = 0 at some particular wave vector k0, this expression indicates

    that the vicinity aroundk0makes an important contribution to the phonon

    density of states since the integrand diverges at k0. This leads to a peak

    in the phonon density of states at the corresponding frequency. Such a

    frequency is known as a van Hove singularity. The wave vectors that con-

    tribute to van Hove singularities are referred to as critical pointsof the first

    Brillouin zone.

    1.7 Lattice Specific Heat of Solids

    Since lattice vibrations (phonons) contribute to a variety of physical proper-

    ties of solids, the results obtained in the previous section find their extensive

    applications in these properties. Here we concentrate on the phonon con-

    tribution to the specific heat (the lattice specific heat) of solids since the

    specific heat of solids is one of the few problems that first gave us hints on

    the inaccuracy of the classical theory in its description of the microscopic


    We will first derive a general expression for the lattice specific heat using

    the eigenvalues of the crystal Hamiltonian in Eq. (1.60). We will then study

    the Debye and Einstein models for the lattice specific heat.

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    Lattice Dynamics 25

    1.7.1 General expression of the lattice specific heatWe follow the standard approach in thermodynamics for the computation

    of the lattice specific heat. We first derive the internal energy of the crystal.

    The lattice specific heat is then computed from the internal energy. The

    thermal distribution function in Eq. (1.63) gives us the average phonon

    number in the single-phonon state|ks. Since each phonon in the single-phonon state|ks carries an energy ofks, the internal energy uper unitvolume of the crystal is given by

    u= 1V


    nks ks = 1V


    kseks/kBT 1




    eks/kBT 1 , (1.68)

    where the k-integration is over the first Brillouin zone of the crystal. The

    lattice specific heat per unit volume cv is then given by

    cv = u

    T =

    T s





    . (1.69)

    The above equation is referred to as the general expression for the lat-

    tice specific heat. To compute the lattice specific heat using the above

    expression, we must know the dispersion relations of the normal modes

    (the phonon dispersion relations). From our previous experience, we know

    that it is a great challenge to compute the phonon dispersion relations for

    real crystals. In any event, if the phonon dispersion relations are known,

    Eq. (1.69) can be then utilized to compute the lattice specific heat per unit

    volume. However, even without knowing the explicit phonon dispersion re-

    lations, we can still evaluate approximately the lattice specific heat in the

    high- and low-temperature limits.

    1.7.2 High-temperature limit

    In the high-temperature limit, ks/kBT 1. We can then expand theBoseEinstein distribution function in Eq. (1.69) as follows


    eks/kBT 1= 1

    ks/kBT+ (ks/kBT)2/2! + (ks/kBT)3/3! + =


    ks 1



    + .The second term is a constant and does not contribute to the lattice

    specific heat. The contributions from the third and other higher-order

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    26 A Modern Course in Quantum Theory of Solids

    terms are much smaller than the contribution from the first term becauseks/kBT 1 and they are quantum corrections to the result from thefirst term alone. Retaining only the first term in the above expansion, we



    cv T



    (2)3 ks kBT




    (2)3 = 3pkB/vc = 3pnkB, (1.70)

    where n = 1/vc = N/V is the number of primitive cells per unit volume

    and p the number of atoms in a primitive cell. For a three-dimensional

    monatomic crystal without a multi-atom basis, we have cv = 3nkB. The

    result in Eq. (1.70) is just the DulongPetit law and it indicates that the

    DulongPetit law is valid only at high temperatures.

    1.7.3 Low-temperature limit

    At low temperatures, the probabilities for the normal modes of high fre-

    quencies to be occupied by phonons are extremely small. Thus, we can takeonly the normal modes of low frequencies into account in the computation

    of the lattice specific heat at low temperatures. Since the optical normal

    modes are of high frequencies in comparison with the acoustical phonons,

    their contributions are neglected. For the acoustical normal modes, only

    those of low frequencies make substantial contributions. From the compu-

    tations of the dispersion relations of the normal modes in the last chapter,

    we know that the dispersion relation for acoustical normal modes of low

    frequencies can be well approximated by a linear dependence on the wavenumber,ks cs(k)k, wherecs(k) is the speed of sound that depends onlyon the direction ofk (denoted by k) and does not on the magnitude ofk.

    Because ecs(k)k/kBT becomes even smaller for large values ofk, the error

    introduced by extending the k-integration in Eq. (1.69) from over the first

    Brillouin zone to over the entire reciprocal space is negligibly small at low

    temperatures. We thus extend the region of the k-integration in Eq. (1.69)

    to the entire reciprocal space. With the above-introduced simplifications,

    the lattice specific heat of a solid at low temperatures is given bylimT0

    cv 122







    dk cs(k)k


    ecs(k)k/kBT 1

    = 6






    dx x3

    ex 1 ,

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    Lattice Dynamics 27


    c3 =









    is the average of the inverse of the cubed speeds of sound of the normal

    modes of the three acoustical branches. The remaining integral can be

    performed by first multiplying the numerator and denominator by ex and

    then expanding 1/(1 ex) as a Taylor series


    cv 62






    dx x3ex

    1 ex

    = 6







    dx x3enx

    = 6







    n4 =





    3kB, (1.72)

    where we have made use ofn=11/n


    = 90/4

    . This is a remarkableresult! It implies that the lattice specific heat tends to zero cubically as

    the temperature goes to zero, in excellent agreement with the experiment.

    The problem of the lattice specific heat at low temperatures has thus been

    solved with the quantization of lattice vibrations! The experimental data

    of the specific heat of diamond at low temperatures are given in Fig. 1.3

    together with a fit to cv =AT3.





    0 20 40 60 80



    T [K]

    Fig. 1.3 Low-temperature specific heat of diamond. The open circles represent theexperimental data [W. DeSorbo, Journal of Chemical Physics 21, 876 (1953)]. The solidline is a fit to cv =AT3 with A= 4.774 108 calK4 mol1.

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    28 A Modern Course in Quantum Theory of Solids

    Since a diamond crystal is an insulator (a semiconductor with a largeband gap), its low-temperature specific heat consists of only the lattice spe-

    cific heat. From Fig. 1.3, it is seen that the specific heat of diamond at low

    temperatures indeed follows the T3-power law and that the experimental

    data is well fitted to cv =AT3 with A= 4.774 108 calK4 mol1.

    1.8 Debye Model

    To evaluate the contribution of the lattice vibrations to the specific heatof a solid, Debye put forward his model for lattice vibrations in 1912. In

    the Debye model, only three acoustical branches are used to describe all

    the lattice vibrations in a solid. It is assumed that all the normal modes

    in the three acoustical branches have the same speed of sound c, that the

    dispersion relation is linear in the wave number k, =ck, and that there

    exists an upper limit (calledthe Debye wave vectorand denoted by kD) for

    the wave number. The maximum wave number kD is determined through

    demanding that the number of acoustical normal modes in the model beequal to the actual number of acoustical normal modes in the crystal. The

    quantity D = ckD is called the Debye frequency. In the Debye model,

    the contribution of optical normal modes to the specific heat is taken into

    account through high-frequency acoustical normal modes.

    For the convenience of finding expressions forkDand D, we first assume

    that they are known and derive the phonon density of states in the Debye

    model. From Eq. (1.65), we have in the Debye model

    gD() = 3



    ( ck) = 322


    dk k2( ck)

    = 32

    22c3() (D ), (1.73)

    where (x) is the step function, (x) = 1 for x > 0, = 0 for x < 0. Note

    that the phonon density of states in the Debye model is quadratic in for

    0< D (this is a characteristic of the Debye model) and that it is zero

    for D.

    We now find expressions for kD and D. For a three-dimensional

    monatomic crystal without a multi-atom basis, the total number of acousti-

    cal normal modes is 3N withNthe number of primitive cells. The number

    of acoustical normal modes in the Debye model is given byVd gD().

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    Lattice Dynamics 29

    We thus have


    d gD() = 3V


    d 2() (D )

    = 3V



    d 2 = 3DV

    22c3 (1.74)

    from which it follows that




    c, kD =



    , (1.75)

    wheren= N/Vis the number of primitive cells per unit volume.

    We now compute the lattice specific heat within the Debye model. From

    the general expression for the lattice specific heat in Eq. (1.69), we have

    cDv = 3




    dk ck3

    eck/kBT 1

    = 9nkB T


    T D/T0

    dx x


    ex 1

    , (1.76)

    where D = ckD/kB = D/kB is the Debye temperature. The Debye

    temperature D has since been used to characterize crystals. For a plot of

    cDv versus temperature, see Fig. 1.6. In general, Ddepends on temperature

    [see below for a more detailed discussion]. Unfortunately, the specific heat in

    Eq. (1.76) can not be given in a closed form at an intermediate temperature.

    However, the closed forms can be approximately obtained at high and low


    1.8.1 High-temperature limit

    In the high-temperature limit, since D/T 1, the values of the integra-tion variablexare very small in the entire integration interval. We can then

    expand the exponential function ex in the denominator of the integrand in

    Eq. (1.76) as a Taylor series and retain only the first two terms. We then


    cDv = 9nkB






    dx x2

    = 3nkB. (1.77)

    We have thus recovered the DulongPetit law in the high-temperature limit.

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    30 A Modern Course in Quantum Theory of Solids

    1.8.2 Low-temperature limitSince D/T 1 in this limit, the upper limit of the integral in Eq. (1.76)can be extended to infinity. We then have

    cDv = 9nkB






    dx x3

    ex 1





    3nkB 234



    3nkB, (1.78)

    where the result for the integral in Eq. (1.72) has been used. Hence, the

    lattice specific heat at low temperatures also follows the T3-power law in

    the Debye model. The success of the Debye model at low temperatures lies

    at the physical fact that only low-frequency acoustical single-phonon states

    are occupied with appreciable probabilities at low temperatures.

    1.8.3 Debye temperature

    As mentioned in the above, the Debye temperature has been used to char-acterize a solid. As a matter of fact, it is one of the most important charac-

    teristics of a solid. It reflects the density, structural stability, and bonding

    strength of the solid. Structure defects in a solid can be also identified

    through the variation in its Debye temperature. The Debye temperature

    is also the characteristic energy scale of phonons in the solid and used in

    comparison of energy scales with other elementary excitations. The mag-

    nitudes of the Debye temperature vary widely among solids: It can be as

    large as over 2, 000 K, such as in diamond, and as small as below 40 K,such as in cesium. The typical value of the Debye temperature D can be

    taken as several hundred Kelvins. Since the Fermi temperature F of the

    electron gas in a metal is typically several ten thousand Kelvins, the ratio

    D/Fis typically of the order of 102. Thus, the energy scale of phonons

    in a metal is very small compared to that of electrons. This fact will be

    extensively exploited in the study of the electronphonon interaction.

    The Debye temperature of a solid can be inferred from several different

    physical quantities of the solid, such as the entropy, the specific heat, the

    speed of sound, the elastic constants, and etc.

    The Debye temperature of a solid in general varies with temperature.

    The variation is large in some solids and small in others. The tempera-

    ture dependence of the Debye temperature of a perfect crystalline solid is

    chiefly caused by the electronphonon interaction and the anharmonicity

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    Lattice Dynamics 31

    in lattice vibrations. The temperature dependence of the Debye tempera-ture in diamond is shown in Fig. 1.4 from which it is seen that the Debye

    temperature in diamond is high and that its variation is large. The Debye

    temperature peaks at about 60 K with a peak value of about 2, 250 K. It is

    about 1, 850 K at 25 K and 1, 870 K at 300 K. The large Debye temperature

    in diamond leads to a small lattice specific heat in diamond as shown in

    Fig. 1.3.






    100 200 300




    Fig. 1.4 Debye temperature as a function of temperature in diamond [W. DeSorbo,Journal of Chemical Physics 21, 876 (1953)].

    The Debye temperatures of alkali metals are small compared to the De-

    bye temperature of diamond, with lithium having the largest Debye temper-

    ature (about 375 K) among the alkali metals and its Debye temperature not

    varying appreciably with temperature. The Debye temperatures of the re-

    maining alkali metals, sodium, potassium, rubidium, and cesium, are shown

    in Fig. 1.5 as functions of temperature. It is seen the Debye temperatures

    of these alkali metals do not vary much with temperature, either.

    1.9 Einstein Model

    Performing the derivative with respect to temperature T in the general

    expression of the lattice specific heat in Eq. (1.69), we obtain

    cv =kB







    E(ks/2kBT), (1.79)

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    32 A Modern Course in Quantum Theory of Solids




    1 10 100 200 300



    T [K]

    Fig. 1.5 Debye temperature as a function of temperature for alkali metals Na, K, Rb,and Cs (from top to bottom) from T= 1 to 300 K [D. L. Martin Physical Review 139,150 (1965)].

    where we have converted the integration over k into a summation over k

    and introduced an auxiliary functionE(x) given by

    E(x) = x2

    sinh2(x). (1.80)

    The functionE(x) is calledthe Einstein function. For the convenient eval-

    uation of the contribution of the optical phonons to the lattice specific

    heat, Einstein treated the optical normal modes as independent harmonic

    oscillators and assumed that they have the identical frequencyE. This is

    the well-known Einstein model for the lattice specific heat. Note that the

    acoustical phonons are not taken into account in the Einstein model. Be-cause the optical phonons all have nonzero frequencies, the lattice specific

    heat given by the Einstein model has an incorrect temperature dependence

    at low temperatures.

    The lattice specific heat per unit volume in the Einstein model is simply

    given by

    cEv =poptN kB

    V E(E/2kBT) =poptnkB




    2 , (1.81)

    where E = E/kB is the Einstein temperature and popt is the number

    of optical branches. Note that, as T 0, cEv poptnkB(E/T)2eE/T.Although cEv 0 as T 0, the temperature dependence is incorrect asmentioned above with the reason given there. AsT , cEvpoptnkB.If the number of optical branches is equal to three, cEv at high temperatures

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    Lattice Dynamics 33

    agrees with that given by the DulongPetit law and with that given by theDebye model.

    The temperature dependence of the lattice specific heats predicted

    by the Debye and Einstein models are plotted in Fig. 1.6. For the lat-

    tice specific heat given by the Debye model, cv/3nkB is plotted, whereas

    cEv /poptnkB is plotted for the Einstein model.




    0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5






    T D , T E



    Fig. 1.6 Lattice specific heats predicted in the Debye and Einstein models as functionsof reduced temperature T /D orT /E. The solid line is for c

    Dv and the dashed line for

    cEv .

    From Fig. 1.6, it is seen that the lattice specific heats from the Debye

    and Einstein models both tends to zero as temperature goes to zero and

    approach the result given by the DulongPetit law at high temperatures.Overall,cEv is smaller than c

    Dv. Note that c

    Ev goes to zero much faster than

    cDv does. This is due to the erroneous behavior ofcEv at low temperatures

    mentioned in the above.

    1.10 Effect of Thermal Expansion on Phonon Frequencies

    When temperature varies, a crystal expands or shrinks, which leads to the

    variation in phonon frequencies. This is the subject we investigate in this

    section. We start from the general description of the thermal expansion.

    The dimensionlessGruneisen parameter(named after Eduard Gruneisen),

    (T), is used to describe the thermal expansion. The Gruneisen parameter

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    34 A Modern Course in Quantum Theory of Solids

    is defined by

    (T) =BT

    cv, (1.82)

    where is the volume thermal expansion coefficient, = ln V/T, BTthe isothermal bulk modulus, BT = VP/V = P/ln V with P thepressure, and cv the specific heat per unit volume. To derive an explicit

    expression for (T), we need to compute the pressure P that is given by

    P =


    in terms of the Helmholtz free energy F,F = kBTln Z,where the canonical partition function Zis given by


    eEn =ks


    eks(nks+1/2) =ks


    sinh(ks/2kBT). (1.83)

    Here the eigenvalues of the crystal Hamiltonian in Eq. (1.60) have been

    used. The Gruneisen parameter is then given by

    (T) = 1







    = kBcv



    ln Z








    E(ks/2kBT), (1.84)

    where the Einstein function E(x) is given in Eq. (1.80) and ks isthe mode

    Gruneisen parameter for normal mode ks and is given by

    ks = ln ksln V

    . (1.85)

    Note that Eq. (1.84) implies that (T) is a weighted average of the mode

    Gruneisen parameters with the weight for normal mode ksgiven by the nor-

    malized Einstein function: E(ks/2kBT) divided by

    ks E(ks/2kBT).

    For a one-dimensional crystal, the mode Gruneisen parameter is given


    ks = ln ksln L


    with L the length of the one-dimensional crystal. Take a one-dimensional

    crystal of inert gas atoms of mass mas an example. The phonon dispersion

    relation is given byk = (4K/m)1/2| sin(ka/2)| for such a one-dimensional

    crystal, whereKis the force constant. We have

    k = ln kln a

    = (ka/2) cot(ka/2). (1.87)

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    Lattice Dynamics 35

    Note that the mode Gruneisen parameter is negative for all normal modes.The Gruneisen parameter is then given by

    (T) =


    (ka/2) cot(ka/2)E(k/2kBT)


    E(k/2kBT). (1.88)

    The values of (T) at a number of temperatures are evaluated numer-

    ically with the results plotted in Fig. 1.7 as a function of T / with

    = (4K/m)1/2/kB.





    0.0 0.5 1.0


    Fig. 1.7 Plot of the Gruneisen parameter of a one-dimensional crystal of inert gas atomsas a function of the reduced temperature T /.

    From Fig. 1.7, it is seen that the Gruneisen parameter for this one-

    dimensional crystal is negative at all temperatures, which implies that the

    normal mode frequencies decrease as the crystal expands.

    1.11 Specific Heat of a Metal

    The specific heat of a pure metallic crystal consists of the electronic and

    lattice specific heats. At low temperatures, the electronic specific heat takeson the form cev = T with the electronic specific heat coefficientand the

    lattice specific heat takes on the formcLv =AT3 [cf. Eqs. (1.72) and (1.78)].

    Thus, the specific heat of a pure metal is given by

    cv =cev+cLv = T+ AT

    3. (1.89)

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    36 A Modern Course in Quantum Theory of Solids




    0 0.5 1.0 1.5



    T [K]






    0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5cv



    T2 [K2 ]


    Fig. 1.8 Low-temperature specific heat of sodium. (a) Specific heatcv as a function oftemperature T. The open circles represent the experimental data [D. L. Martin, PhysicalReview 124, 438 (1961)]. The solid line is a linear least-squares fit of the experimentaldata to cv = T+ AT3. (b) Specific heat divided by temperature, cv/T, as a functionof T2. The open circles represent the same experimental data as in (a) but now cv /Tis plotted as a function ofT2. The solid straight line is a linear least-squares fit of theexperimental data to cv/T =+ AT2.

    To see how well the form of the low-temperature specific heat in Eq. (1.89)is obeyed in a real simple metal, we show the low-temperature specific heat

    of sodium in Fig. 1.8.

    In Fig. 1.8(a), the experimental data of the low-temperature specific

    heat of sodium are shown. From the linear least-squares fit of the ex-

    perimental data to the expression in Eq. (1.89), it is seen that the low-

    temperature specific heat of sodium does follow the law prescribed in

    Eq. (1.89). Although the coefficients and A can be determined from

    the above linear least-squares fit of the experimental data, it has be-

    come a custom that the coefficients are determined by plotting the ex-perimental data in the manner of cv/T versus T2. Such a plot is shown

    in Fig. 1.8(b) together with the linear least-squares fit of the experimen-

    tal data to cv/T = +AT2. In such a plot, the intercept on the ver-

    tical axis yields the value for and the slope of the straight line gives

    the value for A. It has been found that 0.335 mcalK2mol1 andA 0.107 mcalK4mol1.

    The above example demonstrates that the low-temperature specific heat

    of a simple metal follows the law given in Eq. (1.89). However, deviationsfrom this law are observed in metallic compounds, especially in metallic

    compounds that contain d or felements, such as heavy fermion systems5.

    5G. R. Stewart, Reviews of Modern Physics 56, 755 (1984).

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    1-1 Consider a linear chain in which alternate ions have masses m1 and

    m2 and only nearest neighbors interact through a spring of force

    constant K. Find the dispersion relations for the normal modes.

    Discuss the limiting cases for m1 m2 andm1=m2.1-2 A commonly-seen example of a simple one-dimensional crystal is a

    line of point masses, each of which has two nearest neighbors: One

    is distance d away and the other distance (a

    d) away (d


    in equilibrium. The two neighboring point masses are connected bysprings, with the force constants of the springs between the near-

    distanced point masses and between the far-distanced point masses

    given by K andG(K > G), respectively.

    (1) Write down the harmonic crystal potential energy in terms of the

    displacements of point masses from their equilibrium positions.

    (2) Set up the classical equations of motion for the point masses.

    (3) Solve for the frequencies and polarization vectors of the normal

    modes of the lattice vibrations from the classical equations of


    1-3 Consider a one-dimensional crystal of atoms of mass m. Only the

    interactions up to the next nearest neighbors are taken into account

    and are modeled by springs with the force constant for the nearest-

    neighbor interaction given by K and that for the next-nearest-

    neighbor interaction given by G.

    (1) Compute the dispersion relation of the normal modes.(2) Find the condition onGso that the dispersion curve peaks inside

    the first Brillouin zone.

    (3) Find the expressions for the group and phase velocities and eval-

    uate them at the peak position of the dispersion curve under the

    condition found in (2).

    1-4 Consider a linear chain of atoms of mass m with the nearest neigh-

    boring atoms connected by springs of force constant K. In addition,

    the motion of each atom is damped, with the damping forceujexerted on the jth atom, where uj is the displacement of the jth

    atom from its equilibrium position. Assume that (mK)1/2.(1) Write down the equations of motion of atoms with the damping

    taken into account.

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    38 A Modern Course in Quantum Theory of Solids

    (2) Find the dispersion relation k(3) Find the relaxation time of the normal modes.

    1-5 Consider a linear chain of polarizable molecules with the nearest-

    neighbor equilibrium distance a. All the molecules are fixed to their

    positions. However, each molecule has an internal degree of freedom

    that obeys the equation of motion2p/t2 = 20p + E 20, wherepis the electric dipole moment of the molecule (assumed to be parallel

    to the chain), E the local electric field due to all other molecules,

    and the polarizability. Find the dispersion relation(k) for smallamplitude polarization waves (optical normal modes). Discuss the

    dependence of(0) on.

    1-6 A triatomic linear chain consists of three different types of atoms

    of masses m1, m2, and m3, respectively. As usual, it is assumed

    that only nearest-neighboring atoms interact and the interactions are

    modeled as being mediated through springs of force constants be-

    tween atoms of types 1 and 2, between atoms of types 2 and 3, and

    between atoms of types 3 and 1. Derive an equation that deter-

    mines the frequencies of normal modes and describe the properties of











    Fig. 1.9 First Brillouin zone of the two-dimensional square lattice. Three high-symmetry points, , X, and M, and three high-symmetry lines, , , and Z, areshown.

    1-7 Consider a two-dimensional crystal with a square Bravais lattice

    whose first Brillouin zone is given in Fig. 1.9. With only interactions

    between the nearest and next nearest neighbors taken into account,

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    the harmonic lattice potential energy of the crystal is given by =



    ( Ri Rj)(uiuj)




    ( Ri Rj)(uiuj)


    whereij indicates summation over the nearest neighbors and (ij)summation over the next nearest neighbors. Here a is the lattice

    constant, Ris are Bravais lattice vectors, and uis are deviations of

    atoms from their equilibrium positions.

    (1) Construct the dynamical matrix.

    (2) Find the frequencies and polarization vectors of normal modesalong the lines , , and Z, respectively.

    (3) Plot the dispersion relations along these three high-symmetry


    1-8 The lattice dynamics of a simple cubic crystal of lattice constant a

    and atom mass M is studied here with only interactions between

    nearest-neighboring atoms taken into account. The interactions are

    modeled as being mediated through springs of force constant .

    (1) Write down the potential energy of the crystal and construct the

    dynamical matrix.

    (2) Solve for the dispersion relations.

    (3) Plot the dispersion relations along [100] and label branches prop-

    erly. Give the physical reason for the zero-frequency normal-

    mode branches.

    (4) Indicate the pattern of displacements of eight atoms in the con-

    ventional cell for the mode at k = (/a, 0, /a) with displace-

    ments alongex.1-9 Consider a three-dimensional monatomic Bravais lattice in which each

    ion of mass M interacts only with its nearest neighbors with the

    interaction potential energy given by(rirj) =K(|rirj |d)2/2,wheredis the equilibrium spacing between the atoms andKthe force

    constant of the spring connecting the atoms.

    (1) Show that the frequencies of the three normal modes at each

    wave vector kare given bys(k) = [s(k)/M]1/2, wheres(k)s

    are the eigenvalues of the 3 3 matrixD = 2KR=0sin2(k R/2)RR with, =x, y, z.

    (2) Now apply the above result to a monatomic FCC crystal. Show

    that, if k is in the [100] direction, k = (k, 0, 0), then the fre-

    quency of the longitudinal acoustical normal mode is given by

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    40 A Modern Course in Quantum Theory of Solids

    L = 2(2K/M)1/2

    sin(ka/4) and the frequency of the two de-generate transverse acoustical normal modes is given by T =

    2(K/M)1/2 sin(ka/4). Also consider the cases for k in the [110]

    and [111] directions

    1-10 A three-dimensional crystal has a two-atom basis. The masses of the

    two atoms in the basis arem1andm2, respectively. Let v1andv2 be

    their velocities. Show that, for an optical normal mode at the center

    of the first Brillouin zone (k= 0), m1v1+ m2v2= 0.

    1-11 The quantum field operator of atomic displacements for a three-dimensional crystal with a multi-atom basis is given in Eq. (1.62).

    We now derive the quantum field operator of atomic momenta. In

    analogy with the definition of momentum in classical mechanics, let

    Pj, (t) =muj, (t)/t.

    (1) Write down the explicit expression ofPj, (t) in terms of oper-

    ators aks and aks.

    (2) Show that [uj, (t), P, (t)] = ij . Therefore, Pj, (t)

    is the momentum field operator conjugate to the displacementfield operator uj, (t).

    (3) Show that uj, (t) and Pj, (t) are Hermitian operators.

    1-12 In this problem, the Hamiltonian for a three-dimensional crystal with

    a multi-atom basis will be derived.

    (1) Specializing the above-obtained expression for Pj, (t) to the

    time-independent case and making use of the resultant ex-

    pression, express the kinetic energy of the crystal, T =j, P

    j, Pj, /2min terms of operators aks and a


    (2) Using the expression of uj, , express the harmonic lattice po-

    tential energy of the crystal, harm = (1/2)j

    , u


    D, (RjR)u, in terms of operators aks and aks.(3) Derive the Hamiltonian for a three-dimensional crystal with a

    multi-atom basis.

    1-13 Take phonons in a crystal as if they move in a box of volume V andstudy the thermodynamics of this gas of phonons.

    (1) Evaluate the canonical partition function of phonons, Z =ne

    En/kBT with En an eigenvalue of the crystal Hamiltonian,

    and the Helmholtz free energy F = kBTln Z.

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    (2) From the thermodynamic relation S =F/TV, computethe entropyS.

    (3) Express S in terms of the thermal average of the occupation

    number nB(ks) nks of the single-phonon state|ks.

    1-14 Consider a one-dimensional crystal of inert gas atoms. Let L be the

    length of the crystal and N the number of atoms. Let a be the

    lattice constant. (i) Evaluate the phonon density of states for this

    crystal. (ii) Derive an integral expression for the lattice specific heat

    of the crystal. (iii) Evaluate the lattice specific heat in the high- andlow-temperature limits.

    1-15 Reconsider the above problem within the Debye model. (i) Find the

    phonon density of states within the Debye model. (ii) Determine the

    Debye frequency. iii. Find a general expression for the lattice specific

    heat. (iv) Evaluate the lattice specific heat in the high- and low-

    temperature limits. (v) Compare the exact and Debye results for the

    lattice specific heat by plotting them together from zero temperature

    to the Debye temperature.1-16 Consider the relative size of the electronic and lattice contributions

    to the specific heat of a metal using the Sommerfeld theory for the

    electrons and the Debye model for the phonons. (i) Find an expres-

    sion for the ratiocev/cLv . (ii) Determine the temperature T

    at which

    cev =cLv . (iii) Give an estimate on the order of magnitude for T


    alkali metals.

    1-17 A number of values of the specific heat of potassium at low temper-

    atures are given in Table 1.1. (i) Plot Cv versus T andCv/T versus

    T2. (ii) Perform a linear least-squares fit of the experimental data

    forCv/T toCv/T =+ AT2 and determineandA. (iii) Estimate

    the Debye temperature of potassium at low temperatures.

    Table 1.1 Low-temperature specific heat of potassium in mJ K1mol1 [W. H. Lienand N. E. Phillips, Physical Review 133, A1370 (1964)]. The temperatureT is in K.

    T Cv T Cv T Cv T Cv0.260 4 0.585 2 0.288 5 0.657 8 0.364 4 0.885 8 0.451 5 1.177 00.278 1 0.630 6 0.289 4 0.665 7 0.373 4 0.918 0 0.457 8 1.208 0

    0.295 3 0.678 6 0.306 7 0.710 4 0.393 5 0.973 3 0.483 5 1.302 00.250 1 0.559 2 0.327 0 0.768 7 0.399 4 1.003 0 0.496 9 1.353 00.265 0 0.596 9 0.337 9 0.796 2 0.423 1 1.021 0 0.543 5 1.551 00.269 8 0.606 6 0.347 8 0.836 2 0.427 4 1.102 0 0.594 4 1.786 0

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    42 A Modern Course in Quantum Theory of Solids

    1-18 Assume that the dispersion relation of an optical phonon branch in asolid takes on the form(k) =0 Ak2 neark= 0, where0 andAare positive constants. Find the phonon densities of states for < 0and > 0, respectively.

    1-19 The dispersion relation of the acoustical branch in a one-dimensional

    crystal with a two-atom basis of identical atoms of mass m is given


    a(k) = 1

    m1/2K+ G

    K2 + G2 + 2KG cos(ka)1/2



    whereKandG are the force constants of the springs connecting the

    two nearest neighbors of an atom. Evaluate the phonon density of

    states for this acoustical branch.

    1-20 At finite temperatures, phonons in a crystal are constantly created

    and annihilated so that their number, nph =

    ks nks with nks the

    number of phonons in single-phonon state|ks, fluctuates greatly.(i) Evaluate the thermal average number of phonons per unit vol-


    =Z1n npheEn/kBT =Z1ksn nkseEn/kBT with

    Z =ne

    En/kBT and En the eigenvalues of the harmonic lat-

    tice Hamiltonian in a three-dimensional crystal with a multi-atom

    basis. (ii) Find the expressions fornph in the high- and low-temperature limits. (iii) Evaluate the variance of the number of

    phonons, var(nph) = n2ph nph2.1-21 Reexamine the Gruneisen parameter(T) of a one-dimensional crys-

    tal of inert gas atoms with the phonon dispersion relation given by

    k = (4K/m)1/2


    |. (i) Show algebraically that (0) =


    atT= 0. (ii) Show analytically that (T ) = ln 2 asT .(iii) Evaluate numerically (T) for T / from 0 to 1.5 and plot the

    results. Here = (4K/m)1/2/kB.