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«¦. not tr.e.'i»l pe-*.b.Si,> >f Mr. T lilmorv's .. Ug cleesled, and that the loading raw: and pr.¦ m the c.v.Mrj are M fyl'» MOTttCVtl of this »* Wehre. *tw. Theywoalaoa^rlaae*thai th* leading men in i). Araniooa part), panidraai Ihnl um Aoaotiou oafldldaiti munot bo eh<eUm\ *- '" v Jaliorirtg a ne-t ly (though rot rrtl)) t" "". " ' i iee ion m J| ruM JJi.i M ./W.^^.-mMCt »« the prf'it -tn.. rWly narrowed d-«fi Inn* a ooi fe|t bwww .. l -.m'n. Bad Mr. Iturhana... ''I'1"""' 5T| I it o| e>e,, Amer-ca« citi«-H to **'\ \ tJ..>oe«..old»..*'Herth>.Wh. <. UTMff ber». ireen too', t, . Um Am-nr n P*rty. OWioWJ- Jf-*^ " « trnaaan ot Srory urto fr« f mo-y- ..n,« . . t the A,-.e..e.n party. »* un unwilling tu 01 '. ei Her dinieUi c imAatctlj, 1,1 '.' eleouoo « ¦ .. - " for the I'reaidrtey who ha- < « mm it ted hin« I eu- t,r« I) B"» litiebaOtn has to offen B do tUlne* nl lateCriarii tmti Plait*! III. f ourth. A- .lehn C. Fremont ia the ooljf eaod da'ewho, in our i.ols'inen». itairar the lea I chanoe e>f Iwin/ elwted, who arewerJiy avjwrod to the riaarraien offhrrerj und ii favor of admitting Km- Kt« m a 1 re. Mate, v.e Üb ie4*are Bnheaitatinglj elora an purpose la ca*t our votes, ia the ceaniag eleetion, foi the R.pu) liean cund daN .>, believing, a* we do, that ¦ Ihlr cause weahatU 00*1 *ut> erra the peace tMt wnltsro ol our cou.itry. aod therebj mwkH elearl] iht*w unraelvea tree naierieana, körjoea it hilliamo, ****, m wiLUaUfo, Lr.AMii It WILtl 4ata), .' H'lHtr-n tlla.i M Ill.UI'r.V ILM III 0 i kam.. '¦. \ - N. HaliTJf, T kt KlMMii.i, eu.ku.. UM Uli, iik». H'll LIAMa Ati.N/u BMUHAUf. < Hmtla WAäUm USB, J//£ STA TU CANVASS, Oaraaaaaa Im * vi Iks N. T. Trite aa. 'fror, Oet M, ItSe, W.tb. a view to aid Brook« wMh Bepahiioaai, bh hwiada hwii chaige Ooi, grwran nod bl¦ friiaiili > iii heegaaa, racaiahdaoj ti" Uoa. dorm A. Kimo. It b pr.leud.d tt.nt Mt/mHteatU arc l,'"iriK ^' «'»KKr:i l!.i»he a«etnat<M» otonatrou* f<r any our * b.Inf, W l!i*H,k«'a *n< afa chatp- it imj adiaatly. I aheeld not b >t nit aajimiaaaf to Iraaa that ttda fai«hi--vi baa aoaeral carculaliot.' in t-otoe luera4 fonn. gaaaiB, aVo THE REPUBLICAN CANDIDATE Füll GOVERNOR. leal >"» ««v i.uJ t». p. PJaoaia,aaaa*, or .»'»d Hatkar, üulluia (.utility: fjaaTunta The report of a late Baaartag of the laaaaaa C^aajity TaaapaaaaaOa boeiaty, at wbiob boom aaiaeatftiaada of Tanaaaraaea andaiedthefa parpoaa ., » thhold tb< ir voice from the Hon. .lofis A. Kiv. I r (Jon rnor, has been read with puiu and Hurpiisc. It not hj jH/ti that cither of you were pre-eu*, au ! I ¦nr,;\xir.y JM% 'lo not uj.prove the ptirpoae BYOWI d. Vit ji.u will allow me to adtlri-j, throufb JrOO, a f.IW tf.i>j»;hla to the Temperance aneaof .^ulfolk Coaaaty and of ib.-1Htatc. ia relation to Teo.peninca, the lf m. JoMM A KlltO v «ttpiKiM d to ctanu ou the auitie olotforrn. i the other candidates. The question of Temperance a. not in tho National or Hln'o lasao in this election, and no man ought to teal biaaaelf al liberty to ihr >«r aatiy bbi vote. The isaue b«tao.n freedom and bluiryia one of oterH'tjoluonj' magnitado, and WO taght to rag Op " a Kepabucan majirtily in thit f>. ;i(e a> will seji-urat'ie Sta'e jw«.'iiuiiioutly for t'riHMJo.'u. Every attempt to leaaaa tluit majority f.w (J jveruor will fend to injure the EtOCtesral t ek>'t. tiid will *o"ieu the delenma of l.iber y. The Haw. Jo ,u A. King ia Iheaaay ennJirlatr (or ti.ivcraor, twd Uie Kopublican ii tbe only part y that run be rcl ed ou for ttie dofi n a of PVradiaai ai.d Iba pawaarvatbia uf kaa Uoioa. Let all thoao, torn, who love tho kTattitatloaa of our «¦ «untry Badwiahtoaeothe Baaaai prm<r\evl, eist theirvotaa not only foi ihc Natiouai. bul l'»r the State BepubUoaa lit kot. We cannot igtiore thw great natiotml .inontion, and ba aMaar Uae paUlantbroplata or traa patn..u. rim queaijoei in not, hhail the alavoa be ematwlgatfld I but, Shall Slat ery be iieiefiLitety eit< ude^l' If the Slavo 1'e.aee abaJI hueceed in «vzt« nJiu^ into Knot.»* tbe p. i- » ual right to hold atarta. it will not nwt till thin name dntk blight and curao in faraaiy eatatiliahi^i in til tiie FnefMalea; till tha haughty Soutüron -hull actually " < nil Uie roll of lite plantation Lands in the ubiulosr of Boaber Hifl," and the ptratit al, igoamiaioaa */.*..« traJrr ahall aell bia cotHe of atariM u New-Yorh, Bo*, loa and Cinciunati. VMiate%«r the doalgaa of Iba leadswa «f this Slavery- g .*. aakta party, to ma it seem* muntfoat that it« aao* e<ti ' :1J io*tire> uot only the continued aaaataremettl of Iba re karoo race, but Iba itagiadalbia of fraa tab .ri..,; a lnto iv. r>, niidtho eubjugaliuti of all Northern I-'r. m<<a to n i\ .ti.ny more galling aiid duipoti.* that to reviat whi 'h our laihera pottre.i >>nt i'ioir in a<ure aud tb.-tr blaod, eit the way from Hunker Hill lo Yorhtowas Whoa the wbi>la natiern la rocbed by *u<-h un i.^ua as this, it lOeaM little less than tuadnc-* to throw away a U m tboaaaad < r a I w hundred, or any numbs r of a»t«* upon a third or fourth cruidiine, ou t*ie ground of eeajaaekmey, ho Iboaapportof Tatnperaooa Sueh f.-iei*t»oej in this year** atraggta, is bkv tt.-at ol a mvu Who, beeaiiaoaartao »m is..", at midnight, a'eep* at c d.lny wl.ilo hu nouso It on lire. Host long could Temperance, or anv other moral nf itn, or . vru religion »t*.elt, cjuet, when B^aaafoal of attach and of the preaa ia do-tmy.-i If tbe S-uator fiuui .MoMtae l.uretts maybe clov»n dowu with impn- aity iu tu» M ünte chamber, and if too ¦SiavoP.iwer U ot tbua rule* al Woabin/tou ahall rule aUo ui the Kmplra b'atv, how long may we be assured that free* dotn of debate ou any aBOral >u >jict will bo allowisl in aur State U giilaiure ' If onniiug ofScoa in h. -<l- tuay bo batiere*l down by t' Staioa cannon, be* eeu*e a /n. ;>tHtttrai f>rt>t.tyranny'* grevtl<*it loc and fear-u. ol uoiioue to the oaMadaowara and tha mob abo ate in tavot of Slot. rv «\t. awkaa, bow Ion,; b* fore a t'<\ TAarjctamfQ arraa lo TTrrr Ymb tm»y bo oqutiily aSnokiou* to e.lhi r otli.'o-holde ra and aiiotLer us it> If tho hotel and pnutiug ofakaoi in LsBWVBTloa cm be dstnolislt by United otut.s canuou and I'tiiied *!<.:.« trooj on byal i.itt d rt'.aU» Marshal, on the more da*aaar*aa*aa ol a I t.lit d Slates .Inrj^e or the budtng ot a v>a. kid grand b.i v that tboy arore Bttt- sanocH, and all this, justified at WaaaJogtoa, Daaets no *> s r\i. e tr. a tb. >.p tbOB o w*.y ia well pre* parvd for lb> liombniduwrt.t and demolition of tho AatOf llouse, in Now-V"tk, atjgaualiBOtl tu» the headfjaartBTB, and ln> Ikiium or Tit f .'t'tj aa tho orguu of tie iMa.k Kepuhlicans. And on.y aao more s>r. Jo of tho same paaow may secure, the r.uuo wouvoo.1.' ayainst any other Lotet that uat»* to bo tba beadnui.-t.t- a d any ether press that daioe to be t-fit» or^au of (hoTemper* anoe a.«. Let it be, then, that topr>>nioU- Teuirs^rH. *e in Ne*r- Va.k ia more euiiahlo tor yoj or for mo than to strive for emancipation at the South yol, if the Sltve Posrer ha* aet.uu.cni tu w and dominau.* rvla'iou* lo the whole oounu-y, w hieh ihosr tn«t ti< r tnuoiph in thit year's eonte*taiJi uot oily evteud and |^-tii.».ttta B'avtry, butaiiKi iiiteu.-pvrei. e, C*wtalnl| it i* our är*t duty, ,»i TtBiawiuaex >nt, tu -ti ko In lue Iba defense «f Viee- dom. that ibareaney tni rartao and patriotunn enough baft la taa land ob wbich to baiM a Natiouti IVjipcr- aoce Kcfi nn, to promote, cnkiy and transmit to poa- ttnty We caniiot ro-ist tho ooariotiga tbal Iho ra- aiuta of tl year'l cyiu'.sn b«t*r«.va Fraadotn aud tVavc' * w ui do tuoro fo axiranoe pr n tard ;he Pcaipa: Wea Keform ü.an all tba di.-.v'. aibflaof frioadsor Joe*. It, in tbta c->ut»*t. V. *y» .-v j^cvaiis, we ahall bate ot KOvKl to nap aal ü.r TeraparantH«; bat if rttUiAem^xam^ tbongn B>ohtbttioa ov uidadtaitalj aootponed. we may y. t t..pc for a living Tamr^raaca awvtna-nt on a uto lavW, that may adi aa uoaror and ta euer lo tie u. am-viiaa at v,ar B*«B*lilitl and Uw full frmtitsu of e>ur beipea, 1 forbe r; but in Tiew of the eitent ni which mm eKet.on aid »Wca th# fo, Wl.4l at for woe, and ot the bmrui^ iv wjj Dnve upon tot orly the gormnaantaal aid eornnerciaJ battlie moral and rel ^looj Intararta of tho win.-u ua- ton, I onoM not bul apeak a* I ha\«. Lf Jona ».'. rnnaioBi thall Im tno noxl l*iaaidaat of tbiB lvior. id Jona A Ki^ . tbe rmet Qovarno* of ttu* Stale, if ibapriai iplaa Ha* .al ptanoy tbay ran .. aeiit »baJl prevail among tho p*OfJjt\ read if Kow-Tora at all oontinue to be repieaentcd la both Hoaaca oi ^ gr»*e aa ably Bt-d faithfuliy lo Kn .-dooi a* lor ilto i*»i !*ro yoBVa, the*> ens of the ntgLoel w->htw of rny bt-art wig ba aca**a^abaaad. ^ rv f ' Tr.-.i aoi Pr* torn, Hn, 1'aei Ner. l. law. CHAtLlt J. WjÜtftKt 1.1_¦ l A CORRECTION Tv tA» ri.roe TS' V f. T'*U*r. Kiirn isr KaiKMD: you hare de goodae*-* to alJow me to correct a report. wbich, by uie*»-k» uf a>me u.-r »ph writer, baa rot in'o " the paper* '.that t-v a 8L»k.-r» ore iruu.^ to eo*e ia ih« mjauiOaT Presiden¬ tial eicvtiiiri-- ha>i:-g been Mnotd tneretoby a 1 ot ;ro delivered by me, some üiuc last month, ou the aubjtct of Poi.U *. Itier* i* not tfce Iea^t f *-. h a r ; -'..a* 2 ba*e noatboi laotiioda rprooabadonpoUfacrj . ~ <>A Ahakees pottr to vote e< alt--bot (Vf stand tT* orVl r J * . r> a ait pd ti m et»»fc Tfci ii*wetn>n tf Brit ne*e ?> II iririi DtM "1 "u." t ,,,'« Urf S'rk» * " p4*1i»*l ' I IV r> AM HI.*, r . - N .. I.« «. Av, j .. ...». O '. ».'¦¦ I»«-. Coo ' M.V. ^ /.. n. Of W( // POJ! FREMONT. T *Ki ) '.:¦' »/T%t tf. V. t. 'i.! . Sie : I an. a' t' '+>>.J bj tl" |\. ai fll K. R. c . ;! ««f thb « ry tu Pejiorl i id Coon 3.1. ban k I Bad , . rf jT i-.'< pledged ft* PrenaaaL They 'i. M.i.atd FiHttttti r cI-hk" ('> bo itraek «""»o ||...6v» I. H-.! < v l "\< bebosoaVet weeatbetwo ¦einrentHdate>,tbey hove roaaiVod tu tinettnni i', and ghr< Ibtt/Totes t<>Fr <a. m. The Conneil tanutv b«r< .! abort seven y mbera, and .< I b .. if urn. Toam, A '., \. Haatll t.'S. 0M .*! . .A Y. <.».«» U t. THE TLIU lEANSA8 FOND. pi< »;t »v-iilo* . it ¦>.... en.Mi t K »¦ V.¦ ¦¦ Esen». f.f tt.«- V«.at.. if HWU liUrM.I »I.». 7 . A M dm. Ii> .1 »I. rtcv. t" InJ. II Phalpi. 6 W lb cuji Am Id ... i. B p. ¦. W. H Blot . M. Si'-cnm. 11 r Rbbsm. 1 . C D BVIlMI. 1 J. : Ai.kt r. It* V t Mi >' ixcketl .... 1 Jui . < totkttt . 1 <. 1 1. ii R. 11. I I 1 I * I 1'. I II. ot. Bill 1.lob«. C. Oed*. Daade. L. Bi.ii. ;K. v. O. J.+r%>ri . I aaate Bdlaas. [JaBBM And' raun. II Lcaoa. |l> \\ ¦ le ../J. Jobs r*anaM. I BVlAlhre B. Baa n. 1 t Lnaias tt L.*.at. Joho Pdl. ABM U vb. Ilt-t 1: MsKuoa. .ex. Cr...h). i bo..1 .ii. .. rot I. m ii. <u.. . .'.li. ik}. IleBf] Cbra crrAb. .iLiir.u Krt^i. I W'jJaBBi < bbbbIm riata. On Ti' \\ a BBB. SoIAmM Mbub. I (i l\| »L.'... r. 1 au] I" luaip (Kit:, iu. 0 1 .. it>- W, UanaBBa . I Btt . ,. I (. J .1 u Hi... knu. i> Ir. M. Baaw. 1 B 11 -»«'- I*. Irr. 2 <«. Kow r. OBiol.y . I ihi tbrabun AnJrirb. 1 M|Wbb. i* I) ii. (K1V1 rL>aibaJ. I no. H. B. Cht bargi r. A. N I r. i.u.« IJol t' Mc*. U. BbcMrdaM. 1 Bf|Maroua A. Bi n .11 .... D«vld !.../.!. I 'i a Kr bbh Baa » Baal Jwi.ii Mmt* 1. 3 l/ .-yr. U»rph W'Uttl. I fill. C li.(fr«Ml. 1% .. 1-..-I. H.'ti-ro HCl, Htark» T.CBtabtraat. »1 b.>m\ Vt .1 Jaeaa*... 1 « i»u t w tt.... u M toi Llaat Hibbf... » Bat fc. i h irbM Oi » ' > i«l O.Oi). v. <.. h. ,i W UU»u , I I. H-.if Wi v\... \ hrtck Jaaki. Hi/«... . 2' I*.. ni Ii. Li a mv». 2 ' C h ¦.*». I W in. H. y ...» \ VVoaaaa f luii.»u».. ¦V ill,til Lyoo. A Mead i.. Kboj in Hn>..oi. Ca., N V..., Mr »i,.,ui K -i. 1 H jatii Ka riant rjitu fAitijc. 4- ¦"». M. I!:*ei'. Win. J. Boracnaii. 1 OOlJI. A. Iil«'«i Jiair« II k u r>. i BaiibMilaia .. I, >. Ht. u 111' j. i«t- «o..--. jo'.u ticUuti. Jotkaa *\" aili». Ii. I Hubblnt.'. ill BuM. Join Lilt.'. w. ,i. r... oka. w H Brouki A Ni l.aitou, M. IBJ >.. Kmi. i B leba Jady... ¦ at .to- Ithaa fKtiry. It ii h. Inaniaatoa. lo D I* Penta.... j. li »i a >. at a Tuiaay. ' >.t. rett. R Kvaraü. Jl. Ilk*"! anil wife.... »araii «Man. A . Jc l'lm .. . Bttia Bo i",. a batavi iOafeaMaaa Jaava Faraann. i**wui i*"o laab t t Yi: iil.iir». J A. I.'ni" .,. ffsw-Iaaw ^.i (N. II i J. «.i» fi *eja. A. HicbüTiluiu. Ubartj. BV>|L. Cliapu.ti). 8 ot'jo W. M. B, t in «an 1 J Bi 1 B 1 IK 1 0 -.1 I I <e I l .i I w 6 if) i ^ < I«) 1 I i 1 Bj 1 M I oa i lit I v 5 t*J i 6 lid 11*1 "i i 00 1 "J I ''I 1 ..) i vi I i I i 1 mi I v3 1 »I 1 BJ I i i I lit 1 no i oa 1 M 1 Bt i <A 1 IM « »4 a 00 1 BJ I UU I Oil 1 on 5 o<> 6 M 1 no I I .»> I i.» 1 m a no :i no l im \: Ao i as W m (iruo.maj. 1 U<j] bark b'U» n ld. Dal n * <'. 4 BJ Kaaaaa A I. Iraa Oai I* H. Hebaaai. IBJ h> tur l».li.-t of KrHur- JobB K. IlLlI. 1 iK.j Lim N II . 1 BUI. Via.. J tl 1(1 K B;rtw..ll . Mr*. e. h. {¦¦... r. I no. I'. I,. \\ I... T' l'laaMill-r. & Uli D.Nattarup. 1 w bt R Buröaaai. Iu o< .1 M Dye. 1 W) A. II (. I IK K. V. .1:. 1 0l (,. n w aotlwoTtb... 1 on DankI Burki r. l bt Or". !!. IcBfaaa. 1 M An a. Id S^iit. li »ifa of Mkkaaaa. 2 «0 Join Muatrr... Join Jaaka... John M. I loi.d... B. II. Ait*-!!.-..' I i » La >.. au ¦ .idler. a B, Vlall. 1 f" I Mill. r. I (K> S t). Av.rlil. I BJ U M B.k r. 1 Of f U II. I I e't... . 1 (H B ll Mt'lor. ] 01 i\ 0. Karl. 1 IS Jota Wavtl. I en B. Mir. 1 Uli j h. BaankUnf. I H. I. MrW ul^t. I Ol T larnaaiottk._ l O T N. S;.ra^ it. I m L Robbint. 1 Of j. ( ' »«n. 1 Bt M li A. Bi'bn I o 1 r* h K J. W. bkftta. .' llfde. b K. Vtwa. Baoj. Hrud . W C. Tbrt.Ler. a. w. leetl. T B»i!e,. Kdwnrd Wall«.. .1 r fli nay. .. i El Iridis... .{. Barl d. W 11 t'aprc.n_ B. Ray. .1 Riadxl.w.... u Uafatfa. Itaac Kui.hII.... r Bb< arei . I Bi .if..r.i. J. IWjIot. A. T.Tosi . N Ruaaell . I B'lTWlll . A P IUiw^kI.. I How*. i Hamaaonii .... J A. ¥¦ I. Dike. li. Oi.m laotl. r. n. a rmfutd. f ktn P . D. Harro» t. V. 1 («. ;J. c. II. 0 C foi S. 1 to j. ( Rraaoatt.. r. a b i. fha«. K L ¦¦< b jrcTfetk. Hrarj t Itr.d.... .1"«. p'h Daotali. 1 ot j If Hell . It" 1 00 1 0. 1 W if II. Rudi r M J. Plat! H I tfca... i P. lliudei 1.« I K 1 e- T Mnatef. I 00 J. D t DO B D.... \v. k n n. II. lab. II. Wa -.tan II... fa.b. A W M tbftal. 1 ou Itair Cos. 1 lo]D. W. HVwlo A'kluf. 2 Ol Ig. W.. L. O Joh::»nu. 10 ot H .H. B B B Pa:t«iii... . 10 O. W BI BJ I. \\ l(ti :il>.-i^er. L It Boat. Twnl»o Joiinr " tlf.-a.y M..nt! K". K.\V.BiB.Ui.j of lli'kl'B a P-rkiiia. Ku.aall L'ndarweod...« Salban Ma: M«. L'akaowäi P. rtaiaa'th 1 o.; r p Hit 0 (m s 00 .11 T'-.r.. !. Itaa In Rtathiuf j iu I.: Repnbliean Club ol VP t ili a. Wui Ba r tl . C C. t- 1 alk. N. A. Pavia. ! In .Iratph Pia'l. 1 Ot Bobart R.rd. ar. 10 Cn Hirty J, lWMsa . S N. Bod'. >u and 3 0> A. I'haaa. H. fawtti. Blebard B r. tat. 1 00 Mit. K. I I lb ti. 2 00 Mlaa A. \V. Kilni S'"-tt. 1 w.; Total. o> r. \v. Mr. w. v M B. a «I . BMP. E. L I». J II. AP B. M. K. H. A B. I OJjL W. N > M 7". oj .A ot) I to 1 CO 1 <>0 1 IX* I 00 1 uo 1 00 1 uO 1 «} 1 00 1 00 1 00 I 00 1 BJ 1 uo I 00 i 00 I <e h 1 .*> 1 uO 2 00 3 00 1 00 5 00 5 00 4 00 !> (.!) I 00 .'»I» ll) 03 10 00 15 00 1 00 I uu .1 08 .' ¦! 1 US 1 au 1 uu 11 M 5 00 1 00 1 U0 1 BJ 1 re s 10 oa 2 60 1 US 1 t iS 1 U0 1 00 1 00 I 00 I 00 AO 3 <ai 1 no 1 00 1 UO 1 no 2 uo 1 1 00 I 00 1 1 1 US .*w -1 ja BOOKS KFCEl VED. Nartu t.- Or,Tba id aas/i Fate By F. it. »l P-iiTTa Rt.k 1 Art BoA Branara in Enroao, artth otbet Pap-.-a. Bt thr H racaBaaii} Walla e. BVeaad Batttoa i2u> p;> B>L 1, A M' BtUlaa. t'vmiuei.: uo Pari, k 1'ai.a. Uy Madam« Do P. > tar. 12;u.. or. The Kar.* Marr* Bf t.-> Uta By Orora. W vxt Hum. Sf Hi DAp- alatoc A t ". Paaal. u .. .1 Pi. ..ip.n. Uy Mia. O aj »>c pp lMl T B P. lansa Ca.tforu.slo D.M B> l'!i»« W. Fuml-i u. l.'rao. up S»>e. Du A Rdwaraa. t »r . i »dia^ t StiuK'i.i. Bt Jabea Bum.. D D. 9n>. pp. SAT. laaaaVjBWt Philoeorl.y Tr»» ed Ir m the Hparlah af Ua'iora. By limn Y. BrowaiaB, M A IaatS. ISBMa, n. A J Badiaai a, t o. Baastbookafl r«.,.lr t'heuui-ry By tt 1. ,:r (lro*..~r. M I> E«l .. J III uSandirt. Kuuitb Aaaartcaa RdlUaa 'v pp i.* A f Ramaa A OS The JwtaniWi D kaai W. Bil-u< t-'-ie. rp It* i ;.- J>at'if Tm RgortBIBO. or 111 it Si wkTftvrn..1 hedcroe wbub t a* ncti tly tneii ie»n««t by Gen Walker, Presi¬ dent of tbe RetMOlkJ Ot ^^Mt^lU^ua., re.-tablisLLni; tin* btstilntion of btarery, Invitinji the tmportiuion of i.ecnHS, is now .tttrnc in« tuui h attenf.oa. K..r 1 ur ..tan i^trt we weeo buttily Bfeasi d with tie deeiea, lor we are decidedly in favor <.f r.-»'|>eniu)t tho slave trade, in ordi s that the pi et ot r.o,r « I mty be redc.H'd to n:. b Courts as that cvi iy in Inetrioua ni;.n may puicbast and t" come a elarc-hnlder. We reiar.i tl.e eoatse pnr-oed by (u o. Walker a. not uidy eorreet, but challenges tho ajmovaiOf tat. »neue Ba*B of prxipie inLabititig tb<- .*»oiitaein StaUe. acd we beliebe that ther will sueiain him in Uie p<*?iUt>ti no bas asaajnicel Boning ai d believing that tho Cenfeafc-ra. j noa baowa as tbe United States of North Atuenea will »a.'n he dlecolvt^l, we U>'k upon tfci« movetiicnt of . lea. Walker as that of B BtafpMBIB, nr.d wt hope the day is Dot far distant whmCci tral Amtrica, cmbia Lc,; the lslsn.t of Caba, wJl f.. m pait of tlu> Southern tVnfedeisoy. [CavroUaa naoea, Dct. 87. A DtattKBLAfjc Daaca roR . .. -A pr.vate lettar from Ba: fcu», Mauna, .late-i tio 'S'd inat iayi "Tbe lien..*- ate had a lian.-e.' last etetin; 1- Ibal city, the avaiU of wbtth waa announced t" ?o to tbe Keal Surret* of Kuu»as. has you BM th 7 are t»e- s'l'tu to Bahlkawksjaja that thiTv i* autj,.ru, . Ln thU Terr.torT. TheiH» Denue-ate, in tLeir call ü.r tbe dance, wi*e very rsrdaalve; none but Whurs and Den.oerat- were un iud. \\ bal Ibaasnoantklthat Kar. sa* wd ft 1 has not tia^ajurpd. Tue Hi^t Seheol «>orB Uktalew. .tan . a »hott tiov ai«<e, for the eb»e,-t bat, Ui»tia.i of ailiti,» Kaor-u.. did not prA mnttmm to j-ay niH^su af bau aad noiiiers. no we A"- Iteceipsa of Pr^a>re,-Cic*. 31 nv \w» iVtrer T.aaj Maa. Plasj ?4Sak*a Wu.tia W d«. Aalb., y.^W b>.*^ Oata. to Mr <U Biut. r a' x huh. newest o.aa, s>f a7rwswi*saa1 aWbhij Ptaai J* pa«a w-v..k| C7/7T ITEMS. OmmtM Oren> ^-Tbe kwkJ r-rx-^alaJ.oa c*f PWe'a " WeHta " eluactiä a laWWtted and bfJu.ut .ud-eoee iTufada; ewm;r. T! . Apr Miee ar*e l'.' ai, M i'. M sirf.: < r r/K ui fr r ¦ : if,? ban h> u»r hffahaWf vee.tirm trrl # tT'vt,r». art.r.g. TBf -md« Optra w I I* pit** i.' u er« a.; ~_ f<rt ir.e tart time. 0 * Kbb*Pdi mewl. Patioa MatraaBBiBT 1-lwhrr. ,s. Mhj.., r f (Jje ¦ U leil IX« III .> W. Taylor tt Pert i*e, >.,». ri'fKb- ptdfctnd t-. toe Tl.,rd Ward IV«... ia ti I ¦urth if M«:' B Tl I lief. ».-rv -<cn 5 p-..'.«ei 111. OÜ- c>(MayorWoo.:, and t;./) owe thaw peaM-o bb tha piiiv int. ti> i..- 'he M».«-r. hi o, ii bjm atnBJ th :n, rknatrd ttif tif Ihr refeN of lbe l\4ee l>< |>*ru>.ca, e hieb rce/Birei tt Bi Boüoeaara abasM be reaedeaaeoa' CicWiifli be shiek th»-) mVbH le appetattdi ami it. ,i La.. Bofl reenden!BI ti c Ward a -in.;le nay pr«-vii-ue U. t. : app nUrvct. IT w. ur, l bis aajeaavy twin laM »». ii PTtrridabW by tho M*}ir ia nuiiheriee* in- ¦tBBCaei IBBM doeaaBaBB, i»-i«l«nt» of Dtbef Wards, 1 ',rc >(*n äff* iated r Q . Third Ward lloan). . i lbe ereniog oflbe 8lb of NLaj Last, Malay Bad la):or bad u »<-m»u» quam-i in tbe St^ion-I loose, wbi. b wa* tejeViaaVj okead bj the riWagof the ral for thrtr riartfw to go out i n i ig: t du'.y. Aboot f J I o*clbob they n H oa lbe eonn1 of Broadway sod C .urt- bvaik street, when the quarrel wr>e reeataed with in- BPaaaed rloliaca. Profane aad obeoeae asaneaataa re fu«ly tied, u.v.l 51 i>»y b. . an.o hi *hU ew- pentad and »U'ik Taylor in lbe t.i baai king n la tbe pavemen'. II* then pi' k»*d i.ia an- t path* Bp, ard t^kicj; bun bj tae cellar literall/ dri r'^ii baa Ii r im v. t J baOl V< Iba Wai r of Uroad- «rat aiad Veeoj atrrtt, arbea be anas baineod la raaaa ;, - l.eid siid Ibe* bafb Bfixreded to tbe Stv'iv.- Hi boo, f"'!i ared bj a btrje roeeoarae of people, irbo bad wittrai td a 1 abole of tue ili»^rs< ful and ba> ru.ünt.i.-; (^puUcie. The i tin ror. duty, aft-r hearins; Ibab atatcnitBta, irrn..<<i <i». Jy Bfdeied tbtai to their j.-t sgabi; wblrb order w,-;, of* ji i b;- m-i0y, bat Tatkw refast d i the reaaoa that bo waa \ ery sen*. t ti Jy bjared, aud at tbo asaac tbaa afbabl of 'iein^ agaio arajbuVl bj Maaay ao hi prooeeded bp atabrs to h. d. aid dirt Bet re»tirr.t I a duty a. W f.i ihn I weika. C> wj" were aaadi a0'air-t these i»olioernen to tbo Mayor) batt iastead of tostantlj disaniaatag thai frmn theLHpaitaient fortLwr stiaBdlibaaj and outrureou* 1. rewarded both bj -i-ta.:.t.^ Hal j oa ti qaad of which Uaab il..jn,afStat.wii Hall netori. ii;, ia Bsrtjeant, und TajiarobBfoeiaJdatjr. What tl.y h'e dobnj now, im oaa i.n..^». Ifowdooaany Ota doabf thai if then Oil I had beeBOf ad tfea ot j.liteal M BM !<\:<>n that tlity wttdd have he<n <J:*»- Btitaed f" in Polar* Depavtaaeot 1 Aibrr Taylor l reeaased bia daty after bbi raoovaty fimn tho äv jnriei raeeircd in bis eaeoaater nan Ifafey, ha w»a cctaplaised of by bii Bergeant for being iili'mt f>vut bia poet oaa Bight for two hour*. This waa a Tory arimc ni.d k.ii. i> (-iiaij,., bot am, im u-uid. over- .'o«ki<i by the Mayor, and do j ui iabaa*al haUb t«"d. Jtift Bboat tie ea-n ÜXM bi tt ^ affair'took place, dpt. I<Ma of tie beveotr Ward Police <..tiij.luLe.1 (.1 PoUei mat \\iel<y Merlan, a tno~i eir>!'. nt oflkOar, fir riartlj the rarne o'Titi.e. Capt. Lett! il one uf tl Mavet'i- piita, and Li* H^ht licndBaBa. Morgaa abtetnoBtdy denied bnn-2 abeest any mcli tiuie a* Lett, bad n ported, but bia denial iraa of aa avail, aad ' was dbmksed. Morgan wodd not rotefbf the Major Ihü Pall, ami beaee be oij^t ba aacriaVed. Ta;lor, on the ot'ei hand, doulitifa* BJai'd vote for U .. Man r, art* irgend of beinjjd:!-rni--ed a.* Mr. M r- frnn an?, be wiu. nauJid by babagdetailed, i .-t V»'«<.d bha Oil- effn»rtery tu ray that i.o BSlHlkljl favor- biam Lj al ohd in Um ti.ariaK'» in -n'. of tb- i»>'i<«-. Ttia CoBToai*Hovaa Ornrea^ Taxko Amis _ We Daderstaad that $ 0 rnore *»»* r-jactid f'otn each n aa ranployi 1 ia the!f -.»u oa raursday, fur pohti. Ai { ui} t »ee. TB I OkbAT Lev. .BiULthki: .On» !»w af this 8taU» .<-. .' No offleer ot!ie< than tbo rotanutting ini^L-trate Mai tui Ii t t'< haul any j'erx.n, urie-a two day a' notiree be i. ..ii t... the liirtriit-Atte'moy, and theoriglaal com- "n dniiLt ar.d proofs he \x> aeated ba ^aid iifficer. Fol an ajleged v m Intioti ff thi.- law a I'olici-Jin-C"« hm Yttn roareicted and reinoved.l^s wnvictl^n being afli:mei' by th'. hi.pretne Court. fkaotboi Nw rrptiiating Iba Hiaivner in wuire gun- pOB .li i u.ay l>e carried tbsWagb the it) »nyathat wl.r^i an) [H.»der aha i be seiinl and notie. "ftheiame »hall be gi\ n to thi Msyor, "the said Mayor f/ie re aaea ''taoatrrtc into tk$ f*ctt and oirciiinetance. of such al- leged viiuti.'u and i^irure, f r wbieb ;.urjrf>re « "n.:iy euinineo any per-e.r . to tertify, »od ha ei.all " üave pow"r ir. hia Jiw-rotioi; to wb.'i any (rur>jH)wder "ao aeired to be re»tored. A few \M,ka aitee a aWgO pi aa Illy Of fvnwd r praa »eiz d fer an aBagsd vtolatioB of this atatato, and atossd in tii. Dial AraonaL T' euwiiei apjiiied t itiie May>r, Bad tc at once orJered the powdar to be restored, without aaaolag f r anypapira or re^or U or f.^r any 'ir»|| cny, or tc any ethor miLner b>|Birfag lato the facta and tdrtanaatanoes of tha matter? Has not the M voi dvne the laBBO IbiBg '.!* a n u r way aa the Poll i«Jaatleo1 Did ba net aa tndy diaregard tho pbda pn riiioa ei lbe low? Whea tha law aa] < ha «aai/ tr.. <I^ an I act, an-t ho aet« without :»Ly iie|uny d.^M L'- '.o* vio'ol« the law ? And are tin- people wil- 'ii; ..) tdvf m bum la-umpt 9B0f ''doabtflJ p- WtttT ( i ¦" t i t*..The KigbthWatd "ol«redKe- paLl » bold a rrrrtting ir. ths iacing itraet Hail lust ^. Mr.f»c<r^eW. lerere ocnpi.d the chair. and addrtaaed tho anting at roov ler.^-th, Jireet.oa; tl . raten a* »o their d Uy neit Tueeday. He was fab lowed b) Mr. Ili'/barJ. Mr. Myen« of Albany, aad others, in spirited and etfu-uve epeeohee. There WBI a. iaasb BO) wl It i.r. -*.-] ct.usua'tutbua.jeui. TheQannaa H,pub.ican* of UieTutl, Waiihav- irg, t!..-».'i^h "'ie ox c'iti«ler>ti»ndiBg1 nomtnateo Tfc»e- dor,' Sfjyveaatt as a candila'.e for the A/sembly from .;, I'lllth Dattriet, bead a taecakaj . Tbnzaday eraa ir^. rtci oauiored t^rj Gormer <*.Uun, And um»oiuK>ur«y icdorsed Robert Ma. iy, the .t^ .!%r icepubheaa can¬ didate. Tl rigiatriaatli Ward Vouni M'-t . p-rsaoat V'gi- ,-.,. Coasanitteo bald a Mtaa MeetsgT1. l Kvaing at ti IV u.I1 ; tf,:/. Pi^rtT :s W.iriat STRsaT.A W 'Sjas Shot .Oa Thursday night a dilSenKy occorred u No rii? Worth ahnet between Cba'. M. v'uaco, acejrro, and but wife, it If, enawed be».w?en therr, du.-r^ whieh a p'-iol load, i wtth pnwd r and shot, w^icn Caaoa nai *n '.is hard, WK JWhfT^'".! aci took iffeot n bn aife'e i k . r aeveraly. Tho Pifth rV'aru I'ouoe ve.^e aooa at the ! otu»e, and t.vk the vornan to the Hospital aad looked op her husband. JrtJousy u said ti Livt» b* >a the r i.. af '.^ affray. grtAMp v? ana turor Hwt..0« Prutay night la l. in!', -.i hi An-.i-'an Kagl* was towiag two barges cm ii t U- apa Kiv r, t..av Verplank s poaat, a ei Op ,ram^ urkrvrwti; Sor»« straifibt upoa her n.v . u i-..i » irJ. and cevar, .a (-uluuoe w ta I ar bow, by wb .'ii botu s* ai d .*.¦ o »»i -tine CA?»t J-k<"' Ji!>ei Ai mar lc-.f the Aiaerlcaa Bagbs, hot thf Baaae or ^wo.'r oftiie ak-^p we iX'üd not la* a. I"<".tb*i<"r. te rsoer or tub Nb«*' V>r« Hj- tr; C'i V-iut'day err*::: | tha A bland PrettnWat Club a*s^nbii.-d ia froat of th.-44- I »sd«iaatVr», Urvad- w.t, i^i*3-ee the New York ll'iei, ^n 1 tbef or aonae igbatWB Bltbl VvBile it was t^ir - ¦:. a |.i.'icnvaa oa ieavoeed to dnvo bu earnsge tip to Iba hot'-i, but coerld rxjt or. a vouot af I is b- ¦¦»*. teAii,; fi eb| frra» the flaire» if the b-^sfire, Mr. CraWeS. tf-f« f ;.iv<v' »f toe l>ote., htvagef ti-u aaoart ort-, aas] aaartag taa». i^o w«c-<r c<n»«o»i CeU tc t is -.-.««< *T0l tail witii soaaa sf hi- aBTSWaBI te i »tii^i,-<i a, wheat a >'uag caa aaui.d Koywe <*r. .i. t:3iBb.ar7 lawW BTfOB Ih-tA.-b wit'iac-b On* »»j j- *k" *»: ¦. ..«. Thb I*o*tJ ». aWBBBBBB* of Hrtaej iOJ hi* p..«.nve> * -,!'>»0 n..1", one of i IK par i o-<'e». » urf.» Cef« r> to li < merier ,.f <h<- I*.-- w ft I :> ,. . M/a> i Ba '. waa it.rd«> armclen- I by lit bad %nJ r*rv- -.».' '*>r II« ~wtof the lie- .. ,- f. :;*. It :.-.<.!<d !.> *. if '.<¦ ,-iv. - .. /mm I.,.. ;,f 11., [,.«,. f* i«- ipfaaraaaa for »r»l uMea/bajrgb, Oiaugii Ciiooijr. lai phaw aValpatad Je.- tie trial af U lUktr ti.e ad. gi 1 prr>Mvw.i ia tfcr aaiird.v, Baal i .'. it .. i ¦.; i.'. -!: IfetcO m *e<e-*orr«. <,.;*..* Vaoaaor B - fcV m -w .T^reta bb ".Uj'.-iitXo. 11*1 Br.*d»a;-. order 'hp »bv.-f of tie M array Bill Mission. d<-*i«:»e.i fir no beaetit of t-üTint be-ye of Qe*aaa*1 pOTOOaaage, wl enr s«rh aa w< *;id aerer attead the Word Bchaob) hare the first rvJ Us t b. at or f,doiStJ>tf rvJ to their drat »tat« u ... .. 1'. n Biter k p rted as Mwtatioj; th.- day ar-beel duringtbalaai»ia Bcatha, it'M, of weich lt» a..- ben a Qaroiaoy, aad 19aitidecoajaaryigfan Cel..i i.e. :^J|Vr4.»'«l I. tfJews; and ther crop'\ ajag Be f< Bows '-a fe IvftWers» and order-father rp-, US] -n.r.»-»el b-cxar*. Itj sundry otter eojpl-jy- rr< neu Idhuaf -*. ^- addition to to? above tin re irr- f>rut 101 llOOl ctildr-a a.f- ccirj the. Sabbath ckieOtL To, I.*\» rot Kaoaa*,.A aaaohaag «u Lei.i in Hope thapei on Thuredaj afternooo far the pnr- po»e of ttkuug njea-'-re* to aid tbe Kree Mate et-Uiera of Kan as, a bo, afUr Ik lag robbed of tL.-ir Baflaaaa *>y 111 Bürdl r ICufTisue, Bra lift »:lu»ut f..r |bf Witter. l!e giaal oia« of I ho ro»*tir^ wie ..L. p<- d ¦:' ladiea, oafy a f a |«atlaOBeB b dag ;. Mr. riaddawHyaU ipaced the Baaatiag ty Btatiagita n ' Bid -te oljeOt Da jatrodOBBd Qo*, U"b;n- »cn .»f kaii»aa, vbo gawa aaa<oaaal of the priaaUaM to ahi<h tbedef^-nde-rrof Kaaaaaararaaawradased, atd tLtn »i:oaid that ti cir aufTer i ^ had oome upon th. tu lioni ao faavt of tbi .rj I'll oiuy bfaate they bad f-Jült brarely for fit boom. Mh. C l H .S then paae bbbb8 fcccoui t of tbe OasajlUoBaf aaii;. ra wbota aba I baraatf aaea. aaaae i>f the wtrreii were ao poorly chad that tbaj ar>- u*houjixl to be r.-'ti by atra:ard r tt.y of them 'i ire cat op tL i- .ier.ini- i-'e 'o :i n±> paiitai... n-f..r tin rn.-u al o were obli-reel to alttid (-nard. At the BBMB Mr. Hyonl prupcaad an oigaabiath>a of tba iraaaaa af tba Stat-, ejtcoding !o to 'ts, eoaagtaa aad intnrt* from a ee rtraJ RajajafitM r -*0 pofBOOl of raiaiog eon. tiflratHta of cbathrag ar 1 liHoey to buy provi.e for the lafrerera. Sb k > ainjeaagraat wayaoattl arc flwtu i- hot W St per barraL A Inr^" aaoabar >f ladh I rWaQod tbcii aaraoa tta OOtlta W irker., an.I a aareataai -tin^ of ladita intera*b .1 in ti..' -abject will be <U III BBIHIPeT (Sataiday) at II a. in., at ine h.>u-<» ofBIrr. Neye«. No. la Baal Twoaty«e«veath -.ti»«'., near Potuth avenue. I';kk at HiBltBt.--Yeatorday rr..^ about »? o'cltek a ftri bnfca '»ut in a row of c'd frame buildiaga ia Third BTieaao betweea < >ne Haaored aad Twaaty- lacoad aad Oac> Raadred a-.d Taeaty4hird atreeta, i. n| h d I n tbe liret rloe-i* bj Ch rt Bra.'ty as a laqaor ah p, ChriitySbood) us a L'quor shop, 0. Kaocktin as a Uqoai -I .'p, and Pat. Mulcaiiy, aaOcoaaber; tip- parpart byfaoBd -. TI '.uiidioyi wa-e mostly da> at oj <.(!, bai the CM 'tipfirts suc^-e led la sa> :og nearly bM of their hr^ia. lirlel property. Th< tiro-otorj frame buu'dinff adjoiring, oe> uo:e tt by Himoan Mnelay aa a lager bear bbJooo, waa badly donaaged. Heefaybi la- Bored b r ^00. T'k. property waa owr.-d '.j Mr. Sta¬ llt-, »':oa'> loa« is a:»otit tV'»*.»-'; iiwur»d. ..? ¦¦ Pmi :a PoamaaBTa rraarr..-OaTbaradayBaara> lag b. ta i o 1 and J a'oieob, a tire out in tbe dis¬ tal» ry ai d reel f. ing aatabbabaaaatafJabaaca .v i,\Ba- rjii T ^y.!.t^en'.h str-.', b -twen the Ninth and Tenth ar.-ri-e*. 1 he r-tab'udiiri ootipi. d thr.v buUdbagO, Bad the fire or^-inate d in t.hi midiOa toaae. It ia aif>- pom', to have beon caused l.y tho fumen futiu bV|aot i, proeeaa af diaOglaUoa oooBfag iu oontact with a i.-i ....I f- m-l^.in;»r, but aa 'o ' . " \;v. th-re ¦».> eettoia kruwltd^-.., Tbe wldu» bvui a^ o\ Btroyed, btg :h-i othera wen saved tbroagh the e*er- rioea »f Iba flraaaea not, boaasraf, wahout beiag eoaaiderabjy daaaBged. There wer 110 tanka of atyaoi b -*r>)id. 1! b loaj ia reward of *'.' ..0Oi. No definite kootsiedgo (..ui.) be ottaiaed a* to the lo*s ard ir*u'aaco, a* th nrm :. faacd to give uBXanaataBB 0'i th s'.l.^r t. Faiai ProiLI 'i EacOOBTBR..A fi.;ht oceurrtyl or. 'I'u.aday aighl laai, betw?oa two men named t.'hoa. Stuiuh, and WilthUB ( bs/srater, at t hannlngrt !>¦,about BBTefl .t I below I'oJajlik* o».e, whiok r. *ulU-.i in */ie de itb of to* Conner. It arose from an augry coo- » er», ia which t'!aari» ater caiicd Suutii 'altar,' Bad BOB '.L'.s tii > bv.ter .La-lauffed mm to right: the cliaiieiat " a aa a'opted and the light oommon^ed, but d.d aat ''at but a very f«w aab at * beaaro deoeeeed r-«eit lala;-'' hUw -u iL < temple, and imun-lulely rvp.r CaaanrabN pbuaad bhaoalf m the band* of the a^thorf.ea immed.ateiv. Coronet Ta^ior of I'ou^h- hetriite intTBtigalod tho affair yesti-rday, edicited tba als., e r.a <*t b j1 a veidiet was readoitd accordingly. Till¦t»AB :es >y PoorigfT..The Third Ward jttOtaow trjoya tie f-veci-l regard of Major Wood, «:.o h 14 J-aan from tba Hirlfltt Police fony of [Hal etBaocol jw oae o^aarter of tba naaa tar "apaeial i « Ceeaxrojaeotly the blocba of tajaabia aaaraa hi t. 11 s.t .i !..e .ay an left with iaadbaatetaptueseaaeat aat Iba m . » .orerrain are aadJ'cd with oitra duty. T t Ca» Of "Li»'.r 11 mbAfi..«Aboat two o' .. k Oi Boaday flBOrei \ iast a wull-dx*?.ed yiung wvs ia wtet aboard of c-.e ofth.- Boatb-Ferry boaw oathe Mew-Yorbaide. Wbea tbl boat reached tho toal i Atlantic .treet, Pr- "...o, thil pa.k gtr.the o'dy it W da >.*i hoard'-- wa> l«. t to be h .nd. The eaiy oj; pialniog t>: abaetoe we* the icppoailioa tiat'h. bai jutrped ot erbe ard with ' inteutwn of etJ-c str-i'i n- '1.1 ib.m of Tbuxaday aa- :. ti..- 001 r} &f the body in Ttoopava i d-»ck, aid Bthl at. -o. Kl «t'.ea wo have leaned tux- t.n - ti '<. itt.'.e to the deoeoeed the cause of ner eu..-iie. T'.e»ew eubj' in Two or three yeara t i a j Dbg i r] of e.gbteeo, very attraotive iu her Bfpn e, f y-> 'U form, blue P)c* Bad igbt ha.r, v-a . ijff-nrafha raaldoooo of her parenu in B ibory, afaaaachofrote. In the- Tiriatitntlai of tho uncar. -for ia a largw ciiy, ahe ae^a found heraell' wBhk the wallfl of a Mert<-r atreat Iadir*' boarding- b ¦-¦*.¦ '. ¦.' ' > a s.-i i-'*.... .f \ etue v.-l aa.-srt'-r, Itdheneifi tl laiuii and iligaare la t. . a oi the ?t- aa li atO cearry rightean mouth-, at !t> »p. aiiun of ah-ch time aha recn. ved to t< tbet ' ejee .- raJar character ia Otr-ov aUeet. A year -ic?e sli- became dteply attncl-d to % young n aa BOI d m th a l> idxg restaurant la Broadway, aneb I ra .. | by woaota <( thai law*. Latterly b: r !n p "-xiti"« w^re ditcouraged, it i* said, -ji au ui.'-'i -.-Div.ry TV ait relation bad been of this ii.* i'l"' fi' e-.-ji .irxv. Oa Hatattiay aagbt bath BJattfli accidtt tally Bet at Prra-Lio a laiL ahe a*ke.l jaa.e with her, and wai answered with a >|J tefiaaal th:a d sire-l Km to aooicopaay her BOO, Md .a t*fl 4 ws* also ditied. ThiiJ rburTt-.'. and mu;h dispir.tad th.-rt-by, ahe lituraHsJ to i or reeldeec* and re*ir»-<J. but abortiv aiVr arose- o:ii-*e-G rvrw If ajil U-fl ti"« h.-i^se. See waa ac- c*-"t¦'t a jilvcernan r>t. Brcadai>, .".ear Cortlaodt rtrt *.. but a.tirtrtut -.tticiw bis» »he e* utmueel her a .uk '.. Ihabaath ¥u:y, rent cn board the boat, aad le w*; g toe other sice tr vw ber-e-t from it Of 0 r.»; abc wtu mi.-e-J fr tn bor heine ax.d a/ter tho aoi" BU oral anl plae^d io the casad aooaaat H*cx41.'T it wa« iieauri-i t>> bar fcoiaie eompaaiona. IV. (i '^tiiwlnw t-uad apiin her person waa i?ee, .re a^ tbat tf tie yen i man wtoae cindih-i badnnci anaal] cauaed h.-r ta dtvUx y her-ail Tb sra- day her r.m».. » »»rv cr.;.»e>ed to (ireecwood. ao- c n.pai '. d b} u. ? laaioaiiy of tfce heeusa ia «biet she be. b-ea «n it-t-ai.», r> r raRtra tioaillora, a caagytnao, UC u i- v ; . 1 ,ec n-u>i/ * >- urJ.c«« 1 b.r .'r. la ir."Sit ti* coTavs Tba . *uit' tU> f»i.. <al a re rut by ta- win. as> <\ u i aa ec ti e aaaai a \ 't..- c meter* tbw ye taaa srv- « k -1 M pyi pa.tcfU .ipcK *:i vtbi o: i.fvvoJ. Axr.oä % i , . H, (I ? r'^SlW delivered a, br tt ? » . ., . <>.< if her ,,""f*i"" f«vl M ~'l » > »¦. » i,«r» ft* "Jl r'-oeent. af ee ? « ,v« in a rMkV whoocethey a ll to* be i m»»f.J U 'hi if t«*< n>t:n.r planr. l'ue BWl b.t i Li i .. r NW*, in the r dRo, aid ».!. bo tK-i<<~". ? »Mt h ntr-eiae m tbe tern'*. Tor I u«- kf» «n ht t* --»'jith-.' tame uf ''Iietiie B< - r t iitmc of h. r ' fried' cf tl.e eaioon we bate,bat OB trat! .- lit**-- ne niibbvtO i». tavVI i> tBTtOB, Bi^-mi t«p ATTBBnrTBB 8' -A .' n »'eei.s sw*v « .»our>g Hnji'-f iriHe, wbo-e ii :B e wt. iv.l»jr n < ni i. »«:. to tlr» coantry. aaWwlBWe .- p MAfe of New-Yoik be btcitwo Bt> -l':r ..-.ed »..r n nrcsa Bot 'j jt-ara of age, who ib npnetc*..»<! tl i?; c/oJti . --d-ii. k;r.»". rather !**« i- iitiiBT, bbbJ \ > frail, Ab n ; two ereafei he mar- .-in' bit iwannrr, Hw'.tl.idondian tbe i-vet thai be kaoa aba bad :..! » Baa lute utV, and together tbrv cniet>t'ji.i ;tj. whertf'j y took lodging* at .? hotel :o Fünf h oilvet Att«H a fcaaa tue baSle mi hJeely left U»r b'^L&B.*, tad cn tf. baaajdoj >«*t ae Van! tb»t lbe Vai Bt t botr] on Chestnut street T'. I'o.t>».i i .un!u«:.ate,y went to h* w:e> and ita- [wn J b- r ti; lanta Rn with b-.m. Kut ah* raftaed, 1 e 'um that he had no b gal ababa on her. a* she BMOadJ had a ha-twind !;vtr< in ( eiit>»ru.a. iho e.u- I'l if *i«ie iran tbaa l*e< Bred a warraot fi* tn>r im-', a; d -he was taken fern Al'Vrman Kuoe. wb . com- n. i' d her to ai «wer the i'hergc of hi^.ny. Tha BO a '. Bt r aftBtweid hogged h lift oif, ai 1 »ba w*e re¬ iche« den "stra* bad." Su'wwjiientJ), 8eafcag that his a , araeBQBTSated »i'h aL. t.rr man, be> im lied !.» ea.-o ur n-imeie«\ I'hu aas t f cotr*« n< t .vm^li. .1 w tb. It i- i,l!e«»d that tbe wife ytvtVrday eailol f.»r I. i p. el .; .!.. Cits uf Haiti m. n>" tievuiV »iK-rre«'.isl fas fiBat lag *«..«» tbdiiidual eaaaaiaaai watt that airsmtr 'id n'oa>g. abei.t 9 o el.^-k. Hbjb CoeatabV Tmfi Lad Ida atteaitioa dbeeted to the itt»t rw iiinbu.l, »ti» wei Utg ! bi j" in ladt ueniietcv -^n ire as tuwet^h l- oaa ibqbiiiatrd ThacfBeat*awbebargwof Uaaaaaa, at I e|«>ti eiaaaiaiag t it laadietB, di«.-o>ered art oaaea vkal, that waa alaatal eapMsd, aad wt.ieh *a» bthotavl " lutd.i: ;:nu Tbe u.un iwiiiutie.: liiat ho had taki a Ui > n:»-11> ol the bo tl a few aunites before.aiv' jr .(..,,¦ | ti at k* lul m t »iüh t-i !;».. The wiMil I l»e-«uicide> snt j BaaHai ijrtabratatao Nayta/iaaaW.aod Bardkal .. i oainwgirtrrffi Apowrerruiei tan »f < aiaaiBweBiaal ailfetlt dtaaTtd taaaa. and it is probabl« hewdlre- . «11- tn^n ti. aaajata af laa a4aaa It: ihe penbe'ot Ui' fnv'isti uan aa nnrealed let»rr waa ftmid if waa ittcWed to his fbgiiifa btUb and ra aa*e this BwralaaTi Ue kafocaai ber bt tha oasstia I* ?'. I.e wa. aN'Ut t.. neatr- y htwaeal pr 40atl ttW most ir'o i Mi cl .ni tor b-'i aa»area her of h s furBti*aa«aa, fiek» hei to ^ray for hin», aiel adaaOBWaaa ber to 00 at dot the BiaafM «t-. in aba hn»de*erti d hoe uu*- Lci I The j.aretiir of the wmnau rOBMta iu K.n^.ia n- ton, N. i., aid they are said to he ren|>^'tahlc. H.«r t bedbaabaad aetaij to he cempi. teiy iufatuitcd a lib bar, li.'. ->.'Li'«. Ian bad euadact Ifhu. klleaka, Hat BOB O". rR .John Hums and Thi>». Hvker were k.- ri.,i athiaf waaat aaJ tea Beer taatataar. la Iha 9 laxary -i . i'u pf a Uaiua wl h r<>»: c»rt h" IV Batk waai »ri»»»» rats aajaiae, aaa the T^lOi aTard r^iireaaafayad th ii ta laa BwänNi llaraa. whar the) r*cei»e«i tue BBTaBBaa af I pf.Wl'BBBi A boy I" yra.s of aire, name iinkrown, wa* run or>-r v '1-0 >y .L W »»>i nix >. au.l hau . us of bia kaaj brek li" a i. r. Lrrji J ;o too S«.w Verk H»»plt»l. (bo. A. Li er, ahoy 13 yearn ul a^e, wa/ run o\er at it nraaf at Tt .rH »»euue" aad Thirt) f.mnii atieat, by a r. .i'« v. t rad, eVetk aa*Baaaaaaad. .S...r. itaarwaaj e. r ner fstry hale aa tri] iri? ib.- bu.l.t, aad thayeaar r '.»Tin» katee »hr»n to b»vr Ken punly atclJ"Bt»I, a , to Um' erfr. t wm rer d> i by ibb Jury. JubB I'mkinil wita r.,li over by »ti»aJO N'o. d>0ia Cfiitbaai ttrr't.nrar Bfstt iti . '. '»..*»r. .-.j ..! II. in t'k. m to ti.u New lathHualtal Be I 0»lt \"-o KlLL KD..Tba unknown woman a ».» mi: oT»r on TbernliT lait, at tbe nrtier of Ciuial a t aVrstatraeta,dhtd laataraay,al iha htaw-Yorhkaaeahal Baa »»rtx-n» aa fle aae le raan ofaaa, aad btbs dfcaaaa la bb aid i, *i ». ,-. i<< BaaartaBaaaadaayferaua ul a w la. bm 'I iha BBcariaaea »nu ll rc*uii<^i it tier Jtaiu. »r» tea HledteraUal i!>e Nr» Yttk ll...pii»l a: 1»afaioca mia (B nday) BBfiralBI, at which timn ao laajasat will br held upon tha l- r Foi.nd Unnwiirn - Coroner Perry held an inineat t tiardai apoa laa hedj af » bbbb »Ii«*« usiue, iroon p.pnrt i.t.iI in Iii« pc« k. t. .'¦i'P> in br ie ..i|» Wl.uiut.wai. il frtt foaad nnaWBae ha tbe asah at the f.k.t of iHieer inert, Y-*> lliver. Dretiw.l »na nbout i'> laanaf aae, of ateillnin bisht, and was ilr-««*<l in .i»-k loth pant*, n.uokry Jatskat, pial .i & %--t, au Thu ;ury rn<ideri*d a » r.ii -t ol "BBBlB by r *l,ll,av"* At i kmt r to Tiaa t'nctiTiturBiT Mohht..Ifi'nry (!«'¦ .: a carpratat, jr«t«irit«}; arreate,'. hargM wild af. Un psiea taBaaaa #a BoaaivifMl biU aa the Daurille Bauk, Pa., at tha Uerr-haer ptaoa of Chrtatlaa Ohtaat, No t^Chrp.tie - r plir.. He waa h«M t j iaatk l ¦"..'. kit eaauiiuatiou. [AdvacUaaaasat J Thk mnr iin^TKATr.o Htoropathic Eater. ¦ rani..A ron;4r'e ij«'ui n RyBtvpaaBji i Bja*'"'. r bia. ai ouiiio-. of Anatom, Paytiolofy of the Hj'.-iavi 11 .., Il)<. tab Aaeurlea, Bad iU» Tre^rv.'!. a »f BTaallhl !. lathi aL'. Ilydr. paiulr i' ok.-, T-i^iry an.l l*rartu-e .1 tYitnr Tiiiiaimti Baaaaal Pafie .ogy »ud B/ata-Thara |. '.iic. laclu lint ibo uai.. re, rau*. a. «rinpl m«, an J treat BMBU of a. kb wn .!;¦>* .-a. AppLVetl. ot.. M (,i x.' Diarae.-e, ta 11/ lllipalbj I Midwifery and th-N i.iaarf. HfRTTtUL.Nl' Oi tBH Band r»jf*. lUaaarBlad w.»i> upwaft. I" rhr-«> HunJred BafrasteBi aad Cikaad Paaaa Mur>at«;.tia^i bouoj, ta aae : y . Pr'-r t>'J SO. Puwi ta .so vt'rn . PahUi N M Baaaiwaa Uf aQ iha Baaartvaa BeiMleatteaa araiah ha»« Bttakaai aaek a »10« p> pa.a.-li f. aa ia«u»d *>» Poaler and VTsUl proar. n bm ¦re n.oir auapo ii to griirral u tint IBBB Ihla rlrh. aaaanrehaB> d*a> aad wafta>BB>aa«lBoejalnpaala** (N V Inbi^ s a [in aal an firtt p»jr ,.f thb Tbibobb. lAdtartaa o.-ui.) Nr.vm Ten» LatI . liaoj j.i»t within the grtip ' i BIBBM n are tared e?»iy Ti»r ty tba fki'.bful ;»e of Hi AA in.a t liaLtAM 01 vs ii o (man*, li.aaaasst laattay* Llj «il ;aiU| leeBIB pte'-iut-l leaahB, la reu.axaaUa> V - n ] Bi m"k Cloth Ovik Coatb.f 8ioSSf BaaTif rtath Peer Ceaia. I1» to BI I; oi t Ik Otrrtofi. a to li P»ier«taj'. t tli Orrr 11 na. t to U \N IdBO I to irr. r CVata. I to 14 Pbibbi iti baataaei Coati. 3\ ta to liavtU. 4 hhawla. & to IS It: \ .»-! Vt.i. 2 ta I at K«4W itataaa.*.. I loth.nj Warehoaie, N . H ,.ul6$ PallaB al (.A iv n1 J QAf fOB Tin: CiirSTKV.-ISt.'. Apparatl«, aft.r akaPataal ot laa Moyland Portuble '»». Piimbbb» c kl AA ooihc8tn I, to. äff« uow »B«ruia I'.r *«lr * BBuat BB n- p.-r (heap rianplr. aa i rBtrliat fit HlTBIBB lllaatnd m al itiapaciala the waataet pt-l»%t.. owrllinj», pub j *ai prte.te .i1 chaxraae, r.... tea aawwaMta,aaaaaetita,aateaa, waaae. B9| p. <ice. Ii-: BS wrl] aa ot town, aud rlUataa. D -u.1» wta 1- tliiulaam, bj' arpi/io* in peraoe of ay letter tn tbe ofBce ol tba ' oOj| IBy, » hi ia a Bfaeatl - .ao b- »e«a tu oprraUou, aad <!<*¦ rlpH't r tiLpble*! ob'.avurH C. B. " « »«tu k < o., N 71 V\aU *>.., N*+ Tjik. [AaHarBBBBBBBt] WOM R aJTO f 'hhj>Rt_v may bare PhrenolooVei tu,' n.atiua», wtto r '.a/ta BBd feil wrttien dea nptl'.nj A -narwe .«r wtth adtrkta by Mr FaarLBa, atBta> BBI BUeaaara) twaa the Pk.k. PrlTHe r-.oo.i fcr OaattSflBBI aol Ledlra. (A^Tarttaeaseat 1 Tu« AlEi.H fJLaJ VS mta.-*. Ueiierating (la froai r. alt. aad aae duit. - a it, BtBaa^aaA oaetur a. ^ ..'c»f-» k-. » lor apcti. I ill a: ply la las ofieee ol uie a waa vi.- li. i*. .i a (o aitiaa Mad Ha j^l t,. Mtwef, N. I. [ Advert i#«-fueBt.J Thf Throat abb Lewe*. TaBABWaar " «rt-» o' Maoiaarrn V*roaa wo i astraaaai i aib Niti.-- .1> rri the Aataaaa and Wistes m^Ltia Dt. 21.. t: a -od tilt aia'.clatr Ur. Mblmlll will rec-iee pa-*- xe frcm 9 «. » "o'P ¦ eai'J ttj. ta Br-adway, Nail Icrk. OeC a. l»*J. (AdTirttiefi.eot t IIlKRY I'P. HlBBT LP . if you wuhto a^o (h:. Torn TuFMI :o ba great r!^:j:i, - 0| Tox Tir. _ n aJ I':uo» ' i Puan ae to oat 0'a Mlikum. bV ¦ far Eureaaal t.> I>a» u ^ p^md Tmm Airt.aaooi» a, i t enet, i* BTall >a t 1 lvis'. Ml a. f Adarrav mn.t J PHIL-, BBIIj* . UBbTBBLT*! eelehrat.«.jchcb« h Hi.... v.! ai. ii-.a..rp'. for aa'' at IV-o/ry pr.^,. by e .iaaaaii *. ( o., .No. l& Bioauway. (Air -' a- n C. D. I ItKHRJCK-..>Sa laavj Ot ivlt a Paeerirrts, No. &i& Broadway -t-'o* M. »r-ipoleaa H/.teA fio'TocaarH*. Ll.ttt BBaK'iTYPüS, Awir.orrrK*. Tl- faUhl ir- »-«7-^*t ) itiTtteat t j aa- ac 'fp-im* .¦* »*. PtCTVaaa 'ia>a at \ct e.tahbahir.en' Op»r»'e i aoi Pee.t on R- (j. the Brat fl- aa lAaWawfeaaaaal I 1?TaT> ^si. XatioSaI. Law S.HO.)L. Pou»;b- k «peve B V .T'etj- ulel: "Rret.''. . ¦** '.aa eyal- tn hr-To 9 Mied b) tar aaperlai le a.^y «^a.i ttasiwU jn»ma* By atuatcsu. K. at tvroi U a ui tea ri«»r Jaivaa. cVol l»fa/- i ; W. Fowtaa. f A A.-* m*~-r.»*-.L 1 P"Hge»te Vieittng this eity ahwild exarr»lae tk* sat- a ' tTT«et r tiooei, co»pea»iaB eeety aitaate «laa pa draaa, aapvt *. aa. .terea; *A 'Ocar a*r« »Uf v. ftCa»-IU«- ht^^»hiaa*aat, li I. (A f Tf> im p| ,<. H .-The Dir««! n of tho IToi« r ffrj 0 »|" J t B*«xA:,,i m M.. ,-voaivtled to Ml, N"h,"k""1*1 '». ?.». .«.»* lk»- Karri-. ur,«>rr .a-.rrh.-g» ..."«'¦ MjM.a.-t>^ea»«.l. " * * ." '»"-¦' j.' . v .! a m ataaBa* ¦'"D* '»'.. . ....! ... p*..e.,ve» B " »> «* ho* - - H mmm -»mm " 1 Itaatf aaeedaajaaa aaaeWai >-...., aaAa* aaaaa *"" " * »¦¦»» lauwr bm . |j k ., ^p^pjsajaaa. , J -o i-1 ruU« La tL 4.bc«,.rr a,.,.^,,,,,, ^ ., «. aaaaaai L.1»« iaa im iwWt« .. ..'jxn^^uttmt. Bkaaed wme-r» la-aav-aed PMia, Im rv,-» kaa «Ja .... ,,.-,-,1 m it- ... .. .M. ^ .,ukUwU, ? .t MlaaaU-aataa fcr#fll [m§inmmt ^ u ¦> ala la the <-«w.dlti.m oi" r, ...^ had hakAaM* fcf «Mal«f mm,, »nJ ... .... a * v K " ' :' lb ' ' ' * '* ' f ',r r* t <¦.'.' m 1 .. u :, I MM I ». BSalia K) d. ^, ml ^ .jjj^l, »...,;. .- v .. I .' . .t .<. »-.. i. iu tall.* || Hi r-a.i/ifc..- st»« Brtata tu lall Iba ua>i>. v >:.¦.»*,4 kg mm . *><>. * ia ... ipaf law I. Baa*. .mtm ttvataei u»i fce i* ». p.^atut it.-*'.**. xW kraLaai eeaBdedt. ti. Dirneaati ia.- pi .art. >. «f- ti t; Ltiraata, a<aO laa-s wvuid t»- tai-hi»«* um. aaaaa .»r j i} u4 bot naaatf avatar tu-aaa ia ikadt poata: toaaaaaw II raya al ataaataaa aaa lataatrei hi ».»t. .i^4>.»*r. litv «¦ t keatiaii laaiaaata aaavi aaaajtaaaaaa laa Oaaaa .. . i.aaaana aa a Ml aaaaaa taaaa aataTaily ta ae.aaaaa iL« Iraal a p> »<l ia ihvia. i .< taat aa ao.i »i'.r iha laataaf**) N i ¦; !. ii v ao tkktaaanil la M . umm . *o .-Mia ia.h Mol ll«t -vi II. Irl« . i ..-«HKUU a u tr. **> immI a*«v> iHtl acaaaaaaaaaaJ ai..r* iW awni im aaa» luai« an aal laa . i*.ta aaaaa i.«a-Mt *aro aaaaa l. ta | ata aiW ». aaaaaaa >.>n^i<a«, aa . - ». ball Oj . .i» ..¦..» I..... itriaaa ii...I laa.« at .-.'....». Ii aaa .»<n ..¦....u ataatii niifaiitakte it ii ,. Iiilaa, .-. 4 taa . |u< a t Lm* a**a. taat aa iL. a ii* Haaltra raa a a ik cai aal] aäi.laaaaaa u»ii a»aa kaai ii u rtia_IQna*araaaavaaät. »«- 'lama»**aatfy .- ... ibj t. n ata aaal aa«a*, >< u. aaaM ii u.. .. . am rä< .....ii aimai laaauaa] tu., i.aata«* .-!. « au. ti aaa ta-an il.a . ii i.u«. kt trar* |»a.i of . «a*y Im i atat.a akaaa taa ayaitaa at naaiiatailaa ha» aaaaa l... .... aaaaaal i.aai| ay aa aa i-.iu* ii.« i.i...aaiaa» Ii hu i. i aaaaaai '.. »a»»...»« .«..rtit taa ivti ii »..,.'.-.i m, i. hili' i taat aaaV4a| ao. laaa «taaaa »-.ii > laiaa s akkaiataa, b .t taaa tu all taaaa ...... in Muaa ag aal Bfa an> fub» a aaa, i. .. aaa 4V^ H . «i« waa Ii, aaaaal la aaa aia*4 kf ata I .. t »aaal J.. a - . rBttl ah laa av.u*t» af aalaitaa ... »i .ii.. .... aa aaaaaaaai na^.|»u. i>.r ¦.aar lal kl aaualaaa I Ovo. .. .(.». «< iu tru .^r ui.-n. r^val )i.iKa tuaiaxitotciaeataat* | laaaaaaa ll-ivi. f. aa art u ¦»- »lal i i.- ... .... kaafrvtl, at .. v.¦ aakaaa ptri'.n^r>.i |.ir..uai) im btaa aaaMaalaaraM aaaa raaapael at|.aal aravj ,.. '.. i<. mmmlt aaaiar, »Uli ..oaiiar kaaaa, |. v Ua aaiaaaa atnala ar -aaliu M Btaa .1 4ia . !<.' .>. tkavta Ii .< w i^^ni t... a.. ^.a.-. >->(aa >i>'. v uor« packacai l taraatj fvit ar aaaaa aa aaaa bf ii> ..t'tl. I t . . ttr baaa '!.. an.b -i,.n aol . n t -. « (lira. tat«, «alt ii it-alv iaa »Mi al la«caaamaal<i,ta> ha**> tka> avrfvaaa ,-...>. ...«-. auaaikta »at. .. Ii la, h.««m at far . .> i'ai i' itaaca ikaiaai aitWaaaoaMaaaa/a,aal aaai aaaa - laa aar . .. .. i uat> m»aanaatafarij . raiaaraaaaa «nj aaaaaai taa« I .1 .¦._» l 41. i. .1« .trai-aa.-i- ...» .' i aaaa aaiaiW Hie Hirtraiataaaa .-»najaui ta»i ia <4a> lalnti un 1. r ih. tr rhi.'a« all Ikraa i|.ialittaa ar* awataafa Ti n Suari »r. taai iaa ka aaaal tr avid.-u.f »»at» Juni a a \" rtoa of larvata «tara, b r. tbrr* i.v.-a ha*« aaaa I aaa la .. \ im aay -ifilltria r araaBaat, and iB«-| aaa» uai>I» t' tartalj Bva mlllloiia of av«pl>'j>> anr ta--» aA\tt«l af} .aituuaal iaa bii rt-aaly aad aaa kai aaia p«. aar. aaal . yaal h taat iaa a rrtaaaa ävl alaV n ».. I .i. )< i .(.. ir .».-vpm <. avau «..»» aaaaal aa j....... J. . Bv ataVt at ifca Baata I .iiri'.tr.ra, j a likti Bari ary NU M ... r ..«u btu-ki)-.. iki. m\ iai«(. »Tb.- kaaFrarlai Uat 11 .un i f tha raaaa af (arr aae »t iha 4ia ftrraif«nUau« -..» N..rta aaf Baal Ria ilagNaal .'.uaitar ktaiki.1 laai a «.ail jia.n luv faaar.. II r»»«»n<.-«nla.-» ....fJ eaa ¦a Iota BM > . 'i »*.«?». ¦otaaaaal art.ui aaa. Puai pa.<< aaaaa. t ata. llox.'Kai. I'caai. HotaeaaaataaWBaaa..¦ *. aaa II»..« aaa aatt.<-i <aa> I- paat-..ia(a. i VN 11 laataaoaea Faiair* . U>ir.«< ai>4 carr'.aar.» ata. Hu.»., .iij BMI .14?% aaa. tfmot Baacaaaaia j ata> (iair«roaT »aaBT.... Haraaaaaalaartkafa. » oia> Maaai ai .l.-.ri. I.'i ata. t ..( \<tt»eufT». -1 ata, Taa faioa k'i-aav Co. H ratabb4aankaje. ** a»a, Ilaraa aad mrt.If ¦¦*»_ K.a>l paaarm.-.t. t u»_ | A.lvarti». n a»t J JtMMm ii.uat prt*tO> »t tho \Vbitn Houae ia f»> tara. »ml u *a mmv i-nl(a hy 'ha t*lr .1 hai p..riral a, ft ataar Ikaa all taa raadtdataa iraaibiard total *' i-aa-«, or aifaaa 10« Drpot al fautiial «Ui N. Iff liaadaai, tUaMaaia [ ASvartl»«-'iiart. i Tk as..-Tint CtMosi Tk.a CoMfAST ha»« m baad.vrry vartat) af Tl t^r Ur«. T..a DaaaajaaaatMm v»ta Un.lii. a--«^iaabaa% ObI .:.» ai d T juiij Hyaou. Oaaai BBa. tu 4»t U-n.|»» .i»r anJ li-ir- nal from Vv.. a.. *v «M .iaa«a aialltt't. nuiUj low. aJaa.8B. Botaa af^aad Fanuli taaaaa ..i .! .. t all ami riauuii«-.Nu. 1Z5 taaUuuavt., t.iaa. faait aad RooMValt Kl BROOKLYN 1TKMSL Tka graal Maaa ataatliaj af ihr Mrcliauiea aaa) W'i.iku (aira aaaa > ft laai aik*ai. s.»Dit< " dufl. ulty* waa antii ip'it. d. tha K. k Mi>nutiia 1 aat l.aliajj piti kfd Iba mioat of t.'ioopjxiri« ',t.i..(' U< puhhoanWoa* But i.oiii) m'fairad aP, Indocd, pav^fd «rt airoiotkltw A^^ tit tift.HO hur.dn-.l w> ra pirarnf, and it i.i rat» mat.'.l that fully "ar thuuaand of thoat. wora I iriai» rrara. The in», lira; ain Bjoabfodataf V. K l>-y«v aao., aaebtad Ifj" miBfimiBi v la^PraaaJaafa. vv. tf. Pry, taq., taob th» at aad at <"| o .-ka k aal apok« MB If.the rltaiat attrtitioa b*-ii jf K<v cn. Tba KtaeJr» ajrur a.n t lub aaa prraaut with a hand uf maaiav H. kr'» wm I-1 off and Iraa lab 1 BO K. pnh.KNana af Hr«a k',» b oaaidtf th* aarataag the >rr»«t »untjai of tbe htb-od, aa it will |*a.u nian> v..ten. At the eoaabaak a, a | r'«'< «:..« wa» forinud aad went to the riaidtnre of Mr. Stiartabtto, tl.a (juogrn cardiUate, who apoka appr..priatel> frota lun atfpt. Thi KttrTi'.p am riia Police..Tha Mayor baat ifFiu d OfdotO to the IMce C'apt'iina directing the laaaa und. r their cotr.mand to appt s. .a uniform ou tbe lay of alactioa, and to atatioa them atymt the polla in eaedh di»t>ict as rooo ai opt-Dcd. lhty aru to r. tun.a ikarat (taw I au'.titblt- rtbef) ;.r . t the day, and ontd tba) i-aova.a le i-ompleted, and remove all diot.k.a aadt aaaadaily penona. aa that tho |*>lla may not oaoae- atru. |rd. The pohV-em< n are not to take part or law erfero in tlo tltcte-n fuithir than to d'-poeit tnetr votaa Nor ro Tak* I*t ara..The R. puhlioaaa of tbe eiu Iii.".r.ct. at their rr.'-« r W'ednaaday nvoeiag^ aVfaiOaiaad aot to bold tbe rroma metLng notiotal laa. ptOfC'lday'a pn^tr. Durinf the paat thn-e moetJkfJ their rtgalar wn kly ro» aliaaji have all lieen maei mteat» kkfja, at ! tow aa tie alaaOJoa If at band, it ia btdieradl that rr.ori- t-l ran be accompli*).cd by rmtaidn todl- TldUil t fTiTt. Pocth Ti-th Stkkrt baaar..It la atatod that aft ht-4. '..« ba.ti.j l»ru i«iiit.vad, laa ia :l T»u'b a'r»»« fi-rra Brtil|«intoeaeraikmtaataaaaalba aitp attbafu>j«vf Ckaata» kataatteeicaa kaaal reafy. Tkia urrraa« oi iVrry fariiittaw I* 1.1> rf^.l-a')» fur '! a artuant.. da'.loi. »f tba rr.ldauU ol Aaa EaataiB Da filet \rrj f.w, hittrn, »ul plea aay rntiaaaat, la lata fta< .-. tba aoata an *i"**rr "T-'rg Akiii.> Ti.ite or t ( hu i .A lady .'ailed opon Mayaa* Ha.1 a 1 adty kat, faf.:.» ifcat fcat a.i., a buy fotir yaarv «07 . |.. La 1 iV'. a itauelad irual kia b ma, aa ihn l.aa raaaua to aa>- .irf». ky a Brcaaan baaaad L'alaartaa Wood tad '>.»¦ aba kadi tali -. Lira to bat laaura. Tba May it u>|iapi»Ml tu Matuoaaaa »l¦ l -.- ia.r. aerrda laaauaftoa» Jtajwt fllarta,atafaafj that ia* w.^,a'ii and <-b;ld r.»l »n tili».. ho<» ruatoat aa* awaMbi .i ibM i'.herI ten ... Ma.ay.aafJaaga laetaA ta takva ifca aaaaa ar ti dar a .r <r« no* hat. ana uj aaaaa lata L..a4^- . ;.i im n»r -.1 11" otiuvory af aar cluM. Pll t Or Ihrtno-ay night a tire broke out io a t '. .K ... V\. hart a':.».-. n»«' r' '!'»r 1 nm* *"* ° j.n :»«... k-Luady TaaaalUtaa. laa^Baa «^«* ir, ,J i red. ! . ? - -Baaaad mitO, Ika .. K--i:.mi. ¦.<.'« i" ft-VtC...dt,..waaa s,. .j. i ika ». ito7t**J| eoaaa by .aauraoe. i t**aa*- aa .' ¦" .'¦.'"¦u* Mr ifcaaadyi aaatty. Dt ROLARu- Dr. Paad mmi. whil.- I «okio»? at uro- »aaioD tl> i^i-r al*b». mu ru*>h. d of aa4 rw U aur . ik!»»^. kaflR. bio».:-. tat h.« >«aaav »U It. ieaVJ»Lce < t Mr. ». i. .u K»-:--y a alley, «r«ay »oi- I laa aaraa r-Ubt, a;.t a aateb » z'.u aio. wl two d>«raa rv.-.t »laktaof tliaaaai ta <..b- i . .. i.* «w ¦ .. *-.ft ..I. i t BOI H 1"r Tle bofMa of Mr. Mt.»»-" in Be atrtet, aaat H»ary. »u frlooiu».«., »aUrad aaaaa rvtoiaaa M I .^»»> fc»4 frtta top ta Tha aaaaBj «aa abaaat. aYB W-JBR8E Y^ITKXS. II.ram P. Ct'jiitr. i-aq., wäl »peak Iff Fremont aaal Fraedom at Iba It- - k> Moun'aji ifut. N'u-rth Oraaaraf, N.J., thj ,8aturda>)eTtn Eag, Nor. I, at 7| o'carxda. We piertime he wii hare a Larfe au.litnor, aa mm aU.'ii i-l/jee tb» caeapaiarn of pubL-' m»^ ¦ 0»DK« aitflANIbM. Tm tAa >. ... (/ Ta* K *' T'taaa* 8tr.: I w-uipt.-ta'Btataiw.^njri'iP-rVHan, tojBJ Ctty, ot> Iwaadaa laaaaaad for tue o.teoaibda lue»..(r( Uee^mtf io » f*rti«n-» t.tnry <!. b at- V-e*e«a» F . P< 3a c^n-fare «ad Mr. CrajW, (aV »a>fljjj upon tl^ reaptc'nt-c-l.m-1 of tdr. fnmont aad Ma. IKbSflM W tba au&sarea f tU l«-op4a. The apfaaaw-

› lccn › sn83030213 › 1856-11-01 › ed-1 › seq... · I it Srory Jf-*^FnefMalea; till tha haughty Soutüron-hull actually "< nil Uie roll of lite plantation Lands in the ubiulosr

Feb 26, 2020



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Page 1: › lccn › sn83030213 › 1856-11-01 › ed-1 › seq... · I it Srory Jf-*^FnefMalea; till tha haughty Soutüron-hull actually "< nil Uie roll of lite plantation Lands in the ubiulosr

«¦. not tr.e.'i»l pe-*.b.Si,> >f Mr. T lilmorv's I» ..

Ug cleesled, and that the loading raw: and pr.¦m the c.v.Mrj are M fyl'» MOTttCVtl of this »*

Wehre.*tw. Theywoalaoa^rlaae*thai th* leading

men in i). Araniooa part), panidraai Ihnl um

Aoaotiou oafldldaiti munot bo eh<eUm\ *- '" v

Jaliorirtg a ne-t ly (though rot rrtl)) t" "". " '

i iee ion m J| ruM JJi.i M./W.^^.-mMCt »« the prf'it -tn..

rWly narrowed d-«fi Inn* a ooi fe|t bwww ..

l -.m'n. Bad Mr. Iturhana... ''I'1"""' 5T| I ito| e>e,, Amer-ca« citi«-H to **'\ \tJ..>oe«..old»..*'Herth>.Wh. <.

UTMff ber». ireen too', t, .

Um Am-nr n P*rty. OWioWJ- Jf-*^ " «

trnaaan ot Srory urto fr« f mo-y- ..n,« . . t

the A,-.e..e.n party. »* un unwilling tu 01 '. ei Her

dinieUi c imAatctlj, 1,1 '.' eleouoo « ¦ .. - "

for the I'reaidrtey who ha- < « mm it ted hin« I eu-

t,r« I) B"» litiebaOtn has to offen B do tUlne*nl lateCriarii tmti Plait*! III.

f ourth. A- .lehn C. Fremont ia the ooljf eaodda'ewho, in our i.ols'inen». itairar the lea I chanoee>f Iwin/ elwted, who i« arewerJiy avjwrod to theriaarraien offhrrerj und ii favor of admitting Km-Kt« m a 1 re. Mate, v.e Üb ie4*are Bnheaitatingljelora an purpose la ca*t our votes, ia the ceaniageleetion, foi the R.pu) liean cund daN .>, believing,a* we do, that ¦ Ihlr cause weahatU 00*1 *ut> erra

the peace tMt wnltsro ol our cou.itry. aod therebjmwkH elearl] iht*w unraelvea tree naierieana,

körjoea it hilliamo, ****, m wiLUaUfo,Lr.AMii It WILtl 4ata), .' H'lHtr-ntlla.i M Ill.UI'r.V ILM III 0 i kam..'¦. \ - N. HaliTJf, T kt KlMMii.i,eu.ku.. UMUli, iik». H'll LIAMaAti.N/u BMUHAUf. < Hmtla WAäUm USB,


Oaraaaaaa Im * vi Iks N. T. Trite aa.

'fror, Oet M, ItSe,W.tb. a view to aid Brook« wMh Bepahiioaai, bh

hwiada hwii chaige Ooi, grwran nod bl¦ friiaiili > iii

heegaaa, racaiahdaoj ti" Uoa. dorm A. Kimo. It b

pr.leud.d tt.nt Mt/mHteatU arc l,'"iriK ^' «'»KKr:i

l!.i»he a«etnat<M» otonatrou* f<r any our * b.Inf, Wl!i*H,k«'a *n< afa chatp- it imj adiaatly. I aheeld not b

>t nit aajimiaaaf to Iraaa that ttda fai«hi--vi baa aoaeralcarculaliot.' in t-otoe luera4 fonn. gaaaiB, aVo


leal >"» ««v i.uJ t». p. PJaoaia,aaaa*, or .»'»d Hatkar,üulluia (.utility:fjaaTunta The report of a late Baaartag of the

laaaaaa C^aajity TaaapaaaaaOa boeiaty, at wbiob boom

aaiaeatftiaada of Tanaaaraaea andaiedthefa parpoaa., » thhold tb< ir voice from the Hon. .lofis A. Kiv.

I r (Jon rnor, has been read with puiu and Hurpiisc. Itnot hj jH/ti that cither of you were pre-eu*, au ! I

¦nr,;\xir.y JM% 'lo not uj.prove the ptirpoae BYOWI d. Vit

ji.u will allow me to adtlri-j, throufb JrOO, a f.IWtf.i>j»;hla to the Temperance aneaof .^ulfolk Coaaaty andof ib.-1Htatc.

ia relation to Teo.peninca, the lf m. JoMM A KlltOv «ttpiKiM d to ctanu ou the auitie olotforrn. i

the other candidates. The question of Temperancea. not in tho National or Hln'o lasao in this election,and no man ought to teal biaaaelf al liberty to ihr >«r

aatiy bbi vote. The isaue b«tao.n freedom andbluiryia one of oterH'tjoluonj' magnitado, and WOtaght to rag Op " a Kepabucan majirtily in thitf>. ;i(e a> will seji-urat'ie Sta'e jw«.'iiuiiioutly for t'riHMJo.'u.Every attempt to leaaaa tluit majority f.w (J jveruorwill fend to injure the EtOCtesral t ek>'t. tiid will *o"ieuthe delenma of l.iber y. The Haw. Jo ,u A. King iaIheaaay ennJirlatr (or ti.ivcraor, twd Uie Kopublicanii tbe only part y that run be rcl ed ou for ttie dofi n aof PVradiaai ai.d Iba pawaarvatbia uf kaa Uoioa. Letall thoao, torn, who love tho kTattitatloaa of our «¦ «untryBadwiahtoaeothe Baaaai prm<r\evl, eist theirvotaanot only foi ihc Natiouai. bul l'»r the State BepubUoaalit kot.We cannot igtiore thw great natiotml .inontion, and

ba aMaar Uae paUlantbroplata or traa patn..u. rimqueaijoei in not, hhail the alavoa be ematwlgatfld I but,Shall Slat ery be iieiefiLitety eit< ude^l' If the Slavo1'e.aee abaJI hueceed in «vzt« nJiu^ into Knot.»* tbe p. i-

» ual right to hold atarta. it will not nwt till thin namedntk blight and curao in faraaiy eatatiliahi^i in til tiieFnefMalea; till tha haughty Soutüron -hull actually" < nil Uie roll of lite plantation Lands in the ubiulosr ofBoaber Hifl," and the ptratit al, igoamiaioaa */.*..«traJrr ahall aell bia cotHe of atariM u New-Yorh, Bo*,loa and Cinciunati.

VMiate%«r the doalgaa of Iba leadswa «f this Slavery-g .*. aakta party, to ma it seem* muntfoat that it« aao*e<ti ' :1J io*tire> uot only the continued aaaataremettl ofIba re karoo race, but Iba itagiadalbia of fraa tab .ri..,;a lnto iv. r>, niidtho eubjugaliuti of all Northern I-'r.m<<a to n i\ .ti.ny more galling aiid duipoti.* thatto reviat whi 'h our laihera pottre.i >>nt i'ioir in a<ure audtb.-tr blaod, eit the way from Hunker Hill lo YorhtowasWhoa the wbi>la natiern la rocbed by *u<-h un i.^ua as

this, it lOeaM little less than tuadnc-* to throw away a

U m tboaaaad < r a I w hundred, or any numbs r ofa»t«* upon a third or fourth cruidiine, ou t*ie groundof eeajaaekmey, ho Iboaapportof Tatnperaooa Suehf.-iei*t»oej in this year** atraggta, is bkv tt.-at ol a mvu

Who, beeaiiaoaartao »m is..", at midnight, a'eep* atc d.lny wl.ilo hu nouso It on lire.Host long could Temperance, or anv other moral

nf itn, or . vru religion »t*.elt, cjuet, when B^aaafoal ofattach and of the preaa ia do-tmy.-i If tbe S-uatorfiuui .MoMtae l.uretts maybe clov»n dowu with impn-aity iu tu» M ünte chamber, and if too ¦SiavoP.iwerU ot tbua rule* al Woabin/tou ahall rule aUo ui theKmplra b'atv, how long may we be assured that free*dotn of debate ou any aBOral >u >jict will bo allowisl inaur State U giilaiure ' If onniiug ofScoa in h. -<l-

tuay bo batiere*l down by t' Staioa cannon, be*eeu*e a /n. ;>tHtttrai f>rt>t.tyranny'* grevtl<*it loc andfear-u. ol uoiioue to the oaMadaowara and tha mobabo ate in tavot of Slot. rv «\t. awkaa, bow Ion,; b* forea t'<\ TAarjctamfQ arraa lo TTrrr Ymb tm»y bo oqutiilyaSnokiou* to e.lhi r otli.'o-holde ra and aiiotLer us it>

If tho hotel and pnutiug ofakaoi in LsBWVBTloa cm bedstnolislt by United otut.s canuou and I'tiiied*!<.:.« trooj on byal i.itt d rt'.aU» Marshal, on

the more da*aaar*aa*aa ol a I t.lit d Slates .Inrj^e or thebudtng ot a v>a. kid grand b.i v that tboy arore Bttt-sanocH, and all this, justified at WaaaJogtoa, Daaets no

*> s r\i. e tr. a tb. .« >.p tbOB o w*.y ia well pre*parvd for lb> liombniduwrt.t and demolition of tho AatOfllouse, in Now-V"tk, atjgaualiBOtl tu» the headfjaartBTB,and ln> Ikiium or Tit f .'t'tj aa tho orguu of tieiMa.k Kepuhlicans. And on.y aao more s>r. Jo of thosame paaow may secure, the r.uuo wouvoo.1.' ayainst anyother Lotet that uat»* to bo tba beadnui.-t.t- a d anyether press that daioe to be t-fit» or^au of (hoTemper*anoe a.«.

Let it be, then, that topr>>nioU- Teuirs^rH. *e in Ne*r-Va.k ia more euiiahlo tor yoj or for mo than to strivefor emancipation at the South yol, if the Sltve Posrerha* aet.uu.cni tu w and dominau.* rvla'iou* lo the wholeoounu-y, w hieh ihosr tn«t ti< r tnuoiph in thit year'seonte*taiJi uot oily evteud and |^-tii.».ttta B'avtry,butaiiKi iiiteu.-pvrei. e, C*wtalnl| it i* our är*t duty, ,»i

TtBiawiuaex >nt, tu -ti ko In lue Iba defense «f Viee-dom. that ibareaney tni rartao and patriotunn enoughbaft la taa land ob wbich to baiM a Natiouti IVjipcr-aoce Kcfi nn, to promote, cnkiy and transmit to poa-ttnty We caniiot ro-ist tho ooariotiga tbal Iho ra-aiuta of tl j« year'l cyiu'.sn b«t*r«.va Fraadotn audtVavc' * w ui do tuoro fo axiranoe pr n tard ;he Pcaipa:Wea Keform ü.an all tba di.-.v'. aibflaof frioadsorJoe*. It, in tbta c->ut»*t. V. *y» .-v j^cvaiis, we ahallbate ot KOvKl to napaal ü.r TeraparantH«; bat ifrttUiAem^xam^ tbongn B>ohtbttioa ov uidadtaitaljaootponed. we may y. t t..pc for a living Tamr^raacaawvtna-nt on a uto lavW, that may adi aa .« uoarorand ta euer lo tie u. am-viiaa at v,ar B*«B*lilitl and Uwfull frmtitsu of e>ur beipea,

1 forbe r; but in Tiew of the eitent ni whichmm eKet.on aid »Wca th# fo, Wl.4lat for woe, and ot the bmrui^ iv wjj Dnve

upon tot orly the gormnaantaal aid eornnerciaJbattlie moral and rel ^looj Intararta of tho win.-u ua-ton, I onoM not bul apeak a* I ha\«. Lf Jona».'. rnnaioBi thall Im tno noxl l*iaaidaat of tbiBlvior. id Jona A Ki^ . tbe rmet Qovarno* ofttu* Stale, if ibapriai iplaa Ha* .al ptanoytbay ran ..

aeiit »baJl prevail among tho p*OfJjt\ read if Kow-Toraat all oontinue to be repieaentcd la both Hoaaca oi ^

gr»*e aa ably Bt-d faithfuliy lo Kn .-dooi a* lor ilto i*»i

!*ro yoBVa, the*> ens of the ntgLoel w->htw of rny bt-artwig ba aca**a^abaaad.

^ rv f ' Tr.-.i aoi Pr* torn,Hn, 1'aei Ner. l. law. CHAtLlt J. WjÜtftKt

1.1_¦ l

A CORRECTIONTv tA» ri.roe TS' V f. T'*U*r.Kiirn isr KaiKMD: you hare de goodae*-*

to alJow me to correct a report. wbich, by uie*»-k» ufa>me u.-r »ph writer, baa rot in'o " the paper* '.thatt-v a 8L»k.-r» ore iruu.^ to eo*e ia ih« mjauiOaT Presiden¬tial eicvtiiiri-- ha>i:-g been Mnotd tneretoby a 1 ot ;ro

delivered by me, some üiuc last month, ou the aubjtctof Poi.U *.

Itier* i* not tfce Iea^t f *-. h a r ; -'..a*2 ba*e noatboi laotiioda rprooabadonpoUfacrj

. ~ <>A Ahakees pottr to vote e< alt--bot (Vf stand2Ä tT* orVl r J * . r> a ait pd ti m et»»fc

Tfci ii*wetn>n tf Brit ne*e ?> II iririi DtM "1 "u."

t ,,,'« Urf S'rk» * "« " p4*1i»*l'I IV r> AM HI.*, r . - N .. I.« «.

Av, j .. ...». O '. ».'¦¦ I»«-. Coo 'M. V.

^ /.. n. Of W( // POJ! FREMONT.

T *Ki ) '.:¦' »/T%t tf. V. t. 'i.! .

Sie : I an. a' t' '+>>.J bj tl" |\. ai fll K. R.c . ;! ««f thb « ry tu Pejiorl i id Coon 3.1. ban k IBad , . rf jT i-.'< pledged ft* PrenaaaL They'i. M.i.atd FiHttttti r cI-hk" ('> bo itraek «""»o

||...6v» I. H-.! < v l "\< bebosoaVetweeatbetwo¦einrentHdate>,tbey hove roaaiVod tu tinettnni i',and ghr< Ibtt/Totes t<>Fr <a. m. The Conneil tanutvb«r< .! abort seveny m» mbera, and .< I b .. if urn.

Toam, A '., \. Haatll t.'S.

0M .*! . .A Y. <.».«» U t.

THE TLIUlEANSA8 FOND.pi< »;t »v-iilo*

. it ¦>.... en.Mi tK »¦ V.¦ ¦¦ Esen».

f.f tt.«- V«.at.. ifHWU liUrM.I »I.». 7 .

A M dm. Ii>.1 »I. rtcv. t"InJ. II Phalpi. 6 Wlb cuji Am Id ...

i. B p. ¦.

W. H Blot .M. Si'-cnm.11 r Rbbsm. 1 .C D BVIlMI. 1J. : Ai.ktr. It*V t Mi >' ixcketl .... 1 <¦

Jui . < totkttt . 1 <.

1 1. ii R. 11. I I

1I *

I1'. I II. ot.


1.lob«. C. Oed*.Daade. L. Bi.ii.;K. v. O. J.+r%>ri .I aaate Bdlaas.[JaBBM And' raun.II Lcaoa.|l> \\ ¦ le ../J.Jobs r*anaM.

I BVlAlhre B. Baan.1 t Lnaias tt L.*.at.

Joho Pdl.ABM Uvb.

Ilt-t 1: MsKuoa..ex. Cr...h).

i bo..1 .ii. ..

rot I.m ii.<u.. . .'.li. ik}.

IleBf] Cbra crrAb..iLiir.u Krt^i.

I W'jJaBBi < bbbbIm riata.On Ti' \\ a BBB.

SoIAmM Mbub.I (i l\| »L.'... r.

1 au] I" luaip (Kit:, iu.0 1 .. it>- W, UanaBBa .

I Btt . ,.I (. J .1 u Hi... knu.

i> Ir. M. Baaw.1 B 11 -»«'- I*. Irr.2 <«. Kow r. OBiol.y.I ihi tbrabun AnJrirb.1 M|Wbb. i* I) >¦ ii.

(K1V1 rL>aibaJ. I no. H. B. Cht bargir.A. N I r.i.u.« IJol t' Mc*.U. BbcMrdaM. 1 Bf|Maroua A. Bi n .11 ....

D«vld !.../.!. I 'i a Kr bbh Baa » BaalJwi.ii Mmt* 1. 3 l/ .-yr.U»rph W'Uttl. I fill. C li.(fr«Ml.

1% .. 1-..-I.H.'ti-ro HCl, Htark»T.CBtabtraat. »1 b.>m\ Vt.1 Jaeaa*... 1 «

i»u t w tt....u M toiLlaat Hibbf...

» Bat fc. ih irbM Oi » '> i«l O.Oi).v. <.. h.

,i W UU»u ,

I I.H-.if Wi

v\... \ hrtckJaaki. Hi/«... . 2'I*.. ni Ii. Li amv». 2 '

C h ¦.*». IW in. H. y ...»

\ VVoaaaa f luii.»u»..¦V ill,til Lyoo.A Mead i.. Kboj .« inHn>..oi. Ca., N V...,

Mr »i,.,ui K -i.1 H jatii Ka riant

rjitu fAitijc. 4- ¦"». M. I!:*ei'.Win. J. Boracnaii. 1 OOlJI. A. Iil«'«iJiair« II .» ku r>. i BaiibMilaia ..

I, >. Ht. u 111' j.i«t- «'.u ticUuti.Jotkaa *\" aili».Ii. I Hubblnt.'.I» ill BuM.Join Lilt.'.w. ,i. r... oka.w H BroukiA Ni l.aitou,M. IBJ>.. Kmi. i Bleba Jady... ¦ Ithaa fKtiry. It ii

h. Inaniaatoa. loD I* Penta....j. li »i a >.

at a Tuiaay.' >.t. rett.R Kvaraü.

Jl. Ilk*"! anil wife....»araii «Man.A . Jc l'lm .. .

Bttia Bo i",.a batavi iOafeaMaaaJaava Faraann.i**wui i*"o laab t tYi: iil.iir».

J A. I.'ni" .,.

ffsw-Iaaw ^.i (N. II iJ. «.i» fi *eja.

A. HicbüTiluiu.Ubartj.

BV>|L. Cliapu.ti).8 ot'jo W. M. B, t in «an

1 <»

J Bi1 B1 IK1 0

-.1II <eIl .iI w6 if)i ^< I«)1 I i

1 Bj1 MI oai litI v5 t*Ji l»6 lid11*1"i

i 001 "JI ''I1 ..)i viI iI i

1 mi

I v31 »I1 BJI i iI lit1 noi oa

1 M1 Bti <A1 IM« »4

a 001 BJI UUI Oil1 on5 o<>6 M1 noII .»>I i.»1 .«m

a no

:i nol im

\: Aoi as

W m (iruo.maj. 1 U<j] bark b'U» n ld.Dal n * <'. 4 BJ Kaaaaa A I. IraaOai I* H. Hebaaai. IBJ h> tur l».li.-t of KrHur-JobB K. IlLlI. 1 iK.j Lim N II.1 BUI. Via.. J tl 1(1 K B;rtw..ll .

Mr*. e. h. {¦¦... r. I no. I'. I,. \\ I...T' l'laaMill-r. & UliD.Nattarup. 1 wbt R Buröaaai. Iu o<.1 M Dye. 1 W)A. II (. I IKK. V. .1:. 1 0l(,. n w aotlwoTtb... 1 onDank I Burki r. l btOr". !!. IcBfaaa. 1 MAn a. Id S^iit. li »ifa ofMkkaaaa. 2 «0

Join Muatrr...Join Jaaka...John M. I loi.d...B. II. Ait*-!!.-..'I i » La >.. au¦ .idler.

a B, Vlall. 1 f"I Mill. r. I (K>S t). Av.rlil. I BJU M B.k r. 1 Off U II. I I e't... . 1 (HB ll Mt'lor. ] 01i\ 0. Karl. 1 ISJota Wavtl. I enB. Mir. 1 Ulij h. BaankUnf. IH. I. MrW ul^t. I OlT larnaaiottk._ l OT N. S;.ra^ it. I mL Robbint. 1 Ofj. ( ' »«n. 1 Bt

M liA. Bi'bn

I o1 r*

h KJ. W. bkftta..' llfde.b K. Vtwa.Baoj. Hrud .W C. Tbrt.Ler.a. w. leetl.T B»i!e,.Kdwnrd Wall«...1 r fli nay. ..

i El Iridis....{. Barl d.W 11 t'aprc.n_B. Ray..1 Riadxl.w....u Uafatfa.Itaac Kui.hII....r Bb< arei .I Bi .if..r.i.J. IWjIot.A. T.Tosi .

N Ruaaell.I B'lTWlll .

A P IUiw^kI..I How*.i Hamaaonii ....

J A. ¥¦I. Oi.m laotl.

r. n.a rmfutd.

f P .

D. Harro» t.V. 1 («. ;J. c. II.0 C foiS. 1 to j. ( Rraaoatt..r. a b i.fha«. K L ¦¦< bjrcTfetk.Hrarj t Itr.d.....1"«. p'h Daotali. 1 otj If Hell . It"

1 001 0.

1 W

if II.Rudi r ,«M J. Plat!H I tfca...i P. lliudei

1.«I K

1 e-T Mnatef. I 00 J. D

t DO B D....\v. k n

n.II. lab.II. Wa -.tan II...fa.b.A W M tbftal. 1 ouItair Cos. 1 lo]D. W.HVwlo A'kluf. 2 Ol Ig. W..L. O Joh::»nu. 10 ot H .H. BB B Pa:t«iii... . 10 (« O. W

BI BJI. \\ l(ti :il>.-i^er.L It Boat.Twnl»o Joiinr " tlf.-a.y

M..nt! K".K.\V.BiB.Ui.j of lli'kl'Ba P-rkiiia.Ku.aall L'ndarweod...«Salban Ma: M«.L'akaowäi P. rtaiaa'th

1 o.; r pHit

0 (ms 00.11

T'-.r.. !. Itaa In Rtathiufj (» iu I.:Repnbliean Club ol VP

t ili a.Wui Ba r tl .

C C. t- 1 alk.N. A. Pavia. ! In

.Iratph Pia'l. 1 OtBobart R.rd. ar. 10 CnHirty J, lWMsa. S 1«N. Bod'. >u and 3 0>A. I'haaa.H. fawtti.Blebard B r. tat. 1 00 Mit. K.I I lbti. 2 00 Mlaa A. \V.Kilni S'"-tt. 1 w.;


o> r. \v.Mr. w.v M B.a «I .BMP.E. L I».J II.A P B.I» M.K. H.A B.

I OJjL W.N > M

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Nartu t.- Or,Tba id aas/i Fate By F. it. »l P-iiTTaRt.k 1

Art BoA Branara in Enroao, artth otbet Pap-.-a. Bt thrH racaBaaii} Walla e. BVeaad Batttoa i2u> p;> B>L1, A M' BtUlaa.

t'vmiuei.: uo Pari, k 1'ai.a. Uy Madam« Do P. > tar. 12;u.. or.

The Kar.*Marr* Bf t.-> Uta By Orora. W vxt Hum. SfHi DAp-

alatoc A t ".

Paaal. u .. .1 Pi. ..ip.n. Uy Mia. O aj »>c pp lMl T BP. lansa

Ca.tforu.slo D.M B> l'!i»« W. Fuml-i u. l.'rao.up S»>e. Du A Rdwaraa.

t »r . i »dia^ t StiuK'i.i. Bt Jabea Bum.. D D. 9n>. pp. SAT.laaaaVjBWt Philoeorl.y Tr»» ed Ir m the Hparlah afUa'iora. By limn Y. BrowaiaB, M A IaatS. ISBMa,n. A J Badiaai a, t o.

Baastbookafl r«.,.lr t'heuui-ry By tt 1. ,:r (lro*..~r. M I>E«l .. J III uSandirt. Kuuitb Aaaartcaa RdlUaa'v pp i.* A f Ramaa A OS

The JwtaniWi D kaai W. Bil-u< t-'-ie. rp It*i ;.- J>at'if

Tm RgortBIBO. or 111 it Si wkTftvrn..1 hedcroewbub t a* ncti tly tneii ie»n««t by Gen Walker, Presi¬dent of tbe RetMOlkJ Ot ^^Mt^lU^ua., re.-tablisLLni; tin*btstilntion of btarery, Invitinji the tmportiuion ofi.ecnHS, is now .tttrnc in« tuui h attenf.oa.

K..r 1 ur ..tan i^trt we weeo buttily Bfeasi d with tiedeeiea, lor we are decidedly in favor <.f r.-»'|>eniu)t thoslave trade, in ordi s that the pi et ot r.o,r « I mty beredc.H'd to n:. b Courts as that cvi iy in Inetrioua;.n may puicbast and t" come a elarc-hnlder.We reiar.i tl.e eoatse pnr-oed by (u o. Walker a. not

uidy eorreet, but challenges tho ajmovaiOf tat. »neueBa*B of prxipie inLabititig tb<- .*»oiitaein StaUe. acd we

beliebe that ther will sueiain him in Uie p<*?iUt>ti no basasaajnicelBoning ai d believing that tho Cenfeafc-ra. j noa

baowa as tbe United States of North Atuenea will»a.'n he dlecolvt^l, we U>'k upon tfci« movetiicnt of. lea. Walker as that of B BtafpMBIB, nr.d wt hope theday is Dot far distant whmCci tral Amtrica, cmbia Lc,;the lslsn.t of Caba, wJl f.. m pait of tlu> SoutherntVnfedeisoy. [CavroUaa naoea, Dct. 87.

A DtattKBLAfjc Daaca roR . .. -A pr.vatelettar from Ba: fcu», Mauna, .late-i tio 'S'd inat iayi"Tbe lien..*- ate had a lian.-e.' last etetin; 1- Ibalcity, the avaiU of wbtth waa announced t" ?o to tbeKeal Surret* of Kuu»as. has you BM th 7 are t»e-

s'l'tu to Bahlkawksjaja that thiTv i* autj,.ru, . Ln thUTerr.torT. TheiH» Denue-ate, in tLeir call ü.r tbedance, wi*e very rsrdaalve; none but Whurs andDen.oerat- were un iud. \\ bal Ibaasnoantklthat* wd ft 1 has not tia^ajurpd. Tue Hi^t Seheol «>orBUktalew. .tan . a »hott tiov ai«<e, for theeb»e,-t bat, Ui»tia.i of ailiti,» Kaor-u.. did not prAmnttmm to j-ay niH^su af bau aad noiiiers. nowe A"-

Iteceipsa of Pr^a>re,-Cic*. 31nv \w» iVtrer T.aaj Maa. Plasj ?4Sak*a Wu.tia

W d«. Aalb., y.^W b>.*^ Oata. to Mr <U Biut. r a' x

huh. newest o.aa,s>f a7rwswi*saa1 aWbhij Ptaai J* pa«a w-v..k|

C7/7T ITEMS.OmmtM Oren> ^-Tbe kwkJ r-rx-^alaJ.oa c*f

PWe'a " WeHta " eluactiä a laWWtted and bfJu.ut.ud-eoee iTufada; ewm;r. T! . Apr Miee ar*el'.' ai, M i'. M sirf.: < r r/K ui fr r ¦ : if,? ban h>u»r hffahaWf vee.tirm trrl # tT'vt,r». art.r.g. TBf -md«

Optra w I I* pit** i.' u er« a.; ~_ f<rt ir.e tart time.

0 * Kbb*Pdi mewl. Patioa MatraaBBiBT1-lwhrr. ,s. Mhj.., r f (Jje ¦ U leilIX« III .> W. Taylor tt Pert i*e, >.,». ri'fKb-

ptdfctnd t-. toe Tl.,rd Ward IV«... ia ti I ¦urth ifM«:' B Tl I .« lief. ».-rv -<cn 5 p-..'.«ei 111. OÜ-

c>(MayorWoo.:, and t;./) owe thaw peaM-o bb thapiiiv int. ti> i..- 'he M».«-r. hi o, ii bjm atnBJ th :n,rknatrd ttif tif Ihr refeN of lbe l\4ee l>< |>*ru>.ca,e hieb rce/Birei tt Bi Boüoeaara abasM be reaedeaaeoa'CicWiifli be shiek th»-) mVbH le appetattdi ami it.

,i La.. Bofl reenden!BI ti c Ward a -in.;le nay pr«-vii-ueU. t. : app nUrvct. IT w. ur, l bis aajeaavy twin laM»». ii PTtrridabW by tho M*}ir ia nuiiheriee* in-

¦tBBCaei IBBM doeaaBaBB, i»-i«l«nt» of Dtbef Wards,1 ',rc >(*n äff* iated r Q . Third Ward lloan).

. i lbe ereniog oflbe 8lb of NLaj Last, Malay Badla):or bad u »<-m»u» quam-i in tbe St^ion-I loose,wbi. b wa* tejeViaaVj okead bj the riWagof the ralforthrtr riartfw to go out i n i ig: t du'.y. Aboot fJ

I o*clbob they n H oa lbe eonn1 of Broadway sod C .urt-

bvaik street, when the quarrel wr>e reeataed with in-BPaaaed rloliaca. Profane aad obeoeae asaneaataa

re fu«ly tied, u.v.l 51 i>»y b. . an.o hi *hU ew-

pentad and »U'ik Taylor in lbe t.i baai kingn la tbe pavemen'. II* then pi' k»*d i.ia an-

t path* Bp, ard t^kicj; bun bj tae cellar literall/dri r'^ii baa Ii r im v. tJ baOl V< Iba Wai r of Uroad-«rat aiad Veeoj atrrtt, arbea be anas baineod la raaaa;, - l.eid siid Ibe* bafb Bfixreded to tbe Stv'iv.-Hi boo, f"'!i ared bj a btrje roeeoarae of people, irbobad wittrai td a 1 abole of tue ili»^rs< ful and ba>ru.ünt.i.-; (^puUcie. The i tin ror. duty, aft-r hearins;Ibab atatcnitBta, irrn..<<i <i». Jy Bfdeied tbtai to theirj.-t sgabi; wblrb order w,-;, of* ji i b;- m-i0y, batTatkw refastd (¦ i the reaaoa that bo waa \ ery sen*.t ti Jy bjared, aud at tbo asaac tbaa afbabl of 'iein^agaio arajbuVl bj Maaay ao hi prooeeded bp atabrs toh. d. aid dirt Bet re»tirr.t I a duty a. W f.i ihn I weika.C> wj" were aaadi a0'air-t these i»olioernen to tboMayor) batt iastead of tostantlj disaniaatag thai frmntheLHpaitaient fortLwr stiaBdlibaaj and outrureou*<¦ 1. rewarded both bj -i-ta.:.t.^ Hal j oati qaad ofwhich Uaab il..jn,afStat.wii Hall netori.ii;, ia Bsrtjeant, und TajiarobBfoeiaJdatjr. Whattl.y h'e dobnj now, im oaa i.n..^». IfowdooaanyOta doabf thai if then Oil I had beeBOf ad tfea ot

j.liteal M BM !<\:<>n that tlity wttdd have he<n <J:*»-Btitaed f" in Polar* Depavtaaeot 1 Aibrr TaylorL« l reeaased bia daty after bbi raoovaty fimn tho ävjnriei raeeircd in bis eaeoaater nan Ifafey, ha w»a

cctaplaised of by bii Bergeant for being iili'mt f>vutbia poet oaa Bight for two hour*. This waa a Toryarimc ni.d k.ii. i> (-iiaij,., bot am, im u-uid. over-

.'o«ki<i by the Mayor, and do j ui iabaa*al haUb t«"d.Jtift Bboat tie ea-n ÜXM bi tt ^ affair'took place,dpt. I<Ma of tie beveotr Ward Police <..tiij.luLe.1(.1 PoUei mat \\iel<y Merlan, a tno~i eir>!'. nt oflkOar,fir riartlj the rarne o'Titi.e. Capt. Lett! il one uftl Mavet'i- piita, and Li* H^ht licndBaBa. MorgaaabtetnoBtdy denied bnn-2 abeest any mcli tiuie a*

Lett, bad n ported, but bia denial iraa of aa avail,aad ' was dbmksed. Morgan wodd not rotefbf the

Major Ihü Pall, ami beaee be oij^t ba aacriaVed.Ta;lor, on the ot'ei hand, doulitifa* BJai'd vote forU .. Man r, art* irgend of beinjjd:!-rni--ed a.* Mr. M r-

frnn an?, be wiu. nauJid by babagdetailed, i .-tV»'«<.d bha Oil- effn»rtery tu ray that i.o BSlHlkljl favor-biam Lj al ohd in Um ti.ariaK'» in -n'. of tb- i»>'i<«-.Ttia CoBToai*Hovaa Ornrea^ Taxko Amis _

We Daderstaad that $ 0 rnore *»»* r-jactid f'otn eachn aa ranployi 1 ia the!f -.»u oa raursday, furpohti. Ai { ui} t »ee.

TB I OkbAT Lev. .BiULthki: .On» !»w af this 8taU».<-. .' No offleer ot!ie< than tbo rotanutting ini^L-trate

Mai tui Ii t t'< haul any j'erx.n, urie-a two day a' notiree bei. ..ii t... the liirtriit-Atte'moy, and theoriglaal com-

"n dniiLt ar.d proofs he \x> aeated ba ^aid iifficer. Folan ajleged v m Intioti ff thi.- law a I'olici-Jin-C"« hmYttn roareicted and reinoved.l^s wnvictl^n beingafli:mei' by th'. hi.pretne Court.

fkaotboi Nw rrptiiating Iba Hiaivner in wuire gun-pOB .li i u.ay l>e carried tbsWagb the it) »nyathat wl.r^i

an) [H.»der aha i be seiinl and notie. "ftheiame »hallbe gi\ n to thi Msyor, "the said Mayor f/ie reaaea''taoatrrtc into tk$ f*ctt and oirciiinetance. of such al-leged viiuti.'u and i^irure, f r wbieb ;.urjrf>re «

"n.:iy euinineo any per-e.r . to tertify, »od ha ei.all" üave pow"r ir. hia Jiw-rotioi; to wb.'i any (rur>jH)wder"ao aeired to be re»tored.A few \M,ka aitee a aWgO piaaIlly Of fvnwd r praa

»eiz d fer an aBagsd vtolatioB of this atatato, and atossdin tii. Dial AraonaL T' euwiiei apjiiied t itiie May>r,Bad tc at once orJered the powdar to be restored,without aaaolag f r anypapira or re^or U or f.^r any'ir»|| cny, or tc any ethor miLner b>|Birfag lato thefacta and tdrtanaatanoes of tha matter? Has not theM voi dvne the laBBO IbiBg '.!* a n u r way aa thePoll i«Jaatleo1 Did ba net aa tndy diaregard tho pbdapn riiioa ei lbe low? Whea tha law aa] < ha «aai/ tr..

<I^ an I act, an-t ho aet« without :»Ly iie|unyd.^M L'- '.o* vio'ol« the law ? And are tin- people wil-'ii; ..) tdvf m bum la-umpt 9B0f ''doabtflJ p- WtttT

( i ¦" r» t i t*..The KigbthWatd "ol«redKe-paLl » bold a rrrrtting ir. ths iacing itraet Hail lust

^. Mr.f»c<r^eW. lerere ocnpi.d the chair.and addrtaaed tho anting at roov ler.^-th, Jireet.oa;tl . raten a* »o their d Uy neit Tueeday. He was fablowed b) Mr. Ili'/barJ. Mr. Myen« of Albany, aad

others, in spirited and etfu-uve epeeohee. There WBIa. iaasb BO) wl It i.r. -*.-] ct.usua'tutbua.jeui.

TheQannaa H,pub.ican* of UieTutl, Waiihav-irg, t!..-».'i^h "'ie ox c'iti«ler>ti»ndiBg1 nomtnateo Tfc»e-dor,' Sfjyveaatt as a candila'.e for the A/sembly from.;, I'lllth Dattriet, bead a taecakaj . Tbnzaday eraa

ir^. rtci oauiored t^rj Gormer <*.Uun, And um»oiuK>ur«yicdorsed Robert Ma. iy, the .t^ .!%r icepubheaa can¬


Tl rigiatriaatli Ward Vouni M'-t . p-rsaoat V'gi-,-.,. Coasanitteo bald a Mtaa MeetsgT1. l Kvaingat ti IV u.I1 ; tf,:/.

Pi^rtT :s W.iriat STRsaT.A W 'Sjas Shot .Oa

Thursday night a dilSenKy occorred u No rii? Worthahnet between Cba'. M. v'uaco, acejrro, and but wife,it If, enawed be».w?en therr, du.-r^ whieh a p'-iolload, i wtth pnwd r and shot, w^icn Caaoa nai *n '.is

hard, WK JWhfT^'".! aci took iffeot n bn aife'ei k . r aeveraly. Tho Pifth rV'aru I'ouoeve.^e aooa at the ! otu»e, and t.vk the vornan to the

Hospital aad looked op her husband. JrtJousy u saidti Livt» b* >a the r i.. af '.^ affray.

grtAMp v? ana turor Hwt..0« Prutay nightla l. in!', -.i hi An-.i-'an Kagl* was towiagtwo barges cm ii t U- apa Kiv r, t..av Verplank s

poaat, a ei Op ,ram^ urkrvrwti; Sor»« straifibt upoa hern.v . u i-..i » irJ. and cevar, .a (-uluuoe w ta I ar bow,by wb .'ii botu s* ai d .*.¦ o »»i -tine CA?»tJ-k<"' Ji!>ei Ai mar lc-.f the Aiaerlcaa Bagbs, hot thf

Baaae or ^wo.'r oftiie ak-^p we iX'üd not la* a.

I"<".tb*i<"r. te rsoer or tub Nb«*' V>r« Hj-tr; C'i V-iut'day err*::: | tha A bland PrettnWatClub a*s^nbii.-d ia froat of th.-44- I »sd«iaatVr», Urvad-

w.t, i^i*3-ee the New York ll'iei, ^n 1 tbef or aonae

igbatWB Bltbl VvBile it was

t^ir - ¦:. a |.i.'icnvaa oa ieavoeed to dnvo bu earnsge

tip to Iba hot'-i, but coerld rxjt or. a vouot af I is b- ¦¦»*.

teAii,; fi eb| frra» the flaire» if the b-^sfire, Mr.CraWeS. tf-f« f ;.iv<v' »f toe l>ote., htvagef ti-uaaoart ort-, aas] aaartag taa». i^o w«c-<r c<n»«o»i

CeU tc t is -.-.««< *T0l tail witii soaaa sf hi- aBTSWaBIte i »tii^i,-<i a, wheat a >'uag caa aaui.d Koywe<*r. .i. t:3iBb.ar7 lawW BTfOB Ih-tA.-b wit'iac-b

On* »»j j- *k" *»: ¦. ..«.

Thb I*o*tJ ». '» aWBBBBBB* of Hrtaej iOJhi* p..«.nve> * -,!'>»0 n..1", one of i IK par i

o-<'e». » urf.» Cef« r> to li < merier ,.f <h<- I*.-- w ftI :> ,. . M/a> i Ba '. waa >« it.rd«> armclen- I bylit bad %nJ r*rv- -.».' '*>r II« ~wtof the lie-.. ,- f. :;*. It :.-.<.!<d !.> *. if '.<¦ ,-iv. - .. /mm I.,.. ;,f11., [,.«,. f* f« /¦ i«- ipfaaraaaa for »r»l uMea/bajrgb,Oiaugii Ciiooijr. lai phaw aValpatad Je.- tie trial afU lUktr ti.e ad. gi 1 prr>Mvw.i ia tfcr aaiird.v, Baali .'. it .. i ¦.; i.'. -!: IfetcO m *e<e-*orr«.

<,.;*..* Vaoaaor B - fcV m -w .T^reta bb

".Uj'.-iitXo. 11*1 Br.*d»a;-. order 'hp »bv.-f oftie Marray Bill Mission. d<-*i«:»e.i fir no beaetit oft-üTint be-ye of Qe*aaa*1 pOTOOaaage, wl enr s«rh aaw< *;id aerer attead the Word Bchaob) hare the firstrvJ Us o» t b. at or f,doiStJ>tfrvJ to their drat »tat«u ... .. 1'. n Biter k p rted as Mwtatioj; th.- day

ar-beel duringtbalaai»ia Bcatha, it'M, of weich lt»a..- ben a Qaroiaoy, aad 19aitidecoajaaryigfanCel..i i.e. :^J|Vr4.»'«l I. tfJews; and ther crop'\ ajagBe f< Bows k« '-a fe IvftWers» and order-fatherrp-, US] -n.r.»-»el b-cxar*. Itj sundry otter eojpl-jy-rr< neu Idhuaf -*. ^- 1° addition to to? above tin re

irr- f>rut 101 llOOl ctildr-a a.f- ccirj the. SabbathckieOtLTo, I.*\» rot Kaoaa*,.A aaaohaag «u

Lei.i in Hope thapei on Thuredaj afternooo far the pnr-po»e of ttkuug njea-'-re* to aid tbe Kree Mate et-Uiera

of Kan as, a bo, afUr Ik lag robbed of tL.-ir Baflaaaa *>y111 Bürdl r ICufTisue, Bra lift »:lu»ut f..r |bfWitter. l!e giaal oia« of I ho ro»*tir^ wie ..L.

p<- d ¦:' ladiea, oafy a f a |«atlaOBeB b dag ;.Mr. riaddawHyaU ipaced the Baaatiag ty Btatiagitan ' Bid -te oljeOt Da jatrodOBBd Qo*, U"b;n-»cn .»f kaii»aa, vbo gawa aaa<oaaal of the priaaUaMto ahi<h tbedef^-nde-rrof Kaaaaaararaaawradased,atd tLtn »i:oaid that ti cir aufTer i ^ had oome uponth. tu lioni ao faavt of tbi .rj I'll oiuy bfaate theybad f-Jült brarely for fitboom. Mh. C l H.S then paae bbbb8 fcccoui t of tbe OasajlUoBafaaii;. ra wbota aba v» I baraatf aaea. aaaae i>f thewtrreii were ao poorly chad that tbaj ar>- u*houjixl tobe r.-'ti by atra:ard r tt.y of them 'i ire cat optL i- .ier.ini- i-'e 'o :i n±> paiitai... n-f..r tin rn.-u

al o were obli-reel to alttid (-nard. At the BBMB Mr.Hyonl prupcaad an oigaabiath>a of tba iraaaaa af tbaStat-, ejtcoding !o to 'ts, eoaagtaa aad intnrt* froma ee rtraJ RajajafitM r -*0 pofBOOl of raiaiog eon.

tiflratHta of cbathrag ar 1 liHoey to buy provi.e n» forthe lafrerera. Sb k > ainjeaagraat wayaoattl arc

flwtu i- hot W St per barraL A Inr^" aaoabar >fladh I rWaQod tbcii aaraoa tta OOtlta W irker., an.I a

aareataai -tin^ of ladita intera*b .1 in ti..' -abject willbe <U III BBIHIPeT (Sataiday) at II a. in., at ine h.>u-<»ofBIrr. Neye«. No. la Baal Twoaty«e«veath -.ti»«'.,near Potuth avenue.

I';kk at HiBltBt.--Yeatorday rr..^ about »?

o'cltek a ftri bnfca '»ut in a row of c'd frame buildiagaia Third BTieaao betweea < >ne Haaored aad Twaaty-lacoad aad Oac> Raadred a-.d Taeaty4hird atreeta,i. n| h d I n tbe liret rloe-i* bj Ch rt Bra.'ty as a laqaorah p, ChriitySbood) us a L'quor shop, 0. Kaocktinas a Uqoai -I .'p, and Pat. Mulcaiiy, aaOcoaaber; tip-parpart byfaoBd -. TI '.uiidioyi wa-e mostly da>at oj <.(!, bai the CM 'tipfirts suc^-e led la sa> :og nearlybM of their hr^ia. lirlel property. Th< tiro-otorj framebuu'dinff adjoiring, oe> uo:e tt by Himoan Mnelay aa a

lager bear bbJooo, waa badly donaaged. Heefaybi la-Bored b r ^00. T'k. property waa owr.-d '.j Mr. Sta¬llt-, »':oa'> loa« is a:»otit tV'»*.»-'; iiwur»d.

..? ¦¦

Pmi :a PoamaaBTa rraarr..-OaTbaradayBaara>lag b. ta i o 1 and J a'oieob, a tire out in tbe dis¬tal» ry ai d reel f. ing aatabbabaaaatafJabaaca .v i,\Ba-rjii T ^y.!.t^en'.h str-.', b -twen the Ninth and Tenthar.-ri-e*. 1 he r-tab'udiiri n» ootipi. d thr.v buUdbagO,Bad the fire or^-inate d in t.hi midiOa toaae. It ia aif>-pom', to have beon caused l.y tho fumen futiu bV|aoti, proeeaa af diaOglaUoa oooBfag iu oontact with a

i.-i ....I f- m-l^.in;»r, but aa 'o ' . " \;v. th-re ¦».>

eettoia kruwltd^-.., Tbe wldu» bvui a^ o\Btroyed, btg :h-i othera wen saved tbroagh the e*er-

rioea »f Iba flraaaea not, boaasraf, wahout beiageoaaiderabjy daaaBged. There wer 110 tanka of

atyaoi b -*r>)id. 1! b loaj ia reward of *'.' ..0Oi. Nodefinite kootsiedgo (..ui.) be ottaiaed a* to the lo*sard ir*u'aaco, a* th nrm :. faacd to give uBXanaataBB0'i th s'.l.^r t.

Faiai ProiLI 'i EacOOBTBR..A fi.;ht oceurrtylor. 'I'u.aday aighl laai, betw?oa two men named t.'hoa.

Stuiuh, and WilthUB ( bs/srater, at t hannlngrt !>¦,aboutBBTefl .t I below I'oJajlik* o».e, whiok r. *ulU-.i in

*/ie de itb of to* Conner. It arose from an augry coo-

» er», ia which t'!aari» ater caiicd Suutii 'altar,'Bad BOB '.L'.s tii > bv.ter .La-lauffed mm to right: thecliaiieiat " a aa a'opted and the light oommon^ed, butd.d aat ''at but a very f«w aab at * beaaro deoeeeedr-«eit lala;-'' hUw -u iL < temple, and imun-lulelyrvp.r CaaanrabN pbuaad bhaoalf m the band* ofthe a^thorf.ea immed.ateiv. Coronet Ta^ior of I'ou^h-hetriite intTBtigalod tho affair yesti-rday, edicited tbaals., e r.a <*t b j1 a veidiet was readoitd accordingly.Till¦t»AB :es >y PoorigfT..The Third Ward

jttOtaow trjoya tie f-veci-l regard of Major Wood,«:.o h 14 J-aan from tba Hirlfltt Police fony of[Hal etBaocol jw oae o^aarter oftba naaa tar "apaeiali « Ceeaxrojaeotly the blocba of tajaabia aaaraa hit. 11 s.t .i !..e .ay an left with iaadbaatetaptueseaaeataat Iba m . » .orerrain are aadJ'cd with oitra duty.T t Ca» Of "Li»'.r 11 mbAfi..«Aboat two

o' .. k Oi Boaday flBOrei \ iast a wull-dx*?.ed yiungwvs ia wtet aboard of c-.e ofth.- Boatb-Ferry boawoathe Mew-Yorbaide. Wbea tbl boat reached thotoal i Atlantic .treet, Pr- "...o, thil pa.k gtr.theo'dy it W da >.*i hoard'-- wa> l«. t to be h .nd. The eaiyoj; pialniog t>: abaetoe we* the icppoailioatiat'h. bai jutrped ot erbe ard with ' inteutwn ofetJ-c str-i'i n- '1.1 ib.m of Tbuxaday aa-

:. ti..- 001 r} &f the body in Ttoopava i d-»ck,aid Bthl at. -o. Kl «t'.ea wo have leaned tux-

t.n - ti '<. itt.'.e to the deoeoeed the cause ofner eu..-iie. T'.e»ew eubj' in Two or three yearat i a j Dbg i r] of e.gbteeo, very attraotive iu her

Bfpn e, f y-> 'U form, blue P)c* Bad igbt ha.r,v-a . ijff-nrafha raaldoooo of her parenu inB ibory, afaaaachofrote. In the- Tiriatitntlai of thouncar. -for ia a largw ciiy, ahe ae^a found heraell'wBhk the wallfl of a Mert<-r atreat Iadir*' boarding-b ¦-¦*.¦ '. ¦.'


> a s.-i i-'*.... .f \ etue v.-l aa.-srt'-r,Itdheneifi tl laiuii and iligaare la

t. . a oi the ?t- aa li atO cearry rightean mouth-,at !t> »p. aiiun of ah-ch time aha recn. ved to

t< tbet ' ejee .- raJar character ia Otr-ov aUeet.A year -ic?e sli- became dteply attncl-d to % youngn aa BOI d m th a l> idxg restaurant la Broadway,aneb I ra .. | by woaota <( thai law*. Latterlyb: r !n p "-xiti"« w^re ditcouraged, it i* said, -ji au

ui.'-'i -.-Div.ry TV ait relation bad been of thisii.* i'l"' fi' e-.-ji .irxv. Oa Hatattiay aagbt bathBJattfli accidtt tally Bet at Prra-Lio a laiL ahe a*ke.l

jaa.e with her, and wai answered with a >|Jtefiaaal th:a d sire-l Km to aooicopaay her

BOO, Md .a t*fl 4 ws* also ditied. ThiiJrburTt-.'. and mu;h dispir.tad th.-rt-by, ahelituraHsJ to i or reeldeec* and re*ir»-<J. but abortiv aiVrarose- o:ii-*e-G rvrw If ajil U-fl ti"« h.-i^se. See waa ac-

c*-"t¦'t a jilvcernan r>t. Brcadai>, .".ear Cortlaodtrtrt *.. but a.tirtrtut -.tticiw bis» »he e* utmueel hera .uk '.. Ihabaath ¥u:y, rent cn board the boat, aad

le w*; g toe other sice tr vw ber-e-t from itOf 0 r.»; abc wtu mi.-e-J fr tn bor heine ax.d a/ter thoaoi" BU oral anl plae^d io the casad aooaaatH*cx41.'T it wa« iieauri-i t>> bar fcoiaie eompaaiona.IV. (i '^tiiwlnw t-uad apiin her person waa

i?ee, .re a^ tbat tf tie yen i man wtoae cindih-ibadnnci anaal] cauaed h.-r ta dtvUxy her-ail Tb sra-

day her r.m».. » »»rv cr.;.»e>ed to (ireecwood. ao-c n.pai '. d b} u. ? laaioaiiy of tfce heeusa ia «biet shebe. b-ea «n it-t-ai.», r> r raRtra tioaillora, a caagytnao,UC u i- v ; . 1 ,ec n-u>i/ * >-

urJ.c«« 1 b.r .'r. la ir."Sit ti* coTavs Tba. *uit' tU> f»i.. <al a re I» rut by ta- -» win. as>

<\ u i aa ec ti e aaaai a \ 't..- c meter* tbw ye taaa srv- « k -1 M pyi

pa.tcfU .ipcK *:i vtbi o: i.fvvoJ. Axr.oä %

i , . H, (I ? r'^SlW delivered a, br tt? » . ., . <>.< if her ,,""f*i"" f«vl M ~'l »

> »¦. » i,«r» ft* "Jl r'-oeent. af ee

?« ,v« in a rMkV whoocetheya ll to* be i m»»f.J U 'hi if t«*< n>t:n.r planr. l'ueBWl b.t i Li i .. r NW*, in the r dRo, aid».!. bo tK-i<<~". ? »Mt h ntr-eiae m tbe tern'*. Tor

I u«- kf» «n ht t* --»'jith-.' tame uf ''IietiieB< - r t iitmc of h. r

' fried' cf tl.e eaioon we

bate,batOB trat! .- lit**-- ne niibbvtO i».

tavVI i> tBTtOB, Bi^-mi t«p ATTBBnrTBB 8' I«

-A .' n »'eei.s sw*v « .»our>g Hnji'-f iriHe, wbo-eii :B e wt. iv.l»jr n < ni i. »«:. to tlr» coantry.

aaWwlBWe .- .» p MAfe of New-Yoik be btcitwo Bt>-l':r ..-.ed »..r n nrcsa Bot 'j jt-ara of age, who ib

npnetc*..»<! tl 1» i?; c/oJti . --d-ii. k;r.»". rather !**« i-iitiiBT, bbbJ \ > frail, Ab n ; two ereafei he mar-

.-in' bit iwannrr, Hw'.tl.idondian tbe i-vet thai bekaoa aba bad :..! » Baa lute utV, and together tbrvcniet>t'ji.i ;tj. whertf'j y took lodging* at .? hotel:o Fünfh oilvet Att«H a fcaaa tue baSle mi hJeely leftU»r b'^L&B.*, tad cn tf. baaajdoj >«*t ae Van! tb»tlbe Vai Bt t botr] on Chestnut street

T'. I'o.t>».i i .un!u«:.ate,y went to h* w:e> and ita-[wn J b- r ti; lanta Rn with b-.m. Kut ah* raftaed,t« 1 e 'um that he had no b gal ababa on her. a* sheBMOadJ had a ha-twind !;vtr< in ( eiit>»ru.a. iho e.u-I'l if *i«ie iran tbaa l*e< Bred a warraot fi* tn>r im-',a; d -he was taken 1» fern Al'Vrman Kuoe. wb . com-n. i' d her to ai «wer the i'hergc of hi^.ny. Tha BO a

'. Bt r aftBtweid hogged h lift oif, ai 1 »ba w*e re¬iche« den "stra* bad." Su'wwjiientJ), 8eafcag that hisa , araeBQBTSated »i'h aL. t.rr man, be> im lied !.»ea.-o ur n-imeie«\ I'hu aas t f cotr*« n< t .vm^li. .1w tb. It i- i,l!e«»d that tbe wife ytvtVrday eailol f.»rI. i p. el .; .!.. Cits uf Haitim. n>" tievuiV »iK-rre«'.isl

fasfiBatlag *«..«» tbdiiidual eaaaaiaaai watt thatairsmtr

'id n'oa>g. abei.t 9 o el.^-k. Hbjb CoeatabV TmfiLad Ida atteaitioa dbeeted to the itt»trw iiinbu.l, »ti»wei Utg ! bi j" in ladt ueniietcv -^n ire as tuwet^hl- oaa ibqbiiiatrd ThacfBeat*awbebargwof Uaaaaaa,at I e|«>ti eiaaaiaiag t it laadietB, di«.-o>ered art oaaeavkal, that waa alaatal eapMsd, aad wt.ieh *a» bthotavl" lutd.i: ;:nu Tbe u.un iwiiiutie.: liiat ho had taki a Ui >

n:»-11> ol the bo tl a few aunites before.aiv' jr .(..,,¦ |ti at k* lul m t »iüh t-i !;».. The wiMil I l»e-«uicide> snt

j BaaHai ijrtabratatao Nayta/iaaaW.aod Bardkal .. ioainwgirtrrffi Apowrerruiei tan »f < aiaaiBweBiaalailfetlt dtaaTtd taaaa. and it is probabl« hewdlre-

. «11- tn^n ti. aaajata af laa a4aaaIt: ihe penbe'ot Ui' fnv'isti uan aa nnrealed let»rr

waa ftmid if waa ittcWed to his fbgiiifa btUb andb» ra aa*e this BwralaaTi Ue kafocaai ber bt tha oasstiaI* ?'. I.e wa. aN'Ut t.. neatr- y htwaeal pr 40atl ttW mostir'o i Mi cl .ni tor b-'i aa»area her of h s furBti*aa«aa,fiek» hei to ^ray for hin», aiel adaaOBWaaa ber to 00at dot the BiaafM «t-. in aba hn»de*erti d hoe uu*-Lci I The j.aretiir of the wmnau rOBMta iu K.n^.ia n-

ton, N. i., aid they are said to he ren|>^'tahlc. H.«rw» t bedbaabaad aetaij to he cempi. teiy iufatuitcda lib bar, li.'. ->.'Li'«. Ian bad euadact

Ifhu. klleaka, Hat

BOB O". rR .John Hums and Thi>». Hvker werek.- ri.,i athiaf waaat aaJ tea Beer taatataar. la Iha 9 laxary

-i . i'u pf a Uaiua wl h r<>»: c»rt h" IV Batk waai»ri»»»» rats aajaiae, aaa the T^lOi aTard r^iireaaafayadth ii ta laa BwänNi llaraa. whar the) r*cei»e«i tue BBTaBBaa afI pf.Wl'BBBiA boy I" yra.s of aire, name iinkrown, wa* run or>-r

v '1-0 >y .L W »»>i nix >. au.l hau . us of bia kaaj brek li"a i. r. Lrrji J ;o too S«.w Verk H»»plt»l.(bo. A. Li er, ahoy 13 yearn ul a^e, wa/ run o\er

at it nraaf at Tt .rH »»euue" aad Thirt) f.mnii atieat, by a

r. .i'« v. t rad, eVetk aa*Baaaaaaad. .S...r. itaarwaaje. r ner fstry hale aa tri] iri? ib.- bu.l.t, aad thayeaarr '.»Tin» katee »hr»n to b»vr Ken punly atclJ"Bt»I, a

, to Um' erfr. t wm rer d> r» i by ibb Jury.JubB I'mkinil wita r.,li over by »ti»aJO N'o. d>0ia

Cfiitbaai ttrr't.nrar Bfstt iti . '. '»..*»r. .-.j ..!II. in t'k. m to ti.u New lathHualtal

BeI 0»lt \"-o KlLLKD..Tba unknown womana ».» mi: oT»r on TbernliT lait, at tbe nrtier of Ciuial a taVrstatraeta,dhtd laataraay,al iha htaw-Yorhkaaeahal Baa»»rtx-n» aa fle aae le raan ofaaa, aad btbs dfcaaaa la bb aidi, *i ». ,-. i<< BaaartaBaaaadaayferauaul a w la. bm 'I iha BBcariaaea »nu ll rc*uii<^i it tier Jtaiu. »r»

tea HledteraUal i!>e Nr» Yttk ll...pii»l a: 1»afaioca mia

(B nday) BBfiralBI, at which timn ao laajasat will br held upontha l- r

Foi.nd Unnwiirn - Coroner Perry held an inineatt tiardai apoa laa hedj af » bbbb »Ii«*« usiue, iroon p.pnrti.t.iI in Iii« pc« k. t. I« .'¦i'P> in br ie ..i|» Wl.uiut.wai. ilfrtt foaad nnaWBae ha tbe asah at the f.k.t of iHieer inert,Y-*> lliver. Dretiw.l »na nbout i'> laanaf aae, of ateillninbisht, and was ilr-««*<l in .i»-k loth pant*, n.uokry Jatskat,pial .i & %--t, au Thu ;ury rn<ideri*d a » r.ii -t ol "BBBlB by

r *l,ll,av"*At i kmt r to Tiaa t'nctiTiturBiT Mohht..Ifi'nry

(!«'¦ .: a carpratat, jr«t«irit«}; arreate,'. hargM wild af.Un psiea taBaaaa #a BoaaivifMl biU aa the Daurille Bauk,Pa., at tha Uerr-haer ptaoa of Chrtatlaa Ohtaat, No t^Chrp.tie- r plir..

He waa h«M t j iaatk l ¦"..'. kit eaauiiuatiou.

[AdvacUaaaasat JThk mnr iin^TKATr.o Htoropathic Eater.

¦ rani..A ron;4r'e ij«'ui n RyBtvpaaBji i Bja*'"'.r bia. ai ouiiio-. of Anatom, Paytiolofy of the Hj'.-iavi

11 .., Il)<. tab Aaeurlea, Bad iU» Tre^rv.'!. a »f BTaallhl!. lathi aL'. Ilydr. paiulr i' ok.-, T-i^iry an.l l*rartu-e.1 tYitnr Tiiiiaimti Baaaaal Pafie .ogy »ud B/ata-Thara|. '.iic. laclu lint ibo uai.. re, rau*. a. «rinpl m«, an J treat BMBUof a. kb wn .!;¦>* .-a. AppLVetl. ot.. M (,i x.' Diarae.-e, ta 11/lllipalbj I Midwifery and th-N i.iaarf. HfRTTtUL.Nl'Oi tBH Band r»jf*. lUaaarBlad w.»i> upwaft. I" rhr-«> HunJredBafrasteBi aad Cikaad Paaaa Mur>at«;.tia^i bouoj, ta aae

: ,¦ y . Pr'-r t>'J SO.Puwi ta .so vt'rn . PahUi N M Baaaiwaa

Uf aQ iha Baaartvaa BeiMleatteaa araiah ha»« Bttakaai aaeka »10« p> pa.a.-li f. aa ia«u»d *>» Poaler and VTsUl proar. n bm¦re n.oir auapo ii to griirral u tint IBBB Ihla rlrh. aaaanrehaB>d*a> aad wafta>BB>aa«lBoejalnpaala** (N V Inbi^s a i¦ [in aal an firtt p»jr ,.f thb Tbibobb.

lAdtartaa o.-ui.)Nr.vm Ten» LatI . liaoj j.i»t within the grtip

' i BIBBM n are tared e?»iy Ti»r ty tba fki'.bful ;»e of HiAA in.a t liaLtAM 01 vs ii o (man*, li.aaaasst laattay*Llj «il ;aiU| leeBIB pte'-iut-l leaahB, la reu.axaaUa>

V - n ]Bi m"k Cloth Ovik Coatb.f 8ioSSfBaaTif rtath Peer Ceaia. I1» to BII; oi t Ik Otrrtofi. a to liP»ier«taj'. t tli Orrr 11 na. t to U\N IdBO I to irr. r CVata. I to 14Pbibbi iti baataaei Coati. 3\ ta toliavtU. 4 hhawla. & to ISIt: \ .»-! Vt.i. 2 ta I

atK«4W itataaa.*.. I loth.nj Warehoaie,

N . H ,.ul6$PallaB al

(.A i v n1 JQAf fOB Tin: CiirSTKV.-ISt.'. Apparatl«,

aft.r akaPataal ot laa Moyland Portuble '»». Piimbbb»c kl AA ooihc8tn I, to. äff« uow »B«ruia I'.r *«lr * BBuat BB n-

p.-r (heap rianplr. aa i rBtrliat fit HlTBIBB lllaatnd m alitiapaciala the waataet pt-l»%t.. owrllinj», pub j *ai prte.te.i1 chaxraae, r.... tea aawwaMta,aaaaaetita,aateaa, waaae.B9| p. <ice. Ii-: BS wrl] aa ot town, aud rlUataa. D -u.1» wta1- tliiulaam, bj' arpi/io* in peraoe of ay letter tn tbe ofBce oltba ' oOj| IBy, » hi ia a Bfaeatl - .ao b- »e«a tu oprraUou, aad<!<*¦ rlpH't r tiLpble*! ob'.avurH

C. B. " « »«tu k < o.,N 71 V\aU *>.., N*+ Tjik.

[AaHarBBBBBBBt]WOM R aJTO f 'hhj>Rt_v may bare PhrenolooVei

tu,' n.atiua», wtto r '.a/ta BBd feil wrttien dea nptl'.nj A -narwe

.«r wtth adtrkta by Mr FaarLBa, atBta> BBI BUeaaara) twaa

the Pk.k. PrlTHe r-.oo.i fcr OaattSflBBI aol Ledlra.

(A^Tarttaeaseat 1Tu« AlEi.H fJLaJ VS mta.-*. Ueiierating (la froai

r. alt. aad aae duit. - a it, BtBaa^aaA oaetura. ^ ..'c»f-» k-. » lor apcti.

I ill a: ply la las ofieee ol uie a waa vi.-li. i*. .i a (o aitiaa Mad Ha j^l t,. Mtwef, N. I.

[ Advert i#«-fueBt.JThf Throat abb Lewe*.

TaBABWaar " «rt-» o' Maoiaarrn V*roaa woi astraaaai i aib

Niti.-- .1> rri the Aataaaa and Wistes m^Ltia Dt.21.. t: a -od tilt aia'.clatr Ur. Mblmlll will rec-iee pa-*- xe

frcm 9 «. » "o'P ¦ eai'Jttj. ta Br-adway, Nail Icrk. OeC a. l»*J.

(AdTirttiefi.eot tIIlKRY I'P.HlBBT LP .if you wuhto a^o

(h:. Torn TuFMI :o ba great r!^:j:i, - 0| Tox Tir. _ .»

n aJ I':uo» ' i Puan ae to oat 0'a Mlikum. bV¦ far Eureaaal t.> I>a» u ^ p^md Tmm Airt.aaooi»

a, i t enet, i* BTall >a t 1 .¦ lvis'. Ml a.

fAdarrav mn.t JPHIL-, BBIIj* .UBbTBBLT*! eelehrat.«.jchcb« h

Hi.... v.! ai. ii-.a..rp'. c« for aa'' at IV-o/ry pr.^,. bye .iaaaaii *. ( o., .No. l& Bioauway.

(Air -' a- n

C. D. I ItKHRJCK-..>Salaavj

Ot ivlt a Paeerirrts,No. &i& Broadway

-t-'o* M. »r-ipoleaa H/.teAfio'TocaarH*.

Ll.ttt BBaK'iTYPüS,Awir.orrrK*.

Tl- faUhl ir- »-«7-^*t ) itiTtteat t j aa- ac 'fp-im* .¦* »*.

PtCTVaaa'ia>a at \ct e.tahbahir.en'

Op»r»'e i aoi Pee.t on R-(j. the Brat fl- aa

lAaWawfeaaaaal I1?TaT> ^si. XatioSaI. Law S.HO.)L. Pou»;b-

k «peve B V .T'etj- ulel: "Rret.''. . ¦** '.aa eyal- tn hr-To9 Mied b) tar aaperlai le a.^y «^a.i ttasiwU jn»ma* Byatuatcsu. K. at tvroi U a ui tea ri«»r Jaivaa. cVol l»fa/-

i ; W. Fowtaa.f A A.-* m*~-r.»*-.L 1

P"Hge»te Vieittng this eity ahwild exarr»lae tk*sat- a ' tTT«et r tiooei, co»pea»iaB eeety aitaate «laapa draaa,aapvt *. aa. .terea; *A 'Ocar a*r« b»

»Uf v. ftCa»-IU«- ht^^»hiaa*aat, li I.

(A fTf> im p| ,<. H .-The Dir««! n of tho IToi«

r ffrj 0 »|" J t B*«xA:,,i m M.. ,-voaivtled to Ml,N"h,"k""1*1 '». ?.». .«.»* lk»- Karri-. ur,«>rr .a-.rrh.-g»

..."«'¦MjM.a.-t>^ea»«.l." * * ." '»"-¦' j.' . v .! a m ataaBa*

¦'"D* '»'.. . ....! ... p*..e.,ve»B " .« »> «* ho* - - H mmm '¦ -»mm

" 1 Itaatf aaeedaajaaa aaaeWai>-...., aaAa* aaaaa

*"" " * »¦¦»» lauwr bm . |j k ., ^p^pjsajaaa., J -o i-1 ruU« La tL 4.bc«,.rr a,.,.^,,,,,, ^., «. aaaaaai L.1»« iaa im iwWt« .. ..'jxn^^uttmt.

Bkaaed wme-r» la-aav-aed PMia, Im rv,-» kaa «Ja.... ,,.-,-,1 m it- ... .. .M. ^ .,ukUwU,

? .t MlaaaU-aataa fcr#fll [m§inmmt ^u ¦> ala la the <-«w.dlti.m oi" r, ...^

had hakAaM* fcf «Mal«f mm,, »nJ ... .... a* v K " ' :' *«lb

' ' ' * '* ' f ',r r* t <¦.'.' m 1 .. u :,I (¦ MM I ». '« BSalia K) I« d. ^, ml ^ .jjj^l,»...,;. .- v .. I .' . .t .<. »-.. i. iu tall.* || Hi r-a.i/ifc..-

st»« i» Brtata tu lall Iba ua>i>. v >:.¦.»*,4 kg mm. .» *><>. * ia ... ipaf law I. Baa*. .mtm

ttvataei u»i fce i* ». p.^atut it.-*'.**. xWkraLaai eeaBdedt. ti. Dirneaati ia.- pi .art. >. «f-

ti t; Ltiraata, a<aO laa-s wvuid t»- tai-hi»«* t« um. aaaaa .»rj i} u4 bot naaatf avatar tu-aaa ia ikadt poata: toaaaaawII raya al ataaataaa aaa lataatrei hi ».»t. .i^4>.»*r.litv «¦ t keatiaii laaiaaata aaavi aaaajtaaaaaa laa Oaaaa

.. . i.aaaana aa aMl aaaaaa taaaa aataTaily ta ae.aaaaaiL« Iraal a p> »<l ia ihvia.

i .< taat aa ao.i »i'.r iha laataaf**)N i ¦; !. ii v ao tkktaaanil la M .¦ . umm . *o .-Miaia.h Mol ll«t -vi II. Irl« . i ..-«HKUU a u tr. **> immI a*«v>iHtl acaaaaaaaaaaJ ai..r* iW awni im aaa»luai« an aal laa . i*.ta aaaaa i.«a-Mt *aro aaaaa

l. ta | ata aiW ». aaaaaaa >.>n^i<a«, aa. - ». ball Oj . .i» ..¦..» I..... itriaaa

ii...I laa.« at .-.'....». Ii aaa .»<n ..¦....u ataatii niifaiitakteit ii ,. Iiilaa, .-. 4 taa . |u< a t Lm* a**a. taat aaiL. a ii* Haaltra raa a a ik cai aal] aäi.laaaaaa u»ii a»aakaai ii u rtia_IQna*araaaavaaät. »«- 'lama»**aatfy

.- ... ibj t. n ata aaal aa«a*, >< u. aaaMii u.. .. . am rä< .....ii aimai b« laaauaa] tu., i.aata«*.-!. « au. ti aaa ta-an il.a . ii i.u«. kt trar* |»a.i of . «a*yIm i atat.a akaaa taa ayaitaa at naaiiatailaa ha» aaaaal... .... aaaaaal i.aai| ay aa aa i-.iu* ii.« i.i...aaiaa»

Ii hu i« i. i aaaaaai '.. »a»»...»« .«..rtit taaivti ii »..,.'.-.i m, i. hili' i taat aaaV4a| ao. laaa «taaaa

»-.ii > laiaa s akkaiataa, b .t taaa tu all taaaa...... in Muaa ag aal Bfa an> fub»a aaa, i. .. aaa 4V^ H . «i« waa Ii, aaaaal

la aaa aia*4 kf ataI .. t »aaal J.. a - . rBttl ah laa av.u*t» af aalaitaa

... »i .ii.. .... aa aaaaaaaai na^.|»u. i>.r ¦.aarlal kl aaualaaa I Ovo. .. .(.». «< iu tru .^r ui.-n. r^val)i.iKa tuaiaxitotciaeataat* | laaaaaaa ll-ivi. f. aa art u ¦»-»lal i i.- ... .... kaafrvtl, at .. v.¦ aakaaaptri'.n^r>.i |.ir..uai) im btaa aaaMaalaaraM aaaa raaapaelat|.aal aravj ,.. '.. i<. mmmlt aaaiar, »Uli ..oaiiarkaaaa, |. v Ua aaiaaaa atnala ar -aaliu M Btaa .1 4ia . !<.'>. tkavta Ii .< w .¦ i^^ni t... u» a.. ^.a.-. >->(aa>i>'. v uor« packacai l taraatj fvit ar aaaaa aa aaaabf ii> ..t'tl.

I t . . ttr baaa '!.. an.b -i,.n aol . n t -. « (lira. tat«, «altii it-alv iaa »Mi al la«caaamaal<i,ta> ha**> tka> avrfvaaa,-...>. ...«-. auaaikta »at. .. Ii la, h.««m at far. .> i'ai i' itaaca ikaiaai aitWaaaoaMaaaa/a,aal aaai aaaa

- laa aar . .. .. i uat>

m»aanaatafarij . raiaaraaaaa «nj aaaaaai taa«I .1 .¦._» l 41. i. .1« .trai-aa.-i-

...» .' i aaaa aaiaiW Hie Hirtraiataaaa .-»najaui ta»i ia <4a>lalnti un 1. r ih. tr rhi.'a« all Ikraa i|.ialittaa ar* awataafaTi n Suari »r. taai iaa ka aaaal tr %» avid.-u.f »»at»Juni a a \" rtoa of larvata «tara, b r. tbrr* i.v.-a ha*« aaaa I aaala .. \ im aay -ifilltria r araaBaat, and iB«-| aaa»uai>I» t' tartalj Bva mlllloiia of av«pl>'j>> anr ta--» aA\tt«l af}

.aituuaal iaa bii rt-aaly aad aaa kai aaia p«. aar. aaal. yaal h taat iaa a rrtaaaa ävl alaV

n ».. I .i. )< i .(.. ir .».-vpm <. avau «..»» aaaaal aaj....... J. . Bv ataVt at ifca Baata I .iiri'.tr.ra,

j a likti Bari ary NU M ... r ..«ubtu-ki)-.. iki. m\ iai«(.

»Tb.- kaaFrarlai Uat 11 .un i f tha raaaa af (arr aae »t iha 4iaftrraif«nUau« -..» N..rta aaf Baal Ria ilagNaal .'.uaitarktaiki.1 laai a «.ailjia.n luv faaar.. II r»»«»n<.-«nla.-» ....fJ eaa

¦a Iota BM > . 'i p» »*.«?».¦otaaaaal art.ui aaa.Puai pa.<< aaaaa. t ata.

llox.'Kai. I'caai. HotaeaaaataaWBaaa..¦ *. aaaII»..« aaa aatt.<-i <aa>I- paat-..ia(a. i c»

VN 11 laataaoaea Faiair*. U>ir.«< ai>4 carr'.aar.» ata.Hu.»., .iij BMI .14?% aaa.tfmot Baacaaaaia j ata>

(iair«roaT »aaBT.... Haraaaaaalaartkafa. » oia>Maaai ai .l.-.ri. I.'i ata.t ..( \<tt»eufT». -1 ata,

Taa faioa k'i-aav Co. H ratabb4aankaje. ** a»a,Ilaraa aad mrt.If ¦¦*»_K.a>l paaarm.-.t. t u»_

| A.lvarti». n a»t JJtMMm ii.uat prt*tO> »t tho \Vbitn Houae ia f»>

tara. »ml u *a mmv i-nl(a hy 'ha t*lr .1 hai p..riral a, ft ataar

Ikaa all taa raadtdataa iraaibiard total *' i-aa-«, or aifaaa10« Drpot al fautiial «Ui N. Iff liaadaai, tUaMaaia

[ ASvartl»«-'iiart. i

Tk as..-Tint CtMosi Tk.a CoMfAST ha»« mbaad.vrry vartat) af Tl t^r Ur«. T..a DaaaajaaaatMmv»ta Un.lii. a--«^iaabaa% ObI .:.» ai d T juiij Hyaou. Oaaai BBa.tu 4»t U-n.|»» .i»r anJ li-ir- nal from Vv.. a.. *v «M .iaa«aaialltt't. nuiUj low. aJaa.8B. Botaa af^aad Fanuli taaaaa..i .! .. t all ami riauuii«-.Nu. 1Z5 taaUuuavt., t.iaa.faait aad RooMValt Kl

BROOKLYN 1TKMSLTka graal Maaa ataatliaj af ihr Mrcliauiea aaa)

W'i.iku (aira aaaa > ft laai aik*ai. s.»Dit< " dufl. ulty*waa antii ip'it. d. tha K. k Mi>nutiia 1 aat l.aliajjpiti kfd i» Iba mioat of t.'ioopjxiri« ',t.i..(' U< puhhoanWoa*But i.oiii) m'fairad aP, Indocd, pav^fd «rt airoiotkltwA^^ tit tift.HO hur.dn-.l w> ra pirarnf, and it i.i rat»mat.'.l that fully "ar thuuaand of thoat. wora I iriai»rrara. The in», lira; ain Bjoabfodataf V. K l>-y«vaao., aaebtad Ifj" miBfimiBi v la^PraaaJaafa. vv. tf.Pry, taq., taob th» ataad at <"| o .-ka k aal apok« MBIf.the rltaiat attrtitioa b*-ii jf K<v cn. Tba KtaeJr»ajrur a.n t lub aaa prraaut with a hand uf maaiavH. kr'» wm I-1 off and Iraa lab 1 BO K. pnh.KNana afHr«a k',» b oaaidtf th* aarataag the >rr»«t »untjai of tbehtb-od, aa it will |*a.u nian> v..ten.At the eoaabaak a, a | r'«'< «:..« wa» forinud aad went

to the riaidtnre of Mr. Stiartabtto, tl.a (juogrncardiUate, who apoka appr..priatel> frota lunatfpt.Thi KttrTi'.p am riia Police..Tha Mayor baat

ifFiu d OfdotO to the IMce C'apt'iina directing the laaaaund. r their cotr.mand to appt s. .a uniform ou tbe layof alactioa, and to atatioa them atymt the polla in eaedhdi»t>ict as rooo ai opt-Dcd. lhty aru to r. tun.a ikarat

(taw I au'.titblt- rtbef) ;.r . t the day, and ontd tba)i-aova.a le i-ompleted, and remove all diot.k.a aadtaaaadaily penona. aa that tho |*>lla may not oaoae-atru. |rd. The pohV-em< n are not to take part or lawerfero in tlo tltcte-n fuithir than to d'-poeit tnetr votaa

Nor ro Tak* I*t ara..The R. puhlioaaa of tbeeiu Iii.".r.ct. at their rr.'-« r W'ednaaday nvoeiag^aVfaiOaiaad aot to bold tbe rroma metLng notiotal laa.ptOfC'lday'a pn^tr. Durinf the paat thn-e moetJkfJtheir rtgalar wn kly ro» aliaaji have all lieen maei mteat»kkfja, at ! tow aa tie alaaOJoa If at band, it ia btdieradlthat rr.ori- t-l ran be accompli*).cd by rmtaidn todl-TldUil t fTiTt.

Pocth Ti-th Stkkrt baaar..It la atatod that aftht-4. '..« ba.ti.j l»ru i«iiit.vad, laa ia :l T»u'b a'r»»« fi-rraBrtil|«intoeaeraikmtaataaaaalba aitp attbafu>j«vf Ckaata»kataatteeicaa kaaal reafy. Tkia urrraa« oi iVrry fariiittawI* 1.1> rf^.l-a')» fur '! a artuant.. da'.loi. »f tba rr.ldauU ol AaaEaataiB Dafilet \rrj f.w, hittrn, »ul plea aay rntiaaaat,la lata fta< .-. tba aoata an *i"**rr "T-'rg

Akiii.> Ti.ite or t ( hu i .A lady .'ailed opon Mayaa*Ha.1 a 1 u» adty kat, faf.:.» ifcat fcat a.i., a buy fotir yaarv «07. |.. La 1 iV'. a itauelad irual kia b ma, aa ihn l.aa raaaua to aa>-.irf». ky a Brcaaan baaaad L'alaartaa Wood tad '>.»¦ aba kaditali -. Lira to bat laaura. Tba May it u>|iapi»Ml tu Matuoaaaa»l¦ l -.- ia.r. aerrda laaauaftoa» Jtajwt fllarta,atafaafjthat ia* w.^,a'ii and <-b;ld r.»l '» »n tili».. ho<» ruatoat aa*awaMbi .i ibM i'.herI ten ... Ma.ay.aafJaagalaetaA ta takva ifca aaaaa ar ti dara .r <r« no* hat. ana uj aaaaalata L..a4^- . ;.i im n»r -.1 11" otiuvory af aar cluM.

Pll t Or Ihrtno-ay night a tire broke out io a t'. .K ... V\. hart a':.».-. n»«' r' '!'»r 1 nm* *"* °

j.n :»«... k-Luady TaaaalUtaa. laa^Baa «^«*ir, ,J i red. ! .¦ . ? - -BaaaadmitO, Ika .. K--i:.mi. ¦.<.'« i" ft-VtC...dt,..waaas,. .j. i ika ». ito7t**J| eoaaa by .aauraoe. i t**aa*- aa .' ¦" .'¦.'"¦u*Mr ifcaaadyi aaatty.Dt ROLARu- Dr. Paad mmi. whil.- I «okio»? at

uro- »aaioD tl> i^i-r al*b». mu ru*>h. d of aa4 rw U aur. ik!»»^. kaflR. bio».:-. tat h.« >«aaav »U

It. ieaVJ»Lce < t Mr. ». i. .u K»-:--y a alley, «r«ay»oi- I laa aaraa r-Ubt, a;.t a aateb » z'.u aio. wl two d>«raarv.-.t »laktaof tliaaaai ta <..b- i . .. i.* «w

¦.. *-.ft ..I. i

t BOI H 1"r Tle bofMa of Mr. Mt.»»-" in Beatrtet, aaat H»ary. »u frlooiu».«., »aUrad aaaaa rvtoiaaaM I .^»»> fc»4 frtta top ta Tha aaaaBj «aa abaaat.

aYB W-JBR8EY^ITKXS.II.ram P. Ct'jiitr. i-aq., wäl »peak Iff Fremont aaal

Fraedom at Iba It- - k> Moun'aji ifut. N'u-rth Oraaaraf,N.J., thj ,8aturda>)eTtn Eag, Nor. I, at 7| o'carxda.We piertime he wii hare a Larfe au.litnor, aa mm

aU.'ii i-l/jee tb» caeapaiarn of pubL-' m»^

¦0»DK« aitflANIbM.Tm tAa >. ... (/ Ta* K *' T'taaa*

8tr.: I w-uipt.-ta'Btataiw.^njri'iP-rVHan, tojBJCtty, ot> Iwaadaa laaaaaad for tue o.teoaibdalue»..(r( Uee^mtf io » f*rti«n-» t.tnry <!. bat- V-e*e«a»

F . P< 3a c^n-fare «ad Mr. CrajW, (aV »a>fljjjupon tl^ reaptc'nt-c-l.m-1 of tdr. fnmont aad Ma.

IKbSflM W tba au&sarea f tU l«-op4a. The apfaaaw-