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A n I n t r o d u c t 1 o n t o Frozen Ground Engi neer1ng Orlando 8 . Andersland M i c h i g a n S t a t e U n i v e r s i t y Branko Ladanyi E c o L e P o L y t e c h n i q u e o f t h e U n i v e r s i t é d e M o n t r é a L CHAPMAN & HALL I (f) p An lnternational Thomson Publishing Company New York • Albany • Bonn • Boston • Cincinnati • Detriot • London • Madrid • Mel bourne • Mexico City Paci fi c Grove • San Francisco • Singapore • Tokyo • Toronto • Washington

A I Frozen Ground Engi neer1ng · A n I n t r o d u c t 1 o n t o Frozen Ground Engi neer1ng • Orlando 8 . Andersland M i c h i g a n S t a t e U n i v e r s i t y Branko Ladanyi

Aug 26, 2020



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Page 1: A I Frozen Ground Engi neer1ng · A n I n t r o d u c t 1 o n t o Frozen Ground Engi neer1ng • Orlando 8 . Andersland M i c h i g a n S t a t e U n i v e r s i t y Branko Ladanyi

A n I n t r o d u c t 1 o n t o

Frozen Ground

Engi • neer1ng

Orlando 8 . Andersland

M i c h i g a n S t a t e U n i v e r s i t y

Branko Ladanyi

E c o L e P o L y t e c h n i q u e o f t h e U n i v e r s i t é d e M o n t r é a L


I (f) p An lnternational Thomson Publishing Company

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Page 2: A I Frozen Ground Engi neer1ng · A n I n t r o d u c t 1 o n t o Frozen Ground Engi neer1ng • Orlando 8 . Andersland M i c h i g a n S t a t e U n i v e r s i t y Branko Ladanyi




1.1 Frozen ground support systems Frozen earth wa/1, l ; Design considerations, 3

1.2 Seasonally and perennially frozen ground Cold regions: definition, 4; Subsurface temperatures, 4; Active Layer, 7; Permafrost, 8

1.3 Terrain features in permafrost areas Ground ice features, 10; Pattemed ground, 14

1.4 Engineering considerations Freezing process, 16; Thawing of frozen ground, 17; Frost action, 18; Useful aspects of frozen ground, 19; Ice as a construction materia[, 20 Problems


2.1 Composition and structure of frozen ground Soil types, 23; Phase relationships, 24; Ice phase, 27; Partic/e size and size distribution, 28; Consistency of cohesive soils, 30

2.2 Soil classification Unified soil classification system, 31; Frozen soil classification, 35

2.3 Water-ice phase relationships Unfrozen water in frozen soil, 40; Effect of solutes on freezing, 42

2.4 SoiJ frost action Frost action process, 43; Frost susceptibility of soils, 45; Frost-heave forces, 50; Freeze-thaw effects on permeability, 51













Page 3: A I Frozen Ground Engi neer1ng · A n I n t r o d u c t 1 o n t o Frozen Ground Engi neer1ng • Orlando 8 . Andersland M i c h i g a n S t a t e U n i v e r s i t y Branko Ladanyi

( (}/11('/11\

2.5 Thermal propcrtics Themwl conducticiry, 52; Heat capacity, 57; Thermal diffusil"ity, 59; Late/Il heat of fusion, 60; Thennal expansion (or contraction), 60 Problems


3.1 Heat transfer at the ground surface Clima tic factors, 64; Freezing (or thawing) indices, 66; Su1[ace n-factor, 67

3.2 Seasonal ground freezing (or thawing) Frost depth, 69; Thawing of frozen soil, 72; Design implications, 76

3.3 Temperature below cooled (or heated) areas Steady state heat flow, 82; Transient temperatures, 90; Periodic heat flow, 90

3.4 Thermal analysis: frozen ground support systems Single freeze pipe, 93; W ali formation, 97; Multiple rows of freeze pipes, 98



4.1 Thaw settlement

4.2 Consolidation of thawing soils Thaw consolidation, 105; Residua[ stress in thawing soils, 108

4.3 Thaw-consolidation in some layered systems Two layer soil problems, 113; Compressible soil over discrete ice layers, 115



5.1 Stress- strain- time and strength behavior Hydrostatic pressure effect on frozen soil behavior, 121; Shear stress effect on frozen

soil behauior, 122

5.2 Factors influencing creep and strength Creep of frozen soil under constant stress, 123; Stress-strain behauior under constant stra in rate, 125; l ce conteni effect on strength, l 26; No1mal pressure effect on strength, 127; Stra in rate effect on strength, 128; Temperature effect on strength, 130; Frozen soil behauior at cryogenic temperatures, 132

5.3 Analytical representation of creep and strength data Generai creep equation, 133; Strength of frozen soils, 137; Comparison with Vyalou 's creep and strength equations, 139; Norma! pressure effect on creep and strength, 139; Salinity effect on frozen soil creep and strength, 143

5.4 Frozen soil behavior in uniaxial tension

5.5 Deformability of frozen soils

5.6 Compressibility of frozen soils Problems




















148 148


6.1 Design considerations Ground freezing applications, 15 l; Soil conditions. l 52; Grmmdwater flow, 155; Ground mocement, 155

6.2 Freezing methods and system installation Plimary plant and pumped loop secondary coolant, l 58; Expendable liquid refrigera n t, l 58; 1nsta/lation of the cooling system, 159

6.3 Structural design of frozen earth walls Curued walls, 163; Straight walls and combinations, 170; Tunnels, 170; Finite­element method, l 71

6.4 Monitoring requirements Freeze hole deuiation, 173; Temperature, 175; Frost boundary location and wall thickness, 178

6.5 Other construction considerations Protection of exposed frozen earth, 179; Concrete placement against frozen earth, 180 Problems


7.1 Generai considerations Foundations in seasonally frozen ground, 182; Foundations in permafrost, 183

7.2 Shallow foundations


Selection of foundation method, 187; Design of shallow foundations, 190; Bearing capacity, 191; Settlement considerations, 195

7.3 Pile foundations Pile types, 201; Pile placement, 201; Pile freezeback, 202; Axially loaded piles, 209; Laterally loaded piles, 219; Anchors in frozen ground, 220

7.4 Frost-heave forces on foundations Tangential forces on a vertical surface, 222; Design for frost heave, 223 Problems


8.1 Landslides in permafrost: classification

8.2 Slopes in thawing permafrost Low-angle planar ftows, 227; Slides, 228

8.3 Slopes in frozen soils

8.4 Slope stabilization methods Construction and design techniques, 232; Stabilization of planar slides, 232; Stabilization of cut slopes, 232 Problems


9.1 Site considerations Drainage, 237; Thermal and frost action factors, 239; Subsurface conditions, 240; Materia! sources, 240


15 L




















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viii (Oil/1!1111

9.2 Excavation and transport Meclranical excamtion, 243; Drilling and blasting. 248; Thawùzg frozen soil, 249; Hydraulic dredging. 254

9.3 Field placement Compaction, 255; Placement in water, 256

9.4 Water-retaining embankments o n permafrost Unfrozen embankments, 258; Frozen embankments, 259; Maintaining tlre frozen state, 259; Thennal and stability considerations, 260

9.5 E mbankment performance Frost heace, 261; Settlement, 262; Stability, 263; Artificial islands, 264


10.1. Sampling frozen ground Sampling methods, 267; Sample protection, 268

10.2 Ground-temperature measurement Temperature sensors and m easuring equipment, 270

10.3 Fie ld testing of frozen soils Fie/d test methods, 271; Pressuremeter test, 272; Deep static eone penetration test, 282; Other types of fie/d tests, 284









10.4 Geophysical methods 284 Seismic velocities in frozen ground, 287; Electrical properties of frozen ground, 288; Geophysicaltechniques used in frozen ground, 288; High-frequency electrical m ethods, 292; Borehole Logging in pennafrost, 294




C.1 Handling, storage, and machining of specimens prior to testing

C.2 Uniaxial compression test

C.3 Uniaxial tensile test

C.4 Salinity of soil pore water

C.5 Thermosiphon

C.6 Pile load test in permafrost
















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