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I i /- # / t L~ / 0"./ - .. .- . . .: A L NTIC COUNTY RECORD I: @ l ............ YEAR--NO. 47. MAy’S LANDING, N. a., SATURDAY, JULY 31, 1909, N[W BRIGK BUILDINC VOT[D DOWN THYRTY-SECOND 7 MOVEM[NT TO OBgA- NIZE AYACHT OLUB I MOmOR BOAT OWE /SHOLD ],:NT VSSAST C ,EET NG Obstrtlctions to :Be RemovedFrom PROPO,SITiON TO! ERECT PUBLIC S;HOOL ADHERENTs OF TIll’: PROPOSITION TO SPEND $12,000 ON ADDITI[)NSTO Ttt]," OLD FRAM]:; STRUCTUR]¢ \VON Thd Great Egg Harbor and the Waterway Will Be Thoroughly Staked. .\high INslll:’~_’v.-..-q’tl[ nlovP :for the ,)r~anizntinn OUT’ BY T]]]£D]£CI.’qlV]’~ MAJORITY OF 91. A Total (,f Four ]-Iundred and Sixty-St’yen Vote.,, \Vt-reCast, .&bout t)nc ]lundred (if \Vhom\\’v-r,. \V()m<.n RL’>,duti-n tO Jsstlt: ,,fa permanenl Yacht I’h,l, ,r1~shmn,’hedat an ’ enlhn.~i;lxlie lnt~qing h,’hl hm’ehim.’~,londn’v : niL.Qlt IIIDI alsll’l)ng t.ll’~)rl V¢ill hvpill forxvllrd Twelve S1.’,’)¢~ J3mMs. LiqHithitiLm :of \Vhich Will ]3ei Made r,l.i,pe,i ,p,hi. u,’i~,n )’:’-:’.’2" Harl~,r.lii, ver ¯ nll’¢ignlioll l:13"ing i)111 11 hc;lllliIlll add IDq.flll V<-arly. ]3u.<4inniug JantYlry 1 I911. \\’as Later Adopted--’yai,.rw:Lv. ¯ The ,,.,alhering x~[aslargely altended and keen Tile b:lection.\Va.’, Conductu,! \Vi.tlmnt theSlighte.-,t l)isnrdcr iulere.’-t disl)hxyed. ..keonHniltet, on organi:,,"l- lhln was ll:l.nn.~ll by Prl) P. ~,Valker who ........... ])l’e~]dt+ll i)x-t.r I)il. )ni.,qhig nsl’l)llown: Prof. Fr:lnk Jarrelt, .klb,.rl I’.AI;,)>otl, \Vil]iilni ]~)" :!,],’l’l-i\, Iliilfilll¯]l% ’’I Iltl](’l 3 -,hi," \,H~". "li~,2,,l~t.,l. ¯]’lml Ill, ]hlnrd i)f l-],|lll-;ll},~ll |),. .J:ll’k.,-.iMl :lad 1’:. I’. ;~hilBer. l|l’ r,’-l,l,’H:- *’! |l;inlill,nl ’l’,)x~,uMiil~ Y,~l,.d h. ;llllll4)liZ~’,l hii’..’-I1,’ IWel~,l ~ i’i)lll)l)ll b,lllll.i .\l]Olln’r lilPelillg will be in’ld nl the law otliees i)f.\lbiTTt I’.Ahl)~)ll next MImlhly night eT,:l)Pll,l ll sillll Ill IWt’IV,’ tJl~ul~.nll,l d,)ltnr, ,,i "liwr,)l,)r:l/e nnln,. ,)I lhvliiMdivl in till, :ll)r thepurposv"of life.sealing ;ilid "ldoplingfi rt.lxilrinL" lih’pri’seDl PlIDIh" H’~-’h~,eh,*P lhlihl ~ n,Bil[llilliQll ;iflille lhollslllld doll:its i~ll’h rlln:,|iIlllil)n llllll SPI IH’ lllal’ino b.%’-]ilW~.. Itis ih’.." :it ;I’’.},illh’,l ..ppc;;,I i.I,’,’lllnl hi-hi all Ih, wilh illiplp:,t ~;iyll}lb’ "-Pllli-illlllillillv }llll I}11’ l)hllled [l)-|’(’llli)’~l" all ,,bsll’I,’lcliOll.’a |’rl)lil 5~i’l,~,I lhllhlilla hl,.t l}labl, l’ir~;I ,hl’i ill" .I;llltl:ll’y ;llld i)f.ltlly, ri,~l~i-vtfilli3_’, rivpr Iilltl tl~ thl)l’l}tl’.LhIv. .slake thv. villtnllPls nn,l t,~impr, lve yiwhlill~ Ct)llIlilioll gellvl’ltlly. ’l’u~, biiH,,l> w,’r,, pht,,.d i,,.fln,- Ill,’ p,-HpH ill lil,’ }:.r-I Niilil)ll;i) P,;ink ~)f .’%h13"~. lam,liw..’. " I’,m~.hlprnblv inh’rv:q¯Jng llik,¯ll in lhe ,ll~, ;HIX,~’:,IltP-’ !h,’ fl~;i)ina ,dn 5.I lit’~, b,)ll,l l¯h, ’ "-;li,l I,,:,]idN bpill~ Inl>;lldp :is h,th)}v~: 1~i~ OVPIlll {" ieill rilci, ill..lilt- .\lhollic I’ily it I’.-;D’ I,H ll.." [,llrl,l~-p ,,l vFev!lll~ :llh,’,l’tlIl~lll) " ()ll, I,tllp.l llvillL" Ihltll~lllll’d Pilvh yt};ll" bl.~ill- "~l;iclilsn}Pll’5 .~%~.l)t’iillhlll 1vhil’h |Ills b,’PII p,IM- / Illwit>-iI:ll*’ |iil-I,l’ll*lI -trih’It/FP ;trial ¯lh, ,)|ll*’[ 11111’.2’ ,];lllH~try I-1. 1"11. lh,’ lill;ll i.’)lldI’,l’ill~J In,’I?’,l llnlilnI.xl.X~l)lldil%’. "l’}:,’ 3:l,’lll>. i,llh.l-p[l lID. I1),.I}llllllll~ *’.J.1’]. eli}lib’_" :,it ;1 ~" ’Jill b, llld I~t~l,’ l~r F,.ll;lil* 1,~ ,’;ll,, , I},-,1 ..1ii lhpliI"-I d;lyIlf,lDllll111y I!~--~-L M,¯hrp~-ll". I’;l]daih .’%~nl thih.. "l’rilwh)l~" lh, ,,i,l 1,11:[,1’:12 1 1,.)I ~}l(" ~nl," ,)I I.)pnll~. ".}l/lll Ill’ dilly :td’,’er- I;)l)l;li/l li)’ll)’~(’ Ihlle, "’.l. [%](Ir}2,iln )’’ I’np hlill l’h,. ,!,.. )i.,l~ cl,".lh.,l ~.,-,’h IIH,.I,.-I ;,h,l i)lll i) ) Ii-,-.I 11i *,ul) nt.l%k|);ll~l.r~, and ,.i)ld. by})ill)lie .\, \VIlli"Ill "lli~))e,.. "\’ikin,.,", I’:ll)l;)in l",twn/-d 4~;7 x,," - ,.~-i. trill\ :lhulr.d-/’c,l w,.r,. ,i, i,,,-~t,’,l -al, t,, ::,,. i,i.2iH/ )d,l,h.r. 1’ ;i;Ih’. :llld ".l. lln.rry l.v,nl-", I’;ll)l;lill .)l¯%Sl’ ¯ l’;Irkl’r."l’h~-Clllll¯~’.e will eo\’l.r lv,’vllty lllill’?, illlh. i’;,’i, t l.l,\~,;\x ,~lj..~ "l’}:l" i’l’,’ln~’;lU~ll "l’h,,’,l ~¯l,ll, u’hih, h,~llv,-,lllioMv, I "~’;l~. ,’,ill- " ;llld II*lJlnt’lilni!,,Iliv~ hlll|l’~ll;l:~ bt’tql ll~ , [,’ ;~:l, t~-.h,,,d 1 lli,llll-: i,,i.,.!’,,~l I-,7 ,llh’h,I t~;il,,llt lh," i,’;i~I ,ti’:ph,> "I,ll--~r~l,’t. ,’-hlhli.~hm|. ’,,d,- ;,-.~,u-.>-’27~ !.,: ’i:,. ll,I},l¯,,\-Ill. I~r - ;,, I;x~;~, i,,.,.,1,-,I 0m,’lILv tl;ll’I¯i~-iHI "]’lHlllll).-iH) , " ~ ..... lh,’ J>", .-..l,t -t;’tl,’lllt, ¯. Ilt:ll~.hl;llL I’h,rk s.I{nr/-i.11..’~,l.,’r,,l;lrv \Viili;i/n Million Dollar Pier. "]’hv btL" ]]ilrl~,>,h’,)nlt’ SVllt’l’t" lholl’~;llld> a:’,- l’h~ h,,, l,ll2 .i h~p1, ~] 1.%,-l,,li,,\\ tll~ l,-~,,lli- .%|;111 .\,.|G,|L:’I’, illld .};1|111 ’~, t]l)l)~,t’] ’ illlll I h;ll’]l’N .’-PlllhIp t’Yel’v il|h,rllIM)ll lind eYt.nillk’, i~ lht, lh,n l’,,,mnl,.)’. T, hllk ,ff lhv hlwn. "l’ht. -pvt.raI biR lhrillers ...... [’ill)[. ¯lohll l,. "~’,)llll~ tHli’l", hilx’v hil lilt’ ¯ ! ;llllll%rll)PUl h-~%’ill~ I)llllhc s, itl;ll’V h) I}ll,]r ]]ll)~,I KIRBY’S PETS WON. "PEOPLE YOU KNOW. , .l’aMi,li,)u~,laMe.-. i ,t~ ¯l’ht¯ T)ll"~-t, .N_l.l)~.:.Ir,)ng>. oI]’t.r ;l~. llp;ll a vyeh ¯ Genoe’s Baby’s Oulclassed in Spiri2ed lh,.."ill..,,..., l]elo]l E~h,r, I’];ire I"\\’iddil]ehl , m’lI1~ha.’, i,Vur I)v~.n ln’esvnh.d here. Thi.’, Irio Game. . :,,,,l ].’hn’,.n,., ¯ ~:nlwi.~i, ¯, ,ff}’h}];ldelphi;i,. ;ire, bf %’erNtlile e veliMs areperformin.~ themost I}ni, i~l lIw hlllM lnlpl’v-|ill u_ :lll~’l I N~’I|III~ ;.’till" bPil)~Pll|Pl’t;li]]l~d 7It ""]’he]:*]Ill.’~" ;IN lilt’ ’2"llesl-~ i diJ’li,-1]]l .fellL w,I)n lbe)r dl)zell d}l]’erelll ~lyle Te~L~ evvr l,]:l,¢t~tl al P;1.~’lilllP. l’llrR ~I ~ ~ ~ - I t[yeb.~, :lethlg indix’idlllllly alldilltt-alllS. wilnt;~-¢ml I~,’ i,J~..,’e vrowd llO.I .’411111r(I;iV arl,’r- ,if 31i.~ i’laFP ~’nt%vi.,.]e. ! M].-;.~ Ethel 1,Vyl}l:,,ker, of .\liil’¢i/’h-, i.~v.isil- .\Mde froin Ihe e.xpel’llit~.~ lbeeyeli.*Is di.*play, n,~,m x~ il,.n liw.Shiy’~. J,nndin~ .%,..,a~-iltli,)n Jng rt.hlll%’P~l ~n(l fl’]elid.,~ here. } |hey have Jnlerwl)%’en sl’r~l]njnk’ly ll]nny - ! sRelGheslhroughout. deI’t~ll,M fill" i.r:ll.~ .Xl]lillth’ I’ilv ,’4t>ho]n.’,lie t’apL t4t~)rge :H.L¯nllll|+t ull{~ -’~|i.~.~ BeYIba F.j lclllll Ily lht" i’lt)~.l" seol’t’ I)| :2 h)(I. The;nine I’nllnerrelurned In) Dlorning [ ;%_ fallq0ns lady lm, rfl)l’nwr this w(~ek is Mile. ~,,,’:l.~ fllll t)ll~rellY ldny. ", Ihruilghtml which ;lller a p]e,’-taanl wt.ek’s ~)journ ns lin.~lleSL,~ i)f}Marlha, thebP~lnlifn] l~’a]uslenne, whois seen brotlghl l,n’lll Inih@l appl:m~-e. , rel;lllvt.~ ill (’t)l]ingswl:~)d, N..J. 1 AI..\bl~,)II aiH~",lretl i)lllherllh|)Pr h)r .Mn< .]. %*,’..]a{,kso.n and dauRillvr .%liss .%|ay, ! ill her whirlwind trapeze and aerial ael. A ¯. . highly flniMled Enrl)llean arliste, who is prov- A~ovi:llhm ;HI,Ilwirh’d in ili- ,)hi-lime flnun, ,it ttarl:j.~bnr~ Pa.,areli~e~llt..q.~ ,ifMr.and~ ingii reve]alllni in herlineiu thisl’onntry. di..,i,layin~ pr, H,-..~.Mi)n;ll i-onlr,)l ’~)I 1hi. h*n’~.t- 3]1.~. %,~’}]]111111 Jaeki4oll. i I)lherbig. ael.s ID be seeu are Ad L¯nrly]e’s hidu. Frolilt- -viMh)l-5 tteltdl’ivk-, alsl~ tfltehed , Mix. There;,~t .Denlnvad J~ iLlllking rlote.d tin- } i’duvaled ponies. ~,’in.~ti)ll’S :tdlnil’11b]y Iratned glx)tt bllll ;Ind wll~. well xUpl)orhM. Theft~nhlrt’~ prl)vl.lllelltS luherl{i\’er :~.veriue ))ropt.rly. i .-.e-~l]~ J’l~l’I bi, w:’ln’~ llnilllle, ])owerfu] inlel’tll4t- Ofthe ~;lIllv xlvrP l]lP ~.ll:ll)ILY lh.hlin,’ Ill I)D1)I t’]’lal. J,,hn P.x, Vnlker, ,)fTyenloll, is Ilnartered! ill;aelwilh hi\%;il~ll)llS nl]iw, llorx nncl It)Fllll.~, t-,q),¯ei;lll3 lhv I~hl’llllnlFll;ll VCD]’k Ill r ;lllhl" .JDI’kNOU. Mn.~ieltl t~nleeX-, ell.. .~.4111:lll~,%-i,,l| oflh,. ll~..;ll-. ;l{ lhirt[ ha~*. Pile 31"i.-- .’%];llldP i";,lOIll]wIx)d %YILNIIII ;\li/lnth’l’ily Enjoying the esl~-elll t:~ ] di.~linctl01] Df being :~/klltP h’:llll* ’~’~ Ill ,’l,, b;llllv I],’.x| ."411111r,11|’,. \l-it,41 l|’[)ll| .’4nltlrdliy unlil 3hmd;ty. ~t the glX~. lt..’sl lnnMt’lil orFAnixatti0n lo lout IIA,-,}< HI.XTS. ’]’lip I’|)llllly I’:lpih)l’- lnolor I,,)111 ill-el iN I Alnerit~l, We lr~,lvc wilh us lh]~ s6~t:’~on the A }~rl)~)[l )l,’k;llllllll~. .’.l|’;IVIi!, inu/’,~l-~n,.% _ ~ PhJ]Jpp]lle Corl~l;i})uhtry lianA, eighly-four l’)|,. l’,ulnly t’,mll.% ;|rd i~," v¯vgl~lv~]led uLlpl¯elenlious l:i]ipinonrli.~L~ appea~rJng nnder ill fill’ \ icinll,V i)l’,"illg’ll’ Hill. Mr..I. lh.’-i-illlidi,l.’s, i)t" Jh-lr|)il, .%Ill-h., who %v~i’- l~l’lilt’l’lV iih-heifer inlhe pnblic sl’ln)o]s li lh|Dlnl~)iltl)l:~ ;In~l~milh’s lllnllin~, wa~ the giiP>l ~,I31r. iiiid 31rx. 31.l{..%lorxl, \VPdnesday. .%1i>- l~;il.l,.i.] InL’er-,l’,l is yilDi)llrllill~ 11t Allan- Ill’ I’11,. ~, \\’t)l Ii ill, i, al’v ;l~vd r|.pairln,,z lhendll’oad 1Hldgl. >p;liinil~g lhli~cl)vti’~ I.’rt~-k. }~l-,iprii,ltH l i.\V..~tll~ ll>~.- |iil~ lhi.- Iklll)l)uf + lh,. ~l’l~hli~i :l,i I’Xli’li~l\ i i’t piiil~ tDhi> l~)pui:il .\Inpri~’;~li 1 t,~b’l. the Dlreetilm of Walter Loving, Uoneel%,~ are givenln~t]: nfl.ernl>on ~n]d evening in 1he andi- tnrlunl. Unclaimed Letters¯ Thefolh)wtng list ~)f]elh, r.~Tenaliln nnvlliilnt.d hi lhe)lny’> l~nniinT, N. ,I., l)~X-l-~)tlh¯l ¯ f,)r the wvek f.nding Jnly 31, l!~*: LA DIE.~: Mrs. F,e]]a ].’renl.h, 3]is.,~ .Fliz;lbetii ]). }’.*.rker, .Mi.~s Maynn> 1,ewi~. I;]-:NTI.EM EN: t.¢t’O. N. l)unl~]p, 31r. P. Ht, li~nnn, Mr. P. :HoH’lnnn, Alfred H;lnna, ~tVJlliani :Hess, JhY, raie .Ji)nl~s, ,l;’t nlt .’s .",h.Ul-;ne, JolHl I.. I)]st-n, 3hl:41er ]3oil’e H,ilbins, J:l.S.L. Nhilni, lleY. Mr. Wesh’0ll, Mr. N. [_’Ilss&lbl.~)Ill, Ji)]l]l Bel]kO, ])~’.]];ilk,-r-IllllIHlell ;I ,..,l~)l] ~:llii,. i. "]~l)lll .~Ii’Yl;i}l l)hIvl’cl lil.~l illFIl~t- fillill. Till,. ~;lliil- h’;llli~ %1ill i]~) tJ;illli’ lii.xl :~:liilrd;i)!’d ;i, ~-ti,>il iillii .\] vl-il-i~- iiI-i-i’l)llii pill3 It ~Iill ~illlll’. Lii~lll_ .~ll’%l’;il’l I’iill~/ll iilld,’~’%,’l’,’d Ill Inl~t"i In i)l,l-liinr fl~rlli. .\]iillli~l’t h’iri|.v ,~f lhl’ 31;i)’- ].iilll]ilPd t,ll’~.* Yl’il> i)lllhr~l’l’l]l* ol t)iillh’. \\’i~TIi¯s’~Vtll’||l. Illl’iT|ll ~ilrlit’ll. :lt’l’l’l)lt’d I!ll. i)l)]y ,h,qi~cl ~H,L’i’,-,I I,~ ltir .\-.--llt’;:lli,,il in ’ill. I)lll li,’i, 1. AI. :\lii)l)il [l:lfil lilt ~ll~tl- \VIl[I tlltll I/|’-Ill,-* pih’hin’-" a ~l’l’;l| L.~I||III ]]1’:t,’|’|-ph’d I’lTlll t IlHilrlll:t/l ]Zl’t~l. ~,\’illi1.% oflhe l’lllJliv Build- t’h;llli’l",. . lliZ- i I)hiliil?hl:I)t fill’ l-ll~lrdtlll’lll)~l,n FrI.N ~ tt|-il,l!leF.- lqh’hPl’l :l,’l)~)il g’,illl~" l,|r t}ly \i-i- i hl)hlt.i’.- \Y;l~-.l "visil,|i ¯’l¯u,.,.,hl)". t~lD ;liid i,-ct l\-d ~iii-vd<’o -upp, H’l I,x lt,i- ! Tt|,’ ,’,liillly I{,l;i,ll ,~f l.’rl.|.hnidl,rs will nie0t nii-li I,,-t~lml hll|l, i inl,.,...u f;, :-in,>nlh~Y ~i.-~illil Ill Mi’nn)rilil }hill THROUGHOUT THE OOUNTY Happenings of InterestTrans.pir- ing In the Cities, Bmoughs, Towns and Townships Toht In :Few Words. EGG HARBOR CITY. Mi~, l)or:’l ~heu, of l’hihulelphia, i~ visiling 31rn. George Flrneh. Lincoln.Park is the ~,’,uledaily ,)f ninny. pit-ale 1-mr tie.~. The pnbllc, bnI’bs is bt-in~-- enjoyed by nnlny lht’.~e nicl~jnil.y WilFni dily~.. TheI’llyL’adels wlll altend lhe l~l.’l’lllilll lllll)lb,t t’hllrl’h ll)-]lll)rrowl’vening illa bl)dy. .\ir, lemnk l{i,i.nlnkrdl till.,, reIl)t’lled hl)lne ;ifier an extt~nlllffl viMtI|~hi~~l)n in 3h,ridl,n, CI)IIII. .l{ev. Kliefkt¯n,,|f’.\lhlnlie I’ity, will ...hl~rlly beL’ill |hr.error:ion ,if;I i’|)ttJl~e |ill Ihlllhh) avenne. _ 1h.v, alld 311~. A.l~ilqnlivih, r,0fT,-u,lnly, lln., Wil~, viMIi)l’~ Ill the hi)llll, I)l" 31r.;ind 31IX. ,J;l¢l)]l H1)l’t’]ll lhis vcel,~. The li)l,lil b; b;l]t :l.’-.-41~.inlilni brllki, it.- h~- iu~Ml’(kik lilM,Hllnd;ly by dert~,llin7 lhe Fah- vh,w te:llii of {’aliiden. Mi., ,q,’nd 311.’s.. i’ht~ter I’lnrk ;lnd .%I1. lind Ml,’S. l{.}’~, ,l:ll’ksl)n| O[ Phihidt.lphia, sl)eol Slllld;iy as thegtleSU ~, of 3II’~. ~V.Kopf. 3IF& Willialn l{elllllardt, ,Jr.;llld i’hii|lrl,ll of ]IrooRlyn, ~’. Y., are here for ii prl~h)ngeil M’.ly vi.~ilill~ rphitix’l,.- alid friend~.. The Mi>se.. Eninni J~.le3"e~ Fh)renre Fink iind.1-:ninia 31tlt.ller. ofPh’fhlllpli)hia , liil. lhv|,~l,~ ,ff Mr. ;1rid 3]i--. Gu.M.’lv l~t,hr. ’]’hv l;ldh.~.’ .\hi.~l~g~-ly ~)flhi¯ 3hl~lvi:ln ’liilreh %yill h|lhl ii"}"hn’lll I "l)tli.e ~l)eiiil inl llll. hi’,vii :ldjl)iiiin;~ 1lie vhnl’eh llii> ~.’ililr|la) ;itll.rlll~)ll. HAMMONTON. REAL EST T[ TRRSFERS: BE[;ENTLY BEI]OBDED ENTERED AT THE ¯COUNTY CLERK’S OFFICE. Brief Description of the Pr6pert{es That Have Changed Hands and the Considerations a~s Shown in the Docmnentsof Transfer. Atlantic Cit,#. }iailll;ih 1’;. Kelley tli .-~lllglisti}lt* B.liept:lI0, I;t.~illllill~ iii ,41;ikl~ alil)w v¢;lter Hlllritl of;%1. lnnlit~ I)|.,-an and :ll ~l)ulll erH’nl.l oflot ’.~i). t~’) inr-l,),)rt ,|f l~,lvill B.,~oniel~ i.I. :ll. i.~)lllr’s; :.~-~ 1-2 :iiii’tr’ N :ill righl ere. g~7,:-)00. Ad:lm~lleailyI’o. et. al. to Augustinl. I{. Rill’4-11,), ilc.~eril)ed ;l~ ubl)ve, AnguMint, B. t{el)elh) et. liX. til ttownrd Ij. 1t;1 rris, dl¯sl,ri bed ;Is ;lhoive , ~.a~l),O00. .]lliiil~ HIl,l:lky tl) Adiet’o Li>~t~)lzo el.a].1,)1 t iu bk~-k -> onniapof hlls of l’-hltllh ]-:lid liealt~: t)beron Inv.,~ l)ev. i’tl. l~llh,nJani]n ~t~i ". Cloud, 40x.~ II. east side24tL~ave.71 fl. north of Beaeli ave.~l,:~0. V,’iilinni L|¯wis Harry ."4. l’ar..~Jn.~ 2.~x:~-5 ft.452.5 ft.north from Sewell -wb.andi75 fl. I’ii~tof Ci)nlll-elit’llt ;l%’e.;lltSl) lands ill [rl~nl I)t" 11|+l)VI}, ~l. ~nrlih R. Kt:l-niq" oi. viF. ill .i!Jhn ~i’. )hll’ti- iner, ;-;!t.x.N) fl.north slilt~ .%l|nnlic n’¢e. lGT ill. wvM <it .\llMiii art., ".7.1)7j}¯ V,. }]:l.v,.~. .-\lldl¯l’.~il)ll et. LIX. t(> llt’|)rTl’ ~1t’. t il’lIVl’l’¯ ;~:;X;.-) i’|. t’liStMde l)al;lney Plnet,; G6 I"L sIHllltIll x, Vin|’il|’Ml¯r live. ~l. .1011111," Ii. l’llti’r el. vir. h).\tlnnlie l’ily, 100x Ill0.1,.% ft.inn~.r liil~, pubi’h, park :llits inter~pe- Tin, hn.;ii hnnk,~ are ill lll)l]rishin,_, elnldlli,ni..] li,>/~l b2," ,.;i.-I ~i,l ~ Mi~soni’i ave. ~l. ¯ l¯hep;nki~ d;lil3 viMted hy ill:lily nutin’_" I)n rliv.~. Tile thrl)llg!)fnre~, li:rl~:l~iionl lhi. h)wii ;iri. i n ’~)d eondiI]l)n. 31nny vi.~ihll-S 111, re~i,.qer.ed ;il thv ,~l,Vl,!’;ll h,~ll.l,~ illid i~lltlllTe~-. 3hilly IqlihtiB~> lliil)H)venil;nls nri, 7 ]li;ld.e ll)rf)llghl)lll til,. lt)Yfli. l.alrgl ¯ ,*hipnlenl,- ,)t rllspl)errie.,i -’lll(l bhiek- b0rrh>.?/tire beillg nill(lv dn]]y toPhillidelp]ll:l, .~e)v York -’lntl’Allnnll| ¯ t’it.v ~larkel~. , l>oslni;l~.tvr ,"rl)lw" 1’:lvin., i.*prlwin~ a]iex- eelienl t)flit’illl. Theln;li’ls arrixing anddel):lrl- ln~" are handledwitl~ quick di.~pnteil by hi.~ able i~l)l’p~i i-)f il.,i~4isDlnl.% Thelocal I)lw, e 1.ulll A.%soethlion is ln;’tking a wonderful rt~-ordlhls .,sea.-Jou. Thls flit ;he A.~w~t’i’llion ha.,iwon na~rly every ganieeven defealing the Egg HarborUity team lwo ;fillies for Ihe UountyCliainpionidiip. PORT pECUBUC. l~’lil baymen are n~aking good [’alcbt~ ol weakfish. 31is.~lJennleHnll, of Phihidelphhi, i.~ the Int.~i of her.Mster, .Mr.% James 1)..-\diiln.% 311~s Aliee Snmllwt~Bd h~.~ relllrDt~d hl)Ine nfler a month’s visil anlong relntive.~ in lteight.~town, aN.J, Dr..’llid 3h’s. {’]nreDl_-i, .Leek hnY.e rl-lurnt~:l home frol)l an extendedwed~lingtour thrlmgh tht’ .NewEllg]lsh .’qnt~. l~v. J. Warren ILose, of Bennezel, l’a., pro-ached toll large congregation in the 31. E. I’hureh !luq ~un~y morning from ;he subject, "Love." 5It,& lx-ek Bo,,~n mr’-witil a seri,ms ,web dent la.~!" .’~nnday wlllle feedlng her ehieRens. .";heaeeidenl]y .~tulnbled alia fell heavilyto lhegl-Ollnd brPiikillg her righl’lrlnlibliVe the elbt)w, ENGLISH CRi~EX. Cnibbing parIies are in "vogne nl~d runny \Y|.M .b.r.-a.) 311)rlgnRe Ilklo Allanlie l’ily, il¯l’l’g. I)13.{ilillillg ill I)llinl "P,here Jn|eriororIn- hindline of pulllie p;irk is inh>rsel.h.d by t.asl sillu 31is.-a)tlri avv. 51. ,%1. l.t~i)lllll’tl’~ iDllill* t). h) (’lenient J..~id;lllls ti]x.’;2.5 ft. n|ll’lhwtsl cl)rllpr Vi¯n!nl)r ilVt% ;l])d I Ixtord lN;l¢l ¯,.~7"01)0. ~lVi]linln .N..Johll-|ni t,t,iix. ill(SFI)~u ~iV. Kite,tSxl00 sideiLIRhind ave.1303-4 fL west ofIllinois ;ix-i,. $5,000. Thl)llla.,~ Kih’oLll.~e t|) { ’hlirh..~ ]t. (,’Lltr~ "ll.~5.X ll~ fI. ~l)llth Wl’st el)rner Tenlle.~...4%, ;1116] Adrin.tie ayes. ~i,-/~0. t;~)rge T~ ,’4potz t.l. Honive M..’Sharpe 40 fL :3 in.xlS0 fL norlb shleA1]antie a~,’P. 57 fl. we~l of New Je~y nve. ~1. IJoraee M. ~]ntrpl~ ll)~,’il]erill 3].["JpOLZ~ d&- scribed a.~above, $I. SL l.,eomird’s Land Uo. to ttowln’d G. :Harrts, 250:12000 11.:southwesl corner Atlffnlie ave.nnd 8ul’rey Place, gl0,[I)0. Robert W. Bartlettel ux. to i’da May Bart- lelt, 2,5x80 11,norlii sideWtn6hester ave.,50ft. ea.~t of Htll~ide ave. if same were extended ah,>elall rlghl &c. in and h) hind~ under water i of/nslde Thoronghfilre adj,)ining north side of .~ll In e,~,000. Wht~ehx.k Cir. to Siunuel(Dor~m, ’~3x1"30 ft. , ~l~t .qde t;th ave. 175fl.nortll of ave. B,$1. Wh,’e]ot¯k .CI). Io Charles(Jor~n, 2.SxN0ft. wt.~l -ide 6th:lYe.. 1°5ft.sonth ol AYe. t’,$]. .’~t.l,eonalds I,aud Co. I.o John J.. MeGUlrk, ’2~50X’~00 fl.,,~outhweM enrner At]antic .lye. and t t’ornwall Place, ~-~1D,000, \~;hL~eh>ek Co.tOI)all]el Alierl], ~5X75 II.t~Rst side 101h ave. 7’2,5 ft.north t)fave¯ A, ~}.50, ~L Lt~nard,~ Vt’llbert ~. Ftlglx~e, r2Ox125 ft. westsideSnffolk YMee32-5ft. north of AIL’lniil: a~,-e. ~11"2,000. : ¯ ’St.Leonards 1.~md Co. I,) :Howard .~}mrrock, 50x1~3 fL we.s1 sideSurrey l’l:lee ZTDft. north of Alhllltie AYe. ~1"2,000. St. Leonard’s l~.xnd Co. to Eugenell.~ymond, 50x 125 ft; sl)uthen.~t corner Cornwall Phieeand good ealehesare reporl~d. " ’ Winehester n~,. $.1,:)00. l.’~rmei~ relmrt that tiie.~,llt lnly i’rl)p will be J. Walker Tilton eL nx. to Eugene Raymond, nnusually large;his.,~lson. 125x250ft. we~t side CornwallPlat-e,115 ft, The lml:li~’ Auxt]ery will hold an it’e lu’Pam norlhof Ventnorave. $11,41)0. ¯ ~x’lnl in Asbury Grove ne~,lTilt-sd~y evening, 8!aite of .NewJe~.’xey Io Louisai Jnne% 31x44/1. TheIhon)ughfart.~ lhr, al~li the lo,A’n areill beginningal t~Sinl in prtsenttligh water llne t~)or ei)ndilion andnlllc’h i’oni])la!ll.I }s helird { of SOtltheast shore InsideThornt~ghfare where! "l’b,- Villl’l;llvI li’:llii w:ll t,,’ ’,h,’ ;il[i;lclhHl , ill .’ll];llilll’’l ’i|V Ill’At \V~-dnv~d:ly, .\ll~ll,.l tth. ! Ncx; \Vt-dn,-.d;tv, .\ll~:~l>l 4th¯l’- I.¯l~>it)n day ;ll l>;t’TIlll’ " ]>:ll K ttil":ill l’h l~,ll ll;I]lll ~;ILh,lJ Ill ¯i ll’t’hlrK -IUtlil. " . %vI!ti [)1’%’t’llQ’;l|]~. ¯ %nl.i]I,,.%. i)l I~,,r, dh’i lillllt’, l,lll lip ¯i:dl,llid "]’ll~" lil;i?l% I;’li’lhi~ ,,f ~l]l>~, .~’ill’it ..\l)boll will k~;llID" :i|!llIl’li. t]I-%vllrk %’l:i~ ~t.ll~;llii)llill ;lilt| I>*’ 7}l; .II) ie;irll I)lill thi.,. Ino~,le.-,linlubie I)f 1 il," lid i}l-~- 1,)!l;) I tll’~l’l. " yl}ll ll~!UdyDi I’t,t’,lvt, ril{il~ fl Oltl t ill,’ eIl’l’VD- of ll "l’hP .\l];lllli,’ I"!7%" )~lly~ I’¢)lli|l?l~t¯l] llll)-lIV ,,f .I ~.t-V,_’Fl’ !:Lllt’~-. ]>ilihl,l,-i- ! .~]!~- .\li!lh" 31;illiX i~ill ;il hl’l lioniv. 1)1,. I’;lllH,l|,. 11i,_.11 ~d,l’ h, Ii ) l,-;lIli / l)hl;l. :H’I,-,} "l’l’F~, ,_’pllIIPnl;llllV. .\|bnlidP l,!;|y ~ ~l’l’llh¯Ll 11"% I-z;irQ¯" ~lvll|z-t ;liid "1. "~b xv:i!l ~(:i- lti,’ pFt’lli|’~l phi)" ,l~ ,’1:, ;il’ll’ISl+~,li ]’ \l’;t,~’t)~ lilt"h;llr-l’ili-ill" %nlI|13. 31;l:i;l~, I i,l-lii.’ ~tlh,’ .\ll;inli," i ;13 l,ilv., %Vh~ tll lilw ~l),:l|~lllt lli;ll ltti’ l~:tl’K \i’;i~ Ill -lll;tll l)l’lill" Jill" 7"iillli }t’"ctl:lllT"d }i!"I)tlli]lllll ;i[li’I" Ill|- r, H:l,’-l. If"}." p,-q,i, ’al}t ],;lll’,llilZl" ’ill" 7;illit’ lhi" }lll\- \~ i{L t’illt~{lllh. -~t ;iP, .Vt|li ;|~F.;lll Vllilll’~" lnltl’!- fl’iHli |lie \--~)l’l:lill’ql’J II ’\i~ll r;illlli.,l ~’ll )’ --n,t~llllil.lll~dx Ill vll/lr lli;irl" + The Fall Election. ;’it3 ,’b rk J Mw;lrti IC l)~mlwlly. ,~f.\lhHItH" i¯]ly, l’D’~da3 any|. ,nil;in,,t]h-l:|l liMi~t¯ lhv l/flit’t-> h~l>’i~liud inAtI:lnti~. [’,)unIY :ln,l .\t- t;ilitl," I’ily ll!l., l"nll. Thi-y ai’,’;l~ filll,P,v-: _\i’diiil!+.:l’l)tllil} .~l~.-vllliH3 ;lllll I’l)l’,)lil’l’. .\!i,t!lih ¯ I’ti3, ~"l~rM \V;lrli ¯rvt-il i’l)llltl¯ll - ilil:~, ,~1~, ,.tlli~.hll~iw, l,A-i| i’ililllt)- }.]Xel,li?!\~. ii’ Ifli~ltlllilll ~’’ ~,!H1\V;tlll "l’\\’i~ I’llilt]l’llllli’ll, t]ili’l’l’l)l;- ~l;tl,;,’~ 1 :%,,I ,,,llllV i’~l’l’ll|l%’t" I i’J]li]l’li|It¯|211)i*ll, Tl,ll,l\V;lillT\\l~i’l)tlnl’Jlliil’ll, I)llP i’i)l;.~I~lbh 1,i,, i ’~,lili;7.- l:[L,-, !ll~.’~ t I lllliliiill(’l’llll’ll. l’t)ll~l!i \\¯;l!,l l’~\*~ I’lllllll’ IWi~.]ll~-lll21-~ ¢1[ ?~t’ l’*’;,l’, lh’.,,’ ~>ll~t;Ihh ’~, t%\l~ I t)~J’l$1y ~¯~i’l~l ’ ¯ I ,lll~llL’~!,’,’llli’il Death o£ Mrs. Mary Jenkins. Jill ,!li,’l" ,,! \ ....... !’ I];l: I’% .]"?l}~ ; li’¯ ,l[ Tili- t,l:lc’, dl,’,l :il ll,’i rl.~iil,il,’, Ill Vllil’l;lhd hill ~illl~l~i:l’, :~I ’1~,:l~-i)l ~:~i)l¯iil-~. Tii,. ,l,-I’,’;W.i’il, ¯ ,\’)ii~"A.i- "A, : lllill%l h lliillh;~itiyli’~pi-i’ ht’if, I- -il!\ .\ ,’11by lh!,~’ ,’hi!,lri.n, i~lil- |inil,_,li- l|’r ;itlll !,,’, ,, -,~n-.Tht, funi.i’;ll li~lk l,hu.vllll .~ll.ll){l;l y |llllli tii+l tl|li- 1.1.~.i¢ll. Lll’t. ;lllt]l %xlii I;lrL’l’l\ ;i’l~ lid, li. J’lll|’7"ln.lil %l:i~ li~;i,b ihlll|" i l;~R Illli i’.lii,.l,.ry ;ll Vlll~-l;illil. County Tax Board Meeting. ForIll|. lnlrt~)--t .~Ir|>v|d%ijl~ hL%Ih]pli|.;He~ fr{llll 11i|, .\~.~i,,~l)l’~ i)f lhe]l)ll~ town-% ll)~,l’ll - ~hip.% t’iti~- l/lili I.,)rou~hs, t])l- I’i)ullly ]~)nril ofl~.7,qllnl "]¯iixiiiiOll will el)nx’eDeill lbl~ I’oilrl .]li~u.~, lil¯xt Tue~da)’. Tile n~,.i.tiBg will be inll~)rlanl li~ i:lx %liiilt-~. fFl)lll ;ill plirts oflhe I’ounty will t~- ))lilet’41 I~t-fi)re i)~: thmrd. ! Wild Berry Crop Large¯ Thewihl )illi.Rhq...rry rro]l illlb!¯ ildJ;,,’elit swlinip,~ nrer,-i~n’h*d .1|~ ))|’ tlllll~.ll;llly large while till’ I1phlllll i’rt)p j* In:lll|lnt)|ll. "J’)lt_* I)lai.kl>t,rry crl)p ]~;~]~) hl-n’wy ;iilil ,.l)llii. f)l" rP;,ili~i-nl.~ iii-p r|-lil)l}i 7 ;i ri,.)t ll:irv,..1 ill ~iil)li-r- big ltlli-] ~-l]ing lhe fruit. Tiip wild I)eu,-ll ]Dhllnb i~;ll’~) iibill~i]lilll. M. E, Sabbath School Held Pic-nic. Tile m,’lub|.i> lind fri|.nd~ ,if tlle/li.E..’~a),b;lli~ / ’~lltl~)] b,’l,I t)l,,il :lnli1111] t)i,.-)li,, "J’tlnrs,hl~ llf’lt*rlil~Hi ill l.i, llil|_~’. ]~¯ll;-ii~. l>nrk, "/"I’lll, ~!e-nicR,-r- ’,w%~. e,~l~v,.>,-,l trl)lli ill-,’)lllli’h li) thet,nrk in ~,.hlcll.~. lill,I llll. juvvniip> li~ well a~th- i)Ifli,r i~.l.:~nl.~ hnd’il ~lt’nl dayili |’ll.H|y- jnI l)j, ¯ :llnH.-4-11]Ullls 1)it’ t-nirk ;lilbl’ds. For Rent. "]’tir’ ll~rl)l)lli ,lhll),. Ill:lll.~ii)li I /lll¯l|i.~tii-il, :.11111 Iral’ll) .’it \~;tlilt-l"- ]"i)T~l’ ill lhl" ||,’;Irl i~£ l)ii’ healih I.¯tt. ticl,tt,.--, J,)}i/l ]’.Vi’;llR| r..M;ly’.-, l,nndin~. N..I 3]i-,~ .%ii(’,- l)tll,t’r;~lll,*l)h] ,l:lll~h|er |tl31i;tlili 311¯>, 1"litllk lltlln,r~lni, Jr.¯ is r:ijHihYl*l’l~\|’llLI7 il’illilii ~l’%i.l¯i , :ill;ll’k Df -,’;iI’h 1 lwxvl. 1[|~..:"4. K. )h)l)ll" ;illtlf;il]lll%"i’llJ()%|’t~ II el’tli’.r ,h);v!l liIP I~l’i’ill ]’~ H;irbor l{ivvr tl) ~lit. tql% "l’u|-~llny. Th,.y ,’aptllr,.d ,|vi,r ,)]1~ hllllltl’l’li iiL/l.~’e I’rillJ~ I, ll:l-i’ t,;i’,! ll~.ii;ly at l~;i~.lin)t . lllli’~i. 31r\\;,ib¯r 51nilh, IllN|’WY,nk I’lly. i’~here ;t> !i)v ,_’l;, -I,)f 5]1". nnd 51r~. ,JT.B.,~illliih 111 I’hll k li,Wll ’l’i~t .",1 i,-<vs "J¯ll~rt..~l ;ind t’;~rt)lillt. I )l,t-~it.r iil’.d Mr.\Villi:iin J’enliin~ll0n, of Jt~J~-t’y t’il3- , :lrL" %i’qlillU 3]1’~-. "J¯hl¯resll ]hqlnll-ild alld l}ln]il~’. 31i~.- .Nl;i,. EngliMi, i)fEnx.lilh l’YPl’k, iS Vlsil- ill7 l¯i’l;ill% I’~ lll¯rlt. Big Athletic Me;el at Ocean City. Tile ;ihTillli] ilih]t’tii" lllt-Pl: ~ t.lf lilt".~llllllllt;r ~)llll7 .~I, I|%. t’lllli>li;lll .\~-i)einli~)n ",vil~ htl,l ;|~ ll,.i.;iii t’ily Thllr-ihiy ;ilill Fl’id;i)[i)j lir.xl ;/t.l.t{ ;llld Ill;lily, w|.li-kliliWll ;llilll¯h-.~ hilVl’ i’Llll’l’i’ll thpi’l)lltt..,l~. ].;l."I yt-ilr lhet¯Yl’|11~ all l’;il’t|’il ;tli illlnien~-i- t.rli%vd tlf lilt, ’-tt|n’lili~ fr;i h,FnJl V ;ll)i] lho ilI tlqllllt ill.t, llli- ",’i’ll[ l)r,|llli,.i- tl| hrl,;lli :ill Pi.cili’i|~ "l’)J, ¯ lO,,;l~iln I, li¯ ¯]’ilur>liil3 inchl!l,,> lhe f.lhm in,_" ,.V¢.lll:~; ]ljli iiliil :~11) y;ll’ll i|il~hl¯~, ]-~1) ;lil,l ~_’ti 3;ird hllr|]h,~-, qii;til,-r, il:llf:lnll lllih; t’ll!l.. ,llld :illli]i ¯ l-el;l%¯ "J’ll," fl’l,lik |.St, lll-i ~l>,!~l,1, ;~ ln)lhlh l’;ll’|’ ;llld -m’R r;ir,’. "l’lw tiehl -x,lil- ;~lP; ]{tilli]illla, i,i’_’h ;~litl i~i’~);illjliinl)> :llld ;I "ill,l-[Jill. l"l i,h|3 "-, ’,,’lil~ ilit’]iiltc .-jli llltd lid yard ;lnl] ll:l~l i|llb -Wilil~i ;I 503";lrd -.v,-inl llll I,ilt’k i~11{ l]ilil.% ,li~ ill,Z lt|nvin,.., rill’l.~ ;irl. lid y;lrd~,, ,llinrl,’r ;~lid halt nlih’. Celebrated Eighteenth Anniversary. -N"lwit}lM;tll!tiIlg lht’ ilit’h, nil,nl "wvalher of P’l’lllil3 i’\l’lllll M i)f ];l~-I~+l’l~.-~k, il nlllllber Of .Vl>lilY’./’ lrh.ll,l~ i)f)I i~s12.111111;l )].ti llllt g:llhered ;l’I i’}l;r r~-’.i|lPlit:e i)ll I’iipt’ .%hly II’ lind 111 a inerry-lnliking tinlt- :l~M.’sled hvrin eelebl"allng lhet’iM)llt~nlii :lllni%’er:~lr.y of herblrlh. The h,,me wu,~ ~aily dr,-;)rated nnd nn enjoy- able eveningwas sl)enl by all In playinggamo~, .~inglng, exe}ninging sloriesand listeningto .’~,elet¯tioll-~ fr|)ni lhel)h, Theyollng lillly rl~t’ei%i,d liiany lnulds!nne and li.~¢ful prl:~lit~ ll)t’|llnnit.niortile lheix’ea~ion, ltt~- I)t~lllnenl~ Wvl’e .~l’ved In tiblllldlll-lLMy and lit a lutehourllie".l>.senible~l guets~ depllrled h)r¯ "rhe.,~, prt¯~ent werH3]is~gPs Emma, l)nbel.~on, Lizzie and Carrie}l~erhi~t, M’lggle ltullngt.r, ~Irs. 1t.ltunl} 3h,.~l.’~,4bewis Eekerl, Parker Tliyior,Charles ~It~ehl]it]l, Parker F,’ki!rl :ind {’]ev~,hii~d ]]nnl. Visiting Scenes of His Youth. Mr.l.;tlwltrd Ad;lnl.~. ,)fNorrlshlwn, ]’a., is hl’l’,’ ;i~ Ill|"glll’~l I)/ 311’.lllldo%1Ts. [41~l)l’gt ¯ A))- |)oil. 31i¯ .\,l;lln~;, nlillly yl-lir.~ llgi)) Was liresi. delil iJl"~V|,ylliillilh lind i.lflp]i)yild Illlhenld irinl fuliillii¯y, ;.llid L~ r|qiewing oldaeqtlalnt- ;ilii.i,> :llifi vi.~iihi;.{ i}ll. ~i’iflit;,~ I)[ hi~ luirly Inan. IH~M. ,"qn|-, ¯ hisdet)nrlllre hi¯ slnlt. ~, J~lnal]y "h;lll~i’" l},~l\’i¯ liikl¯ll pl;li.’e in 3hiy’~ l.alldlng :tlid %,Vt:yl|i,nilh nn|]hillfi,w i)}dh’lendtare left." It,,,.x])re~.-ell hinise]f ;l~be]rig .~ur- l,ri~ell :ll lip, lllilny !l|lii-d inlprllYenlt~nls lllade Ioill,, i ’|llllit) .%|’;it :lnil I>l.lh-\’|,* ~ll’;Ih’l thln~,,x liD"ill~]lll’l i’l|l" lili" ~l’ilnil ,,1,1 h)%Vll. l / Uolirl Hrlll~t,. ,b,i;Us|)n’s Hotel, Mit’hvle Mat-,from traveling nutoists, interseeted I,)"norlhen.~t line1.afilyetle YarR,. tern,.’%1. Murliri di l-u-;i, H. Signor Gui~Vl)l)e, I The pol-pie supper llPld in ),."-~bl3ry Ijrrrce i :15.30. {Jaetano .%ep;i.~rtl;rls, -\nlon}e lh’nzo, Jq.~. ]aM TlleSdtly ev0nJng wIL,4 ;l dt~_.ided 8l]l_’t-Pss ~1. ].eon;u-d’.s ].aind Ci). to Fnink Wlllsl}, o0x Yiskrewsk. anda nell suln wasrealized. ]%1lilly sl!m, ll]gers I ]2,5 ft.east side .’5onlersel PInel,, ’>J...,~ fl.norll~ Of Pelwa’ll)~ ,~tlling fornny!)fllii, nbi)vt- ]elte1~; were Ill If lh¯})dnllve ;l lld ev e ry hlxly li nd fi n i,.1t- At hlnlie ;i ve. ~2 ,100. lnllst ~l3- " iidvvrti~cd "’ ;lnd ;lyelhedate,’,I i jc,ylll)h, lilnf’. Sl.L(’l)lnird’s ].,and t_’o. h) .Jaines E..’-;leel- thil~i~l. LEWI.’i W. CRA31ER, l’. 31. Troubles Never C0me Singly. The Nynll)ilthyIll lilt’ ~’lliil’(¯ t’Olillilllllity i~. eXlt-llded Iii .\]l’. illitl 311~. J{iehnll)nd S. LI-e :ilid I’illJliP~" ill the nli~fl)l’llliw5 tlnll h;ive tP,’er- llikf-ll thl,lli. .~l-al’t’vlv h;id Jill,: ,’hihl rt-t’i)Yt¯l’cd I’ri)ill ;in nll;it’k,)fst’nrielfe;Ivel’Whell llnl)l]ll.r w;ls .Mriekeu iilld theihnlily qii.’ti’ililliliei]. Ta) ndil h) 1)n’iT Irnnble~,NylYia, llil, il’i, leven yL11r I)ld dilllghler, ~%’tiih ~ .~v¢ill!gill~ la.-.l .’~llllttily aeeidenllllly J’L¯ll ;llltl br~,kl- hurh’I1 ]illll)neilr till! l)liKll.Tht¯ ehihl u’il.,~ ("-lrriell 11) hvl" hl)llie ;lnd ]) t]nrker ~,liinnl~niell whori.,sel lilt, ilijllrvll nitqllbt*l’. 31i~ l.t-t ¯,thl)tlgh ~.utlbl’- illg Ml’r41l p;lin, bllre llvi ;lllii~’lil)ll bl’avely ;lllll I~; l’t.i’i)vi.l’Jllg rnpidly. Gamma Sigma Enjoyed Outing. "_!Phl~ lilird of;I~-eril>> iJt {i;iialll;l ~iTllln bo;il- ing l);lrihv; h;~)k l)llil’t ¯ ".l’hllr~d;iy evi.nink-, %’livn .x, lis.~ Anna [’t)l">l)li pih)i,.,l lht’ parly t,i"’High] IM;intl," !JBe I)flhi. highi.M ;liiil Inix~l bi’:ltlliful i l)]lll’i’~ ;iitnl~ lhe IJrt~tl 1’]~ }]nrl)i)r..\ vl¯ri~lble / [ea.,,l |)[ ~,)Dli liiill~ V,’il~i ~pread tip|hi ;lInbh, of pint, I)l¯l)ws, llnd iiftrr di)il)~ fllll jll~ilh.p h) r|¯lnlM lh|,[.,)nip;iny W:l~ iqllerl:lilied wil}l l’C’l’il;tlillll~, ;lnd ~)!]Ms, Illlll)l)g %t’)IJCII%V;I$ ;1 ])|)r[llge-t si)n~I)Y 311’.’,. )]ilkt’})l’;li’l’. Till" i’];lll ii;l,1 ;l~, i’I’, ’_’ll|:’.I~, .~lis~e~ I’hirt, ],]llIV,-b.h,, ll|,lPn I.:~M|.I nllll ]:li)l’ellt’i’ l’:nlwi>h-, lrllnl "’]’lil; ]>inv.-. -_.iii.- . _ Fishing and Crabbing Good Down the River. l,iP,l.r~ i)fl’l)ll-:lllll-rt’i.] ;IFi¯ h;ivin~ ~l’t.;il ~,plH’t thv~l’ d;13-~ ,town lheIil’Pilt ]’:~ ]t’ll’l~li" l{ivl.r in ]nlldin~ vi’i.;ik itllit king /J.-.h. "J’he 7;llll 3" vchih ¯ l~_’l’l’ll lirv ;li~l) laRin:~ l]’le I)liil fr|.lqy ilni] ]llI~t" illl[’llt-~i ;lri- reporled, ir;ib Ib.hiii~ w;l~ hi¯Yet }iil~’,~’li ll) bebt’ltl!r ;tllgl nlally llf tho.,,e liinni.iyilih;lt|il.’inl~ oflhl¯ Ih’,’p~ilt" ill,ing lllkt’ll. Calholic Pic-Nic a Grand Success. Tilepi[’-llie held in l,i,¯liing’s l,enal)#¯ l’ilrk ]a.qS;iturdny under thelynsph~l-ea |)I lht¯."4t. Vincent de Paul Catholic (’hutchwa.u a ~neees.~ in everyparticular, lmrgedelegntil)ll.~ /]’on] At]antic City and olhPr poinls were in at- tlmdanee ~ and expre~ed them~lve.~ well ~Itlsfled wiLh lhe day’s outing. The affair netLtK1 the e]lureh bul]ding fund the snntl)f ~’~%.00. ..,ll,. Draws Large Congregalions. The series i)lst)tndal serlnorls de]P,’eTeil b.v l~Le’, ". M. K..-%ll)Ore in the M. E. Church enlillpd "T~yonfl The Hor]#~.on" are drawing large eongregatilm.% The dl~-oursesare hlghly ell- tertaining and Interesting and full of rich th,mghl. The ll.ev. M~re Is an able spe~ker andbelievl,s In prenvhin~ thep]aln IJaSlX, l. To Improve Property. Th,, old sh)rebuihling, ice hl)llSP, btlrn and s’ht~:l,~ adJtil¯enl, h) lhe311:x)re %’l]laownt~:l el-,lildgt. ,ll~,ph Thlnnp.~on, of~i;~llliinlil, I’]ly, ha’re bet-li rllzed to ll~e gr~)llnd nndit is staled that 51r. Tllomp.,~m wJ]l nlake llDlt~l ilnprove,- n]enL~ h) lily pn)]x,rly Ilurill~ 1lie i’onllng Flit]. For Sale. I)ne 240eggineubalor, Oil|.- 75 v¯~I~ inel}ball)r, one ]~ chlek ,,ul-door brooder, one .%hllln bone elllter No; "/ nndline fl"ell tril), Ill] illl~erfl,l¯l eondlllon, .%ddre/4% ~’,Ij,~lhi.~ olih’e, / ’]’h:,t il wa~a finanei;ll sueel.~.* is evident frl?m tin¯ rereilllS which neltedbelweelllhree hnn- iinndred ;lndllFly lindfolir hnndred kh)l]lll.’~, Th;il ii wnsn si)l.ial Sael3t-ss i.,i :proven frDln the l’~lt’L thatlhe most]aronlinent ],M~")p]e I)fthe h)wn ]el’lltheirpre~’nee ns well as 1heiraid, "tl)’e wishI.o thnnk in a tmrtieular ]naliner the n~en and w.i)]nen wlio "~’orked bO earnestly In our behalf.To lho~,eladlesa i~d gentlemen who had lhe pie-nitIn chargt~ls due# t,) a great extent, lhe good resull~ obtalned. ]I was in- from ~hly’s 1,andlng to Gnwelly Run, being u deed gratifying to us lo know thal so many midway between two stone t’aps on lhe ot our non-catholicfriends nmnlfe~ted sueh a two sidt.~ of a small bridge and in liue wlth gen6rous splrll, eYen gning ~ ~lr a.~ to give their norih end, irreg~ irT1X). lht~lr time and lal~r. The eneourageinents we ret-eived in thisour initial unilerIaRlng will be Pleasantviile. an locentive for futuree]lde-aYo~ Edward lt. Ingersoll et. ux. Io ])antel 31. In- ~’L" have the we]fa?e,)f our ]lille lown at germ)l],1.7;’)x~87 chainsgouthem~t side Shore hirer:, and we axe ~,-l]lh]g 1[) doallInmlrpower rigid 2.B3 ehnins above Daniel W. ]ngerso}l’s to enhance its progre~. If we worR hand In north corner, 1-2inlerest, .~t,000. hand, one suDport]ng the other, we can do luueh to hn]]d np our lltt]e tpwn, not only from a spirilna] .qandl~,int but from n s~x’i;l_l slandl.)int ns well. Base Ball To-Day. - The i,rrtek Vlneland Ath]elle A~.~)ehllion will dn balllefor supre]nney with 1he ll~ll A~ slx, i|lth)n thts llllel¯nl:)Oli iitPiL,~ttnie ]~’lrk. (Jal}le ea]]ed ill :l o’e]o¢’k .~harp. Ad]l]is.~lon *]5 ePDts If)thegHindshlnd. ]lll~.]lers ]0 i’enl.% A. good ganll" proml.~al. - t For, Sale. .-%]1 InVn]id’s roiling ~hnir in g,~)d cl)nait]lln. Address, }|uward Lee,~May’s Lalldhlg, N J I Uh.’u’]t~~tebbinseL nx. to Frederick:Par- .’_~ll.~ I,>t5 ns <~hown on lnnpshnwing blI|]ding h)ls l,li’ t’harles ,~iehbins, $1B0. Job (’. ,~Ivbblns et. Panllne ~txt]in, 2x 100fl. westside,Nvw Jersey nYe.148ft. north of Church road, $1. Q,,, Election Board Will Organlze. Thl" Counly Board i)f Reglstrnthm nnd Ele~tiO]lS will n]eet al the I~l)nrt]]ouse i)n %’~’l~l]I]esdtly *)]" l]exr wi~¯k h)rthe purl>oseof or~,~,lniz;lliOli. of the Election lhmrd are l!lirr3".lenkhls,M:l;y’s Imnding, W]llbun Howensleln, Ple:mnntvIlle, Republl- onn.~; John I’arw.r,EIw,~, .Xngustliepello, Allantii. I’ity, 1)t’lal~-nlt~ i i ¯ . ., [ . ¯ .: . o!/o!I;ELL, NEOUS RE flRDS Matters of Import to the Reg.1:Estate and Fiimncial World ~ntered of Rec~rtt:at the County Clerk’s Office. Cancellation of Mortgages, Atlantic City [’.,~Jll/nley (~}l’l)Vt, ill. II K. tl)i ";lin,lt’li, Atlantic and Ventnor l.and t’o.,21;xlIMft. /iorth sille ~unset ])]’iv," 1o;.It. *’aM ,~fIt:trtf|,rd-Tiirr:i,’t¯; 26X.’~0 It. he~innin,.., inlil_~h wat*.r line ,)f I n.,ddr- Thortnlg_bfiirt, 1~it.,.;|~t ,,fHiirtf, lrdT~rrltce. $t00. WHOLE NUMBER i668. gDUNTY HilNVlIY :I][INI;: P[lll;[l] IN I0NDITII]N FREEitOLD/:RS .... ’ " SA F I: GU A R D: " ¯ IN(; . l~ TO I’RAFI~IC. Highways I)ucla÷cd t))" Automo’ ;);lists to be the.. Fastest and Finest m th~ St,’i~e--Many ~oad Improvements in View.


Jun 17, 2022



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- .. .- . . . :


l ............

YEAR--NO. 47. MAy’S LANDING, N. a., SATURDAY, JULY 31, 1909,






Obstrtlctions to :Be Removed From




Thd Great Egg Harbor and the

Waterway Will Be Thoroughly


.\ high IN slll:’~_’v.-..-q’tl[ nlovP :for the ,)r~anizntinn

OUT’ BY T]]]£D]£CI.’qlV]’~ MAJORITY OF 91.

A Total (,f Four ]-Iundred and Sixty-St’yen Vote.,, \Vt-re Cast, .&bout

t)nc ]lundred (if \Vhom \\’v-r,. \V()m<.n RL’>,duti-n tO Jsstlt: ,,fa permanenl Yacht I’h,l, ,r1~shmn,’hed at an’ enlhn.~i;lxlie lnt~qing h,’hl hm’e him .’~,londn’v

: niL.Qlt IIIDI al sll’l)ng t.ll’~)rl V¢ill hv pill forxvllrdTwelve S1.’,’)¢~ J3mMs. LiqHithitiLm :of \Vhich Will ]3ei Made r,l.i,pe,i ,p ,hi. u,’i~,n )’:’-:’.’2" Harl~,r.lii, ver

¯ nll’¢ignlioll l:13"ing i)111 11 hc;lllliIlll add IDq.flll

V<-arly. ]3u.<4inniug JantYlry 1 I911. \\’as Later Adopted--’yai,.rw:Lv.¯ The ,,.,alhering x~[as largely altended and keen

Tile b:lection.\Va.’, Conductu,! \Vi.tlmnt the Slighte.-,t l)isnrdcr iulere.’-t disl)hxyed. ..k eonHniltet, on organi:,,"l-lhln was ll:l.nn.~ll by Prl) P. ~,Valker who

........... ])l’e~]dt+ll i)x-t.r I)il. )ni.,qhig ns l’l)llown: Prof. Fr:lnk Jarrelt, .klb,.rl I’. AI;,)>otl, \Vil]iilni

]~)" :! ,],’l’l-i\, Iliilfilll¯]l% ’’I Iltl](’l 3 -,hi," \,H~". "li~,2,,l~t.,l. ¯]’lml Ill, ]hlnrd i)f l-],|lll-;ll},~ll |),. .J:ll’k.,-.iMl :lad 1’:. I’. ;~hilBer.

l|l’ r,’-l,l,’H:- *’! |l;inlill,nl ’l’,)x~,uMiil~ Y,~l,.d h. ;llllll4)liZ~’,l hi i’..’-I1,’ IWel~,l~ i’i)lll)l)ll b, lllll.i .\l]Olln’r lilPelillg will be in’ld nl the lawotliees i)f .\lbiTTt I’. Ahl)~)ll next MImlhly night

eT,:l)Pll,l ll sillll Ill IWt’IV,’ tJl~ul~.nll,l d,)ltnr, ,,i "liw r,)l,)r:l/e nnln,. ,)I lhv liiMdivl in till, :ll)r the purposv"of life.sealing ;ilid "ldoplingfirt.lxilrinL" lih’pri’seDl PlIDIh" H’~-’h~,eh,*P lhlihl~ n,Bil[llilliQll ;if lille lhollslllld doll:its i~ll’h rlln:,|iIlllil)n llllll SPI IH’ lllal’ino b.%’-]ilW~.. It is

ih’.." :it ;I’’.},illh’,l ..ppc;;,I i.I,’,’lllnl hi-hi all Ih, wilh illiplp:,t ~;iyll}lb’ "-Pllli-illlllillillv }llll I}11’ l)hllled [l)-|’(’llli)’~l" all ,,bsll’I,’lcliOll.’a |’rl)lil

5~ i’l,~,I lhllhlilla hl,.t l}labl, l’ir~;I ,hl’i ill" .I;llltl:ll’y ;llld i)f.ltlly, ri,~l~i-vtfilli3_’, rivpr Iilltl tl~ thl)l’l}tl’.LhIv. . slake thv. villtnllPlsnn,l t,~ impr, lve yiwhlill~ Ct)llIlilioll gellvl’ltlly.

’l’u~, biiH,,l> w,’r,, pht,,.d i,,.fln,- Ill,’ p,-HpH ill lil,’ }:.r-I Niilil)ll;i) P,;ink ~)f .’%h13"~. lam,liw..’. " I’,m~.hlprnblv inh’rv:q i~. bl¯Jng llik,¯ll in lhe

,ll~, ;HIX,~’:,IltP-’ !h,’ fl~;i)ina ,d n 5. I lit’~, b,)ll,l l¯h,’ "-;li,l I,,:,]idN bpill~ Inl>;lldp :is h,th)}v~: 1~i~ OVPIlll {" ieill rilci, ill..lilt- .\lhollic I’ilyit

I’.-;D’ I,H ll.." [,llrl,l~-p ,,l vFev!lll~ :l lh,’,l’tlIl~lll) " ()ll, I,tllp.l llvillL" Ihltll~lllll’d Pilvh yt};ll" bl.~ill- "~l;iclilsn}Pll’5 .~%~.l)t’iillhlll 1vhil’h |Ills b,’PII p,IM-/

Illwit>-iI:ll*’ |iil-I,l’ll*lI -trih’It/FP ;trial ¯lh, ,)|ll*’[ 11111’.2’ ,];lllH~try I-1. 1"11. lh,’ lill;ll i.’)lld I’,l’ill~J In,’I?’,l llnlil nI.xl .X~l)lldil%’.

"l’}:,’ 3:l,’lll>. i,llh.l-p[l lID. I1),. I}llllllll~ *’.J. 1’].

eli}lib’_" :,it ;1 ~" ’Jill b, llld I~t~l,’ l~r F,.ll;lil* 1,~ ,’;ll,, , I},-,1 ..1ii lhp liI"-I d;ly Ilf,lDllll111y I!~--~-L M,¯hrp~-ll". I’;l]daih .’%~nl thih.. "l’rilwh)l~"lh, ,,i,l 1,11:[,1’:12 1 1,.)I ~}l(" ~nl," ,)I I.)pnll~. ".}l/lll Ill’ dilly :td’,’er- I ;)l)l;li/l li)’ll)’~(’ Ihlle, "’.l. [%]( Ir}2,iln )’’ I’nphlill

l’h,. ,!,.. )i.,l~ cl,".lh.,l ~.,-,’h IIH,.I,.-I ;,h,l i)lll i)) Ii-,-.I 11i *,ul) nt.l%k|);ll~l.r~, and ,.i)ld. by })ill)lie .\, \VIlli"Ill "lli~))e,.. "\’ikin,.,", I’:ll)l;)in l",twn/-d

4~;7 x,," - ,.~-i. trill\ :l hulr.d-/’c,l w,.r,. ,i, i,,,-~t,’,l -al, t,, ::,,. i,i.2iH/ )d,l,h.r.1’ ;i;Ih’. :llld ".l. lln.rry l.v,nl-", I’;ll)l;lill .)l¯%Sl’¯

l’;Irkl’r. "l’h~-Clllll¯~’.e will eo\’l.r lv,’vllty lllill’?,ill lh. i’;,’i, t l.l,\ ~,; \x ,~lj..~ "l’}:l" i’l’,’ln~’;lU~ll "l’h, ,’,l ~¯l,ll, u’hih, h,~llv ,-,lllioMv, I "~’;l~. ,’,ill-" ’ ;llld II *lJlnt’ lilni! ,,I liv~ hlll|l’~ ll;l:~ bt’tql

ll~ , [,’ ;~ :l, t~ -. h,,,d 1 lli,llll-: i,,i.,.!’,,~l I-,7 ,llh’h,I t~ ;il,,llt lh," i,’;i~I ,ti’:ph,> "I ,ll--~r~l,’t. ,’-hlhli.~hm|.

’,,d,- ;,- .~, u-.>-’27~ !.,: ’i:,. ll,I},l¯,,\-Ill. I~r- ;,, I; x~;~, i, ,.,.,1,-,I 0m,’l ILv tl;ll’I¯i~-iHI "]’lHlllll).-iH), " ~ .....

lh,’ J>", .-..l,t -t;’tl,’lllt,¯. Ilt:ll~.hl;llL I’h,rk s. I{nr/-i.11..’~,l.,’r,,l;lrv \Viili;i/n Million Dollar Pier.

"]’hv btL" ]]ilrl~,>,h’,)nlt’ SVllt’l’t" lholl’~;llld> a:’,-l’h~ h,,, l,ll2 .i h~p1, ~] 1.%,- l,,li,,\\ tll~ l,-~,,lli- .%|;111 .\, .|G,|L:’I’, illld .};1|111 ’~, t]l)l)~,t’] ’ illlll I h;ll’]l’N

.’-PlllhIp t’Yel’v il|h,rllIM)ll lind eYt.nillk’, i~ lht,

lh,n l’,,,mnl,.)’. T, hllk ,ff lhv hlwn. "l’ht. -pvt.raI biR lhrillers

...... [’ill)[. ¯lohll l,. "~’,)llll~ tHli’l", hilx’v hil lilt’¯

! ;llllll%rll)PUl h-~%’ill~ I)llllhc s, itl;ll’V h) I}ll,]r ]]ll)~,I

KIRBY’S PETS WON. "PEOPLE YOU KNOW. , .l’aMi,li,)u~,laMe.-. i,t~ ¯l’ht¯ T)ll"~-t, .N_l.l)~.:.Ir,)ng>. oI]’t.r ;l~. llp;ll a vyeh¯

Genoe’s Baby’s Oulclassed in Spiri2ed lh,.."ill..,,..., l]elo]l E~h,r, I’];ire I" \\’iddil]ehl , m’l I1~ ha.’, i,Vur I)v~.n ln’esvnh.d here. Thi.’, IrioGame. . :,,,,l ].’hn’,.n,., ¯ ~:nlwi.~i, ¯, ,ff }’h}];ldelphi;i,. ;ire, bf %’erNtlile e veliMs are performin.~ the mostI}ni, i~l lIw hlllM lnlpl’v-|ill u_ :lll~’l I N~’I|III~ ;.’till" bPil)~ Pll|Pl’t;li]]l~d 7It ""]’he ]:*]Ill.’~" ;IN lilt’ ’2"llesl-~ i diJ’li,-1]]l .fellL w, I)n lbe)r dl)zell d}l]’erelll ~lyle

Te~L~ evvr l,]:l,¢t~tl al P;1.~’lilllP. l’llrR ~I ~ ~ ~ ’ - I t[yeb.~, :lethlg indix’idlllllly alld ill tt-alllS.

wilnt;~-¢ml I~,’ i, J~..,’e vrowd llO.I .’411111r(I;iV arl,’r-,if 31i.~ i’laFP ~’nt%vi.,.]e.

!M].-;.~ Ethel 1,Vyl}l:,,ker, of .\liil’¢i/’h-, i.~ v.isil- .\Mde froin Ihe e.xpel’llit~.~ lbe eyeli.*Is di.*play,n,~,m x~ il,.n liw .Shiy’~. J,nndin~ .%,..,a~-iltli,)n Jng rt.hlll%’P~l ~n(l fl’]elid.,~ here. } |hey have Jnlerwl)%’ensl’r~l]njnk’ly ll]nny

- ! sRelGhes lhroughout.deI’t~ll,M fill" i.r:ll.~ .Xl]lillth’ I’ilv ,’4t>ho]n.’,lie t’apL t4t~)rge :H. L¯nllll|+t ull{~ -’~|i.~.~ BeYIba F. jlclllll Ily lht" i’lt)~.l" seol’t’ I)| :2 h) (I. The ;nine I’nllner relurned In)ale Dlorning [ ;%_ fallq0ns lady lm, rfl)l’nwr this w(~ek is Mile.~,,,’:l.~ fllll t)l l~rellY ldny. ", Ihruilghtml which ;lller a p]e,’-taanl wt.ek’s ~)journ ns lin.~lleSL,~ i)f} Marlha, the bP~lnlifn] l~’a]uslenne, who is seenbrotlghl l,n’lll Inih@l appl:m~-e. , rel;lllvt.~ ill (’t)l]ingswl:~)d, N..J. 1

AI..\bl~,)II aiH~",lretl i)ll lhe rllh|)Pr h)r .Mn< .]. %*,’..]a{,kso.n and dauRillvr .%liss .%|ay, ! ill her whirlwind trapeze and aerial ael. A¯. . highly flniMled Enrl)llean arliste, who is prov-

A~ovi:llhm ;HI,I lwirh’d in ili- ,)hi-lime flnun, ,it ttarl:j.~bnr~ Pa., are li~e ~llt..q.~ ,if Mr. and ~ ingii reve]alllni in her line iu this l’onntry.di..,i,layin~ pr, H,-..~.Mi)n;ll i-onlr,)l ’~)I 1hi. h*n’~.t- 3]1.~. %,~’}]]111111 Jaeki4oll. i I)lher big. ael.s ID be seeu are Ad L¯nrly]e’shidu. Fro lilt- -viMh)l-5 tteltdl’ivk-, alsl~ tfltehed , Mix. There;,~t .Denlnvad J~ iLlllking rlote.d tin- } i’duvaled ponies. ~,’in.~ti)ll’S :tdlnil’11b]y Iratnedglx)tt bllll ;Ind wll~. well xUpl)orhM. The ft~nhlrt’~ prl)vl.lllelltS lu her l{i\’er :~.veriue ))ropt.rly. i .-.e-~l]~ J’l~l’I bi, w:’ln’~ llnilllle, ])owerfu] inlel’tll4t-Of the ~;lIllv xlvrP l]lP ~.ll:ll)ILY lh.hlin,’ Ill I)D1)I t’]’lal. J,,hn P.x, Vnlker, ,)fTyenloll, is Ilnartered! ill; ael wilh hi\ %;il~ll)llS nl]iw, llorx nncl

It)Fllll.~, t-,q),¯ei;lll3 lhv I~hl’llllnlFll;ll VCD]’k Illr ;ll lhl" .JDI’kNOU. Mn.~ieltl t~nleeX-, ell...~.4111:lll~,%-i,,l| of lh,. ll~..;ll-. ;l{ lhirt[ ha~*. Pile 31"i.-- .’%];llldP i";,lOIll]wIx)d %YILNIIII ;\li/lnth’l’ily Enjoying the esl~-elll t:~ ] di.~linctl01] Df being:~/klltP h’:llll* ’~’~ Ill ,’l,, b;llllv I],’.x| ."411111r,11|’,. \l-it,41 l|’[)ll| .’4nltlrdliy unlil 3hmd;ty. ~t the glX~. lt..’sl lnnMt’lil orFAnixatti0n lo lout

IIA,-,}< HI.XTS. ’]’lip I’|)llllly I’:lpih)l’- lnolor I,,)111 ill-el iN I Alnerit~l, We lr~,lvc wilh us lh]~ s6~t:’~on the

A }~rl)~)[l )l,’k;llllllll~. .’.l|’;IVIi!, inu/’,~l-~n,.% _ ~ PhJ]Jpp]lle Corl~l;i})uhtry lianA, eighly-fourl’)|,. l’,ulnly t’,mll.% ;|rd i~," v¯vgl~lv~]led uLlpl¯elenlious l:i]ipinonrli.~L~ appea~rJng nnder

ill fill’ \ icinll,V i)l’,"illg’ll’ Hill.Mr..I. lh .’-i-illlidi,l.’s, i)t" Jh-lr|)il, .%Ill-h., who

%v~i’- l~l’lilt’l’lV ii h-heifer in lhe pnblic sl’ln)o]s li

lh|Dlnl~)iltl)l:~ ;In~l ~milh’s lllnllin~, wa~ thegiiP>l ~,I 31r. iiiid 31rx. 31. l{..%lorxl, \VPdnesday.

.%1i>- l~;il.l,.i.] InL’er-,l’,l is yilDi)llrllill~ 11t Allan-Ill’ I’11,.

~,\\’t)l Ii ill, i, al’v ;l~vd r|.pairln,,z lhe ndll’oad1Hldgl. >p;liinil~g lhli~cl)vti’~ I.’rt~-k.

}~l-,iprii,ltH l i.\V..~tll~ ll>~.- |iil~ lhi.- Iklll)l)uf

+ lh,. ~l’l~hli~i :l,i I’Xli’li~l\ i i’t piiil~ tD hi> l~)pui:il.\ Inpri~’;~li 1 t,~b’l.

the Dlreetilm of Walter Loving, Uoneel%,~ aregiven ln~t]: nfl.ernl>on ~n]d evening in 1he andi-tnrlunl.

Unclaimed Letters¯The folh)wtng list ~)f ]elh, r.~ Tenaliln nnvlliilnt.d

hi lhe )lny’> l~nniinT, N. ,I., l)~X-l-~)tlh¯l ¯ f,)r thewvek f.nding Jnly 31, l!~*:


Mrs. F,e]]a ].’renl.h, 3]is.,~ .Fliz;lbetii ]). }’.*.rker,.Mi.~s Maynn> 1,ewi~.

I;]-:NTI.EM EN:t.¢t’O. N. l)unl~]p, 31r. P. Ht, li~nnn, Mr. P.

:HoH’lnnn, Alfred H;lnna, ~tVJlliani :Hess,JhY, raie .Ji)nl~s, ,l ;’t nl t .’s .",h.Ul-;ne, JolHl I.. I)]st-n,3hl:41er ]3oil’e H,ilbins, J:l.S.L. Nhilni, lleY. Mr.Wesh’0ll, Mr. N. [_’Ilss&lbl.~)Ill, Ji)]l]l Bel]kO,

])~’. ]];ilk,-r-IllllIHlell ;I ,..,l~)l] ~:llii,. i.

"]~l)lll .~Ii’Yl;i}l l)hIvl’cl lil.~l ill FIl~t- fillill.

Till,. ~;lliil- h’;llli~ %1 ill i]~) tJ;illli’ lii.xl :~:liilrd;i)!’d ;i, ~ -ti,>il iillii .\] vl-il-i~- iiI-i-i’l)llii pill3

It ~Iill ~illlll’.Lii~lll_ .~ll’%l’;il’l I’iill~/ll iilld ,’~’%,’l’,’d Ill Inl~t"i

In i)l,l-liinr fl~rlli.

.\]iillli~l’t h’iri|.v ,~f lhl’ 31;i)’- ].iilll]ilPd t,ll’~.*Yl’il> i)ll lhr ~l’l’l]l* ol t)iillh’.

\\’i~TIi¯s’~Vtll’||l. Ill l’iT|ll ~ilrlit’ll. :lt’l’l’l)lt’d I!ll.

i)l)]y ,h,qi~cl ~H,L’i’,-,I I,~ ltir .\-.--llt’;:lli,,il in ’ill.

I)lll li,’i, 1.AI. :\lii)l)il [l:lfil lilt ~ll~tl- \VIl[I tlltll I/|’-Ill,-*

pih’hin’-" a ~l’l’;l| L.~I||III’ ]]1’ :t,’|’|-ph’d I’lTlll t IlHilrlll:t/l ]Zl’t~l. ~,\’illi1.% of lhe l’lllJliv Build-

t’h;llli’l",. . lliZ- i I)hiliil?hl: I)t fill’ l-ll~lrd tlll’lll)~l,n FrI.N~

tt|-il,l!leF.- lqh’hPl’l :l ,’l)~)il g’,illl~" l,|r t}ly \i-i- i hl)hlt.i’.- \Y;l~-.l "visil,|i¯’l¯u,.,.,hl)".

t~lD ;liid i,-ct l\-d ~iii-vd<’o -upp, H’l I,x lt,i- ! Tt|,’ ,’,liillly I{,l;i,ll ,~f l.’rl.|.hnidl,rs will nie0t

nii-li I,,-t~lml hll|l, i in l,.,...u f;, :- in,>nlh~Y ~i.-~illil Ill Mi’nn)rilil }hill

THROUGHOUT THE OOUNTYHappenings of Interest Trans.pir-

ing In the Cities, Bmoughs,Towns and Townships Toht In

:Few Words.

EGG HARBOR CITY.Mi~, l)or:’l ~heu, of l’hihulelphia, i~ visiling

31rn. George Flrneh.Lincoln. Park is the ~,’,ule daily ,)f ninny.

pit-ale 1-mr ti e.~.The pnbllc, bnI’bs is bt-in~-- enjoyed by nnlny

lht’.~e nicl~jnil.y WilFni dily~..The I’lly L’adels wlll altend lhe l~l.’l’lllilll

lllll)lb,t t’hllrl’h ll)-]lll)rrowl’vening ill a bl)dy.

.\ir, lemnk l{i,i.nlnkrdl till.,, reIl)t’lled hl)lne;ifier an extt~nlllffl viMt I|~ hi~ ~l)n in 3h,ridl,n,CI)IIII.

.l{ev. Kliefkt¯n,,|f’.\lhlnlie I’ity, will ...hl~rllybeL’ill |hr. error:ion ,if ;I i’|)ttJl~e |ill Ihlllhh)avenne.

_ 1h.v, alld 311~. A. l~ilqnlivih, r, 0f T,-u,lnly, lln.,Wil~, viMIi)l’~ Ill the hi)llll, I)l" 31 r. ;ind 31 IX. ,J;l¢l)]lH1)l’t’]ll lhis vcel,~.

The li)l,lil b; b;l]t :l.’-.-41~.inlilni brllki, it.- h~-iu~ Ml’(kik lilM ,Hllnd;ly by dert~,llin7 lhe Fah-

vh, w te:llii of {’aliiden.Mi., ,q,’nd 311.’s.. i’ht~ter I’lnrk ;lnd .%I1. lind Ml,’S.

l{. }’~, ,l:ll’ksl)n| O[ Phihidt.lphia, sl)eol Slllld;iyas the gtleSU~, of 3II’~. ~V. Kopf.

3IF& Willialn l{elllllardt, ,Jr. ;llld i’hii|lrl,llof ]IrooRlyn, ~’. Y., are here for ii prl~h)ngeilM’.ly vi.~ilill~ rphitix’l,.- alid friend~..

The Mi>se.. Eninni J~.le3"e~ Fh)renre Finkiind.1-:ninia 31tlt.ller. of Ph’fhlllpli)hia , liil.|,~l,~ ,ff Mr. ;1rid 3]i--. Gu.M.’lv l~t,hr.

’]’hv l;ldh.~.’ .\hi .~l~g~-ly ~)f lhi ¯ 3hl~lvi:ln’liilreh %yill h|lhl ii "}"hn’lll I "l)tli.e ~l)eiiil inl llll.

hi’,vii :ldjl)iiiin;~ 1lie vhnl’eh llii> ~.’ililr|la);itll.rlll~)ll.




Brief Description of the Pr6pert{esThat Have Changed Hands and

the Considerations a~s Shown in

the Docmnents of Transfer.

Atlantic Cit,#.}iailll;ih 1’;. Kelley tli .-~lllglisti}lt* B. liept:lI0,

I;t.~illllill~ iii ,41;ikl~ al il)w v¢;lter Hlllritl of ;%1.lnnlit~ I)|.,-an and :ll ~l)ulll erH’nl.l of lot ’.~i). t~’)

in r-l,),)rt ,|f l~,lvill B. ,~oniel~ i.I. :ll. i.~)lllr’s; :.~-~1-2 :iiii’tr’ N :ill righl ere. g~7,:-)00.

Ad:lm~ lleaily I’o. et. al. to Augustinl. I{.Rill’4-11,), ilc.~eril)ed ;l~ ubl)ve,

AnguMint, B. t{el)elh) et. liX. til ttownrd Ij.

1t;1 rris, dl¯sl,ri bed ;Is ;lhoive, ~.a~l),O00..]lliiil~ HIl,l:lky tl) Adiet’o Li>~t~)lzo el. a]. 1,)1

t iu bk~-k -> on niapof hlls of l’-hltllh ]-:lid liealt~:

t)beron Inv. ,~ l)ev. i’tl. l~l lh, nJani]n ~t~i".Cloud, 40x.~ II. east side 24tL~ ave. 71 fl. northof Beaeli ave. ~l,:~0.

V,’iilinni L|¯wis el. ux. to Harry ."4. l’ar..~Jn.~

2.~x:~-5 ft. 452.5 ft. north from Sewell -wb. and i75fl. I’ii~t of Ci)nlll-elit’llt ;l%’e.; lltSl) lands ill [rl~nl

I)t" 11|+l)VI}, ~l.

~nrlih R. Kt:l-niq" oi. viF. ill .i!Jhn ~i’. )hll’ti-

iner, ;-;!t.x.N) fl. north slilt~ .%l|nnlic n’¢e. lGT ill.wvM <it .\llMiii art., ".7.1)7j}¯

V,. }]:l.v,.~. .-\lldl¯l’.~il)ll et. LIX. t(> llt’|)rTl’ ~1t’.

t il’lIVl’l’¯ ;~:;X;.-) i’|. t’liSt Mde l)al;lney Plnet,; G6 I"L

sIHlllt Ill x, Vin|’il|’Ml¯r live. ~l.

.1011111," Ii. l’llti’r el. vir. h) .\tlnnlie l’ily, 100xIll0.1,.% ft. inn~.r liil~, pubi’h, park :ll its inter~pe-

Tin, hn.;ii hnnk,~ are ill lll)l]rishin,_, elnldlli,ni..] li,>/~l b2," ,.;i.-I ~i,l ~ Mi~soni’i ave. ~l.¯ l¯he p;nk i~ d;lil3 viMted hy ill:lily nutin’_"

I)n rliv.~.

Tile thrl)llg!)fnre~, li:rl~:l~iionl lhi. h)wii ;iri.i n ’~)d eondiI]l)n.

31nny vi.~ihll-S 111, re~i,.qer.ed ;il thv ,~l,Vl,!’;llh,~ll.l,~ illid i~lltlllTe~-.

3hilly IqlihtiB~> lliil)H)venil;nls nri, i..in7]li;ld.e ll)rf)llghl)lll til,. lt)Yfli.

l.alrgl ¯ ,*hipnlenl,- ,)t rllspl)errie.,i -’lll(l bhiek-b0rrh>.?/tire beillg nill(lv dn]]y to Phillidelp]ll:l,.~e)v York -’lntl’Allnnll| ¯ t’it.v ~larkel~. ,

l>oslni;l~.tvr ,"rl)lw" 1’:lvin., i.* prlwin~ a]i ex-eelienl t)flit’illl. The ln;li’ls arrixing and del):lrl-ln~" are handled witl~ quick di.~pnteil by hi.~able i~l)l’p~i i-)f il.,i~4isDlnl.%

The local I)lw, e 1.ulll A.%soethlion is ln;’tking awonderful rt~-ord lhls .,sea.-Jou. Thls flit ;heA.~w~t’i’llion ha.,i won na~rly every ganie evendefealing the Egg Harbor Uity team lwo ;filliesfor Ihe Uounty Cliainpionidiip.

PORT pECUBUC.l~’lil baymen are n~aking good [’alcbt~ ol

weakfish.31is.~l Jennle Hnll, of Phihidelphhi, i.~ the

Int.~i of her .Mster, .Mr.% James 1)..-\diiln.%311~s Aliee Snmllwt~Bd h~.~ relllrDt~d hl)Ine

nfler a month’s visil anlong relntive.~ in

lteight.~town, aN. J,Dr..’llid 3h’s. {’]nreDl_-i, .Leek hnY.e rl-lurnt~:l

home frol)l an extended wed~ling tour thrlmghtht’ .New Ellg]lsh .’qnt~.

l~v. J. Warren ILose, of Bennezel, l’a.,pro-ached toll large congregation in the 31. E.I’hureh !luq ~un~y morning from ;he subject,"Love."

5It,& lx-ek Bo,,~n mr’-witil a seri,ms ,webdent la.~!" .’~nnday wlllle feedlng her ehieRens..";he aeeidenl]y .~tulnbled alia fell heavily tolhegl-Ollnd brPiikillg her righl’lrlnlibliVe the


ENGLISH CRi~EX.Cnibbing parIies are in "vogne nl~d runny

\Y|.M .b.r.-a.) 311)rlgnRe Ilk lo Allanlie l’ily,

il¯l’l’g. I)13.{ilillillg ill I)llinl "P,here Jn|erioror In-

hind line of pulllie p;irk is inh>rsel.h.d by t.aslsillu 31is.-a)tlri avv. 51.

,%1. l.t~i)lllll’tl’~ iDllill * t). h) (’lenient J..~id;lllls

ti]x.’;2.5 ft. n|ll’lhwtsl cl)rllpr Vi¯n!nl)r ilVt% ;l])d

I Ixtord lN;l¢l ¯, .~7"01)0.~lVi]linln .N..Johll-|ni t,t, iix. ill (SFI)~u ~iV.

Kite,tSxl00 side iLIRhind ave. 1303-4 fLwest of Illinois ;ix-i,. $5,000.

Thl)llla.,~ Kih’oLll.~e t|) { ’hlirh..~ ]t. (,’Lltr~ "ll.~5.X

ll~ fI. ~l)llth Wl’st el)rner Tenlle.~...4%, ;1116] Adrin.tieayes. ~i,-/~0.

t;~)rge T~ ,’4potz t.l. ux. to Honive M..’Sharpe

40 fL :3 in. xlS0 fL norlb shle A1]antie a~,’P. 57 fl.we~l of New Je~y nve. ~1.

IJoraee M. ~]ntrpl~ ll) ~,’il]erill 3]. ["JpOLZ~ d&-scribed a.~ above, $I.

SL l.,eomird’s Land Uo. to ttowln’d G. :Harrts,250:12000 11. :southwesl corner Atlffnlie ave. nnd8ul’rey Place, gl0,[I)0.

Robert W. Bartlett el ux. to i’da May Bart-

lelt, 2,5x80 11, norlii side Wtn6hester ave. ,50 ft.ea.~t of Htll~ide ave. if same were extendedah,>elall rlghl &c. in and h) hind~ under water

i of/nslde Thoronghfilre adj,)ining north side of.~ll In e, ~,000.

Wht~ehx.k Cir. to Siunuel (Dor~m, ’~3x1"30 ft.

, ~l~t .qde t;th ave. 175 fl. nortll of ave. B,$1.

Wh,’e]ot¯k .CI). Io Charles (Jor~n, 2.SxN0 ft.wt.~l -ide 6th :lYe.. 1°5 ft. sonth ol AYe. t’, $].

.’~t. l,eonalds I,aud Co. I.o John J.. MeGUlrk,’2~50X’~00 fl. ,,~outhweM enrner At]antic .lye. and

t t’ornwall Place, ~-~1D,000,\~;hL~eh>ek Co. tO I)all]el Alierl], ~5X75 II. t~Rst

side 101h ave. 7’2,5 ft. north t)fave¯ A, ~}.50,

~L Lt~nard,~ t2o. to Vt’llbert ~. Ftlglx~e,r2Ox125 ft. west side Snffolk YMee 32-5 ft. north ofAIL’lniil: a~,-e. ~11"2,000. :

¯ ’St. Leonards 1.~md Co. I,) :Howard .~}mrrock,50x1~3 fL we.s1 side Surrey l’l:lee ZTD ft. north of

Alhllltie AYe. ~1"2,000.St. Leonard’s l~.xnd Co. to Eugene ll.~ymond,

50x 125 ft; sl)uthen.~t corner Cornwall Phiee andgood ealehes are reporl~d. "

’ Winehester n~,. $.1,:)00.l.’~rmei~ relmrt that tiie.~,llt lnly i’rl)p will be

J. Walker Tilton eL nx. to Eugene Raymond,nnusually large ;his .,~lson.

125x250 ft. we~t side Cornwall Plat-e, 115 ft,The lml:li~’ Auxt]ery will hold an it’e lu’Pam norlh of Ventnor ave. $11,41)0.¯ ~x’lnl in Asbury Grove ne~,l Tilt-sd~y evening,

8!aite of .New Je~.’xey Io Louisai Jnne% 31x44/1.The Ihon)ughfart.~ lhr, al~li the lo,A’n are ill

beginning al t~Sinl in prtsent tligh water llnet~)or ei)ndilion and nlllc’h i’oni])la!ll.I }s helird { of SOtltheast shore Inside Thornt~ghfare where!

"l’b,- Villl’l;llvI li’:llii w:ll t,,’ ’,h,’ ;il[i;lclhHl , ill .’ll];llilll’’l ’i|V Ill’At \V~-dnv~d:ly, .\ll~ll,.l tth.! Ncx; \Vt-dn,-.d;tv, .\ll~:~l>l 4th¯l’- I.¯l~>it)n day

;ll l>;t’TIlll’ " ]>:ll K ttil" :ill l’h l~,ll ll;I]lll ~;ILh,l J

Ill ¯i ll’t’hlrK -IUtl il." . %vI!ti [)1’ %’t’llQ’;l|]~.

¯ %nl.i]I,,.%. i)l I~,,r, dh’i lillllt’, l,lll lip ¯i :dl,llid "]’ll~" lil;i?l% I;’li’lhi~ ,,f ~l]l>~, .~’ill’it ..\l)boll will

k~;llID" :i| !llIl’li. t]I- %vllrk %’l:i~ ~t.ll~;llii)llill ;lilt| I>*’ 7}l; .II) ie;irll I)lill thi.,. Ino~,l e.-,linlubie

I)f 1 il," lid i}l-~- 1,)!l;) I tll’~l’l." yl}ll ll~ !Udy Di I’t,t’,lvt, ril{il~ fl Oltl t ill,’ eIl’l’VD- of ll

"l’hP .\l];lllli,’ I"!7%" )~lly~ I’¢)lli|l?l~t¯l] llll)-lIV ,,f.I ~.t-V,_’Fl’ !:Lllt’~-.

]>ilihl,l,-i- ! .~]!~- .\li!lh" 31;illiX i~ ill ;il hl’l lioniv.1)1,. I ’;lllH,l|,. 11i,_.11~d,l’ h, Ii ) l,-;lIli /l)hl;l. :H’I,-,} "l’l’F~, ,_’pllIIPnl;llllV.

.\ |bnlidP l,!;|y ~ ~l’l’llh¯Ll 11"% I-z;irQ¯" ~lvll|z-t

;liid "1. "~b xv:i!l ~(:i- lti,’ pFt’lli|’~l phi)" ,l~ ,’1:,;il’ll’ISl+~,li ]’ \l’;t,~’t)~ lilt" h;llr-l’ili-ill" %nlI|13.

31;l:i;l~, I i,l-lii.’ ~t lh,’ .\ll;inli," i ;13 l,ilv.,%Vh~ tll lilw ~l),:l|~lllt lli;ll ltti’ l~:tl’K \i’;i~ Ill -lll;tlll)l’lill" Jill" 7"iillli }t’" ctl:lllT"d }i!" I)tlli]lllll ;i[li’I"

Ill|- r, H:l,’-l.

If "}." p,-q,i, ’al}t ],;lll’,llilZl" ’ill" 7;illit’ lhi"

}lll\- \~ i{L t’illt~{lllh. -~t ;iP, .Vt|li ;|~F. ;lll Vllilll’~"

lnltl’!- fl’iHli |lie \--~)l’l:lill’ql’J II ’\i~ll r;illlli.,l ~’ll

)’ --n,t ~llllil.lll~dx Ill vll/lr lli;irl"


The Fall Election.;’it3 ,’b rk J Mw;lrti IC l)~mlwlly. ,~f.\lhHItH"

i¯]ly, l’D’~da3 any|. ,nil ;in ,,t]h-l:|l liM i~t ¯ lhvl/flit’t-> h~ l>’i~liud in AtI:lnti~. [’,)unIY :ln,l .\t-t;ilitl," I’ily ll!l., l"nll. Thi-y ai’,’;l~ filll,P,v-:

_\i’diiil!+.:l’l)tllil} .~l~.-vllliH3 ;lllll I’l)l’,)lil’l’..\!i,t!lih ¯ I’ti3, ~"l~rM \V;lrli ¯rvt-il i’l)llltl¯ll-

ilil:~, ,~1~, ,.tlli~.hll~iw, l,A-i| i’ililllt)- }.]Xel,li?!\~.ii’ Ifli ~ltl llilll

~’’ ~,!H1 \V;tlll "l’\\’i~ I’llilt]l’llllli’ll, t]ili’l’l’l)l;-

~l;tl,;,’~ 1 :%,, I ,,,llllV i’~l’l’ll|l%’t" I i’J]li]l’li|It¯|211)i*ll,

Tl,ll,l \V;lill T\\l~ i’l)tlnl’Jlliil’ll, I)llP i’i)l;.~I~lbh

1,i,, i ’~,lili;7.- l:[L,-, !ll~.’~ t I lllliliiill(’l’llll’ll.

l’t)ll~l!i \\¯;l!,l l’~\*~ I’lllllll’ IWi~.]ll~-lll21-~

¢1[ ?~t’ l’*’;,l’, lh’.,, ’ ~>ll~t;Ihh ’~, t%\l~ I t)~J’l$1y

~¯~i’l~l ’ ¯ I ,lll~llL’~!,’,’llli’il

Death o£ Mrs. Mary Jenkins.

Jill ,! li,’l" ,,! \ ....... !’ I];l: I’% .]"?l}~ ; li’¯ ,l[ Tili-

t,l:lc’, dl,’,l :il ll,’i rl.~iil, il,’, Ill Vllil’l;lhd hill

~illl~l~i:l’, :~I ’1~, :l~-i)l ~:~i )l¯iil-~. Tii,. ,l,-I’,’;W.i’il,

¯ ,\’)ii~ "A.i- "A, : lllill%l h lliill h;~itiy li’~pi-i’

ht’i f, I- -il! \ .\ ,’11 by lh!,~’ ,’hi!,lri.n, i~lil- |inil,_,li-

l|’r ;itlll !,,’, ,, -,~n-. Tht, funi.i’;ll li~lk l,hu.v llll

.~ll.ll){l;l y |llllli tii+l tl|li- 1.1.~.i¢ll. Lll’t. ;lllt]l %xl ii

I;lrL’l’l\ ;i’l~ lid, li. J’lll|’7"ln.lil %l:i~ li~;i,b ih lll|"i l;~R Illli i’.lii,.l,.ry ;ll Vlll~-l;illil.

County Tax Board Meeting.

For Ill|. lnlrt~)--t .~I r|>v|d%ijl~ hL% Ih]pli|.;He~fr{llll 11i|, .\~.~i,,~l)l’~ i)f lhe]l)ll~ town-% ll)~,l’ll-~hip.% t’iti~- l/lili I.,)rou~hs, t])l- I’i)ullly ]~)nrilof l~.7,qllnl "]¯iixiiiiOll will el)nx’eDeill lbl ~ I’oilrl.]li~u.~, lil¯xt Tue~da)’. Tile n~,.i.tiBg will beinll~)rlanl li~ i:lx %liiilt-~. fFl)lll ;ill plirts of lhe ’I’ounty will t~- ))lilet’41 I~t-fi)re i)~: thmrd.


Wild Berry Crop Large¯

The wihl )illi.Rhq...rry rro]l ill lb! ¯ ildJ;,,’elitswlinip,~ nre r,-i~n’h*d .1|~ ))|’ tlllll~.ll;llly largewhile till’ I1phlllll i’rt)p j* In:lll|lnt)|ll. "J’)lt_*I)lai.kl>t,rry crl)p ]~ ;~]~) hl-n’wy ;iilil ,.l)llii. f)l"

rP;,ili~i-nl.~ iii-p r|-lil)l}i 7 ;i ri,.)t ll:irv,..1 ill ~iil)li-r-big ltlli-] ~-l]ing lhe fruit. Tiip wild I)eu,-ll

]Dhllnb i~ ;ll’~) iibill~i]lilll.

M. E, Sabbath School Held Pic-nic.Tile m,’lub|.i> lind fri|.nd~ ,if tlle/li.E..’~a),b;lli~

/’~lltl~)] b,’l,I t)l,,il :lnli1111] t)i,.-)li,, "J’tlnrs,hl~llf’lt*rlil~Hi ill l.i, llil|_~’. ]~¯ll;-ii~. l>nrk,"/ "I’lll,~!e-nicR,-r- ’,w%~. e,~l~v,.>,-,l trl)lli ill-,’)lllli’h li)the t,nrk in ~,.hlcll.~. lill,I llll. juvvniip> li~ well

a~ th- i)Ifli,r i~.l.:~nl.~ hnd’il ~lt’nl day ili |’ll.H|y-jnI l)j, ¯ :llnH.-4-11]Ullls 1)it’ t-nirk ;lilbl’ds.

For Rent.

"]’tir’ ll~rl)l)lli ,lhll),. Ill:lll.~ii)li I /lll¯l|i.~tii-il, :.11111

Iral’ll) .’it \~;tlilt-l"- ]"i)T~l’ ill lhl" ||,’;Irl i~£ l)ii’

healih I.¯tt. ticl,tt,.--, J,)}i/l ]’. Vi’;llR| r..M;ly’.-,

l,nndin~. N..I

3]i-,~ .%ii(’,- l)tll,t’r;~lll,*l)h] ,l:lll~h|er|tl 31i ;tlili 311¯>, 1"litllk lltlln,r~lni, Jr.¯ isr:ijHihY l*l’l~\|’llLI7 il’illil ii ~l’%i.l¯i , :ill;ll’k Df

-,’;i I’h 1 lwxvl.

1[|~.. :"4. K. )h)l)ll" ;illtl f;il]lll%" i’llJ()%|’t~ II

el’tli’.r ,h);v!l liIP I~l’i’ill ]’~ H;irbor l{ivvr tl)

~lit. tql% "l’u|-~llny. Th,.y ,’aptllr,.d ,|vi,r ,)]1~

hllllltl’l’li iiL/l.~’e I’rillJ~I,

ll:l-i’ t,;i’,! ll~.ii;ly at l~;i~.lin)t . lllli’~i.

31r \\;,ib¯r 51nilh, Ill N|’W Y,nk I’lly. i’~ here

;t> !i)v ,_’l;, -I ,)f 5]1". nnd 51r~. ,J T. B. ,~illliih 111I ’hll k li,Wll

’l’i~t .",1 i,-<vs "J¯ll~rt..~l ;ind t’;~rt)lillt. I )l,t-~it.r iil’.d

Mr. \Villi:iin J’enliin~ll0n, of Jt~J~-t’y t’il3- , :lrL"%i’qlillU 3]1’~-. "J¯hl¯resll ]hqlnll-ild alld l}ln]il~’.

31i~.- .Nl;i,. EngliMi, i)f Enx.lilh l’YPl’k, iS Vlsil-ill7 l¯i’l;ill% I’~ lll¯rlt.

Big Athletic Me;el at Ocean City.

Tile ;ihTillli] ilih]t’tii" lllt-Pl: ~ t.lf lilt" .~llllllllt;r

~)llll7 .~I, I|%. t’lllli>li;lll .\~-i)einli~)n ",vil~

htl,l ;|~ ll,.i.;iii t’ily Thllr-ihiy ;ilill Fl’id;i)[i)j

lir.xl ;/t.l.t{ ;llld Ill;lily, w|.li-kliliWll ;llilll¯h-.~

hilVl’ i’Llll’l’i’ll thp i’l)lltt..,l~. ].;l."I yt-ilr lhe t¯Yl’|11~

all l’;il’t|’il ;tli illlnien~-i- t.rli%vd tlf lilt, ’-tt|n’lili~fr;i h,FnJl V ;ll)i] lho il I tlqllllt ill.t, llli- ",’i’ll[l)r,|llli,.i- tl| hrl,;lli :ill Pi.cili’i|~

"l’)J, ¯ lO,,;l~iln I, li ¯ ¯]’ilur>liil3 inchl!l,,> lhef.lhm in,_" ,.V¢.lll:~; ]ljli iiliil :~11) y;ll’ll i|il~hl¯~, ]-~1);lil,l ~_’ti 3;ird hllr|]h,~-, qii;til,-r, il:llf:lnll lllih;t’ll!l.. ,llld :i llli]i ¯ l-el;l%¯ "J’ll," fl’l,lik |.St, lll-i~l>,!~l,1, ;~ ln)lhlh l’;ll’|’ ;llld -m’R r;ir,’. "l’lw tiehl-x,lil- ;~lP; ]{tilli]illla, i,i’_’h ;~litl i~i’~);illjliinl)>:llld ;I "ill,l-[Jill.

l"l i,h|3 "- , ’, ,’lil~ ilit’]iiltc .-jli llltd lid yard ;lnl]

ll:l~l i|llb -Wilil~ i ;I 50 3";lrd -.v,-inl llll I,ilt’k i~11{l]ilil.% ,li~ ill,Z lt|nvin,.., rill’l.~ ;irl. lid y;lrd~,,

,llinrl,’r ;~lid halt nlih’.

Celebrated Eighteenth Anniversary.-N"lwit}lM;tll!tiIlg lht’ ilit’h, nil,nl "wvalher of

P’l’lllil3 i’\l’lllll M i)f ];l~-I ~+l’l~.-~k, il nlllllber Of

.Vl >lilY’./’ lrh.ll,l~ i)f )I i~s 12.111111;l )]. ti llllt g:llhered

;l’I i’}l;r r~-’.i|lPlit:e i)ll I’iipt’ .%hly II’ lind 111 a

inerry-lnliking tinlt- :l~M.’sled hvr in eelebl"allnglhe t’iM)llt~nlii :lllni%’er:~lr.y of her blrlh. Theh,,me wu,~ ~aily dr,-;)rated nnd nn enjoy-

able evening was sl)enl by all In playing gamo~,.~inglng, exe}ninging slories and listening to

.’~,elet¯tioll-~ fr|)ni lhe l)h, The yollnglillly rl~t’ei%i,d liiany lnulds!nne and li.~¢fulprl:~lit~ ll) t’|llnnit.niortile lhe ix’ea~ion, ltt~-I)t~lllnenl~ Wvl’e .~l’ved In tiblllldlll-lLMy and lit

a lute hour llie ".l>.senible~l guets~ depllrled h)¯ "rhe.,~, prt¯~ent werH 3]is~gPs Emma,

l)nbel.~on, Lizzie and Carrie }l~erhi~t, M’lggleltullngt.r, ~Irs. 1t. ltunl} 3h,.~l.’~,4bewis Eekerl,Parker Tliyior, Charles ~It~ehl]it]l, Parker

F,’ki!rl :ind {’]ev~,hii~d ]]nnl.

Visiting Scenes of His Youth.

Mr. l.;tlwltrd Ad;lnl.~. ,)f Norrlshlwn, ]’a., ishl’l’,’ ;i~ Ill|" glll’~l I)/ 311’. lllld o%1Ts. [41~l)l’gt ¯ A))-

|)oil. 31i¯ .\,l;lln~;, nlillly yl-lir.~ llgi)) Was li resi.delil iJl "~V|,ylliillilh lind i.lflp]i)yild Ill lhenldirinl fuliillii¯y, ;.llid L~ r|qiewing old aeqtlalnt-;ilii.i,> :llifi vi.~iihi;.{ i}ll. ~i’iflit;,~ I)[ hi~ luirly Inan.IH~M. ,"qn|-, ¯ his det)nrlllre hi ¯ slnlt. ~, J~lnal]y"h;lll~i’" l},~l\’i ¯ liikl¯ll pl;li.’e in 3hiy’~ l.alldlng:tlid %,Vt:yl|i,nilh nn|] hill fi,w i)}d h’lendtare

left." It,, ,.x])re~.-ell hinise]f ;l~ be]rig .~ur-l,ri~ell :ll lip, lllilny !l|lii-d inlprllYenlt~nls llladeIo ill,, i ’|llllit) .%|’;it :lnil I>l.lh-\’|,* ~ll’;Ih’l thln~,,xliD" ill ~]lll’l i’l|l" lili" ~l’ilnil ,,1,1 h)%Vll.


Uolirl Hrlll~t,. ,b,i;Us|)n’s Hotel, Mit’hvle Mat-, from traveling nutoists, interseeted I,)" norlhen.~t line 1.afilyetle YarR,. tern, .’%1. Murliri di l-u-;i, H. Signor Gui~Vl)l)e, I The pol-pie supper llPld in ),."-~bl3ry Ijrrrce i :15.30.{Jaetano .%ep;i.~rtl;rls, -\nlon}e lh’nzo, Jq.~. ]aM TlleSdtly ev0nJng wIL,4 ;l dt~_.ided 8l]l_’t-Pss ~1. ].eon;u-d’.s ].aind Ci). to Fnink Wlllsl}, o0xYiskrewsk. and a nell suln was realized. ]%1lilly sl!m, ll]gers I ]2,5 ft. east side .’5onlersel PInel,, ’>J...,~ fl. norll~ Of

Pelwa’ll)~ ,~tlling for nny !)f llii, nbi)vt- ]elte1~; were Il l If lh¯})dnllve ;l lld ev e ryhlxly li nd fi n i, .1t- At hlnlie ;i ve. ~2,100.

lnllst ~l3- " iidvvrti~cd "’ ;lnd ;lye lhe date ,’,I i jc, ylll)h, lilnf’. Sl. L(’l)lnird’s ].,and t_’o. h) .Jaines E..’-;leel-thil~i~l. LEWI.’i W. CRA31ER, l’. 31.

Troubles Never C0me Singly.

The Nynll)ilthy Ill lilt’ ~’lliil’( ¯ t’Olillilllllity i~.

eXlt-llded Iii .\]l’. illitl 311~. J{iehnll)nd S. LI-e

:ilid I’illJliP~" ill the nli~fl)l’llliw5 tlnll h;ive tP,’er-

llikf-ll thl,lli. .~l-al’t’vlv h;id Jill,: ,’hihl rt-t’i)Yt¯l’cd

I’ri)ill ;in nll;it’k ,)fst’nriel fe;Ivel’ Whell llnl)l]ll.r

w;ls .Mriekeu iilld the ihnlily qii.’ti’ililliliei]. Ta)ndil h) 1)n’iT Irnnble~,NylYia, llil, il’i, leven

yL11r I)ld dilllghler, ~%’tiih ~ .~v¢ill!gill~ la.-.l .’~llllttily

aeeidenllllly J’L¯ll ;llltl br~,kl- hur h’I1 ]illll)neilr

till! l)liKll. Tht ¯ ehihl u’il.,~ ("-lrriell 11) hvl" hl)llie

;lnd ])r. il. L. t]nrker ~,liinnl~niell who ri.,sellilt, ilijllrvll nitqllbt*l’. 31i~ l.t-t ¯, thl)tlgh ~.utlbl’-illg Ml’r41l p;lin, bllre llvi ;lllii~’lil)ll bl’avely ;lllllI~; l’t.i’i)vi.l’Jllg rnpidly.

Gamma Sigma Enjoyed Outing."_!Phl~ lilird of ;I ~-eril>> iJt {i;iialll;l ~iTllln bo;il-

ing l);lrihv; h;~)k l)llil’t ¯ ".l’hllr~d;iy evi.nink-, %’livn.x, lis.~ Anna [’t)l">l)li pih)i,.,l lht’ parly t,i "’High]IM;intl," !JBe I)flhi. highi.M ;liiil Inix~l bi’:ltlliful i

l)]lll’i’~ ;iitnl~ lhe IJrt~tl 1’]~ }]nrl)i)r..\ vl¯ri~lble /

[ea.,,l |)[ ~,)Dli liiill~ V,’il~i ~pread tip|hi ;l Inbh, of pint, I)l¯l)ws, llnd iiftrr di)il)~ fllll jll~ilh.p h) r|¯lnlM lh|, [.,)nip;iny W:l~ iqllerl:lilied wil}l

l’C’l’il;tlillll~, ;lnd ~)!]Ms, Illlll)l)g %t’)IJCII %V;I$ ;1

])|)r[llge-t si)n~ I)Y 311’.’,. )]ilkt’})l’;li’l’. Till" i’];lll

ii;l,1 ;l~, i’I’, ’_’ll|:’.I~, .~lis~e~ I’hirt, ],]llIV,-b.h,, ll|,lPnI.:~M|.I nllll ]:li)l’ellt’i’ l’:nlwi>h-, lrllnl "’]’lil;]>inv.-.

-_.iii.- . _

Fishing and Crabbing Good Down theRiver.

l,iP,l.r~ i)f l’l)ll-:lllll-rt’i.] ;IFi ¯ h;ivin~ ~l’t.;il ~,plH’t

thv~l’ d;13-~ ,town lhe Iil’Pilt ]’:~ ]t’ll’l~li" l{ivl.rin ]nlldin~ vi’i.;ik itllit king /J.-.h. "J’he 7;llll3"vchih l~_’l’l’ll lirv ;li~l) laRin:~ l]’le I)liil fr|.lqy ilni]]llI~t" illl[’llt-~i ;lri- reporled, ir;ib Ib.hiii~ w;l~hi¯Yet }iil~’,~’li ll) be bt’ltl!r ;tllgl nlally llf tho.,,eliinni.iy ilih;lt|il.’inl~ of lhl ¯ Ih’,’p~ilt" ill,ing


Calholic Pic-Nic a Grand Success.Tile pi[’-llie held in l,i,¯liing’s l,enal)#¯ l’ilrk

]a.q S;iturdny under the lynsph~l-ea |)I lht¯ ."4t.

Vincent de Paul Catholic (’hutch wa.u a ~neees.~in every particular, lmrge delegntil)ll.~ /]’on]At]antic City and olhPr poinls were in at-tlmdanee ~ and expre~ed them~lve.~ well~Itlsfled wiLh lhe day’s outing. The affairnetLtK1 the e]lureh bul]ding fund the snntl)f~’~%.00.


Draws Large Congregalions.The series i)l st)tndal serlnorls de]P,’eTeil b.v

l~Le’, ". M. K..-%ll)Ore in the M. E. Church enlillpd

"T~yonfl The Hor]#~.on" are drawing largeeongregatilm.% The dl~-ourses are hlghly ell-tertaining and Interesting and full of richth,mghl. The ll.ev. M~re Is an able spe~kerand believl,s In prenvhin~ the p]aln IJaSlX, l.

To Improve Property.Th,, old sh)re buihling, ice hl)llSP, btlrn and

s’ht~:l,~ adJtil¯enl, h) lhe 311:x)re %’l]laownt~:l

el-,lildgt. ,ll~,ph Thlnnp.~on, of~i;~llliinlil, I’]ly,ha’re bet-li rllzed to ll~e gr~)llnd nnd it is staledthat 51r. Tllomp.,~m wJ]l nlake llDlt~l ilnprove,-n]enL~ h) lily pn)]x,rly Ilurill~ 1lie i’onllng Flit].

For Sale.I)ne 240 egg ineubalor, Oil|.- 75 v¯~I~ inel}ball)r,

one ]~ chlek ,,ul-door brooder, one .%hllln boneelllter No; "/ nnd line fl"ell tril), Ill] ill l~erfl,l¯leondlllon, .%ddre/4% ~’, Ij,~ lhi.~ olih’e,


’]’h:,t il wa~ a finanei;ll sueel.~.* is evident frl?mtin ¯ rereilllS which nelted belweell lhree hnn-iinndred ;lnd llFly lind folir hnndred kh)l]lll.’~,Th;il ii wns n si)l.ial Sael3t-ss i.,i :proven frDln thel’~lt’L that lhe most ]aronlinent ],M~")p]e I)f the

h)wn ]el’ll their pre~’nee ns well as 1heir aid,

"tl)’e wish I.o thnnk in a tmrtieular ]naliner then~en and w.i)]nen wlio "~’orked bO earnestly Inour behalf. To lho~,e ladles a i~d gentlemen who

had lhe pie-nit In chargt~ ls due# t,) a greatextent, lhe good resull~ obtalned. ]I was in- from ~hly’s 1,andlng to Gnwelly Run, being udeed gratifying to us lo know thal so many midway between two stone t’aps on lheot our non-catholic friends nmnlfe~ted sueh a two sidt.~ of a small bridge and in liue wlthgen6rous splrll, eYen gning ~ ~lr a.~ to give their norih end, irreg~ irT1X).lht~lr time and lal~r. The eneourageinents weret-eived in this our initial unilerIaRlng will be locentive for future e]lde-aYo~ Edward lt. Ingersoll et. ux. Io ])antel 31. In-

~’L" have the we]fa?e ,)f our ]lille lown at germ)l], 1.7;’)x~87 chains gouthem~t side Shorehirer:, and we axe ~,-l]lh]g 1[) doall Inmlrpower rigid 2.B3 ehnins above Daniel W. ]ngerso}l’s

to enhance its progre~. If we worR hand In north corner, 1-2 inlerest, .~t,000.

hand, one suDport]ng the other, we can doluueh to hn]]d np our lltt]e tpwn, not onlyfrom a spirilna] .qandl~,int but from n s~x’i;l_l

slandl.)int ns well.

Base Ball To-Day. -

The i,rrtek Vlneland Ath]elle A~.~)ehllionwill dn ballle for supre]nney with 1he ll~ll A~slx, i|lth)n thts llllel¯nl:)Oli iit PiL,~ttnie ]~’lrk.(Jal}le ea]]ed ill :l o’e]o¢’k .~harp. Ad]l]is.~lon

* ]5 ePDts If) the gHindshlnd. ]lll~.]lers ]0 i’enl.%A. good ganll" proml.~al.

- tFor, Sale.

.-%]1 InVn]id’s roiling ~hnir in g,~)d cl)nait]lln.Address, }|uward Lee,~May’s Lalldhlg, N J I

Uh.’u’]t~ ~tebbins eL nx. to Frederick :Par-.’_~ll.~ I,>t 5 ns <~hown on lnnp shnwing blI|]ding

h)ls l,li’ t’harles ,~iehbins, $1B0.Job (’. ,~Ivbblns et. ux. to Panllne ~txt]in, 2x

100 fl. west side ,Nvw Jersey nYe. 148 ft. north ofChurch road, $1.


Election Board Will Organlze.Thl" Counly Board i)f Reglstrnthm nnd

Ele~tiO]lS will n]eet al the I~l)nrt ]]ouse i)n%’~’l~l]I]esdtly *)]" l]exr wi~¯k h)r the purl>oseofor~,~,lniz;lliOli. The of the Electionlhmrd are l!lirr3" .lenkhls, M:l;y’s Imnding,W]llbun Howensleln, Ple:mnntvIlle, Republl-onn.~; John I’arw.r, EIw,~, .Xngust liepello,Allantii. I’ity, 1)t’lal~-nlt~



¯ . ., [


¯ .: .


Matters of Import to theReg.1 :Estate and Fiimncial World

~ntered of Rec~rtt:at the CountyClerk’s Office.

Cancellation of Mortgages, Atlantic City

[’. ,~Jll/nley (~}l’l)Vt, ill. II K. tl) i ";lin,lt’li, Atlantic

and Ventnor l.and t’o., 21;xlIM ft. /iorth sille~unset ])]’iv," 1o; .It. *’aM ,~f It:trtf|,rd-Tiirr:i,’t¯;26X.’~0 It. he~innin,.., in lil_~h wat*.r line ,)f I n.,ddr-Thortnlg_bfiirt, 1~ it. ,.;|~t ,,f Hiirtf, lrd T~rrltce.$t00.



P[lll;[l] IN I 0NDITII]NFREEitOLD/:RS .... ’ "SA F I: GU A R D: "

IN(; . l~ TO I’RAFI~IC.

Highways I)ucla÷cd t))" Automo’

;);lists to be the.. Fastest and

Finest m th~ St,’i~e--Many ~oadImprovements in View. ’




31 X~ I,.%NI,INI;..N..]...,4.\-]’l’IIII.\Y..II’l/f :H, 1.~’)9.

l’ndcr caption of " ]’~lCfucts of the Crusade!’ the"Newark Evening News," discussing the pass, Jig of

the mos~luito from the confines of this County,

editorially says" The ’Atlantic City Evening Union’ editorially

asserts that there are no mos, lnitoes in thflt city’, and

that the resort’s immunity from the pest iswideh"known. ’.There ark more of them.’ it says, ’in one

S<luarc tulleof Cape May than in the whole AtlanticConnty.’ :\rid this statement includes, of course,

the many square miles of salt marsh land thatsur-

rounds the resort..’"Assuming these remarkable statements to be

true, it is well worth white to turn back to the early

.history t,f the anti-mosquito crusade, and to recallwhat the conditions were in Atlantic City aim County

a few short years avo Dr. John B. Smith, the State

cntom{)logist, in his reliort published in 191)4, after

an ,;(,:-L-st,ration of the pest tales.ted districts in all

parts of the State, describes a’consi{terabl¢ numl)er

of mosquito breeding areas in and aroimd Atlantic

City, s{lmeof them large and vfrnlent. He said then

that l}v dr:in,iN and filling in, the wllole breeding

area could 1}e wiped out in" one year. """Vcntnor was givenas a wgrse b/ceding place

for marsh mosquitoes than Atlantic City. and South

;\}.]~ntic City was described, as avorse than Ventnor.()at of twenty-five sllnare miles of marsh and water

me:t in and adjacent to Atlantic City there. \v~s not

three square miles of breeding territory’, arid all the

latter was case to dispoge of: bu’t before Dr. SmithI/

took hord of the mosqni-to prolAmn it was anthorita-

ti’,¯Liy stated that "one of the f:wtors that keep down\-:dues in Ven.tnor nnd .South Atlantic City" is the

m,>quito l,est " Thousands of specimeus were thensc~_u i1~: Atlantic City¯. in the hotels, cafes and

rest:mr:ms, and they were nearly al’wavs to be fmmd

on the 1)oardwalk.

"If it },e allege,her true, as ’The l’;vcning Union’a.~serts, that Atlantic City is now immune from the

pest, a marx’e! has been wrpnght. It is well known

"that the ho.tulkeepur.~ and public spirited citizenssul>scribed freely toward .4 fund tO put Dr. Smith’s

rucommend.%tions into imm~:diat¢ operation¯ lint its

era’re success had not t)ecolne generally knowll. Yet

there is m~ reason to ~toul,t that if the authorities and

the citizens all workv-d to2cther, thu antiqntS.Vquito

crusa, lc in Atlantic City h:> been completely


"And lust at this time it may not be amiss to

add that thus far this year the mos{luito crop !ms not

been a tenth as laf.~c, in the districts whiell ha\.>-adoi>u_.,! llr. Smith’s ldaff as it has })een~}~ formerw:ars True. the lon.u drought with the dryi’ng up

(~f shm:.~h.s, tile :ll,sencc of I;ools and pmhlles and the

disnl,t,ear:’mce ~f .~tagnant I,On{~. helped materially

to red,me ,he }>r~:eding acrDqg.e and thns to’augment.-5.

the a,tvantno’es of Itrailfing .and filling ira. but thisvery iae.’, makes it ,all the plainer th:it Dr Smith’s

plan > the ufi’ectivc one. There was a,’vishation"

hure u:u-i\ in. the Spring. lint since tJ~cn mosquitoeshavc- },v-<.ll c~)mllarativcty .rare. If Atlantic City lms

g,tt r~d ,,f the I)eSt. so can :inv :rod every othercity ,n this State. .¯ -"

Freak lc.£islntion islar.vd_v resI,msiIAc for muchof the co’nteml,t for State law in this country.’ Many

¯ .%:

invxl,crivnc~:d legislators go to their :State capitolswith the ,,lea dmt they mast introduce new laws and

secure their passage, whY, her such laws are. neces-snrx¯ ,,r n,,t. tn the hurried work oP a legislative

scs>i~m. UI~.L’n committees oftentimes become negli-

gCnt. ~.suci~ I>ills are fre, ltmntly passed. K’ansas.

()kl:~l~,,:ua .t:~,l T~xa, .vaxe many examllles ,)f suchinu×l.:ri.ncu,t Iu.vislffti,m arid ’n,u’t;eorgia han joil~e~

the l~-t u ith a law recently intrr>lluced thva grm-’n

as--eml,~\nl:m making it a l/rison offence ’:for any

fcm,du-i,crs,m ,wee the age of tu:clve years to ride

astride. ,,n a horse, mule, ox or other animal." It is

t,i 1,c ~tru~ted that the bill will not lmSS, for suchfreak Iv~i<lati,m is decidcdlv demoralizing.

T}~e l’i~ited States government is adopting a wisei,oli(-.v ,6 t,r~lmOtin~ deserving enlisted men from the

rcE~Iar ;trine rnnks to officershil~. ]terctofore only~r::,i.’~atus of thu \Vest Point Military Academy have

bu~:: uliv, ibtc its officers and in cons~:quenee the army

h:- }leLn undL-r-o]:l:icered. -The new methodseemsw,.!l calculated to inspire enlisted men with new

an~} iticm and ought to attract more capable .VOlmg

m,-,, to the sere’c<. It is in keeping with American

u:,, ; that men who. have proven worthy shouhl beml,..nce!l when they ha\’e itemonstrated their abilit\’,

rL’;"!r, llcs> ,,f whether they have taken a course at

\V,-,,.l’rlint or nol.r The recent promotion of eight

enli~tud n~cn to second lieutenancies t)3" President

\V. It. Taft was nnquestionalAy a step in the rightdircctim~ and just to all.


. tr¯Flvin,.-machines that can fix seem to be a reality,

althou~4h they are still far fro m perf~ction.~. "Thebirds can fix and why can’t I ?" asked Darius Green.

The cXl,crience r)f latter,day aeronnuts has been.

h,~ucvur: more successful than that of.Green, who

solved th,: proIilem of flying },ut failed to master the


Ventnor City is to be congratulated for its rapid

growth, which has been brought abotlt to a largeextent by the progressiveness of its citizens and

Summer residents. One of the greatest aids to pro-

rooting the municipality in the good graces of visitors

from Philadelphia and elsewhere has been the Vent-

nor Yacht Club, which is ably officered by Commodore

"Joseph Thompson, an ardent yachtsman and a most:enterprising resident. The annual races of this

dub Saturday last were among the bess that have

been held on the coast this year, and evidenced the

great interest shown in the organization. Ventnor

City" is ideally situated for the enjoyment of yachtingand motor-boating, either on the Atlantic Ocean or

the quiet waters of the Thoroughfare. The

resort is still in its infancy, bat its rapid

de\-dopment in recent years bids fair to place

this beautiful city’-among the foremost watering-

places of the New Jersey coast

The "speed-boat’:, is becoming the most popular

craft of this as well as foreign countries. Its popular-ity in America promises to exceed that in other

countries because the American people are partic-

ularh- fond of fast motion on land and water.Wherever })oats are found nowadays high-powered

raci-ng launches are in evidence, although they can-

not supercede altogether the comfortable "family"

class of inot0r-boats. This sport is one especiallyfree from danger to participants and the fact that it

taxes indiwiddnl ingenuity nlakes it populsr with the

average Yankee. A boat that would t, avel at the

rate of tweh’u miles an hour nsed to be. consideredfast,¯ but now a speed of twenty is const:rvativc.

Motor-boating is becoming one of the leading

sports of America.

It was encouraging to "fans" last Saturday to

again witness a base-ball contest at Pastime Park.

Interest in the National game rnns as high as ever

but the number of available players has decreased tosuch an extent that it is difficult to secure a strong

line-up this season. An effort will be made to con-

tinue the games, during the remai:nder of the season

if pu%lic support warrants. A good bmse-ball organi-zation is a vahmbleasset to any community and lovers

of the game in Mhy’s Landing are legion.


" Wilh lhe ]m)l,able exception of the ,,tract,oil, I.~xnth~ll n)l,l ex,’i.¯t,

hlw.~ nt) legi.dnti-~e ellllt’~I)llelllS nrous,~ .~) llllle], ],ub]]e }])l]lljl¯y t~lleh

’yt’nr it,: lho.q" rt.glllalihlg lh,,l;tking Of ~Is)1 .’~11tl g;llne. ]~,esitlt~ Ib)" grt~llIlllltlbel’ t)f It))Idl|elll’ sl*)rlslllell bt)l]l ill ~l"~V .Jer.~ey "liitl :lt}Jt)illhlK

:’~l:ltl"> l%’)lt) s1"t¯k l.el’q’t.lttif)ll allltl Sl~)rt 1,11 ()Ill" l]e)(ls 1111(1 wllh*r, lhl)u-

Ntlld~. t,l" (,111’ ,’ilixeDs ]n:lkt" }heir liYhtg b3" li.~|t|llg or hulllillg },lid :tll ofthese ;tl’,’ ~¯,)llt¯e]’]lPLl },It kl)oV,’ill~ lhe I:tIP.-I t’]l,tllge.~ ill l|le II.~h :illS[gnmt laws. Yel il is ~imeult, if.-not hnlmx,.slble, lt~ gel reliuble :llld

iillh’ial inft)rlnltl}oll ,’Ol]Perllhl~ t]le l~l’e~elll hl;v." l)l lln. :tb~.pnt’e t)fltll 3" oIl’h’]:tl pnblh-,lI|tnl I,r~)nght tlowli h) dnh¯

-’t11 plllel’],ri>illg .! "itlll(h.,ll lira, re,.pnlly :tIlcln]~It.d t he pre]~ll.l.illh)iI, for

ptl!~lh’itlhHl t)f :t ~.cht.thlh" t)I" {}})ell lind ul))y~e ~eilsl1’l]s ,1lid olht.r illforlllil-

tiolt tlv~,il"l.d |)~¯ s]M)rls]llt’]l¯ ~VllPll .~llb]llil.Iet] |(, I)lP E}sh ,tllll (~ill]le

I’t)Itlltli’~’.i))II f,)r I)r}h’inl revb.i,m :intl. I)cing rrlurned .~lni , t’or-

rPt’l[htll¯ 1lilt,It ¯. the in,lnirer WIL¯ |nfornl(-{i that lhe tlala fnrnishe~lc,)tlhl lilt, b)- xt)Lh¯he)l for 1IN t.l.~’vt.y]ll~ .*Ill I}le )’e,.t¯l]1 ehIl)lges ill ¯’"

~llnt’ hi;v,,, :lntl t’tnlst.,lut.nllv he ~,+,’:ls h¯fl ’tl t) ill .lhy air."" If ~-h+)llltl llt)l bt’ 1)t’t’Px."qll’y ~’t)l" i1 C]IiXvll. It) Iilke the illili;tl|ve

lh~ pllt))]it¯?.lli()ll ))f 11 rt"visl~ll lillE1 ll]>-lt).-tllllP ~&]])t ¯ ,’ode. Thnl

i’- ’)lit’ t)| tllp-llll[it¯:~ IIJ" tt1," ]"ts]l :lllkl []II)))P Lh))llllli.~.~.h)l]. ]+~l)[ iflhe

Lol,llnis.~h~)l itself .l¯illll~)l lurl~i.~h }till nnd ilt-i’Llrllle illl’Ol’ll]Illh~ll

l’t.gill’tllllg v}~:lllges ill lht’.hlx{ ¯, lit)’.)" are 111,. ]>e,,ple h> kl,,)w lilt." ];I;V.*

’"rht. Irt)llb]e lllight bt--r~Yiln¯,lh*d lo a. grt.:ll exh.lll Ijy lle;’,’~p;iper t)lll~

]it.nlit>n t,l’l}lt; h’l~.v 5 ;~’ht’,l lhey :lre:xl)pro%’e d by t ~ov121"llt)r. ’1’]1l, ll lhere

Wotlhl I,t. n,) t¯.Nt’llSIJ.fl)l" pubYir ]glll)l’Irllt¯t ¯, ’]’hv ],rt..-.e II ~,~,¯alelll t)f oIliv);d’im)dicalhm i> illl,dfJ’qllnh" nlltl tlll])oplllI~.l’."--I "~,mHrn .l%.~l-Tvlr!]r~lm.

"Tb, t: ]’,,t(+,’.~,,n I;,ttlrt#;eln :in1| flit, ],J]i2H/~t,/)+ T,~n,,.% boll! hide-

|>t,lllltl 1 )t’lllt),’l.:llh’ llVWSl):,t,el..’{, lll’l’ :ll:lXit)lls l|nll |it)vPl’]ll)r ]")11"I ,}ll)llhl

i;tkt. I}11. -llllnp ;IR::till~.l 1lit: "~h_~ldl¯l.~ t)f lilt: t~)liliva] pn];ly lh:tl

,’,.pre-,cnls, ;Hal whit.h elvvlt-d hint h; l|n ¯ L.l~’vt.rn~n’~.}lip,,l’ Npw .1,*rst¯y.

¯ ’’l¯h,.y art. lit,1 d’oin~ lhi.- Dt~t-:ltl~,t ¯ }he3 |l;Ivt ° lilly ]))’Vt ° fl)r lhp

l{v],,,lflh-;tn }mrly , i~}’,~i.l¯]l~,] ¯ ]"OT|~ t)l" lht ° pv,,ph’. ’1’11,"," hopl" llnil }he

it)l, t’|’lll)l’ ]lt:l~" IIlkt’ 1), ;.ll];it’e, it’ll,Jl ell;lblu t|ll’ ])tq)lt)t’l’illN |))~,llt.’ilK

lllh) p, PCet’l lhl’t)llgh l, ,,-Mbl) )) l’t°i,l’h i) l lh t" l’ Itll~’~ t, f/ht’ ]{ e])lll,[|C;lll


¯ q )ll]toin-b. rplll’p.~.,.ltlill~ ;t l.~’l)llb[~c~Jlt ;hllnilll.ql’illh)ll ~.hou|,l alway.~

ill" "~h,%v t,) ;t1"1"1’])[ tl~.4’ ildv}t-t, oi" ])eIll|~t’l’:lti|~ ],t+%vNp;tl,t’l’~. +\V]le]l .~.llull

litl~ h’l" I~ oIlervll, If Is ilt4,’~tri~t!~y.~lt}Ill ’ wiI|l }|It ptlrl)u~,c of~.t’:llter[llg

lh," t.llt’l)l%, ;la)ll llt;.)}Qill~ Vlt’|()i’~ ¯ l,,l" ,)it. pill’ly tlntl lht’y I’l’])r(+?~l¯llt

I,o~.M bh.."|h);’,.rllt,r l"t)]’t itltt[ I|le Iv;It|el’: t)I tl,~: 1,~t.ptl])J[l";,ll ]):ll"ly ;%l’t’

,’t)lllpt.h.hl It) l;l~.;.t* t¯~ll’e t)| ItlU]II~t’[VI’N WlI|lt)lll ~.O]tlllIitl’y ~t~:~}~l-

till,’," I’l’l,lll |hi’ ])tolll)~’l;t|i)" IH’g;tll.~. ;tl,d |hi’ 3" .will. |l’l,th~tl|de,]|y, ,11I,

"’ }’olh’c ,,llh’iifl- nntI l)irrel:;)r Bpl:Rwilh wi?l !,r vnlith.d It, }he

1},;tl,k~. ol Ihp pn)1’lit" il lh,.y ,’;tD rid lht’ bt.av}l ),f a lyl>t. ,,f ]Olll)gel.~

tl>,V T)I," bnlhin~ ~,+,~1111+1-~ ~ls ;t }1’111),11’1iD~ rialto nnd,x’t-ul,Y lime

~A’ilh ;lllllt)yill~ I,|ht°l’.~.

¯ ’ ¯l¯hi~ lit;lilt’l" v,’ns vltlh¯d h, 11,1° aIlPnlion qL)l the police ill lhe~e

Ct)]ll|ltl)S %~,’t-t-ks ;l}£t):111{| i| iS ]l]l’;l~.ill~. ~ ll~ Ill)l)" llmt lh,’ htIler ]l:l;’e L~.~Pll

tl]i~.kJll~ tt qllh’l, bill ])t¯l.~iNll’lll illIulllpl Iii t¯]t-Illl Il t) }he beat’h. AllIi-

~.l~OOllllIg i)l’t|eF~ filial il llil’htlJt)ll ))fill ; lllel’ely lleM,’~pIiper ]ll Y4h~¯

"l’ht ~. lllll|,))l’ilie~ dr1’ l)l)I ~et.¯]{ tl) vl|l’Iilil lilly h:tr;nh’~.s })JelL*Ill’P.

thl’re¯.~ n x¯a.-I dill’err¯ace bplw,+ell lJir|ii|il,]l ;llld o])ell ill.~,ll}|, belwt~_,D

>l~-t-~tlhql "~,.l)t~n,Jltg ¯’ ;tlld |l)l’t’illK ilf Illllll’~il+;ll)]k ¯ :llll’lllh)ll~,¯ "}’)It’ l)t)l|t’e

lill~iW lh,qr I~t-l~.hlt +’~’~ -’lilt| l),v ],l,l#it’ I’~ wJ{I),tl.~ |,)II’llsl lhl’lll h):trl’P~.l

lht-p¯i~hl pt¯I’>.l~ll~ i,ll It,,’ },LYlt’h.#" .\lh,l~lh" I ’il’~ ~’:tl11*,~l ~;il]i,lfl Ittil--;iz,,’,’> .H ;tl,v :-,,,1-I oi, lhv !)nl|,|ll~

~r,)!Ind.~. Tin ¯ In.nvh ¯~ d;vrl *ptl ~t~ ;t %uM. ~nlt. ]1,lav~’rotllnl 1in" },tell.

~.’,’t)lll)’ll all,l ,’},ihlrpll ,,likt.. Jl |.¯it lt,;tlI+’] ol ~,,>tl IijlDlWe llnil wt. kt~’]l

I1 :ti).~l)Jll]~l.[*. fr,-t’ Irt,ll, ,ll.4,n’,h.r ill)d i"1)%%’,,] 3 i.-.111." -.tth*nlt,’ C’i/.U ]’1"ra+x.

¯ " VuI’V It%l" |t%llllt’£N" liv,’n.-es h;l"%ty t|ltl~ l~ll’ l)t’t¯ll l;lkt..II otll, thollgh

the 11e’¢¢ htxv ;Yl’llI ,nit) i.I]t-t¯I Jllly 4. ’/¯he nt’l re~ltlirl.s lhal :,liell.~ ~llilll

lzly $11) :tad Jt.r.*t.ylnel, ~.1 fi,r }he ln’i;|h¯~, .tll killhlg s, nne of lhe gUllle

N)’W .]t’).~Py ~ till% :@-’ff, lbolll. ~:~l.),(Jl.~) :l Yt’ill" It> l)t|]’,:h:lsv, l)rDt)Itg:lh’ :llld

h.vl. ]hll lhe fnvJ..lllnl hardly lilly lh’eltSV~i hn;¯e be,n nl,l~lhql IO£ IliK’~}

DO} ill¯gllP. ;h’~ ~.Ollle ])~,1~’1~ il1’.’~i.M, tln,l lht.r,’ ;11"1~ nt~ ],llnltq.’~ "ill }his

Nhlh ¯. Tht%v lnay take olll lit’t.n.*t.~ lnlt¯r, whpll lhp 11,lllllillg sl~l)/,t)ll

draw.* near, and lhel-I lhe ~l~lle ll¯ellsllry lllIIy ,)%’yellow wilh the ill-

C,~IIIP. ]ltlLlIPl.5 : tjood gnt,’iOll.% lhi~ :’~tltl, ¯ -~%;’;ll"llla wlih }hell1¯ Ally

¯ )lJ*’ kllO’A’* th]> ~,Vh’1’ ~t’t:.~, 1)ll ¯ II’ilill.’~ gt) OUt ~"’1)]1’1 ;lli Y t’il~pil. Lhly or ~t)

|)L’[,)l’t ¯ I]IU ()])t’ll ~.’1t¯;1~ )11 bl’gIll- ~. .’~ll’] SlY I]l,t’S lilly (,1][ ~ %+,’]I’) |).N)~[S I);’el

tin’ ,-ollnlry 1)n:’ l’ir~I dily rabbil hllllti)lg i~ hlwft)l. ,"51), h.~,, dt~-.~ allly,,nt" w),,; >It,p> to Ibil,k ~Ahere I,ll lhe ,ll~ail nnd l)heIL~tnLs nntl llit’kL’l¯~go h). 11 he- t)ns>;etl illll1, II l,r, lvvrb lhIll lhel’e art, J’l¯t)]ll t;vi)111)ll;’e

hlllllt’l’~ tt,r ,.very gn))le bil.d."--.Ven’ufk )"Ft’1,li#|~ f~’Pa#’a.


"’ If lhr l)lnn ,,I 1he ]’Pllll.~ylYll.lti,t 1"i.~h I’oln]lll:~|l)ll h) P~I11b]]Ml

lri-siah ¯ h;xh’hery :tad :~;eetlre pnlt’lica] ,.,)-41,peel.ill,hi ill !lit, regllhllh)ll .of

i~l~llill~ illll,1,ll}.~ l},e SIIII,’~, ,1,1 P,’lll).~y]%’illihl, Ne~.’ Jel’~;ey ,lad ])e]llwlire

work.- out, hi} lhree ,.innlllOll;v,-n]lhs "wl]l proIll by it. The ll.~herlnen~)f 1],1..":,lnl,~s in tlllesli011 ]ntv,, fill t-~}llal ]lllere.-I in lhP nlLtIlel" ltlld nillJml }> nvpdt¯d i* t’l],’l"lJx¯~" ).t>-o)>erlllh)]l 1)1’ re-~lore lhp ll¯’hing lntel.{.*Is l|,t¯ I)ehtw:ll¯e ]I|vt.r It) ~a1’lllel]tillg llke lheir f,)rmer value. ’/’here t)llghl

I,) I1’,. lit) tli/|h’ll}ly ill ))l’illg]lll{ 1]l].~ It))oul, fol. II tS a qllt°.~.Ill)ll I)f I)IIILIMI]I,,¯netll ;vhh.|, .~]mul.d llpl0cal] h) Ill,’ inlel.esh-d I~’op]e ,,f lilt lhrl*eNI:tle> al|kp.’" -¢¯~mdrn ll’rM Jrrae.q .Prra.~.

".-\ll;ll1’liv I’ily is in |ls 11,eriDdiv:tl unre.M over lht, .~,ubbath obser-

v;,nvp ,lll,,S|ipn, lhal is h) sit 3" lhe (’lly e]prgylntq) ~l]ld their fr|ends al’¢

np ill aria.- bI’CIII1S," f)l’ Sunday l)a.~ ball ll)nylng~ }113(1 lhreahqi ,-rllsnth" 111;,I will pul nx~ rnd It, all Nlllld;ly ~mll}~g, Be,,r lnvluded. The

funny ]mrl of lhe qlt.w vr|]~ll]e Is l]nl| il )nts l]n,),R0"Rlllg ,if Ihe .~%lrmnlnpll, ;,¢ht) ;irl. illd]glllllll 1)l;ll I})e I,ll.’~ ball g’nllle ~hollld lllll’lkel,h ¯ v)1’l’ll,¯r t)f Ill(" e|ly 6,000 filllS "~;hl) ,)llg)ll 1,, be .~mdlng

IIH)IlPy ;.It lhr|r b;ll’~. ]hll AlhlIllh" I’lly ls belllg ndverll~ed, mid ,1)lnl :t)>t)lll :ill lhel’P iN It) l]lP.~e ]~Jrh)d}t¯a! t,liIbre~lkN."--Ullllltlt¯yl (.’~lllI’ivl’.

"A 31r. Yig, lr wa.~ thlpd II/b~.n dr)liars and t.’osts al Allanlh’ L’II~

art o[ alighting, The t]yill~-lllachines will i)roba])ly l;,.q w,,.k t,,r llirlhlg "wllh a delnllrebul dy.~l~’plh~ mald. "rhe~nly

rUlllaill ill,}ullllitu]v ’ ’high" ill cost as well as lr,,nbh. "wilh 31r. Vigor iahl ]n lh# l’~’I Ill|It h~ wlt.~lJll.~L II llll-le ttm- "Vigorous, nnd .~t~ke Io Ihe little nlaid before .~he gltve hhll }he pr,)lx’r

f2ct lot S’)l]le tilllt to Ct)l]l|’. ~|gl)nl. It Inn)" l)rO%’t’a che*tp-]oigon."--l~’oo,lbnr3# Cbn.~titution.)


..... ± ......

olrrl ( "IAN.

IN.~I" IIAN (’E.

FII E IINSUI ANCEAny P~t of Atlantic County¯

Reduction of 10 Per Cent, onMay’s Landing Properties.

~eat E~{:ate.L. W. CRA.MER, May’s Lan’ding, N. J.

I am ,Z|luipped at my yardon the Great Egg Harbor River

to build all manner of craft¯Catalogues of all standardmakes. Workmanship guaran-teed. Prices npon application.


William 5, Lewis,May’s Landing, N. J.

)I E])] (’A

p ILES and other diseases of

the rectum Cured withoutthe knife. Treatment painless.Nodelay from business. Themost careful and rigid invest-igation invited.

Send for Pamphlet¯I)l]’h’e }l)~lll’~ :--9 ll¯ 111. |l, ’2 ]1’. Ill.

Dr. R. I eed,Room 720, Witherspoon Building,


~?t" A G ON ]ll’l LI)EI1.

Wagon Building andRepairing

~prllYg Wagons, thirriag0s nnd ExpreaB%*/atgon~ O11 Hand 11I l~wt:~t }’rlee~.l-’irsl Uln.~ }{elaatylng UultranIPed,

Joseph B. Mattison,Wagon Builder, Estelville I N. J_

W hen something sweet you’d

lille to eat ask for Guiftra’s

For sale at the Water Power Co.

Store. Fresh and pure.

Apo.llo and Lowney Chocolates,fresh weekly.

May sLanding WaterPower Co.,

May’l Iamding, New Jeroe~,+ .


~+ .....

Engagement Extraordinary

Concerts 3..30 and 8.30 p. m.I,y the wonderlul

PhilippineCons tabugary Band

Talented Filipin0 Artist~ under- the C0nduct0rship of

CAPT. WALTER H. L..0VING,,%ll]i).,, ilIIPrll,)oll llllll I¯’,’l’Dlllg 11’2," Mi.~s 31;1)"

.’4hirk, Sl,])nnl,i SolotM.

Dawson’s Dancing Dolls andChildren’s Carnivals¯

Young American Minstrels¯

Dancing and Other Attractions.

Adgie and her Yamous Lions.Mme. Maranette with

Society Horses.Boz, the roller, skating donkey.

Popular Vaudeville.

of Nay’s Landing.

Every merchant and pro-

gressive business man shouldhave.., a Bank Account and

pay his bills with ch~cks. His ~

standing among business men

is better; there is no dange/ot losing money, and everycheck is a receipt for the

payment made.

In our lnterest Departme.nt

we pay you 3 per cent. interestaton your savings,

As little asone dollar to

start with.Let us start you ’right with

your Bank AccouI]t.

C. D. MAKEPEACE, President.

Spring and Summer

, Clotlti. g+

Cut Prices and I-3 less than :ahy- storeYour Attention Please.

Men’s Suits (2 pieces) ..... .......... $3;00 to $8.00Men’s Suits, one lot ............................ ;$5.00Men’s All Wool Blue Serge S.uits.. i--: ..... ;.$7.50 "

.Boys’ Suits as lowa~ ..... ; ..... - ....~ ........... $1:00 :Men’s Pantaloons ........... i ..... ~ ......... L..75c up i .-

Boys’ Pants-Bloomers ........... . ........ . ;:.50c -up

Latest in Shirts and NeCkwear.Everything-must go.



RALPH S. VANNAMAN,~eeretary.


All at Cut Prices,.



Price on the Market.

;or ~nle By--



French Dry CleaningShop,

36 S. New York Ave., Atlantic Cit~.



goth Phones.


Representa~iv.eand See You.

Tennessee, Ave,,." ATLANTIC CITY, N. d.


¯ - 7 .

With Sample Books, Upon Request,-Will


Now Is The Time To Paint Your

’ House, Use .

Wetherill% ,


M a y}s La n d i n gCatalogue


Atlas Ready Nixed!- . ~ " .. ,.

Pmnt,Gallon Guaranteed To+

Satisfaction.. .

Water Powerand Prices. --






1¯ . !

. . -: .




" - L " "

. . " .-

. -

-- . ._








Principal Municipal Institutions ofthe City By the Sea" Locatedfor the Information of Patronsof the Resort.

Atlantic Co~tst-Constrnetion Company, being

SHEIUFF’.’#~ALE one hundred foui’h~vn and flvt>-tenths feetmeasured along sald line) northwest from lhe

lie virtu0 of a writ ,if )ieri lhei’l.~, Ill 1lie di- westerly ~lde o/a.sLreel sl~lnetinles imlled Lakel’l’v{ed, i.~ued oul I)1] ) :Ni,w Jer~,y I’ourt of strict and rnns (1) along maid dlvldlng lineL’haneery, will be .~old at pubile vendue, on norlh seventy-one degrt~ lhlrly mlnutes wesl

.’4ATUI{I~AY. THE NEVENTH DAY OFnlnety*-elgllt feet 1o lands of the Women’sChristian Tempermlee Union; thence (2) along

,\IT(]’UST, NINI’;*TEEN HUNDRED line of ml]d lands .~)uth n]netecn de~,~.sAN 1) NINE, thlrty mfnnles wt~t ninely-eighI, feel to r]ghl-

ICun~amit-~. True] t’t)., .Sllnulh’X nnd Nt)l’tl] ill lwi) o’l.]l)t’k ill Ihe afiern,~m nfsnid dIIy, ;11t)f-wliy of Atlantic t’ily P~ilri~d; thence

I’:lri)lJll:l :ivuilut~¯~i. },~l]t,il]lit;~ l]olel, i*(,rnt.r .\lhl]]lil- ill]d ,%t)nthi:l) along .~ltd ]’ighl-of-way .south Mxty-

3hirinv Tl’U:4t I’t).) l.~7~l .\t]nnlie aYl~nlll", I°-.irt,]ilin aven[ll.~, iu ]he vity of .\t]antil ¯ (’ity, .Mx di_~gl¯L~s t~l~t fifly-Olle /’L~t; thellet, (4)

.~4i.t’t)nd N;]lii)l~ii] lkll)k, .~ I’~,l" ]’t)rk lind i¯t)lll]|y l)f Alhlnih’ lind ~tille t)]" Ni.w .ler~ey; northlive a]ldnineteenfive-lenlh~de~rvt’~feeI;lhirtYtheneeliliulltL>S(.)j sonthelL~t.\]l liml i.erl~lill ]ol i)r par0e] i)f ]:]lld seventy ~ degrees I]flyeigbt ininntes ],as1hl]llit-;ivt.llllt.~. ]ll’t.lllisv.~, .~ilullle Jn ]he eily of At]anth-Cily, forly-.~j~en h]ld livL-tenth.~ [t~t IO a l~)lul

l’nion Nation:il lhi)]k, .\lh]ntir nnd Kvu- in tile el)ul~ty t,f .\ihinih’, n]ld Stall" i)f opt~)slte at right angles fl’i)nl the ]ineoflheJi°l~t’v, lind d~,.~l, rli)ed ]is h)llnws lllt’ky ;IYl’uut’s. Be,glnnlng at a ]~<)]nl in lhe.northerly ]hie l’h~anlville add AII;lnt]c Turnpike or Plank

l~l):l,’dw;ilk N;llilnl;ll ]hink, t)l.i_~lin ;ivellui" ]if ~l’t.ntlli)r ll’li.nln~ lit the dt.~tanl.e of f,)rly-slx l{i)lid Ill the .plaeu of I~hluiug; lllt, lll.e {5)

;lnd tin, ]h’;tt’ii. li~’f i~l~Fwardly fnlnl lhe ~asterly Hlie of Hart- along maid righi ang}e line noTih nineteen. degrees thlrty lnlnules east nhiet3"4dghI nnd

\\’t~i ],.r~i>v Title .’lnli i;illll.Iuitt¯t, i.t)]niinny’

l’l)i’d Terntee: lind ex[elldillg thP1]ee ]lorlh- fl’~:e-tenli].~ feel tO Ihe beg’innJug, conlillntllg¯ ward]v pll]~l]]e] %$’lilt ]lnrtford Terrllee one.\llnnliv ;iiiii ~l,l’lh I’:lrl)]illll ;]~i’ellnl.~. hundl~ed feet; lheuee 01lslwardly paralh’l wlih on~-Ilfl.h of un acre, and that If need],e, there

s,)lllii .Jvr~t.v Tiih. ;ll)d ]-’inllce I’olnt) iu’c, Ventl]or aYen]le ’uiln.IY ft¢l; lbenl-e still]h- be .~oid sL~cond all linit pnrtiol] of .~<ild 1,1nrI-¯ ¯ gn,-ed pre]ni.~s,

¯ wlrdh unv hundn.d ]’ I,, tl}e norlherl3 ......Nt,w J~)rk ;llll] .\lhinlie ]1vent]e.g.]h]e I)f VPlltnl)r aYl~llile; ;ind tht, nl.e "wl?.~t0rly

BeginlliDg on Ihe hne dlvldh]g tile rtg)]l-t)f-Sh,>rl. l:a-i l.iln,, ]roller }>PIv,’l’t’|i .\l]nlllh" alnl]~ ]he northt,r]y lint. of Vvnlnor ;IvL’nll0 wav Of tile l~h~L~lutville :lud ~.ilanliu

" Tu~-n])ikt" l)r }’hlnk l~(yal-1 und the property|’ily, S~nnv)’~" ]’t)iul ;ll/lii I)t’i.lill I’ily. High lihlt’f’v ft’l’t ti, lhe t]]nt’l: i)f beginning; being of lbe ~\t]ltnti(( I.’oIi.q I;onslraclion Ui)ll]Nn~-

pilrl i~flhe .~lnl, l]l’en]i.~e.~ v,’hieh The Veuluor being one huudred li,tlrit~n nnd llYe-tenlhs~l) t.’.ll’~ il~]vt-%’il’~ii)i’.l ilY~¯l)lli ¯ :lnd I)cl.ali- l)n.dging {’onlpilllv ol .\llantiL’ City, New reel (nleasured ilh,ng .~aid l|ne) northwe.~lw:lik fl)r $i)iill.r~’ ]hlilii, nlld ~t)lnt, l~’ ]h,inl fin- Jersey, ~J’i- del;d d~lled Au~u.~l ].~I, ].~], andAll:Ill]iv ¢’ily. lhmnd t]’il~ f;lrP 2,’) vvnl.’-, rt~e~r~led "iu tire t’lerk’~ ];1lice of Alh]ntie froln lhe wesler]v .~ide Of a street solnetln]t_5~i

]"h.t-lrie lnlil]~ bt01wel.n Alhlnlil. t’ilv lind i’t,unlv in lyo~)k .Nt). o67 nf ileed.~ pi~ge206 &e. i>lll]ed Lake .~ll"t~i:t, antl tun.~ Ill nlong satdd]vidln~ lille nnrtil seVcnl%-4)ne de@rces lhlrty¯ gr;llltt:d aud eon’¢P3ed h) 3hie]ha s\. 3]a]’tin n]tllllte.~ wt.~t ninety-t-igh’t feet t[) ]ands of]’hihidl.ll+dii:l, liiird l:lJl ~,’v~.tt0n], Ol~’riih’d I)y hi fL~e. the "l, Voll~len’~ L’hri.~ihul Telny~tnee Union;~lVl.>i .h.r-q@ :llld I’~t.ll.~iil)re ]{aiirt)llll t’t,. t]’elnl- ~eixed ,"is the })ri)pe]’iy i)f l"nl)lk .~,1. 3h]rthl tileuce (2) :]long ]lilt" IIf .~qi]d lal]d:~ :,~oulh

.~ylvnn|:l ]{. ](.~ "l’riiin> ]e:l’vl, .\lhinlh" L’iiv, ,.I. ~li., nnd llik~]l in exeruIion nt lhe.~uit ol nlnell.t~n dt~rl~.~ thirl.v ]nlnult~.~ "Wt~l nlnely-¯ " The Provident l,ife aud Tru>t L’olnpuny of elght ft~t lo rtghl-ol-wav of Ailantte CltyTt,)lYle.~.~tw nve]lne ;]]ld I’ulndcn 31arkPl ~ll’eel Pl]ihldelphia, lind tl) be .~old I).%’ ¯ -Hailroad; thenee (3) ;lh)llg ll]d right-of-wayFerry terln]lnl].% ]’:.x])]ws.~ Inlin.~ niake lhc ENOUIt ]~. JOHNSON, SOlllb sixty-six degre~ L~st fifty-one feel;t~;nlih, rlln ill 10t)nlinllh’~. ]{])lind lr]pliire,~l.7.5 ~berifl, lhenee (4) " noyih niuet~n dt~re~ thirty

]);lied Juh" 3, li~). minutes --~ls[ ~-l"t-e and flve-Ienths feet; thence- ]]oWA1tD 51. t’oo~r’Elt, ~olh’itor. (5) south seventy degrees fifty-eight mtnute~

],E(i.~lL. 6L l’r’:~ l’Po, ~22.06. east forty-.,~even nnd five-ienths feet to a

~H]’:BI]"]’"~,-4.\1,],:. " - SAL. "t, t~)int opposite ai ri~hi n~gles froIn 1he ~ne

pROP0 of the Plc~lnlvl]le-and Allantle Turnpikeor Plank Boud at l]]e plaee of beginniug:thence 01) along the said right ungle llne~By virlue r)f n writ oi ¯ fleri facial, 1o lne dl- .’¢c~a)ed blds or prop(~-al.~ for the t’on.~trneti,mnorth nineteen aegree~." thirt:y minutes ea.,drot.ted, issued bul of lhe New Jersey Court of of a new nbutment and wing walls al thenlneiy-elght and Ilvc-teLllhs feet to the beglnn-Chilneery, will be sold al l)ublic Yt’111]U0, tin Tueknhoe Dn]w Brtdge, Tnl-k;ihc~-, N. J., ill

SATVRI)AY, THE TH] I/TY-FI]%.S’I’ l)AY I)F aL’eordanee wllh t)lans and speeithmtion.~ onlng, contalnlng one-~lI’lh of an acre.

,’~elzed ns 1he property of Al]antlc ComMl-He In the office of tbe (’nuut%" ]~]uglu(~pr, [,onslrncth)n Co. et. Ills. lllld laken Jn exeen-,][’I,Y, NINETEEN HUNIJI{EI) 10:4 Building, Athn]liv t’lly. N.J., tJoll 11I lhe suil of t~t)berl "Wetherill and IoANI~ NIN]’:, will be rePelved 1)%" lhe lh~lrd (if t’bo~¯n Free-’ be .~t)ld by

;ll IWO i)’eh)ek In Ill] ° llllPrln)Ol] o[.~id d:]y, lit h|)lder~ ofAlhllHie’CoUllly, ,N. J., w]lel] eli]led ENI)t’]t I,. JOH.N,~Ii IN,Kuehn]e’~ Holel, i’l)rnvr AIl:u]tie anl| ,~-~]ulll for Iiy the ])Ire,’tor, durin~ a n]eeting of lhal ~]]eri1Lt’;lrl)iin;I ;l’¢el]ut.~, in lile t¯ily ol ~\l);]nlie L’]ly, I;~)dy tn i)e held ~t\’ednesday, ;{ugu~t 4th, ].~tO.), ]);lied Jnly ]7, ].~tl~).ol,iinty ill r .\lhn]lie nntl~i~llt, of~t,w Jt,r~e)-. ill 1] i)’l’loek a. hi., in .Men]t)rilll tlali, South ..h,ltN B. ~LAI’K, ~uliviloL

All linll i.el-~ain t]’i]et Or parL, el of hind and New York avenue, Atlanth’ City, N.J. tit. l’r’s Iee, ..~gl.I~J. -prt, lnist’.~ llelt¯il]aI!.er parIieularlv d~crlbt~.l, N,) hid will be re[.tdved i)r con~idel’ed unh,.~i,i~}lll;lle t)l) A}).~t~l;i)u Bl~lt.h ]ix "~own.qlip of ;tet-i)]npanied by a eel~tllled e]iPi.k upon a .............

¯ ~aIiona] Dr ~hile Blink i)r Tru.~I {’oulptlny ~,HEIIlFF’,~ ~ALL’;.]’]k’g }tnrl)or, in liie vl]unly ill .\il-.llllh ° andd~lwn lo lhe order of F. F. l)i)ughly , Dlr~’ior,¯ %l;tle tii ~t’w ,ivl’.~ey.

B).{finnin~ ;11 a ]~t)hll ill ]he 1),,rlhwest for thesnm of five llnnllred dD]]al.~ (~1,5()0). Bv vh-lne of l/wril t)f flvri flit.ias, to lne di-

el)rl]t.r t)f Alhinlit- ;i.nd N:l~,}l~-ille :tVt>l]]n?s J~t)ud wll] lie required as set forth ill tile reefed, J.~lled out of l)ie .New Jersey t’ourl of

n.)w hdd ,)ill (~xid Nn.~iivillv ft)rl])er]y .~peeil;h:litlons fi)r tile faitbfill t~rD)rn]nnee of fL’il:lnt.t, ry, wii-I ),e .~ld lit pllbi]t~ %’endoe, nno111 ll) bl’ ii l~l’ly fFel wide ;IYPnl]e now the eonlraet.wiih0nl.d ~.i-Yl>ll ft.t.i llll t>nt.h ~hleihu.~ nlllklng ’.the (’ounty re.~ervPs tile rigbt Io rcj~’t ;Ill)" SATUtU)AY, TILE T\VENTY-FII~’I ~ DAY

-4lid :lYt’]l]n" sJAly-fi]ur h’l’l WiU~) nnd rlln.~ or :ill l)ld.~ If it .~honld deen] 11 /or the plibllc I)]," AI, GIT.~T, NINETEEN H[’NI)REDU~tu:lvl" I I t nln-thwiirdlv ill ;lnd ;llong 1lie il]lerl_~! ~) to do. .-~.NIJ NINE,we.-h.,’)y /ine of .%’lL’,hvli]o ;l~;el]l]e eighty ft,’t; ]"I~ANX EN])]-:RI.1N,]hi, nee 121 we.qv,’ardly ]lUll piira]]el with i’halrnn]u of Bridge Colunliih~,. al two o’chx~k in the llllernt~)u I)t ;’~4~lhl day, ntAtlnnlic :iVel]ue lhirty-e]ghl fee]; thence (:3) I’r’s tee. ~.02. Kuehn]e’s Hotel, corner of:’~)uth Cal~)lina and~oulhw:lrd]y .und ]);ll’a]]el with ~aid Nasll* Atlantic avenuc% in 1he elty of Al]nntic City,vi]le :lv4011ue iqghI’¢ /eel tl, a l~Jinl In 1he TN CHA.Nt’EI{Y I)F NEW .IEIL’4EY. eountyofAlhinth’aud~Illh’ofNewJer~i’y,norti]er]v line "of "Alh]ntit’ l]’,enue; thence 1 All tliat Perlnln lot of hind and prenllse~,t4) i~l~l’~’ri]rr~13" in nud lilol]g sIltd nortberly To Julius [’l)|v. .~lluate, lying and l~eing in ]be elly oflinl, tff .\lhinlie a\enue ihirty.4-igbl l’t~t .-\thxnlIe City, (’ounlv of Atlantic and ~tale]he l~)h]l or t)lat’e of beginning; being Lot By virtue of ill] order of ]he t ’ourl of I’ban- of Ne’lv ,1L’N’y, and" bt)unded nnd de~ribed

- CPTy of Ne%v Jersey, n]adp on ]be day ofthPNt). 1 in .--evtim] :~) ~)li pinn of h)i.~ of NViil]aln date l]ereof, in a t-erhdn imu>~e wherein ~,~ follows:’ BPglnnhlg aI a poinI in Ihe west side of n},rii]hm, .ill]]ior, and %Va]’ren 31. ]?ale, Thomas J..~,Inlllvau t.~ the eomphlinnnt and Iwe]ve /vet wldc strecl knowll IL~ 31uloektlh-d in the ,,;~l?i? i)f the t’lerR of .411anlle )-oll .lu]lus Ih)Iy are the defendanl, you nee Terrace one hundred /ee! i~lst from lheI_’l)llllly, ;ll 31il’i".~ ].,finding, NeW .ler~Py, lind

bt,ing ])lll’l t,f lilt, .’~Iln]e i,l’eu]i.~t..~ t.t)uYe’vt*d required tO llppt, a]’, :plelld aniiwer or den]uTto eu.~t line of New l-lanlp.~h|r~ avenue l%udIi, lhe .~liil 31ilion l~. 31un.~on, bv %Vill~m ]be hill of .,~]hl eomplnlnant, on or bell)regime Mxty-four land .~evenly-llve one hundredths

- eightb day of .%eplen!ber next, or tbP.~]i~bi]]I~ l:lrinl~n], Junil)r, nud %Varren hi. Uale, by will be lakenn.~ t’oufe.~.,~ed aglUn.~t.3¯ou¯ " t64.75) feet north fron] ]he north ]tne nfdvt’d bt.nrin~ dah~ tilt’ twentielil i~l]v of ~]0d]Lerranean avenue and guns 1hence (1)Jnnuiiry, .\. 1)., 19~0, ;lllll ln[i0ndt~d li) he l~lrlh- The .~tld bill ls filed lo foree)ose a InorIgagv westwardly flflv feet; thenre (2) northwardlygl’¢en by Julin.~ Coly and wife Io lhc lh’ovldenlwith ret.t,rdt.d.

Sub~et’I i]l)Wevt~r, lu ti~e rt.strit?lion~ re,n- Life :ind Trnsl Company of Piiilndtqphin. sixleen and flfIy one bundredth.~ (10.50)fe~h thenee (3) t~a.~lwgrdiy ~1113 feel; lhenee

];lined In the "above rice]led deled. ~ dated ]he lwenty-elghlh dliy t)f 3];]F, ].~.M, (]11 (4) sout}]wardlv slxIeen ;u]d l]fty one ]]un-Thc allow, xleseri))ed ])ropt.ri’¢ will hi" .~old ]and.~ situate in lhe city of Allantie CiLy, aud

dredLbs (16.50) {eet to ]he pl’~e of beginning..’.lll)jL~¯t tti lllxt~ ft)r lhe vizir i)f 1.~)07) aInt]llnlilig yi)u Ju]iu~ Cot3~ :ire nnlde defeudl]n.1 I)el-all~t. Selxed ;is tile properly of 31:lttie B. Re,~an,It) ~,’gY2.0ti, ;lnd hlxl..~ l"in- lht. yelir o] P, iO% yon ;ire the lintker of.~aid nlor[glige. ])an]el P. ]tegan, ]JDuls Knehule and 31ary E.~llni,lllliing It, ~27¯$i. ;kLL]-;N B. EN])11’OTT, JR., )lcJ]rer, ;I]](] l;lken in exeeutinn ;it lhe snil of

.%eizi’d :]~ lhe properly i)f 31iihnl ]. )IlllISOU, I:uion Nnliin]a] Bllllk lhli]ding, Edwin 31. IJo]d~nlith, and to be .,~)ld byt’t. al. and ulkt.n iu vxei.lllil)ll ;]l ]hi_. ~.uil of AIial]lil; t’ily, .~;. J. ENI.)fL’H J,. ,I()HNI’il)N,.\llllit’ J. I’ )lilly, ;llid ti) bt’ ~.i)hi.hy ]~)lllOd tht’ sevellth dny Of lilly, ]909. ,~her]H.

EN Ot_’tt L.’l’]"~ fee, .~10.50.

~)ltN~N, 1)ated July ]7, li~).~herilL H. ~tV. 1,xWl~, .’9olicito]’.

l),,tt’d Jura. 2)i, ])~..). ~’r4)TICE T() ?IF])]:I’()llS.Ifl. P,"~ fee, ~20.50.

(I/.IVl-:l" T. t{t)~;]-;R.~, ~i)]it,i|t,r, ......51. Pr’.~ J’t~’. ~’I0.75. ]:~qnle aI’ TbPl>~nre 1,. lh]rkl>r, dec, t,a~eil.

]’ur~:ulil]I li) the ol"der ,if l"nl:lnue] C. Sil;ln[.r, SHERIFI"8 8A i.E.~Llria~gntemade mI llle°f tbeapplieationeOUnty Ofof All:retie,tile Ihi.~ day 113" virtue ofa Wril of lh.ri lhl.ilis, ttl Die di-

A])MINi~’]’I{ATI)I{’.’4 rL~t’h~l, i.’,k~lled l)ul Of the St"tY Je]¯.’6ey t’ourt ol.’6.\ IA.’. undel~igned,

Ex~’utor of the .~iijd del.edl,l]l, notiee Is bcrehy Uhnn(’Prv, Will be sold lit public %’endue, Dll]IV ~,-}rtut. of all ordcr of tilt ° I)r])ln]u.~’ t’,)url glv(’u h) lhe c?edlior~ of the .~lid d~,edenl

i)f rill, i’i)lln|~¢ ¯ (If .-\lhlulie ]n;lde i)11 li]e exbibii tolllesubseriber, under~lth I)rllllirnl- ,~ATI:1U)AY, Tttl-] TWENTY-FIII,~T 1).\5".-ixteenth d:l b" /)f Ju]le, l]inetl~t~n h]lndrt_-d and alion, their ehlln]s and de]nauds ;tg:iill.~t lile [)]" AUGIg.~T, NINETEFN HI’NIIREllnine, lh0 .~ub~criber, iidn]ini,Mnih)r ill 1he estate oflhe ;~.lid decedenl, wlthln nlue ]uoulhst’.~hlle Of l);Ivid Ci)]tre]l, [leet~a.~ed, will, i)n frl~nl thls date, or lhey wl)l be forever barred AND NINE,

fl’onl proseelli,hlg or rL~eoYel~lng the .%anle lit I%vo o’clock ill tb0 at’lerno4)n of .~aid day, at¯ ’~.\TI’}il)A’Y, TILE TH]BTY-FI]L"JT ])AY again.~l the.~ubscril~>r. Kueln]le’s ]tOIL.l, coruer Al]nnlie nnd ,’4onlll

I)F JULY, NINETEEN HUN I)RElJ lJUA]IAN’rE-I-: "l’l~v.wr Co-~n’ANY, {’al~lina l]~,-enu[.~, in lhe city of Allaulie I ’ity,Ext~Utol’, co]lilt)" i)f ;~.lhln|ie and ~lte I)f New Jer:~e~’.AND NINI’~, ,\llanth" Ulty, N.J. All l]lat cerlain lot Of land and premises,

al lhe iil)ur o[ tWO O’t’hx’k ill lhe aflernoou, 3hly’.~ l~lndlng, N. J., June 18, 1909. .~ituate, lyhlg and l~,ing in the eity of~-ell ;]I publie vel)duP ]lpon ]he l)]t~nli..~,.~ Hiiu:lnli)nloll, Ne%F JeD~’, 1]]] I]lal certain

Athmtte City, eounly of Allan]h: and ~tate

N of.~ew Jerk, y, and bounded nnd de, scribed a.,;Inlet ,)r 1,ureel of land .~ltu’.ltl.2n the ]own t)f OT]t’E TO t’llEl)lTI)R.~.Ha]llnlonllm, county i)f Atlanlh’ and .%bite follows:

of New .lvr.~ev, bounded and de.,~ertbed as Estate ol \VIllhlm Aikm’ln, dee~a..~,d, Begi.nnh]g lit ;l l~)h]t in the west side of" :lnl lo the order of Ennlnuel C. Nhnner a lwelve Ieet wide streel known aS Mulcekfollows: lh¯ing known as It)L,, lnnnber~ 4~ .~ 15,

nnd 5 bh~.k t’t)f Colwe]l’s Plol of ilUlUlnonton, Sllrl~)gate l)f the enunty i)f .-\thintie, lhi.~ Ternll-e oue hundred feel P,l.~l from lhe

New Jer-vy, beginniug at ;t l~)iul In the hi;]deon 1be applhuith)n of the undv]’Mgned east line of New ilanlpsh.lr0 avenue and

>.outherlv line l,f P]t~a.,~anl .~tretd, one hundred Exeeutllr of ]he ~lid del.edPllt, n~)tiee is hereby elgbly4)ne and twenty-five (~lle hundredth~

;lnd IlI1~" il’el f/’l)nl ]be I~lslel’]V side of Tllton g]vvn In I)le erediloIN of liw .~ald deeedenl h) (.~1.73) J’eel norlh fronl the norlil line

~,lrt~.l, r]lniling lih)n 7 P]l’IL~li]{ >lreet nnrl]l- i¯xhlbll h) lhe .~ul,.~0rll)er, under oalli or ntl~rl]]- 3h~dih, r~ll]ean avenile lind rilus ll]ence 11)

ea~ierlv; liiei]ce (l) .~)ulll~a.~tvrlv nnd tm]:llli01 -’it]on, ]hi.Jr i.lninls lind delu~inds il.gnin.~t liie weMv;llrdlv llfiv fctq; theuee (2) l~orlbvcardly

wilil ’]~ilit,il ~trl>l.I one bund]’efl nnd Iorlv-Mx t.~inie~)fthe.~ald deeedenl, will]in l]ini, monlhs .Mxtt~n n-nd llfl’v onp ilundredlils ft~t (ltkS0);

feet .~ix"incln,.~ tl) lhe lhlL. of line 31r~. L’o}lev; frl)]ll tills dale, or riley will be fl)rever bllrred t)leni.L, (3) enst~vardly . fifty feel; lhenee (4)

tllel]ee (:2] nl)ri]]l-,l..,terly ;ill)l]7 ."tlr~. I~l)g~t.-v*’.~ frlllli prl~-~l’,zutil]g nr re/-t)%’er|n7 the .1411ne~t)nihward]y .%xteen andfilly one bundrL~dlh.~

]in[’ t%vIJ bllndred and f,)]’Iv2.~lx /i~i In il)t ;!.gliinst the sul)~er]her. (l#i,50) t’l~l 1oll]ep]neeofbeginlMng, ’

l)llnll)t.r l]il]t, ~)wni.d by one ]-’it.~]ds" lh(,uve JA31]-::.i )I. AIN?,IAN, Exe(.ulor, :~e]zL’d n.~ lbe properly f .hlIIie B. t~.,~,al],". -. " - - Uuiou Nalionnl Bank, Dantel P. Began, Louis ]4uehnle and Mary E.nt)l’I-I-IAVL.~Ierly ;tiol’lg .~i, ld ]’ ltdrd’.~ lil]~: al]d ;It

rigiil ;ll]gh.~ wilh PIi.a.~illil ..,lrL-el i)lll~ ]tllndred Allanlie City, N.J. Mehrer, lind laken In ext~ntion ;11 the ~]llt ol

nl]/i]’orI3--Mx fet.I ~ix ini.hi..~ h] ]’h~L~anl Mreet; 3hly’.~ J~lndJng, N. ,J:, Jnne 5, ]!)09. Jesse II. CavJ]cer and 1o be .,told by

li]enee (-1) .~ou[hwe.~ter]y along P]t’il~tlnl alreel ENOUH I,. JI)HN,’9_’ON,lwo hund]t-d lllld fifiy-thrce feet to 1he 1)lace I~Tt3T1CE TO Ct~E1)ITOR,~. :-3herlll.of beginning. , ..L~’ l);Ited July 17, ]909.

.\Is,) ;i]1 lhl)~[" tWi) et.rtllin h)t.~ nf ]’:state ofCaih;lrine i;arrim]n, dveL-,~sed. H. YV. LxwL% ~oliellor.silll;ih ¯ Iv]n,., n)nl 1)e]]17 ill ]lip town of Haul- " Pollr~]lltnl It) the order (n" Ellulnuel C. ~hnner, .Bt¯ Pr’s fee, ~i’_$..’J0.nnnHin]," colinlY i)f ;\l]i]ntic and ~tale of New .’~llrrofate of lhe Uonniy of Alhull]e, lhis da) ..........Jt.r~ev, kin>-lvu’it.~ loi.~ nuluber:.i’7 and :J in ]nade-oll the npplh~illilm of lhe nndel.~lgned, t’~i~l)T]t.’E TO CIIEI)" C in I’oiwe]]’~ plot of h)Ls h] .~x]d town Aduflni~tnltor of the .’~lid d[t’@dent, noliee is .ilI)f Halllnll]llh)u. bounded and desertbed its hereby ~iveu tl) th6 ercditor~ l)f the .~lld de- Estnte of3hlri’i 31e]onev, deeeil.,.ed.ft)llml.’~: Beginnhlg al it poinl in the vast side ’(.edenl 11)exhibit to 1be .~ubseriber, under oaIt] Pu].~uanl to the urder o}" En]anut.] t’..~bnner,of Ti]hm .~lrt.t,I forty--~lgi]t lkt ]ind. nin~ lnche~ (,r llllirlnatiou, their ehiin]s lind denlands 19urrogate of the eounty of ¯-\l]antie, thls dliy~)lli’iit>il~tt, rly /ri)nl the L~.~t corner of PiPll2.1an| aKa]nsl ]be e.~hlte of the .~a]d decedeut, wllhln nntd0 i)n lhe application i)f 11][+ nuder~|gned,and ".Filh)n MrecL~ and heing ]he souih corner nine lnonlhs frolll ]his dllte, or they will be Executrix of the sald r" dei, edenl, notice Isof une :Spcar’.~ hind; lbenee ruunlng south- forever barred /ronl pro~¢uiing or recovering hereby given to the creditors of lhe raid de-m>terly alung the ea.~terlv line o’l"T.l~ton strt~et the same a~lnst the -~ub.,*crtber. cvtlent to exhibit to Ihe sfibgcrlber, under oathninety-seven ft~,i Nix ]llt:b[.~i tq..-one Ttlton’s JO]tN C. ~jJCXt:L, Adlnlni.~tralor, or ilfllnnatlon, their c]alnIs and demandsland; theuL.e. (2) northeasterly along sald lti00 Atlantic ave., Atlantic City, N, J~ a~gainsL the estate of the said decedent, wlthlnTll!on~s land and eonlinulng along oue Cog- May’s Landing, 2g, J.,JuneT, ]009. nine nionths from thb¢ date,, or they will be~ey’s Jand oue hundred and fifty feet to a TII!IMPSON ,~ COl, E, Proctors. forever barred fro]n prosecuting or recovering~lnt; thence .(3) northwcsterly paralle) with Atlantic City, ~N. J. the sanIe agilln~t the ~ubserlber.rllton >;Lrt~t nlnely-~even feet and six inches - " - - - ~ A.qNIE J. ~It;LoNEYi Exeenlrlx.

.,¢a~d~ ~pea r Atlanlle City, N. J.tosa]d~ mr%t~rner;thenee 4 southa " "’ ( )"

we~ter]ylong s land one hundred and fifty

"~-r.~.~ OTICE TO May’s Landing, N. J., June ]8, ]909.CREDITOR~.

feet to ~.]d Tllton .ntreet and pla~e of beglnn- of Elizabeth IAngelbaeh, deeea.,~ed. R]-:PETTO & REPETTO, P .~tors-,ng) eonmnlmg ~ourleen thourand six hundred

mt to the order of Emanuel C ~haner . Atlanne Chy, N. J.add tweniy-flve square feet of land. "" , "¯ ~urrogate Of the County of Atlantle, tht.~ day [ ............

Trios. K. GtU.D]-;Nn]-:R~;, made on the application or the under~lgued, I GI~TOTICE TO CREDITOIL~¯Admlnl~trator of tile E~tate oi Executor of the .~tld decedent,’llotlce is hereby I i~

David Cottrell, dt~’t~sed, gh’en to the creditors of the sald decedent io [ iS~tllte of Frank Daddarlo 4 deceased.])Med Jmn> 24, ]9~9. e.xhlblt to thesubserlber, under oath or affirm- [ Pursuant to the order of Emanuel C. Shaner,

6t. ])r’~ fL~, ~:]].5(}. atlon, 1heir elalms and demauds ngalnst the Surrogate of the County of AllanlJe, thl~ day- e~tate of the ~ald decedent, within nine months nmdq on lhe applleatlon of lhe undersigned,

NOTICE|)F .~E~’I~I’LESIENT. from thls date, or tbe)" wl]l be forever barred Executor of the s ald decedent, notice ls herebyfrolp prosecuting or recovering the mime glven to the eredih)rs of the ~ald d~edent In

Noih"e 1~ hereby given that the aeeount o; against ]he subscriber, exhlblt to the sulmerlber, under oiltb oraffirm-|lie ~tii).~.r]i)t.r. lk,~ ~.;xeeutor of ’lhe ~.,dalve - Jo.~EP]! LING14LnACII, Executor, ntlon, thelr clahns and demands ugainst lhel~)ul.~ Kunlp~, decelx.,~,d, wilt l>e -uudiied Pomerantth N..1. eatate of the mild deceden:L,’wlthin ninemonthsand .~h~tt-d by the ~urrogale aud rL’ported for May’s Landing, N. J., July 14, ]909. from th)~ date, or they will be forever barred.~>lt)e]neill I,) the Orpban¢ l’ourt of Atlantic HERMAN L. ttA.MILTON, Proctor, fromproseeutlngorreeovenngl.hemtmeagatnst(:tmniy, on \Veduesday, the eighteeuth da)¯ of " Egg Harbor (:It)’, N.J. tile subscrll~r..\ngllM, heal. - ............. JottN-I~Ic}IUSTER, JR..

C]IA.RLI’;.’A-z\. BAAKI’;, I’~OTICE TO CRED]TOIL~3. ) Executor.Executor..i., ’ ~ Hnrbor City, M.J.

Atlanilc Clty, N.J. Estaie of (Jotlfrled Bub, deceased. May’s ].41ndlng, ~. J., June 7, 1909.])ah-~d July ]7, A. ])., 1909. }’urmlant to the order ofEmauuel C, ,"Jhaner, - "

- - Surrogate of the County of Atlantic, thls day "~IkTOTICI’~ OF BETTLEMEN,~.-~vl)T]t’E I)F BET~LEMENT. made on the app.lleatlon of the undersigned,±~ , ~UDstltuted Aominlstrator e. L a. of the mild

Notice i~ hereb " gi’¢en ih.l i the.u’eoLlnt of tile decedent, notice Is herebygiven to the creditors¯ ~ub~eriber,:~ .’4ubstltutedAdn]hllstnitorc.t.a~ of Lhemdddewe~lenttoexhfbittothesubacrlber,of’ lllq estate of J]u’oli Mueller, d~. under outh or affirmation, their claims andwill lie audited nnd stated by the i~urro~ate demands against the estate of the .~ld deee-and reported for ~ttlement to the OrphanW denh wlthin pine months from thls date. orCourt of Ath]ntle. Count)’, on Wednesday, the they will be forever barred from pro~utlngelgi~ Leentii day of August, nex L or recovering tbe mime ugalnst lhe subscriber¯

ALnERT C. ~TEPI1ANY, C]IAllLE.~I (3A~IT,Mub. AdmlnIMnttor e. I, a. BubMItuted Administrator e. i. a,

Atlantic City, IN. J. / Egg Harbor Clly, N, J.Dated July 17. A. D., 1909. ~|ay’~ La.~dlng, 2,t, J., July 21, 1900.

/- /




By virtue ofun order of the Orphans’ Courtof Lhe County of Allanile, made on the eleventhday of May, 1(909; the sub.~riber, the admlnis-trulrlx of the a~tate of Lyford. Beverage, de-ee~L~ed, will, on the


al two o’eh)ck in the afternoon, ~ell al publlevendue, upon the premises, all those twotracts of land and premL~s, slluale .|n thetown of Hammonton, In the county of Allan-tic and ~Lute of New Jer:~y:

Flrst Truer--Beginning at a Ix)lnt In thesouthwest side of Horlon street, one hundredand el~hty-flve (1~5)feet norlhwest from %henorth’~e~t side of Orchard street and extend-ing thence {1) ~outhwe~terly and parallel withsatd Orchard street one hundred and thirty-three ll:~) feet to u polnt; thence (’2) north-we.gIerJy and parnl]e) wlth Hor~n street fiftyfeet to a Point; thence (3) northeasterly undparallel with first eouT~e one hundred andlhlrty-three (]33) feel to the side of Hortonslreet nfore.~ld; thence (4) sout]lellsterly along¯ ,~xld side of ttorton strt~l flIly 150) feetto the

Po01ace of b’eginnh!g, emltalnh]g one butldlng hitX133 rex-t, and ~’known }Lu, loi No 47 on ]beHorton plan of loLs and being the .,~unepren?i.~s w]lleh Mary A. ~nilth 6y deed benr-lng tanLe the twenty-ninth d~ly of Alarcb, 18,54,anu recorded April ], 1884, In tile Atlanlic(,’ounty t?lerk’s I)tliee, in Imok No. 98 of deeds,folio 52, &e., granted and eonveyed unto 1he.~idd Lyford Be’¢e~agei iu fee.

NoooJld Tnxet--Beginulng at a. point In the.~outhwt.~/ side of H0rton strict one hundredund lhirly-five (]:?,5)feet nortt]west from 1hewesterly corner of ttorton and Orchard streeL%hehlg also the northerly curner of John B.Seeley’s land and extends thence (1) south-westerly and panlllel with ()rehard sIreet onehundred and thirty-three (l:~])feet to~ point;thence (2) northwu.~terly and parallel with~tid Hortoi] slreet ilfty (o0) feet to the cornerof a lot now owned by maid l~evernge; thence(3) n,)rtheIL~leHy along .~lidqot and parallelwit]] Drchard street one hundred and thirty-three (133) feet to the side of Horton street;1hence (4)southea~lerly along .~lid southwestline of Horton street fifty (50) feet to John B,Beeley’s lot and place of lx, glnnlng, belng ]hemaine premlses whlch Mary A. Nmlth by deedbearing lhite the lwenty-seventh day of 3lay,l,~5,ret-orded In theratd AtlantleCountyClerk’sOf’£1ee, May :.~I, i~I.5) in book ~Ix ]04 Of deed,l,page 31/7, tie., granted u nd conveyed unto themaid ],yford Beverage, In fee.

ELLA ~]. ]:IEVI.:]{AI;Y:,Adminlstralrlx.

l)ated ilannnont,m, N. J., .July 27,, 19~).BL]-:AXLEY ,k ,%TOUXWZLL,.Prr~toI~.

Pr’.~ fee, $

t)}~.t)l’i)NA Atlantic County, N. J.125.

Sealed bid.- ,)r propo.~ll~ endorsed "Froposalsfor IDnldh]g and Mae~tdanflzingthe Mhore-B~adfrom 1he bridge at Ab:~con toNew Jersey Ave--nue, So]uers Pohlt, N. J." with the name of theperson or eorporathm mnklng the bld, wtl] bereceived by the Bcmrd of Chosen Freeholders_ ~fAthintie County, In 31e]noriul Hall, ~ouIh ,NewYork Avenue, during a meeting of that body;i)L-tWt~nl llll~ hours ofll nnd 11.30 o’clock A. 31.,Werlne.~day, August 4th, I!~L

Bld~ wlll be rm.eivL~l for 1he ehttre roadeomplele according to the plans and speciflea-ltons on il}e lu ]be ol-lh’.e of the .’3tare Comml~.~Joner of Public ~oad.~, Trentou, N. J.~ and Inthe office of ]be County Engineer, ]08 BartleltBuilding, ,MlanttL’ (.’It;)-, N.

Tbe ~protx~,.al nlust be aeeolllpan]ed by n~.erIlth~l cheek nl~n a Natlon]ll or ~L~te }:lankor Truxl Company, dra%i¯]I Io the order ofF. Fraley Doughty, Director, for lhe snm ofOne Thousand (1000¯00) Dollars.



Kill san Jose gcale

Best Insect Destroyer on the market.

,~hl in ,]lib Quantit.u.

Prlee per gallon ....................... . ..............50 cent~By the barrel, per gallon ........................ -]0 cents

ManuR~tured hy tile

Monmouth Chemical Works,

For .,u]le by

(]ieorge Hoenes,.,,.,.,Cologne, N. J.


Cul Flowers and Planls.Be/utiful Blooming P.l~mts.

Artistic Floral Emblems for Funerals

Arranged at Short Notice.IA)ng l)l~tanee Phone.


]07 South Carolina Ave., South,A TLA i’¢TI£" 6"ITY, .~; J.

. ..-


J.A’%’VYEII$. "

I I E.P. ABBOTT, " "[ ~J., t.:oan.~i41,1r-:lt-l~lw,I. .-~In-~ter inChancery,

by ushlg

S k L 0 N 7[ H oli[.it,>, .--. ,:

H~R~,.a:~L.’ H,A311LTI)N; .r .Coun~ellnr-at-Law, :.t-’OIL~;t Pllolle Y:GG .II.-%.]{BO]’. CI’TY, N. J.

Pacific andKen£ucky Ayes.,

Atlantic City, N. J.~urety Uomj~any Bond wll) be required In

the sum ()fat least the eontraeI price. ,The Board re.~er%e.%lhe right not to con.~trueI

the road lhrough lhe Borough of IAnw0od ...................

kt a t c

Physicians all over thecountry send patients toAt]aritic City. The windblows all the time-Iheie"either from the land Or Sea,of course¯ If it is fr6rfi thewater side it is full of ozoneand invigorating, tf it corn esfrom the land it sweepsthrough many miles of pinewQods before it reaches thegrand oceafiwalk and alsois benefici~ll A week atAtlantic Oity, does any onegood if he takes it easy.:Go to bed at the properhour, spend all the diy andnight on the promeh~de,don’t rush--juststroll ; eatall you c~in,and at the endof a w~ek you’ll be curedof any ills that may haveafflicted you.

kt as ti C -tyo

N. J., a]so the rig]it is reserved Io rej’ect anyor ull bids.

By order of the B,mrdof At]anth, Counly.

E. ]). RIf:I]IT3II]IE,County Engineer.

:It, Pr’s fee, ~t.8-L

j~NOT]UE ’I"O UR~D]Tt)IL~3,l-~,#hite of John B¯ l~oi.~nl.3, deee~l’.~ed.Pursuant to the order of Enmuuel U, Nbaner,

NurriNate of the county of Atlantic, tbls daymade on the upplhmlion of tim undersigned,EXL~’ut]’ix of the .~id decedent, notlee is here-},y gi yen Io ]he eredilor~ of 111 e ~]i d dt, eedent toexhibit to the subscriber, under oalh. oraffii, inath]n, their elatn].~ alld demands n~mltnstthe Pslate of the .,~lid deL~=’d~mt, within nineInonths froln tht- ~, dale, or they will be fore’verbarred from prosecuting or recoveNng the~ime ’.lgainsl lbe subscriber.

MAR]l-: I. LO]SEAI’,

Executrix.AIlautic Uity, N. J.

3hly’s Landing, N. J., July ]B, ]909.]’l"]~]~Y ti ~TOX]-24, Proetol’~L

AIlantic ClIy, N. J.


l~:.staIe of I.~ Frank Home, dect~a~’ed.Pursunnt to the order of Enmnuel~C. ~haner,

¯ ~urrogate of lhe eounty of’ Atlantic, this daymade on the appllemtion of the undersigned,Admlnistratrlx of the said decedent, notme isbereby glven to Ihe eredltors of Ibe said de-ec-denl 1.o exhibtt Io the subserlber, under rmtho# a/Ilnnation, their clainls and demancL~ag~lhi~t the estate of the .~lld decedent, withinninel~ months from thts date, or they will beforever barred from pro~eentlng or recoverlngthe rame against the subscriber.

LOL’ISA E. ]-]OR~E,Admlnislralrlx,

Hammonton. N. J.31ny’s l.amding, N. J., July 27, 1909.


Noliee is hereby ~iven that the aeeounLs ofthe subscriber, n.,~ Exeeutor of the estate ofH;xnnat] Spn)ui, deee’a~d, wl]l be audlled andsL%led by 1he ~urrognte -xnd reported for .’.~eitle-]nenl to the Orphans’ Court oTAtlantie County,on Wednesday, the eighteenth dny of A~lgu.q,next.

WIJ.I¯IA31%,%,’. ELDRIDGE,~. t~lllOr.

Alhll]lie F]Iy, N. J¯Datt.d July 17, A. 1)., 1!)09.

.1A.’~IF-’~ il. HAY]-:.’% .JR., Prr>ctor.Atl:]nlle City, N. J.

............ = ..........

Both ] hones 32.


209 N. Missouri Ave.,ATLANTIC CITY, N. J.

Mill and Yardt:

Mlssourl Above Baltlc Avenue

When You Are In Need of

Lumber andWork

Give us a Trial.

We Make Prompt DeliveriesTo May’s Landing.


]~/ salt breezes of theAtlantic:meet and

mingle with the healthfulozone of the

Jersey P~nes.

No more heaithfut spotin the East. High, dry andcool. Excellent fishing,boating, canoeing andsailing on beautiful LakeL, enape and Great EggHarbor River. An idealspot for

SummerCottage S ff es.

0n]y twenty mlnutes byelectric cars from Arian-¯tic City¯ All of the ad-vantages of the seashorecombined with the quietand comfort of countrylife.

Board of Trade,May’s Landing, N. J.

Henry Kann o,lee is he,eby l,’enthat ,he aeeoun, o, Lumber

the subscriber, a~ Admlnlstnitrlx of lhe estate :PhOne 2-02. ~,4~ggtarb0rCity, j.N.of Ralph Coi~t, deceased, will be audliednnd stated by Ibe Murrog~.t,e and yeportedfor settlement to the Orphans (?onrt of Allan-tie County, on W~lntTtlday, i)]e eighteenth : _ _:-: - _ of August, next.

JENNII~ COAST, Admlnlstratrix.Ai]antle Clt;)¯t N.J. "

Datea July n.A.D.,I~00. "Record" advertisements bring]lovRolo]s & SgoY, Proctors.

Atlantic Clty, N.J. results. A trial will convince you.r





S,HUI)~0N ~,7.%UGHN, .Architect,

A.TL.%.~TIC CIT’Y~ _~i. 3.

. . . .

7 ;


" i

¯ .. ./:

, ¯ .:- .J

7" "/


¯ :.."

¢j i- , .


oD||zl;try or z1,~ I]IP pz’er+~’atiYP collrt ........+ ._+ o,+ ++UNgT N gr-rs and alq.,als. -Thns nndPr the ~.~b /A\ "

FAVORS REFORM-])resPnt system.~if ]ItJg,qnts ;Ire dote]’- ~ ,~\

, ,..,e,,, ,,,,.,,, .,,* ,hr,-o "I’."=’= 1. re.t- INSIST ©N I~ECEIV~bt(~ ~---’-- -’"t,,rs i]]volvhlR the settlement" of es-tate.~ and th,./,r,,perty and persons of ?~-~@~1@~1 ~aE(Ol ~ E P £ ~ T E E X T $ T 0 ~ El’.

Already Effective tn M0sl 0l ’"~--"-"’ ’" ""~ ’’" ~’"~"~", "~° ’ ~ --¯ /z’,,m th. surrogate to the county

". ;. ! "

’A $~"" " "~-